01-12-1993 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA WYLIE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12, 1993 7:00 P.M. MUNICIPAL COMPLEX CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Reverend Fred Hall, 1st Christian Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT AGENDA 1 . n i er p ov o th i t o r , 1992 O 2. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of Applications for Regular Tax Exempt License Plates 3. Consider Approval of an Ordinance Ratifying the January 20, 1990 Election and Imposing Sales Tax for Economic Development APPOINTMENTS 4. Appointment with Kevin Curr to Request a No-Parking Zone on Stoneybrook Lane and Take Any Necessary Action 5. Appointment with Robert Fuston and John Willingham to Request Amendment to Impact Fees and Take Any Necessary Action 6. Appointment with Joanne Holtzclaw of TCI Cable to Discuss Cable Service in Wylie ACTION ITEMS 7. Discuss and Consider Award of Contract for Purchase of Police Vehicles 8. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Final Plat for portions of Block A, Eastridge Addition 9. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Change Order for Rustic Oaks Drainage Improvements 10. Discuss and Consider Authorizing Payment No. 3 to Jeske Construction for Rustic Oak Drainage Improvements 11 . Discuss and Consider Authorizing Payment No. 1 to JRJ Paving for Birmingham Street Curb and Gutter Improvements 12. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Request from the City of Sachse to Annex Portions of County Roads Located within the City of Wylie ETJ STAFF REPORTS 13. City Manager's Report 14. City Engineer's Report 15. City Attorney's Report CITIZEN PARTICIPATION EXECUTIVE SESSION 16. Hold Executive Session Under Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. 2(f) with the Development Corporation Board to Discuss Possible Purchase of Real Estate for Economic Development Purposes 17. Take Any Necessary Action as a Result of the Executive Session ADJOURNMENT Posted this the 8th day of January, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. Mary ich4ls, City Secretary Due to computer Problems, Mi utes of December 8, 1992 will ke provide %; to yo ,- r separate cover on Mont if y, Jan /ary 11tho We a,"olo t ze for the inco; <<venl a <<ceo City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: J I HOLCOMB DIRECTOR: PURCHASING DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1/12/93 2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF APPLICATIONS FOrl REGULAR TAX EXEMPT LICENSE PLATES SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION EXISTS THAT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE FORMER CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE APPLICATIONS FOR REGULAR TAGS . THE RESOLUTION ATTACHED DOES NOT DESIGNATE A PERSON BY NAME, BUT DESIGNATES THE PURCHASING AGENT AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE PAPERWORK. THIS WILL PREVENT FUTURE COMPLICATIONS . WE HAVE AN APPLICATION FOR REGULAR EXEMPT TAGS CURRENTLY BEING HELD UNTIL THIS RESOLUTION IS APPROVED. ALTERNATIVES: APPROVE RESOLUTION DENY RESOLUTION TABLE RESOLUTION APPROVE RESOLUTION WITH CHANGES _.. ACTION REQUESTED: APPROVAL OF_RESvOLUT ION __ =i=i�"-Jyr� _�U 3..Jv J 3KUO3 Y I3 OT 14 c22IA Z AO=s 031►`0 3 REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: ._. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL X RESOLUTION REVIEWED BY:_ ___ _ ____ x CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. x CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. UBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY nPUBUCWMORKS APR FIRE CHIEF • . DIRECTOR OF PUBUC •BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COt�Nt�L..�.. CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION NO. 93-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DESIGNATING OFFICERS THAT MAY EXECUTE DOCUMENTS FOR REGULAR/EXEMPT LICENSE PLATES UNDER V.C.S. 6701M-2 WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas, does from time to time order regular license plates that are exempt under State law, and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie must designate those persons responsible for procuring said plates NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas: SECTION 1. That the Purchasing Agent and/or City Secretary for the City of Wylie may execute those documents required to procure regular license plates that are exempt under V.C.S. 6701M-2. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 12th day of January, 1993. APPROVED ATTEST City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: STEVEN P. DEITER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1-7-93 3 ORDINANCE - ONE-HALF CENT ECOP1 DEV SALES TAX SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: SEE ATTACHED ("MEMORANDUM ALTERNATIVES: -PASS ORDINANCE AS PROPOSED -PASS ORDINANCE WITH APPROPRIATE AMENDMENTS -DECLINE TO PASS ORDINANCE ACTION REQUESTED: -PASS ORDINANCE -DECLARING 1RESULTS... OF ELECTION ON ONE-HALF CENT SALES • TAX II AND LEVY -TAX ear •KJ : :3 3Os ‘i .112111UCOYTIOGT r Q AI4 REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: S PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: - USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER _ MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. UBRARY DIRECTOR t -x,�. :i j _1 1.•,t o r _-. POLICE CHIEF - CITY ATTORNEY ' UBUC{I,NORIASUPR. FIRE CHIEF • • DIRECTOR OF PUBUC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPRO . FOR SU MISSION TO CITY COUNCIL 4,411 ask MIN, CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: City Council ,� �� FROM: Steve Deiter �. SUBJECT: One-half Cent Sales ax For Economic Development DATE: January 6, 1992 The Development Corporation is checking into the possibility of its issuing some debt obligations to assist and induce a business to locate in Wylie. First Southwest Securities was contacted relative to issuance of the debt and request all background documentation on the formation of the Development Corporation and the imposition of the sales tax. In reviewing the documents it did not appear that an ordinance imposing the tax was ever passed by the Council. I checked with the legal staff at TML and they suggested that such an ordinance be passed, even at this late date. I have prepared such an Ordinance for the Council's consideration. I believe this matter will be placed on the consent agenda so as not to draw any undue attention to it. Should any of you have any questions or concerns on the Ordinance or its passage please advise. Thank you for your attention. cc: Steve Norwood „OA tp(Oti)gl'afreq( ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DECLARING RESULTS OF ELECTION HELD JANUARY 20, 1990 FOR IMPOSITION OF ONE-HALF CENT SALES TAX FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND IMPOSING SUCH SALES TAX AS OF JULY 1, 1990, REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City has heretofore called, held and canvassed a special election for the imposition of a one-half cent sales tax for economic development as authorized by Article 5190.6, Section 4A of V.T.C.A.; and, WHEREAS, the results of said election were in favor of imposition of said sales tax, with 155 voting in favor thereof and 85 voting against; and, WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 90-2-13-90-2, declaring the results of such election and forward said Resolution, the results of the election, and the canvass thereof to the State Comptroller's Office, who upon receipt of such documents authorized the collection of the said one-half cent sales tax; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to such authorization the City has been collecting the one-half cent sales tax, for the benefit of the Development Corporation formed pusuant to Art. 5190.6, Section 4A, of V.T.C.A., from and after the 1st day of July, 1990; and, WHEREAS, no Ordinance actually levying the tax, as contemplated by Section 321.405 of the Texas Tax Code was ever adopted by by the City Council, as the City reasonably assumed that such Ordinance was not necessary since approval from the Comprtoller's Office had been received; and, WHEREAS, the City has been advised by legal counsel that such an ordinance should be passed and adopted by the City at this time to resolve any technical inconsistancies which may exist as a result of an ordinance not having been heretofore ; and, ORDINANCE NO. page three SECTION V This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION VI That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or consistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VII The repeal of any ordinance, of parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this day of January, 1993. By John W. Akin Mayor _... ATTEST: Mary Nichols City Secretary Approved: Steven P. Defter City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. page two WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that enactment of such an ordinance at this time would further the best interests of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: SECTION I The results of the Special Election in and for the City of Wylie, Texas, held on the 20th day of January, 1990, at which the following proposition was considered: "The adoption of an additonal one-half of 1% sales and use tax within the City to be used for inproving and promoting economic development." wherein 240 total votes were cast for and against the proposition, with 155 voting in for thereof and 85 voting against, are hereby stated and declared to be the official results of the election. SECTION II There is hereby imposed a sales tax for economic development, as authorized by Article 5190.6, Section 4A, of V.T.C.A., at the rate of one-half of one percent, to be imposed, computed, administered, governed, and used in accordance with Municipal Sales and Use Tax Act, as set out in Chapter 321 of the Texas Tax Code, and in accordance with the aforementioned Article 5190.6. SECTION III The provisions of this ordinance and the collection of the tax herein imposed shall relate back to the 1st day of July, 1990. SECTION IV Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR: DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1 /12/93 4 APPOINTMENT 'JITH KEVIN CURR TO REQUEST A NO-PARKING ZONE ON STONEYBROOK LANE SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: MR. KERR ATTENDED A PREVIOUS MEETING AND REQUESTED TO BE ON AN AGENDA SO COUNCIL COULD TAKE ACTION ON HIS REQUEST . WE 'VE SPOKEN TO HIM ON THE PHONE AND HE PLANS TO ASK COUNCIL FOR A NO PARKING ZONE AND TO PRESENT A PETITION. WE BELIEVE THE PETITION WILL ASK FOR A NO-PARKING ZONE ON ONLY ONE SIDE OF THE STREET. ALTERNATIVES: DIRECT STAFF '.TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE MAKING ALL OR 1/2 OF STONEYBROOK LANE A NO-PARKING ZONE, TABLE THE REQUEST, OR DENY THE REQUEST. - ACTION REQUESTED: THE CI-LY STAFF--BELLEVES THAT EVEN- IE 6NE SID.E_DF THE-ST,BEE'T d%:-.A _ PARK Jt ,G, ZONE J-tTHE-NEIGHBORHOOD WIL -:�T I HAVE-APROBLEl4-W j�Fi .DRE_N DART I NG,OUT BETWEEN -PARKED CARS AND;W hTH ONE SIDE VACANT, $E-- TRAVEL ING"AT HiGHE--R-SPEEDS:-=NEIG+i0O S MAY BECOME DISGRUNTLE L E SE: K THE RESIDENTS ON THE -NO-PARKING SIDE ilfe'PARK-ACROSS THE 'STRWEET/441F ONT _OF _SOMEBODY_ELSE'S HOUSE-S:MAILBOXES;MAIG.BE--BLACKED_ WL IH.-NJ G-ON ONE SIDE, COUNCIL WILL HAVE TO DECIDE WHICH HALF OF THE- STREET=WILL 'BE PENAL I ZED. COUNCIL MAY--WISH .TO MAKE- ALL OR NONE 1OF:STONEYBROOK:::NG PARKING TO ALLEVIATE THES 41';2¢ "} tf'��w ay�� .���I ' i "s `.Y� T�� . • REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: S PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS 0 ONE-TIME 0 • S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING 0 OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET ___ WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES _ LEGAL REVIEWED BY:._- -- CITY MANAGER .. DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE-- = DIR,OF=PLANNING/ENG- { - �' CITY ATTORNEY "` POLICE CHIEF ,' "• -- => .."= -1.77pugurciApRjossubit FIRE CHIEF = . - - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC - BUI[.Dt1 - --- - - - - -_WORKS —T "c Wyk. !•.—.''. -r' __ - ji.� - - ••.- ^t ;V ..r i.Ftsi -r {il"r�� a s r_igG.b t irk wa` APPROVED ! - 4 I�'1 • • M• i�i, „,.� :- F v - CITY MANAGER Ms. Mary Nichols -City Secretary Wylie, Texas Dear Ms. Nichols, Please place me on the agenda for the January 12 city council meeting. At that time I wish to present signed petitions, and request the council vote on my request of creating a NO PARKING zone on Stoneybrook lane, between Westwind and South Ballard. Sincer ly, Kevin P. Kerr 712 Westwind Lane t n. $a,t 43/ Wylie Tx. 75098 City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR: PAUL BEA.VEP. DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1 / 12/93 5 APPOINTMENT WITH ROBERT FUSTON AND JOHN WILLINGHAM - SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: THESE TWO CITIZENS WANT TO ADDRESS COUNCIL REGARDING IMPACT FEES . MR. FUSTON AND MR . WILLINGHAM FEEL LIKE THEY ARE BEING OVER-CHARGED FOR A FOUR-PLEX . PAUL BEAVER WILL EXPLAIN THE CIRCUMANSTANCES ON TUESDAY NIGHT . BUT, SINCE THE ATTACHED LETTER WAS WRITTEN, THESE GENTLEMEN HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE FORMULA FOR CALCULATING FEES THAT IS SET OUT IN THE ORDINANCE . THEY ARE STILL NOT SATISFIED AND ARE ASKING THAT THE COUNCIL WAIVE A PORTION OF THESE FEES . ATTACHED IS A COPY OF THE FORMULA FOR DETERMING THE FOUR-PLEX IMPACT FEES ALTERNATIVES: COUNCIL MAY APPROVE OR DENY THE APPLICANTS ' REQUEST . ,a I ACTION REQUESTED: -. • -_ �. .r.. -✓ �.-. - ��i`'- ter:-• -i:O'rU►3'a*OT i/i::IZEIVEU2 r n Ci3VORtl=►.: ... :.1AV,A:,' REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: S PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS 0 ONE-TIME 0 • S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING 0 OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYUE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR.OF PLANNING/ENG. UBRARY DIRECTOR POUCE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • • DIRECTOR OF PUBUC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL. CITY MANAGER L-'e---1b4 r-,t John Willingham - I � 10109 Brentridge Court P. C, /0 C: Dallas,Texas 75243 December 18, 1992 The City of Wylie Michael Schmidt,Building Official P.O. Box 428 Wylie,Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Schmidt: This letter is to the City Council addressing the issues of the Impact fees on the 4-plexes, Lot 20 and 21,Block A,Trail Place Addition. Impact fees for the 8 units at$1,100.00 per unit, will make it too expensive to build. Robert Fuston has been coming into the City of Wylie for 3 months and has been told time and time again that Impact fees were $1,100.00 per building. Last time he was told was December 14, 1992 and he was told that Impact fee, water tap, sewer tap would run between $1,500.00 to $1,600.00 per building. Today Michael Schmidt and Paul Beaver stated he was given the wrong information and the cost is $1,100.00 per unit not per building. We would like for you to review this and consider waiving the Impact fees above $1,100.00 per building. Sincerely, John Willingham IMPACT FEE FORMULA FOR QUADPLEX WATER: $600 NORMAL FEE X 0.40/UNIT X 4 UNITS _ $960 SEWER: $500 NORMAL FEE X 0.75/UNIT X 4 UNITS _ $1500 $2460/BUILDING $2490 X TWO BIIILDING3 = $4920 q C. Ten Year Master Water Plan �~ 1. Water Consumption and Deman d nd Water consumption was calculated for the population as it is projected to be in ten years. It was assumed that all of the approximately 865 new residential lots which have been developed but are currently unoccupied will be used In the next ten years. it was further assumed that the remaining new residential and commercial connections projected for the next ten years would be distributed uniformly 1111 throughout the undeveloped land within the service area. For the purposes of calculating water consumption for each land use, a service U unit of a "living unit equivalent (LUE)' was used. In this study, a LUE is defined a unit that consumes the amount of water used by a standard low density (3.2 D.U. per acre) residential unit. Living unit equivalents for other land uses were determined from water consumption records taken from this and other similar communities and are summarized as follows: TABLE 10 UVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS WATER SYSTEM w A♦V Peak ' Hour LUE ILJ Water per Land Use Consumption unit L Low& Med. Dens. Resid. 2000 gpd/conn 1.00 per conn --> High Density Residential 800 gpd/unit 0.40 per unit 4— Retail & Office 1750 gpd/acre 0.88 per acre Commercial 1500 gpd/acre 0.75 per acre Industrial 1750 gpd/acre 0.88 per acre Parks & Open Space 750 gpd/acre 0.40 per acre Based on these LUE's, the ro ected p j peak water demand from new growth at the end of the ten year planning period is as shown in Table 11. I 13 . l 3. Wastewater Treatment Plant The City as recently completed a major expansion to the wastewater treatment plant. The plant has a nominal capacity of 2.0 M.G.D. which is more than adequate to meet today's demands. C. Ten Year Master Wastewater Plan 1. Wastewater Flows As was the case with the water system wastewater flows were calculated for the population as it is projected to be in ten years, using the same assumptions regarding development as was used for the water system. Likewise a "living unit equivalent (LUE) was established for each land use as follows: TABLE 18 LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS WASTEWATER SYSTEM LUE Population per Land Use Equivalents Low & Med. Dens. Resid. 2.9 /conn 1.00 per conn -10 High Density Residential 2.2 /unit 0.75 per unit F Retail & Office 4.3 /acre 1.48 per acre Commercial 3.5 /acre 1.21 per acre Industrial 4.3 /acre 1.48 per acre Parks & Open Space 2.6 /acre 0.89 per acre Based on these LUE's, the projected wastewater flows from new growth at the end of the ten year planning period is as shown In Table 19. • -26- City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR: DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1 / 12 /93 6 A.P-'OINTMENT 'WITH JOANNE HOLTZCL A.W OF TCI CABLE - SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: MS . HOLT:CLA'W HAS REQUESTED TO BE PUT ON THE AGENDA TO DISCUSS CURRENT CABLE SERVICE IN 'r1YLIE ALTERNATIVES: AS WE WERE NOT SURE AT PACKET TIME OF m.S . HOL TECLA.W ' S PRESENTATION, THE AGENDA ITEM HAS BEEN WORDED TO ALLOW COUNCIL TO TAKE ACTION OR GIVE STAFF INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING HER PRESENTATION . 1 ACTION REQUESTED: • ::ar uvv Y I OT AOIZEIPAZUZ t:A O3VO SA REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: S PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS tEl ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYUE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: _ - CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. UBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBUC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • - DIRECTOR OF PUBUC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Finance Dept.- Purchasing Div. DIRECTOR: Brady Snellgrove DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1/6/93 Purchase of two 1993 police cars 7 SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Two police patrol vehicles were approved by Council in the f.y. '93 budget. The 1993 police car contract for the State of Texas General Services Commission cooperative purchasing program has been awarded to Interstate Ford of Spring,Tx. The cars are Ford Crown Victoria Interceptors, priced at $12,562.00 each. Past experience has proven that purchasing through the General Services Commission is the most cost effective method for procuring new vehicles. To illustrate, a comparably equipped Crown Vic purchased through the Houston/Galveston cooperative purchasing program would cost $13,910.00 plus administrative fees and delivery charges. Smaller entities bidding own their own (even in groups) can expect to pay about $15,000.00. ALTERNATIVES: ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of the purchase of two 1993 Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor units at a total cost of $25,124.00 (budget allocation is $30,000.00) . REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: Fleet Replacement Fund BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): 1993 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: 25, 124.00 $ PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS CI ONE-TIME El $ 4,876.00 CAPITAL El RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: X CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY x . DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR X POUCE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBUC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL ITY MANAGER City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Michael Schmidt DIRECTOR: Paul Beaver 63-20 DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1/6/93 Final Plat for Roome Surveying, Inc. Lots 3R Block A 3 Lots 2 & 3 Block A of Eastridge Addition. SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: --• A request for Roome Surveying, Inc. for a Final Plat to remove an existing property line and combine 2 lots into a single property. Lots 3R Block A Lots 2 & 3 Block A Eastridge Addition ALTERNATIVES: ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend approval for the Final Plat. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: S PERSONNEL [ ] OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS [ J ONE-TIME [ ] S CAPITAL [ J RECURRING ( ] USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OTHER COMMENTS: - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER X MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. LIBRARY DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS SUPV. POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY x BULIDING OFFICIAL FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL 1pri/ CI ''ATAGER Room C SUP vE � 1`� � & s i M P► P I ..r r----- :-� MK f le l,Q rJ C �' v -, 1 / ; S TE // LOCATION N. �_J �/ BRGwN ST E JJJ777 C'` 'L i �� -CO 1 cr ¢ PP o 1 Gl 4v.--t WYLIE m ; z _ r? ) �� P� �J ���1 ' a C O U N T Y s VICINITY MAP / , -7, ' r> \ _, , _ _. _ _ _ _ _ rQo61ct& SOfkkiel 16gf m a . ____ peso ki oec P� (11 w0 q ... ALLEN BOULEVARD 0 a/ N 00°00 16" W 130 00 i L 7 y i 6 nC 15 TP E. L. : (— — I_L _ _ _- - - --� /25' BLDG LINE Z. CO00 '.0 l� 0 0 o (xin r .. ccD co ui II M -4. '• : --ix CA _ N - ( --4 N i A 0 O it o C S 00°00' 16"E 13 0.00 n J 7 ... , -, r /// T. Ps %4 L. CASE me r __, "' _ , , r, N obi eA'CC tY // V-, mA { 1 L. -, / /! City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Planning/Engi nPPring DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT Jeske Construction Company 1/6/93 9 Change Order No. 1 R�1st i nAka fra i nag Ditr'h IrprovomQnts SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is proposed Change Order No. 1 from Jeske Construction company in the amount of $6,240 . 34 to adjust for final quantities incurred under the unit price contract for rennovations at Rustic Oaks Drainage Ditch. These changes involved fencing repairs, rip-rap erosion protection and final imported soil quantities . The revised contract amount is $58, 082 . 34 . The project is virtually complete with rye grass in place. The bermuda grass which has been seeded should begin growing in late spring. A retainage amount of S2 , 500 will be held to assnra hcrmnda Pctahlichmont ALTERNATIVES: A. Approval of Change Order No. 1 OR B. Disapproval of Change Order No. 1 ACTION REQUESTED: Contractor has successfully completed work in good _faith. Approval of. Change Order No. 1 is recommended. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A Ructir Oakc firm nag ili tr-h BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ S6,240 . 14 PERSONNEL [ ] OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS [ ] ONE-TIME [ ] CAPITAL [ ] RECURRING [ j $ USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OTHER COMMENTS: 2ev isea CoAkrad- avriou►'* now $ 56) 082. 5L SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. LIBRARY DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS SUPV. POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY BULIDING OFFICIAL FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS _A. APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL • rr .� - - MANAGER CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: Drainage Channel Improvements Rustic Oaks Between Jefferson and Oak Street Wylie, Texas. OWNER: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS CONTRACTOR: JESKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Delete the following Unit Price Pay Items from the Base Bid: ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1 . 2000 C.Y. Loading, Hauling and Filling Clay Soil $18 . 70 $ 37 , 400 . 00 Complete in Place Eighteen Dollars and Seventy Cents per Cubic Yard. 2 . 19 C.Y. 12" Rock Riprap, Complete in Place $ 93 . 00 $ 1, 767 . 00 Ninety-Three Dollars and No Cents per Cubic Yard. 4 . 200 L. F. Remove, Dispose and Re-install 6 ' Wood $18 . 00 $ 3 , 600 . 00 Privacy Fence, Complete in Place Eighteen Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot. SUBTOTAL DELETIONS $4 2 , 7 6 7 . 0 0 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 1 Add the following Unit Price Pay Items: ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1A. 2100 C. Y. Loading, Hauling and Filling Clay Soil $18 . 70 $ 39 , 270. 00 Complete in Place Eighteen Dollars and Seventy Cents per Cubic Yard. 2A. 24 . 38 C.Y. 12" Rock Riprap, Complete in Place $ 93 . 00 $ 2 , 267 . 34 Ninety-Three Dollars and No Cents per Cubic Yard. 4A. 415 L. F. Remove, Dispose and Re-install 6 ' Wood $18 . 00 $ 7 , 470. 00 Privacy Fence, Complete in Place Eighteen Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot. SUBTOTAL ADDITIONS $ 49 , 007 . 34 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 2 NET ADDITION OR (DELETION) $ 6, 240. 34 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TOTAL $ 51, 842 . 00 NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $ 6, 240 . 34 TOTAL CONTRACT SUM TO DATE $ 58 , 082 . 34 OWNER: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DATE: CONTRACTOR: JESKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DATE: CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - PAGE 3 STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF DALLAS } AFFIDAVIT OF CONTRACTOR I hereby certify that all bills for labor and materials due subcontractors on the following City of Wylie , Texas- Project Channel Improvements Between Oak and Jefferson Streets , Rustic -Oaks Subdivision have been paid by the undersigned and that no outstanding bills for labor or materials exist on the above-referenced project. In consideration of receiving final payment, and upon receipt of final payment, the undersigned does hereby hold harmless and indemnify the City of Wylie , Texas from any liability, and will reimburse the City of Wylie , Texas for all its costs, expenses, court costs, reasonable attorney' s fees and damages, on any such claims or lawsuits hereinafter made in connection with the above project for any subcontractor for supplying of labor or materials on said project. I sign this affidavit with full authority and knowledge of the facts contained herein. / / - By: /; Its : Vice President • SUBSCRIBED TO AND SWORN to before me under official of office this 3rd day of December , 1992 a-Z/ 1 /1UNotary Publ and for ,reaemsm-s � the State oas •tea L L -iBIE J. H LL a ( NOTARY PUBLIC . �� STATE OF TEXAS •�` 0, 4.+-i MY Comm. 10-19-93 GSle (SEAL a My Commission Expires: 10-19-93 32 City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: Paul Beaver DIRECTOR: Planning/Engineering �4 DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1/6/93 10 Jeske Construction Company Pay Estimate No. 3 Rustic Oaks Drainage Ditch SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is Pay Estimate No. 3 from Jeske Construction Company in the amount of $10, 127.98 for work accomplished on the Rustic Oaks Drainage Ditch, including loading, hauling, and filling clay, installing 12" rock rip-rap, bermuda grassing and removal/ installation of 6' wood fence. This payment represents 96% completion of the City Council approved $58,082.34 which includes Change Order #1 . A total retainage in the amount of $2,500 is being withheld to assure bermuda grass establishment in the spring. ALTERNATIVES: No alternative is recommended. ACTION REQUESTED: Payment is recommended. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A Rustic Oaks Drainage Ditch Improvements BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): N/A ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 10, 127.98 PERSONNEL ( ] OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS [ ] ONE-TIME [ ] CAPITAL [ ] RECURRING [ ] $ USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OTHER COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. LIBRARY DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS SUPV. POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY BULIDING OFFICIAL FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL ,,( ,7 1, ANAGER 'i , iEBKE BOX 2i:=Y • _.. ..-,._ ._N . ...Yf..Awi _1..v . __ a., _ ;MOUNT ;MCAT 'fit - -_'�_.''-stir- 2 _ - �a . _. 1. a Si _ _ a -. t . .1. . -.x_ City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION Paul Beaver Engineering VD) SUBMITTED BY: DIRECTOR: DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 12/15/92 JRJ Paving, Inc. 11 Pay Estimate No . Birmingham Street Upgrade SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is Pay Estimate No. 1 from JRJ Paving, Inc. in the amount of $38, 862. 40 for curb and gutter work accomplished on the Birmingham Street upgrade. This represents 70% completion of the City Council approved $55, 500 contract amount . ALTERNATIVES: No alternatives are recommended . ACTION REQUESTED: Payment is recommended. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: 1v1_ A R_ -m; sham ' rPS"a -+c BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: PP? 4i1 PERSONNEL [ ] OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS [ I ONE-TIME [ ] CAPITAL [ ] RECURRING [ I $ USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: OTHER COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. LIBRARY DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF FINANCE /N‹ CITY ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS SUPV. POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY BULIDING OFFICIAL FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL I/ CITY MANAGER JRJ PAVING, INC. PO Box 59934 11332 Mathis St.,Suite 100 (214)869 2971 Dallas,TX 75229 * * * INVOICE * * * 149-1.0 INVOICE # 6809 PAGE CITY OF WYLIE ESTIMATE # 1 —000 HWY 78N ESTIMATE PERIOD 11/23/92 TO 12/14/9 CONTRACT AMOUNT $55, 50c-' WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 RETAINAGE % OP 9: 003 CITY OF WYLIE,ANNUAL CONTRACT ,(Birmingham Street) UNITS COMPLETED/ PLAN UNIT ESTIMATED EARNED TEM DESCRIPTION DUANTITY UNIT PRICE THIS MONTH TO DATE 1 . 24" CURB AND GUTTER 4000.000 LF 10.250 2:16.000 2316.00 237'9.00 23739.0 . 6" R .S. DRIVEWAYS 25.000 EA 500 .000 15 .000 15.0c_i 2y 7500.00 750o.c_; 4" R .S. SIDEWALK 500.000 SF 2.800 1428 .000 1428.0( 7998. 40 " 998. 4 MMOVE—I N 1 .000 EA 650.000 . 6" R.C . STREET INTERSECTION 129 .000 SY 31 .250 116.000 116.0( 7625.00 7625.0 JRJ PAVING, INC. P.O.Box 59934 11332 Mathis St.,Suite 100 (214) 869 2971 Dallas,TX 75229 * * * I N V O I C E * * * 11910 INVOICE # 6809 PAGE CITY OF WYLIE ESTIMATE_ # 1 2000 HWY 78N ESTIMATE PERIOD 11/23/92 TO 12/14/91 CONTRACT AMOUNT $55, 00 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 RETAINAGE X 93007 CITY OF WYLIE , ANNUAL CONTRACT (Birmingham Street) ESTIMATED EARNED AMOUNTS AMOUNTS THIS MONTH TO DATE TOTAL_ AMOUNT OF WORk:. DUNE 38,S62.40 38,862.4( LESS RETAINAGE .00 AMOUNT DUE ESTIMATE # 1 38,862. 40 38,862. 4' LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX .0( UNPAID BILLINGS AS OF 11/27/92 .00 .0( TOTAL OUTSTANDING AS OF THIS F_S-. . 1ATE 38,862 .40 78,862.4( PREPARED BY --- - - --- DATE --- - - -- ***************** * * PAY THIS AMOUNT FOR ESTIMATE 1 * 38,862.40 * * * ***************** City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: CITY M:"-.NAGE I DIRECTOR: DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 1/ 12 / 93 12 REQUEST FROM CITY OF SAC!-!SE TO ANNEX PORTIONS OF ROADS IN Y I ' S ETJ SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: ATTACHED IS A LETTER FROM THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF SACHSE ASKING THE WYLIE COUNCIL TO GIVE YOUR ENDORSEMENT TO THE ANNEXATION OF PORTIONS OF ROADS IN WYLIE ' S ETJ . WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS AT THE STAFF LEVEL TO THE CITY OF SACHSE ANNEXING AND ASSUHING '1A.INTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE ROADS . ALTERNATIVES: ENDORSE THE ANNEXATION OPPOSE THE ANNEXATION ACTION REQUESTED: MOTION TO INSTRUCT STAFF TO NOTIFY THE CITY OF SACHSE_ THAT COUNCIL IN WYLIE HAS NO OBJECTIONS (OR -OBJECTIONS) TO THE P„ 1EX,4TJ9N5 . J•�Y:L:�.-1 Y:is GT i!`.:2!c:txtEUc r 1 e3VCr g9:. REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: PERSONNEL ❑ -- OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ • S CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. UBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBUC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF • - DIRECTOR OF PUBUC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER CITY OF SACHSE • l i 1 4. I . irexa December 14 , 1992 Steve Norwood . City ilanager City of Wylie P . O . Box 428 Wylie , Tx 75098 • Dear Steve , The City of Sachse has executed an agreement with Dallas County to assist with the annexation of "orphan roads" . Under the terms of this agreement we began annexation proceedings to the centerline of the following roads between our two cities : 1 . Elm Grove Rd from Pleasant Valley to the Garland power transmission line easement . 2 . Pleasant Valley from Muddy Creek to Elm Grove Rd . Attached is a copy of the description of the road and a map showing the location to the centerline only. However, Dallas County has notified us that they want us to include the entire Right-of-Way in the annexation rather than to the centerline . The Sachse City Council is willing to annex the entire road but not without your council being aware of their action since half of this road is probably in your extra territorial jurisdiction. At your earliest convenience would you please bring this matter before your council for a response . We will hold up and not proceed with any annexation until we get your council ' s approval to take in the entire right-of-way. If you have any questions or if I can be of further help please do not hesitate to call on me . Sincerely, „ ;5e4.44/0:14,-- Lloyd Henderson, City Manager LH/jl 3033 Sixth Street Sachse, Texas 75048 (214) 495-1212 PROPERTY * BEING a tract of land situated partly in the F.T. Gaines Survey, Abstract No. 497, 'and the H. Masters Survey, Abstract No. 858, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of Pleasant Valley Road (80 ft. R.O.W.) and the centerline of Elm Grove Road (60 ft. R.O.W.) , said point being North 09 deg. 38 min. 35 sec. West, 58.96 feet from the northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed to Max Sheid, Trustee by Deed recorded in Volume 72006, Page 1283 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 40 deg. 13 min. 45 sec. East, along the centerline of Elm Grove Road, a distance of 452.83 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 49 deg. 46 sin. and 15 sec. , and a radius of 371.95 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 323.10 feet; THENCE South 89 deg. 53 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 91.23 feet to a point for corner, said point being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 45 deg. 30 sin. 00 sec. , and a radius of 382.00 feet, and chord bearing South 67 deg. 08 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 295.44 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 303.36 feet; THENCE South 44 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 461.30 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 30 deg. 28 sin. 19 sec. , and a radius of 716.30 feet, and chord bearing South 57 deg. 17 min. 54 sec. East, a distance of 376.48 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 380.95 feet; THENCE South 69 deg. 49 min. 30 sec. East, a distance of 183.00 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 34 deg. 49 min. 00 sec. , and a radius of 573.00 feet, and chord bearing South 87 deg. 14 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 342.86 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 348.19 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 76 deg. 10 sin. 18 AMC. East, a distance of 470.26 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 56 deg. 014ain. 57 sec. , and a radius of 414.00 feet, and chord bearing South 79 deg. 57 sin. 58 sec. East, a distance of 388.93 feet; THENCE along said Curve to the right, an arc distance of 404.87 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 deg. 33 sin. 27 sec. East, a .distance of 628.19 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 deg. 27 min. 30 eec. East, -a distance of 1,682.98 feet to a point in the north Right-of-Way line of a 100 foot Garland Power and Light easement, same being the existing City Limits of the City of Garland, Texas; THENCE South 43 deg. 51 min. 30 sec. west, a distance of 30.00 feet and leaving the centerline of Elm Grove Road, along the north Right-of-Way line of said Garland Power and Light easement, same being the existing City Limits of the City of Garland, Texas, to a point for corner, located on the existing City Limits of the city of Sachse, Texas; ofX/ANx5u4ovjuouio1 THENCE North 45 deg. 27 min. 30 sec. West, a distance of 1,682.98 feet along the existing City Limits of Sachse, Texas to a point for corner; THENCE North 45 deg. 33 min. 27 sec. West, a distance of 628.19 feet to a point for corner and same being the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 56 deg. 01 min. 57 sec. , a radius of 384.00 feet, and chord bearing of North 79 deg. 57 min. 58 sec. west, a distance of 360.75 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 375.53 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 76 deg. 10 min. 18 sec. West, a distance of 470.26 feet to a point for corner and same being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 34 deg. 49 min. 00 sec., a radius of 603.00 feat, and chord bearing North 87 deg. 14 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 360.81 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 366.42 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 69 deg. 49 min. 30 sec. West, a distance of 183.00 feet to a point for corner and same being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 30 deg. 28 min. 19 sac. , a radius of 746.30 feet, and chord bearing North 57 deg. 17 min. 54 sec. West, a distance of 392.25 feet; THENCE along said curve to the loft an arc distance of 369.01 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 44 deg. 23 min. 00 sac. West, a distance of 461.30 feet to a point for corner, and same being the beginning of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 45 deg. 30 min. 00 sec., a radius of 352.00, and chord bearing North 67 deg. 08 min. 00 sec. • West, a distance of 272.24 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left an arc distance of 279.53 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 deg. S3 sin. 00 sec. West, a distance of 91.23 feet to a point for corner, and same being the beiginning of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 49 deg. 46 min. 15 sec., and a radius of 401.95 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right an arc distance of 384.34 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 40 deg. 13 min. 45 sec. West along the southwest Right-of-Way line- of Elm Grove Road, a distance of 402.07 feet to the point of intersection between Elm Grove Road Right-of-Way and Pleasant Valley Road;. THENCE South 33 deg. •04 min. 45 sec. West, a distance of 675.93 feet, to a point for corner; THENCE South 45 deg. 33 min. 00 sec. West, along the Right-of-Way of Pleasant Valley Road, a distance of 614.90 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 42 deg. 23 min. 00 sec. West, 40.00 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Pleasant Valley Road; THENCE North 45 deg. 37 -sin. 00 sec. East along the centerline of Pleasant Valley Road a distance of 614.90 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 33 deg. 04 min. 45 sec. East, a distance of 675.93 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 5.106 acres of land, more or less. 13X/ANX5.MOV.M0I/11SX I PLACE OF BEGINNING PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD —. O 315.79 ACRES ANNEXATION ORD. 855 JAN. 8, 1990 CITY OF SACHSE, TEXAS ci+ 1 CITY OF SACHSE UNITS Q GARLAND LANDFILL 5 ORD. {85S) CD N CC� a a CITY OF SACHSE UMITS ORD. (855) \ 100' G.P. ad- CO. EASEMENT