07-24-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-20-90 TIME POSTED 5:00 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1990 7:00 P. M. (X)UNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 25 Consider approval of the minutes of the June 25th, 26th & 28th and July 5th, 12th & 14th Council meetings 2 26 - 29 Presentation by Mrs. Joanie Zeeb on Eastfork Park 3 30 Consider approval of letter of resignation from Jim Ferguson from Planning and Zoning Commission, term expires July, 1990 4 31 - 34 Consider appointments or reappointments to the following boards: a. Planning and Zoning (3 vacancies) b. Parks & Recreations (2 vacancies) c. Library (4 vacancies) d. Zoning Board of Adjustments (4 vacancies) 5 Report from Mike Wagner of Talem Inc. updating the status of the Industrial Waste Program and reporting on test results of several industries 6 35 - 38 Consider approval of Engagement Agreement for Audit Services for 1989-90 Fiscal Year - Adami, Lindsey and Co. 7 39 - 44 Consider approval of Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants to set up Carnival Rides in Oaks Shopping Center Parking lot from August 20th thru August 26th PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ORDINANCES 8 45 - 46 Conduct Public Hearing for the request of a Special Use Permit for Lot 13, 14, & 15, Block 3 Brown & Burns Addition (located on corner of N. Ballard and Jackson Street) Birmingham Land Board Trust 9 Consider approval of Special Use Permit for Lot 13, 14, & 15, Block 3 Brown & Burns Addition (located on corner of N. Balalyd and Jackson Street) Birmingham Land Board Trust ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 10 47 Consider award of bid for Equipment Rental for Street Reconstruction Program 11 48 Consider approval from Park and Recreation Board to construct temporary soccer fields at Community Park 12 49 Consider appointment of committee to review Community Rental & Rules from Park and Recreation Board APPROVAL OF PAYMENTS 13 50 - 52 Consider approval of payment request from Shipley & Inhofe in the amount of $370.15 for Landfill Closure 14 53 - 55 Consider approval of payment request from Jones & Neuse, Inc. in the amount of $2,747.49 for Engineering Landfill Closure 15 56 - 57 Consider approval of payment request from Hunter Associates, Inc. in the amount of $2,160.00 for construction administration Wastewater Collection System Improvements 16 58 - 59 Consider approval of payment request from Freeman Millican Engineering in the amount of $560.00 for repainting of Water Tower GENERAL DISCUSSION 17 Citizen Participation 18 Council Discussion 19 Adjourn CALLED JOINT MEETING AND WORK SESSION CITY COUNCIL AND PARK & RECREATION BOARD MONDAY, JUNE 25 , 1990 The City Council of the City Wylie met in a called joint meeting and work session with the Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie on Monday, June 25 , 1990 at 7 : 00 PM in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem, Don Hughes and Councilmembers Steve Wright , William Martin , Chuck Wible, Patricia Stemple and Percy Simmons . Parks & Recreation Board members present were Joanie Zeeb, John Burns , B. J . Upshaw, Bryan Glenn and Joe Helmberger . Also present were Paul Beaver , City Engineer , Don White, Public Works Supervisor and Carolyn Jones , City Secretary. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Akin . Mayor Akin welcomed everyone and stated that there was an addendum to the agenda, Item 4 - Discussion on the Land Use Assumption and Capital Improvements Program and Impact Fees . Tally sheets compiled from the survey sent to all water customers were given to all those present by Joanie Zeeb. Ms Zeeb also presented the Five-Year Park Master Plan . There was discussion concerning leasing areas from Corps of Engineers for ballplaying fields . Joanie Zeeb, Steve Wright , Chuck Wible and B. J. Upshaw are to work with Corps of Engineers on leasing land. Joanie Zeeb and Bryan Glenn suggested looking at the property just east of the City Park for additional recreational area . DISCUSSION ON AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF WYLIE AND WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION. Discussion disclosed a need to review the financial statements of the WSA each January. Also , discussion concerning a review of utility bills to determine if there is a need to update this figure . PRESENTATION BY TALEM, INC. RE: INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROGRAM. Mike Wagner of Talem, Inc . stated that Talem is currently managing the program until Paul Beaver , City Engineer is up to date on the program. Mr . Wagner listed five major environmental problems : (1) chemical recycling ; (2) landfill; (3) pump and haul ; (4) industrial waste and (5) sewer treatment plant . The sewer treatment plant was turned over to North Texas Municipal Water District in April 1990 . A turn-over in personnel has contributed to the delay in solving these problems . It was also noted that the City must have an EPA approved treatment program. The City will receive EPA inspection reports on Holland Hitch, Extruders , Oklahoma By-Products , Hardcast , Sanden International , Lone Star Circuit and Wylie Locker Plant . The City must have an EPA approved program developed and adopted by ordinance within one (1) year . The first step to developing such a program is a study. Mr . Wagner stated that the current ordinance may be used , it just needs some additions (amendement of the ordinance) . The cost of the study is estimated at between $10 ,000 and $20 ,000 . Mr . Wagner stated that his recommendation would be for the City to negotiate with North Texas Municipal Water District to work together on this study. Mr . Wagner further made the following recommendations : / (1) That the City Council appoint someone in house or hire a consultant to talk to each company. Set up files on each, confer on solutions . (2) Hire an environmental scientist (average salary 22K to 34K per year - experience 0 -20 years) . An environmental coordinator will cost more. Mr . Wagner also stated that when this individual is hired , it is better to put him/her on a 6 month probation period , then term contract for at least three (3) years . Be sure that everything is documented . Also , he/she should not report directly to the City Manager , but to the City Engineer . (3) Mr . Wagner also stressed the need to improve communications with all regulatory commissions . (4) Also it is important to gain Good Faith Effort status . DISCUSSION ON LAND USE ASSUMPTION AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM AND IMPACT FEES. Roy Faires , Code Enforcement Officer , advised that the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission is to lower growth rate to three and one- half (3-1/2) percent and set fees at fifty (50) percent of what the study shows ($500 water, $600 sewer) . The P&Z must review this at least every six (6) months , and may choose to review earlier than six month interval . Mr . Faires stated that one of the reasons for the mandate from the State of Texas is due to the fact that some cities are implementing impact fees and putting the funds into the General Fund rather than into a special fund . A motion to adjourn was made, with all in favor . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 26, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, June 26 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Council Members Steve Wright, William Martin , Chuck Wible and Pat Stemple, and City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Public Works Director/Engineer Paul Beavers and Ed Richie from the Code Enforcement Department . Councilman Percy Simmons was absent due to illness . Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and Councilman Martin gave the invocation with the pledge of allegiance being led by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. PUBLIC HEARING ON LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS RELATING TO POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES: Mayor Akin opened the public hearing and asked those wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time. Mr . Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer , stated the recommendation from the consultants is to use the present Land Use Plan. The land use and growth assumptions were based on 7% growth. Planning and Zoning did approve the Land Use Assumption Plan. Mr. John Fitzpatrick for the Board of Directors from Wylie North East Water Supply stated that "the map in the newspaper shows Wylie water service to be extended into our water service area and we would like to clarify your service area. Our concern is that your map shows you are going to service water in our area" . Mr . Faires said "you should have come forward during the water and sewer portion, but I will assure you we are not wanting to encroach in your area" . Mr . Fitzpatrick thanked Mr . Faires. There being no other comments or questions , Mayor Akin closed the public hearing . Mayor Akin stated that we had to skip item 2 , Public Hearing on the adoption of Impact Fees, as this hearing can not be opened until 8 : 00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON NEW USAGE UNDER ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE -- "PROFESSIONAL OFFICE" : Mayor Akin opened the public hearing and requested those wishing to address this subject to come forward. Mr . Faires stated that this was brought to the attention of Planning and Zoning and City Council that the City' s current zoning ordinance did not carry a use for professional office. In checking with other cities we have found most cities do address this classification in their ordinances. This category does not deprive any existing offices from continuing operating . The various uses under "Professional Office" are : Administrative office, for public or semi- public, civic, religious or charitable organizations; Architect offices ; Bookkeeping or Accounting; Engineering (office only) ; Lawyer; Telephone Answering Service; Church, Synagogue or Rectory; School public or private; Electric Transmission lines and sub stations; and Licensed Interior Designer. The uses listed above will be the only uses J permitted in this category. The Planning and Zoning Commission has heard this and recommends approval unanimously to City Council . There being no other comments or questions, Mayor Akin closed the public hearing . APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MAY 29TH AND JUNE 12 COUNCIL MEETINGS: Councilman Wright corrected his corrections of May 22 meeting to reflect fallen veterans instead of veterans . Under item News Media , Councilman Wright corrected the minutes as follows ; "Direct violation of the City Charter , both the Wylie news and whom ever posted this from the City were aware of who the paper of record is and Councilman Wright said this appears to be political tic for tac and I can not vote for this. Mayor Akin said it does not say you can not use both papers . Councilman Wright quoted from page 50 of the Charter that all notices shall be published in this official newspaper . City Secretary stated that she could not reach the Wylie Sentinel and also the Sentinel had not sent a publishers affidavit as she had requested" . Councilman Wright wanted the City Secretary' s statement taken out that stated she had spoken to Mr. Swanson on several occasions and written a letter concerning the publishers affidavits; but this statement was made by the City Secretary. Under Citizen Participation, Councilman Wright added to Mr . Jesse Vance' s statement "This has some merits, first it would be a good cross section of the City . Second, 500 people voted for them and would provide continuity on past programs" and Councilman Wright also corrected the word political favors to read political cronyism" . Under Appointment of Representative to North Texas Municipal Water District ' s Board of Directors, Councilman Wright corrected his statement as follows : "Councilman Wright stated there may be a problem due to the newspaper of record now being Wylie News , if Rita Smith has a financial interest or partial ownership in the News , it would be a conflict of interest. The Wylie News is also the newspaper of record for North Texas Municipal Water District . Councilman Wright asked if Mrs . Smith got back with the City with an answer as requested by Mr . Norwood. Councilman Hughes replied "Rita got back to me and I consider myself the City" . Councilman Wright took out the statement he made as follows : "You would find that Rita Smith is also owner of this paper" . Councilman Wright also took out the statement that Rita Smith is also on the Library Board and stated that it was Mayor Akin that addressed this. Under Bid award for Copier , Councilman Wright made the following corrections , " The City of Richardson, Allen and Irving have this copier and they are very pleased . Councilman Wright stated he noticed on this agenda that almost all pages had writing anywhere from one half to three quarters of the page and he saw no reason why we could not convert to 8 1/2 X 11 agenda" . Under Citizen Participation, Councilman Wright corrected Mr. Jim Swartz statement as follows : "Mr . Swartz said have a plaque put up for all veterans which Raymond Cooper said he would help pay for" . Under Council Discussion, Councilman Wright corrected Mayor Akin' s statement as follows : "These are some bad accusations you have made and cannot prove them" . Mayor Akin requested that the City Secretary refer back to the tape of this meeting and make the corrections. City Secretary stated that the tape was not a good tape, as Council left the room to consult with the City Attorney and came back in, the tape had been put on pause. At the time it was released from pause, the tape hung and most of the meeting was not picked up on tape. City Secretary also stated that Councilman Wright had talked with the Wylie News and had told her to go there and listen to the tape. Motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve with the above corrections . Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPOINTMENT OR RE-APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE FOLLOWING BOARDS: PLANNING AND ZONING, LIBRARY, PARK AND RECREATION AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Mr . Bobby Jennings of 501 Gaston Drive, stated that I would like to address you on one of the candidates who has signed up for Planning and Zoning and that is Jim Swartz . It took me six months to feel comfortable on this board. I feel he would be a good member with his background from Council . Mayor Pro Tem Hughes wanted to know if anyone had talked to any of these members to see if they would like to move up to another board . Mayor Akin said he has not but it would be a good thing . A motion was made by Councilwoman Stemple to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON STREET RECONSTRUCTION_ PROGRAM BY OVERLAY CONSTRUCTION _ UTILIZING TWO METHODS: A. LEASE ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT, FORCE ACCOUNTING TEMPORARY LABOR METHOD; B. ASPHALT OVERLAY BY CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT: Mr . Paul Beaver , Engineer , stated staff has checked into leasing equipment plus talked to four contractors and would like to seek bids on both leasing and contract work. Staff will be able to chose the best way to go . A motion was made by Councilman Martin to grant authorization to advertise for bids on street reconstruction program by overlay construction. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 85-23A ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING A NEW USAGE UNDER SECTION 16 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE : Mayor Akin said Planning and Zoning has approved recommendation to the Council . A motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve the Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 85-23A Zoning Ordinance by adding a new usage under Section 16 Professional Office . Seconded by Councilman Wible. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WESTGATE CENTER: This property is located between Highway 78 and FM 544 . Mr . Faires stated that this is the development of Commercial and Industrial property. Plat work was approved and all work has been completed plus developer has provided additional easement. Planning and Zoning recommends approval . Councilman Wright questioned that there was no legal description on the agenda . City Secretary stated that she was not given a legal description on this property. Councilman Wright also stated that Council needed to be sure and take notice that this plat and the next item will come in prior to us imposing the impact fee. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the final plat approval and acceptance of Westgate Center . Seconded by Councilman Wright . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, * Si° Councilman Wright - in favor, and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY FOR 0 .919 ACRES OUT OF THE E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 267 FOR HENRY MARTINEZ : Mr . Faires stated Mr . Martinez is sub-dividing a large tract in order to sell to Eckard Drugs . All requirements have been met by our standards and staff and Planning and Zoning recommend approval for construction only. Motion was made by Councilman Wright to approve final plat for construction only for 0 .919 acres out of the E. C. Davidson Survey. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Akin invited anyone wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time and to state their name and address for the record . Mayor Akin also requested that their comments be kept to five minutes. There were no speakers at this time . COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Hughes stated he has noticed two vacant houses on Dogwood and both have swimming pools and the fences are falling down . I would like for Ed to check this out . Councilman Wright said from the workshop with Talem, Inc. that we are about to enter into an agreement with North Texas Municipal Water District and that our representative needs to be setting up a meeting regarding this . Another thing is the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem meeting with WSA and not letting the Council be in the meeting . Mayor Akin stated that he thought the joint meeting with Park Board and Council went very well . Mayor Akin also stated that he hoped to have more of these joint meetings to keep each other informed. Mayor Akin called for a ten minute recess. Mayor Akin reconvened Council back to order at 8 :00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEES: Mr . Faires said as part of the Impact Fee Study and Ordinance, we are required to hold a public hearing and adopt impact fees. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the impact fees to reflect water in the amount of $600 .00 and wastewater in the amount of $500 .00 , which will be a total impact fee of $1 ,100 .00 . The consultants for this study have recommended water in the amount of $1 , 267 .00 and wastewater in the amount of $957 .00 , both of these figures are the maximum that could be charged . Planning and Zoning must review these fees every six months and give Council a written report. There being no questions or comments, Mayor Akin closed the public hearing. APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING IMPACT FEES AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 395 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE: Councilman Wright stated that he has talked with Mr . Faires and has some of the same concerns that Mr . Bobby Jennings of Planning and Zoning has. If we adopt an impact fee lower than what the consultants have recommended we may be putting a burden on our residents. With Highway 190 , 78 and FM 544 projects , we may be short on these impact fees and we may have to go out for certificates of obligations or bonds to build before the impact hits and this will be saddling present home owners with indebtedness . Mr . Faires said he disagreed with Councilman Wright . You must remember the six months mandate to review. There is a six month time period between approval of a plat and development of a plat. You have time to review fees and if you find you do not have enough fees then you can review and get the adjustments put through. Councilman Wright asked Mr . Faires if he felt comfortable if these fees were adopted that it wont impact the citizens. Mr . Faires said his concern is for the citizens and would not recommend anything he did not believe in. Mayor Pro Tem Hughes wanted to know if this could be reviewed and revised in less than six months . Mr . Faires said yes. Mayor Akin stated if we overcharge, we will have to pay it back. Mr . Faires said yes, twice the amount you overcharged . Mayor Pro Tem Hughes stated that the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission wanted to know if these fees would be collected at time of development or building , what was the answer . Mr . Faires said the ordinance is written to reflect collection at time of building permit . A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve the Ordinance for Impact Fees with water being $600 .00 and wastewater being $500 .00 . Seconded by Councilwoman Stemple. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor, Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. Mayor Akin recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 8 :20 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.a.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - Evaluations on employees . Mayor Akin reconvened the Council into open session at 9 : 20 P.M. A motion was made by Councilman Wright to go with the decision of the Acting City Manager in regards to the merit raises brought forward. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Wible - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , and Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. There being no other matters of business , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JUNE 28, 1990 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, June 28 , 1990 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes, Council Members Chuck Wible, Pat Stemple, Percy Simmons and William Martin, City Secretary Carolyn Jones and John Fitzpatrick, Linda Hamar and Dwan Diaz from the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Wright was out of town. Mayor Akin called the meeting to order and welcomed the officers of the Chamber that were present . Mr . Fitzpatrick thanked the Council for this time and extended to Council an open invitation to attend the Chamber Board meetings. Mr . Fitzpatrick then went on to tell the Council the purpose of the Chamber and they spoke of nothing negative, but always positive. The Chamber this past year created the Economic Development Board, of which the City Manager is a member . Mr . Fitzpatrick also stated that all of the city departments have been very helpful and have worked with the Chamber when called upon. Mr . Fitzpatrick also stated that the Chamber would like to have some informal meetings with the City Council and School Board. Mayor Akin stated that in the past we had quarterly meetings with the School Board and City Council and had refreshments and each time it was hosted by one of these. It was agreed that the Chamber and City staff would work together on setting up a time for an informal meeting between the School Board, City Council and Chamber. Mayor Akin thanked the Chamber for coming and expressed the Council ' s appreciation for the work being done by the Chamber . A motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary MINUTES CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, JULY 5 , 1990 7 :00 PM The City Council of the City of Wylie met in called session on Thursday, July 5 , 1990 at 7 :00 PM in the Council Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John Akin, Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , Councilmembers Chuck Wible, Percy Simmons , Pat Stemple, William Martin and Steve Wright. Also present were Director of Finance, James Johnson and City Secretary, Carolyn Jones . The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Akin. DISCUSSION OF 1990/91 BUDGET: Council had received list of proposed expenditures for the 1990/91 budget year . James Johnson reviewed projected revenues for the 1990/91 fiscal year . It was noted during the discussion that the City' s contract with North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) is over half the Utility Fund Budget . If the charcoal filter system has to be installed by February 1 , 1991 , we will need $50 ,000 to $60 ,000 for this one item. RECESS OPEN MEETING - CONVENE COUNCIL INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Open meeting was recessed by Mayor John Akin at 10PM and Council was convened into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters „ Review applications received for position of City Manager . RECONVENE OPEN MEETING: Councilman Steve Wright will look at all applications for City Manager position on Friday, July 6 , 1990 at City complex . Motion was heard to adjourn . Motion seconded and unanimously approved . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CALLED MEETING AND WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 7 :00 PM JULY 12, 1990 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in called session on Thursday, July 12 , 1990 at 7 : 00 PM in the Council Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present wereMayor John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes and Councilmembers Steve Wright , Chuck Wible, Patricia Stemple, William Martin and Percy Simmons . Also present were City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Director of Finance, James Johnson, Peggy McCallum. The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Akin, with the convening of Council into posted work session . DISCUSSIONS OF SPECS FOR AMBULANCE CONTRACT FOR CITY OF WYLIE: It was stated that reports had been made to the Council in May and November of 1989 . Committee had recommended advance Life Support . Council asked for alternate bid on basic Life Support . James Johnson , Director of Finance stated that the City might need to write something into the specifications requiring an audit done of any company that was being considered for award of the contract . Mr . Johnson also stated a need for a review and renewal of the ambulance contract each year or a specified number of years ; allowing for the City to assume the operation of the ambulance service when it becomes feasible , perhaps in a few years . Ms . McCallum said she was in favor of an advisory board but thought it should be called the Medical Advisory Board . She also stated that you cannot limit the person/firm who will do transfers . Mr . Johnson stated that he would see that all corrections submitted by the Wylie hospital would be made. Mayor Akin said to meet with the Committee and then submit a report to the Council . DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED 1990/91 CITY OF WYLIE OPERATING BUDGET: An overview of the 1990/91 budget was presented to Council for consideration. RECESS WORKSHOP - CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION: Mayor Akin recessed workshop and convened Council into regular session. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR AMBULANCE CONTRACT: Motion was made by Councilman Steve Wright , seconded by Councilman Chuck Wible to table this item. Vote was as follows : Mayor Akin , in favor; Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , in favor ; Councilman Wible in favor ; Councilman Martin , in favor; Councilman Wright , in favor ; Councilwoman Stemple , in favor ; Councilman Simmons , in favor . Motion was made to adjourn the meeting , with all in favor . John W. Akin , Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary AO MINUTES - CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF WYLIE 9 :30 AM SATURDAY, JULY 14 , 1990 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in called session on Saturday, July 14 , 1990 at 9 : 30 AM in the Council Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor John W. Akin, Mayor Pro Tem, Don Hughes , and Councilmembers Percy Simmons , William Martin, Steve Wright , Chuck Wible and Patricia Stemple. Also present were Don White, Public Works Supervisor; Paul Beaver , City Engineer ; Carolyn Jones , City Secretary and Terry McMillan,Engineer . The meeting was called to order by Mayor John Akin. CONSIDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR REHAB AND REPAINTING OF ELEVATED TANK. Don White noted that in the bid process , the cost was based on hourly charge and when they got inside the tank, the repairs were more extensive than originally estimated; therefore, more time was required to make the repairs . Terry McMillan. foreman for McMillan Engineers , stated that $10 ,000 had been placed in the bid for the replacement of steel inside the tank. Don White noted that $50 ,000 had been budgeted for these repairs and repainting . Councilmembers voiced their opinion of not being apprised of the changes before receiving the change order and additional charges . Percy Simmons also asked about citizen cars damaged by paint over-spray. Don White said he had received a letter that states all cars will be taken care of . A motion was made by Councilman Steve Wright to approve the change order in the amount of $7240 .00 . Motion seconded by Chuck Wible. Vote was as follows : Mayor Akin , in favor ; Mayor Pro Tem Hughes, in favor; Councilman Wible, in favor ; Councilman Martin , in favor ; Councilwoman Stemple, in favor; Councilman Simmons , in favor . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PAYMENT REQUEST FROM WATER TANK SERVICE FOR $27 ,432 .00 . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Don Hughes , seconded by Councilman William Martin , to approve payment to Water Tank Service of $27 ,432 .00 for services rendered . Vote as follows : Mayor Akin , in favor; Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , in favor; Councilman Wright , in favor; Councilman Simmons , in favor ; Councilman Martin , in favor , Counciwoman Stemple, in favor; Councilman Wible, in favor . APPROVAL OF RESOLUTUION REQUESTING SUPPORT FROM COLLIN COUNTY FOR BROWN ST AND MCCREARY ROAD. Mayor Akin stated that his overview of these funds and the streets involved was to reduce E. Brown from four lanes to 2 lanes and leave enough money for McCreary Road . He also noted that the resolution must go before the County Commissioners . Councilman Simmons asked how much was paid for easements . The City Secretary stated that as she remembered it , it was $10 ,000 for Kreymers ; $7000 for Bill Kreymer and $2000 or $3000 to Estelle Kreymer . Mayor Akin stated that McCreary Road would cost a total of $678 ,384 and East Brown at four lanes would cost $506 ,000 . The railroad crossing at McCreary would cost $140 ,000 . Councilman Wright asked what would come up with the Branch Peninsula . Mr . Wright noted that the last time we went to Commissioner' s Court , they wanted to include the Branch Peninsula in the discussion. Mayor Akin stated that he had advised the Commissioner' s Court that the City would be willing to discuss this subject . ( 1 Councilman Wright asked how much money the City lost on the McCreary Railroad Crossing lawsuit . Mayor Akin advised that it had been a three way split of approximately $60 ,000 . each. Councilman Wright stated that the City might need to delay until we hear back from Collin County regarding the cost of two lanes for East Brown and the results of the check of the base of McCreary Road . Mayor Akin said he felt that further delays would only result in not getting anything done on either road . Motion was made by Councilwoman Patricia Stemple to approve the resolution, second by Councilman Percy Simmons . Vote as follows : Mayor Akin , in favor ; Mayor Pro Tem Hughes , in favor; Councilman Martin , in favor ; Councilman Wright , in favor; Councilwoman Stemple; Councilman Simmons , in favor; Councilman Wible, in favor . Mayor Akin recessed the open meeting and at 10 : 17 AM, Mayor Akin convened the City Council of Wylie into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S . , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - Interview three individuals for position of City Manager . City Council was reconvened into open meeting at 1 : 10 PM by Mayor John Akin . Councilman Wright asked if the Council needs to receive change orders for approval prior to the actual work being done . Mayor Akin stated that there are times when there is an emergency and informing the Council would delay the work being done . Councilman Martin said he feels that an emergency meeting could be called and advise the Council of the need for a change . Consensus - that councilmembers be called immediately prior to a change being made in emergency situations . Motion was made with all in favor to adjourn . John Akin , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / 2/ PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNE 27, 1990 The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in special session Wednesday, June 27, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb, Board Members Bryan Glenn, B. J . Upshaw, Charles Stetler, and John Burns, Director of Public Works/Engineer Paul Beaver, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members Ronald Braswell and Karen Cain were absent, as well as Ex-official Member Joe Helmberger. Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 6TH AND JUNE 13TH MEETING MINUTES: There being no additions, deletions, or corrections motion was made by Bryan Glenn to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion was seconded by B. J. Upshaw, motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION, PREPARATION, AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE A FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE PARK SYSTEM: Don White suggested that the Board consider requesting a consulting firm to devise a park system plan. The Board requested that a presentation be made at the next meeting. There was some discussion of acquiring East Fork Park from the Corp of Engineers. John Burns said, I think we should concentrate on a five year plan of what we have now, not on what park we may or may not get, and later deal with additional parks, if we get them. John Burns said, I think the first thing we need to do is have a feasibility study and have consultants come in. We are trying to crowd things into Community Park. Paul Beaver said, there are several sources available to have a study done, Universities and small companies that can come in and do a pretty good job. Mr. Beaver added that the cost of a study would be approximately $10, 000.00. John Burns said, a study will also address other issues like beautification, open space, etc. /3 John Burns said, I think for year number one of the plan we should put in additional picnic tables and grills at Community Park, a new playground at Kirby Park, one additional restroom facility for Community Park, and lighting for the soccer fields. B. J. Upshaw said, can' t we put in temporary lighting at the soccer fields, permanent lighting is so expensive, and W. S. A. has the funds for temporary lighting, I feel like we need an additional restroom worse. There was some discussion of planting trees at each picnic area to provide shade for users, and in order to provide water to the trees either extend . the sprinkler system or move the picnic areas in towards the existing system. After some discussion the board agreed on six capital improvement items for fiscal year 90/91., John Burns motioned to recommend to City Council that they consider approval of budget allowances for the following capital improvements, in priority order: • 1 . Feasibility study. ' 2. Additional restroom facility at Community Park. 3. Kirby Park playground improvements. 4. Community Park picnic area additions. 5. Jogging Trail at Community Park. 6. Plant trees at each picnic site in Community Park. Motion was seconded by B. J . Upshaw. Motion carried with all in favor. Don White asked the Board if this recommendation was to be put on City Council ' s Agenda or if it was to be presented at the budget sessions. The Board agreed to have a staff representative make the request during budget sessions. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY SOCCER FIELDS AT COMMUNITY PARK: B. J . Upshaw distributed field plan copies to all those present. Paul Beaver said that we may have to have the gas pipeline, that runs through the park, moved due to possible violation of D. O. T. codes, and that he would check into it. B. J. Upshaw said, we are trying to locate all of the fields in the same general area for convenience to players and parents. Charles Stetler motioned to recommend to City Council to approve the construction of the temporary soccer fields, as indicated on the plans, at Community Park. Motion was seconded by John Burns, and carried with all in favor. B. J . Upshaw agreed to present the proposal to City Council . PARK FEST 1990 STATUS REPORT: Bryan Glenn said, I need a list from each of you of how many volunteers you need. I have plenty of people ready to do volunteer work. B. J . Upshaw said, Patty Flint wants to use our same logo on the 10K run t-shirts. Joanie Zeeb showed a sample t-shirt that Cartwright signs had designed and printed, and said that a four color 'print on white t-shirt would cost $4. 30 each. She added that we would probably sell alot more using four colors. The board decided that a logo was needed by at least mid August. Bryan Glenn said, a design the logo contest is a good idea but involves alot of time. Joanie Zeeb said Morris Cartwright had a couple of logo ideas in mind. John Burns suggested having Mr. Cartwright subilit a few ideas at the next meeting. • Charles Stetler said, the Plano Guide offers free advertising as a public' service and the Dallas Times Herald has an activity guide that is also free. Bryan Glenn said that we may even get free advertising from some radio stations. B. J . Upshaw said that Patty Flint was looking for 10K run route suggestions. She was considering starting at Community Park and proceeding east on Stone Road. JUBILEE WEEK CONCESSION FUNDRAISER STATUS REPORT: Joe Helmberger is in charge of the event. He was not present at the meeting, therefore there was no discussion. GENERAL DISCUSSION: There was some discussion of the ordinance requiring developers to donate either park land or money. The Board requested that the zoning map be available for review at the next meeting. John Burns requested the minutes to read that he was dissatisfied due to lack of communication regarding the joint meeting with W. S. A. , City Council , and Park & Recreation Board. He was under the impression that all boards would be discussing and negotiating the matter of the W. S. A. /City of Wylie agreement. John Burns said, I think we would have been better prepared if we knew the true agenda plans, we were under the impression of something else. He added, the agenda did not clarify the discussion, and my complaint is with the process. John Burns agreed that the mooting was a goad idea and that maybe it should happen more of ten. 165' ADJOURN: There being no other matters for discussion motion was made to adjourn, with all in favor. Joanie Zeeb, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Lisa . Keith, Secretary • • /4 PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES JULY 16, 1990 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7: 00 p. m. on Monday, July 16, 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice Chairman Bart F'eddicord, Members Bob Skipwith, Jim Ferguson, Cecelia Wood, Bobby Jennings and Richard Eckman. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Ed Richie and Secretary Sandy Stevens. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JUNE 18, 1990 PLANNING_ AND ZONING MEETING. Vice Chairman Bart F'eddicord stated that on page 4, the second sentence in the sixth paragraph should read, "He also told Mr. Faires that an old tire had been in a hole in the parking lot owned by the Ladylike Shop on Ballard St. for quite some time and that it looked terrible" . Bobby Jennings made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Bob Skipwith seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. ELECT CHAIRMAN FOR PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Vice Chairman Bart F'eddi cord explained that it is mandatory for the Planning and Zoning Commission to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman on the first meeting in July. Bob Skipwith nominated Bart Peddicord for the position of Chairman. Bobby Jennings seconded the motion. Cecelia Wood made a motion for nomination to cease. Motion carried unanimously for Bart Peddi cord to be elected Chairman of Planning and Zoning Commission for the ensuing year. Bobby Jennings nominated Cecelia Wood for the position of • Vice Chairman. Jim Ferguson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor for Cecelia Wood to be elected Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AT •301 N. BALLARD, LOTS 13, 14, 15, BLOCK 3- OF THE BROWN & BURNS ADDITION. Chairman F'eddicord asked speakers not to debate whether it was right or wrong for the Kreymer house to be redone as it has been. He added that they were there to conduct a public hearing on a specific use permit and that is all . Chairman Peddicord added that 22 letters were mailed out, 14 were returned, with 9 in favor and 5 against the Specific Use Permit. Chairman Peddicord asked for anyone wishing to speak in favor of the Specific Use Permit to step forward and state their name and address. Bill Lewis stated that he lives in Garland and is Executive Director for the Birmingham Land Board Trust. He said he is representing them in asking for the Specific Use Permit. He said that people in the area of the house are afraid of a zoning change because if the house is sold the new zoning would still be in effect. Therefore, he added that they are asking for a Specific Use Permit and then if they should ever sell it, the property would return to Residential . Mr. Lewis said they want to be good neighbors and intend to move their offices in immediately upon receiving zoning. He added that he was happy to see that over 50% of the letters were returned and of the return, 62% were in favor of the zoning. Bobby Jennings asked Mr. Richie if the new zoning, Professional Offices, would require a fence between the adjoining property of a different zoning classification. Mr. Richie stated that with a Specific Use Permit it does, as with any other Retail category, and without a Specific Use Permit, it requires a fence with the Special Use, that is at this board' s discretion. Mr. Jennings asked what type of fence it requires. Mr. Richie answered the same as Retail , a 6' sight bearing fence. Mr. Jennings asked Mr. Lewis if he had a problem with the fence requirement. Mr. Lewis stated that he thought the neighbors would have a problem with it because it would be unsightly. Bob Skipwith asked if the Specific Use Permit could be set up for a specific amount of time. Chairman Peddicord answered that it could be set up for a period of 1 year or more. Mr. Skipwith added that if it didn' t work out after that period of time they would not have to renew the permit. Mr. Jim Ferguson commented that this board and the Council went through a lot to produce a Professional Office use classification and asked Mr. Lewis if what he wants to do would fit into that zone. Mr. Lewis said he would prefer that but he understands the neighbors fear of what may happen if they leave and the zone remains. He said they fear who may move in. Mr. Skipwith said he feels it is better to have the Specific Use Permit because if the house were ever sold or destroyed, it would return to Single Family, but a new zone would be permanent. Mr. Ferguson replied that if the Specific Use Permit expires, there would be no way for the house to go back to Residential due to the cost. Chairman Peddicord said that with one year behind us the neighborhood will find out that the use isn' t so bad and then the Land Board can apply for rezoning. Vice Chairman Cecelia Wood asked Mr. Lewis what he has in mind for the house. Mr. Lewis said they plan to occupy the building with their offices and hold meetings there. Vice Chairman Wood asked Mr. Lewis to define Receptions and Special Occasions. She also asked if they would be a rental facility for such things. He replied he did not think so because it isn' t the Land Board' s business. Mr. Ferguson commented that the uses are better defined under the Professional Office ordinance, especially for the * - neighborhood. Mr. Jennings added that a lot of businesses were left out of the Professional Office zone because the Planning and Zoning Board felt they were too high impact for a Residential neighborhood. He added that to grant a Special Use Permit and discover that gatherings, falling under special occasions and gatherings, that would be disruptive to the neighborhood, were occurring in the evenings, would violate the intent that the Board had had in the Professional Office classification. Mr. Lewis stated that he did not anticipate that taking place and that Residential has more elasticity than the Specific Use. Mr. Ferguson replied that the Board has to look at the perimeters of what the zoning says can be done and if it includes special occasions and gatherings, what that encompasses and it' s impact on the neighborhood. Mr. Lewis said that November, 1990 is the 50th anniversary of the Trust and the Land Board would like to hold Open House, give awards to people who have served on the Board in the past and hang a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Birmingham over the mantle at that time. Mr. Ferguson said the neighbors would probably not have a problem with that , but the Planning and Zoning Board could not issue a Specific Use Permit allowing just the one Special Occasion. Mr. Lewis commented that he' d have alot more leeway if he moved into the house as Residential and opened an office in the back. Mr. Ferguson informed him that that was against the zoning also. He added that it should be approached as a Special Use facility. Mr. Lewis stated that is what he would be asking for if he thought it would pass. r � � Chairman Peddicord asked for anyone present to speak against the Specific Use Permit to step forward. Mr. James L. Parker stated that he lives at 306 N. Ballard. He said he is protesting the issuing of a Specific Use zoning to the Land Board Trust. He said that it would give them the same thing they were asking for in the first two zoning requests. Mr. Parker added that it means to him that they believe they are special enough to eventually get the zoning they need to occupy the house with their offices. He said that he understood the house was to be an investment only and if they were granted the zoning they could spend another couple hundred thousand dollars more, converting it all into offices. He added that by doing this they might be able to show a profit about the time that pigs start to fly. Mr. Parker said to let the property remain Residential . Vice Chairman Wood asked Mr. Parker if they had a Special Use Permit limiting it only to have offices and meetings for � the Birmingham Trust would he consider it okay. Mr. Parker replied no. Mrs. Rita Smith stated that she lives at 401 N. Ballard. Mrs. Smith added that at the first Council meeting the residents present were given an opportunity to speak their opposition to the zoning change, but at the second Council meeting the item was stricken from the agenda that night and the residents were never advised by the Council or Land Board that it had been removed. She stated that they are opposed to any zone change that would alter the Single Family designation. Mrs. Smith said it should not be the Zoning Board' s responsibility to change the Zoning for the Land Board' s convenience. She added that the Zoning Board has no legal or moral reason to rescue the Land Board from this predicament. She said that offices, parties and receptions would only add to the traffic problem. Mrs. Smith stated that she feels sufficient reason to change the zone has not been shown and she hopes the Zoning Board will vote no to this request. ^ Vice Chairman Wood explained that the request is for a Special Use Permit, not a zoning change. She asked Mrs. Smith how she would feel about a Specific Use Permit to be used only for the employees and trustees. Mrs. Smith replied she prefers it remains Residential and they could have an office in the home. Chairman Peddicord explained that you cannot have an office in a home and advertise it as such. Mr. Jennings stated that across the corner from Mrs. Smith' s property is Multi-Family zoning and he fails to see how Specific Use and Professional Offices could be any more of an impact than a Multi-Family dwelling. Mr. Jennings assured Mrs. Smith that the Board felt the same way she does initially. He added that they had painstakingly reviewed it very closely and every vote was very difficult in trying to do what is best for the citizens of Wylie. Mrs. Smith stated that she appreciates this and the efforts the Zoning Board has made, but as a matter of her own personal conviction she would keep it as Residential . Mrs. Marie Dillehay stated that she lives next door to that place. She said that she has contacted all of the Land Board members and asked them to meet her over there but not one ever showed up. She also said that due to the sprinklers, water has ran over into her garage causing the paint to peel . Mr. Jennings asked Mr. Lewis if he has ever spoken to Mrs. Dillehay about this problem. Mr. Lewis answered that he has spoken to her several times. He added that the sprinkler system is being fixed so it won' t run water into her garage. Mr. Lewis said there is a 4' ditch between the properties. Mrs. Dillehay said that when the ditch can' t hold the overflow it runs into her yard. Chairman Peddicord stated that the problem will be there regardless how the property is zoned. Vice Chairman Wood asked Mrs. Dillehay how she feels about letting the Land Board have just their meetings and offices at the house. Mrs. Dillehay replied as long as everything is quiet. She added that when Chuck Trimble was Mayor he told her he would raise her garage but it was never done. Mrs. Dillehay stated that in the last 37 years there had never been any water in her garage and now the water has ruined her foundation on that side and caused her siding to buckle. Mrs. Frances Stevens said she lives at 302 N. Ballard. She states that she has no problem with the Birmingham Land Trust house. She added that she feels the City of Wylie owes the Birmingham family some kind of memorial . Mrs. Stevens said she has a 19 space parking lot that they are welcome to use if they need to. She commented that this area is downtown Wylie with commercial all around them. Mr. Bob Skipwith asked Mrs. Stevens exactly where she lives. Mrs. Stevens said she has lived directly across the street from the house for 15 years. Chairman Peddicord closed the Public Hearing. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AT 301 N. BALLARD, LOTS 13, 14, 15, BLOCK 3 OF THE BROWN & BURNS - ADDITION. Chairman Peddicord said that the Public Hearing announcement states that the Specific Uses are office space, meetings, receptions, special occasion gatherings and if for any reason this property is sold, the property will revert back to Single Family. He added that the Board can issue a Special Use Permit for any length of time, normally 12-18 months. Vice Chairman Wood expressed concern over the differing requests, letters mailed out to the people said the request was for a Special Use Permit, but the application stated it was for rezoning instead of Special Use and Development. Chairman Peddicord pointed out that the application had been changed to Special Use per Mayor Akin. He asked Mr. Lewis if this was changed with his permission. Mr. Lewis agreed. Mr. Richie explained that the Professional Office is less restrictive than Residential and can always be made more restrictive at a Public Hearing, which it would be if used as Residential with a Specific Use Permit. Mr. Skipwith commented that this Committee has put a number of hours into this, the residents around the property have come out and voiced their opinions and Mr. Lewis and the Land Board have been tied up waiting for a decision several months. He added that he hoped both sides would understand whatever decision was reached. Mr. Skipwith added that his concern is still with the residents, but he feels the Special Use Permit is something they would still have control over and it also wouldn' t be permanent. He assured the neighbors that Chairman Peddicord would keep a close watch on it. Mr. Skipwith added that he feels the Special Use is the lesser of the evils. Mr. Skipwith advised Mrs. Dillehay to go to Public Works to try to get the drainage problems straightened out. Mr. Jim Ferguson said that the members of the Board have to be faced with what' s been done with the neighborhood and what' s been done with that facility. He added that one thing that creates a problem with him is that in the interest of creating a harmony, the Board came up with a Professional Office zoning and he feels that' s what it should be. He stated that there is no way it can ever be sold as a residence for that much money. Mr. Ferguson said that from his standpoint and on behalf of the community and the money that has already been spent from the Land Board and the students, the best thing to do is to put the money that has been spent to its best use which is a Professional Office facility because that limits the use of the property and limits the activity that can take place in the neighborhood. He added that there will be differences between the direct neighbors and the owners of the home, but that is not the concern of this Board. Mr. Ferguson said the concern of this Board is to do what is right for the property and neighborhood. In reference to the change in request from Professional Office to Specific Use, he stated that he feels it is ridiculous for the City Council to dictate what should be presented to this Board. He added that there may have been a lack of information provided, but in the Board' s endeavor to do what is right for everyone involved they have gotten all the information out. Mr. Ferguson said he cannot understand how this Board can be ignored after all the work they have done. He stated that in the best interest of the neighborhood and the property, he would vote for the Specific Use Permit even though he feels it is ridiculous. Vice Chairman Wood reminded everybody that the Board is not concerned with the finances of anyone who comes before them. She added that the decision is based on what is right, not what is financially best for the person making the request. Vice Chairman Wood stated that she has a problem voting for anything that a resident is against. She said she has a problem with the receptions and special occasion gatherings. She added that if this is to be a Specific Use, it should state for meetings and offices exclusively for employees and members of the Land Board. Vice Chairman Wood said it should be voted on with prejudice so it cannot come before the Board for another year. Mr. Bobby Jennings stated the reason this issue is still before this Board is because they are concerned about the neighbors. He said he does have a problem when a neighbor opposes a zoning because he respects their rights as landowners in the neighborhood. Mr. Jennings stated that he feels with this particular piece of property some political feelings became involved. He said that whether or not the Land Board made a right or wrong decision is not for the Board to say. He added that he' s disappointed that it is before them as a Specific Use because the Board had worked so hard on creating a Professional Office category, not only for them but also for others to help Wylie grow. Mr. Jennings stated that he believes it is a concession on Mr. Lewis' part and maybe to appease some of the neighbors in hopes that they would stand behind him when it was reviewed in a year. He added he would do what he feels is right for the citizens. Mr. Richard Eckman also expressed his disappointment that the Professional Offices was not used for this facility. He added that it is a good ordinance to protect the citizens in the erea. He stated that with the Special Use, he has a problem with receptions and the impact to the area during the reception. Chairman Peddicord commented that the Special Use Permit would give this Board and the Council an opportunity to review any problems that arise from it. c�3 Mr. Skipwith asked if they could put time limits on the permit. Chairman Peddicord answered not at this time because it was only presented as a Public Hearing with what they were asking for. Mr. Ferguson asked if they could ask for certain restrictions even though it had been publicized. Mr. Richie replied they could as long as it is more restrictive. Mr. Skipwith asked Mr. Lewis if he were considering having late receptions. Mr. Lewis stated no, but he doesn' t want it so restrictive that they can' t use the facility. Mr. Jennings asked Mr. Lewis if he was unhappy with the Professional Office ordinance and why he decided to go with the Specific Use. Mr. Lewis answered that he chose the Specific Use Permit because of the relinquishment of the zone if they ever moved out, the neighbors would be happier. Mr. Jennings replied that was why they made the Professional ' Office zone because it was more restrictive. He added that he has no problem with a meeting of 10-15 people until 11 : 00 -12: 00 at night because it would not be disruptive, but Cecelia' s concern is that a wedding reception would be rowdy to the neighborhood and that is not the intent of the Board. He added that should that ever happen another permit would not be issued. Mr. Ferguson stated that a Professional Office zoning would have better served the neighborhood than the Specific Use because the Specific Use would not limit it to that. Mr. Skipwith said the good thing about Specific Use is it can be limited. Mr. Ferguson replied that the Professional Office is already limited. Mr. Ferguson made a motion for recommendation to City Council for approval of a Specific Use Permit for specific uses at 301 N. Ballard, Lots IS, 14, 15, Block 3 of the Brown & Burns Addition for 12 months without Council intervention. Mr. Skipwith seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 votes in favor and 1 vote by Vice Chairman Wood against. Chairman Peddicord thanked everyone who attended the meeting. DISCUSSION. Mr. Ferguson announced that this would be his last meeting. He explained that he has accepted a new position in Pennsylvania. He said he will miss the position on this Board because it has been quite fulfilling and interesting. He thanked all members of the Planning and Zoning Board for their time, effort and guidance. Mr. Ferguson also thanked Mr. Faires, commenting he is now in the Southland, for his assistance. He also stated his family will miss the town. Vice Chairman Wood said she is one of many to wish Mr. Ferguson a fond adieu. She added that Wylie has been better for him being here and giving of his time to the community. Vice Chairman Wood stated that she has enjoyed being on P & Z with him and disagreeing with him. She also thanked everyone for attending the meeting and asked that they come again just to see what the Board is doing. Mr. Jennings thanked the citizens and said he hoped they could see that the Board was concerned over their well- being. Mr. Jennings stated that Mr. Espinoza` s trailer is still on FM 544 with the sand and gravel . He said that he hasn' t been before the Board to request a Special Use Permit. He stated that Mr. Espinoza has been denied water and telephone service. Mr. Jennings said he doesn' t oppose the business ' being there, but Mr. Espinoza seems to be thumbing his nose .at this Board and the city. Mr. Jennings said he was upset because they had spent alot of time drafting a Professional Office classification, it had been approved by the City Council and in the first meeting with a candidate for the zoning, they don' t have a copy of the ordinance. He stated he would like to have a copy for his book. Mr. Jennings stated that it has been a pleasure to work with Mr. Ferguson. Mr. Richard Eckman thanked the citizens for showing up. He wished Mr. Ferguson good luck in his new endeavors. Mr. Eckman suggested meeting the applicants for the Planning & Zoning Board and have a question and answer time between them. Chairman Peddicord thanked the Board for putting their faith in him and stated that he is retired and has the time to put into it. Mr. Ferguson made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Eckman seconded. Motion carried with all in favor. Bart Peddicord, Chairman - Respectfully submitted, Sandy Stevens, Secretary EAST FORK PARK 1989 -1990 page 1 EXPENSES SERVICE _ CONTRACTS 1990 gate attendant $10, 442. 65 park mowing $3, 771. 90 facility mowing $3 , 554. 75 subtotal $17 , 769. 30 OPERATION AND TESTING waste treatment $7, 933. 20 facility cleaning $8, 042. 37 trash removal $6 , 935. 00 subtotal $22, 910 . 57 UTILITIES 1989 telephone $619. 82 electricity $9 , 327. 85 water $3,150. 00 GENERAL REPAIRS $17, 491. 81 subtotal $30, 589 . 48 1990 TOTAL EXPENSES $71, 269. 35 VISITATION 19898 REVENUE vehicles 52, 280 $180 , 366 . 00 * IF each visitor hours 779, 494 had paid $2 . CAMPING $29,194. 00 see below TOTAL POTENTIAL REVENUE $209,560. 00 minus expenses $71, 269. 35 NET PROFIT (POTENTIAL) $138, 290. 65 * FORMULA: Each car contains 2. 3 people, 75% of the cars are customers (other service and Corp vehicles ) 52280 X . 75 = 39210 . This X 2 . 3 = 90,183 X $2 = $180 , 366. 00 page 2 EAST FORK PARK WITH MINIMAL IMPROVEMENTS ADD ONLY SAND AND CONCESSIONS REVENUE in park at Revenue Total number per one time visitors VISITATION per period day devide by 4 times $2 JUNE, JULY, AUGUST 70, 000 778 195 $140 , 000. 00 90 DAYS MAY, SEPT, & OCT 30 , 000 333 84 $60 , 000. 00 90 DAYS NOVEMBER - APRIL 20 ,000 112 28 $40 , 000. 00 180 DAYS Total visitor revenue $240, 000. 00 ADDITIONAL REVENUE CONCESSIONS $30 , 000. 00 CAMPERS $70 , 000. 00 SV TOTAL REVENUE $340 , 000.00 44 EXPENSES BUILDING COSTS $92, 000 . 00 SAND $100, 000. 00 $192 , 000.00 BUILDING COSTS, CAPITAL EXPENSES, 2 YEARS @ 12% YEARLY COST $108 , 447. 28 BOND OR LOAN EXPENSES 1990+ $75,000.00 LOAN $108 , 447. 28 NEW EMPLOYEES $60 , 000. 00 TOTAL EXPENSES $243,447. 28 TOTAL REVENUE $340, 000. 00 TOTAL EXPENSES $243, 447. 28 NET PROFIT $96 , 552. 72 page 3 PROJECTED IMPROVEMNETS, EAST FORK FARK IMPROVEMENTS capital expenses yearly total Total expenses extra expenses activity revenue employees non-employee expenses PARK PLAN $20, 000. 00 SAND ON BEACH $100, 000. 00 REGISTRATION, STORE $62, 000. 00 $12, 000. 00 $15,000. 00 $27,000. 00 $25,000. 00 CONCESSION STAND $30,000. 00 $6 , 000. 00 $75, 000. 00 $81, 000. 00 $111,000. 00 TENNIS COURTS ( 20) $300, 000. 00 $25,000. 00 $25,000. 00 $90, 000. 00 LESSONS AND TOURNAMENTS $10 , 000. 00 $10, 000. 00 $30,000. 00 SOCCER FIELDS, ROAD $22, 000. 00 FIELD AND LIGHTS , WSA SAIL BOAT & BOARD RENTAL $125, 000. 00 $8 , 000.00 $20, 000. 00 $28 ,000 . 00 $90, 000. 00 LESSONS AND REGATTAS $10, 000. 00 $10 ,000 . 00 $30 , 000. 00 C>c) PLAYGROUND $10, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00 happpy parents RENTAL HORSES, includes $80 , 000. 00 $10, 000. 00 $$5, 000. 00 $20 , 000. 00 $125, 000. 00 shelter , fencing, horses,tack , etc JOGGING, EXERCISE TRAIL $65, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00 $10 , 000. 00 IMPROVE HIKING, RIDING TRAIL, PICNIC AREAS $50 ,000. 00 $5, 000. 00 $5 , 000. 00 $20,000. 00 CATFISH POND $40,000. 00 $8, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00 $13, 000. 00 $8 , 000. 00 DAY CAMP $30, 000. 00 $75,000. 00 CLEAN UP ABD SUPERVISION $40, 000. 00 $10, 000. 00 $50, 000. 00 Total capital expenses $904, 000. 00 Yearly activity expense $354, 000. 00 $539,000. 00 ADDITIONAL REVENUE general admission, 120, 000 people per year camping $240, 000. 00 (Potential camping @ $12/day, $219, 000) $90, 000. 00 Total income $869, 000. 00 page 4 EXPENSES, EAST FORK PARK FIVE YEAR PLAN Loan for capital improvements at 12% for 5 years, $241, 307. 77 $241 , 307. 77 Park director $45, 000. 00 gate attendants $20, 000.00 mowing $10, 000.00 waste treatment $9, 000. 00 facility cleaning $10, 000. 00 trash pick-up $10 , 000. 00 telephone $4, 000. 00 electricity $20, 000. 00 water $20, 000. 00 Truck and gas $34,000. 00 Repairs $50,000. 00 Sub total Ttoal basis espenses $473,307. 77 expenses from pp3 Special expenses (see pp 3) $304, 000. 00 Total expenses $777, 307. 77 Total revenue, see pp3 $869,000. 00 Total expenses $777, 307. 77 Net profit $91,692. 23 Also project yearly passes will be available, perhaps less expensive for Wylie residents, special passes for sparts events??? When at the park I talked to the visitors and none were from Wylie, ALL told me they would gladly return and pay $2 each, If the park were upsgaded. All extra money will go to machinery, more sand, improvements, repairs, employees, hot showers and washing machines for campers. � y //8T,ti 7sem /C.we- iYer-KeY-,4 4v4e7e- e7„4•27 ,i/e A Qp�r .<s .c-, ra-T7� 4deed_ p/-44— Afe,if.f.‘&/-5- /4/41/. Aers- 1te r 4 c" �/ �r ai a.ts' 1/cr1-r' a� %4 ,:pd/ ir;j � 1 /<.4 4/72- /10/-ee.e2. -r- `3 a BOARD MEMBER APPOINTMENTS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION There are three vacancies all of the terms expire in July 1990 . All persons whose term is up have requested to be replaced at this time. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD There are two vacancies all of the terms expire in July, 1990 . One of which is Mr . B. J . Upshaw, and he has requested to serve another term if Council so chooses . Mr . Braswell has resigned from this board. LIBRARY BOARD There are four vacancies, all of the terms expire in July, 1990 . One of the members , Mrs . Mary Jo Smith, wishes to stay on the board if Council so chooses . Mrs . Betty Stephens has not responded to my letter as of this date. Mrs . Rita Smith has resigned and Mrs . Wiggins has resigned. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS There are four vacancies, three of the terms expire in July, 1990 , and an alternate term will expire in July, 1991 . Mr . Cleo Adams wishes to stay on the board another term if Council so chooses. Mr . Harris and Mr . Gooding have not responded to my letter as of this date. d/ ***************************************************************************O**BOX** **PHONE** **WK. PHONE**DATE*APPT***TERM*EXP*** BOARD & TITLE NAME SPOUSE ADDRESS ******************************************************************************************************************************** CITY COUNCIL 4 2-5091 MAY 90 MAY MAYOR JOHN W. AKIN PAULINE 303 N. KEEFER 903 4 2 5091 y/S ��jG y 89 Y 912 COUNCIL PL. #1 Chtc+r AO /30/ CC/yiij``».t;�� i 442-5328 MAY COUNCIL PL. #2 WILLIAM MARTIN ANN 402 HILLTOP ST. 175 442-7039 238-8861 MAY 890 MAY 912 COUNCIL PL. #3 STEVE WRIGHT 406 E. STONE 90 MAY 92 COUNCIL PL. #4 DON HUGHES GENENE 408 HILLTOP 29 442-442-11 6 66 62 442-3131 MAY MAY 9 MAY 91 COUNCIL PL. #5 PATRICIA STEMPLE 168 CHRISTOPHER CRSG COUNCIL PL. #6 PERCY SIMMONS GRACIE 200 RUSH CREEK 442-3629 442-3595 MAY 90 MAY 92 PLANNING & ZONING CHAIRMANJULY JULY 9 17 BRIAN CHANEY SHERRY 306 BRIARWOOD 1075 442-6458 288-7532 JULY 876 JULY 910 N VICE CHAIRMAN BART PEDDICORD BETTY 104 DOUGLAS DR. 442-3723 JIM FERGUSON 115 N. WINDING OAKS 442-7377 596-5310 MARCH 89 JULY 90 '' MEMBER MEMBER BOB SKIPWITH 315 HILLTOP LN. 442-5782 JULY 88 JULY 90/1/19 442-3276 OCT. 89 JULY 91 RICHARD ECKMAN 427 GASTON DR. NORTHc13 JUNE 89 JULY 91 MEMBER BOBBY J. JENNINGS BARBARA 501 GASTON DR. NORTH 442-0102 JULY 87 JULY 91 MEMBER 515 WOODHOLLOW DR. 638 442-5144 MEMBER CECILIA WOOD tjj PARKS & RECREATION CHAIRMAN JOANIE ZEEB 607 VALENTINE 282 442-7068 JULY 87 JULY 91MEMBER RONALD BRASWELL 511 GASTON DR. EAST 442-1368 MARCH 90 JULY 90 N 400 W. MARBLE 442-7035 442-7508 MAY 90 JULY 91 MEMBER KAREN CAI MEMBER B. J. UPSHAW 101 N. FIRST 442-6220 NOV. 89 JULY 90q'$MEMBER JOHN BURNS 505 STONEYBROOK 442-1943 942-2340 MAY 90 JULY 92 JULY 89 JULY 912 1205 SHEPPARD 442-3760 MEMBER BRYAN T. GLENN 442-2515 MAY 90 JULY 92 MEMBER CHARLES STETLER 1110 HUGHES CT. ZONE BOARD OF ADJ.CHAIRMAN ART HARRIS 324 S. FIRST 442-3704 JULY 88 JULY 90 442-2589 DULY 88 JULY 90 VICE CHAIRMAN CLEO ADAMS JOANNE 403 DUNCANWAY 442-2589 JUL 88 JULY 91MEMMEMBERBER SUE ELLEN NEAL DAVID 509 GRAHAM LN. 442-6582 234-7457 JULY 88 JULY 91 MEMBER GERALD CLARK JOAN 505 QUAIL CREEK JULY 88 JULY 91 625 STONEYBROOK 442-3389 MEMBER G. W. GOODING JULY 91 ALTERNATE VACANT 203 LIBERTY DR. 442-3276 JULY 89 JULY 91 ALTERNATE FRED B. BENNETT ******************************************************************************************************************************** BOARD & TITLE NAME SPOUSE ADDRESS P.O. BOX HM. PHONE WK. PHONE DATE APPT. TERM EXP. ******************************************************************************************************************************** CONSTRUCTION CODE CHAIRMAN KEVIN ST. JOHN PAM 304 BRIARWOOD 442-1041 442-3544 JULY 88 JULY 90 MEMBER JOHN SEELEY 600 VALENTINE 372 442-3898 680-0602 JULY 88 JULY 90 MEMBER FRANK SPINGOLA MARY LOU RUSTIC PL. 442-6909 JULY 88 JULY 90 MEMBER RAYMOND SWEENEY 101 RUSHCREEK DR. 442-1469 MARCH 86 JULY 90 MEMBER MIKE WORTHINGTON 113 SPENCE DR. 442-3283 MARCH 86 JULY 89 MEMBER DEREK AMMERMAN JAN 102 FAIRMONT 483 442-6338 442-2242 MYA 87 JULY 89 MEMBER MARK STAFFORD 418 ELLOIT ST. 442-7206 JULY 87 JULY 89 MEMBER KEVIN ALTIMIER 510 RUSTIC PLACE 442-7397 JULY 88 JULY 89 LIBRARY BOARD CHAIRMAN MARY JO SMITH 406 BRIARWOOD 442-2413 APRIL 83 JULY 90 /eS VICE CHAIRMAN VACANT JULY 90 k MEMBER BETTY STEPHENS DAVID 1006 FOXWOOD LANE 442-1874 442-5444 JULY 88 JULY 90 MEMBER CATHIE UPSHAW 101 N. FIRST 442-6220 NOV. 88 JULY 91 MEMBER RITA SMITH TRUETT 401 N. BALLARD L 442-5705 442-6440 DULY 88 JULY 90/1/0 MEMBER JAN MORGAN 306 DOGWOOD CT. 442-2794 JULY 89 JULY 91 MEMBER BARBARA JENNINGS RICHARD 501 GASTON DR. NORTH 442-0102 JULY 89 JULY 91 CITY STAFF CITY MANAGER CITY SECRETARY CAROLYN JONES GERALD 4 GLEN KNOLL DR. 442-3776 442-2236 MAY 81 DIR PUBLIC WORKS DON WHITE CANDI 300 STONEYBROOK 442-2382 442-7588 MAY 87 FINANCE DIR. JAMES JOHNSON 1404 WYNDHAM 442-5186 442-2236 JULY 85 CODE ENF. OFF. ROY FAIRES RUBY 111 LIBERTY 442-6296 442-2236 DEC. 83 LIBRARY DIR. ROSANNE BURGESS 3432 SACHSE RD. 530-6635 442-7566 NOV. 88 CHIEF OF POLICE JAMES GILMORE PEGGY 123 FAIRMONT 442-5077 442-2222 FEB. 89 CITY ENGINEER MEMORANDUM TO: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director e- --J�t-� RE: Consider Approval of Engagement Agreement for Audit Services for 1989-90 Fiscal Year - Adami , Lindsey and Co. DATE: 07-17-90 John Mares , CPA, of Adami , Lindsey and Company, P. C. of Dallas will be here to answer any questions . Mr. Mares has begun scheduling the company' s fall audit clients and wishes to get the engagement approval by Council so that a tentative date schedule can be set aside for the City. This would be the second year Adami , Lindsey and Co. would be performing the audit for the City. The City took RFP' s (Request for Proposals) for audit services last year and the Council selected Adami , Lindsey and Co. These services , which can be renewed up to a four year term, are to be reviewed on an annual basis . Staff appreciates Mr. Mares , who is a principal at Adami, Lindsey and the other audit team members in their assistance and recommendations in last year' s audit. Furthermore, their follow-up has been very good. It is unknown at this time whether the City will receive it' s Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Governmental Finance Officers Assoc. However, yes or no, staff proposes to send our audit (comprehensive financial report for 1989-90 ) in again for evaluation. 33' • ADAM1, LINDSEY & COMPANY, P.C. 'Yak , � 5757 ALPHA ROAD, SUITE 812 DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 (214)392-2727 DAROLD P.ADAMI JAMES A.LINDSEY JAMES R.BROSOWSKE JOHN F.MARES WILLIAM C.SMOTHERMON,JR. June 12 , 1990 Mr. James Johnson, Finance Director City of Wylie, Texas 2000 Highway 78 N. P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Understanding Of Engagement We are confirming our understanding of the services we are to provide for the City of Wylie, Texas for the year ending September 30, 1990 . We will audit the general purpose financial statements of the City of Wylie, Texas as of and for the year ending September 30, 1990 . Also, we will assist you in preparing any additional information required to submit your Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting in accordance with the terms of our original proposal . Our audit will be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and will include tests of your accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express an unqualified opinion that your balance sheet is fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. If our opinion is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in accounts, tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected customers, creditors, and banks. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our examination, we will also request certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. J6 James Johnson, Director of Finance City of Wylie, Texas June 12 , 1990 Page 2 An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. Also, we will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. However, because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material errors, irregularities, or illegal acts, including fraud or defalcations, may exist and not be detected by us. We will advise you, however, of any matters of that nature that come to our attention. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to any losses that might be incurred during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. We understand that you will provide us with the basic information required for our audit, such as bank reconciliations and lists of accounts receivable and payable, and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their applications and will prepare your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. This responsibility includes the maintenance of adequate records and related controls, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. We understand that your employees will be available to assist us in preparing various workpapers and schedules as noted in your original request for proposal. Our audit is not specifically designed and cannot be relied on to disclose reportable conditions, that is, significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control structure. However, during the audit, if we become aware of such reportable conditions or ways that we believe management practices can be improved, we will communicate them to you in a separate letter. We will meet all of your requested deadlines with regards to delivery of preliminary and final financial statements. Our all inclusive fee for performing the audit of the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, preparing the accompanying management letter, and printing 50 copies of the report will be $15, 250. Our billings will be submitted bi-monthly based on the percentage of work complete versus total estimated work required. Our billings are due on receipt. 3 , James Johnson, Director of Finance City of Wylie, Texas June 12 , 1990 Page 3 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please call me. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return 'it to us. Sincerely, Adami, Lindsey & Company, P. C. ohn Mares This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of the City of Wylie, Texas. Signed Title Date Enclosure A Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants A M July 4 , 1990 City Council City of Wylie Post Office Box 426 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Sirs : The Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants is requesting permission to obtain a permit to set up Carnival Rides in the Oak Center Shopping Center parking lot on Highway 78 on August 20th thru August 26th. The chapter will be sponsoring the rides to help benefit the City of Wylie Ambulance Service (Lifeline) to obtain a second heart monitor for one of their ambulances so that the ambulance service can maintain high level of medical care for the citizens of Wylie. The rides are the Schafer' s 20th Century Ride Show owned and operated by Mrs . W.A. Schafer, 731 Parkwood Drive in Dallas . The Schafer rides are the same rides that the Garland Jaycees have used for 30 years at their annual Labor Day Jubilee. If you have any questions or comments, you may reach me at work at 904-2407 or 272-2052 at home. The rides would be set up on August 19th and starting to operate on August 20th from 6: 00 P.M. to 11 :00 P.M. and being taken down on Sunday night of June llth. The parking lot would be kept clean daily by the Schafer Rides and will be cleanded up when the rides leave. The rides would be set up away from the business area and would not interfere with their parking area. The Garland Chapter has received permission from the Shopping Center owner. Prior to obtaining the permit we will obtain permission from the merchants in the center and will obtain a certificate of insurance for you. The fire lanes will remain open at all times during the rides . V / The Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants is hoping that the Council will see fit to issue a permit to them so that we can give the Wylie community the high level of medical care they need. Sincerely yours, Linda Coen, PMAC, CMA Vice President Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants 726 Twilight Garland, Texas 75040 LLC/ecc ID July 4 , 1990 Tommie Rudethingar 2710 W. FM 544 Wylie, Texas 750098 RE: Carnival Rides Wylie, Texas Oak Center Shopping Center Dear Ms . Rudethingar: In regards to our telephone conversation today about the setting up of carnival rides in the Oak Center Shopping Center, upon a letter of approvel from you I will need this to obtain a permit from the city of Wylie. The Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants is requesting permission to set-up carnival rides with the rides being there from August 20th thru August 26th. Listed below is the information about the set up date for the carnival rides 1 . Set-up date would be August 19th after after 6 : 00 p.m. and starting to operate on August 20th from 6: 00 p.m. until 10 or 11 P.M. 2. Rides would be taken down on Sunday night of August 26th. 3. The parking lot would be kept clean daily by the Schaffer rides and will be cleaned up when the rides leave. 4 . A list of the merchants from the shopping center that agree to allow the carnival rides to set up,will be given to you upon your letter of approvel 5 . Fire lanes will remain open. 6. The carnival will not be down toward the business area of the center, but to the center. The area used is an area that is never used by the merchants or their customers . 7 . Any parking lot damage to be replaced by Schaffer' s Rides have $ 10 , 000 . 00 property damage coverage, however, no holes will be put in the concrete for rides . We can furnish you with a copy of the insurance coverage if necessary. The Schaffer' s Rides also has liability coverage up to $ 1 , 000 , 000 . I hope this information will be helpful in securing your permission in setting up the carnival rides . As our organizations are non-profit, we must depend upon various fund-raising projects such as this. The Medical Assistants will be using their proceeds to help the City of Wylie Ambulance Service (Lifeline) to obtain a second heart monitor for one of their ambulances or to help them purchase an item that is needed to help them offer your community the most outstanding medical care that the citizens of Wylie need. The rides are the Schaffer' s 20th Century Ride Show, owned and operated by Mrs . W.A. Schaffer, 731 Parkwood Drive in Dallas . The Schafer rides are the same rides that the Garland Jaycees have used for many years at their annual Labor Day Jubilee . I myself , have worked with Mrs . Schaffer on many projects during the years and have found them very nice and easy people to work with. The rides will operate as stated above but will operate on Saturdays from 10 : 00 am to 11 : 00 pm depending on the heat. We are looking forward to working with you on this project this year to help the Wylie Community. At any time you may contact me at home at 272-2052 or by my beeper at 817-588-1672 hearing the beep tone and I will return your call immediately or you may contact me at my office during the early mornings from 8: 30 to 10 : 00 am at 904-2470 . Ms . Tudethingar you may contact the following people for references if you would like. The are: Fox Capital Management City of Garland Pat or Mr. Don Barnett Parks and Recreation Dept. 934-0050 Attn: Robbie Wright 494-7100 Skaggs Alpha Beta Tim Patterson 414-1639 Sincerely, Linda Coen, PMAC, CMA President, Garland Chapter of Medical Assistants 726 Twilight Garland, TX 75040 ' ' f' '- 1X tip. �,. -• •L"r ' r;Y y ,.1 a ISSUE DATE(MIA DU YY'1 i ei 'Fi/ f1'' ,} .per , y3,*Y•' '. �i� 3,��`k �i 4���.���7��) i_'i 'O, u, 1• f .'1 , .`,�'F,!S.,�,•..; u . y. ..., �'•• ,�.4�.•e;,.'4'r7 ,-4,:, fits 'i ,.T.'� •PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS HAAS WILKERSON WOHLBERG, INC. DOES NOT EXTEND OR ALTERO THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THEN THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THISIFICATE POLICIES BELOW. AMEND, �7 ' 4300 Shawnee Mission Parkway Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66205 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE LETTER COMPANY A CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY • COMPANY B LETTER INSURED �,' COMPANY C }• SC{"4AF ERf.S a 20TH CENTURY SHOWS f INC LETTER �,�i; 731 PARKWOOD XIALLAS f TEXAS COMPANY D 75 24 LETTER COMPANY 'Y LETTERc i, s ' OVERAGES VE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE THIS INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDINGMAY ISTD CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OREQUF REM ENT, TERM OR CONDRANCE LISTED BELOW OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT tTO WHICH • CY PERIOD 4. a THISCERTIFICATEA AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.E INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS, POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE(MM/DD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/YY) LTR GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $10 f 000 ,' A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CAR 10 491 5785 5/12/90 5�1'/91 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ 1 OVU CLAIMS MADE IX I OCCURRENCE $ 1 f 000 PERSONAL&ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 f ODU OWNER'S&CONTRACTORS PROTECTIVE 1 f 000 FIRE DAMAGE(ANY ONE FIRE) $ MEDICAL EXPENSE(ANY ONE PERSON) $ AUTOMOBILE UABILITY CSL $ BODILY ANY AUTO ILY ALL OWNED AUTOS BODLY (PER PERSON)$ SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY HIRED AUTOS $ ACCIDENT)NON-OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY GARAGE LIABILITY DAMAGE $ EACH AGGREGATE • OCCURRENCE EXCESS LIABILITY $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM STATUTORY WORKERS' $ (EACH ACCIDENT) ,:.tAND $ (DISEASE-POLICY UMIT) EMPLOYERS' $ (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE OTHER 4: • DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS Any Carnival Liability Insurance made a part 1) or tion of the Policy includes as an additional insured with respect to an occurrence taking place a a CarnivalA m site (l municipality granting the nibinamed`. Association, sponsoring organization or committee (2) The owner or lessee thereofand (3) `T: insured permission to operate a Carnival. ERTIFlCATE ,OLDER. - CANCELLATION ` r` SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE -. LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR "9 • LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED R PRESE TIVE ' / a I ,; ,i'' 09 / CORD CORPORATION? 404.wai ad.e 4,9)020 citagee4i 44/fr4 weevit.;" ploi-nood von t7 as ��.�.� �n�. � ors 31 10 I 17 38 flb~'S' 2 • •. •. '30 16 9 !0 •.... •• • •• :.•"� ' 29 ('15 I 8 6 3 • 0)ti )% ti 1—s► •e W • 4 et .. 37 W 28 14 7 I— ., .'?. I. 27 6 5 13 i f •• JEFFERSON STR •T•:$ •• •, 12 10 ••%'..• 11 36 %-./ 0 10 25 9 C 2 9 C-6) I 24 8 I 8 3 I i •,• 7 35 •• • •• 6 4 k3 7 ti•••• ••f 5 �••s� 1•�•2 4 6 5 • • 3 STREET 0 4 034 21 0 2 r 18 I 20 I• -J 17 • Q 1 ..• .' t�' 15 •;'... 1 m 16 2 • •• .•••.••. •• •• • .• . 2 15 46. • ••.••"• • c '-'* r I '•�1 Ql w • 3 14 •a • ' 1 `e''' ' I. I II 13 r 0 I .�' 3 V 13411 5 1 12 4 Q 6 I! 4 12 7 10 8 9 9 8 5 11 E 10 7 '1 STREET OAK I I I I I I 1 2 Fr; .r i 4 ., To: James Johnson, Finance Director From: Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent U PT Subject: Equipment Rental Bids for Street Reconstruction Date: July 18,1990 The following bids were received for the rental of equipment required for the street reconstruction program. Item 1. Motor Grader (Cat 120G or equal ) Ward and Massengale Equipment $3, 100.00 per month 577.00 transportation and insurance $3,677.00 Item 2. Roller (Bomag 213PD or equal ) Ward and Massengale Equipment Conley-Lott-Nichols $3,000.00 per month $3,400.00 per month 570.00 transportation and insurance 400.00 transportation $3,570.00 $3,800.00 The Ward and Massengale bid is on an Ingersoll-Rand SPF-56 which does not meet the City' s spec. 's in terms of net weight, working clearances, centrifugal force and weight to horsepower ratio, nor does the Ingersoll- Rand have the desired air-cooled engine. Item 3. Front End Loader (John Deere 444 or equal ) Ward and Massengale Equipment Mega Equipment $2,500.00 per month $2,790.00 per month 535.00 transportation and insurance 390.00 transportation $3,035.00 $3, 180.00 The Ward and Massengale bid is for a Cat 930 loader which is simi- lar in size and capacity to the John Deere 444. The 930, however, has been out of production for over 5 years. Given a choice between a new, unused John Deere loader and a Cat loader which is at least 5 years old, I believe the Mega bid is the most advantageous to the City . Recommendation: Award equipment rental bids as follows. 1 . Motor Grader- Ward and Massengale Equipment 2. Roller- Conley-Lott-Nichols 3. Loader- Mega Equipment CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 10, 1990 TO : CAROLYN JONES - CITY SECRETARY FROM: DON WHITE - PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT RE: ITEM FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA The Park and Recreation Board has made a recommendation to City Council to consider the approval of constructing temporary soccer fields at Community Park. Board member B. J . Upshaw will make the presentation to Council . Please include this business in the next available Council agenda, preferably July 24th meeting, and notify me as to the date so that I may pass the information to Mr. Upshaw. DW/ Ik xc: Paul Beaver , Director of Public Works/Engineer CITY OF WYLIE PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 17. 1990 TO : CAROLYN .'ONES - CITY SECRETARY FROM: DON WHITE - PURL I C WORKS SUPERINTENDENT6A.....// RE: COMMUNITY ROOM RULE RECOMMENDATIONS The Para_ and Recreation Board unanimously recommends that City Council appoint a special committee to work with the L t B r.d in rt , 1 ST'' T`r _ e �r•e;1C� to �S 2? S� SI'4ir.r r-hoc for the Community Room. r.,zl :foes net feel that the m in any i3y connected with the Parks and Recreation Department- It is overseen a , .. operated by Litrary personnei . therefore it seems aPpcpriate that the Library Board ha.nd . 'e the issue. xc: u : Beaver '9 MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ) . DATE: 07/17/90 RE: AGENDA ITEM - 07/24/90 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT - SHIPLEY & INHOFE - $370 . 15 LANDFILL CLOSURE FUNDING - 1990 C. O. PROCEEDS FUND 72 ACCOUNT 72-700-721-02220 (LEGAL SERVICES) LEGAL EXPENSES BY FIRM HIRED BY COUNCIL ON LANDFILL CLOSURE. FILE SHOWS EIGHT ( 8 ) PRIOR INVOICES THIS FISCAL YEAR TOTALING $14 , 280 . 90 WITH SHIPLEY & INHOFE PRIOR TO THIS ONE. SIIIPLEI' & INHOFE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER•TULSA,OKLAHOMA 74103 CHARLES W.SHIPLEY TELEPHONE 19181 582.1720 DOUGLAS L.INHOFE TELECOPIER 19181 584.7881 MARK S.JENNINGS SLAKE K.CHAMPLIN LESLIE C.RINN JAMIE TAYLOR SOYD City of Wylie Statement # 1109 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director June 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 1 Accounts Receivable Balance Forward $7 ,719 . 01 Payments Received $2,324.39- Credits or Adjustments $0 . 00 Re: City Landfill PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 06/04/90 DLI conf w/BKC re bases for claims against 0. 50 77 . 50 defendant generators/transporters; re letter to Johnson 06/05/90 DLI review letter to Johnson 0 . 25 38.75 06/11/90 TLW prepare a master PRP list 4.00 180. 00 06/12/90 TLW prepare master list of PRPs 1. 00 45. 00 06/18/90 JTB review documents; organize files 0 .25 20 .00 Wagoner, Terrie L. 5. 00 225.00 Jamie T. Boyd 0 . 25 20 .00 Douglas L. Inhofe 0 .75 116. 25 Total Hours 6 .00 Total For The Above Services 361. 25 EXPENSES 06/30/90 Postage 0. 50 06/30/90 Photocopies 8 . 40 Total Expenses 8 .90 Total Statement $370 .15 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $5,764 .77 c.:5 / City of Wylie Statement # 1109 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director June 30, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 2 This statement may not contain all costs incurred for which we have not yet been billed. So11 MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANC DATE: 07/17/90 RE: AGENDA ITEM 07/24/90 PAYMENT REQUEST - JONES & NEUSE, INC. (ENGINEERING) $2, 747 . 49 FUNDS 1990 C. O. PROCEEDS INVOICE 3328902-003 (WYLIE SERVICE CENTER) INVESTIGATION BUDGETED $32, 500 . 00 PAYMENTS TO DATE ( 2) $28 , 256 . 86 THIS INVOICE $ 1 , 949 . 74 TOTAL $30 , 206 . 60 BUDGETED BALANCE REMAINING $2, 2983 . 40 FUND 72 LANDFILL ACCOUNT 72-700-721-02935 SECOND INVOICE FOR $797 . 75 IS RELATED TO DAVID BUCHANAN' S , PROJECT ENGINEER, TALKS WITH TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF PHASE I OF THE LANDFILL CLOSURE FUND 72 LANDFILL ACCOUNT 72-700-721-02240 $9 , 753 . 73 EXPENDED TO DATE ON ENGINEERING SERVICES PRIOR TO PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE. S3 J N JONES AND NEUSE, INC. 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 275 June 15, 1990 Invoice No. 328902-003 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 Wylie Service Center Mr. James Johnson Finance Director City of Wylie 2000 Hwy 78N Wylie, TX175098 PM146 Period of Service: May 1, 1990 through May 31, 1990 Labor Env Specialist IV 2 .250 hr @ $ 85. 00/hr = 191.25 Env Specialist II_I 6. 000 hr @ $ 75. 00/hr = 450. 00 Env Specialist II 1. 000 hr @ $ 65. 00/hr = 65. 00 Geologist IV 8 .750 hr @ $ 80. 00/hr = 700. 00 Technician III 2 . 250 hr @ $ 40. 00/hr = 90. 00 Clerk II 5. 250 hr @ $ 30. 00/hr = 157 . 50 1653.75 Expenses Travel 9. 30 Mail/Shipping 99 . 19 Telecommunications 50. 96 Reproduction 19.80 Subcontracts 46. 00 Material 51. 36 JN Geotech 19 . 38 295.99 Amount Due This Invoice $ 1949.74 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. • • TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston.Harris County,Texas A 1%MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. 54/ J N JONES AND NEUSE, INC. 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 275 June 15, 1990 Invoice No. 328901-018 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 Phase I James Johnson Finance Director City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 PM146 Period of Service: May 1, 1990 through May 31, 1990 Meeting with attorneys in Austin, meeting with TDH, record review. Labor John D. Buchanan 8. 000 hr @ $ 70. 00/hr = 560. 00 560.00 Expenses Meals 6.73 Airfare/Car Rental 231. 02 237.75 Amount Due This Invoice $ 797.75 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A 1%MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. MEMORANDUM TO: CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON , DIRECTOR OF FINANCE v% , DATE: 07/17/90 RE: AGENDA ITEM 07/24/90 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT - $2, 160 . 00 HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC . - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SEWER SYSTEM WITH THIS INVOICE FOR $2, 160 . 00 , CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION BY HUNTER ASSOC. , INC. ON THE MUDDY CREEK SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE 80% COMPLETE (AS TO BILLING) - TOTAL CONTRACT CONTRACT AMOUNT BALANCE PRELIMINARY DESIGN $ 2, 400 . 00/PAID $ 0 . 00 &. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION $ 9 , 600 . 00/PAID $ 0 . 00 FINAL DESIGN & $28 , 000 . 00/PAID $ 0 . 00 & CONSTRUCTION PLANS *CONSTRUCTION $7 , 200 . 00/$5 , 760 . 00 $1 , 440 . 00 ADMINISTRATION *WITH THIS INVOICE $47 , 200 . 00 $1 , 440 . 00 THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY REMAINING AMOUNTS UNDER THE ADDITIONAL SERVICES SECTION OF CONTRACT, WHICH CAN BE UP TO $12 , 000 . 00 . Pay This INVOICE HUNTER ASSOC I ATES, I NC . Page 1 of 1 I ' ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS G.LLAS ALM'IN Invoice No. 22370 214-368-8171 512-454-871S Date July 13, 1990 To: City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Your Job No. Wylie, Texas 75098 Our Job No. D89012 C\C 38-MDH For professional and technical services as required for the design and construction management of a sanitary sewer trunk main to be constructed in the Muddy Creek drainage basin. The trunk main will commence at a stub-out to the existing lift station located along S.H. 78 and extend northerly to service South Fork Mobile Home Park and Presidential Estates . This work includes the additional staking of the right-of-way descriptions, construction plans and specifications and construction management. The technical services were supplied during the payroll period as indicated and are part of the Special Services as defined in the Contract for Professional Services executed on July 25, 1989 by Charles Norwood, City Manager. PAY PERIOD 7-13-90 DESCRIPTION Preliminary Design Report Right-of-Way and Easement $ 2,400 x 100% = $ 2,400 . 00 Description Preparation 9 , 600 x 100% = 9 , 600. 00 Final Design and Construction Plans 28, 000 x 100% = 28, 000 . 00 Construction Administration 7, 200 x 80% = 5 , 760 . 00 SUBTOTAL $45, 760. 00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22153 9, 600. 00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22168 26,200 . 00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22186 4,200. 00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22214 2, 160. 00 LESS PREVIOUS INVOICE #22275 1 , 440 . 00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $2, 160 . 00 Please Return Enclosed Copy With Remittance To: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE SUITE 500 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 Total This Invoice $2, 160. 00 (5 7 ^ 511e 40 CITY OF' WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 MEMORANDUM TO; CAROLYN JONES, CITY SECRETARY FROM: JAMES JOHNSON , DIRECTOR OF FINANCE L-9 (------- DATE: 0717/90 RE: AGENDA ITEM 07/24/90 PAYMENT REQUEST - FREEMAN MILLICAN ENGINEERING - $560 . 00 (WATER TOWER REPAINT) TOTAL CONTRACT FOR SERVICES $3 , 910 . 00 PREVIOUS INVOICES ( 3 ) PAID $2, 548 . 09 THIS INVOICE $ 560 . 00 BALANCE AFTER THIS INVOICE $ 801 . 91 FUNDING SOURCE ( 20 FUND - UTILITY) 20-500-502-04220 BILLING PER CONTRACT FOR INSPECTION OF WORK, DOCUMENT PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION IN THE 250 , 000 GALLON WATER TANK REPAINTING. 68' fREEmAr1 — mILLICAnn, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LARRY J. FREEMAN, P.E. J. TERRY MILLIGAN, P.E. STATEMENT June 15, 1990 Mr. James Johnson Director of Finance 2000 Hwy. 78 North P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Professional Services Elevated Tank Repaint May 1990 010605 Principal Engineer 8.0 Hours @ $ 70.00/Hour $ 560.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 560.00 12001 N. CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY SUITE 405 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 (214)991-1901