09-11-1990 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1990 7 :00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READING OF ORDINANCES 1 Conduct Public Hearing on Budget for FY 90-91 . 2 Consider adoption of Budget for FY 90-91 . 3 Consider Adoption of Ordinance Setting Ad Valorem Tax Rate and Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 1991 in Accordance with the Proposed City of Wylie Annual Budget as 11 recommended . 4 Discuss and Consider the 2_. (° Adoption of an Ordinance Limiting Citizen Participation / on enumerated Boards and f� Commissions . L. 5 Discuss and Consider Approving an Enabling Resolution Setting up specific Articles of Incorporation of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . and specific By- Laws of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . a Non-Profit Corporation d .b.a . State of Texas . NEW BUSINESS Consider awarding competitive bid on the Purchase of One (1) New 1991 Police Patrol Unit . e;"/- A 60) 4 a' Discuss Consider Appointment,-- of Construction Code Board . Discuss and Consider Authorizing Competitive Proposals for Emergency Medical Services for City of Wylie and Others . ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS Discuss and Consider New Contract under Emergency and Temporary Conditions on Ambulance Service with Nortex Emergency Medical Service , Inc . Discuss and Consider Authorizing Competitive Proposals for Worker' s Compensation Coverage for City Employees . Authorize Competitive Bids for Insurance Coverage on City owned Equipment . Discuss and Consider Equipment that is needed on an ongoing basis for Street and Drainage Maintenance and Control . Discuss and Consider Full Implementation of All Impact Fee Ordinances . Dicsuss and Consider amending FY91 Budget to Finance Unfunded Liability for Past and Present Management Personnel . CONSENT AGENDA •= he following ___items are -bo-> be co - -• as one item The C'oun ' may move • motion and-- second , • ap. 4 ,e or rejec - all , items co : 4 -d within . - y" Counc ' member -que hat an iter or items b- •fir -• --fro +-- the Co sent Ag- ,e and idered sep. " . el f _ . a. ..reques made , t •. - it_. s- - sill occur in numej ---- order order immediately fa owing the vote on the Consent agenda . A . Discuss and consider payment of i claims as a part of Wylie Service Center Investigation . b. Progress report and status of Sewer Line Project . c. Progress report and update on Brown Street & McCreary Road Program. ,d . Progress report and update on ✓ Street Reconstruction Program, Financial Report to Date and Authorize Change Order Number 1 to continue contract from Park to Stone Road . e . Progress and update on Rush Creek Lift Station Improvements . ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS --f!�Progress Report and Update and j/ Authorize Legal Expenditures on Landfill Closure Program. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss and Consider Building Code as it Applies to Wood Trusses., 1eDJOURN/ ORDINANCE NO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie , Texas , has developed a budget for Fiscal Year 1991 in compliance with the City Charter , Article 7 . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . The City Manager has submitted a budget to the City Council in compliance with Article 4, Section E, Subsection 6 . SECTION 2 . The City Council has reviewed this budget for FY 91 and has determined the appropriation and expenditure levels. SECTION 3 . The City Council has determined that the City Secretary shall cause to be published a summary of the budget in compliance with Article 7, Section 3 of the City Charter . SECTION 4. The City Council has determined that a public hearing will be conducted on the FY 91 budget on August 28, 1990 . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary #i. CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY. 78 N. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 August 5 , 1990 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Mayor John Akin Mayor Pro-Tem Don Hughes Councilmember Chuck Wible Councilmember William Martin Councilmember Steve Wright Councilmember Patricia Stemple Councilmember Percy Simmons Dear Mayor and City Council , In compliance with the City Charter , Article 4 , Section 1, Subsection E, the City Manager shall prepare and submit to the City Council the annual budget and capital program and administer the budget as adopted by the City Council . Impacting the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Budget is the increase in debt service. The city debt now takes 22% of all revenue to service. In FY ' 90 debt service total was $852 ,000 . In FY ' 91 debt service will total $1,300,000 ; an increase in one year of $448 ,000 . The appropriation level is recommended at $5 ,930 ,000 . I have recommended several revenue enhancement measures . Without these new revenue generators the Budget will have to be set at $5,346,125 . Of this $5,346,125 , $1,300 ,000 is for debt service. With no revenue enhancers and after debt service the spendable Budget would be $4 ,046,125 . Also impacting the budget is an $85 ,000 increase in sewer plant operation costs. Therefore, a total of $1,385,000 contract costs with NTMWD total (water purchases and sewer plant operations) will have to be generated to pay these entitlement costs. Add debt service in the Utility Fund of $605 ,750 and total contract and debt service in the Utility Fund amount to approximately 51% of the proposed Utility Budget of $2,090 ,000 . Presented to you is the proposed budget for FY 1991. The budget is outlined in the following manner : - List of all revenues by source - List of all expenditures by department and other sources - All departments budget. The departmental budgets include the following specific data: o Personnel costs--list of personnel by position o M & 0 and contractual commitment costs-- identified by item and classification o Capital budgets--identified by capital item You have before you a budget that totals $5 ,930 ,000 . This includes the general fund, utility fund, sanitation operating fund, and Impact fund as a total budget. In order to finance this "bareboned" , "standstill" budget the following revenue enhancement measures are required . The property tax rate will be set at .6150 rate which will generate an additional $188,875 over the .555 rate. Sanitation rates will be set at $10 .80 per account which will generate $60,000 for debt service and balance the fund. Interest income will generate $80 ,000 . Water and sewer rates will be increased by at least $7 .50 per account which will generate an additional $240 ,000 . The City Council reserve fund will be reduced by $15,000 to $73 ,000 . All these measures totaled together will generate approximately $583,875; of this amount $448,000 will go for additional debt service over last year . The $583,875 will balance the budget which will allow spending authorization at $5, 930 ,000 . This budget includes seven new personnel : 1 - City Secretary 4 - Street Department 1 - Professional Fire Chief 1 - Professional Parks and Recreation Director Also recommended is a 3% cost of living increase for all full time City employees . The 3% cost of living increase will be applied to the base of the City' s Pay Plan and will be funded as a part of the City Manager ' s Merit Evaluation Program. The Budget will fully fund all current fringe benefit programs currently in place. The pay raise is across the board and effective October 1, 1990. The 3% pay increase will cost approximately $40 ,000 per year . The only capital items included in this budget is three new police cars and $32 ,000 for Grade-All rental or lease purchase in order to address street and drainage needs. Maintenance and operation levels are consistent with last year' s level , not significantly up or down. The sanitation rate increase is primarily based on state and *BFI mandated charges and customer fee service for landfill debt bond payments . Water and sewer rate increases are mandated by bonds that have been issued in order to retire debt . The proposed property tax rate will only generate income levels to keep us even with last year' s rate and income levels in order to meet additional debt service requirements . Without these revenue measures that have been recommended the City Council will have to consider additional budget reductions that will have to come out of personnel and maintenance operations or capital improvements . Further reductions in these two areas will have significant impact on city services . Therefore, I would recommend that the City Council hold appropriate public hearings and consider the adoption of this proposed budget or change the budget as the City Council may deem appropriate and necessary. If approved, necessary enabling ordinances will have to be prepared and approved in order to put the Budget into force and effect on or before September 27 , 1990 . ill Dashner City Manager Note to City Manager ' s Budget Message: All capital projects funded by Municipal Bond Fund accounts are not a part of this Budget since all funds are earmarked for specific projects , i .e. landfill , public works relocation, pump and haul elimination, and animal shelter . MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager .144444 RE: Consider Adoption of Ordinance Setting Ad Valorem Tax Rate and Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 1991 in Accordance with the Proposed City of Wylie Annual Budget as recommended. Attached is an ordinance setting the ad valorem tax rate in accordance with the City budget. The rate as established in the budget is .6150 on each $100 .00 of assessed valuation of all said property inside the City Limits of Wylie. Attachment: Ordinance • J ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND LEVY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1990, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF SAID CITY OF T HE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 , 1991 , AND THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF CREATING A SINKING FUND TO RETIRE AND THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY: PROVIDING FOR A LIEN ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TO SECURE PAYMENT OF TAXES DUE THEREON: PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE BE HELD UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND THAT SUCH HOLDING SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINING PROVISIONS HEREOF: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 1990 upon all real property situated within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas , and upon all personal property which was owned within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie , Texas , on the first day of January, A.D. , 1990 , except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Constitution of laws of the State of Texas , a total tax of Sixty-one and one-half cents (0 .6150) , on each One Hundred ($100 .00) Dollars of assessed valuation on all of said property which said total tax here now levied as aforesaid is respectively as follows: SECTION 2 An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Forty and seven hundred and eleven hundredths cents (0.40711) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100 .00) of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the year 1988 , for the general city purposes and to pay the current operating expenses of said City of Wylie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30 , 1990 , which tax , when collected shall be appropriated to and for the credit of the General Fund of said City of Wylie, Texas . SECTION 3 An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Twenty and seven hundred eighty-nine thousandth cents ( .20789) on each One Hundred ($100 .00) of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the year of 1990 , for the purpose of creating an Interest and Sinking Fund with which to pay the interest and retire the principal of the valid bonded indebtedness, capital lease payments , and related fees of the City of Wylie, Texas , now outstanding , and such tax when collected shall be appropriated and deposited in and to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund of the said City of Wylie, Texas for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991. SECTION 4 The City of Wylie shall have a lien on all taxable property located in the City of Wylie to secure the payment of taxes, penalty interest , and all costs of collection, assessed, and levied hereby. SECTION 5 Taxes are payable in Wylie, Texas at the Office of the Tax-Assessor Collector , Finance Department , Municipal Complex . The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. SECTION 6 That the tax roll presented to the City Council , together with any supplements thereto, be and same are hereby accepted . (See attachment A - 1990 Certified Tax Roll , Attachment B - 1990 Property Tax Rates . ) SECTION 7 In the event any provision of this Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional and invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect the remaining provisions thereof . SECTION 8 All Ordinances and part thereof in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby expressively repealed . SECTION 9 The caption of this ordinance to be published one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Wylie, Texas , and to become effective immediately upon its passage and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THIS THE 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990 . John W. Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 7 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 6 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager RE: Discuss and Consider Amend ng Current Year' s Budget 1989/90 FY90 and Approve Supplemental Appropriations and Amend Proposed FY91 Budget to Increase Appropriation Levels In order to finalize City accounting records prior to audit , supplemental appropriations and inter-fund transfers are required in the General fund, Utility fund, Sanitation fund, Impact fund and Lift Station fund. A supplemental appropriation level is from $5 ,065 ,000 .00 up to $5 ,175 ,000 .00 . On page two (2) you will see a compassion between the four (4) major funds of the FY90 budget compared to the proposed FY91 budget and the increase/decrease levels . Overall the increase is 15%. The increase is to pay for a full time Parks and Recreation Director and twelve (12) months for a full time Fire Chief . Attachment: Report from Finance Director MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director RE: Amended 1989-90 Budget DATE: 09/05/90 The 1989-90 Budget is proposed to include supplemental appropriations at the following levels: FUNDS 1989-90 AMENDED 1989-90 General $2, 950 , 000 $3, 055,000 Utility 1 , 780 , 000 1 , 785,000 Sanitation 275, 000 285,000 Impact 50,000 50, 000 *Lift Station 10 ,000 -0- TOTAL $5,065 ,000 $5, 175,000 *(Combined into Impact due to new Impact Fee ord. -06/26/90- ) The General Fund revenue ($105,000) increases in the current operating budget come primarily from better than projected tax collection by some $65,000 and sales tax collections better than projected by some $40 ,000 . Most revenue projections remained the same, though some up, some down. Utility Fund revenue projections up by $5, 000 . Sanitation Fund revenue projections up $10, 000, primarily due to increased customers primarily and increased contractor costs. The Impact Fund now encompasses the old Lift Station Fund and has been consolidated as one, with a total of $10 , 000 down (Lift Station) . 9 PAGE--2 Departmental increases reflect the allocation of raises and salary adjustments since March 1990 . Significant reallocations in City Secretary (new person) , Police (wages • and additional patrol unit) and Fire Department and City Council (legal and settlements) . The following operating budget is a comparison of the proposed 1989-90 amended and the proposed 1990-91 operating budget by fund: FUND AMENDED 89-90 1990-91 INCREASE/ <DECREASE> General $3,055, 000 $3 , 460,000 13. 26% Utility 1 , 785, 000 2, 090,000 17 .09% Sanitation 285,000 360 , 000 26. 32% Impact 50 ,000 45,000 <10 . 0%> TOTAL $5, 175,000 $5, 955,000 15 . 07% /0 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 30 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage 4.0P6.(4-1 4 RE: Discuss and Consider the Adoption of an Ordinance Limiting Citizen Participation on enumerated Boards and Commissions . Attached is a proposed ordinance that was requested for City Council consideration. The ordinance if adopted would limit any citizen from serving on more than one (1) major Board or Commission. • // ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REGARDING CITY COUNCIL POLICY ON THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AS PROVIDED FOR IN ARTICLE 8 OF THE CITY CHARTER. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council in the interpretation of Article 8 of the City Charter, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . In order to obtain increased citizen participation on Boards and Commissions the City Council establishes as policy that citizens shall be appointed to and serve on only one (1) Board or Commission SECTION 2 . This policy does not include members of the Governing Board, the City Manager' s office or staff . SECTION 3 . As the Charter stipulates individuals may be appointed to serve on more than one (1) Board, Commission or Committee. The City Council may by ordinance consolidate the functions of the various Boards , Commissions or Committees enumerated in the Article. SECTION 4 . The Boards and Commissions this order will apply to are as follows : Planning and Zoning , Parks and Recreation, Library Board, Development Board and NTMWD Board and the Board of Adjustment . SECTION 5. The Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of its caption as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1990 . John Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MEMORANDUM DATE: August 29, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage ' wlA� lio RE: Discuss and Consider Approving an Enabling Resolution Setting up specific Artlicles of Incorporation of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . and specific Bylaws of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. a Non-Profit Corporation dba State of Texas . Attached for your review and approval are the above referenced documents . All of these documents have been prepared in compliance with the Texas Development Corporation Act, Section 4A and the Wylie City Charter . All of these documents have been prepared by the City Attorney. After the City Council adopts the Resolution, the Articles of Incorporation instrument will have to be executed and signed by all corporate members and the Bylaws with the Articles of Incorporation will have to be filed and approved by the Secretary of State, State of Texas . The board of directors has reviewed and approved all of these instruments . After all documents are filed with the Secretary of State the Board will convene and elect its ' officers . Attachment 1 - Resolution Attachment 2 - Articles of Incorporation Attachment 3 - Bylaws RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, upon written application so requesting, has authorized and approved creation of a Corporation to act on behalf of the City for the purposes set out in the Development Corporation Act of 1979 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that it is advisable that the Corporation be authorized and created and desires to approve the Articles of Incorporation proposed to be used in organizing the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council has further determined that the Corporation should be formed under the provisions of Section 4A of the Act and that an initial Board of Directors of five (5) members should be appointed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby approves for filing the Articles of Incorporation of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. , a true copy of which is attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A" and made part hereof for all purposes. The City Council further authorizes Bill Dashner, City Manager, to execute and file the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State of Texas in accordance with applicable law. SECTION 2 . The City Council hereby appoints an initial Board of Directors consisting of the following five Directors: Jim Smith, James Blakey, Barton Peddicord, John Yeager, and Raymond B. Cooper. At its organizational meeting, the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall appoint a president, a secretary, and other officers of the Corporation as provided by the Bylaws approved herein. SECTION 3 . That the approval of the creation of this Corporation by the City Council is based on the requirement that the Corporation may further the purposes of the promotion and development of industrial 1 and manufacturing enterprises to promote and encourage employment and the public welfare in the City of Wylie, provided that the Corporation may not undertake a project the primary purpose of which is to provide transportation facilities, sewage or solid waste disposal facilities, air or water pollution control facilities, or facilities for furnishing water to the general public unless the provision of those facilities is to benefit property acquired for a project having another primary purpose. SECTION 4 . That the Bylaws of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. , attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made part hereof for all purposes are hereby approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie for adoption by the Board of Directors at its organizational meeting. DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on the day of , 1990. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY ROVED AS TO F RM: a,„(.,4:: 6( ' ni CITY ATTORNEY /5 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. ARTICLE ONE The name of the Corporation is Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. ARTICLE TWO The Corporation is a nonprofit corporation. ARTICLE THREE The period of its duration is perpetual. ARTICLE FOUR The purpose or purposes for which the Corporation is organized and for which it may issue bonds on behalf of the City of Wylie is limited to the promotion and development of industrial and manufacturing enterprises to promote and encourage employment and the public welfare in the City of Wylie, Texas, provided that the Corporation may not undertake a project the primary purpose of which is to provide transportation facilities, sewage, or solid waste disposal facilities, air or water pollution control facilities, or facilities for furnishing water to the general public, except that it may provide those facilities to benefit property acquired for a project having another primary purpose. ARTICLE FIVE The street address of the initial registered office of the Corporation is 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098, and the name of its initial registered agent at such address is Jim Smith. ARTICLE SIX The number of Directors constituting the initial Board of Directors is five (5) , and the names and addresses of the persons who are to serve as the initial Directors are: Name Address � c Jim Smith - )e , James Blakey o[ •7&0 lx:41 elf Barton Peddicord /O Dm(1,4.- -1cS 0(2• IA1 • /F, 77c,, 7sv98 John Yeager qo2. oo 4at!)w /o_ .lorg0 eA,LiP for, Raymond B. Cooper dA,1 ARTICLE SEVEN The name and street address of the incorporator is: Bill Dashner, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 . ARTICLE EIGHT The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, has specifically authorized the formation of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. , a nonprofit corporation, by resolution to act on its behalf to further the public purposes stated herein and in such resolution and has approved these Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE NINE That the City of Wylie is located in a county with a population of five hundred thousand (500, 000) or fewer according to the most recent Federal Decennial Census and has authorized creation of this Corporation under the provisions of Section 4A, Article 5190. 6, the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, Vernon's Annotated Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and the Corporation shall be governed by that section. Incorporator STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF COLLIN ) BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Bill Dashner, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing document and, being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein contained are true and correct. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day of , 1990. Notary Public. State of Texas My Commission Expires: -2- /7 BYLAWS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION WYLIE, TEXAS SECTION I OFFICES 1 .01 Registered Office and Registered Agent The Corporation shall have and continously maintain in the State of Texas a registered Office, and a registered agent whose Office is identical with such registered Office, as required by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act . The Board of Directors may, from time to time, change the registered agent and/or the address of the registered office, provided that such change is appropriately reflected in these Bylaws and in the Articles of Incorporation. The registered office of the Corporation is located at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098 , and at such address is the Corporation, whose mailing address is P. 0. Box 428 , Wylie, Texas 75098 . The registered agent of the Corporation shall be the President of the Corporation. 1.02 Principal Office The principal office of the Corporation in the State of Texas shall be located in the City of Wylie, County of Collin, and it may be, but need not be, identical with the , registered office of the Corporation. SECTION II PURPOSES 2 .01 Purposes The Corporation is a non-profit corporation specifically governed by the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979, Section 4A, as amended. The purpose of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. , is to promote and develop industrial and manufacturing enterprises to promote and encourage employment and the public welfare, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. 1 SECTION III MEMBERS 3 .01 Members The Corporation shall have no members . SECTION IV BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4 .01 board of Directors The business and affairs of the Corporation and all corporate powers shall be execised by or under authority of the Board of Directors (the "Board") , appointed by the governing body of the City of Wylie, and subject to applicable limitations imposed by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, the Development Corporation Act of 1979 , the Articles of Incorporation , or these Bylaws . The Board may, by contract , resolution, or otherwise, give general or limited or special power and authority to the officers and employees of the Corporation to transact the general business or any special business of the Corporation, and may give powers of attorney to agents of the Corporation to transact any special business requiring such authorization. The Board may plan and direct its work through a Director of Economic Development, who will be charged with the responsibility of carrying out the Corporation' s program as adopted and planned by the Board. The Board may contract with another entity for the services of a director. 4 .02 Number and Qualifications The authorized number of Directors of this Board shall be five (5) . The Directors of the Corporation shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Wylie City Council. The number of Directors shall be five (5) . Each Director shall meet at least one (1) of the following qualifications: (a) serve, or have served, as Chief Executive Officer of a company; or (b) serve, or have served, in a position of executive management of a company; or 2 9 (c) serve, or have served , in a professional capacity; or (d) have experience equivalent to any of the above qualifications. (e) each Director must have lived in the City Limits or operated a business in the City Limits for a minimum of one (1) year . (f) each Director must live in the City Limits during the tenure of office. The City Council shall consider an individual' s experience accomplishments , and educational background in appointing members to the Board to ensure that the interests and concerns of all segments of the community are considered. 4 .03 Bonds (1) The President, Vice President and Board Members shall all give an official Liability Insurance Bond of not less than one million dollars ($1,000 ,000) . The President, Vice President, and Board Members shall all give a personal Fidelity Bond of not less than one million dollars ($1,000.00) . The bonds and insurance referred to in this section shall be considered for the faithful accounting of all monies and things of value coming into the hands of the offices . The bonds and insurance shall be obtained from accredited, surety, and insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Texas. (2) All premiums for the liability insurance and fidelity bonds will be maintained and funded at the total expense of the corporation. Copies of bonds and insurance policies shall be filed with the City Secretary. 4 .04 General Duties of the Board 1. The Board shall develop an overall economic developemnt plan for the City which shall include and set forth intermittent and/or short term goals which the Board deems necessary to accomplish compliance with its overall economic development plan. Such plan shall be approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. The overall development plan developed by the Board shall be one that includes the following elements : 3 a . An economic development strategy to permanently bolster the business climate throughout the city. b. Strategies to fully utilize the assets of the city which enhance economic development . c. Identification of strategies to coordinate public, private, military and academic resources to develop and enhance business opportunities for all citizens of Wylie. This plan shall include methods to improve communication and cooperation between the above mentioned entities . d. Assurance of accountability of all tax moneys expended for its implementation of the overall economic development plan. e. Identification of strategies and provide for implementation of identified strategies for direct economic development as defined in this Section. f . An annual work plan outlining the activities , tasks , projects and programs to be undertaken by the Board during the upcoming fiscal year . g. To assist the Board in the implementation of the overall economic development plan, the Board may seek out and employ a Director of Economic Development. The Director of Economic Development shall be responsible to the Board and shall act as the Board' s chief admin- istrative officer and shall assist the Board in carrying out the duties of the Board as set forth in this section. The Board shall , in the annual budget, make provisions for the Comp- ensation to be paid to the Director of Economic Development and such compensation so established by the Board shall comprise the salary and benefits paid to the Director of Economic Development for his/her services . h. The Director of Economic Development shall be hired by the Board and may be removed by a vote of 3 members of the Board. 4 2 . The Board shall review and update its overall economic development plan from time to time to ensure that said plan is up to date with the current economic climate and is capable of meeting Wylie' s current economic development needs. 3 . The Board shall expend, in accordance with State law, the tax funds received by it on direct economic development where such expenditures will have a direct beneift to the citizens of Wylie. As used in the article "direct economic development" shall mean the expenditure of such tax funds for programs that directly accomplish or aid in the accomplishment of creating identi- fiable new jobs or retaining identifiable existing jobs including job training and/or planning and research activities necessary to promote said job creation. The Corporation' s focus will be primarily in the areas of : a. Business retention and expansion b. Business attraction 4 . The Development Corporatin of Wylie, Inc. shall make reports to the City Council of the City of Wylie. The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . shall discharge this requirement by reporting to the City Council in the following manner: a . The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. shall make a detailed report to the City Council once each year . Such report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. A review of all expenditures made by the Board in connection with their activities involving direct economic development as defined in this article, together with a report of all other expenditures made by the Board. 2 . A review of the accomplishments of the Board in the area of direct economic development . 3 . The policies and strategy followed by the Board in relation to direct economic development together with any proposed changes in such activities . 5 4 . A review of the activities of the Board in areas of endeavor other than direct economic development together with any proposed changes in such activities . 5 . The annual required report shall be made to the City Council no later than January 31 of each year . 6 . The annual report shall be considered by the City Council for its review and accep- tance. b. The Board shall be regularly accountable to the City Council for all activities undertaken by them or on their behalf, and shall report on all activites of the Board, whether discharged directly by the Board or by any person, firm, corporation, agency, association or other entity on behalf of the Board. This report shall be made by the Board to the City Council semi-annually with the first report being made June 1, 1991, and a similar report being made each succeeding six (6) months. The semi- annual report shall include the following: 1 . Accomplishments to date as compared with the overall plan or strategy for direct economic development. 2 . Anticipated short term challenges during the next semi-annual reporting period together with recommendations to meet such short term challenges . 3 . Long term issues to be dealt with over the succeeding twelve-month period or longer period of time, together with recommen- dations to meet such isues with emphasis to be placed on direct economic develop- ment . 4 . A recap of all budgeted expenditures to date, together with a recap of budgeted funds left unexpended and any commitment made on said unexpeded funds . 4 .05 Implied Duties The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . is authorized to do that which the Board deems desirable to accomplish any of the purposes or duties set out or alluded to in Section 4 .04 of these Bylaws and in accordance with State law. 6 4 .06 Tenure The initial terms of office for the Directors shall be two (2) Directors with three (3) year terms , two (2) Directors with two (2) year terms, and one (1) Director with a one (1) year term, as designated by the Mayor and City Council . No member of the Board shall serve more than two (2) consecutive full terms. After the initial term of office the Directors shall serve for three (3) years . 4.07 Meetings; Notice; Conduct The Board shall meet at least once each month within the city of Wylie, at a place and time to be determined by the President. All meetings of the Board shall provide notice thereof as provided and set forth in Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes Article 6252-17 , et seq. Any member of the Board may request that an item be placed on the agenda by delivering the same in writing to the secretary of the Board no later than ten (10 ) days prior to the date of the Board meeting. The President of the Board shall set regular meeting dates and times at the beginning of his/her term. The notice shall contain information regarding the particular time, date, and location of the meeting and the agenda to be considered . All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act . The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be the second Tuesday in January of each year, at 9: 00 a.m. The Board may retain the services of a recording secretary if required. 4.09 Attendance; Vacancy Regular attendance of the Board meetings is required of all Members. The following number of absences may require replacement of a member: three (3) consecutive absences , or attendance reflecting absences constituting 50% of the meetings over a 12-month period. In the event replacement is indicated, the member will be counseled by the President and, subsequently, the President shall submit in writing to the City Secretary the need to replace the Board member in question . Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by appointment by the City Council of a new member or members meeting the qualifications set out in Section 4 .02 above. 4 .10 Quorum A majority of the entire membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. If there is an 7 insufficient number of Directors present to convene the meeting , the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting . 4 .11 Compensation The duly appointed meembers of the Board shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual or commensurate cost of travel , lodging and incidental expense while on official business of the Board in accordane with State law. 4 .12 Voting; Action of the Board of Directors Directors must be present in order to vote at any meeting. Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in the Articles of Incorporation or as required by law, the act of a simple majority present shall be the act of the Board of Directors . In the event that a Director is aware of a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest , with regard to any particular vote, the Director shall bring the same to the attention of the meeting and shall abstain from the vote, unless the Board determines that no conflict of interest exists . Any Director may bring to the attention of the meeting any apparent conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest of any other Director, in which case the Board shall determine whether a true conflict of interest exists before any vote shall be taken regarding that particular matter . The Director as to whom a question of interest has been raised shall refrain from voting with regard to the determination as to whether a true conflict exists . 4 .13 Boards' s Relationship with City Council In accordance with State law, the City Council shall require that the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. be responsible to it for the proper discharge of its duties assigned in this article. The Board shall determine its policies and direction within the limitations of the duties herein imposed by applicable laws , the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws , contracts entered into with the City, and budget and fiduciary responsibilities. 4 .14 Boards' s Relationship with Administrative Departments of the City Any request for services made to the administrative departments of the City shall be made by the Board of its designee in writing to the City Manager . The City Manager may approve such request for assistance from the Board when he finds such requested services are available within the administrative departments of the City and that the Board has agreed to reimburse the administrative department' s budget for the costs of such services so provided. 8 c2lc&--- SECTION V OFFICERS 5 .01 Officers of the Corporation The elected officers of the Corporation shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board may resolve to elect one or more Assistant Secretaries or one or more Assistant Treasurers as it may consider desirable. Such officers shall have the authority and perform the duties of the office as the Board may from time to time prescribe or as the Secreatary or Treasurer may from time to time delegate to his or her respective Assistant. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person, except the office of President . 5 .02 Selection of Officers The initial President and Vice President shall be elected by the Board and shall serve a term of one (1) year . On the expiration of the term of office of the original President and Vice President , the Board shall select from among its Members individuals to hold such office. The term of office of the President and Vice President shall always be for a period of one year ; provided , however , that the President and Vice President continue to serve until the election of their successors . The Secretary and Treasurer shall be selected by the members of the Board and shall hold office for a period of one (1) year; provided, however , that they shall continue to serve until the election of their successors. Elections shall be held at the annual meeting of the Board. Any officer meeting the qualifications of these Bylaws may be elected to succeeed himself or to assume any other office of the Corporation. 5 .03 Vacancies Vacancies in any office which occur by reason of death, resignation, disqualification, removal, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term of that office in the same manner as other officers are elected to office. 5.04 President The following shall be the presiding officer of the Board with the following authority: 1 . Shall preside over all meetings of the Board. 9 2 . Shall have the right to vote on all matters coming before the Board. 3 . Shall have the authority, upon notice to the members of the Board, to call a special meeting of the Board when in his judgment such meeting is required . 4 . Shall have the authority to appoint standing commit- tees to aid and assist the Board in its business undertakings or other matters incidental to the operation and functions of the Board . 5 . Shall have the authority to appoint ad hoc commitees which may address issues of a temporary nature of concern or which have a temporary affect on the business of the Board. In addition to the above mentioned duties , the President shall sign with the Secretary of the Board any deed, mortgage, bonds , contracts , or other instruments which the Board of Directors has approved and unless the execution of said document has been expressly delegated to some other officer or agent of the Corporation by appropriate Board resolution, by a specific provision of these Bylaws , or by statute. In general , the President shall perform all duties incident to the office, and such other duties as shall be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. 5.05 Vice President In the absence of the President, or in the event of his or her inability to act , the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. When so acting , the Vice President shall have all power of and be subject to all the same restrictions as upon the President. The Vice President shall also perform other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or by the President. 5 .07 Treasurer The Treasurer shall be bonded for the faithful discharge of his/her duties with such surety or sureties and in such sum as the Board of Directors shall determine by Board resolution, but in no event shall the amount of such bond be less than an amount equal to the average of the sums which the Treasurer has access to and the ability to convert during a twelve (12) month period of time. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall receive and give receipt for money due and payable to the Corporation from any source whatsover, and shall deposit all such moneys in the name of the Corporation in such bank, 10 trust corporation, and/or other depositories as shall be specified in accordance with Article seven of these Bylaws . The treasurer shall , in general , perform all the duties incident to that office, and such other duties as from time to time assigned to him by the President of the Board. 5.08 Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers The Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers , if any, shall in general , perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Secretary or the Treasurer , or by the President of the Board of Directors . 5 .09 Director of Economic Development The Corporation may employ a Director of Economic Development. The Director of Economic Development shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and shall oversee all administrative functions of the Corporation. The Director shall develop policies and procedures for the Corporation including financial , accounting , and purchasing policies and procedures to be approved by the Board and City Council . 5 .10 Other Employees The Corporation may employ such full or part-time employees as needed to carry out the programs of the Corporation. 5 .11 Contracts for Service The Corporation may, with approval of the City Council , contract with any qualified and appropriate person, association, corporation or governmental entity to perform and discharge designated tasks which will aid or assist the Board in the performance of its duties . However , no such contract shall ever be approved or entered into which seeks or attempts to divest the Board of Directors of its discretion and policy-making functions in discharging the duties herein above set forth in this section. SECTION VI COMMITTEES 6 .01 Qualifications for Committee Membership Members of committees shall be appointed by the President , and approved by the Board. Committee members need not be members of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . unless required by these Bylaws or Board resolution. 11 6 .02 Standing Committees The President shall have authority to appoint the following standing committees of the Board and such other committees as the Board may deem appropriate in the future: 1. Budget, Finance and Audit Committee: This committee shall have the responsibility of working with the Director, or the contractual entity performing as a Director as the case may be, in the formation and promotion of the annual budget of the Board. The Committee shall present such budget to the Board and, upon approval , shall present, in accordance with these Bylaws, said budget to the City Council . In addition to the preparation of the expenditures of the Board and keep the Board avised in such matters. The Committee shall further have the responsibility to oversee and work with auditors of the City or outside auditors when audits of the Board are being performed . 2 . Committee for Business Retention and Expansion: This committee shall work with the Director of Econoomic Development and shall keep the Board informed of all development and activities concerning business retention and expansion. 3 . Committee for New Business Attraction and Recruitment: This committee shall work with the Director of Economic Development and shall keep the Board informed of all developments and activities concerning business attraction and recruitment. 6.03 Special Committees The President may determine from time to time that other committees are necessary or appropriate to assist the Board of Directors , and shall designate, subject to Board approval , the members of the respective committees. No such committee shall have independent authority to act for or in stead of the Board of Directors with regard to the following manners: amending , altering , or repealing the Bylaws; electing, appointing, or removing any member of any such committee or any Director or Officer , of the Corporation; amending the Articles of Incorporation; adopting a plan of merger or adopting a plan of consolidation with another corporation; authorizing the sale, lease, exchange, or mortgate of all or substantially all of the property and assets of the Corporation; authorizing the voluntary dissolution of the Corporation or revoking the proceedings thereof; adopting a plan for the distribution of the assets of the Corporation; or amending altering, or repealing any resolution of the Board of 12 Directors which by its terms provides that it shall not be amended, altered, or repealed by such committee. The designation and appointment of any such committee and delegation to that committee of authority shall not operate to relieve the Board of Directors, or any individual Director , of any responsibility imposed on it or on him/her by law. 6 .04 Term of Office of Committee Members Each member of a committee shall continue as such until the next appointment of the Board of Directors and until his or her successor on the committee is appointed, unless the committee shall be sooner terminated or unless such member has ceased to serve on the Board of Directors , or unless such member be removed from such committee. Any committee member may be removed from committee membership by the President , with Board approval , whenever in their judgement the best interests of the Corporation would be served by such removal . 6 .05 Vacancies on Committees Vacancies in the membership of any committee may be filled in the same manner as provided with regard to the original appointments to that committee. 6 .6 Ex-Officio Members The City Manager or his designee and the Mayor or his designee may attend all meetings of the Board of Directors or Committees. These representatives shall not have the power to vote in the meetings they attend. Their attendance shall be for the purpose of ensuring that information about the meeting is accurately communicated to the City Council and to satisfy the City Council obligation to control the powers of the Corporation. SECTION VII FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION The Corporation may contract with the City for financial and accounting services. The Corporation' s financing and accounting records shall be maintained according to the following guidelines. 13 7 .01 Fiscal Year The fiscal year of Corporation shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30 of the following year . 7 .02 Budget A budget for the forthcoming fiscal year shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Board of Directors, and the City Council of the City of Wylie. In submitting the budget to the City Council, the Board of Directors shall submit the budget on forms prescribed by the City Manager and in accordance with the annual budget preparation schedule as set forth by the City Manager . The budget shall be submitted to the City Manager for inclusion of it in the annual budget presentation to the City Council . 7 .03 Contracts As provided in Article V above, The President and Secretary shall execute any contracts or other instruments which the Board has approved and authorized to be executed , provided, however , that the Board may by appropriate resolution authorize any other officer or officers or any other agent or agents, including the Director of Economic Development , to enter into contracts or execute and deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of the Corporation. Such authority may be confined to specific instances or defined in general terms. When appropriate, the Board may grant a specific or general power of attorney to carry out some action on behalf of the Board, provided, however that no such power of attorney may be granted unless an appropriate resolution of the Board authorizes the same to be done. 7 .04 Checks and Drafts All checks , drafts , or orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation shall be signed or bear the facsimile of the President or the Treasurer, or such other person as designated by the Board. 7 .05 Deposits All funds of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. shall be deposited on a regular basis to the credit of the Corporation in a local bank which shall be federally insured. 14 7.06 Gifts The Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . may accept on behalf of the Corporation any contribution, gift , bequest , or device for the general purpose or for any special purposes of the Corporation. 7.07 Purchasing All purchases made and contracts executed by the Corporation shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Constitution and statutes of the State of Texas. 7.08 investments Temporary and idle funds which are not needed for immediate obligations of the Corporation may be invested in any legal manner provided in Tex . Rev. Civ. Stat . Ann. Art , 842a-2 (Public Funds Investment Act) . 7 .09 Bonds Any bonds issued by the Corporation shall be in accordance with the statute governing this corporation but in any event, no bonds shall be issued without approval of the City Council after review and comment by the city' s bond counsel and financial advisor . 7 .10 Uncommitted Funds Any uncommitted funds of the Corporation at the end of the fiscal year shall be considered a part of the Fund Balance. The Undesignated Fund Balance may be committed for any legal purpose provided the Corporation' s Board of Directors and the City Council both approve such commitment. This may include the establishment of a Permanent Reserve Fund which shall be accumulated for the purpose of using the interest earnings of such fund to finance the operation of the Corporation. SECTION VIII BOOKS AND RECORDS 8 .01 BOOKS AND RECORDS The Corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of all actions of the Corporation, including books and records of account and the minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors and of any committee having any 15 authority of the Board and to the City Council . All books and records of the Corporation may be inspected by Directors of the Corporation or his/her agent or attorney at any reasonable time; and any information which may be designated as public information by law shall be open to public inspection at any reasonable time. The Texas Open Records Act and Open Meetings Act shall apply to disclosure of public information. The Board of Directors shall provide for an annual financial audit to be performed by a competent independent audit firm. 8 .02 Monthly Reports The Corporation shall provide monthly summaries of proposed dispersal of funds for anticipated projects , and funds that are dispersed over $50 ,000 .00 . SECTION IX SEAL 9 .01 Seal The Board of Directors shall obtain a corporate seal which shall bear the words "Corporate Seal of Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. " ; the Board may thereafter use the corporate seal and may later alter the seal as necessary without changing the corporate name; but these Bylaws shall not be construed to require the use of the corporate seal . SECTION X PROGRAM 10 .01 Authorization The Corporation shall carry out its program subject to its Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws , and such resolutions as the the Board may from time to time authorize. 10 .02 Program The program of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. shall be to assist , stimulate, and enhance economic development in Wylie, Texas, subject to applicable State and Federal law, these Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation. 16 SECTION XI PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY 11 .01 Amendments to Bylaws These Bylaws may be amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by an affirmative vote of four (4) of the authorized Directors serving on the Board, at a special meeting of the Directors held for such specific purpose, and the notice requirements stated hereinabove regarding special meetings shall apply. The Directors of the Corporation present at an annual meeting of the Board may, by a vote of four (4) , in accord with the requirements of Article IV hereinabove, amend or repeal and institute new Bylaws , provided that at least ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting , written notice setting forth the proposed action shall have been given to the directors, and public notice regarding such action given according the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act and Open Records Act . Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment shall become effective unless the City Council approves the amendment . SECTION XII DISSOLUTION 12 .01 Dissolution On petition of ten (10) percent or more of the registered voters of the City of Wylie requesting an election on the dissolution of the Corporation , the City Council shall order an election on the issue. The election must be conducted according to the applicable provision of the Election Code. The ballot for the election shall be printed to provide for voting for or against the proposition: "Dissolution of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc." If a majority of voters voting on the issue approve the dissolution, the Corporation shall continue operations only as necessary to pay the principal of and interest on its bonds and to meet obligations incurred before the date of the election and, to the extent practicable, shall dispose of its assets and apply the proceeds to satisfy those obligations. When the last of the obligations is satisfied , any remaining assets of the Corporation shall be tramsferred to the City, and and the Corporation is dissolved. 17 gx SECTION XIII INDEMNITY 13 .01 Indemnity The Board of Directors shall authorize the Corporation to pay or reimburse any current or former Director or Officer of the Corporation for any costs , expenses , fines , settlements, judgments, and other amounts, actually and reasonable incurred by such person in any action, suit, or proceeding to which he or she is made a party by reason of holding such position as Officer or Director; provided , however , that such Officer or Director shall not receive such indemnification if he/she be finally adjudicated in such instance to be guilty of negligence or misconduct in office. The indemnification herein provided shall also extend to good faith expenditures incurrred in anticipation of , or preparation for , threatened or proposed litigation. The Board of Directors may, in proper cases, extend the indemnification to cover the good faith settlement of any such action, suit , or proceedings , whether formally instituted or not . SECTION XIV MISCELLANEOUS 14 .01 Relation to Articles of Incorporation These Bylaws are subject to, and governed by, the Articles of Incorporation and applicable State statutes under which the Corporation is organized . 18 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 6 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council pei...............FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage . RE: Consider Awarding Competitive Bid on the Purchase of One (1) New 1991 Police Patrol Unit As authorized the City has been through the competive bid process. Three competive bids were received. They are as follows : Prestige Ford - Garland $12 ,430 .00 (delivery 60-120 days) Bob Tomes Ford - McKinney $12,649 .00 (delivery 120 days) Greenville Ford - Greenville $13 ,222 .00 (delivery Sept . 15 ) Based on all three (3) bids received and based on the published specifications it is recommended that Prestige Ford of Garland be awarded the bid in the amount of $12 ,430.00 . With delivery time as stipulated . Attachment: Specifications for 1991 Crown Victoria Police Package HIS _IVblut LUUK HI rutiu for UL VttfMlit I 1 500+ Covered Components S50 Deductible 113 Covered Components ,,• S50 Deductible '• •I • 2.4r ( 29 Covered.Components'4 r ''"° v, h>rh,'- ,-„ r - _ .'"rt.7'r'�°�' . t t] 04, , , M p , kFq y, - , . / ,- 4-- ................_ _..............,____---------------‘ )--'4,7.,1t.tdie,,„, . ,,.,„„.!. .. ii _____...". ; ,.,...„, . , ti 2 ..•' • „ems •�.-�i,.1,.r_„ � t, h POWERTRAN WARRAN ,.i . , - ►, . f .. K , �� ,s -Standard'manufacturer'Slimited "` .� . �� ryieistrjCtiortseppl �' .deal �,� ; �,� W• #y 4,- ?•rit, 4-- t`, r Covers29en ine'transmissi ! 1 Ott!I ,.!t. t i E, t t L! t,�.t.l,,>� II t ,` +`, J A.i .[,,, tL:, ,t %,, '''.#•r ,&a-.a r f'•e •--.1 g. 4' q}+ aN,r " . . . I.," ,..,1 P'y"'.o!$.,; .'. �.. w ENGINES.,,,, , �, µ FRON USP, SIGN , f: ELEC?RI ;"e . , ',F 1 i FORD jntern• >>ubricate, ic. ', ' '� ,. •►'>{ t,''f t r , •.; , r ' r' '•, ,l r �;' i paw odty oin fi '° ,, ^ !_ ESP. lindefblo ;read ,, .,�•.:,,�,.,'a�- „',';' �F,: I,"� w, 'drive, ' : 1,,> , ,. � , , � �! r x ' • d internal 13E 11 a �w ,i..j-.I,:,• i II , ' t '.'.�,,,,a .4 . , i : ' BASE x $ ' _ 'land InleC t t ���g r t �:r�4 i � ! , � !� . 4`Y� ,z 1 f fix u a d.lines'' A :•" D I ' �j� r Kiit b' {+ t •. A y � .1M ! -•W/d ",{IMI r[i, 4 R q ,•til , ' RANSMISSION _ , ' tt tl �,,�, "� � ���u ta- 'o • �,aridrlin•��. jot, '•` ` •' �;. t'f'"�'A ransmission case an' •k r PO "St�in01�!.I'• ' p :. ' ' t ' 1, ie e h ".v Y sk.t )-r i�n ' fit, k ° !' '• 1'' ' CIR930' !.',. !1 i_'ti a:t ,y , • a S'rel •a +?/ � t•rw sy* x I 'tr ,f '" Y. t >.t'.. � .. t.�., .own •.u•...u, � ... .. s FORD FRONT SUSPENSION ;' BRAKES OTHER HIGH-TECH FEATURES ''" r', Electronic air suspension Anti-lock brake module , Power seat motors,r al ^ Speed control ,rl ts , `y .. (selected components) and sensor ,g r ,): _is power window -, Keyless entry system r,.�, -,,i ESP motors,power (except door handles) ' ' ;, 1 -, AIR CONDITIONING ENGINE' antenna,power . lnsta-Clear•windshield ;, "� Automatic temperature Radiator door locks (electrical only—not ter" ' pLUS control Distributor cap and rotor Electronic •instrument ,• glass damage or' " - Heater blower motor and • Fuel tank and lines r* "+,cluster(excluding , y,r. breakage) a 'W 1�' - , core assembly r •; •A; a dash pad,clock, ,• ,F r ,f T t. t radio and equalizer) _ , 1 FORD ESP TOTAL Covers virtually all vehicle components,including all R M i those shown above plus hundreds more.See list of exceptions. n( 6-D-, FPS-11614 COctober 1989 Ford Motor Company MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council Ns FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager RE: Discuss and Consider Autho izing Competitive Proposals for Emergency Medical Services for City of Wylie and Others The Emergency Medical Services Committee has worked for sometime now and has produced an RFP which will serve as detail specifications for bidders to bid on the service. The City Council has been provided the document. I have reviewed the document and believe that it protects the City' s interest in trying to get a quality provider . The following action is needed: 1 . The City Council needs to approve specification document so that all vendors will be bidding on the same criteria . 2 . Solicit bids beginning on September 14 , 1990 . 3 . Accept and reveiw all bids around mid October and take a recommendation to the City Council at the last meeting in October, 1990 . 4 . City Council will award the bid and authorize execution of a contract . 5 . New provider will assume all responsibilities for the service around mid November 1990 . -�4 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager t4a)L01/mm RE: Discuss and Consider New Contract under Emergency and Temporary Conditions on Ambulance Service with Nortex Emergency Medical Service, Inc . At the present time the City is under contract with Lifeline Christian Care Ambulance, Inc . This company based in Dallas has filed for Chapter 7 Bankrupcty. They are out of business . They have relinquished all responsibilities in the contract . This company did not give the City 90 days notice as provided by the contract. At the present time the service is being managed and run by Mr. John Lemley. Walter C. Crocker is the individual the City is under contract with but he has relinquished all responsibilities and is now in Chapter 7 Bankrupcty. I would recommed that the City Council execute a new contract under emergency conditions with Mr . John Lemley, President and General Manager of Nortex Emergency Medical Service, Inc. This will be only temporary until new bids can be received and awarded . Mr. Lemley advises me that he will comply with all terms and conditions of the old contract which is attached as amended. I see no other way to do this since we have to have a responsible party. You may also want to consider legal action against Walter C. Crocker for violating the contract . This will not be very fruitful since he has already declared bankrupcty. Attachment - Old Contract which could be rewritten between City and Mr. Lemley. CONTRACT FOR PROVISION OF ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AMBULANCE SERVICE This contract is entered into by and between the City of Wylie, Texas ("City"), and Lifeline Christian Care Ambulances, Inc. ("Lifeline"), on the /7ki day of December, 1987, and is to witness the following: WHEREAS, the City currently operates an emergency ambulance service providing basic life support; and WHEREAS, the City desires to upgrade the current service level to advanced life support; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City to contract with Lifeline for provision of such service; and WHEREAS, Lifeline has agreed to provide such service on the following terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises and obligations of the parties as recited herein, City and Lifeline agree as follows: 1. Scope of Service A. Lifeline agrees, during the term of this contract, to provide advanced life support (ALS) emergency ambulance service to all areas within the corporate limits of the City. B. The ALS service to be provided by Lifeline shall include an emergency ambulance that carries the drugs, equipment, and telemetry of vital signs to a qualified • doctor as well as any and all other equipment or supplies required by law to provide ALS service. Lifeline agrees to man such ambulance with fully trained paramedics and/or emergency medical technicians who are authorized and qualified to administer ALS. C. City agrees to dispatch all E9-1-1 calls for emergency ambulance service within the corporate limits of the City to Lifeline/Methodist-Dispatch during the term of this contract or any renewal hereof. D. This contract is based on t:,e premise that Lifeline has a contract with Methodist Hospitals of Dallas to provide all medical control and dispatch services, including telemetry to a qualified doctor for stabilization of a patient at the scene, to meet the minimum standards for ALS as required by state law. Such services are more fully set out in the agreement for ambulance support services provided by Methodist to Lifeline, which agreement is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof for all purposes. This contract will terminate automatically and immediately in the event such contract between Methodist and Lifeline is terminated for any reason and no substitute contract is entered into of a like nature and on a basis acceptable to the City. 2. Term A. This contract shall be effective from December 15, 1987, through December 31, 1989, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. B. The parties have agreed that the first year service shall be subsidized in part by the City as provided in Paragrah 3 below. The parties have not agreed on the amount of subsidy for the second year of this contract, but have agreed to negotiate the amount of such subsidy and to agree on the amount of the same or to agree to terminate this contract. The parties agree to negotiate such term and reach a decision on or before September 1, 1988, so that the amount of any subsidy agreed upon can be included within the City's budget for the succeeding fiscal year. 3. Subsidy A. The parties agree that the subsidy to Lifeline from the City for the first year of this contract shall consist of two (2) existing ambulances and related equipment owned by the City. City agrees to convey title to the two (2) ambulances and related equipment to Lifeline in the manner provided by law, conditioned on other terms of this contract stated below. B. The parties agree that the subsidy for the second year of this contract shall not exceed the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) cash, subject to the negotiations provided in Paragraph 2 above. The parties agree that if the subsidy for the second year of this contract, beginning January 1, 1989, is not funded by appropriate budget action of the City, this contract shall terminate on December 31, 1988. 4. Conditions of Service A. Lifeline agrees to: (1) Provide immediate ALS service for all emergency calls dispatched to it within the corporate limits of the City for the term of this contract. (2) Be responsible for all hiring of employees, dispatching, billing and collections. (3) Save, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any claim, suit, damage, judgment, or attorney's -2- -7// fees arising out of or in any way related to any claim of negligence by third parties against any employee of Lifeline as a result of providing the ambulance services outlined in this contract. (4) To provide ALS emergency service to any location within the corporate limits of the City in a time of eight (8) minutes or less from dispatch time to arrival at the scene in not less than ninety percent (90%) of all dispatches within the City. (5) To provide nonemergency response within fifteen (15) minutes of any dispatch within the City in ninety percent (90%) of nonemergency dispatch runs. (6) To provide such services at a reasonable cost to the citizens of the City. The initial approved fee schedule for such services is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. (7) To provide monthly run statements to the City, including the type of run, response time, disposition of patients, and any unusual circumstances. (8) To provide an annual financial statement of Lifeline to the City. (9) To notify the Police Department of the City immediately upon observance of any unusual circumstance in conducting an ambulance run, either emergency or nonemergency. (10) To receive and respond accordingly to City dispatches directly from the emergency number system or to citizens referred by the City directly in the manner required by this contract. B. The City agrees to: (1) Call Lifeline directly when a call is received for emergency ambulance service through the City's E9-1-1 emergency service number system and to give nonemergency callers Lifeline's direct telephone number upon request to the City for nonemergency ambulance service. (2) To dispatch emergency and nonemergency ambulance service calls exclusively to Lifeline during the term of this contract. -3- (3) To convey two (2) ambulances currently owned by the City and any other personal property or equipment related thereto in the manner provided by law, subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. (4) To provide liaison by the City Manager or his representative between the City and Lifeline. (5) To review and approve all reasonable requests by Lifeline for increases in fees for services rendered in connection with the ambulance service. 5. Insurance Lifeline agrees to maintain comprehensive general liability insurance to cover all insurable risks arising out of or in any way connected with the provision of ambulance services in accordance with this contract, including emergency or nonemergency services, ALS services, vehicle operations, and any and all personnel of Lifeline while acting within the course and scope of their employment in providing any of the services covered by this contract. Lifeline agrees to furnish such insurance in accordance with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and to show the City as an additional named insured therein as its interest may appear. Lifeline agrees to furnish the City a certified copy of any and all policies of insurance held by Lifeline pursuant to and required by this section on or before the effective date of this contract. 6. Termination A. Either party to this contract may terminate the contract upon the giving of ninety (90) days written notice, such notice to be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery to: Lifeline Christian Care Ambulances, Inc. 5353 Maple, Suite 200 P. O. Box 35033 Dallas, Texas 75235 City of Wylie, Texas Attn: City Manager P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 B. In the event Lifeline terminates this contract before the expiration of six (6) months from the effective date hereof, it agrees to transfer title to the two (2) ambulances to be conveyed hereunder back to the City on or before such termination date. In the event Lifeline terminates this contract before the expiration of one (1) year from the effective date hereof, it agrees to convey one (1) of the two (2) ambulances -4- back to the City, the choice of which ambulance to be conveyed to be within the discretion of the City. If necessary, Lifeline may sell either or both ambulances prior to the end of the first year of this contract. If it does and the contract is then terminated as provided in this section, Lifeline agrees to reimburse the City an amount equivalent to the sale price of the ambulance(s). If improvements or additions are made to the ambulance(s), they may be removed if the ambulance(s) is returned to the City pursuant to this section. C. As provided above, if the subsidy to be provided by the City to Lifeline during the second year of this contract is not budgeted during the required fiscal year by the appropriate legal process, this contract shall terminate and be of no further force or effect after December 31, 1988. 7. Performance Guaranty Lifeline agrees that it will maintain its qualifications as a provider of ALS in accordance with all requirements of state law and appropriate agency regulations. Lifeline agrees that its personnel providing ALS services will be fully trained and qualified as paramedics and/or emergency medical technicians as may be required for giving the level of service they are providing and that such personnel will accomplish all of continuing education requirements of the state or its agencies or as required by the ambulance support services agreement with Methodist Hospital. 8. Miscellaneous Provisions A. This contract is performable in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. B. Venue of any cause of action with regard hereto shall be in Collin County, Texas. C. This contract contains all the agreements of the parties, and no prior or contemporaneous oral agreements shall modify any term or provision hereof. No amendment of any provision hereof shall be effective unless and until executed in writing by the parties hereto. D. Amendments hereto on behalf of the City of Wylie shall not be effective unless and until such amendment has been approved by appropriate resolution of the City Council. E. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. -5- EXECUTED in duplicate originals on the date first written above. CITY OF Yin, TEXAS (Ow OF wY By: lest* ayor EAATTES Secretary /E, TE.I'P\il (....-C--/-1 i nuiummo0 LIFELI HRISTIAN CAft MB NCFS, I . By: Pr ide t By: g'?(/IGC.C. fittilir- Executive Vice Preside Administration ATTEST: ..fr-e,, L,,t z Secretary -$- �` � INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY POLICY ADMIRAL I% COMPANY (CLAIMS-MADE FORM) A STOCK COMPANY A87 MP 1191 ineretn called -tne Company`) DECLARATIO LIFELINE CHRISTIAN CARE �t 1NSURts. NAMED AMBULANCE, INC . W�I�I�A[n� INSuREO 5353 MAPLE AVE . , SUITE 200 DALLAS, TEXAS 75235 DWYER MAILING CO- AOORESS POLICY PERIOD: From . 06-18-87 To 06-18-88 At 12:01 A.M. Standard Time at the address or the Named Insured as stated herein.) 40 In consiaer:tton of the payment of premium, in reliance upon the statements herein or attached hereto, and subject to all of the terms of this policy, the Company agrees with the Named Insured as follows: NOTICE Except to such extent as may otherwise be I. NAMED INSUREDS BUSINESS: AMBULANCE SER'LFLG ded herein, the coverage cf this policy is lim'ted generally to liability for only those claims tLat are first made against the insured while tl- 2. LIMITS OF LIABILITY: S 100, 000 . each clain{�F'Ol:Cy is in force. please review the policy care- aggregate S 100, 000 . fwiiy and discuss the coverage thereunder with your insurance agent or broker. 3. DEDUCTIBLE (Including Expenses(: $2, 5 0 0 . 0 0 PER CLAIM 4. CLAIMS EXTENSION PERIOD: (APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPANY CANCELS OR REFUSES TO RENEW) : 6 MONTHS FROM THE CANCELLATION OR EXPIR— ATION OF THIS POLICY . 5. RETROACTIVE DATE 0 6—18—8 7 6. PREMIUM: PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY — $3, 500 . 00 FLAT CHARGE EXTENDED DISCOVERY PERIOD — $ 1, 000 . 00 FLAT CHARGE, FULLY EARNED AT INCEPTION CGL — $500 . 00 (TOTAL: $5, 000 . 00) 7. FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS ATTACHED AT INCEPTION: JC-0076, JC-0078, ENDORSEMENTS # 1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 A SIGNED COPY OF THE NAMED INSUREDS APPLICATION FOR THIS POLICY IS ATTACHED HERETO. AND MADE A PART HEREOF. AT INCEPTION. Countersigned On- 09-04-87/SSG At: AU-ST-I•N TEXAS By: Authorized Representative J0-3026 011$3) �� g 15 LIFELINE CHRISTIAN CARE AMBULANCE , INC . 5353 MAPLE , SUITE 200 DALLAS , TEXAS 75235 DATE : NOVEMBER 15 , 1987 :0 : CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS SUBJECT : EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPORT SERVICE ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT A . L . S . FEE : $ 157 . 00 pick-up $ 15 . 00 oxygen $ 25 . 00 lifepack 5 E . C . G . monitor $ 35 . 00 telementry EMlink DRUGS $232 . 00 TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPORT IV FLUIDS AS PROTOCALS EOA/ ET TUBES WITH LARYNGOSCOPE BLADES DEMAND VALVE OXYGEN UNIT IV CAYHETERS BUTTERFLIES AS PROTOCAL PRESCRIBES 50: DEXTROSE E . C . G . MONITOR DIFIBRILLATOR DRUGS MEDICAL TREATMENT PROTOCAL TELEMENTRY $3 . 00 PER MILE NON-EMERGENCY BASIC LIFE SUPPORT FEE : $ 120 . 00 pick-up $ 15 . 00 oxygen $ 135 . 00 TOTAL MILAGE $3 . 00 a mile ROUTINE TRANSFER FOR WYLIE HILLCREAST NURSING HOME $ 110 . 00 flat rate to Wylie Community Hospital $ 110 . 00 $2 . 00 a mile any other facility "Exhibit A" LIFELINE CHRiSTIAN CARE AMBULANCE , INC . 5353 MAPLE , SUITE 200 DALLAS , TEXAS 75235 DATE : NOVEMBER 15 , 1987 TO : CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS SUBJECT : EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPORT SERVICE ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT A . L . S . FEE : $157 . 00 pick-up $ 15 . 00 oxygen $ 25 . 00 lifepack 5 E . K .G . monitor $ 35 . 00 telementry EMlink DRUGS $232 . 00 TOTAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPORT IV FLUIDS AS PROTOCALS EOA/ET TUBES WITH LARYNGOSCOPE BLADES DEMAND VALVE OXYGEN UNIT IV CAYHETERS BUTTERFLIES AS PROTOCAL PRESCRIBES 50t DEXTROSE E . C .G . MONITOR DIFIBRILLATOR DRUGS MEDICAL TREATMENT PROTOCAL TELEMENTRY $3 . 00 PER MILE NON-EMERGENCY BASIC LIFE SUPPORT FEE : $120 . 00 pick-up $ 15 . 00 oxygen $135 . 00 TOTAL MILAGE $3 . 00 a mile ROUTINE TRANSFER FOR WYLIE HILLCREAST NURSING HOME $ 110 . 00 flat rate to Wylie Community Hospital $110 . 00 $2 . 00 a mile any other facility "Exhibit A" •—.—• xx i miry universal insurance Company - Mc. iC 6 13 34 9 Security National Insurance Company d 'e` ' s '"j T DECLARATIONS—PART I ' NSW:., -- ��t:r,.:....a.� "'"-"" _� Trinity Universal Insurance Company • news of Kansas, Inc. (.(Grin O..Kta-ON,... Tt. * L Named (awned and Address: • Lifeline Christian Care Ambulance, Inc . 5353 Maple, Suite 200 Dallas,TX 75235 The earned m is:L' individual; ❑ partnership; ` _corporation: _ iont venture; 2. Policy Period: ,Mo. Day rr.) Other From 4-10-87 to 4-10-88 Business of the named tossed is 12:01 A.M..standard time at the address of the named inured as stated herein. 1. Schedule as of Effective Date of this Insurance—As to: is, Sections A, 8 3 C—Owned Automobiles; 1bf Section 0—Covered Automobiles (including newly accurate +ehrctes, subject to the provisions of paragraph Ihi of the "covered automooile" definition, i i 1 Description: Purpose of Use iP & 81 = Pleasure aria nosiness; C = Commercial, AUTO Year ir-- Naas lady Type—Capacity 'Triad Load. Gaaaeage. Bus Seating,: IdeatjNeao.. us. Pneapad Pummelsar y Garaged ►u Cla - w- Modal semi rSi. Mir till No.; Cinders 'Ms.': Midst ITaw State' et Use flcawe li 1980 Chevrolet type 1 Ambulance 1 T. #7251 Terr:02 7931(3.00)+15% 12) Facts Respecting Purchase As to Section 0. any toss under Coverages other than Towingis a able as Auto List Actual Pus CUSS d Rabat; e p Y no. Pr Cast Mo. & yr.—ae. a, ,: Used .u1 Symbol interest may appear to the named insured and the Loss Payee named below ra 2 ici Automobile Medical Payments Coverage: Designated Person Insured Designation of Automobiles—Divlsioo I __ AUTO Nu. 1o' Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage: Designated Person Insured Insured Motor Vehicles AUTO No. 1 _vie insurance arterded is only with respect to such of the fnucwmv_ coverages. and under eacn sucn Section D coverage to such covered automobiles oes:ripen in the _,:nodule or Covered Automobiles. as are moicatee ov speciiic premium charge or charges The limit of the company s liability against each Such coverage shall be as statec ierein. subject re all the terms of this insurance having reference thereto SECTION j • COVERAGES UMITS OF UABILITY PREMIUMS • , I ACV means Actuar Cash Value Auto No 1 I Auto No 2 i 20 000 A A. Bodily Injury Liability * 1 S , each person S 40,000 each occurrence S 714 S B. Property Damage Liability it I S 15,000 each occurrence S 722 S B . C. Automobile Medical Payments I S each person S S CD Uninsured/Underinsured C Motorists Coverage S 20,000 each person S S Bodily Injury s 40.000 each occurrence 13 Property Damage s 15,000 each occurrence S 10 , S E. Comprehensive (RATE) j Auto No. 1 (RATE) Auto No 2 ACV unless otherwise stated i I IS S less deductible i 15 S S S F. Collision D ACV less deductible i I S S S S G. Fire, Lightning or Transportation I 1 ACV unless otherwise staled + IS S $ S H. Theft ACV unless otherwise stated 4.I S S S S I. Combined Additional ACV unless otherwise stated ++ S S S S J. Towing Sao for each disablement S S I ( Personal Injury Protection S 2 5nn per End. No. Attached 941 b s 49 S Endorsement Identification TOTAL PREMIUM BY AUTO NO $ 1,508 S TX0613 ,TX1069B,TX1097 Premium for Endorsements S f TX1007 ,241b TOTAL POLICY PREMIUMS 1,508. 1 I 5 _r.ept with respect to Dallment lease.conditional sale. purchase agreement, mortgage or other encumbrance, the named insured is the sole owner of every vehicle describes n Item 3 above. unless otherwise stated herein. - `J ,c Cownterslgned. 6-10-87 Dallas,TX 8A4? ,c�,r/,1 >�i Authoraz Representative Foam NO 32-J454 THIS DECLARATIONS PACE;PART Bi WITH"POLICY PROVISIONS—PART A".AND ENDORSEMENTS. JDLdOS11O)-u-E IF ANY. ISSUED TO FORM A PART THEREOF COMPLETES THE ABOVE NUMBERED POLICY. (REV 9-da1 *UNLESS A SPECIFIC PREMIUM CHARGE IS MADE FOR SECTION A COVERAGES, THIS POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY INSURANCE AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH ANY FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAW. • FELTS, SKEELS, MULLENS & FUOS • 750 N. St. Paul, Suite 520 Tel: (214)953-0707•Fax: (214)953-1487•TELEX 535212 SKEELS Dallas, Texas 75201 BINDER NO: A87MP1191 DATE. 6l211/87 TO: Williams-Dwyer Co. Drawer 270 ASSURED: LIFF1 INF CHRISTIAN CARE Wichita Falls, TX 76108 AMRIll ANICF_ INC.. 5353 Maela Avp_ Stuffs 70A ()alias. Tevac 75735 ATTN: Frank la Wno tpr THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE HAS BEEN EFFECTED FOR YOUR ACCOUNT SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. BINDER TERM: 6/18/87 to 8/18/87 COVERAGE. CGL/Ambulance Attendants E & 0 POLICY PERIOD: 6/18/87 to 6/18/88 LIMITS: $100,000 each claim/aggregate - defense costs included within limits FORM: Claims Made - Retroactive Date: 6/18/87 CONDITIONS. Includes 6 month discovery clause Excludes: prior acts THE ;K%�WITH AN SU •tN RCR NOT IFi�i;;,'•i:Cf;D�T.i..' ,c Lla;•.:n = . ._ . ,. ;1',U'rLUS LILIES - Ci.?i :..tit tl�t:u..•'l �J .:::•� 'yJUhn?lt,. SIit in S ;R,'IL 1.1t2_ Ir t2i5iiSl'.NCE CODE.REQUIRES PAYMENT OF 3.85'ib TAX ON GROSS PREMIUM' DEDUCTIBLE: $2. 500 Par claim incl LAE COMPANY: Admiral Insurance Co. PREMIUM: $5,000_00 POLICY FEE: [FULLY EARNED) $150_00 INSPECTION FEE: --- TAX: $198_28 $2,200• MINIMUM EARNED APPUES:NO FLAT CANCELLATIONS ALLOWED. This binder is based on cable and/or mail and/or telephone adv)ces from the above wwar(s)and is subject to policy conditions when,as and if issued and is issued by the undersigned without any liability whatsoever as insurer,being solely tor the convenience of the insured and is to be automatically cancelled and superceded by the policy upon issuance. Cancellation This binder may be cancelled by either the insured or the insurer by wntten notice to the other.In the event of Ca Nation,the earned premium will be computed short rate if cancelled by the insured unless subject to minimum premium ano pro rata if cancelled by the insurer. i7-,o: IMPORTANT (- ZO-Ze THIS INSURANCE CANNOT BE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLED FLAT. EARNED JS/jjs PREMIUM MUST BE PAID FOR FELTS, SKEELS, MULLENS & FUOS THE TIME INSURANCE HAS BEEN IN FORCE. APPLICATION FOR AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE e wtee obe 4111:( PutAii `texasutomo6ile Insurance Plan 708 Cel n ie.Seize 404.404*ewe S- I•Aussie.Texas 78701.$12/477-s322 Checks Amount $ (FOR INSURANCE PLAN OFFICE USE ONLY) IMF ORTANT—(1)This application must he submitted ie 4rprtcote member with this ep.apriws premiawt fur this ieswewce 441016441 fur.(2)Rem+fewce he she pnmirm mist Ire eeyeW o.Iy to Twee Automobile leswewee Mew.(MN this eplicatioe is assigned to ee Mower eperahog wrier Ch.19,Times Itsstwewea Cede(Reciprocals),eplicewr accepts ell firms required by law to he made with the State lewd el lwsuraace. TICS A? UCATION MUST K MINTED OR TYPED. ApplI fullnKonrtes Lifeline Christian Care Ambulance. Inc..treet.F.. 0. Box 35033 No. No. Dallas Dallas_ Texas 752_35 L214 ) 630-4555 City County State Zip Code Morse Telephone(Area Code) Business(Area Code) 2 _ Nc n-Fmer gent y Ambnlanr•p SPrvicP Occupation Employers Name& Address Spouse's Occupation 2a Is applicant a resident of Texas? YP c If not, give permanent home address 3 OPERATOR INFORMATION Apdicont's former addresses post 3 years fRelationship Principal driver Birth date Sea I Driver's Applicant and other drivers to applicant No; Yes; Veh. No. Mot Day Yr M-F MIS•1 License No. State APPLICANT f Applicant ; I I J Conn i p C'on tey F1Pming V-Pres _ 1 ' x 1 107 ,01 52 IF 1 M ! 06126608 TX Ffan l T� y Michell Murray IV-Pies_ � : x T 2 �04 �06 j 68 I F I S I 01934088 TX Larry James McVey ;Driver Lx H 3 i01 08 144 M S 101692222 TX� •M!S=Mammal status. S=Single M=Monied W=Widowed D=Divorced Sep=Seporor • DESCRIPTION& USE OF VEHICLE(s): This information must be furnished for each motor vehicle to be insured. YEAR AND MAKE BODY TYPE V.I.N. STATE UC.PLT.NO. PP CLASSIFICATION No. 1 1980 Chc.vrolt Type 1 Amhulanr-p 1 Tnn_ crW3'1AV157291_ TX 185-778 No. 2 1984 Ford XL Dpsipl Ambulance, 1FIIKF37111EKA9OO12 TX 59Ci SCT. No. 3 1985 Ford XL Desiel Ambulance, 1FIIX_F37111.FXA7595R Tx 591 Sir. No. 4 No S Is vehicle registered in name of applicant?YPS If "No"give name and relationship MOTE It application is for commercial vehicles, list the vehicle(s)above, complete oral otruch TAIP 1000 C for rating purposes. S. Motor vehicles)will be principally ganged or kept in: W 1 i e Collin C o. 28 Texas County Territory State If militay,give name of base and store 6. Named non-owner policy. Will the occupational, professional, or business duties other than driving to and from work require or involve the use of motor vehicles? NO If"YES"state type of such vehicles .Give named non-owner premium classification Give name of insurance company presently insuring vehicle 7 IMPORTANT.Is applicant or spouse required to file or maintain proof of financial responsibility(SR22)with any state? No If"YES"give the following information in full: Name Relationship to Applicant State Requiring SR-22 Give reason for suspension or required filing Dote occurred T.D.PS. File Number I- Is a filing rag-tired to comply with(a)Any other storey NO (b)Local ordinance? If"YES"list states and cities requiring such filings,and limits of liability required by each 9 The applicant's present automobile liability policy on all vehicles listed in Item 4 terminates or will be cancelled on 12-16-8 7 Previous insurance (Month)(Day)(Yea) campa,yTrinity Universal Ins . C(�,k Na TC 6 13 34 90 TAIP 1000-Rev.7-1-86 •Ir.—w.r—j ,v, r+rr. • 'WIN, -0•010•11,rr. 110 . rv.• vr. a,rsrmrr"I1t •Vs VI' Pli IIV/V1VPIL.i r,,, e„ ieme„t forma gaol of Poi<y No, _.1C---6.33490 issued to Lifeline Christian Care_ Ambulance Inc . by Trinity Universal Insurance Company • Oft ,n, ,may (Nome of Insurance Company) located (city and state) Dallas., -'�eXas_ -- and is effective frown .--_. -9-8-8? (12:0) A.M. Standard Time) (Tie iefenwahiM aims is required stay when tins tadsrsemseet is issued subsequent to preparation of the Policy.) This endorsement forms a port of the policy to which attached, effective from its dote of issue unless otherwise stated herein This endorsement modifies such insurance as is afforded by the provisions of the policy relating to the following: COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE UARIUTY INSURANCE BASIC AUTOMOBILE UABIUTY INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE MEDICAL PAYMENTS INSURANCE PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION UNINSURED/UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS COVERAGE AUTOMOBILE PHYSICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE (Fleet Automatic) AUTOMOBILE PHYSICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE (Noe-Fleet) In consideration of .... Additional . premium of S_.._.1`542.. .___ it is agreed that os of the effective dote (Additional—Return) hereof the policy is hereby amended in the following porticulors: ..Amending Clas.s. .on. unit.-.#1 to._79.13 no change in premium Aatomo►il Added Divisies I To afford insurance with respect to the automobile described in this Division, subject to oll the terms of the policy except as specifically amended herein: Description of the Automobile and Facts Respecting its Purchase by the Named Insured. Yesr of Trade Model Body Type; Truck Size; Teak Identification Number y; of Number of Nome Gsllenege Capacity; Bus et Serial Number Morel Hae Seating Capacity Meter Number CCylinders #2 1984 Ford XL Desiel Ambulp.nce 0012 #3 1985 Ford XL pesiel Ambulance 5958 Any loss under Coverages other then List Actual Pwebtssd Rating Towing is psychic es interest may Price Cost Symbol appear to the named insured and the Me.&Yr.—New(N); Used(U) Lass Payee mimed below: S S The automobile will be principally garaged in the Town, County and State shown in the address of the insured in the policy. unless otherwise stated herein _....._.--_- The purposes for which the automobile is to be used are ?313—(3.00) The following endorsements attached to this policy ore applicable to this endorsement-. Divisisa II Automobile Eliminated To discontinue insurance with respect to the automobile described in this Division: beer ef Trade Nerve Morel Identification Serial Meter Model Number Number Number Division III The insurance afforded for the added automobile is only with respect to such and so many of the following ccvcrcges as are indicated by on additional or return premium or the words "no charge" in the premium column. The limit of the company's lia- bility against each such coverage shall be as stored herein, subject to all of the terms of this policy having reference thereto Y/R .586 PREMIUMS COVERAGES LIMITS OF UABIUTY 2 Annual3 2 Additionel3 l Retire S 20,000 each person r j Bodily Injury Liability S 40,000 each occurrence i s621 621J5364 364 is Property Damage Liability s 15,000 each occurrence 1 628 6281 368 368 ' _ Automobile Medical Payments S each person Personal Injury Protection $ each person 2 .500 43 43 25 25 Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage + j Bodily Injury $ 20,000 eoch person I i s 40,000 each occurrence 13 13! 8 8 Property Damage . S 15,000 each occurrence I 10 10 6 6 Comprehensive Deductible f S ' ACV Collision S Deductible l j Fire, Lightning and Transportation S ' Theft S Windstorm, Hail, Eorthauoke or Explosion b � , Combined Additional Coverage $ Towing S for each disablement Special CFtarpt for ........._.. .. .........~ - ------ --` -�__, os per endorsement attached ' � Totals ,$ - 1$ 1, 42 is Nets: If automobile is eliminated and no automobile is substituted therefor in Division I return premiums for the automobile summated ore to be stated in the premiums column. .y � ._. _ . . .. . v ..vas mart rfDa t,VI I rlssignea KIs1C Pool 280 One La Costa • 1016 La Posodo Drive • Austin. Texas 78752 • (512) 458-9181 APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE (File in TRIPLICATE with Pool Manager) Ti the above designated Peel: As an employer entitled in good faith to workers' in- surance ,n accordance with theComTexas hand erse Twat, the undersigned hereby such makes insurance for such io prm�sgrts of Article 5.76 u1 the Insurance Code of Texas. The undersigned recognises and agrees that htwrancs as is applied for herewith, is subject to such rates. premium modifications and surcharges as are now or may hereafter be approved by the Texas Slate Board of Insurance. The under signed further agrees that the Producer of Record hereto shown acts soleey as the agent of the undersigned and is not an agent of or for the Texas Workers' Compensation Assigned Risk Pool or of the company assigned to issue and service such Mirada. 1. The Insurance herewith applied for has been tendered to and refected, this refection being a condition precedent to applying to the Pool for Insurance. Name of rejecting Insurance Company Aetna Ca S It a 1 r y A c n r p r y C n _ Date of rejection 4-6-8 7 -- L Applicant's official Trade flame: Life 1 iIl e C h r i c t i a n far P A mh n 1 am P v _Tine Wading address.5 3 5 3 Maple . S u i t e 200 D a 1 1 a c, T,gx a.s__ 75215 'elephone Number 6 3 0-0 0 0 8 area code 214 The street address, city and state where payroll books and records will be maintained for audit is 5353 Maple. Suite 200. Dallas . Texac 75235 3. A. Name of owner if individual is coverage to be provided for the owner? O Yes [] No. If Yes, show classification code and remuneration in Item 6 below. B. Names of partners and percentage ownership of each if partnership Is coverage to be provided for the partners?a Yes o No. If yes, give name of each partner to be covered; also, show classification code and remuneration of each in Item 6 below. C. Name and title of executive officers, it a corporation and percentage of stock each owns plus the remaining distribution of stock to equal 100% Wa 1 ter C Crocker III, President 51X:Con.nie 5,_ Fleming. V-Pres . 5�}Tiffany M. Murray-V-Pres __ Is coverage to be provided for executive officers?)Q(yes u rho. If yes, check appropriate block to indicate basis of coverage desire 1. 0 Workers' Compensation is elected for all executive officers. Secretary 5 X;Joan Rae Murray, ;Julia Trea a Feria, 2)C.ZNVorkers' Compensation is elected for the following executive officers only: 3 4% of stock unsold surer 0 X; Show names :,nd titles; also, show classification code and remuneration of each in Item G below. _Cnnale_s_F1 emi ng - Ambr,lan.ce Servi.c-e=-Dio- tor T i f f an y M_ Mils r a y - Arab,�1 a_n_r -�-@sil-D i r Q c-tor - -7720 — __ . a Seruir� - N.ot FuaPral Director - 7720 D. Name of trustee or administrator if trust or estate NO WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT COVERAGE WILL BE PROVIDED UNDER THE POLICY FOR INDIVIDUALS, PARTNERS, OR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS UNLESS REQUESTED ABOVE AND ENDORSED ON POUCY. location of all factories, shops. yards, buildings, premises or other work places of applicant, by town or city, with street and number 535� Ma Detailed description of operations and number of employees at each location- Non—EmPr gear y Transfer Ambulance Service — 5 IF MORE THAN ONE NAMED INSURED OR LOCATION,IDENTIFY CLASSIFICATIONS APPUCABLE TO EACH . Code NOT Classification of Operations 7720 l Ambulance Service - Not Funeral No.Emp. Remuneration Rate Est Premium Director 5_ A7 ,2 00. 00 5. 74 2 ,100 , 00 • I _ • . . I ' below name, code and remuneration of each individual OWNER. PARTNER or EXECUTIVE OFFICER to be covered. 7720 Connie S . Fleming 7720 Tiffany M. Murray .xposure and each premium item shall be shown to the nearest dollar. counting ruts and over as an extra A^nar. Loss Constant(it applicable)$ Premium S Expense Constant(if applicable)$ 85 . 00 2 , 10 8 . 04-- Minimum Premium $ 296 n O Total Est.Annual Premium s NO U. S. LONGSHOREMEN'S AND HARBOR WORKERS' ACT COVERAGE WILL BE PROVIDED UNDER THE POLICY UNLESS REQUESTED AND ENDORSED ON P0OLLICY U. S. Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Coverage requested. p Yes gh(ffo. Loading 96 NO COVERAGE WILL BE PROVIDED FOR EXPOSURES IN OTHER STATES. UNLESS THE ASSIGNED RISK POOL—SPECIAL ALL STATES ENDORSEMENT—TEXAS IS ATTACHED TO THE POLICY AND THEN ONLY FOR INCIDENTAL EXPOSURES. Assigned Risk Pool—Special MI States Endor ement—Teltas is requested. 0 Yes Jac No tIMUM DEPOSIT PREMIUM REQUIRED: (Not to be less than the MINIMUM PREMIUM.) '% of Estimated Annual Premium on Risks under $500.00. Interim reporting may be required due to the nature of the risk. 6 of Estimated Annual Premium on$ of Estimated Annual Premium on Risks between $500.00 and $1.000.00 Semi-Annual reporting usually required. b of Estimated Annual Premium on Risksf between over. d Monthly reportingreporting usually required. po g required. ;ilk Rev.) 1145 (Continued on reverse side) AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR PROVISION OF ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AMBULANCE SERVICE WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas ("City"), and Lifeline Christian Care Ambulances, Inc. ("Lifeline"), entered into a contract for provision of advanced life support ambulance service on December 14, 1987; and • WHEREAS, that contract automatically terminated on or about February 3, 1989, upon the termination of the medical control contract between Lifeline and Methodist Hospital of Dallas; and WHEREAS, the +parties wish to amend the original contract and continue such service under the contract as amended hereby; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises and obligations of the parties as recited herein, the City and Lifeline agree as follows: 1. That except as amended hereby, all the provisions of the contract for provision of advanced life support ambulance service entered into between the parties on December 14, 1987, are hereby ratified and continued in full force and effect unless hereafter terminated as provided herein. 2. Lifeline agrees to abide by all the requirements and standards of the Emergency Medical Services Act, Article 4447o, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, insofar as the same is applicable to advanced life support ambulance services to be provided by Lifeline to the City under the provisions of this contract, as amended. 3. Lifeline agrees to permit a full inspection of all equipment, trucks, and facilities presently used in its operations on behalf of the City by the appropriate officer of the Texas Department of Health, such inspection being presently scheduled for March 8, 1989, at 112 South Ballard, Wylie, Texas. 4. Lifeline agrees to abide by the terms of a letter of agreement entered into between it and Methodist Hospitals of Dallas on February 21, 1989, including, but not limited to, the obligation to pay Methodist Hospitals of Dallas, EMS Resources, the full amount of fees due for the provision of the medical control services to Lifeline. 5. Lifeline agrees to abide by the applicable rules of the Texas Department of Health with regard to medical direction/supervision of pre-hospital care and advanced life support vehicle requirements, together with the medical control protocols promulgated by Methodist Hospital of Dallas at all times when rendering basic or advanced life support service. 6. Paragraph 6A of the contract is amended to provide that in the event Lifeline fails to meet any of the provisions of the contract, as amended, it may be terminated upon ten (10) days' written notice from the City to Lifeline unless Lifeline can, within such ten (10) days, correct such failure to the satisfaction of the City and the City so acknowledges its satisfaction in writing. 7. The Lease Agreement between Lifeline and the City for the City's premises at the old police/fire station at 112 South Ballard is amended to provide that Lifeline will reserve one (1) stall for a fire truck and and will during the remainder of the term of the contract be responsible for all utilities to the building and general routine maintenance of the building. 8. That Paragraph 4A(8) of the contract is amended to add the requirement that Lifeline furnish monthly financial and operations statements to the City by the 15th of the month following each month of operation, said financial statements to consist of a profit and loss statement and balance sheet, together with cumulative figures to that point of the year, and such operation statements to include the number of runs, patients, response times, and other data from September 30 of the preceding year to the date of the report. 9. The City agrees to continue to pay the subsidy heretofore agreed to in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for the year ending December 31, 1989, payable in equal monthly installments, unless sooner terminated, in which event such monthly payment will be prorated to the date of termination and any excess refunded to the City by Lifeline. This Amendment is entered into and executed in duplicate originals by the parties hereto on the NM day of0i4 , 1989. oli Fume ,,, CITY WYL -XAS Yc<< B . 4 V Mayor SEAL = ATTES E ,--,Lf)0 ecretary LIFELINE CHRISTIAN CARE AMBULANCES, INC. By: Presiden ATTEST: &,f‘ Secretary MEMORANDUM DATE: August 30 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Managep. / ,,a.i RE: Discuss and Consider Authorizing Competitive Proposals for Worker ' s Compensation Coverage for City Employees. The new premium costs for FY91 from the Texas Municipal League Risk Pool is $103,873 .00 . This figure for current year is $88 ,382 .00 which is an increase of 17 .5% . In my opinion this cost far exceeds what is justified for a 62 person work force especially since the City contracts out some of the high risk areas. I believe the City should solicit private insurance companies to cover this state mandated coverage. With City Council authorization we will solicit competitive proposals for the coverage that is required by law. We will also solicit various options that may be available to the City. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council .4014,1,000. FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage RE: Authorize Competitive Bid for Insurance Coverage on City Owned Equipment The present policy on City equipment expires in October . This comprehensive insurance coverage covers all City equipment not considered a vehicle such as cars and trucks . This is figured as off-the-road Public Works equipment such as tractors , backhoes, mowers, etc. The present premium cost for this insurance coverage is $3 , 784 .00 annually. Therefore, I am asking authorization to solicit competitve bids for this insurance coverage to be brought back to the City Council for awarding prior to expiration of current coverage. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manage 4 /I" RE: Discuss and Consider Equipment that is needed on an Ongoing basis for Street and Drainage Maintenance and Control At the present the City has serious problems in ongoing street maintenance and drainage improvements and control . There are several pieces of equipment that must be acquired if the City is to do the job that has to be done. We do not have the following equipment to control these problems. 1 . A GRADUAL for bar ditch and drainage ditch clearance. Streets wear out when the water has no place to go. 2 . A ROADGRADER is needed to properly repair streets . A roaagrader and blade is needed to properly spread asphalt and sub-base material when repairing stretches of street . Potholes are treated differently than large stretches of road that have deteriorated . 3 . A BULLDOZER - In order to clear overgrown and unmaintained drainage canals throughout the City a bulldozer will be needed . It will be impossible in my judgement to clear all drainage canals such as Rush Creek without this equipment. 4. A SMALL FLAT BED DUMP TRUCK to get in and out of drainage canals and low areas to haul off debris . We have budgeted in the new budget $32,000 .00 for heavy equipment. I believe on a lease purchase option all the above equipment used could be obtained under a two and one- half (2 1/2) year payout . Approximate cost $80 ,000 .00 . MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage 4 RE: Discuss and Consider Full mplementation of All Impact Fee Ordinances . According to City Attorneys and the attorney' s written opinion the City of Wylie can now without any problems fully collect all impact fees on all land platted prior to the adoption of ordinance 90-10 which was June 26 , 1990 . All this land and fees would fall under the old fee schedule ordinances 87-40 and 84-12 . All land platted after June 26 , 1990 would fall under the new impact fee schedule which was ordinance 90-10 . With your authorization we will proceed with all fees that are due and payable to the City of Wylie under the provisions spelled out in the City Attorney' s opinion. It is my understanding that the City Council has been waiting on this ruling . Attachment: Legal Opinion SALLINGER, NICHOLS, JACKSON, KIRK & DILLARD ALFRED SALLINGER (Formerly Saner,Jack, Sallinger& Nichols) ROBERT D.HEMPHILL LAWRENCE W.JACKSON Attorneys & Counselors at Law ROBERT E.HAGER TIM KIRK 1800 Lincoln Plaza PETER G.SMITH ROBERT L.DILLARD III JOHN PIERCE GRIFFIN 500 N. Akard DAVID M.BERMAN ROBERT L.DILLARD.JR. Dallas,Texas 75201 JOHN F.ROEHM III H.LOUIS NICHOLS (214)954-3333 BRUCE A.STOCKARD OF COUNSEL Facsimile(214)954-3334 August 31, 1990 `cr!) , Mr. James Johnson ,,JUL Finance Director �- City of Wylie -._" P. O. Box 428 -- Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear James: At your request, I reviewed the provisions of Ordinance No. 90-10, Ordinance No. 84-12, and Ordinance No. 87-40. Ordinance No. 90-10, the impact fee ordinance, was passed pursuant to the requirements of Section 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. Under Section 395.016(c) of the Code and Section 5b of the ordinance, an impact fee under the ordinance may not be collected for a period of one year from the date of its adoption for new development platted prior to the ordinance. However, under Section 395.016(b) , the city may assess the impact fees adopted before June 20, 1987, for land platted after that date and may collect such impact fees for land platted before that date under Subdivision (a) of Section 395.016. Furthermore, Section 8 of the ordinance provides that it shall not operate to repeal or affect any of the other ordinances of the city except insofar as they are inconsistent with this ordinance (Ordinance No. 90-10) . Therefore, an impact fee adopted before June 20, 1987, remains enforceable under its own provisions through June 25, 1991. On that date, such impact fees will be and become inconsistent and in conflict with Ordinance No. 90-10 and will, at that time, no longer be effective. Although Ordinance No. 84-12 is in slightly incorrect form, it appears to be an ordinance imposing an impact fee. It is in incorrect form for an ordinance since it starts "Be It Resolved . " rather than "Be It Ordained . . . " Section 3 of the ordinance imposes impact fees for the extension of water and sewer services in the city. Equivalent residential units are defined in Sections A and B. Fees of $225.00 and $275. 00 for sewer service are imposed by Subsection C. Subsection D provides that fees are to be paid on the issuance of a building permit or at the time of service. Subsection F provides for additional or subsequent impact fees due to higher volume usages. Subsection G provides that the impact fees are to placed in a special fund for the improvement of the systems as a result of the new development. Subsection H Mr. Leland D. Nelson August 31, 1990 Page 2 authorizes credits for other improvements installed by the property owner. Ordinance No. 87-40 amends Section G of Ordinance No. 84-12 so as to specifically identify the fund and provide how it may be used. These ordinances of the city are presumed to be valid and should be enforced in accordance with their terms until they have been repealed or held by a court of competent juridiction to be invalid for some reason. Although I have some concerns about Ordinance No. 84-12, it is my understanding that both you and the City Manager wish to enforce that ordinance, if possible. Therefore, I recommend that you do so in accordance with its terms through June 25, 1991. Remember, it only applies to subdivisions platted before June 26, 1990. Subdivisions platted after that date are subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 90-10. This letter is intended to discuss these three ordinances only and does not include any opinion as to the lift station ordinances or other ordinances of the city which might be classed as impact fee ordinances. Should you have any further questions on this subject, please let me know. Very truly yours, SALLINGER, NICHOLS, JACKSON K & DILLARD By Robert L. Dillard III RLD/sb MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL DASHNER, CITY MANAGE 44,6%° — DATE: AUGUST 28 , 1990 REF: DISCUSS AND CONSIDER AMENDING FY91 BUDGET TO FINANCE UNFUNDED LIABILITY FOR PAST AND PRESENT MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL. As discussed , there is a $166 ,000 unfunded liability for past and present management personnel . These personnel were exempt from the FSLA. Adopted personnel policies capped comp time at four hundred (400) hours . Since 1986 this policy has been ignored in direct violation of adopted policy. After discussing this with legal counsel , there are no easy options . I believe City government has a legal responsibility to recognize a four hundred (400) hour limit on each employee. All hours accumulated beyond 400 were unathorized . This affects eight (8) department heads . A settlement of each of these employees and recognition of 400 hours would cost the City approximately $39 ,000 . By taking this option, individual civil action is possible, so you may want to consider amending the new budget to fund these settlements as described . I need authorization for these expenditures . If something is not done now, the statute of limitations will run out four (4) years from May 11 , 1986 when the first incident occured . However , these dates will vary depending on the case. In time, the statute of limitations will eliminate all obligations . I think the employees should receive up to 400 hours . BD/bl MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL DASHNER, CITY MANAG R • DATE: AUGUST 24 , 1990 REF: DISCUSS AND CONSIDER UNFUNDED LIABILITY OF ACCUMULATED COMPENSATORY TIME OF CITY EMPLOYEES If recognized by the City Council as a legal obligation under the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) , the total unfunded balance, as of July 31 , 1990 , is $168 ,134 .99 . In my professional opinion, the City of Wylie has a legal obligation of $2 ,146 .24 . The $2 ,146 .24 is for comp time to employees that are covered by the Act . The $165,988 .75 is for management personnel not covered by the Act . The FLSA and the Garcia opinion out of San Antonio, a Supreme Court case , determined that management personnel in a supervisory capacity, controlling three or more people, are considered management. The City Council has a dilemma. They are as follows : - 1 . Because of precedent and written policies , the City Council has recognized comp time to management personnel. Therefore, you have a moral and ethical obligation to recognize it . - 2 . It is questionable as to whether public funds can be used to pay comp time not covered by federal law. - 3 . Allow all affected management personnel to use comp time. This creates an operational problem because all personnel are key personnel , i .e. , one department head would have to take a year off . - 4 . Direct the City Manager to negotiate fair and equitable financial settlements and clear the record of all comp time and immediately implement a policy eliminating comp time completely for all management personnel . - 5 . Immediately implement a policy to stop all comp time for management personnel and/or all employees , regardless of the final resolution of 1 ., problem. __._ �, - Attachment: Supporting document. MEMORANDUM TO: BILL DASHNER, CITY MANAGER FROM: CAROLYN JONES, DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL REF: COMPENSATORY TIME DATE: AUGUST 24 , 1990 Following is an account of comp time liability for the City through July 31 , 1990 . - 1 . CITY SECRETARY: D.O.H. 2/2/81 2391 . 00 hrs comp credit 475 .50 hrs . used 1915 .50 hrs . credit @ $15 .05 per hour Value: $28 , 828 .28 - 2 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE: D.O.H. 7/29/85 4587 .725 hrs . credit* 101 .000 hrs. used 4496 .725 hrs . credit @ $20. 18 per hour Value: $90,743 .91 *This figure includes 1000 hours estimated by J.J. for 1988 that are undocumented . (184 .75 hours documented Sep-Dec . 1988 .) - 3 . LIBRARY DIRECTOR: D.O.H. 11/28/88 799 .5 hrs . credit 49 .5 hrs. used 750.0 hrs . credit @ $12 .75 per hour Value: $9 ,562 .50 - 4 . ACCTG. SUPERVISOR/TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR: D.O.H. 5/2/83 606 .75 hrs . credit 74 .25 hrs . used 532 .50 hrs . credit @ $14 .88 per hour Value: $7,923 .60 - 5 . CHIEF OF POLICE: D.O.H. 2/13/89 346 .125 hrs . credit 8 .000 hrs . used 338.125 hrs . credit @ $18 .78 per hour Value: $6 ,349 .99 - 6 . PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT: D.O. H. 9/16/85 1626.374 hrs . credit 217 .750 hrs. used 1408.625 hrs. credit @ 0.5 .4i per hour Value: $21 ,791 .43 - 7 . CITY ENGINEER: D.O.H. 6/18/90 30 hrs . credit 8 hrs . used 22 hrs. credit @ $19 .375 per hour Value: $426 .25 - 8 . CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/BLDG OFFICIAL: D.O.H. 1/9/90 33 hrs . credit 4 hrs . used 29 hrs . credit @ $12 .51 per hour Value: $362 .79 TOTAL CITY LIABILITY (salaried personnel) : $165 ,988 .75 The following list is by department , including the number of individuals represented in each total . - 1 . POLICE DEPARTMENT: Total value : $4 ,130 . 10 ten (10) indv . accts. - 2 . PUBLIC WORKS: Meter Readers : $ 150 .44 Water Dept . 1,243 .40 Sewer Dept . 118 .22 Fleet Maintenance 8 .03 Streets 14 .50 Animal Control 233 .16 Parks & Recreation 206 .44 Total $1 ,974.19 eleven (11) indv. accts. 3 MUNICIAPL COURT: Total Value: $ 172 .05 one (1) indv. acct. CITY' S TOTAL LIABILITY - COMP TIME: $168,134 .99 We feel this figure is accurate as of July 31 , 1990 . /bl MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager ^' 4,f�.w4 / jl RE: Discuss and Consider Payment of Claim as a Part of Wylie Service Center Investigation Attached is claim in the amount of $824 .38 to Jones and Neuse for necessary investigation on soil and ground water at the service center site . With this payment the City will have spent $31,000 .00 on the area of the litigation. We are hopeful that this money will be recoverable. Attachment: Claim and Supporting Documentation COS` MEMORANDUM TO: BILL DASHNER, CITY MANAGER FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1990 RE: AGENDA ITEM SEPTEMBER 11 , 1990 WYLIE SERVICE CENTER INVESTIGATION DUNES do NEUSE - $824 . 38 Appropriation - $32 , 500 . 00 Account - Landfill Fund 72-700-721-02935 Expenditures to date - $30 , 206. 60 Scope: Council authorized (March 1990 ) investigation( soils and groundwater) of Service Center by Jones and Neuse, Environmental Engineers Expenditure level after payment - $31 , 030 . 98 Investigation complete - report generated for City' s legal counsel . Z7 r„ riv\r7 J N )ONES AND NEUSE, INC. 11811 IH-10 East, Suite 275 August 15, 199 -E� Iivo1Ce No. 328902-005 Houston, Texas 77029 713-450-1882 i I �� 2 3 •Wylie Service Center Mr. James Johnson ( ___ Finance Director City of Wylie 2000 Hwy 78N Wylie, TX 75098 PM146 Period of Service: July 1, 1990 through July 31, 1990 Preparation of draft report to Shiply and Inhofe and discussion with attorneys and city's representatives. Task 1 - Labor Geologist IV 4 .750 hr @ $ 75.00/hr = 356.25 Clerk II 5.750 hr @ $ 30.00/hr = 172 . 50 528.75 Expenses Mail/Shipping 5. 52 Telecommunications 11. 01 Reproduction 279. 10 295. 63 Labor No Labor Costs Incurred This Billing Period Expenses Amount Due This Invoice $ 824. 38 PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS. AFTER 30 DAYS, INTEREST OF 1% PER MONTH WILL BE APPLIED TO AMOUNT DUE. TERMS:Net cash,due on receipt of invoice.Payable in Houston,Harris County,Texas A 1%MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE(12%per annum)WILL BE ADDED TO SUBSEQUENT STATEMENTS. PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH PAYMENT. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manage .... RE: Progress Report and Status of Sewer Line Project MUDDY CREEK INTERCEPTOR This project is approximately 80% complete on the $745,374 .25 contract. Pay estimate #2 for work through August 28 , 1990 has been submitted and is under review by the Consulting Engineer and City Staff. Payment of the claim is targeted for the second council meeting in September. During our testing of the line, 420 feet of 21" pipe failed due to bad gaskets. This pipe will be replaced from Sta. No. 114 + 76 ' to Sta. No. 118 + 96 ' . An additional joint will be saw cut and repaired by sleeve. A material change order may be required for substituting steel cylinder pipe in lieu of PVC on the bore through the dam. Remaining work consists of: a) The Tie-in of the South Fork Lift Station; b) The Tie-in of the 8" line at Presidential Estates; c) Construction of one Manhole on the 21" line. PHASE II As of 8/1/90 this portion of the sewer project was 86% complete on the $905,513.98 contract. No new payment requests have been received to date . All pipe is in the ground, . Testing has been completed. Punch lists and walk throughs have been accomplished on two small segments of line. The remaining work is to finish tying in the pipe to manholes where required. The contractor is targeting to be through by late November on this segment. • C0 ? MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5 , 1990 TO : Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager RE: Progress Report and Update on Brown Street & McCreary Road Program BROWN STREET On August 23 , 1990 , the NTMWD Board authorized an easement along Brown Street which completes the easement process . TU Electric has the final plans and will begin relocations as soon as possible. Revised plans have been sent to the railroad and the permit review process continues. Final plans have been furnished to the Highway Department for their final review. McCREARY ROAD On Thursday, August 30 , 1990 , Boyle Engineering provided revised plans reflecting Collin County' s drainage changes from pipe to open channel along the proposed road . These changes will require the acquisition of drainage easements . The existing easements are now being reviewed for proper filing and the required new drainage easements will be drawn up. Negotiations with the property owners will then need to be accomplished. gQ MEMORANDUM DATE: September 7 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council d FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager ' '—' RE: Progress Report and Update on 1990 Street Reconstruction Program, Financial Report To Date and Authorize Change Order Number 1 To Accomodate Supplemental Cost of $6 ,029.63 The following report shows all of the receipted invoices that the City has paid or payments that are classified as pending . This should be all the bills that were received . The following is a break out of all those costs which do not include City force labor and other City incidental costs . ASPHALT - GLEN THURMAN (BID #90-11) $18 ,944 .00 Bid - with Hilltop to Park (per sq.yd . ) (Glenn Thurman) 20 ,771 .10 X 3 .30 $68 ,544 .63* (Based on Thurman Delivery Receipts) (pending) 9 .64% Over-run on Bid Contract Tops -- 18 ,944 X 1 .15% = (21,785 max . sq. yd. or $71,890 .50) (with 15% change order) LIME (CHEMLIME) BID #90-10) $24,042 .36* (paid) 319 tons billed to date (319 tons used) 500 tons - 37 ,665 max $ 4 ,324 .90 (pending) SIGNS (VULCAN SIGNS) $ 1 ,232 .67 (paid) REEDER DISTRIBUTORS (BID #89-05) $ 799.57* (paid) (Diesel Fuel) $ 842 .28 (pending) 7 ATL LABS $ 2,500 .00* (pending) (Analysis) Page 2 HELMBERGER & ASSOC. $ 1,200 .00* (paid) (Engineering) $ 225 .00 (pending) EQUIPMENT RENTAL (BID #90-12) $12,512 .33 (paid) $ 8,517 .00 (pending) DALLAS LITE & BARRICADE $ 528 .00 (paid) $ 818.40 (pending) CLARK TRANSPORT $ 222 .00 (paid) (Bomag) TOTAL (Accounts Payable Pending & Encumbered) $ 85 ,772 .21 TOTAL (Paid to Date) $ 40,536 . 93 GRAND TOTAL $126,309 .14 Page 3 I know the City Council wanted to continue this project to Stone Rd , however , that cannot be done. That would exceed the 15% rule on change orders. The action that is needed is to approve change order #1 authorizing the payment of the difference between bid price and the completed contract work price. If Hilltop is continued it will have to be under a new bid contract . The following are Petromat costs : $250 .00 a roll A roll is 12 1/2 feet by 360 feet. Petromat should be used when you are putting overlay on a concrete street . MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council 4014,,41140. FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager RE: Progress and Update on Rush Creek Lift Station Improvements The status of improvements to Rush Creek lift station are as follows: Dug out berm edges. Installed drain from retention pond to sump hole. Building up dirt so water will drain back toward sump pit. Built up area from edge of road to fence. Cut down tree for added visibility from road . So far a total of 35 loads of dirt have been spread around and inside Rush Creek lift station. Work needed to complete consists of : 1 . Raise manholes inside fence. 2 . Build stack for gate valve and check valve on bypass system and fabricate lid for same. 3 . Build up road near gate and close to wet well . 4 . Rock road to station from Stone Road to wet well . 5 . Set two new fence posts and raise fence to level . 6 . Backfill up to fence and around manholes and valve box . Warranty work on pump for station should be completed this week. Dirt work and improvements should be completed by the end of September. 1 V MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Dashner , City Manager/ anager of RE: Progress Report Update and Authorize Legal Expenditures on Landfill Closure Program The current state of the progress is a follows: Shipley & Inhofe, attorneys representing the City in this case are proceeding as instructed by the City Council at the most recent meeting . We expect within the next week or so to have the final report from the State. This report will inform the City on the engineering that will have to be done and the method of close on the landifll . There are two (2) ways that we can expect to go . They are as follows : 1 . Treat the landfill as a regular muncipal landfill and cap and seal . 2 . Treat the landfill as a toxic waste dump with additional enviromental procedures and controls . Attached is a claim for Shipley & Inhofe in the amount of $5 , 825 .39 for work performed. I would ask your authorization to pay this claim. I have attached the claim and supporting documentation. *' 08 CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 214-442-2236 MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner, City Manager FROM: James Johnson, Finance Director RE: Agenda Item - 09/11/90 Legal Expenses - Shipley & Inhofe $5, 825 . 39 (Landfill Closure ) DATE: 09/03/90 The attached invoice is for legal expenses thru 07/31/90 for and is in association with the closure of the landfill . Prior to this expenditure - the City has incurred $14, 651 . 05 this fiscal year (9 prior invoices ) with firm on said subject. Recommend: Approval SHIPLEY & INHOFE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER•TULSA.OKLAHOMA 74103 TELEPHONE IS1S1 582.1720 t HARltf W.iNIPL[Y DOUGLAS L.INHOFE TELECOPIER 18181 584-7881 MARK i JENNINGS Q f LAKE f CHAM►LIN r- �� ''1 1 ,`\ L[SLI[C RINN \1` ` QQv^� JAMIE TAYLOR BOYD 1,, 03 �' \; �'\ po6 \ A t'1 t� 1 \. ,1` \ Statement # 1143 City of Wylie '� _ _-�'" Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director July 31, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 1 Accounts Receivable Balance Forward $5,764.77 Payments Received $370.15- Credits or Adjustments $0.00 Re: City Landfill PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 07/11/90 BKC conf w/CWS 0.25 26.25 07/11/90 CWS conf w/BKC re status and strategy 0. 25 38.75 07/13/90 BKC draft letter to D. Buchanan; conf w/JTB 0.25 26.25 and DLI re interview 07/13/90 DLI conf w/BKC (NO CHARGE) ** 0.25 38.75 07/13/90 JTB conf w/BKC (NO CHARGE) ** 0.25 20.00 07/16/90 BKC review report on Maintenance Center 1.00 105.00 07/17/90 BKC t/c w/D. Buchanan; review documents; 0. 50 52.50 draft letter to Buchanan 07/27/90 BKC conf w/CWS re CRI facility; revise 0.25 26.25 letter 07/27/90 CWS t/c w/BKC re report on maintenance 0.25 38.75 center 07/29/90 CWS review Jones & Neuse report and revise 0.50 77 .50 letter to Buchanan 07/30/90 DLI conf w/JTB re interview of Mr. Eubanks 0.25 38.75 (TWC) in Duncanville 07/30/90 JTB conf w/DLI (NO CHARGE) ** 0.25 20.00 ADJUSTMENT FOR "NO CHARGE" ITEMS 78.75- Champlin, Blake K. 2.25 236.25 Shipley, Charles W. 1.00 155.00 Douglas L. Inhofe 0.50 38.75 Jamie T. Boyd 0.50 0.00 Total Hours 4.25 Continued �7 City of Wylie Statement # 1143 Attn: James Johnson, Finance Director July 31, 1990 P.O. Box 428 238000-0001 Wylie, TX 75098 Page 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED Total For The Above Services 430.00 EXPENSES 07/31/90 Long Distance 0.77 Total Expenses 0.77 Total Statement $430.77 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $5,825.39 This statement may not contain all costs incurred for which we have not yet been billed. f7 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council �/►� Dashner, CityMana �r FROM: Bill er �YB�9 RE: Discuss and Consider Building Code as it Applies to Wood Trusses Attached is a report pointing out the pertinent facts on this issue. The Director of Community Development has made his recommendations in number six (6) . The City Council may want to reter this item to the Building Trades Committee. Attachment: Report on Wood Trusses MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner ,, City Manager FROM: Ed Richie , Dir . of Community Dev . & Planning SUBJECT: Wood Truss Construction DATE: August 30 , 1990 The following is a review of the wood truss problem . i . Ordinance 88-28 adopts the "Uniform Building Code" with amendments requiring all ceiling joists shall have a minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches by 6 inches and shall have a maximum spacing of 16 inches on centers . 2 . Ordinance 89-21 amends Ordinance 88-28 to read "( d . ) All wood ceiling joists shall have a minimum nominal dimension of 2 inches by 6 inches ( unless part of an engineer truss ) and they shall have a maximum spacing of 16 inches on centers . 3 . In January 1990 . Council approved the repeal of Ordinance 89-21 . ( At the same meeting , they tabled amendments to Ordinance 88-28 . ) 4 . From a structural view , trusses are designed to span longer distances and this is not a problem as long as the truss company provides verification of engineering and inspections . Although , there have been numerous incidents where homeowners wishing to use attic space for storage have removed parts of the truss thus destroying its ability to work . 5 . The placement of trusses on 24" centers does cause numerous difficulties . Our Code requies all studs be placed on 16" centers . Trusses cannot be placed on 24" centers while the load bearing wall they are resting on is 16" on center . In addition , studs on 24" centers have problems with sheetrock , exterior siding and stud grades . 6 . It is my recommendation , that if trusses are allowed , they continue to be required on 16" centers in light frame construction and proper engineering specifications and inspection reports be submitted when permitting . 7 . The Fire Department had additional concerns in regard to the burn time of trusses . MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31 , 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council ♦�` FROM: Bill Dashner, City Manager . shim* RE: Discuss and Consider Appoi tment of Construction Code Board It is my understanding that the various fees and charges for construction permits and inspections has not been updated for some time now. This Board was active in the past but has not been active in several years. The Director of Community Development tells me that all the City' s fee structure should be updated, therefore, I am recommending that the City Council appoint a seven (7) member Board to work with the Director of Community Development and go over all the various building permits and inspection charges. Now is a good time to do this prior to the next building boom. After this Board develops recommendations , they will be brought back to the City Council for consideration. I would recommend that this Board consist of seven (7) members. Attachment: Ordinance that created the original Board MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Dashner , City Manager FROM: 6 /Ed Richie , Dir . of Community Dev . & Planning SUBJECT: Construction Code Board Date: September 4 , 1990 The Construction Code Board has not been active recently and according to the most recent list of Board members , all terms are expired . I would like to have Council consider appointing this board for review of building codes and appeals . They could be helpful to Council on the upcoming truss question and the review and adoption of the 1991 Uniform Codes next year . I have attached a copy of Ordinance 84-11 creating the Construction Board . The Ordinance needs to be updated . We are presently operating under the 1988 Uniform Building Code which does not have a Board of Adjustment and Appeals . It is called the Board of Appeals . ►********.•**********************************************************************************************************4********** BOARD & TITLE NAME SPOUSE ADDRESS P.O. BOX HM. PHONE WK. PHONE DATE APPT. 1ERM EXP. M******************************************************************************************************* **Q*'******* 1y *N*** INSTRUCTION CODE 442-1041 442-3544 JULY 88 JULY 90 CHAIRMAN KEVIN ST. JOHN PAM 304 BRIARWOOD 90 MEMBER JOHN SEELEY 600 VALENTINE 372 442-3898 680-0602 JULY 88 88 JULY MEMBER Y � FRANK SPINGOLA MARY LOU RUSTIC PL. 442-6909 MEMBER RAYMOND SWEENEY 101 RUSHCREEK DR. 442-1469 MARCH 86 JUL:: 90 Mt MIKE WORTHINGTON 113 SPENCE DR. 442-3283 MARCH 86 JULY 89 MEMBER DEREK AMMERMAN JAN 102 FAIRMONT 483 442-6338 442-2242 JULYMYA 87 JULY 89 87 JULY 89 MEMBER MARK ST�ORD 418 ELLOIT ST. 442-7206 MEMBER KEVIN ALTIMIER 510 RUSTIC PLACE 442-7397 JULY 88 JULY 89 IBRARY BOARD 406 BRIARWOO�D 442-2413 APRIL 83 JULY 90 CHAIRMAN MARY JO SMITH MEMBER SHIRLEY BURNETT 327 S. FOURTH 442-5767 JULY 90 JULY 92 442-5444 JULY 88 JG['t 92 MEMBER BETTY STEPHENS DAVID 1006 FOXWOOD LANE 442-442-1874220 NOV.ULY 88 JUIN 912 MEMBER CATHIE UPSHAW 101 N. FIRST JULY 90 JULY 92 RETHA TIBBALS HARRY 407 HILLTOP 442-5795 MEMBER MEMBER JAN MORGAN 306 DOGWOOD CT. 442-2794 JULY 89 JULY 91 MEMBER BARBARA JENNINGS RICHARD 501 GASTON DR. NORTH 442-0102 JULY 89 JULY 91 LU ITT STAFF 401 FEEDING 11907 442-7579 442-2236 JULY 90 CITY MANAGER BILL DASHNER 1504 ANCHOR DR. 825 442-3776 442-2236 MAY 81 CITY & EN CAROLYN BEAVERSJONES 2111 CORNELL, RICHARSON 690-8656 442-2236 JUNE 90 PUB. WKS. & KS. DONNE WHITE 401 FLEMMING *601 442-7056 442-7588 MAY 87 SUPT. PUB.DIR. A 1404 WYNDHAM 442-5186 442-2236 JULY 85 FINANCE JADES JOHNSON 1309 IROQUOIS DR. GARLAND 271-0735 442-2236 JAN. 90 CODE ENE. OFF. ED RICHIE 3432 SACHSE RD. 530-6635 442-7566 NOV. 88 LIBRARY DIR. ROSANNE BURGESS CHIEF OF POLICE JADES GILlrIORE 123 FAIRMONT 442-5077 442-2222 FEB. 89 ORDINANCE NO. 84-11 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD: SETTING FORTH THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD: PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, SECTION 1 : This ordinance shall be known as "Construction Code Board Ordinance" . SECTION 1-1 : CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD CREATED: There is hereby created the Construction Code Board (hereafter called Board) consisting of seven (7) persons who shall be appointed by the City Council . Said Board shall replace but retain the authorities granted the Board of Adjustments and appeals in the 1982 Uniform Building Code as adopted. Save and except Section 111 of said Building Code. SECTION 1-2: QUALIFICATIONS: Persons who serve on the Board as members shall be qualified as follows: (a. ) One designated member who shall be taxpaying resident elector of the City. (b. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident building contractors, (c. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident Plumbers (d. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident electricians (one Masters & one Journeyman) . (e. ) One designated staff member to act as secretary of the board. (f. ) Staff representative will be the City Building Official (g. ) In the event that volunteer members in the (b) , (c) , or (d) categories are not available one of the two designated tradesmen may be replaced with a member in the (a) category. SECTION 1-3: TENURE OF OFFICE: Three (3) members of the Board shall be appointed for the balance of the calendar year. Four (4) members of the Board shall be appointed for the balance of the calendar year following the date of adoption of this ordinance plus one full year. After the expiration of the terms of the first appointees members shall continue until their successor is appointed. Any member of the Board may be removed by the City Council for cause. Vacancies within the Board shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.