03-22-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 3-:3-38 TIME POSTED 3: 30 A.K. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1988 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HWY. 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 13 Consider approval of minutes of the March 8, 1988 meeting 2 14 - 16 Consider appoint to the Zoning Board of Adjustments to fill vacancy of the unexpired term of Mr. James Griffin, term expires July, 1988 3 17 - 19 Consider approval of declaring equipment and unclaimed property as "Surplus Property" and "Unclaimed and Abandoned Property" and setting an Auction date of April 16, 1988 at 2 :30 P.M. at the Old Police Station 4 20 - 32 Consider award of Bid for Janitorial Service Contract PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READINGS OF RESOLUTIONS 5 ORDINANCES 5 33 - 35 Consider approval of Resolution updating Agreement with North Texas Municipal Water District to contract for a consulting engineer to design the City of Wylie Wastewater Collection System Improvements 6 36 Conduct Public Hearing on the 1988 Street Program - Reconstruction of City Streets with Assessment to Property Owners NEW BUSINESS 7 37 - 40 Consider approval of Final Plat and Acceptance of Public Improvements for Woodlake Village Subdivision 8 41 Presentation by Collin County on the Alignment of Sanden Blvd. ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS CONT. 9 41 Consider approval of Alignment of Sanden Blvd. 10 42 - 43 Consider approval of Proclamation for Building Safety Week - April 10th thru 16, 1988 GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 Citizen Participation 12 Council Discussion 13 Recess open meeting 14 Convene into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters - Performance Review of City Manger 15 Reconvene open meeting 16 Consider any action regarding the Executive Session 17 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 8, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 8 , 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members Calvin Westerhof , Chris DiTota, and John Akin, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, David Medanich from First Southwest Investments and City Attorney Rob Dillard. Councilman Crane arrived late and Councilman Blakey was absent. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Akin gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the meetings of February 23rd and March 1st . Councilman Akin wished to correct the minutes of March 1st. The paragraph referring to the refinancing of equipment and certificate of obligations needed more explanation. Mayor Trimble asked Councilman Akin to call Carolyn and correct this . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan to approve the minutes of the February 23rd meeting as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilman DiTota - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AWARD OF BID FOR RADIOS FOR THE NEW POLICE CARS: These radios are for the two (2) new police cars that were order some time back. Staff received three bids which were as follows : Motorola $5 ,576 .00 plus maintenance contract Midland $5 ,102 .00 plus maintenance contract General Electric $6 ,369.66 plus maintenance contract Bid prices including maintenance contracts for three years were as follows : Motorola $6 ,140 .00 Midland $6 ,230 .00 General Electric $7 ,953 .66 Staff recommends Motorola, the City is currently using and has been replacing its police radios with Motorola Radio equipment . The standardization of this type of equipment would allow for a better utilization of the equipment in the department. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know what kind of taxes the City would loose by not going to Ken' s Communication. Mr . Johnson, Finance Director, said none, as the City is tax exempt . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said there was a lot of talk from Council about staying in the City for purchases and here staff is requesting going to Dallas . City Manager John Pitstick said these radios are compatible with the equipment being used now and have the same maintenance vendor as the computer system in the police department. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the award of bid to Motorola in the amount of $6 ,140 .00 . Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilman DiTota - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION OF THE 1988 ACTION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE: City Manager John Pitstick said the action plan is set up with twenty programs and projects that the administration intends to focus on during the coming months. 1 . PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM An active program to better inform the citizens, work closer with the newspaper to get the information out to the public. 2 . PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR ALL CITY EMPLOYEES This is determined by performance of the employee while on duty and is done every six months. 3 . NEW BUDGET FORMAT - Staff plans to develop a Program/Performance Budget format which will start to look at the cost of providing services on the basis of "programs" . Second, this type of budget will use performance indications that will tell us how well we are doing regarding the delivery of services. Thirdly, will place a higher level of accountability on the staff, and give the Council more control over the budget and be more informative to the public. 4 . STRATEGIC PLAN - To begin to establish a strategic direction for the City by developing major policy directions as developed by consensus of Council . There are plans for a one day retreat format in early June just prior to budget work sessions. 5 . MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN - to establish a master thoroughfare plan as a beginning for a master land use plan, capital feasibility plan and new impact fee study. 6 . IMPROVED CITY WIDE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM - by establishing an accurate work order system, water, sewer and street inventory and equipment and vehicle inventory , you can more actively identify high 0 & M cost and concentrate on problem areas within our City. 7 . STREET PAVING AND ASSESSMENT PROGRAM - staff hopes to be able to reconstruct several streets in Wylie and actively assess property owners to help extend the program. 8 . ACTIVE SUPPORT OF COLLIN COUNTY BOND PROGRAM - Hope to stay active in the development of the 1988 Collin County Bond Program. Staff has had a lot of support from citizens , they have been making a lot of the meetings and expressing their concerns for the needs of Wylie. Staff hopes this continues and we will be able to sell the bond program to citizens and do active lobbying for Wylie' s fair share of county bonds funds in the future. 9 . COMPLETION OF SANDEN BLVD . AND SPRING CREEK PARKWAY - by working through Collin County , the staff hopes to complete the construction of Sanden Blvd. and Spring Creek Parkway within Wylie. 10 . IMPROVED EMERGENCY SERVICES - Staff hopes to develop an ongoing relationship with Lifeline Ambulances to successfully provide advanced life support emergency service to all citizens in Wylie, and to offer the enhances 9-1-1 service beginning in April , 1988 . By offering these two services we will be the only city in the county outside of Plano to have these advanced emergency services. 11 . IMPROVED PUBLIC RELATIONS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT - Staff has started having crime watch programs with small area groups and we are about to kick off a physical fitness program for all officers . 12 . IMPLEMENT INITIAL PHASE OF LANDFILL - plan to complete the initial hydrogeological engineering and evaluation study from which a closure plan will be formulated and settle the law suite with the attorney general ' s office. 13 . EXPANSION OF SEWER PLAN AND MAJOR SEWER LINES - this is the area where we are under a mandate from Texas Water Commission and staff plans to work with North Texas Municipal Water District to expand our existing Wastewater Treatment Plan and build necessary sewer lines. 14 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Staff wanted to build more industry in Wylie and to attract industry into our City. 15. ACTIVE LEASE OF MUNICIPAL COMPLEX - continue to market all unused office space at the complex with emphasis on governmental and intergovernmental agencies. 16 . IMPROVED ACCESS ON 78 AND FM 544 - continue to actively lobby for improvements of Hwy 78 and FM 544 for better access to Wylie. To try and improve specific intersections off of these highways to enhance traffic, widen intersections and improve turn lanes. 17 . CITY WIDE LITTER AND BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM - staff hopes to establish a city wide committee for improving aesthetics in the community and actually participate in the Keep Texas Beautiful through a public relations and Spring clean up program. 18 . FACILITATE THE RELOCATION OF SANDEN INTERNATIONAL TO WYLIE - plan to help in any way to facilitate the location and growth of Sanden International in Wylie to promote an aggressively cooperative spirit and build a basis for future industrial development 19 . VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - Staff hopes to have a volunteer coordinator to oversee all volunteer programs for the City. These volunteers will be used in our Library, park and recreation programs for the Community Center. 20 . ANNEXATION PLAN - comprehensive look at Wylie' s City limits - to begin to establish our ultimate city limits and properly serve all residents City Manager John Pitstick told Council that if the above met with their approval , staff would like to move on with the program. Councilman Akin complimented the staff for the work done on this program. 41 Councilman DiTota wanted to know how employees were looking at the evaluations . City Manager John Pitstick said employees are doing fine, it is hard on the staff doing the evaluating. Councilman Westerhof would like this report updated to Council periodically. City Manager John Pitstick said he would keep Council informed . Mayor Trimble said the strategic plan is very a difficult thing to get started, but it is very good . The City Manager and I have been talking about this for sometime and discussing a five (5) year plan. Mayor Trimble also complimented the staff for the work done on this. APPROVAL OF REAPPOINTMENT OF MR. RAYMOND COOPER TO THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Mr. Cooper has represented the City of Wylie on this board for the past two years . Mayor Trimble thanked Mr . Cooper for giving his time to the City. It is important to give Mr . Cooper support and North Texas Municipal Water District our support . Mayor Trimble stated he was the one that requested this be put on the agenda and therefore, made a motion to reappointment Mr . Raymond Cooper as the representative for Wylie to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors for another two year term. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. Councilman Akin said he was going to ask who put this on the agenda, but now I know. This has been done in the past after the election, why are we doing it now. Councilman Crane said this looks as if we do not trust the people coming in and maybe this should not be done. Mayor Trimble said that was not what he intended. Mayor said he just wanted to give North Texas Municipal Water District and Mr . Cooper the support from the City. Councilman Akin also said that Wylie has over 5 ,000 residents and we are working one short on the board. Councilman Crane said he would rather table this item. Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the above motion and second to reappoint Mr . Cooper to the NTMWD Board of Directors. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - against, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, and Councilman Crane - against . This motion carried with four (4) in favor and two (2) against . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $400 ,000 CITY OF WYLIE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS IN ALL MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATED THERETO: City Manager John Pitstick stated that there has been a lot of talk about the Bomag and what it does. A few years ago the City purchased six (6) pieces of equipment. This contract was for 84 months and the City has paid 32 months of it . The main question is can we get out of the contract. The City Attorney, Robert Dillard, has said no, if we get out we cannot contract for any equipment or street work without placing the City in a position of a possible law suit. Councilman Akin stated that the City Attorney looked at this agreement prior to Council approving it . Councilman Westerhof stated that if we would relinquish the equipment back to the people, in two or three months we decide to do some streets and we contract out, the people could sue us. Mr. Dillard said yes , also you cannot unfund something you have already funded for the year . The Council has created a debt by approving the budget, so you cannot get out of this in this budget year . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know if there wasn' t a clause about giving a thirty (30) or sixty (60) day written notice to terminate from either party to end that contract. Mr . Dillard said if it is there, it would have to be done at the end of a fiscal year . Mr. Dillard said the first option of getting out of this contract would be Oct . 1 , 1988 if you do not fund this in the 88/89 budget. However , there are still all those little terms in there, and you could not lease or contract any type work that would be done with this type of equipment. Mayor Trimble asked Mr. Dillard if he had looked back to see why his firm said this was a good agreement. Mr. Dillard said no, but he could, except this is a standard agreement and he would recommend it be used. Councilman Westerhof said if we refinance, pay the equipment off , then we could do what we want with the equipment. Mr . Dillard said yes, you can keep it or sell it, whatever you want to do. Councilman DiTota said on the initial contract were there any clauses written in by the City of Wylie or your law firm on our behalf . Mr . Dillard said no sir , this is a standard agreement. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there were any cases of other cities, when they city says come and get the equipment . Mr . Dillard said yes , but did not know the out come. City Manager John Pitstick said we have enough law suits right now, and staff would recommend the contractual obligation - refinancing equipment. On the current note the rate of interest is 16% and if we buy out the six pieces and refinance, plus purchase a motor grader and backhoe and sewer truck with an amount of $400 ,000 . the interest would be 6 1/4% . By refinancing the City will be getting a lower rate of interest and have an actual savings of $10 ,000 or greater with interest savings of approximately $20 ,000 . Mr. David Medanich of First Southwest Investments stated that the Council is not refinancing , but buying out their equipment. Take the payments out of M & 0 and put it into debt service which also helps your tax rate. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there was any other benefits beside lower interest rates. Mr . Medanich said take expenses out of M & 0 and put it into debt service, have ownership of property. Councilman Akin waned to know what the buy out figure was. City Manager John Pitstick said $274 ,133 . 29 was the buy out amount. Council would borrow $275 ,000 . for buy out plus 125 ,000 . for additional equipment and issuance and legal costs. This would be divided up with 80% coming from General Fund and 20% coming from Utility Fund . City Manager John Pitstick said staff is recommending this whether we do any streets. This allows us to save money and to own the equipment out right . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan stated she likes the savings of interest and owning the equipment, the problem is the purchase of a backhoe and motorgrader when citizens have told us to do with what we have. I do not like buying equipment when we have had to lay off our Librarian and others . City Manager John Pitstick said the motorgrader has to be used and we have to lease one now when we need it . We do lease one a lot. Our backhoes are in bad shape and the backhoe is needed. Mayor Trimble stated that we are renting the motorgrader . Councilman Akin said he understands Mayor Pro Tem Donovan but we need to go ahead, make up our minds. The questionnaire said to do the streets . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said how can you borrow money when citizens said work with $ .50 . Councilman Akin said we are not going to do anything until the people let us know what they want us to do. The rollback happened because we left the people out . I think we cannot leave the people out , we have to move or not move. We have to move forward on this. Councilman Crane said he did not feel like this move in any way would be contrary to the decision of the people in the rollback. If it appeared to be I would be against it, in fact this seems to be in favor of the poll that we took. Councilman DiTota said one of the biggest deficits we have carried forward is the contract of sewer pumping services. We need a backhoe and I do not want to have to pay contract rate for that. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $400 ,000 City of Wylie Contractual Obligations in all matters incident and related thereto (equipment refinancing) . Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - against, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor and Councilman Crane - in favor . This motion carried with five (5) in favor and one (1) against . APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING/AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A "PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT" IN RELATION TO THE "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PUBLIC PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS SERIES, 1988 AND RESOLVING OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATED THERETO: Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the resolution approving/authorizing the execution of a "Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement" . Seconded by Councilman Ditota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - against, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, and Councilman Crane - in favor . This motion carried with five (5) in favor and one (1 ) against. APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PLUMBING CODE TO COMPLY WITH THE WATER CONSERVATION PLAN AS REQUIRED BY TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD: City Manager John Pitstick said the changes in the plumbing code have come about from the Texas Water Development Board. It is necessary for the City to provide a water conservation program and in order to do that the following changes have to be adopted into our plumbing code ordinance: 1 . Tank-type toilets - no more than 3 .5 gallons per flush 2 . Flush valve toilets - no more than 3 .0 gallons per flush 3 . Tank-type urinals - no more than 3 .0 gallons per flush 4 . Shower heads - no more than 3 .0 gallons per minute 5 . Lavatory and kitchen faucets - no more than 2 .75 gallons per minute 6 . All hot water lines - insulated 7 . Swimming pools - new pools must have recirculating filtration equipment Staff recommends approval of the above as the changes have come from the Texas Water Development Board. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the ordinance amending the plumbing code to comply with the Water Conservation Plan as required by Texas Water Development Board. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there were any other changes since the first time Council reviewed these. City Manager John Pitstick said no. The motion made by Councilman Akin was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, and Councilman Crane - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN AS REQUIRED BY TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD: Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the ordinance adopting the Drought Contingency Plan as required by Texas Water Development Board. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor and Councilman Crane - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Jayne Chapman 311 Woodhollow Court, in item number 4 , I was surprised that it is passed two months in advance. I do not understand why the Council did something that was not their job, can you explain it to me. Mayor Trimble said he would explain it to her after the meeting . Mrs. Chapman said it was a funny situation to her that this person is a financial supporter of someone who is running for re-election at this time. I do not know the importance to another person, perhaps maybe even an employer of somebody else that is running for re-election, maybe that is the answer . Mr . Ronnie Bentley 501 Stoneybrook, are workshops open to the public, if so why do you close the door . City Manager John Pitstick said yes, and he apologized for the door being closed, they are posted and the door should be open. Mr . Bentley said on the machinery, you have two backhoes, are you going to replace them. City Manager John Pitstick said we are going to retire one. Mr . Bentley wanted to know if the staff was looking for used equipment or do you have new bids for them. City Manager John Pitstick said we are going out for bids, there is enough money in there for them. Some of the equipment we are seeking is used and some is new. But all of the equipment will have to have bids on them and be brought back to Council for approval . COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin stated that some of our parks are being neglected . Some of the tables need repairs done to them in the Kirby Park , it would not take but a little wielding to fix them up. Maybe we could approach the Lions Club, to see if they would take over Kirby Park during the summer . They have done this in the past. Councilman Akin also stated that March 22 and April 12 is the public hearing dates for the street program, and also borrowing money for certificates of obligation and what have we done to advise the citizens of these public hearings. City 7 Manager John Pitstick said we are working on a 1/2 page ad for the newspaper for these hearings . Councilman Akin said he felt this was very important to all of us to get the endorsement from the people we serve. I have said this before, we have done this and have been very successful , but when we cut the people out we have run into trouble. I hope we watch this program very closely. Councilman Westerhof stated that the City Manager said in a work session that he was talking with several business about discharging in the Wastewater Treatment Plant, are we doing any monitoring. City Manager John Pitstick said yes , and we have to report to Texas Water Commission Board. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if John Morgan on the Park Board was able to get a place for the circus. City Manager John Pitstick said yes . Councilman DiTota also wanted to know if anything had been done about the trash ordinance that was passed in informing the public. Can this go out with the water bills. Also Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there was a curfew for kids under certain age. City Manager John Pitstick said if there was no ordinance it would be better to have a policy. Councilman Akin said that there was an ordinance passed several years ago, but that you have to be careful with the juveniles . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said the Mayor of Lucas and herself have put together a meeting on March 19th in the Council Chambers with several other cities to discuss the ambulance service and animal control . Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into executive session at 8 :25 P . M.under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters , performance review of City Manager . Mayor Trimble reconvened the open meeting at 9 : 10 P . M. and stated there was no business to take care of from the executive session. Motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary if PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES MARCH 7, 1988 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, March 7 , 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner and time required by law. Those present were Brian Chaney, Chairman, Board Members Ben Scholz , R. P . Miller , Bob Skipwith, Bart Peddicord, Cecilia Wood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires . Mr . Marty Stovall was absent. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 1st meeting were submitted for approval . There being no corrections or additions , Mr . Peddicord made a motion to approve as submitted . Seconded by Mr . Skipwith. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION: Code Enforcement Office Roy Faires stated that Engineering and Planning had reviewed these plans. Everything seems to be in order except for the two lots at the entrance of the subdivision. These lots have easements on them and can not be built on, therefore should not show on the plat as lots. Mr. Tobin, representative for the owners, stated that they knew these lots could not be built on. Mr . Faires said that once the preliminary plat is approved, it has to remain the same for the final plat. Therefore these easements will have to stay on these lots. Mr . Tobin asked the board to let him take the plans back to his engineers and explain this to them and come back to your next meeting. Mr . Faires stated that you could not make this type of variance from the preliminary to final plat . The easements have to be marked on the preliminary the same as on the final . Chairman Chaney said the best thing to do is to table this item until the easements and lots are correctly shown on the plat . Motion was made by Mr . Peddicord to table until all corrections are made. Seconded by Mr . Skipwith. This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE RE-ZONING OF LOT 1C, BLOCK 9 RAILROAD ADDITION: Code Enforcement Office Roy Faires stated this property is located around Second St . and Jefferson St . behind the Nursing Home. Mr. Faires also stated that this property was re-zoned in 1984 from Retail to Industrial at the property owners request . The owner at that time made a presentation to Planning and Zoning and to City Council and was granted his re-zoning, but it was zoned on what was told these boards and not with the understanding of what could happen with this type zoning. Mr . Faires said a present council member has come to my office and wants to know what can be done about all the equipment being parked there. Mr . Faires said that zoning could be done at the request of the property owner or initiated by Planning and Zoning or City Council . There was a lot of discussion from the Board on how the Industrial Zoning on this property has down graded the looks of the City at this intersection of Highway 78 . Chairman Brian Chaney wanted to know if the City Attorney had said anything about this or what could come from a re-zoning at this time. Mr . Faires said he said to go ahead , the City has the right to zone property. Mrs . Wood said that Planning and Zoning would re-zone this property back to Retail to conform with the surrounding zoning. It was the consensus of the board to begin re- zoning process on this property. There being no other business , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /0 PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING - MINUTES MARCH 3, 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, March 3 , 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman John Morgan, Board Members John Smyder, Ron Ferguson, Willie Benitez, D. F. Whitlow, Peggy Sewell , City Manager John Pitstick , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Superintendent Don White. Ms. Joanie Zeeb was absent. Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes for the February llth meeting were submitted for approval . There being no corrections or additions , a motion was made by Mr . Smyder to approve as submitted. Seconded by Mr . Whitlow. This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS LIST OF PRIORITIES FOR THE PARKS: Chairman Morgan stated at the last meeting the board was asked to come back with a list of priorities for the parks. Chairman Morgan asked for the board members input . some of the things were as follows : to have a soccer complex , to up grade existing park the best we could with this years budget, to put the sprinkler system in operating order , organize the volunteers for beautification program, get volunteers to work with a senior citizens program in the Community Room, and expand present facilities. City Manager John Pitstick said the volunteers are wanting to work but we have to have plans in order to have things done right. Our problem right now is getting a coordinator for the volunteer programs for the library and park. Staff is trying to kick off a clean up campaign in April . At this time it is set for the third week of April with a big work day scheduled for Saturday of that week. City Manager John Pitstick said we need to set up priorities such as fertilizing the park, or whatever , also Mr . White has some repairs the City is going to try to get done which he will talk about later . Chairman Morgan said since there were no volunteers at the meeting, item three would be pulled. Chairman Morgan asked staff to set up a Saturday morning workshop with the volunteers. Mrs . Sewell stated the wilderness area in the entrance of the lake would be a good place for volunteers to do some work. Mr . Benitez wanted to know if the volunteers worked under the City staff . City Manager John Pitstick said there is a lot of interest from volunteers, but there is a need for a coordinator . Volunteers need to let the coordinator know how many hours and on what days they can work. Mr . Benitez wanted to know if the coordinator could be one of the staff. Mr . Smyder said maybe it should be the engineer, since there was a lot of design work to be done. City Manager John Pitstick said there was no problem with getting the design work done and the equipment out at the area when needed . Chairman John Morgan requested a workshop on Saturday, March 19th at 9:00 A.M. to consider the priority list and schedules for volunteers. DISCUSS WITH WSA PROPOSED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND WSA: WSA President Bob Evans was present and wanted to clarify some of the items in the agreement. Who does the scheduling of the pavilion and was WSA responsible for all sports complex scheduling. City Manager John Pitstick said the sports scheduling was done by WSA, and the citizens should contact Mr . Don White for the pavilion in the park. Mr. Smyder wanted to know if staff had found out about the insurance. City Manager John Pitstick said he would have to check on it . Mrs . Sewell wanted to know if there could be less deductible and more insurance. Mr . Evans stated that in the agreement, WSA wanted it stated to be billed monthly on the electric bills. Mr . Evans also requested help in getting a copy of the tax exempt number or acquiring a new one. Several years ago, the treasurer left and did not return all the papers and today says they are lost. Mr . Evans stated on the agreement where it says WSA is responsible for supplies to add " in sports complex" . Mr. Evans also requested that the board not take action on this until he could take this agreement before WSA and get their input . APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND WSA: Chairman John Morgan stated this item would not have action until such time WSA could present this agreement at their next meeting. SMALL REPAIR JOBS AT PARK: Mr. Don White, Public Works Superintendent, listed the following as jobs he would try to complete soon: 1 . Electrical short - where is it and could someone meet with him and the electrician at night to check this and the lights out. 2 . Tuesday, 3-8-88 has been set up for repairs and resetting of the handicap signs - repair the water fountains and install fence around the fountains . 3 . Motorgrader to clear southeast corner - this will help the drainage 4 . Security locks, scheduled to go with a lock smith and see what kind of locks are needed 5 . New Commode - Mr . White said he has asked several people to look at this but no one has given him an estimate on replacing it . 6 . Water leak - sprinkler system - Mr. Starnes said he fixed the leak at the time he repaired the sprinkler system. There is also a water leak between the library and parking lot that needs to be fixed. 7 . Akin building - do the outside lights work. Chairman Morgan said if you can keep the bulbs in. Mr . Evans wanted to know if there could be some security lights put on this building. /0L' 8 . Move the pile of dirt at the back side of the park Mr . White said his crews would begin work on these projects as soon as possible. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CITIZENS WISHING TO WORK AS VOLUNTEERS IN THE PARK: Chairman John Morgan stated this item would be pulled since this group was not present. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Benitez wanted to know if WSA said they had postpone the making of two fields and the lights for them. Mr . Evans said WSA is going ahead with the fields, but not the lights . There being no other business or discussion, a motion was made by Mrs . Sewell to adjourn, with all in favor . John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /3 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 3-17-88 APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS As Council requested, an ad ran in the Wylie News for citizens interested in serving on the various boards of the City to complete and return to my office. This ad ran for three weeks . Staff received only a few responses from citizens wishing to serve of the various boards . Enclosed you will find two names and one application from interested persons. I hope to have the applications from the other two by the time of our meeting. At this time we have only one vacancy and that is on the Zoning Board of Adjustments . This is to replace Mr . James Griffin who resigned in January, 1988 . Mr . Griffin' s term would have been up in July, 1988 . The person who is appointed will serve until July, 1988 and at that time may or may not be reappointed for a second term. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary APPLICATION FOR VOLUNTEERS TO SERVE ON VARIOUS BOARDS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE NAME:Ms ./Mrs./Mr . (please print) Last First Middle /� � Q Address: /2 C7i�/'� � ,�- ��J��e %/� 7) �/ City State Zip Telephone Home,41 ' (3/4=3 Work / - Age 20 - 35 36+ /- 60+ Special skills/qualifications 4fis7 /(M[,G'// v Zel( e . Hobbies and special interests L ( n 77 1 ; � ,,/ ))/)* Which of the following boards would you be interested in: Planning & Zoning L Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Trade Board Library Board Parks & Recreation Board re' ( ' nature) D to / V TUE =CITY QFWYE z CITY OF --. - �tTY�,IF p IS LOOKING FOkA ,. .LOOKING FOR FE"Sir GOOD PEOPLE �� - OPLE E. HF . TO SERVE ON THE _h IAti oto. ,' FOLI O tTING BOARDS 2. AL . . _ •LIi► ARDS ? PLANNING AND ZONING LA NNING AND ZONING BONING BOARD ZONING BOARD OF OF ADJUSTMENTS 'DJUSTMENTS CONSTRUCTION TRADES CONSTRUCTION TRA DES BOARD 3OARD , LIBRARY BOARD e IBRARY BOARD • 'ARKS & RECREATION - PARKS & RECREATION ►OARD BOARD fou are interested in sera- i If you are interested in seru- ing on 'any of these boards, on any of, these ' boards, � please fillout this cou Q ' zse fill out this coupon p!. mail to; and mail to; Carolyn rolyn Jones, City Secret Jones, City Secretary ty of Wylie City of e P.O. Box 3. Box 428 - Wylie, Teg� ynlie, Texas 75098 3' as 75098 r Name cl Miirco5 reOtotki60.1 �a Q��, ` C�� Address t?S ii ;s K Bf�D Phone 44i- '15 7 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council _ _ DATE: SUBJECT: NO:02i 3-17-88 CITY AUCTION CITY AUCTION PLACE - OLD CITY POLICE BUILDING PARKING LOT (DOWNTOWN) DATE & TIME: April 16, 1988 - 2: 30 P.M. AUCTIONEER Rene Bates & Associates McKinney, Texas The attached list is city equipment unclaimed and seized items that will be available for public sale. The Council needs to declare the items on list 1 as "Surplus Property" and the items on list 2 as "Unclaimed and Abandoned Property" . Before the sale of the items on either lists, our attorney advises us , a reasonable market value or salvage value be established —by the Finance Department so as a minimum price may be established. This would protect the City from any claim and liability that it was sold for less than any reasonable market value. Before the auction a reasonable market or salvage value will be assigned to each item. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL James Johnson, Finance Director FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: James Johnson, Finance Director ,. LZ ICJ 1 82 CHEV. IMPALA 2G 1 AL69H4C 1 1960 78 5. 7L 4BBL 84 CHEV. IMPALA 2G1AL696XE9185220 5. 7L 4BBL 84 CHEV. IMPALA 2G1ALS964E9185164 5. 7L 4BBL 84 CHEV. C10 1GCGC14H8EJ140745 5. OL 72 CHEV. C 10 1 CCC5142F 122087 5. 7L 80 CHEV. C20 1 GCGC24M9BS 1 D='488 5. 7L 4BBL 81 CHEV. IMPALA 1G1AL69H8B5197571 :50 V8 74 CHEV. 1 TON F'!U CCY7445107172 50 V8 JOHN DEEERE S-90 M00592X720697 79 CHEV. 2TON DUMP C 16DA9V 1 07459 :50 V8 INT. 208A FLOADER DB7001 VU00690 GALION MOTER GRADER 104H-GC-06758 CG11 ROLLER 11G626Z 10 HF 1 RIGHT DESK: RETURN 1 LEFT DESK RETURN 5 HOLLOW CORE DOORS 7-0 SIZE 1 DESK (NO LEGS) 1 CAR JACK YELLOW FLOOR TYPE 50 RAILROAD TIES • 6 TRUCK: TIRES 1 HEADACHE RACK: 15 SHEETS OF CUR T I N SCRAP LUMBER (ASSORTMENT) F'OW". ?y HITCH AUGER 1 - 8 H. F . CONCRETE t•11 ,EF: 1 - VIBF:O - PLUS ROLLER 1 H. F. FIOTUR LEE BOY FULL BEHIND LAY DOWN r1i- CHINE 1 — 8 ;: 10 PORTABLE BUILDING 125 SINDER BLOCK 10 BAILS HAY 1 - FUMP 1 - IWTEC BAD: HOE BUCKET 1 - FORD TRUCK. BED 4 - LOCKER STAND-UF TYPE 1 - CONTROL c ANEL 2 - PUMP'S FITTINGS (BLUE: 4 ;: 6 FIBER GLaSS BREAF: DOWN SHED /8 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY J 1-RCA 19 INCH COLOR TV 1-ELECTROBRAND AM-FM,CASSETTE,8 TRACK PLAYER I-HONDA 100 MOTORCYCLE DIRT BIKE 1-BLACK MOTORCYCLE FRAME ONLY 1-EMERSON AM-FM,DUAL CASSETTE,P}IONOGRAPH,STEREO 2-EMERSON GRAY/BLACK SPEAKERS 1-SANYO TAS 3000 REMOTE PHONE ANSWERING SYSTEM 1-7 CHANNEL AUTO TYPE GRAPHIC EQUALIZER I-ROYAL "ACADEMY" ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER IN BLACK CASE 1-UNIVOX ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR 1-PAGE ALERT REMOTE PAGING ALARM SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE 1-SCHWINN "VARSITY" GIRLS 10 SPEED BIKE 1-MURRAY 24"BIKE 1-WHITE 24"GIRLS BIKE 1-UNKNOWN MAKE 24"GIRLS BIKE 1-SEARS 10 SPEED MENS BIKE 1-HUFFY 28"GIRLS BIKE 1-PENNEYS 28"10 SPEED GIRLS BIKE Mi=7H6 DESK /- /S gu,c.r(t q �391� //o ( 9) - /97G �iQa�.vc ,6ty, Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO2 3-16-88 CONTRACT OUT - JANITORIAL SERVICES BID NO. 88-08 JANITORIAL SERVICES CONTRACT TERM: APRIL 1, 1988 - MARCH 31, 1989 Number of Bids received Eleven (11 ) Lowest to Highest in order of $ Amount 1 . Complete Maintenance Richardson, Texas $14, 848.80 2 . Executive Maid Carrollton, Texas $20,328 .00 3 . Poston & Associates Plano, Texas $21 ,600 .00 4 . Squeaky Clean Allen, Texas $29 ,499.84 5 . A & A Building Maintenance McKinney, Texas $29 ,697 . 60 6 . Richardson Contracting Wylie, Texas $31 ,584 .00 7 . Dependable Building Services Garland, Texas $37, 248.90 Alternative Bid $29,588 .90 8 . Harris Building & Office Maintenance Richardson, Texas $42,000.00 9. Eagle Maintenance Piano, Texas $45,288 .00 Alternative Bid $38,592 .00 ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL James Johnson, Finance Director FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: James Johnson, Finance Director La DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 7 PAGE -� 2 OF .� 3-16-88 CONTRACT OUT - JANITORIAL SERVICES 10 . Thompson Professional Services Richardson, Texas $50,940 .00 11 . Consolidated Maid Garland, Texas $60,000 .00 I have no real explanation for the wide range as we held a pre-bid conference and walk-thru of all the city facilities for this bid (Municipal Complex , Community Room, Library and Public Works facility) over a week prior to the bid opening . Many questions were answered. However , most of the firms bidding had not ever done work for a municipality or governmental agency before and some seemed unfamiliar with the bidding process. One Vendor, the low bid of $14,848.80 - Complete Maintenance of Richardson, Texas was disqualified as they did not bid all the buildings per specifications (left off PW building and after bid opening stated it was a typo error) , that may be but bid form was not complete as to total price for all buildings. Recommendation: Executive Maid , Carrollton, Texas Annually $20,328 .00 or $1 ,694.00 monthly Executive Maid currently has the cities of Coppell , Carrollton and Addison under contract . References from each of these as to their performance was good. Estimated Costs if work performed in house: (A) 1 custodian $12 ,750.00 Social Security 1 ,350.00 Insurance (Health, Wk. Comp. & unemploy Comp) 1 ,670.00 (last years rate) $15,770 .00 DATE: = SUBJECT: NO:3 PAGE 3-16-88 CONTRACT OUT - JANITORIAL SERVICES 3 OF 3 (B) Vehicle cost 0 & M Insurance & Gasoline $ 1 , 303 . 50 (to go to various buildings based on last years costs) (C) Cleaning Supplies, Chemicals, waxes, light bulbs, mops, brooms, toilet paper, soaps, paper towels (last yrs . costs) $ 2 ,266 .75 (D) Equipment needed Buffer & Pads (capital costs) $ 825.00 $20 ,165 .25 Given that I do not believe one (1) custodian could handle the increased square footage requirements: current sq. footage used all facilities 33,335 sq. ft . Last years sq. footage ( including old City Hall buildings and others) 13,585 sq. ft . Probably take two (2) custodians and increased supplies and light fixture replacements for approximately 20 ,000 additional sq. footage under use. Contract calls for provider to furnish all restroom supplies, light bulbs, cleaning supplies, etc. Staff recommends Executive Maid Carrollton, Tx. $20 ,328 .00 Fund budgeted under Janitorial Service (all departments) 62 et i7 0 CITY OF WYLIE 2001 'IwY -8N—Po.SOX 428 "VYUE, TEXAS 75098 PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID The City of Wylie, Wylie, Texas is accepting bid proposal for Janitorial Services and Maintenance Contract for the Municipal Complex, Rita & Truett Smith Library, Community Room, and the Public Works Offices. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Wylie, Finance Department, Purchasing Agent, 2000 Hwy 78 N. , P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75098 until 2:30 P.M. , March 1, 1988. At said time and place and promptly thereafter all bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The City reserves the right to reject all bids, waive informalities, and to reject nonconforming, nonresponsive, or conditional bids. Specifi- cations and requirements are available at City Hall, 2000 Hwy 78 N. , Wylie, Texas 75098 or can be forwarded to interested bidders, (214) 442-2236. #88-08 073 GENERAL CO1101 'I t0!S Of COOING READ CAREFULLY 1. INSTRUCTIONS: These instructions apply to all quotations and become a part of terms and conditions of any bid submitted unless bidder takes exception in writing when submitting quotations . 2. FORM: Quotations must be submitted on this fora only, in duplicate, unless otherwise stated . 3 . BID RETURNS: Each bid must be sealed in a separate envelope, addressed to the Purchasing Agent , City of Wylie, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75898. 4 . LATE BIDS: Bids must be in the Finance Department ' s office prior to the closing date and tine. No late bids rill be accepted. 5. ACCEPTANCE: The right is reserved to accept or reject all or part of the Quotation, and to accept the offer considered most advangeous to the City by item or total bid. 6. ERROR-QUANTITY : Bids must be submitted on units of quantity specified - extend and show total . In the event of discrepancies in extension, the unit prices shall govern. Any suggestions as to quantity to secure a better price are welcome. 7 . F.O.B. - DAMAGE: Quotations shall be bid F.O.B. Delivered, City Hall, 2001 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 and shall include all delivery and packaging costs. The City of Wylie assumes no liability for goods delivered in damaged or unacceptable condition. The successful bidder shall handle all claims with carriers, and in case of damaged goods, shall ship replacement goods immediately upon notification by the City of damage. 8. FIRM PRICES: Bid prices must be firm for a minimum of 90 days from date of bid closing. In the case of Annual Contract Request for Quotations, the prices must remain firm for the period as specified on the bid. "Discount from List' bids are not acceptable unless specifically requested. 9. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Bids MUST show full firm name and address of bidder, and be manually signed. Failure to .io so wla ; i : squalIf f bid . Person s : Ininq bid sust slow titre or AuTHORi ?Y TO 3 ,!0 :i . S p :am IN A CCWTRACT . Firm name and authorized signature should appear o0 each page of a bid consisting of sore that one sheet . 10. WITHDRAWAL - ALTERATION OF BIDS: Bids CANNOT be altered or amended after bid closing. Alterations made before bid closing must initiated by bidder guaranteeing authenticity. No bid may be withdrawn after bid closing without acceptable reason in writing and with the approval of the Director of Finance. 11 . INVOICES: Invoices must be submitted by the successful bidder in duplicate to the City of Wylie, Finance Department, P.O. Box 428, Wylie, Texas 75898. Successful bidder will bill by fund and department and give detailed list of charges by department when invoicing the City in accordance with City requirements. 12 . CASH DISCOUNTS: Normal payment terms are Net 30. Any discounts available to the City for early payment should be noted. Discounts may be considered in determining low bid. 13. TAXES: The City of Wylie is exempt from Federal Manufacturer' s ' Excise, and State- Sales Taxes. TAX MUST NOT-BE INCLUDED IN BID. Tax exemption certificates will be executed by the City and furnished upon request . 14 . SPECIFICATIONS - SAMPLES: Any catalogue, brand name, or manufacturer' s reference in the Request for Quotation is descriptive and NOT restrictive, and is used to indicate type and quality level desired for alternates if unable to bid on items listed. Bid on brands of like nature and quality may be considered unless specifically excluded. If bidding on other than reference or specifications, bid must show manufacturer brand, trade name, catalog and/or lot number, etc. , on article offered, and certify article offered is equivalent to specifications. If other than specified brands of items are offered, specifications, illustrations and complete descriptive literature must be submitted with bid unless previously filed with the Finance Director. Samples, if required shall be furnished free of expense to the City and if not used or destroyed in examination and testing will be returned to the bidder, if requested, at the bidder's expense. Each sample must be marked with bidder' s name and address and Bid Number reference. SAMPLES SHOULD NOT BE ENCLOSED WITH BID. i2PJI If. :ccr : :E - "E't.Lr :Es: 2uotat : c* s 4UST sho.. t.ne ,cancer :+ :a : er: ir >atis ,e.1uire7 tJ •.he cater ' ii s in t_ne ocssessi 3n o* the, city. DID 'SOT ucte sl• i y;pi "1y dates. Failure to specify delivery item .ill obligati Bidder to CCMFLETE delivery in TWO ( ) *meks. A aini su m of fly, days better delivery promise will automatically break a tie bid. Unrealistically short or undue long delivery promises may :ausF the hid to De disregarded. Consistent failure of a Bi .'der to meet his delivery promises without valid reason :nav cause removal from the bid List. When delivery delay can be foreseen, the bidder shall give prior notice to the Finance Director, who shall have the right to extend the delivery date if reasons for delay appear acceptable. The bidder must keep the cinance Director advised at all times as to the Status of the order . Default in promised Lei i .erv. without acceptable reasons. or failure to meet specifications. authorizes the Finance Director to purchase the goods elsewhere. and charge any increase in test and handling to the defaulting bidder. Every effort will be made by the Finance Department to locate the gcods at the same or better price as that originally contracted. 16. PACKAGING: Unless otherwise indicated. items will be new unused and—in first class condition in containers suitable for damage-free shipment and storage. 17. DELIVERY TIMES: Deliveries will be acceptable only during normal working hours, ie; 8:o0 A. M. to 5:00 P.M. , Monday through Friday, at the designated City Municipal Facilities. 18. TIE BIDS: Consistent and continued tie bidding on any commodity could be caused for rejection of all bids by the Finance Director and/or investigation by the Attorney-General to determine possible Anti-Trust violations. 19. PATENT RIGHTS: The vendor agrees to protect the City from any claim involving patent right infringement or copyrights on goods supplied. 20. NO BID: Quotation forms must be returned at once if bidder is unable to quote. 21. BID EVALUATION: All bids are evaluated for compliance with specifications before the bid price is considered. Response to specification is primary in determining the best, low bid. BID FORM BID NO. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER FOR YOUR 9iD 70 BE CONSIDERED. 1 . Article IX Section 5 Personal Financial Interest of the City Charter states in part that "no officer of employee of the City shall have a financial interest , direct or indirect. in any contract with the city, nor shall be financially interested. directly or indirectly, in the sale to the city of any land. materials, supol i es or service. ' _. Is the bidder or any person having a direct or indirect financial interest in the bidder, an officer or employee of the City^ If ves, blease identify the person or persons and the exact nature of the interest . 3. Is the bidder or any officer or manager of the bidder related tc a Manager of any City department, any employee of the City Purchasing Department, City Manager, or any member of the City Council? If yes. please identify the relationship between the bidder and the City. Signature Title Company Name Address 8 I D FORM BID NO. I NFCFMA T;CN 1UcT 21E V r OED •nvg• g I^ Tr &E CZN :DEED. House Bill 620 Municipal Contracts: Non-resident Bidders. New law of the State of Te::as 69th Legislative Regular Session prohibits cities and other governmental units fr-pm awarding contracts to a non-resident bidder unless the amount of such bid is lower than the lowest bid by the Te :as resident by the amount the Texas resident would be required to underbid in the non-resident bidders state. In order to make this determination, please answer the following questions: 1 . Give the address and pnone number of your principal place of business. C. Give the name, address of principal place of business and phone number of your company' s majority owner. Give the name address of principal place of business and phone number of your company's ultimate parent company. s. I .n ars/ of ,.cur answers to numoer 1 . :. or the answer Indicated a principal place of business other than within the State of Texas, you are required to provide a copy of all relevant laws applicable to non-resident bidders in the other jurisdiction. =allure to suocl " thts information may -=5ult in the -e j ction di cur old. Signature Title Company Name & Address SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS JANITORIAL SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT CONTRACTOR WILL FURNISH: 1 . All restroom supplies - toilet paper , paper towels, sanitary products , soaps for dispensers, deodorants , disinfectants , cleaners, and so forth. 2. Trash can liners for various sized trash cans . 3 . All light bulbs for various sized light fixtures . 4 . All cleaning supplies , waxes , polishes , mops , dust mops , brushes , buffers , vacuum cleaners and any other materials and equipment necessary for the proper cleaning and maintenance of the buildings . CONTRACTOR WILL: 1 . Dust all furniture, desks, window sills and counters daily, clean all windows ( interior and exterior) and mini blinds weekly, doors daily . 2 . Sweep and mop floors daily. 3 . Vacuum carpets daily. 4 . Empty all trash cans daily. 5 . Clean all restrooms daily, replace paper towels, toilet paper and soap as required . 6 . Buff all floors as required to maintain high gloss finish but at least once per week. 7 . Strip and rewax floors at least once annually. 8 . Carpet cleaning extractions in heavy traffic areas once per quarter , spot clean carpet daily. 9 . Shampoo carpets in Library and Municipal Complex at least once annually. 10. Sweep and/or clean sidewalks and entrances to buildings daily. 11 . Clean ashtrays daily, and replace sand as required in designated smoking areas . 12 . Clean and dust light fixture lenses and return air ducts once per month. FACILITIES TO BE MAINTAINED: 1 . Municipal Complex, 2000 Hwy 78 N. , Wylie , Texas 75098 . Approximately 24 ,000 square feet including jail . JO Speci ` icati3ns ?age 2 2 . Rita & Truett Smith Library and Community Room, 300 Thomas Street , Wylie, Texas 75098 . Approximately 7 ,475 square feet 3 . Public Works Building , 800 W. Kirby, Wylie, Texas 75098 . Approximately 1,860 square feet . A. Contract will begin on Apirl 1 , 1988 and terminate on March 31 , 1989. Contract can be cancelled by either party giving thirty ( 30) days notice on termination . B. Contractor will supply the names and drivers licenses of the employees who will be maintaining the facilities . C. Contractor/employees must be in company uniform while working in or around the facilities . D. Contractor must provide proof of workmans compensation insurance (standard coverage) . E. Contractor must provide proof of automobile insurance for vehicle dr4ven to and from the facilities (standard coverage) . F. Successful bidder will furnish proof of insurance of $100 ,000 security bond . G. Contractor will be paid monthly on/about the 15th of the month for previous month' s work. H. Contractor will state written price of annual contract : dl CITY OF' WYLIE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O-BOX 428 WYLIE.TEXAS 75098 ADDENDUM NO. 1 Date: February 25, 1988 Bid II: 88-08 Bid Opening: March 1, 1988 RE: Janitorial Contract Total tile in municipal buildings: (square feet) Municipal Complex -- 8305 Community Room -- 1860 Library -- 240 Security bond -- $25,000 Workmen's Compensation certificate providing standard coverage will be required. Liability Insurance will need to be furnished in the amounts of: $100,000-300,000-100,000 Successful vendor will be required to furnish at least three (3) references where work of similiar nature has been performed within past 18 months. If there are any questions, please call us at (214) 442-2236. Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 3-17-88 RESOLUTION AGREEMENT WITH NTMWD This resolution is brought forward as a change to the "Installment Sales Agreement" with North Texas Municipal Water District to build the Wastewater Collection System Improvements. As you recall , CH2M Hill were the consulting engineers on the Wastewater Treatment Plant and have done an excellent job. CH2M Hill is a national firm that had specific expertise necessary to design the plant. However , our Wastewater Collection Improvements do not require the specific expertise of a national engineering firm. It is the opinion of North Texas Municipal Water District staff and city staff that a local engineering firm could best serve our needs and meet necessary deadlines at minimal costs. Therefore, we are recommending approval of the proposed agreement to allow North Texas Municipal Water District to hire Shimek, Jacobs and Finklea as design engineers and proceed with the priority sewer lines as mandated from the Texas Water Commission. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager ‘.33 RESOLUTION NO. 88-3-22-88 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHANGE OF DESIGNATED ENGINEERING FIRMS TO SHIMEK, JACOBS, FIN[LEA, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, FOR PURPOSES OF PROVIDING ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SERVICES FOR ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE CITY OF WYLIE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PER NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND CITY OF WYLIE CONTRACT: WHEREAS, the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District entered into an agreement on the 14th of July, 1987, and WHEREAS, this contract known as the " Installment Sales Agreement" (agreement) pledges appropriate City of Wylie water and sewer and tax revenues for the retirement of any bonds issued by North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) for this project; and WHEREAS, this agreement calls for the NTMWD to purchase and contract for the City of Wylie certain sewage collection system improvements; and WHEREAS, this project was initially described in the engineering report dated May 27 , 1987 by CH2M Hill, Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas and approved by the Wylie City Council in an effort to satisfy Texas Water Commission requirements; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie will pay for all engineering , design and acquisition and construction expenses associated with the project (sewage collection system improvements) through appropriate revenue pledges; and WHEREAS, the agreement calls for an agreement by both parties (NTMWD and City) as to the consulting engineering firm to be used for this project; and WHEREAS, the agreement calls for NTMWD to oversee, administer and provide for inspection services for purposes of carrying out project activities; and WHEREAS, the NTMWD wishes to change engineering firms in accordance with Section 4 of the agreement from CH2M Hill of Dallas, Texas to Shimek, Jacobs and Finklea, Consulting Engineers, of Dallas, Texas and city staff concurs with this engineering firm change and recommends to City Council that they approve same; L NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; SECTION 1 The City of Wylie agrees to the consulting engineers change as provided in Section 4 of the North Texas Municipal Water District - City of Wylie Installment Sale Contract dated July 16 , 1987 from CH2M Hill , Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas to Shimek, Jacobs, & Finklea, Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas. SECTION 2 That this change is applicable only to the engineering services and design work for the wastewater (sewage) collection system improvements as provided for in the contract and does not affect CH2M Hill ' s continuing work on the design and engineering services provided on the upgrading/remodeling of the City' s Wastewater Treatment Plant. SECTION 3 That the firm of ShimeSECTION 3 That the firm of Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea be authorized to begin work on Phase I of the waste water collection system improvements as soon as the City of Wylie funding becomes available. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 22ND DAY OF MARCH, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary PUBLIC HEARING on 1988 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM - - All Citizens Are Invited Tuesday, March 22nd Tuesday, April 12th 7 : (3 P. M. Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 E . Hwy. 78 36 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NUJ-. 3-17-88 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WOODLAKE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION This is the final acceptance of the Woodlake Village Subdivision. All public improvements have been made and all inspections have been made. Enclosed is a schedule of the fees and when they were paid. All fees have been paid and staff recommends approval of this subdivision. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, Assist. City Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, Assist. City Engineer 3? MEMORANDUM DATE: March 11, 1988 TO: John Pitstick. City Manager FROM: Ron Homever. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval WOODLAKE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. ❑ Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Preliminary Plat to City Council ❑ Final Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Final Plat to City Council ❑ Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only ❑ Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : A summary of the associated fees and maintenance bonds is attached for your information. RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File J6, CITY OF WYLIE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION Project Name and Location �/11(r1�L _ V /LLA6 E '5 D Date Started: ._ Date Completed: >l uJ 1i) f`7SM Lab and Other Tests: Streets: Alleys: Water Lines: .27`'47—. 0 Sewer Lines: t-4 ZE.1 )-- —Manholes: -..1� ..__......._. Drainage: 72 Storm Sewer: ✓ Fees Paid: -AL Maintena.nce Bonds Filed: We the under sign recommend the acceptance of the project construction which has been done in accordance with the requirements of the City of Wylie. Subdivision Inspector Sign Date X414- ;r City Engineer am 3 ;"I-Qz Sign Date Accepted by City Council Date: 19 Final Inspection Prior to ( 1 ) year Date: 19 Signed: Remarks: Date of Notification 19 Person or Persons Notified <3 9 CITY OF WYLIE SUBDIVISION FEES SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT Woodlake Subdivision TYPE AMOUNT DATE RECEIVED RECEIVED BY PRELIMINARY ?I..AT $441.50 2/18/87 E.J. FINAL PLAT $593. 10 8/11/87 E.J. MSPECT ON $8,728. 15 8/20/87 E.J. LIFT STATION $27,849.80 11/17/87 R.H. STREFT S PERII`:ETER STREET $60,764.51 11/17/87 R.H. r;.AM iNiT. ;30I+�J Utilities MINT. BOND ( Paving ) PARK FEE N/A WYLIE PARTICIPATION SUMMARY TYPE DATE APPROVED DATE PAID AriOUNT N/A DEVELOPER Centennial Arapaho East Joint Vntre ENGiNEER PAWA Winkleman, Inc. Principal Baron Cook/Norm Olsen Proj. Mar. Fred Balster, P.E. Street 5720 L.B.J. Freeway, Suite 610 Street 12660 Coit Rd. , Suite 200 City, State, Zip Dallas, Texas 75240 City, State, ZipDallas, Texas 75251 Telephone ( 214 ) 458-9909 Telephone ; 214 ) 661-9406 ;K5) Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 3-17-88 ALIGNMENT OF SANDEN BLVD. (p The County' s Bond Program Administrator, Mr . Dennis Burn, and the Consulting Engineers for the project, Caffey/Morrison in a joint venture with Majorie and Assoc. , will be presenting to Council three proposed alignments along with cost estimates for Sanden Blvd. There will be tow (2) alignments which follow accepted maximum alignment restrictions for their locations with the other route intersecting with SH 78 ae-ross from the existing Alanis roadway. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 7 3-17-88 BUILDING SAFETY WEEK BUILDING SAFETY WEEK is an annual affair and a joint effort of all the model codes. They request that we get as much participation as possible. We feel that this will serve as good publicity for our department and the City. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer lwthtmatiim CITY OF WYLIE From the inception of this nation,it has been the responsibility of the states and their local governments to adopt legislation and enforce laws and ordinances whenever necessary to protect their citizen's health, welfare and safety. It has been a fundamental part of the democratic principles of this nation to involve all interested and gerected parties from both the public and private sectors in the formulation, adoption and to the fuikst extent possible, in the administration of such laws and ordinances. Among the most basic of the laws and ordinances which have been so derived are those acts which assure the public's health and safety in tie buildings in which people live, work and play. To assure such safety, City of Wylie enforces a building code which has been designed and is maintained with the assistance of the building industry and the consumers. It is through the untiring efforts of local building officials and their cooperative relationship with the construction industry that the administration of these health and life safety regulations is assured Nciv `4a r ll Chunk Trimble. Mayor of City of Wylie alp hawby deApmwe the week of April 10-16, 1988 as&dldirg Safety Week. I rage all citizens to use this week to visit their local building g departments and to better fanilwize themselves with the important safety information and services provided by these public servants Panne argot I have hereunto set my hand this 27nd day of March in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty, eight Chuck Trimble, Mayor InfoRmAL REpoRts i?e CITY OF WYLIE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE.TEXAS 75098 March 16, 1988 • Mr . Carl Riehn Executive Director North Texas Municipal Water District Drawer C Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Carl: During the Council meeting of March 8, 1988 the Council voted to reappoint Mr. Raymond Cooper as the City of Wylie representative on the Board of Directors for another two year term. Mr . Cooper ' s appointment will be up in June of this year . Thank you for all the help and cooperation you have given us these past few months . The City staff is looking forward to working with you, Mr . Cooper and the Board in the future. Sincerely, John Pitstick, City Manager JP:cj CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY COLLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE MCKINNEY. TEXAS 75069 214-548-4323 METRO 231-7170 March 16, 1988 Detective Ed Snead Wylie Police Department 112 Ballard St. Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Detective Snead: I am pleased to announce that through the generosity of the Plano Republican Women's Club we can offer you a scholarship to the Texas Homicide Symposium on May 10-13, 1988, at the Holiday Inn in Plano, Texas. We selected you as one of the recipients because of your continued commitment to law enforcement both in Wylie and throughout the North Texas area. We all share your department's concern in view of recent fiscal events in your city and hope that this token I will be interpreted as our support of your, efforts. Sincerelly, �� Siam 4k chul z First Assistant Crimin istrict Attorney WLS/kl cc: Mrs. Gwen Stewart I' i ►.0 SOX 130417 • CAPITOL STATION • AUSTIN.TEXAS VT MONTHLY EFFLUENT REPORT `.� r - 7 1lTl.2S, tire, Of /c \ � \ — `J is GE 1 OF 2 ►••• 110X 426 . 111E 'It T ERAS ` - %- L TS12,41 �` 't. pilik. . .. , ,, ,.; r. .. . , 40A 111QO410344 00101 SYS PERMIT NUMBER YEAR MO. THIS REPORT TO BE USED FOR TT ee1'� {SEE SACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS ANDO6 NR !NS TWC COPY EFFLUENT CONDITION NO FREQUENCY SAMPLE PARAMETER VALUE UNITS EX. OF ANALYSIS TYPE 0000 35342 REPORTED 31 0 01 01 OI SC11R6E PERMITTED DAY S III DAYS/MIN 11_NA , 01, NA 000045342 REPORTED _ 0 0 01 01 BYPASS PERMITTED OATS III - DAYS/WIN 0 O1 NA 01 NA 003101024 REPORTED 15.9 0 14 05 BOOS PERMITTED III OlT.A1i5. 20.00 M6/` 14,,11YEEX OS 3-PRT COMP 003101060 REPORTED 24.0 0 14 05 BOOS PERMITTED MS/L MX 24CNP 45,OQ I 144, 1LYEE1 OS 3-PR 1 COIL/ 003102024 REPORTED 114.7 0 14 0d • BOOS PERMITTED L8S10!T 11 OLY.AVS. _ 133.00 14_11YEE1>I_ as-4 3-PRT COMP 004006010 REPORTED 7 .4 0 1/11BEY 03 PH SW UNIT _ MAXIMUM PERMITTED 4.00 16 2/110KJM I PtL 3 1R1ILOAO 004006081 • 4 REPORTED 7.1 `w= .10 1/WREtr_ 03_ - MIN IR VIN PERMITTED ion, 14 2LROIXTlt - ' p'3k8RAAPILO&a 005 301024 REPORTED 34.8 I - - 1 - ;t TSS PERMITTED Milo , - �-s t�� y OLT•AINI• :�` nag - .- - 14 -1/mot'-"i Y:PlI1 COI! 005301060 44 0 1 0 _ - REPORTED `' a Oe �, � '. TSS _ Mi/L MX 24CMP PERMITTED 45.0 III14_ 11MEEL O5_1-P11T COMP I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE NAME SIGNATURE DATE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT AANNO 8El EFOSUUCH NFORRMAT ION 0IS TRUE JIIMIE HOPPER 8 18 0 12 2 13 kANO COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. TELEPHONE NO. PLANT OPERATOR PLANT OPERA YEAR MD. DAY 12 f. 4 14121514I015 JOHN PITSTICK _id1 818012213 AREA CODE NUMBER , EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE OFFICER _ YEAR MO. DAY iWC-0t23 . ►.O.90X t a CAIITOt STA TION • AL$T'N.'� m XAS 13! r SLY EFFLUEXT REPORT' l M*YLI[, CITY OF PAGE 2 OF 2 ' p.ls Mt 4211 YYE.T[, TETIII.t . , % 7so9S� _ .t,:: ,' . r . . t i* I Si: f 40* V60010384 00101 al a ai 1 i_" .I SYS PERJWT NUMBER YEAR Mo. THIS REPORT TO 8E USED FOR ?? SEE BACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND OD NRq3NS TWC COPY PARAMETER EFFLUENT CONDITION NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE VALUE UNITS EX. OF ANALYSIS TYPE 005 302024 REPORTED 267.8 III 14 OS T SS PERMITTED L8/06Y I T . A. • i PIM. 1 — , . S00497339 REPORTED 0 0 Oa 0] WV 9YPAS PERMITTED M6 IteiteMEM I 500507124 REPORTED 0.776 0 02 11 E I FLOW M60 PERMITTED 500307150 REPORTED ,e 1 I 1 1 _ 0.968 111111 0 02 11 11 FLOR N60 PERMITTED I III e I e MIIIIMI 1 t- 500611081 REPORTED 1.0 0 0E 03 CL2 RES MS/L PERMITTED MINIMUM I . PRIPIIIIIIII 990000001 ': • REPORTED 454-35-9283 0A r CERTIF = CA PERMITTED- • 990000002 REPORTED 8 rall1111 01 80AQE --t -V _ # PERMthfi'A'!._v -.'a}'. l- �_ Alt �r.� -.AS i~z r'.-�� i -.0 990000003 {'Rear- 880407 • . -. r 0Y _` _ RMaTEO -y ,- _ -- . _r h rot -. K }- _ .- - - 1. WTEQ '.' t- .,i s - PERM/TTEO INFORMATION CONTAINED INI THIS REPORT NAME SIGNATURE AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE GATE AND BELIEF SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE' .. .P A.• •)..�_ n " JIMMIE HOPPER —...e►iixi ,v 8 8 0 2 2 3 TELEPHONE NO. PLANT OPERATOR • •allall YEAR MO. DAY 2 4 p Q JOHN PITSTICK „Mk,144` �� 8 8 0 2 2 AREA CODE NUMBER EXECUTIVE OFFICER - EXECUTIVE OFFICER ,._ ,YEAR MO. 0! .�T1 . mat 6,_-,...1.4...1.4-:.t*s�-.xt -.Lr_` =a:-LL. ::.. t� t: -Y'4 r te` Informal Report to Mayor and City Council SUBJECT: - DATE: NO: REFUND CHECKS - TAX ROLLBACK 3-18-88 / This item was not included on the agenda for formal action as none is actually needed. This item is the remainder of the tax refund ( rollback checks) between the $.50 and $.59 rate. The first checks (total of 453) for a total refund of $20,894 .63 were sent out last month. The second set (2 ,630 checks) for a total refund of $149,968 .22 ($74 ,910.99 - Dec. , $69,445 .64 - Jan. and $5,611.59 - Feb. ) . A detailed printout of the refund by customer and month is included . Total refunds to date is nearly $171 ,000 .00 . This is below the amount expected as current tax collections are only in the 80% bracket (before refunds) . The average refund check for December, January, and February was $57 .03 . The average refund check for the rollback was $55 .42 . Once the refund checks are taken off , the current tax collection percentage will fall to the 70% level . There will be a number of checks that will be sent to wrong address, incorrect taxpayer (homeowner) and so forth due to changes on the tax roll that occurred and not modified by the Central Appraisal District . We are making efforts to make these changes as they become apparent. CITY OF WYLIE GENERAL OBLIGATION 10 2 5 j ; Pt INTEREST & SINKING FUND P. O. BOX 428 1 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 3-16 19. 88 Pay to the IW I order of City of Wylie-Ce-Gpnpral Fund _ $ 149.968.22 2 Lwt _t—'4,1 * 447.11 One hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred s YOUR ENDORSEMENT ON THIS CHECK ACKNOWLEDGES PAYMENT ON THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT(S). i Xry-eighr and 22/1 OO _Dollars $74,910.99-Dec MM CHECKING INVESTMENTS 69,445.64-Jan (31O 5,611.59-Feb �. CI /0 2 511' 1KLLL9222001: i00L 9225 20 . •