07-27-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1988 6:30 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 Oral Presentation of 1988/89 Base Budget 2 General Discussion 3 Adjourn NOTICE OF A CALLED MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet for a called session on the g 2,L%iday of c2g.r4. , 198r , in the Council Chambers at the M nicipal Complex of Wylie at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas for the purpose of considering the attached Agenda . Carolyn eider ity Secretary Posted this the 44,44/ day of , 19 8 r , at :Q0 /. M. 1 IPROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY a The Program Budget Summary assists the City Council and IStaff in identifying a department's needs. 11 By outlining specific goals and objectives and highlighting 11 changes in budget requests, the form provides the opportunity to justify requests and inform the Council of IIactivities and how the funds will be used. IIThis permits the Council and City Manager to make more II informed decisions by having access to information concerning service levels and the kinds of services 111 delivered. IIPROGRAM DESCRIPTION ill A Program Description consists of one or more paragraphs describing the function of the program, the various illactivities involved in the program and other pertinent information about the program. It should answer the illquestion "what does this program do?" WI GOAL A goal is a general statement on the intended effect or purpose of the program's activities. It includes terms such 8 as: to provide (a service) , to supply (a given need) , to control , reduce, or eliminate (an occurrence) , to maintain 11 (standards) , or to maximize (quality) . A goal is not 11 limited to a one-year time frame and should generally not change from year to year. A goal statement describes the IIessential reason for the program's existence. IIOBJECTIVES 11 Objectives are statements of the intended beneficial and/or tangible effects of a program's activities. They are Imeasurable, and related to the proposed budget year. They are specific targets toward which a manager can plan, IIIschedule work activities, and make staff assignments. IIIObjectives should quantifiably be addressed in terms such as: to increase an activity, to maintain a service level, to reduce the incidence of something, to eliminate a problem. IIObjectives can refer to several types of events: a result illwhen a change in occurrence can be determined (crime rate reduction) ; an output when the quantity measured accurately illreflects an intended effect (miles of road resurfacing) ; a system product when recipient satisfaction with the service IIIprovided is critical (average response time) ; or as a cost 111 when a change in cost is important (reduction in personnel) . Objectives should address how you plan to use your resources 111 to accomplish your goals. III ill I 1 Programs should specify no more than three or four objectives. 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Performance indicators are directly related to a program's 1 objectives and indicate progress toward those objectives. There can be several different ways to measure the effect of I an activity. I - Workload - Quantity of service or product that is provided. 1 Example: Number of emergency responses. 1 - Efficiency - Productivity in delivering service. 1 Example: Number of emergency responses per officer. 1 - Effectiveness - Measurement of service quality. Example: Average response time to priority calls. 1 1 A performance indicator should measure your progress toward accomplishing your objectives. 1 1 a 11 11 11 10 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Program Program Description Code Enforcement provides construction inspection services on the structure and all components, LE: Electric, Plumbing and Mechanical work. We provide secretarial service and advise to the Planning and Zoning Cotrmision and Zoning Board of Adjustments, administer the F.E.M.A. flood plain management program, provide staff support to the Construction Trades Board. Provide or construct ordinances as requested by other departments or the Council. Provide supervision for the Fire Marshal and enforce all of the "Nuisance" ordinances, also provide developmental inspections until a development inspector is hired. Program Goal To provide sate, habitable structures to the present and future residents of Wylie, and a pleasant, healthful enviroment. Also to reduce the number of substandard housing units, lower the fire risk and apply the best available resources to accomplish all of these goals. Program Objectives for 1988-89 To continue to provide construction inspection within our present time frdI:e. To continue the abatement of nuisances as we observe or are advised of their existance. To provide information as requested by other depaLLiieiits and/or the public. The time frame for construction inspections is within four hours of the tine of request. Significant Budget Changes 1 Anew printer with 80 character width is needed to provide the correspondence necessary. Our present printer was a hand me down. Cost $100.00 Transportation and communication are perenial problems. A new pick-up for the inspector and the connection of the office radio are desperately needed. Truck $12500.00 Connect Radio $500.00 Another computer would be a tremendous boost in keeping um with all of our projects. Cost $3500.00 I >f Progress Expenditures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 -88 1988-89 Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capitol Outlay Program Total 1 e Revenues Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988-89 Building Permits $106,487.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 45,000.00 Electrical Permits $ 19,598.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 Plumbing Permits $ 23,598.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 Mechanical Permits $ 20,171.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 Electric License $ 4,558.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Other license and Permits $ 5,950.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 Code Fines $ 1,211.00 $ 200.00 $ 150.00 Reinspection Fees $ 2,455.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 J t Number of Employees NNk Personnel Summary 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Building Official 1 1 1 Inspector 1 1 1 Permit Clerk 1 1 1 ,d e N Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Construction Inspections 5,128 1,840 2,500 Complaints (Nuisance Ordinance) 814 945 1,400 Subdivision Inspected 0 2 Normal construction inspection response time has been and is within four working hours of call. J CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1988-89 , Deportment Name 'Deportment Head Describe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested pt Explain Need List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. l _ ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program I Deportment [Deportment Head I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost EP C A 1 N T A E L L Total Total Total Cost of Program EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions I R V Total S Object Title Estimated Cost P L 1 Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification indicator Changes �_,,,_ J