01-23-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 1-19-90 TIME POSTED 5:30 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 11 Consider approval of minutes of the January 9, 1990 Council meeting 2 Presentation by Adami, Lindsey & Co. of Independent Auditor's Report for Fiscal Year 1988-89 3 12 Canvass of General Election for 1% Sales Tax Increase 4 Consider bids received on Pick Up Truck for Code Enforcement Department 5 Consent Agenda The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda. A. Consider authorization for staff to re- bid the Side Mount Mower for Street Department B. Consider approval of Engineer Service Agreement for Water Tower Repainting Project C. Consider authorization for staff to seek bids for painting the 250,000 gallon water tower PUBLIC READINGS OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 6 13 Consider approval of a Resolution committing to one Railroad crossing on Spring Creek Parkway and up to $10,000 for utilities 7 14 - 22 Consider approval of a Resolution on R. 0. W. Condemnation for Wastewater Collection System Improvements 8 23 - 25 Consider approval of a Resolution opposing the proposed Garland Landfill site ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 9 Insert Consider approval of an Ordinance authorizing the Issuance of "City of Wylie, Texas Tax and Waterworks and Sewer Limited Pledge Revenue Certifi- cates of Obligation, Series 1990 and all other matters related thereto NEW BUSINESS 10 Consider approval of award of Contract to Pate and Pate Enterprise for Waste- water Collection System Improvements and Muddy Creek Interceptor Lines 11 26 - 28 Consider approval of award of bid for Trench Shoring Equipment GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 Citizen Participation 13 Council Discussion 14 Recess Regular Business Meeting and Convene Council into work session in the Council Conference Room, anyone wishing to attend the work session may join us in the next room 15 29 - 34 Discussion of the filing of a Petition and Statement of Intent for Texas Utility Electric Company (TU Electric) - Rate Increase 16 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, January 9, 1990 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Pat Stemple, Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , Steve Wright and John Akin, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and called on Councilman Messenger to give the invocation and Councilwoman Stemple to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12 , 1989: Councilman Wright corrected the minutes to read Part and Parcel not part/partial under the discussion of using the Uniform Building Code. A motion was made by made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the December 12th minutes as corrected . Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF CHANGE IN GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE FROM TML HARTFORD TO BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD: City Manager Charles Norwood stated that the City has received and reviewed proposals from Blue Cross and Blue Shield and have found Blue Cross to be very close to the same coverage we are currently getting from Hartford, TML. The deductible is $150 .00 under Blue Cross with $200 . deductible at the time you enter the hospital , our current police is $100 . deductible and no deductible on entering the hospital . Blue Cross Blue Shield is offering a prescription card, plus this also offers a dental plan. The monthly premiums for employees health is $115 .63 , dental $17 .14 where the city is currently paying $156 . 20 for health and no dental . The dependent coverage is $217 .29 per month and the current policy is $200 .12 per month for premiums . With the savings the city can save on premiums for employees , we feel we can offer $70 .00 per employee for dependent coverage . The city currently has six employees with dependent insurance coverage and staff feels there should be approximately 20 employees with dependent coverage. Staff recommends approval of the change from TML Hartford to Blue Cross Blue Shield . Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know if this new policy would cover the life insurance. City Manager Charles Norwood said yes , it has the same type life insurance policy as TML is giving us . A motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to approve the change of health insurance to Blue Cross Blue Shield effective February 1, 1990 . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PROCLAMATION FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1990 AS AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH IN WYLIE: Mayor Trimble read the proclamation into the record as follows : WHEREAS, The backbone of this great nation of America is its history , upon which all of our accomplishments are based; and WHEREAS, American History must be preserved and remembered by all , young and old; and WHEREAS, The Daughters of the American Revolution is now and always has been a living history of the growth of our nations, and stresses the importance of remembering American History through such valuable community services as educational programs, essay contest and such; and WHEREAS, Both the importance of remembering American History, and the contributions made to our society by the Daughters of the American Revolution should be duly noted, NOW, THEREFORE, I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, do hereby proclaim the month of FEBRUARY, 1990 , to be AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH IN WYLIE , and I urge all Wylie residents to join with me this month in recognizing the importance of American History in our lives, and in recognizing the community service performed by the Rockwall Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, in our area. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the proclamation for February, 1990 to be American History month in Wylie. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PROCLAMATION FOR PRUDENCE KLING, EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31 , 1989 : A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the proclamation for Employee of the Quarter ending December 31, 1989 . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . Mayor Trimble presented Prudence Kling with the following proclamation and a savings bonds : WHEREAS, Prudence Kling has been selected as the City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter ending December 31 , 1989; and WHEREAS, Prudence is known for her willingness to work with and give the time needed to assist the citizens; and WHEREAS, Prudence has an outstanding attitude regarding her position and relationship with the citizens and community; and NOW, THEREFORE, I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, do Proclaim PRUDENCE KLING AS EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31 , 1989 . Mayor Trimble thanked Prudence for her years of service with the City. APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 89-21 - UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AMENDMENTS AND APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 88-28 , SECTION 3- C, D, & E OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: City Manager Charles Norwood said back in November, 1989 Council passed an Ordinance that read "That Section 3 (d) of Ordinance 88-28 be, and it is hereby amended by the insertion of the following section 2309 : (d) All wood ceiling joists shall have a minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches by 6 inches (unless part of an Engineer Truss) and they shall have a maximum spacing of 16 inches on centers" . Later at another meeting , Council amended this Ordinance and stated to follow the Uniform Building Code. The original ordinance for the adoption of the Uniform Building Code has the same stipulations for 16" centers . Tonight Council is being asked to repeal Ordinance 89-21 and amend Ordinance 88-28 which will leave the stipulation out regarding 16" centers . Craig Swaner , one of the volunteer fire fighters for Wylie, stated that he was no engineer , but I am a fire fighter and I have a concern for the safety of our fire fighters . I am employed by the City of Plano and have a basic certificate as a fire fighter through 400 hours of class and I also hold a certificate for Class A Inspector that was received after 200 hours of class . Plano recognizes these codes and have made amendments to the codes for the safety and welfare of the citizens as well as their employees . I have given you some material on light weight trusses. We realize that trusses have been here a long time and we are not trying to do away with them, but want you to understand the danger of these trusses . When fire hits a truss it expands the metal brace and when it cools off it will come loose from the brace. When your faced with going inside a building you have to figure how long it will be safe to enter that structure. City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know if Plano has this type of amendments . Craig said no they have the Uniform Building Code, but we are working with the Council to amend this . We have been instructed if we go to a fire with trusses we go in put water on it and get out as soon as we have made a search for possible people being inside. Councilman Messenger said it was a good point but most homes will not be built with trusses . Mayor Pro Tem Naish asked Councilman Messenger to check into the insurance fire codes and see if this was addressed. Councilman Messenger said this was not addressed in the insurance. Mr . Swaner said that the fireman have requested Mr . Faires to let them know when a truss building goes up so the fireman can pre-plan before a fire call comes in. Mr . Stephen Bisbee, a volunteer fireman for the City of Wylie, stated that we are beginning a program and it will work, between Mr . Faires and the Fire Department, and that is to keep in touch with each other for all types of buildings and homes going up. The firemen will not be able to go up into the attic and pull the ceiling if there are trusses. We have a very good fire department for a volunteer unit , but we are volunteers and it takes a little longer to respond plus you may not have more than 6 people answer the call . If we can request 2X6 framing on 16" centers it will give us better safety. Councilman Swartz stated that if he understood right , most of the problems are in commercial not single family. Mr . Swaner said we have them in both. Councilman Swartz said I am understanding that single family dwellings are safer than commercial . Councilwoman Stemple said with trusses you have 10 minutes before the ceiling falls . Mr . Bisbee said yes , after 10 minutes we get out and do not go back in . Mayor Trimble said you are saying if a house with trusses is burning , you will stand back and watch it burn. I feel our safety should be for the people and then save the structure. Councilwoman Stemple said in your training you learn to look at a roof and know it is trusses . Mr . Swaner said no, but in certain additions you know they have used trusses. Councilman Swartz said that the firemen' s safety is foremost on our minds. Mayor Trimble said that Mr . St. John was not notified about this meeting. I think we need to bring this back one more time. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Naish to approve the repeal of Ordinance No. 89-21 and table the amendments to Ordinance NO. 88-28 . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE JANUARY 20TH ELECTION FOR 1% INCREASE IN SALES TAX: City Manager Charles Norwood stated that Council requested this resolution be on this agenda. The election is on January 20th. Councilman Akin thanked staff for the resolution but was hoping it would be like what was in the paper . Councilman Akin also felt the Chamber of Commerce could show their endorsement of this Election. Mr . Randy Arp of the Chamber of Commerce, said the Chamber has come out and endorsed both propositions . The committee met with the School Board and they are in support of this. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said there is a flyer circulating that did not have a name on it. Mr . Arp said it was put out as a fact sheet and went to all registered voters. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the Resolution supporting the 1% sales Tax increase. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF NAMING THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY : City Manager Charles Norwood said the City has two newspapers and there is a statue stating the requirements for newspapers . The newspaper selected must meet the definition of Article 28a, V.R.C.S. That statute defines a newspaper as one devoting not less than twenty-five percent of its total column lineage to the caring of items of general interest, published not less frequently than once each week, entered as second class postal matter in the county where published , and having been published regularly and continuously for not less than twelve months prior to the making of any publication required to be made by law by the City. A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to name the Wylie Sentinel as the official newspaper for the City of Wylie. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . Councilman Akin wanted to know if we have general circulation reports from both papers . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said we have requested this before. City Manager Charles Norwood said we have this information . City Secretary said that this has been requested , but have not had a reply. Councilman Akin requested that a circulation report be requested . Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the motion to appoint The Wylie Sentinel as the official newspaper . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - against , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - against. This motion carried with five in favor and two against. DISCUSSION OF WAYS TO HONOR VOLUNTEER FIREMEN: City Manager Charles Norwood said that Councilwoman Stemple had wanted to recognize our Volunteer Fire Department in some way. Councilwoman Stemple said we would like to look at who has attended the most training sessions and answered the most fire calls and recognize them quarterly. Councilman Swartz said this is the first time we have not done this at Christmas . Mayor Trimble said we have done this in the past, and the group should come up with the information needed . Councilman Akin stated to let the fire chief appoint a committee and let city staff know each quarter who will be recognized and we will give them a plaque. Mr . Craig Swaner said he would get with the fire chief and asked him to appoint this committee . Mr . Swaner stated that it would be good to put money back into the training program instead of giving a plaque. APPROVAL OF SASA SANITARY SEWER LINE EXTENSION: City Manager Charles Norwood recommend this item be tabled , as staff is still working with San Antonio Savings. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to table this item. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF INCREASE IN SUBSIDY TO LIFELINE AMBULANCE SERVICE: City Manager stated that the Council has received a letter from Lifeline Ambulance Service to increase their subsidy by $3 ,730 . more than what we are currently paying. City Manager Charles Norwood stated that this $3 ,730 . more does not include dispatching and I am opposed to the Police Department doing the dispatching for the ambulance service. It will take another $3,000 . to have the dispatching done by Lifeline. Mr. Donnie Norman said that he took over the ambulance service in February, 1989 and it was not in good financial shape. December has come and gone and there is no contract between the City and Lifeline for ambulance services . We are asking Council for temporary contract for a quarter with this increase in subsidy. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to increase the subsidy and have Lifeline do their own dispatching. Councilman Messenger asked if Lucas and Collin County have been approved for an increase in their subsidy. Mr . Norman said Collin County has increased their subsidy and Lucas is paying more per head per capita then anyone else. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know how much was in his accounts receivables . Mr . Norman said $60,000 but I do not feel we will collect, as it is all over 120 days past due . Councilman Akin asked if this increase will pay his bills and get the business back up. Mr . Norman said yes it will . Councilman Swartz said we are going out for bids soon and the reports we have on subsidy is around $100 ,000 plus per year . Councilman Swartz seconded Councilman Wright' s motion to increase the subsidy , if it would state the amount. Councilman Wright amended his motion to reflect that the current subsidy have $6 ,330 added to it . Mayor Trimble asked Mr . Norman if this $6 ,330 additional subsidy would take care of things . Mr. Norman said yes , he feels like it will . Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the above motion to increase the subsidy by $6 ,330 . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM LEON HURSE IN THE AMOUNT OF $10 ,000 .00: Mr . Homeyer stated that this would be the final payment to Mr . Hurse for services rendered in the acquisition of the required right of way for the wastewater collection system. Staff recommends approval . A motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the final payment request in the amount $10,000 .00 to Leon Hurse. Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM EGT , INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $11 ,430 .06: Mr . Homeyer stated that the work on the Nortex Tank Site was progressing very well and staff recommends approval of this payment request . Councilman Akin wanted to know if this project when completed would put the Nortex Tank on line. Mr. Homeyer said yes . A motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the payment request for EGT Inc. in the amount of $11 ,430 .06 . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time, state their name and address for the record and to keep their comments within two minutes. There was no one wishing to speak at this time. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know when the follow up and council inquiries would start being put in the packets . City Manager Charles Norwood said with the next packets. Councilman Wright said he received a newcomers packet and the City has not added anything in it . Mr . White, Mr . Homeyer and myself have been looking at putting in an information sheet of city staff and their day time phone numbers. Councilman Wright also stated that BFI was to get back in touch with us for putting out extra bins for Christmas and as of this date we have not heard from them. Councilman Akin said there was a crew in town that would be filming the book "Evidence of Love" in parts of Wylie during the next few weeks. Mayor Trimble recessed the regular business meeting and called for a ten minute break and then Council would convene into a work session in the Council Conference Room and those wishing to come in were welcome. Mayor Trimble convened the Council into a work session regarding the move of the National Guard to Wylie. City Manager Charles Norwood stated that the National Guard was interested in moving to Wylie and had been offered some 10 acres north and adjacent to the area next to City Hall . This land is being donated to the National Guard by Centennial Homes, Barron Cook and Sparky Beckham. This land is just across the railroad tracks and faces the proposed Spring Creek Parkway. In order for the National Guard to have this land, they must get across the tracks (two sets of tracks) , each crossing will cost approximately $140 ,000 . , plus the utilities have to be placed under the tracks , which would be approximately another $10 ,000 . The National Guard is wanting on a commitment from the City on these railroad crossings and the utilities and the completion of Spring Creek Parkway. Mr . Beaty said there will be approximately 3 million dollars spent in these buildings . There was discussion of putting in one crossing now and the second later on. Mr . Beaty said if one crossing was put in this would get them to their site and the second crossing could be put in later on. Mr . Jerry Hoagland stated that he met with Mr . Beaty and some others this afternoon and they would feel better if both crossings were committed to since this would mean that Spring Creek Parkway would be completed in the future. City Manager Charles Norwood asked Mr . Hoagland if the city committed to one crossing would the County commit to one. Mr . Hoagland said he would try and get the other crossing. Mr . Hoagland also stated that this could go in the next bond program, that would extend Spring Creek Parkway to Ballard Street . The long range goal is to have Spring Creek Parkway all the way through to Plano. Mr. Jerry Hoagland reported on the projects with the City and the County. Mr . Hoagland said it was time to set up another meeting with the Highway Department regarding Highway 78 . We have information that Highway 78 needs widening as soon as possible and we would like to set up this meeting if that is all right with the Council . Mr . Ruben Delgado reported on Sanden Blvd. - it was 99% complete, railroad crossing should be done in February, seeding of the channel and embankments will be done in the Spring , with total completion by late March or early April . Engineering contracts have been executed for McCreary and Brown projects. Plans are done and Mr . Homeyer has looked at them, and they would be completed in Feb. or March. Could go out for bids by April . City Manager Charles Norwood wanted to know if any of the lines that belong to NTMWD along Brown St. would be disturbed . Mr . Homeyer said no, if any cuts, it will just be about 6" and this would not bother their lines. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 10: 00 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - Evaluation Procedures for Department Heads. Mayor Trimble reconvened Council into open session at 11: 50 P.M. and there being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . ATTEST• Chuck Trimble, Mayor Carolyn Jones, City Secretary PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 4, 1990 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session Thursday, January 4th, 1990 at 7: 15 p. m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Vice Chairman Bill Emsoff, Board Members Bill Burge, Cheri Albin, and B. J . Upshaw, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Park Maintenance Foreman Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members Bryan Glenn and Mike Miller were absent. Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. OATH OF OFFICE TO B . J . UPSHAW: City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered the oath of office to B. J . earlier in the week :..=.,:uary 31j . ._le. ei , re ;;ai . r, art : COe ,.._v ._. to the next order of business. APPROVAL . O F NOVEMBER M I MUTE, • The minutes approved as submitted with all in favor. REPORT FROM DON WHITE ON JANUARY PLANNED PROJECTS AND NOVEMBER/DECEMBER COMPLETED_ JOBS: Don White explained -that he was unable to submit a report on jobs completed due to a computer malfunction. He then went over the January projects list. Don White said that the city has received chemicals and a sprayer to apply different types of chemicals at the park. Bill Emsoff asked if Phil Blakely had been doing any work on the sprinkler system at Community Park. Don White said that Phil Blakely had been in the hospital and that his department was back logged on work, so he hasn' t had time as of yet. Hopefully he will be able to work on it soon. Cheri Albin asked if the Judge assigned community service work in lieu of fines. Don White said yes, we get more in the summer than in the winter. PARK BOARD MEMBER SELECTION OF FUTURE PROJECTS : Joanie Zeeb explained that she, as chairman, wanted each member to get involved in a specific area project, select an area of interest ans.' thon push it to completion. Joanie Zeeb advised the board of several areas needing attention, for project ideas. Bill Emsoff said that he chose Valentine Park since it is in his neighborhood and several of his neighbors have also shown an interest. Bill Emsoff said I would like to draw a master plan on the map and submit it to the board for approval . Bill Emsoff updated new board member B. J. Upshaw on the recent discussions of Valentine Park. B. J . Upshaw selected Community Park for his project. Cheri Albin and Bill Burge were both undecided. There was some discussion of the new sub-division requirement of park land. ' OPEN SPACE PROJECT PRESENTATION BY MR. BILL FRASER: Mr. Bill Fraser introduced himself and distributed Collin County Open Space Program literature. He stated that Wylie is in a very strategic location because of Lake Lavon and Lake Ray Hubbard. He said that he could not make any plans for us but that he could point us in the right direction. Bill Fraser presented a map of the Wylie area identifying the lake shore lines, stream corridors, greenways, and pipelines/overhead lines that can be used for trail systems. Bill Fraser said I feel you have an excellent opportunity to expand the park system in conjunction with the school system. Cooperative efforts between cities and schools increases the possibility of obtaining grant money from the county. Mr. Fraser distributed greenway network literature and stated that most of the greenways in our area are flood plains, which restricts any kind of development. Bill Fraser said if you have a published master plan for the park system then developers can see intended park areas and usually will plan with that in mind. When preparing a long term community wide master plan you have to take into consideration animal and vegetation habitats, city council , planning and zoning, the park board, basically the entire community. Major archeological sites are in the lake area. Historical early settlement sites would be of interest to rebuild and would be an asset. Share the planning development with the citizens, let them help. Mr. Fraser said in looking at the whole county, Wylie is sitting in a very strategic spot. It is the only city in the entire county that is surrounded by two separate lakes. The lake is the key and is the gold mine, and can be a major economic benefit to the city. Wylie can obtain long term leases for lake front property, from the Corp of Engineers. They are interested in getting out of managing land. Don White asked Mr. Fraser, if the City had an architectural landscaping study done that would tie in the Wylie area to the open space program, would the County assist in the funding of the study. Mr . Fraser said he could not answer that question, but that the county is beginning to do more and more in assisting communities in the planning process. Don White asked Bill Fraser, if the Park Board would ask City Council to keep that in mind do you think we may have any success. Bill Fraser said it is very possible. Don White said that the open space program could be a project for one of the board members. They could approach Mr. Norwood about this and then he could talk to City Council . Bill Fraser said that Lake Ray Hubbards shoreline is owned by the City u* Dallas, but that it is possible for the City of Wylie to lease some of that land. The county had been exploring the possibility of developing the old channel into a canoe channel , put in a road, parking, and rental canoes. Mr. Fraser distributed a list of considerable programs for the Wylie community, and a listing of foundations that give money for recreational programs. We can possibly work together with Texas Parks and Wildlife on grants. There are four major grant centers in Dallas including the main library. Bill Fraser said that we may consider tieing Pirate Drive into Community Park by extending the road into the park as the major entrance. Bill Fraser distributed a brochure on the Trinity Trail . There was some discussion of what the possibilities are of abolishing the hunting area adjacent to one section of the trail . March for Parks program was brought up and discussed. It is held 04-21-90 through 04-28-90 and is a national celebration of the outdoors. People commit to walking a certain number of miles and get people to sponsor them for ascertain amount of money per completed mile. The money is donated towards the park development program. Don White said it would be a good cooperative project for the city and school , and may be an excellent way to obtain additional funds. Bill Fraser said that the program was nationally advertised. 4 DISCUSSION OF VALENTINE PARK MASTER PLAN: This business was tabled as Bill Emsoff selected Valentine Park as his project and will be putting together a master plan. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There were no citizens present therefore Chairman Zeeb moved on to the next order of business. GENERAL DISCUSSION: None. There being no other business or discussion the meeting adjourned with all in favor. Joanie Zeeb, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR, of the City of Wylie, Texas , met with the Wylie City Council , sitting as the canvassing board to canvass the Election of January 20 , 1990 at Wylie, Texas for 1% Sales Tax Increase . I certify that the figures on the tally sheets correspond with the figures on the returns. WITNESS MY HAND THIS 23rd DAY OF JANUARY, 1990 . CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR OFFICER OF CANVASSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE LOCATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY IN WYLIE BY AGREEING TO FUND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SPRINGCREEK PARKWAY RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AND THE EXTENSION OF UTILITIES ACROSS THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY LINE: WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the location of the National Guard Armory within the City will be a great asset for the citizens of Wylie; and, WHEREAS, The City Council wishes to secure the donation of ten ( 10) acres of land from Centennial Homes, Inc. for the new site of the National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the railroad grade crossing across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway line is necessary to provide access to the proposed site of the National Guard Armory; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the water and sanitary sewer mains must be extended across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway right-of-way in order to service the proposed National Guard Armory Facility; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS : SECTION 1 : RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING A grade crossing agreement will be secured from the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company for the Springcreek Parkway extension. The City will fund up to $140, 000 of the cost of the said railroad grade crossing at the time the agreement is secured form the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company. SECTION 2: UTILITY LINES EXTENSION The water and sanitary sewer mains will be extended across the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company right-of-way in order to serve the proposed National Guard Armory facility. The City will fund up to $10, 000 of the cost of the said utility lines extension. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF JANUARY, 1990. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: Charles Norwood, City Manager FROM: Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer DATE: January 17, 1990 RE: January 23, 1990 City Council Agenda Item Wastewater Collection System Improvements Right-of-Way Condemnation Attached hereto are the resolutions which are necessary to initiate the condemnation process on the parcels of land through which we were unable to secure the required utility easements through normal purchase processes. Therefore, I recommend the approval of these resolutions in order to legally secure the necessary easements. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF ACQUIRING A PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT CONTAINING 5,560.0 SQ. FT. OR 0.1276 ACRES OF LAND AND A 30.00 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON, ABOVE AND IN LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby determines that a public necessity exists that requires a permanent sanitary sewer utility easement of 5,560.0 sq. ft. or 0.1276 acres of land more or less to be acquired along with a temporary construction easement 30.00 feet in width being north and south of, parallel with and immediately adjacent to the hereinbefore referenced sanitary sewer utility easement located within the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. That the legal descriptions of the permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and also shown on the plat attached hereto as Exhibit "Bt, both being made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. That for the purpose of acquiring said permanent santiary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement, and believing that the sum of money hereinafter set forth represents a fair cash market value of said permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement and full damages legally allowable by law, it is hereby resolved that the City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to offer the property owner the sum of $ for the necessary easements on, over and in such property. SECTION 3. In the event said offer is declined by the owner, the City Manager is further authorized to make a tender of said offer in person to the owner. SECTION 4. That the City Manager and the City Attorney are authorized to comply with the statutes of the State of Texas with reference to the necessary legal prerequisites existing in or relating to the exercise of eminent domain to acquire said permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement. SECTION 5. That the owner or party claiming an interest in said property is Jerry C. Caldwell, whose mailing address is DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF ACQUIRING A PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT CONTAINING 8,840.0 SQ. FT. OR 0.1983 ACRES OF LAND; A 30 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AND ALSO A 20 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON, ABOVE AND IN LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby determines that a public necessity exists that requires a permanent sanitary sewer utility easement of 8,640.0 sq. ft. or 0.1983 acres of land more or less to be acquired along with a temporary construction easement 30.00 feet in width being south of and another temporary construction easement 20.00 feet in width being north of, both of which being parallel with and immediately adjacent to the hereinbefore referenced permanent sanitary sewer utility easement located within the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. That the legal descriptions of the permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easements are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and shown on the plat also attached hereto as Exhibit "B', both being made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. That for the purpose of acquiring said permanent santiary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement, and believing that the sum of money hereinafter set forth represents a fair cash market value of said permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement and full damages legally allowable by law, it is hereby resolved that the City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to offer the property owner the sum of $ for the necessary easements on, over and in such property. SECTION 3. In the event said offer is declined by the owner, the City Manager is further authorized to make a tender of said offer in person to the owner. SECTION 4. That the City Manager and the City Attorney are authorized to comply with the statutes of the State of Texas with reference to the necessary legal prerequisites existing in or relating to the exercise of eminent domain to acquire said permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement. SECTION 5. That the owner or party claiming an interest in said property is Ronald Franklin Miller, whose mailing address is DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF ACQUIRING A PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT CONTAINING 4,760.0 SQ. FT. OR 0.1093 ACRES OF LAND; A 30.00 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AND ALSO A 20.00 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON, ABOVE AND IN LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby determines that a public necessity exists that requires a permanent sanitary sewer utility easement of 4,760.0 sq. ft. or 0.1093 acres of land more or less to be acquired along with a temporary construction easement 30.00 feet in width being south of and another temporary construction easement 20.00 feet in width being north of, both of which are being parallel with and immediately adjacent to the hereinbefore referenced permanent sanitary utility easement located within the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. That the legal descriptions of the permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easements are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and shown on the plat also attached hereto as Exhibit "B', both being made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. That for the purpose of acquiring said permanent santiary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement, and believing that the sum of money hereinafter set forth represents a fair cash market value of said permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement and full damages legally allowable by law, it is hereby resolved that the City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to offer the property owner the sum of $ for the nec Mary csements on, over and in such property. ECTION 3. In the event said offer is declined by the owner, the City Manager is further authorized to make a tender of said offer in person to the owner. SECTION 4. That the City Manager and the City Attorney are authorized to comply with the statutes of the State of Texas with reference to the necessary legal prerequisites existing in or relating to the exercise of eminent domain to acquire said permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement. SECTION 5. That the owner or party claiming an interest in said property is Worth Montyque Speed, whose mailing address is DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY (.___4.) PPROVED AS TO FORM: \\\.\ nt ' WI CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF ACQUIRING A PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT CONTAINING 1.314.7 SQ. FT. OR 0.0302 ACRES OF LAND AND A 30.00 FOOT WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON, ABOVE AND IN LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby determines that a public necessity exists that requires a permanent sanitary sewer utility easement of 1,314.7 sq. ft. or 0.0302 acres of land more or less to be acquired along with a temporary construction easement 30 feet in width being west of, south of, parallel with and immediately adjacent to the hereinbefore referenced permanent sanitary sewer utility easement located within the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. That the legal descriptions of the permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and shown on the plat also attached hereto as Exhibit "B', both being made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. That for the purpose of acquiring said permanent santiary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement, and believing that the sum of money hereinafter set forth represents a fair cash market value of said permanent sanitary sewer easement and temporary construction easement and full damages legally allowable by law, it is hereby resolved that the City Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to offer the property owner the sum of $ for the necessary easements on, over and in such property. SECTION 3. In the event said offer is declined by the owner, the City Manager is further authorized to make a tender of said offer in person to the owner. SECTION 4. That the City Manager and the City Attorney are authorized to comply with the statutes of the State of Texas with reference to the necessary legal prerequisites existing in or relating to the exercise of eminent domain to acquire said permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and temporary construction easement. SECTION 5. That the owner or party claiming an interest in said property is Chemical Recycling, Inc., whose mailing address is DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on th e day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: y, CITY ATTORNEY GEARY, STAHL & SPENCER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS RONALD D. GRAY 6400 NCNB PLAZA NORTH DALLAS OFFICE DIRECT DIAL NUMBER 901 MAIN STREET ONE BENT TREE TOWER 2 4/746-2560 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 18475 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 550 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 214/748-9901 214/931-9901 TELECOPIER 214-931-9208 TELEX 732561 TELECOPIER 214-742-1223 PLEASE REPLY TO NCNB PLAZA January 16 , 1990 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms. Carolyn Jones City Secretary City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Garland Landfill Application No. 1895 - Goldsteen Text Dear Ms. Jones : Enclosed please find a proposed resolution opposing the landfill permit application by the City of Garland. As we discussed on Monday on the telephone, I would appreciate your assistance in presenting this resolution to the City Council at their next meeting. I feel the proposed resolution more strongly shows the potential adverse effects of the landfill location and could be useful in helping oppose the application during the public hearing. Should the Council approve this or any other version of a resolution opposing the landfill , I would appreciate you sending a copy of such resolution to me at the above address. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 746-2560. Very truly yours, GEARY, STAHL & SPENCER A Professional Corporation I Ronald D. Gi y -t----.`(y' 7 RDG:jy Enclosure cc: Gregg A. Cooke, Esq. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS OPPOSING THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF GARLAND FOR A TYPE I SANITARY LANDFILL WHEREAS, The City of Garland has applied for a permit to operate a Type I Sanitary Landfill near the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Elm Grove Road , and , WHEREAS , The City of Wylie believes that the development and operation of a sanitary landfill at the proposed site would adversely affect the future development of Wylie and its extraterritorial jurisdiction , and , WHEREAS , The City of Wylie believes that the development and operation of a sanitary landfill at the proposed site would adversely impact the proposed development of land surrounding the proposed site, and, WHEREAS , The City of Wylie believes that the development and operation of a sanitary landfill at the proposed site would be incompatible with the existing and proposed land use of the surrounding property, and , WHEREAS, The City of Wylie believes that the proposed site is not a proper location for a sanitary landfill , and , WHEREAS , The City of Wylie believes there is a great potential for blowing trash and debris , noxious odors , and adverse environmental and health effects resulting from the operation of a landfill at the proposed location, and , WHEREAS, The City of Garland has indicated its intent to use a traffic route to the proposed landfill consisting of Pleasant Valley Road to Elm Grove Road to Yeager Road , and , WHEREAS , Such route will result in a tremendous number of additional vehicles on such roads, and , WHEREAS , Such traffic will result in the rapid decay of surrounding streets and roads , and , WHEREAS , Such streets and roads are not developed or maintained in such a manner as to handle the heavy traffic volume and heavy weight of commercial sanitation vehicles , and WHEREAS , The City of Wylie believes that such route will have an adverse effect on its citizens , and WHEREAS , The City of Wylie believes that such route could endanger the safety of its residents and other persons living along or using such streets and roads , and WHEREAS , The City of Wylie wishes to voice its opposition to the permit application filed by the City of Garland : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas , that SECTION 1 The City of Wylie officially opposes Application No. 1895 filed by the City of Garland to operate a Type I Sanitary Landfill; SECTION 2 The City of Wylie recommends that the Texas Department of Health deny the application of the City of Garland to develop and operate a Type I Sanitary Landfill . PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF JANUARY, 1990 . • CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR ATTEST: CAROLYN JONES , CITY SECRETARY Ate- *% ie CITY OF WYLIL 2000 HWY. 78 N. — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 To: James Johnson, Finance Director From: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent Subject: Bid No. 90-02, Trench Shoring Equipment The Following bids were received for trench shoring equipment: Texas Contractors Supply $ 8,800.00 ICM of D/FW $11,440.00 The Shoring International "Mighty Lite" system proposed by Texas Contractors Supply is substantially in compliance with our speci- fications, and is well within the budgeted amount of S10,000. Don White and I have reviewed the bids and concur in recommending that Council award the shoring equipment bid to Texas Contractors Supply for $8,800. Jim Holcomb ' Purchasing Agent BID NO. 90-02 SHORING EQUIPMENT It is the intent of the following specifications to describe the City's minimum requirements for Trench Shoring Equipment. Shoring system shall be GME Lite Shield, or equivalent, of modular con- struction and capable of stacking to ten foot depth. Maximum combined weight of all components shall not exceed 1, 300 pounds. Components Quantity Required Panels shall be of high strength, light weight 12 each ( 10 ea) . aluminum, approximately 118" in length, 20" high ` with a minimum wall thickness of 2". Struts shall be mechanically threaded, with 10 each , variable adjustments from 54" to 88". Panel connectors shall be hardened steel with 20 each hardened self locking pins. Bid Amount: 8800. 00 Brand Name/Trademark: Shon.i,ng Intoulati.onat Mighty Lite Delivery to be within 10 days after receipt of purchase order. Bidder Name/Address: Texan Contnacton4 Supply Company P.O. Box 560169 Dattcus, Texans 75356-0169 Phone 438-3323 Authorized Signature: ------ia 4 /e2:6, BIDDING AGBNT v Title .-#4OS + MODULAR SOIL SUPPOFLT SYSTEM ykotEns M�C �N PERFECT FOR MUNICIPAL 1 0°E APPLICATIONS, REPAIR WORK, WATER LINES AND OTHER SERVICES. ..;`-------- COMPLIES WITH O.S.H.A. REGULATIONS ---__ ���_....- • PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIED • CONSTRUCTED OF 6061-T6 ALUMINUM I + = ALLOY • riL _ • 21/2" WALL THICKNESS 1; -12 • • III! r� • OPTIONAL FOAM FILLER AVAILABLE A _ -- -= • ADJUSTABLE WIDTHS . CHOICE OF(3) SPREADER SYSTEMS: 1 i • •- 1.SCREW JACK (MANUALLY ADJUSTABLE) . 2. PINNED IN PLACE PIPE SPREADERS (INTERCHANGEABLE WIDTHS) t - - -_ r4. _ 3.ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC STRUTS EXPAND :al ---- �r WITH HAND PUMP. f r I ; • , • • CHOICE OF HEIGHTS: (16", 2', 4', 6', OR j 1. 8 HIGH PANELS) • 8 STANDARD LENGTHS ;�- _ •CUSTOM SIZES AVAILABLE • THE MIGHTY LITE SYSTEM SHOWN ABOVE IS 6' HIGH X 10' LONG UTILIZING SCREW JACK ADJUSTABLE WIDTH SPREADERS. THE PANEL CONNECTORS (BLUE) IN THIS EXAMPLE CONNECT(3)2'HIGH X 10'LONG PANELS. SEE OPPOSITE SIDE FOR SIZE AVAILABILITY. Li `o-iC_.....�_ EASY FIELD ASSEMBLY! ASSEMBLES IN MINUTES. ONLY TWO PEOPLE NEEDED TO ASSEMBLE! 3D OR REQUIRED 0j-f_:MAXIMUM I ABLE. illi 0 ---::- .66.61: ------ i, saric$ : CONNECT MODULES WITH 1 : RECESSED PANEL P ______ CONNECTORS /�� %�, -4- 0, EASILY TPAN,-P I IABLE /-�' TRANSPORT AN ENTI;.E SHORING SYSTEM IN A PICK-UP TRUCK. SHORING INTERNATIONAL INC. 45 EDISON AVE., OAKLAND, NJ 07463 (201) 337-2233 . MONIMUMM simmws 'mom TUELECTRIC Jerry Morgan District Manager January 16, 1990 City of Wylie Attached for filing please find a Petition and Statement of Intent for Texas Utilities Electric Company (TU Electric) . This rate request is identical to those also being filed today with other regulatory authorities and affects all customers served by TU Electric. Also, transmitted with this letter as part of this filing is a rate filing package containing the testimony and data upon which the proposed rates are based. The entire rate filing package consists of twenty-four (24) separately numbered volumes and contains a copy of TU Electric ' s Petition and Statement of Intent before the Public Utility Commission of Texas for your information. Very truly yours , &Al lam/ Receipt Acknowledged By: Title: /--�--- Date: 1 ^_9(1 717 State Street Garland,Texas 75040 214 487-2222 BEFORE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE RE: APPLICATION OF TEXAS S UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY S DOCKET NO. FOR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE RATES S PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT TO THE HONORABLE SAID GOVERNING BODY: COMES NOW Texas Utilities Electric Company ("TU Electric"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas and a public utility as that term is defined in the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Article 1446c, V.A.T.S. (the "PURA") and files this its Petition and Statement of Intent, respectfully showing unto this Honorable Governing Body the following: I. The most recent rate increase received by any portion of the TU Electric system was in January 1984, when Dallas Power & Light Company, one of TU Electric's corporate predecessors, was granted a rate increase in Docket No. 5256. TU Electric's only rate case, Docket No. 5640, resulted in an October 1984 order reducing rates by some $7 million. TU Electric has worked diligently to improve productivity and control costs, which not only has enabled it to forgo rate relief for some six years but which also enables TU Electric to bring Comanche Peak Unit 1 into rates and, yet, hold the line on this necessary rate increase to 10.2%. TU Electric's ability to forgo rate relief for so long and its aggressive efforts to take advantage of declining natural gas prices have benefited customers to the point that, currently, the average cost of a kilowatthour is about what it was in 1982. With the increase sought hereby, the average cost of a kilowatthour holds PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 1 30 steady at about the level it was in 1984. This, despite the facts that, between January 1, 1984 and June 30, 1989, TU Electric has added 330,000 new customers, has invested $7.2 billion in additional plant and equipment, and has seen the effects of inflation increase its non-fuel operating expenses by almost $300 million. The rate increase sought hereby is the minimum rate relief required to maintain TU Electric's financial integrity and to permit it to attract the capital necessary for it to continue to fulfill its public service obligations of providing reliable electric service to its customers at reasonable costs. Moreover, the rate increase sought hereby is the minimum rate relief required to permit TU Electric a reasonable opportunity to earn a reasonable return on its invested capital used and useful in rendering service to the public over and above its reasonable and necessary operating expenses. TU Electric, in accordance with Substantive Rule 23.23(b)(2) of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, is requesting final reconciliation of its fuel costs and fuel revenues during the period April 1, 1983 through June 30, 1989, and the approval of revised fuel factors reflecting TU Electric's known or reasonably predictable fuel costs and kilowatthour sales for the period from May 1990 through April 1991. II. This Honorable Governing Body has jurisdiction over TU Electric and the subject matter of this Petition and Statement of Intent by virtue of Section 17(a) of the PURA. III. In keeping with the provisions of Section 43(a) of the PURA and in order to assure the timely availability of the needed rate relief in the event that this Honorable Governing Body suspends the proposed effective date of the proposed rates, TU Electric proposes that the proposed change in rates be effective on February 20, 1990. PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 2 IV. The proposed revised tariffs and schedules are set forth in Volume XVIII of this filing and statements specifying in detail each proposed change are set forth in Volumes XXII and XXIV of this filing. V. The proposed changes are expected to increase TU Electric's adjusted test-year operating revenues 10.2%, or $442,353,715, which includes the effect of the proposed reduced fuel factors. The test-year upon which this Petition and Statement of Intent is based is the twelve-month period beginning July 1, 1988, and ending June 30, 1989. VI. All of TU Electric's customers and classes of customers in areas over which this Honorable Governing Body exercises original jurisdiction will be affected by the proposed changes. VII. Attached and made a part hereof for all purposes, in twenty-four (24) volumes, numbered I through XXIV is a complete rate filing package setting forth such other information required by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, including testimony supporting the proposed changes in TU Electric's rates. VIII. Virtually identical Petitions and Statements of Intent (together with all pertinent information filed herewith) are being filed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas and with the appropriate officer of each municipality that exercises original jurisdiction over TU Electric's rates, operations and services. PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 3 Ix. The business and mailing address of TU Electric is: Texas Utilities Electric Company 2001 Bryan Street Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201 TU Electric's business telephone number, including area code, is: (214) 812-4600 TU Electric' authorized representatives are: T. Michael Ozymy Vice President Texas Utilities Electric Company 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 1900 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201 (214) 812-4632 and Robert A. Wooldridge J. Dan Bohannan Worsham, Forsythe, Sampels & Wooldridge 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 3200 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75201 (214) 979-3000 General inquiries concerning this Petition and Statement of Intent should be directed to Mr. Ozymy at the above-stated address and telephone, or to the management of TU Electric's local office serving this municipality. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, TU Electric respectfully prays this Honorable Governing Body to approve and authorize the changes in its rates proposed herein, and to grant and award such other and further relief to which TU Electric may be justly entitled. PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 4 Respectfully submitted, WORSHAM, FORSYTHE, SAMPELS be WOOLDRIDGE Robert A. Wooldridge State Bar No. 21984000 J. Dan Bohannan State Bar No. 02563000 2001 Bryan Street, Suite 3200 Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone: (214) 979-3000 By: . Robert A. Wooldridge ATTORNEYS FOR TEXAS UTILITIES ELECTRIC COMPANY PETITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT - Page 5 ^(N@ [8L �\J li .lAN 1 01990 1 I L CITY OF MCKINNEY,222 N.Tennessee,P.O. Box 517,McKinney,Texas 75069(214)542-2675J MCKInnEY TO: Members of Collin County Public Officials' Association FROM: Ann Guzman, President, CCPOA DATE: January 9, 1990 SUBJECT: January 25th Meeting - Holiday Inn, McKinney The January meeting of the Collin County Public Officials' Association will be held on Thursday, January 25th, 1990, at the Holiday Inn in McKinney, 1300 North Central Expressway. A social hour will begin at 6: 30 p.m. , with a buffet dinner served at 7: 15 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $15. 00 per person. The guest speaker will be Mr. Steve Runnels, President of the Heard Natural Science Museum. Mr. Runnels will be presenting museum programs and discussing how they benefit Collin County. Please notify the appropriate people in your organization of the meeting date and time. Reservations are required and will be taken by Pam Wintermute, city of McKinney, (214) 542-2675, extension 213 , or metro 238-0091, extension 213 . All reservations must be received by Tuesday, January 23rd, so that the Holiday Inn can make preparations. Also, please mention spouses who will be attending. I look forward to seeing you on January 25th, as we begin both a new year and a new decade of public service in Collin County. Ado 61P,, ,01.004-0., ., • 4. 0 , 00