04-24-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 4-20-90 TIME POSTED 3:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY MINUS, TEXAS ZUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 19 Consider approval of the minutes of the City Council meeting - April 10, 1990 2 Presentation of plaque to Mr. Bob Wallace- Jones - Honorary Citizen of Wylie 3 20 Consider approval of a Proclamation for National Pet Week - May 6 - 12, 1990 4 21 Consider acceptance of the resignation of Cheri Albin fran the Park and Recreation Board 5 22 Consider appointment of Five Members to the Wylie Development Corporation Board of Directors 6 23 - 24 Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Rowlett and the City of Wylie for more efficient use of their manpower and equipment to furnish assistance to each other 7 25 - 53 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda a. Three Dedication Deeds from Estelle Kreymer, Bill Kremyer and Beatrice D. Smith for - R-O-W on Brown Street b. Payment request for Nortex Tank Site Project fran Electrical Generation Technology, Inc. in the amount of $2,400.00 c. Payment request from Jones & Neuse, Inc. in the amount of $320.69, Engineering Fees/Landfill d. Payment request from Hunter & Assoc. in the amount of 1,357.10 for Muddy Creek drainage basin line e. Payment request from Charles Shipley, Shipley & Inhofe in the amount of $4,602.38 - legal services in landfill litigation f. Payment request from Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $24,521.60 for Sanitary Sewer Improvements - DRAW NO. 1 ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 8 Conduct a Public Hearing on the application fran TU Electric requesting a rate increase 9 54 - 55 Consider approval of an Ordinance approving rate schedules and service regulations for Texas Utilities Electric Company, providing an effective date, therefor, providing conditions under which such rate schedules and service regulations may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn, finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and declaring an emergency 10 56 - 57 Conduct Public Hearing on the request for re-zoning of Lots 13, 14, & 15 , Block 3, Brown & Burns Addition - from Single Family to Retail 11 Consider approval of the re-zoning of Lots 13, 14, & 15, Block 3, Brown & Burns Addition fran Single Family to Retail OLD BUSINESS 12 58 - 63 Consider approval of the Park Master Plan (five year plan) GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 Citizen Participation 14 Council Discussion 15 Recess open meeting 16 Convene Council into a work session on the following 64- 68 a. Personnel Regulations, Section 5-7, Workers Compensation and Section 10, Substance Abuse Policy b. discussion of Proposals fran Volunteer Fire Department 17 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES APRIL 10, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday , April 10, 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , Steve Wright, Pat Stemple and John Akin, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, and Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Messenger gave the invocation and Councilwoman Stemple led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 27, 1990 COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Pro Tem Naish corrected the minutes to reflect his statement concerning the re-zoning of Lots 13, 14, & 15 of Block 3 Brown and Burns Addition as follows : He would personally like to see the Land Board take it back to Planning and Zoning and request re-zoning for Retail or seek new zoning of Professional Office. Councilman Messenger also corrected the minutes in the same item as follows: He said there are good points for and against this re-zoning but I have to agree with Councilman Akin and Councilman Swartz . A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the minutes of the March 27 , 1990 Council meeting with the above corrections. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION BY EMERGENCY SERVICES COALITION REGARDING SERVICES AND FUNDING: Sandra Masters, Treasurer of the Emergency Services Coalition, stated that there were five non-profit agencies involved. They are Collin County Women' s Shelter, Crisis Center of Collin County, The Information and Referral Center of Plano, C. I . T. Y. House and The Samaritan Inn. We are making presentation to each City requesting contributions to the Emergency Services Coalition. In order to maintain the current level of service we offer to citizens, we are asking the City of / Wylie to make a contribution of $5,000. to be divided equally between the five agencies. Councilman Akin said it is agreed that it is a good program, but Wylie also has a Care Center , where we took care of 650 families last year. We need to take care of our own. Mayor Trimble said there is no over lap between our Care Center and your programs. Mayor Pro Tem Naish stated that the City of Wylie gave $2,500 .00 last year to the Crisis Center. Councilman Wright asked Ms. Masters if the Crisis Center didn' t come to the schools in Wylie several times last year. Mrs . Masters said yes. Ms. Masters said each agency has its own Budget, Emergency Service Coalition has no budget, it is all volunteer work. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if they didn' t have to go to the Cities more now, as State and Federal funding had been cut in these areas. Ms. Masters said it depends on what type of service you are providing, C. I . T. Y. House gets assistance that other may not be eligible for. Councilwoman Stemple stated that you said you have a board of directors that over sees all of these organizations. Ms. Masters said we have a committee, we are not organized as yet. Ms. Masters said the committee is made up of representatives from each of the agencies . Councilwoman Stemple wanted to know if this agency only helped those in Collin County. Ms. Masters said most of the time but there are cases where we go to other counties, depending on the circumstances. Mayor Trimble thank Ms. Masters for coming and that he personally supported each of these agencies and this will be taken into consideration at budget time. Councilman Swartz thanked Ms. Masters for coming as there are not to many people who take the time to help as these agencies do. PROCLAMATION FOR EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER - RONNIE HIGGINBOTHAM FOR QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 1990: Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the proclamation for Ronnie Higginbotham as Employee of the Quarter - ending March 31, 1990. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . Mayor Trimble read the following Proclamation and presented it to Ronnie Higginbotham: WHEREAS, Ronnie Higginbotham has been selected as the City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter ending March 31 , 1990 ; and, WHEREAS, Ronnie is known for his knowledge of the fleet maintenance program and of the maintenance on all vehicles and equipment; and WHEREAS, Ronnie has been employed by the City of Wylie for one year and is a very dedicated employee; and, WHEREAS, Ronnie has an outstanding attitude regarding his position and relationship with his fellow employees; and NOW, THEREFORE, I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, do Proclaim Ronnie Higginbotham as Employee of the Quarter Ending March 31, 1990 . CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda consists of authorization to seek competitive sealed bids for Annual contract for the purchase of water meters and meter supplies; authorization to seek competitive sealed bids for Annual contract for the purchase of water/sewer utility supplies (e.g. , pipe, fittings, clamps, etc. ) ; Easement from J. L. Brand, Jr. , 0.7 acres and Easements from Ida Pearl Scholz, 1.5 acres and 0 .05 acres. Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the items listed on the consent agenda . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . Mayor Pro Tem Naish asked if we were seeking bids with Plano or any other city. Mr. Johnson said we have a standard meter and specs, if Plano uses the same type of meter , we can request a bid from them. We have done this with Collin County, in bidding our asphalt, rock, sand and gravel. Councilman Akin wanted to know when we did this with Collin County. Mr. Johnson said just recently. Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the above motion. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF DRAFT AGREEMENT WITH STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION RELATIVE TO A LANDSCAPING COST SHARING PROGRAM: City Manager Charles Norwood said the total project cost is $27 ,180.00 and shall be funded jointly by the State and the City. State funds in an amount estimated not to exceed $12,920.00 will be utilized to purchase required material for the Project . The City' s total no-cash contribution is $14,260.00 and represents installing plants, irrigation system components and providing project and site maintenance. Councilwoman Stemple wanted to know where the plants would be put . City Manager Charles Norwood said on Highway 78, in a place where they will not be disturbed at the time of the improvements to Highway 78 are done. Councilman Akin said this has been going on since 1985 and we have been working on this for a long time. We had everyone involved at one time and I am glad this is beginning to happen. Motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the draft agreement from the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows; Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor. Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . Councilman Messenger stated that this was a very good step, but he would like for Planning and Zoning to look at a landscape ordinance. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN NORTH EAST AREA DRUG INTERDICTION TASK FORCE: City Manager Charles Norwood stated that this was between two counties and seven cities, primary purpose is to broaden our scope to attack the drug problems in our areas. State Funds all of this but $82 ,000. We feel like in the future this would be self-supportive and it will cost approximately $12,000 . for Wylie' s portion. Staff feels this is a program we can not afford to refuse. The grant itself will be with the City of Rockwall and if funded could probably begin the project in July or August of this year . Councilman Akin asked if the funding was coming from Federal Government . City Manager Charles Norwood said probably, but it has to go through the State first. Councilman Akin said I am sure all of us agree this is money well spent. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know where the $12,000. was coming from. City Manager Charles Norwood said if funding has to come during this fiscal year, we could use some of the Council Reserve. Councilman Messenger stated that in Chief' s memo it is said that the agencies feel reimbursement from seizure of money and property would take care of this $12,000. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the Resolution to participate in North East Area Drug Interdiction Task Force. Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST FOR RE-ZONING OF A TWO ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT 688 FROM B-1 TO B-2 : This re-zoning request has been presented by Richard Parker and is commonly called Wylie Junction, located on Highway 78 North. Mr. Roy Faires stated that this property is Tract 44 and 41 and presently has storage facilities plus some businesses. It is surrounded by Retail and Business Two and Wylie Ranch East Commercial Park. Planning and Zoning recommends approval of the Business Two zoning . Mayor Trimble opened the public hearing and requested those wishing to speak to come forward and state their name and address for the record. There being no questions or comments, the public hearing was closed. APPROVAL OF RE-ZONING REQUEST FROM B-1 TO B-2 FOR A TWO ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT 688: This property is located on Highway 78 North and is commonly known as Wylie Junction. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the re-zoning from B-1 to B-2 for the two acre tract of land out of the Francisco De La Pina Survey, ABstract 688, Tract 44 and 41 . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST FOR A REPLAT OF LOTS 10 & 11, BLOCK B, STONE GROVE PHASE II : Mr. Roy Faires stated that this is a recent sub-division and therefore letters were ' sent out to the property owners of the sub-division. This request has come from Carlos and Dwan Diaz, they are wanting to combine the two lots into one lot . We have had cases like this before in this sub-division, where the property owner is wishing to purchased two lots and make them into one lot. Planning and Zoning recommends approval . Mayor Trimble opened the Public Hearing and stated anyone wishing to speak to come forward and state their name and address for the record. There being no questions or comments, the public hearing was closed . �J APPROVAL OF A REPLAT OF LOTS 10 AND 11, BLOCK B, STONE GROVE PHASE II : A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the replat for Lots 10 & 11, Block B, Stone Grove Phase II . Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright -in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE CRIME_ STOPPERS PROGRAM OF THE GREATER DALLAS CRIME COMMISSION: City Manager Charles Norwood said on March 28, 1940 tie Dallas Crime Commission extended its program into Collin and Rockwall Counties. No funds from the City, Crime Stoppers do ask for donations from the citizens. Staff recommends approval . A motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to approve the Resolution for membership in the Crime Stoppers Program of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission. Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MARTINEZ ADDITION, BEING 4.817 ACRES OUT OF THE E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 26-7: Mr. Faires stated this is a preliminary plat and the property is located at Highway 78 and FM 544 , where the Shamrock Station was located. This is to provide a location for Eckard Drug. Staff and Planning and Zoning recommend approval . Mr. Faires also stated that it meets all the requirements of the City. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the preliminary plat for Martinez Addition, 4 .817 acres out of the E. C. Davidson Survey, Abstract 267. Seconded by Councilman Swartz. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AWARD OF BID FOR GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE (BUILDINGS) : Mr . Johnson stated there were five bid packages sent out and two bids were received for General Liability and three bids were received for the Police Liability. Bids received for General Liability (buildings) are as follows: Trinity Universal Insurance Company 6 (represented by Wylie Insurance) $27,347 .00 Employer' s Insurance of Texas Group (represented by Emp. of Tex. Lloyds of Sherman, Tex . ) $30,80.00 Staff recommends Trinity Universal Insurance Company which is represented by Wylie Insurance Agency in the amount of $27,347 .00 . Bids received for the Police Liability are as follows : National Casualty Co. (represented by Wylie Insurance) $14,711 .00 Home Insurance Co. (represented by Wylie Insurance) $15,984.00 International Surplus Lines (represented by Rucker Insurance) $15,642 .00 Staff recommends National Casualty Company, represented by Wylie Insurance Agency in the amount of $14,711.00. There has been $42,520 .00 budgeted for this and the total bid is for $42,058.00. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the award of bid to Trinity Insurance Company in the amount of $27 ,347.00 and to National Casualty Co. in the amount of $14,711 .00. Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM SHIMEK, JACOBS, AND FINKLEA FOR SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF 0 ,462.73: This payment request is for services performed on Wastewater Improvements in the amount of $3,462.73 . Staff recommends approval . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the payment request to Shimek, Jacobs, and Finklea in the amount of $3 ,462 .73 . Seconded by Councilman Swartz. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM FREEMAN-MILLICAN, INC. FOR IMPACT FEE STUDY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1 ,855.00: This payment request is for work done on the Impact Fee Study. Councilman Akin wanted to know how far along we are on the completion of the study. City Manager Charles Norwood said 9 there is a meeting on Friday and we will know where we stand at that time, but I feel like we are on schedule. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the payment request from Freeman-Millican, Inc. in the amount of $1 ,855.00 . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT TO DEPT. OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR OVER PAYMENT OF TAXES: This overpayment of taxes is in the amount of $980.61 . Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the over payment of taxes in the amount of $980.61 to Dept. of Housing & Urban Development . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to speak to the Council to come forward at this time, to state their name and address for the record. There were no speakers at this time. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin stated that the down town lights need the bulbs replaced . Councilman Akin also stated that the paper of Record for the City stated that I hand picked Chief Gilmore. All of the Council interviewed and voted on and endorsed the Chief. Councilman Swartz said there are two parking lots in the down town area, one beside Life Line' s building and the other belongs to Lady Like Shop, both have large holes and I was wondering if the City could put some gravel in these holes as these are used for public parking. I realize that both of these do not belong to the City, but would like to see us put some gravel in them. Councilman Akin wanted to know if the water line was still there on the parking lot and if so , was it still leaking. Mr . Johnson said it has been shut off at the valve. Councilman Wright thanked Carolyn Jones for the effort put forth to getting his packed out early, as he was leaving town. Councilman Wright also referred to the information section of the packet regarding ag exemptions, just how much of the property could the City afford to have under ag. Mayor Pro Tem Naish stated that the city staff filed on eleven (11) ag cases last year. Mr. Johnson said yes. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said that part of the problem is all the annexations in the past years. Councilman Wright said that is what he wanted to know. Councilman Akin said we had nothing before we annexed and we got nothing . Councilman Swartz said you are right except that we have concrete streets running through it. Councilman Messenger said it looked like we were going to get the recycling program started again. They are going to be putting bins out soon. Councilman Swartz said there were over 1,000 at the Lavon Lake Clean Up and a lot of effort by a lot of people and I thank we owe them a big thanks. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said that Mr . Faires was 65 years old today. Mr. James Johnson said the preliminary tax roll was in and it looks as if Sanden is coming in at $39,798,000 for 1990. Mayor Trimble stated that Bob Wallace-Jones said there is going to be another 20 million spent in Wylie. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 8:15 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "e" - Personnel Matters - Municipal Court Judge; Board of Directors for Development Corporation of Wylie; City Manager ' s Contract. Mayor Trimble reconvened Council into open session at 10:00 P.M. MUNICIPAL JUDGE: A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to appoint Pam Eudaric as Municipal Court Judge. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenge - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. CITY MANAGER ' S CONTRACT : A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the renewal of the Contract with Charles Norwood, City Manager with the following, an additional two weeks of vacation; eliminate the car allowance and roll it into his salary; give $200.00 per month raise, effective April 24, 1990. Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble -in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz -in favor, Councilman Wright -in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . There being no other action from Executive Session, Mayor Trimble convened Council into a work session. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Mr. Charlie Womack, representing the Economic Development Committee reported to Council each of the 11 members of this committee have been given one of the priorities to carry out and complete. These priorities are as follows: PRIORITY #1 - Strengthen and enhance the relationship between the City of Wylie and the Economic Development Committee PRIORITY #2 - Actively support a lobby effort with local and state agencies for highway improvements PRIORITY #3 - Develop a useful and functional economic information database PRIORITY #4 - Develop and produce an Economic Development brochure PRIORITY #5 - Develop a continuing program, with local economic development allies, to establish tours of local business operations PRIORITY #6 - Develop and maintain media relations conducive to the economic development strategies and efforts PRIORITY #7 - Develop and maintain a strong prospecting network and all base, supportive of our local economic development planning PRIORITY #8 - Conduct an annual economic development community survey PRIORITY #9 - Effectively communicate the 1990 Program Plan to community leaders and economic development allies PRIORITY #10 - Develop and maintain a list of target prospects PRIORITY #11 - Complete the update of the annual community audit Mr . Womack stated that in addition to the above, this committee hopes to initiate a business retention program, to develop a pro-client attitude within the city, to enhance community involvement and to conduct one (1) small business seminar. /D Mr. Womack thanked the Council for their time and support of this committee. Councilman Messenger wanted to know if on Priority #10, if they will be working on ways to attract people to Wylie. Mr. Womack said yes, that is our goal . Councilman Swartz said on certain areas we in Wylie have received a lot of negative information through the newspaper. Is there something we can work on to help give positive information rather than negative. Mr. Womack said we would like to help if we know before it goes the press. Mr. Womack said that Wylie was the second city in Texas to pass this one half cent sales tax for Economic Development. The discussion on the Ambulance Specs and Contract was tabled until a later date. There being no other matters of business for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES APRIL 16, 1990 The Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, April 16, 1990, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord, Bob Skipwith, Jim Ferguson, Cecelia Wood and Richard Eckman. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and Secretary Sandy Stevens. Chairman Brian Chaney called the meeting to order. CONSIDER_APPROVAL__OF_MINUTES OF APRIL_2,_1990 MEETING. No corrections were made to minutes. Vice Chairman Peddicord made a motion to approve the minutes as they stand. Mr. Jim Ferguson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. CONDUCT_PUBLIC_ HEARING_ON_REZONING 301_Nm_BALLARD,_LOTS_13, 14_AND__15,_BLOCK__3_OF__THE_BROWN__AND_BURNS__ADDITION_FROM SINGLE_FAMILY_TO_RETAIL� Chairman Brian Chaney turned the meeting over to Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord due to a conflict of interest on his part . Vice Chairman Peddicord read the list of Retail uses so everyone would understand what is allowed in the classification. The list consists of banks or savings & loans w/wo drive thrus; clinic, medical or dental ; laboratory, medical or dental ; office, general ; optical shop; studio, art, music, drama, speech; letter & mimeograph shop; garden shop & plant sales, inside; veterinarian office, no hospital ; florist shop; antique shop, enclosed; bakery or confection shop, retail ; barber or beauty shop; book, camera or card store; clothing & apparel store; cleaning & laundry pick-up station; discount, variety or department store; drug store; drapery, needlework or weaving shop; supermarket; furniture and appliance; handicraft or hobby shop; key shop; laundry or dry cleaning, self-service; health studio; paint, wallpaper & hardware; personal service shop; photography studio; shoe repair; resturant w/wo drive in service; tool rental , inside only; auto parts and accessories, new; medical appliances, fitting and sales; bus pickup point; motion picture theatre, indoor; hotel or motel ; public buildings including fire stations & library; private or business radio tower; water reservoirs, pumping plants & wells; telephone or utility business office; telephone exchange, switching & transmitting equipment; sewage pumping or lift station; church, synagogue or rectory; school , private or public; day nursery or child care center; hospital ; lodge or fraternal organization; nursing home or residence for the aged; electrical transmission lines & substation; health/fitness centers; public swimming pool , indoor/outdoor; radio, tv, appliance shop. Vice Chairman Peddicord stated that 21 letters were mailed out; 11 were returned, 4 in favor and 7 against the rezoning. Vice Chairman Peddicord opened the Public Hearing asking for anyone present to speak for the rezoning to come forward. Mr. Bill Lewis, 2614 S. Glenbrook, Garland, stated that he is representing the Land Board in their request for Retail zoning. He stated that out of the 53-54 classes, they are only asking for 1 , for their office. He added that the house is 95 years old and will be there past them and the residents around it. He stated that they have several good uses planned for the house. He explained that last time he asked for B-1 , but for obvious reasons (it could at some time be replaced with a gas station or motorcycle shop) it was Lurned down. He stated that Retail would serve the Board' s purpose very well , allowing them to have their office there. He added that they wanted to improve the area and make it an asset to the city. Ms. Woods asked if the Board is a private trust, in no way connected with the school or city. Mr. Lewis replied yes. Ms. Woods commented that a Public building is allowed in a Residential zone. She asked if there was any pheasible way to deed the house to a public entity and then make arrangements to use it for for what they wanted. Mr. Lewis replied they aren' t allowed to deed the property under the trust fund document because it is a corpus investment, not an incoming investment . Ms. Woods asked if they would be allowed to sell the property for any other Retail uses listed. Mr. Lewis answered they probably would not sell the house because they' ve spent alot of effort and time on the house and want to use it themselves. Ms. Woods asked how many parking places were available. Mr . Lewis replied there are 15. Ms. Woods questioned how he would feel about a new zoning created botween Residential and Retail just for profc'ssionaI offices. Mr. Lewis agreed there is a need for it ~ but its long term, 6-8 months, and they would like to get seL up sconer than that. Ms. Woods commented that maybe they should have gotten started sooner on the rezoning. Mr. Lewis rsplied that he made an application for Retail about 17-17 hou-s after the 8-1 was denied. Mr . Ferguson asked Mr. Lewis to explain the intended use of U`e focilit> as far as the Land Board is concerned. Mr . Lcwis replied that they want to put their office there, exp1ainiog they would be very benevole//t in their use. Hi:-- added that they wculd like to see tho comm"mity, such as sdhuoI curriculum gruups, Ecc'nooic Dcvelopment Board, Cham�ur of Commercs , use it for meetings. He said they had talked "UouL loosing part of it to generate additional iI OmE ` tut it is, ' t es�ential at this time. He added that AmqAJ May decide to, it would be to someone who would fit An la- impact area, like the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Feryusnn commented that leasing it would have nothing to do with the school functions. Mr. Lewis said they would like to have FFA and FHA and other school clubs meet there with their sponsors. Mr. Ferguson asked why it . was not brought forward for rezoning when they had first acquired the facility. Mr. Lewis said on the B-1 they were busy and didn' t break any laws or codes, but on the Retail he immediately applied, since learning from the B-1 . Mr. Lewis said he could only apologize for not applying sooner on the B-1 , Mr. Richard Eckman asked how many rooms the Board' s office would occupy. Mr. Lewis said it would take up one at this time. Mr. Eckman asked if the remainder of the house would be left open for other uses. Mr. Lewis replied yes, they would make it available for other uses, preferably the Chamber of Commerce if they ' re interested. Mr. Eckman asked how many people the largest room would accomodate for a meeting. Mr. Lewis replied 15-20. He added that he feels it is a good thing for the city, attractive, not a detriment. He also said that some people are worried about their zoning being changed but the house is the only location asking to be changed. Ms. Woods asked if they were given the Retail zoning and 6 months later someone offered them $2 million for the property would they sell it. Mr. Lewis replied that that is speculation. Ms. Woods said the members of the Trust Board are selected and if replaced, moods might change, maybe allowing it to be sold. Mr. Lewis repeated that it is speculation and not what they have planned for it. He added that the property itself determines its use. Mr. Eckman said that lots of things change over the course of the years and even though that is the way they feel now, it may not be later . Ms. Woods commented that the P & Z Board has an obligation to be a planning board and do what is best for the city. She added that the Board has an obligation also to the property owners who abut it and have to live next door to it because in two years the mood of the Land Board might change. Ms. Woods said that we need to assure the residents that what we are telling them will be there, will be what ' s there later, also. Mr. Lewis said that the Trust Fund started in 1940, 50 years ago, and it' ll still be here in 50 years. Ms. Woods asked if the Land Board anticipated Retail or some other zoning, why a solid fence was not put up. Mr. � �r � � Lewis replied that if they get the zoning, a solid fence will be put up. Mr . Skipwith asked if the 15 parking spaces are on the street. Mr. Lewis answered that they are in the back, parallel parking and just past the house is straight drive in parking, with more parking on the side street. Mr. John Spillyards, 301 N. Jackson, introduced himself as being for the rezoning. He added that he is a board member of the Historical Association of Wylie and Chairman of Wylie Hisorical Commission. He also said that this property and the Pearson home located behind it are the historical homes of the two men who settled Wylie. Mr . Spillyards expressed that this home is a remarkable gift to Wylie and he is astonished that anyone could object it. Ms. Woods asked him how long he has lived in Wylie. Mr. Spillyards answered that he has lived here for four years. Ms. Woods explained that the reason the P & Z Board is so careful is because through the years people have come in with the best intentions and asked for rezoning. Then 6 months later , they are gone and the city has acquired zoning and businesses in places where they don' t want them. Mr. Spillyards replied that the Land Board is a Trust Fund, the board members are representatives of the community and neither are going to go out of business. Mr. Spillyards added that the fence around the property is a replica of the 19th century fence that was originally there. Mr. Ferguson asked Mr. Spillyards how accurate the restoration is. Mr. Spillyards replied that a great deal of money was spent on historical research and due to old photographs still existing, the restoration is very accurate. Mr. Skipwith asked Mr. Lewis if the property could be leased to the City or school for a period of time to assure the use for the next 25-50 years. Mr. Lewis replied he did not know if they could lease it to themselves or another entity with a stipulation for its use. Mr. Faires asked if the structure could be designated as a historical landmark as it presently stands. Mr. Spillyards answered that the City Council would be the one to designate it as such. Mr. Skipwith asked if the Land Board would oppose a historical designation. Mr. Lewis said they would ' like it , but it would take more than 6 months and the Board needs the office space now. Mr. Faires explained that the State of Texas designates certain historical buildings under a state law and once this is done no one can change the exterior of the building. Mr. Skipwith said that he' d be hesitant to give a zoning with a "MAYBE we' ll get a historical marker " . Mr. Lewis assured him that they are - dealing with honorable, upright Christian people on the Land Board who have lived here for years. Mr. Ferguson asked Mr. Faires if the historical society preserves the facility, can they chanye the exterior and if the present structure was destroyed, would there be any reference as to the use of the land under the historical guidelines. Mr. Faires said in his own estimation they can' t even hang a sign because that would be changing the exterior and it would be illegal to give a Retail zoning with restrictions, otherwise known as Contract zoning. Vice Chairman Peddicord called for anyone present to speak against the zoning to come forward. Mrs. Marie Dillehay, 307 N. Ballard, states that she lives next door to the house. She stated that she is against the rezoning because they may have something going on that she doesn' t approve of . Mr. Ferguson asked her how she would feel about professional offices next door. Mrs. Dillehay replied that she doesn' t want a lot of stuff and prefers it remains Residential . Mr. Tkipwith asked her how she feels about the house being designated historical and used as offices with the assurance that' s all that would go in. Ms. Woods asked Mrs. Dillehay how she would feel if she could be guaranteed all that would be at the location is offices. Mrs. Dillehay repeated that she just doesn' t want a lot of stuff going on next door. Mrs. Rita Smith, 401 N. Ballard, asked that the zoning not be changed until some concrete use is presented. She added that the Land Board has been without an office for 50 years and should be able to wait another month or so until the zoning can be changed. She continued by saying zoning is to protect the neighborhood and their neighborhood shouldn' t be changed just because the Land Board needs office space. Mrs. Smith said that the Mayor, being Chairman of the Board, could probably have space at City Hall and the Land Board is welcome at the School Administration Office. She continued by saying that she fails to see any benfit to the children of our schools by this venture. She added that the house has not been restored to its original concept because she doesn' t remember a fence or this paint color on the original house and it won't be original if it becomes a Retail establishment. Mrs. Smith said she feels the Land Board has acted secretly, unwisely and unworthy of the trust placed in them. She added if it is changed to Retail they will no longer have a quiet, family oriented neighborhood, therefore she sincerely hopes the zoning remains Residential . M' . Skipwith asked Mrs. Smith how she would feel if they could guarantee the house would remain as is for the next 25-50 years with offices in it. Mrs. Smith said she doesn' t ~ - property that would protect the rights, priviledges and privacy of the surrounding residents. Mr . Skipwith expressed his concern for the citizens who have lived in the area for years. He sai.d he would like to see something done to protect the homeowners by setting up a new zone for offices, rather than rezoning it Business or Retail . He added that he feels to rezone it as requested would be a slap in the face to the residents who have come to the meetings twice . Mr. Skipwith also commented that he is proud of what the Land Board has done to the house and adds that it is an asset to Wylie. Mr. Ferguson stated that the facility has enhanced our town by adding a great value with its attractiveness and providing wonderful meeting places and office spaces. He said that the P & Z Board has to look at the whole issue strictly on the basis that it is a zoning matter. Mr. Ferguson thanked Mrs. Smith for providing the P & Z Commission with the additional information. He agreed that a new zoning classification is needed to help protect the rights of the residents in the neighborhood. Ms. Woods stated that the house is an asset to the City of Wylie, but again the residents have to be taken into consideration. She said she' d like to determine closely what the building will be used for . Mr . Eckman, also, said he feels the house is an asset to the City and citizens of Wylie. He added that it' s unfortunate the Land Board didn' t seek zoning 14 months ago. He said that after listening to both sides, he feels the best way to become even more of an asset is to seek a Professional Office zoning to protect the interest of the long-time citizens and then to make use of the establishment. Vice Chairman Peddicord said it is a beautiful spot. He added that he is hesitant to limit it to only office spaces because the rooms would hold small meetings of 15-20 people. He expressed the value in using it for meetings along with the office space. Mr. Ferguson made a motion to deny approval of recommendation for the rezoning pending the arrival of a new classification. Mr. Skipwith seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor. Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord turned the meeting back over to Chairman Chaney. Chairman Chaney said that he wished to clarify a few items for the citizens present at the meeting. He explained that the P & Z Board is appointed by the City Council . He added that they are for recommendations only and any time an item ^' . ^ 17 know and would like the Land Board to have the concern and forethought to ask for special zoning, but that it would be better than a broad Retail zoning. Mr . James Parker, 306 N. Ballard, stated that he' d been told the property owners were wasting their time opposing the rezoning. He added that he' d like to think they haven' t wasted their time due to the fact that the Zoning Board and City Council rejected the last request. Mr. Parker said he opposes Retail for the same reasons he opposed B-1 , saying that a business is a business whether you call it Retail or B-1 . Mr . Ferguson asked him how he'd feel if the facility was specified for strictly office use. Mr. Parker said he would consider accepting it, if it was zoned strictly for offices. Mrs. Mickie Russell , 308 N. Ballard, stated that she has lived at her present home for 8 years. She added that a lady in the 500 block of N. Ballard said the Land Board' s house did not stop her from buying her house recently, but that she does not have that lady` s choice. Mrs. Russell said she and four other widows live in the neighborhood and don' t have any option but to remain. Therefore, she added, she doesn' t want the rezoning to change their neighborhood. Ms. Woods asked Mrs. Russell if there was a zoning strictly for offices how she would feel about it. Mrs. Russell said that she' d talk it over with her neighbors and expressed she wanted it to remain nice and quiet. Rick Russell , 308 N. Ballard, asked what would be rezoned as Retail . Vice Chairman Peddicord advised him that only the one location was being rezoned and that property cannot be rezoned without the property owner' s request. Mr . Skipwith added that just 3 lots, 13, 14, and 15, were being rezoned. Vice Chairman Bart Peddicord closed the Public Hearing. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF REZONING 301 N. BALLARD, LOTS 13, 140 AND IS, BLOCK 3 OF THE BROWN_AND__BURNS ADDITION FROM SINGLE FAMILY TO _RETAIL. Vice Chairman Peddicord read a letter written by Bobby Jennings to Chairman Brian Chaney voicing his opinion on the proposed rezoning. Mr. Jennings said he could not attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict. He stated that he feels the improvements made to this property have enhanced N. Ballard and the City of Wylie. He also said that he' d like to see this item withdrawn or tabled until a new classification can be created that would enable the Birmingham Land Board to utilize the Building in the manner they desire while setting limits for the use of this � �� request is denied, it takes a 757 majority vote of the City Council to overrule :it, but if an item is approved, it takes a 517. vote by City Council . Also, he said that as a citizen of Wylie you always have the right to come forward during a Public Hearing, even if you live outside the 200' of affected property. He added that the residents who live within 200' of the affected property are notified by mail . GENERAL_DISCUSSION. After passing out copies of the permitted uses lists, Mr. Faires explained that items the members would like to see changed should be circled and this would be put on the next agenda. He added that this agenda item should he completed in 4-5 meetings. Chairman Chaney advised the members to consider specific uses, explaining that with specific uses you. can limit busi ness hours and set time limits. Vice Chairman Peddicord asked if the new classification would be between Residential and Retail . Chairman Chaney confirmed this. Mr. Faires said this will be the lowest commercial zoning and will have the most restrictions. Mr. Faires said that he met with the men from the Capital Recovery Program on Friday and will receive an itinerary from them soon. ADJOURN. Mr. Ferguson made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Woods seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Sandy Stevens, Secretary Qff'we of tie mayor I. I. 4A,tt arlag . % rottamatton NATIONAL PET WEEK WHEREAS, the people of the City of Wylie, Texas have distinguished themselves by their care and concern for pets and animals through the attention of their health and welfare; and WHEREAS, pets provide love, companionship, devotion and loyalty, enriching the lives of their owners and the community in general; and WHEREAS, man's progress throughout the ages has been reliant on the aid and assistance received from animals as helpmates and companions; and WHEREAS, the care and treatment of animals is entrusted to Doctors of Veterinary Medicine who strive to preserve and improve the quality of life for pets and people in the City of Wylie, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHUCK TRIFLE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, 'do hereby proclaim May 6- 12, 1990 as NATIONAL PET WEEK in the City of Wylie, Texas and I call upon the people to take advantage of the events planned in conjunction with this observance. fin witness wlieteof 11 grave gettunto set my gland and caused die scat to to affixed. CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR AT TEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary DATE: April 24, 1990 PAL 49? 0 March 20, 1990 Mr. Charles Norwood City Manager City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Re : Parks and Recreation Board Dear Mr. Norwood: I am currently serving on the Parks and Recreation Board; however, due to the upcoming birth of my child and my husband's constant travel connected with his Job, I regretfully have to resign. I have enjoyed working with all the members. Sincerely, Cheri n cc: Parks and Recreation Board WYLIE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS RANDY ARP JIM SMITH RAYMOND COOPER BART PEDDICORD JOHN YEAGER ALTERNATE - JIM BLAKEY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, the Cities of Wylie ("Wylie") and Rowlett ("Rowlett") desire to provide for the more efficient use of their equipment and manpower to furnish assistance to each other as necessity arises; now, therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. It is the purpose of this Agreement to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of both cities by authorizing the exchange, upon request, of equipment and manpower for use in performance of certain governmental functions and services primarily relating to public works functions and the construction or repair of streets, roads, and drainage facilities. 2. This Agreement shall be for a term of one (1) year, and will be renewed automatically unless one of the parties gives notice in writing to the other, not later than thirty (30) days before the expiration of such year, that it desires to terminate the Agreement. The city paying for the performance of the functions or services performed under this Agreement shall make payments therefor from current revenues available to it. 3. During the term of this Agreement, either city may request of the other city the furnishing of equipment and manpower, including, but not limited to, motor graders, bomag machines, street sweepers, water trucks and the like, and their operators, for temporary use by the requesting city for the performance of necessary public works in the requesting city. The requesting city shall be responsible for the direction of the work by the operator and equipment of the supplying city. The supplying city must furnish its operator for the necessary equipment, and no employee or operator of the requesting city shall be authorized to operate equipment belonging to the supplying city. 4. While engaged in public works for the requesting city, the supplying city shall be responsible for and pay the regular salary and any overtime for the operator engaged in work for the requesting city. 5. The supplying city shall, upon request, determine the availability of the equipment and manpower for the period requested, and shall not be obligated to furnish such manpower or equipment if to do so would hamper substantially any project being performed by such manpower or equipment in the supplying city. a3 6. The supplying city shall provide workers' compensation and pay any compensation claims levied against it arising out of work performed by an operator in the requesting city. Each city shall furnish the other a copy of its insurance policy stating that its personnel and equipment are covered for the operations in the requesting city and at all times outside the city limits upon request of the requesting city. 7. The operator and equipment furnished by the supplying city shall perform the requested work in the requesting city subject to the rules, regulations, and ordinances of the requesting city. The details of the execution of this Agreement shall be the responsibility of the Public Works Director of each city. 8. This Agreement shall not constitute a contract for the joint payment of expenses of road construction or improvements and shall not bind each city to the other except as specifically provided herein. 9. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other. 10. This Agreement is executed in duplicate by the parties hereto on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: • Mayor, City of Rowlett ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: Mayor, City of Wylie ATTEST: City Secretary DEDICATION DEED STATE OF TEXAS } } KNOW AL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN } That Estelle Kreymer, a feme sole, of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred Five and NO/100 Dollars ($705.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the City of Wylie, Texas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, does hereby dedicate for public street and public utility purposes all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, to the City of Wylie, Texas, as Grantee, to have and to hold the described right-of-way, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns, and Grantor hereby binds herself, her successors, heirs and assigns, to warrant and defend the rights and title to said right-of-way unto the said City of Wylie against every person whensoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WITNESS my hand this f _ day of Q,(j/f,/, , 1990. Estelle Kreyi1er, Grantor STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF COLLIN } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Estelle Kreymer, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that she executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 9 _ day of 47"- -1-17 , 1990. a4)/f Notary Publ. , State of Texas My Commission Expires lo 0?-5w EXHIBIT "A" BEING a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to J.C. Kreymer and wife, Estelle Kreymer by G.W. Kreymer and wife, Meada Kreymer by deed recorded In Volume 523, Page 192 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, In the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, situated 1n the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Kreymer tract, said point being on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street (variable width), and being 246.0 feet East from a concrete right-of-way marker at the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Brown Street with the East right-of-way line of Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514); THENCE NORTH along the West line of the Kreymer tract, 6.08 feet; THENCE North 89'12'30" East, 90.01 feet to a point on the East line of the Kreymer tract; THENCE SOUTH along the East line of the Kreymer tract, 7.32 feet to its Southeast corner, a point on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street; THENCE WEST along the North right-or-way line or Brown Street, 90.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 603 square feet of land, more or less. 014 ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1990. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary DEDICATION DEED STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; COUNTY OF COLLIN That Bill Kreymer and wife, Wanda Kreymer, of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($1,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the City of Wylie, Texas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do hereby dedicate for public street and public utility purposes all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, to the City of Wylie, Texas, as Grantee, to have and to hold the described right-of-way, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns, and Grantors do hereby bind themselves, their successors, heirs and assigns, to warrant and defend the rights and title to said right-of-way unto the said City of Wylie against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the sa a or any part thereof. WITNESS our hand this / i day of , 1990. BILL K WANDA KREYM STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Bill Kreymer and wife, Wanda Kreymer, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed same for the purposes given and in the capacities stated therein. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this /, day of giz.„„ca.:ki , 1990. ..,. hr . r C !E a J `�r`�y `j'„TL Notary Public, tate of Texas Wins:cnEx yes: My Commission Expires: -,75�23 "•,,o , 4-25-93 ‘4?"-, (Notary's Printed Name) RLS/LA 4-2-90 di EXHIBIT "A" BROWN STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY BILL KREYMER & WIFE, WANDA BEING a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to Bill Kreymer and wife, Wanda Kreymer by G.W. Kreymer and wife, Meada Kreymer by deed recorded to Volume 523, Page 194 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, in the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as to'lows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Kreymer tract, said point being on the North right-or-way line of Brown Street (variable width), and being 396.0 feet East tram a concrete right-of-way marker at the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Brown Street with the East right-of-way line of Bailard Avenue (F.M. 2514); THENCE NORTH along the West line of the Kreymer tract, 8.15 feet; THENCE North 89° 12'30" East, 100.01 feet to a point on the East line of the Kreymer tract; THENCE SOUTH along the East line of the Kreymer tract, 9.53 feet to its Southeast corner, a point on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street; THENCE WEST along the North right-of-way line or Brown Street, 100.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 884 square feet of land, more or less. � 9 ie CITY OP' WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 April 16 , 1990 Mr & Mrs Bill Kreymer Rt . 2 , Box 71 Avery , TX. 75554 RE: Kreymer Easement - Brown St . ( April 4 . 1990 Letter) Dear Mr. & Mrs . Kreymer: This letter will confirm the verbal commitment made between Bill Kreymer and Charles Norwood, City Manager, regarding the replacement of the driveway entrance and approach at your Brown St . home. The Brown St. project will probably result in the driveway entrance and approach being torn out during construction. This letter stands a written 'commitment to replace same. Res ect.fully, _ ame ,. ohnson Finance Director cc: Charles Norwood , City Manager 3D DEDICATION1 D® STATE OF TEXAS } } KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN } That Beatrice D. Smith, a feme sole, of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for an in consideration of the sum of One Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($1,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the City of Wylie, Texas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, does hereby dedicate for public street and public utility purposes all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, to the City of Wylie, Texas, as Grantee, to have and to hold the described right-of-way, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Wylie, its successors and assigns, and Grantor hereby binds herself, her successors, heirs and assigns, to warrant and defend the rights and title to said right-of-way unto the said City of Wylie against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. WITNESS my hand this /,;Z day of Cl. . ` , 1990. D, Beatrice D. Smith, Grantor STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF COLLIN } BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Beatrice D. Smith, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledge to me that she executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ram day of rxA1 ^T : 1990. VirtLuL`MuAA Notary Public, State of xas My Commission Expires: II - - �1 3/ 888006 EXHIBIT "A" BROWN STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY E.H. SMITH & WIFE, BEATRICE . BEING a part of that certain tract of land conveyed to E.H. Smith and wife, Beatrice D. Smith by Ura C. Smith by deed recorded in Volume 530, Page 420 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, in the James Truett Survey, Abstract No. 920, situated in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Smith tract, said point being on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street (variable width), and being 187.0 feet East from a concrete right-of-way marker at the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Brown Street with the East right-of-way line of Ballard Avenue (F.M. 2514); THENCE NORTH along the West line of the Smith tract, 5.26 feet; THENCE North 89' 12'30" East, 59.01 feet to a point on the West line of that certain tract of land conveyed to J.C. Kreymer by deed recorded in Volume 523, Page 192 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE SOUTH along the West line of said Kreymer tract, 6.08 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street; THENCE WEST along the North right-of-way line of Brown Street, 59.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 335 square feet of land, more or less. dV z4M ES TRUETT Sege✓EY A85T,P.4CT NO. 920 /z2O' 9-01119 E.* SA1WTf/ 'tyiFE, E,oraOUC caveu/ ge,4r.e/cE 541/TX/ .7 C. Meyl r ON.534 is. i20 4 h tArofv560 lvxaw✓/N6-33.55.f. t N0972:3O 59.0/ 1 3 ,A/Arse, WEST .59.0 . /PO/V/ 57 fET 33 APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1990• Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary V MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director9.....1,510111I,4_7.7 RE: 10% Retainage - Nortex Tank Site Project $2, 400 . 00 DATE: 04/16/90 ORIGINAL BID BUDGETED $24 , 000 . 00 $2 , 400 . 00 Amount Disbursed to date $21 , 600 . 00 Retainage 2 , 400 . 00 Fund 74 (Street Reconstruction) part of miscellaneous project and improvements 1988 C. O. funds - Don White, P. W. Supt. , has told me that all work is complete . tUnder account number--74-700-741-04262) • • • electrical • generation (1�V//7 '- tee e • • • I. E © tw�5 o �+ E r'. TO: CITY OF WYLIE i APR 6 190' 2000 HWY 78 N P. O. BOX 428 _ WYLIE, TEXAS 75098' ATTN: CITY ENGINEER _' • DATE: MARCH 29, 1990 PROJECT NO. 1023 INVOICE NO: 1005 PROJECT NAME: NORTEX GROUND STORAGE SITE • & BOOSTER PUMP STATION TOTAL BILLINGS TO DATE (5) TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNTT: $ 24,000.00 AMOUNT TO DATE: $ 24,000.00 Labor, Supervision & Overhead $ 17,206.59 Materials 3,906.71 Equipment, Tools & Supplies 2,886.70 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 24,000.00 T.RSS PREVIOUS BILLINGS & PAYMENTS: $ 21 ,600.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $ .•2,409.00 REMAINING BALANCE $ 0.00 If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please contact Gene Tindell at (214) 361-2094. Respectively submitted, Gene Tindell President 634 Preston Royal Dallas,Texas 75230 (214)361-2094 36 MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director 4.=( — RE: Agenda Item 04/24/90 - Engineering Fees/ Landfill (Fund 72 ) - $320 . 69 DATE: 04/16/90 A small invoice from Jones & Neuse, Inc. of Houston, Tx. regarding engineering work associated with the CRI (Chemical Recycling incorporated) site and our landfill . )ONES AND NEUSE, INC.11811 IH-10 East, Suite 275 March 15, 1990 Invoice No. 328901-015 1 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 - Phase I James Johnson Finance Director City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 PM14 6 Period of Service: February 1, 1990 through February 28, 1990 Labor John D. Buchanan 4 .000 hr @ $ 70.00/hr = 280. 00 Robert I. Chapin . 500 hr @ $ 80. 00/hr = 40.00 320.00 Expenses Long Distance Calls . 69 .69 Amount Due This Invoice $ 320. 69 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A 1°°MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS, PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. 3r MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary FROM: James , Johnson, Finance Directot�-� _ RE: Agenda Item 04/24/90 Hunter & Assoc. -Invoices ( 2) $1 , 357 , 10 - Fund 91 (Utility Construction - Sewer Project) DATE: 04/16/90 Two ( 2 ) invoices from Hunter Associates , Inc. regarding the Muddy Creek drainage basin line (collection system project ) totaling $1 , 357 . 10 . (3 9 Hu : teur Ass:cric i t , I nc . 8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 500 Dallas , Texas 75231 ( 214 ) 369-9171 Date: 03/31 /90 City of Wylie P .O. Box 428 C/C Number : 3 8 Wylie, TX 75098 Attn: Charles Norwood S - a t men t o f A c c o u n t -DATE- -JOB NO- - INV. NO- -AMOUNT- Previous Unpaid Billings : 03/ 16/90 D89012 22296 517 . 74 03/ 16/90 D89012S 22290 839 . 36 Total 1 ,357 , 10 Current Month Billings : Total 0 . 00 PREVIOUS DUE 1 , 357 , 10 CURRENT BILLINGS + 0 . 00 TOTAL CURRENT DUE = 1 , 357 . 10 PLEASE REMIT AMOUNT DUE TO: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC, 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE, SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 Please disregard if payment has been made. 4540 ‘{x'' ../ ''f ass* - 4, ,.V'g i iw. HIINTEB ASSOCIATES , -' ,it. . r �. �t-. - ;. . ZIGIIZZIIS/PLAJJ u/sv1ytyoU f ,r ' u r;, 3 &vim ,• TY„ i s 1 t„11 -, r( .' III-744-41)i Ili.441-SUSa S s `); x ^' M. Rate • riv'h _(C' To: City of Wylie .� ,„ 1. ,� . 'v 7* t w4' S ? P.O. Box 428 Your Job Na .«4 ^. Wylie, Texas 75098 ' ' • , - OurJobNo. D8.012 s , For professional and technical services as requ re �« : sanitary sewer trunk main to be constructed in the 141k eel.: - drainage basin. The trunk main will commence at a stubout'- lull existing lift station located along S.H. ,78 and extend nprt service South Fork Mobile Home Park and Presidential Eatat 6 ., work includes the additional staking of the right-of-way. -- The technical services were supplied during the payroll period as indicated and are part of the Special Services as defined in the Contract for Professional Services executed on July 25, 1989sby Charles Norwood, City Manager. pAY PERIOD DESCRIPTION { 2-28-90 Field Right-of-Way Layout Staking Field Survey Party - 6.5 hours @ $60.00 = $390.00 Mileage 24.19 Direct Cost $414.19 . Overhead & Profit (25%) 103.55 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $517.74 ' j- Please Return Enclosed Copy With Remittance To: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Total This Invoice $ 517 .74 1/ • ray-rigs INVOICE BUNTER. ASSOCIATES , INC . Page 1 of 1 ® EIGIYEEIIS/PLAIIEEES/SURTETOQS mass +*om Invoice No. 22290 $1,-31,.,.,1 .iZ-.i,-./1i Date Mar. 16, 1990 To: City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Your Job No. Wylie, Texas 75098 Our Job No. D89012S C\C 38—TWS For technical and professional services as required for field topographic surveying for the design of a sanitary sewer trunk main to be constructed in the Muddy Creek drainage basin. The trunk main will commence at a stub-out to the existing lift station located at S.H. 78 and extend; northerly to service South Fork Mobile Home Park and Presidential Estates. This work includes the construction layout staking. The technical services were supplied during the payroll period as indicated and are part of the Additional Services as defined in the Contract for Professional Services ececuted on July 25, 1989 by Charles Norwood, City Manager. PAY PERIOD DESCRIPTION MATERIALS 2-28-90 Field Surveying $ 608. 11 Survey Mileage 80. 00 Direct Cost $ 688. 11 Overhead 151 . 25 Total $ 839 . 36 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $839 . 36 Please Return Enclosed Copy With Remittance To: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Total This Invoice $ 839 .36 MEMORANDUM 'I'O: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director52 ,� - -5? RE: Legal Services - Landfill Fund ( 72) $4 , 602. 38 DATE: 04/16/90 The attached invoice is from Charles Shipley, Shipley & Inhofe, who is representing the City in the landfill litigation. Most of the charges in this invoice are in regard to the CRI (Chemical Recycling Inc. ) site and the Potential Responsible Parties (PRP' s) who are paying for the site investigation and initial clean-up. Y - .. . -.._. • .. . . _ ' " _� SHIPLEY& INHOFE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER TULSA,OKLAHOMA 74103 CHARLES W SHIPLEY DOUGLAS L INHOFE TELEPHONE:(918)382.1720 MARK B.JENNINGS TELECOPIER:(916)584-7681 NSEL BLAKEKCHAMPLIN OFC HART LESLIE C.MNANDREW S.HARTMAN JAMIE I BOYD City of Wylie Statement * 990 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director March 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 1 Accounts Receivable Balance Forward 3! ,1A,va.S'- Payments Received $0.00 Credits or Adjustments $0.00 Re: City Landfill PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 03/07/90 BKC review revised NCP 0.25 26.25 03/08/90 CWS t/c w/Johnson 0.25 38.75 03/08/90 JTB background review (NO CHARGE) ** 0.75 60.00 03/09/90 . BKC conf w/CWS re status and NCP issues 0.25 26.25 03/09/90 CWS conf w/BKC re status and strategy 0.25 38.75 03/12/90 BKC conf w/JTB 0.25 26.25 03/12/90 JTB conf w/BKC; review documents 2.00 160.00 03/13/90 JTB review of Wylie documents, organization 7.00 560.00 and indexing 03/14/90 JTB organize and review documents and memo 6.75 540.00 03/15/90 JTB memo on document review; conf w/TLW; 3.50 280.00 review of Wylie Zoning Ordinance, documents 03/15/90 TLW conf w/JTB 0.25 11.25 03/18/90 BKC review documents and JTB's memo 2.00 210.00 03/18/90 CWS conf w/Howard Gilberg 0. 25 38.75 03/19/90 CWS conf w/DLI •, 0.25 38.75 03/19/90 CWS conf w/DLI re case (NO CHARGE) ** 0.25 38.75 03/19/90 DLI conf w/CWS re case 0.25 38.75 03/19/90 TLW copying final NCP 2.50 112.50 03/20/90 BKC conf w/CWS re assignments; conf w/JTB: 3.00 315.00 review revised NCP; conf w/DLI 03/20/90 CWS conf w/BKC 0.25 38.75 03/20/90 DLI conf w/BKC re case 0.25 38.75 Continued ._..._R,... - _ -_-_..A.- _ - J. City of Wylie Statement 11 990 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director March 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 03/20/90 JTB conf w/BKC re Wylie research 0. 25 20.00 03/21/90 BKC review NCP; conf w/DLI 2.00 210.00 03/21/90 DLI conf w/BKC re case 0.75 116.25 03/21/90 JTB application of Sect. 107(a) (4) (c) 5. 25 420.00 research 03/22/90 JTB research irreparable injury; research 1.00 80.00 calculation of natural resource damages 03/23/90 BKC review new NCP and documents 8.00 840.00 03/23/90 JTB memo re calculation of damages 1.00 80.00 03/27/90 CWS t/c w/Buchanan; conf w/DLI 0.50 77.50 03/27/90 DLI conf w/CWS re meeting w/counsel for 0. 25 38.75 client in late April 03/30/90 CWS travel into Dallas from DFW; conf 0.75 116.25 w/Howard Gilberg re CRI PRP group ADJUSTMENT FOR "NO CHARGE" ITEMS 98.75- Shipley, Charles W. 2.75 387.50 Douglas L. Inhofe 1.50 232.50 Champlin, Blake K. 15.75 1,653.75 Jamie T. Boyd 27.50 2,140.00 Wagoner, Terrie L. 2.75 123.75 Total Hours 50.25 Total For The Above Services 4,537.50 EXPENSES 03/30/90 Postage 2.10 03/30/90 Long Distance 2.78 03/30/90 Photocopies 35.00 03/30/90 CWS trip to downtown Dallas 25.00 r Total Expenses 64.88 Total Statement $4,602.38 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $4,606.74 ,0z34gf City of Wylie Statement * 990 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director March 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 3 This statement may not contain all costs incurred for which we have not yet been billed. 16 efrilr" 1.,),/ • -10 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA ??All '4441 CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361_7900 ROSS L.JACOBS,P.E. C.FINKLEA,P.E. April 5, 1990 JAMES E.LAUGHLIN,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,PE. C.L.SHIMEK,P.E. Mr. Charles Norwood City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 N Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Phase II Sections 1 & 2 Pay Request No. 1 Dear Mr. Norwood: We are enclosing four (4) copies of Pay Request No. 1 submitted by Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. (March 8, through March 31, 1990) for the Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Phase II project. We have reviewed the estimate and have noted an error in the retainage percentage which we have marked on the estimate. The revised amount due is $24,521.60. We have signed and dated the enclosed four (4) copies of Pay Request No. 1. Please add your signature and date in the space marked "approved." Sincerely,6).4-- Joe R. Carter, P.E. Enclosures ESTINAIE FOR PAYMENT PATE $ PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SE1(R Pale I IIIIEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: I Date: 0413-91 Estimate Period S3-OD-91 to 83-31-91 Contract Dated : S1-23-91 Owners CITY OF WYLIE Work Order Dated: 9318-91 2818 HIGHWAY 78 N Contract Time : 279 CALE?(AR DAYS 105,,51 WYLIE, TEXAS 75898 Original Contract Total: f984;513 98 Revised Contract Total: . Item I Description IUnitl ( Quantities ) I Unit Price I Amount 1 I I Planned I Prev. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I I I I I A 181 118' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 1,784. I . I . I S.88 I 21.64 1 8.8S 18-12' I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I A 092 118' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 275. i I . I 8.88 I 22.79 I 8.81 112-16' I I I I I 1 I 1 A 993 118' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 658. 1 . I . I 9.81 1 25.33 1 8.11 116-28' 1 I I I I I I I A 184 1 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 748. I . I . I 8.88 I 35.17 I 8.01 I ) 21' I I I I I 1 ' I I I I 1 I I I A 185 118' SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT I LF I 168. I . I . I 8.88 I 57.97 I 8.88 I ) 28' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 086 1 15' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 4,591. I . I . I 1.18 i 19.49 I 8.81 18-12' I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I A 887 1 15' SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENTI LF I 199. i . I ▪ I 8.88 I 35.67 I 8.8$ 19-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 888 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 565. I . I ▪ I 8.88 1 22.79 1 8.81 1 12-16' DEEP I I I I I I I I A 819 1 15' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 568. I . I . I O.88 I 24.35 I 8.88 I ) 16' I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 A 811 115' SS BY OTHER THAN O.C. I LF I 59. I . I . I 8.ee I %.25 I Lei I I 1 I I I I I A e11 1 15' SS IN 24' ENCASEMENT PIPE I IF I 495. I . I . I 8.88 I 175.95 I 8.81 I I I 1 I I I I A 912 112' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 724. I . I . I 8.88 I 16.36 I me 19-12' I I 1 I I I 1 1 A 913 1 12' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 938. I . I . I 8.88 I 17.51 I 9.99 1 12-16' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 914 112' SS IN 29' ENCASEMENT PIPE 1 LF I 118. i I . I 8.88 I 123.11 I 8.81 1 BY OTHER THAN O.C. 1 i I I I I I I A 915 1 19' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 968. I . I . I 1.09 I 18.86 I 8.88 18-12' I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I A 816 ill' SS W/TYPE II DEEDMENT I IF I 1,752. I I I 8.88 I 19.61 I 8.81 112-16' I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 ft gSTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE i PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 2 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 1 Date: 14.83-91 Estimate Period 1348-91 to 13-31-9S Contract Dated : 81-2311 Owner: CITY OF WYLIE Work Order Dated: 13-18-91 2881 HIGHWAY 78 N Contract Time : 278 CALENDAR DAYS WYLIE, TEXAS 75898 Original Contract Total: ,914,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description lUnitl l Quantities ) i Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I i I I I A 817 118' SS IN 18' ENCASEMENT BY I LF I 148. I i . I 8.88 I 124.88 I 1.18 I OTHER THAN 0.C. I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I A 818 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 926. I . I . I 8.08 1 19.15 I 8.88 1 8-12' 1 I I I I I I i I I I 1 I I I A 819 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF 1 22. I I I 8.SS I 49.88 I 9.88 I OVER 16' i I I I I I I 1 I I I i I I I A 828 18' SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT I IF I 48. I I . I 8.91 I 27.78 I 8.91 1 8-12' 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I A 821 18' SS BY OTHER THAN 0.C. I LF I 25. I 1 . I 8.88 1 73,33 1 9.81 I I I I I I I i A 822 18' SS IN 16' ENCASEMENT PIPE 1 LF 1 5e. I I I 8.88 1 111.88 1 8.88 I BY OTHER THAN O.C. i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 823 I S DIAM STD MH 8-12' I EA 1 8. I I I 8.ee I 2,219.88 I 8.11 I 1 I I I I I I A 824 15' DIAN TYPE S MH 8-12' I EA I 17. I I . I 8.88 I 2,273.98 I 1.11 I I i I I I I I A 125 I S DIAM STD DROP MH $-12' i EA I 2. I 1 I 8.e8 I 2,726.88 I 8.81 I I I I 1 I I I A 826 15' DIAM TYPE S DROP IC 8-12' I EA I 1. I I I 8.88 I 2,831.88 I 1.11 I I I i I I I I A 827 14' DIAN STD MH 8-12' I EA I 7. I . I I 8.88 I 1,699.88 I 8.88 i I I I I I I I A 928 14' DIAN STD DROP MH 8-12' I EA I 2. I I . I 8.88 1 2,873.88 I S.88 I I I I I I I i A 829 15' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH MH I VF I 74. I . I . I e.OS I 99.75 I 8.18 I 1 I I I I I I A 038 14' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH MH I VF I 16. I . I I 8.ee I 57.95 I 8.81 I 1 1 I I I I 1 A 831 I CONNECTING TO EXISTING MH I EA I 8. I 1 . I 8.8e I 268.88 I 8.OS I i t 1 1 I I I A 832 I DROP CONNECTION TO EXISTING NH I EA I 1. I . I I 8.8e I 839.88 1 8.88 I I I I I I I 1 A 933 I REMOVE PAVEMENT OVER EXISTING I EA I 2. I . I . I 8.88 I 685.88 I 8.88 I NH, RAISING MH RING & COVER T01 I I I I I I I MATCH GRADE I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I A 934 I CNT STAB BACKFILL I CY I 98. I . I I 8.88 I 18.24 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I A 835 I EXTRA CRUSHED STONE BACIKFILL I CY I 75. I . I . I 1.98 I 17.31 I 1.81 i I I I I I I I CSTINATE FOR PAY1E71T PATE I PATE @ITEMISES DC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - WARY SEWER Pap 3 IMPROVEMENTS, PINE II Estimate Nos 1 Date: 14-83--98 Estimate Period 63-88-91 to 83-31-91 Contract Dated : 11-23-91 (lwner: CITY OF WYLIE Work Order Dated: 13-18-91 2118 H16N11Y 78 N Contract Time : 270 CALENDAR DAYS WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Original Contract Total: ,914,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description IUnitI l Quantities ) I Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I 1 I I I A 036 I EXTRA CLASS C CONCRETE I CY I 38. 1 I ▪ I 108 I 47.88 I O.88 I I I I I I I I A 837 I BLOCK SODDING i IF I 2,195. I . I ▪ I 8.80 I 6.84 I 8.0$ I I I I I I I I A 038 I SAW CUT I LF I 18, I I . 1 O.01 1 3.71 1 A.80 I I I I I I I I A 839 I REMOVE 4 REPLACE CONCRETE I LF 1 10.8 1 . 1 . 1 8.81 1 35.00 1 O.18 I PAVEMENT I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I A 840 I REMOVE t REPLACE ROCK ROAD OR I LF I 1,238. I I . I 0.80 1 8.48 1 0.08 1 DRIVE I I I I 1 1 I I A 841 I EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. I . I I 8.00 I 208.01 I 8.00 10' SS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 842 I EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. I . I . I O.08 I 108.00 I 9.08 8' SS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 943 I TRENCH SAFETY I LS 1 1. 1 1 . 1 9.89 1 1,080.01 1 8.0 I i I I I I I I I Sub-Total of SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 8.00 I I I I I I I I B 811 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF 1 4,571. I . I I I10 I 17.46 I II.OS 11-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B 102 115' SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 1 IF I 211. i . I . 1 0.00 I 32.41 1 O.08 1-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B 013 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 457. I . I . I 8.01 I 19.61 I 1 00 112-16' I I I I I I I I B 004 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT i LF I 568. I . I . I 8.00 I 19.33 I 6.80 11-12' I I I I I I I 1 B 085 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 343. I I . I S.00 1 23.76 1 8.88 112-16' I I I I I I I I I i I I I 1 I B 006 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF 1 779. 1 1 . 1 8.00 1 33.51 1 O.00 116-20' I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I B 087 18' SS BY OTHER THAN D.C. I IF I 82. 1 1 . I 8.01 1 84.33 1 0.00 I I I I I I I I V ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE 1 PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract Fors CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY MIER Page 4 IMPROVDE1fTS, PHASE II Estimate Nos 1 Date: 84-03-91 Estimate Period 83-88-91 to 83-31-91 Owners CITY OF WYLIE Contract Dated : 11-23-91 Work Order Dated: 03-88-91 2881 HIGHWAY 78 N Contract Time : 278 LTI.DPCAR DAYS WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Original Contract Total: 190,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description IUnitI l Quantities ) I Unit Price I Amount I 1 i Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I i I I i I B 888 112' FORCE MAIN W/TYPE I I LF I 2,777. 1 1 1,351. I 1,358.88 I 19.12 I 25,812.81 I EMBEDIQNT I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I B 889 112' FORCE MAIN BY OTHER THAN I LF i 188. I I I 8.98 I 79.12 I 11.81 I O.C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B 818 15' DIAN STD MH 8-12' I EA I 1. I I I 8.88 I 2,291.98 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 011 15' DIAN TYPE S NH 9-12' I EA I 6. I I I 8.88 I 2,331.98 I 8.91 I I I I I I I I B 112 14' DIAN STD NH 9-12' I EA I 4. I . I . I 8.88 1 1,848.88 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 813 14' DIAN TYPE S MH 8-12' I EA I 2. I I I 0.88 I 1,848.10 I 9.89 I I I I I I I I B 914 15' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH PH I VF 1 3. I I ▪ I 9.80 I 99.75 I 8.81 I 1 I I I I I I B 815 14' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH NH i W I 4. I I ▪ I 1.88 I 57.75 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 816 I CONNECT TO EXISTING MH I EA I 5. I 1 I 9.88 I 349.88 I 8.88 I I I I I I I 1 B 817 I SS CLEANOUT I EA I 1. I . 1 ▪ I 8.88 1 264.08 1 8.88 I 1 I I I I I I B 818 1 CAT STAB BACKFILL I CY I 75. I I I 1.00 I 18.24 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 919 I EXTRA CRUSHED STOLE BACKFILL I CY I 25. I . I I 9.88 I 17.31 I 8.89 I I I I I I I I B 828 I EXTRA CLASS C CONCRETE I CY I 28. I i 1 9.88 1 47.88 1 8.98 I I I 1 I I I I B 822 I REMOVE 4 REPLACE CONCRETE I LF I 285, 1 I I 8.88 I 18.81 I 8.00 I PAYOUTI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B 923 I REMOVE I REPLACE ASPHALT DRIVEL LF I 98. I I ▪ I 8.88 I 12.% I 0.99 I I I I I I I I B eaI REMOVE I REPLACE ROCK ROAD OR I IF I 459. I I • I 1.88 1 8.48 1 9.08 I DRIVE I I I I I I I I I B 025 I TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION I LS I 1. I . I ▪ I 9.81 I 91,800.88 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 826 I EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. 1 I ▪ I 8.88 I 218.88 I 1.18 118' SS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 8n I EXTRA SERVICE COMECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. I . I . I 9.91 I 198.90 I 8,88 8' SS I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I B 128 I TRENCH SAFELY 1 LS 1 1. I . 1 I 8.88 I 1,888.81 1 8,88 I I I I I I I I C. ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE Il PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WLIE - SANITARY SEWER Pap 5 IDS, PHASE II Estimate No: 1 Date: 14-13-91 Estimate Period 13-18-91 to 13-31-91 Contract Dated : 11-23-91 Doer: CITY OF WYLIE Work Order Dated: 13-18-91 2111 HIGI4IAY 78 N Contract Time : 271 CALE?DAR DAYS WYLIE, TEXAS 75198 Original Contract Total: ,914,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description (Unit! ( Quantities ) I Unit Price I Amount 1 I I Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I 1 I I I I I 11 215 SAW CUT ILP I 215. I . 1 . 1 1.11I 3.511 1.18 I I I I I I I I I Sub-Total of SECTION II I I I I I 1 I i I I I 1 1 25,812.11 1 I I I I I I I 4), 164.` ,Z):1\1) S 0" I 1111 fQZ URINATE FOR PAYMENT PATE I PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Final Page. INPROVENWS, PHASE II Estimate No: 1 Date: 14-13-91 Estimate Period 13-18-91 to 13-31-96 Contract Dated : 11-23-96 Owner: CITY OF WYLIE Work Order Dated: 13-18-91 2111 HIGHWAY 78 N Contract Time : 271 CALENDAR DAYS WYLIE, TEXAS 75698 Original Contract Total: ,914,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description !Unit' ( Quantities ) I Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I I I I I 1 TOTAL SECTION I I I I I I I /.11 I I I I I I I I 1 TOTAL SECTION II I I I I I I 25,812.11 I I I I I I I I I TOTAL WORK TO DATE I I I I I I I 25,812.60 I I I I I I i I I PLUS MATERIAL ON HAND I I i I I I I /.1/ I I I I I I I I i TOTAL AMOUNT TO DATE I I I I I I I 25,812.11 I 5.00% I I I I I I I ! 290,lop 1 LESS .a I6 RETAINAGE I I I I I I I <4181.C1 I I I I I I i I I LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS I I I I I I I I 2452i.Ito 1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE! I i I I I I 23*i1' I I I I I I 1 SUBMITTED BY: PATE INC. APPROVED BY: I I i I I I I I I I &t o tatif 4/ /tZo ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS APPROVING RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS FOR TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR, PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATE SCHEDULES AND SERVICE REGULATIONS MAY BE CHANGED, MODIFIED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 On January 16, 1990, Texas Utilities Electric Company filed with the Governing Body of this municipality and simultaneously with the Public Utility Commission of Texas a virtually identical Petition and Statement of Intent with proposed changes in the rate schedules and service regulations of said Company. SECTION 2 The rate schedules and service regulations of Texas Utilities Electric Company approved and set by the Public Utility Commission of Texas pursuant to the Petition and Statement of Intent filed by said Company with the Public utility Commission of Texas on January 16, 1990 , are hereby approved as the rate schedules and service regulations under which said Company is authorized to render service and to collect charges from tits customers for the sale of electric power and energy within the corporate limits of this municipality until such time as said rate schedules and service regulations may be changed, modified , amended or withdrawn with the approval of the Governing Body of this municipality. SECTION 3 The aforesaid rate schedules and service regulations herein approved shall be effective from and after the date the Public Utility Commission of Texas orders said new rate schedules and service regulations effective for Texas Utilities Electric Company, provided that, in order to effect uniform system wide rates, changed rates may be earlier placed in effect within this municipality to the same extent that changed rates are earlier placed in effect in all of the other areas served by Texas utilities Electric Company but only pursuant to an order of the Public Utility Commission of Texas fixing interim rates or pursuant to a bond filed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas and subject to refund to the same extent as authorized by Section 43 (e) of the Public utility Regulatory Act. SECTION 4 The filing of said rate schedules and service regulations shall constitute notice to the consumers of electricity, within this municipality, of the availability and application of such rate schedules and service regulations. SECTION 5 Nothing in this Ordinance contained shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting or modifying in any manner, the right and power of the Governing Body of this municipality under the law to regulate the rates, operations, and services of Texas Utilities Electric Company. SECTION 6 It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed is open to the public and as required by law and that public notice of this time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. SECTION 7 An emergency exists necessitating the suspension of any rule requiring multiple readings of this Ordinance and all multiple readings of this Ordinance are hereby waived; this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage . PASSED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the day of , 1990. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary • APPLICATION TO Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 III Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 FRI Planning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 NAME I b• /)/f47,7)54C-r, Z&i i))c(zr. / �:�✓.5� ADDRESS 30 / M• ,\ • ��_rc{ LOT 3 1 S BLOCK , SUBDIVISION Bfo�,\ nCIAC- 0/1 BASIS OF APPLICATION: II Interpretation I1 Special exception for use or development UVariance IA Rezoning Exception to Building Code • EXPLANATION: / erS/).) rP 2-o i jy-z9,4-, 3 F -6,1 Ilse (?•S a.d J'e'oy-c/LI'br<t' �e • • • SIGNITURE of APPLICANT DATE . 3 - 2• - �o • Must be accompanied by filing fee of $jono • 44:4 • _ • Received: • OJ Date: 3-2. f? _ y�►v . • CODE ENF EMENT OFFICER • , 5� to 1 31 17 38 • • •30 16 v•. 9 2 . • i •"• ••x I Z••;V.... Z 29 ti ••4s 1— ®15 I. N. i w I 4 ix ..• 2 237 W I- • ••.4.cn 14 •, 27 13 6 5 s •• JEFFERSON ST R �•� As.% �• h•. 12 10 t • ••. 36 .'•.� r 0 10 2 25 9 0 9 i 8 3 ® 1 1 24 8 I 1 • 7 '• • ':•.4 6 35 .3••••• 7 4 • 5 • :• �'1 2 4 6 5 • 3 STREET 0 Ix 1 034 21 0 2 4 1 20 I -J • 17 •1 :• .*.1.• 15 ••;•O;�••' I 16 2 •• •. ti •••••• .• •• • . 2 15 S. �.' •••.�•••• .•lq� 3 14 18 3 •/• • I ZO ' ••.�•• 4 1 Ii 13 » ii .• 3 Y 130 5 12 4 '• a 6 11 4 12 7 10 5 8 9 5 11 O 8 E 7 STREET OAK I I I II I ri 2 [7"; MEMO R A N D U M TO: DON WHITE, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDE T FROM: CHARLES NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER1C RE: ESTIMATE FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT FROM PARKS AND WILDLIFE DATE: JULY 21, 1989 Attached, please find a copy of the estimate for the park development project from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Go ahead and put this item on the next Park Board agenda and supply copies of this information to each park board member . Please let the members know that a representative of the Parks and Wildlife Dept. will be in Wylie in mid August to look at the Park. 45 ice , \.,,, .,� TEXAS COMMISSIONERS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT 4200 Smith School Road Austin,Texas 70144 CHARLES D.TRAVIS CHUCK NASH Executive Director Chairman,San Marcos GEORGE C."TIM"NIXON Vice-Chairman San Antonio BOB ARMSTRONG July 17, 1989 Austin LEE M.BASS Ft.Worth HENRY C.BECK,III Da08s Mr. Charles E. Norwood, City Manager DELO H.CASPARY City of Wy l i e Rockport 108 S. Jackson JOHN WILSON KELSEY P. O. Box 428 Houston Wylie, Texas 75098 BEATRICE CARR PICKENS y Amarillo A.R.(TONY)SANCHEZ,JR. Dear Mr. Norwood: Laredo I have enclosed the estimate made for your city's envisioned park development project as promised. Please be assured that these figures are in no way binding on the city and are offered strictly to assist in the development of a preliminary budget for the project. Should I be able to provide additional information or help in any way please let me know. Yours truly, r---4 ‘'\4-(-- /4) .(jr- 11- James S. Watt, Head Local Assistance Branch JW:jj PARK DEVELOPMENT GUIDE City of Wylie July, 1989 The City of Wylie has indicated an interest in expanding its City park area so as to provide a greater variety of recreational facillities for its citizens. This development guide and the conceptual park development plan previously prepared by the City of Wylie is intended to provide the basic planning tools necessary to begin implementation of the envisioned park project. All development proposed should be usable by the physically handicaped and disabled citizens, and all applicable City, County and State safety and health standards should be observed. The following tabular summary of cost allowances for the work units indicated on the conceptual plan have been derived by sampling costs for basic equivalent inplace facilities recently constructed in various areas of the state. The allowances indicated are averages from the random samples taken, including both contract work and in-house force account work and should in no way be construed as the absolute or final cost, as such costs can only be realistically determined upon final construction plans, techniques and method of installation to be emplloyed. Thus, the indicated cost allowances are intended for planning purposes only. POSSIBLE COST WORK UNIT ALLOWANCE 1. 25 meter Swimming Pool(82.02' X 45' ) $205,000.00 Includes pool , deck, fencing, chlorination equipment and housing ($185,000) . Childrens Spray Pool ($20,000) 2. Bathhouse (40' X 50') 145,000.00 To include space for men and womens restrooms, showers, dressing and clothes storage; office and visitor reception space, first aid area, covered patio and vending area. 3. Childrens Playground 22,000.00 Includes play equipment, reinforced concrete perimeter curbing, shaded benches and shot gravel surfacing. 4. Tennis Courts (2 doubles Courts) 41,460.00 Includes reinforced concrete court construction, surfacing nets and net posts and 10' high chain-link back stop (30,000.00) . Lighting includes a four metal poll system with metal halide fixtures, lamps, underground wiring and service panel (11,360.00) e;pt5) 5. Restroom 33,750.00 Includes space for mens and womens restroom facilities and storage area for maintenance equipment (approximately 450 sq. ft.) 6. Group Picnic Pavilion (Approximately 2,925 sq. ft.) 87,750.00 Includes space for picnics and other type group activities. Construction includes interior electric lights and service outlets, reinforced concrete floor, roof supports, roof and twenty tubular steel and wood picnic tables Note: As a possible cost reduction measure consideration may be given to combining the restroom and Group Picnic Pavilion into one structure. 7. Basketball Court 12,775.00 Includes reinforced concrete slab 45' X 85' , court striping, back boards, goals and posts (6,375.00) Lights - includes two metal pole system with metal halide fixtures, lamps, underground wiring and switch (6,400.00) 8. Shuffleboard Court 1400.00 Includes reinforced concrete court, striping and covered seating area 9. Horseshoe Pits (2) 400.00 10. Volleyball Court 2,625.00 Includes net, net posts, curbing and sand surfacing (1 ,625.00) Lighting (1 ,000.00) 11. Croquet Court 2,420.00 Includes arches, posts, clay surfacing and curbing (1,420.00) Lighting (1 ,000.00) 12. Individual Picnic Units (7) 6,720.00 Each includes six foot tubular steel and wood picnic table anchored to a ten by ten foot reinforced concrete pad and outdoor type cooking grill 13. Jogging Trail ( .975 miles) 24,000.00 Includes construction and grading of an eight foot wide trail appropriately graded to drain to either side of the centerline of the trail with benches located at one thousand foot stations (14,000.00) . Surfacing asphaltic materials or stone by product materials (10,000.00) 14. Football/Soccer Fields (2) 147,100.00 Includes rough and fine grading, turf grass sod establishment, goals and bleachers each field (76,400.00). Lighting - includes metal halide fixtures, lamps and a four pole mounting system (60,140.00) . Irrigation system automatic rotary pop-up (10,560.00) 15. Soccer Fields (2) 91 ,700.00 Includes rough grading, fine grading and turf grass seeding (30,400) . Lighting - includes metal halide fixtures, lamps and a three pole mounting system (52,500) . Irrigation system automatic rotary pop-up (8,800.00) 16. Main Park Road ( .327 miles) 34,535.00 Includes a twenty foot wide two course asphalt surface roadway on a six inch compacted base and necessary drainage features. 17 . Parking (Approximately 9,728 sq. yds.) 91 ,552.00 Includes construction of two parking areas consisting of a six inch compacted base with a two course asphalt surface, necessary drainage features and stripping. 18. Electrical Supply System 30,000.00 (Approximately 2,000 lf.) 19. Sanitary Sewer Line 12,000.00 (Approximately 1,200 ft.) 20. Two Inch Water Supply Line 24,000.00 (Approximately 2,000 if.) 21. Landscaping 37,500 Includes signage, sidewalks, barrier parts, general turf area, seasonal flower beds and specimen trees as needed 22. Contingency 52,684.00 Grand Total Park $1,106,371 .00 Additional funds should be budgeted for professional service fees such as architects, engineers or landscape architects. Additionally fees for surveys and testing of building materials should be allowed. The following costs are offered as a guide only. Professional Service Fee for: New Work $800,000 to $1 ,000,000 6.80% of Project Cost New Work over $1,000,000 6.60% of Project Cost Construction Surveys and Testing 2.00% of Project Cost Funds should also be allowed for cost escalation. Current monthly cost escalation factors range from .25% for one month to 3.00% for twelve months. SECTION 5-7: Occupational Disability or Injury Leave (Worker's Compensation) A. An employee disabled as a result of an injury on the job which is covered by Worker's Compensation shall be granted injury leave with pay at his regular salary for seven (7) working days. This injury leave shall not be charged to sick or vacation leave. B. After the aforementioned seven (7) days, the employee shall be paid the difference between his regular salary and any Worker' s Compensation payments received for such injury for six months. After six months the injured employee will be reviewed and at this time may only receive worker' s compensation payments, depending upon the out come of the review. The employee shall be paid an amount equal to the Workman' s Compensation allowance, less deductions, for six months following the initial seven days. The employee will receive Worker's Compensation payments only thereafter until t e employee has been on leave for a total of si months. After six months, the employee must re urn to work or shall be replaced and will receive no further compensation or benefits from the City. This injured leave status is subject to review and medical opinion at any time. And its status may be changed subject to the decision of the City Manager. 1 . An employee, while on occupational disability injury leave, shall continue to earn vacation and sick leave at the regular rate for the six months. Thereafter, the employee will no longer earn vacation and sick leave credits, and after six months of such leave, will be required to return to work after the approval of attending physician or be terminated. 2. An employee shall report injuries incurred in the line of duty immediately to his foreman or supervisor, and file an accident report with Personnel Director. 3 . When an employee suffers injury or death on the job, the Personnel Director shall complete an accident report immediately on forms provided by Worker' s Compensation and submit it to Worker's Compensation as directed, and retain one copy in the personnel files. C. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the City Manager and City Council. D. Examination and treatment. As a condition of receiving or continuing to receive salary continuation payments, the director of personnel may require an injured employee to submit to examination and treatment, at the City' s expense, by a physician approved by the personnel department. An injured employee forfeits all rights to salary continuation payments if he refuses to submit to an examination or to any diagnostic test, x-ray, surgical procedure, or other treatment prescribed or recommended by the city-designated physician as medically necessary or indicated to diagnose, treat, or cure the employee's injured condition. SECTION 5-7 Continued E. Medical statement required . All salar continuation payments must be supported by a medical statement from the treating physician, whether partial or full-day leave is granted. F. An injured employee forfeits all rights to any salary continuation payments to which he would normally have been entitled , if he: (1) engages in work, whether part-time or full- time, for pay or as a volunteer, for himself or. for any other person, firm or corporation, while receiving salary continuation payments; (2) terminates employment for any reason while receiving salary continuation payments; (3) fails or refuses to comply with the treating physicians' s instructions or advice regarding treatment of the injured condition; (4) fails to act in a manner which is conductive to being off work convalescing from a job-related injury; (5) refuses to perform light, partial , or part time duty when authorized by the treating physician; (6) refuses to accept or perform a different job with the city that, in the opinion of the treating physician, is within the employee' s physical capacity and for which the employee is qualified or will be trained; (7) represents his injured condition, physical incapacity, or disability as worse than it is while receiving salary continuation payments; or (8) refuses to return to regular duty after being released for regular duty by the treating physician. G. Use of vacation and sick leave. The director of personnel must be notified of any denial of salary continuation payments. An employee who is denied salary continuation payments, or who has exhausted salary continuation payments while receiving worker's compensation payments, may take this accrued sick leave and vacation leave, but only in the amount necessary to make up the difference between worker' s compensation payments and his regular rate of pay. I. When an employee classified as a full-time employee is eligible for salary continuation payments, the supervisor for such employee may require the employee to perform light, partial or part-time work when authorized by the treating physician. Whenever the salary continuation payments are discontinued for any reason, the employee shall no longer be permitted to perform light, partial or part-time work with the City as long as the employee is classified as a permanent, full-time employee. SECTION 10-3 Substance Abuse Police for Current Employees The sale, or unlawful manufacture, dispensation, possession, distribution, and/or use of illegal substances by an employee while on duty or during lunch and other breaks or at any time while the employee is on a City work site or City working time is absolutely prohibited and constitutes cause for dismissal . The appropriate law enforcement agency will be notified of any such sale, distribution, and/or use of illegal substances by employees. 'any employee who is arrested for a drug related crime under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring on or off City property while conducting City business must immediately report the arrest to their supervisor. All employees who are using a prescription or non-prescription drug which may in any way impact their job performance must notify their supervisor in writing as to the possible effects of such medication on he performance of their assigned duties and related physical /metal capability. The Department Head may require a doctor's statement if th employee indicates that there is a need to use the prescription drug for an extended period. SECTION 10-4 Employee Assistance It is the City' s desire to help locate assistance to those employees who voluntarily request assistance with personal alcohol or drug dependency problem. Employees are responsible for acknowledging their substance abuse problem and for seeking and accepting counseling or rehabilitation assistance before it impairs their performance or conduct and jeopardizes their employment. If an employee has a substance abuse problem, the employee must first contact his/her supervisor and request counseling and possible referral for appropriate treatment. Employees who need to enter into a substance abuse treatment program will be allowed to enter a City-approved program one time without endangering their jobs provided they are following all prescribed treatment programs. When possible and appropriate, employees will be referred to less expensive out-patient treatment programs. Time off without pay may be authorized in accordance with the City' s personnel policy on leaves of absence, if needed, up to 30 days. In most cases, participating employees will be returned to their former or comparable position when treatment is successfully completed. Some of the costs of the treatment may be covered by the City' s health insurance plan. Continued employment is contingent on the employee' s participation in any non-work time follow-up counseling or after care treatment programs. Any employee who has participated in an approved treatment program will be intermittently tested during the twelve (12) months following the employees' s return to work. A positive test, admission of current alcohol, or illegal drug use or dependency, refusal to consent to a test, or non-participation in after care programs will result in immediate termination. SECTION 10-5 Reasonable Suspicion Tests The City may conduct unannounced searches or inspections where there is reasonable suspicion of the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs. These may include, but are not limited to, employee personal effects, including requiring the employees to empty the contents of their pockets, lockers, lunchboxes, purses, briefcases, containers, and desks located on City property, in work sites, and in City- owned vehicles. Private vehicles located in City parking lots are also subject to search. 66 SECTION 5-7 Continued J. Payment of benefits. An employee enrolled in a health benefits plan who is placed on leave without pay status under this Act may elect to continue health benefits enrollment while on leave without pay status and may arrange to pay into the Texas Municipal Retirement System of Texas, through the city, the total contribution for enrollment. K. Termination for cause or layoff. This Act does not preclude an employee from being terminated for cause. An employee terminated for cause associated with on-the-job injury is not entitled to relief found in this ordinance. This Act does not preclude an employee from being terminated during an official reduction-in-force due to budget reductions. SECTION 10 SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY SECTION 10-1 Purpose It is the policy of the City of Wylie to maintain a work environment free from the use, possession, and effect of both the illegal use of controlled substances and the use, possession, and effect of alcoholic beverages. The City of Wylie recognizes that drugs and alcohol impair employee judgment, which may result in increased safety risks, hazards to the public, employee injuries, faulty decision- making, and reduced productivity. Therefore, the City of Wylie expects all employees to be in a state of mind and physical condition fit to complete their assigned duties safely and competently during work hours. SECTION 10-2 Pre-employment Substance Screening In order to maintain a safe and drug-free work environment for its employees, the City of Wylie will not hire applicants for employment who are involved in substance abuse. All applicants for any City positions are required to submit to a drug screening test prior to an employment offer, prior to becoming an active employee. Such pre- employment alcohol and rug testing may involve the applicant providing a urine specimen, blood sample or participating in other medical tests. This testing will be done by the City's physician at the same time your pre-employment physical is given. At the time of drug screen, the applicant will be informed of the testing procedure and consequences of positive results. The applicant will be requested to sign a consent release form acknowledging his/her understanding of the test, authorizing the diagnostic procedure, and releasing the test results to the City. any applicant who refuses to sign the consent release form or refuses to undergo the drug screening will not be considered for employment, since drug screening is an integral part of the procedures used to determine suitability for employment. Positive test specimens will automatically be retested using a different testing method on the same sample. If the second test confirms the positive test result, the applicant will be disqualified from consideration for City employment for twelve (12) months. After the twelve (12) month period the applicant my reapply but will again be required to submit to the normal selection process, including substance testing. 67 When a Department Head or Supervisor has reason to believe that an employee, at work or when reporting to work, appears to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or abusing legal drugs, and therefore appears to be impaired or unfit for duty, the employee will be required to consent to a drug/alcohol test. Impairment is defined as being unable to perform their duties safely and competently due to use of alcohol or controlled substances. Reasonable suspicion is a belief based on objective facts sufficient to lead a reasonably prudent person to suspect that an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol so that the employee' s ability to perform the functions of the job is impaired or so the employee's ability to perform his/her job is reduced. Observations which constitute a factual basis for determining reasonable suspicion may include, but are not limited to: odor of alcoholic beverage, erratic behavior, violent mood swings, excessive absenteeism including tardiness, a medical emergency that can be attributed to drug sue, physical on-th-job evidence of drug use, documented deterioration in the employee' s job performance, or an accident which is caused by the apparent action or inaction of the employee. The Department Head or Supervisor will describe the incident in writing documenting the circumstances leading to the conclusion that a drug test is necessary. Such documentation will include the date, time, place, description of incident, and statements of witnesses. Any other evidence such as drugs, drug paraphernalia, containers, etc. will be collected. AFter documenting the incident, the Department Head will contact the City Manager and Personnel Director to determine if drug testing is appropriate and to arrange for testing . If drug testing is appropriate, the Supervisor or Department Head will transport the employee to the drug specimen collection facility. They type of drug/alcohol test may be based on a urine, blood, or other type of sample as appropriate. After testing, the employee will be transported home by his/her supervisor or by a relative and told not to report to work until the results of the test are known. If the employee is incapable of being managed, the Police Department will be contacted. SECTION 10-6 Random Tests All City employees are subject to random drug/alcohol testing in order to prevent drug and alcohol abuse while on duty. Periodically, a group of employees will be randomly selected to be tested. Names will be drawn from all City employees, regardless of job, length of service, or any other factor. The Department Head will be notified of the employees to be tested. Employees will be asked to sign consent forms and will either be taken to the drug testing sample collection facility to give a urine, blood, or other appropriate sample or asked to report to the location. Refusal to sign the substance abuse consent form may result in termination. If the drug test is positive, a second more sensitive test will be run. If the second test is also positive, the employee is subject to termination. InfoRmAL REpo Rrs 69 • DATE: April 6, 1990 TO: CHARLES NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROSANNE BURGESS, LIBRARY DIRECTOR RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1990 CIRCULATION: ADULT 1093 JUVENILE 1542 LARGE PRINT 38 PAPERBACKS 80 • CASSETTES 105 VIDEOS 1234 • 7-DAY REFERENCE 16 TYPEWRITER 1 INTERLIBRARY LOAN 80 MAGAZINES 8 TOTAL 4197 ( Average 155 per day ) REGISTRATION: NEW CARDS ISSUED 181 CARDS ISSUED TO DATE 8276 REFERENCE: 287 E9PECTFULLY UBMITTED, ROSANNE BUR ESS, DIRECTOR 70 ilCITY OF McKINNEY,222 N.Tennessee,P.O. Box 517, McKinney,Texas 75 ,; -4 -1.±7.1-- 7:::7---- m KinnEY V,�, IIi iii j , h°P 1 3 Pqr) TO: Members of Collin County Public Officiald _._____ Association FROM: Ann Guzman, President, CCPOA DATE: April 12, 1990 SUBJECT: April 26th Meeting - Holiday Inn, McKinney The April meeting of the Collin County Public Officials' Association will be held on Thursday, April 26th, 1990, at the Holiday Inn in McKinney, 1300 North Central Expressway. A social hour will begin at 6:30 p.m. , with a buffet dinner served at 7: 15 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $15.00 per person. The guest speaker will be Mr. Randy Williams, President of the McKinney Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Williams will be discussing several of the economic development innovations that the Chamber is supporting. This is truly a program you won't want to miss. Please notify the appropriate people in your organization of the meeting date and time. Reservations are required and will be taken by Pam Wintermute, city of McKinney, (214) 542-2675, extension 213, or metro 238-0091, extension 213. All reservations must be received by Tuesday, April 24th, so that the Holiday Inn can make preparations. Also, please mention spouses who will be attending. I look forward to seeing you at the April program. 1/ NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there will be an election training seminar on Thursday, April 26 , 1990 at 2 : 00PM. TheSeminar will be held at the : Collin County Courthouse 210 S. McDonald McKinney, Texas Fifth Floor Procedures will be addressed for holding the May 5 , 1990 City and School Elections in Collin County. V.YA1A1(11 ,1413- Donna Strub Election Administrator • 70IV CI COLLIN COUNTY Elections Administration April 4 , 1990 Dear City Mayor : To assist you with the preparation of your upcoming May 5 , 1990 municipal elevation , an election seminar sponsored by Collin County has been scheduled . The seminar has been organized to inform precinct judges , clerks and poll watchers of their duties and responsibilities on election day. It is recommended that you encourage your precinct workers to attend the seminar with you. This seminar can fulfill the requirement of Sec . 32 . 111 of the Texas Election Code that addresses training standards for election workers . The seminar is open to the public , please inform candidates that appear on your ballot they are welcome to attend , along with any interested parties in your community. The seminar will be held at 2 : 00 P.M. on Thursday , April 2E , 1990 at: Collin County Courthouse 210 S. McDonald St . McFinney, Texas Fifth Floor Jury Selection Room It is designed to outline procedures that may present themselves on election day. Subjects and topics planned for discussion are : *Supplies needed to run an election *Distribution of these supplies *Preparing of Polling Place prior to opening the polls election day *Scheduling clerk hours and duties *Proper procedure for qualifying voters *Voter challenge procedure *Poll watchers - qualifications and duties *Assistance to voters *Use of ballot McKinney, Texas 75069 • (214) 548-4613 • 231-7170 (Metro) 93 • City Mayor April 4, 1990 Page 2 *Write-in candidates *Proper procedure for counting votes *Procedure for closing polls *Returning of ballots and supplies *Domicle Law *Smooth handling of voters who appear on the "List of Returned Certificates" *Election handbooks prepared by the Secretary of State will be distributed. I am requesting that you make the enclosed Notice available to all the officeholders in your political subdivision, as well as candidates whose name will appear on your ballot this year. If you need more copies of the Notice , I will gladly furnish them to you. Or, I have no objections to you reproducing the Notice for distribution. If you have any questions about the seminar or if you have election . subject matter that you would like to be discussed at this seminar , please contact me. look forward to seeing you April 26 , 1990. Si cerely, ' \ 11-1/ Donna Strub - `"'J� Elections Administrator DS/d1m 2 NOTICE • Notice is hereby given that there will be an election training seminar on Thursday, April 26 , 1990 at 2 : 00PM. • TheiSeminar will be held at the : Collin County Courthouse 210 S. McDonald McKinney, Texas Fifth Floor Procedures will be addressed for holding the May 5 , 1990 City and School Elections in Collin County. Donna Strub Election Administrator TEXAS WATER COMMISSION • :.'-a B.J.Wynne,lll,Chairman = 44. John J.Vay,General Counsel John E.Birdwell,Commissioner \ ;� ;;i. Michael E.Field,Chief Hearings Examiner Cliff Johnson,Commissioner `' Brenda W. Foster,Chief Clerk Allen Beinke,Executive Director TRANSFER OF TEXAS WATER COMMISSION PERMIT NO. 10384-001 FROM CITY OF WYLIE TO NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Ownership of the facilities covered by the above-referenced permit, approved December 15, 1987, has changed. That part of the signature page pertaining to the name and mailing address of the permit holder is hereby changed so that the same shall hereinafter be and read as follows: "North Texas Municipal Water District P. 0. Drawer C Wylie, Texas 75098" The transferee is financially responsible for the proper maintenance and operation of the facility so as to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit. The failure to operate the facility in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit may be good cause for revocation of the permit. This transfer is APPROVED, ISSUED and EFFECTIVE this 10th day of April 19 90 , in accordance with 31 Texas Administrative Code Section 305.97. (:1- 05MA`ZIAIZLCACTiiIM Brenda Foster, Chief Clerk Texas Water Commission P.O.Box 13087 Capitol Station • 1700 North Congress Ave. • Austin,Texas 787113087 • Area Code 512/463-7830 7' MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director RE: Litigation Status Report from Sallinger, Nichols, ET AL Delinquent Taxes; Bankruptcy Cases DATE: 04/20/90 The attached sheets show the status and base tax amounts for delinquent tax accounts and ad valorem bankruptcy cases for the City (As of 04/16/90) . Delinquent Taxes 64 Cases 303 Accounts $67 , 994 . 81 (Lawsuits) (Base amount due w/o penalties, interest, legal fees ) Bankruptcy 18 Cases 56 Accounts 17 , 962. 07 GRAND TOTAL $85, 956. 88 CITY OF WYLIE DELINQUENT TAX INFORMATION LITIGATION STATUS REPORT 4,16;90 DEFENDANT DCAD ACCOUNT NO. CASE NO. BASE AMOUNT STATUS ARMSTRONG, GARY 684900003701 366-2448-89 PAID Suit filed 12;19;89. BAMBICO, EDWARD D. 503000041801 366-1442-89 1988-$71. 52 Plea of Intervention filed 3;28;90. BENNETT, DALE 502000009401 296-913-89 1985-$103. 93 Suit filed 6;22;89. Installment payment 1986-$97.69 agreement completed 4;2;90. 1989 taxes 1987-$91.21 and court costs paid. Motion and Order 1988-89.13 for Dimissal submitted. BUCKLEY, CAROL GAMBOTH 502000002301 366-150-90 1983-$31. 31 Suit filed 1/31/90. 1984-$30.71 `\ 1985-$38.49 1986-$35.00 1987-$30. 36 1988-$25. 36 1989-$18.12 C B A ENTERPRISES R602200000601 219-2312-89 1988-$1, 936.18 Suit filed 11;29;89. INCORPORATED CLARK, GERALD R205200G00401 296-2313-89 PAID Suit filed 11;29;89. DANIELS, KEVIN M502000007121 219-825-89 1985-$109.25 Intervention filed 12;19;89. DUNN, GEORGE K. DBA GALAXY 900028506151 296-153-90 1985-$122.50 Suit filed 1;31;90. SATELLITE SYSTEMS ENRICH, TOM DBA WYLIE TV & CB P900028332951 296-185-88 1983-$196.00 Suit filed 1;28;88. Defendant served. Partial payment of tax by new owner. Affidavit for hearing sent to Wylie. First Amended Petition submitted to include another account. Judgment signed 4/25/89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5;19;89. Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc signed. Sent A.J. recorded and Writ sent to Constable. MICHAEL D. FLORENCE, INC. DBA P900027032961 219-105-89 1985-$110.25 Suit filed 1/30/89. Served 3/1/89. WYLIE SPORTS CENTER Judgment signed 4;25;89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5;19;89. Requested corrected Abstract of Judgment and Writ of Execution. FORRESTER, RICK 443200001101 366-1382-89 1986-$120.05 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. 1987-$110.25 FRANK, RAYMOND L. R118100001401 219-2316-89 1988-$801.92 Suit filed 11;29;89. FUSLER, ROBERT M503000057401 219-872-89 1987-$83.08 Intervention filed 12;28;89. 1988-$81.19 v GREEN BILL DBA CIRCLE W 900028602011 199-155-90 1986-$98.00 Suit filed 1;31;90. AUTOMOTIVE & BILL GREEN ‘teriBA WYLIE AUTOMOTIVE 900027023131 1985-$49.00 GILLELAND, WALTER 503000042901 P.A. PAID Payment Agreement has been paid 3;27,/90. HAND, BARRY 503000011701 366-1946-89 1987-$86.95 Plea of Intervention filed 366-1946-89. 1988-$84 .55 HEMINGWAY, TIMOTHY R118000100701 296-101-89 PAID Suit filed 1;30;89. Defendant served R118000101401 PAID 3;29;89. Title search ordered. Letter and statement to N.C.N.B. for payment of court costs and title search fees. JACOBSON, RAY 503000034201 366-1446-89 1987-$133.47 Intervention filed 4;2;90. 1988-$118.34 1989-$121.91 JOHNSON, LINDA 502000010301 219-00148-90 1985-$94 .67 Suit filed 1;31;90. 1986-$88.99 KANE, STEPHEN 503000068701 366-1486-89 1987-$93.37 Intervention filed 4i 1988-$90.79 2, 90. 1989-$93.01 KENNEDY, MARCI 503000029101 366-1425-89 1987-$104 .79 Suit filed 4 � � 1988-$102.84 . 6, 90. 1989-$106.42 KITTS, LAWRENCE 503000009301 366-1737-89 1987-$98•80 Intervention filed 3 � � 90. KREYMER, DONALD P. , 28, R1169005009B1 219-123-89 PAID Statements sent to American Title Co. 1987-$66. 96 Sale not closed. Amended petition to 1988-$83.01 include Banc One, Inwood National Bank, 1989-$87. 62 and Willow Bend National Bank. R1169013001A1 PAID Paid b 1989-PAID y American Title. Property sold to David and Jan Morgan. R123900000401 PAID Paid by First State Bank, Wylie, on QQ 1989-$94 . 35 1;31;90. R123900000501 PAID Inwood National Bank paid. 1989-PAID R692000206101 PAID 1989-NOT ON ROLL R116600800901 1984-$67. 35 Title search ordered. Statements sent to 1987-$64 .93 American Title. Sale not closed and 1988-$87.05 - petition amended to include lienholders, 1989-$92. 75 Bank One and Centennial . R115800000401 PAID Jessee Ladd current owner. 1989-$398.53 R115900501101 PAID Account 1989-PAID paid. R115300100901 PAID Paid by American Title. Court costs also paid. R167500100401 PAID Paid by TCB. 1989-$1,087 .07 R167500200401 1987-$322.15 Petition amended to include Willow 1988-$330.20 Bend National Bank, lienholder. 1989-$357 .59 R664100001001 PAID 1989-INVALID FOR 1989 KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100700901 296-121-89 PAID First St. Bank, Wylie, foreclosed 1989-PAID and paid taxes. R190100701001 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1090-PAID R190100701101 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100701201 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. M r 1989-PAID R190100701301 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100700401 1987-$90.00 Sold to Richard Elisha. Statement sent 1989-PAID 3,9;90. Elisha contacting Dallas Title. R190100100901 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100101101 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100101201 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100101401 PAID Richard Eckman current owner. 1989-$510. 90 R190100200901 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to show D. Kreymer, Inc. 1988-$92.25 current owner. 1989-$99.90 R190100201001 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1980-PAID R190100201101 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100201401 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to show D. Kreymer, Inc. 1988-$92.25 current owner. 1989-$99.90 KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100300201 296-102-89 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 366-1904-89 1989-PAID R190100301301 PAID Paid by Stewart Title. 1989-PAID R190100300801 PAID Purchased byGerald d Moore. Taxes paid 1989-PAID by First American Title Co. R190100301401 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92.25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. Set for hearing 6;19;90. R190100301501 PAID 1989-PAID R190100301601 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301701 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92.25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301801 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92.25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc. and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301901 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92.25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100100401 219-100-89 1987-$90.00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92.25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-'$99.90 Inc. , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. Willow Bend served. R190100100701 1987-$90.00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92.25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. R190100100801 1987-$90.00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 019 1988-$92.25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-$999.90 Inc. , Willow Bend National Bank, and (1)3 Stancraft Homes Inc. R187801100701 PAID Tax and court costs paid by TCB. 1989-PAID R187800702801 PAID Paid by Inwood Nat. Bank. 1989-PAID R187800702901 PAID Paid by Inwood Nat. Bank. 1989-PAID R187800505801 PAID 1989-PAID D. KREYMER INC. R11660020R101 219-120-89 1986-$35.20 Amended petition to include Phillip 1987-$540.47 Holtwick, First State Bank Wylie, Bank 1988-$635.98 One, and Willow Bend National Bank on 1989-$688.72 3;27;90. Willow Bend served. R116902700601 PAID Paul Rodney Weese, owner. 1989-$27 .75 R128200101101 PAID Paid by First State Bank, Wylie, 1989-$111.00 on 1;31;90. R128900201501 PAID Paid by Mrs. Rushin. 1989-PAID R128900300901 PAID Paid by Inwood Nat. Bank. 1989-PAID R167500200101 1988-$382 .48 Stewart Title paid 1986 and 1987 . 1989-$414 .20 Petition amended to include Bank One. R682000001801 PAID Invalid account. Delete per CCAD. R1156012070A1 PAID Paid by First State Bank, Wylie 1989-$111.00 on 1;31;90. DON KREYMER INTEREST INC. R131900300201 199-119-89 PAID 1989-PAID .k 1984-$17 .15 Petition amended to include only one R668800419701 1987-$17. 50 property. 1988-$17.94 DON KREYMER DBA DON KREYMER P900027032221 296-118-89 1987-$15.00 Judgment submitted 1;29;90. Abstract of REAL ESTATE, INC. 1988-$29.21 Judgment and Writ ordered. Writ sent to Constable and Abstract of Judgment filed 3;22;90. D. RREYMER INC. R224900800201 219-1992-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion and Order for Non-Suit submitted 3/27/90. R224900B00301 PAID R224900B00401 PAID R224900B00501 PAID R224900B00901 PAID R224900B01101 PAID R224900B01001 PAID R224900B01201 PAID R224900B01301 PAID R224900B01401 PAID R224900B01501 PAID R224900B01601 PAID R224900B01701 PAID D. KREYMER INC. R224900F00101 219-1996-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion R224900F00201 Order for Non-Suit submitted 3;27;90. PAID k3\ R224900F00301 PAID R224900F00401 PAID R224900F00501 PAID DONALD P. KREYMER R626600002191 219-1995-89 1988-$482.47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a statement has been sent for taxes. R626600002101 1983-$45.47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a 1984-$272.56 statement has been sent for taxes. 1986-$57.40 1988-$223.25 R684100001001 1987-$18. 17 Singletary Corp. current owner. Taxes 1988-$16.04 paid 4;2;90. 1989-PAID R1156008039D1 1988-$125.15 1989-$131.61 R129200103501 1988-$82.00 1989-$88.80 R115300100901 PAID 1989-PAID R116600300501 PAID 1989-PAID R116400201201 1985-$230.31 1986-$238.42 1987-$272 .58 1988-$276.62 1989-$269.95 R116300203301 PAID Paid by Commonwealth Land Title. Now 09 1989-PAID owned by First Gibralter. R224900B01801 PAID 1989-PAID D. KREYMER INC. R224900D00601 366-1994-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion and Order for Non-Suit submitted 3;27;90. R224900E00501 PAID Non-Suit 3;28;90. Close-out 4;13;90. R224900E00601 PAID R224900E00701 PAID R224900E00801 PAID R224900E00901 PAID R224900E01001 PAID D. KREYMER INC. R224900I00101 296-1993-89 PAID All taxes paid, including 1989. Motion R224900I00201 and Order for Non-Suit submitted 3;27;90. PAID Order granting Non-Suit 3/29/90. R224900100301 Close-out 4,i2;90. PAID R224900I00401 PAID R224900I00801 PAID CANTING, JERRY J. R211400A00101 366-2314-89 PAID Suit filed. Defendant served 12;18;89. LITTLE, WAYNE 443200010801 366-1546-89 1986-$152.1 0 Suit filed 4;2;90. 1987-$139. 68 1988-$124 .12 1989-$128.16 MAR-PAM I INC. 662900000801 296-42-90 1986-$3, 146.19 Suit filed 1;11;90. Defendant served 1987-$3,210.40 2!22;90. Statement to Dale McCullough, 1988-$3,290.66 current owner. 1989-$3, 118.10 \` MOOREHEAD, CHARLES 503000064201 366-1485-89 1987-$121.37 Plea of Intervention filed 3 /28 /90 MURPHY, ROBERT 503000039401 366-1441-89 1987-$104 .79 Plea of Intervention filed 3 /28i 90. MYCO READY MIX INC. , DBA R602200000501 219-132-89 1987-$1 836. MYCO CONCRETE ET AL 41 Intervention filed 12;28;89. P900028600181 1988-$2,125.42 1987-$2, 740.00 1988-$2, 808.50 MYRAN CORPORATION R205700000501 366-2306-89 1987-$80.53 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R205700000601 1988-$82.54 12;27;89. Defendant filed answer 1987-$76.50 12;28;89. 1988-$78.41 R205700000701 1987-$76.50 1988-$78.41 R205700000801 1987-$76.50 1988-$78.41 R205700000901 1987-$78.41 R205700001001 1988-$82.25 R2057000011A1 1988-$128.13 MYRAN CORPORATION R205700002501 219-2300-89 1988-$82.00 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R205700002601 1988-$82.00 12;18;89. R205700002701 1988-$82.00 R205700002801 1988-$82.00 R205700002901 1988-$82.00 R205700003001 1988-$82 .00 R205700003101 1988-$82.00 R205700003201 1988-$82.00 R205700003301 1988-$84 .38 R205700003401 1988-$721.10 MYRAN CORPORATION R2057000012A1 199-2307-89 1988-$128.13 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R205700001401 1988-$128.13 12;18;89. R205700001501 1988-$128.13 R205700001601 1988-$76.88 R205700001901 1988-$82.00 R205700002001 1988-$82.00 R205700002101 1988-$82.00 MYRAN CORPORATION R668800219201 219-2308-89 1988-$384 .84 Suit filed 11,/29;89. Defendant served R668800219301 1988-$460.48 12/18/89. R668800200201 1988-$2, 504 .81 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400H022B1 296-2301-89 1988-$61. 50 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R208400H023A1 1988-$61.50 12;18;89. R208400I002A1 1988-$61.50 R208400I002B1 1988-$61.50 R208400I003A1 1988-$61.50 R208400I005A1 1988-$61.50 R208400I005B1 1988-$61. 50 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400E01701 199-2303-89 1988-$82 . 50 Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served R208400H012A1 1988-$61.50 12/18/89. R208400H012B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H014A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H014B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H015A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H015B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H017B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H018A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H018B1 1988-$61.50 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400H019A1 219-2304-89 1988-$61.50 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R208400H019B1 1988-$61.50 12;27;89. Defendant filed answer R208400H020A1 1988-$61.50 12;28;89. R208400H020B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H021A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H021B1 1988-$61. 50 NARLOCK, TOD 503000026201 366-1994-89 1987-$76.60 Intervention filed 3;28;90. 1988-$74.27 PAYNE, BILLY JACK DBA BILLY P900027031711 296-190-88 1983-$122.50 Suit filed 1;28;88. Citation returned JACK AUTO SALES unexecuted. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address 1/6,/89. Defendant served by certiied mail 1/28/89. Petition amended to include another account. Judgment signed 4;25;89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5;2 5;8 9. POWELL, HAROLD 503000044101 366-1747-89 1987-$126 .56 Suit filed 4;2;90. 1988-$112 .91 1989-$116.84 REECE, JOHN 502000005501 199-914-89 1982-$43.82 Suit filed 6;22;89. Tax year 1982 has 366-1459-89 1985-$102.69 been paid in full and an installment 1986-$98.32 payment agreement beginning 8;31;89 has 1987-$91.41 been arranged for payment of balance. 1988-$89 . 12 Defendant defaulted on agreement. 1989-$103.93 Petition amended to update amounts and case set for hearing 5;16;90. RODRIGUEZ, TONY M502000003601 296-1003-88 1986-$74 .29 Suit filed 7;18;88. Citation returned 1987-$67 .14 unexecuted. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address. Defen- dant served 2/24/89. Information about repossession requested from F.D.I.C. Neither F.D.I .C. nor Royal National Bank, successor to American Bank of Palestine, can find any record of mobile home repossessed by bank. Tax years 1981 and 1982 for this account have no name listed. Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 show Roberts as owner. Affidavit to Wylie for tax years 1986 and 1987 . ROSE, JOHNNY 502000007911 199-147-90 1985-$66. 35 Suit filed 1;31;90 . 1986-$62 .07 OY 1987-$56.79 SMITH, JOHN 502000009101 199-151-90 1985-$103 .93 Suit filed 1;31;90. 1986-$97.69 STATEN, RONNIE R. M502000003011 199-1007-88 1983-$60.94 Suit filed 7;18;88. Citation returned 1984-$62.05 unexecuted. Defendant located, but says 1985-$81.41 he rented and did not own mobile home. 1986-$77.63 Current owner of mobile home says he purchasd 1987-$56.03 home from Staten and is forwarding contract of sale. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address 2/7/89. Defendant served 3;10;89. Affidavit to Wylie to prepare for judgment. Judgment signed 7;28;89. Abstract of Judgment filed. Writ sent to Constable. TAYLOR, GLORIA 443200007501 219-152-90 1987-$111.75 Suit filed 1;31;90. Defendant served 1988-$99.29 3;2;90. Payment agreement to begin 4;15;90. THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301502501 366-2310-89 PAID Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301502601 PAID 1!5!90. R227301502701 PAID R227301502801 PAID R227301502901 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301201001 199-2311-89 PAID Suit filed 11;29;89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301201101 PAID 1;5;90. R227301201201 PAID R227301201301 PAID R227301201401 PAID R227301201501 PAID R227301201601 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301100101 296-2309-89 PAID Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301100201 PAID 1/5/90. R662900001301 1988-$65.60 Beckham says this property sold to 41D Stanley Moussa. C.C.A.D. shows 1989 in name of Dale McCullough. Statement to McCullough 3;26;90. THOMAS, JOHN 503000066301 366-1484-89 1987-$140.15 Intervention filed 3;28;90. THOMPSON, CHARLES 503000059601 366-1483-89 1987-$88.62 Plea of Intervention filed 3;28;90 . 1988-$86.61 TUCKER, DAVID 443200006101 199-911-89 1986-$132.43 Suit filed 6;22;89. Installment payments 366-1458-89 1987-$121.62 being made. Defendant defaulted on 1988-$108.29 agreement and case set for hearing 5/16/90. 1989-$111.82 TUNNELL,MARTHA 503000044301 366-1444-89 1987-$153.18 Intervention filed 3;28;90. 1988-$136.38 U-NAME-IT FLOORS 900028507411 296-149-90 1985-$171. 50 Suit filed 1;31;90 . 1986-$49.00 UPTHAGROVE, KEITH 443200004501 366-1729-89 1987-$117.45 1988-$115.03 1989-$118.78 WALKER, GREG 443200011501 219-915-89 1986-$132 .43 Suit filed 6;22;89. 1987-$121.62 WILSON, JACK M503000016101 219-831-89 1987-$107.16 Intervention filed. 1988-$104 .72 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 1 626600002401 366-1736-89 1986-$1, 696.88 Suit filed 4;2;90. 1987-$1,805.56 1988-$1, 850.70 1989-$1, 150.24 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 2 626600002301 366-1420-89 1986-$1, 897. 52 Suit filed 4;2;90. 1987-$1, 790.32 1988-$1, 835.07 1989-$1, 140.53 WYLIE OPRY, GEORGE RILEY & P900028509831 199-104-89 1985-$24 .50 Suit filed 1/30/89. Statement of tax and CLARA RILEY 1986-$24 .50 court costs due sent to Defendant . 1987-$25.00 Affidavit to Wylie to prepare for judgment. N ) 1988-$25.63 Set for hearing 6;30;89. Hearing for Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc set 9;17;89. Abstract of Judgment and Writ of Execution received. Writ sent to Constable. CITY OF WYLIE BANKRUPTCY CASES 4/16/90 DEBTOR CASE NO. ACCOUNT NO. COMMENTS CHARLES S. & DEBRA K. 389-37905-RCM-13 229100000101 1988-$505.40 Proof of Claim - 1/31/90. ANDERHUB 1989-$802 . 39 THOMAS & THERESA BURRIS 88-40271-13 502000008711 1986-$94 . 93 Amended Proof of Claim - 8;24;88 1987-$87 .42 Installment payments being made 1988-$84 .76 by debtor directly to city. CONNER HOME SALES 87-01708-M04 503000027801 1987-$92 .74 Proof of Claim - 5;4;89 . CORPORATION Chapter 7 503000034901 1987-PAID No discharge as of 3;1;90. 1988-$104 .72 CUSTOM BUILDING 89-40318-7 900028506171 1987-$375.00 Proof of Claim - 3/22/89 . SUPPLY INC. 1988-$384 .38 No discharge as of 3;1;90. RICHARD MAX DUNCAN, II 388-36464-HCA-7 205200F01601 1987-$125.00 Proof of Claim - 3/16/89. D/B/A MACKEY/DUNCAN HOMES 205200E00901 1987-$120.00 Bankruptcy closed. AND �EANNA LAVONNE DUNCAN A'K,'A DEANNA LAVONNE WICKHAM A,'K;A DEANNA LAVONNE ROBSON EDWARD ELLIOTT AND 387-36437-SAF-13 503000053501 1987-$161. 82 Claim for Administrative Expense LOU ANN ELLIOTT 1988-$126.75 filed 3;22;89. JOSEPH L GEORGE 87-01296-7 127500200701 PAID Discharge letter sent 4;24;89 for three outstanding accounts. JOHNSTON, INC. , DBA 89-41137-11 116900700601 1988-$3,248.00 Proof of Claim - 8;21;89 JOHNSTON'S FASHION FOR 116900700101 1988-$192.19 CHILDREN THE LIGHTING CENTER, INC. 388-31360-HCA-11 P900028421781 1986-$375.79 Proof of Claim - 5/5/88 1987-$383.46 Converted to Chapter 7 . q ELLIS MERWORTH AND WIFE 388-33025-HCA-7 P900028507541 PAID Debts have been discharged. SUSAN MERWORTH MINERAL WOOL INSULATION 385-30709-F-11 Sales & U proof of claim. 4;16;86 . MANUFACTURING CO STANLEY A MOUSSA 387-31820-HCA-11 662900000101 1986-$734 .61 Proof of claim 8;19;87. 1987-$749.60 Claim for Administrative Expense 1988-$713.48 filed 5;8;89 for 1988 taxes. 1169011001C1 1986-$117. 65 1169011001A1 1986-$721.38 116600500901 PAID 115600200501 1986-$1, 380 .84 PAID 605600001701 1986-$1.49 1987-$152 .00 1988-$113.90 MURRY BUILDING CO INC 87-00309-BKC-HA No discharge as of 3;1;90. Chapter 7 150301101701 1985-$22.05 Account now listed Larry Seal . 1986-$73.50 150301101501 PAID 150300401601 PAID 150300401501 PAID 150300401401 PAID 150300401301 PAID 150300401201 PAID • 150200601601 PAID 150200601401 1985-$73.50 Account now listed Leonard E. • Muller Inc. 187801300401 PAID 187801301101 PAID 187801300301 1986-PAID Account now listed Robert J. Nix. 1987-PAID 187801300201 1986-PAID 187801300101 PAID 187801202801 PAID 187801202401 PAID 187801202201 PAID 187801202001 PAID 187801201901 PAID 187801201801 PAID 187801201601 PAID 187800902801 PAID 187800902601 PAID 187800902301 PAID 187800902201 PAID 187800901701 PAID 187800801001 PAID 187800202501 PAID MICHAEL MURRY 88-42153-7 187800903001 1987-$90.00 Proof of Claim - 3;24;89. 1988-$92.25 No discharge as of 3;1;90. JOAN E. REYNOLDS 388-36404-RCM-13 503000049201 1987-$132 .66 No Proof of Claim filed 1988-$112.91 Account included in Chapter 13 Plan. $59.93 received 1987 paid and Proof of Claim submitted $118.64 due for balance of 1988 taxes. Proof of Claim - 9;28;89 GARY LEIGHTON RODDY D;B,/A 388-37960-RCM-11 127500100901 PAID Proof of Claim - 2;28;89 . RODDY REALTORS AND RWM Case closed. PROPERTIES AND JUDITH ANNE RODDY D,/B;A RODDY & WHIT INVESTMENTS 116200003001 1987-$106.26 AND RM INVESTMENTS 1988-$107 .49 1275001009B1 PAID 115400202401 1987-$270.66 900027032571 1987-$20.00 1988 $20 . 50 602300003301 PAID HAROLD SPENCE, GLORIA 88-41706-7 P900028503381 1986-$1,225.00 Proof of Claim - 10;14;88 SPENCE DBA SUPER FRESH 1987-$1, 250.00 Amended Proof of Claim - 5;5;89 FOODS, DBA SPENCE 1988-$1, 383 .75 CONSTRUCTION, DBA HAROLD R146700200201 PAID Claim for Administrative Expense - 5;5;89 SPENCE BUILDING CORP. P900028601891 1987-$30.78 No discharge as of 3;1;90. 1988-$31. 54 R143600200901 1987-$85.00 1988-$87.13 R143600300101 1987-$67.50 1988-$69.19 R143600300201 1987-$85.00 1988-$87.13 R143600300301 1987-$85.00 1988-$87.13 R143600300401 1987-$85.00 1988-$87 .13 R1239000001C1 1987-$12 .50 1988-$12.81 JOHN CLINTON WORLEY 89-40090-7 187801000701 PAID Proof of Claim - 3/29/89