07-11-1989 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-7-89 TIME POSTED 11:30 A. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1989 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 16 Consider approval of the minutes of May 23rd, June 21st and 27th, 1989 meetings 2 17 Consider approval of Proclamation for City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter , June 30 , 1989 - OFFICER DON MCCARTER 3 18 Presentation for ruling on non-profit organizations using Community Room 4 19 - 27 Consent Agenda The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda. A. John Bernard Robinson - Permanent Utility Easement out of 2 acre tract B. John Bernard Robinson - Permanent Utility Easement out of 10 acre tract C. M-W Properties - Permanent Utility Easement out of 8 acre tract GENERAL DISCUSSION 5 Citizen Participation 6 Council Discussion 7 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 23, 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 23 , 1989 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , Pat Stemple, John Akin and Steve Wright, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer , Public Works Superintendent Don White, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , Chief of Police James Gilmore and City Attorney Rob Dillard. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Swartz gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MAY 9TH COUNCIL MEETING: There being no corrections or additions to the May 9th minutes, a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried all in favor. APPROVAL OF CHAIN OF COMMAND LETTER: The approval of the Chain of Command letter is needed to comply with Article IV, Section 1 :D of the Home Rule Charter . City Manager Charles Norwood stated James Johnson, Finance Director would be first in command during his absent and Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer would be second in command. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the chain of command. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF A PROCLAMATION FOR NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK - JUNE 4 THRU JUNE 10, 1989: Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the proclamation for National Safe Boating Week - June 4th thru June 10, 1989 . Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO THE WYLIE HISTORICAL COMMISSION: The appointment of two more members will complete this committee. Councilman Swartz made a motion to appoint Patricia Guest and Karen Caine to the Wylie Historical Committee. Councilman Akin requested to amend the Committee to another member to use all three people. Councilman Akin said he hope to see this committee get started soon and that the City Manager would appoint a staff member to assist in getting them started . Mayor Trimble asked Councilman Swartz if he wanted to amend his motion. Councilman Swartz said no. Councilman Wright said he talked with all of these people and Beth Fultz said she did not have the time. Councilman Akin wanted to know if Beth Fultz could serve as an alternate member . Mayor Trimble asked Councilman Swartz if his motin could stte Mrs . Fultz as alternate member . Councilman Swartz said yes . Councilman Swartz motion to appoint Patricia Guest and Karen Caine and have Beth Fultz as an alternate member , was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF THE ALIGNMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: Mr . Ron Homeyer said the gravity sewer line will be from Southfork Mobile Home Park to FM 544 Lift Station and pump to Steel Road Industrial Park and them to wastewater treatment plant. This project would also abandon the Park Lift Station and put a line to Twin Lakes and pump back to the wastewater treatment plant. Also included in this project is a sewer line from Newport Harbor and also there will be a sewer line for the East side of Highway 78 , across from City Hall Complex . Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the alignment for the improvements to Wastewater Collection System. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF DEADLINE OF JUNE 30TH FOR ACCEPTING EASEMENTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: City Manager Charles Norwood said this was discussed at our last work session and this was the deadline date in order to begin our work in December, 1989 and the job be completed in December , 1990 . Staff mailed out letters today asking all of the property owners involved to donate the easements necessary for this project . City Manager Charles Norwood said the Council had talked at our last work session about assessments and our attorney has said our population will not allow assessments on this at the present time. The staff is working on a pro rata ordinance that will help with some of the cost. Councilman Akin stated that he was surprised that our legal counsel has been involved in this all along and now he says it is not an assessment program. City Attorney Rob Dillard said this only applies to a subdivision plat that has been filed in County for at least 10 years . Councilman Akin said that is what is shocking to me. I thought you had been involved with this all along . Mayor Trimble asked how this would compare to pro rata. Mr . Dillard said the assessment is for property now and pro rata is only later as developers want to tie on. City Manager Charles Norwood said once staff has come up with a pro rata ordinance, we will send that to our attorney for his approval and then to Council for final approval . City Manager Charles Norwood stated that the Impact Study is very important and hope to see it done soon. Mayor Trimble adjourned the meeting for a short while as there was a power failure in the area. Mayor Trimble reconvened the meeting in the court yard of the Municipal Complex due to the power failure. Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the deadline of June 30th for accepting easements for improvements to the Wastewater Collection System. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF SHIMEK, JACOBS, FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS TO FURNISH ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: This engineering firm has given staff a proposed maximum cost of $85,000 .00 . This includes the services for preparation of plans and specifications, easement plats and descriptions for all properties crossed by proposed line, together with administration during construction for proposed Muddy Creek Trunk Sewer from Southfork Mobile Home Park to FM 544. Councilman Akin made a motion to approve Shimek, Jacobs , Finklea Consulting Engineers to furnish engineering services for the improvements to the wastewater collection system. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know the total projection cost of $85,000 . was this the best proposal and maybe this should be tabled and go out for proposals . Mayor Pro Tem Naish stated since the Council has spent $175,000 . for engineering cost out of the CO issued for the Street Reconstruction Project , why should the council pay $85,000 for this one project . Councilman Messenger asked Mr . Homeyer about the multiplier . Mr . Homeyer said I checked with several other firms and this is a good multiplier . Mr . Homeyer also stated that if Council goes out for proposals , we will lose start up time. Mr . Homeyer said we have added a lot of services to this proposal of $85,000 . Councilman Akin said he relies on staff and that is why I made the motion to approve. Councilman Wright asked about the last time we went out for bids . Mr . Homeyer said professionals services are not a bid item. Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the motion to approve the hiring of Shimek, Jacobs , Finklea Consulting Engineers for the engineering of the improvements to the wastewater collection system. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - against, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - against , Councilman Wright - against, Councilman Messenger - against, and Councilwoman Stemple - against. This motion did not pass as there were two in favor and five against. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to seek proposals and bring back to Council within thirty days . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AUCTION ON CITY VEHICLES: City Manager Charles Norwood stated a request went out to each department to submit a list of obsolete vehicles . Staff has come up with two - 1986 police cars , one - 1983 police car. Motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the auction of obsolete city vehicles. Seconded by Councilman Wright. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know the amount of repairs on each of these vehicles. Chief Gilmore said the maintenance figures are not available at this time, but Mr. Johnson is working on them. Councilman Akin said I think we should go ahead and put them up for auction and maybe get some money for them. I also think we should let the dealership we received the cars from know what kind of service we have gotten. Councilman Messenger wanted to know how many cars will be needed. Chief Gilmore said at least two new cars , we have one that was ordered last year but has not been delivered as yet . Mr. Johnson said the problem is the order did not come off the computer in Detroit and therefore they did not make our car. I have talked with the dealership, they have a car but it is $800 . 00 over the bid and I said no. Mr . Johnson stated he has turned this matter over to Mr. Norwood. City Manager Charles Norwood said we are working on this now and it may be that we have to call in Mr. Dillard on this problem. I cannot see paying an additional $800.00 for a car that does not meet our specs. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if these two cars you maybe requesting , would be requested even without this auction. Chief Gilmore said yes. Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the above motion by Councilman Swartz and Seconded by Councilman Wright to approve the vehicles for auction. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF VOTING REPRESENTATIVE TO NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS: Councilman Wright stated his feelings of this, as something the Council should do, but wait until the next meeting. City Secretary Carolyn Jones said this has to be called in to NCTCOG tomorrow morning , this is done every year and in the past it has been the Mayor . Mayor Trimble said I do not see any practical use in it being myself , but if someone else is interested in this, then lets put that person in as our representative. Most of the cities do not have their Mayor, it is just something Wylie has done. Councilman Messenger made a motion to appoint Councilman Wright as the voting representative for North Central Texas Council of Governments. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. LEAVING UP/TAKING DOWN OF BARRICADE AT BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEYWAY: This barricade was put in place in 1986 as a temporary solution to thru traffic in this alleyway and to control speeders. Mr . Joe Davis 304 Briarwood said he had the residents sign the map that staff sent out in the letters to each home owner . These citizens are wanting to leave the barricade up. Out of thirty-three residents affected, the poll of those contacted there were 19 to leave up the barricade and 3 to take it down. The amount of traffic and the speed is unbelievable. This serves as an access road when it is open, it also serves for high school students to beat the traffic on Hilltop Street. The Council did vote on closing this alley and it has made it a safer place. The Council can choose to be convenient or safe for the citizens. Mr . Brian Chaney 306 Briarwood, stated some of his concerns were when this was originally brought up for development Butler Circle was to go through to Akin Lane, when it started development, Butler Circle became a cul-de-sac not a thru street. The traffic involved is great and you can not see around the fences. Mr . Kerry Weeks 308 Briarwood, said it was a very bias survey, as no one asked me my opinion . At lot 7 , the alley ends and becomes a dirt alley. I feel Council does not send out letters on every item on the agendas . When I go out to Park Street, I have a Frito Lay truck or a boat in the way of traffic. All I want is a way to come and go without being inconvenience. This is over kill with putting a barricade up. Alley on Woodhollow Ct . is in very bad condition. When I go to sell my house and the property value is down the City will find themselves in litigation . Mr . Collinsworth 508 Woodhollow, we moved in 1988 and the barricade was already up, I believe it should remain up. Mrs. Debbie Gove 304 Woodhollow stated we moved in after the barricade and we moved in because it was there. I feel secure with the barricade there and letting my children out to play. I feel very strongly about leaving the barricade up and not place it on the agenda unless 50% of the people want it down. Mr. Bobby Skipwith 315 Hilltop, said he lives on Hilltop and his power poll is in the alley and I have a problem with keeping it from getting hit . If you have not seen the traffic you can not believe what we have when the barricade is down. There is no way I would like to see the barricade removed. Mr . Weeks fence comes out so far you can not see, I feel if the barricade is removed , there will be an accident . I ask that the Council leave the barricade up. Mr. David Stevens 303 Woodhollow, I am the person who asked for the barricade to go up. The people who live on Dogwood Court and Woodhollow feel there is not a way you can understand about the traffic and the reason for the barricade being put in place unless you have been there. The other thing, Mr . Weeks did not tell you was the City put gravel in the alley that he was talking about being a dirt alley. Councilman Messenger said he drove down the alley, I feel the barricade should stay up. The upmost importance is the safety of our children. Councilman Swartz said he agrees, the way it is set up, it is not a safe situation, and I feel the barricade should stay. Councilman Akin said it is a bad situation. When it went up there was a lot of traffic and we have grown so there is more traffic today. Councilwoman Stemple said she agrees, the barricade should stay up, if for no other reason than the safety of the children. Mayor Trimble said he believes the people should have their say, but the safety of the citizens and children should come first . Motion was made by Councilman Akin to leave the barricade up. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as 5 follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to speak to come forward at this time and state their name and address for the record, and to keep their comments within two minutes. Mr . Bobby Skipwith 315 Hilltop, expressed his appreciation to Mr . White for the patching done on Hilltop. I would like to ask the Council about an overlay on Hilltop. There is a large number of traffic on Hilltop, not just residents, but everyone uses it as a through Street to town. I would put Hilltop up against any other residential street in Wylie as for as having more traffic. I ask Mr . White about an overlay. I would like to ask the Council to think about an overlay on Hilltop. A former Council member, William Martin has talked to Mr . White about doing something to Hilltop. Mr . Bill Burge of Southfork, thanked Council for fixing McCreary Road . We really do appreciate the work you have done. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin stated that the boat is setting outside at the Southside Fire Station. Mr . Johnson said there is a boat slip for it at East Fork Marina. Councilman Akin voiced his concern about needing asphalt , we put out 700 tons of asphalt , we still have outstanding taxes $300 ,000 plus on our tax roll. I feel we should think about a collection agency on helping with taxes and warrants . Mr. Johnson said we have letters being printed up and giving the people a date to pay or we will arrest them. Mr . Johnson said Chief Gilmore said a warrant officer can justify his salary. Mr . Johnson also said we are changing up our Court and the Judge will be in the office one day a week to talk to the people. Councilman Akin stated he was happy to see the sign on the Community Room. Also Mr . White, you said the Park and Wildlife dedication sign should be coming in. Mr . White said the sign is in and should be up soon. Councilman Akin also stated that Council approved $4 ,000 for playground equipment and I have not seen any action on the playground equipment. Mr . White said it was wearing down and we took it out before someone was hurt on it . We are working on replacing it soon. Councilman Messenger said he has heard a lot of statements from parents about where is the playground equipment. Councilman Akin asked Mr . Faires if there is a serious problem with condemned and vacant houses . We are getting criticized from the public when these houses are left standing. There has to be something we can do on these condemned properties. Mr . Faires said the trial has been set for tomorrow in County Court in this area you are talking about . Councilman Swartz stated in discussing the barricade, there are a lot of vehicles that are parked illegal . These should be cited . Councilman Wright said I spoke with Larry Allen, Fire Chief, and he would like for this barricade to be unlocked or something in order for the fire equipment to get through. Mayor Trimble said this was discussed prior to putting up the barricade and the fire truck can drive right over it without any damage. Councilman Messenger said the sprinkler system is in, we did budget money for weed killer and grass , and we need to get this purchased . I also understand we can get it hydromulch if we supply the materials. Councilman Messenger requested a joint work session with the Planning and Zoning Commission as soon as we fill the vacancies. City Manager Charles Norwood said with joint meeting, maybe we can talk about having a public hearings as joint sessions. This would cut out a lot of steps and expense by having joint public hearings . City Attorney Rob Dillard said you have to amend the Zoning Ordinance for allowing joint public hearings with Planning and Zoning. Councilwoman Stemple stated to Mr . Skipwith that she know what pot holes are, and asked Mr . White if he had been down this street. Mr . White said yes, and it is salvageable right now. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said the only question he had was where we stood on delinquent taxes. City Attorney Rob Dillard said he did not have a print out, we are about to send out letters for this years taxes. Suites have been filed on some, but without a good address the suite does not go anywhere. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know about the status of the resolution that was sent over to County , when is it coming up in Commissioners Court. Mayor Trimble said that Cecilia Wood was requesting to be left on the Planning and Zoning Commission for another term. Mayor Trimble adjourned the regular business meeting and convened Council into the work session and expressed to the citizens present that they were welcomed to come into the next room for the work session. TML Legislative Update - there will be two more updates received unless there is a special session called. At this time, the representatives said a phone call to voice your opinion on the upcoming bills being presented is what they would like. If a resolution is required , they will send it out to the Council to act on. News letter - Mayor Pro Tem Naish said there was $3 ,500 . budgeted for this and we have used very little of it. Need to use it to inform the citizens of the TWC mandate and the upcoming budget session, ask the citizens what they need or want to see Council do. City Manager Charles Norwood said what we need to do is emphasize our #1 problem, but yet get this letter out on a monthly, or quarterly basis and inform the citizens. Also need to let the citizens know what we want to accomplish in the next three to five years , insert news letter in the water bills . City Manager Charles Norwood said to send out the first letter and then set it up on a quarterly basis . There were two seminars talked about for council to attend. One being the 23rd Annual General Assembly of Council of Governments and the TML Newly Elected Council sessions in Corpus Christi . After some discussion, Council wanted to see at least one person go to the one in Corpus Christi . There was discussion also about budget worksessions the first of June on the current budget year and where we stand and also to work on the upcoming budget year the second weekend of July. 7 There being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES JUNE 21, 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called work session on Wednesday, June 21 , 1989 at 10: 00 A.M. in the Council Conference Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , and Pat Stemple, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer , Mr. Oliver District Engineer from the State Highway Department,and Ann King and John Blane from the State Highway Department, and Linda Hamer from Wylie Chamber of Commerce and Randy Arp from TU Electric. Council Members Steve Wright and John Akin were absent. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for coming. City Manager Charles Norwood stated it is important to get a schedule for Highway 78 and FM 544 and what we as a city can do to expedite these projects. Mr. Oliver thanked the Council for this meeting and introduced Mr . Blane and Ms . King from the Highway Department. Mr . Blane said the project for Highway 78 had begun to move, the schedule shows to be letting the contract in Feb. 1990 from Hwy. 66 to Hwy. 190 . Mr. Blane said the bids for Highway 190 will be let in July, 1989 . On Highway 78 , from Hwy. 190 north to State Hwy. 205 , trying to get by with minimum R-O-W, will have curb and gutter storm drainage. The curb and gutter storm drainage expense will be bore by the State. The City will have to come up with 10% of the R- 0-W acquisition. The state hopes to submit the final Environmental Assessment in August 1989 . The State will hold public hearings if Council wishes, although this does not have to be done. State has prepared the Environmental Assessment Plan (such as a study on noise, plant and animal life) this should be reviewed and submitted for approval in November 1989 and approved in December 1989 . The next step will be to have all the utilities moved in 1990/91 and then let the contract in 1991/1992 for work to begin. City Manager Charles Norwood asked how long the construction would be. Mr . Blane said we are talking about 30 to 35 million dollar project, split into two jobs if r-o-w and utilities clear we will go a head and let that part of the project. City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know how much right- of-way was needed through Wylie. Mr . Blane said it is on the schematics submitted to your City. Mr . Blane said for the City not to acquire right-of-way until the Environmental Assessment Plan had been approved . Mr . Oliver said to be very careful on acquiring the right-of-way. The City can contact his office on the right procedure to follow. City Manager Charles Norwood stated if Wylie gets their right-of-way and the utilities moved , can our portion of the work be done without waiting on Sachse and Garland. Mr . Blane said we could go ahead and let your portion. City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know about the traffic count on Highway 78 and FM 544 . Mr . Blane said Hwy. q 78 and FM 544 going South, in 1988 average of 10 ,300 daily, from Hwy. 205 to Wylie, average of 9600 daily. FM 544 project - Mr . Blane said in Plano at Lois Rios to East City Limits line, will have bids let next year for 6 lanes . Mr . Blane said from East Plano City limits to Hwy. 78 will be 10 million dollar project with 6 lanes of traffic. The final submission for Environmental Assessment Plan will be done in August, 1989 and maybe approved in October , 1989 . Wylie has a 120 foot right-of-way from FM 1378 to Highway 78. FM 544 will be curb and gutter with storm drainage . City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know how long this would take. Mr . Blane said the portion through Wylie will be approximately two (2) years. City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know if at the intersection of FM 544 and Highway 78 on a temporary basis could the highway department put in a right turn lane. Mr . Hunt of the highway department told the city staff he had a concern about spending money at this location since there is a program for expanding Highway 78 . City Council would appreciate the State looking at this intersection. Mr . Oliver said the only thing is to try and use some maintenance funds for this, because we cannot do a program on this since it is included in a major project already in the making . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said the other problem on Highway 78 is speeding , we have had a lot of accidents but the traffic surveys show average speed is 60 to 62 miles per hour and should be left alone. Mr. Oliver said speed zone is approved through the Highway Commission. Usually no change is made when the survey shows the majority of 100 vehicles are clocked , and the speed reflects the lowest speed to highest speed, and then count down 15 speeds beginning at the highest speed . This becomes your average speed or what is known as the 85 percentile speed. Mr . Oliver said the only thing that is affective is to enforce the speed by your police issuing fines. Mr. Oliver also stated that his office would look at the right turn lane on FM 544 and Highway 78 . There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /O CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 27, 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 27 , 1989 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Pat Stemple, John Akin, Jim Swartz , Steven Wright and ortie Messenger, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Chief of Police James Gilmore, Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer , Public Works Superintendent Don White, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, and City Attorney Rob Dillard . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilwoman Stemple gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge of allegiance lead by Councilman Wright. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MAY 16TH, 30TH AND JUNE 6TH, 13TH AND 20 , 1989 MEETINGS: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes submitted, a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION OF APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES TO BOY SCOUT TROOP #320 : Mayor Trimble thanked everyone who has help put Wylie where it is today by volunteering their services, such as this Boy Scout Troop has done in the clean up project at Kirby Park. Mayor Trimble presented the following with Certificates of Appreciation: Chris Pollan Shane Pollan Damon Decker Tony Hoefelmeyer Jimmy Hoefelmeyer Mayor Trimble presented Tim Tye' s certificate to the Scout Master, as he was unable to attend the meeting . PRESENTATION BY JILL TOMEK FROM THE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD ON THE FIVE YEAR PARK MASTER PLAN: Mrs . Tomek stated that the map given to each Council Member represented the five year master plan. The Library and Community Room are existing now, in the north east portion is showing to be for picnic area and this should be omitted , as there is not enough room here, going to move this to the south where there is room for putting in tables and grills. Playground area this is being put in now by money raised from the Wylie Women' s League and Volunteers from the community. The Park Board would like to see rest rooms and a water fountain added behind the playground area. Also would like to add horse shoe pits, shuffleboard and croquet court . Would like to place a sand pit and volley ball court in the picnic area and a basket ball court. The south east portion is for soccer and football fields . This plan also adds a second parking lot at the southern end of the park and would extend the existing road down to the parking lot. It is also our plans to add a jogging path beginning at the playground area and going around the park. In the north west, next to the community room, a swimming pool (approximate size 150 X 75) , the Park Board hopes to work with the school on this portion of our master plan. There would also be showers and 1I concession buildings plus tennis courts. Mrs . Tomek said the priority right now is to put a sprinkler system in and the next item would be the pool . Councilman Akin wanted to know if there were any cost factors on these items. In 1979 paid for the lights and baseball fields in this park through a grant from the Texas Wildlife and Parks Department. Councilman Akin said if the Council could have a list plus the approximate cost it would be better. Mrs . Tomek said the Park Board can work on a cost for each item, but it would be based on the cost factors today. Unless we get money in the budget to do some of this, it will take us a long time. Mrs. Tomek said she has learned the hard way with volunteers . Councilman Akin said the Park Board should probably go with this as a 10 year plan. You are looking at approximately $200,000 . a year plus the Council has to look at the entire City and address streets, and other items. Councilman Swartz said your first priority of sprinkler system and playground is very good and I appreciate what you and the other have done. Councilman Messenger thanked Mrs . Tomek for all the work she has done. City Manager Charles Norwood said if the Park Board can come up with estimated cost, I would like to try for funding from the Parks and Wildlife Grants. Councilman Akin said this park started on a grant from the Parks and Wildlife. This was to be a three stage plan and this was the first part. Mrs . Tomek ask the Council to approach the school about working together on the pool and other projects for the parks. The school has started to work with us this summer, by having the basketball program. Mrs. Tomek also stated that the Council needed to look over the City for more park land . Mayor Pro Tem Naish asked if the subdivisions coming in could give money to go for the parks , instead of donating land for park. Mayor Trimble said he believes the way it is structured, it gives some alternative. Councilwoman Stemple said the plan is very nice but we need to look at what the City can afford with our finances like they are. Mrs . Tomek said I think we have to remember just because we approve this plan, that it is not done immediately. This maybe renamed the 10 year plan, we have to learn to work at one thing at a time. The help we have received from the citizens and the donations from others , is what has put in the playground. The City only paid for the peagravel . Councilman Akin said he feels the swimming pool will be the biggest obstacle. Mrs . Tomek said she would like to see if a questionnaire could go out to ask about the pool and go from there. We had a lot of kids show up for lesson through the YMCA program last year . We had to turn kids down. Councilwoman Stemple asked Mrs. Tomek how large these cities were that were making money on the pools. Mrs . Tomek said they were larger than Wylie. City Manager Charles Norwood suggested a column from the Park Board be put in the next news letter . Councilman Swartz said Council would like to thank you and the Park Board for all the work that has been done. The Council knows the money is not there but do not get discouraged, we want to work with you. /0Z Mrs . Tomek said the first Monday in August the Park Board will be asking the Council to serve pancakes from 6:00 A.M. to 9 :00 A.M. for a fund raiser for the park. We will have more details later. AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO PREPARE RFP AND SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL AUDIT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89: City Manager Charles Norwood said staff is looking for proposals for our audit . Staff has stated that the City has used the same firm for several years . It is to the City' s advantage to change firms about every four years and provided the firm is doing a good job for you, otherwise change more frequently. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to grant authorization for staff to prepare RFP and solicit proposals for professional audit services for fiscal year 1988-89. Seconded by Councilman Swartz. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING PROPOSALS AND EMPLOYMENT OF CONSULTING ENGINEER FIRM FOR THE ALIGNMENT AND DESIGN OF A PORTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: City Manager Charles Norwood said about one month ago staff submitted a proposal from Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea and Council requested staff to go out for proposals for this project . Staff has received nine (9) proposals and ask that Council look at the estimated cost in making their selection. The nine proposals received were as follows: Hunter Assoc. , Inc. Dallas Est. Cost $63 ,700 . Helmberger Assoc. , Wylie Est . Cost $56 ,795 . Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, Dallas Est. Cost $85,000 . Boyle Engineering Corp. , Dallas Est . Cost $98 ,420 . Maggiore & Assoc. , INc. Arlington Est. Cost $71 ,900 . Gutierrez , Smouse, Wilmut & Assoc. Dallas, Allen Est . Cost $72,500 Cummings & Pewitt, Inc. Richardson Est . Cost $64,800 . Albert H. Halff , Assoc. , Dallas Est . Cost $90 ,000 . Jones & Nuese, Inc. Austin Est . Cost $120,454. Staff recommends Hunter & Associates, reasoning is due to staying on schedule and beginning work in December , 1989 . Councilman Akin wanted to know if the specs stated the time frame and if all the companies said they could meet this deadline. City Manager Charles Norwood said yes it did and they said they could meet the deadline, but we have to consider the size of the company and their tract record. Councilman Akin said they are new and local and are trying to please the people of Wylie. City Manager Charles Norwood said they are local , we are looking at the connection that Hunter and Associates have with other cities and their staff. Councilman Akin stated that it will be 49 more hours and $7 ,000 cheaper with Helmberger Firm instead of Hunter Firm. Ron said the hours would vary with each firm. /�.! City Manager Charles Norwood said one point the Council needs to recognize is the cost on any project is how well they do their detail work on their specs . City Manager Charles Norwood said he believes the city will get a better deal with going with a firm that has been in the business several years and has worked with cities our size. If the specs are incomplete, then the contracts will take this into consideration when they bid. The City will pay for this in the bid. This is why I like Hunter Assoc. Helmberger I am sure could do a good job, but I feel like the plans themselves would be better done by a firm with more experience. Councilman Akin stated that we have had a lot of those we have done business with before , we just finished one on Birmingham. Some of these people we have already had business with them. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said if we had a time schedule as such that we could go out with this smaller firm, but to stay on schedule we need to use the firm that has experience in this field . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said he would like for us to use the firms and businesses in Wylie when possible. Councilman Messenger stated he was certainly glad last month that Mayor Pro Tem Naish made a motion to table this item, by judging from these proposals, looks like we can save the tax payers some money. Councilwoman Stemple stated that she agrees the company staff is recommending is more established with small cities, although I would have liked to keep the money here in Wylie, but sometimes that is just not possible. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the proposal of Hunter & Associates in the amount of $63 ,7000 . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - against, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with six (6) in favor, and one (1) against. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Donna Dowdy of 404 W. Oak Street, stated the safety of my children has brought me here tonight. The stops signs were moved from Oak to Winding Oaks yesterday, tonight just before we left to come here, there was an accident. I want the signs placed back like they were. City Manager Charles Norwood said he received a call from Mrs . Paschal and until that time, was not aware the signs had been moved . Staff has been instructed to have the signs put back and request the Chief of Police to make a study of the area and see where the signs need to be, and staff will keep the people informed. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said Oak Street is the wider street and is a through street. Possible it should have been a four way stop for a while then remove one of the stop signs. Councilman Swartz said this particular area will be a race track if we leave this street open with no stop signs, staff should put them back like it was . Councilman Messenger said it is residential street and I believe we need to look strongly at four way stops . Councilman Akin said this area is building up and it is very dangerous . COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin stated he was very disturbed with the letter staff received from Mr . Thurman, I thought this problem had been taken care of . Mr . Don White said it was until the last storm and it washed away all of our work. It has been corrected again. /i/ Councilman Akin said he had requested an itemized statement from the street program, did we have it yet. There were problems with drainage and other areas that had to be addressed after the contract was let and there was to be money for other items from this bond. Mr . Homeyer said all the problems had been addressed except for putting the Nortex Tank site on line. Councilman Akin said everytime I read the figures on pump and haul it goes up. Does this include the total package. City Manager Charles Norwood said this is the total package and we hope to recover some of the cost if and when growth starts. San Antonio Savings and Loan has said they will put the gravity sewer line through their property, if this happens, it will take off some of the cost. City Manager Charles Norwood said this is tentative but I feel like San Antonio Savings & Loan will go through with it. City Manager Charles Norwood also stated that the city will recover some cost through the pro rata ordinance. Councilman Akin wanted to know if staff had started on the budget. City Manager Charles Norwood said the department heads have to submit to me by noon on Thursday their budgets and then I will submit a budget to Council by the weekend of the retreat. Councilman Akin wanted to know if plans had been made for the out going board members and council members . City Secretary Carolyn Jones, said yes, looking at the first part of August . Councilman Akin wanted to know if this could be moved up. City Secretary Carolyn Jones, said she would try and move the date forward. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if Mr . White had included Elliott Street on his list of streets to be done . Mr . White said yes. Councilman Swartz stated that the Council would like to know how the signs got changed around . City Manager Charles Norwood said he had finally sold his house in Port Neches and will be closing on it this next week, he will be out of town on Monday, July 3 , 1989 . Councilman Messenger wanted to recognize three employees for working at the park, Lewis Barber, Philip Bounds and James Johnson, who put in volunteer hours after their regular working hours . Councilwoman Stemple stated she has had calls about the alleyways and if a fire truck needed to get down them, they could not, also was there a report or anything done on the over lay for Hilltop. City Manager Charles Norwood said 1 1/2" overlay will be approximately $18 ,000 to $20 ,000 . Councilman Akin wanted to know if the residents would participate. City Manager Charles Norwood said you can not assess property owners for maintenance. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know if staff needed to put four way stops at these intersections that have been mentioned tonight. Chief Gilmore said the police department was not aware of these signs being changed. Mr . White said the signs appeared we did not install the signs. Mr . White also stated he was not aware that we needed to see the police department before changing any signs. The City crew was not to change any sign except the one on Carriagehouse Way and Oak. A citizen said need to identify the signs with bright color streamers for a few days so people will know it is there. /f City Secretary Carolyn Jones stated the Council picture will be taken on July 11 , 1989 at 6:15 P.M. , Council requested this be cancelled . Finance Director James Johnson said at the last meeting the Chamber talked about have the carnival on city property. Council needs to look into amending this ordinance and increasing the insurance from $100,000 to one million dollars . There being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary OFFICE OF THE MAYOR WYLIE, TEXAS PROCLAMATION EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER DON MCCARTER WHEREAS, Officer Don McCarter has been selected as the City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter ending June 30 , 1989; and WHEREAS, Officer McCarter is known for his outstanding performance as a police officer; and WHEREAS, Officer McCarter hold a perfect attendance record since his employment with the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, Officer McCarter has an outstanding attitude regarding his position and relationship with the citizens and community; and NOW, THEREFORE, I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, do Proclaim DON MCCARTER AS EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30 , 1989 . TO: CHARLES NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER FROM: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY DATE: JULY 3 , 1989 SUBJECT : COMMUNITY ROOM RENTALS The Community Room has been used during March and April twenty (20) times each month by non-profit organizations. During the month of May it was used fifteen (15) times. This type of usage has put an additional expense on the city for cleaning and utilities. There is an additional fee of $25 .00 each time the Community Room is used more than once during a week end. The regular scheduled cleaning for the Community Room is Monday through Friday, therefore if the room is used on Friday night by a non profit organization, and is scheduled for use on Saturday or Sunday, there is an additional fee for having it cleaned . As requested, I would like to ask the Council to answer the following questions for staff and set up some guidelines: 1 . Does Council want Non-Profit Organizations using the Community Room free of charge 2 . Define Non-Profit by listing the organizations Council would put in this group 3 . How many times in one month can each group use the Community Room If the above questions are answered for staff, then staff would recommend two members of Council and three citizens work together to set up rules and regulations for these non- profit groups. 8 CITY OF WYLIE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT John Bernard Robinson, hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of ten dollars ($10. 00) and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wylie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Collin County, Texas, for use as permanent utility easements upon/or- in which water mains, sanitary sewers, or storm sewers may be constructed and being more particularly described as follows: BEING a strip of land for permanent utility easement generally 20. 00 feet in width located in the I . Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 19.3, Collin County, Texas, and being over, under and across a 2-acre tract of land conveyed to John Bernard Robinson as recorded in Volume 2394, Page 198 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, centerline of said 20. 00-foot wide permanent utility easement being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the west property line of said John Bernard Robinson tract, said point being 748. 0 feet South 0 degrees 17 minutes West, from the northwest corner of said tract , said corner being in the centerline of County Road i' . THENCE North 71 degrees 17 minutes East, leaving the west property line of said tract, a distance of 106. 0 feet to the east property line of said tract and containing 0. 0437 acres (2120. 0 square feet) of land, more or less. Also temporary construction easements 30. 00 feet in width being north and south of , parallel with and immediately adjacent to the above described permanent utility easement . (EASEMENT EXHIBIT ATTACHED) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described permanent easement, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns; and GRANTOR hereby binds himself, his successors, assigns, and administrators to warrant and defend the rights and title to said easements unto the said City of Wylie against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof . 9 Witness my hand, this the _k day of _ �� A. D. , 1989. John rnard Robinson STATE OF COUNTY OF -- ---�,-__ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and f5 id C t State, on this day personally appeared _ known to me to be the person w ose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under " ' hand and seal of office, this the ��/7� day o ' + . ' , 19 ^m� , � �- Notary Public i/ ~ and for the^�^ State -o- Texas ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of CITY OF WYLIE _ Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary _ Date t I.. POINT OF ,e/ BEGINNING 0.17'W 741.00. s '► 20 ' PERMANENT 0.0487 UTILITY EASEMENT JOHN BERNARD ROBINSON ACRES ao' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ESMT. VOL.2394.PG. 198 30' TEMPORARY a I. CLIFTON SURVEY CONSTRUCTION ESMT._ ABSTRACT N0. 193 C C SCALE I"a 40' CITY OF WYLIE .TEXAS PERMANENT EASEMENT IOC Hair JOHN BERNARD ROBINSON SHIMEK,IACCISS i FINKLEA CONSULTING INGIN@1f APRIL , MSS CITY OF WYLIE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT John Bernard Robinson, hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of ten dollars ($10. 00) and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wylie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Collin County, Texas, for use as permanent utility easements upon/or in which water mains, sanitary sewers, or storm sewers may be constructed and being more particularly described as follows: BEING a strip of land for permanent utility easement generally 20. 00 feet in width located in the I . Clifton Survey, Abstract No. 193 and the H. J. Hardin Survey, Abstract No. 438, Collin County, Texas, and being over, under and across a 10' 4723-acre tract of land conveyed to John Bernard Robinson as recorded in Volume 1580, Page 861 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, centerline of said 20. 00-foot wide permanent utility easement being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the east property line of said John Bernard Robinson tract, also being the east line of said I . Clifton Survey, said point being 632. 0 feet South 3 degrees 36 minutes West, from the northeast corner of said tract, said corner being in the centerline of County Road 297; THENCE South 71 degrees 17 minutes West, leaving the east property line of said tract, also being the east line of said I . Clifton Survey, a distance of 212. 0 feet to the west property line of said tract and containing 0. 0973 acres (4, 240. 0 square feet) of land, more or less. Also temporary construction easements 30' 00 feet in width being north and south of , parallel with and immediately adjacent to the above described permanent utility easement. (EASEMENT EXHIBIT ATTACHED) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described permanent easement, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns; and GRANTOR hereby binds himself , his successors, assigns, and administrators to warrant and defend the rights and �itle to said easements unto the said City of Wylie a��inst every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof . � Witness my hand this the ~ ' ' ��-�%�� o a + A. D. 1989' Joh ernard Robinson STATE OF _ ___ COUNTY OF _ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and f id S e, on this day personally appeared _ known to me to be the person w sename is subscrzbed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVE - ~ -r m h d and seal of office, this the da` ,' - ' oL.____ ' 19 - . -,_ Notary Public in and for the`State of Texas ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of CITY OF WYLIE Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Date -- /1 j I. CLIFTON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 193 I JOHN BERNARD ROBINSON I - /� I 0.0973 v VO1..1580,PG. 861 20'PERMANENT n I H.J. HARDIN SURVEY ACRES UTILITY EASEMENT ABSTRACT NO. 438 30' TEMPORARY 30'TEMPORARY ,, CONSTRUCTION ESMT. CONSTRUCTION ESMT. ; .i —1 O-- -- E POINT OF s a°36'W 632 o 7 IV 4 BEGINNING SCALE: I ''IOO' i CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT JOHN BERNARD ROBINSON SHIMEK,JACOBS a FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS APRIL , 1969 CITY OF WYLIE PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT M-W Properties, hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of ten dollars ( $10. 00) and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wylie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Collin County. Texas, for use as permanent utility easements upon/or in which water mains, sanitary sewers, or storm sewers may be constructed and being more particularly described as follows : BEING a strip of land for permanent utility easement generally 10. 00 feet in width located in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, Collin County, Texas and being over, under and across an 8. 0001 -acre tract of land conveyed to M-W Properties as recorded in Cabinet F, Drawer 355 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, centerline of said 10. 00-foot wide permanent utility easement being more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the north property line of said M-W Properties tract, said point being 327. 93 feet South 89 degrees 40 minutes 23 seconds West, from the northeast corner of said tract ; THNECE South 00 degrees 02 minutes 26 seconds East, leaving the north property line of said tract, a distance of 140. 00 feet to the north right-of-way line of Decker Court and containing 0. 0321 acres ( 1 , 400. 0 square feet ) of land, more or less . Also a temporary construction easement 30. 00 feet in width, being east of , parallel with and immediately adjacent to the above described permanent utility easement. Said temporary construction easement shall become null and void upon the completion of the sanitary sewer line installation or two (2) years from the date of execution of this easement document ; whichever comes first. (EASEMENT EXHIBIT ATTACHED) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described permanent easement perpetually to the City of Wylie, its successors and assigns, together with all and singular the rights and hereditaments thereunto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns. Witness my hand, this t e Z3gbday o Ju A. D. , ' • M-W Properties STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersignedde authority, a Notary Public in and for , aid '� t` y %fate, on this day personally appeared L1.!/Y i of M-W Properties , known to me o be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of M-W Properties, a corporation, that he was duly authorized to perform the same by appropriate resolution of the board of directors of such corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under hand and seal o office, this the o?<� day ofp , ig ?t. fo,r:4' xiur=rrrrirrrrrr tQr� KATRM IVITE _Nig4dTi r4> rl► Wa.U1elstti Notar Public in and for the State of Texas ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 CITY OF WYLIE Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Date • • S 89_40'23"W 327.93 .._.. S00 E UTIUTY ESMT. "02'28" i 140.00. ' T M-• MY 0.0321 ACRES CONST. ESMT. — — - • SCALE' I"■100' •'Ravi M-W PROPERTIES CABINET F, DRAWER 355 WILLIAM SACHSE: SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 835 ..rcc V � STEEL ROAD A > s CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT M-W PROPERTIES SHIMEK,JACOBS&FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS JANUARY, 1989 InfoRmAL REpoRrs o2 g TEXAS CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION June 23, 1989 Mr. Charles Norwood City Manager City of Wylie P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Norwood: On behalf of the Texas City Management Association, I would like to commend the invaluable contributions you have made to enhancing the quality of professional local government management. Over twenty years in any occupation deserves attention and we regret you were not present to be appropriately recognized at the TCMA Annual Conference Business meeting in Tyler. Your memento is enclosed. We appreciate the many years of time, energy, and expertise you have devoted to TCMA; much of our success as an Association is due to the invaluable contributions of members such as yourself. Sincerely, ;:d-1.56-&--4-4---cli--? e astland, TCMA President & City Manager, Carrollton ME/mw 1020 Southwest Tower Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 478-6601 0219 WYLIE HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES JUNE 15, 1989 The Wylie Historical Commission met on Thursday, June 15, 1989 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . It was decided to have bi-weekly meetings through the month of July and then meet monthly. The next meeting to be on Thursday, June 29 , 1989 . The election of officers are as follows: President John Spillyard Vice President Ellen Smith Secretary Gail Clemmons The committee discussed the area of Wylie and the best way to address it. One is to break up into committees to survey the town , Beth Fulkerson is chairman of this committee, Commercial building survey, chairman is John Spillyard and survey of homes chairman is Agnes Dempsey. After the survey is completed then we will begin the research of the USA program and the possible sites for historical markers. Beth Fulkerson will also be in charge of the publicity for this committee in keeping the citizens aware of what we are doing . Respectfully submitted , (per phone call 6-20-89) Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Jo DATE: JULY 5,1989 TO: CHARLES NORWOOD - CITY MANAGER FROM: KAY DANIEL - LIBRARY ASSISTANT RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1989 CIRCULATION: ADULT CIRCULATION 676 JUVENILE CIRCULATION 1944 PAPER BACKS 160 7- DAY RESERVE 1 LARGE PRINTS 31 CASSETTES 78 VIDEOS 600 INTERLIBRARY LOANS 38 TOTAL 3528 (Average 136 per day ) REGISTRATION: NEW CARDS ISSUES 111 CARDS ISSUED TO DATE 7275 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 118 RESPEESPECTFULL KA D• QMEL- LIBRARY ASSISTANT R�$1",1L E BURGESS- DIRECTOR * NOTE CIRCULATION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE WAS VERY GOOD, OUR SUMMER READING PROGRAM HAS BEEN A GREAT SUCCESS, AVERAGE 55 to 75 KIDS EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, WITH THE HELP OF SEVERAL VOLUNTEERS WE ARE HAVING FUN. CIRCULATION: JUNE 1988---2373 JUNE 1987---2415 ' ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 1`_-:1 89T TRT :CAST ; x ;SAME MO.' ; X ; THIS YR. ;LAST YR. ;MONTH ;MONTH ; +/— :LAST YR. ; +/— ' TO DATE :TO DATE S +/— , TOTAL CALLS 141 105 ; , 80 604 * il ANIMALS PICKED UP LIVE (IMPOUNDED) * 96 68 85 330 ANIMALS DIED IN KENNEL 3 1 0 5 * '�� �: ANIMALS PICKED UP DEAD t4441 * N ANIMAL BITE REPORTS 1 p ! ANIMAL OBSERVATIONS 0 0 2 * f ANIMALS TAKEN TO GARLAND HUMANE SOCIETY ; 88 41 _ 100 267 * ; ANIMALS CLAIMED BY OWNER 6 10 2 * 37 (.14•12 . ANIMALS ADOPTED 5 8 15 CASH RECEIPTS *, z , $.286_,00 ,$804L00 _$245,00 $2,421 .00 REGISTRATIONS 10 69 64 136 * .: CITATIONS ISSUED 7 p 2 ; 29 CITATION $ AMOUNT (APPX. ): - - '' :� MILES TRAVELED 996 : 972 912 : 5181 * ' , a ANIMALS EUTHRNIZED - - 2 • - - 0 1 4 * • PREPARED BY:_ _ — _ DATE' /� * 8-7 rom Janruary 1 , 1989 j 'e4,' i', 1 COMPLAINT REPORT JUNE 1989 < 190> 509 S. JACKSON DONALD KREYMER (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) JANUARY 10, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JANUARY 10, 1989 PLACARDS PLACED. JANUARY 10, 1989 PICTURES TAKEN., JANUARY 12, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED,, JANUARY 205 1989 MET WITH JIM MCKNIGHT WITH KREYMER, WE PERFORMED AN INSPEC { ION OF THE HOUSE TOGETHER AND MADE OUT A HOUSING CODE CHECK LIST. JANUARY 24, 1989 MAILED MR. MCKNIGHT A COPY OF THE CHECKLIST. FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 NO ATTEMPT TO COMPLY. MARCH 28, 1989 CHARGES FILED,, APRIL 285 1989 MR. KREYMER AND CITY STAFF MET FOR MEDIATION AGREEMENTS., MAY 5, 1989 DUE TO FAILURE TO SIGN AGREEMENT WAS FORCED TO FILE CHARGES,, MAY 31 , 1989 WENT TO COUNTY COURT WAS POSTPONED TILL MAY 141 1989. JUNE 14, 1989 QUASHED IN COUNTY DUE TO TECHNICAL ERROR. < 191 > 108 N. FIFTH DONALD KREYMER SEE FILE 191-b (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) JANUARY 10, 1989 PICTURES TAKEN. JANUARY 11 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SEN) . JANUARY 12, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. JANUARY 19, 1989 !IRS. TAYLOR WHO WAS RESIDING AT THIS ADDRESS CAME IN AND ADVISE] THAT MR. KREYMER HAD THEM FVICTED,, MARCH 28, 1989 CHARGES FILED:, APRIL 28, 1989 MR. KREYMER AND CITY STAFF MET FOR MEDIATION AGREEMEN7S. JUNE 14, 1989 COUYTY DUE TO TECHINCAL ERROR. < 191-b> 108 N. FIFTH DONALD KREYMER (JUNK MOTOR VEH. / JANUARY 10, 1989 PICTURES TAKEN. JANUARY 11 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JANUARY 12, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED-, JANUARY 17, 1989 MET WITH JIM MCKNIGHT WITH KREYMER COMPANIES AND DISCUSSED THE JUNK MOTOR VEHICLES,, JANUARY 20, 1989 CHARGES FILED 1 /20/89` 1/27/89, 1 /31 /89, 1/3/89, 2/10/89, 2/ 16/89 MARCH 21 , 1989 FINED $1 , 800. 00 MR. KREYMER APPEALED TO COUNTY COURT,, APRIL 28, 1989 MR. KREYMER AND CITY STAFF MET FOR MEDIATION AGREEMENTS. MAY 55 1989 SET FOR TRIAL THIS MONTH. JUNE 145 1989 QUASHED IN COUNTY DUE TO TECHNICAL ERROR. < 192> 502 S. BALLARD WILLIS DYKES (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) JANUARY 5, 1989 PICTURES TAKEN., JANUARY 12, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JANUARY 13, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED,, JANUARY 31 , 1989 MR. DYKES AND I MET AT THIS LOCATION | O DISCUSS WHAT REPAIRS WERE NEEDED. I FILLED OUT A HOUSING CODE CHECK LIST AND SENT MR. DYKES A COPY. HE ADVISED THAT HE WOULD START RFPAIRS SOON. FEBRUARY 13, 1989 NO INDICATION THAT REPAIRS HAVE BEEN SHOWN. FEBRUARY 211 1989 NO ATTEMPT TO COMPLY. MARCH 28, 1989 SIGNED LETTER OF EXTENSION TILL MAY 1 , 1989. APRIL 18, 1989 OBSERVED THAT DEMOLITION HAS BEEN STARTED, I TAGGED FOR NO DEMOLITION PERMIT. APRIL 21 , 1989 PERMIT PULLED. MAY 171 1989 MOST ALL OF BUILDING HAS BEEN DLMOLISHED. JUNE 19, 1989 NO PROGRFSS HAS BEEN MADE, POSSIBiY DUE TO EXCESSIVE RAIN. < 194> ABST. 22 CHARLES ATTERBURY SURVEY - TRACT I SAN ANTONIO SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) (JUNK & DEBRIS) JANUARY 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JANUARY 9, 1989 PICTURES TAKEN. JANUARY 12, 1989 GREEN CARDS RECEIVED, JANUARY 24, 1989 RECEIVED A LETTER FROM MR. ABBOTT/GAB INDUSTRIES STATING THAT 1-11- WOULD HAVE PROPERTY IN COMPLIANCE BY TEN DAYS BY RECEIPT OF HIS LFTTER. TIME EXPIRES 2/4/89. FEBRUARY 7, 1989 I WILL ALLOW ONE ADDITIONAL WEEK FOR COMPLIANCE DUE TO ICE AND FOUL WEATHER. FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 NOTE: THIS IS THE FIRST DAY OF GOOD WEATHER SINCE 2-/-89, IF NO COMPLIANCE BY 2-25-89, WE WILL FILE CHARGES. MARCH 3, 1989 GRASS AND WEEDS AND JUNK AND DEBRIS CLEANED UP, SUBSTANDARD HOUSE STILL IN EXISTENCE. MARCH 109 1989 30 DAY EXTENSION GRANTED TO CAROL SHUBERT, APRIL 9, 1989 MR. ABBOTT DECIDED THAT HE WOULD REPAIR / HE HOUSE FOR A RFNT HOUSE,, I ADVISED HIM OF WHAT REPAIRS WERE NEEDED. APRIL 10, 1989 MR. ABBOTT PULLED REMODELING PERMIT APRIL 28, 1989 NO REPAIRS HAVE BEEN STARTED., MAY 59 1989 NO REPAIRS TO DATE' JUNE 19, 1989 DUE TO AGRICULTURE ZONING I CAN NOT PUSH FOR ANY FURTHER REPAIRS. < 195> 404 MASTERS RWM PROPERTIES - DON WHITT (SUBSTANDARD .... BUILDING) (JUNK & DEBRIS> JANUARY 12, 1989 CERTIFIED M�IL SENT' JANUARY 12, 1989 GREEN CAR� RECEIVED. JANUARY 18, 1989 PROPERTY IN COMPLIANCE IN REGARDS TO JUNK AND DEBRIS, SUBSTANDARD STORAGE STILL IN EXISTENCE. FEBRUAR� 21 , 1989 NO COMPLIANCE ON SUBSTANDARD STRUCTURE. MARCH 2r, 1989 EXTENSION REQUESTED AND GRANTED. APRIL 28, 1989 NO DEMOLITION OR REPAIR STARTED. MAY 9, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. < 196> 105 S. THIRD FLORENCE MUELLER (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) JANUARY 11 , 1989 PICTURES TAKEN. JANUARY 12, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JANUARY 13, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. FEBRUARY 13, 1989 MR. COOPER CALLED AND ADVISED THAT HE WAS NOT ..... PROPERTY OWNER. CERTIFIED LETTER SENT TO CORRECT PROPERTY OWNER. (FLOR�NCE MUELLER> FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 NO RETURN. MARCH 2, 1989 LETTER RFTURNED UNCLAIMED. CHARGES TO BE FILED. MARCH 7, 1989 LETTER RESENT WITH "ADDRESS CORRECTlON REQUESTED" . MARCH 24, 1989 LETTER RETURNED UNCLAIMED. CHARGES TO BE FILED 4-4-89. MAY 2, 1989 CHARGES FILED. JUNE 19, 1989 COURT CLERK ADVISED OFFICERS UNABLE TO LOCATE MRS. MUELLER. < 197> 305 KEEFER TIMOTHY FDWARD (JUNK & DEBRI5) JANUARY 12, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JANUARY 23, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. JANUARY 25, 1989 MRS. EDWARDS CALLED AND ADVISED THAT HER HUSBAND WAS ONLY HOME ONE TIME A MONTH AND THE NEX | TIME HE WAS IN THEY WOULD CLEAN UP THE DEBRIS' I ALLOWED HER ONE MONTH FROM TODAY, TIME WILL EXPIRE 2/25/89. FEBRUARY 14, 1989 NO COMPLIANCE AS OF THIS DATF. FEBRUARY 22, 1989 NO ATTEMPT AT COMPLIANCE. MARCH 3, 1989 CHARGES FILED. MARCH 21 , 1989 FAILUR� TO APPEAR. CHARGES F]LED 3/22, 3/28, 3/29, 3/30, 3/31/1989. MAY 1 , 1989 RICHARD PARKER HAS CONTRACTED SOMEONE TO CLEAN UP ..... OF MR. EDWARDS JUK, DUE TO IT N IS ON HIS PROPERTY. MAY 5, 1989 LOCATED A POSSIBLE PHONE NUMBER. CHECKING WITH P. D. THAT PREFIX IS SKIPPED OVER. MAY 9, 1989 FOUND PREFIX TO BE TAWOKINE AREA. MAY 9, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS CRFW DISPATCHED TO CLEAN/MOW PROPERTY. MAY 10, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <2O6> 111 S. BIRMINGHAM J . L. FOREMAN (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) JANUARY 10, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JANUARY 16, 1989 SPOKE WITH OWNER, NO GAS CAN BE USED BECAUSE OF OXYGEN. HE IS USING AN OXYGEN TANK AND IS IN A WHEEL CHAIR. HE IS FINANCIALLY UNABLE TO REPAIR. BANK REFUSED LOAN,, JANUARY 16, 1989 SPOKE WITH MR. FOREMAN, HE ADVISED NEW MAILING ADDRESS' FEBRUARY 3, 1989 MR. FOREMAN MET W[TH ME A / CITY HALL (HE DID NOT WANT TO MEET AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS) WE DISCUSSED WHA | REPAIRS WERE NEEDED FROM OUTSIDE APPEARANCE OF THE HOUSE. I ADVISED HIM THAT ONCE HE STARTED THE REPAIRS AND I ENTERED THE HOUSE THAT ANY OTHER HOUSING CODE VIOLATIONS I DISCOVERED WOULD HAVE TO BE REPAIRED TO CODE. HE AGREED THAT HE WOULD WAIT TILL I INSPECTED THE HOUSE' HE PURCHASED A REMODELING PERMIT TO START REPAIRS. FEBRUARY 14, 1989 NO INDICA | ION OF REPAIRS AT THIS TIMEr, FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 NO INDICATION OF REPAIRS AT THIS TIME. MARCH 31 , 1989 NO ATTEMPT TO COMP| Y WILL SERVE. IF. FOREMAN WITH ANOTHER LETTER ADVISING HIM THAT HE SHOULD DO SOMETHING. APRIL 39 1989 MR,, FQREMAN CALLED IN AND ADVISED THAT HE HAS JUST NOW BEEN ABLE TO START WORK DUE TO FOUL WEATHER AND IF I WOULD GIVE HIM A FEW MORE DAYS, HE WOULD BE READY FOR MF TO INSPECT (PILE NO. 207) MAY 5, 1989 NO INSPECTION TO DATE , JUNE 75 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <207> 109 S. BIRMINGHAM J. L. FOREMAN (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) JANUARY 10, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JANUARY 16, 1989 SPOKE WITH MR. FOREMAN (OWNER) , HE ADVISED HE OWNED THE HOUSE AND ADVISED THE NEW MAILING ADDRESS , SEE 111 S. BIRMINGHAM FILE. THE SAME INFORMA / ION ON THAT ADDRESS APPLIES TO THIS ONE AS WELL,, APRIL 3, 1989 MR. FOREMAN CALLED IN AND ADVISED ! HAT HE HAS JUST NOW BEEN ABLE TO START WORK DUE TO FOUL WFATHER AND IF I WOULD GIVE HIM A FEW MORE DAYS HE WOULD BE READY FOR ME TO INSPECT 109 S. BIRMINGHAM. JUNE 7, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <212> 303 N. SECOND J. A. PUTNAM (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) JANUARY 20, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JANUARY 211 1989 GREEN CARD RECEI«ED., JANUARY 31 , 1989 DEMOLITION HAS BEEN STARTED , MARCH 29, 1989 ONE FRAMF STANDING. JUNE 71 1989 IN COMPLIANCE' <218> 401 N. JACKSON DON KREYMER (SUB-STANDARD HOUSE) AUGUST 4, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, AUGUST 139 1988 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. SEPTEMBER 21 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT ADVISING MR' KREYMER HE HAD SIXTY DAYS TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH THE HOUSE. DECEMBER 21 , 1988 MR. KREYMER REQUESTED 90 DAY EXTENSION TO RFpAIR OR DEMOL[SH,, EXTENSION WAS DENIED, AND 45 DAYS WERE GRANTED. COMPLIANCE DUE FEBRUARY in, 1989. FEBRUARY 14, 1989 INSPECTION SHOWS NO ATTEMPT TO COMPLY AT THIS TIME. FEBRUARY 15, 1989 TIME EXPIRED. MR. KREYMER CALLE� AND ASKED FOR EXTENSION. I DENIED IT. HE ASKED AGAIN BY EXPLAINTKG THAT THE WEATHER HAS BEEN TO SAD TO WORK ON DEMOLISHING THE HOUSE. T TOLD MR' KREYMER THAT HP HAD ENOUGH TIME TO REMEDY THE PROBLEM. MR,, KREYMER STATED HE WOULD LIKE FOR ME TO SEE WHAT I COULD DO ABOUT AN EXTENSION. I TOLD MR. KREYMER I WOULD CHECK INTO IT. MR. KREYMER BROUGHT A LETTER STATING HE WOULD HAVE THE HOUSE RAISED BY 3/5/89. MR. FAIRES AGREED TO EXCEPT THE LETTER. MARCH 61 1989 CHARGES FILED. MARCH 21 , 1989 FINED $500' 00 APPEALED TO COUNTY COURT. APRIL 28, 1989 MEDIATIONS HELD JUNE 141 1989 QUASHED IN COUNTY DUE TO TECHNICAL FRROR. <222> 306 N. FIRST DON KREYMER (SUB-STANDARD HOUSE) JANUARY 24, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JANUARY 20, 1989 MET WITH JIM MCKNIGHT WITH KREYMER, WE PERFORMED AN INSPECTION OF THE HOUSE TOGETHER AND MADE OUT A HOUSING CODE CHECK LIST' JANUARY 24, 1989 MAILED MR. MCKNIGHT A COPY OF THE CHECK LIST., JANUARY 25, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED., FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 NO COMPLIANCE:, MARCH 29, 1989 CHARGES FILED. APRIL 28, 1989 MR. KREYMER AND CITY STAFF MET FOR MEDIATION AGREEMENTS,, MAY 5, 1989 CHARGES FILED. JUNE 14, 1989 QUASHEC IN COUNTY DUE TO TECHNICAL ERROR. <223> 607 S. JACKSON DAVID ARCHIBALD (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) DFCEMBER 8, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., DECEMBER 10, 1988 ATTEMPTED 1ST TIME. DECEMBER in, 1988 ATTEMPTED 2ND TIMF. DECEMBFR 25, 1988 RETURNED UNCLAIMED, JANUARY 183 1989 MR. MCKNIGHT WITH THE KREYMER COMPANY ADVISED THAT THEY MANAGED SAID PROPERTY AND WOULD TAKL CARE OF REPAIRS., JANUARY 20, 1989 MR. MCKNIGHT ASKED FOR AN EXTENSION, I DENIED IT. FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 NO COMPLIANCE., MARCH 79, 1989 CHARGES FILED. APRIL 28, 1989 MR. KREYMER ADVISED THAT AN EMPLOYEE OF HIS HAD PURCHASED THE PROPERTY AND WILL REPAIR IT. MAY 45 1989 MR. ARCHIBALD WANTED TO KNOW SINCE HE SOLD THE PROPERTY MARCH 29TH, WOULD I DROP CHARGES. <239> 202 N. SECOND BILL J. DAVIS (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) FEBRUARY 16, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. FEBRUARY 22, 1989 MR. DAVIS CALLED TO FIND WHAT KIND OF REPAIRS WERE NEEDED AND HE ADVISED HE WOULD START REPAIRS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE' MARCH 29, 1989 NO ATTEMPT TO COMPLY. APRIL 14, 1989 NO COMPLIANCE APRIL 28, 1989 REPAIRS HAVE BEEN STARTED., JUNE 7, 1989 THEY ARE STILL ATTEMPTING REPAIRS AND PROGRESSING WELL. <240> 206 N. SECOND K. C. SWAYZE (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) FEBRUARY 16, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. FEBRUARY 18, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. MARCH 23, 1989 MR. SWAYZE ADVISED HE WOULD NEED 3 MONTHS TO COMPLY. <247> 301 N. SECOND HARTY C. WOOTEN (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) FEBRUARY 16, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, FEBRUARY 17, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. APRIL 9, 1989 DEMO HAS BEEN STARTED,, MAY 12, 19G9 INSPECTION SHOWED NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADL. PHOTO TAKEN TO VERIFY PROGRESS. <243> 300 W. BROWN JESSE HOUSEWRIGHT (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) FEBRUARY 17, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, FEBRUARY 22, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED,, APR!! 23, 1989 TIME EXPlRED., MAY 51 1989 NO SIGN OF REPAIRS OR DOME STAR / ED. MAY 71 1989 NO SIGN OF REPAIRS OR DOME STARTED,, CHARGFS FILED. <244 > 303 W. BROWN RICHARD PARKER (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) FEBRUARY 17, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., FEBRUARY 22, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED., APRIL 251 1989 TIME EXPIRED' APRIL 28, 1989 SPOKE WITH A SUBJFCT WHO WANTED TO TEAR DOWN THE BUILDING AND WANTED AN EXTENSION. I ADVISED TO HAVE MR. PARKER CONTACT ME' JUNE 1B, 1989 DEMO STARTED. <248> 408a N. JACKSON DONALD DRAIN (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE'', FEBRUARY 17, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SEN / ,, FEBRUARY 17, 1989 MR. DRAIN CALLED ME AND STATED HE HAD SEEN THE YELLOW TAGS ON THE HOUSE AND WANTED TO KNOW WHY I CONDEMNED THE HOUSE. I ADVISED I HAD CONDEMNED FROM OUTSIDE APPEARANCE,, FEBRUARY 17, 1989 MARK (NO LAST NAME) CALLED FROM 41 ) N. JACKSON AND WANTED TO KNOW WHY I CONDEMNED THE HOUSE. I ASKED HIM OF WHAT CONCERN IT WAS, ARE YOU ANY RELATION TO THE OWNER. HE SAID NO, HE WAS JUST CONCERNED ABOUT THF HOUSE AND IF "DUSTY" (MR. DRAIN) TORE THE HOUSE DOWN IF IT WOULD FALL ON HIS. I TOLD MARK IF HE TORE IT DOWN IT WOULD BE SO THAT IT DIDN' T FALL ONTO HIS HOUSE BUT HE MAY REMODEL AND HE HAS THE OPTION' HE REPLIED "OH HE DOES" . (YES) MARK STATED THAT HE WAS AFRAID HIS HOUSE MAY BE NEXT, I TOLD MARK THAT I INSPECTED THE ADD ON TO HIS HOUSE AND THAT HIS HOUSE WAS GOOD ENOUGH AND DIDN' T HAVE TO WORRY., NOTE: WHFN MR. DRAIN CALLED HE TOLD ME THAT IT WAS FROM NEXT DOOR. FEBRUARY 17, 1989 DRAIN ADVISED THAT HIS OFFICE WAS IN THE HOUSE. I TOLD HI� HE COULD NOT USE AN OFFICE THERE ANYWAY, BECAUSE THAT CONSTITUTES A ZONING VIOLATION. I | OLD MR. DRAIN IF HE WISHED TO MEET ME AT THAT HOUSE AE COULD INSPECT IT TOGETHER AND I WOULD GIVE HIM A COPY OF THE HOUSING CHECK LIST. HE SAID THAT HE HAS BEEN TRYING TO WORK ON ! HAT HOUSE. I TOLD HIM THAT I HAVE WATCHED THIS HOUSE FOR 8 MONTHS AND HAVEN' T SEEN ANYTHING DONE TO [T' I ASKED HIM AGAIN IF HE WOULD LIKE TO MEET UP THERE AT 1 P. M. , HE AGREED. FEBRUARY 17, 1989 MR. DRAIN RECALLED THE OFFICE, ASKED SECRETARY FRANCIS IF I WAS ABOUT 5' 5" . SHE REPLIED YES, HIS REPLY WAS "OH GREAT' . FEBRUARY 17, 1989 ADVISED MR. AKIN OF POSSIn| F TROUBLE WITH THIS CASE. CAROLYN JONES ADVISED THAT MR. DRAIN HAD TRAVELED UNDER AN ALIAS, HAD SERVED IN MILITARY PRISON r-OR A. W. O. L. OFFlCER MAURIE ADVISED HE HAS DEALT WITH THIS PARTY ON SEVFRAL OCCASIONS. HE HAS BEEN KNOW TO HAVE RODE WITH THE HELLS ANGELS. HE IS ALSO THE PARTY BEHIND THE ALLIGATIONS OF ME STEALING AN A. C. UNIT WHICH WAS LATER TURNED UP AT 302 S. THIRD. HE IS ALSO ACQUAINTED W (TH SIDNEY MOUNSE WHO I HAD TEAR DOWN A GARAGE HE AND RAYMOND STRICKLAND, WHO HAD SENT THREATENING NOTES THROUGH MY WIFE. MR. DRAIN' S GRANDFATHER HAS ! HE WORKSHOP WHERE MOUNSE WORKED AFTE� HAVING HlM TEAR DOWN THE GARAGE. FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED., APRIL 4, 1989 DON DRAIN CIA! LED AND ADVISED THAT HE HADN' T BFEN ABLE TO WORK DUE TO AN INJURY 70 HIS FOOT BUT WILL START AGAIN / HIS WEFK WITH SIDING BEING REPAIRED. HE STATED THAT HE HAD REMOVED THE JUNK FROM THE HOUSE AND WORKED ON PORCH PRIOR TO GETTING HURT. I DID OBSERVE AN ATTEMPT TO COMPLY FOR AWHILE. I ADVISED MR. DRAIN TO KEEP ME ADVISED AND AS LONG AS HE ATTEMPTED WORK ON THE HOUSE, I WO�LD WORK WITH HIM. <251 > 201 FIRST ST. A. O. BOYD (SUBSTANDARD GARAGE) FEBRUARY 17, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. FEBRUARY 22, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. FEBRUARY 22, 1989 MR. BOYD CALLED AND ADVISED HE WAS TRYING TO RE-ESTABLISH THE BUILDING., FEBRUARY 22, 1989 MR. BOYD PICKED ME UP TO LOOK Al'' HIS PRDB| EM WITH THE GARAGE. HE ASKED IF I WOULD WORK WITH THF GENTLEMAN THAT LIVED THERE. I TOLD IF. BOYD THAT I WOULD COOPERATE AS MUCH AS I COULD BUT THAT HE (MR. BOYD) WOULD BE THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY. WE DISCUSSED OTHER PROPERTY OF CONCERN THAT HE OWNED. JUNE 12, 1989 MET WITH BOYD TO DISCUSS THE SITUATION. HE WAS UNDER | HE IMPRESSION THAT HIS TENANTS HAD MADE REPAIRS. I ADVISED NO PROGRESS HAD BEEN MADE. JUNE 21 , 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <253> 406 N. JACKSON LUMMIE WQLFE (JUNK & DEBRIS) FEBRUARY 17, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, MARCH 1 , 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. MARCH 1 , 1989 MRS. WOLFE CALLED IN AND ADVISED THAT SHE WAS UNABLE TO WORK DUE TO HER AGE AND HAD NO ONE TO ASSIST,, I AM CURRENTLY SEEKING AID / O HELP HER CLEAN THE PROPERTY,, MAY 81 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <260> 337 S. SECOND GRETTA DUER (SUBSTANDARD GARAGE IN REAR YARD) . MARCH 1 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAI| SENT. MAY 9, 1989 DEMO HAS BEEN STARTED. JUNE 17, 1989 TOOK PHOTO OF PROPERTY. NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE SINCE MY LAST INSPECTION. IF NO PROGRESS MADE BY JUNE 30 CHARGES WILL BE FILED. <265> ABST. 267, LOT 28 GREGORY MAPES (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) MARCH 8, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., MARCH 9, 19B9 LETTER RETURNED. MARCH 10, 1989 RESENT TO NEW OWNER HENRY WILLIAMS. MARCH 11 , 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. <269> 335 S. SECOND B. R. BARE (SUBSTANDARD STORAGE) FEBRUARY 24, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. FEBRUARY 27, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. <273> 100 S. FOURTH FLORENCE L. MUELLER (SUBSTANDARD STORAGE BUILDINGS MARCH 16, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. MARCH 16, 1989 PICTURES TAKEN. APRIL 1 , 1989 LETTER RETURNED UNCLAIMED APRIL 28, 1989 CHARGES TO BE FILED. JUNE 13, 1989 FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT' <289> 523 STONE CIRCLE LINDA STIRES (ZONING VIOLATION) MARCH 26, 1989 LEFT MESSAGE ON DOOR FOR SUBJECTS TO CALL. MARCH 28, 1989 NO CALLS RETURNED. MARCH 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, MARCH 30, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. APRIL 51 1989 MR. STIRES CAME IN FOR ADVISE, I TOLD HIM THA / WITHOUT BUILDING A 2 CAR GARAGE THE CLOSING IN OF THE EXISTING GARAGE WAS PROHIBITED. HE STATED THAT HE WOULD OPEN THE GARAGE BACK UP UNTIL HE DECIDE),-', WHAT TO DO. I TOLD HIM THAT HE REALLY HAD NO ALTERNATIVE AT ! HIS TIME THAN TO OPEN IT UP TILL SUCH TIME AS HE DECIDED WHAT TO DO AND HAD THE PLANS APPROVED. WE AGREED THAT THE GARAGE WOULD BE OPEN BY 4/10/89 , APRIL 10, 1989 THE GARAGE IS STILL CLOSED IN MR , STIRES DID NOT PERFORM AS AGREED ON. MAY 18, 1989 FINED $210. 50. JUNE 7, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <292> 308 S. COTTENBELT BOB & CAMIL MCGRAW WOODLAND APTS. (UNIT 1-18) (SUBSTANDARD HOUSING) APRIL 11 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT' APRIL 15, 1989 GREEN CARD RECIEVED,, MAY 135 1989 APT. #15 WAS INSPECTED AND APPEARED TO BE HABITABLE. <293> 708 COOPER PAUL BUCKNER GATLIN CABINET CO. , INC. (JUNK & DEBRIS) APRIL 11 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <295) 200 W. BROWN JOHN YEAGER (SUBSTANDARD STORAGE BUILDING) APRIL 13, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, MAY 1 , 1989 SPOKE WITH MR. YEAGER BOUT PROBLEM, HE WAS CONFUSED ON WHAT I NEEDED, I ADVISED HE STATED THAT HE WOULD CORRECT THE PROBLEM. MAY 9, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <296> 305 W. BROWN CAROLYN CHERRY BRIDGES (SUB STANDARD GARAGE) APRIL 13, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. APRIL 14, 1989 GREFN CARD RECEIVED. <302> 202 N. BALLARD WALTER FREE (WE R KOUNTRY) (HEALTH & FIRE) APRIL 14, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. APRIL 21 , 1989 MR. FREE CALLED AND ADVISED THAT HE WOULD LIKE AN EXTENSION FOR 3 MONTHS TO PROVIDE AN ANSOL VENT A HOOD FOR FIRE PROTECTION. I ADVISED THAT UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT HE HAD A SERIOUS FIRE HAZARD WITH UNPROTECTED BARF WOOD WALLS AND THAT I COULD ONLY GIVE HIM 30 DAYS TO EITHER HAVF THE ANSOL OR REMOVE THE FRYING FACILITIES. JUNE 12, 1989 I WAS ADVISED TEAT THEY (WE R KOUNTRY) WAS GOING OUT OF BUSINES5. <304> 101 S. WINDING OAK HORACE WILLIAMS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 20, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. APRIL 28, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED., MAY 11 , 1989 CHARGES FILED. MAY 12, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <305> 109 N. WINDING OAK 3-D HJMES (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 20, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. APRIL 26, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED THAT OLNEY SAVlNGS HAD ALL OF HIS PROPERTY. APRIL 28, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED OLNEY SAVINGS OWNER,, JUNE 6, 1989 TN COMPLIANCE. <306> 111 N. WINDING OAKS 3-D HOMFS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 20, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SEMT,, APRIL 26, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED THAT OLNEY SAVINGS HAD ALL OF HIS PROPERTY. APRIL 28, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED OLNEY SAVIMGS OWNER. 'JUNE 61 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <307> 205 N. WINDING OAKS 3-D HOMES (HIGH GRASS) APRIL r0, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. APRIL 26, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED THAT OLNEY SAVINGS HAD ALL OF HlS PROPFRTY,, APRIL 28, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED O\ NFY SAVINGS OWNER. JUNE 6, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <308> 203 N. WINDING OAKS 3-D HOMES (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 70, 1989 CERTIFIED MAI| SENT., APRIL 260 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED THAT OLNEY SAVINGS HAD ALL OF HIS PROPERTY. APRIL 28, 1989 DOUG HERRIN CALLED AND ADVISED OLNEY SAVINGS OWNER. JUNE 6, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <309> APRIL 26, 1989 OLNEY SAVINGS & LOAN (HIGH GRASS) 508 KAMBER LN. CERTIFIED MAIL SENT ON ALL, 512 KAMBER LN. 514 KAMBER LN. 518 KAMBER LN. 403 KATHY 407 KATHY 501 KATHY 503 KATHY 505 KATHY 507 KATHY 509 KATHY 511 KATHY 514 KATHY 516 KATHY 513 KATHY 510 KATHY 512 KATHY 404 VICKIE 407 VICKIE 400 VICKIE 402 VICKIE 408 VICKIE 410 VICKIE 501 VICKIE 405 VICKIE 409 VICKIE 411 VICKIE 406 VICKIE 109 N. WINDING OAKS 111 N. WINDING OAKS 203 N. WINDING OAKS 205 N. WINDING OAKS APRIL 28, 198(---,Yl GREEN CARD RECEIVED. MAY 11 , 1989 CHARGES + I| ED ON 4 LOTS. JUNE 6, 1989 TN COMPLIANCE. <310> 500 KAMBER LN. MURRY BLDG. CO. (HIGH GRASS) 401 KAMBER LN. APRIL 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. MAY 2, 1989 LETTER RETURNED MOVED LEFT NO FORWARDING ADDRESS. JUNE 5, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <3l1 > 516 KAMBER SUNBELT MORTGAGE CO. (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. MAY 16, 1989 AS OF ! HIS DA | E NO CONFlRMATTON HAS BEEN RECEIVED. JUNE 6, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE' <312> 501 KAMBER CHRISTOPHER HOLMES (HIGH GRASS> APRIL 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. MAY 11 , 1989 NO COMPLIANCE CHARGES FILED. <330> 501 KYLIE CLASSIC HOMES (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT, MAY 1 , 1989 BARNEY WITH CLASSIC HOMES CALLED AND ADVISED THAT THE OWNERS OF / HAT PROPERTY IS THE HOSTETTER' S AND PROVIDED ME WITH THE PHONE NO. MAY 2, 1989 ATTEMPTED PHONE CONTACT WAS UNABLE TO SPEAK WITH ANYONE,, JUNE 9, 1989 MADE CONTACT WITH OWNERS. THEY ADVISED THEY DID NOT KNOW IF THE -,- OWNED IT. WENT AHEAD AND SERVED NOTICE. <337> 506 E. GASTON DR. CUSTOMAX, INC. (HIGH GRASS) (JUNK & DEBRIS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAI| SENT. MAY 12, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. JUNE 6, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <339> 304 W. BROWN TRACY, GARY & ELNOR (HIGH GRASS} APRIL 281 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., MAY 1 /5 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <340> 102 S. RUSTIC TRAIL MAULDIN & SONS CONST (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAT! SENT. MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE,, <341 > 206 N. RUSTIC TRAIL R. C. FISHER, INC. (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <342> 419 N. WINDING OAKS R. C. FISHER, INC. (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MA[L SENT. MAv l7, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <744> 420 N. WINDING OAKS R. C. FISHER, INC. (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <316> 507 KAMBER L.N. FRANKLIN FERRELL (HIGH GFASS) APRIL 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. APRIL r8, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED MAY 11 , 1989 NO COMPLIA�CE CHARGES FILED. <317> APRIL 26, 1989 DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) 406 KAMBER LN. CERTIFIED MAIL SENT ON ALL' 412 KAMBER LN. 409 KAMBER LN. 427 KAMBER LN. 430 KAMBER LN. APRIL �7, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. APRIL 28, 1989 MR' KREYM : R ADVISED THAT HE WOULD HAVE POINT NOR | H MOWED BY MAY 11 , 1989 MR. RODDY GROVES ADVISED HE WAS MOWING ALL OF KREYMER LOTS BUT HTS MOWFR WAS BROKEN DOWN. MAY 15, 1989 MR. GROVES CALLED AND ADVISED THE SAME. JUNE 6, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <318> 427 KAMBER LN. DON KREYMER (JUNK & DEBRIS> APRIL 26, 1989 CERTlFIED MAIL SEN | . APRI| 27, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED. <324> 426 N. WINDING OAKS RICHARD PRICE (HIGH GRASS) MAY 1 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <325> 706 WESTWIND LN. RAUL CAROMA (JU�K MOTOR VEH) (BAD ODOR) APRIL 25, 1989 MY OBSERVATION INDICATED THAT THE HOUSE WAS ABANDONED. THE WATER METER WAS LOCKED. NO ODOR' HOWEVER THERE WERE AUTOS LEFT BEHIND, ONE OF WHICH HAD EXPIRED TAGS' I AM ATTEMPTIMG TO LOCATE A FORWARDING ADDRESS FOR THESE PEOPLE. <326> 509 GRAHAM DAVID NEAL (HIGH GRASS) MAY 1 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 6, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <345> 422 N. WINDING OAKS R. C. FISHER, INC' (HIGH GRASS) APRI| 28, 1989 CERT0IED MAIL SENT,, MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <346> 409 N. WINDING OAKS R. C. FISHER, INC. (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 281 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <347> 424 N. WINDING OAKS R. C. FISHER, INC. !HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <348> 410 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 285 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 95 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <349> 412 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAI| SENT. JUNE 99 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <350> 429 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SEKT,, JUNE 9, 1989 [N COMPLIANCE. <351 > 407 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAT! S+NT,, JUNE 9, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <352> 428 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT' JUNE 9, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE' <353> 411 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 99 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <354> 501 N. WINDING OAKS OLNEY SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT:, MAY 17, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <355> 113 S. WINDING OAKS DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY 89 1989 RODDY GROVES TO MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS MOWER IS RFPAIRED., JUNE 26, 1989 ADVISED TO HOLD CASE TILL AGREEMENT SIGNED. JUNE 27, 1989 ADVISED DERICK TO HAVE LOTS MOWED. <356> 105 S. WINDING OAKS DON KREYMFR (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 981 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY S, 1989 RODDY GROVES TO MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS MOWER IS REPAIRED' JUNE 26. 1989 ADVISED TO HOLD CASE TI| L AGREEMENT SIGNED,, JUNE 27, 1989 ADVISED DERICK TO HAVE LOTS MOWED. <357> 400 N. WINDING OAKS DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY 85 1989 RODDY GROVES TO MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS MOWER IS REPAIRED,, MAY 31 , 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <358> 403 N. WINDING OAKS DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY 8, 1989 RODDY GROVES TO MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS MOWER IS REPAIRED' MAY 31 , 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <359> 405 N. WINDING OAKS DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY 8, 1989 RODDY GROVES TO MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS MOWER IS REPAIRED. MAY 31 , 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <360> 415 KYLIE LN. DON KREYMFR (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY 8, 1989 RODDY GROVES TO NOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS MOWER IS REPAIRED. MAY 31 , 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <361 > 119 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT APRIL 28, 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVFD MAY 271 1989 CHARGES FILED., JUNE 1 /, 1989 COREY GAMBLE CALLED AND ADVISED HE WOULD BE MOWING BY JUNE 30, 1989' <362> 120 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT MAY is 1989 GREEN CARD RECEIVED JUNE 81 1989 CHARGES FILED. <363> 402 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 281 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <364> 400 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <365> 406 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <366> 404 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIPIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <367> 408 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUN± 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <368> 410 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 85 1989 CHARGES FILED. <369> 412 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CFRTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 81 1989 CHARGES FILED. <370> 414 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRI| 98, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <371 > 416 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <372> 418 FLEMING SUNBEL / SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 81 1989 CHARGES FILED. <373> 420 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 289 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED' <374> 422 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRI| 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <375> 424 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <376> 426 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED' <377> 428 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 89 1989 CHARGES FILED. <378> 430 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS> APRIL 28, 1989 CEPTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <379> 432 FLEMING Al., SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL �8, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SFNT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. �38O> 434 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <381 > 503 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <382> 501 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <383> 445 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <384> 441 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <385> 439 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (�IGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED' <386> 437 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH G�ASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <387> 435 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 81 1989 CHARGES FILED. <388> 433 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <389> 431 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <690> 429 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <391 > 427 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 281 1989 CER | IFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <392> 425 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <394> 421 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 98, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <395> 419 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 289 1989 CERTIFIED MAI| SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <396> 417 FLEMING SUNBF| T SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <397> 415 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS <HIGH GRASS) APRIL 281 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <398> 413 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS ! APRIL 289 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <399> 411 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 285 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <400> 409 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 81 1989 CHARGES FILED. <401 > 407 FLEMING SUNBELT SAVINGS (HIGH GRASS) APRIL 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JUNE 8, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <4O2> CULD A SAC S. FOXWOOD APRIL 281 1989 MY INVESTIGATION SHOWED THAT | HE POND WAS LEAKING ALONG THE LEVY Al'' SOME TREES, MY CONCLUSION IS THAT THE WATER IS COMING FROM AROUND THE ROOTS OF SOME TREES. THE WATER HAS BECOME STAGNENT AND POSES A POTENTIAL THREAT TO THE INTEGRITY OF THE HOUSE ADJACENT THE POND., MAY 1 , 1989 I REQUESTED MR. HOMEYER TO MEET ME AT THIS LOCATION TO GET HIS OPINION OF THE PROBLEM, HE WALKED IT OVER AND ADVISED THAT HE WOULD SUPPLY ME WITH A MEMO STATING THAT THE WATER WAS COMING FROM THE POND , MAY 3, 1989 MET WITH A SUBJECT, HE ADVISED THAT THE STORM SEWER WAS TO RUN UP TO THE TREE LINE BUT DID NOT GO THAT FAR. MAY 3, 1989 MR. FAIRIES ADVISED THAT MR. HOMEYER IS DRAWING UP THE PLANS FOR A FRENCH DRAIN AND WHEN THE PLANS ARE COMPLETE THE PUBLIC WORKS CREW WOULD INSTALL THE DRAIN., JUNE 30, 1989 ASKED MR. WHITE STATUS. HE ADVISED THEY WOULD HAVE REPAIRED lN 2 WEEKS. <406> 112 N. RUSTIC TRAILS DAVE JOHNSON (ZONING VIOLATION GARAGE CONVERSION) MAY 30, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <408> 1202 S. BIRMINGHAM RICHARD W. HIGH (SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) JUNE 2, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <409> SONNY BOY` S VIRGINA MARTIN (SUBSTANDARD BUILDING) JUNE 41 1989 INSPECTION AFTER FIRE NOTED NUMEROUS VIOLATIONS. JUNE 5, 1989 MET WITH MANAGEMENT OF SONNY BOY' S TO DISCUSS RFPAIRS. JUNE 71 1989 MET WITH MRS. MARTIN TO DISCUSS REPAIRS. SHE PULLED PERMIT. JUNE 15, 1989 CALLED FOR A FINAL INSPECTION, HOWEVER BUILDING WAS LOCKED. <410> 108 N. FIFTH DON KREYM�R (WEEDS AND JUNK MOTOR VEHICLES) JUNE 29 1989 WE CAN NOT PURSUE ANY CLEAN UP Al' THIS POINT DUE TO CONTRACT ON OTHER VIOLATIONS TO BE SIGNED. JUNF 195 1989 DUE TO THE FACT THAT THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN SIGNED I WILL NOTIFY OF VIOLATIONS. <411 > 314 S. THIRD A. B. SIMMONS (WEEDS AND JUNK) JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 101 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL CLAIMED,, JUNE 17, 1989 MR. SIMMONS CALLED AND ADVISED DONALD KREYMER WAS OWNER. JUNE 16, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT TO DONALD KREYMER. <412> 308 S. THIRD JETT DRAIN (WEEDS AND JUNK) JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT, JUNE 13, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED., JUNE 16, 1989 MR-, DRAIN CALLED AND ADVISED HE NEEDED A TWO WFEK EXTENSION. <413> 334 S. FOURTH HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (WEEDS) JUNE 5, 1989 NO VIOLATION <415> 409 KAMBER SAVINGS OF TEXAS ASSOCIA { ION (WEEDS) JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT' <416> 412 KAMBER SAVINGS OF TEXAS ASSOCIATION (WEEDS) JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 21 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECFIVED. <417> 427 KAMBER SAVTNGS OF TEXAS ASSOCIATION (WEEDS> JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT' JUNE 21 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <418> 430 KAMBER SAVINGS OF TEXAS ASSOCIATION (WEEDS) JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <419> 409 S. FOURTH T. W. PROPERTY JOINT VENTURE (WEEDS) JUNE 9, 1989 CER { IFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 26, 1989 NO COMPLIANCE. CHARGES FILED. <420> 201 S. COTTONBELT DONALD FULTON (WEEDS) JUNE 1 , 1989 I ADVISED COMPLAINTANT THAT MR. FULTON HAS SEMI VANISHED. I EXPLAINED HOW HE PAID A FINE, BUT HE DID NOT KNOW WHERE HE LIVED, BUT I WOULD DO WHAT I COULD. <421 > 200 & 204 LIBERTY (WEEDS) JUNE 7, 1989 NO VIOLATION. <422> 1050 SURREY CIRCLE CENTURY 21 (WEEDS) JUNE 7, 1989 ATTEMPTED TO KILL BEES DUE TO ALLERGIC REACTION BY NEIGHBORS. JUNE 12, 1989 ATTEMPTED AGAIN TO KILL BEES. JUNE 14, 1989 A BEE KEEPER HIRED BY CENTURY 21 CAME OUT �ND COLLECTED BEES' JUNE 16, 1989 SPOKE WITH MR. TANSY WITH CENTURY 21 , SHE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW TOMORROW�Jw JUNE 19, 1989 NO COMPLIANCE. JUNE 30, 1989 IN COMPLTANCE. <423> PRESIDENTIAL ESTATES DONALD KREYMER (WEEDS) MAY r41 1989 DONALD KREYMER ADVISED HE WOULD HAVE MOWED THIS WEEK. JUNE 5, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <424> 401 FLEMING RUSTIC OAKS APT. (STAGNANT POOL) JUNE By 1989 SPOKE WITH PAN AT RUSTIC OAKS APT., FXPLAINED THAT I KNOW DUE TO THE EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF RAIN THAT | HE POOL WOULD BE HARD TO KEEP CLEAN, BUT THEY NEEDED TO CLEAN IT ANYWAY AND l WOULD BE BACK TO REINSPECT. <425> EASTRIDGE ADDITION DONALD KRFYMER (WEEDS) MAY 245 1989 SPOKE WITH KREYMFR. HE ADVISED THAT MR. GROOVES WOULD BEGIN BEGIN MOWING TODAY. MAY 30, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <426> 514 N. WINDING OAKS (WORKING ON VEHICLE) MAY 24, 1989 INSPECTED BOTH KAMBER AND WINDING OAKS AND WAS UNABLE TO LOCATE ANY EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE CLAIM. <427> 200 BLK. DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT BANK OF ROCKWALL (WEEDS) JUNE 291 1989 TINA WIT| |ROW, 278-8359, WITH TREE AND TURF ADVISED THEY WOULD BE MOWED BY JUNE 26, 1989. <428> 100 BLK S. WINDING OAKS DONALD KREYMER (WEEDS) JUNE 6, 1989 QUASHED IN COUNTY DUE TO TECHNICAL ERROR. <429> 304 MEMORIAL MORTGAGE CO. (WEEDS) JUNL 301 1989 CONTACTED BY PHONE (242-8886) MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS TO MOW PROPERTY. <430> 507 RUSTIC CIRCLE TRANSAMERICAN (WFEDS) JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JUNE 29, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <431 > 905 MARDI GRAS KATHY CHARLES (TRASH) JUNE 95 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 15, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED,, JUNE 19, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <432) TRAILS PLACE ADDITION (WEEDS) (A, B, C) (A) / . W. PROPERTY, LOT 9, 7 (B) FORESTWOOD BANK, LOT 19 (C) JOE GPORGE, LOT 10 JUNE 27, 1989 LOTS 9, 7, 10 ARE IN COMPLIANCE , JUNE 309 1989 LOT 19 IN COMPLIANCF. < 133> 708 FLAGSTONE E. W. SWITZER (WEEDS) JUNE 91 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT , JUNE 12, 1989 NOTICE RECEIVED. JUNE 191 1989 DISCOVERED ERROR IN NOTICE WILL RESEND. JUNE 275 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <434> GASTON & KAMBER (WEEDS) JUNE 51 1989 I INSPECTED PROPERTY AND FOUND NO VIOLATION, HOWEVER PROPERTY WAS RECENTLY MOWED' <435> 204-218 PICADILLY 201-215 PICADILLY TEMBAR CORPORATION (WEEDS) JUNE 7, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 30, 1989 CALLED POST OFFICE FOR STATUS OF LETTER, SHE ADVISED WE NEED TO PICK UP A CARD FOR $2. 00, SEND IT TO POST MASTER AND THEY WOULD ADVISE STATUS. <436> 585 S.F. M. H.P. JOHNNY TAYLOR (UNAPPROVED PLUMBING CONNECTION) JUNE 7, 1989 MET WITH KATHY TAYLOR AND LOOKED OVER SITUATION. FOUND THEY HAD THEIR WATER HOSE CONNECTED TO A NEIGHBORS HOSE BIB. ADVISED THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE. FOUND THEY HAD BEEN DISCONNFCTED DUE TO FAILURE TO PAY WATERBILL. I CHOOSE NOT TO DISCONNECT WATER DUE TO TWO NEWBORNS LIVE THERE. ADVISED THEY SHOULD MEET WITH JAMES JOHNSON TO DISCUSS THEIR ACCOUNT AND MAKE ARRANGEMENTS,, JUNE 81 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 121 1989 NOTICE RETURNED UNCLAIMED., JUNE 19, 1989 RECEIVED CITIZEN COMPLAINT ABOUT WELFARE OF CHILDREN. <437> TRACT 34 ABST. 820 E. W. SWITZER (WEEDS) JUNE 9, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JUNE 129 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED , JUNE 199 1989 DISCOVERED ERROR IN NOTICE. NOTICE RESENT. JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <438> CORNER BROWN & WINDING OAKS CHAPPAREL REALTY (WEEDS) JUNE 71 1989 ATTEMPTED CONTACT WITH MR' TODD, PROPERTY MANAGER' LEFT MESSAGE. JUNE 8, 1989 AT | EMPTED CONTACT WITH MR. TODD AGAIN. LEFT MESSAGE,, JUNE 9, 198(..e, MR. TODD ATTEMPTED CONTACT WITH ME. JUNE 12, 1989 SPOKE WITH MR. TODD AND HE ADVISED HE WOULD MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS IT DRIED OUT. <439 A & B) 703 & 705 FLAGSTONE TIBBALS/ST. JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 STOPPED BY TO ADVISE MR. TIBBALS AT 9: 14 A. M. JUNE 19, 1989 TRIED TO CAL| AT 1 : 38 P. M. JUNE 20, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS HE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. JULY 31 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <440> 701 FLAGSTONE TIBBALS/ST. JOHN JUNF 19, 1989 STOPPED BY TO ADVISE MR. TIBBALS AT 9: 14 A. M. JUNE 19, 1989 TRIED TO CALL AT 1 : 38 P. M' JUNE 20, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS HE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <441 > 712 FLAGSTONE L. W. SELF (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 CONTACTED MR, SELF HE ADVISED MOWING TO BE DONE THIS WEEK. JUNE 2/, 1989 IN COMPLIANCF' <442> 710 FLAGSTONE L. W. SELF (WEEDS) JUNE 191 1989 CONTAC / ED MR' SLLF HE ADVISED MOWING TO BE DONE THIS WEEK. JUNE 27, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <443> 708 FLAGSTONE L. W. SELF (WEEDS) JUNE 191 1989 CONTACTED MR. SELF HE ADVISED MOWING TO BE DONE THIS WEEK. JUNE 27, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <444> 703 MEADOW LANE TIBBALS/ST' JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 191 1989 STOPPED BY TO ADVISE MR. TIBBALS AT 9: 14 A. M. JUNE 195 1989 TRIED TO CALL AT 1 : 38 P. M. JUNE 20, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS HE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <445> 705 MEADOW LANE TIBBALS/ST' JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 STOPPED BY TO ADVISE MR. TIBBALS AT 9: 14 A. M. JUNE 19, 1989 TRIED TO CALL AT 1 : 38 P. M. JUNE 20, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS HE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. JULY 31. 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <446> 715, 717, 719 MEADOW LN. TIBBALS/ST. JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 STOPPED BY TO ADVISE MR. TIBBALS AT 9: 14 A. M. JUNE 19, 1989 TRIED TO CALL AT 1 : 38 P. M. JUNE 20, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS HE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <447> 704 WEST WIND LN. TIBBALS/ET. JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 STOPPED BY TO ADVISE MR. TlBBALS AT 9: 14 A. M. JUNE 19, 1989 TRIED TO CALL AT 1 : 38 P. M. JUNE 20, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS HF ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <448> 500 E. STONE CIRCLE P & R INVESTMENT (WEEDS) JUNE 199 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 205 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. �449> 508 E. STONE CIRCLE P & R INVESTMENT (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JUNE 21 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED,, JUNE 28, 1989 lN COMPLIANCE. <450> 510 E. STONE CIRCLE P & R INVESTMENT (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JUNE 21 , 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <451 > 207 STONE RD. F. MOORE (WEEDS) JUNE 190 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 201 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED' JUNE 21 , 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <452> 701 S. BIRMINGHAM PINK! BARDIN (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 21 , 1989 CER | IFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JUNE 28, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <454> 544 & MCCREARY RD. LYONS REALTY (WEEDS' JUNE 16, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIM LYONS HE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW PROPERTY. JUNE 191 1989 THEY STARTED MOWING PROPERTY P. M. INSPECTION SHOWED ABOUT 60% COMPLETE,, JUNE 20, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE' <455> HOOPER RD & 544 LYONS REALTY (WEEDS) JUNE 161 1989 ADVISED THAT I NEEDED TO CONTACT JOHN FREEZ FOR OWNER INFORMATION. <456> HOOPER BUSINESS PARK R. GRUNNAH (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JULY 3, 1989 141 COMPLIANCE. <457> CENTURY BUSINESS PARK LYONS REALTY (WEEDS) JUNE 16, 1989 MR' LYONS ADVISED COMPLIANCE BY THIS COMING WEEK. <458> 708 MEADOW LANE B. WIL| lAMS (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 20, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JUNE 20, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <459> 304 MEMORIAL (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 INSPECTED PROP�RTY, NOT BA.'(' SOON WILL ADVISE CLERK TO MAIL CERTIFIED LETTER. <460> 2801 F. M. 544 PETER PARKS (DRAINAGE) JUNE 13, 1989 INSPECTED THE SITUATION. FOUND NO CLDGS. THF RAIN WAS TO INTENSE TO BE HANDLED BY THE DRAINAGE PIPE IN THAT ARr:A. <461 > 417 MARBLE TRI TEXAS MORTGAG� CO. (WEEDS) JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 30, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED' <462> FIELD BY STONEYBROOK CITY (WEEDS) JUNE 19, 1989 PUBLIC WORKS MOWE�. JUNE 19, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <463> 600 E. OAK (LIMBS IN PA1:--KWAY> JUNF 13, 1989 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <464> 509 S. JACKSON DON KREYMER (WEEDS AN� SUBSTANDARD HOUSE) JUNE 14, 1989 QUASHED IN COUNTY DUE TO TECHNICAL ERROR. <465> 417 MARBLE TRI { EXAS MORTGAGE CO. (WEEDS) JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT, JUNE 301 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <466> ALLEY IN POINT NORTH DON KREYMFR (WEEDS) JUNE 30, 1989 IN COMPLIVINCE. <469> 103 N. WINDING OAKS SAVINGS OF TEXAS (WEEDS) JUNE 221 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER MAILED. JUNE 25, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER RECEIVED. <470> 406 N. JACKSON L. WOLF± (ANIMAL) JUNE 22, 1989 REFERRED TO ANIMAL CONTROL. <471 > 404 N. JACKSON T. HEWETT (JUNK AND DEBRIS) JUNE 22, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER MAILED., JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER RECEIVED' JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <472> 405 W. JEFFERSON (WEEDS) JUNE 14, 1989 COMPLAINT RECEIVED. WAS UNABLt TO INSPECT' JUNE 191 1989 FOUND PROPERTY TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WHEN I INSPECTED IT. WAS MOWED OVER WEEKEND. <473> 500 BLK. OF OAK ST. (TRASH) JUNE 19, 1989 UNABLE TO LOCATE. <474> 600 GRAHAM COURT DON KREYMER (WEEDS) JUNE 22, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <475> 602 GRAHAM COURT DON KREYMFR (WEEDS) JUNE 221 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 261 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <476> 503 GRAHAM (WEEDS) JUNE 20, 1989 CLERK ATTEMPTED TO LOCATE OWNER. UNABLE TO LOCATE., JUNt 221 1989 FILE SENT BACK TO CLERK WITH INSTRUCTIONS ON OTHER ATTEMPTS TO LOCATE LETTER. JUNE 27, 1989 MADE CONTACT WITH BUILDER REMODELING HOUSE. HE ADVISED HE WOULD HAVE IT TAKEN CARE OF' <477> 801 S. BIRMINGHAM W. C. MARTIN (WEEDS) JUNE 22, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT, JUNE 28, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <478> 1057 E. OAK (WEEDS) JUNE 20, 1989 UNABLE TO LOCATE OWNERS PER CLERK. JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JULY 31 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <479> 100 S. RUSTIC TRAIL GARY MASTERS (WEEDS) JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <480> 102-106 S. RUSTIC TRAIL AMERICAN OMEGA (WEEDS) JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JULY 19 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. <481 > 108 N. RUSTIC TRAIL NORTHPARK SAVINGS (WEEDS) JUNE 22, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <482> 106 N. RUSTIC TRAIL D. STEVENS (WEEDS) JUNE 729 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT,, JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURNED. MOVED LEFT NO FORWARDING ADDRESS. <483> 202 N. RUSTIC TRAIL AMERICAN OMEGA (WEEDS) JUNE 221 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <484> 206 N. RUSTIC TRAIL (WEEDS) JUNE 221 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <485> 1002 MARDI GRAS VETERANS ADMINISTRATION (WEEDS} JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SFNT,, JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JULY 5, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <486> 909 MEMORIAL WESTMARK MORTGAGE (WEEDS) JUNF 269 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT, JULY 5, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <487> DITCH BETWEEN FIRST & SECOND STREETS C. WHITE (STAGNANT WATER) JUNE 21 , 1989 ADVISED MR. WHITE OF THE PROBLEM HE STATED IF HE RECEIVED ANY OF THE DISASTER RFLIEF MONEY HE WOULD CLEAN THE DITCH AND CULVERT. I ADVISED T| |E DITCH WAS NOT BAD NOW, BUT SOON WOULD BE AND WE WOULD HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. <488> 300 S. FIRST ST. B. NICHOLS (WEEDS) JUNE 221 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <489> WYNDHAM II BLK H MYRAN CORPORATION (WEEDS) JUNE 23, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <490> 509 S. JACKSON DON KREYMER (WEEDS) JUNE 26, 1989 HOLDING TILL FURTHER NOTICE DUE TO LEGAL NEGOTIATIONS BEING SETTLED. <491 > 402 S. FIRST TRANSAMERICAN REA| ESTATE (WEEDS) JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER MAILED,, JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER RECEIVED. <492> 200 W. BROWN J . YEAGER (WEEDS) JUNE 26, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER MAILED. JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED LETTER RECEIVED' JULY 1 , 1989 lN COMPLIANCE. <493> 402 VALENTINE (WEEDS) JUNE 20, 1989 CLERK UNABLE TO LOCATE OWNLR. JUNE 215 1989 LOCATED MANAGEMENT CO. FOR HOUSE. WILL BE ADVISING BY CERTIFIED MAIL. /494> WESTGATE (WEEDS) JUNE 16, 1989 ASKED MR. ERWIN WITH FOX & JACOBS IF HE KNEW WHO TO CONTACT ABOUT THE EMPTY LOTS TO HAVE THEM MOWED. HE ADVISED HE WOULD SEE TO IT. JUNE 27, 1989 MOST LOTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE' <495> 108 N. JACKSON T. SMITH (WEEDS) JUNE 261. 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JUNE 28, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <496> 503 S. JACKSON DON KREYMER (WEEDS) JUNE 26, 1989 ADVISED TO HOLD TILL LEGAL ACTIONS ARE FINISHED. <497> 212 RUSH CREEK TRAMSWESTERN (WEEDS) JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 30, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <498> 200-210 TANGLEWOOD TIBBALS/ST. JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 225 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <499> 215 & 217 RUSH CREEK TIBBALS/ST. JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 22, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS' JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <500> 219 RUSH CREEK TIBBALS/ST. JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 22, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <501 > 215 & 217 TANGLEWOOD TIBBALS/S / . JOHN (WEEDS) JUNE 22, 1989 SPOKE WITH TIBBALS. JULY 3, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE. <502> 320 S. SECOND TRANSAMERICAN REAL ESTATE (WEEDS) JUNE 27, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JUNE 28, 1989 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIVED. JULY 5, 1989 CHARGES FILED. <503> 321 S. SECOND B. WAKEFIELD (WEEDS) JUNE 30, 1989 TALKED WITH CHRIS, THE TENANT, SHE ADVISED THEY WOULD MOW. <504> 208 S. THIRD TRANSAMERICAN REAL ESTATE (WEEDS) JUNE 27, 1989 CFRTIFIED MAIL SENT. <505> 505 E. STONE CIRCLE (JUNK MOTOR VPHICLE) JUNE 21 , 1989 SPOKE WITH OWNERS ASKED THEM TO REMOVE CAR OR SHIELD FROM PUBLIC VIEW. THE VEHICLE WAS NOT EVEN ON THEIR PROPERTY., JUNE 22, 1989 IN COMPLIANCE' <506> 800 BLK OF S. BALLARD CITY R' O' W' (JUNK MOTOR VEHICLE` JUNE 22, 1989 INSPECTFD PROPERTY FOUND AUTOS TO BE IN ALLEY. OBTAINED INFORMATION FROM AUTOS AND ADVISED POLICE DEPARTMENT. THEY WERE TAGGED TO BE REMOVED. <507> 207 N. SECOND (OVER CROWDED RESIDENT) JUNE 24, 1989 THE U. H. C. STATES 100 SQ. FT. PER PERSON, BUT IT WILL BE HARD TO PROVE TOTAL OCCUPANTS BEYOND A DOUBT. THE SUPREME COURT HAS NOT DEFINED WHAT CONSTITUTES A FAMILY, THEREFORE TO TRY TO CHARGE THEM WITH MULTI FAMILY IN A SINGLE FAMILY ZONE WOULD NO7 5TAND UP IN COURT. <508> #98 S. F. M. H. P. (MANHOLE COVER) JUNE 26, 1989 ASKED NFLDA TO HAVE A MAINTENANCE MAN CHECK IT OUT AND SEE WHAT WAS NEEDED AND FIX IT. I ADVISED I WOULD CHECK IT ON JUNE 77, 1989. <509> 513 WOODHOLLOW (JUNK MOTOR VEHICLE) JUNE 271 1989 INSPECTED PROPERTY AND FOUND AUTO TO BE ON STREET. REFERRED TO POLICE DEPAR | MENT. JUNE 30, 1989 CAR REMOVED. IN COMPLIANCE' <510> 507 KAMBER (TRASH & UNSECURED HOUSE) JUNE 271 1989 INSPECTED PROPERTY AND FOUND SOME TRASH WITHIN. PROPERTY OWNERS ALREADY HAVE FAILURE TO APPEAR WARRANTS FOR OTHER CODE VIOLATIONS,, SUBJECTS REPORTEDLY MOVED TWO WEEKS AGO AND / EFT HOUSE OPEN. CONTACTED POLICE DEPARTMENT TO SECURE HOUSE. <511 > 408 JACKSON D. DRAIN (JUNK AND DEBRIS) JUNE 28, 1989 CALLED MR. DRAIN AND ADVISED HIM TO MOW PROPERTY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. JUNE 301 1989 IN COMPLIANCE' <512> BEERS AUTO ON HWY 544 L. BEERS (JUNK AND DEBRIS) JUNE 27, 1989 SPOKE WITH A MECHANIC NAMED LEWIS AT THIS LO[ATION HE ADVISED THEY WOULD CLEAN UP PROPERTY. JUNE 289 1989 OBSERVED TRUCK AND TRAILER FULL OF JUNK BEING REMOVED, THEREBY EXPOSING A POSSIBLE JUNK YARD. ADVISED LEWIS OF JUNK YARD REQUIREMENTS AND THAT THE CARS WOULD HAVE TO BE REMOVED. <513-A> 2819 HWY 544 (JUNK YARD) JUNE 281 1989 ATTEMPTED TO CONTACT JERRY COX TO ADVISE HIM OF POSSIBLE JUNK YARD VIOLATION. HE WAS NOT IN. <513 B> 2819 HWY 544 (JUNK YARD ZONING) JUNE 28, 1989 ADVISED A MECHANIC NAMED RICHARD OF THE ZONING VIOLATION OF OPERATING � JUNK YARD WITHOUT A LICENSE AND PROPER ZONING AND ADVISED HIM HE HAD SEVEN DAYS TO REMOVE VEHICLES. I ALSO ADVISED CURTIS WATTS OF HIS RESPONSBILITY AS THEIR LANDLORD AND HE BEING THE ULTIMATE PARTY RESPONSIBLE AND I WOULD BE ADVISING HIM BY CERTIFIED MAIL TO REMOVE VEHICLES. <514> 281 / HWY 544 L. BEERS (JUNK AND DEBRIS) JUNF 27, 1989 SPOKE WITH MECHANIC. HE ADVISED THEY WOULD BEGIN CLEAN UP. JUNE 281 1989 CLEAN UP HAS BEFN STARTFD. <515> 507 KAMBER VACANT (WEEDS AND UNSECURED) JUNE 27, 1989 ADVISED THAT WINDOWS WERE OPEN AND SHE WAS AFRAID SOMEONE WOULD TRY TO OCCUPY THE HOUSE SINCE NO ONE HAD BEEN THERE IN TWO WEEKS. SHE ALSO COMPLAINED OF HIGH GRASS. I ADVISED THAT WE ALREADY HAD CHARGES ON THE TENANTS AND SINCE THEY MOVED IT MIGHT BE HARD TO GAIN COMPLIANCE FOR AWHILE. ADVISED POLICE DEPARTMENT OF | HE PROBLEM WITH HOUSE. THEY SECURED THE HOUSE.