03-29-2012 (Construction Code) Minutes .41 Construction Code Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Construction Code Board Thursday, March 29, 2012 —7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club, Bldg 100 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Vice Chairman, Bryan Rogers called the meeting to order with the following Construction Code Board Members present: Bryan Rogers, Billy McClendon, Sunil Verma, Brian Huddleston and Bobby Heath. Staff present was: Interim Building Official, Dwight Lancaster; Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell; Chief Inspector,Todd White; and Construction Code Board Secretary, Leisa Price. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Construction Code Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Construction Code Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Construction Code Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or takes action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present to address the Construction Code Board during Citizens' Comments. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider, and act upon, approving the Minutes from the March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board meeting. Staff Discussion Vice Chairman, Bryan Rogers asked for the board to approve the minutes from the March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board Meeting. Board Action Brian Huddleston made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board meeting. Billy McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 5-0. Minutes—March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board Pagel 2. Consider, and act upon, request of a Sign Appeal Hearing from Cartopia Auto Spa seeking an appeal of a sign permit denied on February 21,2012. Cartopia Auto Spa is requesting a variance to Section 7, item#3 of the City of Wylie Sign Ordinance#2009-21. The request is to increase the allowable size of the tower wall signage. Staff Discussion Dwight Lancaster, Interim Building Official presented the section of the sign ordinance that the Cartopia Auto Spa was rejected for. The rejection was based on size of the requested additional signage. Victor Kapadia on behalf of Cartopia Auto Spa requested the Construction Code Board to approve the variance for the signs that are to be placed on the tower of the car wash. The signs would be placed on the east and west sides of the tower. There would be no signage placed on the front or back side of the tower. He explained to the board that his monument sign does not have good visibility. By placing the signage on the tower it will increase the visibility of the car wash, therefore he would have more business and could provide more jobs. Interim Building Official, Dwight Lancaster stated that the Building Inspections Department had no objection to the granting of the variance and would be issuing the permits for the signs upon approval of the Construction Code Board. Board Action Billy McClendon made a motion to approve the variance. Sunil Verma seconded the motion. A vote was taken and a motion passed 5-0. 3. Hold a public hearing,to provide evidence,seeking a determination that a building(s) located at or near 202 Silvercreek Dr., Southplace Estates#1,Block A,Lot 55 Wylie, Collin County,Texas was in violation of standards set out in Ordinance#2008-49 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS and or PUBLIC NUISANCES Ordinance 92-14 of the City of Wylie,Texas; and, seeking an order of approval of the Emergency Secure conducted on October 26,2011 Staff Discussion Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell presented slides and discussed the reasons for the securing of the property. Board Action Brian Huddleston made a motion to approve the action taken by the City of Wylie Construction Code Board staff in regards to the property located at 202 Silvercreek Dr., Southplace Esates#1, Block A, Lot 55 Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Bill McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 4. Hold a public hearing,to provide evidence,seeking a determination that a building(s) located at or near 200 Lake Travis Dr.,Twin Lakes#2,Block G,Lot 1, Wylie, Collin County, Texas was in violation of standards set out in Ordinance#2008-49 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS and or PUBLIC NUISANCES Ordinance 92-14 of the City of Wylie, Texas; and,seeking an order of approval of the Emergency Secure conducted on November 15,2011. Staff Discussion Pat Mitchell, Code Enforcement Officer presented slides and discussed the reasons for the securing of the property. Minutes—March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board Page2 Board Action Bill McClendon made a motion to approve the action taken by the City of Wylie Construction Code Board staff at the property located at 200 Lake Travis Dr., Twin Lakes #2, Block G, Lot 1, Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Brian Huddleston seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 5. Hold a public hearing, to provide evidence, seeking a determination that a building(s) located at or near 2912 Lake Terrace Dr.,Pheasant Creek Phase 1 & 2,Block E, Lot 12,Wylie, Rockwall County,Texas was in violation of standards set out in Ordinance#2008-49 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS and or PUBLIC NUISANCES Ordinance 92-14 of the City of Wylie,Texas; and seeking an order of approval of the Emergency Secure conducted on December 8,2011. Staff Discussion Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell presented slides and discussed the reasons for the securing of the property. Board Action Sunil Verma made a motion to approve the action taken by the City of Wylie Construction Code Board staff in regards to the property located at 2912 Lake Terrace Dr., Pheasant Creek Phase 1 & 2„ Block E, Lot 12 Wylie, Rockwall County, Texas. Bill McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 6. Hold a public hearing,to provide evidence, seeking a determination that a building(s) located at or near 1206 Devonshire Ln.,Wyndham Estates#1,Block B,Lot 10,Wylie, Collin County,Texas was in violation of standards set out in Ordinance#2008-49 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS and or PUBLIC NUISANCES Ordinance 92-14 of the City of Wylie,Texas; and seeking an order of approval of the Emergency Secure conducted on January 6,2012. Staff Discussion Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Mitchell presented slides and discussed the reasons for the securing of the property. Board Action Brian Huddleston made a motion to approve the action taken by the City of Wylie Construction Code Board staff in regards to the property located at 1206 Devonshire Ln., Wyndham Estates #1, ]3lock B, Lot 10, Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Bill McClendon seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. 7. Authorizing the Chairman of the Construction Code Board to sign the final orders prepared by City staff so long as such final orders are consistent with the orders issued by the Construction Code Board on March 29,2012. Board Action Brian Huddleston made a motion to accept and approve the orders. Sunil Verma seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0. Minutes—March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board Page3 ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Construction Code Board, a motion was made by Bill McClendon to adjourn the meeting. Bobby Heath seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0. a ers onstruction Code Board Vice-Chairman SUBMITTED BY: visa P ice, Construction Code Board Secretary Minutes—March 29, 2012 Construction Code Board Page4