04-14-1992 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA WORK SESSION FOR CITY COUNCIL CITY OF W I1E, TEXAS TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 6:00 P. M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE CE ROOM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORM CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Discussion of Animal Control Services 2 Discussion of computer software and hardware 3 Discussion of any other items from regular Agenda 4 Adjourn work session NOTICE OF WORK SESSION Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet at 6:00 P. M. on the / day of 4 ,4 , 1992, in the Council Conference Roan of the Municipal Complex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the above agenda. Carolyn s, Secretary POSTED THIS THE /442 DAY OF q(7 /2/1, . AT .Q _M. DATE POSTED 4-10-92 TIME POSTED 4:00 P.M. AGENDA RDQJLAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESSDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NCEfl1 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - REV. MCNA BAILEY, CORINTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Consider approval of the minutes of March 17th, March 24th and April 3, 1992 Council meetings 2 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of Pay Estimate #3 from Randall & Blake in the amount of $57,225.57 for work accomplished on the landfill closure project b. Approval of payment request fran Helmberger & Assoc. & Inc. for Invoices No. 9207-3, 9191-1 and 9811-1 in the amount of $13,061.21 for extra technical services for landfill closure c. Approval of payment request from Helmberger & Assoc. Inc. for invoice No. 9171D in the amount of $4,114.76 for closure plan engineering services for Wylie Municipal Landfill ORDER OF RHSINESS BUSINESS d. Approval of Pay Estimate Invoice No. 03-028906-003 from Jones & Neuse in the amount of 2,681.52 for fourth calendar quarter monitor well testing NEW BUSINESS 3 Consider re-appointment/appointment of member to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board - term from June 1, 1992 thru May 31, 1994 4 Consider approval of increasing athletic field light fees from $3.00 to $4.50 per hour per field effective September 1, 1992 5 Consider approval of an Ordinance establishing fees for the residential and non-residential collection of garbage, trash and brush; amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 84-12 - Fee Ordinance and repealing Ordinance No. 90-19 and all other ordinances in conflict therewith and amending Section 9 of Appendix A to the Wylie City Code; providing a severability clause further providing for an effective date 6 Discuss and approve Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Report OLD BUSINESS 7 Consider appointment of Early Voting Ballot Board Judge 8 Consider approval of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Crossing Permit for Spring Creek Parkway 9 Consider approval of payment of $10,000.00 for Spring Creek Parkway Extension, this is the City's agreed shared amount OTHER BUSINESS 10 City Manager's Report 11 City Engineer's Report 12 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, the City Council will hear comments of Public Interest fran citizens residing within the City limits of Wylie. Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for consideration. Wylie residents wishing to speak before the Council should fill out the form provided at the back of the Chambers and will limit their remarks to a maximum of five (5) minutes. 13 Adjourn NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing body of the City of Wylie will meet at 7:00 P. M. on the / day of (915W:4! , 1992_, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 Hwy. 78 North in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached agenda. ai( Carolyn , ecretary POSTED THIS THE /O DAY OF ,/G0 . 199,? , AT '00/_M. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING - MINUTES MARCH 17 , 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in a work session on Tuesday, March 17 ,1992 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner and time required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , Council Members Percy Simmons , Ortie Messenger , Jim Swartz and William Martin, City Manager Steve Norwood , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Steve Deiter , and Finance Director Brady Snellgrove. Councilman Hughes was absent. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order . FINANCIAL UPDATE FOR FIVE MONTH PERIOD: The General Fund Revenues through the first five months is $3 ,024 ,776 , with expenditures of $3 ,140 ,488 . The Utility Fund Revenues through , the first five months is $1 , 409,798 . with expenditures of $1 , 189 ,277 . The main concern up to this point is the Sales Tax Revenues. Sales Tax was budgeted at $469 ,886 and to date have collected $168 ,524 . It appears that the sales tax revenues has been budgeted on the high end and the City may not see the budgeted amount collected. For the most part , expenses are being kept down in all departments . TECHNICAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS PER AUDIT REPORT: The Debt Service was split out of the General Fund and into its own fund for a better audit trail . In looking at the Impact Fund it appears that $70 ,000 . was left out of the amended budget for expenses , as well as the General Fund having a shortage in Debt Service of approximately $87 ,000 , and Utility Fund being over in Debt Service approximately $87 ,000 . The Debt Service fund over all will be okay, but the General Fund may come up short by the end of the year . HISTORICAL FINANCIAL REVIEW (89-92 ) : The tax rate in 1989 was $ . 5550 and in 1990 - $ . 6150 and in 1992 - $ . 6150 . The certified tax roll has increased over this same period of time, giving us taxable dollars of 1989 - $1 ,697 ,593 .05 and in 1990 - $2 ,048 ,620 .66 and in 1991 - $2 ,058 ,502 .94 . In the staffing of our City, in the General Fund in 1989 - 43 .3 employees , in 1990 - 47 .8 employees and in 1991 - 59 .85 employees, and in 1992 61 . 6 employees. In the Utility Fund in 1989 - 14 employees, 1990 - 14 employees, in 1991 - 15 employees and in 1992 - 16 employees , and in the Sanitation Fund there has been one employee in all four years . This gives the City a total number of employees in 1989 - 57 . 3 ; in 1990 - 68 . 8 ; in 9191 - 75 .85 and in 1992 75 . 6 . FLEET STATUS AND NEW FLEET REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Most of the fleet in our Public Works and Parks areas are showing 100 ,000 plus miles and most were purchased used. In next years budget , staff hopes to have a fleet replacement program fund set up so when cars/trucks are auctioned off , the money will go in the fleet fund for replacement . There will not be any fleet added, but will try to down size. Each year during the budget work session, Council will be given a schedule of equipment in the City. CITY MANAGER ' S MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: City Manager Steve Norwood discussed the type of Spring Clean Up that Council wanted , was it to be dumpsters set around the City or an entire work day set up. Also stated that he was to meet with BFI regarding the spring clean up. It was noted that BFI charged the City each time the dumpsters were dumped during the clean up week last year . It cost approximately $75 .00 for each dump. City Manager Steve Norwood handed out a memo from the Parks Director requesting the City to be a sponsor for a fire works display and a full day of activities at Collin Park on July 18 , 1992 , which is the last day of July Jubilee. There will be an entrance fee of $2 .00 per car and $1 . 00 for every person. The owner of Collin Park is willing to contribute $2 , 000 toward the fire works display, approximate cost is between $3 ,000 and $5 ,000 , plus pay for the security , live band . This is a large park and can accommodate large crowds. The disadvantages of this park is it is not in the City Limits and alcohol can be consumed , but not sold . The Moody' s Municipal Credit Report has a rating of Baa for the City of Wylie. Moody' s has stated that the City' s ability to maintain positive finances and keep pace with infrastructural needs will remain key to future credit consideration. Early Voting Ballot Board - It was suggested to have the Council consider appointing a Judge for an Early Voting Ballot Board to count the early votes. The ballot is very heavy with the amendments to the Home Rule Charter and this may help in getting the results posted early. It was requested that this be put on the next agenda along with a discussion of the election judge at the Methodist Church polling place. Packets for Council Meetings and all other board meetings will be delivered by staff rather than the police department . CITY COUNCIL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS : Council requested a work session the third Tuesday in April for discussion of water , sewer and street and drainage problems. Reported to Council that staff received four bids on the computer software and hardware. It was also reported if weather holds, the landfill will be completed by the end of March. There being no other items of discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 24 , 1992 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 14 , 1992 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, • Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis, Council Members Orite Messenger , Percy Simmons, Jim Swartz , Don Hughes and William Martin and City Manager Steve Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Steve Deiter , City Engineer Paul Beaver and Finance Director Brady Snellgrove. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Bro . Al Draper of the First Baptist Church gave the invocation which was • followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 10 , 1992 : There being no corrections or additions to the minutes, a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PROCLAMATION FOR APRIL 5 - 11 , 1992 AS LIBRARY WEEK: Mayor Akin presented a proclamation to the Library and expressed his thanks for all the work the Library employees have done. APPOINTMENT OF JUDGE FOR MAY 2 , 1992 CITY ELECTION FOR METHODIST CHURCH AND SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK VOTING PLACES : Councilman Messenger voiced concerned about the judge at the Methodist Church polling place and made a motion to nominate Glen Graves as Judge at the Methodist Church polling place and to terminate Helena Isbell as Judge . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . Councilman Simmons made a motion to retain Helena Isbell for the Methodist Church Poling Place and appoint Debra Leverington for the Southfork Mobile Home Park polling place. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davis. The vote on the motion made by Councilman Messenger was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - against, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - against, Councilman Hughes - against , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - against . This motion did not carry , with three in favor , and four against . The vote on the motion made by Councilman Simmons was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor, Councilman Swartz - against, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - against , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with five in favor , and two against . APPOINTMENT OF EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD JUDGE: This board will be brought in to count the early votes. This was suggested to Council due to the heavy ballot with the amendments to the Home Rule Charter . It was discussed that this board should not leave the building until the polls have closed . A motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the Board, seconded by Councilman Hughes. Councilman Simmons amended Councilman Martins motion to reflect the Judge be Reta Beth Montgomery, and was seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AWARD OF BID FOR ASPHALT CONTRACT: There was one bid received on asphalt contract and that was was Bolin Construction quoting a fixed rate of $10 .00 per ton of asphalt laid . A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the award of bid to Bolen Construction . Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL TO COMPLETE BACK DRIVE AT MUNICIPAL COMPLEX TO EXIT ONTO CENTENNIAL DR. The completion of the back drive into the Municipal Complex is being presented in order to help with the moving of the recycling center . Staff feels the recycling center will be better monitored and will be able to get the trucks in and out easier . Mr . Jackie Jones stated that the expense is due to the existing concrete going up hill and will have take out about six inches of dirt. The approximate cost to the City will be $4 ,004 . 00 . A motion was made by Councilman Martin to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Hughes - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - abstained . This motion carried with six in favor and one abstention. BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEY BARRICADE: Staff recommended to Council to close the Butler Street end of the alley which is now barricaded, leave the Park Street and Dogwood Drive ends open, resurface the 450 feet of alley north of Park Street to reduce dust and place alley speed limit signs. There were estimates for resurfacing a section of the alley that is 10" wide x 450" long , which are as follows: Alternative #1 Bomag/4" asphalt surface $ 2 ,436 Alternative #2 Lime sub-base/4" asphalt $ 3 ,300 Alternative #3 6 : concrete $10 , 880 A motion was made by Councilman Hughes to leave barricade and go with alternative #1 . This motion died for lack of a second. City Manager Steve Norwood stated that keeping the alley closed is a separate issue from paving the other end of the alley. For the safety of the children and other things mentioned, the barricade should remain up. A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to table this item and hold a meeting with property owners, and seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF BFI CONTRACT : City Attorney Steve Deiter stated that the staff was satisfied with the contract and it is for one year with a reduction in rates . If Council approves , then an ordinance will be prepared for the rate reduction. A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the contract and rate reduction with BFI to be effective April 1 , 1992 . Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Davis - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Hughes - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . REPORT ON SPRING CREEK PARKWAY EXTENSION: City Engineer Paul Beaver said that the bids are in house at Collin County and the low bid was $158 ,000 . Commissioners Court will award the bid on April 6 , 1992 . Mr . Beaver said bid looks higher than anticipated but County is looking into the funding . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited anyone wishing to speak to come forward at this time, state their name and address for the record and to keep their comments to five minutes. There were no speakers at this time. Mayor Akin closed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 8 : 10 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. Section 2 paragraph "f" real estate concerning drainage easements for Southplace and impact and lift station fees. Mayor Akin reconvened Council into open meeting at 9 : 08 P.M. , there being no action necessary, and no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary MINUTES EMERGENCY SESSION - CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, APRIL 3 , 1992 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in emergency session on Friday, April 3 , 1992 at 3 : 00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH 78 N. , Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis , and Councilmembers Jim Swartz , William Martin , Ortie Messenger and Percy Simmons . Absent were Mayor John Akin and Councilman Don Hughes . City Staff members present were City Manager Steve Norwood , City Engineer Paul Beaver and Secretary Barbara LeCocq . The meeting was called to order with Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis presiding . ITEM NO. 1 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER TO ALLOW CONTRACTOR TO ACQUIRE AND INCORPORATE APPROXIMATELY 10 , 000 CUBIC YARDS OF TOP SOIL MATERIAL TO COMPLETE CAPPING OF OLD CITY LANDFILL: Paul Beaver , City Engineer stated that the closure of the landfill was nearing completion and there was a need for an additional 10 ,000 (aprox. ) cubic yards of topsoil to complete the cap . This meeting is to request authorization for the contractor to locate a source for this material and have it delivered to the site and spread . In answer to questions from the Council , Mr . Beaver stated there was a local source for the material (Archie Eubanks ) at an estimated cost of $5. 00 per cubic yard delivered . Following discussion a motion was made by Councilman Messenger to authorize the City staff to negotiate a change order to allow the contractor to acquire and incorporate approximately 10 , 000 cubic yards of top soil needed to complete capping of old City of Wylie landfill . Motion seconded by Jim Swartz . Vote as follows : Mayor Pro Ten Davis in favor ; Councilman Swartz in favor ; Councilman • Martin in favor ; Councilman Messenger in favor ; and Councilman Simmons in favor . All in favor , motion carried . ITEM NO. 2 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None . ITEM NO. 3 - ADJOURN: There being no further business , the chair entertained a motion to adjourn . Motion made and seconded . Meeting adjourned by Mayor Pro Tem Jay Davis . Jay Davis , Mayor Pro Tem Attest : Barbara LeCocq , Secretary City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4/7/92 Randall & Blake Pay Estimate #3 Landfill Closure Project SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: ' Attached is Pay Request 4#3 from Randall & Blake in the amount of $57,225.57 for work accomplished on the landfill closure project. This represents 86% completion by dollar amount or 82% by calendar days as of the date of the pay request. . Per the April 3, 1992 City Council meeting, Engineering is developing a change order whicr will adjust the quantities for fencing and total quantities of soils placed to properly close the landfill in order to meet the Texas Water Commission approved landfill closure plan. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: PAYMENT REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: LANDFILL ACCOUNT BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 57,225.57 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ • CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER • MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL 'll CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO : Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver , Director of Planning & Engineering tie, DATE: April 7, 1992 SUBJECT: Randall & Blake Pay Request #3 Landfill Closure Contract Attached is Pay Request #3 from Randall & Blake in the amount of $57, 225. 57 for work accomplished on the landfill closure project. This represents 86% completion by dollar amount or 82% by calendar days as of the date of the pay request. Per the April 3, 1992 City Council meeting, Engineering is developing a change order which will adjust the quantities for fencing and total quantities of soils placed to properly close the landfill in order to meet the Texas Water Commission approved landfill closure plan. Please place this on the next available Council Agenda. thi HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING April 7 , 1992 PR#9171 Mr. Paul Beaver, P. E. , Director of Planning and Engineering City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Old Wylie Municipal Landfill Closure Dear Mr. Beaver: Please find enclosed Randall and Blake, Inc. ' s Pay Request No. 3 for the Landfill Closure Project under construction. Helmber- ger Associates, Inc . recommends approval of the pay request in the amount of $57 , 225 . 57 . Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, HELU1BERGER ASSOCIATES, INC. St n A. Lberger, P. E. Vi Pr sident 19171-20 124 HOOPER ROAD • WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 • 214/442-7459 '>19F4IQ APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT PROJECT: Closure of the Old Municipal Wylie Landfill DISTRIBUTION TO: Page 1 of 2 -_ TO: City of Wylie _-- ------ PERIOD TO: March 25, 1992 APPLICATION NO: 3 ------ -- r n_-_ Owner _- --- ----- FROM: Randall and Blake via ICATI _a- Engineer • ) APPLICATIONON DATE: AZE: March 25, 1992 CROW DATE: December 30, 1991 ,x_ Contractor 1 I ) • ---- --A---.----- B- - - C D E F G - - H- ---I --- 3 1 R I • WORN COMPLETED ARJR(COMPLET T_ T MAY - --' !-- COMPLETED THIS PERIOD MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED 1 BALANCE TO i I ' ITEM DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS CONTRACT UNIT UNIT PRICE SC)EDULED FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY STORED I STORED TO % I FINISH OIIANlTlTY-- VALUE APPLICATION Ol%YlIITY____f ANOINT (NOT IN 6 OR HI DATE 16HNI�-CCMRETE-f_-_IF J)- I - i • r. :r 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 48.00 -AC $45.08 41,800.0! $1,800.00 0.00 AC SO 00 $0.00 f1,B00.08 100.00%1 t8.00 2 EXCAVATION AND GRADING 57000.00 CY 81.52 f86,6441.00 879,040.00 136200 CY 12,070.24 $0.00 881,110.24 93.62111 15,529.76 - L_3 .BERMUDA GRASSING_..------ . 40.00_I_AC ._-.____$575.00 __$23,080.00 - -_-_f0.08. __0.00 RC -f0.00-__-,-$8.00 f0.00 0,00%I- $23,M.80 ,4 REMOVE, DISPOSE, INSTALL 6'16' NIL BPLSE 1.00 EACH 8385.00 $385.0e 88.00 O.00 EACH $0.00 t0.08 f0.80 8.0081 $385.00T - t 5 9 GA 6' )EAVY DUTY CHAIN LINK FACE 6000.00 LF $7.39 $44,340.00 f0.00 0.00 LF 40.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.80% S44,340.80 6 EROSION CONTROL HAY BALES 650.00 EACH $7.35 $4,777.50 s0.00 0.00 EACH $0.00 SO.00 f0.80 8.80% 54,777.50 -_L_7-JIOAD,J1fY1,..SPREAD-OFF_�ITE_CLAY.FILL_L__5000.ea ._CY- - $2.35- --$11,750.00 -$7,050.08124752.00_CYJ-f58,167,20_ SO.08 SC15,217,20, 555.04% ($53L467.20) • .•..` J ' TOTALS - $172,692.58 117,898.00 160,237.44 $0.00 $148,121.44 $7.49 124,565.86 • - -. L--- --- -- -- - - _1 .- _._-..__ .- - - - • ' TOTAL=TRACT LALEN)AR DAYS - -60-_------ _ Page 2 of 2 • CONTRACTDAYS TO DATE 49 ` ...< _ NOTICE TO PROCEED 1-06-92 I -------CONTRACT.START DATE.. - - - 1716-92 - - - - ----- -_ ' ;t- The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's -_--_knowledge,_information and belief_the_Nor_k_covered by.this_Applicatien for__-___. Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amount ,ave been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certifica for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, . r• ,, _and that -nt payment • herein ' .. .due.__ - - I CONTRAC ; • 1� - -- - - ---- 3�' ��y L , Br .4 �s • • .•.-.1 n. a..e. ..4 ___ _____ _ ------ • Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $172,692.50 the data comprising the above application, the Engineer certifies to the 2._.Net.Change by Change Orders --._ -_ _ $0.00-__- _----_-".- -- -- -_Owner that to the best of_the Engineer's knowledge,.information ard_belief-----. -_. 3. CONTRACT SUN TO DATE (Line I +/-2) $172,692.53 the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work in accordance tc' • -� 4. TOTAL COMPLETED I STORED TO DATE $148,127.44 with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of - (Column J Above) AMOUNT CERTIFIED. S• Cl ----_5L RETAINR E - - -- - - - -- - • a. 5%of Completed Work $7,406.37 AMOUNT CERTIFIED . . . . . . $ 7 �Z'L • (5%of Column OHO (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from b. 5%of Stored Material $8.00 the amount applied for.) - - _15.%of Colwell} - --- - - -- -- -" - -- -- - --- Tota! Retainage (5a+Sb) .-_-_. _- 87,406.37 A 1 , • 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE sIQ,721.07 1 //4/ ••'e•" t .4^ (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) • By: „yy.. 4- e- � t, -h. ._ ---7 LESS-PREVIOUS.CERTIFLCATES.FOR PAYMENT. ----_------- .f03,495.50---------._-- ------._ .._--- '•4f^t •:. • (Line 6 from prior Certificate) This Ce ificate is not negot able. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DE $57,225.57 the Con actor named herein. Issuance, Payment and acceptance of payment are i = - --- - ,:f- .u.1.40.Tit;-;iKc:rv..,.J u. _.• r. V fix: ';,. !` •-L,i , ii 4,.(4 • t ,; City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4/7/92 Helmberger Associates, Inc. Extra Technical Services for Landfill Closure • SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Helmberger Associates, Inc. Invoices #9207-3, #9191-1 and #9188-1 Extra Technical Services for Landfill Closure • Payment total: $13,061.21 These additional services include final excavation construction staking for Randall & Blake, coordination with Reed Engineers in the modification and plugging of existing monitoring wells in the landfill, and for boundary surveys of 3 tracts of land located along Alanis Dr. for R.O.W. purposes. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: PAYMENT REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: LANDFILL ACCOUNT BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 13,061.21 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME El $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES ` LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION V OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL —d? CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM : Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering DATE: April 7, 1992 SUBJECT: Helmberger Associates, Inc. Invoice #9207-3, #9191-1 and #9188-1 Extra Technical Services Attached are three referenced pay requests from Helmberger Associates in the total amount of $13, 061 . 21 for additional technical services directly related to the closure of the landfill . These additional services include final excavation construction staking for Randall and Blake, coordination with Reed Engineers in the modification and plugging of existing monitoring wells in the landfill , and for boundary surveys of 3 tracts of land located along Alanis Drive and Martinez Lane. Please place this item on the next Council Agenda. Payment is recommended. helmberg HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES IIaV oOlCIE HELIABEI4GER AS§OC., INC. CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 124 HOOPER RD. Walk TX 75090 1-- (214)442-7459 City of Wylie INVOICE NO. : 9207-3 2000 Highway 78 North PN# : 9207 • P.O. Box 428 DATE : March 25, 1992 Wylie, Texas 75098 • Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering Additional surveying services to Helmberger Associates, Inc. contract for closure of the Old Wylie Municipal Landfill on Alanis Road for final excavation construction staking for Randall and Blake. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 2-24-92 to 3-22-92 Direct Salary Expense: Survey Crew 23 . 00 Hrs. * $85. 00/Hr. = $1, 955. 00 Direct Costs: 1. Supplies $50. 66 * 1. 15 = $ 58.26 2 . Roome Surveying $ 170. 00 Subtotal $ 228. 26 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $2,552.08 Inv.#9207-3 SAHL, WHITE-ORIGINAL YELLOW-REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES INVOICE H 11M:1614 X •• INC. CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 124 HOOPER RD. WYuE, DC 76098 P (214)442-7459 City of Wylie INVOICE NO. : 9191-1 2000 Highway 78 North PN# : 9191 • P.O. Box 428 DATE : March 25, 1992 Wylie, Texas 75098 • Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering Additional engineering services to Helmberger Associates, Inc. contract for closure of the Old Wylie Municipal Landfill on Alanis Road for the coordination with Reed Engineers in the modification and plugging of existing monitoring wells in the landfill. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 3-22-92 Direct Salary Expense: Staff Engineer 18 . 00 Hrs. * $57 . 50/Hr. = $1, 035. 00 Direct Costs: 1. Reed Engineers Well plugging, modification and Report Standard Proctor Tests $6, 474 . 13 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $ 7,509.13 Inv.#• - -1 SAH , ( .' WHITE-ORIGINAL YELLOW-REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE / HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES OVIVOOCE CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS HELMBERGER ASSOC., INC. ! 124 HOOPER RD. (214)442-7459 WYLIE, TX 75098 City.. of Wylie INVOICE-NO. - : ' 9188-1 2000 Highway 78 North PN# : 9188 • P.O. Box 428 DATE : ' February 24, 1992' Wylie, Texas 75098 Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director' of .PlanningandEngineering For boundary surveys of three • tracts - of land located along Alanis Road and Martinez Lane performed •by. Roome Surveying, Inc. Direct Costs: 1. Survey of 1. 636 and 0. 395 tracts $ 1,500. 00 ' 2 . Survey of 6. 064 acre tract $ 1,500.00 = TotalJDirect Cost $ 3, 000. 00 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $. 3,000.00 Inv. 4F8-1 SAH �(� WHITE-ORIGINAL YELLOW-REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION m SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4/7/92 Helmberger Associates, Inc. pay request for Landfill Closure Engineering Services. SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Helmberger Associates, Inc. Invoice 119171D Closure Plan Engineering Services for Wylie Municipal Landfill Attached is pay request #9171D from Helmberger Assoicates in the amount of $4,114.76 related to the City Council approved engineering services directly related to the closure of the landfill. The total approved contract amount is $46,500 and is now 100% complete by dollar amount. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: PAYMENT REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: LANDFILL ACCOUNT BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): • ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: • $ $4,114.76 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ • CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER • BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF r DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL Ale6( CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO : Steve Norwood, City Manager Q FROM: Paul D. Beaver , Director of Planning & Engineering DATE: April 3 , 1992 SUBJECT: Helmberger Associates Invoice No. 9171D Services rendered from 2-10-92 through 3-22-92 Closure Plan for Wylie Municipal Landfill Attached is pay request #9171D from Helmberger Associates in the amount of $4, 114. 76 related to the City Council approved engineering services contract directly related to the closure of the landfill . The contract is now in the Phase III Construction Supervision Phase with 100% construction project complete by dollar amount. Please place this item on the next Council Agenda. Payment is recommended. hlmbform HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES EVOKE CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 1-ELMf3ERGER ASSOC.. INC. 124 HOOPER RD. WYLiE, TX 76090 (214)442-7459 City of Wylie INVOICE NO. 1 9171D 2000 Highway 78 North PN# 1 9171 P.b: Box 428 DATE 1 March 25, 1992 • Wylie, Texas 75098 Attn: Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. , Director of Planning and Engineering Professional services rendered to date for preparation of the closure plan for the Wylie Municipal Landfill. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED FROM 2-10-92 THROUGH 3-22-92 Direct Salary Expense: Technician 28 . 00 Hrs. * $27 . 32/Hr. = $ 764 .96 Staff Engineer 85 . 50 Hrs. * $52 . 50/Hr. _ $ 4,488.75 Principal 15. 50 Hrs. * $80. 00/Hr. = $ .1, 240. 00 Total Direct Salary Expense $ 6, 493 .71 { TOTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT AMOUNT $46, 500. 00 TOTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BILLED PREVIOUSLY 1: #9171 $19 , 182 . 62 2 . #9171A $11, 396 . 36 3 . #9171B $ 5, 639 . 59 4 . #9171C $ 6, 193 . 09 Subtotal $42 ,411. 66 AMOUNT tEMAINING TO BILL ENGINEERING SERVICES $ 4, 088.34 Direct Costs: Office Supplies/Reproduction $ 22 . 97 * 1. 15 = $ 26.42 DIRECT COST AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY BILLED $ 4,454 .78 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $ 4, 114.76 Inv.#9171D SAH WHITE-ORIGINAL YELLOW-REMITTANCE COPY PINK-FILE City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION • SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT • 3/25/92 Jones & Neuse Pay Estimate Invoice ##03-028906-003 Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling 4th Calendar Quarter • SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is a payment request from Jones & Neuse in the amount of $2,681.53 for the Fourth Calendar Quarter monitor well testing required by the Texas Department of Health. This testing provides conformation of the data which the landfill closure plan was approved upon. This represents 97% completion by dollar amount of the 11-15-91 approved $5,700 contract. • ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: PAYMENT REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: Landfill Account BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 2,681.53 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ • CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SU MISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM1Y-/ (1?' TO: Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering DATE: March 25, 1992 SUBJECT: Jones & Neuse Pay Estimate Invoice No. 03-028906-003 February 1992 Services Groundwater Monitor Well Sampling Fourth Calendar Quarter Attached is a payment request from Jones & Neuse in the amount of $2, 681 . 53 for the fourth calendar quarter monitor well testing required by the Texas Department of Health. This testing provides conformation of the data which the landfill closure plan was approved upon. This represents 97% completion by dollar amount of the 11-15-91 approved $5, 700 contract. Please place this item on the next Council Agenda. Payment is recommended. jnpaymen JONES AND NEUSE, INC. March 15, 1992 Invoice No. 03-028906-003 [ iN ) 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 450 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 r Fourth Cal . Quart. Mon. ire Paul Beaver 6 l ' Director of Planning & Engineeo . I City of Wylie ''_ 2000 Hwy 78N Wylie, Texas 75098 PM146 ..Period of Service: February 1, 1992 through February 29, 1992 Labor Engineer VI 1.000 hr @ $ 90. 00/hr = 90.00 Env Specialist VI 1.000 hr @ $ 90.00/hr = 90.00 Clerk III 3 .000 hr @ $ 33.00/hr = 99 .00 Clerk II .500 hr Q $ 25.00/hr = 12 .50 291.50 ,Expenses Mail/Shipping 6 .44 Reproduction 96 . 80 Subcontracts 2286 .20 Telecommunications .59 2390 .03 Amount Due This Invoice $ 2681.53 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1$ PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A 1%MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL.BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR: CAROLYN JONES DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT ' 04/08/92 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Mrs . Rita Smith' s term of office expires on May 31 , 1992 as a NTMWD Board Member . Mrs . Smith needs to be reappointed to serve another two year term or another appointment made to serve a two year term . • In accordance with the statue creating the District the qualifications of a Director include the following , "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in the City from which he is appointed . No member of a City , and no employee of a City , shall be appointed as a Director" . Under other State Law no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed . ALTERNATIVES: 1 ) Reappoint Mrs . Rita Smith to a two year term , from June 1 , 1992 to May 31 , 1994 . 2) Appoint a new member to serve a two year term , from June 1 , 1992 to May 31 , 1994 ACTION REQUESTED: , Option 1 or 2 should be selected at the discretion of the City Council • REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: N/A N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: PERSONNEL ElOVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS El ONE-TIME El $ • CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: • SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES X LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. X CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR • POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL • WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL 4(k(JilliPek CITY MANAGER v � 4 .1\1\J . iwwwwwwwigi NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P.O.DRAWER C WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 REGIONAL SERVICE THROUGH UNITY PHONE NO.442-5405 March 16 , 1992 Mr. Stephen Norwood City Manager City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 RE: NTMWD Board Member Appointment Dear Mr . Norwood: This is your official notification that Mrs. Rita Smith' s term of office expires May 31 , 1992 as an NTMWD Board Member. The City Council by majority vote should reappoint or appoint another Director to serve a term from June 1, 1992 to May 31, 1994. In accordance with the statute creating the District , (Article 8280-141) the qualifications of a Director include the following, "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in the City from which he is appointed. No member of a governing body of a City , and no employee of a City , shall be appointed as a Director" . Under other State Law no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed. The cities served by the NTMWD appreciate the work and effort expended by the appointed Directors. It is my practice to visit with new Directors in an orientation session prior to their first meeting, therefore, please notify my office in writing when the City Council has appointed a Director for the new term. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerel • CARL W. RIEHN Executive Director CWR:md cc: Mrs . Rita Smith P. 0. Box 1807 Wylie, TX 75098 City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR: BILL NELSON DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 04/07/ 92 COMMUNITY PARK LIGHT FEES SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: 1 ) Increase athletic field light fees from $3 . 00 to $4 . 50 per hour per field effective September 1 , 1992 2) City to pay for cost of electrical service ( approximately $1 , 900 per • year) not covered by increased light fees . ALTERNATIVES: . 1 ) Leave fees as is 2) Increase fees as recommended by Park Advisory Board 3 ) Increase fees by more/less than $ 1 . 50 per hour/per field 4) Community Park Fund to absorb all or some of costs of electrical service not covered by fees ACTION REQUESTED: . 1 ) Increase fees by $ 1 . 50 per hour/per field and City to pay for cost of electrical service not covered by increased light fees REVENUE SOURCES: (� EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: L1' P0..1_ T v' ;�ti . G;�.ti 1 C_E)1A, t to� ` PGLv BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ � ��o 0 o PERSONNEL ❑ (iIIRUNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ • CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING D' OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ✓ BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER • BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER ✓ DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF . = DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUB ISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM DATE : March 25 , 1992 TO: Steve Norwood , City Manager FROM: Bill Nelson , Parks and Recreation Director TJ RE : Community Park Light Fees One of the items on the agenda of the Park and Recreation Advisory Board meeting on March 23 , 1992, was that of a possible increase in lighting fees for the softball fields at Community Park ( see attached memo) . The Park and Recreation Advisory Board voted to increase the light fees by $ 1 . 50 per hour per field effective September 1 , 1992 . This will increase the cost per hour per field to $4 . 50 . In addition , they voted for the City to pay for the cost of electrical service not covered by the increased light fees when the softball fields are in use (approximately $ 1 , 427 . 00 a year ) and when the softball fields are not in use ( approximately $478 . 00) . I would like for this item to be on the next City Council meeting in April . ]MEMORANDUM DATE : March 2 , 1992 TO: Park and Recreation Advisory Board FROM : Bill Nelson , Parks and Recreation Director tS N RE: Community Park Electrical Costs/Light Fees The following electrical costs apply to the meter that serves the four ( 4 ) large softball fields ( Cooper , Tibbals , Eldridge , Rowell) , security lighting for these four (4) fields , concession stand and restrooms . Electrical Costs for When Softball Fields Were in Use March 15 — 31 , 1991 $ 90 . 18 April 1991 601 . 39 May 1991 771 . 07 June 1991 853 . 26 July 1991 384 . 65 September 1991 417 . 26 October 1991 463 . 70 November 1991 239 . 91 $3 , 821 . 42 Electrical Costs for When Softball Fields Were Not in Use January 1991 105 . 29 February 1991 59 . 42 March 1 — 15 1991 90 . 17 August 1991 112 . 21 December 1991 110. 87 $ 477 . 96 Total Electrical Costs for One ( 1 ) Year $4 , 299 . 38 Light Fees Collected When Softball Fields Were In Use March 15 through July , 1991 $ 1 , 827 . 00 ( 609 hours paid for ) September through November 1991 378 .00 ( 126 hours paid for) Total Light Fee Collected $2 , 205 . 00 Electrical Costs for When Softball 3 , 821 . 42 Fields Are In Use Light Fees Collected When Softball - 2 , 205 . 00 Fields Are in Use Electrical Costs Not Covered by Light Fees $ 1 , 616 . 42 $ 1 , 616 . 42 divided by 735 hours paid formake up difference hour furnto Consideration might be given to the fact that approximately $ 106 . 00 a month ( $477 . 96 divided by 4 . 5 months ) goes towards security lighting , with and unknown dollar amount going towards the Concession Stand . If this is taken into consideration , then : Electrical costs Not Covered by Light Fees $ 1 , 616 . 42 Security Lighting ( $ 106 . 00 X 7 . 50 Months) - 795 . 00 $8 $821 . 42 divided by 735 hours paid formake up difference hour fournte Whatever choice is made on how to makeup the difference between costs when fields are in use and revenues , decision will still need to be made on how to pay for the remaining costs when fields are not in usend not covered by revenues . This deficit could by paidby other s collected by the Community Park Fund (Field Fees , Tournament Fees , Concession Stand) and/or by the General Fund . cc : Steve Norwood , City Manager City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION I SUBMITTED BY: LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRECT..; ITER DATE REFERENCE NO. SU*- . 04/07/92 ORDINANCE ADJUSTING * . TES FOR SANITATION SERVICE SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: The new contract with BFI passed by the Council at its last meeting lowered rates charged to the City and the decreased rates now need to be passed on to the customers by lowering their rates by an ordinance . I ALTERNATIVES: 1 ) Do nothing and leave the customer rates at current levels . 2) Pass the proposed ordinance lowering the rates 3) Pass an ordinance adjusting rates as desired by the Council at different rates ACTION REQUESTED: Passage of proposed ordinance to effectuate new rates as of April 1 , 1992 REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: Sanitation Fund N/A BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): FY1992 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: FY1993 $ 0 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ 0 CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ® OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. X ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY x DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF X CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION OF GARBAGE, TRASH AND BRUSH; AMENDING SECTION 7 OF ORDINANCE 84-12, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 90-19 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH AND AMENDING SECTION 9 OF APPENDIX A TO THE WYLIE CITY CODE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS , the City has renegotiated its contract for solid waste refuse service with its current contractor BFI; and WHEREAS , the new agreement with the contractor provides for reduction of rates for certain services , including a reduction in • collection fees for residential customers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has voted to pass the savings along to the customers effective April 1 , 1992 and establish current collection rates in accordance with the current agreement with the contractor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows : 1 . That Section 9 of Appendix A to the Wylie City Code is hereby amended to read as follows : "SECTION 9 GARBAGE, TRASH, AND BRUSH FEES 9 .01 Residential Fee ; Deposits (a) The collection and removal of garbage , rubbish, and brush in disposable bags or approved containers (30 gallon cans ) from residential premises , two (2) times per week shall be made for a fee charge of $10. 55 per residential unit for each calendar month. Multifamily dwellings (4 or more units) shall use commercial containers provided by the contractor . For partial months , said charges shall be prorated for each week of the month during which such service is available and provided to the customer . There shall be a fee charge for extra collections necessary for unusual accumulation . The charges for collection service shall be included on the monthly utility bill of the occupant . It shall be mandatory that all utility customers shall receive solid waste collection service . Rates and charges shall be due an payable on the date so indicated on the utility billing statement . (b) Non residential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three (3) months charges , or a minimum of $30.00. (c) Residential fees for each unit of single family detached or duplex (not master metered) either curbside or alleyside service , shall be $10.55 per month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill . (d) The following collection fees are based upon type of establishment or collection, to wit : TYPE CHARGE PER MONTH Duplex $10 .55 per unit Multi-family $10. 55 per unit Trailer Park $10.55 per unit Residential Unit $ 13. 10 per living unit (utility customer outside city) 9.02 Commercial Hand Collection Fees Fee charges for commercial hand collection where residential type bags or approved containers are allowable : (a) Less than five 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week $18. 91 (b) Five to eight 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week $35. 15 (c) Nine to twelve 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week $51 .30 9.03 Commercial Dumpster Charges Commercial dumpsters shall be provided by lease to customers requiring them and shall be subject to the following charges , to-wit : SIZE TIMES PER WEEK MO. CHARGE 2 cu. yd 1 x week $ 62 . 30 2 x week 101 .25 3 x week 140. 18 3 cu . yd 1 x week 68. 98 2 x week 111 . 26 3 x week 152. 43 4 cu. yd 1 x week 84 . 55 2 x week 124. 62 3 x week 173. 56 6 cu. yd 1 x week 95.68 2 x week 159. 11 3 x week 225.86 8 cu. yd 1 x week 119 .04 2 x week 189. 19 3 x week 244. 78 10 cu. yd 1 x week 139.08 2 x week 235.87 3 x week 331.55 EXTRA PICKUPS/DUMPSTER-EACH REQUEST Upon request , extra pickups shall be made of commercial dumpsters and a fee charge made for each request in accordance with the following schedule , to wit : 2-4 cu yd $28. 93 6-10 cu. yd $34 .30 SPECIAL CHARGES: Compactor containers (42 cu. yd) $253.65 Roll-off containers (30 cu .yd) $226.97 per haul Per day rent of roll-off containers $7 . 86 Per month rent of roll-off containers $235.80 Delivery and exchange of roll-off containers $78.74 Delivery and exchange of front-end containers $54 .74 Return check charge $15. 00 Past due service charge (over 25 days from statement due date , commercial dumpsters only) 1.5% per month 9.04 Fees for Tree, Shrub and Brush Trimmings , Newspapers and Magazines Trees , shrub and brush trimmings , newspapers and magazines securely tied together and forming an easily handled package not exceeding four feet (4') in length or forty (40) pounds in weight shall be collected with the regular collection at no charge . Such items left for collection and which are not bundled shall be collected for a minimum charge of $10.00. Such items left for collection which require additional time , manpower , or equipment shall be collected by arrangement with the city and subject to an additional special charge to be determined by the city. 9 .05 Large Amounts Large amounts will be collected after regular collection is completed . Residents will be charged at the rate of $1.00 per minute for time spent on such collections with a minimum charge of $10.00. Any resident desiring service for such large amounts shall request the same only through BFI's dispatch office . 2 . Ordinance No . 90-19 and Section 9 of Appendix A to the City of Wylie Code (said Section 9 being the codified version of said Ordinance No . 90-19) be and they hereby are repealed in their entirety; and Section 7 of Ordinance No. 84-12 , is amended in accordance herewith; and all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistence . 3. Should any paragraph, sentence , sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or • provisions thereof , other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid , illegal , or unconstitutional . 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law and the City's Charter provide in such cases , and the rate changes herein imposed are effective as of April 1 , 1992. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of • Wylie , Texas , this day of April, 1992. John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven P. Deiter , City Attorney City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: PLANNING & ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4/9/92 Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) Report April 14, 1992 Agenda SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Presentation by Rick Herzberger on Impact Fee Program from 1984 — present. Impact Fee Analysis Report comparing some area cities conducted by the City of Allen's Engineering Department. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: Continue the current Impact Fee of $1,100 : $500 sewer Impact Fee $600 water Impact Fee REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO X MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS X OTHER Impact Fee • MINUTES LEGAL Analysis Report REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC X BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM(019111 • TO : Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM: Rick Herzberger, Building Officialg4 DATE: April 2, 1992 SUBJECT: CIAC Report April 14, 1992 Agenda Please review this final CIAC and Staff Report on the Impact Fee Program and place on the April 14, 1992 City Council Agenda. This report is required by the LGC 395 provisions relating to proper implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan. With your permission, I would like to present a brief ( 10 minute) verbal report on the overall Impact Fee Program from 1984 - present, as I feel this review will improve the City Council ' s understanding of the program. In addition and at your request, I am also including a comparative Impact Fee Analysis Report of some area cities. This report was conducted by the City of Allen' s Engineering Department, as they prepared to adopt the Impact Fee Program, and includes some general development cost comparisons . Also, I assume this report should be addressed in the Council Agenda as a review item, then as an approval item, as the CIAC meeting reflected the same procedure. MEMORANDUM TO : Mayor and City Council FROM: Rick Herzberger, Building Official erl DATE: April 2, 1992 SUBJECT: Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) Semi -annual report on the progress of the Impact Fee Program Attachments : CIAC minutes, Fund Report, and Impact Fee Analysis Report The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee has met on January 20, February 17, and March 3, 1992 in order to comply with the Local Government Code 395. 058 requirements for filing semi-annual reports to the City Council on the progress of the Capital Improvements Plan. The Committee voted to submit the following report : 1 ) Recommendation to continue the current Impact Fee of $1 , 100. 00 as adopted by the City Council on June 26, 1990. 2) Submit the minutes of the three 1992 meetings in order for the Council to recognize the main issues that were addressed. ( I have included the December 3, 1990 and June 17, 1991 meetings in order to complete the report) . • I would like to list some of the progress made and issues addressed since June 17, 1991 by both the City Staff and the CIAC: Legality of $1 , 100 Impact Fee implementation on July 1 , 1991 . Discussion items with Freeman-Millican, the CIP Engineers. Expenditure of Impact Fee Fund ; City Attorney flow chart and related questions. Impact Fee and new construction at old sites. Improvements on the 10 Year Water and Wastewater Maps. Impact Fee Fund improvements. Development of the Impact Fee Program notebook - distributed to Staff and the CIAC. Time of Impact Fee collection and assessment. Growth Chart vs. Impact Fee 1984-1992. Immediate infrastructure needs of the City per CIP. Building permit decline vs . Impact Fee and other contributing factors. Subdivision Ordinance requirements in relation to the Impact Fees. City of Allen' s Impact Fee Analysis of 7 area cities - Wylie included. Various legal questions to City Attorney concerning the Impact Fee Fund and Lift Station Districts. The need for other Capital Improvement Plans to augment the Impact Fee Program. As Impact Fee Administrator my main concern has been to properly address the LGC 395 requirements relating to the Impact Fee Program, while also trying to balance the concerns of the construction industry and the needs of the City. I would like to report to you that I feel the CIAC and the City Staff have performed all the duties and responsibilities mandated by City Ordinance, and I recommend that you accept this submitted report. The next CIAC semi -annual meetings will be July 6, 1992 and January 18, 1993. The LGC mandated requirement for the January 18, 1993 meeting will be to review the updated Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and related Impact Fees and then make recommendations for amendment changes or for the continuance of the existing Impact Fee Program. In conclusion, the City Staff as well as the CIAC Chairman will be available to answer any questions concerning this comprehensive semi-annual report. MINUTES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF WYL I,E„T YAS —` CALLED MEETING - MARCH 3 , 1992 ] The City of Wylie Capital Improvements Advisory Committee met in a called session at 6 : 00 pm on Tuesday , March 3 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of meeting had been posted in the time and manner requested by law. Those present were Chairman; Robert Flint , Vice Chairman; Gilbert Welch, Mike Hawkins , Billy Mills , Cleo Adams , and ad hoc member John Tobin. City staff present were City Attorney; Steve Deiter, Building Official ; Rick Herzberger, and Secretary; Nita Sims . Those absent : Jerry Ault and Marvin Blakey , excused . ITEM NO. 1 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 17 , 1992 : Chairman Flint asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Chairman Flint added corrections on page 2 , 6th sentence from the bottom, to read "including" the elevated tank instead of "especially" the elevated tank. A motion was made by Mike Hawkins , seconded by Billy Mills to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried, all in favor. (6 Votes) ITEM NO. 2 : REVIEW STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AND CITY ATTORNEY' S REPORT CONCERNING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: Chairman Flint asked for comments from Rick Herzberger on his submitted memorandum. Mr . Herzberger introduced Steve Deiter , City Attorney, to the Committee . He then stated that his memorandum to the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee is an attempt in properly evaluating the last two Capital Improvements Advisory Committee Meetings and producing a recommendation format . Mr . Herzberger asked that if the Committee decides on a change recommendation in the Impact Fee Program, that they base this change on factual inequities in the Capital Improvement Program and not on economic or competitive issues . In reference to the recommendation format # ( 2) , John Tobin suggested that the City Council receive a report from the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee that reflects other factors involved in the construction decline if this could be done under the duties of the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee . After a lengthy discussion on economic factors affecting the city ' s growth, Chairman Flint asked for comments on the City Attorney' s report . Discussion centered on the double charge situation presented by the City Attorney' s answer to Question 5 , page 11 of the agenda, as related to the Lift Station District Fees vs . the Impact Fee Program. Chairman Flint then referred to the City Attorney's memorandum, page 9 of the agenda, question 3 , and stated his agreement with the stated caution that any such recommended change in the Impact Fee Program should be based on the factual analysis of the Capital Improvement Program. Steve Deiter , City Attorney, added that he based this caution on the fact that • the State has granted cities the Impact Fee Authority and all contributing aspects of the Impact Fee Program need to be addressed per fact and not on speculation. Chairman Flint then concluded the discussion on Item 2 . ITEM NO. 3 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A FINAL PROGRESS REPORT OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL : After discussion on the progress report format presented in Mr . Herzberger ' s memorandum to the Commission, Page 5 and 6 of the agenda, the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Members agreed that the report to the City Council should contain the following . 1 . ) The agenda and minutes of the January 20 , 1992 ,February 17 , 1992 and March 3 , 1992 meetings . 2 . ) The approved motion by Mike Hawkins to recommend that the Impact fee of $1 , 100 . 00 remain intact . Motion carried with 4 members in favor , 1 against and 1 alts bstain vote . Chairman Flint concluded the discussion on Item 3 . ITEM NO. 4: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None . ITEM NO. 5 : ADJOURN. A motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Flint . Robert Flint Chairman Respectfully submitted, Nita Sims • Secretary MINUTES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF W I,LE+. .EX CALLED MEETING - FEBRUARY 17 , 1992 The City of Wylie Capital Improvements Advisory Committee met in a called session at 6 : 30 pm on Monday, February 17 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of meeting had been posted in the time and manner requested by law. Those present were Chairman; Robert Flint , Vice Chairman; Gilbert Welch, Marvin Blakey, Mike Hawkins , Jerry Ault , Billy Mills , Cleo Adams , and ad hoc member John Tobin. City staff present were City Engineer; Paul Beaver , Building Official ; Rick Herzberger, Finance Director ; Brady Snellgrove, and Secretary; Nita Sims . ITEM NO. 1 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 20 , 1992 . Chairman Flint asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Gilbert Welch asked for a discussion clarification relating to paragraph one on page three, concerning responsibilities of the developer. No correction to the minutes . John Tobin asked for a correction in paragraph two, page three, by taking out the word "high taxes" and insert the following phrase as stated "$257 . 00 a lot combined taxes when empty and $2 , 400 . 00 a lot combined taxes on occupied lot" . Rick stated that the minutes will reflect general discussion and that some details or comments may be omitted, but he does welcome clarification such as stated by Mr . Tobin. Cleo Adams asked for a clarification of paragraph four of page three concerning the "1/10 of the cost . Correction to reflect ' one-tenth of the cost . A motion was made by Cleo Adams, seconded by Billy Mills to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried, all in favor. (Mike Hawkins not present during this item. ) (7 votes) ITEM NO. 2 : REVIEW STATUS OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN. Chairman Flint asked Rick Herzberger to begin the Capital Improvement Plan review by giving the staff report as outlined in the memorandum to the CIAC. Rick Herzberger stated that this memorandum, and subsequent agenda, attempts to answer. . the four basic questions as submitted during the January 20 , 1992 semi-annual CIAC meeting, as addressed in the first four report items . The fifth report item in the memo-agenda is submitted to help assist the members in comparing the Wylie Impact Fee program and other city imposed costs on a developer , with six other cities as compiled by the city of Allen . Referring to the report item number IV , City Attorney response to various questions , Rick stated that the City Attorney had not finished answering the questions as reflected on page 19 of the agenda, due to the amount of extensive research needed to properly address the concerns . Rick then ended with the statement that he would like to have the members finalize a report tonight , with any approved recommendations , so that he can present the report to City Council within the next 2-4 weeks . A discussion on the Allen Report produced the following comments : 1 . ) Commercial fees need to be closely looked at to not deter growth. 2 . ) Comparative analysis of when the Impact Fees are assessed and collected. 3 . ) Comparison of Wylie' s Impact Fees and why the maximum allowable was high. The Impact fee , whether it is the maximum ($2 , 239 . 00) or the current ($1 , 100 . 00 ) will not pay for all needed 10 year water and waste water improvements per the Land Use Assumptions . Paul Beaver (City Engineer) stated that when looking at the Allen report , the committee should know that each of these six cities surveyed have different infrastructure needs , thus producing different maximum fees . Chairman Flint then referred back to the memo outline, to address each report item in order . With no questions on the first report item, Chairman Flint then addressed the second report item. Brady Snellgrove (Finance Director) clarified his report , per miner clerical errors , by saying that the line under the $25 , 000 . 00 (column 1) needs removing, Chairman Flint asked for clarification on column ( 2 ) interest shown as $500 . 00 . This interest should be left out for future fund reports since it is reflective in column ( 1) . No more questions on report item number two . Chairman Flint then opened for report number three . Brady Snellgrove stated that the $66 ,000 . 00 water revenue is not true revenue since the cost of processing the water is not included. Discussion was then centered on perimeter street fees and lift station district fees from the past . Rick Herzberger stated that these fees vs . the Ordinance 90-10 adoption of Impact fees are currently being addressed by the City Attorney . Chairman Flint asked Paul Beaver for a current Capital Improvement project status as planned by the City . Paul Beaver stated that the state regulated Impact Fee collected since June 1990 has not produced enough funds to even consider paying for needed 10 year improvements , especially the elevated tank. As stated earlier, the fee collected has been used to pay for the Nortex Storage Tank lease-purchase payments . Discussion then turned to the Oakridge Subdivision as reflected in the questions submitted to the City Attorney . Marvin Blakey asked the staff to remember the ProRata program when reviewing new subdivisions . Chairman Flint then opened for report item number four discussion (City Attorney ' s response to various questions) . Since these questions have not been completely answered, per memo response, Rick Herzberger has visited with the City Attorney and stated the following, per page , 19 : Question ( 2 ) lease- purchase of Nortex Tank is part of CIP; Question (1) not determined; Question (3) recommendation of fee change would require a Public Hearing . Question ( 4) and Question (5) - still no comment . Chairman Flint then opened for report item number 5 W discussion which has already been addressed earlier in the meeting ( City of Allen report) Chairman Flint commented briefly on Allen' s study as related to current house size and taxes in the City of Wylie . Chairman Flint concluded the discussion on item number two. ITEM NO. 3 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A FINAL PROGRESS REPORT OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL . Chairman Flint asked Rick Herzberger to describe the type of report that needs to be submitted to City Council . Rick stated that the Board Members need to make comments , on the staff administration of the Impact Fee Program, suggest on improvements , if needed, and then approve of a report reflecting these comments and suggestions . Marvin Blakey asked for each member to comment on the $1 , 100 . 00 Impact Fee. Paul Beaver and Brady Snellgrove reminded the members that an Impact Fee program is not considered active unless their is an available cash flow or a Council approved program to augment the Impact Fee Program. Brady also stated that in considering the cash flow differences of more homes with no Impact Fee vs . one half homes with a fee , that the actual tax generated monies are not realized until quite some time after move-in . John Tobin asked Brady to look further into this , as this is not reflective of his experiences . Chairman Flint then asked each member to comment on the $1 , 100 . 00 Fee . Gilbert Welch suggested that the ordinance reflect a collection time of one half at development and the rest on the Building permit and that the $1 , 100 . 00 fee was not excessive . Jerry Ault agreed with Gilbert Welch on collection time of fee but felt that the $500 . 00 to $1 , 100 . 00 increase possibly hurt the growth in Wylie and that a midway point of $800 . 00 should be considered. Cleo Adams stated that increasing the fee would definitely not help, but that lowering the fee could possibly spur growth as well as help pay for improvements . John Tobin commented that starter homes , valued at $75 , 000 . 00 , per builders costs , are hurt by this $1 , 100 . 00 fee . John Tobin agreed on the change on collection fee time ( 20% developer and 80% builder) but felt that the fee should be lowered to one half until Wylie experiences another growth period. Marvin Blakey stated that the Impact fee program and fees collected are not intended to pay all needed Capital Improvements , and that the City needs an additional Capital Improvements funding program in order to make the Impact Fee Program work . He also felt the fee should be paid at time of development and that the fee should be reduced to $500 . 00 . Billy Mills did not wish to comment . Mike Hawkins stated in order to balance growth with related assessments to pay the growth, that the City needs a method to help pay for the Impact this growth will cause . He felt the $1 , 100 . 00 fee is not excessive, and that the current method of fee collection on the builder was appropriate. Chairman Flint stated at this point in time, we have not had enough history with the Impact fee program to warrant any change, and that the $1 , 100 . 00 fee should remain intact , especially since this is the only Capital Improvement Program for the City . In reference to the fee affecting growth decline, the Impact fee should not be targeted as the main cause , as other factors should be evaluated. Chairman Flint then asked if any member would like to make a motion for recommendation to the City Council . John Tobin stated that he felt the • committee members needed to wait on the City Attorney ' s response ( report #IV , page 7 of the agenda) before making a recommendation . Rick Herzberger then emphasized his concerns that the Committee consider waiting another year until recommending a fee change, since the LGC 395 regulations required the City to conduct another Independent Engineering update of the Land Use Assumptions and 10 year Master Plan, within three years . All members agreed that another meeting should be held in order to evaluate the forth coming City Attorney ' s response to the submitted questions on page 19 of the agenda . ITEM NO. 4 : CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. NONE. ITEM NO. 5 : ADJOURN. A motion was made and seconded for adjournment . Meeting adjourned by Chairman Flint . Robert Flint Chairman Respectfully submitted, Nita Sims Secretary MINUTES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF WYLI — CALLED MEETING - JANUARY 20, 1992 The City of Wylie Capital Improvements Advisory Committee met in a called session at 6 :00 pm on Monday, January 20, 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of meeting had been posted in the time and manner requested by law. Those present were Chairman; Robert Flint, Vice Chairman; Gilbert Welch, Jerry Ault, Billy Mills, Cleo Adams, and ad hoc member John Tobin. City staff present were City Engineer ; Paul Beaver, Building Official ; Rick Herzberger, Finance Director ; Brady Snellgrove, Project Manager ; Tommy McDanel , and Secretary; Nita Sims. Those absent : Mike Hawkins and Marvin Blakey, excused. ITEM NO. 1 : CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON JUNE 17, 1991 . Chairman Flint asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, Chairman Flint noted that the last paragraph on page one did not reflect an answer to the question regarding the Rules and Procedures document, and whether this document is the final draft. The answer was given as affirmative but not placed in the minutes ; correction will be recorded. A motion was made by Billy Mills, seconded by Jerry Ault to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried, all in favor. (5 votes, Cleo Adams arrived after the motion) ITEM NO. 2: REVIEW STATUS OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM. Chairman Flint reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee, since only two members were part of the last Advisory meeting. John Tobin asked for reference back to June 17, 1991 in minutes, per statement by Rick Herzberger that "money generated by the Impact Fees is being used in an appropriate way and within the guidelines set out by the law". Mr. Tobin emphasized that a "paper trail " needed to be established for all fund payments. Chairman Flint responded that the Advisory Committee will address that concern tonight. Chairman Flint then asked if there were any more questions prior to allowing Rick Herzberger to explain the Capital Improvement Plan report and notebook. No other questions, Chairman Flint asked for the Capital Improvement Program report by Rick Herzberger. Mr . Herzberger began explaining the 55 page report, and emphasized that none of the department heads that were part of this Impact Fee adoption in June of 1990, with the exception of Carolyn Jones, are currently employed with the City of Wylie. Mr. Herzberger stated that since the last advisory meeting on June 17, 1991 , the Finance and Engineering Departments, as well as the City Attorney, have played a vital role in improving the Impact Fee program. Mr. Herzberger also explained the difficulty of his role as the Impact Fee collector , and that he must remain neutral with regard to the Builder / Developer concerns and the Engineering- Infrastructure need concerns. Mr. Herzberger then explained the arrangement of the Impact Fee Program Information notebook, with a brief statement on each section of the six section notebook. (90 pages ) . Relating to the opening remarks by Chairman Flint, regarding the Role and Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee, Mr. Herzberger emphasized Section IV of the notebook (LGC 395) . The Advisory Committee must understand that tonight, they should only concern themselves with receiving and evaluating the progress of the Capital Improvement Plan per Staff ' s report, and decide whether to propose a subsequent report to the City Council or schedule another Advisory meeting. The Periodic Update of the Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan will be done in 1993, in accordance with LGC 395 subchapter B. In reference to the last Section (VI ) of the notebook, Mr. Herzberger stated that he felt the City Council ' s adoption on June 26, 1990, of the $1100. Impact fee (compared to $2224. ) reflected a sound decision , especially since the majority of the area cities responded in a similar adoption pattern and since the growth rate in 1990 was beginning to show a substantial decline. Rick then explained the CIP related maps, showing the Engineering work on the maps per service lines, Lift Station District overlay, and areas of predicted growth. (Proposed High School , Oakridge Subdivision) The associated Capital Improvement Plan - Building Permit growth chart was explained, with Mr . Herzberger then ending his report by introducing the City Staff who were present for questions. Chairman Flint then began the report evaluation by stating that he felt the Committee should, 1 . ) receive input from Mr. Herzberger and Mr. Paul Beaver on where we are headed with the Capital Improvement Plan. (current status) 2. ) Address the Impact fee and related questions to decide if the committee can make any decisions for a subsequent council report. Chairman Flint also stated that the Impact Fee program is not designed to pay all Capital Improvement Plan projects and would like Mr. Beaver to explain the current status and pending needs relating to the water and wastewater system. The City Engineer, Mr. Paul Beaver, explained the need to add volume and pressure to the water system and commented on the related deficiencies of meeting the State chlorine standards. Mr . Beaver a-Iso described the needed upgrades to the wastewater system, but commented that this system is currently in better shape than the water system. Mr. Beaver ended his report by stating that the City has no other Capital Improvement Program and that the Impact Fee Program will at least allow a collection of funds to help augment the , much needed infrastructure improvements. Mr. Gilbert Welch questioned the staff to whether the City was currently able, by ordinance, to require a developer to furnish the service utilities to a subdivision in addition to the Impact fee assessment, since he felt the $1100. per unit would not completely furnish the service utilities. Mr. Beaver responded that other monies must be acquired to augment the Impact Fee as well as the City requiring the developer to pay for total service facilities to the subdivision. Mr. John Tobin responded that in addition to his development paying the $1100. per unit, he also had to pay high taxes and felt like the increase in homes built with no Impact Fee could possibly off-set the collection of Impact Fees with fewer homes built. The City could encourage growth by reducing or eliminating the fee. Mr . Herzberger responded that there are other mitigating factors besides the Impact Fee, that deter growth in the City. These factors should be addressed by some type of survey in order to offer a broader type of solution to deterring the growth decline. Gilbert Welch submitted further clarification of his previous question regarding developer payments to subdivision, VS. Impact Fees. He felt like the City should look at previous subdivisions, such as Newport Harbor and Presidential Estates and learn from the mistake of not requiring the developer to provide all service needs to the development. If the developers can' t afford to bring utilities to the subdivision, then he possibly can' t afford to install the subdivision. The citizens should not be impacted by paying for these un-planned developments . Mr. Welch felt it would be a mistake to think that the $1100 Impact Fee will cover all the costs and not consider where a subdivision is located, since the fee collected may cover the cost of one site location, but not 1/10 of the cost to pay needs for a perimeter subdivision. Mr. Herzberger stated that the Impact Fee collected under the LGC Code 395 can be used anywhere in the City since the service areas so designated by our ordinance, includes the city limit boundaries. Mr. Herzberger did state that developers are required by ordinance to pay for all services needs but that the limits of requirements are eventually up to the City Council . Impact fees are additional to these requirements. Mr. Herzberger also stated that some cities have adopted Impact Fee ordinances that require developers to pay the Impact Fee before house construction starts, which allows the home builders to pay no Impact Fee, thus increasing the housing starts. Mr . Welch again responded that he felt the City should apply both methods of Impact Fee assessment and subdivision related requirements, of developer installed services facilities, to each • subdivision. Mr . Beaver referred to the Impact Fee information notebook, table 20, which describes the cost estimates for wastewater construction and how the percent paid in Impact Fees, per project, must be augmented by other Council approved funds. Mr. Beaver stated that the City has outgrown its service area capacity and that the Impact Fee will only pay a portion of the needs, and that he has asked the Finance Director, Brady Snellgrove, to examine other methods of funding the Capital Improvements. In response to Mr. Beavers statement, Mr. Herzberger stated many cities, especially the City of Wylie, were required to quickly (6 months ) adopt the state mandated LGC 395 to replace existing fees, which did create a lot of confusion and misunderstanding. Mr. Herzberger again emphasized that the Impact Fee was not designed to pay all growth related infrastructural needs. Chairman Flint asked for clarification of the lease payment monies being expended from the Impact Fee fund. Mr. Snellgrove stated that this payment is for the purchase of the tanks, with two payments left (Nortex tanks ) . This response clarified Chairman Flint' s concern that these funds should not be expended for lease only situations, per LGC 395. Mr. Welch re emphasized Mr. Tobin' s concern that all Impact Fee fund expenditures be more specifically documented. Chairman Flint added to this concern by stating that the fund report should be improved. Mr. Herzberger replied that Mr. Snellgrove is currently working on an improved fund report as well as a separate accounting report showing each developers Impact Fee payments, since June 26, 1990 (ordinance 90-10) . Mr. Welch addressed the City Attorney' s determination that no Impact Fee is charged on a structure replacing a demolished structure, and that each situation should be looked at differently. Possibly because a larger structure, with greater service impact, could replace a smaller structure. Mr. Herzberger agreed and said that each demolition would be addressed with this possibility in mind. Mr. Welch and Mr. Tobin discussed the time of Impact Fee collection VS. placing a burden on either the developer or the builder. Mr. Herzberger asked the Advisory Board to apply this comparison to the proposed Oakridge Subdivision, but to remember that ordinance 90-10 requires the Impact Fee to be collected at the permitting stage, even though the LGC 395 allows an Impact Fee assessment and collection at the Development Platting stage. Mr. Tobin stated that more planning should be applied to each subdivision in relation to sizing the service lines in order to prevent unnecessary burdens on the developer. Mr. Herzberger agreed, and stated that the Capital Improvement Plan ( 10 year plan) now gives the City a chance to require installation of service lines based on projected growth, and that oversizing requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance would handle any over burdening on the developer . Mr. Beaver emphasized that the Impact Fee Program requires a considerable amount of time in order to properly administer, but is only a part of the over all Capital Improvements needs. Mr. Herzberger added that the Government Research Report states that small cities are experiencing difficulties in administering the LGC 395 requirements, especially when the Impact Fee administrators are responsible for several other programs. Chairman Flint stated that another meeting should be scheduled in order to properly address the Impact Fee amount currently being assessed, since apparently no Capital Improvement Plan projects have been started other than the Nortex Tank lease - purchase payments. Mr. Welch agreed, but felt that the Advisory Committee should also look at the economics of an Impact Fee in relation to other cities collecting a lesser amount, even though it is apparent that Wylie' s fee is competitive per the submitted HAB survey. Chairman Flint stated that since the agenda reflects only a status report with no recommendation item to City Council , then possibly the Advisory Committee should wait until another meeting to make recommendations. Chairman Flint then asked if there were any other questions regarding the status of the Capital Improvement Plan. No questions, Chairman Flint concluded Item NO. 2. • ITEM NO. 3: CITIZENS PARTICIPATION. None. ITEM NO. 4: ADJOURN. A motion was made and seconded for adjournment. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Flint. Robert Flint Chairman Respectfully submitted, Nita Sims Secretary ct iv,Ae_hr` MINUTES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE LL CITY OF WYLIE CALLED MEETING — JUNE 17 , 1991 The City of Wylie Capital Improvements Advisory Committee met in a called session at 6: 30 P.M. on Monday, June 17 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman , Bart Peddicord , Robert Flint , Bobby Jennings , Rickard Eckman , Cleo Adams and John Tobin . Representing the City were City Engineer , Paul Beaver , Building Official , Rick Herzberger and Secretary, Barbara LeCocq . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 3, 1990: Chairman Peddicord asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none , a motion was made by Bobby Jennings to approve the minutes as submitted , seconded by Richard Eckman . Motion carried , all in favor . ITEM NO. 2 - REVIEW STATUS OF IMPACT FEE: Rick Herzberger presented the balance statement as compiled by Curtis Warner , Director of Finance for the period ending May 1991 . Total revenues were $ 1 , 200 , 740 . 90 , expenditures were $ 1 , 178 , 492 . 02 , other cash adjustments were $35 , 000 . 00 from Perimeter Street Fund , and Lift Station change to Fund balance -$40 , 245 . 21 for a -$5 , 245 . 21 , leaving total cash at $ 17 , 003 . 67 . ( see attached) . The $ 1100 impact fee goes into effect one year after adoption in accordance with Texas Senate Bill 336 . Our fee was adopted in June of 1990 and will go into effect on July 1 , 1991 . John Tobin asked if this was a new fee . Rick Herzberger stated that there was a 3 month period in which we did not collect the impact fee due to the uncertainty regarding SB336. Bobby Jennings noted that during this period the City was waiting for clarification and interpretation of SB336 . R. Herzberger asked the members if they had seen a copy of the Capital Improvement Plan. Robert Flint stated they had not had that opportunity and that he felt they could not set fees equitably without first being acquainted with the plan . John Tobin asked that the City Attorney review the impact fee and, give an opinion to the Board . Robert Flint asked ( 1 ) if there is a final document of the Rules and Procedures of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee and ( 2) if we , ( the City) are using the impact fee as authorized . Rick Herzberger assured the members that the money generated by the impact fees is being used in an appropriate way and within the guidelines set out by law. Bobby Jennings noted that the impact fee money cannot be used for repairs but must be used for new improvements . Question was asked if the impact fee will be collected on a lot where an existing structure which is already receiving services is demolished and a new structure erected . Consenus was that the City Attorney should look at the impact fee and give an opinion to the new Board . John Tobin . said that he felt like the Advisory Board needed to have another meeting before the impact fee went into effect on July 1 . Rick Herzberger said the $1100 fee was adopted by the City Council and that it was mandated that it be enacted on July 1 , 1991 . Robert Flint made a motion to table this item, seconded by Bobby Jennings , motion carried , all in favor . Robert Flint made a motion to adjourn , seconded by Bobby Jennings , motion carried , all in favor . Bart Peddicord , Chairman 2 Re ectfully submitted : Barbara LeCocd , Secr tary I Sr ow07,111 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE CALLED MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 3 , 1990 The City of Wylie Capital Improvements Advisory Committee met in a called meeting at 6 : 45 p .m. on Monday, December 3 , 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, Bobby Jennings , Cleo Adams , Robert Flint , and John Tobin. Staff member present was Director of Community Development Ed Richie. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY BOARD MEETING ON JUNE 18 , 1990 . Cecelia Wood said that the heading stated the date as June 19 , 1990 and the first paragraph stated it as June 18 , 1990 . The minutes will be corrected to read "June 19 , 1990" in the first paragraph. Motion carried with all in favor for the minutes to be approved as corrected . REVIEW IMPACT FEE. The Committee discussed the impact fee and their responsibilities as the Advisory Committee . Bobby Jennings asked for clarification of the S40 , 000 . 00 fee for leasing water storage tanks at North Texas Water District and Steele Road storage and pump station . Cecelia Wood commented that part of the fee goes to the Steele Road storage and pump station, therefore the amount paid to NTWD is unclear at this time . Bart Peddicord asked Ed Richie to research the funds being spent , which lines are critical and above ground storage. Mr . Richie suggested a work session with the Director of Finance and the City Engineer . The committee decided that they needed additional information before making any recommendations or changes . ADJOURN. Motion carried with all in favor . Bart Peddicord, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stevens , Secretary CITY OF WYLIE IMPACT/LIFT FUND RECAP OF IMPACT FEES (1) (2) BEGINNING CASH BALANCE AS OF JULY 1, 1990' $24,608.84 $0.00 Revenues for the following dates: July 1990 through Sept. 1990 Impact Fee 500.00 500.00 interest 303.89 303.89 Monies from Lift&Repay of Loan 11,589.14 0.00 Subtotal 12,393.03 803.89 Oct. 1990 through Sept. 1991 Impact Fees 47,215.00 47,215.00 Interest 980.36 980.36 Subtotal 48,195.36 48,195.36 Oct. 1991 through Dec. 1991 Impact Fees 14,505.00 14,505.00 Interest 166.81 166.81 Subtotal 14,671.81 14,671.81 TOTAL REVENUES-07/01/90 thru 12/31/91 75,260.20 63,671.06 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 99,869.04 63,671.06 Expenses for Impact: Administrative Cost 48.75 48.75 :'Pay-back on Loan 25,000.00. 0.00 Nortex Storage Tank Lease/Purchase 61,384.29 61,384.29 TOTAL EXPENSES 86,433.04 61,433.04 ENDING BALANCE AS OF DEC.31, 1991 $13,436.00 $2,238.02 NOTES: (1) Total Impact/Lift Fund Activity. (2) New Impact Fee's Only. 'Beginning cash balance is the amount brought forward from the Impact/Lift Funds "This debt was incurred by the Lift Station for lines laid for the lift station at S.F.M.H.P. The lift had to borrow from Perimeter Street to finish the project. The balance owed to the Perimeter St. Is$20,000 as of 12/31/91. When the Lift Station Fund was merged with the Impact,due to the new Impact/Lift Station Ordinance, the new fund received the cash and assets but also incurred It's debts. This report shows that the City is tracking the revenues and expenditures separately as required by LGC 395. "'The Water Tank Lease/Purchase will be paid off in Feb., 1992. The amount outstanding on the Tank L/P Is $6,820 as of 12/31/91. CITY OF WYLIE IMPACT/LIFT FUND RECAP OF IMPACT FEES (1) (2) Beginning Cash Balance as of July 1,1990' $24,608.84 $0.00 Revenues for following dates: July 1990 through Sept. 1990 Impact Fee 500.00 500.00 Interest 303.89 303.89 Monies from Lift&Repay of Loan 11,589.14 Subtotal 12,393.03 803.89 Oct. 1990 through Sept. 1991 Impact Fees 47,215.00 47,215.00 Interest 980.36 980.36 Subtotal 48,195.36 48,195.36 Oct. 1991 through Feb. 1992 Impact Fees 23,305.00 23,305.00 Interest 268.43 268.43 Subtotal 23,573.43 23,573.43 TOTAL REVENUES $84,161.82 $63,671.06 Expenses for Impact: Administrative Cost $48.75 $48.75 "Pay-back on Loan 25,000.00 0.00 Nortex Storage Tank Lease/Purchase 68,204.77 68,204.77 TOTAL EXPENSES 93,253.52 68,253.52 NET INCOME $13,436.00 $2,238.02 NOTES: (1) Total Impact/Lift Fund Activity. (2) New Impact Fee's Only. 'Beginning cash balance is the amount brought forward from the Impact Fund. "This debt was incurred by the Lift Station for lines laid for the lift station at S.F.M.H.P. The lift had to borrow from Perimeter Street to finish the project. The balance owed to the Perimeter St. is$20,000 as of 12/31/91. When the Lift Station Fund was merged with the Impact,due to the new Impact/Lift Station Ordinance, the Impact received the cash and assets but also incurred it's debts. IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS REPORT . ' r ' Ko '/ ` \\� Impact Fees in the D*I2ms Area 12/31/91 �1fy Cmtego�y Max. Amount AC:tuml Amount Total Max. Total -Actum1 _ Carrol1toil Wa 9214.O0 $277.00 $1181.00 $354.00 ' Sewer $257.O0 077. 00 Cedar Hill Water �657. 0O 0702.00 �15�O.00 $10�0. �0 Sewer $M43.0O, $298.00 ^ Coppe11 Wafer %66O.00 $68U.00 $1082.00 $1082. 00 Sewer $422. 00 $422.00 Corinth Water $MYA.00 $878.00 $1284.00 *1264.00 Sewer It,388.00 $368.00 Flower Mound uatf�r t4921'80 $492. 80 $1905. 81 �ewer t, t4l3.01 $1413. 01 Fri er �.5 . 0 $151�5O �1�1� O0 $725.00 $37 sewer $378.50 $151.50 Poa6s O5A.00 $422. 00 ' cmrland Water 1471.00 $235.00 $1986.00 $992. 00 RoaJs* 1515.0O $757.00 Grand Prairie Qxter $638.0O *318.00 $118�.09 $581. 77 ' �f�,wer *435. 00 $217.00 Roads* f,107.09 *28. 77 Heath Wat�r*�� *2658.61 $2050.00 *285B.�1 ` $2��0.�� SewPr HighlAnd Vi1l. Hutr �7i9. 47 *719. 47 $1427. 16 *1427. 1� e Sewer t707. 69 $707. 69 Lancaster uater 1135B.00 $815.00 $3308.00 $1221.O� Spwer t194P.00 $808.00 Lewisville** Wa+er 00 $831.00 $2210.00 �1385.0� Sewer 01.217.00 $784.00 McKinney Water $860.55 $250.00 $1628.60 $500.00 Sewer $768.05 $250.00 Mesquite Wmter ' Sewer Plano Water $874.00 $437.00 $1283.00 *642.00. Sewer $409.00 $205.00 Rockwall Water $849'O0 $384.25 $4188.84 $2024. 45 Sf,wer $3340.84 $1840. 20 Rowlett Water 1535.00 0320.59 $2282.85 $1088. 34 Sewpr *287.85 0287.65 ' Roads* $1460.00 $500.00 Sunnyva1e Wmter $2840.00 *2840.00 $2840.00 $2840. 00 Sewer �8�0.�� �J�24.�� 0110�.�0 Wylie Water $1267.00 Sewer $957.00 $500.00 Averages Water *1003.94 $898.31 $1798.80 $1231. 35 Sewer $915.32 $525.80 / Roads $1034..52 $428. 44 *Road values are averages **Lewisville reachen nax1nu111 over 10 ve^ry in steps. ***For 5/8 inch npter. �2250 Yor 1 inch meter. All calrulatir"- are for a single family hone. TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Purpose & Scope 1 Common Assumptions Used to Interpret Ordinances 2 Notes on Cities Impact Fees & Methods of Financing 2 Actual Development Costs & Fees 3 Impact Fees 3 Ad Valorem & Sales Tax rates 3 Annual Utility costs 3 Population and growth trends 3 TABLE - SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT - DEVELOPMENT COST . 4 TABLE - COMMERCIAL PARCEL - DEVELOPMENT COST 5 TABLE - INDUSTRIAL PARCEL - DEVELOPMENT COST 6 TABLE - SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT - IMPACT FEES ? TABLE - COMMERCIAL PARCEL - IMPACT FEES 8 TABLE - INDUSTRIAL PARCEL - IMPACT FEES 9 TABLE - MAXIMUM COST PER SERVICE AREA - IMPACT FEE 10 TABLE - AD VALOREM TAX RATES - 1991 ESTIMATED 11 TABLE - ANNUAL UTILITY COSTS 12 TABLE - POPULATION TRENDS 13 IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL FOR THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE To compare all city imposed costs on a developer and/or home builder to have a parcel of land ready to sell, in our city versus similar cities. Also to compare maximum and ordinance set impact fees. From this data, determine what competitive,advantages our city might have. The cities selected to compare are: CITY COUNTY Allen Collin McKinney Collin Plano Collin Frisco Collin Coppell Dallas Rowlett Dallas Wylie Collin Typical costs to collect data on are: Developer Costs Plat - Preliminary - Final Public Works Cost Home Builder Fees Building Permit Water meter & hook-up Sewer hook-up Cities have only a few methods of financing to pay for the infrastructure needed for growth, and these are: 1. Impact fees 2. Facilities Agreements 3. Assessments (bonds) 4. Bonds (Ad Valorem Tax) 5. A combination of some or all of the above. These items required Engineering judgement to equate to a per parcel basis, but we feel this was done accurately. The attached grids are the final comparison. Revised October 23, 1991 Page 1 2. COMMON ASSUMPTIONS USED TO INTERPRET ORDINANCES 1. Average home is 2,500 square feet, Commercial is 10 acres & Industrial is 20 acres. 2. Cost to build is $36.00 per square foot. 3. Water meter sizes are 5/8" (S.F.Res), 2" compound for Commercial & Industrial. 4. Average number of lots per plat is 50. 5. Average number of lots per acre is 3.8. 6. Developer costs per parcel are the same in each town: 7. Public works costs - Parks - Most ordinances call for donated land or a fee. The fee is used here if spelled out in the ordinance. If the current appraised value of land is used in the ordinance, as a fee, $250/lot is used here. 8. Average commercial tract would be 10 acres. 9. Average industrial tract would be 20 acres. 3. NOTES ON CITIES IMPACT FEES AND METHODS OF FINANCING 1. Allen's maximum figures are shown, and ordinance set as zero. 2. McKinney's water fee is 26% of allowable & sewer fee is 36% of allowable. " New subdivisions pay the impact fee at time of platting. The same fee is to be paid by new homes built in certain existing subdivisions, and these are collected at building permit time. Street fees are not mentioned in the ordinance. Mr. Jack Carr, City Engineer, indicated that a perimeter street ordinance is used to finance street construction. He said that there appears to be an equity issue in administering the street impact fees, and the• city has not considered them at this time. 3. Plano's water & sewer fee is 30% of allowable. New subdivisions pay the impact fee at time of platting. No fee for new homes in existing subdivisions. Street fees are not mentioned in the ordinance. Frank Turner, Planning Director, indicated the city utili7rs the subdivision process for financing the construction of internal and perimeter streets. He conceded that the impact fee process, assuming 100% recovery, might be to the monetary advantage of the city, but the administrative problems associated with the methodology were too cumbersome to implement. The new announced incrences of 66% are shown here, bringing them up to 49% of allowable. 4. Frisco's water & sewer fee is 40% of allowable. New subdivision pay impact fees at time of platting. Fees are made on existing platted subdivisions for new homes built, and these are paid at building permit time. The city council will decide on each subdivision if the developer will pay the thoroughfare fees or the fees in the street perimeter ordinance. The city manager said that street impact fees exist, but they are used to enhance the city's bargaining position to enforce the perimeter street ordinance. 5. Coppell's water & sewer fee is 100% of allowable. New subdivisions impact fees are paid at time of platting. No assessment is made on existing platted subdivisions for new homes built. Street fees are not mentioned in the ordinance. Street construction costs are financed with assessments. Street impact fees are not being considered at this time. 6. Rowlett's water & sewer fee is 73% of allowable. Thoroughfare fee is 17% of allowable. Mrs. Diane Kolb, Planning secretary, said that street impact fees are included Revised October 23, 1991 Page 2 in their recovery program. The city has analyzed several development cases that have occurred since the inception of the new formula and compared them to the traditional pro rata procedure. Three of the four new developments are paying less while one is paying slightly more. The street impact fees are beneficial to those properties with abundant street frontage, and it is more expensive for larger properties that do not have much street frontage. It is too early to make definitive conclusions, but city staff has some concern with the equivalency factor for commercial/retail. Fees are collected for all new homes built, with new subdivisions paying at time of platting, and existing lots paying at time of building permit. 7. Wylie's water fee is 47% of allowable & the sewer fee is 52% of allowable. Thoroughfare fees are not mentioned in the ordinance. Fees are collected on all new homes built,'with new subdivisions paying at time of platting, and existing lots paying at time of building permit. 4. Actual Development Costs & Fees Actual development costs are determined by using the same costs for public works for each city, then using each cities actual fees charged. The Cost of Land is the most significant variable. These costs are shown on page 4, 5 & 6. 5. Impact Fees Maximum allowable impact fees and actual fees passed by ordinance are shown for each city. The percent of maximum that each city charges for each element is also shown. At the bottom is shown what Allen's fees would be if computed with the same percentage as the other cities. These computations are laid out to assist the Council in comparing possible Ordinance Fees for Allen. This is shown on page 7, 8 & 9. Impact fees by service area are calculated for a residential lot, a 5 acre commercial parcel and a 10 acre industrial parcel, these are shown on page 10. 6. Ad Valorem & Sales Tax rates Equivalent Tax rates are shown on page 11. Allen tax costs are $170 per year for a residential lot more than the average of all cities compared. 7. Annual Utility costs A comparison of annual utility costs is shown on page 12. Allen utility costs are $55 per year for a residential lot more than the average of all cities compared. 8. Population and growth trends • Population and growth trends are shown on page 13. Allen grew at a 3.8% rate in 1990, lower than Frisco, Plano and Coppell. Revised October 24, 1991 Page 3 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT-DEVELOPMENT COST ITEM I ALIEN J McKINNEY j PLANO I FRISCO I COPPELL ROWLETT WYUE DEVELOPER I I Public Works Cost -water $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 Public Works Cost -sewer $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 $1,023 Public Works Cost -drainage $1,215 $1,215 $1,215 $1,215 $1,215 $1,215 $1,215 Public Works Cost -streets $4,090 $4,090 $4,090 $4,090 $4,090 Public Works Cost -signage $30 $4,090 $4,090 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 Public Works Cost -lights $70 $70 $70 • $70 $70 $70 $70 Contract costs $7,451 $7,451 $7,451 $7,451 $7,451 $7,451 $7,451 Plat-Preliminary $7 $7 $37 $7 $6 $9 Plat-Final $5 $17 $13 $7 $17 $30 $12 $6 Public Works Cost -parks $100 $250 $250 ' $225 $150 $250 $225 Public Works Cost -Inspection $238 $75 $276 $0 $149 $0 $75 Fee costs $362 $345 $570 $249 $335 $271 $310 SUB-TOTAL DEVELOPER Ii $7,813 $ $7,796 I- $8,021 I $7,700 t $7,786 I $7,722J $7,761 HOME-BUILDER Building Permit $305 $595 $288 $405 $606 $525 $403 Water meter&hook-up $80 $82 $83 $80 $100 $75 $100 Sewer hook-up $0 $0 $50 $0 $100 $0 $20 SUB-TOTAL HOME-BUILDER $385 $677 , $421 1 $485 ' $806 $600 T $523 TOTAL FEES PER LOT 1 $747 I $1,022 I $990 I $734 I $1,141 11 $871 I $833 COST OF LAND $6,579 $11,316 $11,316 $9,211 $13,158 $11,316 $4,605 TOTAL COST PER LOT ' 1 $14,777 I $19,789 I $19,757 I $17,396 I $21,750 1 $19,638 I $12,889 • COMMERCIAL PARCEL- DEVELOPMENT COST ITEM 10 ALLEN il McKINNEY I PLANO I FRISCO I COPPELL I ROWLETT I WYLIE DEVELOPER Public Works Cost -water $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 Public Works Cost -sewer $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 $21,120 Public Works Cost -drainage $25,080 $25,080 $25,080 $25,080 $25,080 $25,080 $25,080 Public Works Cost -streets $84,480 $84,480 $84,480 . $84,480 $84,480 $84,480 $84,480 Public Works Cost -signage $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 Public Works Cost - lights $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 Contract costs $152,000 $152,000 $152,000 $152,000 $152,000 $152,000 $152,000 Plat - Preliminary $105 $320 $1,900 $105 $104 $352 $127 Plat - Final $115 $575 $105 $115 $520 $453 $153 Public Works Cost - inspection $4,864 $1,520 $5,624 $0 $3,040 $0 $1,520 Fee costs $5,084 $2,415 $7,629 $220 _ $3,664 $805 $1,800 SUB-TOTAL DEVELOPER 0 $157,084 0 $154,415 1 $159,629 I $152,220 I $155,664 I $152,805 j $153,800 BUILDER Building Permit $1,600 $1,620 $1,440 $1,600 $1,600 $900 $1,600 Water meter & hook-up $966 $966 $966 $966 $966 $966 $966 Sewer hook-up $0 $0 $50 $0 $100 $0 $20 SUB-TOTAL BUILDER $2,566 $2,586 $2,456 2,566 $2,666 1,866 $2,586 TOTAL FEES PER PARCEL 0 $7,650 0 $5,001 1 $10,085 I $2,786 1 $6,330 1 $2,671 0 $4,386 COST OF LAND 0 $250,000 0 $430,000 1 $430,000 I $350,000 I $500,000 I $430,000 I $175,000 TOTAL COST PER PARCEL 0 $409,650 0 $587,001 I $592,085 I $504,786 I $658,330 I $584,671 I $331,386 INDUSTRIAL PARCEL-DEVELOPMENT COST ITEM I ALLEN I McKINNEY I PLANO J FRISCO j COPPELL I ROWLETT I WYLIE DEVELOPER Public Works Cost -water $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 Public Works Cost -sewer $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 $29,856 Public Works Cost -drainage $35,454 $35,454 $35,454 $35,454 $35,454 $35,454 $35,454 Public Works Cost -streets $119,424 $119,424 $119,424 $119,424 $119,424 $119,424 $119,424 Public Works Cost •signage $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 Public Works Cost -lights $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 • $140 $140 Contract costs $214,790 $214,790 $214,790 $214,790 $214,790 $214,790 $214,790 Plat - Preliminary $105 $440 $3,800 $105 $104 $352 $127 Plat - Final $115 $825 $105 $115 $520 $453 $153 Public Works Cost -inspection $6,873 $2,148 $7,947 $0 $4,296 $0 $2,148 Fee costs $7,093 $3,413 $11,852 $220 $4,920 $805 $2,428 SUB-TOTAL DEVELOPER II $221,883 I $218,203 I $226,642 I $215,010 1 $219,710 I $215,595 I $217,218 BUILDER Building Permit $3,200 $3,240 $2,880 $3,200 $3,200 $1,400 $3,200 Water meter & hook-up $1,231 $1,231 $1,231 $1,231 $1,231 $1,231 $1,231 Sewer hook-up $0 $0 $50 $0 $100 $0 $20 SUB-TOTAL BUILDER '•4,431 $4,471 $4,161 '•4,431 ' $4,531 $2,631 '•4,451 TOTAL FEES PER PARCEL I $11,524 I $7,884 I $16,013 . $4,651 I $9,451 I $3,436 I $6,879 COST OF LAND 0 $500,000 0 $860,000 I $860,000 I $700,000 I $1,000,000 I $860,000 I $350,000 TOTAL COST PER PARCEL I $726,314 I $1,082,674 I $1,090,803 I $919,441 I $1,224,241 I $1,078,226 I $571,669 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT- IMPACT FEES ITEM ALLEN 1 McKINNEY I PLANO I FRISCO I COPPELL I ROWLETT WYLIE IMPACT FEES Maximum allowable -water $547 $861 $874 $378 $660 $514 $1,277 Fee -water $225 $425 $151 $660 $376 $600 Fee -% of Max 26% 49% 40% 100% 73% 47% Maximum allowable -sewer $93 $766 $409 $378 $422 $289 $962 Fee -sewer $275 $199 • $151 $422 $212 $500 Fee -% of Max 36% 49% 40% 100% 73% 52% Maximum allowable -Streets $893 $865 $869 Fee -streets $865 $147 Fee -% of Max 100% 17% Maximum allowable -All $1,533 $1,627 $1,283 $1,621 $1,082 $1,672 $2,239 Fee -All - V $500 ✓ $624 ✓ $1,167 ✓ $1,082 V $735 ✓ $1,00 Fee -%of Max 31°,6 49°i6 72% 100% 44% 49% COMMERCIAL PARCEL-IMPACT FEES ITEM 1 ALLEN I McKINNEY I PLANO I FRISCO 1 COPPELL 1 ROWLETT j WYUE IMPACT FEES Maximum allowable -water $4,376 $17,220 $4,658 $2,268. $5,280 $4,112 $9,578 Fee -water $4,500 $2,264 $906 $5,280 $3,008 $4,500 Fee -%of Max 26% 49% 40% 100% 73% 47%, Maximum allowable -sewer $419 $15,320 $2,180 $2,268 $3,376 $2,312 $11,640 Fee -sewer $5,500 . $1,062 $906 $3,376 $1,696 $6,050 Fee -% of Max 36% 49% 40% 100% 73% 52%. Maximum allowable -Streets $90,193 $149,645 $185,966 Fee -streets - - $149,645 $31,458 Fee -% of Max 100% 17% Maximum allowable -All $94,988 $32,540 $6,838 $154,181 $8,656 $192,390 $21,218 Fee -All ✓ $10,000 ,i $3,327 ✓- $151,457 ✓' $8,656 $36,162 L.-- $10,550 Fee -%of Max 31% 49% 98%j 100% 19% 50% • INDUSTRIAL PARCEL- IMPACT FEES IMPACT FEESITEM 0ALLEN ] McKINNEY ] PLANO I- FRISCO I COPPELL j ROWLETT I WYUE Maximum allowable -water $4,376 $17,220 $4,658 $3,024 $5,280 $4,112 $22,475 Fee -water $4,500 $2,264 $1,208 $5,280 $3,008 $10,560 Fee -% of Max 26% 49% 40% 100% 73% 47% Maximum allowable -sewer $419 $15,320 $2,180 $3,024 $3,376 $2,312 $28,475 Fee -sewer $5,500 $1,062 . $1,208 $3,376 $1,696 $14,800 Fee -% of Max 36% 49% 40% 100% 73% 52% Maximum allowable-Streets $58,938 $24,220 $31,284 Fee -streets $24,220 $5,292 Fee -% of Max 100% 17% • Maximum allowable -All $63,733 $32,540 $6,838 $30,268 $8,656 $37,708 $50,950 Fee -All ---- $10,000 '$3,327 v$26,636 '-' $8,656 v$9,996 - $25,360 Fee -%of Max 31% 49% 88% 100 27% 50% • AD VALOREM TAX RATES- 1991 ESTIMATED ITEM - I ALLEN I McKINNEY j PLANO 1 FRISCO 1 COPPELL I ROWLETT I WYUE Tax in dollars per$100 evaluation • City Tax $0.7310 $0.6290 $0.5102 $0.4350 $0.6730 $0.5655 $0.6150 Independent School District $0.6978 $0.6300 $0.5808 $0.5878 $0.5296 $0.3776 $0.6900 County Educational District $0.7922 $0.7922 $0.7922 $0.7922 $0.8624 $0.8624 $0.7922 County Tax $0.2210 $0.2210 $0.2210 $0.2210 $0.3660 $0.3660 $0.2210 Junior College $0.0910 $0.0910 $0.0910 $0.0910 $0.0460 $0.0460 $0.0910 Municipal Utility District $0.4200 $0.1500 Equivalent Tax Rate $2.5330 $2.3632 $2.1952 $2.5470 $2.6270 $2.2175 $2.4092 Homestead exemption-City 0 0 20% 0 0 $5000 0 Homestead exemption-ISD $5000 $5000 $5000 $5000 20% $5000 $5000 Homestead exemption-CEO $5000+20% _ $5000+20% $5000+20% $5000+20% $5000+20% $5000+20% $5000+20% ANNUAL TAX-$110,000 VALUE I $2,572.41 I $2,385.63 1 $2,088.58 I $2,587.81 I $2,540.34 I $2,206.40 I $2,436.23 ANNUAL DIFF FROM AVG 1 $170 I ($17)1 ($314)1 $185 I $138 I ($196)1 $34 Independent school district tax may be firm for Coppell by 10/11/91 • SALES TAX Current Sales Tax I 7.25964 7.25% 8.25%I 7.75% 7.25%4 8.25%$ 7.75% All rates as of 10/01/91 State rate is 6.25%-City is 1.00%-Dart Is 1.00%-City economic development is 0.50% ANNUAL UTILITY COSTS ITEM 1 ALLEN I McKINNEY ] PLANO FRISCO j COPPELL 1 ROWLETT [ WYLIE COST IN DOLLARS PER YEAR WATER $475 $488 $299 $354 $449 $277 $279 SANITARY SEWER $209 $356 $402 $312 $271 $391 $240 DRAINAGE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SOLID WASTE $93 $90 $108 $116 $116 $71 $140 TELEPHONE $245 $148 $219 $142 $219 $217 $217 TELEVISION CABLE $215 $215 $293 $208 $245 $217 $208 NATURAL GAS $349 $301 $314 $329 $310 $308 $270 ELECTRICITY $1,056 $1,056 $1,056 _ $1,056 $1,056 $1,056 $1,056 TOTAL 1 $2,6431 $2,654 I $2,691 1 $2,517 I $2,667 I $2,536 I $2,410 ,DIFF FROM AVERAGE I $55 1 $66 I $103 , ($71)I $78 I ($52)T ($179) VOLUMES Water at 15,000 gallons per month Telephone - Only McKinney & Frisco do not get metro dialing in basic rat Sewer at 15,000 gallons of water per month Drainage charges will soon be charged by most cities setting up a Natural Gas at 4,000 cubic feet per month Drainage District to comply with EPA non-point polution rules. Electricity at 3,000 Kilowatt hours per month POPULATION TRENDS ITEM I ALLEN I McKINNEY I PLANO [I FRISCO I COPPELL I ROWLETT I WYUE CENSUS 04/01/60 659 13,763 3,695 1,184 666 1,015 1,804 04/01/70 1,940 15,193 17,872 1,845 1,728 2,243 2,675 04/01/80 8,314 16,256 72,331 3,499 3,826 7,522 3,152 04/01/90 18,309 21,283 128,713 6,141 16,881 23,260 8,716 ESTIMATED 01/01/91 I 19,010 I 21,760 I 136,267 1 6,539 I 17,444 I 23,976 I 8,807 AVG GROWTH RATE-1980-1990 I 12.0°/4 3.1°/4 7.8% 7.6%4 34.1°4 20.9°/4 17.7% ANN GROWTH RATE-1990-1991 I 3.8%I 2.2%1 5.9% 6.5°/4 5.1%I 3.1%I 1.0% City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: City Secretary DIRECTOR: Carolyn Jones DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4-8-92 Early Voting Ballot Board Judge SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Mrs. Retabeth Montgomery has already told the school that she will work for them on election day and can not be the Judge for the Early Voting Ballot Board. Below is a list of names who have worked elections and may be interested in serving on this board: Beth Fultz Cleo Adams Sarah Connelly Peggy Sewell ALTERNATIVES: Not have an Early Voting Ballot Board ACTION REQUESTED: Council appoint one person as Judge for counting early votes REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: General Fund Ballots and Elections BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): 1991-1992 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 50.00 (Judge and two clerks) PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. XXX CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF , . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR S BMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL _1243)tr-Q.„ CITY MANAGER City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4/7/92 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Crossing Permit Spring Creek Parkway SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: Attached is the Spring Creek Parkway Railroad Crossing Permit (AT & SF) which needs City Council approval so roadway construction can begin. The cost to the City will be one dollar. The City Attorney has reviewed the contract. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: APPROVAL REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: Spring Creek Parkway Project BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 1.00 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS X OTHER MINUTES LEGAL CONTRACT REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF X CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER ► Santa Fe ' The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company Chief Engineer 4515 Kansas Avenue Kansas City, Kansas 66106 March 17, 1992 Mr. Paul Beaver Director of Planning & Engineering City of Wylie 200 Hwy 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Sir: Attached for your review an execution, if satisfactory, are duplicate originals of the proposed agreement covering Spring Creek Parkway. Upon execution, on behalf of the city, please return both originals to this office for further handling. I have been advised by our local region office that they will help accommodate this construction by providing temporary crossing surfaces if necessary. Additionally, there may be a delay in the installation of the active warning devices at this location and we will, therefore, be agreeable to the opening of this crossing with standard crossbucks and stop signs until the active devices are installed. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact me at (913) 551-4484 . Yours truly, M. G. Stanfill Manager Public Services 80mgs cc: R. A. Holdaway - Euless A S:tnti Fe raeiti.C tnpnny 05019603 CONTRACT SECRETARY'S NUMBER 000 THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS o0o AGREEMENT: Covering land at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, for right of way purposes for a public road designated as Spring Creek Parkway, at Railway Garland Subdivision, Southern Region, MP 77.67. DATED: AGREEMENT Made as of the day of , 19_, BETWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter called "Santa Fe") , as First Party, and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a municipal corporation of Collin County, Texas, acting herein by and through its City Manager, hereunto duly authorized (hereinafter called "City") , as Second Party, WITNESSETH: RECITALS: City desires to use a certain portion of Santa Fe's property at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, upon which to construct, maintain and use a public road, designated at Spring creek Parkway which is agreeable to Santa Fe's upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated. AGREEMENT ARTICLE I 1. Santa Fe, for and in consideration of the sum of One and No/100 Dollars ($1. 00) , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and of the full and faithful performance by City of its convenants hereinafter set forth, hereby licenses City to use a portion of Santa Fe's property situated at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and using a public road, license to use which is hereby given, being shown shaded on print A. M. drawing No. 1-01764 , dated February 20, 1992, hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof. 2. Santa Fe agrees that it will make any necessary adjustment to railroad signal and communication overhead lines at the crossing location. 3 . Santa Fe agrees that it will install active warning devices at the public road grade crossing of Santa Fe's track. 4. Santa Fe agrees that it will install crossing surface on its Track, provided that in the event of discontinuance of use by Santa Fe, all obligations assumed by it hereunder shall cease and be at an end. 5. Santa Fe agrees that it will, at its own expense, maintain the crossing surface within the limits of the ties, and the grade crossing vehicle traffic control devices; however, Santa Fe shall be entitled to receive any contribution toward the cost of such maintenance as may be now or hereafter made available by reason of any law, ordinance, regulation, order, grant or by other means or sources. ARTICLE II In consideration of the aforesaid license, City convenants and agrees to and with Santa Fe as follows: 1. That it will use the licensed premises exclusively as a site for a public road. 2 . That it will not let or sublet the whole or any part of the licensed premises for any purpose whatsoever or assign this license without the written consent of Santa Fe in each instance. 3 . That in case of eviction of City by anyone owning or claiming title to the whole or any part of the licensed premises, Santa Fe shall not be liable to City for any damage of any nature whatsoever. 4. That if the licensed premises, or any part thereof, cease to be used at any time for the purpose licensed, City will deliver up to Santa Fe the possession of the whole, or such part so ceased to be used. 5. That it will, at no expense to Santa Fe, and subject to the supervision and control of Santa Fe's Engineering Department, locate, construct and maintain the public road in such a manner and of such material that it will not at any time be a source of danger to or interference with the present or future tracks, roadbed and property of Santa Fe, or the safe operation of its railroad. City shall construct the public road, and any drainage facilities required because thereof, in such a manner as not to permit damage to Santa Fe's property or adjoining property. In the event of a breach of this convenant at any time, City will, within ten (10) days after receipt of a written notice from Santa Fe thereof, do whatever may be necessary to fulfull its obligations under this section and, failing so to do within said time, Santa Fe may do so at City' s expense, bill for which City will promptly pay. 6. That it will do not work on Santa Fe's property without first contacting Santa Fe's Regional Manager-Maintenance at Euless, Texas, and securing his approval to proceed with the work. 7. That no legal right of Santa Fe to maintain, use and relocate the railroad track or tracks or other railroad facilities now located upon the licensed premises, or to construct and thereafter maintain, use and relocate any additional track or tracks or other railroad facilities as it may desire upon or across said licensed premises shall be in anywise affected by the giving of this license. 8. That if, at any time during the term hereof, Santa Fe shall desire to make any use of the licensed property with which the public road and drainage facilities will in any way interfere, including the relocation of existing or the construction of new tracks, pole lines, wires, conduits, etc. , in which it shall have an interest, City shall at no expense to Santa Fe, make such changes in the public road and drainage facilities as in the judgment of the Santa Fe may be necessary to avoid interference with the proposed use of its property. 9. That it will bear and pay the entire cost of constructing and maintaining the public road, including any drainage facilities required because thereof, upon the licensed premises except that portion to be maintained by Santa Fe as covered under Section 5 of Article I. 10. That if it shall become necessary in the future reconstruction and/or maintenance of said public road and drainage facilities to make any changes or alterations in Santa Fe's right of way fences, signal, power and/or commuinication pole and wire lines, and/or other facilities located upon the licensed premises, such changes or alterations, if agreeable to Santa Fe, will be made by Santa Fe at City's expense, bill for the cost of which City will promptly pay. 11. To make any and all arrangements that may be necessary to secure the location or relocation of wire lines, pipe lines and other facilities owned by private persons, companies, corporations, political subdivisions or public utilities other than Santa Fe which it may be found necessary to locate or relocate in any manner whatsoever due to the construction of said public road. 12 . To appoint and keep competent inspectors, engineers or other authorized parties on the work to be done by City during the progress of such work, and to give Santa Fe reasonable advance notice of the performance by City, or any contractor employed by City to construct said public road, of any work upon, along over or across the right of way and tracks of Santa Fe which might render unsafe the operation of trains on the tracks of Santa Fe. 13 . That the contract or contracts to be let by City for the construction of the work to be undertaken by it hereunder shall provide: A. Standard Manufacture's and Contractor's Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall furnish evidence to Santa Fe that, with respect to the operations he performs, he carries regular Contractor's Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1, 000, 000. 00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to/or death of one or more persons in any one occurrence, and Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500, 000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property in any one occurrence and subject to that limit per occurrence, a total (or aggregate) limit of one Million Dollars ($1, 000, 000. 00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property during the policy period. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. B. Contractor ' s Protective Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall furnish evidence to Santa Fe that, with respect to the operations performed for him by subcontractors, he carries, in his own behalf, regular Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1, 000, 000. 00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to/or death of one or more persons in any one occurrence, and Protective Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500, 000. 00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property in any one occurrence and subject to that limit per occurrence, a total (or aggregate) limit of One Million Dollars ($1, 000, 000. 00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property during the policy period. C. Railroad's Protective Liability and Property Damage and Physical Damage to Property Insurance. In addition to the above, the Contractor shall furnish an original policy to Santa Fe, with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform, provides the Standard Railroad Protective Liability Policy, with coverage as outlined in General Casualty Bulletins No. 258, dated July 9, 1958; No. 345, dated February 19, 1965; and No. 365, dated August 4, 1967, issued by the State Board of Insurance of Texas, providing for Bodily Injury, Death and Property Damage limited to a combined amount of Two Million Dollars ($2, 000, 000) per occurrence, and subject to a total (or aggregate) limit of six million dollars ($6, 000, 000) . D. General. The insurance, as specified in Paragraphs A and B above, shall be carried until all work required to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily completed as evidence by the formal acceptance by Santa Fe. The insurance, as specified in Paragraph C above, shall be carried until all work to be performed on the Company's righ-of-way has been completed. 14 . That if it is determined necessary by Santa Fe during the construction or maintenance of said public road to provide flagmen and inspectors to insure the safety of railroad operations, the cost of providing such flagmen and inspectors will be borne by City. 15. That it will release and vacate the licensed premises occupied by the public road, remove the public road from the licensed premises and otherwise fully restore the premises to the condition in which they existed prior to the beginning of the work herein covered, immediately after the need for such public road ceased to exist. 16. City shall and will, and does hereby agree, insofar as permitted by law, to assume and discharge, and indemnify and save harmless, the Santa Fe and the successors and assigns thereof, from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, cost, expense, claims, judgments, or attorneys' fees for or on account of personal injuries to or death of persons or damage to or loss or destruction of property, directly or indirectly caused by, due to, arising out of, or in connnection with, the maintenance operation, use, removal or existence of that portion of the public road herin described, except in any instances of such events which arise out of the sole negligence of Santa Fe. . 17 . City agrees that if crossing illumination is installed it would be at no cost to the Santa Fe. 18. City will furnish, install, and thereafter maintain pavement markings, advance warning signs, and traffic control signs in accordance with applicable portions of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and will provide traffic control during construction or maintenance operations to accommodate work by Santa Fe. 19. City will maintain the top of the pavement of Spring Creek Parkway to conform with the top of the rail elevation of Santa Fe's track for a mimimum distance of ten (10) feet on eith side of the conterline of Santa Fe's track. 20. That this license is made subject to all valid, existing and future contracts, agreements, licenses and easements which may affect said licensed property, covering roads, public and private; pole lines and appurtenances; water lines, or other facilities. 21. That all of the covenants hereof shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of Santa Fe, to the same extent as to Santa Fe. 22. City does not warrant nor represent hereunder that it will levy any special tax nor assessments to pay any claims or judgments referred to in Paragraph 16 of this Article II hereinabove, which may arise as a direct result of the maintenance operation, use, removal of the public road herein described. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement, in duplicate, of the day and year first above written. THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY BY: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: Mayor ATTEST: Assistant Secretary for Railway Company ATTEST: Secretary for City 29MGS A.M. FILE NO. aSo/f7o3 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND G./T.)/ Of wyLiE- TOPEKA, KANSAS SCALE 1 IN. TO ¢O FT. f-ei9"./G' .3-C9 Sours�E.G.✓ REGION .0E Li9 ..47.404v'9 .--At.G/.2../� SUBDIV. / . sv,.e�E", .�- GYY DATE: fELr,e!/.stG,' -la) /9 9-2 , r7.9,40 7¢.9 —.9..e. ../o. 7 '' .e/-✓ 1 -\ \ * v. `� .e, ✓E ✓, � " I) . .....e.z......, _.,......._ _ _ _/-7-.0. ,e,a„,..,f 1 ... /-x- 7 7 7-_3.5153_ \ *SiNe:W:'s ::Ei:.77\ \ revc.0 - - - \ ° : • O 'z« O Me AMP t -1/4-+ To Z l �� L/I�L z.9C.s�.9 .Tc7 c LJ >o 1fi9.c�E,e. 1. ) OESC'_,C'/,,,Tii:7.✓ f/.eST .pis i9SE Of s�.G.v✓G C,CEE,C ...0,9-G,C •/.9., �.o.7O G.BOSS/.✓G ss-e7v✓.✓ _325'i9OE� .vA,e I VYZ/E•' c-a z/ V coe/V.7 ' fA',95 A.M. DRAWING NO. 1 - 0/77¢ FILE NO. City of Wylie AGENDA COMMUNICATION SUBMITTED BY: ENGINEERING DIRECTOR: PAUL BEAVER DATE REFERENCE NO. SUBJECT 4/7/92 Spring Creek Parkway Extension SUMMARY OF SUBJECT: This is the City agreed share ($10,000) for the proposed Spring Creek Parkway extension. ALTERNATIVES: N/A ACTION REQUESTED: Issue a check payable to Collin County REVENUE SOURCES: EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS: BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR(s): ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: $ 10,000 PERSONNEL ❑ OVER/UNDER PROJECTIONS BY: OPERATIONS ❑ ONE-TIME ❑ $ CAPITAL ❑ RECURRING ❑ OTHER COMMENTS: USER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X BACKGROUND MEMO MINUTES LETTER C.I.P. X ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION OTHER BUDGET WYLIE CODE OTHER MAP, PLAN, SKETCH BID TAB/SPECS OTHER MINUTES LEGAL REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC. CITY SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE X DIR. OF PLANNING/ENG. LIBRARY DIRECTOR POLICE CHIEF CITY ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS SUPR. FIRE CHIEF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BUILDING OFFICIAL WORKS APPROVED FOR SUBM SION TO CITY COUNCIL C ANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Norwood, City Manager , FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering 1 4 DATE: April 2, 1992 SUBJECT: Spring Creek Parkway Extension Attached is a letter from Collin County requesting the City transmit their $10, 0O0 share of the Spring Creek Parkway extension. Please place this item on the next Council Agenda. • Coat Order No.Ck `r 15- - THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF WYLIE & COLLIN COUNTY Spring Creek Parkway Extension From the AT&SF Railroad to the St . Louis SW Railroad Texas National Guard Armory WHEREAS, the County of Collin, Texas, hereinafter called "County" , and the City of Wylie, hereinafter called "City" , want to enter into an agreement for the construction of the extension of Spring Creek Parkway, City of Wylie, from and including the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Crossing north for a total project distance of 700 feet , hereinafter called the "Project" - see attached location map: and WHEREAS , Commissioners Court, at the request of the City of Wylie, agreed to allocate $150,000 for the construc- tion of a railroad crossing for the proposed Texas National Guard Armory: and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Article 4413 ( 32c) Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes provides authoriza- tion for any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act . NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by County and City upon and for the mutual consideration stated herein: 1 WITNESSET H: Article I The County hereby agrees to provide project management and contract administration for the design and construction of the project . Article II County hereby agrees to provide for the services described above in Article I as follows : 1 . Complete the plans and specifications and advertise for construction bids . 2 . Award the construction contract to the lowest qualified bidder. The City shall review the bids and approve award of the contract. 3 . Provide construction contract administration. 4 . Provide construction inspection jointly with the City. 5 . Provide for geotechnical services required for • construction inspection. 2 i ARTICLE III City hereby agrees to acquire all the right-of-way and easements pecessary fnr the construction of the project . City agrees that the project shall be advertised for bids only after the right-of-way easements have been acquired . ARTICLE IV County hereby agrees to provide $150 ,000 for the construction of one railroad crossing. ARTICLE V City hereby agrees to provide and bear all project costs in excess of $150,000 including but not limited to construction, engineering, surveying, geotechnical inspec- tion and materials testing, and construction change orders . City hereby agrees to forward to the County all funds to cover costs exceeding $150,000 fourteen ( 14) days prior to construction bid award. ARTICLE VI County hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the City from any claims, demands , costs , or judgments against the City arising out of any negligent act or omission of the County or its agents or contractor(s) in the performance of work and services under this Agreement . 3 Executed this 8th day of October _, 19 91 by the County of Collin, pursuant to Commissioners Court Order No . 91-745-09-17 and by City of Wylie pursuant to City Council Resolution COUNTYCOLLN, TEXAS ;7 ' 1 Ron Harris �.; - County Judge CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS / 1,/ Bt,Lt 1 ner City-Manager //.�%-e / v i • 4 ' . COURT ORDER NO. 90- 090-01-29 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ROADS: RAILROADS RAILROAD CROSSING ) TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY COUNTY OF COLLIN ) PUBLIC WORKS On January 29 , 1990, the Commissioners ' Court of Collin County, Texas , met in special session with the following members present and partici- pating, to wit : William J. Roberts County Judge, Presiding i';: Howard Thornton Commissioner, Precinct 1 .1 Jerry Hoagland Commissioner, Precinct 2 John Witherspoon Commissioner, Precinct 3 Jack Hatchell Commissioner, Precinct 4 1 During such session, the court considered a request from the City of Wylie to allocate $150 , 000 of 1983 bond funds for construction of a • railroad crossing on the grounds of the proposed Texas National Guard Armory Facility in Wylie . Thereupon, a motion was made, seconded and carried with a majority vote of the court to authorize reallocation of $150,000 from underruns , . • of 1983 bond projects to allow for the construction noted above, and same is hereby approved in accordance with the documentation attached ` hereto. i Ordered and dated this the ' day of January, 1990 . • `!- S.� 1.. WilIAA^ jam J. Roberts, County Judge Collin County, TEXAS ATTEST: • 4.4k72 ,&,izgo., 6;// ._. , ci,-, Helen Starnes, Ex-0 ticio Clerk .�t.„,,,,,,,�,,,„,,. Commissioners ourt `..ezo: Cri�:.�1_• .,�.•. Collin County, E X A S =� .`? RESOLUTION NO. ya' -/J/O--1/4..? RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE LOCATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY IN WYLIE BY AGREEING TO FUND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SPRINGCREEK PARKWAY RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AND THE EXTENSION OF UTILITIES: WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the location of the National Guard Armory within the City will be a great asset for the citizens of Wylie; and, WHEREAS, The City Council wishes to secure the donation of ten (10) acres of land from Centennial Homes, Inc. for the new site of the National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the railroad grade crossings, one of which belongs to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway line and the other belonging to the St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company, is necessary to provide access to the proposed site of the National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the water and sanitary sewer mains must be extended across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway right-of-way in order to service the proposed National Guard Armory Facility; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE • CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 : RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING A grade crossing agreement will be secured from the St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company for the Springcreek Parkway extension. The City will fund up to $140,000 of the cost of the said railroad grade crossing at the time the agreement is secured. SECTION 2: UTILITY LINES EXTENSION The water and sanitary sewer mains will be extended across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company right-of-way in order to serve the proposed National Guard Armory facility. The City will fund up to $10,000 of the cost of the said utility lines extension. SECTION 3: CONTINGENCY CLAUSE The St. Louis, Southwestern Railway Company grade crossing for Springcreek Parkway Extension will be funded by the City of Wylie, and the City of Wylie will also fund up to $10,000 for cost of utility line extension contingent upon the National Guard Armory erecting their facility on the ten (10) acres being donated to the City of Wylie from Centennial Homes, Inc. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY C NCIL 0 THE CITY OF • WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 13TH DAY FEBRU , 1990. `\ y`/ � Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: p ��l SEAL Ar Caroly on -, CI cretar4 % (�i. .A as. MEMORANDUM TO: Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM: Paul D. Beaver, Director of Planning & Engineering ?CS DATE: April 2, 1992 SUBJECT: Spring Creek Parkway Extension Attached is a letter from Collin County requesting the City transmit their $10, 000 share of the Spring Creek Parkway extension. Please place this item on the next Council Agenda. j • COUNTY Department of Public Works March 30, 1992 Mr. Paul Beaver, Engineer City of Wylie P . O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75023 Subject: Bid Award - Spring Creek Parkway Extension - Wylie, Texas Dear Paul : Collin County received nine bids for the construction of the above subject project. Attached is Exhibit "A" showing the totals of the nine bids received. We will recommend to Commissioners ' Court on April 13, 1992, to award the construction contract in the amount of $153,751 . 70 to Camino Construction Company. Provided the contracts are signed in a timely manner, construction could begin by late April or early May, with completion around July. Please consider this letter Collin County' s request to the City of Wylie to transmit $10,000 payable to Collin County for the construction of the Spring Creek Parkway Extension. Call me if you have any questions . cerely, R EN DELGADO, P. . Assistant Director of Public Works-Engineering xc : Clarence Daugherty Bill Beatty Nick Serris McKinney. Texas 75069 • (214)548-4619 • 231-7170 ext. 4619 (Metro) s\ ;PREADSHEET FOR BIDS SUBMITTED: Opened - March 5, 1992 2:00 p.m. !ERIFIED YES NO BID NO. 92-01-025 CONSTRUCTION: SPRING CREEK PARKWAY BIDDER BALLARD GIBSON & CAMINO CONSULT. ED BELL XIT JESKE ASSOC. C. D. JRJ CONST. & CONT. CONST. PAVING CONST. INC. OF REBCON PUGSLEY PAVING INC. OF INC. OF CO. OF CONST. OF CO. OF BALCH INC. OF INC. OF INC. OF ITEM DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS GARLAND DALLAS SPRINGS DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS BID BOND RECEIVED YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM #1 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SEPARATED CONTRACT: 1. LABOR 90,887.90 104,082.17 97,436.31 64,795.10 65,855.00 65,320.00 87,546.20 55,679.00 48,125.00 2. MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED (TAX EXEMPT) 62,863.80 52,047.00 55,349.00 90,067.67 86,452.00 47,229.00 100,000.00 111,086.00 107,175.00 3. MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED (TAX INCLUDED) 0.00 4,000.00 8,167.00 7,125.00 18,237.90 68,442.55 7,000.00 31,268.00 42,748.95 TOTAL BID PRICE 153,751.70 160,129.17 160,952.31 161,987.74 170,544.90 180,991.55 194,546.20 198,033.00 198,048.95 . CALENDAR DAYS TO COMPLETE THE JOB 80 DAYS 80 DAYS 120 DAYS 90 DAYS 90 DAYS 90 DAYS 115 DAYS 150 DAYS 120 DAYS COLLIN COUNTY Department of Public Works March 30, 1992 Mr. Bill Beatty, Executive Director Texas National Guard Armory Board Building 64 - Camp Mabry P. O. Box 5426 Austin, Texas 78763 Subject: Bid Award - Spring Creek Parkway Extension - Wylie, Texas Dear Bill : Collin County received nine bids for the construction of the above subject project. Attached is Exhibit "A" showing the totals of the nine bids received. We will recommend to Commissioners ' Court on April 13, 1992, to award the construction contract in the amount of $153, 751 .70 to Camino Construction Company. Provided the contracts are signed in a timely manner, construction could begin by late April or early May, with completion around July. • • Please consider this letter Collin County' s request to the Texas National Guard Armory to transmit $50,000 payable to Collin County for the construction of the Spring Creek Parkway Extension. Call me if you have any questions . in ely, R N DELGADO, P.E Assistant Director of Public Works-Engineering xc : Clarence Daugherty Paul Beaver Nick Serris McKinney. Texas 75069 • (214)548-4619 • 231-7170 ext. 4619 (Metro) • 1Th COLLIN COUNTY 11. Department of Public Works March 30, 1992 Mr. Nick Serris 0 Centennial Homes, Inc. 5720 LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75240 Subject: Bid Award - Spring Creek Parkway Extension - Wylie, Texas Dear Nick: Collin County received nine bids for the construction of the above subject project. Attached is Exhibit "A" showing the totals of the nine bids received. We will recommend to Commissioners ' Court on April 13, 1992, to award the construction contract in the amount of $153,751 .70 to Camino Construction Company. Provided the contracts are signed in a timely manner, construction could begin by late April, or early May, with completion around July. Please consider this letter Collin County' s request to Centennial Homes , Inc. , to transmit $50, 305 payable to Collin County for the construction of the Spring Creek Parkway Extension. Call me if you have any questions . Sincerely, R EN DELGADO, P.E • Assistant Director of Public Works-Engineering xc: Clarence Daugherty Bill Beatty Paul Beaver McKinney. Texas 75069 • (214)548.4619 • 231-7170 ext. 4619 (Metro)