07-10-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-6-90 TIME POSTED 4:30 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY AIL CITY C WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1990 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX MOO HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 7 Consider approval of the minutes of the June 16th, June 18th, June 19th, and June 23rd, Council meetings 2 8 Consider approval of Proclamation for Kelli Holway, Employee of the Quarter, ending June 30, 1990 3 9 Consider approval of Proclamation for Texas Veterans Land Board Awareness Week - July 8 - July 14, 1990 4 10 Consider acceptance of letter of resignation from Ronald Braswell, Jr. from the Park and Recreation Board. 5 Presentation by Joanie Zeeb on East Fork Park Plan Q BUSINESS 6 11 - 12 Consider. approval of award of bid for Public Officials Liability Insurance 7 13 Consider approval of award of bid for Hydrated Lime Slurry for Summer Street Program 8 14 - 18 Consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Wastewater Collection System Improvements - Phase II PAYFOIT APPROVALS 9 19 - 26 Consider approval of a payment request from Pate & Pate in the amount of $335,023.43 for Wastewater Collection System Improvements 10 27 - 30 Consider approval of refund of overpayment of 1989 taxes in the amount of $554.06, taxes were paid twice GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 Citizen Participation 12 Council Discussion 13 Adjourn CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JUNE 16, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Saturday, June 16 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Council Members Steve Wright, Percy Simmons, William Martin, and Pat Stemple, City Secretary Carolyn Jones . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Councilwoman Stemple gave the invocation with the pledge of allegiance led by Councilman Simmons. APPOINTMENT OF PERSON TO PLACE 1 COUNCIL SEAT: The person appointed to Place 1 Council Seat' s term will expire in May, 1991 . A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to appoint Chuck Wible to Place 1 Council seat. Seconded by Councilman Simmons. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . OATH OF OFFICE: City Secretary administered the oath of office to newly appointed Council Member Chuck Wible. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO APPOINT AN ACTING CITY MANAGER: Mayor Akin stated that due to the lack of cooperation between department heads and employees not coming into work that it is necessary to declare an emergency and appoint an acting city manager. Councilman Wright read from the Home Rule Charter , Article III , Section 5 "The mayor shall be recognized as the official head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the governor for purposes of military law but shall have no administrative duties" . Councilman Wright also read from Article IV, Section 1 E " city manager shall be empowered to appoint, suspend or remove any or all city employees and appointive administrative personnel provided by this charter ; direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the city; see that all state laws and city ordinances are effectively enforced; attend all city council meetings and have the right to take part in discussion, but he shall not vote; prepare and accept items for the inclusion in the official agenda of all city council meetings and meetings of boards and commissions; prepare and submit to the council the annual budget and capital program and administer the budget as adopted; prepare and submit to the city council an annual report on the finances and administrative activities of the city; keep the city council fully advised as to the financial condition of future needs" . Councilman Wright stated that there is definitely a difference between these two positions, and the Charter also stated under Article XL, Section 21 Emergency Powers of the Mayor "Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the mayor or his designee that any malignant, infectious or contagious disease or epidemic is prevalent in the city or probably will become so, or in case of public calamity arising by reason of flood, hurricane, tornado, fire, or other disaster , he shall have the power to take all steps and use all measures necessary to avoid , suppress or mitigate such disease and relieve distress caused by flood or resulting from tornado, hurricane, fire Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO CITY BIDS FOR REPAIR WORK AT RUSH CREEK LIFT STATION: Mr . Don White stated that staff has discovered the breakers have been tripping and the motors are not working properly. I called Sunset , but they are out of business and this is where these pumps come from. This lift station has been operating on one pump for some time, I presented a memo to the prior city manager requesting to seek bids for repair work about three weeks ago . Today the pumps are just barely working . Mr . White said he was afraid this pump is going out and we will have a lot of problems at that time. This pump is running approximately 23 hours out of each day. Mr . White asked the Council if he could get three quotes on these repairs and begin work within a few days, or did council want to go the regular bid route which would take approximately 14 days to seek bids and then review the bids and bring back to council for award of bid. This would take some time to do. Motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to declare this an emergency and seek quotes for repairs on Rush Creek Lift Station due to public heath threat and to begin work as soon as possible. Seconded by Councilman Wright. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . There being no other matters of business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JUNE 18, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met on Monday, June 18 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Council Members Pat Stemple , Chuck Wible, William Martin, Percy Simmons and Steve Wright, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Public Works Superintendent Don White, Public Works Director/Engineer Paul Beaver , and Finance Director James Johnson . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and called on Mr . White for a presentation on the Wastewater Collection System Improvements. Mr . White stated that the new line from the community park to Twin Lakes Subdivision will be a gravity flow line and this will also eliminate the park lift station , enlarge the lift station in Twin Lakes Subdivision and pump through a force main to Allanis Rd. and gravity flow from there to the treatment plant . There is also a new 15% line between the Hospital and Wylie Butane Mobile Home Park and a parallel 15 " line from Fleming St . to Treatment plant. Another phase of these improvements will come from Sanden Blvd . to Steel Road Industrial Park and also from Sanden Blvd. up to South Fork Mobile Home Park. This line will eliminate three (3) lift stations . Council also needs to look at the line from Newport Harbor down to the lift station on FM 544 . The money for this line is in the bonds that were sold, but the line itself has not been finalized for construction. There was talk of going with San Antonio Savings and Loan and coming through the Birmingham Land, but this has not come about as of this date, the other alternative is to come down FM 1378 to Presidential Estates, but this would have to be a lift station and force main . CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda consists of payment request from Shimek Jacobs & Finklea in the amount of $9 ,699 .17; payment request from Shipley & Inhofe in the amount of $2 , 324 . 39 ; payment request from Water Tank Service Co, Inc . in the amount of $12 ,501 .00 ; payment request from Freeman Millican in the amount of $1 ,010 .59; payment request from Freeman-Millican in the amount of $10 ,000 ; payment request from Jones & Neuse, Inc. in the amount of $21 ,484 . 19 ; and a payment request from Hunter & Assoc . in the amount of $512 .03 . Each of these items were discussed as to inform the new council which project went with each bill that has been submitted . Councilman Wright asked if the bill to Water Tank Service Co. , had already been paid. Mr . Johnson said yes, I called the members of the council that I could get and asked if I could go ahead and pay in order to pay in accordance with our contract . Councilman Wright said if paid by telephone poll , then the item should have been taken off the agenda . Mr . Johnson stated that the prior Council had requested to see all contract bills and give an okay to pay. When the Council agreed to the contract, they were stating that the bills would be paid on time. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the consent agenda for payment except for the bill that has already been paid to Water Tank Service Co. , Inc. Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor, and Councilman or other disaster" . Councilman Wright requested that Council look into this before appointing the Mayor as acting city manager . A motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to approve the Resolution declaring an emergency situation and appointing an acting city manager . Councilwoman Stemple also stated that if you hired a consultant there is a lot of expenses . I feel city hall needs someone over them. Councilman Wright said I think that our staff during a short term are capable of handling it, second it brings up political agendas and I think that is why the Charter separated these . Councilwoman Stemple said there was an emergency before and there were no problems . Councilman Wright said there were problems, there was some $20,000 spent for big "W" and the court yard. Mayor Akin stated that when he was acting city manager before, he received a car allowance and that money went into the court yard. The past city manager , Mr . Pitstick, received $20,000 at the time of his leaving and council was trying not to pay anyone. The present city manager is receiving $17 ,000 . upon his leaving . Mayor Akin said no one looks forward to coming in at 7 or 8 in the morning and it wore me out . The above motion made by Councilwoman Stemple was seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - against, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CITY MANAGER: Motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes as acting city manager . Seconded by Councilman Martin. Councilman Wright said he would like to made an addendum to the motion, that the acting city manager could not hire/fire any employee without consulting the Council . There was no approval given to adding this the to the above motion . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Wright - against , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor , and Councilman Simmons - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . Mayor Akin recessed the open meeting and convened Council into executive session at 7 : 25 P. M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - Review applications received for City Manager . Mayor Akin reconvened the Council into open session at 9 P.M. and stated that there were three applicants the Council would like to set up interviews with on the following Saturday. A motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JUNE 19, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Tuesday, June 19 , 1990 at 7 :00 P .M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Council Members Percy Simmons , Chuck Wible, Steve Wright , William Martin , and Pat Stemple, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Director/Engineer Paul Beaver , Public Works Superintendent Don White, Finance Director James Johnson, Charles Binford and Frank Medanich. PRESENTATION ON WATER/SEWER RATE STUDY: Mr . Charles Binford discussed the following : City of Wylie Revenue Bond Ordinance Provisions Utility Rate-making Concepts and Philosophy Financial Management Guidelines Current Debt Service Requirements-Utility Enterprise Fund Water Consumption Patterns Projection of Water Accounts , Water Consumption and Water Sales Revenue Projection of Sewer Accounts & Sewer Service Revenue Five-year Projection of Revenue, Expenses & Net Income- Utility Enterprise Fund Projection of Coverage on Existing Revenue Bond Debt Analysis of Working Capital Requirements - Utility Enterprise Fund Five-year Projection of Revenue, Expenses & Net Income- Sanitation Enterprise Fund Analysis of Working Capital Requirements - Sanitation Enterprise Fund Mr. Binford stated that the Council should look at raising the water/sewer rates in order to take care of the decrease in working capital . Mr . Binford also stated that the City had to maintain a reserve of one and one-half times the maximum annual requirements for the payment of principal and interest on all bonds. PRESENTATION BY MIKE WAGNER FROM TALEM, INC. : Mr . Wagner was unable to attend this meeting and it has been rescheduled for Monday, June 25th . DISCUSSION ON STREET PROGRAM FOR SUMMER OF 1990 : Mr . Don White said he has met with a representative from Bomag Company and this person will be here to work with us on the street program this summer . He will show us the proper use of the equipment as well as being an instructor during the program. He will not be able to be here until July 12th but said we can be through with the streets in two weeks. He has give me instructions on what type of preparation to do prior to July 12th start date. Mr . White also stated that he has talked with the City of Rowlett and feels the City of Wylie should go ahead and lease a motor grader for three weeks. Mr . White also ask the Council for directions on what type of top for the streets , either two course penetration or 2" overlay. After some discussion, it was directed by Council to begin on Fifth Street and put down a 2" overlay. S There being no other matters for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 23, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Saturday, June 23 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Council members William Martin, Pat Stemple, Steve Wright, Percy Simmons, and Chuck Wible , City Secretary Carolyn Jones . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and stated the reason for this meeting was to hold an executive session for interviewing for the position of City Manager . Mayor Akin recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 7 : 05 P .M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C .S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - interviewing three applicants for position of City Manager . Mayor Akin closed the meeting at 11: 00 P.M. John Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 7 y 1 PIP ' - ' " 4 ehte Of A Mayor !ill Hut, oixas 4 it rottantatton c_-, r2 aim a u i 64 Cikv4artef-z---' %CCt oC1i0t WHEREAS, Kelli Holway has been selected a the City of Wylie Employee of the Quarter ending June 30, 1990 ; and WHEREAS, Kelli has an exceptional attitude regarding her position with the City and relationship with the citizens and community as well as with her fellow employees; and WHEREAS, Kelli Holway is considered a very conscientious and dedicated employee by all City employees; and WHEREAS, Kelli has achieved a perfect attendance record with the City of Wylie; and NOW, THEREFORE, I , JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM KELLI HOLWAY AS EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 1990 . 1n witness wfieteo f if I ave fizteunto id my 4and and caused t`iii seat to Lie affixed. YTr; 1 IIN, OR T: arol one ty Secretary DATE: July 10. 1990 8 . N fftce of the Mayor I: I; gttc. r/fit" 4 it rottamation oc:32.7 WHEREAS, many of the young men and women of the State of Texas have entered the service of the United States Armed Forces; and WHEREAS, their self sacrifice and heroism has brought to the realization of all Texans of their great worth; and WHEREAS, the Veterans Land Board was established to provide a means for the State of Texas to show it' s appreciation and gratitude for the service and sacrifice and these fine young men and women; and WHEREAS, many of the young men and women for whom the Veterans Land Board was created to benefit have not availed themselves of its benefits, and may not be aware of their benefits as Texas Veterans; and WHEREAS, the Veterans Land Board, under the leadership of Garry Mauro, has established a number of programs to inform all eligible veterans of their rights and benefits as Texas Veterans, one of which programs is a veterans awareness seminar; NOW, THEREFORE, I , JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, in recognition of the Texas Veterans Land Board' s efforts to inform all Texas Veterans of their rights and benefits, do hereby proclaim the week of JULY 8 - JULY 14, 1990 TO BE TEXAS VETERANS LAND BOARD AWARENESS WEEK. Jn witness wfitztof Li Ravi Az'tunto set my I and at d caused tfiis scat to ti affixed. 2 (i OH W. AKIN, YOR ATTEST: aroly on g Secretary DATE: July 10. 1990 A % Ron's Landscape Service \ Ron K. Braswell dr, Licensed Irrigator .44e75a'8. PB tiy2-'3e$ June 27 , 1990 City of Wylie 2000 Hwy 78 N. Wylie , Texas 75098 Parks and Recreation Board: With sincere regret I am submitting to you my resignation. Due to previous obligations , I am unable to commit the appropriate amount of time to the committee . Ronald K. Braswell , Jr . Professional. Reliable Landscape Installation Specializing in Sprinkler and Tree work /°° MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: 06/29/90 RE: BID AWARD - PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY INSURANCE AGENDA 07/10/90 A TOTAL OF FIVE (5) BID PROPOSALS WERE SENT OUT - TWO ( 2) SEALED BIDS RECEIVED. LIMITS $1 ,000, 000 . 00 DEDUCTIBLE $5, 000 . 00 PRESENT YEAR CARRIER TUDOR INSURANCE CO. POLICY EXPIRES JULY 12, 1990 COST $5, 750 . 00 BIDS RECEIVED: ( 1 ) TUDOR INSURANCE CO. (BEST' S RATING A) BID $6, 107 . 05 REPRESENTED LOCALLY BY WYLIE INSURANCE AGENCY, WYLIE, TEXAS (2) MT. HAWLEY INSURANCE CO. BID $9, 250 . 00 REPRESENTED LOCALLY BY RUCKER & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE, INC. , DALLAS, TEXAS RECOMMENDATION: LOW BID - WYLIE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. FUNDING (AVAILABLE) GENERAL FUND $5, 850 .00 10-100-140-02750 UTILITY FUND $ 750 .00 20-500-520-02750 $6, 600 . 00 ALLOCATE UNENCUMBERED $ 730. 00 UTILITY FUND $5, 377 . 05 GENERAL FUND $6, 107 . 05 /Z To: James Johnson, Finance Director From: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent Subject: Bid Award for Hydrated Lime Slurry Date: July 6, 1990 We have received two lime bids for the street reconstruction project, only one of which meets the City' s specifications for hydrated lime slurry. The bid tabulation is as follows. Chemlime: $ 75. 33 per ton Texas Lime: 69.41 per ton Dravo Lime: No Bid Jowell Corp. : No Bid Southwest Soil Stabilizing: No Bid The bid from Texas Lime is for dry lime, not lime slurry as specified in the bid invitation. The additional cost to haul and slurry the dry lime would be at least $ 6.00 per ton, according to both bidders. I am informed that Chemlime is the only producer of lime slurry in the area. Recommendation: Award bid for the purchase of hydrated lime slurry to Chemlime in the amount of $ 75.33 per ton of dry weight. It is esti- mated that the street reconstruction project will require 300 tons of lime slurry, resulting in a total expenditure of $ 22,599.00. /.J SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 ROSS L.JACOBS,P.E. I.C.FINKLEA,PE. July 5, 1990 TAMES E.LAUGHLIN,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,PE. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. C.L.SHIMEK,PE. Mr. Paul Beaver City Engineer City of Wylie Post Office Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Phase II Change Order No. 1 Dear Mr. Beaver: We are handing you herewith five (5) copies of Change Order No. 1 for the Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Phase II project. Each copy has been signed by the contractor (Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. ) . Please return three (3) copies to our office for distribution once they have been fully executed. Sincerely, t.,_ 14 (_. ). *,!.(,1 "-- oe R. Carter, P.E. Enclosures /1' CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II SECTIONS 1 & 2 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 A. INTENT OF CHANGE ORDER The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract entered into by the City of Wylie, Texas and Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. , 405 Airport Freeway, Suite 2, Bedford, Texas 76021, for the construction of the Sanitary Sewer Improvements - Phase II, Sections 1 and 2, dated January 23, 1990. B. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE This change order covers the additional work necessary to construct the following: SECTION I: (1) Change the wall thickness of the encasement pipe for boring under railroad right-of-ways for the 15" Parallel Sewer. (2) Add a total of thirteen (13) service connections, eight (8) on the 8" Gravity Sewer on State Highway 78, and five (5) on the Steel Road Trunk Sewer. (3) Change the location of the 5-foot diameter manhole for the Steel Road Trunk Sewer originally proposed at Station 37+15 to Station 35+65 and make it a sealed manhole without a vent. Extend grade of Steel Road Trunk Sewer from Station 40+84.97 to Station 35+65 per easement agreement with Ronald F. Miller. (4) Change the alignment of the Steel Road Trunk Sewer through the TP&L tract from Station 64+47.68 to Station 68+94.60, in accordance with the easement agreement. (5) Lengthen the bore for the Steel Road Trunk Sewer across the W. L. Brown property to extend across entire property per easement agreement. (6) Move proposed sanitary sewer crossing of Hooper Road for the Steel Road Trunk Sewer to the south approximately 360 feet and make all necessary revisions to manhole locations and types, sanitary sewer grades and sizes, etc. SECTION II: (1) Increase the top elevation of the Twin Lakes Lift Station Valve Vault two (2) feet. Increase the fill elevation around the Twin Lakes Lift Station one (1) foot. Delete the flexible base inside the fenced area around the Twin Lakes Lift Station. (2) Revise the embedment for a section of the 12" Twin Lakes Force Main. C. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT AMOUNT This change will have the following effect on the cost of the project. - 1 - /5 SECTION I: Item Existing Revised Total Amount No, Description Ouantity Ouantity Unit, Unit Price of Change 6 15" San. Sewer w/Type II Embedment (0 - 12') 4,591 4,641 L.F. $ 19.49 $ 974.50 8 15" San. Sewer w/Type II Embedment (12' - 16') 565 590 L.F. 22.79 569.75 9 15" San. Sewer w/Type II Embedment (Over 16') 560 485 L.F. 24.35 (1,826.25) 11 15" Sanitary Sewer in 24" Encasement (0.188" Thick) by other than open cut 405 100 L.F. 175.95 (53,664.75) 11A 15" San. Sewer in 24" Encasement (0.25" Thick) by other than open cut 0 305 L.F. 184.13 56,159.65 12 12" San. Sewer w/Type II Embedment (0-12') 724 696 L.F. 16.36 (458.08) 14 12" Sanitary Sewer in 20" Encasement (0.188" Thick) by other than open cut 100 0 L.F. 123.10 (12,310.00) 14A 12" Sanitary Sewer in 20" Encasement (0.25" Thick) by other than open cut 0 100 L.F. 128.48 12,848.00 15 10" Sanitary Sewer w/Type II Embedment (0 - 12' ) 968 1,246 L.F. 18.06 5,020.68 16 10" San. Sewer w/Type II Embedment (12' - 16') 1,752 1,388 L.F. 19.61 (7,138.04) 17 10" San. Sewer in 18" Encase- ment by other than open cut 100 112 L.F. 124.00 1,488.00 18 8" San. Sewer w/Type II Embedment (0 - 12' ) 926 905 L.F. 19.15 (402.15) 20 8" San. Sewer w/Concrete Encasement (0 - 12') 40 65 L.F. 27.70 692.50 21 8" San. Sewer by other than Open Cut 25 0 L.F. 73.33 (1,833.25) 22 8" San. Sewer in 16" Encase- ment by other than Open Cut 50 0 L.F. 111.88 (5,594.00) 22A 10" San. Sewer in 16" Encase- ment by other than Open Cut 0 50 L.F. 113.38 5,669.00 23 5.0' Dia. Standard Manhole 8 9 Ea. 2,219.00 2,219.00 - 2 - SECTION I: (Cont'd) Item Existing Revised Total Amount No. Description Quantity Quantity Unit Unit Price of Change 25 5.0' Dia. Standard Drop Manhble 2 1 Ea. 2,726.00 (2,726.00) 26 5.0' Dia. Type "S" Drop Manhole 1 2 Ea. 2,831.00 2,831.00 27 4.0' Dia. Standard Manhole 7 8 Ea. 1,699.00 1,699.00 28 4.0' Dia. Standard Drop Manhole 2 1 Ea. 2,073.00 (2,073.00) 29 5.0' Dia. Extra Depth Manhole 74 62 V.F. 99.75 (1,197.00) 30 4.0' Dia. Extra Depth Manhole 16 12 V.F. 57.95 (231.80) 44 4.0' Dia. Type "S" Manhole 0 1 Ea. $1,848.00* 1,848.00 45 4" Sanitary Sewer Service Connection (Under 6' deep) 0 1 Ea. 242.00 242.00 46 4" Sanitary Sewer Service Connection (Over 6' Deep) 0 12 Ea. 404.00 4,848.00 47 4" PVC San. Sewer Service 0 61 L.F. 9.56 583.16 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CHANGE FOR SECTION I $ 8,237.92 SECTION II: 14 5.0' Dia. Extra Depth Manhole 3 7.5 V.F. 99.75 448.88 19 Extra Crushed Stone Backfill 25 33 C.Y. 17. 31 138.48 25A Twin Lakes Lift Station Modifications 0 1 L.S. 314.06 314.06 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CHANGE FOR SECTION II $ 901.42 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CHANGE FOR BOTH SECTIONS I & II $ 9,139.34 * Bid Price for Section II Original Contract Amount $905,513.98 Change Order No. 1 9.139.34 Revised Contract Amount $914,653.32 D. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT TIME The contract time for this project shall be increased three (3) calendar days by this change order. This increases the total contract time from 270 to 273 calendar days which sets the completion date on December 14, 1990. - 3 - E. AGREEMENT By the signatures below of duly authorized agents, the City of Wylie, Texas and Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. , do hereby agree to append this Change Order No. 1 to the original contract between themselves, dated January 23, 1990. City of Wylie. Texas Pate & Pate Enterprises. Inc. Owne JJ� Contractor By � _�����L�% By 'lfki1"26 Date 5 /z q$9 Date / 7c.7 64Attest Attest /6t4'")‘""7 / - 4 - pAm. ENTERPRISES, INC. General Contractors July 2 , 1990 M r . Joe Carter Via - Federal Express Shimek , Jacobs & Finklea 8333 Douglas Avenue , Suite 320 Dallas , Texas 75225 Re: City of Wylie - Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phase II Dear Mr . Carter : Attached please find four copies of our Estimate No. 4 on the referenced project in the amount. of $335 , 023 . 43. Your prompt attention and approval would be appreciated. Yours very truly , PATE & PATE ENTERPRISES , INC . Steve Pate President SP : tc Attachments /wylie. est Huntsville: (409)294-9090 Houston: (713)353-1444 —` 1423 Brazos Drive, Suite D Huntsville,Texas 77340 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Pay Request No.: 4 Date: 06/29/90 Period From: 06/01/90 To: 06/30/90 Project: Wylie - Sanitary Sewer Improvements Engineer: Shimek,Jacobs& Finklea Phase II - Sections 1 and 2 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Owner: City of Wylie Dallas,Texas 75225 2000 Highway 78 N. Wylie,Texas 75098 Contractor: Pate & Pate Enterprises, Inc. 111(15 Received: 11/16/89 Contract Date: 1/23/90 Notice to Proceed: 3/08/90 Contract Amount: $ 905,513.98 Calendar Days: 270 Completion Date: 12/03/90 Adjustments: Extensions: Revised Amount: Revised Days:y Revised Date: SymmatILDLIob Slants: Total Work Completed omitted R • b ENTERPRISES, INC. p 723,547.56 13y: Name _eve President ate, Pi Material Stored on Site $ Title Date:_Q_6L29/90 Subtotal S 723,547.56 Less 5% Retained S 36,177.38 Verified y: ylie Ptoj ervlsor By: Subtotal S Name 687,370.18 Date: 02 — eoLess Previous Payments $ 352,346.75 Amount Due This Period $ 335,023.43 Reviewed By: By: Name Project Engineer Date: Approved for Payment By: City of Wylie By: Name City Manager Work Completed: sue% Time 36 % Date: at9 ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE 11 PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page t IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 4 Date: 06-311-91 Estimate Period 16-81-98 to 86-38-98 Contract Dated : 81-23-94 Owner: SHIMEK, JACOBS I FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 83-88-94 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 828 Contract Time : 278 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,984,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description lUnitl ( Quantities -------- ----) I Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned I Prev. Est. 1 This Est. I To Date I I I I I I I I I I A 881 1 18" SS 4/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 1,784. I I 1,715. I 1,715.88 I 21.64 I 37,112.68 1 8-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 A 882 118' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 275. I I 275. I 275.88 I 22.79 I 6,267.25 112-16' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 883 118` SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 658. I I 649. I 649.88 I 25.33 I 16,439.17 116-20' I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I A 884 118" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 748. I I 743. I 743.88 I 35.17 1 26,131.31 I ) 28' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 885 118" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT I LF I 168. I . I 168. 1 168.88 I 57.97 I 9,275.24 I ) 28' 1 I I I I 1 1 I A 886 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I if I 4,591. I 1,833. I 2,653.45 1 4,486.45 I 19.49 I 87,448.91 1 8-12' I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I A 887 1 15" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT I LF I 190. I 138. I 68. I 190.88 I 35.67 I 6,777.38 18-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 888 115' SS 4/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 565. I 134. I 525.55 I 659.55 I 22.79 I 15,831.14 112-16' DEEP I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I A 889 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 568. I . I 578. I 578.80 I 24.35 I 13,879.58 I ) 16' I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I A 010 15' SS BY OTHER THAN O.C. I IF I 58. I . I 58. I 58.88 I 96.25 I 4,812.54 I I I I I I I I A 811 115" SS IN 24' ENCASEMENT PIPE I LF I 405. I 485. I I 485.88 I 175.95 I 71,259.75 I I I I I I I I A 812 112' SS 4/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 724. I I 724. I 724.00 I 16.36 I 11,844.64 1 8-12' I I I I I I I I A 813 12' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 938. I I 958. I 958.88 1 17.51 I 16,774.58 112-16' I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I A 814 1 12' SS IN 28' ENCASEMENT PIPE I LF I 188. I I 180. I 180.80 I 123.18 I 12,318.48 I BY OTHER THAN O.C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 815 118' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 968. I I 697. I 697.88 I 18.86 I 12,587.82 1 8-12' I I I I I I I A 016 11A' SS N/TYPE IT, EMBEDMENT ! LF ! !,752. I . I ;'3 . I 43<,.88 ! 19.61 I 18,354.96 1 12-16' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qt/ .ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE f1 PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 2 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 4 Date: 86-38-98 Estimate Period 86-81-98 to 86-38-91 Contract Dated : 81-23-91 Owner: SHIMEK, JACOBS 1 FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 83-88-98 8333 DOl1GLAS AVENUE, SUITE 829 Contract Time : 278 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,984,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description IUnitl l Quantities ---) I Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I I I I I A 817 118" SS IN 18" ENCASEMENT BY I LF I 148. I I 168. I 168.88 I 124.88 I 19,848.88 1 OTHER THAN O.C. I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 018 18" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 926. I . I . I 8.88 I 19.15 I 8.88 18-12' I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I A 819 18" SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 22. I I . I 8.88 I 48.80 I 8.88 I OVER 16' I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I A 828 18" SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT I LF I 48. I I . I 8.80 I 27.78 I 8.09 1 8-12' I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 821 18" SS BY OTHER THAN O.C. I LF I 25. I I . I 9.88 I 73.33 I 0.88 I I I 1 I I I I A 022 18" SS IN 16' ENCASEMENT PIPE i LF I 58. I I 50. I 58.88 I 111.88 I 5,594.88 I BY OTHER THAN O.C. I I I I I I I I A 823 15' DIAM STD MH 8-12' I EA I 8. I I B. I 8.88 I 2,219.88 I 17,752.88 I I I I I I I I A 824 15' DIAN TYPE S MH 8-12' I EA I 17. I 5. I 12. I 17.08 I 2,273.88 I 38,641.08 I I I I I I I I A 825 15' DIAM STD DROP MH 8-12' I EA I 2. 1 I 2. I 2.88 I 2,726.88 I 5,452.88 I I I I I I I I A 826 15' DIAN TYPE S DROP MH 8-12' I EA I 1. I 1. I . I 1.80 I 2,831.88 i 2,831.08 I I I I I I I i A 827 14' DIAM STD MH 8-12' I EA I 7. 1 I 5. I 5.88 I 1,699.88 I 8,495.88 I I I I I I I I A 028 14' DIAN STD DROP MH 8-12' I EA 1 2. I 1 I 8.88 I 2,873.88 I 8.88 I I I I I 1 I I A 829 15' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH MH I VF I 74. I 6.75 I 66.88 I 72.75 I 99.75 I 7,256.81 I I I I I i I I A 838 14' DIAM EXTRA DEPTH MH I VF I 16. I I 8. I 8.88 I 57.95 I 463.68 I I i I I I I I A 831 I CONNECTING TO EXISTING MH I EA I 8. I 1. I 4. I 5.88 I 268.88 I 1,388.88 I I I I I I I I A 832 I DROP CONNECTINN TO EXISTING MH I EA I 1. I I I 8.88 I 839.88 I 8.88 i I I I I I I I A 833 I REMOVE PAVEMENT OVER EXISTING I EA I 2. I I . I 8.08 I 685.08 I 8.88 I MH, RAISING MH RING & COVER T01 I I f I I I I MATCH GRADE I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I A 834 I C MT STAB BACKFILL I CY I 98. I . I 98. I 98.88 I 18.24 I 1,641.68 I I I I I I I i R 635 f EXTRA CRUS1:Eu STONE BACKFILL I CY I 3. I f I 8.88 I 17.31 I 8.88 I I I I i I I I a C3' fSTIMATE•FOR PAYMENT PATE t PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 3 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 4 Date: 86-38-98 Estimate Period 86-81-98 to 86-38-98 Contract Dated : 81-23-98 Owner: SHINER, JACOBS & FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 83-88-98 8333 DOUGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 828 Contract Time : 278 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,984,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description [Unit( ( ---------- Quantities ---------------) I Unit Price I Amount I I 1 Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I I I I I A 836 I EXTRA CLASS C CONCRETE I CY I 38. I 1 . I 8.88 I 47.88 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I A 837 1 BLOCK SODDING I LF I 2,195. I I I 8.88 I 6.84 I 8.88 1 I I I I I I I A 838 1SAW CUT I LF I 18. I I I 8.88 I 3.71 I 8.88 I I I I I 1 I I A 839 1 REMOVE t REPLACE CONCRETE 11f I 18.8 I I 1 8.88 I 35.88 I 8.88 I PAVEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 840 I REMOVE 1 REPLACE ROCK ROAD OR I LF I 1,238. I I . I 8.88 I 8.48 I 8.88 I DRIVE I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 1 A 841 I EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. I I . 1 8.88 I 288.80 I 8.88 118" SS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 842 I EXTRA SERVICE CONNECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. I I I 8.88 I 188.88 I 8.88 8' SS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 843 I TRENCH SAFETY I LS I 1. I I 1. I 1.88 I 1,888.88 I 1,888.88 1 I I I I I I I I Sub-Total of SANITARY SEWER I I I I I ----- 1 I I I I I I I 476,565.64 I I I I I I I I B 881 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 4,571. 1 4,787.80 I -239.19 I 4,547.81 I 17.46 I 79,484.76 18-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B 882 115' SS W/CONCRETE ENCASEMENT I LF I 218. I 218. I . I 218.88 I 32.41 I 6,886.18 18-12' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I B 883 115' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 457. I 457. I 13. I 478.88 I 19.61 1 9,216.78 112-16' I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I B 884 Be1 SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I IF I 568. I 96. I 464. 1 568.88 I 19.33 I 18,824.88 1 8-12' I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I B 885 18' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 343. I 343. I . I 343.88 I 23.76 I 8,149.68 112-16' I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I B 886 1 8' SS W/TYPE II EMBEDMENT I LF I 779. I 779. I . I 779.08 I 33.58 I 26,096.58 116-28' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 887 1 9' 9S ! OTHER THyN 0.`,. ! '! 1 S2. I 82. 1 . I 82.00 I B4.33 i 6,915.66 I i i i I I I I 9?.--.3 ESTIMATE-FOR PAYMENT PATE i PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 4 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 4 Date: 86-3/-98 Estimate Period 86-81-98 to 86-30-98 Contract Dated : 81-23-90 Owner: SHINER, JACOBS It FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 83-88-98 8333 DOuGLAS AVENUE, SUITE 820 Contract Time : 278 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,984,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description IUnitl ( Quantities ------------ ) I Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned I Prey. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I I I I I I I I B 888 112' FORCE MAIN W/TYPE I I LF 1 2,777. I 2,777. I . I 2,777.88 I 19.12 1 53,896.24 I EMBEDMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B 089 112' FORCE MAIN BY OTHER TRW 1 LF I 188. I 188. I . I 188.80 I 79.12 I 14,241.68 I O.C. I I I i I I I I i I I I I I I B 818 15' DIAN STD NH 8-12' I EA I 1. I 1. I . I 1.88 I 2,291.88 I 2,291.88 I I I I I I I I B 811 15' DIAM TYPE S NH 8-12' I EA I 6. I 6. I . I 6.88 I 2,331.88 I 13,986.88 I I ! I I I I I B 812 14' DIAN STD MH 8-12' I EA I 4. I 3. I 1. I 4.80 I 1,848.88 I 7,392.RI I 1 I f I I I I B 013 14' DIAN TYPE S NH 0-12' I EA I 2. I 2. I . I 2.88 I 1,848.08 I 3,696.88 I I I 1 I I I I B 014 15' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH M! I VF I 3. I 3. I . I 3.88 1 99.75 I 299.25 i I I I I I I I B 815 14' DIAN EXTRA DEPTH MI t VF I 4. I 4. I . I 4.88 I 57.75 I 231.80 t I I I I I I I B 816 I CONNECT TO EXISTING NH I EA 1 5. I 4. I . I 4.88 1 349.00 I 1,396.88 I I I I I I I I B 817 I SS MAHOUT I EA I 1. I . 1 . 1 8.88 1 264.88 1 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 818 I CRT STAB BACKFILL I CY I 75. I 75. I . I 75.80 I 18.24 I 1,368.88 I I I I I I I I B 019 I EXTRA CRASHED STONE BACKFILL 1 CY I 25. I 33. I . I 33.08 1 17.31 I 571.23 I I I I I I I I B 828 I EXTRA CLASS C CONCRETE I CY 1 28. I . t . I 8.00 I 47.88 I 8.88 I 1 I I I I I I B 821 I SAW CUT 1 LF 1 295. I . 1 . I 8.88 1 3.58 1 I.88 I I I I I I I I B 822 1 REMOVE E REPLACE CONCRETE I LF I 205. I . I . I 8.88 I 18.81 1 8.88 1 PAVEMENT I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I B 823 I REMOVE I REPLACE ASPHALT DRIVEI LF I 90. I . i . I 8.88 I 12.96 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 824 I REMOVE I REPLACE ROCK ROAD OR I LF I 450. I . I . I 0.80 I 8.48 I 8.88 i DRIVE I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I B 025 I TWIN LAKES LIFT STATION I LS I 1. I . 1 . I 0.88 I 91,808.88 I 8.88 I I I I I I I I B 826 I EXTRA SERVICE CONFECTIONS FOR I EA I 2. I . I . I 8.08 1 208.88 I 8.88 10' SS I 1 I I I I I I B Q?7 ! EXTRA SEP'!CE CCN.''_CI T.I S .'-OR I En I 2. i . I . I 8.60 I 108.WM I 0.88 18' SS I i I I I I I I 1 I I i I I I SSTIMATE.FOR PAYMENT PATE 4 PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Page 5 IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 4 Date: 16-31-91 Estimate Period 16-11-91 to 16-31-91 Contract Dated : 11-23-91 Owner: SHINER, JACOBS 4 FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 13-18-91 8333 DOIISLAS AVENUE, SUITE 821 Contract Time : 271 CALENDAR DAYS SAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,914,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description IUnitI l— Quantities — ------f I Unit Price I Amount I I I Planned 1 Prev. Est. I This Est. I To Date I I I 1 I I I I I I B 128 I TRENCH SAFETY I LS I 1. I 1. I . I 1.11 I 1,111.11 I 1,880.11 I I I I I I I I i Sub-Total of STORM SEWER I I I I I -----__w I I 1 I I I I 1 246,981.92 I I I I I I 1 I • ESTIMATE FOR PAYMENT PATE t PATE ENTERPRISES INC. Contract For: CITY OF WYLIE - SANITARY SEWER Final Page. IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II Estimate No: 4 Date: 86-31-98 Estimate Period $6-81-98 to 16-38-98 Contract Dated : 11-23-91 Owner: SHIMEK, JACOBS t FINKLEA Work Order Dated: 13-08-98 8333 DOUGLAS AVEMA.E, SUITE 821 Contract Time : 278 CALENDAR DAYS DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 Original Contract Total: ,914,513.98 Revised Contract Total: Item I Description IUnitl 1--------------- Quantities --------) I Unit Price I Amount 1 I I Planned I Prev. Est. I This Est. I To Date i I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 TOTAL SANITARY SEWER I I I I I I 476,565.64 I I I I I I I I TOTAL STORM SEINER I I I I I I 246,981.92 I I I I I I I i I TOTAL WORK TO DATE I I i I I I I 723,547.56 I I I I 1 I I I I PLUS MATERIAL ON HAND I I I I I I I 8.88 i I i I I I I I 1 TOTAL AMOUNT TO DATE i I I I 1 I I 723,547.56 I I 1 I I I I I 1 LESS 5.00% RETAINAGE i I I 1 I I I 36,177.38 I I I 1 I I I i 1 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 1 I I I I I I 352,346.75 I I 1 I I 1 I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE! i I 1 I I I 335,823.43 I I I I I I 1 SUBMITTED BY: PATE i R MC. I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVED BY: --- ---- I I I I 1 I I I I I °Nigl s ie CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Directof-I - RE: Tax Refund of $554.06 Due to Overpayment of 1989 Taxes Account # - R1504-004-0020-1 Tax Year - 1989 Property - 114 S. Rustic Trail Agenda Item - 07/10/90 This particular account was a foreclosure. Sunbelt Saving, FSB (who had the escrow account) , paid the taxes within the prescribed time. However, the property was foreclosed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development who paid them again with penalties. Because the refund is over $500.00 (See Texas Property Tax Code Section 31. 11) , this refund requires governing body approval. The refund will be made to the U.S. Department of H.U.D. Collections and Delinquency Sec. 31.11 Amended by 1983 Tex. Laws, p. 5462, ch. 1027, Sec. 1; amended by HB 1716, 70th Leg., 1987,effective January 1, 1988. Cross References: C County collector,see Sec.6.21. Assessor and collector for other units,see Sec.6.22. Consolidation of collection by election,see Sec.6.26. / Sec. 31.11. Refunds of Overpayments or Erroneous Pay- ments.(a)If a taxpayer applies to the tax collector of a taxing unit for a refund of an overpayment or erroneous payment of taxes and the auditor for the unit determines that the pay- ment was erroneous or excessive, the tax collector shall re- fund the amount of the excessive or erroneous payment from available current tax collections or from funds appropriated by the unit for making refunds. However, if the amount of the refund exceeds $500, the collector may not make the re- fund unless the governing body of the taxing unit also deter- mines that the payment was erroneous or excessive and ap- proves the refund. (b) An application for a refund must be made within three years after the date of the payment or the taxpayer waives the right to the refund. Added by 1981 Tex.Laws(1st C.S.),p.167,ch.13,Sec.126. Cross References: Refunds made automatically by unit,see Sec.26.15(f). Refunds resulting from a tax rate rollback election,see Sec. 26.07(g). Interest on refunds,see Sec.31.12. Tax refund form,see SPTB Rule Sec.155.39. Notes: A county tax assessor-collector may not establish a "tax clearance"account in which excess property tax payments may be deposited and then withdrawn to offset those prop- " erty tax payments which are less than the amount imposed. Op.Tex.Att'y Gen.No.JM-536(1986). 31-17 a s' t:r ���� ,•�� , . RCLL Win VCL.II9�•CVctr• II r+n .a•et•u•V•`•a• ACCOUNT CITY OF KYL IE NUMBER 11504-004-0020-1 I TAX COLLECTOR 0 BOX ti . 28 P.114 RUSTIC TRAIL SOUTH P P. 0. TX 428 RUSTIC OAKS 13 BLKISHT 0 WYL5098 PHONE 442-2236 LrrITR 2 00000082565C 150400400201 SIMPSON STEPHEN C LINDA 05/02/90 . 114 S RUSTIC TRAIL WYLIE TX 75098 . R1617110 28842 REAL ESTATE AND/OR PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RETURN THIS FORM VJITH PAYMENT • AMOUNT DUE INCLUDING PENALTY AND INTEREST AID IN IF PAID CIN If PAID IN ORIGINAL MAY JU N G JUL YEAR RECEIPT TAX LEVY � ' 665.37 1989 0002738 490.32 554.06 563.87 NOTICE TO TAXPAYER: PURSUANT TO SECIION33.07Na< tEX OF IV AS PROPERTY TAX COa • AN ITiO PENALTY WILL RE AOOEO TO ALL TAXES REMAINING DEL NCUENT_ ON JULY 1 THIS YEAS . - 4uP ( Itt.,..) moo. C.K*30%i 490.345sq.d., 3t1' 1SIS a r Co % .J4 Q2s/9J � 1 7,44,06 7b3.tl r bb7.3 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE _142L.01 F- INCLWIES�1E LI _COLL_ECII11t_C.OSL------ .., _ 1 ‘ .--- 4 c•-• ••-', --7'.'''-'•'''- '. ..7- • •- . I AA S I N I t.mtne i furt-Iv• - q - .. • fig/ 5/r) •.. - - --.,..,:•:•41 ..r CR . TYPE A HMO Alstib ASMEMIE0 LAND 18000 I .18000 •.1-0 /5098 -.. .-- .'-' : - - LAND(mit.lass) . .. •— ..,iNt .difit2.-2 23.6. ,:.--:•-•-• ..,... ..- - ._. •- iserwevareurs 64565 100 • . 64565 . ..1 • • .• . ., . PERSONAL VITT • ' - • • . AVE TOTAL 82565 . . 14 RUSTIC TRAIL SQUTH. HOMESTEAD ACCOUNT NUMBER SU OAKS .83.,...8t*/..,Kji.o . GI OR IM I R1504-.004-0020s.1 ::: .:1. ' 2 APPR.TOTAL . RECEIPT NUMBER . . MEET LEVEL 100% • • '.. - 0002738 82565 . . ... . .... . - . • , TAX RATE.-PER •' ',.'"'-',.-''..i.':.4 .. . .. :,... 00000082565C DISABLED V.T. ' • .$100 - .555 ,5040040 02 01:, ii• ..-..--il::f'--...•••••-•:' ' TAXABLE ' 82565 . . . . • -:.,...----.-,-,,,,,,.."-.- ' • • .- . -...' A,24-ri& : .•_.•_ --..-.-..,:;. .....• pg . . .. . . LoANNumpicri, ,:..,,, .!..,..„ . • lx., jus)__:.:.,,:...:.••••,-;.:.,;.:17...:,.:.....-...1..".:;.!..,..'.--.:. . .. 11-- - -' •' • . - N .. . ., )1 ,. . -)". ./..)? • - .....PAID IN ...... "• - - OCT . .--- I., . AAAAA TY • ' .., -' • -- . 458.24.. .- ....-.••. . L., NOV - 458.24 , • • - • • - - • - .... ,-..- .• .-... • • • • • . . -.. - . ,:pisi•- ?..)/ • .. .-... . ....-- JO FFRIES-:'RONALD,a. ---' ... .. - ---ono) • • . . . ..'..- - ...•-• • .4rIaIra:.-.7:;•i.i - :•• .... '114 -.SuUTAUST...IC TRAIL .. - . .• . : 7.00_2 . ...,, - 3244.11 • • '. .' -'.WYLIE,,....; :;.-:..„..-,.,•:::::-:-m.:.-.... • '.:TX 75098. ... . - ' MAR 9.co% •• : •---, 4 i•z4 -- - - -499 A-•.:7::' ••••,•-•fW' "?.i: i32-1-1•1•,"7.:- ... • - . ._-_, ,, • • .• . -...-..• - .. .-. •.: ...-:: . . - -... ,...,•?..-. •-....z.,....,..v.T.L-$.;....-...•,,,.- . ... • . \ .:-. ,:''..-r. ,-;-,; la I - . . . , . . . . . , . . : ,• , 4„_ . .. ., . .. . .. ... .. - . .... . . ,.. ..... • .. . . . • . ..•,.. . . i.., . . .. ....... . •• • . •• Ali90 • TAXES BECOME DELINQUENT FEB.1 - •• --., - .,-4 . . ••. . FEE ADO 2%PER MO.JULY ADO 3%.A00 1%PER MO.THEREAFTER • . • • . ...., ' . .4.... .. 3° InfoRmAL REpoRts 'V 5iiie CITY OF wYI I 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE. TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Hughes, Acting City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Finance Di rector^---e-1--- --- RE: Lifeline - Financial Statement 911 - Calls - Inside City/County DATE: 06/29/90 Attached is the most recent (as of April 30, 1990) financial statement for Lifeline Ambulance. The statement is a substandard example, in my opinion, of an actual financial statement - never- theless, its the best that has been produced. Also, attached is the log of calls for April and May 1990 for both the City of Wylie and the district outside the City in Collin County. It appears there are almost as many calls in the County area as the City limits and their subsidy is much less. cc: John Akin, Mayor City Council L302j LIFELINE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FINANCIAL STATEMENT APRIL 30, 1990 ASSETS DR CR 1000 Cash 5,849.98 1001 Petty Cash 250.00 1100 Accounts Receivable 58,393.22 1200 Vehicles 42,000.00 1205 Equip/Medical 11 ,500.00 1210 Equip/Office 850.00 1215 Furniture/fixtures 2,000.00 LIABILITIES 2000 Loan-Team Bank 27,802.00 2002 John T.Lemley/LOC 25,000.00 2011 W. C. Crocker 50,000.00 2030 FIT 1 ,254.00 2031 FICA 1 ,799.20 EQUITY 3000 Equity Capital 5,900.71 INCOME 4000 Fees 8,024.96 4008 Medical Examiner 1 ,680.00 4010 Wylie Subsidy 9,683. 33 4011 Lucas Subsidy 1 ,000.00 4012 Collin County Subsidy 4,025.00 EXPENSES 5000 Advertising 300.00 5001 Answering/Pager 227.00 5002 Auto/repairs 1 ,200.00 5003 Auto/Gas 512.00 5020 Dues, Licenses, Fees 150.00 5025 Equipment 500.00 5060 Medical Supplies 400.00 5070 Office Supplies 100.00 • 5085 Telephone 572.00 5090 Utilities 325.00 5091 Uniforms 440.00 5100 Payroll 9,000.00 5101 Contract Labor 600.00 TOTAL 135,169.20 135,169.20 EUk 1111,1 P.O. BOX 1297 g � WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 \ERVIC OFFICE: 214-442-4433 DISPATCH: 214-442-1889 911 CALLS COLLIN COUNTY DATE NATURE LOCATION TO TIME DISPATCHED RESPONSE 4-1 ME *11 SantaAnita PRH 0510 0516 6 minutes 4-1 IP 1107 Wheelis PRH 1530 1537 7 minutes 4-2 ME 189 Cliff Barns PRH 1915 1920 5 minutes 4-5 MVA Bandy Lane PRH 1934 1943 9 minutes 4-7 IP 222Joe White PRH 2131 2133 2 minutes 4-14 IP 65 Gary Way NOTX 0102 0108 6 minutes 4-16 ME 655 Miss Elie PRH 1639 1652 7 minutes 4-16 ME Trinity Park PRH 1824 1833 9 minutes 4-18 ,E 1750 C. C . PRH 0408 0418 10 minutes 4-20 IP 1950 H.S . Dr. LKP 1913 1919 6 minutes 4-20 ME CR 591 PRH 2313 2327 14 minutes 4-21 ME 1107 Wheelis PRH 1911 1916 5 minutes 4-22 IP McQuary Road NOTX 0319 0324 5 minutes 4-22 IP Collin Park PRH 2057 2103 6 minutes 4-23 OB 121 Gary Way PRH 1651 1658 7 minutes 4-23 MVA Lucas Branch NOTX 1751 1759 8 minutes 4-24 ME 1107 Wheelis NOTX 0106 0110 2 minutes 4-24 ME 1107 Wheelis NOTX 1229 1234 5 minutes 4-27 ME Collins &1138 NOTX 0911 0923 12 minutes 4-28 ME Cr845&846 PRH 1835 1842 7 minutes 4-29 MVA C.C. Road NOTX 1101 1112 11 minutes 4-29 MVA 78/PebbleBeach PRH 1318 1328 10 minutes 4-29 IP Mallard Park NOTX 1813 1823 10 minutes NUMBER OF CALLS 24 AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME 7 . 17 MINUTES DEDICATED TO PATIENT CARE 3,...r LIFELINE 4 w. - P.O. BOX 1297 KO' P.O. TEXAS 75098 SCE OFFICE: 214-442-4433 DISPATCH: 214-442-1889 911 CALLS CITY OF WYLIE DATE NATURE LOCATION TO TIME DISPATCHED RESPONSE 4-1 • ME 206 S. Third PRH 0110 0111 1 minute 4-2 IP Sanden Inter. PRH 1336 1337 1 minute 4-3 ME 1001 S.78 Lt . 27 PRH 2055 2058 3 minutes 4-4 ME 300 E . Brown PRH 1945 1946 1 minute 4-5 ME 300 E . Brown PRH 1728 1729 1 minute 4-6 ME 324 Hiltop PRH 0041 0042 1 minute 4-9 MVA 78/ Sonny Boys PRH 1758 1759 1 minute 4-11 ME Cottonbelt #18 PRH 1655 1656 1 minute 4-14 ME 603 E . Marble PRH 1153 1155 2 minutes 4-14 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 1420 1421 1 minute 4-15 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 0927 0928 1 minute 4-15 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 0144 0145 1 minute 4-15 ME 301 W. Kirby#233 PRH 0812 0814 2 minutes 4-18 IP 2339 Stone NO TX 1704 1707 3 minutes 4-18 IP 301 W.Kirby #136 PRH 1743 1744 1 minute 4-22 IP 7378 Moses NO TX 1532 1535 3 minutes 4-24 ME 303 S. Ballard PRH 1421 1422 1 minute 4-25 ME 1304 Sheppard PRH 1400 1403 3 minutes 4-26 MVA 544/ Sanden PRH 1217 1219 2 minutes 4-27 ME 308 Briarwood PRH 0613 0616 3 minutes 4-28 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 2139 2140 1 minute 4-29 IP 800 Thomas NO TX 1946 1948 2 minutes NUMBER OF CALLS 22 AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME 1 .6 MINUTES DEDICATED TO PATIENT CARE 3 6 EuNE 41tRGENCY KO P.O. BOX 1297 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 ,,IERVICE OFFICE: 214-442-4433 DISPATCH: 214-442-1889 911 CALLS CITY OF WYLIE DATE NATURE LOCATION TO TIME DISPATCHED RESPONSE 5-3 MVA 78 & Ballard NO TX 0928 0928 1 minute 5-3 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 1635 1637 2 minutes 5-4 IP Wylie ProvidentPRH 1802 1802 1 minute 5-5 ME 300 E . Brown PRH 2142 2144 2 minutes 5-6 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 0130 0131 1 minute 5-8 ME Wylie Butane#67PRH 1641 1644 3 minutes 5-10 ME 800 Kirby PRH 1840 1841 1 minute 5-10 IP 510W.Jefferson PRH 2008 2010 2 minutes 5-12 ME 305 N. 2nd PRH 1328 1331 3 minutes 5-12 IP 509S .BirminghamPRH 2043 2044 1 minute 5-13 IP CommunityPark PRH 1635 1640 5 minutes 5-13 IP 106 Cottonblet PRH 2138 2139 1 minute 5-14 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 1310 1311 1 minute 5-14 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 1340 1340 1 minute 5-14 ME 300 E. Brown PRH 1341 1342 1 minute 5-15 MVA Steak Country PRH 2026 2026 1 minute 5-18 MVA 78/Ballard PRH 2023 2024 1 minute 5-19 IP 1601 Bozeman PRH 0749 0751 2 minutes 5-20 MVA 78/Texaco PRH 2155 2158* 3 minutes* 5-20 ME 926 Sherry PRH 0521 0525 4 minutes 5-22 IP Wylie Middle PRH 1346 1350 4 minutes 5-24 ME 206 S. Third PRH 1544 1546 2 minutes 5-25 ME 301 Hilltop PRH 1707 1708 1 minute 5-27 IP Sanden Inter. NOTX 1438 1440 2 minutes 5-27 ME 104 N. Fifth PRH 1921 1923 2 minutes DEDICATED TO PATIENT CARE 37 jiaENE P.O. BOX 1297 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 OFFICE: 214-442-4433 DISPATCH: 214-442-1889 CONTINUED 5-28 MVA 78/Hwy 6 PRH 1841 1844 3 minutes 5-29 MVA 78/Brown NOTX 2253 2254 1 minute 5-30 ME 214W.Kirby PRH 1105 1107 2 minutes 5-30 ME 300 E.Brown PRH 1454 1454 1 minute 5-30 ME 206 S. Third PRH 1733 1734 1 minute 5-30 IP 507 Willow Way NOTX 1857 1900 3 minutes NUMBER OF CALLS 31 AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME 1 .9 MINUTES DEDICATED TO PATIENT CARE V U lo FEU ' . AI '^bEflCY P.O. BOX 1297 \EgvICE�i WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 OFFICE: 2144424433 DISPATCH: 214-442-1889 911 CALLS COLLIN COUNTY DATE NATURE LOCATION TO TIME DISPATCHED RESPONSE 5-5 ME Trinity Park PRH 2352 2402 10 minutes 5-6 ME 302 Jena PRH 0447 0454 7 'minutes 5-8 ME 78&205 PRH 1140 1146 6 minutes 5-11 ME 1378&Parker RD PRH 1051 1058 7 minutes 5-11 ME Lavon Beach PRH 0541 0555 14 minutes 5-15 ME 608 Main PRH 1346 1351 5 minutes 5-16 ME 1138&Hwy 6 NOTX 0619 0629 10 minutes 5-16 MVA 2020 Schnieder NOTX 2155 2208 7 minutes 5-18 ME CR845 PRH 0221 0228 7 minutes 5-19 MVA E.Lucas Branch NOTX 0530 0539 9 minutes 5-19 MVA 1378& Parker NOTX 0358 0403 5 minutes 5-20 ME 926 Sherry PRH 0521 0525 4 minutes 5-20 IP 1138 & Collins NOTX 1736 1746 10 minutes 5-22 IP 790 Estelle PRH 1343 1350 7 minutes 5-23 IP #11Brookhaven NOTX 1323 1329 7 minutes 5-23 ME CR923 PRH 2433 2444 11 minutes 5-26 ME 1107 Wheelis PRH 0542 0547 5 minutes 5-26 ME S.F. Clubhouse PRH 1822 1827 5 minutes 5-27 ME 4030 Skyview PRH 0106 0111 5 minutes 5-31 ME Bobby Ave . PRH 1230 1237 7 minutes 5-31 MVA 1378 Lucas Rd PRH 1647 1653 6 minutes NUMBER OF CALLS 23 AVERAGE RESPONSE TIME 7 .4 MINUTES DEDICATED TO PATIENT CARE MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director - — RE: Litigation Report - Delinquent and Bankruptcy Cases DATE: July 3 , 1990 Attached is the list as of 06/27/90 of active delinquent tax suits by our tax collection law firm, Sallinger, Nichols, Jackson, Kirk and Dillard. A total of 131 accounts on 67 separate cases have a base tax amount (excludes penalty, interest and legal collection cost assessments) of $79, 601 . 67 . Likewise, there were 35 accounts involving 12 cases totaling $18 , 262 . 05 were active bankruptcy cases at this same time. TYPE OF ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS CASES BASE AMOUNT Delinquent Tax 131 67 $ 79 , 601 . 67 Bankruptcy 35 12 18, 262 . 05 TOTALS 166 79 $ 97 , 863 . 72 CITY OF WYLIE DELINQUENT TAX INFORMATION LITIGATION STATUS REPORT 06-27-90 DEFENDANT DCAD ACCOUNT NO. CASE NO. BASE AMOUNT STATUS . Defendant GARY 684900003701 366-2448-89 PAID Suit filed 12/19/89 served 1989-$1, 646.52 1/11/90. Amended petition to include 1989 taxes only. Letter to collect taxes and court costs. BAKER, KEVIN 443200011201 296-981-90 1987-$174. 78 Suit filed 6-12-90. Def. called re pay 1988-$147.29 will pay all by August 1990. 1989-$135. 86 BAMBICO, EDWARD D. 503000041801 366-1442-89 1988-$71. 52 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. BUCKLEY, CAROL GAMBOTH 502000002301 366-150-90 1983-$31.31 Suit filed 1/31/90. Defendant located 1984-$30. 71 1985-$38.49 and in process of being served. 1986-$35. 00 .. 1987-$30.36 1988-$25.36 1989-$18.12 C B A ENTERPRISES R602200000601 219-2312-89 1988-$1, 936. 18 Suit filed 11/29/89. Amended petition INCORPORATED 1989-$2, 092.84 filed to include second account. Morrow R602200000691 1988-$15. 60 served. Service defective. Petition 1989-$16. 89 amended second time to serve Bobby Abbott. Mr. Abbott contacted by phone; he will make payment in full in June. CLARK, GERALD R205200G00401 296-2313-89 PAID Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served 1989-$588.46 12/16/89. Answer filed. Letter sent • to collect court costs and 1989 taxes. DANIELS, KEVIN M502000007121 219-825-89 1985-$109. 25 Intervention filed 12/19/89. Trying to locate. DONIHOO, JERRY 4432000013A1 199-983-90 1988-$215. 10 Suit filed 6-12-90. 1989-$198. 81 DUNN, GEORGE K. DBA GALAXY 900028506151 SATELLITE SYSTEMS 296-153-90 1985-$122. 50 Suit filed 1/31/90. Non-suit submitted. Non-suit granted 5-17-90. Term ltr. ENRICH, TOM DBA WYLIE TV & CB P900028332951 close out 5-31-90. ' 296-185-88 1983-$196. 00 Suit filed 1/28/88. Defendant served. Partial payment of tax by new owner. Affidavit for hearing sent to Wylie. First Amended Petition submitted to include another account. Judgment signed 4/25/89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5/19/89. Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc signed. Sent A.J. recorded and Writ sent to Constable. MICHAEL D. FLORENCE, INC. DBA P900027032961 WYLIE SPORTS CENTER 219-105-89 1985-$110. 25 Suit filed 1/30/89. Served 3/1/89. ILI Judgment signed 4/25/89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5/19/89. Requested corrected Abstract of Judgment and Writ of Execution. FORRESTER, RICK 443200001101 366-1382-89 1986-$120. 05 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. 1987-$110.25 FRANK, RAYMOND L. R118100001401 219-2316-89 1988-$801. 92 Suit filed 11 29 89. 12/16/89. Letter to collect courtrcosts and taxes. FUSLER, ROBERT M503000057401 219-872-89 1987-$83. 08 Intervention filed 12/28/89. Letter 1988-$81. 19 to collect court costs and taxes. GREEN BILLDBA CIRCLE W 900028602011 GREEN BIVE & BILL EEN 199-155-90 1986-$98. 00 Suit filed 1-31-90. Non-suit; accts DBA WYLIE AUTOMOTIVE 900027023131 invalid. Term ltr. ; close out 6-90. 1985-$49. 00 • HAND, BARRY 503000011701 366-1946-89 1987-$86. 95 Plea of Intervention filed 366-1946-89. 1988-$84. 55 Judgment submitted 5/16/90. HEMINGWAY, TIMOTHY R118000100701 296-101-89 PAID Suit filed 1/30/89. Defendant served R118000101401 PAID 3/29/89. Title search ordered. Letter and statement to N.C.N.B. for payment of court costs and title search fees. Title search fees only outstanding costs. All paid NCNB; Dism. Term Ltr. close out 6-27-90. JACOBSON, RAY 503000034201 366-1446-89 1987-$133. 47 Intervention filed 4/2/90. Letter sent 1988-$118. 34 for court costs and taxes. 1989-$121.91 JOHNSON, LINDA 502000010301 219-00148-90 1985-$94. 67 Suit filed 1/31/90. 1986-$88.99 KANE, STEPHEN 503000068701 366-1486-89 1987-$93.37 Intervention filed 4/2/90. 1988-$90. 79 1989-$93. 01 KENNEDY, MARCI 503000029101 366-1425-89 1987-$104. 79 Intention filed 4/6/90. Judgment (34 1988=$102.84 1989-$106.42 submitted 5/16/90. KITTS, LAWRENCE 503000009301 366-1737-89 1987-$98. 80 Intervention filed 3/28/90. Judgment submitted 5/16/90. KREYMER, DONALD P. R1169005009B1 219-123-89 PAID Statements sent to American Title Co. 1987-$66. 96 Sale not closed. Amended petition to 1988-$83. 01 include Banc One, Inwood National Bank, 1989-$87. 62 and Willow Bend National Bank. Bank One served 4/6/90. R116600800901 1984-$67. 35 Title search ordered. Statements sent to 1987-$64. 93 American Title. Sale not closed and 1988-$87. 05 petition amended to include lienholders, 1989-$92 . 75 Bank One and Centennial . R167500100401 PAID Paid by TCB. 1989-$1, 087. 07 R167500200401 1987-$322.15 Petition amended to include Willow 1988-$330. 20 Bend National Bank, lienholder. 1989-$357.59 KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100700401 296-121-89 1987-PAID Sold to Richard Elisha. Statement sent 1989-PAID 3/9/90. Paid by Danny Holley 5/90. R190100101401 PAID Richard Eckman current owner. 1989-$510. 90 R190100200901 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to show D. Kreymer, Inc. 1988-$92.25 current owner. 1989-$99.90 R190100201401 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to show D. Kreymer, Inc. 1988=$92.25 current owner. 1989-$99.90 Hearing July 23, 1990. KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100301401 296-102-89 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, ::i 366-1904-89 1988-$92.25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99. 90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. � Set for hearing 6/19/90. R190100301601 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 . 25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99.90 Inc . , and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301701 1987-$90.00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92.25 Inc . , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99. 90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301801 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92 .25 Inc. , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99 . 90 Inc. and Willow Bend National Bank. R190100301901 1987-$90. 00 Petition amended to include D. Kreymer, 1988-$92. 25 Inc . , Stancraft Homes, James Stanley, 1989-$99. 90 Inc. , and Willow Bend National Bank. KREYMER, DONALD P. R190100100401 219-100-89 1987-$90. 00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92.25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-4$99. 90 Inc . , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. Willow Bend served. R190100100701 1987-$90. 00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92.25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-$99.90 Inc . , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. R190100100801 1987-$90. 00 Amended Petition filed to include D. 1988-$92. 25 Kreymer, Inc. , James Stanley Investments, 1989-$99.90 Inc. , Willow Bend National Bank, and Stancraft Homes Inc. D. KREYMER INC. R11660020R101 219-120-89 1986-$35.20 Amended petition to include Phillip 1987-$540.47 Holtwick, First State Bank Wylie, Bank 1988-$635. 98 One, and Willow Bend National Bank on 1989=$688.72 3/27/90. Willow Bend served. (A R128200101101 PAID Paid by First State Bank, Wylie, 1989-$111. 00 on 1/31/90. R167500200101 1988-$382. 48 Stewart Title paid 1986 and 1987. 1989-$414 . 20 Petition amended to include Bank One. Bank One served 4/4/90. R1156012070A1 PAID Paid by First State Bank, Wylie 1989-$111. 00 on 1/31/90. DON KREYMER INTEREST INC. R668800419701 199-119-89 1984-$17.15 Petition amended to include only one 1987-$17.50 property. 1988-$17.94 1989-$19.43 DON KREYMER DBA DON KREYMER P900027032221 296-118-89 1987-$15.00 Judgment submitted 1/29/90. Abstract of REAL ESTATE, INC. 1988-$29. 21 Judgment and Writ ordered. Writ sent to Constable and Abstract of Judgment filed 3/22/90. DONALD P. KREYMER R626600002191 219-1995-89 1988-$482.47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a statement has been sent for taxes. R626600002101 1983-$45.47 Willow Bend Nat. Bank foreclosed and a 1984=$272. 56 statement has been sent for taxes. 1986-$57.40 1988-$223. 25 1989-$2,315. 50 R684100001001 PAID Singletary Corp. current owner. Taxes 1989-PAID paid 4/2/90. R1156008039D1 1988-$125.15 1989-$131. 61 R129200103501 1988-$82.00 t4 1989-$88.80 v R116400201201 1985-$230.31 1986-$238.42 1987="$272.58 1988=$276. 62 1989=$269. 95 LANTING, JERRY J. R211400A00101 366-2314-89 PAID Suit filed. Defendant served 12/18/89. 1989-$924. 72 Petition amended to include 1989. LITTLE, WAYNE 443200010801 366-1546-89 Interv. 3-90. Ltr sent re: paying 5-90. MAR-PAM I INC. 662900000801 296-42-90 1986-$3, 146. 19 Suit filed 1/11/90. Defendant served 1987-$3, 210.40 2/22/90. Statement to Dale McCullough, 1988-$3, 290. 66 current owner. Petition amended to 1989-$3,118.10 include two other accounts. 662900000101 1986-$734 .61 Collin Co. Interv. 5-90. 1987-$749. 60 1988-$713 . 48 1989-$579.49 605600001701 1986-$1.49 1987-$152 . 00 1988-$113 .90 1989-$92.51 MARTIN, CLYDE RANDALL 668800206101 P.A. PAID Paid. Close out 6/7/90. MOOREHEAD, CHARLES 503000064201 366-1485-89 1987-$121.37 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. Judgment submitted 5/16/90. MURPHY, ROBERT 503000039401 366-1441-89 1987-$104. 79 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. Judgment submitted 5/16/90. MYCO READY MIX INC. , DBA R602200000501 219-132-89 1987-$1, 836.41 Intervention filed 12/28/89. MYCO CONCRETE ET AL 1988-$2, 125.42 P900028600181 1987-$2, 740. 00 1988-$2, 808. 50 1989-$2, 418. 69 MYRAN CORPORATION R205700000501 366-2306-89 1987-$80. 53 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served 1988-$82. 54 12/27/89. Defendant filed answer R205700000601 1987-$76. 50 12/28/89. 1988-$78. 41 R205700000701 1987-$76. 50 1988-$78.41 R205700000801 1987-$76. 50 1988-$78. 41 R205700000901 1987-$78.41 R205700001001 1988-$82. 25 • R2057000011A1 1988-$128.13 MYRAN CORPORATION R205700002501 219-2300-89 1988-$82. 00 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R205700002601 1988-$82. 00 12/18/89. R205700002701 1988-$82. 00 R205700002801 1988-$82. 00 R205700002901 1988-$82 . 00 R205700003001 1988-$82. 00 R205700003101 1988-$82. 00 R205700003201 1988-$82. 00 R205700003301 1988-$84.38 R205700003401 1988=$721.10 MYRAN CORPORATION R2057000012A1 199-2307-89 1988-$128.13 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R205700001401 1988-$128.13 12/18/89. R205700001501 1988-$128.13 R205700001601 1988-$76.88 R205700001901 1988-$82. 00 R205700002001 1988=$82. 00 R205700002101 1988=$82. 00 MYRAN CORPORATION R668800219201 219-2308-89 1988-$384 . 84 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R668800219301 1988-$460.48 12/18/89. R668800200201 1988-$2, 504.81 s MYRAN CORPORATION R208400H022B1 296-2301-89 1988-$61. 50 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R208400H023A1 1988 $61. 50 12/18/89. R208400I002A1 1988-$61.50 OR208400I002B1 1988-$61. 50 R2084001003A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400I005A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400I005B1 1988-$61. 50 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400E01701 199-2303-89 1988-$82.50 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R208400H012A1 1988-$61. 50 12/18/89. R208400H012B1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H014A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H014B1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H015A1 1988-$61. 50 R208400H015B1 1988-$61. 50 • R208400H017B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H018A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H018B1 1988=$61. 50 MYRAN CORPORATION R208400H019A1 219-2304-89 1988-$61.50 Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served R208400H019B1 1988-$61.50 12/27/89. Defendant filed answer R208400H020A1 1988-$61.50 12/28/89. R208400H020B1 1988-$61.50 R208400H021A1 1988-$61.50 R208400H021B1 1988-$61. 50 NARLOCK, TOD 503000026201 366-1994-89 1987-$76.60 Intervention filed 3/28/90. Judgment 1988-$74.27 submitted 5/16/90. PAYNE, BILLY JACK DBA BILLY P900027031711 296-190-88 1983-$122. 50 Suit filed 1/28/88. Citation returned JACK AUTO SALES unexecuted. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address 1/6/89. `, ,k Defendant served by certiied mail 1/28/89. Petition amended to include another account. Judgment signed 4/25/89. Abstract of Judgment filed 5/25/89. POWELL, HAROLD 503000044101 366-1747-89 1987-$126.56 Intrv. filed 4-90. Judgment submitted 1988=$112 . 91 5/16/90. 1989-$116.84 REECE, JOHN 502000005501 199-914-89 1982-$43.82 Suit filed 6/22/89. Tax year 1982 has 366-1459-89 1985-$102.69 been paid in full and an installment 1986-$98.32 payment agreement beginning 8/31/89 has 1987-$91.41 been arranged for payment of balance. 1988-$89.12 Defendant defaulted on agreement. 1989-$103.93 Petition amended to update amounts and case set for hearing 5/16/90. Tax and court costs paid. Dismissal submitted. Dismissal granted 5/17/90. Close-out 5/31/90. RODRIGUEZ, TONY M502000003601 296-1003-88 1986-$74.29 Suit filed 7/18/88. Citation returned 1987-$67.14 unexecuted. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address. Defen- dant served 2/24/89. Information about repossession requested from F.D.I.C. Neither F.D.I.C. nor Royal National Bank, successor to American Bank of Palestine, can find any record of mobile home repossessed by bank. Tax years 1981 and 1982 for this account have no name listed. Years 1983, 1984, and 1985 show Roberts as owner. Affidavit to Wylie for tax years 1986 & 1987. Judg. signed. A.J. recorded. Writ sent to Const. 6-90. ROSE, JOHNNY 502000007911 199-147-90 1985-$66.35 Suit filed 1/31/90. 1986-$62.07 Submitted Judg. 6-21-90. 1987-$56.79 SMITH, JOHN 502000009101 199-151-90 1985-$103. 93 Suit filed 1/31/90. 1986-$97.69 STATEN, RONNIE R. M502000003011 199-1007-88 1983-$60.94 Suit filed 7/18/88. Citation returned 1984-$62.05 unexecuted. Defendant located, but says 1985-$81.41 he rented and did not own mobile home. 1986-$77. 63 Current owner of mobile home says he purchasd 1987-$56.03 home from Staten and is forwarding contract of sale. Requested court to reissue citation and serve at new address 2/7/89. Defendant served 3/10/89. Affidavit to Wylie to prepare for judgment. Judgment signed 7/28/89 . Abstract of Judgment filed. Writ sent to Constable. Payment agreement set up for Staten. First payment received. STEDNER, ROBERT 503000003801 366-982-90 1988-$155.35 Suit filed 6-12-90. 1989-$142.67 SUTTON, DOROTHY 5020000028A1 366-979-90 1988-$94.35 Suit filed 6-12-90. 1989-$84.35 TAYLOR, GLORIA 443200007501 219-152-90 1987-$111.75 Suit filed 1/31/90. Defendant served 1988-$99.29 3/2/90. Payment agreement to begin 4/15/90. First and second payments received. THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301502501 366-2310-89 PAID Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301502601 PAID 1-5-90. Court costs to be paid 6-90. R227301502701 PAID R227301502801 PAID R227301502901 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301201001 199-2311-89 PAID Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301201101 PAID 1-5-90. Court costs to be paid 6-90. R227301201201 PAID CO\ R227301201301 PAID R227301201401 PAID R227301201501 PAID R227301201601 PAID THIRTEEN SEVENTY-EIGHT R227301100101 296-2309-89 PAID Suit filed 11/29/89. Defendant served DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION R227301100201 PAID 1/5/90. R662900001301 1988-$65.60 Beckham says this property sold to Stanley Moussa. C.C.A.D. shows 1989 in name of Dale McCullough. Statement to McCullough 3/26/90. Court costs to be paid 6-90. I THOMAS, JOHN 503000066301 366-1484-89 1987-$140.15 Intervention filed 3/28/90. THOMPSON, CHARLES 503000059601 366-1483-89 1987-$88.62 Plea of Intervention filed 3/28/90. 1988-$86.61 TUCKER, DAVID 443200006101 199-911-89 1986-$132.43 Suit filed 6/22/89. Installment payments 366-1458-89 1987-$121.62 being made. Defendant defaulted on 1988-$108.29 agreement and case set for hearing 5/16/90. 1989-$111.82 Judgment submitted 5/16/90. TUNNELL, MARTHA 503000044301 366-1444-89 PAID Intervention filed 3/28/90. Mortgage company paid. U-NAME-IT FLOORS 900028507411 296-149-90 1985-$171.50 Suit filed 1/31/90. 1986-$49. 00 UPTHAGROVE, KEITH 443200004501 366-1729-89 1987-$117.45 1988-$115.03 1989-$118.78 WALKER, GREG 443200011501 219-915-89 1986-$132.43 Suit filed 6/22/89. 1987-$121. 62 Call re: pay by 7-90. WILSON, JACK M503000016101 219-831-89 1987-$107.16 Intervention filed. 1988-$104.72 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 1 626600002401 366-1736-89 1986-$1, 696.88 Suit filed 4/2/90. 1987-$1, 805. 56 5L4 1988-$1, 850.70 1989-$1, 150.24 WYLIE JOINT VENTURE NO. 2 626600002301 366-1420-89 1986-$1, 897. 52 Suit filed 4/2/90. 1987-$1,790.32 1988-$1, 835. 07 1989-$1, 140. 53 WYLIE OPRY, GEORGE RILEY & P900028509831 199-104-89 1985-$24 .50 Suit filed 1/30/89. Statement of tax and CLARA RILEY 1986-$24. 50 court costs due sent to Defendant . 1987-$25. 00 Affidavit to Wylie to prepare for judgment. 1988-$25.63 Set for hearing 6/30/89. Hearing for Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc set 9/17/89. Abstract of Judgment and Writ of Execution received. Writ sent to Constable. Def. request payment plan. CITY OF WYLIE BANKRUPTCY CASES 6-27-90 DEBTOR CASE NO. ACCOUNT NO. COMMENTS CHARLES S. & DEBRA K. 389-379057RCM-13 229100000101 1988-$505.40 Proof of Claim - 1/31/90. ANDERHUB THOMAS & THERESA BURRIS 88-40271-13 502000008711 1986-$94.93 Amended Proof of Claim - 8/24/88 1987-$87.42 Installment payments being made 1988-$84.76 by debtor directly to city. CONNER HOME SALES 87-01708-M04 503000027801 1987-$92.74 Proof of Claim - 5/4/89 . CORPORATION Chapter 7 503000034901 1987-PAID No discharge as of 3/1/90. 1988-$104.72 CUSTOM BUILDING 89-40318-7 900028506171 1988-$384.38 Noo discharge of of l 3/22/89.m -as of 3/1/90. SUPPLY INC. RICHARD MAX DUNCAN, II 388-36464-HCA-7 205200F01601 1987-$125.00 Proof of Claim - 3/16/89 . CD/B/A MACKEY/DUNCAN HOMES 205200E00901 1987-$120.00 Bankruptcy closed. AND DEANNA LAVONNE DUNCAN A/K/A DEANNA LAVONNE WICKHAM A/K/A DEANNA LAVONNE ROBSON EDWARD ELLIOTT AND 387-36437-SAF-13 503000053501 1987-$161.82 Claim for Administrative Expense LOU ANN ELLIOTT 1988-$126.75 filed 3/22/89. JOSEPH L GEORGE 87-01296-7 127500200701 PAID Discharge letter sent 4/24/89 for three outstanding accounts. JOHNSTON, INC. , DBA 89-41137711 116900700601 1988-$3,248. 00 Proof of Claim - 8/21/89 JOHNSTON'S FASHION FOR 116900700101 1988-$192.19 CHILDREN THE LIGHTING CENTER, INC. 388-31360-HCA-11 P900028421781 1987-$383.46 Converted f of ClfrofdaiChapterm - 5/5/88 . ELLIS MERWORTH AND WIFE 388-33025-HCA-7 P900028507541 PAID Debts have been discharged. SUSAN MERWORTH MINERAL WOOL INSULATION 385-30709-F-11 Sales & U proof of claim. 4/16/86 . MANUFACTURING CO STANLEY A MOUSSA 387-31820-HCA-11 662900000101 1986-$734. 61 Proof of claim 8/19/87. 1987-$749.60 Claim for Administrative Expense 1988-$713.48 filed 5/8/89 for 1988 taxes. 1169011001C1 1986-$117.65 1169011001A1 1986-$721.38 Amended Proof of Claim 6-90. 116600500901 PAID Amended Claim for Expense 6-90. 115600200501 1986-$1, 380.84 PAID 605600001701 1986-$1.49 1987-$152.00 1988-$113.90 MURRY BUILDING CO INC 87-00309-BKC-HA No discharge as of 3/1/90. Chapter 7 150301101701 1985-$22.05 Account now listed Larry Seal. 1986-$73. 50 150301101501 PAID 150300401601 PAID 150300401501 PAID 150300401401 PAID 150300401301 PAID 150300401201 PAID 150200601601 PAID 150200601401 1985-$73. 50 Account now listed Leonard E. Muller Inc. 187801300401 PAID 187801301101 PAID 187801300301 1986-PAID Account now listed Robert J. Nix. 1987-PAID 187801300201 1986-PAID 187801300101 PAID 187801202801 PAID 187801202401 PAID 187801202201 PAID 187801202001 PAID 187801201901 PAID 187801201801 PAID 187801201601 PAID 187800902801 PAID 187800902601 PAID 187800902301 PAID 187800902201 PAID 187800901701 PAID 187800801001 PAID 187800202501 PAID MICHAEL MURRY 88-42153-7 187800903001 1987-$90.00 Proof of Claim - 3/24/89. 1988-$92.25 No discharge as of 3/1/90. JOAN E. REYNOLDS 388-36404-RCM-13 503000049201 1987-$132 .66 No Proof of Claim filed 1988-$112.91 Account included in Chapter 13 Plan. .j:r $59 . 93 received 1987 paid and Proof of Claim submitt $118.64 due for balance of 1988 taxes. Proof of Claim - 9/28/89 of Claim - 2/28/89 . Proof GARY LEIGHTON RODDY D/B/A 388-37960-RCM-11 127500100901 PAID Pro cosCd. RODDY REALTORS AND RWM PROPERTIES AND JUDITH ANNE RODDY 116200003001 1987-$106.26 D/B/A RODDY & WHIT INVESTMENTS 1988-$107.49 AND RM INVESTMENTS 1275001009B1 PAID 115400202401 1987-$270. 66 900027032571 1987-$20. 00 1988-$20 . 50 602300003301 PAID SAN ANTONIO SAVINGS ASSOC. 669500000401 Proof of Claim 6-90 HAROLD SPENCE, GLORIA 88-41706-7 P900028503381 - 1986-$1, 225.00 Proof of Claim - 10/14/88 SPENCE DBA SUPER FRESH 1987-$1, 250.00 Amended Proof of Claim - 5/5/89 FOODS, DBA SPENCE 1988-$1, 383.75 1 CONSTRUCTION, DBA HAROLD R146700200201 PAID Claim for Administrative Expense - 5 SPENCE BUILDING CORP. P900028601891 1987-$30.78 No discharge as of 3/1/90. 1988-$31. 54 R143600200901 1987-$85.00 1988-$87.13 R143600300101 1987-$67 .50 1988-$69 .19 R143600300201 1987-$85.00 1988-$87 .13 R143600300301 1987-$85.00 1988-$87 .13 R143600300401 1987-$85.00 1988-$87.13 R1239000001C1 1987-$12.50 1988-$12 .81 ROBERT V. THURMOND, JR. 90-40163A 658900000691 1989-$43 .66 Proof of Claim - 5/21/90. 658900000801 1989-$46.13 658900000791 1989-$150.62 JOHN CLINTON WORLEY 89-40090-7 187801000701 PAID Proof of Claim - 3/29/89 1 ' 1