10-09-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 10-05-90 TIME POSTED 4:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - REV. MIKE BRANDISH PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 16 Consider approval of the minutes of City Council meetings of August 20th, 27th and 28th, 1990 2 17 Consider approval of and presentation of Proclamation for Mental Illness Awareness Week, October 7 through October 13, 1990. 3 18 Discuss and consider Second Board Member appointment to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors 4 19 - 21 Discuss and Consider Three (3) appointments to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board 5 22 Discuss and consider filling of a vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Board 6 23 Discuss and consider appointment of an Alternate Municipal Court Judge for the Wylie Municipal Court System PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READINGS OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 7 24 - 25 Discuss and consider the adoption of a Resolution Urging Collin County Board of Commissioners to start the Competitive bidding process for Brown Street and McCreary Road Improvements 8 26 - 30 Conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of Re-Zoning property located in the 2300 Block of North Highway 78 from Retail "R" to Business - 1 "B-1" Specific Use for Open Storage and Fenced (located across from Municipal Complex) 9 31 - 32 Consider approval of an Ordinance Re- Zoning property located in the 2300 Block of North Highway 78 - from Retail "R" to Business - 1 "B-1" Specific Use for open Storage and Fenced (located across from Municipal Complex) ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READINGS OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (CONT.) 10 33 - 37 Discuss and consider the adoption of an ordinance formally Recognizing the Wylie Fire Department as a Department of City Government subject to City Charter and State Law and Policies, Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Legislative and Executive Branch of City Government 11 38 - 48 Discuss and consider approval of an Ordinance adjusting Water, Sewer and Sanitation Utility Rates as approved by the City council in the FY 90/91 City Budget APPROVAL OF PURCHASES/PAYMENTS 12 49 - 51 Discuss and consider payment of $1,080.00 to Hunter and Associates for engineering oversight on the Muddy Creek Sewer System Project 13 52 - 56 Discuss and consider payment of Claim to Shipley and Inhofe in the amount of $5,890.47 for Legal Costs on Landfill Closure action 14 57 Discuss and Consider after competitive bidding, acceptance of Insurance Bid for City owned and operated Equipment for one (1) year NEW BUSINESS 15 58 - 59 Discuss and consider a letter to Texas Department of Transportation requesting assistance on a Potential Traffic Safety Problem on State Highway 78 16 60 Discuss and consider acceptance of Final Plans and "as built" drawings for Phase 1, Martinez Addition (Eckerd's Drug Store) and approve a 10% Maintenance Bond 17 61 - 62 Discuss and consider Goals and objectives for the Creation of two (2) New Departments of City Government, Fire Department and Parks and Recreation Department UNFINISHED BUSINESS 18 63 - 65 Discuss and consider approving New and Revised Agreement between Wylie Sports Association and the City of Wylie pertaining to the City's Park and Recreation Facilities for a period of Six (6) months 19 66 - 71 Discuss and Consider recommendation from Wylie Veterans of Foreign Wars on Naming of Future City Streets ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT.) 20 72 - 74 Discuss and consider use of remaining 1990 Street Program Budgeted Funds and Determine Street Improvements from Street inventory list and survey as recommended by City Manager 21 75 - 77 Discuss and consider acceptance of Plans and Specifications for Newport Harbor Force Main and Gravity Flow Sewer Line and authorize competitive bidding for the purpose of construction 22 78 - 82 Discuss and consider approving Newport Harbor Sewer Project Engineering proposal with Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea 23 83 - 88 Discuss and consider appointment of Construction Code Board 24 89 - 90 Discuss and consider Building Code as it applies to Wood Trusses CITIZEN DISCUSSION 25 In accordance with the Open Meeting Act, The City Council will hear comments of public interest, but any discussion shall be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for further consideration. Persons wishing to speak before Council should adhere to the following procedure: Limit remarks to a maximum of five (5) minutes per subject. 26 Adjourn CALLED CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES AUGUST 20 , 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Monday, August 20 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Council Members Percy Simmons , Chuck Wible, William Martin, and Pat Stemple, City Manager Bill Dashner , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Engineer Paul Beavers , Carl Riehn and Dolan McKnight from North Texas Municipal Water District and the City' s representative on the NTMWD Board , Rita Smith. Councilman Wright was absent . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone . The items discussed at this meeting were are follows : Sewer plant operations and future planning for Federal compliance Regional wastewater planning Water production and future water costs Sewer system pre-treatment program and Federal compliance Regional solid waste planning Technical assistance contracts related to water , sewer , and other engineering areas . There was discussion of the areas that NTMWD could assist the City with engineering and programs such as the Industrial Waste Program. The meeting was adjourned after discussion of the above listed items , with no decisions . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 27 , 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Monday, August 27 , 1990 in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Council Members Percy Simmons , Chuck Wible, William Martin, Pat Stemple and Steve Wright, City Manager Bill Dashner, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Finance Director James Johnson, and Engineer Paul Beavers . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. CHANGE ORDER #1 ON SUMMER STREET PROGRAM CONTRACT: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that this change order is to add an asphalt overlay from Park Street to Stone Street on Hilltop Lane. When the report was first completed , staff • would recommend this be done , since then there are more developments and you should know of these. There has been several problems and we are now going to do some core testing to see if there is a 12" inch base on all the streets we have done . Staff recommends to table until the core testing is completed and the first portion of Hilltop is complete , between Park and Butler Streets. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to table this time. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . UNFUNDED LIABILITY OF ACCUMULATED COMPENSATORY TIME OF CITY EMPLOYEES: City Manager Bill Dashner gave a report on the accumulated comp time and stated the Personnel Policy on page 8 states that Department Heads can receive Comp Time up to 400 hours . Staff has changed this from 400 to 200 hours in the revised Personnel Policies . City Manager Bill Dashner stated that in the packet for tonight' s meeting is a memo that gives the Council several options , and that he believed the Department of Labor would up hold the Council not paying for comp time , but if it went to Civil Court , the city might have to pay. A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to direct the City manager to negotiate fair and equitable financial settlements and clear the record of all comp time and immediately implement a policy eliminating comp time completely for all management personnel . Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows: Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVE AMENDED PERSONNEL REGULATIONS: Under Section 4-5D it was corrected to reflect department heads will not be allowed compensatory time nor will not be paid for overtime , also , Section 4-5E was deleted , this section stated that hourly employees accumulate comp time. Under Section 5-3 holidays, three personal days was changed to one personal day after the completion of one year of continuous service and only with prior approval of department head . Every place the words "comp time" were used , have been deleted from the policy. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the amended Personnel Regulations with the above corrections . Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin -in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . There being no other matters of business , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary j CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 28 , 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 28 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Council Members Percy Simmons , Chuck Wible, Pat Stemple, and William Martin, City Manager Bill Dashner, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , and Finance Director James Johnson. Councilman Steve Wright arrived late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 21ST1 23RD1 24TH AND 30TH COUNCIL MEETINGS: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes , a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the minutes of July 21st , 23rd, 24th and 30th council meetings as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION TO VOLUNTEERS: Mayor Akin presented certificates of appreciation to the following : Sammy Potts, Sam Well Franco, Jim Ferrell , Curtis George, Jennifer Cain, Linsey Cain, and Ricky Cartwright . These certificates were presented for work done in and for the Park in some way. APPROVAL OF A PROCLAMATION FOR SEPTEMBER 17 AS CITIZENSHIP DAY AND THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 17 - 23 AS CONSTITUTION WEEK: Mayor Akin read the proclamation into the record as follows: WHEREAS, We the People did ordain and establish a Constitution for the United States of America to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity; and WHEREAS, it is important that all citizens fully understand the provisions, principles and meaning of the Constitution so they can support , preserve and defend it against encroachment; and WHEREAS, the Bicentennial of the Constitution provides an historic opportunity for all Americans to learn about and to reflect upon the rights and privileges of citizenship and its responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the Present and the Congress of the United States have designated September 17 as CITIZENSHIP DAY and the week of September 17 - 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK; , and WHEREAS, the people of the City of Wylie do enjoy the blessings of liberty, the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, equal protection of the law and under the Constitution, and the freedoms derived from it; NOW, THEREFORE, I , JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, in cooperation with the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, do hereby proclaim September 17 as CITIZENSHIP DAY , and the week of September 17 - 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK, and invite every citizen and institution to join in the national commemoration. APPOINTMENT OF A CITY COUNCIL MEMBER TO MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER PLANT STEERING COMMITTEE: A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to appoint Councilman Percy Simmons to the Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater Plant Steering Committee. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - abstained . This motion carried with five in favor and one abstention. APPOINTMENT OF AN ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: A motion was made by Councilman Martin to appoint Mr . Gilbert Welch as Alternate member to the Economic Development Board of Directors . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPOINTMENT OF ADVISORY MEMBER TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGARDING IMPACT FEES: A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to appoint Mr . John Tobin as Advisory member to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee regarding Impact Fees . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda consisted of the following items : a . approval of payment request from Lane & Associates in the amount of $3,100 .00 for appraisal fees; b. approval of final payment request from Freeman Millican , Inc . in the amount of $4080 . 30 for Impact Fees; c . approval of payment requests from Southern Mechanical Plumbing in the amount of $14 ,850 .00 and Paco Pumps on the amount of $8 ,325.00 for a total of $23 ,175 .00 for repairs to Rush Creek Lift Station . . On Item a, council approved having easements made after appraisals were done , the location of the lines have been moved and these appraisals were not necessary. Mr . Johnson stated that the land owners requested the appraisals in order to have the lines extended . Item c, this is a cost over run without council approval . Council authorized under emergency conditions to approve for repairs at this lift station, however , I do not believe Council gave a blank check, but a field decision was made to go ahead and make repairs without notifying management . A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the consent agenda . Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CITY OF WYLIE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 BUDGET: City Manager Bill Dashner gave over view of the 1990-91 budget for the City. Impacting this budget year is debt service which totals $1 ,300 ,000 of the General Fund budget and a total of $1 ,385 ,000 . NTMWD contract (water purchases and sewer plant operations) and debt service in the amount of $605 ,750 .00 in the Utility Fund. The 1990- 19 budget totals $5 ,930 ,000 , this includes general fund, utility fund, sanitation operating fund and Impact Fund. This budget includes seven new personnel , one in the City Secretary' s department, 4 in Street Department, one Professional Fire Chief and one Professional Parks and Recreation Director . This budget also includes a 3% across the board pay increase for all full time employees , plus three new police cars . There is one thing that needs to be addressed and that is the unfunded liability to the city. It will take a large amount to take care of this, I have discussed this with the city attorney today. The only funding source right now is the City Council Reserve. There being no other comments or questions , Mayor Akin closed the public hearing . ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCE ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1990 : City Manager Bill Dashner stated that there will be another public hearing on September 11 , 1990 at 7 :00 P .M. and then the Council can take action on adopting the budget . ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MAXIMUM LAWFUL PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR ON VARIOUS STREETS WITHIN THE CITY DURING CERTAIN HOURS ON SCHOOL DAYS; ESTABLISHING A MAXIMUM LAWFUL PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) MILES PER HOUR ON STATE HIGHWAY 78 FROM THE POINT OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH JACKSON STREET TO A POINT FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE FEET SOUTH OF THE POINT OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH BIRMINGHAM DURING CERTAIN HOURS ON SCHOOL DAYS, PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES NO. 87-60, 89-9 SECTION 1 , 88-2 SECTION 1 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PENALTY OF FINE: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that this ordinance has been drawn up by the City Attorney at the request of the Council having had the traffic study done . A motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the above school zone ordinance. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF WYLIE HISTORIC LANDMARK PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that this ordinance is setting up and recognizing the Historic Landmark Preservation Association and will allow the organization to make application for Wylie to become a Texas Main Street City. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the ordinance establishing the City of Wylie Historic Landmark Preservation Association. Seconded by Councilman Simmons . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AND APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ROCKWALL: City Manager Bill Dashner said we believe the City can save money when we go in with other cities on bids . A motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to approve the Interlocal Government Purchasing Agreement with the City of Rockwall . Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF EXPRESSION OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE WITH NTMWD ON INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that the Council should consider informing NTMWD that the City of Wylie is interested in participating in the Industrial Pretreatment Program now being formulated by NTMWD. A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to instruct the City Manager to inform NTMWD that the City of Wylie is interested in the Industrial Pretreatment Program. Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF NEW MONTHLY CITY NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION: City Manager Bill Dashner stated that staff has been trying to find the time and skills on putting together a newsletter , since we have lost some of our personnel . I talked with Truett Smith about this and he has agreed to give us a full page in the news paper and will put all the articles together for us at no charge. A motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve the new monthly City Newsletter publication by Truett Smith at no cost. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER ELIMINATING ALL ALLEY GARBAGE PICKUP - RESIDENTIAL ONLY: City Manager Bill Dashner stated the reason for requesting this has come about because the alleys are being torn up by the garbage trucks . The following addressed the council expressing their feelings about not wanting garbage pickup in the front of their homes : Bobby Jennings - 501 Gaston Dr . North Ortie Messenger - 504 Rustic Place Rick Eckman - 427 Gaston Dr . North Charles Murry - 505 Gaston Dr . North Steve Ahern - 409 Gaston Dr . North Cheryl Edwards - 613 Andersonville The City Manager Bill Dashner stated the escalating cost of solid waste , the only way to control this is speeding up the pick up of garbage. Curb side pick up is faster and less expensive . Half of our City is on curb side pickup and the other half is alley pick up. We need to standardize the system. A motion was made by Councilman Simmons to deny the the request to eliminate all alley garbage pickup - Residential only. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - against , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - against , Councilman Wible - against , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - against , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion failed with four against and two in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited those wishing to address the Council to come forward and state their name and address for the record and to keep their comments to within five minutes . Steve Ahern - 409 Gaston Dr . North --spoke to the Council about not being put on a board when he requested to be on one of the City' s boards and also about the trash pickup in the alley ways . Bryan Glenn , Chairman of Park and Recreation Board , addressed the Council regarding the Park Boards concern on not being able to get grass to grown over the soccer fields and is this in the budget . John Spillyards, Chairman of the Historical Commission, thanked the Council for passing the Ordinance for the Landmark Preservation Assoc. David Orr , Wylie Sports Assn. - wanted to know where the WSA stood with the City on the agreement between WSA and the City. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Wright voiced concern over the condition of the Rush Creek Lift Station and wanted an update at the next meeting . Councilwoman Stemple stated that Council agreed some time ago that a person would only set on one board. Mr . Peddicord serves on two boards , Planning and Zoning and the Economic Development Board of Directors , and I feel this could be a conflict when Economic Development Board comes before Planning and Zoning . Mayor Akin stated that there is another con-artist in our City and he would like for the news media to run a short story to alert the citizens . Also in the 400 block of Fourth Street , there are high weeds . Another item is the • Ambulance Committee ready for Council or where is it . Mayor Akin also wanted to know when the dinner was to honor our past council members and board members . Councilman Wright requested that there be an item for council action regarding the question about board members . There being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 1 , 1990 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7:00 p.m . on Monday , October 1 , 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Those present were Chairman Bart Peddicord , Richard Eckman , Bobby Jennings , Cleo Adams , and Robert Flint . Staff members present were Director of Community Development and Planning Ed Richie and Secretary Sandy Stevens . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 17 , 1990 MEETING . Richard Eckman stated that the word " is" should be omitted from the first sentence of the third paragraph on the third page so the sentence reads , Mr . Robert Flint said it doesn 't matter how much money was spent , it should not be a driving force in determining a zoning . Cleo Adams made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected , Bobby Jennings • seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM "R" , RETAIL , TO "B-2" , BUSINESS-2 , AT 2300 HWY , 78 N , BLK 2 TRACT 1900 OF F , DE LA PINA SURVEY AS REQUESTED BY L . KINZER . Present to speak in favor of the zone change were Mr . Lowry Kinzer ( owner of the property ) of 1638 Crooked Creek , Carrollton and Mr . Mark Hicks ( proposed leasor ) . No one was present to speak against the item . Chairman Peddicord closed the Public Hearing . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM "R" , RETAIL , TO "B-2" , BUSINESS-2 , AT 2300 HWY . 78 _N , BLK 2 TRACT 1900 OFF F . DE LA PINA SURVEY AS REQUESTED BY L . KINZER . Mr . Richie stated that staff recommends B-1 with Specific Use zoning rather than B-2 . Bobby Jennings made a motion to recommend to City Council to approve a zone change from Retail to Business-1 with Specific Use Permit for open storage and fence . Robert Flint seconded the motion . Motion • carried with all in favor . CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM "A" , AGRICULTURAL TO "PD",, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT , OF PART OF 30 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE.__E . 0 C . DAVIDSON SURVEY , ABST . 266 AS RECORDED IN VOL . 671 L RAGE 720 OF THE COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS _.AS REQUESTED BY MARK KERSTE IN , Present to speak in favor of the zone change were Mr . Mark Kerstein ( representing Investor 's Network ) of 971 Red Cedar Way , Coppell , Dwight Scott ( member of Investor 's Network ) and Don Light of Century 21 Empire Realty , Wylie . Present to speak against the zone change were Cheryl Edwards of 613 Andersonville Lane , Wylie . Chairman Peddicord closed the Public Hearing . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COURVCIL FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM "A" , AGRICULTURAL , TO "PD" , PLANNED DEVELOPMENT.LOF._EART OF A 30 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED_ IN THE E . C . DAVIDSON SURVEY , ABST , 266 AS RECORDED IN VOL . 671 , PAGE 720 OF THE COLLIN COUNTY DEED RECORDS AS REQUESTED BY MARK KERSTEIN , Bobby Jennings made a motion to table the Item until further information could be provided to clarify the issue of the environmental question in the area . Richard Eckman seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT OF OAK RIDGE ADDITION . Due to the previous Item being Tabled , Bobby Jennings made a motion to postpone this Item . Cleo Adams seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . ADJOURN . Bobby Jennings made a motion to adjourn . Richard Eckman seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . Bart Peddicord , Chairman Respectfully submitted , Sandy Stevens , Secretary /49 I I . PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 • The Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Monday, September 10, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. , in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B. J . Upshaw, Board Members Charles Stetler, and John Burns, Director of Finance James Johnson, Parks & Recreation Foreman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members Joanie Zeeb, Karen Cain, and George Fournier were absent. Chairman Bryan Glenn called the meeting to order. PARK FEST 90' STATUS REPORT: There was some discussion of what events should be delayed until Spring, and what events should be followed through with in October. James Johnson, the staff representative of the meeting, informed the board that the chairman could call for a vote, according to Roberts Laws, even though an item was not listed on the Agenda.. Chairman Bryan Glenn then called for a vote to delay the walk until Spring 91' . B. J. Upshaw motioned to delay the walk until Spring 91 ' . Motion seconded by John Burns. ' Motion carried with all in favor. REVIEW, DISCUSS, AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION AND CITY OF WYLIE ANNUAL AGREEMENT, TO BE PRESENTED TO W. S.A. AT A LATER DATE: Bryan Glenn said that the City Manager is concerned over the time frame involved in approving this agreement. He would like approval before October. Bryan Glenn asked the Board Members if they had any objections to the agreement. B.J . Upshaw said that he felt the $3,000. 00 annual contribution should be removed due to the added expense of liability insurance. There was some disagreement among the Board regarding this issue. John Burns made a motion to approve the agreement as written. Motion seconded by Charles Stetler. The vote was as follows: Bryan Glenn - in favor, John Burns - in favor, Charles Stetler - in favor, and B. J. Upshaw - against. Motion failed with three (3) in favor and one ( 1 ) against. • „. . y .mac // { GENERAL DISCUSSION: There was some discussion of missing three consecutive meetings resulting in automatic dismissal from a board. Bryan Glenn said that due to the change in meeting nights, he felt that Karen Cain and Joanie Zeeb would probably not show up at the next meeting and automatically be dismissed, they have already missed two consecutive meetings. Bryan Glenn asked James Johnson if the 90/91 budget had been finalized as of yet, and if so would he please provide the Board with a copy at the next meeting. James Johnson said that it had been finalized and that he would have a copy to them. B.J. Upshaw asked Philip Bounds if there was a problem with the swings by the monkey bars. Philip Bounds said that he had received some of the hardware needed to repair them, but not all of it. Philip Bounds indicated that he may have to fabricate some of the hardware. John Burns asked Philip Bounds what plans he had to border the volleyball pit. Philip Bounds said that he may just landscape the border temporarily for now, and be done with it. ADJOURN: John Burns motioned to adjourn. Motion seconded by Charles Stetler. Motion carried with all in favor. Bryan Glenn, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary r / -,91 PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Monday, September 24, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the. meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B. J . Upshaw, Board Members Joanie Zeeb, John Burns, and Charles Stetler, Director of Planning and Engineering Paul Beaver, Parks Maintenance Forman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. . Board Member Karen Cain, and Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger were absent. Chairman Bryan Glenn called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : A change was made to the 08-22-90 minutes, page 3, paragraph 8, change the last name of Clemm to Clanton, and also on page 4, paragraph 1 . 08-30-90 minutes were changed on page 5, paragraph 8, to read John Burns motioned to continue with the There being no other corrections, the 08-22-90, 08-30-90, and 09-10-90 meeting minutes received a motion for approval , to include changes, from Joanie Zeeb. The motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF PROPER VOTING PROCEDURES : Aryan Glenn went over the literature contained in the packet and stated, this is the State regulations on voting procedures, to avoid what is called an unethical interest. B. J . Upshaw, after reviewing the form to be signed by a member of the board when a conflict of interest is present, stated, this only applies to business interests. W. S. A. is not a business, this doesn' t make sense. • B. J . Upshaw requested additional documentation, further explaining this matter. REVIEW, DISCUSSION, AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE W. S. A. /CITY OF WYLIE ANNUAL AGREEMENT: Bryan Glenn said, I have talked to Bill Dashner about dropping the $3, 000 and including a percentage of the gross profit, and W. S. A. is also in agreement with this. Bryan Glenn recommended the percentage be set at 15%. /3 Bryan Glenn also suggested that the City be responsible for • • concessions, rather than W. S. A. B. J. Upshaw motioned to not do anything on this. Motion was not seconded. After minimal discussion, motion was made by Joanie Zeeb to accept the proposition as amended, as follows: 1 . Completely delete from "WSA agrees to: ---- be . responsible for operating' the concession at the Wylie Commuity Park and require the remittance of all applicable sales taxes ; " 2. Addition to "The CITY OF WYLIE agrees to: ---- be responsible for operating concessions at the Wylie Community ' Park. 3. Change the paragraph regarding the $3, 000 contribution to read, "---- provide a contribution to the City of Wylie of percent of gross annual profit to be paid in quarterly installments of beginning January 1, 1991 and each year thereafter, to be spent as the City Council may direct. All payments must be remitted to the Financial Director by the 10th day of each month preceding the quarterly payment period. Note : The Board agreed to give the City Manager the final decision regarding the percentage amounts. Motion was seconded by John Burns. The vote was as follows : Bryan Glenn. - in favor, A. J . Upshaw - abstained. John Burns - in favor , Charles Stetler - in favor , Joanie Zeeb - in favuv. Motion care ied with four (4 ) in favor, and one ( 1 ) abstained. POSTPONEMENT OF PARK FEST 90' "WALK TO THE PARK" EVENT: John Burns motioned to postpone the walk to the park event • until Spring of 1991. Seconded by Charles Stetler, motion . carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF SUBMITTING A LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF A LOCAL NEWSPAPER EXPLAINING THE CANCELLATION OF PARK FEST 90' : Bryan Glenn read a proposed letter to the Board, and stated that after the city approves the letter it will be submitted to the newspaper for print. . A motion was made to accept the letter. Motion seconded and + ;„;.k;; ,;.;�., carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF KIRBY PARK IMPROVEMENTS: Philip Bounds said, City Manager Bill Dashner requested a list of repairs, improvements, and cost estimates for Kirby Park, which are enclosed in the packet. • Philip Bounds went over the documentation with the Board. After being asked by Bryan Glenn if there were any existing drawn plans for Kirby Park, Philip Bounds said, not that I know of. B. J . Upshaw asked Philip Bounds, if we recommend to City Council to allot the money for this, would the city do the • • repairs or contract it out. Philip Bounds said, I think that the City can do the repairs, but some of the improvements will need to be contracted out. John Burns said he would like to review the 90/91 budget prior to making any decisions or recommending that City ; Council approve repairs to the park. Bryan Glenn said, when we do the repairs, I suggest that we go ahead and install security lights. GENERAL DISCUSSION: B. J . Upshaw said to Philip Bounds, I would like to find out if you made any headway on the power by the pavilion? Philip Bounds said he was waiting to hear from the guy. B. J. Upshaw said, I think we should put a plaque on the new water fountain by the pavilion. Philip Bounds said, I • already had that in mind, I will order one in the next budget year. John Burns said that the Wylie Women' s League had approved to purchase a tree and have it planted for us. They need to know what kind of tree and where we want it planted. Philip Bounds said he would work something up and get back with him. Bryan Glenn said, since Karen Cain is not here, does anybody know where we stand with the golf tournament. B. J. Upshaw said, David Orr said it is in motion. Bryan Glenn asked that City Council be notified of three vacancies on the Board. • .1 • ADJOURN: There being no other business or discussion . Charles Stetler motioned to adjourn. Motion was seconded by John Burns, and carried with all in favor. • Bryan Glenn, Chairman • Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary ... . i Y . . _.. ••' . •. , PROCLAMATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS AWARENESS WEEK 1990 WHEREAS, Mental Illness Awareness Week is October 7 - October 13, 1990, as recognized by the U. S. Congress in S. J. 256; and, WHEREAS, The national Alliance for the Mentally Ill, the American Psychiatric Association, the Texas Alliance for the mentally Ill, and the Alliance for the mentally Ill of Collin County are joining together with the United States Congress in recognizing mental illness Awareness Week; and, WHEREAS, mental illness is a problem of grave concern and consequences in American society, widely but unnecessarily feared and misunderstood; and, WHEREAS, 31 to 41 million Americans annually suffer from clearly diagnosable mental disorders involving significant disability with respect to employment, attendance at school, or independent living; and, WHEREAS, more than 10 million Americans, including 2.6 million Texas, including 20,892 in Collin County, are disabled for long periods of time by schizophrenia, manic depressive disorder, and major depression; and, WHEREAS, 33 percent of the homeless suffer serious, chronic forms of metal illness; and, WHEREAS, our growing population of the elderly is particularly vulnerable to mental illness; and, WHEREAS, mental disorders result in staggering costs to society, estimated to be in excess of $249 billion in direct treatment and support and indirect costs to society, including lost productivity; and, WHEREAS, mental illness is increasingly a treatable disability with excellent prospects for amelioration and recovery when properly recognized; and, WHEREAS, families of mentally ill persons and those persons themselves have begun to join self-help groups seeking to combat the unfair stigma of the diseases, to support greater national investment in research, and to advocate and adequate continuum of care from hospital to community; and, WHEREAS, the most shocking thing about mental illness is how little people understand it; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS hereby recognize october 7 - 13 as NATIONAL MENTAL ILLNESS AWARENESS WEEK as a way to educate the public, encouraging the media to use realistic portrayals rather than negative stereotyping; and replace stigma with community support. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed. John W. Akin, Mayor Attest: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Date: October 9, 1990 MEMORANDUM • DATE: September 28 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage /�L4 . RE: Discuss and Consider Second Board Member Appointment to the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) Board of Directors I have been advised that the City of Wylie due to population increases qualifys for a second board member to the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) . This appointment is considered a partial term appointment effective November 1 , 1990 . This term will be until May 31 , 1991. This information has been provided to me by the Executive Director, Mr. Carl Riehn. All second board member appointments expire in odd number years. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 25, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council • ribla FROM: Bill Dashner , City ManagerIIIII RE: Discuss and Consider Three (3) Apppointments to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board There are currenty three (3) vacancies on the board. They are as follows : 1 . Karen Cain (failure to attend meetings) 2 . Joanie Zeeb 3 . George Fournier Two (2) members officially resigned and one (1) has not attended regular meetings. Therefore, the City Council needs to consider appointing three (3) new members so that this board can properly conduct business . Ho 1 I 26if; II`1 M1 Box 1600 Wylie, Texas 75098 September 15, 1990 Dear City of Wylie, I would like to resign my position on the Park Board. I wish you progress and prosperity in the future and if I can help in any way, please let me know. Sincerely , f Joa ie Zeeb NAME ADDRESS PHONE PLANNING PARK & LIBRARY ZONING BD. NO. & ZONING RECREATION OF ADJUST. **************************************************************************************************** BILL LANMAN 94 GLEN KNOLL 442-5430 X X X X r3-gAGWOOD 442 1688--- X X X X T,Imr 114-PUGLMAN--PL_ S X-- X X X . 442 5i"v--- X X 442 5466,4— X STEVEN W. AHRENS 409 GASTON DR. NORTH 442-2912 X C.)\b RICHARD SCOTT BROWN 308 MEMORIAL DR. 442-9223 X GEORGE F. FOURNIER 53 GARY WAY 442-4320 X JOHN-i. TO IN 4-► '= 442=9229 X . 2 703 X X -RE I 444.—mistI'0'P _ X HELEN REITER 109 N. CARRIAGEHOUSE WAY 442-2928 X FRANK RICOSSA 503 SILVERLEAF CT 442-1506 X X WHITMAN WARD 1401 SHEPPARD 442-7157 X X X X MARK JENNEMAN 508 N. WINDING OAKS 442-5828 X SCOTT VANN 171 CHRISTOPHER CROSSING 442-1866 X KENNETH W. LOVE 509 KAMBER LN. 442-3004 X JAMES D. SWARTZ 506 W. JEFFERSON 442-5583 X X MARK S. EMARD 508 GASTON DR. EAST 442-4014 X X X °IVAIP-#0110 CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY.78 N.-P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 John Akin Mayor MEMORANDUM DATE: September 27 , 1990 Don Hughes Mayor Pro-Tem TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage fil dekte .00,,,.. RE: Discuss and Consider Filling of a Vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Board William Martin City Council This is a seven (7) memeber advisory commission appointed by the City Council . On September 27 , PatSiemple 1990 , Mr. Kent Crane called me advising that he had City Council moved from the City and asking for advice on whether to continue serving on the Planning and Zoning Board or whether to resign. I advised him to resign since he no longer was a legal resident of the City. Steve Wright I advised him of this because of the City Charter , City Council Section 9 , "Members of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be residents of the City" , therefore, the City Council is asked to consider an appointment to fill this unexpired term which expires in July 1992 . Percy Simmons City Council Chuck Wible City Council Bill Dashner City Manager aA MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager RE: Discuss and Consider the Appointment of an Acting Municipal Court Judge for the Wylie Municipal Court System According to the City Charter , Section 3, Municipal Court , the City Council shall appoint a judge of the Municipal Court and the City Council shall also appoint an Acting Judge of the Municipal Court in the absence or disability of the appointed judge. Currently the City has a Judge and an Acting Judge that reside in Dallas . This is a man/wife combination which amounts to nepotism. Apparently the Municipal Judge appointed her husband to preside in her absence. The City Council needs to exercise its authority and appoint an Acting Judge from a list of prospects to be provided by the Municipal Court Clerk. • ot3 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 2 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council .44445 FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage 116 RE: Discuss and Consider the Adoption of a Resolution Urging Collin County Board of Commissioners to Start the Competitive Bidding Process for Brown Street and McCreary Road Improvements The City of Wylie has been informed in writing that the railroad signals on Brown Street and McCreary Road will take approximately eight (8) months. The attached resolution would urge the Collin County Commissioners to take the project out for bid and let a construction contract immediately and construct around the two (2) railroad crossings. This is an effort to get the ' project started without an eight (8) month delay. 24' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE URGING THE COLLIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO SOLICIT COMPETITVE BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MCCREARY ROAD AND BROWN STREET IMPROVEMENTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOR THE PURPOSE OF AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie and County Commissioners of Collin County have worked together for the past several years to bring about significant road improvements to McCreary Road and Brown St; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie respectfully requests that Collin County Board of Commissioners consider soliciting competitve bids as soon as possible for the improvements program for McCreary Road and Brown Street ; WHEREAS, two (2) railroad crossings will be delayed for a period of approximately eight (8) months; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie urges Collin County Commissioners to start the bidding process and not delay this program until the railroad signals have been installed; WHEREAS, the Wylie City Council strongly believes that the project can be bid and construction begin prior to the installation of the railroad sign. DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary a�' MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage RE: Conduct a Public Hearing or the Purpose of Rezoning Property Located in the 2300 Block of North Highway 78 From Retail "R" to Business-1 "B-1" Specific Use for Open Storage and Fenced Planning and Zoning met in regular session on October 1, 1990 and voted 5 in favor and none against to recommend to the City Council rezoning property located in the 2300 block of North Highway 78 from Retail to B-1 Specific Use for open storage and tenced. The Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval with the stipulation that the front fence be a sight barring fence such as wood and set back at least 25 feet from the property line. bd/ac Attachment: Site Location Map 0.?6 APPLICATION TO i Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 1111 Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 Planning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 NAME R C RBI t/iIr► tN Z • f=� ADDRESS /' 3 v CAoo/1L-"l c En-gi C/-laoccio-Y, /jr , LOT BLOCK %'Sra o 7 SUBDIVISION �i��S� o ° Z �L-OO' �? k• TRA4 T /y'aa • �"- VELA Pi444 SGrvEY 23Ov 4"Y ?8, 444YIi6 76,0-5 BASIS OF APPLICATION: • Interpretation Special exception for use or development Li Variance Rezoning Exception to Building Code • EXPLA; TION: () 6 ked •et/2 4, it, INO SIGNITURE of APPLICANar DATE -- • • Must be accompanied by filing fee of $ ,. • • Receive . Date: y'9 .."4 ''a1,441. • 1t• . ..1V7 Pl'' ; e..L •, . . • is ^' ' N • B - 2 • . . 011 Ilk • .0 Wn0 SS» K I ..e.".e..71/' . i q • Is \1% TOPEK-1- SEA* .i 94 ' N ot 4 J ill 4,1 ` /� Ent *.AL I. .\ gB.... 2 MF s.•.. ...„. MD 2 R P R r.A�. • . 0 �, S _ ., ary 1_ MI MT( Mir VI WO MN 00l-1• y1. III r►• Wawa ..�b4 .nOWawa [wowsr ir • Olt M1. I w..-!• K. 1 N tf likillo �Idl i1MRM.ow a: Al Cur"�t.tf MOWMehl( twA►inS 1 'l + 4 -w ,,AAANA i!sty ACM __.__._ 1v11o11n mien r . . i 'ro...c 1 Ab..w, tact.aft twat! sh 1 lav1C i . • ��i ; ^III 011 f l l l l l l l l 1 , .4,-.....-'A .......„,....,NI i IIII 0 111111 lanlows rdi‘1/Val / 114 . :11111iirairu I r 10 AttaS = •+[s he f.er-d ' I 11 OA KMIN 411•1 • � - ..,c r---- iii>" : l I 0,j UD min ii It maim cr... t, a - CITY HALL , • • SITE , w C. • • • ••. •.• •'•• •I::••'i • :ti , • • • • a( • . • STATE HWY. . 78 . • • 1229' . • • • RAY ARTHUR ARCHIE . MILLER KNAPP EUBANKS I.I1'' AC. 1.0 AC. . 1.0 AC. LOWRY ROMEO MYRAN C. '• ' • - KINZER ' MARCCTTE .E R Z' 4.1322 AC. • 2.063 AC. • TEMBAR CORP 7. 4' • ARCHIE EUBANKS . . I.I233Ac. • •. 13.925 AC. •;i . irl) . . 7 IA ....a..........'KL% •• I -. • ,� fc) 19 • 1• • • .l Pt'N • 13 • I • N• • N, 1 lE.))" . : EVONSHIRE • • . LANE L.AN • EUBANKS : I • - :.: . 14.64 AC. :� te;� .W _13 S * It. . 10. '.t . ,e .1 .��.* .11 1�,: 4... 3 •,!.. _ I 64:� '? '�134'• g3/ :.N '•1 •.. II /1 1 'yX''y.'141.'-.th+,, ! t.• 11'.; -es • i• • • ' ,I f s R •�I }• •� i^ ^ . 4 Z r•t ' J. 7. 4�( $ ` _ ' 6 s'•J •4'•' •• ' " -i �^i• ,s,' ''• ...so.-" et I 'v • ,r y P.;.4+a. J' ,--9 1 r .'. 4 i.�/ ` '•11 4 ' - ,,`4DOA r 4 '1�'• •,. . ..., Y�t',f. I,•,�... c r Lip + . 1 t 1 i 1 •R�.. . .. y 1 1 i J 1 41 J.. ) �C 1. ,tR.“ J.2 j 14,a 0.c i ,... 'p.'.i ''i i ` r°sA .4 • se-. :.: •jr � .1 t .,� , -�ir. •� �o+NNaVM r•h. 4' :r '; + lik .A�1I IC` 103;� Nig • .1t41 I.o• •..• II ,I ..i V9glt,• it .►;' .ear. �, 4,.• , r• 'J''• .{ ' ' J `•0c,- .0• 1 I aco .'•,i,1 k n(i.Z 4,.,15 . 36._ 3T 1. ^il 31• W I9 20 • ,•,i:• 1;X ., , ''',; > i,`, ..P. ,:1 .. ,•. _`i1- 551 II6' 1p U) 80' 65' •. 23 .. ..7 65' E "2 ' '`...-ft..°,. :.,:) '•t';.. :SHEPPARD LAN _ REQUESTED ZONING CHANGE LETTER INFORMATION ZONING CHANGE REQUESTED BY _ LOWRY RINZER FROM "R" -_$, , TO "B-2" -__$ S1 ESS - 2 LOCATION 230Q HWY. 78 - N DATE LETTERS SENT 9-21-99 _.w P & Z MEETING 10-01-90 NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PROPERTY OWNERS AFFECTED BY ZONE CHANGE: FOR OPPOSE 1 „CENTENNIAL AMMO. DEVELOPMENT VENTURE-5720 LBJ 1610.i„DALLAS 75240 __FOR OPPOSE 2 .1011Ea.A,_,111111CQTTy Q�C�,6SSEN DRIVE- .PALLAS 75218 FOR OPPOSE 3 .KATHARTNE ANN LEAVTTT" 205...)yQNS IRE-WYLIE ;FOR .OPPOSE 4 „EDDIE A PATSY_MAYNARD-1203DEVONSHIRE-WYLIE FOR OPPOSE 5 „RICHARD HEROD-1201 DEVONSHIRE-WYLIE _�„QPPOSE 6 „JEFFREY B. YOUNGBLOOD-505 SHEFFIELD-WYLIE -FOR OPPOSE 7 ,NEIL J. BROWN-503 SHEFFIELD-WYLIE » _FOR OPPOSE 8 .0 RL 6�SUE RILBOURN-501 SHEFFIELD-WYLIE FOR APPOSE NOLAN EUBANKS-3451 EUBANKS LANE-WYLIE ✓FOR OPPOSE 10 ARCHIE EUBANKS-1900 HWY.78-N.-WYLIE FOR OPPOSE 11 . FOR OPPOSE 12. FOR OPPOSE 13 . FOR OPPOSE 14 .,FOR OPPOSE 15 . „„, FOR OPPOSE 16 ._..— .. FOR OPPOSE 17 . FOR OPPOSE 18 . .,f.,»J,.FOR wee*OPPOSE 19.,». 0,.,,.,.»::71z:......,.._:::M. .:.,.,,:.,. .,:.r„:,:.,r-.:...x:r...,:.::,:,:::„,::.-::::::..::::: FOR OPPOSE 20. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5) , TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200 .00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on application of Mr. Lowry Kinzer _ should be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 .That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: _BUSINESS 1 (B-1) Said property being described as follows : Block 2 Tract 1900 F. Dela Pina Survey 2300 Highway 78 North, Wylie, TExas SECTION 2.That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect . SECTION 3.That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4 .That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid , the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5.That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended , and upon conviction shall be fined an amount not to exceed the maximum established by State Law, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare of the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage , as the law in such cases provides . DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, • TEXAS, this the 9th day of October _ , 199 0 . JOHN W. AKIN, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MEMORANDUM DATE: October 2, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage .,�w 14..v RE: Discuss and Consider the Adoption of an Ordinance Formally Recognizing the Wylie Fire Department as a Department of City Government Subject to City Charter and State Law and Policies , Rules and Regulations Promulgated by the Legislative and Executive Branch of City Government . Attached is an ordinance that upon adoption will formally recognize the Wylie Fire Department as a department of City Government subject to government regulations provided for in the City Charter and state law. When Signed and Fully Executed, Return This Copy Tog W.V. T 1. DILLARD, Ill A* +'Cf N!Y AT LAW ORDINANCE NO. 1 '"03 LINCOLN PLAZA L LLAS, TEXAS 75201 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS AND FIRE FIGHTERS; PROVIDING POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2, 000. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. There is hereby created and established a Fire Department for the City of Wylie. The Fire Department shall consist of a Fire Chief and such other members of said Fire Department as may from time to time be provided for by the City Council. SECTION 2 . The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the City Manager. Other members of the Fire Department shall be appointed by the Fire Chief, subject to the approval of the City Manager. SECTION 3 . The Fire Chief shall have general supervision and control of the Fire Department. He shall have the power to suspend or discharge any full time paid employee or any volunteer fireman of the Fire Department. All members of the Fire Department shall be subject to the Personnel Regulations of the City of Wylie insofar as they are applicable. SECTION 4. The Fire Chief shall have the following powers and duties: A. The Fire Chief shall have control, subject to the orders and direction of the City Manager, of the Fire Department and all fire apparatus belonging to the City. B. In case of fire, the Fire Chief shall take command at the fire scene and direct the management thereof for the suppression of the fire in the best manner possible. When it may be necessary for the protection of other property and to prevent the spread of the fire, the Fire Chief or other officer in command may cause buildings to be removed or destroyed in the best manner possible. C. It shall be the function and duty of the Fire Department and every member thereof to extinguish accidental or destructive fires and to prevent the occurrence or spread of such fires. D. The Fire Chief shall keep or cause to be kept a record of all activities of the Fire Department. The Fire Chief shall submit a budget request to the City Manager in the same manner as any department head and shall account for all funds of the Fire Department to the Finance Department of the City in accordance with City policy. E. It shall be the duty of the Fire Chie \ s to see that all laws, codes, and ordinances with regard to fire protection and fire safety are enforced within the City ndito arrest on view any person who shall be found violating any of the provisions of such laws, codes, or ordinances or who shall hinder, resist, or refuse to obey any such officer in the discharge of his duty. ij F. It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief and all members of the Fire Department to keep and protect all equipment of the Fire Department entrusted to their care, and to return any such equipment to the Fire Department or to account for the same at the direction of the Chief. G. The Fire Chief shall promulgate rules and regulations for the operation and conduct of the Fire Department. Such rules and regulations shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager. SECTION 5. No person in attendance at a fire shall neglect or refuse to obey the orders of the Fire Chief, the officer in command, or any other fireman at such fire with regard to the suppression of such fire. Spectators shall keep away from the fire far enough to be out of the firemen's way. It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to enter the Fire Department house or any place where the equipment and apparatus of the Fire Department is stored at any time except on official business pertaining to the Fire Department or other City business. SECTION 6. Members of the Fire Department are authorized to go outside the corporate limits of the City for the purpose of rendering aid to other Fire Departments, or of extinguishing fires or rendering aid in the case of accidents, subject to mutual aid agreements with Collin, Rockwall, or Dallas Counties, or with adjacent cities. The Fire Department shall not render any such service outside the corporate limits, except upon orders of the Chief of Police or the officer in charge of the Fire Department and unless the City has undertaken by contract to render service to property outside the 17‘14corporate limits. 4� � 0 ` ti 9---- SECTION 7. A majority of the members of the Fire Department are volunteer firemen. The number of volunteer firemen shall be as determined by appropriate resolution of the City Council from time to time. No person shall be appointed to the position of volunteer fireman until he has taken a training course prescribed by the Fire Chief and passed an examination indicating adequate knowledge of the matters taught in the course. Volunteer firemen shall be certified as such in accordance with law. Volunteer firemen shall receive such compensation as may be established by the City Council. The volunteer firemen of the department may create a separate organization, hold meetings, and engage in fund raising activities. Such organization and fund raising activities shall be subject to the prior approval of the Fire Chief and City Manager. SECTION 8. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. 3(0 SECTION 9. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 10. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinancee shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2 , 000. 00) for each offense/and each and every day any such violation shall continue shal be deemed to et constitute a separate offense. - SECTION 11. NNN„, .4 This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY AP ROVED AS TO ORM: VW CITY ATTORNEY RLD/sb 10/2/90 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager 4.1,044,,,mRE: Discuss and Consider Ordinances Adjusting Water, Sewer and Sanitation Utility Rates As Approved by the City Council in the FY 90/91 City Budget Attached for your consideration and approval are ordinances on water , sewer and sanitation rate adjustments as approved by the City Council in the FY 90/91 City Budget. All of these rates are scheduled to go into effect on November 1, 1990. All FY 90/91 revenues in the budget are programmed for these rates to go into effect on November 1 , 1990 . Attachment: Ordinance for water and sewer rates Ordinance for sanitation rates (.9g ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE #84-12 AND #88-24, THE FEE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SECTION 1 . WATER AND SEWER RATES, SUB-SECTION U, WATER RATES SUBSECTION C SEWAGE COLLECTION AND TREATMENT RATES SECTION II WATER AND SEWER SERVICE DEPOSIT SECTION III METER TESTING AND PROVIDING FOR A PUBLICATION CLAUSE AND SEVTERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 WATER AND SEWER RATES B. Water Rates a. The following monthly water rates shall apply to all customers within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas. Monthly minimum charge first 1 , 000 gallons of metered water consumption $ 7 . 15 Volume charge for all consumption exceeding 1 , 000 gallons (per 1 , 000 gallons) 1 ,001 to 2,000 gallons (per 1 , 000 gallons) 1 . 82 Over 2, 000 gallons (per 1 , 000 gallons) 2. 55 b. The monthly water rate charge and sewage rate charge for residentiol and commercial customers located outside the corporate \_, e) limits of the City of Wylie, Texas shall be at a rate of 115% the rate charged customers inside the corporate limits of the City of Wylie. C. Sewage Collection and Treatment Rates a. The following monthly sewage collection and treatment rates shall apply to all residential customers of the City of Wylie, Texas with maximum charge of $30 . 30 per month. 1 Monthly minimum charge (first 1 , 000 gallons of metered consumption) $10. 00 4k Volume charge for all consumption S exceeding 1 ,000 gallons (per 1 , 000 gallons) \ 1 . 45 .,7 b. A $14 . 00 minimum monthly sewage collection\` / and treatment charge for non-residential customers shall be in accordance with the above waste surcharge shall be in addition to the above schedule land in accordance with the details of the Industrial Waste Ordinance. c. Sewer Fee - A sewer fee of $18 . 00 shall be charged for each apartment unit, multiple family unit or mobile home space and special areas such as washaterias , swimming pools, etc. where the apartment, multiple family development or mobile home park is on a master meter with the City of Wylie. d. In addition to the charges listed above for sewage collection and treatment services, a flat rate "pass through" charge shall be applied monthly to each customer account in order to recover the projected annual increase in costs related to debt service requirements expansion of the City' s wastewater treatment plant. In fiscal year 1990-91 , this "pass through" charge shall be applied as follows: D Residential customers, including each apart- ment unit, multiple family unit or occupied mobile home space and special areas such as washaterial , swimming pools, etc. where the apartment, multiple family development or mobile home park is on a master meter the City of Wylie (per month) . Water consumption of 0 to 2 , 000 gallons $2. 00 Water consumption exceeding 2, 000 gallons 5. 00 Non-residential customers (per month) 7 . 50 SECTION II WATER & SEWER SERVICE DEPOSIT A. Bulk Water Deposit - Each water customer shall make a deposit to the City of Wylie for bulk water service in accordance with the following schedule: All Bulk Water Customers $50 . 00 Bulk water customers shall fill out same water application forms and sign form as regular customer B. Bulk Water Rates - shall be as follows: 0 to 1 , 000 gallons $7 . 15 1 ,001 to 2, 000 gallons 1 . 82 Over 2, 000 gallons 2. 55 (per thousand) Bulk water rate charges shall be set in minimum of 25 gallon increments. SECTION III. METER TESTING A. When any utility customer is of the opinion that a water meter is registering incorrectly, the customer may make a request to the City for testing of the meter. A field test will be provided for the customer' s meter without charge but only once every two years. If the customer desires a calibration and certification test, then at the time that such request is made, a $20 . 00 deposit shall be made. If the test shows that the meter is registered consumption in excess of actual flow by more than two (2%) percent, the meter shall be replaced with an accurate one and the $20 . 00 shall be returned to the customer. If the test shows that the meter is registering comsumption at less than actual flow or in excess of actual flow by two (2%) percent or less, the $20 . 00 deposit shall be retained by the City SECTION IV PUBLICATION The caption of this Ordinance shall be published one time in the official newspaper of the City of Wylie. SECTION V SEVERABLILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that should the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of the Ordinance be declared uncontitutional or invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of compentent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in the Ordinance of unconstitutional or invalid phrases , clause, sentences, paragraphs, or sections. SECTION VI This ordinance shall take effect on the 1st day of November , 1990 . DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ON THIS DAY OF OCTOBER, 1990 . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM Robert L. Dillard, III , City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 84-12, SECTION 10, ORDINANCE NO. 88-72 SECTION I PARAGRAPH A THRU E, GARBAGE-TRASH AND BRUSH FEES (RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL HAND AND COMMERCIAL DUMPSTER) , BY APPROVING A RATE INCREASE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie is of the opinion that the same should be amended and adopted by the City of Wylie, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, Ordinance , Residential , Hand Commercial and Commercial Dumpster fees are hereby amended in the following manner and shall read as follows, to wit: The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish and brush in disposable bags or approved containers ( 30 gallons cans ) from residential premises , two ( 2) times per week, shall be made for a fee charge of Ten Dollars and Eighty Cents ($10 . 80 ) per residential unit for each calendar month. Multifamily dwellings (four (4 ) or more units) shall use commercial containers provided by the contractor. For partial months, said charges shall be prorated for each week of the month during which such service is available and provided to the customers . There shall be a fee charged for extra collections necessary for the collection of unusual accumulations . An increase in monthly fees may be made upon approval of the City Council . The charges for collection service shall be included on the monthly utility bill of the occupant. It shall be mandatory that all utility customers shall receive solid waste collection service. Rates and charges shall be due and payable on the date so indicated on the utility billing statement. RESIDENTIAL, HAND COMMERCIAL, COMMERCIAL DUMPSTER AND BRUSH CHARGES A. Deposit - Non Residential $30 . 00 minimum or equivalent to three ( 3) months charges B. Residential fees for each one unit of single family detached unit of duplex (not master metered) either curb-side or alley-side service, a collection fee of $10 . 80 per month shall be charged each month on the utility bill . C. The following collection fees are based upon type of establishment or collection. TYPE CHARGE PER MONTH Duplex $10 . 80 per unit Multi-Family 10 . 80 per unit Trailer Park 10 . 80 per space or lot Residential Unit 13 . 35 per living unit (Outside City) COMMERCIAL COLLECTION FEES D. COMMERCIAL HAND Fee charges for commercial hand collection where residential type bags or (approved containers) are allowable: a. Less than five 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week $19. 90 b. Five to eight 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week $37 . 00 c. Nine to twelve 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week $54. 00 E. COMMERCIAL DUMPSTER ( It is understood that all charges listed below for container use shall include the lease fee for the container) . SIZE TIMES PER WEEK MO. CHARGE 2 cu. yd. 1 X week $ 65. 58 2 X week 106. 58 3 X week 147 . 56 3 cu. yd. 1 X week 72. 61 2 X week 117 . 12 3 X week 160. 45 4 cu. yd. 1 X week 89. 00 2 X week 131 . 18 3 X week 182. 70 6 cu. yd. 1 X week 100. 72 2 X week 167 . 48 3 X week 237 . 75 8 cu. yd. 1 X week 125. 31 2 X week 199. 15 3 X week 257 . 66 10 cu. yd. 1 X week 146. 40 2 X week 248. 29 3 X week 349. 00 EXTRA PICKUPS/DUMPSTER - EACH REQUEST 2 - 4 cu. yd $ 30 . 45 6 - 10 cu. yd. 36. 11 SPECIAL CHARGES: Compactor Containers $267 . 01 (42 cu. yd. ) Roll-off Containers 238. 92 (30 cu. yd. ) (per haul ) Per day rent 8. 27/day 248 . 10/mo. Delivery and Exchange 82. 88 Roll-off Delivery and Exchange 57 . 62 Front-End Containers Return Check 16.00 Past Due Service Charge (Over 25 days from statement due date) Commercial dumpsters only 1 . 5% per mo. F. BRUSH CHARGES Tree, shrub and brush trimmings newspaper and magazines securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding four feet (48 inches) in length or 35 pounds in weight. SECTION 3 That all ordinances of the City of Wylie in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby, repealed; provided, however, all other provisions of said ordinances not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4 That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage with the amended rates effective November 1 , 1990 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ON THIS___ DAY OF OCTOBER, 1990 . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM Robert L. Dillard, III , City Attorney MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage • RE: Discuss and Consider Pay ent of $1,080 .00 to Hunter and Associates for engineering Oversight on the Muddy Creek Sewer System Project Attached is a claim in the amount of $1,080 .00 for construction management oversight on the above referenced project . This claim has been reviewed by City Staff Engineer and the Finance Director . It is hereby recommended the claim be paid . bd/ac Attachment: Supporting Documentation MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager 5.24-9 FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director 2. RE: Agenda Item - 10/08/90 Request for Payment - $1 . 080 . 00 Hunter Associates , Inc. - Construction Administration Sewer System DATE: 10/02/90 With this invoice for $1 , 080 . 00 , construction administration by Hunter Assoc. , Inc. on the Muddy Creek Sewer System Improvements will be 99% complete (as to billing) TOTAL CONTRACT CONTRACT AMOUNT BALANCE Preliminary Design $ 2, 400 . 00/Paid $ 0 .00 & Right of Way Easement Description 9, 600 . 00/Paid 0. 00 Final Design & 28,000. 00/Paid 0 .00 Construction Plans *Construction 7 , 20Q , 00/5. 760 . 00/Paid/1 , 440 . 00 Administration **With this invoice 7 . 200 . 00/6 . 840 . 00 360 . 00 (Construction Admin. ) TOTAL CONTRACT $47 , 200 . 00 TOTAL PAID/ 46, 840. 00 BALANCE WITH THIS INVOICE PAID $ 360. 00 This does not include any remaining amounts under the additional services section of contract, which can be up to $12, 000. 00 D 5 Pay This INVOICE HUNTER ASSOC I ATES� I NC . Page 1 of 1 EN131 NEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS DALLAS AU T$N Invoice No. 22417 3$4-)IS-S17, 51a-45-S 18 Date Sept. 20, 1990 To: City of Wylie P.0. Box 428 Your Job No. Wylie, Texas 75098 Our Job No. D89012 C\C 38-MDH For professional and technical services as required for the design and construction management of a sanitary sewer trunk main to be constructed in the Muddy Creek drainage basin. The trunk main will commence at a stub-out to the existing lift station located along S.H. 78 and extend northerly to service South Fork Mobile Home Park and Presidential Estates . This work includes the additional staking of the right-of-way descriptions, construction plans and specifications and construction management. The technical services were supplied during the payroll period as indicated and are part of the Basic Services as defined in the Contract for Professional Services executed on July 25, 1989 by Charles Norwood, City Manager. PAY PERIOD 8-31-90 DESCRIPTION Preliminary Design Report . Right-of-Way and Easement $ 2,400 x 100% = $ 2,400.00 Description Preparation 9, 600 x 100% = 9, 600. 00 Final Design and Construction Plans 28,000 x 100% = 28,000.00 Construction Administration 7,200 x 95% = 6, 840.00 SUBTOTAL $46,840.00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22153 9, 600.00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22168 26,200.00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22186 4,200.00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22214 2, 160. 00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22275 1,440.00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22370 2, 160.00 - TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $1,080 . 00 Please Return Enclosed Copy With Remittance To: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Total This Invoice $1, 080.00 K 0 4 Po1,,tb V / �/ MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council afth.°41 • FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage RE: Discuss and Consider Payment of Claim to Shipley and Inhofe in the Amount of $5,890.47 for Legal Costs on Landfill Closure Action Attached is a claim in the amount of $5,890 .47 for legal costs associated with the landfill closure. This claim has been reviewed by the City Manager and the Finance Director. It is recommended that the claim be paid . bd/ac Attachment: Claim MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Finance DireetoY ,ram .,._/ RE: Request For Payment Shipley & Inhofe ( Legal Fees ) Landfill Closure - $5 , 890 . 47 DATE: 10/02/90 Last Year' s Landfill Legal Costs $20 , 476. 44 This invoice 5, 890 . 47 (Chargeable to 89-90 Budget) Landfill Closure Fund (78) - 78-700-781-02220 Legal services provided to City for meeting with City Council, Staff , meetings with Jones & Neuse and Texas Dept. of Health on closure of Wylie landfill . J3 SIIII' I, EY & INII0 F F. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER•TULSA.OKLAHOMA 74103 CHARLES W.SHIPLEY TELEPHONE 1S1f1 S112.1730 DOUGLAS L.INHOFE TELECOPIER•SIf15S4.7SS1 MARK S.JENNINGS SLAKE K.CHAMPLIN LEfLi[C.RINN JAMIE TAYLOR NOVO `�_ City of Wylie j _ _ _�` tatement # 1177 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director ugust 31, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 1 144) Accounts Receivable Balance Forward Payments Received $0.00 Credits or Adjustments $0.00 Re: City Landfill PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 08/02/90 BKC t/c w/Johnson' s office; conf w/CWS 0.25 26.25 08/02/90 CWS conf w/BKC 0.25 38.75 08/03/90 CWS t/c w/Buchanan (NO CHARGE) ** 0.25 38.75 08/08/90 BKC review documents 1.00 105.00 08/09/90 BKC review documents; conf call w/J. Johnson 2.00 210.00 and Bucanhan; conf w/CWS re Eubank' s interview 08/09/90 CWS conf w/BKC re status and strategy; t/c 1.75 271. 25 w/Buchanan, Johnson and BKC 08/13/90 BKC review documents; t/c w/EPA; t/c 1.75 183.75 w/Eubanks re CRI and City of Wylie; t/c w/Halley re interview 08/14/90 BKC review documents 1.00 105.00 08/15/90 BKC t/c w/Eubanks; t/c w/Halley; review 1.25 131. 25 documents 08/15/90 CWS t/c w/Johnson 0. 25 38.75 08/16/90 BKC review documents 2.00 210. 00 08/17/90 BKC conf w/CWS re meeting; review documents 2. 25 236.25 08/17/90 CWS conf w/BKC (NO CHARGE) ** 0. 25 38.75 08/20/90 BKC conf w/CWS (NO CHARGE) ** 0. 25 26. 25 08/20/90 CWS conf w/BKC; t/c w/Jeff Civens and review 1. 50 232. 50 file Continued V ,cy of Wylie Statement # 1177 .ttn: James Johnson, Finance Director August 31, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 08/21/90 BKC travel to Dallas Region VI ; meeting 15.00 1,575.00 w/Anderson; t/c w/Bolton; meeting w/Eubanks; meeting w/Johnson and Dahnson; City Counsel meeting; return to Tulsa 08/21/90 CWS review documents; travel to Wylie; conf 11.75 1,821. 25 w/City Manager and Johnson; review site; conf w/Jones & Neuse representative and return to Tulsa 08/a2/90 BKC review dcouments and files 1. 25 131.25 08/23/90 CWS t/c w/Johnson 0. 25 38.75 08/30/90 BKC conf w/CWS (NO CHARGE) ** 0. 25 26.25 08/" 0/90 CWS conf w/BKC re witness statement 0. 25 38.75 08/31/90 BKC t/c w/Eubanks 0. 25 26.25 ADJUSTMENT FOR "NO CHARGE" ITEMS 168.75- Shipley, Charles W. 16. 50 2,441. 25 • Champlin, Blake K. 28. 50 2,940. 00 Total Hours 45.00 Total For The Above Services 5,381.25 EXPENSES 08/21/90 BKC. trip to Dallas: 08/21/90 ---Air fare 135.00 ---Car rental and gas 98.74 ---Parking 4.50 ---Meal 15.85 08/R1/90 CWS trip to Dallas: 08/21/90 ---Air fare 135.00 08/21/90 ---Parking 6. 00 08/1t1/90 ---Car rental 63.37 08/31/90 Postage 1.00 08/31/90 Long Distance 49.56 08/31/90 Photocopies 0.20 Total Expenses 509.22 Total Statement $5,890.47 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $11,715.86 Continued ..ty of Wylie Statement # 1177 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director August 31, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 3 This statement may not contain all costs incurred for which we have not yet been billed. i C-5/ 6 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 4, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council / 4.FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager RE: Discuss and Consider After Competitive Bidding , Acceptance of Insurance Bid For City Owned and Operated Equipment for One (1) Year As authorized by the City Council the City has solicted competitve bids for insurance coverage on City owned and operated equipment. The coverage amount is a total of $322,300 . Last year ' s coverage premium cost from Union Standard Insurance Co. was $3,784 . The following bids were received: U.S . Fidelity & Guaranty $250 .00 Deductible $4 ,512 .00 Rucker & Assoc. Inc. (Dallas) Local Representative Union Standard Insurance Co. $250.00 Deductible $4 ,029 .00 $500.00 Deductible $3,706.00 Wylie Insurance Agency (Wylie) Local Representative Texas Insurance Group (Dallas) NO BID After receiving two (2) competitive bids and one (1) no bid it is hereby recommended that Union Standard Insurance Co. be awarded the bid for premium payments for one (1) year at $3,706 with a deductible of $500 . Last year' s premium cost was $3,784 . The premium cost was reduced due to depreciation of equipment . 5? MEMORANDUM DATE: October 2, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager v RE: Discuss and Consider a Letter to Texas Department of Transportation Requesting Assistance on a Potential Traffic Safety Problem on State Highway 78 I have written a letter which is attached to go to the Texas Department of Transportation requesting assistance in solving a potential traffic safety problem on Highway 78 as for as ingress and egress to Brookshires , Eckerds and the hospital . sff IViiir-le CITY OP' VSTYLIE 2000 HWY.78 N.-P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 (214)442-2236 • FAX 442-4302 October 2, 1990 John Akin Mayor Mr. Leroy Wallen District Transportation Engineer Don Hughes P. 0. Box 3067 Mayor Pro-TernDallas, Texas 75221 Dear Mr. Wallen, William Martin City Council I have discussed a potential traffic safety problem that will develop on State Highway 78 in the City of Wylie with Mr. Bob Brown of your staff . According to the approved plans for the new Eckerd' s and Brookshire' s stores on Highway 78 the design plans for ingress and egress to Pat Stemple Highway 78 will in my judgment create a very serious traffic City Council congestion problem that will affect traffic flow on Highway 78 . To this point the City of Wylie has been unsuccessful in eliminating an individual private drive for hospital patrons Steve Wright as well as an individual private drive for Brookshire CityCouncil customers. We believe that you should investigate this problem since there is still time for redesign work on the in-. - , nd egress problem or possibly look at some type of w =' on to assure a safe traffic flow for these two (2) ma ffic generators. For your information the Eckerd Percy Simmons store will probably open within the next six (6) months and City Council Brookshires within the next year. We realize that State Highway 78 is to be four (4) lanes but I don ' t believe this will happen in time to accomodate this potential problem. Thank you very much for your consideration to this request and if there is anything I can do to assist please don' t ChuckWible hesitate to contact me. City Council Sincerely yours, Bill Dashner City Manager Bill Dashner City Manager bd/ac l5 9 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage i4M4d14... RE: Discuss and Consider Acceptance of Final Plans and "as built" Drawings for Phase I , Martinez Addition (Eckerd' s Drug Store) and Approve a 10% Maintenance Bond A request is made that the City Council approve "as built" drawings for Phase I of Martinez addition. A 10% maintenance bond in the form of a cashiers check has been posted by the contractor for the installation of infrastructure requirements which is water and sewer system. This Phase I is Eckerd' s Drug Store. All of this should have been approved prior to a building permit being issued so this is being done after the fact. I have reviewed these plans and specifications and I am confident that the City can accommodate water and sewer requirements . However, I am very concerned about ingress and egress to State Highway 78 . I am also concerned about the 10% maintenance bond which amounts to only $2 ,700 . 6 :2 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager ' / RE: Discuss and Consider Goa s and Objectives for the Creation of two (2) New Departments of City Government, Fire Department and Parks and Recreation Department As budgeted there are two (2) new department head level offices that will be staffed in October or November . CITY OF WYLIE FIRE DEPARTMENT Goal - To plan and develop a 4-4 year strategy for a full time professionally staffed and trained fire department which will include the preparation of a plan for staffing patterns , equipment, fire station requirements and budget . Interim Objectives 1 . Work within the existing framework with Volunteer Fire Fighters to provide the best service possible. 2 . Develop operation policies for a full time Fire Department . 3 . Prepare a pay plan and classification schedule that will integrate into the City' s salary structure for needed manpower . 4 . Prepare and access equipment and physical plant needs with projected costs . Recommended Entry Level Salary $31,000 Annually PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT rn Goal - To plan and develop a '3--5 year strategy for a comprehensive Parks & Recreation program. Working with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to develop a needs assessment on future Parks and Recreational needs . Interim Objectives 1 . Working within existing framework continue to maintain the existing Parks and Recreation system. 2 . Plan and develop specifics for recreational activities with the City of Wylie the primary sponsorer , 3. Prepare a pay plan and classification schedule that will integrate into the City' s salary structure for needed manpower . 4. Access and inventory all Parks and Recreation facilities currently available. Prepare a capital needs list for physical facilities and equipment with projected budgetary costs . Recommended Entry Level Salary $26,500 Annually MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager . 100 RE: Discuss and Consider Approving New and Revised Agreement Between Wylie Sports Association and the City of Wylie Pertaining to the City' s Park and Recreation Facilities for a Period of Six (6) Months . Attached is an updated and revised agreement between the City and Wylie Sports Association. This agreement is for a term of six (6) months (October 9, 1990 - April 9 , 1991) . The City staff with the formal concurrence of the City Attorney has added a special conditions section to the agreement . Also, important is the change on Wylie Sports Association ' s contributions to the City. Effective Janaury 1, 1991 a percentage of gross receipts will be remitted to the City after total gross receipt numbers are known by way of accurate financial statements . Therefore, it is recommended that the agreement be approved by the City Council to go into effect immediately for a period of six (6) months. The Parks and Recreation Board has recommended this be approved . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION TERM (OCTOBER 9, 1990 - APRIL 9, 1991) The following agreement serves as a general guideline establishing commitments by the City of Wylie, and the Wylie Sports Association (WSA) in an effort to access the best available resources and talents to provide the best available sports and recreation program for all the citizens of Wylie. The CITY OF WYLIE agrees to: ---- provide a full time park maintenance person for maintaining all park areas and facilities including mowing, fertilizing , repairs, empty all trash containers, grading and preparing fields to include new top soil if needed, dragging fields, watering and extension of sprinkler system, weeding, seeding , maintenance and operation of all pavilions and buildings, Akin Pavilion being used by both the City and WSA for the purpose of storing equipment, restrooms, dugouts , backstops , goals and playground areas; ---- pay monthly utilities , including field lighting and electric bills up to $1 ,700 per year , all water and sewer and sanitation bills and when Rowell Field is lighted, the Electric bill up to $2 ,000 . ---- be responsible for operating concessions at the Wylie Community Park. WSA agrees to: ---- oversee all organized sports activities within the Wylie Community Park; ---- schedule all sports activities in the Wylie Community Park, and submit to the City any requests for required maintenance within a minimum of five days prior to scheduled activities; ---- provide game day striping and final preparation of fields, to include placement/displacement of portable pitching mound, in the Wylie Community Park; ---- be responsible for game day litter pickup to assure all trash is properly placed in proper containers , and providing that WSA does not comply to litter pickup within a reasonable amount of time and City forces are required to perform litter pickup duties , the City will have the option to charge WSA a fee for services rendered; ---- provide to the City of Wylie a fee schedule for each sport and current copy of scheduled events to the Parks and Recreation Department and to be posted at the Wylie Community Center; ---- not alter anything in Wylie Community Park without submitting detailed written requests to the City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board, such requests will be reviewed and either approved or denied by the Park and Recreation Board and if necessary by City Council ; ---- provide the City of Wylie an annual financial statement on activities under its jurisdicton on or before January 15 , of each year; ---- through December 31 , 1990 , provide a contribution to the City of Wylie of $3,000 annually to be paid in quarterly installments of $750, to be spent as the City Council may direct. All payments must be remitted to the Financial Director by the 10th of each month. ---- effective January 1, 1991 , provide a contribution to the City of Wylie of percent of the gross annual income derived from all sports activities as shown on an audited financial statement; to be paid in quarterly installments from income derived from the preceding quarter beginning January 1, 1991 and each year thereafter ; and to be spent as the City Council may direct. All payments must be remitted to the Financial Director by the 10th day of each month preceding the quarterly payment period. This provision subject to the six (6) month limitation of this agreement and may be changed anytime after the first six months term of this agreement . Special Conditions: The City of Wylie will not be responsible for medical or doctor bills from participants involved in the program while on City property. Since the City of Wylie is providing public facilities paid for with public tax funds , the City of Wylie will require an annual audit by an independent auditor on all funds received from the use of City of Wylie public facilities . Provide proof of liability insurance to hold harmless the City of Wylie from negligence in the event of wrongful death or injury suit against the City of Wylie. The liability insurance should be a minimum of $1,000,000 . This agreement will be reviewed prior to enactment of any new agreements that may or may not be authorized. This City reserves the right to discontinue this agreement arrangement after six (6) months . PASSED AND ' APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ON THIS THE 9th DAY OF October 1990 AND WILL EXPIRE ON THE 9th OF April 1991. John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION ON THIS THE DAY OF 1990 . President, Wylie Sports Association MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council 6. FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager RE: Discuss and Consider Recommendation from Wylie Veterans of Foreign Wars on Naming of Future City Streets This is a carry over item. The local V.F.W. Chapter has forwarded the name of Forrest Ross , who attended Wylie High School and was a casulaty of the Korean War as their recommendation for any future street name. bd/ac Attachment 66 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 11 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage ',Id4Lb4.L, 4) . RE: Discuss and Consider Letter from Private Citizen on Naming a City Street Currently Unnamed. Attached is a letter from Mr. Dale R Swanson requesting that the City name an unnamed City Street either Dale Road or Eastfork Road . It is my understanding that there are no residential or commercial establishments on this road . The only expense that would be incurred to take action on this request would be street markers . Attachment: Letter of Request Request for Agenda Time REQUEST TO BE PLACE ON AGENDA Date of next Council Agenda I _Oaf, wish to speak to the City Council for the reason listed below: -C.�L--r'—f�.fesL111� c:►.!1 t--.i... QQ C L ( 1 1/ t4Qa4P '�- Thank you, • „a • ff: 6 ' \ Signature 77. Street 1 ity, State Zip Code / t1 - ,.r t.► r�l +R Phone Number �...lL g F^ = ft(a75,%1111\ Y-40L/1•11:Yeat--#kik q.a DALE-; W SKI Dg990 --SAWS-TEXAS pp� 2 3 His Honor the Mayor April 20, 1990 City Hall P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mayor Trimble: I would like to be considered in the naming of the new road that has just been completed from Hwy. 78 to the entrance of Lake Lavon reservoir. We have a Boat and Jet Ski rental at East Fork Harbor and would like the new road, which has not yet been named, to be called either Dale Road or East Fork Road. Please let me know if I should be at the City Council meeting for this proposal. Thank you for your help. Sincerely yours, /9Q6 Dale R. Swanson DRS/lm 6408 Industrial Lane • Sachse, Texas 75048 • (214) 530-6768 • Dallas Area MEMORAADUA. TO: Bill Dashner , City Manager FROM: Ed Richie, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Unnamed Street DATE: September 12 . 1990 Attached is a map showing the location of the street in question. Neither requested name is presently being used . , • 762 11111. • ��'�' � it 1 / . o. Lims • II . . • ,_.--..... i . ,........... . . • III 111 1 •• • • III , i \‘ ..%:-...JI: I il \ % /'1101 o MO fib•• 6 444‘ �♦ \11131‘ _• .1•I 0# 101111161. . .dr 111110.GINE•• .i''7 4."..• ._$.1 44...---- • N'. .-.......... I -�~ ....' ... IV! _ t /;;; Olgie • be • • �. ._:OM • • • ('0 MAII••••• r. • .1••• ••�..•••••.••• ' •.• •A • -••••••• ••,• m \ / L11011. • i ii ..- . ....., r( i'. .w.jf• • M re is • ••• am .111 n.lr -v •% ... L 1t.h1 I" ti rt•s Ielbbe II l �• it:MO.6a 1 wn!fit! ,yj tc,u.21u+u OD••• .TZ R t Ti Fa 3titja3 p to , .6„ p �2aaaa��o �A'hAA "1 4 as M2oxttc?S • slim •a •1•.aelIasIm 14111 k 7Cp�ii ii . • MEMORANDUM DATE: October 3, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage PLO RE: Discuss and Consider Use f Remaining 1990 Street Program Budgeted Funds and Determine Street Improvements from Street Inventory List and Survey as Recommended by City Manager The City started with $200 ,000 for Street Reconstruction Projects. To this date $130,000 has been spent on street projects . The City Council needs to decide how the remaining $70 ,000 is to be utilized . The City Council also needs to decide the type of street work to be done. The streets need to be selected and the improvements need to be determined. The Council can repair streets throughout the City but I do not believe that we have sufficient funds to rent equipment and totally reconstruct streets as was done on the earlier street program. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the remaining $70 ,000 be used for general maintenance and repairs of streets throughout the City. The general maintenance and repair would include strip patching, pot hole repair and shoring shoulders . We need to concentrate on repairing existing roads until funds are available to do major street reconstruction. Page No. 1 02/11/88 City of Wylie Public Works Street Inventory ' • STREET BLOCK LENGTH WIDTH SURFACE BASE CONDITION DEPTH • Akin Ln. Rush Creek - Stone 1973 24 2 2" Akin Ln. Masters - Rush Creek Dr. 1140 24 2 1 " Allanis Martinez - S. Ballard 3854 18 0 4" Allanis Martinez - West to Conc. 150 18 0 0" Birmingham Stone \ Ballard 1236 25 1 4" Birmingham Williams \ Stone 976 35 1 39 , Birmingham SHWY78 \ Williams • 676 35 1 399 Birmingham Industrial \ SHWY78 240 27 1 1 " Birmingham Marble \ Oak 406 32 2 2" Birmingham Oak \ Elliot 362 32 1 1 " Birmingham Elliot \ Industrial Ct. 509 30 1 199 Brown Ballard - Hwy78 2092 36 + 1 2" Butler. Jackson - Ballard 318 30 1 ; 0 Butler Third - Ballard 964 27 1 399 Butler Hilltop - Third 622 27 2 399 Calloway Ballard - Birmingham 663 27 3 399 Citizen Jackson - Birmingham 401 15 1 2" College Birmingham - Ballard 651 22 1 4" Cottonbelt Flemming \ end of street 252 21 1 199 Cottonbelt Elliot \ Fleming 351 32 1 191 Cottonbelt Oak - Elliot 364 32 1 199 Cottonbelt Marble - Oak 451 32 1 2" Cottonbelt Jefferson - Marble 370 15 0 . 5" Cottonbelt Brown - Jefferson 352 15 0 0 E. Brown Hwv78 - Krevmer 6560 22 4 399 Elliot Birmingham - Cottonbelt 539 24 1 199 Fifth Hwy78 - Masters . 1170 27 2 2" First Oak - Hwy78 290 28 1 199 First Marble - Oak 417 47 1 2" First Brown - Marble 720 29 3 I , ' First Butler - Hwv78 568 30 1 0 First Butler + 471 471 26 2 4" Fourth Butler - Marble 1312 24 2 399 Fourth Butler - Park 1220 24 2 4" Hilltop Park - Butler 1236 24 2 2" Jackson Marble - Hwv78 1258 21 1 1" Jackson Brown - Marble 713 46 2 2" Jackson W. Kirby - Hwy78 1596 27 +976 20 2 4" Jefferson Cottonbelt - Keefer 402 20 1 2" Jeff'erson Ballard - Second 707 33 2 2" Jefferson Ballard - Jackson 296 39 1 1, 9 Keefer Jefferson - Brown 370 21 1 1" Keefer Marble - Jefferson 68 21 2 1" Keefer Oak - Marble 416 18 2 ,> 1 " Kirby Hwv78 - Birmingham 1455 28 4 8" Krevmer Hwv78 - E. Brown 2255 23 • 2 3" Marble Keefer - Cottonbelt 350 22 1 1" Marble Birmingham - Keefer 200 26 1 2" 73 e No. 2 02/11/88 City of Wylie Public Works ' Street Inventory STREET BLOCK LENGTH WIDTH SURFACE BASE CONDITION DEPTH Marble Hwy78 - Ballard 1170 31 1 2" Marble Jackson - Birmingham 280 28 2 1" Marble Fifth + 307 307 24 5 5' ' . Marble Hwy78 - Fifth 402 24 1 3" Mardi Gras Valentine - Kirby 1263 24 3 4" Martinez Hwy78 +500 - Allanis 1507 24 1 2" Masters Ballard - Fifth 1809 24 1 2" Memorial Kirby - Valentine +158 1218 24 3 4" N. Jackson Brown - +635 alley 635 33 1 1" Oak Cottonbelt - Keefer 279 43 1 2" Oak Keffer - Birmingham 270 34 2 110 Oak Birmingham - Ballard 629 40 2 1" Oak Ballard - Hwy78 603 _ 40 +603 33 1 1, 1 Oak Fifth - Hwy78 896 24 2 2" Oak Fifth + 272 EOP 272 26 1 2" S. Ballard Stone \ Birmingham 1442 24 1 8" Second Butler - Park 1234 34 2 2" Second Hwy78 - Brown 1110 28 2 2" Second Hwv78 - Butler 814 34 2 2" Stone Birmingham - Ballard 806 28 3 0 Third Butler - Hwv78 1094 30 2 2" Third Park - Butler 1224 24 2 4" Thomas Stone + 565 565 24 +120 18 2 3" Valentine Memorial - EOP 646 24 3 4" Valentine Easter +89 - Memorial 305 24 3 4" W. Kirby Birmingham - Jackson 475 26 3 4" P 73 MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director r, ,e-g-1_./ RE: Use of Funds on 1990 Street Program DATE: 09/27/90 BUDGET: $200 ,000 General Fund $100 ,000 (Dept. 420) Street Reconstruction Fund $100 , 000 PAID TO DATE: Street Reconstruction Fund $61, 328. 07 General Fund $67 . 837 . 49 $129, 165. 56 If 0140. 61/‘"noi I w� 0144 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 27 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council �J� �'`l FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage RE: Discuss and Consider Acceptance of Plans and Specifications for Newport Harbor Force Main and Gravity Flow Sewer Line and Authorize Competitive Bidding for the Purpose of Construction The Newport Harbor section represents the final phase of three (3) phases of new sewer line construction. Upon the completion of the phase the City should be off pump and haul . The estimated cost by the engineer of this sewer system is approximately $340 ,000 . Of the original bond funds the City should have left approximately $340 ,000 of the original $2,000 ,000 . Phase 1 and Phase 2 will cost $1 ,660 ,000 . Attachments: Site Location Map Engineers Breakout of Unit Costs i....1 8.1" W smmaa.ammiusgsiummorsirs....-isampokap. ykaialkenall.IPial" ..'..., •-' — >.•Cr 0 0 11-1 Q . I s 0 2 I-I-ix ---,......„/ mu)w . ..-.- x cr cr i > 7: 0 • c4... •—, .%......-J..,--- teL •--?.?....., . _____4ttttr •11, • . . . ...... ..... " • -:.:_____Ny>\\_. • ._ t ..• . 5.....,f...... N., III . 111.1111it ': • •• \-,,. •kri ai ::- 4..tveffr . • 3% .4, . :,4 ... _ Ti,.. •..... .1::: 0 ..../ Ii.J " -•,-milia,""N imedii. IJJ _J CC) Il .-.•. • --, I64. ON .1.17,ANDIN et .1 - Cn U.I1 •:::::: ! I 0 X 11-1 , .::-: A-'• 1 0_ ..... Z Cf) •-•-... a•-% .".. D < • I „,..• '',.. er#< fr = -. " "' . : :-: v•,s, • ; .7c) 14 a ..• -: _ i— _...•./ - ... • II -•• *o, ) II-II: ill 1 "Ir•tA . 1... • "2 -:•:- -se:‘,9 . .- ...7.::_-_-.•••.::::".".'...•: • f ----y .. . ..-!..\.. S\II.."'"'"--j-"N"'du"\„..........N . -2. K1 1.\ 1%.% __. .------ segv0 c. - ........•. •••••• ...... ...... .. •-• •-• ••.•.• .... - •-...i REEK i C.1....1_ .scREEK. ..... muoo r C i--) t.17—' . ... —...... . .--.- ..-.-. 2 2 ... % (9,..Y . —.__. gr V' :.:.: • . u.s . LtJ ir t CC isi !. ' o :•-•-• .•.-: t.: uJ —.I • I . kL " / CO 11.1 x uj - . 3 •-:•:- 1 r 2X pZ QV) • • -:-.- ! .. • 0 / ;-.-.. cr0 5 cr x . . x ..-••! c---7 i •• . . . 2 ... .. \ . , I : .. . .. ...\ i .:::: ....... ::..i.::....::...;,7s.,..7.,..7ki::.t. ,::4;.:::.:. i,..:.:.7. ..,.,,,,till.ovp,/,1/47777,71 :. .,...,..7...zr.v.,....,..7. 11,,,i,„,„„„,„,..,y11,77.7788„,„bymilmbu ,, ....: .. ./wilam i ,, . iiii6 VI: . . , . i // /1 \ r.. ,,,•/ • V// - / SIIIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA Consulting Engineers CLIENT City of Wylie, Texas PAGE NO. 1/1 PROJECT Newport Harbor Lift Station DATE 8/17/90, Force Main & Gravity Sewer BY JRC ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Newport Harbor Lift Station 1 L.S. $70,000.00 $ 70,000 2 6" Force Main 6,790 L.F. 17.00 115,430 Pressure 3 6" Force Main by Other Grout 40 L.F. 70.00 2,800 4 6" Force Main in 12" Encasement .70 L.F. 90.00 6,300 S 8" PVC Gravity Sewer 3,710 Ley. 20.00 74 200 Pressure 6 8" Gravity Sewer by Other Grout 213 Ea, 75.00 15,975 7 Connect to Existing S.S. M.H. 2 Ea. 1�000.00 2,OQ0 8 2" Air & Vacuum Valve 2 En. 3,000.00 6,000 9 San. Sewer Manhole 4'p 6 Ea. 1,500.00 9,000 Subtotal T$301,705 Engineering, Contingencies & Miscelleneous 38,795 Total _ $340,500 - M • 7 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 ROSS L.JACOBS,RE. September 26, 1990 I.C.FINKLEA,P.E. JAMES E.LAUGHLIN,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. C.L.SHIMEK,P.E. Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie Post Office Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Newport Harbor Lift Station/Force Main/Gravity Sewer Engineering Proposal Dear Mr. Beaver: We have been requested by the City to provide engineering services for preparation of plans and specifications for a lift station, a force main and a gravity sewer to serve the Phase I development of Newport Harbor. In addition, we will provide Contract Administration for the project. The scope of services to be provided shall be as follows: 1. Revise existing construction plans for this project. 2. Provide easement descriptions as required for this project. 3. Provide necessary information to complete all required permits for construction (i.e. State Department of Highways and Public Transportation) . 4. Prepare specifications and contract documents for this project. 5. Assistance to the City to advertise the project, printing of plans and specifications, issuing bidding documents to prospective contractors, assistance in receiving bids and evaluating all proposals received, and making recommendations to the City for award of the contracts. Preparation of contract documents for execution by the City and the contractor. 6. Setting horizontal control points and bench marks for elevation controls along the various lines and other facilities. Contractor shall be responsible for setting cut stakes for installation of the lines. 3744? CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NEWPORT HARBOR LIFT STATION/FORCE MAIN/GRAVITY SEWER ENGINEERING SERVICES - TIME ESTIMATE DRAFTING (11 Plan Sheets) Cover Sheet (Location Map & Sheet Index 8 hours Title Blocks 12 hours R.O.W. and Easement Lines 1 hours Existing Topography 4 hours Proposed Sanitary Sewer & Force Main Revisions 30 hours Proposed Lift Station Revisions 2 hours Existing Sewer Lines 1 hours Dimensions 1 hours Various Notes 2 hours Details of Construction 12 hours Preparation of Easement Exhibits 8 hours Process Survey Notes 6 hours Plan Revisions 12 hours TOTAL DRAFTING 99 hours ENGINEERING Review of Survey Information 3 hours Preparation of Field Note Easement Descriptions 12 hours Preparation of Permits 3 hours Design of Alignment and Grade Sanitary Sewer 10 hours Design of Lift Station and Force Main 12 hours Design of Details of Construction 6 hours Review of Construction Plans 6 hours Preparation of Specifications and Contract Documents 12 hours Plan and Easement Revisions 10 hours Meetings and Correspondence 12 hours Contract Administration 80 hours TOTAL ENGINEERING 166 hours SECRETARY Correspondence 6 hours Specifications 10 hours Proposal & Bid Schedule 2 hours Final Bid Tabulation 3 hours TOTAL SECRETARY 21 hours SURVEYING Profile & Topo of Exist. Features & Locate Original Survey Points 16 hours Locate Property Corners, Monuments, etc. 2 hours Construction Staking 72 hours TOTAL SURVEYING 90 hours Mr. Paul Beaver, P.E. City of Wylie September 26, 1990 Page No. 2 7. Periodic visits to the site (as distinguished from continuous service of a resident Project Representative) to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. In performing these services the Engineer will endeavor to protect the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor, but he cannot guarantee the performance of the contractor, nor be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations or for the safety measures that the contractor takes or should take. 8. Obtain and review monthly and final estimates for payments to Contractors, and furnish to the City any recommended payments to Contractors. 9. Conduct, in company with the City, a final inspection of the Projects for compliance with the Contract Documents. 10. Revise plan tracing Lo conform with construction records mainained by the City. Furnish revised tracing to the City. Charges for these engineering services shall be based on salary cost times a multiplier of 2.25. Construction staking shall be based on salary cost times a multiplier of 2.00. Expenses, including printing of plans, shall be at invoice cost times 1.10. These charges will not exceed $22,000.00 and suggest that the City budget this amount. Statements will be submitted on a monthly basis to the City with payment due upon receipt. If this proposal is satisfactory, please have one copy of this letter signed for the City and return to our office. Since ely, �1, i Ross L. Jac•'s, P.E. Approved or the City of Wylie Date ? 4 7 7 SHIM, JACOBS & FINKT.EA Consulting Engineers CLIENT City of Wylie, Texas PAGE NO. 1/1 PROJECT Newport Harbor Lift Station DATE 8/17/90 - Force Main & Gravity Sewer BY JRC ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT .ae..eeeeeeavaeea Newport Harbor Lift Station 1 L.S. $70,000.00 $ 70,000 2 6" Force Main - 6 790 L.F. 17.00 115,430 Pressure 3 6" Force Main by Other Grout 40 L.F. 70.00 2,800 4 6" Force Main in 12" Encasement 70 L.F. 90.00 6,300 5 8" PVC Gravity Sewer 3,710 L F. 20.00 74,200 e. Pressure 6 0" Gravity Sewer by Other Grout 213 Ea, 75.00 15,975 _._.. 7 Connect to Existing S.S. M.N. Ea. 1 000.00 2,OQ0 8 2" Air & Vacuum Valve 2 Ea. 3,000.00 6,000 9 San. Sewer Manhole 4'0 6 Ea. 1 500.00 . 9,000 N Subtotal .301,705 Engineering, Contingencies & Miscell nevus 38,795 Total $340,500 - ------------- - -- - - MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council OIL* FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager 9 ^M RE: Discuss and Consider Appoiitment of Construction Code Board It is my understanding that the various fees and charges for construction permits and inspections has not been updated for some time now. This Board was active in the past but has not been active in several years. The Director of Community Development tells me that all the City' s fee structure should be updated, therefore, I am recommending that the City Council appoint a seven (7) member Board to work with the Director of Community Development and go over all the various building permits and inspection charges . Now is a good time to do this prior to the next building boom. After this Board develops recommendations , they will be brought back to the City Council for consideration . I would recommend that this Board consist of seven (7) members . Attachment : Ordinance that created the original Board • M .E A_ R._A.n_D.�..t1 TO: Bill Dashner , City Manager FROM: 4 /Ed Richie , Dir . of Community Dev . & Planning SUBJECT: Construction Code Board Date: September 4 , 1990 The Construction Code Board has not been active recently and according to the most recent list of Board members , all terms are expired . I would like to have Council consider appointing this board for review of building codes and appeals . They could be helpful to Council on the upcoming truss question and the . review and adoption of the 1991 Uniform Codes next year . I have attached a copy of Ordinance 84-11 creating the Construction Board . The Ordinance needs to be updated . We are presently operating under the 1988 Uniform Building Code which does not have a Board of Ad.iustment and Appeals . It is called the Board of Appeals . W ,*♦******-******r***e***************a***e*****t*****t******r****************t******e**********t******************tt*Iv*******: bOPRD & TITLE , NAME SPOUSE ADDRESS P.O. BOX HM. PHONE WK. PHONE DATE APPT. 1FRM EXP. r*******eratear*ea*****t***********************************************t*********t*******a*************• **tip**t�Iv *I*:_ CVr INSTRUCTION CODE 442-1041 442-3544 JULY 88 JULY 90 04AIRMAN 4,KEVIN ST. JOHN PAM 304 BRIARWOOD88 Mgt L:--JOHN SEELEY 600 VALENTINE 372 442-3898 680-0602 JULY 88 JUi, 90 90 MEMBER 4.ERANK SPINGOL.A MARY LOU RUSTIC PL. 442-6909 JULY MEMBER RAYMOND SWEENEY 101 RUSHCREEK DR. 442-1469 MARCH 86 JUL. 90 • MEMBER MIKE WCRTHINGTON 113 SPENCE DR. 442-3283 MARCH 86 JULY 89 MEMBER DEREK AMMERMAN JAN 102 FAIRMONT 483 442-6338 442-2242 JULY 87 JULY 89 MEMYA 87 JULY 89 MBERL.MARK ST��ORD 418 ELLOIT ST. 442-442-772967 JULY 88JULY 89 MEMBER L. KEVIN ALTIMIER 510 RUSTIC PLACE IBRARY BOARD 406 BRIARW000 442-2413 APRIL 83 JULY 90 CHAIRMAN MARY JO SMITH MEMBER SHIRLEY BURNETT 327 S. FOURTH 442-5767 JULY 90 JULY 92 MEMBER BETTY STEPHENS DAVID 1006 FOXWOOD LANE 442-1874 442-5444 JULY 88 JULY 92 MEMBERCATHIE UPSHAW 101 N. FIRST 442-6220 NOV. 88 JLLY 91 Y 9 0 JUL 2 MEMBER RETHA TIBBALS HARRY 407 HILLTOP 442-579 442-5795 JULY 5 JULY 99 JULY 92 OQ MEMBER JAN MORGAN 306 DOGWOOD Cr. JULY 89 JULY 91 MEMBER BARBARA JENNINGS RICHARD 501 GASTON DR. NORTH 442-0102 (Y\ ITY STAFF 401 FLEMING #907 442-7579 442-2236 JULY 90 CITY MANAGER BILL DASHNER76 442-2236 CITY SECRETARY CAROLYN JONES 1504 ANCHOR DR. 825 492-_3756 442-2236 MAYE 91 PUB. WKS. & ENG. PAUL BEAVERS 2111 CORNELL, RICHARSON SUPT. PUB. WKS. DON WHITE 401 FLEMMING #601 442-7056 442-7588 MAY 67 1404 WYNDHAM 442-5186 442-2236 JULY 85 FINANCE DIR. JAMES RI JOHNSON 1309 IROQUOIS DR. GARLAND 271-0735 442-2236 JAN. 90 LIBRARYCODE DIR. ROSANNE BURGESS g OFF. ED CHIE 3432 SACHSE RD. 530-6635 442-7566 NOV. 88 123 FAIRMONT 442-5077 442-2222 FEB. 89 Q'IEF c E' POLICE JAMES GILMORE ORDINANCE NO. 84-11 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD: SETTING FORTH THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD: PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, SECTION 1 : This ordinance shall be known as "Construction Code Board Ordinance". SECTION 1-1 : CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD CREATED: There is hereby created the Construction Code Board (hereafter called Board) consisting of seven (7) persons who shall be appointed by the City Council . Said Board shall replace but retain the authorities granted the Board of Adjustments and appeals in the 1982 Uniform Building Code as adopted. Save and except Section 111 of said Building Code. SECTION 1-2: QUALIFICATIONS: Persons who serve on the Board as members shall be qualified as follows: (a. ) One designated member who shall be taxpaying resident elector of the City. (b. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident building contractors, (c. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident Plumbers (d. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident electricians (one Masters & one Journeyman) . (e. ) One designated staff member to act as secretary of the board. (f. ) Staff representative will be the City Building Official (g. ) In the event that volunteer members in the (b) , (c) , or (d) categories are not available one of the two designated tradesmen may be replaced with a member in the (a) category. SECTION 1-3: TENURE OF OFFICE: Three (3) members of the Board shall be appointed for the balance of the calendar year. Four (4) members of the Board shall be appointed for the balance of the calendar year following the date of adoption of this ordinance plus one full year. After the expiration of the terms of the first appointees members shall continue until their successor is appointed. Any member of the Board may be removed by the City Council for cause. Vacancies within the Board shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. g6 Ordinance No. _ B4-I I OWL. L. SECTION 1-4: REGULAR AND CALLED MEETINGS: The Board shall r i hold per such regular, special or called meetings as are necessary performance of duty. SECTION 1-5: POWERS AND DUTIES: The Board shall at its first and and a o meeting in each calendar year select a Chairman hearingl Vice-Chairman for prescribe a procedure and order of business fit by the Building Official licenses and for hearing matters broughteal and aggrievement appeals for recommendation to the City Council or on app as provided herein, and for general business sessions. upon the(a) It shall be the duty of said quali- fications of all applicants for licenses. Any person who shall make application for an Electrical License may obtain proper forms from the Buildintive Division. f an Upon receipt by the Building Official or his authorized shallrbeescheduled for application accompained by proper fee, an examination some date within seven (7) days from the date of the application. (b) For examination, the Board shall prepare at least three (3) sets of examinations for each class of license of electricians required to be examined under this ordinance. The sets of examinations may examinationse changed by the Board at any time when no applications for are pending. When an application for examination has been filed, a set selected of examination questions for the proper class of license shall submitted to the at random from the several sets of examination questions and applicant for the examination. SECTION 1-6: QUORUM: Four (4) members of the Board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and btthe concurring vote of not less than four (4) members of the Board shall necessary to constitute an official action of the Board. SECTION 1-7: RECORDS: The Board shall keep a Minute Book in which shall be recorded all transactions and business of the Board. TheBoard to shall keep a record of the name and place of business of persons whom licenses have been issued; provided that said Board shall h llt beetn be- responsible for the record of any person whose license has newed or has lapsed for a period in excess of 24 months. SECTION 2: PUBLICATION: Publication shall be made one time ie official publication of the City of Wylie, which publication ncsh n the caption stating in substance the purpose of the e. SECTION 3; All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconnsista t with heor in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, an Ordinance No. 84-11 Con' t hereby, expressly repealed. h sentence, phrase, section, sub-section, paragraph,SECTION 4: If any what- soever,clause of th is ordinance shall be declared invalid for tions reasonf this orce ordinance such decision shall not affect the an effect; and to this end ordinance which shall remain in full hereby declared severable. the provisions of this ordinance IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 13th day of March 1984. CITY OF WYL obeht B quires, Mayor ATTEST: Carol n one City Secretary 0 r MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council D`�" J FROM: Bill Dashner , City 9 Mana er oY RE: Discuss and Consider Building Code as it Applies to Wood Trusses Attached is a report pointing out the pertinent facts on this issue. The Director of Community Development has made his recommendations in number six (6) . The City Council may - want to reter this item to the Building Trades Committee. Attachment: Report on Wood Trusses • e? . .__w______. m _ M.1...M. 0...R...1)M_D..Q..M TO: Bill Dashner , City Manager FROM: Ed Richie , Dir . of Community Dev . & Planning SUBJECT: Wood Truss Construction DATE: August 30 . 1990 The following is a review of the wood truss problem. ' 1 . Ordinance 88-28 adopts the "Uniform Building Code" with amendments requiring all ceiling joists shall have a minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches by 6 inches and shall have a maximum spacing of 16 inches on centers . 2 . Ordinance 89-21 amends Ordinance 88-28 t.o read "( d . ) All wood ceiling joists shall have a minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches by 6 inches ( unless part of an engineer truss ) and they shall have a maximum spacing of 16 inches on centers . 3 . In January 1990 . Council approved the repeal of Ordinance 89-21 . ( At the same meeting . they tabled amendments to Ordinance 88-28 . ) 4 . From a structural view . trusses are designed to span longer distances and this is not a problem as long as the truss company provides verification of engineering and inspections . Although . there have been numerous incidents _ where homeowners wishing to use attic space for storage have removed parts of the truss thus destroying its ability to work . 5 . The placement of trusses on .4" centers does cause numerous difficulties . Our Code re uie all studs be placed on 16" centers . Trusses cannot be iced on 24 " centers while the load bearing wall they are resting on is 16" on center . In addition , studs on 24 " centers have problems with sheetrock . exterior siding and stud grades . 6 . It is my recommendation , that if trusses are allowed . they continue to be required on 16" centers in light frame construction and proper engineering specifications and inspection reports be submitted when permitting . 7 . The Fire Department had additional concerns in regard to the burn time of trusses .