11-17-1998 (City Council) Agenda Packet WYLIE CITY COUNCIL Agenda Tuesday, November 17, 1998 41°, 5:00',p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 Item No. Agenda Item Action Taken Call to Order Invocation Rev. Al Draper,First Baptist Church Pledge of Allegiance Citizens Participation Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion oftCese items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed form the consent agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Wylie Assisted Living addition,proposed by Cascade Companies, L.L.C., generally located at the northeast corner of SH 78 and Eubanks Lane and being all of a certain 6.5 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of Lot - 1,Block A,of Woodlake Village, an addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in cabinet G,Page 386,of the Plat records of Collin County,Texas. B. Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for Southfield Estates,proposed by Southfork Development,Ltd.,generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and being all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M. Price Survey,Abstract No. 1114,City of Wylie,Dallas County, Texas. C. Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase II addition, proposed by Ballpen Venture II,L.P.,generally located along the east side of Taos Lane between Cloudcroft Drive and Silvercreek Drive and being all of a 1.9423 acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey,Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. D. Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for the Harvest Bend Addition, proposed by Doupharate and Associates,Inc.,generally located at the southwest corner of FM 2514 and Dog Drop Road and being all of a certain 16.356 and all of a certain 20.042 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas. Items for Individual Consideration Public Hearings 1. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Keith Anderson, containing 2.33 Acres, being out of the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920,City of Wylie,Collin County, Texas,and being part of that tract as recorded in Volume 158,Page 457,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas. 2. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Conrad E. Boyer,containing 1.717 Acres out of the L.K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No.703,being a portion of a five acre parcel of land described and conveyed by deed recorded in Volume 715,Page 708 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 3. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Charles Bunting,containing 1.50 Acres, situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract 688, Collin County,Texas. 4. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Mark Clayton,containing 3.2526 Acres,being all that 3 acre tract and all that.2526 acre tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas and being out of a 43.24 acre tract of land conveyed to C. Truett Smith,et al, by Jack Parr,et ux, as recorded in Volume 484,page 121 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 5. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by C.Connelly,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W.D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being a part of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed dated March 1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 6. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Benny Coomer,containing 1.57 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292, about 2 '/2 miles South of Wylie, and being out of the Southern portion of a tract of 108.5 acres described as First Tract in a deed from John Rogers et al to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs. Rose Rogers Coleman,recorded in Vol. 214, Page 602, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 108.5 acres being the same land described in a deed from M. J. P. Haymas to George Rogers by deed dated April 6, 1874,and recorded in Vol. W,Page 956,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 7. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Antonio Curcio, containing 12.458 Acres, being out of the Francisco De la Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688 and being part of a 43.24 acre tract conveyed to C. Truett Smith recorded in Volume 484,Page 121,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 8. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Danny Justus,containing 1.16 Acres,out of the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860 and the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being out of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.5 acre tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas. 9. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William Downs,containing 2.857 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, Collin County, Texas; and being part of a certain 25.679 acre tract as described in deed to L.D. Pearce recorded in Volume 496,Page 268,Deed Records, Collin County, Texas. 10. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William Downs,containing 1.871 Acres,being a part of a 6 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696,conveyed to Ray Price and wife,Pauline Price,by Ray Tiller, a single man, and Mary L. Tiller, a single woman,by Deed recorded in Volume 817,Page 596, Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 11. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Jesus Espinoza,containing 5.0 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696,and being a part of the 25.679 acre tract conveyed to L. D. Pearce et al by C. L. Horton et ux by deed dated March 1, 1955,of record in Volume 496,Page 268, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 12. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Diane E. Getty,containing 1.413 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920, being part of a 6.327 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 949,Page 634,being the same 1.414 acre tract of land as described and recorded in Volume 2176,Page 134 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 13. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Don Hoeft,containing 1.414 Acres,being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920, conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G. C. Kreymer, Archie Kreymer, Clifton Kreymer and Billy Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 949,Page 634 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 14. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Janish,Inc.,containing 2.5971 Acres,out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920 situated in the City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas and being that same property described in substitute trustee's deed executed by Mark S. Houser recorded in Volume 3851,Page 148 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas, and also being a part of Kinsington Manor Estates Section Three, Section Four and Section Five, additions to the City of Wylie,Texas as recorded in Cabinet C,Page 568, Cabinet C, Page 571 and Cabinet C, page 570, respectively, of the Plat Records of Collin County,Texas. 15. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Charles Kerin,containing 4.453 Acres,out of the W. D. Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696 and being part of a called 5.0 acre tract conveyed to John Coomer, et ux as recorded in Volume 618,Page 312,Deed Records,Collin County, Texas. 16. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Kreymer Investments,Ltd.,containing 5.571 Acres,being a part of original 30 and 12 acre tracts out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920,conveyed to Orville Kreymer,et al,by Media Kreymer, a widow,by deed recorded in Volume 645,Page 627 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 17. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Vicki S.Monson,containing 0.197 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and Earl Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573,Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 18. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Vicki S.Monson,containing 0.483 Acres being a part of a 2.573 acre tract out of the E.C.Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,Conveyed to Robert Leamon Reynolds by Jick Housewright and Earl Parsons by Deed recorded in Volume 573,Page 533 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 19. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Claude Montgomery, containing 20.00 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292 and the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860,Collin County, Texas,and being a part of an 85.319 acre tract of land conveyed to Richard D.Nance, Coy Watkins and Thomas Chambers by David L. Goforth by Deed filed March 10, 1969,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 20. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Norma Motsenbocker, containing 3.93 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292, about 2 '/2 miles South of the Town of Wylie, Texas, and being 3.93 acres of land off the North end of a 7.93 acre tract surveyed October 8, 1959, By Addison G. Wilson,Jr., said 7.93 acre tract being out of the South corner of a tract of 108.5 acres,described as first tract in a Deed from John Rogers et al,to Rose Rogers,who is now Mrs Rose Rogers Coleman recorded in Volume 214,Page 602, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 21. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,containing 7.32 Acres,located on Old Highway No. 78, Sachse-Wylie Road in Collin County,Texas and being a tract out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292 and being out of a 27.644 acre tract and being a part of a 4.0 acre tract and a 4.50 acre tract out of said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County,Texas. 22. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,containing 3.590 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 262, and being a resurvey of a called 3.6 acre tract of land described in a deed from Delaney Development Corporation to Gary K. Goll, et ux, as recorded in Volume 1184,Page 893,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 23. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Peter Nicklas,containing 2.7624 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 262, and being a part of a called 4.52 acre tract out of a 27.644 acre tract described in a deed from J.D. Houston to W.W. Housewright as recorded in Volume 773,Page 291,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 24. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Robert E.Nolan,containing 0.681 Acres out of the E.C. Davidson Survey,Abstract No.266,conveyed to L.W. Self and wife, Glenda O. Self by R.H. Wilson and wife, Grace L. Wilson by Deed recorded in Volume 793, Page 514 of the Collin County Deed Records,and being a part of a 2.573 acre tract conveyed to L.W. Self and wife, by Robert Leamon Reynolds and wife,Leta Reynolds by Deed recorded in Volume 803,Page 181 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 25. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by North Texas Municipal Water District,containing 7.94 Acres,out of Francisco de la Pina Survey,Abstract 688,Collin County,Texas. And being out of a 47.5 acre tract of land described in a Report of Commissioners,by order of probate Court,December 29, 1923, and recorded in Volume 249,page 346,Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 26. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by North Texas Municipal Water District, containing 32.078 Acres, being out of Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being a portion of a called 47.5 acre tract as conveyed to Leonard L. Creel and evidenced by Order on Report of Commissioners recorded in Volume 249,Page 346 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 27. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by O.V.Justus,containing 1.003 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No. 292 and being a part of a 27.644 acre tract and containing all of a 0.689 acre tract conveyed from said 27.644 acre tract in Collin County, Texas. 28. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Kenneth Putman, containing 3.459 Acres, being a part of an original 12 acre first tract out of the James Truett Survey,Abstract No. 920 conveyed to Orville Kreymer, et al,by Media Kreymer,a widow,by deed recorded in Volume 645,Page 627,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 29. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Ivan W. Stewart, containing 1.0 Acre,being a part of a 6.327 acre tract out of the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, conveyed to Orville Kreymer by G.C. Kreymer,Archie Kreymer,Clifton Kreymer,and Billy Kreymer by Deed recorded in Volume 949, Page 634 Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. 30. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Melvin St.John,containing 28.333 Acres,being part of a called 58 acre tract out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey, Abstract No. 292 and the William Sutton Survey, Abstract No. 860, conveyed to W. 0. Houston and John D. Houston by G. H. Drewery and recorded in Volume 339, Page 436 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 31. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Choya Tapp,containing 3.491 Acres,out of the Henry L. Douglas Survey,Abstract No.292 and the William Sutton Survey,Abstract No. 860,Collin County, Texas, and being the same tracts of land described in a Deed from Raymond L. Bass and wife, Helen R. Bass to William E. Butler and wife, Charlene L. Butler, as recorded in Volume 855,Page 745,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 32. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Thomas Brown,containing 4.859 Acres,out of the W.D.Penny Survey,Abstract No. 696, and being a part of a 25.679 acre tract conveyed by C. I.Norton and Lyda P. Norton to L. D. Pearce,L. G. Pearce and F. W. Pearce, as recorded in Volume 496, page 268,of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas. 33. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by Garry White, containing 1.089 Acres, out of the I. & G. N. Railroad Company Survey,Abstract No. 1059,Collin County,Texas,and also being part of a 4.00 acre tract as conveyed to Glen E. Pockrus and wife,Joyce Pockrus,recorded in Volume 1293,Page 84,Deed Records,Collin County,Texas. 34. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by W.L. Brown,containing 1.0 Acres out of the William Sachse Survey,Abstract No. 696 of 640 acres,about 14 miles Southeast from McKinney,Collin County,Texas, and being out of that 40 acres of land which is described as First Tract in a Warranty Deed from Jick Housewright et al to D.R.Moore and Kathleen G. Moore,dated April 15, 1954,recorded in Volume 484,Page 379,Deed Records of Collin County,Texas_ 35. Hold the Second of Two Public Hearings for the Annexation of property owned by William F. Young,containing 1.0 Acre being out of the Elliot C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266,being a 1.00 acre tract of land out of a 72.5 acre tract, save and except previous conveyances, conveyed to J.R. Eaves by deed dated the 9th day of March, 1958, by J.W. Barnett et ux, of record in Volume 411, page 494, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas. Approval of a Resolution 36. Consider and act upon a resolution, formally requesting that the Farm-to-Market (FM)designation for a portion of Ballard Street between Butler and Stone streets be eliminated by the Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) and establishing the City of Wylie maintenance responsibility for the same portion. Staff Reports Wylie City Council/Planning&Zoning Commission Joint Worksession Discussion Regarding Residential Zoning Districts and Development Standards. Executive Session In accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated(Open Meeting Law). Section 551.071,Discussion with City Attorney on a matter concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rule of Professional Conduct of the State of Texas clearly conflicts with this Chapter;and Section 551.075 Conference with City Employees to review information from employees concerning Kansas City Southern Railroad;and Sections 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney;and 551.075 Conference with Employees to Discuss Issues Regarding the Future Development of Spring Creek Parkway. Reconvene into Open Meeting Take any action as a result of Executive Session. Adjournment. WYLIE CITY COUNCIL tv. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM November 17, 1998 Item Issues: Consider and Act Upon a Final Plat for the Wylie Assisted Living addition, proposed by Cascade Companies, L.L.C., generally located at the northeast corner of SR 78 and Eubanks Lane and being all of a certain 6.5 acre tract out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, Abstract No, 688, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being a part of Lot 1, Block A, of Woodlake Village, an addition to the City of Wylie, as recorded in cabinet G,Page 386, of the Plat records of Collin County, Texas. Background: The final plat under consideration is the Wylie Assisted Living Addition. The applicant is replatting 6.5 acres of Lot 1, Block A, of the Woodlake Village Addition in order to develop the property with a assisted living facility. The property is currently vacant, platted as Lot 1, Block A, of the Woodlake Village Addition, and zoned for B-2 (Business) uses. Other Considerations: • Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for the Wylie Assisted Living Addition and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: • Impact fees for this area were paid when the original plat was filed (1987). Said fees amount to $88,614.31 Commission Recommendation: At the November 3, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended approval of this case. Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Final Plat Application Final Plat -7r/4,(X-L_ 7)1 :Le, e6eL4 Prepared byRev. ed by Financ City Manager Approval p Consent Agenda Item Wylie Assisted Living- Final Plat Page 1 City of v r y le (1/95) tc% :•ram`; (�r 'tole R7o73 i ( 1 ei un_& t6t 5(0 Y_(A3lSJ APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST �n __" Date _ October 5, ._1998 Name of Proposed Development WYLIE ASSISTED LIVING, INC ty Owner/Developer CASCADE COMPANIES, L.L.C. Name of Proper Dallas Address 5949 Sherry Ln #1225 TX 75225 Phone (214) 7392733 Owner of Record ARAPAHO EAST, INC. • Dallas TX Address 5949 Sherry Ln #1225 75225 Phone (214) 368-2223 Name of Land Planner DOUPHRATE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Surveyor/Engineer Address 2231 Ridge Road #200 Phone (972) 771-9004 "B2 r" Total Acreage 6 . 50 Acres Current Zoning Number of Lots/Units The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all data on a scale not to exceed 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided. Thrcc sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. 'Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable X 1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. WYLIE CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA ITEM ;4/11 November 17, 1998 Item e. Issues:', Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for Southfield Estates, proposed by Southfork Development, Ltd., generally located at the southeast corner of FM 544 and Vinson Road and being all of a 34.5528 acre tract out of the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1114, City of Wylie, Dallas County, Texas. Background: The preliminary plat under consideration is for the Southfield Estates manufactured home subdivision. The applicant intends to plat 34.5528 acres of land in order to develop the property with a manufactured home subdivision. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for MH (Mobile Home) and R(Retail) uses. Other Considerations: • Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. • The minimum development standards permitted within an MH zoning district are 7,200 square foot lots and 1,000 square foot manufactured homes. All of the 135 residential lots being proposed meet the minimum standards. • The proposed development may be encompassed by the Eastfork Special Utility District. The applicant is aware that it is their responsibility to secure water service should the property be within the Eastfork Special Utility District (Note# 10). • The development is being proposed as a mobile home subdivision with all improvements being dedicated to the city. As a result, all improvements must meet the city's minimum design standards. Greg MacLean, our consulting engineer with the Hogan Corporation, has met with the applicant and his engineer regarding said improvements for this subdivision. Preliminary construction plans indicate that the applicant will be constructing a new lift station and sanitary sewer system to serve this development. • Lots 4-6, Block A, are double frontage lots. The applicant has added a note to the plat establishing the Emerald Lane frontage as the front yard. Financial Considerations: Preliminary Plat Application Fee in the amount of $401.00 - Paid Consent Agenda Item Preliminary Plat-Southfield Estates Page 1 Commission Recommendation: At the November 3, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended approval of this case subject to staffs stipulations. Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to the following stipulations: 1. Engineering approval of the final drainage plans and sewer connections. 2. Add note 8 to the plat which shall read "All sewer lines to be 8" DIA. (Min). 3. The note directly above the legend being revised to indicate that both the sanitary sewer system and drainage system shall be dedicated to the City of Wylie. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Plat Application Preliminary Plat - )1)4;1,4 egsi4. Prepared by Rev' ed by Finan e City Manager Approval Consent Agenda Item Preliminary Plat-Southfield Estates Page 2 Page.1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) REC'D AUG 2 6 1998 APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST Date a - - Name of Proposed Development a U T 4-41= I LL D T �� Name of Property Owner/Developer ` U T 1-1 Fc) P D�=`�i i/� k1T L_l D. Address EL LT LINE RD) OD Phoneme-12. ) -701 - 8 --C35 x Owner of Record }-ko L t c,1--\N F,,/A t L- - I y� `T%/� t-�-T�: ) I 1\1 G . Address 00 'mat_ L 1 R) ,s TE 1 b Phone( 2-) -70(- G 24-0 Name of Land Planner �-r �. f-} I C �JC t-{ �.�ICJ koL__16, (J Surveyor/Engineer Address COc� 4- 1�1 t�A; UALI �" ( Pone ) -- Total Acreage 34 I ,� Current Zoning V\ !-- Number of Lots/Units . 1 fit-:= . 1 i w;!_ 2r Sign 'ci` � - e The Preliminary Plat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all data on a scale not to exceed 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided. Three sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable 1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. WYLIE CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA ITEM November 17, 1998 Item CJ. Issues: Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for the Southplace Estates Phase II addition, proposed by Ballpen'Venture II, L.P., generally located along the east side of Taos Lane between Cloudcroft Drive and Silvercreek Drive and being all of a 1.9423' acre tract out of the Allen Atterberry Survey, Abstract No. 23, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Background: The preliminary plat under consideration is Phase II of the Southplace Estates Addition. The applicant is preliminary platting 1.9423 acres in order to develop the property with single family homes. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for SF-2 (Single Family Residential) uses. Other Considerations: • Staff has reviewed the proposed plat for Phase II of the Southplace Estates Addition and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. Financial Considerations: Application Fee in the amount of$135.00 - Paid Commission Recommendation: At the November 3, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission recommended approval of this case. Staff Recommendation: Approval. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Attachments: Preliminary Application Preliminary Plat 7)/)4:11,2 Prepared byRevie byFinance City Manager Approval P Consent Agenda Item Preliminary Plat-Southplace Estates Phase II Page I Page 3 City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST Ag Date 74 Name of Proposed Development &L)-/-Apkre.._ Eg(alle_S Mee SC Yr Name of Property Owner/Developer /q 1( -"t liC'.4111-e_ t Address g7c>-0 /0, (et*'a1 Fc . s Phone e9/1 (g q 2 2e9Q Owner of Record Cc eil Uci / jre I Address �c( Z, (€& ! , b7.qs Phone 2/y- 6fa2- _ Name of Land Planner R._ tie. /4ct 611{g r Surveyor/Engineer / Address 70 S W. 4eiit g •6 Phone q ?v2.^ `7`z 't -c 3 I Total Acreage / . 049.0 G Current Zoning Ste Number of Lots/Units Signed The Preliminary Rat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all data on a scale not to exceed 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided. Three sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. 'Plats prepared . using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements. Provided or Not Shown on Plat Applicable LZ 1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided, WYLIE CITY COUNCIL r1/11. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM November 17, 1998 Item 12 Issues: Consider and Act Upon a Preliminary Plat for the Harvest Bend Addition, proposed by Doupharate and Associates, Inc., generally located at the southwest corner of FM 2514 and Dog Drop Road and being all of a certain 16.356 and all of a certain 20,042 acre tract out of the W.D. Penny Survey, Abstract No. 696, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. Background: The preliminary plat under consideration is for the proposed Harvest Bend subdivision. The applicant is preliminary platting 36.398 acres of land in order to develop the property with single family residential uses. The property is currently vacant, unplatted, and zoned for SF-3 (Single Family Residential) uses. Other Considerations: • Staff has reviewed the proposed preliminary plat and found it to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and other pertinent ordinances of the City of Wylie. • The Subdivision Regulations state that where subdivisions are platted so that the rear yards of residential lots are adjacent to a dedicated roadway, the owner shall provide screening at his or her sole expense. The applicant is proposing live screening in order to comply. • The applicant is aware that all applicable issues and permits concerning development/access on the T.P. & L. right-of-way must be resolved prior to scheduling a final plat for hearing by the City Council. • The applicant is aware that final water and sewer connections must be approved by the Consulting Engineer. Financial Considerations: Plat application fee - $421.00 Commission Recommendation: At the September 21, 1998, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission voted by 6- 0 to favorably recommend this case. Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to engineering approval of the final water and sewer connections. The Department's of Public Works, Fire, and Community Development concur with this recommendation. Consent Agenda Item Preliminary Plat-Harvest Bend Page I Attachments: Preliminary Plat Application Preliminary Plat /4/ r 'Mac ea:. Prepared by Revi d by Finance City Manager Approval Consent Agenda Item Preliminary Plat-Harvest Bend Page 2 Jul 28 98 04 : 41p City of 11J1'- omm I7eve 972-442-8154 p • 1 Page 1 of 3 City of Wylie (1/95) APPLICATION A'ND PRELIMINARY T CHECKLIST Date ! g Name of Proposed Development //cer-vas/ d /�a/p/;/;‘)� Name of Property Owner/Developer /7/0„-,e/ /4ce Pr-op c,-//es 2)4//44/ 77 Address 93 3O Z uy // Phone 77e- 6141 - //sT Owner of Record Address Phone Name of Land Planner �0Li/o Asoc. / Surveyor/Engineer ' Address ' .j l /Q:aly C S-,;74 a oo /P,4w*l/ Phone 72 -- 7 7/ - yo c t Total Acreage 36 ,¢c es Current Zoning 5 -3 Number of Lots/Units /48 Signed .11 The Preliminary Rat shall be drawn legibly in ink on a Mylar sheet not exceeding 24" x 36", showing all data on a scale not to excccd 1" = 100' with a graphic scale provided, Thrcc sets of blueline prints shall be submitted along with a copy of the boundary traverse calculations of the subdivision. Plats prepared using AutoCad or other computer aided design techniques shall also provide a copy of all drawings on diskette to the City. The following Preliminary Plat Checklist is used to check compliance with the Wylie Subdivision Regulations. The following checklist is intended only as a reminder and a guide for those requirements, Provided or Not Shown on Rat Applicable 1 . The boundary line (accurate in scale and orientation) of the tract to be subdivided. WYLIE CITY COUNCIL INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION :/t/1 November 17, 1998 Item No. 1-35 Agenda Items 1-35 are annexation requests whose content is identical to those presented at the Regular Meeting of November 10, 1998. At Council's request, rather than reproduce the large quantity of agenda items, the November 10 packet was utilized for the second of the two advertised public hearings. Item for Individual Consideration Annexation Requests-Adoption of Ordinances Page l WYLIE CITY COUNCIL INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATIONtriPt. November 17, 1998 Item No. Ito. Issue: Consider and act upon a resolution, formally requesting that the Farm-to-Market (FM) designation for a portion of Ballard Street between Butler and Stone streets be eliminated by the Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) and establishing the City of Wylie maintenance responsibility for the same portion. Background: The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) is currently designing a 72-inch water transmission main to be extended from their Wylie plant site to Mesquite and Garland, Texas. The alignment of this pipeline will travel from the plant west on Brown St., south on Second St., south on Ballard St. and crossing Stone onto private property. The water line project is very high priority because of the anticipation of water use in the spring of 1999. The placement of utilities beneath state facilities is prohibited by TxDOT policy. Therefore, the change in designation is necessary because of the proposed water main alignment. The City believes it is in the best interest of all involved to remove the FM designation. Along with the construction of the pipeline, NTMWD and the City plan to reconstruct Ballard St. to a four-lane divided street with curb and gutter. This action by the City Council is the first step in a process that will lead to the reconstruction of Ballard St. A decision from TxDOT Commissioners is expected within three months. NTMWD has advertised the water and roadway project for bid in October 1998, and project construction could begin in December 1998. When the bid proposals are reviewed by the NTMWD, the City Council will be provided detailed information regarding the cost sharing arrangement currently being discussed. The City Council will be asked to take action at its December 15 meeting to formalize an arrangement with the NTMWD. Financial Considerations The City of Wylie will be participating in the cost of the Ballard St. pavement project. A detailed presentation of these costs and the arrangements made with the NTMWD will be discussed with City Council during its December City Council meeting. The maintenance costs for a new concrete street are expected to be minimal. Other Considerations The City Charter, Article II, Section 1 identifies authority of the City to cooperate with other political subdivisions "C" and to establish, maintain, and improve streets"E". Item for Individual Consideration Resolution-FM Designation/Ballard Street Page 1 Board/Commission Recommendation N/A Staff Recommendation N/A Attachments: October 29 letter to Mr. Bill Lovil Map Resolution Prepared by Revi ed by Financ City Manager Approval Item for Individual Consideration Resolution-FM Designation/Ballard Street Page 2 • ■■■■■■►,i. ms ALM Our Mission.. �,i►,� ,g1111_ ...to be responsible stewards of the public trust, { ',WM /■■■■■■ to strive for excellence in public service,and P VA■■h■R•I■■■ to enhance the quality of life for all. October 29, 1998 Mr. Bill Lovil, P.E. Area Engineer Texas Department of Transportation Collin County Area Office P.O. Box 90 McKinney, Texas 75069 Highway: FM 544 County: Collin Limit: Ballard Street (Butler to Stone) Re: Removal of Farm-to-Market Designation from Ballard Street in Wylie, Texas Dear Mr. Lovil: The City of Wylie(the"City") is formally requesting that the Farm-to-Market (FM) designation for a portion of Ballard Street be removed for the following reasons. The North Texas Municipal Water District(NTMWD) is currently designing a 72-inch water main to be extended from their site in Wylie to Mesquite and Garland, Texas. The alignment of this pipeline will proceed down Ballard Street starting on the north at Butler and crossing Stone onto private property. The water line project is very high priority because of the anticipation of water use in the spring of 1999. Foerster Engineering, LLC will be assisting the City of Wylie on this matter. Conscious of TxDOT's policy regarding utilities under state facilities, the City believes it is in the best interest of all involved to remove the FM designation from this portion of the roadway. Along with the construction of the pipeline, NTMWD and the City plan to reconstruct Ballard Street to a four-lane divided street with curb and gutter. The City understands that if the removal takes place we would be responsible for all maintenance associated with this stretch of roadway. NTMWD has advertised this water and roadway project in October 1998, and project construction will begin in December 1998. This aggressive schedule is needed to meet projected water demands of Mesquite and Garland in the spring of 1999. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in this matter and an expedient decision to remove the FM designation from Ballard is appreciated. 2000 Highway 78 North•Wylie,Texas 75098•(972)442-8100•Fax(972)442-4302 If you have any questions or need more information concerning this please, contact me at (972) 442- 8120 or Stanton Foerster at (214) 704-4374. Sincerely, jiL 6414 Mike Collins City Manager MC/bdc cc Stanton Foerster Jay Nelson Randall L. Dobbs 1-.._.. -.._..- + tip Mast( i 0 .III Z-- a) U - [ ../ I i ,. cn i Court j�/ ,.. ,.. o • Butler Str: " ` '02 , 1Z / OV1 (1 .4•J _ Calloway Stree a : ) a'- c a) i College Street N - a) Z . I cn o o �■ cn — y--_. .. '� i lams ree � i-- 0 cn . +, - cn _ U ,_ o 1 - \_..- - i izens ye _.._i ` . i Ill 1 • .._.._4 11, I i • L ] ItKirLjSIee: — ree160 -4--J i I IIIL4 - ----- MIK _ S one Road 'um 7.._.._ :NIP +.: / _,. I ' .....v.. 9'off‘ [ [ I , -E c �� - Duncan1 1 1 I I RI l u?iiii 1" - 300' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,REQUESTING THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO REMOVE THE FARM-TO-MARKET DESIGNATION FOR A PORTION OF BALLARD STREET,BETWEEN BUTLER AND STONE STREETS; AND ESTABLISHING CITY OF WYLIE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADWAY. WHEREAS,the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) has plans to instal a 72- inch water transmission main from their Wylie Plant site to Mesquite and Garland, Texas and; WHEREAS,the alignment of this pipeline will proceed down Ballard Street starting on the North at Butler Street and crossing Stone road and; WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportaion policy does not allow utilities to be installed beneath state facilities and; WHEREAS, the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) and the City of Wylie have plans to reconstruct Ballard Stret to a four-lane divided street with curb and gutter and; WHEREAS,NTMWD is operating under a strong sense of urgency to complete construction of these projects in order to meet projected water demands of Mesquite and Garland in the spring of 1999. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: 1) The City of Wylie formally requests that the Texas Department of Transportation remove the Farm-to-Market Designation for a portion of Ballard Street, between Butler and Stone streets and; 2) The City of Wylie accepts all maintenance associated with this stretch of roadway. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of November, 1998. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Barbara A Salinas, City Secretary Guy of Wylie Worksession/Discussion Item City Council/Planning and Zoning Commission Joint Worksession: November 17, 1998 Discussion Item No. 1 RE: Discussion regarding residential zoning districts and development standards Background: The Planning and Zoning Commission requested that staff conduct a survey of other cities residential zoning districts. The information would be used by the Commission to compare with the City of Wylie's current residential zoning hierarchy and determine what, if any, changes should be make or new residential zoning districts established. This would allow more options in future zoning change requests to be considered. Attached is the survey conducted by staff which details residential development standards for various cities similar to Wylie. The survey is provided in order to facilitate a discussion regarding Wylie's existing residential zoning districts and development standards. Over the next 9-12 months, the City will be updating the Comprehensive Plan. The short term goal should be to evaluate the City's existing residential districts and standards to determine whether or not changes are warranted. The long term goal should be to amend the zoning ordinance to modify and improve single family residential development standards, if warranted, and recommend that they be implemented with the Comprehensive Plan Update. Additional items the Planning and Zoning Commission would like to discuss are as follows: 1. Development standards for all zoning district; 2. Thoroughfare screening standards; and 3. Special development standards such as masonry requirements, landscaping, et. Attachments: Survey RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SURVEY CITY OF ALLEN Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard R-2 18,000 2,000 100'@ front BL but 120' 30' 25' 10%of lot width not less than 100' R-3 12,000 1,800 80'@ front BL but 120' 30' 20' 10%of lot width not less than 80' R-4 9,000 1,600 70'@ front BL but 110' 25' 15' 10%of lot width not less than 70' R-5 7,500 1,500 65'@ front BL 110' 25' 15' 10%of lot width R-6 6,000 1,200 55'@ front BL 100' 20' 10' 5' R-7 5,000 1,000 45'@ front BL 90' 20' 10' 5' CITY OF CARROLLTON Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF-12/20 12,000 2,000 90'@ front BL 120' 35' 20' 9' SF-10/18 10,000 1,800 80'@ front BL 120' 35' 20' 8' SF-8,4/18 8,400 1,800 70'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 7' SF-8,4/16 8,400 1,600 70'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 7' SF-7/16 7,000 1,600 65'@ front BL 100' 25' 20' 6' SF-7/14 7,000 1,400 65'@ front BL 100' 25' 20' 6' SF-6.5/12 6,500 1,200 60'@ front BL 100' 25' 20' 6' SF-PH 5,000 1,200 50'@ front BL 90' 20' 10' 3'/on Prop Line CITY OF THE COLONY Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF-1 10,800 2,200 90' None 30' 20' 10%of lot width SF-2 9,600 1,900 80' None 30' 20' 10%of lot width SF-3 8,400 1,700 70' None 25' 20' 10%of lot width SF-4 7,000 1,500 60' None 20' 20' 10%of lot width CITY OF FLOWER MOUND Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF-E 1 Acre 2,400 150' None 40' 20' 20' SF-30 30,000 2,100 100' None 25' 30' 15' SF-15 15,000 1,800 80' None 25' 30' 12' SF-10 10,000 1,800 70' None 25' 25' 10' WR 8,500 1,450 65' None 30' 20' 8' C:\Excel\Zoning\Restandard RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SURVEY CITY OF FRISCO Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard RE 1 Acre 2,400 150' 200' 40' 25' 15' SF-1 16,000 2,400 90' 140' 40' 25' 15' SF-2 12,500 2,000 90' 120' 30' 25' 15' SF-3 10,000 2,000 80' 100' 30' 25' 10' SF-4 8,500 1,800 70' 100' 25' 20' 7' SF-5 7,000 1,600 60' 100' 25' 20' 7' SF-6 5,000 1,000/650 50' 90' 25' 10' 6' PH 5,000 1,250 50' 90' 25' 12' 8710' CITY OF GRAPEVINE Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard R-20 20,000 1,600 100' 100' 40' 25' 15' R-12.5 12,500 1,400 1 10' 100' 35' 25' 8' R-7.5 7,500 1,200 65' 100' 30' 25' 6' R-5.0 5,000 1,200 50' 100' 25' 25' 12'/1 1' CITY OF LEWISVILLE Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard ETH 4,000 2,000 20' None 5720' 207None None TE 7,500 2,500 50' None 25' 5720' 10%of lot width R-18 18,000 2,400 10%of lot width None 30' 35' 10%of lot width R-12 12,000 2,000 100750' None 30' 35'/25' 10%of lot width R-9 9,000 1,850 80' Not less than width 30' 20725' 10%of lot width R-7.5 7,000 1,700 65' None 30' 20' 6.5' R-6 6,000 1,500 60' None 25720' 25720' 6.5' R-5 5,000 1,450 50' None 25720' 25720' 6.5' CITY OF MCKINNEY Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard RED-1 1 Acre None 150' 150' 35' 35' 20' RED-2 2 Acres None 200' 200' 50' 50' 30' RS 120 12,000 None 80' 120' 30' 25' 10' RS 84 8,400 None 70' 1 10' 25' 25' 10' RS 60 6,000 None 50' 100' 25' 25' 5' RS 45 4,500 None 40' 100' 20' 20' 0/10'separation • SF-3.5 3,300 None 50' 50' 0 5' 10'separation CITY OF MANSFIELD CAExcelVoning\Restandard RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SURVEY Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF-10AC/24 10 Acres 2,400 200' 200' 45' 35' 20' SF-5AC/24 5 Acres 2,400 200' 200' 45' 35' 20' SF-2AC/24 2 Acres 2,400 200' 200' 45' 35' 20' SF-40/24 40,000 2,400 150' 200' 35' 30' 20' SF-20/24 20,000 2,400 120' 150' 35' 30' 15' SF-12/22 12,000 2,200 90' 120' 25' 25' 10' SF-9.6/20 9,600 2,000 80' 110' 25' 15' 8' SF-8.4/1 8 8,400 1,800 70' 110' 25' 15' 5'/7.5' SF-8.1/16 8,400 1,600 70' 110' 25' 15' 577.5' SF-7.5/18 7,500 1,800 65' 110' 25' 15' 577.5' SF-7.5/16 7,500 1,600 65' 110' 25' 15' 577.5' SF-7.5/12 7,500 1,200 65' 110' 25' 15' 577.5' SF-6/12 6,000 1,200 60' 100' 25' 15' 5'/7.5' CITY OF MURPHY Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard ED 40,000 1,800 125' 150' 50' 20%Lot Depth 10%Lot Width SF-1 20,000 1,800 115' 130' 40' 20%Lot Depth 10%Lot Width SF-2 1 1,000 1,600 90' 120' 30' 20%Lot Depth 10%Lot Width Single 10,000 1,400 80' 120' 30' 25' 10%Lot Width CITY OF PARKER Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF I 2 Acres I 1,800 I 200' I 300' I 50' I 50' I 50' CITY OF ROWLETT Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF-E 1 Acre 2,400 140' 240' 40' 25' 20' SF-S1 20,000 2,400 120'@ front BL 150' 35' 35' 10% SF-S2 15,000 2,100 110'@ front BL 120' 35' 30' 10% SF-S3 10,000 2,100 80'@ front BL 110' 25' 25' 10% SF-W 10,000 2,100 80'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 10% SF-V1 9,000 1,800 65'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 10% SF-V2 8,000 1,500 65'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 10% SF-V3 7,000 1,800 65'@ front BL 110' 25' 20' 10% C:\Excel\Zoning\Restandard RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SURVEY CITY OF SACHSE Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard R-39 39,000 2,000 130'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-15 15,000 2,000 100'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-12 12,000 2,000 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-10 10,000 1,800 70'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-8.4 8,400 1,800 70'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-3 12,000 1,500 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-2A 10,000 1,750 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-2 15,000 1,800 80'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width R-1 39,000 1,800 130'@ BL None *25'-30' 25' 10%of width *As specified on plat CITY OF WYLIE Minimum Minimum Dwelling Minimum Zoning Lot Area Size Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Interior District (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard SF-1 10,000 1,800 60' 100' 25' 25' 8' SF-2 8,500 1,500 60' 100' 25' 25' 7' SF-3 7,200 1,100 60' 100' 25' 25' 6' C:\Excel\Zoning\Restandard