01-26-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 1-22-88 TIME POSTED 7: 00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR CI?Y COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JAMUARY 26, 1988 7:10 P.M. $00 ?SOMAS ST. WYLIE COMMUNITY ROOM CALL TO ORDER ''" -U INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 6 onsider approval of minutes for January 12th. 2 7 Consider appointment to Park and Recreation- Board to replace Mr. Larry Nickell . 3 Consent Agenda The following items are to be considered as one item. The council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda . A. 8 - 14 gplider authorization to ek bids on plugging abandoned municipal water we B. 5 - 28 onsider awarding bid for electrical service and wiring for Wylie Nortex water storage site and pump station to Ready Electric, Inc. C. 29 - 30 Consider refund of payment of delinquent taxes . PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 4 31 - 53 onsider ordinance amending Ordinance #78-29 as amended by Ordinance #80-1 regarding the operation and maintenance of the Community Antenna Television System in Wylie, Texas . 5 54 - 56 Consider ordinance resetting the tax rate for f- scal year 1987 . ORDER or PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 6 57 Consider resolution authorizing city manager to draw up lease agreement between city and Lifeline for space in the new municipal complex . OLD BUSINESS 7 58 - 69 onsider approval of Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer Force Main System approval for construction only. GENERAL DISCUSSION _ 8 Oral itizen Participation. 9 Oral ouncil Discussion. 1H ADJOURN ADENDUM TO THE AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JAN. 26, 1988 7:00 P. M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS ST. ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 11 Recess open meeting 12 Convene into Executive Session under Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters - performance evaluation process for required lay-offs in Police Department as result of Rollback Election. 13 Reconvene meeting into open session 14 Adjourn NOTICE OF ADENDUM TO REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet at 7:00 P. M. on the Lli M day of (fri2.11,(1/2" , 198 f , in the Wylie Community Center at 800 Thomas Street in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached agenda. Carol 172 ) s i t t ySecretary POSTED THIS THE 01,41 DAY OF 198r , AT 33s/011M. CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, January 12 , 1988 at 7 :00 P . M. in the Wylie Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members Calvin Westerhof, Kent Crane, Marvin Blakey, John Akin, and Chris DiTota, and City Manager John Pitstick , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Chief of Police Royce Abbott, Finance Director James Johnson, Assist . Engineer Ron Homeyer, Personnel Specialist Debbie Peoples and City Attorney Robert Dillard. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Akin gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 22, 1987 AND JANUARY 4, 1988 MEETINGS: Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the minutes with corrections on the Jan. 4th meeting. The corrections were that the 1982 taxes were $ .49 per $100 .00 valuation and that Councilman Akin and Crane arrived late. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATION - AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH - FEBRUARY, 1988 : This proclamation is done for the Rockwall Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan to approve the proclamation for American History Month as February, 1988 . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE TWO NEW POLICE CARS: City Manager John Pitstick said that Council granted two new cars for the police department and now we need to seek bids for radio equipment for these cars. Councilman Akin wanted to know about the radios in the old cars . Councilman Crane asked about their condition. Chief Abbott stated that these old radios were 14 years old and did not pickup all the frequencies, plus they were worn out . Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the authorization to seek bids for radio communication system for the two police cars. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION REQUESTING REGULAR TAGS WITH EXEMPT STATUS FOR 1978 BUICK REGAL: This is the car that was awarded to the police department through the Collin County Courts . We have been trying for over a year to get these plates and each time paper work is sent in it comes back with another request . Motion was made by Councilman DiTota / to approve and sign the resolution requesting regular tags with exempt status for the 1978 Buick Regal . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF A REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY FOR THE MUDDY CREEK BASIN: City Manager John Pitstick said that this was a key resolution, and that Mayor Pro Tem Donovan has been working on this project. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan and Mr . Johnson are on the Collin County Bond Committee that is trying to get funding for planning money for a regional wastewater plant. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said there are seven (7) cities and five (5) commitments from these cities have been turned in. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan to approve the resolution supporting the development and construction of a regional wastewater treatment plant. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor Councilman Crane - against, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with six (6) in favor, and one (1 ) against. APPROVAL OF TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT AND PRO RATA CHARGES TO KEN ' S COMMUNICATION ON THE POLICE COMMUNICATION TOWER: City Manager John Pitstick said there was an agreement with Ken' s Communication. It was a 20 year agreement with a pay off clause. This pay off would be $908 .00 . Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the termination of the agreement and pro rata charges to Ken' s Communication in the amount of $908 .00 . Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL DRAW FOR SPEED FAB-CRETE IN THE AMOUNT OF $31 ,000 . City Manager John Pitstick said this was the final draw for Speed Fab-Crete and that everything has been corrected with the exception of the hand rail on one side of the ramp going into the Council Chambers. Councilman Akin wanted to know what type of agreement over a period of time. Mr . Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Office said, there is a one year time period for problems. Councilman Crane wanted to know if they had cleaned the maroon paint off the walls. Mr. Faires said yes. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the final draw for Speed Fab-Crete in the amount of $31 ,000 . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSED ALIGNMENTS OF SANDEN BLVD: Mr . Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer, stated that there are four (4) proposals that Collin County Public Works Department has sent to us . These proposal will taken Sanden Blvd. from FM544 to Hwy 78 . Sanden Inc. is going to begin work the week of January 25th and is looking at early March for ground breaking. Alignment I - this alignment aligns with Century Way and does not require construction of a bridge. There are some disadvantages such as it will divide the Sanden tract, limits traffic Alignment I - this alignment aligns with Century Way and does not require construction of a bridge. There are some disadvantages such as it will divide the Sanden tract, limits traffic access to the West and the grade crossing at the railroad and Hwy 78 with a grade range of 12% to 13% . Alignment II - this alignment would be less disruptive to the Sanden tract and it affords a better westerly alignment with County Road 297. It does not have favorable north-south alignment, does require a bridge and the grade crossing is unfavorable between the railroad and Hwy. 78 . Alignment III this aligns with Alanis and conforms to the proposed thoroughfare alignment for the City of Wylie. This alignment does require construction of two (2) bridges and has a grade crossing in excess of 10% and would also require major modification to the railroad trestle. Alignment IV this alignment requires construction of a major bridge and has a most favorable grade crossing on Hwy 78 which is less than 3% and does not require alteration of railroad grade. This alignment does not align with the present Alanis Road and does not totally conform to the future thoroughfare plans for the City of Wylie. Councilman Akin wanted to know if staff looked at Sanden' s plans prior to doing these alignments . Mr. Homeyer said no, that Sanden has just this week said their plans were ready. Councilman DiTota wanted to know which alignment would give frontage road. Mr. Homeyer said alignments tow and three are both totally in flood plan. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if alignment four was in the city limits. Mr . Homeyer said yes. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know about the time frame if Hwy 78 had to be raised. Mr . Homeyer said now because staff is looking at the improvements for Hwy 78 now. Councilman Blakey said the railroad in front of Century Way looks as if it is about the same as the highway if you take the sides off the tract . Mr . Homeyer said no, because the highway will be raised at this point. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan asked Mr. Homeyer which he would suggest , would it be number four . Mr . Homeyer said alignment four is most feasible, but does not meet the thoroughfare plans . City Manager John Pitstick said we are not asking Council to choose one of these but to let you know where we are on the project. This will be brought back to Council later. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF NEW COMPENSATION AND PAY FOR PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR CITY EMPLOYEES : Councilman DiTota made a motion to table this item as well as item no. ten approval of salary adjustments under the new compensation plan. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor to table. PRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSED 87-88 BUDGET CUTS UNDER ROLLBACK ELECTION: City Manager John Pitstick said the City raised taxes from $ .49 to $ .59 have eliminated 16 positions. The City now has 59 employees with over 8 ,000 population and 12.4 square miles of city. In 1985/86 budget year the City had 63 employees with 5 ,000 population and 4 .75 square miles 3 of city. In addition to raising the taxes, the City raised the over 65 exemption to $30 ,000 . The staff has tried to be fair and honest in the cut backs if the rollback passes. City Manager John Pitstick said the main staffing levels are critical right now. In the first cut back we did not touch the police department. If the rollback occurs there will be four patrolmen effective by a lay off, one officer has recently left our employment so there will be only three as his position was not filled. The biggest impact is going from three vehicles to two vehicles patrolling the streets. Other cuts in the police department are the cars, we originally budgeted for four cars, but have only bid out two and the other two will be cut . The Library will be closed, staff will try and keep the library open with volunteer help. The third area is in the Parks Department. We would be looking for volunteers to help in maintaining the parks and right-of-way in the City. City Manager John Pitstick said come Monday morning if the rollback passes these cuts will be done immediately. Our service levels and staffing are critical , we received a letter from Bob Bullock' s office that stated that sales tax for Wylie is down by 20% . Staff is recommending the above cuts if the rollback passes. Councilman Akin asked how the staff came up with $ .50 isn' t it 8% of the tax rate. City Manager John Pitstick said no it is on the valuations of property. APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE JUDGE FOR JANUARY ELECTION: City Secretary Carolyn Jones said she had talked with Mr . Curtis Hale last Sunday night and he would not be able to work this election due to his job. The Election Judge Mrs. Stewart recommends Mrs. Martha Cryer . Motion was made by Councilman Blakey to appoint Mrs . Martha Cryer as Alternate Judge. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mr . Naish of 512 Rustic Place wanted to know who much the Christmas Party at the Harvey House for the city employees cost . City Manager John Pitstick said approximately $3400 .00 . Mr . Naish said with times the way they are and with the economy it should not have been done. Mr . Naish also said he shows an increase over tax money from last year with one cent increase. Mr. Naish also said that the 16 positions in the paper was very threatening , I have a lot to do with the rollback and I did not have any personal vendetta with the Council or staff. These positions that were never rehired from 86/87 budget year and two employees were promoted and we have hired a warehouse and garageman. City Manager John Pitstick said there was a trade for these positions, the payroll clerk took the personnel position as well as payroll clerk and the garageman was also a member of the public works staff. Mr . Naish asked how many new employees were hired since September . Mr. Naish also stated that he did not get into the rollback election for the money, I did not know you had the work shops on the budget, or I would have been there to help. The parks people, in the 86/87 budget never did work in the parks, and these people worked in other departments of the City yet there was money paid out of the parks budget for salaries. I do not understand if you pay someone from parks department how you can let them work in other areas. The football and other sports people mowed and cared for the parks during the summer times . City Manager John Pitstick said yes we used the parks employees in other areas, I do not have a secretary right now and I go to the court clerk or someone else and they type for me. In a small city like us, everyone works together to get the work done. Mr. Orton Messenger 504 Rustic Place heard the Southfork Mobile Home Park is to pay the City some $400,000 . for sewer . City Manager John Pitstick said he does not know where the story come from that every house (lot) pays $275 .00 for sewer and $225.00 for water. Everyone pays this, Southfork has sewer and we did collect from them. City Manager John Pitstick said Southfork does not owe us any money right now. Mr . Robert Fultz , 701 S. Ballard, Chairman of the Library Board. The Library Board charged me with making a statement to the Council , first the building was given to us by Rita and Truett Smith, plus other gifts from other citizens. The Library also receives gifts from other agencies, Wylie accepted these gifts and we should be gracious in maintaining them. A community concern is shown in the education program and it would not enjoy such a thing as closing the library. The Library Board urges Council to look at these cuts and work with the Library prior to making such cuts. Have the two positions been changed since the budget . City Manager John Pitstick said no. Mr . Fultz said volunteer help would be disastrous if staff chooses to go this way. Perhaps there are cuts in other departments before cutting the Library. The questionnaire was very good that you mailed out. Mr. Allan Nosar 505 Rustic Place, is it true the auditor was scheduled to come on moving day. City Manager John Pitstick said it was schedule prior to the move. Mr . Nosar said concerning the 16 positions , how much revenue does it save the City. Councilman Akin said $17 ,000 . to $20 ,000 . City Manager John Pitstick said these people had quit and staff did not replace them. Mr . Nosar asked if there was a final copy of the 87/88 budget . City Manager John Pitstick said there was a final copy. Mr. Nosar wanted to know if there was a printout that could be purchased. City Manager John Pitstick said as long as we don' t have everyone wanting a copy you can come by and pick up one. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan stated that with BFI missing a pickup day, due to weather, is there a refund. City Manager John Pitstick said there is an act of God clause in their contract that covers this, and they are trying to double up. Finance Director James Johnson said the land fills were closed and they could not get here. BFI had one truck slide through a wall in Allen and three men were in the hospital from it. Mr . Johnson said BFI would not give a refund. Mr . Nosar said they are only putting half of the trash in the trucks. They are not picking up properly. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said a final note to Citizens, we have to listen to staff on the figures, I hope to God this rollback does not come about on Saturday and I hope we do not have to do away with these services and that all the citizens will get out and vote on Saturday help up with these services. Councilman Blakey wanted to know if we had an update on the Texas Water Commission meeting. Mayor Trimble said he would give that later. Councilman Blakey also said any citizen who have questions about the rollback, maybe some of them do not know the exact dollar it is costing them to hold this election and that they have no confidence in the staff or the Council All these citizens have a change to become involved come May. Councilman Crane wanted to know if there is any hard numbers on the cut from the Library. Also I would like to receive a compliance report on the wastewater plant. Mr. Homeyer said he would get them. City Secretary Carolyn Jones reminded Council of the called meeting on Tuesday, January 19th to validate the election returns and a possible work shop on Thursday, Jan. 21 if there is no Collin County Bond meetings. Councilman Akin said one of the greatest things to happen to Wylie was getting the Library. I will not do any thing to off set the Library. It has been very distributing to me that some of the older people have been told that we would do away with the exemption and that the police department is being done away with. These things are very frightening, and this bothers me. Mayor Trimble said the TWC meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 5th was with himself, John Pitstick, Ron Homeyer , Carl Riehn and Dolan McKnight and with members of the Water Commission staff and Water Resource Board. The Water Resource Board is the board that will lend us money for our improvements. Mayor said the grant system has been done away with but there is a revolving loan where you can borrow money and pay it back. If we can get a regional plat then we can look at borrowing the money. This is the second meeting at TWC and they are very supportive at this one. Mayor said they are supportive of the cut back on the size of line for connecting sub divisions to our sewer system due to cost . TWC was in total opposition to pump and haul . TWC said they were never in favor of pump and haul . We have met all the deadlines and we are in good standing with them again. City Manager John Pitstick said we have a meeting next Friday with TWC again. We are still under the enforcement act from TWC until we get out of the pump and haul . Councilman Akin said he was glad to hear we were in good faith with TWC again and that TWC is working with us. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 6 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 1-11-88 _ Appointment to the Park and Recreation Board Mr. Don Whitt has contacted staff and recommended Mr. Ron Ferguson, Principal of Birmingham Elementary, as their representative on the Park Board. Staff has contacted Mr. Ferguson and he is willing to serve if Council chooses to place him on this board. Mr. Ferguson can be reached at 442-7197 (home) or 442-6512 (work) . He resides at 103 Liberty. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS ON PLUGGING NO: ,/1 01-20-88 ABANDONED MUNICIPAL WATER WELL / ' I HAVE ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE TEXAS WATER COMMISSION REGARDING THE CITY'S OLD MUNICIPAL WATER WELL THAT IS LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE OLD POLICE/FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING ON SOUTH BALLARD. FOR THE SAKE OF HISTORY, THIS WATER WELL ACTED, AT ONE TIME, TO SUPPLY WYLIE'S WATER NEEDS VIA THE UNDERGROUND AQUIFER (TRINITY SANDS) . THE EXISTING PUMP THAT SITS ATOP THE OLD WELL IS PROBABLY 40-50 YEARS OLD AND IS 30 H.P. GENERAL PUMP. IT'S LAST KNOWN USAGE WAS IN THE 1956-57 ERA. THIS WAS ABOUT THE TIME THE CITY CONVERTED TO SURFACE WATER THROUGH NTMWD. FINANCING THIS PROJECT THROUGH EXISTING OPERATING FUNDS WILL BE THE PROBLEM. THIS IMPACT FUND HAS BEEN DEPLETED BY THE CHZM HILL ENGINEERING FEES. SOME FUNDS IN THE ACCOUNT FOR WATER TANK, LEASE PAYMENTS, AND NORTEX WORK. LIFT STATION FUNDS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE USED HERE. CURRENT UTILITY FUNDS APPROPRIA- TIONS WOULD HAVE TO BE REALLOCATED TO FUND THIS PROJECT. THIS WOULD BE STUFF RECOMMENDATIONS ONCE THE BIDS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. TWC REQUIREMENTS ARE SUCH THAT A PROFESSIONAL WATER WELL COMPANY SHOULD BE EMPLOYED TO DO THIS WORK. PROJECTED COSTS ARE IN THE $7,000 - $8,000 RANGE. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: >f 2 Nlyite CITY OF WY LIE 2001 HWY 78 N—P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 January 14, 1988 Brad Cross Texas Water Commission P.O. Box 13087 Capital Station 1700 N. Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78711-03087 RE: Abandoned Municipal Water Well Dear Mr. Cross: In follow-up to our phone conversation this date regarding the abandoned municipal water well, the city staff will shortly forward its recom- mendation for rectifying the problem to the City Council. After receiving Bill Klemt's letter of December 4, 1987, I contacted several companies that have experience in plugging abandoned water wells and that are familiar with the applicable statutes, rules and regulations governing this process. The City received a formal written estimate and an oral one that projected the costs for this plugging to be in the $7,000 to $8,000 range. At this level of projected expenditure, the matter would be subject to competitive bidding per the City Charter. Consequently, the staff will be forwarding a report to the Council for a reallocation of funds for this project from current budgeted funds and authorization to seek bids on plugging the well. I anticipate this action to take place within the the next twenty one (21) days. Should you have any questions, please call me at (214) 442-2236. Respectively, i awes J nson Director of Finance cc: Forest John, TWC District 4, Duncanville John Pitstick, City Manager Ron Homeyer, Asst. City Engineer q TEXAS WATER COMMISSION ,k. ;.,yip Paul Hopkins,Chairman i` ' N.f. James K. Rourke,Jr.,General Counsel John O.Houchins,Commissioner Michael E. Field,Chief Examiner B.J.Wynne,Ill,Commissioner '`'' Karen A. Phillips,Chief Clerk Larry R.Soward,Executive Director December 4, 1987 PTTTTTgrgI77 Mr. James Johnson City of Wylie 114 North Ballard li P. O. Box 428 h' Wylie, Texas 75098 iii : Dear Mr. Johnson: Our staff has received notice of an abandoned municipal water well located behind the fire station and near the overhead water tower in Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Property records indicate that the city of Wylie is the landowner of the subject property. Abandoned wells not only serve as conduits or channels for contamination to reach ground water but these wells can also be a hazard to human and animal life. As the property owner, you are responsible for plugging or properly capping the abandoned well as stated in the Water Well Drillers Act and in 31 TAC 287.48 and 287.49. If you choose to plug the well and the well has no cement behind casing, then the casing must be removed and a cement plug extended from land surface to a depth of not less than ten (10) feet. Within thirty (30) days of plugaing the well , a report must be filed with the Commission on forms supplied by the TWC Drillers Board Assistance Program. Enclosed for your information are copies of the Texas Water Commission Permanent Rules and a Plugging Report Form. Our district office in Duncanville will be contacting you within the next 10 days to check on the progress of the plugaing. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brad L. Cross at (512) 463-8280 or our district office at (214) 298-6171. Sincerely, zr-- -------p , y......_.. Q.....t..4,447\ Bill Klemt, Chief Ground Water Conservation Section BLC:is Enclosures (2) cc: Mr. Dave Gill , TWC District 4, Duncanville Mr. Frank Grimes, 3638 Stables Lane, Dallas, Texas Mr. Steve Wiley, TWC Drillers Board Assistance Program, Austin P.O.Box 13087 Capitol Station • 1700 North Conaress Ave • Al loin TPxae 7R711-1f1R7 • Aro,rr„ao c19.1AZ-7QWn /a SS287.41-287.50 feet below- the lowermost fresh water zone to the land surface. . _ - (b) , The annular space between the casing and the wall of the borehole shall be cemented to the land surface, or as a minimum, to a height greater than the hydrostatic head of the undesirable-water: aquifer plus the uppermost 10 feet of casing. - - (c) - If the undesirable water does not enter the cased part of the well, the lowermost and uppermost 10 feet (mini- mum) of the casing shall be cemented in order to seal off all other water-bearing or other permeable sections - . " from the well. - 5287.47. Recompletions. _ _ (a) - The landowner shall have the continuing - responsibility of insuring that a well does not allow the commingling of undesirable water and fresh water or the unwanted loss of water through the wellbore to other porous strata. (b) If a well is allowing the commingling of undesirable water and fresh water or the unwanted loss of water, and the casing in the well cannot be removed- and the well' recompleted in accordance with the applicable rules, the casing in the well shall be . perforated: and, squeeze cemented' 'in . a manner that will prevent the commingling g 9 or loss of water.'- If such a well has no casing then the well shall be cased and cemented, or plugged in a manner that will prevent such commingling or loss of water. (c) The executive director may direct the landowner to take proper- steps to prevent the commingling of undesirable - water and fresh water, or the unwanted loss of water. S287.48. Well Plugging and Capping.--_ := (a) :- It - is - the responsibility of the landowner - or person having the well drilled, deepened, or otherwise altered, to cap or have capped, under_ standards _ setforth in SS287.4-287. 50 of this title (relating to Well Drilling, :c Completion, - Capping and"_Plugging) , any well which is open at the surface.' . - (b)n It is the responsibility of -- the-. landowner or- person - having the well drilled, deepened or otherwise altered to plug or have plugged a well which is abandoned. (c) It shall- be- the responsibility: of --:each- licensed well driller-- to - inform _a landowner or person having a well ... drilled, - deepened; or otherwise - altered that .the well must be plugged if it is- abandoned. -- _ (d) It is the responsibility of the licensed well driller to see that_ anywell which encounters undesirable ' water is :..: plugged under the standards..set forth in SS287_.41-287.50 - __ of this title (relating: to Well Drilling, zCompletion, Capping, and Plugging) . Printed 2/10/86 -4- f - SS287,41-287_50 _ - - - - - . -- --- . ------ .e-1( _ (e) The person that plugs such a well shall, within 30 days after completion or plugging is complete, submit a well completion and plugging report to the executive direc- tor, on forms supplied by the executive director. S287.49. Standards for Plugging Wells. - (a) - If the use of a well that does not contain any undesir- . able-water zones is permanently discontinued, all removable casing shall be removed from the well and the entire well filled with cement to the land surface. (b) In lieu of the procedure in subsection (a) of this section, the well may be filled with heavy mud followed by a cement plug extending from land surface to a depth of not less than 10 feet. S287.50. • Standards For Plugging Wells That Penetrate Unde- sirable Water Zones. (a) If the use of a well that penetrates undesirable water is to be permanently discontinued, all removable casing shall be removed from the well and the entire well filled with cement to the land surface. (b) In lieu of the procedure in subsection (a) of this (20 - section, either the zone (s) contributing undesirable water, or the fresh water zone (s) , shall be isolated with cement plugs and the remainder of the wellbore filled with heavy mud to form a base for a cement plug extending from land surface to a depth of not less than 10 feet. 0 . Printed 2/10/86 -5- Please use black ink. I State of Texas File WHITE COPY w'tn: Water Well Completion and Plugging Report Texas Department of Water Resources Texas Water Wen Drillers Board P.O.Box 13087 iThis form must be completed and filed with the TWC P.O.Box 13087 Austin,Texas 78711 within 30 days following the date the well is plugged as Austin-Texas 78711 Phone 1512)463-7997 required by current statutory law) Phone 1512)463-7997 A. Well Identification and Location Data 1) Owner Address iNamei (Street or RFD/ (City) (State) (Zip) 2) Owner's Well Number 3) Location of Well County miles in direction from N.E..S.W.,etc.) (Town) Legal description: Driller or other person performing the plugging Section No. Block No. Township operations must complete the legal description to the right with distance and direction from two Abstract No. Survey Name intersecting section or survey lines, or he must locate and identify the well on an official Distance and direction from two intersecting section lines or survey lines: Quarter- or Half-Scale Texas County General Highway Map and attach the map to this form. J See Attached map. B. Historical Data on Well To Be Plugged (if available) 4) Driller License Number —City 5) Drilled 19 6) Diameter of hole inches; 71 Total depth of well _feet. C. Current Plugging Data 81 Date well plugged , 19 91 Sketch of well: Using space at right, show method of plugging the well including all casing and cemented intervals. 10) Name of Driller or other person actually performing the plugging operations • if a water well driller plugged the .veil g:ve he drillers license no. 11) Casing and cementing data relative to the plugging operations: Diameter Casing Left in Well • (inches) From (feet) To(feet) Cement Plug(s)Placed in Well Sacks)of From (feet) To (feet) cement used I f I I D. Validation of Information Included in Form I hereby certify that this well was plugged by me (or under my supervision)and that all of the statements herein are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Company or Individual's Name (Type or Print) Address Street or RFDI (City) (State) (Signed) (Signed)_ •- i.p_. n•,na p;ogy...�of ura _ — rot w,ill ..rr tWC • )yell Nc lens Micas Company _ 4 O.O.Box 31-L Kilgore.Tx.75662 114f986-l342 Januany 6, 1988 rt : ;IF M . James Johnson--Finance D.inecton City oS Witey 114 N. BaLLand Stneet - Wiley, Texas 75098 Dean Sin: In Aesponse to yours nequest Son an estimated pn.ice to plug and abandon yours city waters weft behind the Site station, we osiers the Sottow.ing . 1 . Move .in heavy senv-ice n.i.g and putt the existing pump (est.imaed to be 6" column set appnox.imatet y 500 S eet deep) , then measune the depth os the wettikeponted to be 2790 Seet .in 1923 ) and measune the size and depth os the casing . The cost OS this step would be---- $ 1700. 00 2. The estimate cost to plug the weL.2 Wen the pump has been nemoved .is $5050. 00, .is done white the senv.ice n.tg is st.i t on Location. 3. The estimate cost to plug the weft, i you have the A.Lg move out and come back to plug at a Latex date .is $5730. 00. The estimated cost Son ptugg,ing .is based on OWL expecting the bottom os the weft to be 6" d,i.ameten and on the anea Snom appnox.imatety 700 Sea to 2600 Seet, being 8" d.iameten and the anea Snom gnound Levet to 700 Seet being 12" d.iametex. Vax.iat.ion .in d.iameten and depth would cause the pn.ice to vany some. The ptugg.i.ng would be done by a negistened dn.itteA .in comp.Uance with the State os Texas waters Commission Rates . A Aepont made on Sonms Sunn.ished by the commission and a copy Sunnis hed to the City o S Wiley when the plug- g.ing .is completed. Thank you Son the oppontun.ity to quote these places to you. TS you have any questions, please ieet Snee to catt me at anytime. SLncene-Ly, tan GA-cm Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: BID AWARD, BIT #88-04 - ELECTRICAL NO: SERVICE AND WIRING FOR WYLIE NORTEX 01-20-88 WATER STORAGE SITE AND PUMP STATION BID OPENING, JANUARY 13, 1988, 2:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM - FINANCE TWO BIDS RECEIVED: (1) READY ELECTRIC INC. $8,975.00 626 N. INTERURBAN BID GOOD RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 FOR 90 DAYS 234-5092 - FRANK WATERS (2) MORROW ELECTRIC $9,198.00 324 BRIARWOOD BID GOOD WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 FOR 90 DAYS 442-1679 - GLEN MORROW FUNDING: IMPACT FUND ACCOUNT #90-900-901-04262 RECOMMENDATION: READY ELECTRIC WORK TO COMMENCE UPON BID AWARD ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: � 5� ( r ( ( ( ( r ( ( r ( r r r r r r KM 11114 **abbe Irma(neffi:f*1e,avian.Wm 01480 • Proposal Page No. of Pages MORROW ELECTRIC, INC. Commercial, Residential, Industrial 324 Briarwood Drive Wylie, TX 75098 (214)442-1679 442-2428 PROP SUBMITTED O PHONE DATE 017� d i kiV if 4 _ VIZ — 2 Z 3 -- I —fig STREET JOB NAME aR 00 / lib,/ 7gN r 1 -i CITY. STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB IQCATIO_ / Po 3a) 4-2-2 011)..k, () /U1� r [ery, 0)4-fe.< 5.471 Tel( ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS 08 PHONE I We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: is /4972 S Ai' fAY ', /0 Dap%e x O Pt2�T t ri 1 �, 5-/? 5w,�eh s ' r J 7 jj ►, /�/ Ts 5 I /9"/C eIli' 7,0 /I Qo J'4 54.Xi 4971 e.1 (Coa, 1r1 /Tool, ) 7 r f-e- f x fa re s (3 b r- )- ) pcf"to 41 1 5 0 I4.e. 1u,.....p ,tZ S N-P l "a Ie...,€ f 0IR (Is119 ) / l.�J411 14-cirieilK C f A 0 4) ec._ 5 4c A -e1 - P fP1e_ � �z � 2S- 1CvA /,Bii orr1o#S � eiga flfi /La / cod A 1iPU SQYv.c.e..... Mr Propose hereby to furnishl� material and and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: �J`t'_A 3� l!ibi.-1 Q let:ON Ott Payment to be made as fol ows: r dollars($ q 9� ). All material is guaranteed to be as specified.MI work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices.Any alteration or deviation from above specifics. Authorized lions involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders,and will become an Signature 992 extra charge over and above the estimate.All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control.Owner to carry fire,tornado and other necessary insurance. Note:This proposal may be O Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted withi days. ArreptatuE of PrnpoBaI—The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature /6 yral1uaIaL Page No. Of Pages ••44sa YY YY RICHARDSON READY ELECTRIC INC. 626 North Interurban RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 (214) 234-5092 PROPOSAL auaaaTTED TO i PNONE !DATE PTTRCHASTNG AGENT, CITY OR WYT TF 1447..1Sfi4 ! 1/11/8R STREIT 1-J06 NAME crtr.aaYE p�coo JoeLocA P 428 NORTFY GROU�[D STORAGR SITE w ARCNRECY WYCIB, TX_ 75098 i WYLIE OF PLANS iJOB PHONE RON HCMEYER 1 1/4/88 r lit Pupas, hereby to furnish material and labor—complete in accordance with specifications below, for the sum of: EIGHT TNOHSAND, NINE HUNT)RFI] AND SEVENTY..FTVF dollars(S 8,975-00 1. ' Payment to be made as follows: TOTAL PAYMENT TS ❑UE AND PAYARI F UPON COMPLETION OF CONTRACT. THERE WILL BE A 211106 (2%) DISCOUNT ALLOWED IF PAID WITHIN FOURTEEN DAYS. 1 AO,mat.Nsl a gwranteso to be es sp.cllleo.An work to be completed m a workmanlike r f mentor aeCwdMg to stsrbar0 PraCiK.s.Any ahentbn or deviation from fpeC wanton.b.- Authorized r rL./� t k.1 low involving extra Costa will be ea.euted only upon written orders,and will become an `Signature want charge over and above the estimate.All agreements contingent upon strikes,acci- NOIe:ThiO ro dents or delays beyond Our control.Owner to carry tire,tornado and other necessary proposal may be in. eec..Our workers are fully cows by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within 90 days. w We hereby submit specifications and estimates for RICHARDSON READY ELECTRIC INC. SHALL: (1) COMPLETE JOB IN APPROXIMATELY FIVE DAYS AFTER ALL EQUIPEMENT HAS ARRIVED. (2) INSTALLED POWER COMP. SUPPLIED TRANS—SOCKET AND SUPPLY AND INSTALL RISERS FOR A 1000 AMP 480 VOLT OVER—HEAD SERVICE. (3) FURNISH AND INSTALL ONE 1000 AMP NEMAI SURFACE MOUNT TWENTY—FOUR SPACE 480 VOLT PANELBOARD, WITH MAIN—BREAKER. (4) FURNISH AND INSTALL BREAKERS AND FEEDERS FOR CONTROL PANEL, PUMPS 1 & 2 , HEATERS 1 & 2 , TRANSFORMER, POWER TO BUTTERFLY VALVE, INSTRUMENT ROOM 120/240 VOLT PANEL, AND REQUIRED CIRCUITS TO TELEMETRY EQUIPWENT, AWR CONDITIONER, AND CONTROL PANEL AS PER PRINT. (5) 480 VOLT PANELBOARD WILL HAVE THE CAPABILITIES FOR TWO FUTREURE THREE—PHASE BREAKERS. (6) FURNISH AND INSTALL SEVEN 8* TWO LAMP FLOURESCENT FIXTURES. (70 INSTALL ONE SINGLE POLE SWITCH AND TWO 3—WAY SWITCHES AS PER PRINT. (8) INSTALL NINE CONVIENCE RECEPTACLES. (9) INSTALL RECEPTACLES FOR A/C UNIT AND HEATER. (10) SUPPLY POWER TO TWO 7.5 KW HEATERS. NOTE: CITY OF WYLIE TO FURNISH HEATERS, A/C , TRANSFORMER, DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL, AND ALL TELEMETRY COMPONEBENTS. ALL WORK IS TO BE DONE IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER AND ACCORDING TO ALL STATE AND CITY CODES. ANY AND ALL WORK REQUESTED BY OTHERS AND NOT DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE WILL BE AN EXTRA AND BILLED ON A COST PLUS BASIS. IF ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID AS PER TERMS OF PROPOSAL, ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ARE VOID. Arreplatirt of Proposal—The above prices.specifications end conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted.You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified.Payment will be made as outlined above. !� Oats of Acceptance: Signature / rpnru 115-3 ♦raarbw km�Jun-Gam.Mona NUl 7 \filie CITY OF WYLIE 20C' -4WY '8 N —P a BOX 428 NYLE. TEXAS '5098 PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID The City of Wylie , Wylie , Texas is now accepting bids for the following item(s) : Install electrical service and all associated wiring for City of Wylie Nortex Water Storage site and Pump Station. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Wylie , Finance Department , Purchasing Agent at 2001 Hwy 78 N . , P. O . Box 428 , Wylie , Texas 75098 , until 2 :00 P . M. , January 13 , 1988 . At said place and time and promptly thereafter all bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud . The City reserves the right to reject all bids , waive informalities , and to reject nonconforming , nonresponsive , or conditional bids . Specifications and requirements are available at City Hall , 2001 Hwy 78 N. , Wylie , Texas 75098 , or can be forwarded to interested bidders, (214) 442-2236 . #88-04 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF BIDDING READ CAREFULLY 1. INSTRUCTIONS: These instructions apply to all quotations and become a part of terms and conditions of any bid submitted unless bidder takes exception in writing when submitting quotations . 2. FORM: Quotations must be submitted on this form only, in duplicate, unless otherwise stated. 3. BID RETURNS: Each bid must be sealed in a separate envelope, addressed to the Purchasing Agent , City of Wylie, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75098. 4. LATE BIDS : Bids must be in the Finance Department' s office prior to the closing date and time. No late bids will be accepted. 5. ACCEPTANCE: The right is reserved to accept or reject all or part of the Quotation, and to accept the offer considered most advantageous to the City by item or total bid . 6. ERROR-QOANTITY : Bids must be submitted on units of quantity specified - extend and show total . In the event of discrepancies in extension, the unit prices shall govern. Any suggestions as to quantity to secure a better price are welcome. 7 . F.O.B. - DAMAGE: Quotations shall be bid F.O.B. Delivered, City Hall , 2881 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 and shall include all delivery and packaging costs. The City of Wylie assumes no liability for goods delivered in damaged or unacceptable condition. The successful bidder shall handle all claims with carriers, and in case of damaged goods, shall ship replacement goods immediately upon notification by the City of damage. 8. FIRM PRICES: Bid prices must be firm for a minimum of 90 days from date of bid closing. In the case of Annual Contract Request for Quotations, the prices must remain firm for the period as specified on the bid. "Discount from List" bids are not acceptable unless specifically requested. 9. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Bids MUST show full firm name and address of bidder, and be manually signed. Failure / to do so will disqualify bid. Person signing bid must show title or AUTHORITY TO BIND HIS FIRM IN A CONTRACT. Firm name and authorised signature should appear on each page of a bid consisting of sore that one sheet . 10. WITHDRAWAL - ALTERATION OF BIDS: Bids CANNOT be altered or amended after bid closing. Alterations made before bid closing must initiated by bidder guaranteeing authenticity. No bid may be withdrawn after bid closing without acceptable reason in writing and with the approval of the Director of Finance. 11 . INVOICES: Invoices must be submitted by the successful bidder in duplicate to the City of Wylie, Finance Department, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75098. Successful bidder will bill by fund and department and give detailed list of charges by department when invoicing the City in accordance with City requirements. 12 . CASH DISCOUNTS: Normal payment terms are Net 30. Any discounts available to the City for early payment should be noted. Discounts may be considered in determining low bid. 13. TAXES: The City of Wylie is exempt from Federal Manufacturer' s Excise, and State Sales Taxes. TAX MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN BID. Tax exemption certificates will be executed by the City and furnished upon request. 14 . SPECIFICATIONS - SAMPLES: Any catalogue, brand name, or manufacturer ' s reference in the Request for Quotation is descriptive and NOT restrictive, and is used to indicate type and quality level desired for alternates if unable to bid on items listed. Bid on brands of like nature and quality may be considered unless specifically excluded. If bidding on other than reference or specifications, bid must show manufacturer brand, trade name, catalog and/or lot number, etc. , on article offered, and certify article offered is equivalent to specifications. If other than specified brands of items are offered, specifications, illustrations and complete descriptive literature must be submitted with bid unless previously filed with the Finance Director. Samples, if required shall be furnished free of expense to the City and if not used or destroyed in examination and testing will be returned to the bidder, if requested, at the bidder's expense. Each sample must be marked with bidder's name and address and Bid Number reference. SAMPLES SHOULD NOT BE ENCLOSED WITH BID. :3. GELIvERY PSGMI_E - PENALTIES: Quotations MUST chow the ru,nber of caiendar days required to 01 a=e the materials in the possession of the City. DO NOT quote shipping dates. Failure to specify delivery item will obligate Bidder to COMPLETE delivery in TWO (2) weeks. A minimum of five days better delivery promise will automatically break a tie bid. Unrealistically short �r undue long delivery promises may cause the bid to be di =regardea. Consistent failure of a iii Oder to meet his delivery promises without valid reason may cause removal from the Bid List. When delivery delay can be foreseen, the bidder shall give prior notice to the Finance Director, who shall have the right to etend the delivery date if reasons for delay appear acceptable. The bidder must keep the Finance Director advised at all times as to the Status of the order . Default in promised delivery, without acceptable reasons, or failure to meet specifications, authorizes the Finance Director to purchase the goods elsewhere, and charge any increase in cost and handling to the defaulting bidder. Every effort will be made by the Finance Department to locate the goods at the same or better price as that originally contracted. Ib. PACKAGING: Unless otherwise indicated. items will be new unused and in first class condition .n containers suitable for damage-free shipment and stDrage. 17. DELIVERY TIMES: Deliveries will be acceptable only during normal working hours, ie; 8:00 A. M. to 5: 00 P.M. , Monday through Friday, at the designated City Municipal Facilities. 18. TIE BIDS: Consistent and continued tie bidding on any commodity could be caused for rejection of all bids by the Finance Director and/or investigation by the Attorney-General to determine possible Anti-Trust violations. 19. PATENT RIGHTS: The vendor agrees to protect the City from any claim involving patent right infringement or copyrights on goods supplied. 20. NO BID: Quotation forms must be returned at once if bidder is unable to quote. 21 . BID EVALUATION: All bids are evaluated for compliance with specifications before the bid price is considered. Response to specification is primary in determining the best, low bid. o / BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER FOR '(OUR SID TC 9+E CONSIDERED. 1 . Article IX Sect_on 5 Personal Financial Interest of the City Charter states in part that "no officer of employee of the City shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect , in any contract with the city, nor shall be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the city of any land, materials, supplies or service. " Is the bidder or any person having a direct or indirect financial interest in the bidder, an officer or employee of the City? If yes, please identify the person or persons and the exact nature of the interest . _ . Is the bidder or any officer or .manager of the bidder related to a Manager of any City department, any employee of the City Purchasing Department, City Manager, or any member of the City Council? If yes, please identify the relationship between the bidder and the City. Signature Title Company Name Address 2' BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE Pcry I DFD FnF ',OUR F I r To BE CONSIDERED. House Bill 620 Municipal Contracts: Non-resident Bidders. New law of the State of Texas 69th Legi sl ati v= Regular Session prohibits cities and other governmental units from awarding contracts to a non-resident bidder unless the amount of such bid is lower than the lowest bid by the Teas resident by the amount the Texas resident would be required to underbid in the non-resident bidders state. In order to make this determination, please answer the following questions: 1 . Give the address and phone number of your principal place of business. Give the name, address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s majority owner. 3. Give the name address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s ultimate parent company. 4. If in any of your answers to numoer 1 . 2. or 72. above. the answer indicated a principal place of business other than within the State of Texas, you are required to provide a copy of all relevant laws applicable to non-resident bidders in the other jurisdiction. ailure to suopl •; this ihformation may .—esu1t in the '�Jection c • our bid . Signature Title Company Name & Address CITY OF WYLIE '4CRTE X 3RCLND 3TCRAGE SITE ELECTRICAL SERVICE i INTERNAL WIRING SPECIFICATIONS A. _GENERAL_REQUIREMENTS The +rrr'K :C .erec b•. tn . s section includes' furnishing :i t i _ 3b•_r, ecui :.crier•t , 3'1co . '.e3 and 'nater :a.; and performing 3 . i operations . n connection with the installation of all w: . na and : :rho.:rert3 in accordance with thi 1S specl f lcat 1•_rr 3rd apol 1caoie drawing. The contractor .' is iriclu-J.e all supplementary parts r:ecessari or rebuired for a complete and satisfactory lnstallat : :n within tne tr..e meaning and intent of drawings e .el,,rGing one 25 roiA transformer and one auplex control i ;are: and all telemetry components to � � be supplied by the City of Wylie) . The ei?•: ;cal wiring ana : :ri:pcner t3 srall be the U. 4. All :_�m e r:e-.i s _ t n . s system_m ' ' � snail „e tne product :'` one ri:anuf act .r.^er. where possible, to ensure ease : f maintenance and present tne same general appearance. b. Only newly manufactured components shall be used. No pre-used or rernanu f act ured components will be accepted. 6.- The- contractoe shall furnish - detailed shop drawings at request of the City of Wylie which show actual layout dimensiors. B. _MATERIALS Al :1 . elect-' .ca: wir. ` g spa. . be ::upper, n.: aluminum wiring will pe a: :._w_z. All wiring wiij de sued according to projected loadings anc as set forth In the National Electric Code (NEC) , 1982 version. Z. All conduit shall be either rigid conduit or EMT conduit, no PVC e:ectricai conduit shall be allowed. 3. All electrical boxes snail be of metal construction. 4. All electrical o'.erload protectors shall be resetable breakers, no fused connections will be allowed. f. All interior lighting fixtures shall be florescent. no incandescent lights will be allowed. C. INSTALLATION All electrical components and wiring shall be installea in accordance with the attached wiring schematic in the general locations exhibited in the attached floor plan and site plan with new materials, and all work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the City of Wylie staff. WCRKMANSHIPAND CLEANUP -- ai . electrical wiring and c•:rnperrents anal ; meet t^e _-ec -cbment •:i :t'e VET. i -3a.? -dersi•on. anC •+cr. na-r5� 1 � anal : be :f F ; -str•E3:ec' -3r.d 3�di :rrn - : lass : nEr t lor:ed. ter. _ spec. . __at : _ns 'ter-rein e is? any used materials _r �@rrl e,r,+d' 3e C 'arSG c,:mocrents mill _. ,:or , nat9r- : a : sdec . Tied in tft : 3 secti :.n may be -ejected r 'a1 : Jr a to meet ' atan/ _ f t''e pro -_r,s of this s;.ec : :c iorr :r - :r any defect causing • - to be .unsuitable f :r .ts i-,ter,dea use. 4. The contractor shall remove from the vicinity ofthe completed work, all tools. building ecuidrnerrt and other materials oar ecr_t1�:,rnent, belonging to .`Tin :r lsec under his i re = t : :,n during c,:tr=tr,.cct E. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT wiring : r Sta. 1 _: . 1•rc , r at t.^.t ,.r-act lump Sure price h --' 1 _ w':c price snail _ :r,stitute full c:rnpernsatior, for- furniSnlrrg all labor, equipment (eAcept transformer, control panel. electric heaters a.-d telemetry equipment ) , tools and incidentals necessary to __ornolete the work. Me+'er ti Main 'reaker 4ao volt pane (loon Ar ip) . baited lq Valve p # 2 -beaker 4 I -Realer *2 raneAorrner Mayor Control a ker Breaker Or'eo ker Breaker breaker �t.A. 0. 7 el +teaker * i 14ea- •er 4 2 ranscormer Nu Rer f lq (7.6 KW ) ( 7.5 kW ) 4$0 V 4v U to Vatve 25 Mai-orKVA 1 It'tskrurnenk Watt time. doom # 2 goorn Grid Ou+ lek5 94.t 3-20 Amp Circuit* 54.1 I�tlall Out le+ Tet em ekry Air Condi-. t r�"�r>r4 tom► 14eaker ui merit (sax) p�u) L ioJ + I.20 AmP Ctr ui} I c o amp •slrac"s TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE � "°°°%� INTERIM CERTIFICATE AS TO EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE Z r'-y T THIS IS NOT AN INSURANCE POLICY.THIS IS ONLY A VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE.IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BELOW. Nom*d READY ELECTRIC Iesurad • 626 N. INTERURBAN ^g('i.-37 3 Address olicy No.-Workmen's or • RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 Worker's Compensation i Agent Policy No.-Other Cov This is to certify that policies for the above named insured are in force as follows: This Interim Certificate As To Evidence of Insurance shall expire thirty days from M., /I- )- T , 1911, unless cancelled prior to such date by written notice to the named insured. COVERAGE COMBINED LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERED NOT COVERED AUTO LIABILITY ElOwned Bodily Injury $ /C�' ,000 each person ❑ ❑ Hired $ 3'2 ,000 each occurrence Non-Owned Property Damage $ l C 0 ❑ ❑ Employer's Non-Ownership p y 000 each occurrence Contingent liability Single Limit Liability for Coverages checked ® above $ ,000 each occurrence GENERAL LIABILITY M&C - OLT Bodily Injury $ S eV ,000 each person** Owners & Contractors $ S c 000 each occurrence ❑ Contractual* $ ` O 000 annual aggregate Elevators products••. Elevators and/or Property Damage $ Sv0 ,000 each occurrence ❑ ❑ $ -re, 000 annual aggregate Completed Operations products•.. Single Limit Liability for Coverages checked ® above $ Sdif) ,000 each occurrence $ 5r 0 moo apronnualduce ag.•gregat• e ❑ ❑ CARGO $ ,000 each vehicle $ ,000 each occurrence ❑ 0 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Statutory *Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Ordinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless accompanied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. ❑ Described Description below ❑ woi.ed OWNED YEAR,MAKE. TYPE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER • AUTO- ' MOBILES, IF LAST J COVERED DIGITS log g DQd ye S i ., S/J cu c-r-d-.. S 'p SHOWN Umbrella Liability $ ,000 retained limit POLICY NUMBER E each occurrence $ aggregate If this Interim Certificate As To Evidence Of Insurance is to be cancelled prior to the expiration date, we shall provide 3 7 days advance notice in writing to whom this certificate is issued. • Certificate issued to: AL CORONADO INSURANCE Name 1524 CLARK ROAD Address • DUNCANVILLE,TX 75137 • (214) 298-0024 Countersigned ��:,f, J &L1Q-tyfl"�i **Not Applicable in Texas. Authorized Representative •** In Texas the aggregate also applies to owners and contractors protective, contractual and/or completed operations. 560514 via 15a1200/STP NTEOINU.SA 0 to 0:5t MEMO DATE: January 22, 1988 TO: James Johnson, Director of Finance FROM: Prudence Kling, Tax Assessor/Collector RE: Refund of payment of delinquent taxes Please consider refund of $550. 41 to Harold Wayne Daniel. They paid their 1984 taxes twice in closing (once in January 1985, and again in June 1987) . According to Sec. 31. 11 (a) of the Texas Property Tax Code this refund must be approved by the governing body. r Collections and Delinquency Sec. 31.11 certified copy of the report as his monthly report to the governing body of each unit. (b) The collector for a taxing unit shall prepare and submit to the governing body of the unit an annual report made under oath accounting for all taxes of the unit collected or delinquent on prop • - erty taxed by the unit during the preceding 12-month period. Annual reports are due on the 60th day following the last day of the fiscal year. (c) At least monthly the collector for a taxing unit shall deposit in the unit's depository all taxes collected for the unit. The governing body of a unit may require deposits to be made more frequently. Amended by 1983 Tex. Laws,p.5462.ch. 1027.Sec. I. Cross References: County collector,see Sec. 6.21. Assessor and collector for other units, see Sec. 6.22. Sec. 31.11. Refunds of Overpayments or Erroneous Pay- ments.(a) If a taxpayer applies to the tax collector of a taxing unit for a refund of an overpayment or erroneous payment of taxes and the auditor for the unit determines that the payment was erroneous or excessive,the tax collector shall refund the amount of the exces- sive or erroneous payment from available current tax collections or from funds appropriated by the unit for making refunds. However, if the amount of the refund exceeds $500, the collector may not make the refund unless the governing body of the taxing unit also determines that the payment was erroneous or excessive and approves the refund. (b) An application for a refund must be made within three years after the date of the payment or the taxpayer waives the right to the refund. CAdded by 1981 Tex.Laws(1st C.S.),p. 167.ch. 13.Sec. 126. Cross References: Refunds made automatically by unit, see Sec. 26.15(f). 259 3 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: /../ 01-21-88 CATV Ordinance Revision This ordinance will act to delete paragraph L (d) of Section 12 of Ordinance 80-1 (which amended 78-20 the original CATV ordinance) . In essence, this allows Communications Services, Inc. (CSI) , the local CATV franchise, to utilize these channels in expanding basic service to the subscribers in Wylie. Basic services added will be Channel 27 and the Discovery Channel. The schools will be utilizing another channel for their educational programs and the four channels re- served in Ordinance 80-1 can be converted to basic service. The City of Allen, McKinney, and Princeton have already completed the same action as the Council will consider tonight. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL James Johnson, Director of Finance FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: 3/ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 12 (d) OF ORDINANCE 78-20 AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 80-1 REGARDING THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No . 78-20 as amended by Ordinance 80- 1 , dated July 11 , 1978 , the City of Wylie, Texas granted a non-exclusive franchise to Media Systems , Inc . to construct , maintain and operate a community antenna television system within the corporate limits of the City which was subsequently assigned to Communications Services, Inc . on July 12 , 1983; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to cooperate with the request of the Regional Instructional Television Consortium of the Education Service Center , Region 10 ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: _SECTION 1 . That from and after the effective date of this ordinance that Section 12 (d) of Ordinance 78-20 as amended by ordinance 80-1 is amended by deleting paragraph (d) of Section 12 referring to "Reserved Educational - 4 channels" regarding the operation and maintenance of Community Antenna Television System in the City of Wylie, Texas SECTION 2 . This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon it ' s passage and publication as required by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ON THE 26th DAY OF JANUARY, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 302./ 0 WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Don E.Whitt-Superintendent DATE: January 20, 1988 TO: Mayor Chuck Trimble and City Council RE: Educational Television Revision Please be advised that the Wylie Independent School District is co-operating in the construction of reception apparatus (i.e. towers, antennae and down converters) to receive educational programming via the Regional Instructional Television Consortium (RITC). Receiving the programming at individual campus sites as opposed to receiving via the cable system is advantageous to the school district, the RITC and Communication Services, Inc. With this reception design in place, the district will no longer depend on Communication Services, Inc. to carry such programming. Releasing the four educational channels for other programming will also benefit the city and the local citizenry. Furthermore, this plan, in no way effects the utilization of any other local access channels for city, school or community purposes. Please support the realization of this design by adopting a resolution to amend the local cable franchise which will be forthcoming by Communications Services, Inc. Sincerely, Don E. Whitt Superintendent of Schools os P.O.Box 490•Wylie,Texas 7609E-0490•(214)442-5444 COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. North Texas Regional Office 1 �;,, 121 N. Greenville Ave., Allen, Texas 75002 �'' t (214) 727-5723 JAN 13 11988 .tf January 11, 1988 Mr. James Johnson City of Wylie P .O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Johnson: When I visited with you today I left a Resolution for your review to have the cable telelvision ordinance amended. In that resolution there is an error that should read Ordinance No. 78-20 and not 78-80. I have enclosed a new Resolution with the corrected Ordinance number. Sorry for the confusion in regards to this matter. Best regard , Edward L Musser Regions Manager ORDINANCE NO. 71;_ 711 CITY OF WYLIE COUNTY OF COLLIN, STATE OF TEXAS AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO CABLEVISION OF WYLIE, A SUB- SIDIARY OF CABLEVISION EQUIPMENT COMPANY, ITS SUC- CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO FURNISH AND SUP- PLY CABLE TELEVISION (CABLEVISION) TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE ENVIRONS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR FRANCHISE FEE; PROVIDING FOR THE WAIVER OF A FEE OR CHARGE FOR THE USE OF THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC WAYS, AND PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE IN LIEU OF OTHER FEES AND CHARGES, EXCEPTING AD VALOREM TAXES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS : SECTION 1. That the City of Wylie, Texas, hereinafter called "City, " hereby grants to Cablevision Equipment Com- pany, hereinafter called "Company, " its successors and as- signs, a franchise to use and occupy the present and future streets, alleys, highways, public places, public thorough- fares and grounds of City for the purpose of laying, main- taining, constructing, operating and replacing therein and thereon cablevision lines and all other appurtenant equip- ment needed and necessary to deliver and sell cablevision services to persons, firms and corporations, including all of the general public, within the City's corporate limits and the environs thereof, such franchise being granted for a term of fifteen (15) years from and after the date of the final passage and approval of this ordinance. SECTION 2. Company shall lay, maintain, construct, op- erate and replace its cablevision wires, cables, and con- ductors and other equipment so as not to interfere with traf- fic and shall promptly clean up and restore to an approxi- mate origianl condition, at its cost, all thoroughfares and other surfaces which it may disturb. The location of all cablevision wires, cables, conductors, and other appurtenant equipment shall be fixed under the supervision of the City Council or an authorized committee or agent appointed by said Council. The governing body of City shall recommend the extension of subject cables wires and conductors, into new subdivisions to be underground and to be emplaced by the subdivider in the same manner as telephone and electric utilities. SECTION 3. When Company shall make or cause to be made excavations or shall place obstructions in any street, alley or other public place, the public shall be protected by bar- riers and lights placed, erected and maintained by Company, and in the event of injury to any person or damage to any property by reason of the construction, operation or main- tenance of cablevision equipment and system of Company, Com- pany shall indemnify and keep harmless City from any and all liability in connection therewith. Company shall repair, clean up and restore to an approximate original condition all streets and alleys disturbed during the construction and repair of its cablevision equipment and system. All transmission and distribution structures, lines, equipment, and facilities erected or maintained by Company within the City shall be so located as to cause minimum inter- ference with the proper and intended use of streets, high- ways, alleys, bridges, and other public ways and places, and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reason- able convenience of property owners who adjoin any of said streets, highways alleys, bridges, or other public ways or places. Company, upon the written request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by City, shall remove, raise, or lower its cable wires and conductors, temporarily to per- mit the moving of houses, buildings, or other bulky struc- tures. The reasonable expense of such temporary removal, raising, or lowering shall be paid by the benefitted person or persons and Company may require such payment in advance. Company shall be given not less than forty-eight (48) hours advance notice in writing to arrange for such temporary transmission line changes. Company shall have the authority, to the same extent that the City has such authority, to trim trees upon or overhanging streets, highways, alleys, bridges, or other pub- lic ways or places of the City in order to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires, cables, conductors, or other facilities or equipment of Company. SECTION 4. Company may promulgate and enforce reason- able rules and regulations in the conduct of its business and may require, before furnishing any service, the execution of a contract therefor and may require each consumer, within the corporate limits of City, to pay Company for the installa- tion of cablevision service lines. Service lines are defined as wires, cables, conductors, amplifying and distribution equipment connected to Company' s main distribution system in the streets or alleys to and ending in the subscriber 's premises. SECTION 5. Company shall be entitled to require from each and every subscriber of cablevision, before cablevision service is commenced, a deposit of twice the amount of an estimated average monthly bill, which said deposit may be retained by Company until service is discontinued and all bills therefor have been paid. Company shall then return said deposit to the suscriber, together with nine per cent (9%) interest thereon from the date of said deposit up to the date of discontinuance of service. Company shall be entitled to apply said deposit, with accrued interest, to any indebtedness owed Company by the subscriber making the deposit. SECTION 6 . The rights, privileges, and franchises granted by this ordinance are not to be considered exclusive, and City hereby expressly reserves the right to grant, at any time, like privileges, rights and franchises as it may see fit to any other person or corporation for the purpose of furnishing cable television for City and inhabitants thereof. SECTION 7. City hereby grants Company the authority to contract with the City or with any appropriate board or L agency thereof or with the holder or owner of any utility franchise in the City of Wylie for the use, rental, or lease of its or their poles, underground conduits, and other struc- tures and facilities for the purpose of extending, carry- ing, or laying Company's wires, cables, electronic conductors, and other facilities and appurtenances necessary or usable in receiving, amplifying, and distributing television signals and in providing cable television service in the City of Wylie. SECTION 8. Company shall furnish reasonably adequate service to the public at reasonable rates and charges therefor; rates are to be determined by Company and to be consistent with industry rates. Company hereby agrees to submit to City, in writing, a notice of rate changes at least 60 days prior to any change in rates charged by Company for its basic services, such notice to include detailed reasons for any increase in rates. Company hereby agrees to notify subscribers, in writing, at least 30 days prior to any increase in rates charged by Com- pany for its basic serices. "Basic services" is defined as the installation fees and monthly subscriber fees and does not include any premium op- tions such as paid television service, extra sets, security service, or any other ancilliary options offered in the future paid for in addition to the basic service, provided such options do not involve the use of City property to install and maintain such optional equipment or service. SECTION 9. Company, its successors and assigns, agrees to pay and City agrees to accept, on or before the 21st day of July , 1978 , and on or before the same day of each succeeding year during the life of this franchise, up to and including the year 1994, a sum of money which shall be equivalent to three per cent (3%) of the gross receipts for basic services for the preceding calendar year, received by Company for the sale of cablevision service and equip- ment to its domestic and commercial subscribers within the city limits of the City of Wylie, excluding however, re- ceipts derived from sales to governmental users and sub- scribers in said City, but including users and sub- scribers outside the City Limits of Wylie who are provided cablevision service through the use of city streets, alleys, highways, public places, public thoroughfares, and grounds of the City, and who are served from main distribution points within the City Limits through feeder lines which extend outside the City Limits. Such annual payment shall be for the rights and privileges herein granted to Company, including expressly the right to use the streets, alleys and public ways of said City. And it is also expressly agreed that the aforesaid annual payment shall be in lieu of any and all other and additional occupation and easement taxes or charges (whether levied as an ad valorem, special or other character of tax or charge) , in lieu of municipal license and inspection fees, street taxes and street or alley rentals or charges, and all other and additional municipal taxes, charges, levies, fees and rentals whatsoever which City may impose or hereafter be authorized to levy and collect, except- ing the usual general or special ad valorem taxes, which City is authorized to levy and impose upon real and personal property. Should City not have the legal power to agree that the payment of the foregoing sums of money shall be in lieu of taxes, licenses, fees, street or alley rentals or charges, 3 1 or occupation and easement taxes or charges aforesaid, then City agrees that it will apply so much of said sums of money paid as may be necessary to satisfy Company' s obliga- tions, if any, to pay any such taxes, licenses, charges, fees, rentals, occupation or easement taxes or charges. In order to determine the gross receipts received by Com- pany from the sale of cablevision equipment and services (expressly excluding the sales to governmental subscribers) within the corporate limits of City, Company agrees that on the same date that payments are made as provided in the pre- ceding paragraph of the Section 9 , it will file with the City Clerk a sworn report showing the number of users and sub- scribers within said city limits for the calendar year pre- ceding the date of payment. City may, if it sees fit, have the books and records of Company examined by a representa- tive of City to ascertain the correctness of the sworn re- ports agreed to be filed herein. Receipts from sales to governmental users or subscribers shall include all those receipts derived from the sale of cablevision service to Federal, State, County or City govern- ments or branches and subdivisions thereof, school districts or other similar districts, it being the intention to include within the term "governmental users and subscribers" all tax-supported institutions owned or operated directly or indirectly by said governments and branches or subdivisions thereof, such as schools, colleges, hospitals, charitable institutions, airports, courthouse, city hall and other institutions of like or similar kind and character. SECTION 10. All work done in connection with the con- struction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of said cablevision system shall be subject to and governed by all laws, rules, and regulations of City now in force, or that may be hereafter passed and adopted, and which are uniformly enforced, for the government and regulation thereof, and not inconsistent herewith. SECTION 11. The construction, maintenance, and operation of Company' s cablevision system and all property of Company subject to this ordinance shall be subject to all lawful police powers and regulations by the governing body of the City of Wylie. City shall have the power at any time to order and require Company to remove and abate any pole, tower, wire, cable, electronic conductor, or other structure or facility that is dangerous to life or property and, in the event Company, after written notice, fails or refuses to act, City shall have the power to remove or abate the same at the expense of Company, all without compensation or liability for damages by City to Company. SECTION 12 . Should the Federal Communications Commission (FFC) amend or modify its rules or regulations relating to local cable television franchises in a manner effecting this ordinance, such rules and regulations shall be incorpo- rated into this ordinance as if originally a part hereof and supercede any inconsistent portions hereof. Company shall have full right and authority to utilize its cablevision system in any manner permitted by the FCC, including, but not limited to lawful business or commercial uses or opera- 3 tions other than the delivery of television signals to sub- scribers. SECTION 13. Company agrees that the rights, privileges and licenses granted hereunder may be assigned by the Company only with the prior approval of the governing body of the City. No assignment to any person, firm or corporation shall be effective until the assignee has filed with the City Secre- tary an instrument, duly executed, reciting the fact of such assignment, accepting the terms of this franchise, and agree- ing to perform all the conditions hereof. SECTION 14. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be illegal, unconstitutional, or in violation of the rules or regulation of any governmental agency, such invalidity shall not af- fect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 15. Company hereby covenants and agrees that it will commence construction of cable television facilities within two (2) years of the effective date of this ordinance, unless it is unreasonably delayed by Federal, State, or Local authorities or "Acts of God. " SECTION 16 . Company shall file its written acceptance of this franchise ordinance within sixty (60) days after its final passage and approval by said City. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the llth day of July 1978 . `14ir / ayor City of Wylie, Texas ATTEST: Q-)I1Ja›-CIA_CtCity SecrcoL ary Approved as to Form: j CLrCy, ttorney STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § I , riek.AJK.iA Fc , Secretary of the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Wylie at its x_y vje" session held on the j JA day of 9 ", , 1978 , as it appears of record in the Minutes of said City Council, in Book L , page WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY, this the `/:' day of , A. D. 1978. (2)art...La/0-3Lo P9(2, o Secretary City of Wylie, Texas ®- 1 79-80-2-26 CERTIFIED RESOLUTIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYI,IE , TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS S S COUNTY OF p 'LLIN S S CITY OF WYLIE S I , Sarah Connelly , City Secretary of the City of Wylie , Texas do Hereby certify that the following resolutions have been duly adopted at a duly convened meeting of the City Council of the City of Wylie Texa:; at which a quorum was present, and that such resolutions have not been amended or revoked, and are now in full force and effect : "WHEREAS, by ordinance number 78-20 ( the "Ordinance") , dated July 11 , 1978 , the City of Wile Texas (the "City") granted a non-exclusive right and privilege (the "Franchise") to Cablevision Equipment Dt.he "Company" ) , to construct , maintain , and operate a community antenna television system (the "System") within the corpnorate limits of the City; i franchise been assigned to-media SysL ns, Inc. , on Feru which has subsequently Y�6, 19 and, "WHEREAS, Media Systems, Inc . , a Texas corporation , as general partner, has formed or will form a limited partnership under the provisions of the Texas Uniform Limited Partnership Act (the "Partnership" ) which will construct, own , maintain , and operate the System; and "WHEREAS, in order to obtain financing for the construction of the System, the Partnership desires to obtain a loan (the "Loan" ) from Mercantile National Bank at Dallas , a national banking association (the "Bank") ; and "WHEREAS , the Bank is only willing to make the Loan if the Partnership grants to the Bank a security interest in all of the System, including the rights and Franchise granted to the grantee by the Ordinance; and "WHEREAS , the City desires that the System be constructed ; "NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing , it is "RESOLVED, that the City approves the assignment of the Company ' s rights under the Ordinance to the Partnership; and further "RESOLVED', that the City approves the collateral assign- ment of and the grant of a security interest in the Company ' s rights under the Ordinance, to the Bank by the Partnership; and further it 100 "RESOLVED , that the approval of and cane:ent of the City to the assignment and trans ur to the hank and/or its successors and assigns , (whether by foreclosure sale , deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise) , of the Franchise and all rights of the Company or the Partnership under the Ordinance upon any default under the Loan or the loan documents evidencing or securing the Loan , shall not be unreasonably withheld by the City ; for purposes •hereof ,, consent and approval shall be "unreasonably withheld" if the City withholds consent to and approval of an assignment and transfer to a financially qualified buyer (A) which has a minimum net worth at least equal to the sum of : (i ) the remaining unpaid principal balance of all loans to the Partnership secured by the System; and (ii ) any unpaid franchise fees under the Ordinance , and (B) which has operated a community cable television system for not less than the preceding five (5) years ; and further • "RESOLVED, that the Mayor or Mayor-Pro Tern of the City is authorized, on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver to the Bank the Estoppel Certificate , in substantially the . form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and further "RESOLVED, that these Resolutions will not be altered, amended , or rescinded without the prior written consent of the Bank. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have duly executed this certificate as of this 26th day of February 1980 . i// ` (//./ �. Secretary City of Wylie , T • as • . . O_ EXHIBIT "A" ESTOPPEL. CER'I' I F I CATi. TO: Mercantile National Bank at Dallas , a national banking association , ( the " Bank" ) , its successors and a!-( Ign:; THIS IS TO CERTIFY : % 1 . That no default has occurred and is cunt inuiuy, under the terms of Ordinance Number 78-20 ( the "Ordi.n;►nce") of the City of Wylie , Texas ( the "City") , which grants a non-exclusive right and privilege (the "Franchise") to Cablevision Equipment Company ( the "Company") , to construct , maintain , and operate a community antenna television system ( the "System") within the corporate limits of the City ; which Franchise has subsequently been assigned to Media Systems , Inc . , on February 26 , 1980 ; 2 . That the Ordinance has not been amended or altered and remains in full force and effect ; 3 . That the City approves the assignment by the Company of its rights under the Ordinance to Media Systems , Ltd . , a limited partnership ( the "Partnership") to be formed under the provisions of the Texas Uniform Litmited Partnership Act ; 4 . That the City approves the grant of a security interest to and the collateral assignment to the Bank of the Company ' s right under the Ordinance as security for a loan ( the "Loan") to be made by the Bank to the Partnership for the construction of the System; 5 . That the City will give the Bank reasonable notice of any d.. fault under the Ordinance , together with the opportunity , but not the obligation , to cure any such detault whithin a reasonable time , which shall in nu event be less than 30 days from the date such notice is given to the Hank ; 6 . That any notice to be given to the, Bank hereunder will be deemed given when delivered in person or mail , regi :; tered or certified mail , return receipt requested , postage prepaid , to : Mercantile National Bank at Dallas P . 0 . Box 225415 Dallas , Texas; 7526 'i Attn: Joe Rappeport ; and 4 y 7 . That this Certificate is given In order to Induce the Bank to make the Loan and that the City will take no action which will be in any manner alter or destroy the Bank ' s security interest in the System or the Franchise , including , but not limited to , any action which would alter or amend the Ordinance , without the prior written consent of the Hank , which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld , until the Partnership has paid and performed in full its obligations to the Bank pursuant to any and all documents executed by the Partnership in connection with the Loan . EXECUTED as of this 26th day of February 1980 . CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS B Y : %-cJ r ,/ Mayor Jr ORDINANCE 80-1. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 78-20 ; PROVIDING FOR THE GRANT OF A FRANCHISE TO MEDIA SYSTEMS, INC . , ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE CITY AND SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANTING OF THE FRANCHISE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS : For the purposes of this ordinance , the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number includes the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. (a) City is the City of Wylie , Texas . (b) Council is the City Council of Wylie, Texas . (c) Community antenna television system or CATV system, whenever used in this ordinance, shall mean a system for the interception, receipt, sale, transmission and distribution of television and radio signals . (d) Grantee is Media Systems , Inc. , or anyone who .'succeeds in accordance with the provisions of this franchise. Grantee is also referred to herein as Company . (e) Person is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or organization of any kind. agMLOISIM. There is hereby granted to Media Systems , Inc. hereinafter called "Grantee" , kg �`'"` *arye,Urirfroill7ttid7frect.l.vcI4-4t:e_ol_jhAsLoydipancq, the right and privilege to construct, erect , maintain and operate towers, poles, wires, anchors, cables , manholes , conduits , and other electronic equipment along, across, on, over, y • �. 10 through, above and under the public streets , avenues , alleys , roads and highways and other public places of the City, for the purpose of operating a community antenna television system to the extent that the City may lawfully permit the use of the above described properties for the purposes enumberated. This grant is further made subject to the right of the City to cancel the grant and permit in the event of violation by the Grantee herein of any of the terms and provisions of this Ordinance or in the event said Grantee herein fails to complete, keep and perform any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 3: The Grantee must have begun construction on the community antenna television system on or before July 11 , 1980 and must have customer service available within 6 months from that date ; otherwise this ordinance shall be null and void. SECTION 4 : In order to protect the City from any damage to any public streets , avenues , alleys, roads and highways, and other places of the City resulting from the installation by the Grantee of any towers , poles , wires , anchor, cables p . .ole , conduits and other e u i ment the � .:1. = �..,� - P ' ,� 9u3 s an mom•any,: or: ;Comps les er loann n—? _CI4 • . �"•Tr�l:lti`� iTr �� T� irlo ern.,,t�l ve o s 3 �-.. ?., , _ . �De • , •e .'�fi jd x' ts� .``the_commencemen SECTION 5: The services furnished by the Grantee shall be first class services and the same shall be furnished to each person within the City, within reasonable reach of its facilities and within reasonable time after demand for such service has been made, upon equal and exact terms for the same class of service. SECTION 6 : The Grantee shall comply with all rules and regulations now in force or which may hereinafter be put into force. with respect to proper installation and construction of lines, cables, wiring and other electronic equipment -authorized by this permit and grant. The Grantee shall use only new cables and equipment with such shielding and protective devices as may be necessary to insure the best possible service and with the least possible interference. The Grantee shall , at its own cost and expense, move its lines , cables , wiring, towers and other appurtenances to other locations when the City through its authorities, may require such removal for the safety and convenience of said City and other franchise holders and inhabitants affected thereby, or when it is deemed necessary by City to widen, relocate, reconstruct or improve a street, way or public place. In those areas where telephone and electric service lines are underground, the Grantee shall place its cables and service lines underground. In the • 41 event the Grantee, after notice, fails or refuses to act , the City shall have the power to remove or abate the same at the expense of the Grantee, all without compensation or liability for damages from the City to the Grantee . SECTION 7 : All installations made by the Grantee shall be made in good, substantial and safe condition and shall be maintained in such condition at all times . The Grantee shall make no excavations in the streets , alleys , or other public places without first obtaining a written permit from the City or its agent or representatives . The surface of any street, alley or other public place disturbed by the Grantee in constructing, erecting, maintaining,or repairing its system shall be restored immediately dbynthe Grantee after completion of the work to as con as before the commencement of the work, and gsuchooasurfacelon shall be maintained at the cost of the Grantee to the satisfaction of the City for a period of one (1) year from the date such surface of said street, alley or public place is broken or excavated for such construction or maintenance work , after which time responsibility for the normal maintenance of such surface shall become the duty of the City . SECTION 8 : The Grantee shall , at all times during the existence of this franchise , carry and require its contractors to carry insurance as follows : (a) Worker ' s Compensation Insurance in accordance with the Laws of the State of Texas . (b) Public Liability Insurance, with limits in the amount of $100, 000 . 00 for each person, $500 , 000 . 00 for each accident, and $100, 000 . 00 property damage liability. In case the City is impleaded in any suit by reason of any alleged accident or omission of the Grantee, its successors or assigns, the City shall be entitled to judgment over and against the Grantee, its successors or assigns , in such amount as may be obtained against the City, by reason thereof, provided due written Notice is given the Grantee, its successors or ssigns, on the filing of said suit, so that proper defense may be made to said action or suit . (c) The Grantee shall defend the City against all lawful claims for injury to any person or property caused by the negligence of the Grantee in the • construction or operation of its property, and in the event of a determination of liability shall indemnify the City; more particularly the Grantee herein, its successors and assigns , does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and • all liability, claim, demand or judgment growing out of any injury to any person or property as a result of the violation or failure on the part of the Grantee, its successors and assigns, to observe their proper duty or because of negligence in whole or in part arising out of construction, repair, extension, maintenance, or operation of its equipment of any kind or character used in connection with this franchise. w jj// �EGi ;�� t�'tee h a T=' �fia y the try n Kanblial s hge erceni 3%4 of s.�r-,oss eipt-r eceived . ky,,- h. Gran; lard.iTCCo-1lectic�oa _for_Tliasic=-service from said community antenna television system in said City . The said gross receipts shall' be computed annually and amounts due to the City shall be paid on or before the 15th day of January, provided, however, that the final payment to the City after the termination of this franchise shall be made within fifteen (15) days after the date of said termination . The City shall have the right and privilege by and through its auditor or other persons designated by it to freely examine the books, vouchers, and records of the Grantee, its successors or assigns, during normal business hours , in order to determine the amount to be paid to the City under the provisions of this ordinance. In the event the City shall grant an option to renew or extend this franchise as provided in Section 18 (b) , the percentage of gross receipts payable hereunder may be renegotiated between City and Grantee. SECTION 10 : (a) Grantee shall furnish reasonably adequate service to the public at reasonable and charges *tt4V4. o .t bji °the bmp ir . r. 1.G J. "ii' •T S. A'. .SY E 't6t bh.' }f+ S %i 1} .a.� Y t!•'T- i�6i..t1 ..�. ..T _ A C � : ny. an•e. ar•a•* • ► . . <:•Y .a ct- -e4.4 • ervipes:;$ rs.•: 47r^ r - s ins a"1'ta`tIIori Beet e n , . :� e _ s on-servic =- rem w.=x_trasets 'two•-waW titla ' •»•_.cAn,y ,,orh-e 'nc1�1 3a ry: p otlong offered in t e- u ure paid for in addition to basic service, provided such options do not involve the use of the City property to install and maintain such optional equipment or service . (b) The Grantee shall not, as to rates , charges , service facilities rules, regulations or in any other respect, make or grant any preference or advantage to any person nor subject any person to any prejudice or disadvantage, provided that nothing in this contract shall be deemed to prohibit the establishment of a graduated scale of charges and classified rate schedules to which any customer coming within such classification would be entitled. ,,0 . The proposed initial rates and charges for customer service a e set forth i 'gxhaitg '"Nr attached hereto. SECTION 11 : The Grantee shall furnish those channels reserved for education and public use free of charge to all public schools as well as public buildings and facilities in the City. Major trunk and distribution cables will be routed near these installations, where possible, or where the cable system is in the area, feeder lines will be extended to a service point outside the school or public building. All attachments to schools and public buildings and facilities shall be at the Grantee's expense, but distribution of the system within these buildings shall be at the expense of the schools or responsible public agencies . It is further understood that • service to schools and public buildings and facilities will be supplied. in a logical extension of the system into each area rather than construction specifically serving a school , because of the cost and extended time required to build a complete system. The Grantee shall , as requested by the City in each specific instance, provide the use of one or more video and/or audio channel (s) to permit fire, police, civil defense and municipal authorities to make official public service and emergency announcements and programs . Such TV camera equipment, microphone (s) and other essential program origination equipment, if any, shall be maintained at the Grantee 's control center or head-end, and such tech 4ci r - 1 ans w::c are r�ormall ., ,., • The system shall be constructed to provide for an all channel audio override by the emergency - public service channel . SECTION 12 : In addition to the channels above provided, the Grantee shall to the extent permitted by law provide the following services : (a) Provide two-way system capability; .(gr-b) r *0 81 na 4 an te casts or i, a '_n'1l •rd1ng educational- and governmental access ss (c) Distribute and provide a channel for local use, local information, local weather, and time; (d) arm n"'1,a. . t , n e�s `s._;_own_.on the:a tacked _ --"jr ,. lOWJWAUWJMUF (e) y � sl al e'AYnterc_onriec ab e_iiia ottre i11s (f) The system will be built to provide for carriage of maximum of 35 channels; a (g) Grantee shall at all times maintain in the City a sufficiently competent staff to adequately service all of its equipment in use during all hours of telecast distribution. Said office is to be open during g normal business hours and have a telephone with public listing for' r-`eeefr complaints and so operated that complaints and requests for repairs or adjustments maybe received on a 24-hour basis. SECTION 13: Grantee shall file a complete system map with the Director o Public Works of the City of Wylie, Texas , updated every year showing location of the Grantee 's facilities within the City. SECTION 14 • • hzan„ a h y x , . dn 8q annual . Provide. t eCit , a cPY o •ts_ basis when said audit is .. eceved; ";f J 4/ • 41 SECTION 15 : The Grantee shall , at all times during the life of this franchise be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power by the City and obey all lawful exercise of the police power by the City and obey all ordinances related thereto. Grantee shall maintain and operate the CATV system according to all pertinent rules and regulations of the Federal Regulatory Commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affecting CATV operations authorized pursuant to this franchise. SECTION 16 : The Grantee is expressly prohibited from entering into any service or sales contract with any residential subscriber for the repair or sale of television receivers . SECTION 17 : This franchise is not exclusive and nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the City from granting any other like privilege to any other person. SECTION 18 : At the expiration of the term for which this franchise is granted, or upon its termination and cancellation, as provided herein, the City shall have the right to exercise one of the following options : (a) Require the Grantee to remove at its expense all portions of the CATV System from all public ways within the City to be completed within one (1) year after said termination or cancellation. (b) If notice is given to City within six (6) months of the end of the initial 15-year term or additional terms hereof, grant the Grantee an option to continue an additional ten (10) years under this franchise, provided City determines after public hearing that Grantee' s service has been adequate. In the event that the City refuses to give Grantee the option referred to in sub-paragraph (b) above, and Grantee obtains an offer from a third party to purchase said CATV System, the City shall have the first right to purchase said CATV Systeip upon the same terms and conditions and for the same consideration that the Grantee received in the offer -from the third party. Such first right of purchase shall be exercised by the City within ninety (90) days from the date of written notification from Grantee of the proposed purchase by a said third party. SECTION 19 : The Grantee shall have the authority to trim trees upon and overhanging streets , alleys, sidewalks , easements and public ways and places of the City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires and cables of the Grantee . SECTION 20 : Upon termination of service to any subscriber, the Grantee shall promptly remove all its facilities and equipment from the interior of the residence located on the premises of such subscriber upon his request, without cost to the subscriber, repairing any damage that may be done. 3-7) ® I SCHEDULE "A" BASIC SERVICE PREWIRED NOtJ-PREWIRED Installation charge-first outlet: Aerial Underground 15.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 Installation charge-additional outlets at time of initial installation 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. Installation charge-additional outlets after initial installation 15.00 ea. 15.00 ea. 41i z'ter"' :00.1 8.00 risqtriiistaiersargeinua r 3.00 Monthly charge for each additional . "FM" outlet 1.00 1.00 OPTIONAL, SERVICE Installation charge-first outlet 15.00 15.00 Monthly charge for home Box Office 10.00 10.00 Monthly charge for Second Preniun 8.00 8.00 • 1 i 41 SCHEDULE "B" BASIC SERVICE FDFW-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth KXAS-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth KXTX-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth WFAA-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth KTVT-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth KERA-TV, Dallas-Ft. Worth C-SPAN Public Affairs, Washington D.C. WGN-TV, Chicago, Illinois WTBC, Atlanta, Georgia Newstime Picture Service, Atlanta, Georgia Vocal Weather-Meessa es-NOAA Forecast adS'F"°yr$-n' 'r� ca���/�crrd1 to agA e7 t p OWO d_rari Full FM Band Coverage Local Religious Channel an dap oca Access Channe City Channel School Channel x 'tesa dve:. . a ison Square Garden/Calliope, N. Y. , N.Y. OPTIONAL SERVICE Home 'Box Office Pay Movie/Marquee, N. Y. , N.Y. ♦ Second Premium-undetermined LIMITED ACCESS SERVICE Medical Limited Access Legal Limited Access Educational Limited Access Reserved Educational - 4 channels Reserved Future Use - 2 channels i II I SECTION 21 : The Grantee shall insure that all subscribers have recourse to a satisfactory hearing of any complaint made of its services. The City shall work closely with the Grantee and subscribers to establish procedures for handling and settling of subscriber complaints . Information pertaining to these rules', regulations and procedures shall be provided to all subscribers at least once a year for the term of this franchise. SECTION 22 : The Grantee shall pay the City all costs of adopting this ordinance. • SECTION 23: . ,The Grantee shall not sell or transfer any right or privilege under this franchise to another except "with the written approval of the Council at Council ' s sole, and complete discretion, nor shall Grantee lease more than 301Cof its charm a to any one operator or group of operators without such written permission. SECTION 24 : Grantee shall have thirty (30) days after final passage of this ordinance in which to file its written acceptance thereon with the governing body of the City . SECTION 25: This ordinance shall become in full force and effect after the same has been passed and accepted . SECTION 26 : It is further provided that in case a section, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be deemed or adjudged by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then such invalidity shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance. SECTION 27: All ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are specifically repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED in Special Council Session on this the 26th day of February, 1980. ... CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ,;4 Mayor ATTEST: / _.1 % / ," ' . ity Secretary ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND LEVY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1987 , UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF SAID CITY OF THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 , AND THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF CREATING A SINKING FUND TO RETIRE THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY: PROVIDING FOR A LIEN ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TO SECURE PAYMENT OF TAXES DUE THEREON: PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE BE HELD UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND THAT SUCH HOLDING SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINING PROVISIONS THEREOF: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, and election was held on January 16 , 1988 in the City of Wylie, Texas to repeal the tax increase set forth in ordinance 87-50 , and WHEREAS, the results of the election was for a rollback of the tax rate set on September 22 , 1987 to a total rate of Fifty ( .50) cents on each One Hundred ($100 .00 ) Dollars of assessed valuation on all said property in City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 1987 upon all real property situated within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas , and upon all personal property which was owned within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas , on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1987 , except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Constitution of laws of the State of Texas, a total tax of Fifty Cents (0 .50) , on each One Hundred ($100 .00) Dollars of assessed valuation on all of said property which said total tax here now levied as aforesaid is respectively as follows: SECTION 2 . An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Fifty Cents ( .4105) on each One Hundred ($100 .00) Dollars of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the year 1987 , for the general city purposes and to pay the current operating expenses of said City of Wylie , Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988 , which tax , when collected shall be appropriated to and for the credit of the General Fund of said City of Wylie, Texas . SECTION 3 . An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Nine cents (0 .0895) on each One Hundred ($100 .00 ) Dollars of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the year of 1987 , for the purpose of creating an Interest and Sinking Fund with which to pay the interest and retire the principal of the valid bonded indebtedness , capital lease payments , and related fees of the City of Wylie, Texas , now outstanding, and such tax when collected shall be appropriated and deposited in and to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund of the said City of Wylie, Texas for the fiscal year ending September 30 , 1988 . SECTION 4 . The City of Wylie shall have a lien on all taxable property located in the City of Wylie to secure the payment of taxes , penalty interest, and all costs of collection , assessed , and levied hereby. SECTION 5 . Taxes are payable in Wylie, Texas at the Office of the Tax-Assessor Collector , Finance Department, City Hall . The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. 5 SECTION 6 . That the tax roll presented to the City Council , together with any supplements thereto, be and same are hereby accepted . (See attachment A) SECTION 7 . In the event any provision of this Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional and invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect the remaining provisions thereof . SECTION 8 . All Ordinances and part thereof in conflict with any of the provisions of this Oridnance are hereby expressively thereof . SECTION 9 . The caption of this ordinance to be published one time in a newpaper having general circulation in the City of Wylie, Texas, and to become effective immediately upon its passage and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED, and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this the 26th day of January, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 5 6 I I J 1 1 1 SECTION 7 . In the event any provision of this Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional and invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction , the same shall not affect the remaining provisions thereof . SECTION 8 . All Ordinances and part thereof in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby expressively thereof . SECTION 9 . The caption of this ordinance to be published one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Wylie , Texas , and to become effective immediately upon its passage and publication . Yam. • PASSED AND APPROVED, and ordered published by /„t City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this the day of Ja4)114/2y, ,s 24), • GChuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: F r���i. C CarolpyJones, City Secretary= IF SEAL �� 5 iy 4k' ��'t I E. TE�`PS 54 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Wylie and Lifeline Christian Care Ambulances , Inc . (Lifeline) entered into a contract on December 15, 1987 for emergency ambulance services for the city; and WHEREAS, police dispatch and patrol services will be moving in the next few days into the new municipal complex located at 2000 Hwy 78 N, and WHEREAS, Lifeline wishes to lease from the City certain real property and improvements at the new municipal complex for operation of its emergency medical services for the City, and WHEREAS, Lifeline proposes to enter into a formal written agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of leasing Room #104 , approximately 300 square feet at $10 .19 per square foot for a period of one year , and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the city staff to proceed with the lease agreement and allow Lifeline to move into the new facilities within the next seven (7) days , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: (1) That the city manager shall proceed with drawing up a written lease agreement between the City of Wylie (City) and Lifeline Christian Care Ambulances, Inc. (Lifeline) for their usage of Room 104 at $10 .19 per square foot (excluding phone) for a period of one (1) year . (2) That Lifeline be allowed to move into the new municipal complex and operate its emergency medical services for the city from this facility pending approval and execution of the contract by both parties . Duly Passed by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on the 26th day of January, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park NO: r/ 1-21-88 Sanitary Sewer Force Main System The above referenced project' s construction plans including the Lift Station details and specifications, have been presented and adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of the City of Wylie and CH2M Hill. Attached you will find CH2M Hill' s comments on both the lift station and the force main system. I feel confident that the City of Wylie can expect to receive a reliable product with the plans and specifications presented. The construction permits for FM Highway 544 and County Road 382 (Stone Rd. ) have been secured for this project. The Developmental Inspection Fee (which needs to be substantiated by a copy of an engineering estimate or a signed contract ) has not been paid at this time. A copy of an engineered trench safety plan for all of the project has not been submitted to my office at this time either, but it does not become critical until the construction is initiated. In light of the recent amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance, which requires the contractor to secure a performance and payment bond for each and every project within the City of Wylie, I feel that we should apply the ordinance to this project. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL - Ron Homeyer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer CITY OF WYLIE 108 S_JACKSON ST. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 January 8. 1988 Mr . Roger Finholt Bit D Construction 1115 Luke St. I rving. Texas 75061 RE: Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and Force Main Dear Mr . Finholt : As of this date I have not received any revised information on the proposed lift station from Pierce Pump Co. in response to the letter dated December 22. 1987 from CH2M Hill . For that reason. I am unable to place this item on the January 12. 1988 Council Agenda. Transmitted herewith is a copy of the CH2M Hill letter dated December 31 . 1987 which addresses the revised construction clans for the force main. Please review these additional comments and correct the plans accordingly. If I can be of further assistance. please feel free to call me at 442-2236. Sincerely. Ron Homeyer. P.E. Asst. City Engineer RH/rh enc. cc : Mr . Wayne Barr . Hamill /McKinney Mr. John,Pitstick. City Manager City Council 11111111 Engineers 1111.11111 Planners CHMHILL Economists NMI Scientists December 31 , 1987 TX21259.B0. 20 Mr. Ron Homeyer City Engineer City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Homeyer: Subject: Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park Wastewater Service Force Main and Gravity Sewer System Review We have reviewed the revised plans submitted to us on the above referenced project, dated December 22 , 1987 . It appears that the drawings now address some of our earlier comments , but the entire project is still missing other information. The following comments summarize our review of the project from the data supplied. LIFT STATION The submitted drawings still have no more details on the lift station than the earlier drawings. Therefore, the com- ments in our letter dated December 10 , 1987 still apply. FORCE MAIN AND GRAVITY SEWER SYSTEM The following comments and recommendations summarize our review of the drawings of the force main and gravity sewer system: 1 . The drawings now address pipe material type and class and include a test pressure for acceptance testing of all pipes. These appear appropriate for this application. 2 . Specifications regarding pipe bedding and pipe zone material are also addressed now and appear appropriate. CH2M HILL Dallas/Fort Worth Office 5339 Alpha Rood,Suite 300. Dallas. Texas 75240 214.980.2170 Metro:263.9476 Mr. Ron Homeyer Page 2 December 31 , 1987 TX21259 .B0. 20 3 . Details of fitting restraint such as thrust block- ing or restrained joints should be included. The drawings now state that 3 ,000 psi concrete will be used at all vertical bends, but no details are provided to show how much concrete should be pro- vided or how it should be placed. It should also be noted that thrust blocks are necessary at all horizontal bends. 4 . The drawings need to show the force main angle at Station 6+35 . 5. From Station 39+25 to Station 58+75, the force main is 5 feet from a 12-inch water line. If the force main was moved to 10 feet from the water line , the force main could be laid shallower. This could help eliminate the flat slope from Sta- tion 52+00 to Station 59+00 . 6 . Air relief valves are now provided at all high points in the force main and blow-off valves are provided at all low points. However, the drawings just use the wording provided in our December 10 , 1987 letter to "specify" these assemblies. The Engineer should specify the manufacturer and type of valves to be used, and provide details for the installation of the entire assembly including access manholes , etc. 7. Discharge to the gravity system should be at the highest point in the line. As designed, the dis- charge is 2 feet below the force main high point at Station 98+00 . This will allow the force main to partially drain at pump shutoff. This condi- tion needs to be evaluated further to ensure the pumps stay on their operating curve, and a vacuum does not occur in the line which might collapse or damage the pipeline. 8. The drawings now state: "The Contractor shall perform no trenching in excess of 5 ' -0" in depth until such time as the Owner furnishes to the Contractor detailed plans and specifications for trench safety systems Mr. Ron Homeyer Page 3 December 31 , 1987 TX21259 .BO. 20 conforming to OSHA Requirements prepared by the Owner' s special consultant. " Since the drawings now show much of the pipeline to be deeper than 5' -0" , why not provide these details now? We are not sure that the statement included on the Drawings meets the intent of the new Trench Safety Law. If we can be of any further service to you on this project, please let us know. Sincerely, 77./KZ:Ze-14--) Robert J. Morrison, P.E. Project Manager cls/DFW29/029 cc: Mr. John Pitstick/Wylie City Manager 2 1 2 Engineers ® Planners CHA HILL Economists ® Scientists December 31 , 1987 TX21259 .BO. 20 Mr. Ron Horn: er City Eng ' eer City • Wylie P.O Box 428 • ie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Homeyer: Subject: Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park Wastewater Service Force Main and Gravity Sewer System Review We have reviewed the revised plans submitted to us on the above referenced project, dated December 22 , 1987 . It appears that the drawings now address some of our earlier comments , but the entire project is still missing other information. The following comments summarize our review of the project from the data supplied. LIFT STATION The submitted drawings still have no more details on the lift station than the earlier drawings. Therefore, the com- ments in our letter dated December 10 , 1987 still apply. FORCE MAIN AND GRAVITY SEWER SYSTEM The following comments and recommendations summarize our review of the drawings of the force main and gravity sewer system: 1 . The drawings now address pipe material type and class and include a test pressure for acceptance testing of all pipes. These appear appropriate for this application. 2 . Specifications regarding pipe bedding and pipe zone material are also addressed now and appear appropriate. CH2M HILL Dollos/Fort Worth Office 5339 Alpha Rood. Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75240 214 980.2170 Metro:263.947o Mr. Ron Homeyer Page 2 December 31 , 1987 TX21259.BO. 20 3 . Details of fitting restraint such as thrust block- ing or restrained joints should be included. The drawings now state that 3 ,000 psi concrete will be used at all vertical bends , but no details are provided to show how much concrete should be pro- vided or how it should be placed. It should also be noted that thrust blocks are necessary at all horizontal bends. 4 . The drawings need to show the force main angle at Station 6+35 . 5 . From Station 39+25 to Station 58+75 , the force main is 5 feet from a 12-inch water line. If the force main was moved to 10 feet from the water line , the force main could be laid -shallower. This could help eliminate the flat slope from Sta- tion 52+00 to Station 59+00 . 6 . Air relief valves are now provided at all high points in the force main and blow-off valves are provided at all low points. However, the drawings just use the wording provided in our December 10 , 1987 letter to "specify" these assemblies . The Engineer should specify the manufacturer and type of valves to be used, and provide details for the installation of the entire assembly including access manholes , etc. 7 . Discharge to the gravity system should be at the highest point in the line. As designed, the dis- charge is 2 feet below the force main high point at Station 98+00 . This will allow the force main to partially drain at pump shutoff. This condi- tion needs to be evaluated further to ensure the pumps stay on their operating curve, and a vacuum does not occur in the line which might collapse or damage the pipeline. 8. The drawings now state: "The Contractor shall perform no trenching in excess of 5 ' -0" in depth until such time as the Owner furnishes to the Contractor detailed plans and specifications for trench safety systems Mr. Ron Homeyer Page 3 December 31 , 1987 TX21259 .B0. 20 conforming to OSHA Requirements prepared by the Owner ' s special consultant. " Since the drawings now show much of the pipeline to be deeper than 5 ' -0" , why not provide these details now? We are not sure that the statement included on the Drawings meets the intent of the new Trench Safety Law. If we can be of any further service to you on this project, please let us know. Sincerely, A77"(W/ /e Robert J. Morrison, P. E. Project Manager cl /DFW29/029 cc: Mr. John Pitstick/Wylie City Manager f Engineers 1111111111 Planners Cl13MHIfl Economists 1111111111 Scientists January 15, 1988 TX21259 .B0. 20 Mr. Ron Homeyer City Engineer City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Homeyer: Subject: Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park Wastewater Service Force Main and Gravity Sewer System Review We have reviewed the pump and lift station information you forwarded to us on the above referenced subject. This letter summarizes our review. The pump data supplied indicates that the use of Hydromatic Model S4LRC/S4LVX non-clog submersible sewage pumps with 15 horsepower motors is proposed. The indicated flow and static head at design conditions is 200 gpm at 80 feet of total head. In general, we have no problems with this type of pump. However, we have the following concerns about this specific pump selection: 1 . The motor horsepower should be increased to at least 25 horsepower if this pump is to be used. It is good practice to always ensure that the pump motor horsepower is never exceeded at any point on the pump capacity--head curve. This minimizes the chances of burning motors should any unforeseen flow condition occur. 2 . The pump will be operating at the low end of its capacity--head curve, which will result in a very low efficiency of about 32 percent. A different pump selection should be possible with efficiencies in the range p f at least 50 percent. The higher efficiency would '.allow the use of a smaller horsepower motor, resulting in lower capital and O&M costs. I CH2M HILL Dallas/Iort Worth Office 5339 Alpha Rood,Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75240 214.980.2170 Metro:263.9476 Mr. Ron Homeyer Page 2 January 15, 1988 TX21259.B0. 20 3 . Our calculations indicate that the proposed pump selection will provide about 175 gpm at 79 feet of head. This meets the minimum recommended flow criterion. However, because the pump will be operating on the low end of its curve, there will be very little increase in flow provided if both pumps operate at the same time. Our analysis indicates that two pumps together will only provide about 190 gpm and each pump will be operating at an efficiency of only about 20 percent. No specific details have been provided on the lift station at this time. The pump information package shows two general layout drawings. We would recommend that a layout similar to "Duplex PRVO, Bulletin S-608" with all valves in a separate valve box be incorporated into the final design. We also recommend that the following information or details be provided in the final design: 1 . Structural details of the lift station showing dimensions of inside diameter and depth. 2 . Flow level settings for pump control in the wet well. 3 . Invert elevation of the influent pipe. 4 . Piping and valving between the pumps and the force main with a separate valve box. 5. Electrical and control panel details. 6 . Emergency power supply provisions and alarm system for pump failure. If we can be of any further service to you on this project, please let us know. Sincerely, Robert J. Mprrison, P.E. Project Manager das/DFW29/034 cc: Mr. John Pitstick/Wylie City Manager r ; 5 Vd z._. SUt1JtC! - ' v ._,— v✓ ,_ BY1 '_ ' i(._i1i.i.r i _. Ti / / � .c/ . f"Z:-. / /' � ) / 1 / �!%1 i ' i -- = --,�p _I i i7;/ .YG Cc�r:' n/i f _ Z _ i, / SHEET____ CF-- maws De s/941 F/0GJ U / Ver, A-kV = 205. /0fS X 3 0 /0er_.pi0/ ?` 7 s^,�/rr_�./Zey = SD, G 00/tot/ = sS g7,-Y !/ /lea `/A) = 4. 0 x ,_ - 4 m = /1D �m v t'/;o e Size a /Feou/red' F/1..> ZfS/;t a C --/i,c/ ,ime kr / oe 7, /,'i 7,/ i e/A:s rvvi/r_ of ,I ir-/if r/ Ye%x'i y w/ / r�it m o 017 a/ 2, 0 0'S /2e,,{/ram `�%J = 1/4 = 201f/Pc x %¢(D. 5)2 // z 039.3 cA /7( yin So/ /80 porn �6eAde S,- 7/ 6,rYe //9o�ox/�Q./e .1 //C /2e = f'�oe ""C ' e/cr - /1_2 (/1/ero f VC // /c%,,%//I �_/ /1 S50 It ,,,,// e //C %'J ,0/7(Ar eme.e S20 - 473 = 47 y /'�De " -/i�Q/%t ��,�';� 4 Ga t� yc /0 �f 4" edt C/« !valve - /oo 7f 4 - 97 &, 4 - 0 {� 4- - 4s ,fieni, - 20 /f O //ei4' - 40 / / T/d Ca2!!I'r. Ze y fll = Z50 7/j" (2.3/ ) Ags-2 Q A ssz Ar 2 (2340)/.esz 0 )9,67 (//85o A 26-0) A = /76_ 84 ( ) /'85z &ym Vc/_--, A.; r-o// = /{ f 7 0 0 0 47 50 0111 3, 0 50 joo 0.Z23 /1, 0 58 00 g116 39. 6 87 I J_ ( ::';'y` — — — -- --- — S.EET-1 — 0�-- __ — _ — PROJECT NO.--- - -____---__ --- _ S4LRGJS4LVX—MAX. SOLIDS 31/4 " SPHERE-1750 RPM I SNP TOTAL j i I I 1 I SHADED AREA HEAD I 1I . I ; Top LIne—The curves reflect maximum performance IN I i characteristics of pumps, without exceeding motor I 1 I • 1 temperature ratings (service factor). M cr j j i Bottom Line—The curves reflect maximum perfor- 1 j - mance characteristics. without exceeding full load i j 1 + i I l (nameplate) horsepower, reserving service factor IMP t I I I I I ( demands. 48 r DIA. ^o / II I j • ! Service factors are nominally 1.2. I .I I r/�O^ ! I I Operation is recommended within the bounded area 140Ili 1 1 . I of heavy solid lines. Consult manufacturer for oper- ati• on� o I Imo!/ anon outside i t this area. ,,sor bigari.��s. 1 ' ��� 1�����U� oo Ilig !�'_ � .,"�/ n$UR 1 Mtirixera5 � !! 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