08-13-1985 (City Council) Agenda Packet ,(74.-S/Xefe2,34.): /1/T" --(9-4441 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 , 1985. 7 : 00 P .M . RITA & TRUETT SMITH LIBRARY CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-16 Consider approval of minutes . 2 17-18 Consider appointment to fill vacancy on Planning & Zoning Commission . 3 Consider appointment of one member and one alternate member to Zoning Board of Adjustments . PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 4 19-25 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the request for zoning for the land commonly known as the "Birmingham Trust" land , located at FM1378 and FM 3412 . Multi-zoning requested . 5 26-31 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for the tract known as "The Birmingham Trust Land" . 6 32-34 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , located on the east side of FM1378 north of the Birmingham land . 7 35-37 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the request for SF-3 (single family) , B-1 (business) and R (retail) zoning for 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 . (Location described above) . 8 38-40 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 . (Location described above) . 9 41-43 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 71 . 38 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , located east of FM1378 and north of Birmingham Land . 1 10 44-47 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the request for multi- family , duplex and single family (SF-3) zoning for 71 . 38 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 ( location described above) . 11 48-50 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for 71 . 38 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , (location described above) . 12 51-53 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 (located east of FM1378 north of Birmingham Land") . 13 54-57 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on a request for MF (multi- family) and R (retail) zoning on 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 . (location described above) 14 58-60 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 . (location described above) 15 61-62 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 30 acres out of the G . W. Gunnell Survey , Abstract 351 . Bordered on the east by FM1378 and on the north and west by Lake Ranch Estates . 16 63-66 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the request for re- zoning from retail to B-2 for lot out of Rustic Oaks Addn. 17 67-69 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for lot out of Rustic Oaks addition . 18 70-74 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the request for re- zoning lot in Rustic Oaks Addn . from retail to B-1 . 19 75-77 Consider approval of zoning ordinance for zoning of lot in Rustic Oaks Addn . 20 78-81 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct second and final public hearing on the annexation of 10 . 038 acres out of the J .D . Shelby Survey , Abstract 819 and the N . A . Atterbury Survey , Abstract 1763 located in the area of Vinson Road and S . FM 544 . 21 82-85 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct second and final public hearing on the annexation of two acres out of the Wm. Sachse Survey , Abstract 835 located at the corner of FM544 and Steel Road . 2 22 86-95 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct first public hearing on the annexation of 128 . 12 acres out of the J . Mitchell Survey , Abstract 589 . Located in the area of Muddy Creek south of McMillan Road . 23 PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct public hearing on the proposed tax rate for the City of Wylie . 24 96 Consider approval of ordinance designating thoroughfares in the City of Wylie . 25 97 Consider approval of amendment to Subdivision Ordinance reducing the p . s . i . for concrete paving of City streets . 26 98-99 Consider approval of TMRS Updated Credit Service Ordinance . 27 100-101 Consider approval of ordinance establishing a priority list for reconstruction of streets within the City of Wylie . 28 102-103 Consider approval of amendment to Fee Ordinance No . 84-12 , establishing the fees for street assessment payments and interest rates . NEW BUSINESS 29 104 Consider acceptance of public improvements for Regency Business Park. 30 insert Consider authorization to "approve for construction" plans for Quail Hollow Phase I . 31 105 Consider authorization to "approve for construction" plans for East Ridge Addition . 32 106 Consider approval of preliminary plat for Rustic Oaks IV . 33 107 Consider approval of plat for Spring Creek Park (ETJ review) . Site of new City Hall . 34 108-110 Consider acceptance of easement for sanitary sewer line through Quail Hollow addition . 35 Consider approval of petition to release a tract of land in Wylie ' s extra-territorial jurisdiction to the City of Murphy . 36 Consider acceptance of public improvements for Westside and 544 Industrial Parks . 3 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 37 Discussion of proposed 1985-86 budget . APPROVAL OF PURCHASE/PAYMENT/FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 38 111-114 Consider authorization to enter into lease/purchase agreement with Borg-Warner Leasing for lift station tanks for Rush Creek I and Muddy Creek . GENERAL DISCUSSION 39 Citizen Participation . 40 General Council Discussion . 41 ADJOURN 4 } • • CITY COUNCIL MEETING . MINUTES JULY 23 , 1985 7 :00 P . M. T e Wylie City •Council met in regular session on Tuesday , July' 23 , 1985 at 7 : 00 P . M . in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law . Those present were Mayor John W . Akin , Mayor Pro Tem I)on Hughes , Councilmen Percy Simmons , William Martin , Harold Spence , Randall Gaston , and Joe Fulgham , City Manager Gus Pappas , City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Public Works Director Bill Windham, Bill Lowe of Lone Star Gas , John Seeley , Tom Mayes , Elayne Mayes of Wylie News , Harold Iloligan , Mr . Thurman , and other citizens . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and gave the invocation . APPROVAL OF MINUTES : There being no corrections or additions to the minutes , a motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve as submitted . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPOINTMENT OF CITY JUDGE AND PROSECUTING ATTORNEY : The Municipal Court Attorney CaMille Elloitt has not been at the court hearings for the past two months . Mr . Robert Beasley has requested to be moved from the judges seat and placed in the prosecuting attorney seat . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to have the City Manager write a letter terminating CaMille Elliott . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in Cavor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO . 84-12 (FEE ORDINANCE) SETTING FEE FOR MACHINE SWEEPING , BY CITY CREWS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND PARKING LOTS : This amendment sets the fee for sweeping private property by City crews with City equipment as well as increasing the fee for construction water meters from $150 .00 to $250 . 00 . The Council wanted the to acid a sentence to clarify that the deposit will be refunded after the amount for water useage has been deducted . Councilman Fr • 4 • Martin wanted to know when the sweeper would do these private lots . City Manager Gus Pappas said the city would try to hire someone who would work four ( 4 ) hours at late night and four (4) hours mid-morning . Motion to approve this ordinance with the addition of above sentence was made by Councilman Fulgham . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as' follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS FOR THE DISCHARGING OF WASTE (POLLUTION CONTROL) : This ordinance is mandated by State law for any City over 5000 population . In addition to that , it is needed in order for the City to have control over the dumping of dangerous materials into creeks and waterways within both the city limits and our ETJ . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve the above ordinance . Seconded by Councilman Fulgham . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tern Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO . 83-18 REGULATING MOBILE HOME PARKS : This amendment to the ordinance is in regards to the lot layouts and the setback requirements . This has been discussed but was never made a part of this ordinance . After some discussion about the size of the parking area , it was also noted that the parking area needed to be included in this ordinance . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the amendment and add to it that the parking area be 25 ' deep and 20 ' wide . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman ' Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF MOBILE HOME PARK ZONING MORATORIUM ORDINANCE : ,Councilman Spence wanted to know what the percentage of mobile homes to single family dwellings was now in Wylie . City Manager Gus Pappas said that single family dwellings units was 4 , 999 and mobile homes was 298 . Mobile homes represents 6% of the dwellings units in Wylie . With corrections made in Section IV : as follows , "That the City staff shall reject any application for such zoning until the percentages in Section II are met" . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve ordinance with above corrections . Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tern Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - - -, in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE : This amendment provides a draft proposal for capturing at least some commitment of the perimeter street ordinance on State and U. S . Highways . The staff has proposed a one-lane or twelve ( 12 ) foot commitment . After some discussion , it was noted by council that a sentence should be added to clarify this would be a one time fee charged for State and U . S . Highways . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve with the above addition . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING (FIRST) ON THE ANNEXATION OF 10 . 038 ACRES OUT OF THE J . D . SHELBY SURVEY ABSTRACT 819 AND THE N . A . ATTERBURY SURVEY' ABSTRACT NO . 1763 : This property is located east of FM 544 and north of Vinson Road . This property is located in three counties , Collin , Rockwall and Dallas . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . PUBLIC HEARING (FIRST) ON THE ANNEXATION OF 2 ACRES OUT OF THE W. M. SACHSE SURVEY , ABSTRACT 835 : This property is located on FM 544 near Steel Industrial Park and is Lot 2 of the Jacobs Addition . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH HAROLD HOLIGAN - SOUTHFORK LTD . : Mr . Holigan has voluntarily complied with all the stipulations for service that we have outlined in the contract and has submitted voluntary annexation papers . His mobile home park has been reviewed for compliance with the Mobile Home Park Ordinance and with very few exceptions that were already in place , or extensively engineered , he meets or actually exceeds our requirements . We are also making a great deal of progress in the establishment of a sewer line in connection with this development . Mr . Holigan will comply kith all fees in developing this park and will also be responsible for extending the water and sewer lines to his property . Mr . Holigan has signed a letter which will be • attached as parts of these minutes to clarify some of the contract about extending watet/sewer lines . A copy of this letter will also be attached to the contract . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve contract . Seconded by Councilman Fulgham . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin • - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF DELINQUENT TAX CONTRACT WITH TAX ATTORNEY : This contract renewal is an annual thing which authorizes the tax attorney , McCreary , Veselka and Co . to prosecute to collect delinquent taxes for the City . Their fee is 15% , which we collect from the property owner . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve the tax contract . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN RUSH CREEK II : The staff has inspected the public improvements in Rush Creek II and has determined they meet City standards and codes and recommend approval . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to accept' the public improvements in Rush Creek II . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - abstained , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with six (6) in favor and one abstention . APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR WESTSIDE INDUSTRIAL PARK : The Westside Industrial Park is located on West FM 544 adjacent to the 544 Industrial Park . These plans have been reviewed by the staff and the engineer and meet our requirements for development , therefore , the staff recommends the Council grant the "approved for construction" authority . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve for construction Westside Industrial Park . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - abstained , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with six (6) in favor and one abstention . APPROVAL OF HOOPER BUSINESS PARK : This property is located on Hooper Roadjust south of FM 544 . The staff has reviewed these plans and have recommended some changes , which have been corrected . The staff recommends approval for construction . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve for construction . Seconded by Councilman Spence . j S 1 i The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . ' This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR EASTRIDGE ADDITION : This property is located between Wyndham and Rush Creek . The staff and the city engineer have reviewed these plans and find they meet our standards for development and therefore recommend you grant the "approved for construction" authority . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve Eastridge Addition for construction . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE SECOND MOWING TRACTOR : This tractor and brush-hog is priced to us for $ 18 , 000 , and is an additional $370 :00 a month on the lease purchase agreement we already have with John Deere . Councilman Gaston wanted to know if while mowing and cleaning ditches are we starting a program for weed killing in these ditches . City Manager Gus Pappas said that the parks department would keep on person all year and bring on one or two more persons during the spring through summer . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to grant authorization to purchase second mowing tractor . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR STREET EQUIPMENT: This is the formal authorization to enter into the lease/purchase contract . The total is set by the bids which have already been opened and awarded . City Manager ,Gus Pappas said that all the rate of interest and the monthly payment figures were not yet available and therefore this item could not be acted on until later . Motion to table this item was made by Councilman Simmons . Seconded by Councilman Martin . APPROVAL OF BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT : Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve bank reconciliation statement as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman T. Ste, • . • eJdL Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZENS PARTICIPATION : Mr . Harold Holigan thanked the Mayor and Council for the contract which allows him water and sewer service . APPROVAL OF PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTING ROAD THROUGH "THE MEADOWS" TO THE MIDDLE SCHOOL DRIVEWAY : After a great deal of discussion , it would decided that the engineering work should be done and stakes put out so council could tell exactly where the road will be . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to table this item until the engineering work had been done . Seconded by Councilman Simmons . The Vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . COUNCIL DISCUSSION : Councilman Fulgham wanted to know if the staff had ha, a response from North Texas Municipal Water, District about the sewer treatment plant . Mayor Akin said that staff was still waiting on an answer from NTMWD on the cost figures for operating this plant . City Manager Gus Pappas said the city is still responsible and the city would be the one to pay a fine if there was a problem . City Manager Gus Pappas said there was a request from Mr . Bill Kreymer which stated he was not receiving enough pay for the use of his car and his time . Raise for him from $10 . 00 to $12 . 00 per hour , there has only been $4 , 200 . expended for this budget year so far . The final walk through on the Library was on Friday of last week , there were a few items put on the check list . Also the work has started on the Community Center . The truck/car budgeted in the current year for a Police Lieutenant , is needed for the inspector in Code . The position for the police department is going to be awhile , therefore the need for this car can be put in next year ' s budget . Staff would like to take this money budgeted in police department for a used car and use it for a used truck for the new inspector . Mayor Akin called for a motion to convene into executive session . Motion was made by Councilman Martin to convene into executive session under authority of Article 6252-17 of V . A . C . S . Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . All in favor . Mayor Akin called the meeting back to order in open session . During the executive session , the matter of a finance • 1 tl r' director was discussed . It was decided that Mr . James Johnson should be contacted and offered the position of Finance Director of the City of Wylie . Also city manager and city secretary needs to look for another place to hold the meetings for City Council and Planning & Zoning . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to adjourn . Seconded by Councilman Martin , all in favor . John W. Akin , Mayor • ATTEST Carolyn Jones , City Secretary +r; • • • CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES AUGUST 3 , 1985 8 :00 A . M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Saturday , August 3 , 1985 at 8 : 00 A . M . in the work room of the new library building . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law . Those present were Mayor John W . Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Councilmen Percy Simmons , William Martin , Randall Gaston , Harold Spence , and Joe Fulgham , City Manager Gus Pappas , City Secretary Carolyn Jones . APPROVAL OF RETENTION OF CITY TAX RATE OF $ . 49 PER $ 100 OF ASSESSED VALUATION : This is the notice that has to be printed in the local newspaper to establish the proposed tax rate and set the date , time and place of public hearings . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the retention of t,h.,e city tax rate of $ . 49 per $100 of assessed valuation . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . WORK SESSION FOR 1985-86 BUDGET : City Manager Gus Pappas stated that what the city had been working for and waiting for is here . The growth is beginning to show in the revenues and in the over all budget . Revenues have jumped 50% . Most of the departments shows an increase over last years budget and part of this is due to the anticipation of moving into a new city hall by January , 1986 . This move will add more employees and a few 'more expenses . In the department for Code Enforcement , there is two computers and should only have the need for one , this will decree this departments budgets by $5 , 000 . 00 . In the; department for fire , there are several request for this years budget . There is a need for an air compressor , for air packs and bottles , more fire hoses , a chain saw and some $6 , 000 . of concrete to complete the drive and walk around the Southside Fire Station . This department is also asking for a new ladder truck with a five year payout plan which will cost approximately $290 , 000 . 00 . In this years budget the only portion of the new truck would be the down payment . Staff would recommend this truck be put on a bond package along with a new north side fire station . • 4 r • a r '. Parks Department has two full time employees and shows salaries for temporary persons for the summer program the Council has requested to see . The question was asked if this department could handle the entire park and the scheduling of the ball games through out the year . City Manager Gus Pappas said with the additional clerk at Public Works for the engineering department and with the clerk at the library this should be able to he handle without Wylie Sports Assn . Also to this department , Council wanted to add moneys for upgrading the condition of the road leading into the park . Fire Marshal Lester Gayler has requested that his salary and car allowance for the new budget year be double from this past budget year . This would bring his pay from $270 . 00 per month up to $540 .00 per month . After some discussion , it was decided that the request for a new fire truck be deleted from this coming years budget . Also , Council gave instructions to the City Manager to add to the budget a full time Fire Chief position . Councilman Martin suggested that the over time for the new budget year be studied to see if it could be trimmed . After some discussion , it was decided to turn the budget back over to staff for the additions and corrections . Motion to adjourn was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , seconded ' by Councilman Martin . John W . Akin , Mayor ATTEST Carolyn Jones , City Secretary • MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JULY 25 , 1985 The Planning & Zoning Commission for the City of Wylie , Texas met in regular session on Thursday , July 25 , 1985 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman , Kent Crane ; Ken Mauk , Bill Chapman , John Hamilton , Brian Chaney , Don Montgomery and Ben Scholz . Representing the City staff were City Manager , Gus Pappas ; Building Official , Roy Faires and Secretary , Barbara LeCocq . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 15 P . M. by Chairman Crane . Before proceeding with the agenda , Chairman Crane briefly explained the procedures of the P & Z with the new members of the commission and called on City Manager Pappas to comment . ITEM NO. 1 - A? ?ROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no additions or corrections to the minutes , Bill Chapman made a motion , seconded by Ken Mauk to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 2 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR RUSTIC OAKS 4 - Chairman Crane called on City Manager Pappas to locate this property on the map . Mr . Pappas explained , that this tract is located just south of the originally platted three phases of Rustic Oaks . The appropriate members of the staff have reviewed this plat and found it to meet the subdivision regulations of the City of Wylie and therefore recommend it for approval . In answer to a question ,from Bill Chapman , Gus Pappas stated that Fleming Street will be the only east-west street through this development . In answer to a question from John Hamilton , Mr . Roland Foerster , engineer for the project stated that there will be 440 units at build out which will be over a period of several months . Mr . Foerster stated that this project will be built in three phases . With no further discussion , Chairman Crane asked for a ;notion . Ken Mauk made a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat ,of the Rustic Oaks 4 Addition to the City Council . Bill 'Chapman seconded the motion . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR QUAIL HOLLOW - Kent Crane pointed out this development on the map . Gus Pappas stated that it is zoned SF-1 . Mr . Pappas also stated that this plat had been reviewed by the appropriate staff members and the city engineer and was in compliance with the subdivision regulations of the City of Wylie and the staff recommends approval . Mr . Jim Lee of Quail Iollow/Wylie Joint Venture , stated that actually this 1 i property was zoned SF- 1 under the old ordinance . Mr . Lee also stated that in answer to a request by John Hamilton , a member of the P & Z , that the developers had been working with the members of the First Christian Church and had agreed to provide a living screen in addition to a lateral sewer line in order for the church to be on the City sewer line rather than a septic tank . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Bill Chapman and seconded by Ken Mauk to recommend to the City Council , approval of the final plat for Quail Hollow. Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 4 - CONSIDER PLAT APPROVAL OF SPRING CREEK PARK - Chairman Crane explained that this is an ETJ review since the property lies outside the city limits of the City of Wylie . Any piece of property to be subdivided which lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City ( 1 mile radius) requires approval by the appropriate boards and commissions . Gus Pappas located the property on the map and explained that Texana Ltd . , the owners of the property have planned a multi-use development , 7 . 136 acres of which has been designated as Lot 1 for platting purposes with the remainder designated as Lot 2 . Obviously , this will be replatted at sofie future date . This is to facilitate the installation of utilities to the site . With no further discussion, Chairman Crane asked for a motion . Bill Chapman made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council . Brian Chaney seconded the motion . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 5 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 56 ACRES ON FM 1378 - Chairman Crane asked City Manager Pappas to locate the property on the map . This property is described as 56 . 287 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 and is located on FM 1378 north of the Birmingham Trust Land . The request is for MF (multi-family ) and R (retail ) . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . With no comment from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Bill Chapman asked if the city staff feels this would be beneficial to the growth of the city . Gus Pappas stated that it is appropriate for the Planning & Zoning Commission to determine the zoning that is in the highest and best interest of the City . Several questions asked about the future development of the property to the East . Mr . Pappas explained that the Wylie ETJ line runs along the east boundary of this property and therefore , the property east of that line is not a part of our projected land use . After much discussion , a motion was made by Bill Chapman to recommend to the City Council denial of this zoning request . Motion seconded by John Hamilton . Motion carried 5-2 . ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 40 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , located on the east side of FM 1378 , north of the Birmingham 9 / / • • Trust land . Chairman Crane declared the public hearing open . Carl Holder , a member of the audience , asked which specific tract of land was now being discussed . The tract was identified on the map . With no further discussion from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion and comment . A motion was made by Bill Chapman to table this item until later in the agenda . Motion seconded by Don Montgomery . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 7 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 71 . 38 ACRES ON FM 1378 - This property is described as 71 . 38 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 , located on the east side of FM 1378 , north of the Birmingham Trust Land . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . With no discussion or questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed . After brief discussion , a motion was made by Brian Chaney to recommend denial of this petition to the City Council . Motion seconded by Ben Scholz . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 8 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE, ZONING OF 30 ACRES ON FM 137E - This property is described as 30 acres out of the G . W. Gunnell Survey , Abstract 351 , located on the west side of FM 1378 . Gus Pappas , City Manager stated that the petitioner had requested that this item be taken off the agenda until further notice . ITEM NO . 9 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 658 ACRES, KNOWN AS THE BIRMINGHAM LAND - This property is described as 658 . 80 acres commonly referred to as the "Birmingham Land" . City Manager Pappas , aided by a concept drawing , provided by the petitioner explained the various zonings requested . He stated that the staff had reviewed the request and recommended approval of the petition . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane who called upon Dan Sefco of J . T . Dunkin & Associates , who represented the owners . Mr . Sefco stated they are working with the Soil Conservation Board out of Waco for the development and preservation of the soil conservation lake located on the property . ; He further stated the developers ' desire is to dedicate the park area to the City and have it maintained as a passive use park with perhaps jogging trails , bike trails and a small fishing pier . Mr . Sefco stated that 37 . 8% of the property is in single family zoning , 12% of total area is multi-family . There will be approximately 1000 single family units on the tract with 84 . 9 acres in the park area . With no further questions from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . In answer to a question from John Hamilton , Dan Sefco stated that the project would take from 2-7 years for completion , depending on the demand , with a single family unit population of 2500 and an additional 2500 population in the multi-family units . Gus Pappas stated that the City 3 • had estimated that the total population , at build-out of this tract would be about 9000 . Kent Crane expressed a concern about the B-2 zoning surrounding the park . Discussion on this point ensued with the consensus being that a portion of the area ( see attached zoning map ) be designated retail . With no further discussion , a motion was made by Bill Chapman , seconded by John Hamilton , to recommend approval of the zoning petition for 658 . 80 acres known as the Birmingham Land as submitted with the following change , that a portion , as marked on the attached zoning map , be designated retail . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 10 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF A TRACT OUT OF RUSTIC OAKS TO B-2 - At the request of Chairman Kent Crane , Gus Pappas , City Manager pointed the property out on the map and stated that the petitioner had asked that the property be zoned B-1 rather than B-2 as stated in his petition because the use he desired is covered under that zoning designation . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Jim Lemming of Murry Homes asked if this zoning would allow for a carwash . Answer : yes . Mr . Lemming then stated that Murry homes would request that this property retain it ' s retail zoning . Mr . Jerry Smith , an adjacent property owner , also requested that the zoning be retained as retail . With no further questions or comments from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . A motion was made by Don Montgomery and seconded by Ben Scholz to recommend to the City Council that this petition for re-zoning be denied . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 11 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RE-ZONING OF LOT IN RUSTIC OAKS - At the request of Chairman Crane , City Manager Pappas located the property in question on the map . Mr . Pappas further stated that the City staff would recommend that the zoning be denied because the City is working with the State and the property owners to soften the curve on Brown Street at this point and there would not be enough room left for the use desired . He also pointed out that a carwash is a high traffic use and could constitute a potential danger at this particular point . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . Jerry Smith , an adjacent property owner stated that he was in agreement with the staff . With no further discussion from the floor , the public hearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . A motion was made by Ken Mauk , seconded by Bill Chapman to recommend to the City Council denial of this petition for re-zoning . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. - 12 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REZONING OF 34 ACRES ON BROWN STREET - This item was pulled from the agenda at the request of the petitioner . / -2 t • ITEM NO . 13 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 128 . 12 ACRES IN THE MUDDY CREEK AREA - This property is described as 128 . 12 ii acres out of the J . tchell Survey , Abstract 589 , located\on the Muddy Creek Area . The public hearing was opened by Chairman Crane . 'ith no questions or comments from the floor the public Alearing was closed and the item returned to the table for discussion . Bill Chapman made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the annexation petition for 128 . 12 acres out of the J . � Mithcell Survey , Abstract 589 -owner R . V . Thurmond . Motion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 6 - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ZONING OF 40 . 129 ACRES ON FM 1378 r- This property is described as 40 . 129 acres out of the James McUlmurry Survey , Abstract 629 located on the east side of FM 1378 . The public hearing having been held earlier in the agenda , the item was discussed by the commission . A motion was made by Ben Scholz and seconded by Brian Chaney to recommend to the City Council denial of this zoning petition . ?lotion carried 7-0 . ITEM NO. 14 - ADJOURNMENT - Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Crane .— Kent Crane , Chairman . \ : 1 . 1 , ,rx ^r-r, “ IlliT47:\ CIC: . .4;4, 4 44-44-4-4+44. \T-I,F • 1 , _L_,..,_L.,..J..,-.1-1. 4 r_. i . , i ,- .- Elp-. ff, . • [. : B-1 \.)'•< , I--11-44 - \ 14.$As. A ,,<„,;....,,L,Lt., _ I; - " ,-„ r ,-,-._ \- , - -- ,- , ,,,,,,,t,tri-14-441_ ! . , \i _,..... ..: , ...,7 y ,... ..1.-L-1.-1...i...-1 1- . 1---— - F. - )1 ,‘ 1*1 rrrrriT1 _ I • \: • j E Ji..' Ik'.-'-4-, i -V. • R i F I--I t 4-4 ml.. -I . I•(.. . ...Ac... : 1 -I r-i--•11A 1--1.---3 E 1 Fi,,---i-r i i-4,---I E. -0---1--I. - i. : )- Iry 31 i- r•41 f_-, -4 r_ • : ..•Ae.. 1_4/Le ->••,_ 2,,..%rs.,-\ )-- c jt_-_,t4 _ . ,-;•,,,,-) • s.•„t ,e-- . . - „- . , - . , 1 L.,....L.J.4...tu.u.11.4...La.......u1 I .....1._._, t_:-/r4,),....:,...C9 -'- I s-1 , E 1 •,.. -..1-1-.1-1_1__!.. , , -"I /---It--//-1.'sj -1",„_.)--- i---7,--e -!/.._ - F -g--1. ' '• ------i — — --- . ji+4,"_:.J...4\\If•4,) / : , ip- L.T. --• - r- , , , _ /,-K., ) 9 .r- )L:.$ ,;(---1, ; , / / f'- ' .L..i(-07 al -\ II/ ,.:.,RA.. .>//34-3 4..1-i V 1 1 Rs s•-\ ' c<<<-11-i/ .x._, •/ i A if. II /i/ • : , *r'e)?›.‘.-'/A /1/?* • ICI--1 'l' /X-- 13.2frsrrr7rrt - '' ,v-)t i , " 1!_t-1471 ___,_\ I r'7-------7--,--rrrf" ' l- .. . ,----..-----__ -____ i------171-, 1--1-j-,...k,-)7-71)--_ , 8-2 '' V.,j • / / i--..,....,.,."-------..,.., r_;(/c----r---r- --,,/ :--r1-1-1-7-"-/ ..„, ----(--, '-',•‘•-. ••C- 4 C-7--I ' 37 i-7.-- .. _,_ •3.7 A / . ''`-.• , '''/Filt--E/A.-13, '-2--L,1 iiri -- ----- I / -/-\:fr RS) 41 , 1')'-‘4,,,,.. - '•-) .,'j ___R.I.LP/PostK I -.L.,.__I ‘F.1.4- 44ii..L-1 r-:_i_It- ' t]r-i_1, :1,1 t7 -- / 1. 1„ . ,+--I - , ..,,---A\c,-)...,-‘,,,<‘, :1 p_--1 - = \\--c•(‘.., •' I i r"..r"-'-'-r-}TT-l-r'6 1..e;'. ‘c,'-• ' ) 11-1 ‘'' s7A-<-\ ? A"),>747.1 ; BIRMINGHAM FARMS ,H..., , ; ...;_......, • 4._,_, ' ).....,A, , ‘,„,„.4".\ [-A,./ s X d 41 I_4 1 I nr771 ! ' '7,157--7.1 s. ‘>.>--(\,,-eri I ..../ -Y-'t-If i t 4 •' '' • A ' >>. )., •,-.• , ...i . T i WYLIE, TEXAS•1 4 '1 ,,,,,,,,,<20„..st ,,,- iji /1t- 11- .....; -... i 1 , 1 1 -------\ 1 1 ......,... , , : 7.•As. I f I As. I I 77 ,--- Ill ,..-- ri--Lf---Lrai . ,....,— ....._ •ea. J.T Doss is • •••OCIA Tilt.set ...........—.•--..--............... -- -- • MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD TUESDAY , JULY 9 , 1985 A meeting of the Library Board for the City of. Wylie was held on Tuesday , July 9 , 1985 at 3 : 00 P . M . in the Council Chambers of City Hall . The meeting was called to order by Librarian , Beverly Shockly with members Mary Jo Smith , Betty Stephens and Ray Mullins present . Beverly Shockly reported on the progress of the new library building , with completion projected for the week of July 15 . Move in date is projected for 7/22 . The last day of business will be July 17 with the last day for circulation 7/13 at the old library . Discussions included the need for the appointment of a new members to replace Helen Shively , who moved from Wylie ; the setting up of organizational procedures such as regular meeting dates and times - Betty Stephens suggested meeting quarterly , Ray Mullins suggested meeting bi-monthly . It was determined that ' a definite time would he set after the appointment of new members to the board . Discussion ensued involving the open-house and dedication of the new library . The members agreed that they should make themselves available to Mr . and Mrs . Smith to help with the dedication and the open-house activities . A tentative date for the dedication was set for September 1 , 1935 . It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on August 13 at 4 : 00 P .M. at the new library to make definite plans for the dedication . Members asked Beverly Shockly for reminders of the meetings . The meeting was adjourned with no further business . Mary Jo Smith , Chairman 1 July 31 , 1 985 s Mayor John Akin City ofylie Wylie , Texas Dear Mr . Mayor : I am writing to notify you and the Council of my resignation from the Planning and Zoning Commission . We are moving to Dimmitt , Texas in August . I appreciate the opportunities I have had to serve the community by my appointments to the Board of Adjust- ment and Planning and Zoning . Bes Wishes , ,, 1,--' -"'. (,)AA.,, 67,,,_ YJo n Hamilton • DATE: JULY 29 , 1985 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT CRANE SUBJECT : VACANCY ON P & Z I would like to take this opportunity to recommend , for the vacancy which recently occurred on the Planning & Zoning Commission , Mr . Joe Strigle . I have been acquainted with Mr . Strigle for some time and feel very comfortable with recommending him for this position . He has expressed , over the past couple of years , a keen interest in serving the City in some capacity . Thank you for this consideration . /4741(4' Kent Crane , Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission bl -E:_I I -I ION FOR ZOPSIINU THE STATE OF. TEXAS: COUNTY OF COL_L I N: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF W L. 1: E, COLL.IN COUNTY, TEXAS: Now comes ZylanCLI)elg1ppmentS�.rv-1.C�5.............._ r th,-? County of Dallas and and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wv] ie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the? owners or partnerships or corporations who are owners of the fo1 l nwinc described tract. of (/and which is within thie City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, re <7k E: and described d i follow;: SEE ATTACHED ZONING EXHIBIT ss • FIELD NOTES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated about 2 miles Northwest Of the City of Wylie , County of Collin end State of Texas ; a part of the D .U. Williams Survey Abet . . •No . 1021 , the Mercer Phelan Survey Abetrnot N . 695 , the Charles Atfarbury Survey Abet . No . 22 and the James /ActLLeur.t;y Survey , Avat . No . 629 , briny the same land described in deed from T .F . Birminghafi and wife Hattie A . Birmingham to H . A. Housewright , Trustee end his successors in Trust dated November 1 , 1940, and recorded in Volume 328, Page 408 Collin County Deed Records , and a part of the same landdeacribed in deed from T . F . Birmingham and wife Hattie A. Birimgham td D .W. ' Click, et al ,- Trustees , and their auccaanavv: in trust , dated August 5, 1950 and recorded in Volume 419 , Page 563 , of the Collin County Deed Records and being further described as follows : • Beginning at an iron set for ooxnar. in a1)m , ,Nor•th �Qund ry Line of F .M. Road 3412 , the Southwest corner of a 15 . 00 acre tract of land conveyed by Vantage Properties , Inc . to Wylie Independent School District by Deed recorded in Volume' 930 , Page 145 , Collin County Deed Records ; Thence Westerly with the North Boundary Line of said F .M. Road 3412 the following : North 87 Degrees 58 Minutes West a distance of 265. 19 Peet to an • iron pin ; . • ' North 88 Degrees 23 Minutes West a distance of 513 . 26 feet to an iron pin ; . North 88—Degrees 12 Minutes West a distance of 509 . 10 feet to a a. O.W, marker ; North 88 Degrees 20 Minutes West a distance of 2068 . 33 feet to R . O.W. Marker ; '`` North 88 Degrees OS 'Minutes West a distance of 506. 90 fast to R . U.W. marker ; North 88 Degrees 01 Minute 20 Seconds West.; a distance of 1274 . 19 feet to en iron pin for corner , the Southeast corner or 23 . 4971 acre described in Deed of Trust from C . B . A . Enterprises , Inc . to Roland Boyd , Trustee , " recorded in Volume 442 , Page 521 Collin County Deed of Trust Records ; Thence North 0 Degrees 10 Minutes West a distance of 1016 . 15 feet tc: en iron pin for corner , the Nortf*+►tt corner of a 10 . 000 acre tract of land described in Deed of Trust from Bobby Brininatool to Roland Boyd , Trustee Recorded in Volume a42 , Page 513 , Collin County Deed of Trust Records ; Thence South 89 Degrees 59 Minutes West with the North Line of snic+ 10.000 acres a distance . of , 810.0 feet, to an iron pin for corner in the East Line of E .M. Road No . 1378 , the Northwest corner 'of said 10 .000 acres or land ; Thence Northerly with said F .M. Road No . 1378 the following : North 0 Degrees 01 Minute 30 Seconds West e • diotance of 3040 . 00 feet to an iron pin ; North 0 Degrees 10 Minutes East a distance of 830 . 48 feet to a R .O .W. Marker ; North 0 Degrees 28 Minutes East a distance of 907 . 98 feet to a concrete marker for corner the Southwest corner or 43 . 3662 acres or lend described in Deed of Trust from James D . Isbell and Carl E . Tobler to Ronald Boyd , Trustee , recorded in Volume 442 , Page 525 , Collin County Deed of Trust Records ; - fi Thence North 89 Degrees 08 Minutes East a dist}.Pr,ra. of 25811 . 57 foot to an iron pin for corner , the.:Southeast corner of said 43 . 368 acres ; Thence Southerly ,with the East Line of said McUlmurry and Atter - bury au>rveye .and with an established fence and hedge row the following : South 0 Degrees 20 Minutes West a distance of 725 . 0 feet ; South 0 Degrees 15 Minutes East a distance of 600 . 3 feet ; South 0 Degrees 52 Minute9 30 Seconds East a distance of 603 . 3 Peet ; South 0 Degrees 18 Minutes West a distance of 624 . 5 feet ; South 0 Degrees 57 Minutes East a distance or 457 . 6 feet to are iron pin found for corner ; Thence Easterly with the North Line of 99 . 03 acres out of said 0irmingham land described by deed recorded in Volume 328 , Page 408 , Collin County Deed Records , the following : South 79 Degrees 13 Minutes East with an establistned fence line a distance of 18 . 32 feet ; South 88 Degrees 41 Minutes tact with fence e distance or 90 . 0 feet ; Southel Degree 02 Minutes East with said fence a distance or 40 . 88 feet ; North 88 Degrees 17 Minutes East with said fence line a distance of 215'. 31 feet ;, South .8,9 Degrees 52 Minutes East with said fence a distance or 210 . 95 feet to a fence post where said fence veers around a wash ; North 89 Degrees 43 Minutes Cast crossing said wash a distance of 362 . 77 feet to a fence post ; South 89 Degrees 12 Minutes East with said fence a distance of 450 . 32 feet ; South 88 Degrees 57 Minutes East with said fonco a distance of 362 . 2 feet ; South 88 Degrees 44 Minutes East with said fence a distance of 613 . 26 feet to a fence post ; South 89 Degrees 19 Minutes East a distance of 766 . 16 feet to a steel fence post for corner the Northwest corner of a 15 . 486 acre tract of land leased from Trustees of the Franklin (lvid 8iriminghem Memorial Trusty City of Wylie , County of Collin and State - of Texas to the Wylie Independent Schnol District ; South 0 Degrees IOMinutesE_rstwith a fence a distance of II I I ,t_E, f t . to steel poet for corner the' S. W. corner of said 15 . 486 acres ; Thence South 87 Degrees 04 minutes East a distance of 6OI.ClCK feet to a steel post for corner , the Southeast corner of said 15 . 486 acres of land ; Thence South 0 Degrees 18 Mir 105ec,East a distance of 18U3 .7 , feat tc.' en iron pin found for corner ; Thence North 88 Degrees 33 Minutes West a distance of '393 . 32 foot to an iron pin found for corner the Northwest corner of sold 15 . 000 acre trw. of land conveyed by Vantage Properties , Inc . to Wylie Independent School District ; Thence South 0 Degrees 36 Minutes West with the West Boundary Line of said 15 . 000 acre tract of land , a distance. of 808 .N feet to the place of beginning and containing 65fl.60 acres of lend , more or lees . - i t 3 • PETITION FOR ZONING i:ONT" D. PAGE Said represents that he and all other owners desire the zoning to be changed from Agrisu.l.ttine_..._. _.._.._.___.. to Mu.l_.tj_plezo.01n_gs.._..__.. ... In accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said :zoning subject to the appropriate :1 c?t4`JfS, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner , therefore, respectfully prays that the _land above described be zoned by the said Ci. t..v of Wylie, i_c as, as proj'idcca by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES THE: STATE STATE i_1F. TEXAS. Witness th.e:a hand of this petitioner this the 11th day of 10.y 98.5 • i t President Zyland Development Service _William-William A. G i l l j_9 a n_. Please Print Name 5949...._Sherry .Lane ,.__Sui te .510 Street ::address or 1c,;: Nu. • _....Ds1]1 d5..... Texas .- 75225 City le;:as , .. _._..__......... .364.-87.17..._. . . Telephone � . . ` ' 6 � ` i � � / / ' . � ' | � ` . / |i | THE STATE OF TEXAS: / / COUNTY OF COLLIN: ` Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appea�ed Nillt�m A, Gjll ' ___` known to me to be the person who�� name " i s subscribed to the foregoing ' instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the of ' ( k \. Notary Public , Collin County, Texas ' .' ' ` � \ Summary of Zoning Districts Treat Use Acres 1 SF-A 22.9 2 B- 1 14.8 3 R 9 .5 4 SF-2 88.4 6 SF- 1 22 .8 6 SF- 1 70.4 7 R 8.6 8 B-2 53.7 9 S.U.P. Park 84. 9 10 SF—A 13 . 1 11 B- 1 19 .0 12 R 11 . 5 13 R 412 .2 14 SF—A 16.4 15 R 7 . 1 16 SF-3 51 .9 17 SF-2 63 .0 18 SF-A 10 . 8 19 MF 12 . 2 20 R 11 . 1 21 R 12 .0 • 2 2F 16 . 2 • 23 MF 15 . 7 24 R 7 . 6 25 R 3 . 5 4 tf'st j. ' l f I • ;Z::::.', • . . ...-...... '..z.--.•::-..........-K-::::-.•.•.: - - . -• --- -.... .. .--..,... site ------------ -- —1 -:-.,„.:-..--,-.. -.. • .... . -.:-. . _.. .. ii . .. .. .. ::-.-- , , ...„ ._... .._ ..,. __;...:_„.....„,... ... _ M F. . `544.4'4'.- ire. ___-- •R• /.4 . - c'., giriAll . 411111 . .,• , Aat. liguis • . ,V4.0 .- 1111 Wylie . . Southwestern MI 4 1 -0- V0 e . t4b c•I `2' _ _ • - -... - -...f - ,,‘,..-, M , . -, • - , .-.- I ` l UNWHAMM Nut ^ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIYY OF WYLIE, TV%AS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERA8ILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of Iv��� 0�D�_��[yj��l should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit : See att ______________________ Said property being described as follows, See attached ' +/ ` .'r,.T•T T..T. TT,t I I Tr-r"r-r-,Tnr— 5 Cl , ;f#,:;#Rp}iite.tH E c f i ,- 41 +-',- - C - r. 1 r,rr,rr,rrrr7T.Tr' L.1. ' 1�, ,\ f i Hill , .1 t_Tit^�� `( F .- B-1 :::"1.,...11:J � �y „ �# - r • F L1'iiL,...,_1---1. a� � rr,-r-r j• .. I f.a.c 11L-. 1CV -1(- 7{ :' jrC t 1-4,1-_,--1--r_k-r-: ——I —. p ). _ I �� J �� � �E� � � 1 �c �LLLt1����•i "r w`lr.i 4 �.-J ,`� ~��.1,7 _. F r 19.0 As. #• 1 _ _ b t v , ! / :.y: ,ice, r,,� ,c, ',�� <. 1 R `/f�/ �� J! 1/‘ R /§„ 1 ( /IIi7 to , ,�, -1 /� / tc?'r-.0.—C..-V_\}t jti 1Iitli41c- 4h 7 y l A'E-'--s- i7 /y,s . ,,,, i:, 1 rTTN• 4L I (- II j7tL ` • i C li7)' \7�C�`,t/� 1-3tL ` BIRMINGHAM FARM • \I ` `or�Y -A ,yyY .<J ! ,,-✓ ala— WWYLIE, TEXAS 1 ���1)1_ ,. ' ,.h ` '� ( , , , 1 1 , r,-� 658.8 Actrits .>,) JIIF .Lu .1, I I I J 1�- ( R /rR "R i I o /..mow,.. S 1 s.a A.. I l i 7 �J�- I '�.... _..---�y_ia.r.� L11/ r.r I airs.`. �1 _.. _. _�. • , • J.T. S' A. : Y.:; FIELD NOTES Being all that certain tract or parcel or land situated about 2 miles Northwest of the City of Wylie , County of Collin and State of Texas, a part of the D.W. Williams Survey Abet . . No . 1021 , the Mercer Phelan Survey Abetrrirl- No . 695, the Charles At.f,erbury Survey Abet . No . 22 and the Jams. ilicUL*u>at.y ,Survey, Avat . No . 629 , being the same land described in deed from T.F. Birmingham and wife Hattie A. Birmingham to H.A. Housewright , Trustee and his Successors in Trust dated November 1 , 1940, and recorded in VolUme 328, Page 408 Collin County Deed Records , and a part of the same landdeecribad in deed from T . F . Birmingham and wife Hattie A. Birimgham to' D .W. ' Click,' et al ,-. Trustees , and their succaranar in trust , dated August 5, 1950 and recorded in Volume 419 , ! Page 563, of the Collin County Deed Records and being further described as follows : Beginning at an iron sit ffor aaxru r, : in 4114 IjorGh )iflund4r.y Line of F.M. Road 3412, the Southwest corner of a 15. 00 acre tract of land conveyed by Vantage properties , Inc. to Wylie Independent School District by Deed recorded in Volume' 930, Page 145 , Collin County Deed Records; Thence Westerly with the. North Boundary Line of said F .M. Road 3412 the following: North 87 Degrees 58 Minutes West a distance of 265 . 19 feet to an iron pin; . . NOrth 88 Degrees 23 Minutes West a distance of 513 . 26 feet to en iron pin; ; North 88 ''agrees 12 Minutes West a distance of 509 . 10 feet to a • •R.0.41, marker ; North 88 Degrees 20 Minutes West a distance of 2060 . 33 Peat to R . O.W. Marker; "\ North 88 Degrees 0S 'Minutes West a distance of 506. 90 Pest to R.O.W. marker ; North 88 Degrees 01 Minute 20 Seconds West a distance or 1274 . 19 feet to en iron pin For corner , the Southeast corner of 23 . 4971 ecrn ' described in Deed of Trust from C . B . A. Enterprises , Inc . to Roland Boyd, Trustee, " recorded in Volume 442 , Page 521 Collin County Deed of Trust Hecorda ; Thence North 0 Degrees 10_ Minutes West a distance or 1016 . 15 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Northe, s.t corner of a 10 . 000 acre tract of land described in Deed of Trust from Bobby Brir,inetool to Roland Boyd , Trustee Recorded in Volume 342 , Page 513 , Collin County Deed of Trust Records ; Thence !South 89 Degrees 59 Minutes West with the North line of said 10. 000 acres d distarce , of , 810. 0 feat, to an iron pin for corner in the East Line of F .M. Road No . 137U , the Northwest corner of said 10.000 acres of land ; Thence Northerly with said F .M. Road No . 1370 the following : North 0 Degrees 01 Minute 30 Seconds West a . diotonce of 3040 . 00 feet to an iron pin ; North 0 Degrees 10 Minutes East a distance of 030 . 40 feet to a ^ R.D.W. Marker ; North 0 Degrees 28 Minutes Lest a distance of 907 . 90 feat to a concrete marker for corner the Southwest corner of 43 . 3602 acres or land described in Deed of Trust from James D . Isbell end Carl E . Tobler to Ronald Boyd, Trustee , recorded in Volume 442 , Page 525 , Collin County Deed of Trust Records ; . 3 4 i • • Thence North 89 Degrees 08 Minutes Cant a ciistA'-,r,H_ of 25013 . 57 feat to an iron pin for corner , the . Sautheast corner or said 43 . 360 acres ; Thence Southerly ,with the Chat Line of said McUlmurry and Attar - bury surrveye .and with en established Pence and hedge row the following : South 0 Degrees 20 Minutes West a distance of 725 . 0 feet ; South 0 Degrees 15 Minutes Cast a distance of 600 . 3 Poet ; South 0 Degrees 52 Minutes 30 Seconds Cast a distance of 603 . 3 . feet ; South 0 Degrees 18 Minutes West a distance or 624 , 5 feet ; South 0 Degrees 57 Minutes East a distance of 457 . 6 feet to nn • iron pin found for corner ; Thence Easterly with the North Line of 99 . 03 acres out of said Birmingham land described by deed recorded in Volume 328 , Page 400 , Collin County Deed Records , the following : South 79 Degrees 13 Minutes East with an oatablistLod fence line a distance of 18 . 32 feat ; South 88 Degrees 41 Minutes Cast with fence a distance or 90 , 0 feet ; ' Southe,1 Degree 02 Minutes East with cold fence a distance of 40. 88 feet ; North 88 Degrees 17 Minutes Cast with said fence lino a distance of 215. 31 feet ; South 89 Degrees 52 Minutes East with said fence a distance of 210 . 95, feet to a fence post where said fence veers around a wash ; North 89 agrees 43 Minutes East croosing said wash a distance of 362 . 77 f et to a fence post; South 89 egrees 12 Minutes East with said fence a distance of 450. 32 feet ; . South 88 Degrees 57 Minutes East with said fence a distance of 362 . 2 feet ; South 88 Degrees 44 Minutes East with said fence a distance of 613 . 26 feet to a Pence post ; South 89 Degrees 19 Minutes East a distance of 766 . 16 feet to a steel fe ce post for corner the Northwest corner of a 15. 486 acre tra t of land leased Prom Trustees of the Franklin Ovid 8iriming am Memorial Trusty City of Wylie , County or Collin ado 9tate 'of4Texas to the Wylie Independent School District ; South O Degrees ;OMInutesE.77stwith a fence a distance of II I I .tom, f t , to steel post for corner the' S. W. Corner of said 15 . 486 scree ; Thence South P07 Degrees 04 Ptinutes East a distance of 6oj.Qcr feet to a steel post for corner , the Southeast corner of said 15 . 486 acres of land; Thence South 0 Degrees 10 Minc105ec.East a distance of 1803 .7G foot to an icon pin found for corner ; Thence North 88 Degrees 33 Minutes West a distance of '393 . 32 feet to an iron pin found for corner the Northwest corner of said 15 . 000 acre tract or land conveyed by Vantage Properties , Inc . to Wylie Independent School District ; 4 Thence South 0 Degrees 36 Minutes West with the West Boundary Line of said 15. 000 acre tract of land, a distance of 808 .3 feet to the place of beginning and containing 658.50 acres of land , mote or less . t _t Tract Use Acres 1 SF—A 22 .9 2 _ B_ 1 14.8 3 R 9.5 4 SF-2 88.4 5 _ - SF- 1 22.3 6 SF- 1 70.4 7 R 8.6 8 B-2 53.7 9 S.U.P. Park 84.9 10 SF—A 1 3 . 1 11 B— 1 19.0 12 R 11 .5 • • 13 R . 4. 12.2 14 SF—A 16.4 15 R 7. 1 c\ 16 SF-3 51 .9 17 SF-2 63.0 18 SF—A 10.8 19 MF 12.2 20 R 11 . 1 2i R 1-152.0 �' 16.2 7.6 22 2F 23 MF .7 _. 24 R 25 R 3.5 ` with ���� two sowp mro -- - - ��� � �� ' ����� ���*h �� p �x* thP WY nc/t iinM���� �������� � � � coni1 y With thAn thih brdinooew shall romain tM wil wav dMa WNW SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification . SECTION 4. That should any paragraph , sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid , illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person , firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense' SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest , comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides' DULLY PASSED BY _THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS this the ` , s e ___L3Jb_____ day of __AUgdjt--__________--' ________________________ JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR \ ATTEST: _____ _________________ Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ^ ` ' ^ ` \ / � ! ` } AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATtOW« TO ANNEX TU [HE CITY OF ! � WYLIE, CQLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE JAMEa MUL __________________ SURVEY, 08STROCT NO. AZ9 , UPON PETTION OF __StaD]eJL.A._PUussa_____ WHEREAS, �tdnl�� �� ��US5A___________ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, (the tract of land hereinafter described, which said � tract or land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and ' ' / WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the Eame is now granted; now therefore, / BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land , described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit : 40.129 Acres ' ` See attached Situated in Collin County, Texas , in the James '1cUlmurry Survey , Pbstract No. 629, and being a resurvey of the called 40. 137 acre tract described in a deed from Thomas E. Carroll and wife, Ct iaE. Jacobie, Trustee, dated November 10, 1980, and recordedo in , Volumel toy1324 , Page 168, of the Collin County teed Records and beinn more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows : BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the Northeast corner- of said 40.137 acre tract in the East line of said McUlmurry Survey , , said rod being near a North-South fence and hednerow; THENCE South 00 deg. 44 min . 46 sec. West distance of 236.88 ft. to a 1/2 inch iron rod along rodfounddatearfencerlcorner- a post; THENCE South 00 deo. 33 min . 40 sec. West, along and near a fence for a distance of 437.74 ft. to a 3/4 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 03 min. 21 sec. Nest, 2589_27 ft. across an open field with turnrow and along and near a fence to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner in the fast right-of-way line of Farm Road No. 1378; THENCE North 00 deg. 1C min. 41 sec. East, 675.02 ft. with said right- of-way line to a 1/2 inch iron rod set at a fence corner- post; THENCE North 89 deg. 09 min. 00 sec. East, 2593. 36 ft. along and near. a fence and across an open field with turnrow to the point of beginningand containing 40. 129 acres of land more or less , ` ORDINANCE Wu^ be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made park of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City' The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ___849ust________, 198_5. ------------------------ John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: - --------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 7 ` PETITION FOR 0r. I r!E THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF i:::i_L...]:P J: lV_ THE i:::7:..1....' COUNCIL l-.:j1-. THE CITY JI L.. E„ t: ;.Jl_L_ l N COUNTY, TEXAS: Nc:N comes Stanley A. Moussa of the County of p .1_l_as rc1the State c- f Teas,s, ncl represents to the City Wylie, Q ._. :.11_:. said City of Teas, that he e `•=i = -' a �- 1 L c_;f t r7 c.:. owners �-_r 1 the r-a owner r-�i-:r' i-.r.. I. <.-:. acting t.i r�i for r.. partnerships or _ r -r . ] ) l c h r ) a r - owners of t I'l E•) following dr•:t::;(:r:i. L?E-:d tract of c :I. nd which is withjn the City Limits the City of Wylie, in Collin Ccaltrlf:y, teas, and dE';5:::r"7. teri as Situated in Collin County, Texas , in the James McUlmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629, and being a resurvey of the called 40. 137 acre tract described in a deed from Thomas E. Carroll and wife, Cynthia Carroll , to Roy E. Jacobie, Trustee, dated November 10, 1980, and recorded in Volume 1324 , Page 168, of the Collin County Deed Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows : BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the Northeast corner of said 40. 137 acre tract in the East line of said McUlmurry Survey, said rod being near a North-South fence and hedgerow; THENCE South 00 deg. 44 min. 46 sec. West, along and near a fence for a distance of 236.88 ft. to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at a fence corner post; THENCE South 00 deo. 33 min. 40 sec. West, along and near a fence for a distance of 437 .74 ft. to a 3/4 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 09 deg. 03 min. 21 sec. West, 2539. 27 ft. across an open field with turnrow and along and near a fence to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner in the Fast right-of-way line of Farm Road No. 1378; THENCE North 00 deg. 1C min. 41 sec. East, 675.92 ft. with said riaht- of-way line to a 1/2 inch iron rod set at a fence corner post; THENCE North 89 deg. 09 min. 00 sec. East, 2593.36 ft. alone and near a fence and across an open field with turnrow to the point of beginning and containing 40. 129 acres of land more or less . . ' PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said ___wnerStan��' j�_MOu5qq___e___ represents that he and all other os desire th zoning to be changed frorr, in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zonino sub, ect to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of 00 C/ ty relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner , therefore, respectfull prays that the 1an.7i above described bne zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVlSM CIVIL S7ATUlL,::, OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hQnd of this petitioner this the 3rd day of ~ � Signature� � _____Stanley A. MOussd _ __________ __ Please Print Na.^e ----- 1451-Wvclfff Avenue , Street address or Box No. Dallas TX 75207 CiLv iexas ^ / p ___(214) 233-4499 _ Telephane -°� � � ^ ` � � ` THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this uav personally appeared �� , Lnown to me to be the person wh �--------------�---- os name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the3 d dav of M�y ______, 198� ' Notary Public , D011a5 Count �, - ^ ' ` ^ ORDtN#WCs Not AN ORDINANCE OF THE cITY OF WYLIE. %XA5 AMEMU1NB THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF [HE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5> , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200, 00 ) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and 2on3ng map , have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full ano fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of ___ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie shoald be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give tne hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit : _ 509 AM0ik/ 3_CIE.3\-and.B usine sS.]_/8.11 ..... Said property being described as follows: 40. 129 Acres see attached ' �n Situated in Collin County, Texas , in the James NcUlmurry Survey , Pbstract No. 629, and being a resurvey of the called 40. 137 acre tract described in a deed from Thomas E. Carroll and wife , E. Jacobie, Trustee, dated November 10, 1980, and �recordedhiao in , Volumel toy1324 , Page 168, of the Collin County Deed Records and beinn more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows : BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the Northeast corner of said 40. 137 acre tract in the East line of said McUlrnurry Survey , said rod being near a North-South fence and hedgerow; THENCE South 00 deg. 44 min . 46 sec. West , alone and near a fence for a distance of 236.88 ft. to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at a fence corner post; THENCE South 00 deo. 33 min. 40 sec. West, along and near a fence for a distance of 437.74 ft. to a 3/4 inch iron rod tound for corner ; THENCE South 89 deg. 08 min. 21 sec. West, 2589_?7 ft. across an open field with turnrot•, and along and near a fence to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner in the Fast right-of-way line of Farm Road No. 1378; THENCE North 00 deg. 1E min. 41 sec. East , 6 sa of-way line to a 1/2 inch iron rod set at a fence cornertoost:d right- ; THENCE North 89 deg. 09 min. 00 sec. East, 2593. 36 ft. alone_ and near a fence and across an open field with turnrow to the point of beginning and containing 40. 129 acres of land more or less . . MMMON 2" That all Cr6fnhnebb of tho U, tv M csnf | 1M with the prsvislonm v4 th1M mr66hMMeO be/ wnM th, %Amu p~Or hurabVw repwa1od mmd al1 MHOP wdinancuq M tkv City not in conflict with the urov1s1aMm of this ordinuocm shell remain in 4^11 forco ond affett " SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes prnvided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification . SECTION 4. That should any paragraph , sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ( 1200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to proLect the public interest , comfort and general welfare to the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY `THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the _ l�th day of AUGUST , l98_S_. --------------------- JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: --------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary , Onb1WANCM was AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX [U THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE _+l.-L_ _________________ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO' _62k_________, UPON PETTION OF _ Q_1—BECK8AM._____--- WHEREA3, _ [�.....T� Beckham ______________ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and ccnsidered hy the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land , described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit : ' ` see attached [ / / / / EXHIBIT "A" BEING a survey of a tract of 71. 380 acres of land in the J . C. McULMURRY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 629, Collin County, Texas; and being described as the FIRST TRACT and SECOND TRACT in deed from J. W. Anderson to Joseph W. Cayden dated May 5, 1960; and said 71.380 acre tract being more particularly described as follow BEGINNING at a point in the center of F.M. Road No. 1378 that is 2644.0 feet North 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East from the Southwest corner of said McUlmurry Survey, said southwest corner being in the North line of a 40 ft . Road running East; Thence Northerly, along the center of said F.M. Road , as follows: 1st. North 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East-781.84 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right that has a Central Angle of 06 deg. 23 min. 00 sec . , a Radius of 1909.86 feet, a Tangent of 106.5 feet ; 2nd. Northeasterly, around said curve, 212.78 feet ; 3rd. North 06 deg. 38 min. 00 sec. East - 193. 1 feet ; THENCE North 88 deg. 40 min. 03 sec. East along the North line of said FIRST TRACT, 2595.0 feet to its Northeast corner, a point in the East line of said McUlmurry Survey (a fence line) ; THENCE South 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec . West along said fence line on the East line of said Survey, 1185.36 feet to the Southeast corner of said SECOND TRACT; THENCE South 88 deg. 40 min. 03 sec. West, along the South line of said SECOND TRACT, 2628.46 feet to the point of beginning and containing 71 . 380 acres of land of which 1. 223 acres lies in the right of way of F.M. Road No. 1378 leaving a net remainder of 70. 157 acres of land . • / ... ' . ° ` / � be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulatiOns of said City. | / \ The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands creaLe an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading . This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. ` PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _ DAY OF t__________, John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: -` ------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / / ` ' ^ ' PETITION FOR 7ONiM THE STATE OF TEXAS!� COUNTY OF COLLlM TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NYLIE, COLLIN COM / � , TEXAS: Now comes _____C. �._Becam____________ of the Co"nt, o, ___DoIlas__ and the State of Texas, and represen' s 10 the City Coencil of the said City of Wylie, Texas` than he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or coprorations who are owners of the folio-inc] described tract -f alnd which is .viLhin the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin Count� , rexas, and described as follows,. 71 ,38 acres of luu6 situated in the J.C. 8cUImurry Survey, Abstract No. 629 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a port hereof for all purposes. ^ ' ' ' \ \ ` PETITION FOR ZONING COMM PAGE � . Said ___C,��_D������___________ represents that he and ai | other owners desire the zoning to be changed from in accordance the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning sub ' ect to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said C , ty relating to that classification of zoning ' Your petitioner , therefore, respectfull prays that the land above described bne zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas , as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL STAT//lES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. / Witness the hand of this petitioner Lh/ s the _25th__ day of c Si onaLu".� C.I. Beckham Please Print |/w+, 5580 CBJ Freeway Suite 650 , Street address or no /0' / Dallas, IX 75240 ' 214/387-8757 Felapi`. :� � ' . ' . . ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on WE day personally appeared C.T.-Beckham__ , known Lo me to be the person whos name is sub����z�-- to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpOses and consideration therein expresses- Given under my hand and seal of off / Le this the 25th of �� nuc a r y Pu�Idc , rM �ounty, [e.' as Stacey B. Like Dallas ' 8y commission expires 11/22/86 ^ ' • • EXHIBIT "A" BEING a survey of a tract of 71.380 acres of land in the J. C. McULMURRY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 629, Collin County, Texas; and being described as the FIRST TRACT and SECOND TRACT in deed from J. W. Anderson to Joseph W. Gayden dated May 5, 1960; and said 71.380 acre tract being more particularly described as follow BEGINNING at a point in the center of F.M. Road No. 1378 that is 2644.0 feet North 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East from the Southwest corner of said McUlmurry Survey, said southwest corner being in the North line of a 40 ft. Road running East; Thence Northerly, along the center of said F.M. Road, as follows: 1st. North 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East-781.84 feet to the beginning of a' curve to the right that has a Central Angle of 06 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. , a Radius of 1909.86 feet, a Tangent of 106.5 feet ; 2nd. Northeasterly, around said curve, 212.78 feet; 3rd. North 06 deg. 38 min. 00 sec. East - 193.31 feet ; THENCE North 88 deg. 40 min. 03 sec. East along the North line of said FIRST TRACT, 2595.0 feet to its Northeast corner, a point in the East line of said McUlmurry Survey (a fence line) ; THENCE South 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. West along said fence line on the East line of said Survey, 1185.36 feet to the Southeast corner of said SECOND TRACT; THENCE South 88 deg. 40 min. 03 sec. West, along the South line of said SECOND TRACT, 2628.46 feet to the point of beginning and containing 71.380 acres of land of which l.223 acres lies in the right of way of F.M. Road No. 1378 leaving a net remainder of 70.157 acres of land. BNotGAno Mon AN ORDINANCE Or YUI CITY UP WYLIE, Qx19 AMUwDtWO;i THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5> , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance wiLh the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map , have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property cwners generally, Lhe said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of __C T._ should be granted and tbe ,Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended b� amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zonin4 district classification to-wit : Said property being described as follows: See attached / , / EXHIBIT "A" BEING a survey of a tract of 71. 380 acres of land in the J . C. McULMURRY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 629, Collin County, Texas; and being described as the FIRST TRACT and SECOND TRACT in deed from J. W. Anderson to Joseph W. Gayden dated May 5, 1960; and said 71.380 acre tract being more particularly described as follow BEGINNING at a point in the center of F.M. Road No. 1378 that is 2644 .0 feet North 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East from the Southwest corner of said McUlmurry Survey, said southwest corner being in the North line of a 40 ft . Road running East; Thence Northerly, along the center of said F.M. Road , as follows : lst. North 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. East-781.84 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right that has a Central Angle of 06 deg. 23 min . 00 sec. , a Radius of 1909.86 feet, a Tangent of 106.5 feet ; 2nd. Northeasterly, around said curve, 212.78 feet ; 3rd. North 06 deg. 38 min 00 sec . East - 193. 1 feet ; THENCE North 88 deg. 40 min. 03 sec. East along the North line of said FIRST TRACT, 2595.0 feet to its Northeast corner, a point in the East line of said McUlmurry Survey (a fence line) ; THENCE South 00 deg. 15 min. 00 sec. West along said fence line on the East line of said Survey, 1185.36 feet to the Southeast corner of said SECOND TRACT; THENCE South 88 deg. 40 min. 03 sec. West, along the South line of said SECOND TRACT, 2628.46 feet to the point of beginning and containing 71 . 380 acres of land of which 1.223 acres lies in the right of way of F.M. Road No. 1378 leaving a net remainder of 70. 157 acres of land. • f � ��� °/� t�, x that b��1 H�mv� �� ��� [i {; 1 // c,^0 --- -atemA M4 Win nP '� NS��A� bm�; AnM ( NY same ar0l nurob�^ r � � � � '� -''- -' ~' - ����� � ��� � ' � ����� ���fri ��*/ to �,tooC, EV not or, tomflict with thy ppav! "16, 64 QIg wrm/ ngwv�,,ot1 rapo*Alf-0 im fu11 4arca mod bfly, w , SECTION 3. That the above described property sha11 be used only in the manner and For the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the CiLy as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification ' SECTION 4. That should any paragraph , senwnce, subdivision , clau / e, phrase or section of this ordi "ance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutiona] , illegal or invlaid , the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof "Cher than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200' 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper0evelopment and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City' Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY_ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the _ f3th ______ day of _&gVQ_______________, ________________________ JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: / ----------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary . _ ' ` ' ^ . . ' ORDINANCE NO: AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNUXAMNo TO ANNU To THE GtTY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE _ JAME� MqULM R __________________ SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO. ___629 UPON PETTION OF WHEREAS 5tDDK�y A MU , _________�___;Vsa____________ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described , which said _ tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, / BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF W\ L ! E, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land , described by metes and bounds as follows. to-wit : 56.287 AcrW See attached / ` '''/ �i�tle��� �� C�,11in lV{ lif Er�� Abstract fSt1 i V r�+► fill rif n i hfi ���� for �.r a � a ,lescrit�ed in a deed 0gfi �ha t , Wit, to tz f 4; dfviN,tt �`�� rdccE ;r� � i eo„ �`t�ct f l o she bd 1iM 460 Oimi tiitoedi end being ftvit0 `tell r6e �thr,o as follows (061010 it aft ix16 NYat f dfld it fho ` oeth.e ct, (owe of Ole §gist tract: 111 NCt bevulil bO idv, 16 ON; 44 ide, Wo4t , jirnc' the Eal,t line of the said tract a distance of 961 ,9Q ft. to a half inch iron stake set by a corner post in the Southeast corner of th:o said tract; THENCE South 88 den. 2S min. 16 sec . West , Hth South line of the said tract {a distance of 2553.42 ft. to an iron stake found at the Southeast corned of the said tract. Said stake heir:: in the East rinht-of-may line of F.i•i. Highway 1378; THENCE North 7 den. 10 min. 56 sec. Fast , '.:ith Fast right-of-may line of Hichway a distance of 86.66 ft. to a h ; '. inch iron stake set at the beginning of a curve to the left with a central angle of 07 dec . 3^ min . 23 sec: and a radius of 1954.86 ft. The beariincr in distance to the cento,- of the radius being North 81 deg . 52 min . sec . !;est , 1954 .26 ft . ; THENCE in a Northerly direction along the Hs rictt• of-na y line of said highway and along the said curve and an ar distance of 260.66 ft . to a half inch iron stake at the end of said curve : THENCE North 00 deg. 14 min. 45 sec. West , itis the East right-of-way line of Highway 635.85 ft. to a half inch iron stake set at the Northwest corner of the said tract; THENCE North 89 deg. 03 min . 22 sec . East , with North line of the said tract 1449.24 ft. to an iron stake found ; THENCE North 88 deg. 41 min . 33 sec . East , with the north line of tract a distance of 1080. 76 ft. to the place of beginning containing 56.287 acres of land. . . . / ONVlNAW01 NO; � � ���� M be received, annexed to, and made part of ' and the some is hereby received , annexed to, and made part of - the CiL ; of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tr ot la'.d wjll be to the best interest of the public and Li.e Cii> of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon ..a/ d lands create an emergency, , a necessity exists requiring hhat t|.zs ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading' r| is Oru . nance shall be in force and effect from and afte, it � passage ann approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ��th DAY (JF 198_�' � John W. Akir. , Mayor ATTEST: ------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ' / / '- 7 • PETITION 1=-I:z:F:;: ZONING THE STATE C)E= TEXAS COUNTY`r' I:::)F c::i)I_.L._is I`•I TO i THE I..L.'I I-:: CITY COUNCIL. O E::. ..E.H E CITY OF W Y I....:L I...:,, C I'.L..L...1.i`d COUNT , I..E.:'X i''113 Now comes Stanley A. Moussa C4 the c:if Dallas and {-.LI Ec? State of Teas7 <1 fl i_i represents j= , {_fl!i:? City Council of the said City of f y.. ] r_' Teas, that he is the owner ;.,I:. is acting for all of the owners Cr; are�' owners t..l+ t f-,.;? following partnerships (::?Y` C:G!I::?I' ��:?,-<-1{_:L f.]n t, W L`I c) described tract of ra.l. rl(:{ which is within _: l e City Limits the F.: of Wylie, in Collirl l,_l...I r'T{ _:>„ I I_j r •f r:r.l I. ..:;HJ Situated in Collin County, Texas in the James Mclllmurry Abstract No. 629 and being resurvey of all of a 56. 31 acre tract as described in a deed from Abe T. Salih to R. B. 0wens recorded in Volume 616 Page 341 of the Collin County Deed Records and being more fully described as follows : BEGINNING at an axle rod found at the Northeast corner of the said tract; THENCE South 00 deg. 16 min. 44 sec. West, along the East line of the said tract a distance of 961 .98 ft. to a half inch iron stake set by a corner post in the Southeast corner of the said tract; THENCE South 88 deg. 2S min. 16 sec. West, with South line of the said tract a distance of 2553.42 ft. to an iron stake found at the Southeast corner of the said tract. Said stake being in the East right-of-way line of F.M. Highway 1378; THENCE North 7 deg. 10 min. 56 sec. East , with East right-of-way line of Highway a distance of 86.66 ft. to a half inch iron stake set at the beginning of a curve to the left with a central angle of 07 den . 30 min. 23 sec. and a radius of 1954.86 ft. The bearing in distance ,to the center- of the radius being North 81 deg. 52 min . 24 sec. West, 1954.86� ft . ; THENCE in a Northerly direction along the East right- of-way line of said highway and along the said curve and an arc distance of 260.6,6 ft . to a half inch iron stake at the end of said curve; THENCE North 00 den. 14 min. 45 sec. West, with the East right-of-way line of Highway 635.85 ft. to a half inch iron stake set at the Northwest corner of the said tract; THENCE North 89 deg. 03 min. 22 sec. East , with North line of the said tract 1449.24 ft. to an iron stake found ; THENCE North 88 deg. 41 min . 33 sec. East, with the North line of tract a distance of 1080.76 ft. to the place of beginning containing 56.287 acres of land. 1A . ' ` , PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said �� �lOus s a�___e_ represents that he and all si other owners dereth zoning to be changed from A ' iQ1 _ to �F in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making saidzoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said [ity relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner , therefore, respectfull prays that the land above described Me zoned by the said City of Wylie. Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS' Witness the hand of this petitioner this the 3rd day of -----Jay___ , 198_5 __ ' ------------ (- Signarure Stanl A � _____��._�_}oVssa,- -_- Please Print :0uc. 1451 _py[liff_Avenue------- _ ^ Street address Qr Box No. _____ Dallas-_- ---- TX_ ____ 75207_ _ City Texas Z / � (214) 233-4499 � ' . . ' ~~ THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeareJ S A. M0Vssa ______, known to me to be is the person whos name subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the name for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given under my hand and seal of office this the ___3rd _da , of Mav ______, i98_5 Notary Public , Dallas Countv- re` �s ` i � , ' � ^ ` . AW ORDINANCE OF HHr G}TV Ur WYLIE, 1LK/'b ,MCMDiM(.f THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF lHE C1lY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, / the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map , have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and, after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of ___-StaDlgy.A.MUssa.......... . should be granted and the_Comprehensive Zoning Ordinanc�-o. the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: / NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ClT\ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wy1ie, Lo give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit : And-B7l� Said property being described as follows: 56'287 Acres ---- see attached ' ' $'itudt�cl in Cpilin tf,u f. i �t ih tt`t, 0fi c 1„uery ftbStr4et ,.t , 6:?n nd bA� v iraturveY 0# ,ai ;�f if€rt�6 r�carcie �,�,�g 1 as��l ,„ 616ribed ln mane 111�yo f deed e frnrrSaiih Ca11im 00wity Elea Redo ai and beiho more Nilly 6e5itled as tci1'c�ti:s : SEGINf ING et all ado ebL faUhti at the Ci()5.:.7,r is t f.<r�'`'(4C r o the Said tract: flitNCf. South Gd dat,i, 16 miff, 44 toc , lion , the .nst line o` the said tract a distance of 061 ,08 ft. to u huif loon iron stake set a corner post in the Southeast corner of the said tract: THENCE South 88 deo. 2S min. 16 sec . West , with south line of the said tract a distance of 2553.42 ft. to an iron stake found at the Southeast corner of the said tract. Said stake heinc: in the East rinht-of- av line of F .M. Highway 1378; THENCE North 7 den. 10 min. 56 sec. Fast , ::ith Fast right-of-way line of Highway a distance of 86.66 ft. to a half inch iron stake set at the beginning of a curve to the left with a central angle of 07 den . 30 riin. 23 sec. and a radius of 1954.86 ft. The bearino in distance to the center of the radius being North 81 deg. 52 min . 24 sec . lest , 1954 .36 ft . ; THENCE in a Northerly direction alone the Fast rinht• of-play line of said highway and along the said curve and an arc distance of 260. 66 ft to a half inch iron stake at the end of said curve : THENCE North 00 den . 14 min. 45 sec. West , rith the East richt-of-way line of Highway 635.85 ft. to a half inch iron stake set at the Northwest corner of the said tract; THENCE North 89 deg . 03 min . 22 sec . East , pith North line of the said tract 1449.24 ft. to an iron stake found ; THENCE North 88 deo . 41 min . 33 sec . East , ,rith the North line of tract a distance of 1080.76 ft. to the place of ec,inning containing 56.287 acres of land . ' , NICTION 2^ with the Jovisiun% of thtu ord6mmme e« and t ^o ue'owx wrw* harobvp ropea&md mMd off othm brdinancon 04 Chm City not in w/, th tM, 04 tMj, br61 /`e0Vp m.hRJ1 rwmain In 4u1t 4orem and Moto 'SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification ' SECTION 4. That should any paragraph , sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid , the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid , illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comp/ehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided f',r in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the [it� , as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be p"n` shed by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars M00' 00> for each ff d that | d such violatio, shall continue to offense, an a each ay ' exist shall constitute a separate offense' SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect Lhe public interest , comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take eifect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides' DULLY PASSED BY-THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE LlTY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the ____l3th____ day of __AUGUOT______________, l98_5_. _____ __________________ .}OHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: � _________________ Carolyn Jones, City Secretary | UN1JkNMNM Woo ^ , AN ORDINANCE FOR AhMATtON1 TO AmNE: 10 1HL C1TY OF . WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRAC[ OF LOND OF THE _ G,_W. GUNNELL --------------------- SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 361 Wiley L. HO � ht UPON PETTION OF ___��_� �u���rrgn�-___ WHEREAS, _ Wi]ey L^_to thHOUsewr� jt_________ has filed a written ex petition to anne City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council , and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land , described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: - , FM 1378 - 30 Acre Tract out of the G. N. Gunnell Survey Abstract No. 351 Being a track of land of 30 Acres bordered on the east by FM 1378 and OD the North and West by Lake Ranch Estates and on the South by a 6.7 Acre tract owned by Jick Drain. 6/ � ORD%NANCk NO: be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. ` The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted oo first reading , This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _ ] �th DAY OF ..................... ..........�� John W. Akin , Mayor ` ATTEST: -------------------------------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ' ' PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: tilcomes __ � .�(iL�') of the Countyof/14-(2 ___ __arld� State of Te>:as, and represents to the City .Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or coprorations who are owners of the following described tract of alnd which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, texas, and described as follows: 4111V d...1-ea ti.L4J; , _, • k • 4:, • i • PETITION FOR ZONING CONT' D. PAGE 2 Said _ ri . _ �d/Z.Z Q,_-, represents that he and all nt , /caner desire th -� i ,a caning to be changed from - 4 to I in accordance with t e current Zoning Ordi ance and making said zoning subject to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoning. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfull prays that the land above described bne zoned by the said City of Wylie, Texas, as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness th .hand of this petitioner this the �X'/(,% day of -- f - ---- 198 ( �� �. ------ ;cWL� Signature JA Zit ) il L ,,,- F'1 ease Print Name • Street address or Box No. 1 . City Texas -- Zip -- Telephone • • • • THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the ender fined otar-y Public on this day personally appeare a_____ , known to me to be the person whos subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ac ovule ge to me that he executed the same for t urposes and consideration therein expresses: Given u er my hand and sftal • office thi .-' the �(L)_day of _ , 198•9 A i \n .____ No ary Public , Collin Co tnty,.(lic,2 exas \� 6/ \ Rotary Palle,State of Tarot !t:ornr;rion Expires fl"t O'0 1T \ + c � . ` . . "AA It If If ' | �! ` OND I NAWC E Nag Ald 0001l ANOI OK ?Ng OP fkliLido ` ff94Aif AMEWDD4 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO S1-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference .to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have ;given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body4,is of the opinion that .the sa d change of zoning which is on ;application of _ �S�/� _ �J1J S should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended ' in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, ,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY °.OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Ctty Of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of th? City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: ef&jll2f%.4'S 4 Said property being described as follows: 0/7e, 744//G7I ei of A vs) A9/6 s� SUCTION 2 a That all or°di nandea of the City in conflict with the prOYiSiems of thia eiediFia ride be, and the same arer harem i r`atprmal sod *Mil atf i 9th iF d l hrarlfh6 eo of the City not in ee 4l i St with the evi ei t la 104 thin or=di manse *hall l remain in fiat 4eram and effeata SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 41. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be Subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore i: ended, and upon 'cohvictiOn shall be punished by fine not t,, exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each o ,f ense, and ;that each day such 'violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. l SECTION ¢: It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY TH CIT COUNCIL OF T E CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, this the .�_ __ day of __/_!,[ //.S- - , 198 _ JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: 4 Carolyn Jones,, City Secretary i 67 • 1 ( 1477"*"'"'"'''' ,r ,,,,,,. A.--.e 1� R'j I .Tv I ' Q,. k •::,)\ , - I. �� _ F. II I `c- u I • • • • • /f le • (/j /� j •�.xir ' 1 I J ////t / I'' ' I' '/ -.W-1.. / OA\ `4. - ''.(' ,' , I / / • / iii\ I , v ;I I I / I { V' C �,. V A PETITION FOR ZONING THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COIL.I N: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYL_IE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: �cqr es of the County of __-an the State of Texas, and represents to the City •L..puncil of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or coprorations who are owners of the following described tract of alnd which is within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, in Collin County, texas, and described as follows: 4 r PETITION FOR ZONING CUNT' D. PAGE Sai d _ _ /"dCL( O represents that he and all of wners desire t zoning to be changed from to �L _.__._.. in accordance with the current Zoning Ordinance and making said zoning subiect to the appropriate laws, rules, and regulations of said City relating to that classification of zoni. nc . Your petitioner , therefore, respectful ) prays that the land above described bne zoned by the said City of Wylie, Teas, as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness h hand of this petitioner this the C2 X/' day of - 1984 _. - - - ---- - - --_ Si gnaturF Please Print Name Street address or Dcx No. nis--6=r2 ( City Texas Zip 5 Th-- vq9 v __ Telephone r/ THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COL_L_I N: Before me, the u der - igned otary Public on this day personally appeared .4( s , _ ________, known to me to be the person whos 4fine ' s subscribed to the foregoing instr • -nt, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for - •urposes and consideratio therein expresses: Gi v- der my hand and seal o office thiL the ., .!L) day of - , 19SR . Notary Public , L.(/- in County, ex as x^ u Notary Pvb!`:,State at tens �� •:��.Of1f ::190 G m U� �G • r ,•e, 'ill' e. 31 r: it _A a:� am Cft r (( r'1 T-� _ ._ {., I n. I y' . 1 r-11J.it .. 11 f f j ` n 1 _ ----cif r j ' 1 s '• a Jo ., a i/ u .c I ar CS _ rs Jr 1+ n r ,,� \ �� ''a r� 3 E. 4 . c.. r1 1u <, Z tr �c r Z ' S �r� i,. v+ .. 1% 1 Q� R Ar Iri x tr K w .f J, ►[ .► s • y - , •r I `1 ` t ' f * t I tt i;�• I cj^ \I ^ "r� - 4 S z �� !r r. r 7 -r N 1 31l lH = 't ti- : 1 �, ,r' � *• � i" I I v uTl1Fj:-.1 , IQ Jt i '^� x \—",---, '.c. S• , r 'I'1^.FPL -I- ` , -I^��L c'�'_ ft It Y �_—Ur`1--� 1T- `\�-� , r .", vO S; r rr •''' • 1al../ •�-,1 ` 11 ,1:115141- r_lei/ L ,40 it I /4 If �l /'-• )/ °j, it.�•a•• •�~ ' 'O.?'r LL LL is y 1 r wdHb2i iit Ir'I 7 lr !/ IJK llt t ct ♦i X .. . J tt V_ 4. • \\`1 I I „ -, -4 fit, 11151*IC111 ,l ,:. ,1, • j r• ,C: : - .- = �l �r��.t� -,/ L , 4 , �r k s �• a o_ ttOl S p e _ >- o • r 1. 1 _ a Z !n 1, j a • r t r 1 i. I tt ur ,I 1.1 I '• 6 at', 1 o F Z. to I d w, C 1 J - li I K \ I , - I I I 1 \ • ... ---- i j I r`• ,\ \ \ \ , 1 \ O \ \ \ I , _ - \ - - __X,_ _ ... g i C.) \\ _ _ _ \ - ‘\, a\ \ \ 0 al \ \✓ Q \ \ jl \• 1 1 \3 I ‘ ' \ 4 j I \1 J �\ I /\ ` I , ( .\ \ i RUSTIC OAKS PLAZA • Cu 1. ! Wash !_4 .2?:. :•a.. .+..ri ;:::•:7.\C<C,5'1'nJn•i'c4•.Gozo Z. . . S,, .o.... . . .. .. -v Floor I Office Retail 10,658 S.F. ty, c ::.. v , u. ?>.V?''::?: %tic<%r'ii2% ytti•'a:•;^j y. 'K .ah:::: ;::., .:::. ;:,.-v:::;:::1:>:Yx':,:... ' Concrete Walk NI , f Il I 1 < < 1 __ lii \ ___77 \.---! N Winding Oaks Drive . .............�i,i,i,i,i•1,6.��. {,.,mod ": 1'�: -.. .�S. .r.- t+r.;.,... . ORDINANCE NO: AN ORDINANWCO ThE Of1'Y OF WL,IE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie,;"Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is Of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of __y� Q,r, lvl`s' should be:granted and the Comprehens ye Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its is ' legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That.: the Comprehensive" Zoning Ordinance of the City ofWyl.ie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the .hereinafter described propertya new zoning district Classification to-wit: , &j1_ttesiCS Said property being described as follows: 0/7 V 71il42G71 oe d- !/l 1157`/ L Ast-M .,ram Abt wI ik; RSOT ION'la That ail ordi n*t def 04 the City in can4l i ct with the provioema 04 thi a ordi tieh dif be r and than same are herebyt 01004a1M0 amd aii Otkolf eedimanded e4 the City not in con4 i i at with the prrevi ei amo 64 thi e erdi nan+ a *hall remain iti #kl11 4ere. and e44at to SECTION Wit. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. 4ECTION '4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Or-di na'nce as a whole. j SECTION 5. That. any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore ' amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200. 00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is; necessary to !give the property described herein the above mentioned zoni'ng . classification in order to permit its, proper developmentt,.and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and Q neral welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as .the law 'in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED. BY' THE CITYCOUNCIL OF T CITY OF WYLIE, • TEAS, this the,�,, A3tit day of ___ !/_ Z1- _. 198 , _. 1 JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR ATTEST: , 4 Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ti' A . r: /N RUSTIC OAKS PLAZA • I. pi Car 6 Wash , . WO*,;i"WIi:;iMa,;".M.V,.a;,.02.:dtgl:WWWMP.:*"M:X5.?;'..:.t:.•,vb:MiliMIT. I.,. Floor Office Retail 10.658 S.F. • . •.1 1 1,...1 ..• el ii u. OWERES1011•MWASIMMI•RiiiMIMIAWIME:M§MERNM,1;iN Concrete Walk \• --.., II 1 1 1 . , 1 1 i H h 1 1111 , . \ / Winding Oaks Drive ..::... ••••••••••••44444,F";••;---.14.i.:,:.ps----- 5 . ........... ------ it . 0:.....::••••- ......•............. ....•.. ,......................,•.............................a _ 2 2 I •:!:!:!: :.....:‘..:!: :!: :T:!:!:!:t:!:!:!:::!:!::?:::?.:f.:?:.0...............•••......Vg.. Z ' ..*. _.: -,-. :::: :-: 11111111111i!:111 7 .:,:::.:- '— Eft . __ L , ::::ir-- . • • . if—,-.... • _ . s 1111,-:- •••••: :::111111 ii _ _ ; --....r- • ,-,1, a. ......... __ --- -- • . '— • ••--- . , .. . PETITION FOR ANNEXOTION THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLI_IN COUNTY , TEXAS: Now comes iiaralrl rildy,.Rrds_ _ -- of the County of na1.19S___ _ and the State of Texas, and represents to the City Council of the said City of Wylie, Texas, that he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less than three (".) qualified voters, reside, described as follows: See attached "Exhibit A" : PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. PAVE Said Harold Edwards represents that he and all other owners desire to be annexed to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully prays that the land above descri bed be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Tex as as provided by Article 974 (g) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Wi.to s the hand of this pet ' .oner this the & /, _ day of -- - L '1L/ � . ..- ___, 198 . 1-le??4,d ' /, ,e,(, ,-----;-7- cAl// /;, / , __ze.:-/-p6 __ /_ ___4-,_ ____..--p Signature _Har-o1 d__Edwards Please Print Name _266$ _Yinson_Road__-___-__--__-_-_ Address • '.'1y1ie,.._Texas_75096__-_______-_- City Texas Zip (214 ) 4..25-0756 - Tel ephor-e ' ' , ^ * ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared _jL_�rZ1,d_�� ��.............. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: , ,�n — Giveny hand and seal of office this the �����//' _ day of _ / , 198`��_. Notary Public,State tiTA '���-----=�- --~~~��- --- -- Notary Publ i c , Col l i/i County TO A1A Phtt'3iP,A 11111P,6g?tU fll r"11,'1§.11§. 0VAIf,^> 0 1,1i.1r' 1 46 . f# !.}{at 3 htvii �+� ti� j. jai ; 6 f44if1 idd ,2.1Ti4 glt�vey ss the grown�S ,: rt°1+ i!• vls4" "hd sh th4 ihOt i Oi 18124s A�d�,'i aiN� w��1e!F.� be%Ass, out of the J. D. 1tE t"+1SU116+?Y, +42STRACT `: , 41. .4 , h, A"fottr d�tl�' k. , AAS7lt�iy1 •0. 1763 and beinr, known nc 1110.00 acre trect out et-.1"l$,2 sire tract convert : to Addington by Paul Addington and Alice Addin,ton by docd •Of record is Volute ?sze 135, Collin County Deed Records, Volume 3.00, ^a^.e 74, Dallav•County Deed Records 7:1une 46, pale 592, Roc,:- well County Deol Records, said 10 acres bo ng described es reecri . : in 7.xhibtt ""." filed in Volume 82076 at Pase 0013 of Dead ".ecorda: of Dallas County, Teat . in Volume 1513 at Page 792 of Deed Record: of Collin County, Teases and beinC more ,cr:i:::r.:1 described as follows : C0:1:: "CS':G at a hi;hway r.arker located at the intersection of t"-.e Rig'nt-of line of Corn Road 544 aid the ::ortheast P.isht-of-tray line of Vinson ?oa '. : _ , Thence South 42 dec. 53 nin. Eact with `:ortheast line of Vinson Road S0.7 feet to a -Jar;:er for corner; Thence South 45 ties,. 52 min. East with the ::ortheast line of Vine; : : road 15S:. 1 feet to en iron sta:ce for :ornur and to the Place of ne:inning; T'.ir::CC ::orta 00 de; 57 -in. Cast with the small tr:cts l?:- . . . foe: to _n iron stake located in tile d'rainaae ditch for corner; • • neanicrins with said draina;e ditch ns follows: • 1. South 29 deb. OS min. __rt 42.80 feet to n point ; 2. South 30 CRC. 0:, nin. 2_.st 333,00 feet to a point f: r _ rr e r; 3. South 73 de; 10 nit. Cast 316.40 feet to a point _ . . ::rncr; 4. South OS des,. 30 in. 37 sec. Last 99.54 feet to a far corner located in old fence line; T::C.:Cr South ?? do- 4' -in. 29 ccc. Vest with said old fee. : . _.n_ 335, . 2 fee_ to aniron stake for carer; THE::CC South 00 den. 57 -in. ::cat crossinC the survey line . . _ _.. Collin County and P.ncl:wall County, 1512. 37 feet to an iron nteke set in said : _.._test ...0.' . of Vinson Road for corner; • .:ort.h 45 de^ 53 nin. 51 sec. Vest w`-th _mid C. __ . _ _ Vinson 7.oad 272.60 feet to Place of i,erinnin' end contoinin, 10.03? acres of let . tore _r less. Tract A A greet of land located in 71ollan County and Roel:wnll Ce . . out of the A,ttcrbury Surv_ ,, .',bs_ract :c. 17.i3 in DallasCounty ,`rite _ . . ' l l "'ovnt . -- 'Joins out of a 1R 03 acre :roc: : :r.c:i5 _,� `--;:' E-:c.9: . _-_ a2i7o at Fn;_ 1) in Dallas Count. Te,aa,-• and in \'oluiTe"''�3134eit `Pase 732ofJDeed .. _cr'c of -_llin County, To .,.: and bein; more ,articularly described as follows: st a hi,shtray mark'er-located at the inter:cot__ . of ;.i -._-af -y line of 'r'cr:.J r.oad 544 and the Northeast r.+ ^,ht-of-.:ay line of Vinson rose __ .7o•.:t' 42 der, 5S min. Cast with ::ortheast line of Vinson Rood S0.7 fee_ to a • - 7:ri:er for corner; }:hence :south •45 dos. 52 rain. =nst t'`_th the ':ortheast line of Vi:s : r Tema 15�. . 1 feet to an iron stole fcr corner and to the Place_ of !",e^innir.r,; TC::::CF ':ortl 00 de",. 57 -in. : est with snail tracts l3T,:•. 1 : to c point for corner ' located on the South line of Collin County as calla:'. in D tc of Texan on Ptah:- of-'.:a; Deed for Farr Road 544; 'f1i...:C .r.t with said County line_ nensin^ ^.och :ell Count'•• - _ . - 122. 12 fee: tend. co:1- tinuins for a total distance of 203.55 feet to ?oint for s:i1 :.as: line of 10.00acre tract; South 00 de, 57 nin. West with said 10.00 acrs trac : fee: to Iron st3: _ set in the 7ortheast R.O.W. of Vinson Road for corner; TiiCl:C :aorta 45 deg.- 58 nin. 51 sec. West with the ::orthcas : . . ..... of Vinson ?co-ad , 278.60 feet to Place of zcni.^.,nin" and containin; 5. 5: :or: : . _ 1,n :Ith 3. 523 acres in Dallas County and 2.04 acres of land in Rockwall County, rents, by :lee,1. • • Tne plot hereon is e true, correct, and axurata representation of the property as r^terined by survey, the lines and dir nsions of said property Wing as indi- cotcn ty the plot; the also, location, and type of buildings and Iaprovarcnta are as stiadn, all improvements pain; Within the boundaries of the property, eat fret property lines the distances indicated, and that the distance from , the rcarest intersecting street, or road, is as ahem en said plat. TI-£r ARE PD coraQi'E'+Ts, waIn's, cs MCMAItrLS, EX t `ache / } Z400 • Date ✓L/Ly 2 ,./,e4. Qt.. rJc1;173 - 'YRI COUNTY DEVELOPERS, RD.S, INC Re;iatered professional Engineer 2665 V TX N Pelisterad Mlic Scairayar (214)475-0756 • I. u .. .. s ti / A Pc E or n� : G/ . , . ' ` � / ' ' PE[ITIO|! FOR ANNENA` } M THE STATE OF MOS. COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF 111E CITY OF Kii-iE. TEXAS: Now come /' (�^ � � ____—__� __�� ^ �����/__'__ ___ and the Stat� oF ,,'. as , and reprc� ents to the City CcA} cil of the said City of Hylze, Texas , Lhat he is the owner or is acting for all of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are swrors m the {n ; ] .,"` r.j described tract of land which is contig./o"s no adjaccmt zo the City of Wylie, in Collin County, Te: as' �nd in phi ..h �,ac less than three (3) qualified voters, / ,niJe, decc. MaJ o!i follows: ^� / . ' ' � � ' ' PETITION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' D. Said �\ Pr�sents Mat hs� and all othe w�ers d�sir� �o be nhexed to and made pa, L o� the said ��ity of Wylie, Collin County, Tenor, subject io al ], laws, rules and regulations of said City' Your petitioner , therefore, respectfu1ly prnys that the 1 And above described be annexed to the said L` c ' of Wylie, |e.a"i as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL S7ATUTE , OF THE STATE OF TEXAS' ' Witriss the hand of tkis pet i oner tJ.i NOV. 4s' o+ / ��_ � � __^� �������.c�. -�~~�- �lc-!�7^7 // /^�{` / �] ease ' -r-~ -/ ./ /-� CiLy lexas . . � ------ --------------- -- _ -K7 / ` . ` THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the personally appeare me to be the persIpK/ ttose' name ' is dbscribeo Lo Lhe foregoing instrument , and acknowledgod to me that r`e executed the same for the purposes and ccrsiderntion Lhurazn expresses: ' Give �� y�hand and seal of c� ice t/�is the an, of _ ____________, ^ ` Notary Public , Co1lin Count , ro.as ��/ r t: VAflt l'+ t i4f711'rE7,'aF tP,=si ��f 3�1rr !{a fr!, d 2 ,000 no:i`la ifILi of Iriiiai Oiutituti Qi S 7ii CaAity , io tOe k' i 1 t 1 UHt 4'fHC hfiU d5ui`A+4+'/ i Oi44 /IiP,t r .'♦:'`i(ri��i>'+ of land dovof' iffa►l in a d404 fttjf ) ,`� , � ,? t aai tot , iv i' Ary N, as recorded in Volume 886, Page 563, of County Oved Records, s•�id tract being more particularly described as follows: iINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod set on the center line of Steel Road (60 loot undedicated right-of-way) , said point also being the northwest corner of the said 2.000 acre tract ; said point. < 1so being on the south right-of- wa Iin,• of F.M. No. 544 (80 foot R.`I.„'. ) ; ! HENCE East , along said south right--ref-wa‘ line Of F.M. 544 , to a 5/ Intl• : ton rod found for a point on line dhcl continuing along said bearing for distance of 230.47 lcet to a 1 /2 inch iron rod set for corner ; in all a total distance of 260.47 feet : THENCE. S 00°01 ' 35" t••' leaving said south right-of-way fur a distance of "t34 .60 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for corner ; THENCE West , for a distance of 260. 19 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set fot corner ; said point being on the center line of previously said Steel Road c,O.00 foot undedicated Might-of-way) ; THENCE N OC°0i ' ::0" W along the said center line cf Steel Road for a distance nt 334 .60 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for the 1'01N'f OF BEGINNING; (.0Ni.11N1NG ;i7 , 107 , 18 square feet or 2 .( 0 acres of land . • • . . ' ' ' / PETITION FOR AI'd NE�A| iON ' THE STATE OF TEXAS� COUNTY OF COLLIN� TO THE CITY COU %]CTL OF THE CITY UF WYL ]E, CDLLlN COUN | , . TEXAS� oi the C0un o' CDlIio `' and the State � / Texas, and repres�' j: s to t1- e' City Council of the said Ci � v of Wylie, Texas, L�at he is t owner or is acting for a\ l of the owners �r partnerships or corporation who arc, o 1n� described tract of land which is ck guous and adjacen � the City of Wylie, in Collin County , re`as, and in which less than three (3) qualified voters, reside, describen as foIlows(J4t ' '', ^ ' ^ ` / PETITION FOR ANNEXAT[ON CONT' 1 PAGE 2 Said _JRobert�V~_Thurmond, Jr . he anu � all other owners desire to be to and made part of the said City of Wylie, Collin CC.ounL�, Texas, subject to +l \ laws, rules and regulations of said [�iLy. ' Your petitioner, therefore, respect+ully prays that the land above described bs annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL ST�' TUTE5 OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner ihis e 18 / tb__ ------ June 1985_' - ` ` S��nstvre y- Robert V. Thurmond, Jr . ` ^ Please Print Bt . #2 Box 345 & ------------------------- - ' ALjU,�ss Di 75O69 ���� � ��� �� � 21.4._.4 '' /' / ' ' THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the und i d N Publicon this dav personally appeared SKY 4 \j 0A known n to me to be the person whose -----------^~'---- ame zs subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that h� executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expresses: Given unde_�l����__________, l98_r my hand and seal of office this �h '��A) ------ of __ e _L�____ day �� . Notary Public , Collin County lexas ` . � o ( I '' 1,41 AL.— ri 007' :: — /LL - } .,Z,/ �o'fh '� C \ t • �2 C. 7 •oZ/ . 1 . 2D'ir: ,-)1 osJ-J•1tl ... L9f=L�� ohowr,•rrs O3-.1,�W/l a'YC14 LflO�' • 'A =�9ir ? . ';:cji.hi. 41 ON, fr,_ .41 1-Y7l07 �� • • 1, • l .' Ll' 1 . - . • . r T ,� • • . • \ 4 • .• 1h 3-•�r1 f11f • fir p {{ lYl? ' PETITION FOR ANNEAoT10N THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , COLLlN COUNi . . TEXAS: Now c mes and the State of Texas, and represe.� � to the City Counci1 of the said C, / / of Wylie, Texas, Inst. he is the owner or is acting for 011 of the owners or partnerships or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Wylie, in Collin County , Texan , and in which �as less than three (3) qualified volers' reside, gescribeu as follows: /~ / ^7// ' / �ETlTION FOR ANNEXATION CONT' l) PAGE � �/ ~/ 3ai d _ _ y�_/'�// c/ represents that all other owners desir� to be a F s par/ 1he said City of Wylie^ Collin Dzun� , , Texas, subiect tc .` ( 1 laws, rules and regulations of ' \ � Your petitioner , therefore, respecLfvll t!/at the l �n� above described be annexed to tha saj � C er T�, as as provid 974 (g > of the REVISED ClVTL ST�TUrES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS' Witness the hand of this petitioner this t tb �� . of June ______ , lq8__ 5_. ---- -- ` ----- --- -------------7�--- ' �� / � THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: Before me, the un signed Notary Public on this day personally appeared / �_V� _Jr known t� me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoiog instr"men| , and acknowledged to me that he executed the samc f.`,' the purposes and consideration therein expresnes : Given "n � /.w`J and seal of off , ce this the o+ - L� Notary Pub ) ` c , Collin County [e`. as ` . -� ~` ' PETITION FOR ANNEXoTlOM THE 57ATE DF TEYAS: COUNTY OF CgLLIN: TO U1E [ [ T� COU OF THE ClT F WYL [E` COLLIN COUNlr , TEXuS- Now comes Robert V._ Thurmond ,_ Jr^_______ of the County of State of Texas , and represents to M City Council of the said CjLy of Wylie, Texas, that he is the Wner or is acting for all of the owners or partnershjps or corporation who are owners of the following described tract of land which is contiguous and adjacent to the riL , nf W,lie, in Collin County, Texas, and in which has less then threc (3) qualified voters, reside, described as follows . / ' � . , zc /�� / t' pE7 [T[O[| FOP ANK '- 1 ] ON [OH ! ` l'' PAGE � 501g Robert_V. _Thurmond,_Jr . ______ represents that he and all to and made pert of the said City of Wylie, Collin Ccunt� , Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said CiLy' Your petitioner , therefore, respectfully prays that the land above described be annexed to the said City of Wylie, Texas as provided by Article 974 (g ) of the REVISED CIVIL STATUTES, OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Witness the hand of this petitioner this the _181th_ day of ____________, l98__5_' ' gns tur�Robert V . Thurmond, Jr . --------------- - ---- Please Print Name . . Box 345 A _________________ _ Address McKiooey 75069 21�~442~6656 . - �r �� ' / | ` ' ' ' , ` , / � THE STATE OF TEXAS: � ` COUNTY OF COLLIN: ' ! ' � Before me the und , . n this day personally appeared ' \J , known to name zs me to be the pers n whose nams-70 subscribed suUscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged. to me that he executed the same fo" the purposes and consideration therein expresses: ! | \ Given underhandjand seal of office this the "� e ��� day f | -- - - � � - -- ~'^ ~ ^'' o , l98 �� _. - -�=�--- -~' ' ` | i `` � `-- _ ____ __ _____-_______ . � Notary Public , Collin County Texas \ / � . , � ~- ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS AND PROPOSD STREETS IN THE CITY OF WYLIE AS "THOROUGHFARES" ; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE ; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie ,has determined a need to designate certain streets in the City as "thoroughfares" then ; The following streets are hereby designated as thoroughfares within the City limits of the City of Wylie : A. EAST-WEST THOROUGHFARES 1 . SpringCreek Parkway/Parker Road/Paul Wilson Road/ County Road 383 . 2 . Park Boulevard/McMillan Road . 3 . , FM 3412/East-West Brown Street/ Old State Highway 78 . 4 . FM 544/ Kirby/Stone Road . 5 . Alanis Boulevard . 6 . Hooper Road/S . Loop/Meadowlark Lane/Elm Grove Road/Bozman Road/connections/designations and extensions . B . NORTH-SOUTH THOROUGHFARES 1 . McCreary Road 2 . North-South portion of Hooper Road 3 . FM 1378 4 . ' North-South portion of Alanis Boulevard 5 . Martinez Lane 6 . North-South Ballard Street 7 . Eubanks/W. A . Allen Road / S . FM 544 8 . Vinson Road 9 . Kreymer Lane/S . Spring Creek Parkway/Troy Road 10 . Beaver Creek Road THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE UPON APPROVAL AND PASSAGE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE AND UPON PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION IN THE WYLIE NEWS . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF 1985 Johr W . Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 63-18 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS ; RDUCING THE P .S . I . FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT AS SET ; FORTH IN SECTION 6 .02 , PARAGRAPH I3 , SUBSECTION - 1 PARAGRAP 3 , SUBSECTION 2 PARAGRAPH 7 AND SUBSECTION 3 PARAGRAPH 6 ; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY . WHEREAS , the City Council of 'the City of Wylie deems it proper and necessary to change the following sections of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of Wylie ; THEREFORE , the following sections shall. read : 6 .02 STREET PAVING -CONCRETE B. PAVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 1 . Non-collector Residential Street and Alley Construction 1 Paragraph 3 . A six inch thickness of three thousand fiv hundred (3500) p . s . i . reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase shal . be required . 2 . Residential Collector Streets and/or Streets and Alleys within Commercial- Industrial Zones Paragraph 7 . Colletor streets and alleys , as detained ly this section , shall be designed and constructed with eight (8) inch of three thousand five hundred (3500j _ p .b. i . reinforced concrete pavement On a compacted subbase . 3 . Major Thoroug_hfare ; and Commercial- Industrial Collector S reets Paragraph 5 . Thorou hfares shall be designed and construe ed with an eight (8) inch thickness of t ree thousand five hundred (3500) p . . i . reinforced concrete pavement n a compacted subbase . EFFECTIVE DATE : This ordinance will ! become effective immediately upon passage by the City Council of the City of Wylie and upon publication of the caption n the Wylie News . PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1985 . { Jbhn W . Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary ^ ORDINANCE NO. --_____________ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND ALLOWING, UNDER THE ACT GOVERNING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, "UPDATED SERVICE PERFORMED BY QUALIFYING MEMBERS OF SUCH SYSTEM WHO PRESENTLY ARE IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE CITY OF WYLIE; PROVIDING FOR INCREASED PRIOR AND CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITIES FOR RETIREES AND BENEFICIAR- IES OF DECEASED RETIREES OF THE CITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR SUCH ACTIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . AUTHORIZATION OF UPDATED SERVICE CREDITS: ` A. On the terms and conditions set out in Sections 63. 401 through 63. 403 of Title 110B, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, each member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System who has current service credit or prior service credit in said System in force and effect on the 1st day of January, 1986, by reason of service in the employment of the City of Wylie, and on such date has at least 36 months of credited service with said system, shall be and is hereby allowed "Updated Service Credit " (as that term is defined in subsection (d ) of Section 63. 402 of said title) in an amount that is 100% of the "base u` d t d Service p a e ery ce Credit hereby allowed shall replace any Updated Service Credit , prior service credit, special prior service credit , or antecedent service credit previously authorized for part of the same service. B. In accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) ot Section 63. 401 of said title, the deposits required to be made to the Texas Municipal Retire- ment System by employees of the several participat- ing departments on account of current service shall be calculated from and after the date aforesaid on the full amount of such person' s earnings as an employee of the City. SECTION 2. INCREASE IN RETIREMENT ANNUITIES: A. On terms and conditions set out in Section 64. 203 of Title 110B, revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, the City of Wylie hereby elects to allow and to provide for payment of the increases below stated in monthly benefits payable by the Texas Municipal Retirement System to retired employees and to beneficiaries of deceased employees of this City under current service annuities and prior service annuities arising from service by such employees to this City. An annuity increased under this Section replaces any annuity or increased annuity previ ' usly granted to the same person. B. The amount of annuity increase under this Section is computed as the sum of the prior and current service annuities on the effective date of retirement of the person on whose' sarwiew tho annuities are bmaed, multiplied by 70% of tho percentage change in Consumer Price Indax for All Urban Consumers, from December of the year immadiataIy preceding the effective date of the person" m rwtirement to thQO December that is 13 months before the effectivo dote of this ordinance. � ` C. An increase in an annuity that was reduced because of an option welection is reducLble In the same proportion and in the same manner that the original annuity was reduce d. ed. � / D. If a computation hereunder does not result in an i increase in the amount of an annuity, the amount of the annuity will not be changed hereby. E. The amount by which an increase unde4 this Section exceeds all previously granted increases to an annuitant is an obligation of this City and of its account in the municipality accumulation fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System' � SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. \ Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees of Texas Municipal Retirement System, ! the updated service credits and increases in retirement annuities granted hereby shall be and become effective on the 1st day of January, 1986, } PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 13TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1985. ------------------------------ John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST ` ) | / __________________ Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ! ' / � \ ` ' | ` � / ` � ' } -� J ' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM FOR RECONSTRUCTING EXISTING STREETS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE AND PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PRIORITY LIST; A SYSTEM FOR ') PAYMENT OF ASSESSED COST BY ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION . WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie has determined a need for the reconstruction of City streets , and WHEREAS , the City Council has determined a need for the establishment of a priority list , and WHEREAS , the City Council has determined a need to affect a system for the entering of a particular street into the reconstruction program ; THEREFORE , the City Council shall cause to be created and maintained , a priority list of streets within the City limits of the City of Wylie which are to be reconstructed using City personnel , equipment ' and engineering services . This priority list for reconstruction shall be separate and distinct from other lists or plans which involve general repair or other forms and methods of street paving . SECTION I . PLACEMENT UPON LIST Recommendations for placement upon this list may received in any of the following ways : 1 . Request by private citizens . 2 . Petition by neighborhood groups 3 . Request by affected land owners 4 . Request by public institutions 5 . Recommendation by City staff 1 6 . Direct City Council in—put 7 . Any other generally accepted method of presentation . These recommendations shall be presented for consideration to the Planning & Zoning Commission which shall vote first on the need of the particular street named for reconstruction and second on the recommended priority number of the street . Subsequently , the City Council , at an open meeting where this item has been placed on the agenda shall act upon the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission , the City staff and it ' s own judgement . Said vote will occur with the same two ( 2) steps as required by the Planning & Zoning Commission . SECTION II — ESTABLISHMENT OF PRIORITIES Priorities shall be established on the basis of : 1 . The streets in the poorest overall condition , 2 . The amount of traffic which uses the street on a regular basis . 3 . The amount of people who own property along the length of the improvement who are willing , on a voluntary basis to participate in the cost of the materials necessary for the improvement . SECTION III No street shall be reconstructed without participation of the adjacent property owners . Adjacent property owners participation shall be determined by multiplying their property frontage by one-third ( 1 /3 ) of the width of the proposed street involved . This cost allocation shall apply equally to both sides of the road with the City accepting the cost of the materials for the middle one-third ( 1 /3) of the subject street . The cost of such construction may or may not include improvements to storm drainage , curb and gutter etc . , depending upon the desires of the adjacent property owners . The fee per square foot of the reconstruction program shall be established in the Fee Ordinance of the City of Wylie and shall apply equally to all parties . SECTION IV Side property lines and rear property lines shall be calculated in the same manner as previously described . No differentiation shall be made between commercial and residential property or standard residential streets , collector _streets or thoroughfares . Corner lots shall pay for a corner extending into the intersection equal to the calculations used along the property line . SECTION V The City shall extend financing of the materials cost participation to adjacent property owners by three ( 3) methods . 1 . Ninety (90) days , no interest . 2'. One year , or twelve ( 12 ) months , plus interest . 3 . Two ( 2) years , or twenty-four. ( 24) months , plus interest . In no case shall terms be extended for the repayment of the participating materials cost other than these three (3) methods . Interest rates shall he stated fin the Fee Ordinance of the City of Wylie . This ordinance shall become effective imme'iiately upon approval and passage by the City Council of the City of Wylie and upon publication of the caption in the Wylie News . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF 1985 . John W . Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /O/ ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO , 84-12 , THE FEE ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, CREATING A NEW SECTION 5- RECONSTRUCTION OF STREETS ; PROVIDING FOR COST PER SQUARE FOOT ; PROVIDING FOR AN INTEREST RATE FOR PAYMENT OF PARTICIPATION COSTS ; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION . WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie has determined they need for reconstructing certain streets in the City of Wylie and ; WHEREAS , the ouncil has determined a need to establish cost for materials to be used to adjacent property owners ; THEN , the fol owing is set forth : SECTION 5 The fee per square foot for reconstruction materials accomplished by City crews and equipment under the provisions of the City ' s reconstruction ordinance shall be : 1 . For streets which have been improved , i . e . ,' some basq and/or asphalt regardless of existing condition $0 . 50 per square foot . 2 . For streets which are completely unimproved , i . e . , no asphalt or oil base material and little or no rock or paving material $0 . 60 per square foot . 3 . Financing costs for repayment by adjacent property owners of their portion of the materials for projects done under provisions of the street reconstruction ordinance , the following interest rates shall apply and shall be calculated on a simple interest basis and billed on the monthly water bill . Said payments shall be subject to the V ,' , normal provisions for late charge penalties etc . , \ \ � `v, a . One year pay-out 10% \ \ interest . b . Two year pay-out 150 $ '., '-J\),\‘', interest . NV�, (� EFFECTIVE DATE : This ordinance and its attending fees shall V v h become effective immediately upon passage and approval by �'' j the City Council of the City of Wylie , a Home Rule Political Subdivision of the State of Texas and upon publication of the caption in the Wylie News . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF 1985 . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /° 6 385- Go � 386,' U /° * ** 1987 -8O� v * ** 1888' 88* ** vi889'30 * * *' vS3O-"1 * * * * 18Si -S2**** 1382-33 / *** 1993 ' S4 t3S-;'�� � �o . U0u . 00 � � C ^ 0O� , 0GL 121 ^ 0UO ^ U8 > �3 1OO OO_��f�^ � ��� 0C/ � �1� ' ' ' ' ' ^ ` - ^ ^ ' b�� 05L,-O-01-Z7, i5G ^ 1O I�L4,871 , 71 214,358 . @8 235,784^7� V� . V � �u 0 DO ' ' CIO_ -O /0O V.^ OO �« � 33 �3 , ��� . 33 - ---- ' 67 . STO . 37 G7 ' 37O . 37 .3 88 , 843 . 25 54' � 1� . 2 � � ^ 5f 19O , OT � . �O C,^*. �u � + � . � �_� ^ �� 2O2 , � � � . � � �a6 ' 52-3 . 75 3'42 ' 6+3 . 63 390 , 213 . 80 438 57 . 55 490 S . C-3 545 . 785 ^ �6� wwkT;ER i ALS _ 140' 000 ^ 00 143' 333 ^ 33 202 ^ 111 , 11 248^ 248 . 115 286 ,539^ 75 342, 643 , 63 380 ^ 21 , 80 433 , 157 ^ 55 490 ^ 816 ^ 03 545^785^4,6 ' - 'G28^^ 3. 8 7 46� - 42^..31S6 ------ —4,8f .8955- - -- _5_55^. 5742 - - 62 . 74 --- 7O o'��»4 ^ 23 4 . ? 6 � ------�' �^`-�-�'-Z' , , � � , �6 190 , 41 246 . 15 3O"�88 37 4 ns- 8�� 86 S V 8 � ` 4 ^ 01 5 24 . 37 3O . �8 37 . 5S 251 . 4 ' ' ^` � - ` ' Ir MEMO Aug. 8, 1985 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SUBJECT: REGENCY INDUSTRIAL PARK We have recieved all the necessary information required to approve the public utilities in the above referenced subdivision and find that all are in compliance with the subdivision regulations. We are therefore recommending that Council proceed to sign the fi al p t for filing. Roy Faires Code Enforcement Officer RF:rb /051 1 • 1 C I rr"W' 0 Ir NAIT I IC 114 N. BALLARO ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-0428 • MEMORANDUM N.\ *AA-ecru-04- 2-1 ---r- 0 : Gas PP : 27- *7/0 y c--- 41:7, 7 / cNA • t 4 e el, (-4 C. I fr c-_, c-C 1 c z).,...„L _i cc( Ci 7 C r J.)r CI-e. f-C., C a-13 rd\rt f • ' / ` | | `[ / ' / ' -- ---�- ' � //' ' i ` , �� / � / � / . � . ` i � ! ! ` � ''' u^ ` ! . . ' . • J M•M'QO-E. N IS•K•9t-[ / //3•K •• LEGEND /s1 ss //. s.a•a1'Eo-w • `�». •L►F - Imo F+Ford I S.aM/J•f7-E NN.J• •UM we FM Set ►e -- •C.No- comets N••••••e1 _ _ •• Whim, Wool�•-'-• LOT 1 41.E ACID i o RRL - Rferee6 Yo .o►lL. - ...... .4. reMw Fwe•e 3H• •M - Pam Fey • M.V. - poem*Iwo a •Ort • if It - Wage NNW a • NI•44.0O R •asses►• R • au.»' i I'A 1. I _...:,k T •** r 7 • 43R SO' L •ILO Se ,II�; L • asalJ' w NOS —' I 6..../..........":„.. s e. • Vk' a •r yD► �� a.�ssrbe• �`,- �� R . 377l.3e' r tenr,fo•et c•oaf••• r.+fmse' s • 16.00'30- 6 ♦ '' 7 • 62218' RAIL '� y L•wise R. 2332»' �OI5. L . 1210.16' rc r 7 • 11231' i� L • MS70' S•0=�E Toe KA S -- • I M i{ A.�M15�os 0 gael /'� • i may, •ie .\, \ .. +..........- TRACT PONT OF w� N i��' d: •M fe• U ".. �•r•\s •\ •• 1'4. 16 seasamma ..<- V: 1• s '" rev•of•6g0. PO L ?60 23 � i .,—::,.. . "- • --------- , f"----1. Wit DIRT ROAD N LOT 2 • In /117H •ti/ • r- \\T. e, t.:• ..�••• h•°3 ' ' "'� 279. 262CRES ,o.....e.•,• L • IZ6,61' L 0 T 1 ti` _/ • o • ry\ // e L W 7.136 C. v o S % w'•o• Q 1ro a F N tD /. i e, 2 ar PONT Or :8 aEG•s•MG 41LmIIIIII .300d•w00• 760• --_--- ---- 11.16• Vol 1• i�/f• ��~� y - — +�----.... -: —..- 31 1.48 - — 76.J0- —3 12.25- <..---••. .. —' ---- -----••.-- ..------ N.6!•JI'00-w T!9 73• <r N 6i!'31'13 W --.` 1041.l3• •.. r ~ • •'�N 6Q'!/'00 w 336 60" N.If•2!'3S-w �� ON i - _ \ STATE HIGHWAY P . 78 - 7 • 11363' \ --- Wylie City Limits -- -- —" L • MAW' BASEMENT - _ Sanitary Sewer Line THE STATE OF TEXAS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN That David R. Williams in consideration of the sum of One Dollar cash to said Grantors in hand paid by the City of Wylie, the receipt of which is acknowledged,#hand the further consideration of the benefits to be derived by grantors on account of the construction, reconstruction and maintenance by the CITY OF WYLIE of the sanitary sewer line in and through the hereinafter described premises, do hereby give and grant to the CITY OF WYLIE, a municipal corporation of Collin County, Texas, the easement and right to construct, reconstruct and perpetually maintain a sanitary sewer line together with all necessary laterals in, upon and across the following described property: BEING a 15 foot sanitary sewer easement out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas said easement being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to the Hassie Hunt Trust by Deed recorded in Volume 907 , Page 126 and later conveyed to the Hassie Hunt Exploration Co. by Deed recorded in Volume 1151, Page 419, D.R.C.C.T. , said easement being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of said site, said point being in the north line of F.M. 544 (Stone Street) ; THENCE N 03°12'00" E along the east line of said site for a; distance of 496.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 88°22'00" W for a distance of 630.81 feet to a point, said point being the point of curvature of a curve to the right whose center bears N 01°38'00" E, said curve having a central angle of 42°05' 20" , a radius of 682.50 feet and a tangent length of 262. 59 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 501.35 feet to the point of reverse curvature, said curve having a central angle of 03°29' 18" , a radius of 742.50 feet, and a tangent length of 22.61 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 45.20 feet to a point; said point being in a curve to the left whose center bears S 46°23'33" E said curve having a central angle of 27°23'02" , a radius of 342.50 feet, and a tangent length of 83.44 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 163.69 feet to a, point; THENCE S 71°25' 09" W leaving said curve for a distance of 188.28 feet to a point, said point being in a curve to the left whose center bears S 30°57 ' 23" W, said curve having a central angle of 18°18' 18" , a radius of 427. 50 feet, and a tan- gent length of 68.88 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 136. 58 feet to a point, said point being in the east line of Quail Hollow Estates , Phase I ; THENCE N 12°39' 05" E along said east line for a distance of 15.00 feet; said point being in a curve to the right whose center bears S 12°39 '05" W, said curve having a central angle of 17°24' 10" , a radius of 442,50 feet, and a tangent length of 67.72 feet; /0? THENCE along said curve for a distance of 134.40 feet to 4 point; THENCE N 71°25' 09" E leaving said curve for a distance of' 173. 70 feet to a point; said point being in a curve to the right whose center bears S 72°30'36" E, said curve having central angle of 25°56' 59", a radius of 357.50 feet, and a tangent length of 82.37 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 161.92 feet to a point, said point being in a curve to the left whose center bears S 39°02' 15" W, said curve having a central angle of 11°47 ' 06" , a radius of 742.50 feet, and a tangent length of 76.63 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 152. 72 feet, said point being in the aforementioned east line of Quail Hollow Estates Phase I ; THENCE N 27°15'09" E along said east line for a distance Of 15.00 feet to a point, said point being in a curve to the right whose center bears S 27°15'09" W, said curve having a central angle of 16°28'04", a radius of 757. 50 feet, and a tangent length of 109.61 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 217. 72 feet to the point of reverse curvature, said curve having a central angle of 42°03 '02" , a radius of 667. 50 feet, and a tangent length of 256.57 feet; THENCE along said curve for a distance of 489.89 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE S 88°22' 00" E for a distance of 631.22 feet to a point, said point being in the east line of the aforementioned Hassie Hunt tract; THENCE S 03°12'00" W along said east line for a distance of 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 0.627 acres or 27,316. 74 square feet of land more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually unto the CITY OF WYLIE and its successors, together with the right and privilege at all times to enter said premises, or any part thereof, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining said sewer, and for making connections therewith. And the grantee shall have the right to construct, reconstruct and perpetually maintain additional sewer lines at all times in the future, within the above described boundaries: All upon the conditions that the CITY OF WYLIE will at all times , after doing any work in connection with the construction , reconstruction or repair of said sewer, or any lateral therof, restore said premises to the condition in which they were found before such work was undertaken, and that in the use of the rights and privileges herin granted, the CITY OF WYLIE will not create a nuisance or do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. WITNESS my hand this Y'/_..: y da of "� L`' 1 L. (/ ( n I 4)aec,( :' ( /6 David R. Williams - Owner STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE me the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, on this day personally appeared David R. Williams , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and achknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and under oath stated that the statements in the foregoing certificate are true. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS < i.: ' DAY /; , , 1985, My Commission Expires : , / ' l Notary Public State of Texas 1 // ----"•M 4. 9 I _ (0) 4142 &1114/ t1 A 1 Z u Z3 ` 1) J1Q Wu JA 7flW Q UU9 7L c � ` { 5 89°54' 18"W 2581. 15' F.M. HWY. 544 (100' R.O.W.) STRIP ANNEXED BY CITY OF WYLIE w z J >- W cr Borg-Warner Leasing BORG WAAME Division of Borg-Warner Acceptance Corporation 1355 E. Remington Road Schaumburg, IL 60195 Phone: 312-843-6800 July 2, 1985 Mr. Gus Pappas City of Wylie 114 N. Ballard Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Lease Purchase Agrec,corut Dear Mr. Pappas, Enclosed please find the schedule of payments for the lease purchase of two water stora :)c tanks. The total cost as uu 'i1 `1'ect:an:.K is $300,046.00. Please call me at 31 2-8.H--681 7 should you have arr. .guest i can Sincerely, • Susan L. Wilson Borg-Warner Leasing JUL I • Pays 1 of 3 EXHIBIT B To that certain Lease Purhcase Agreement ( "Agreement ) " dated 19_ between Borg-Warner Leasing ( "Lessor " and Cityof 'Lic ( "Lessee" ) . SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS EQUIPMENT COST $300,046.00 DOWN PAYMENT -0- AMOUNT TO FINANCE $300,046.00 TERM 96 rnonths SIMPLE INTEREST RATE 9.96% Monthly PAYMENT $4,509.69 PAYMENT AMOUNT TO AMOUNT TO CONCLUDIN( TERM AMOUNT INTEREST PRINCIPAL PAYMENT • SEE API'ACHED SCHEDULE B ATTEST OR WITNESS : City o: Wylio (Signature ) (Title ) (Name of Lessee ) (Signature ) (Title ) (Date ) THE FIRST LEASE PAYMENT DUE 4 THE CONCLUDING PAYMENT IS STATED FOR THE SAME DATE AS THE LEASE PAYMENT AND ASSUMES THE LEASE PAYMENT DUE ON THAT DATE HAS BEEN PAID, // ' \ ` Q ` City of Wy] ip SCHEDULE 8 AmounL Financedi �' ]o0 ' O4h 00 Term : 96 MoniK Rmte : 9 9h% Payment Amounk W509w0 |`^ ymenL Payment- Amount to Amouni lo Concludi / m�nooer ___{�nount aI paylgqn ! l $4 ' bO9 . 69 $0 . 00 $47609 . 69 7 $4 ' 509 . 69 $2 , 452 . 90 $2 ' 066 73 9 $4 ' 509 , 09 $2 , 436 . 89 $2 ' 071 80 4 $4 ' 509 , 09 $2 , 418 h7 $3 ' 091 O2 5 $4 ' 509 . 09 $2 , 401 . 32 $2 ^ 108 ]7 h $4 ' 509 . 69 $2 ' 383 . 82 $2 / ) Zn 87 7 $4 ^ b09 69 $2 ' 366 . 17 $3 ' l4 ] 42 8 $4 . 509 . 09 $2 ^ 948 38 $? ' \ b \ ll 9 $4 ' S09 . 69 $2 ' 330 44 $2 ' l79 21) lO $4 . 509 , 69 $2 ' ] 12 . ]6 $2 ' 197 13 ll $4 ' 609 . 69 $2 ' 294 , 12 $2 . 21 ', Y7 12 $0 ' 509 h9 $2 ' 275 . 73 $2 ' 233 96 $280 ' 630 7', 13 $4 ' 509 . 69 $2 ^ 257 . 19 $2 ' 252 h0 14 $4 ' nO9 . 69 $2 ' 238 . 49 $2 ' 27l 2O K $4 ' 509 . 69 $2 ^ 219 h4 $2 ' 290 0� 10 $4' 500 . 69 $2 ' 200 . 63 $2 . 309 00 17 $4 ' 509 09 $2 ' 181 , 47 $2 ' 32x n 18 $4' 509 h9 $2 ' 162 . 14 $2 ^ 347 YS 19 $4 ' b09 . 69 $2 ' 142 6h $2 ' 367 O] 20 $4' 509 . 69 $2 ' 123 0l $2 , 386 68 21. $4 . b09 . 09 $2 ' 103 . 20 $2 ' 40h 49 22 $0 ' 509 , 09 $2 ' 083 23 $2 . 4M 4h 23 $4 ' b09 . 69 $2 ' 063 , 09 $2 ' 446 6U 24 $4' 509 . 69 $2 ' 042 , 78 $2 ' 406 9l $250 ' 449 `` , 26 $4 ' 509 69 $2 ' 022 . 31 $9 ' 4x7 3X Zh $4 ' 509 , 69 $2 ' 001 66 $Z . suS U '' 27 $4 ' S09 . 69 $ 1 ' 980 . 84 $7 ' \/0 8\ 28 $4 ' 509 , 09 $ 1 ' 969 85 $2 ' M 84 29 $4 ' 509 69 $ l ' 998 69 $2 . b71 00 30 $4 . no9 , 69 $1 ' 917 , 35 $2 ' b9/ 14 31 $4 ' S09 , 09 $ 1 ' 895 . 83 W0 | ` 00 32 $4 ' 509 . 69 $ 1 ^ 874 , 14 $2 ' 6]0 0b 33 $4 ' S09 , 69 $ l ' 852 . 2h $7 ' 6 n7 4] 34 $4 ' 609 . 69 $ 1 ' 830 . 21 $2 ' 679 48 35 $4 ' 509 , 69 $ i ' 807 . 97 $3 ' 701 77 30 $4509 h9 $ 1 , 785 . 54 $2 ' 724 , 15 37 $4 ' 609 . 69 $ 1 ' 762 . 93 $1 . 740 7h 38 $4 ' 509 . 69 $ 1 ' 740 . 14 $2 . 7h9A5 39 $4 ' 609 . 69 $ | ' 7l7 , ] 5 $/ ' 792 . b4 / / a � ^ ' 40 $4 ' 609 , 69 $ 1 ' 093 97 41 $4 ' 509 . 09 $ 1 ' 670 . 60 �7 8�90Y 42 $4' 609 , 69 $1 ' 647 . 03 43 $4 ' 509 , 69 $ 1 ' 623 , 27 �2', 88b42 44 $4^ 509 . 69 $ 1 , 599 ]2 $2 ' 910 ]7 45 $4 ' 509 . 69 $ l ' 675 , l0 $2 ' 934 w] 40 $4 ' 509 , 09 $1 ' 660 80 $3 ' 968 89 47 $4 . 509 , 09 $ 1 ^ 526 26 $2 , 903 44 48 $4 ' 509 . 09 $ l ' 50l 48 $3008 21 $ l8l ' l54 W 49 $4 ' 609 . 69 $ l ' 47h 52 $3 ' 033 |Y 50 $0 ' 509 . 09 $1 . 451 . 30 $3 ' 068 6 Kl $0 ' 509 . 69 $ 1 ' 425 9h $3 ' 083 Y] 52 $0 ' 509 . 69 $ 1 ' 400 . 36 $3 , 100 9] 53 $4 . 509 . 69 $ 1 ^ 374 . 5b $3 , 135 14 64 $4' 509 h9 $ 1 ' 348 . 53 $3 ' 161 lh 55 $4 ' 509 . 09 $ 1 ' 322 , 29 $3 ' j87 40 56 $4' 509 . 69 $1 ' 295 8a $] ' 2 ] 3 86 67 $4 . W9 69 $ | ' 2h9 ib $1 . 240 5',� 58 $0' 509 . 69 $ 1 ' 242 /7 $ 3 ' 267 42 59 $4 ' 509 , 09 $ 1 ' 215 \ \ $) ' 294 -A4 60 $4 ' 509 . 09 $ 1 ' 187 8O $3 ' 321 . 89 $ 101 ' 894 01 $4 . b09 . 09 $ 1 ' 160 . 23 $) ^ ]49 4h 82 $4 ' s09 . 09 $ 1 ' 132 43 $3 ' 3Y7 20 b] $4 ' b09 , 69 $ 1 ' 104 , 40 $) ^ 40'' 29 64 $4 ' S00 . 69 $ 1 ' 078 ) 3 $3 ' 411 56 h ) $4 ' nn9 hY $ 1 ^ 047 . 64 $330y 0'` 00 $4 ' 509 . 69 $ 1 ' 018 . 90 $3 ' 490 7Y 67 $4 . 509 69 $989 , 93 $] ' 5 ] 9 70 68 $4 ' 509 69 $960 , 71 $3 ' 548 18 69 $4 ' 509 69 $931 26 $) ' n78 4 -i 70 $4 . 509 09 $901 50 $3 ' 608 \ l 71 $4 ' 509 h9 $871 hl $] ' 6 ] 0 o8 72 $4 ' 509 h9 $841 . 41 $3 ' 008 Z8 $98 ' 7nl ` 73 $4 ' bu9 69 $810 . 97 $3 ' 690 72 74 $4 ' 509 69 $780 , 27 $3 ' 729 42 7b $8 ' 509m9 $749 , 31 $3 ' 760 ) 8 70 $4 . 509 0g $718 , 10 $3 ' 791 59 77 $4' b09 69 $686 h3 $} ' 82 ] 0h 78 $0' 509 . 09 $654 . 90 $ 3 ' 864 79 79 $4 ' 509 . 09 $622 . 90 $3 ' 886 - 79 80 $4 ' 509 69 $600 b4 $3 ' 919 0\ 81 $4 ' bOn09 $S58 l2 $ 1 ' 951 ',7 82 $4 ' 609 . 69 $526 l2 $3 ' 984 37 83 $4 ' S09 , 69 $492 . 25 $4 ' 017 44 84 $4' 509 . 09 $458 . 90 $4 ' 050 . 79 $61 ' 478 86 $4 ' 509 . 69 $42b . 20 $4 ' 084 4 ! 86 $4 ' 509 . 69 $391 . 30 $0 ' 118 11 87 $4 . 509 . 69 $3S7 , 20 $; ' ] \y 49 08 $4' 509 . 69 $322 . 73 $4 . 186 vh 09 $4 ' 509 , 69 $287 . 98 $4 ' 321 ? | 98 $4 ' 509 . 09 $252 . 94 $4 ' 266 Y ) 91 $4 ' 509 , 69 $217 . 61 $4 ' 292 08 92 $4 ' 509 - 69 $181 . 98 $4' 32Y . ? \ 99 $4 509 . 69 $146 . 07 $4 ' 363 62 94 $4' -- � ' 609 69 $109 8S $4 399 04 . .� 33 �4 4 ]0 l� �09 �9 �7 9� �4 ' + ' ^ ^ ` � ' $o ' ' ' --' 6l $4 47y \ W ' - 09 b9 ��6 . _ 0h �4 . � � ' ' ^ - � \ 778g ���/