02-14-1995 (City Council) Agenda Packet $ m4 - 4 , AGENDA WYLIE CITY COUNCIL Wylie Municipal Complex February 14, 1995 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Reverend Fred Hall PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider Approval of the Minutes of January 10, 1995 it/gc., 2. Consider Approval of a Resolution Calling the 1995 Municipal Officers Election 3. Consider Approval of a Resolution Designating the Week of February 27th as Public Schools Week ok 4. Consider Approval of a Resolution Confirming the Appointment of Judges for ,,i' the February 18th Bond Election 5. Consider Approval of a Resolution Requesting Collin County to Provide an Early Voting Polling Location in the City of Wylie ACTION ITEMS ofc„, 6. Presentation and Consider Acceptance of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 1993-1994 7 7. Appointment with Tom Jernigan Related to Sewer Systems on FM-544 and Take Any Necessary Action „'�fi , 8. Discuss and Consider Approval of an Ordinance Amending the Wylie Code of aP Ordinances as it Pertains to Juvenile Curfews 9. Discuss and Consider Approval of an Ordinance Amending the Wylie Code of Ordinances as it Pertains to Smoke Detector Requirements CL' HI ` 10. Discuss and Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Participation in the NTCOG Electrical Examination Program STAFF REPORTS CITIZEN PARTICIPATION EXECUTIVE SESSION 11. Hold Executive Session Under 551.074 Government Code - Personnel Matters to Discuss: (a) Appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission (one member) (b) Appointments to Parks and Recreation Board (two members) 12. Hold Executive Session Under 551.072 Government Code - Real Property to Discuss (a) Land Acquisition for Park Improvements 13. Take Any Necessary Action as a Result of the Executive Session. WORKSESSION Hold Worksession to Discuss Upcoming Agenda Items ADJOURNMENT /127 Po ado 10/95at5:00p.m. WYLIE CITY COIJPICIL .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ISSUE The proposed resolution will call the election, designate polling locations, and establish voting procedures. BACKGROUND The offices currently held by Councilmen Jennings, Mondy and Messenger are subject to re-election. The resolution proposed will call the election with a May 27 runoff date. The resolution does not appoint election judges. We will do that at a later date. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS The resolution, if approved Tuesday, will meet Statutory and Charter requirements for ordering municipal election. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolution. ATTACHMENTS (1) Resolution (2) Copy of Election Calendar / a. 1 �LAESa Submitt d :e� App By TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Preliminary Election Calendar for a city's general election held on May 6, 1995 This Calendar shows the dates for the various actions connected with a general election of city officers held on May 6, 1995 (the first Saturday in May). It includes all major actions for which the Election Code prescribes a specific date or deadline for performance but it does not include all actions (e.g., preparation of ballot boxes and other election equipment and of sets of precinct election forms) where the beginning date for performance can vary widely from one city to another, depending on local factors such as the size of the city and the number of election precincts, the type of voting equipment in use, the size of the secretary's staff, and so on. Each secretary should use the chart in Section 9-02 of the manual in conjunction with this Calendar to fill in those dates on his own personal calendar (see Section 9-03) in accordance with local conditions. If this Calendar recommends a discretionary date but the secretary prefers a different date, he should draw a line through the recommended date and enter the chosen date on his calendar. Column 5 is included in the Calendar as an aid in making up a calendar for a general election held on a uniform date other than the first Saturday in May (see Section 12-03 of the manual). The column shows the time interval between the date of the action and election day. For example, the notation "75th" in the entry for February 20 means that the first day for filing an application for a place on the ballot is the 75th day before election day; the notation "60th" in the entry for July 5 means that the normal preservation period for precinct election records expires on the 60th day after election day. (See Section 18-10 of the manual for an explanation of the timing for the first entry in the Calendar.) In making up his calendar, the secretary should keep in mind the rule in E.C.Sec. 1.006 that if the last day for performance of an action falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state or national holiday, the deadline date usually is extended to the next regular business day (see M.Sec. 2-16). Major steps are in BOLD PRINT. Steps for early voting are in ITALICS. By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 Jan. Deadline for compliance with Americans Council 2 with Disabilities Act 2 If not already done, secretary should Secretary 7-11 124th obtain or replenish, if necessary, a supply et seq. of the following forms: candidate's appli- 18-10 cation for place on ballot; appointment of campaign treasurer (candidate and specific-purpose committee); report of contributions and expenditures (candidate-officeholder and specific- purpose committee); application for mail ballot. Also a set of administrative forms if ordered from a supply house. (Set up schedule for ordering precinct sets and other forms if they are to be ordered later.) PRELIMINARY ELECTION CALENDAR FOR 1995-continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 (Continued) Jan. Review recommended for following Secretary 9-02 124th 2-27 steps listed in Section 9-02 for pos- and 20-06 to sible needed or desired action and Council 14-03 99th submission for preclearance under Voting Rights Act if necessary: Steps 1 through 5 (revising election pre- cincts; designating polling places; changing method of voting if equip- ment is available but not adopted for use or if acquisition of equipment by city is desired); Step 12 (establish- inp or changing terms of election judges); also any other action already taken by council for which preclear- ance is required but not yet submitted. [12] 15 Last day for timely filing of semi- Secretary 18-05 annual report of contributions and expenditures. [7] Jan. 19- Recommended period to submit Secretary 20-06 107th Feb. requests for PRECLEARANCE. to 75th 20 Recommended period for ISSUING Mayor [1] 10-03 89th Feb. ELECTION ORDER and POSTING 10-12 thru 6-17 NOTICE of ELECTION on bulletin 78th board. 20 FIRST DAY FOR FILING Secretary 11-05 75th APPLICATION for place on ballot. 11-07 [8] 20 Recommended beginning date for Secretary 4-08 75th preliminary work on appointment of [8] election judges. 20 First day a write-in candidate may file Secretary 11-01 75th his declaration. (E.C. 146.055, 146.025) Mar. Dist day to apply for mail ballot. Secretary 16-51 60th 7 Note 48 hour waiting period before a et seq. voter's application is available to 17-01 public. Note the Federal postcard exception. 2 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 Mar. (Continued) 7 First day of the period TX. Ethics Secretary/ 18-01 60th Commission will defer investigation TX. Ethics until after election (or runoff) if an Commission allegation is filed. 13-24 Recommended period for APPOINT- Council [1] 4-03 54th ING ELECTION JUDGES [12]. 4-04 thru (Schedule for first council meeting 4-05 43rd after period if no meeting during 10-02 period.) Secretary sends notice of appointment not later than 20th day after appointment. 17 Beginning date of period for Secretary 2-15 50th mandatory office hours. 19 Remove candidate's name from ballot Secretary 11-25 48th if he dies on/before March 19 (cf. [10] March 31). 20 Recommended last day to POST 72 Secretary 8-06 47th IIOUR NOTICE OF DRAWING before drawing for order of names on ballot. 21 Recommended LAST DAY FOR City Council 3-06 46th ORDER DESIGNATING ELEC- 3-08 TION PRECINCTS AND POLLING 10-12 PLACES. (Preclearance may be needed.) 22 Firs/ day to mail early ballots, if Secretary 16-57 45th available. Note 24 hour waiting 16-32 period before roster is available to public. 22 LAST DAY FOR FILING APPLI- Secretary 11-05 45th CATION FOR PLACE ON BAL- [6] 11-06 LOT (must he received by 5 p.m.). 22 Recommended LAST DAY TO Secretary 6-35 45th REQUEST voter registrar to 7-42 prepare lists of registered voters and 3 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 Mar. (continued) 22 furnish affidavit of residence forms to Secretary 6-35 45th be used in conducting the election. 7-42 22 STATUTORY LAST DAY FOR Mayor [1] 10-03 45th ORDERING ELECTION. [12] 10-01 22 Recommended deadline for early Secretary 16-72 45th voting clerk to determine whether a signature verification committee may be needed. 27-28 Recommended period to CONDUCT Secretary 8-06 40th DRAWING FOR ORDER OF thru NAMES ON BALLOT and inform 39th candidates of the Statement of Elected Officials (M.Sec. 12-32). Make up ballot format and send it to the printer. Mar. Last day for candidate to withdraw Secretary 8-05 36th 31 (withdrawal request must be received [6] 11-22 by 5 p.m.). E.C. 145.092(b). Last 112] 11-23 day that a declaration of ineligibility causes omission of candidate's name from ballot. E.C. 145.094. (Cf. Mar. 19) 31 Recommended last day to order Secretary 6-32 36th updated list of registered voters to be delivered ASAP after 30th day. Apr. 3 RECOMMENDED DATE TO Secretary 8-06 33rd PRINT BALLOTS which have been 6-32 prepared earlier. As soon as printed ballots are received, secretary designates the specimen ballot(s). 6 LAST DAY FOR A REGULAR Secretary 11-01 30th WRITE-IN CANDIDATE TO [6] DECLARE CANDIDACY by 5 p.m. for general election. [I] 4 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 Apr. (Continued) 6 Due date for filing first report of Secretary 18-06 30th campaign contributions and expendi- tures by opposed candidates and specific-purpose committees supporting or opposing opposed candidates by 5 p.m. 6 Last day for submitting voter Registrar 6-23 30th registration application in time to vote 6-25 at the election or for requesting transfer of registration in time to vote in new precinct not in the same county and territory. 6 RECOMMENDED LAST DAY TO Mayor 10-15 30th NOTIFY PRESIDING JUDGES OF DUTY TO IIOLI) ELECTION. 6 First day of period for inspecting and Secretary 7-38 30th sealing voting machines to be used on election day. Secretary posts notice at least 48 hours before inspection. 6 Minimum 10th day to post continuous Secretary 16-72 30th notice if signature verification committee meets April 11. 6-26 PERIOD FOR PUBLISHING Mayor [1] 10-12 30th NOTICE OF ELECTION. 3-06 thru 9th 20-04 [11] 10 Last day to declare by 5 p.m. Secretary 1 1-27 26th replacement write-in candidacy for 161 if 131 office of a candidate who has a place applicable on a ballot but who has died or has been determined to be ineligible after the 33rd day before election day. El] 12 Last day for posting notice of Secretary 16-22 24th schedule for branch early voting polling places. 12-27 Possible period for posting notice Secretary 16-22 24th amending notice of branch early polling places. 5 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 Apr. (Continued) 12 Last day for inspecting and sealing Secretary 7-38 24th voting machines to be used in early voting. E.C. 135.031(a) 14 Last day to receive application in Secretary 16-51 22nd person for a ballot to be voted by [9] mail, by close of business. E.C. 84.008 14 Recommended last day to request Secretary 9-45 22nd waiver of partial manual recount of electronically counted ballots. 17 LAST DAY for POSTING NOTICE Secretary 10-12 19th OF ELECTION on bulletin board [1] [2][3] for posting notices of city council meetings. 17 First day a signature verification Secretary 16-22 19th committee, if any, may begin [2] operating. 17 First day for early voting by personal Secretary 16-21 19th appearance. If voting will be [2] conducted on a Saturday or Sunday, notice of schedule must be posted at least 72 hours before first hour of the weekend voting. 21 STATUTORY DEADLINE FOR Mayor 10-15 15th NOTIFYING JUDGES OF DUTY TO HOLD TIDE ELECTION. 21 Last day to challenge write-in Secretary 11-01 15th candidate for compliance. 26 LAST DAY FOR PUBLICATION Mayor [1] 10-12 10th OF NOTICE OF ELECTION. [11] L7 First day for new illness or disability Voter 17-02 9th allowing late application for early voting. 6 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 Apr. (Continued) 28 Last day to receive application by Secretary 16-51 8th mail fora ballot to be voted by mail, 16-55 by 12 noon or close of business. E.C. 84.007(c): E.C. 101.004(b), FPCA 28 Due date for tiling second report of Secretary 18-06 8th campaign contributions and expenditures by 5 p.m. May 1 Last day for inspecting and sealing Secretary 7-38 5th voting machines to be used on election day. (Post notice 48 hours before test.) 2 Last day of regular early voting by Secretary 16-21 4th personal appearance. 2 As soon as early voting is over, and Secretary 16-74 4th thru until 7:00 p.m. May 6, early voting close of ballots may be delivered to the early polls voting ballot board if notice requirements have been followed. 2-5 Period to apply for late (emergency) Secretary 17-03 3rd thru voting because of death in family I st April 30 or later. 3-6 Period to apply for late (emergency) Secretary 17-02 3rd ff. early voting because of disability originating on or after April 27. 3-5 Prepare list of registered voters for Secretary 16-76 3rd thru early voting ballot board if more than 1st one early voting polling place. 3 Last day for conducting first test of Secretary 7-40 3rd automatic tabulating equipment to be used at a polling place (at least 48 hours before use on election day). Notice must be published at least 48 hours before date of test. 7 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 May (Continued) 4 Last day for first test of automatic Presiding 7-40 2nd equipment to be used at central Judge counting station. Notice must be published at least 48 hours before date of test. 5 Recommended date for delivery of Secretary 7-47 1st precinct early voting lists and supplies 16-83 to presiding election judges. 5 Recommended date for delivery of Secretary 7-49 1st equipment to polling places (statutory deadline is 6 a.m. on election day). 5 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Secretary 9-42 1st to canvass the returns must be posted at least 72 hours before time of meeting. (G.C. 55I.001 If.) 6 ELECTION DAl". Polls are open Secretary 17-04 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voting by sick or disabled voters at main early voting place where electronic voting devices are used at precinct polling place, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; where lever voting machines are used, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. [121 6 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. early voting clerk's Secretary 9-23 1 office shall remain open for early voting activities. 6 2 p.m. deadline for late applications Secretary 17-02 for ballots from voters who became ill or disabled April 27th or later. 6 Deliver early voting ballots, etc. to Secretary 16-73 early voting ballot board. Second key to ballot box is delivered by chief of police or marshal. 6 After regular mail delivery, check Secretary 9-23 mail box for early mail ballots. 16-58 8 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 May (Continued) 6 Receive precinct records, voted Secretary 9-33 ballots, etc. (Chief of police or Mayor 9-34 marshal receives keys to ballot boxes containing voted ballots.) 6 UNOFFICIAL TABULATION OF Secretary 9-35 RESULTS. 8 PROVIDE STATEMENT OF Secretary 12-32 2nd ELECTED OFFICIALS to candidates who appear to have won, or may win. 8-12 PERIOD FOR OFFICIAL Council 9-42 2nd thru CANVASS. Mayor sets exact day 6th and hour. Secretary records results in Secretary 9-44 election register as soon as practicable after canvass. 8-12 Report of early votes cast for each Secretary 16-87 2nd thru candidate or measure by election 6th precinct. 8-12 AFTER CANVASS, ISSUE Mayor 12-23 2nd thru CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION. 6th 8-17 MAYOR ORDERS RUNOFF Mayor [1] 14-04 2nd thru ELECTION, if necessary. not later 11 th than 5th day after canvass. (Open meeting). [13] 9 Partial manual count of electron- Secretary 9-45 3rd ically counted ballots if waiver not obtained from Secretary of State. 12 Mail results of manual count to Secretary 9-45 6th Secretary of State not later than 3rd day after completion, if no waiver. 12 Type A elected officials may qualify Candidate 12-34 6th and assume duties of office. L.G.C. with 22.006. Secretary 12 Voting machines or voting devices can Secretary 9-48 6th be released if the canvass is complete 9 PRELIMINARY CALENDAR FOR 1995-Continued By or With Sec. Ref. Col- Date Action Whom Taken in Manual umn 5 May (Continued) 12 and if E.C.126.031 and 127.181 are Secretary 9-48 6th complied with and no request for extended security. 16 Last day of normal security period for Secretary 9-48 10th voting machines and voting devices. Ballot labels are detached for further preservation after expiration of security period. May 28 POSSIBLE PERIOD FOR RUNOFF Secretary/ 14-03 (20th thru thru ELECTION, depending on date of Council 30th day Jun official canvass, unless a charter states after 1 I otherwise. [131 canvass) Jun LAST DAY OF MANDATORY Secretary 2-15 40th 15 OFFICE HOURS. Jul LAST DAY OF NORMAL Secretary 9-50 60th 5 PRESERVATION PERIOD for ballots and other precinct election records. 6 CONTENTS OF BALLOT BOXES Secretary 9-50 61st may be destroyed unless there is a contest, criminal investigation, or open records request (or city records management order). IS Last day for timely filing of Secretary 18-05 semiannual report of contributions and expenditures. 10 Footnotes [1] Follow home-rule city's charter provision, if any. [2] In a Tuesday election, voting begins on 20th day before election day. [3] Deadline extended to next regular business day because regular deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. E.C. 1.006. [4] In a Tuesday election, the last day is normally the 7th day before election day. [5] Deadline is moved to preceding business day. [6] City Secretary's office should remain open until 5 p.m. [7j January 15, 1995, is a Sunday. The next business day on which the report would ordinarily be filed is Monday. Because January 16 is a state holiday, the report is timely if filed January 17, 1995. 181 February 20, 1995, is Presidents' Day. If your city offices are closed, move date to February 21, 1995. [9] April 14, 1995, is Good Friday. If your office is closed, April 13 is the last day you may receive a request in person for a mail ballot. [10] This date does not change even though it falls on a weekend; it is not an official action. [1 1] E.C. Sec. 4.003(a)(1) provides that the last day for publishing notice is the 10th day before an election. [ i 2 j Schools may conduct mock student elections. The major steps taken for a general election should be taken for a student election. The student election may be held on the first day before the election. But results shall not be published until after the polls close on election day. [ 13] There are 3 exceptions allowing the date for a runoff to be extended to a time no later than the 45th day after the official canvass. E.C. sec. 2.025 allows the extension to accommodate a joint runoff, to avoid a holiday, or to avoid a long holiday weekend. Remember to preclear any date different from the past. NOTE ON CALENDAR FOR SPECIAL OR RUNOFF ELECTION - To make up a calendar for a special election to fill a vacancy in office, see Section 13-02 of the manual; for a special election on a measure, see Section 15-03; for a runoff election, see Section 14-02. NOTE ON CONTEXT When reading a section of the Election Code, do not forget to read the chapter and subchapter titles for the context of the section you are reading. 11 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ISSUE This resolution will designate the week of February 27 through March 3 as Wylie Public Schools Week. BACKGROUND Betty Stephens with Wylie I.S.D. has requested this resolution for Council approval. This is the same resolution Council adopted last year. She is proposing to bring students from the various campuses to accept the resolution. She will be. inviting members of Council and Staff to visit the campuses and have lunch with the students during this week as well. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolution. ATTACHMENTS (1) Copy of Resolution /Cis Subm' ted Egi Approved By #400i ISSUE This resolution will designate election judges that Council has already appointed as well as appoint an alternate at the Methodist Church. BACKGROUND At your last meeting, Council appointed election judges for the bond election on February 18th. However, we neglected to appoint an alternate judge as required by statute. Bart Peddicord has recommended Curtis Ratcliff who has worked with him on several school district elections. We have drafted the resolution to reflect the following judges: Bart Peddicord, Presiding Judge Methodist Church Curtis Ratcliff, Alternate Presiding Judge Methodist Church Joel Scott, Presiding Judge Southfork Nathan Sheppard, Alternate Judge Southfork STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolution. ATTACHMENTS (1) Copy of Resolution Submi e .d Appro By .illlilbh.:;,,,,:imIlqiilliiii1111;ii,!7:!,:!!:!!:!!',!'::::],:::,:l:i:,.:::.iii ii un : rid , l ink: b rrr„a :1 :.:.::::: ::.::<.'"'"::':':':':"';:''''i:]'""Alo'"qNS]P:',i,'Pliiiiiiiiiiiqiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiimvio.;:::::: ma::.,,,:,*i:i:i:i::::„::::::.:.:.:.:.:.................. .........,,,,:,:,:,:„.:.:::::,:,,,:,,,,,,,:,,,,:,,::,,,mm:::,:,::: :: ,,,,m,,:,:::;::;:,i,„:::„.:::,..,::.,.;,:,.,;:::,.:,::::::::;,I,;,;,,,,„::::,:.,:.„.,::::::::::,:::::::;:::::,;,,,: . . .. . ISSUE Attached is a resolution making requesting Collin County Commissioners Court to provide al least two one-day Early Voting Polling Places in Wylie for their upcoming Bond Election and future elections. BACKGROUND Collin County does not provide early voting within our city limits. In elections past, residents have been required to drive toi Allen, Plano or McKinney if they want to vote early. With as many registered voters as are in Wylie it is staffs opinion that four-hour or six-hour polling locations can be provided on at least two separate dates to accommodate not only our voters but other voters in our area of the county. The resolution proposed will request this specifically for this bond election as Wylie has a vested interest in the issues on the ballot. However, we want them to consider providing this service for all countywide elections since early voting is limited to mail for elderly and handicapped voters who are unable to drive long distances. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS There are no Statutory requirements for Collin County to provide this service. They are able to select their early voting locations just as the City of Wylie has done for our own bond election. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolution. ATTACHMENTS (1) Copy of Resolution L/4 aiLe5 Submi ted Approved By • Presentation of the Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year 1993/94. Background The City's outside firm, Rutledge Crain & Company, PC, will be presenting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1994 at the February 14, 1994 Council meeting. The auditors will briefly discuss some of the financial highlights for the year and will answer any questions the City Council might have in respect to the reports. Financial Considerations NONE Legal Considerations This report is being submitted to the City Council as a requirement under the City Charter, Article VII, Section 13. Board/Commission Recommendation NONE Staff Recommendation The staff is recommending that the City Council acknowledge the receipt of the annual report (CAFR). Attachments NONE Prepared by Approved by „. .:.:::.... ... .............................. hits ISSUE Attached is a request from Mr. Jernigan to be on the City Council agenda for Tuesday. He has been before Council in the past to request disannexation. BACKGROUND At your December Council meeting, Mr. Jernigan asked Council to provide sewer to his property. You will also recall that he submitted a petition for disannexation. Council, at that time, did not vote to disannex the property but instead instructed Greg MacLean, City Engineer, to develop a cost analysis for providing sewer to the property and determine the amount of existing right of way. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Since Mr. Jernigan has not given us any indication regarding his request of Council Tuesday night, we've included all of the information from your last packet as well as the minutes. As City Attorney Richard Abernathy told Council last month, Statute requires us to make sewer available and provide a service plan. It does not require the City to extend sewer directly to the property. Greg MacLean has estimated a cost of $10,000 to $15,000 to bore under FM-544. ATTACHMENTS (1) Request to be on Agenda (2) Minutes from December 13, 1994 (3) Agenda Communication from December 13th and Supporting materials Subm. ted Approved By REQUEST TO BE PLACE ON AGENDA Date of next Council (agenda , wish to speak to the City Council for the reason listed below: -_L._ C U 5 SJQ A) O A-) lr0 S S S c_LL)W 5 0'7ti-- - --- '4102_ ()(01)C, /r e 5 U N I ' I 5 F 7 V. Thank you, Signatur t' 13 1&i F71/1 _S 4 it Street City, State Zip Code 4I 4-- Bic 7 Phone Number RESOLUTION NO. 94-36 CALLING FOR FEBRUARY 18, 1995 BOND ELECTION Wright made a motion to approve a resolution calling for a February 18, 1995 bond election on the following measures: $4 million for water ad wastewater improvements and $3 million for street improvements. Adams seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. A RESOLUTION ORDERING A BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ON FEBRUARY 18, 1995; MAKING PROVISION FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE ELECTION AND RESOLVING OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATED TO SUCH ELECTION PRESENTATION BY KERRY CAROTHERS, REPRESENTING THE PARKS & RECREATION BOARD AND RESOLUTION NO. 94-37 ADOPTING A PROJECT LIST FOR SUBMISSION TO THE WYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR FUNDING AUTHORIZATION Kerry Carothers presented a project list to Council for presentation to the Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation for funding authorization. He noted that the Park Board's priorities for 1995 included developing a master parks and recreation plan and promoting the upgrade of existing parks and recreation facilities. Councilman Bobby Jennings arrived during this segment of the meeting. Wright me a motion to approve a resolution accepting the project list. Mondy seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE,TEXAS,ADOPTING A PROJECT LIST OF PARK AND LIBRARY IMMEDIATE NEEDS FOR SUBMISSION TO THE WYLIE PARKS AN RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR FUNDING AUTHORIZATION IN FY95 APPOINTMENT WITH DON JERNIGAN REGARDING REQUEST FOR DISANNEXATION Mr. Jernigan requested Council to disannex his property for failure to provide city services. He introduced Thomas K Jernigan, co-owner of the property, and neighboring property owners C.B. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. Waldner who had each signed a petition by Mr. Jernigan for disannexation. They stated that sewer was within 500 feet but cost prohibitive for hooking on and that Marshall Road had been paved and a street light installed by personal funding since the road was a non-dedicated street. City Manager Steve Norwood noted that research at the County had shown that Marshall Road from FM- 544 to the curve of the road was a dedicated street and would be maintained by the City. Council discussed the disannexation petition with City Attorney Richard Abernathy and the cost of boring under FM-544 with City Engineer Greg MacLean. Council considered exchanging right of way for the cost of boring under FM-544 and discussed the Council Minutes 12/13/94 Page 4 differences in obtaining utilities when developing raw land as opposed to building in a developed subdivision. Mondy made a motion to take no action but instruct the City engineer to prepare a cost analysis and instruct the staff to investigate the amount of existing and required right of way. Allen seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. APPEAL FROM DAVID AND CAROLYN TUTTLE TO DECISION OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY BOARD David Tuttle, 112 Fairmount, explained that his residence had retained storm damage that did not become evident until insurance had settled his claim. He stated that unsettled damage included a warped and weather damaged garage door and vapor locked windows. The Housing Advisory Board had not recommended forwarding his application to the State until all storm victims who suffered major damage had been given an opportunity to apply. Tuttle presented photos to the Council and discussed his insurance policy and the number of vapor-locked windows. Council took no action on this request. PUBLIC HEARING AND REQUEST FROM DAN SCARBOROUGH FOR CHANGE IN ZONING FROM "B-2" TO "SF-2" ON APPROXIMATELY 5 ACRES LOCATED A WEST BROWN AND WINDING OAKS Mayor Swartz opened the public hearing and Dan Scarborough of Shepard Place Homes, presented his application to the City Council to develop ten "SF-2" lots an estimated 275 feet deep fronting Brown Street. Council questioned the developer regarding parking and the provision of circular drives as well as the average structure size. Jennings stated that the property had been designated "B-2" and was inappropriate for anything other than retail uses. As there was no one else wanting to address this issue, the public hearing was closed. Wright made a motion to deny the zone change request. Jennings seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and passed with all in favor except Adams who was opposed. REPLAT REQUEST FROM SHEPARD PLACE HOMES This application was withdrawn following denial of the zone change application. FINAL PLAT FOR PREMIER BUSINESS PARK ADDITION Norwood explained that the Wylie Development Corporation had submitted the final plat for three lots consisting of approximately 51 acres at County Road 297 and Sanden Boulevard for future industrial development. He stated that the final plat as submitted met Council Minutes 12/13/94 Page 5 . ........ . • n ISSUE Mr. Don Jernigan will be requesting the City Council to consider disannexing his property along with properties of other owners. BACKGROUND Mr. Jernigan was annexed involuntarily and is opposed to owning property within the city limits if no se provided. Mr. Jernigan would like to be disannexed based on failure to provide city services. While this valid argument for disannexation, the statutes state that "a majority of qualified voters of an area may petition for disannexation" under this provision. Mr. Jernigan, not being a resident voter would not be able to petition for disannexation alone. However, his petition contains more than one tract and may contain a majority of petitioners are resident voters. Statutes are not specific regarding a petitioner's ability to collectively petition to include non-resident property owners. The petition is not valid as it is not in compliance with statutory posting, publication and affidavit requirements. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Council has no obligation to accept this petition. However, should they re-submit a valid petition from a majority of resident qualified voters on the properties to be disanexed, Council will be obligated to accept and act on the petition. Council may: (1) Instruct Staff to draft disannexation ordinances for next agenda - Council has the ability to disannex these properties without being "forced". (2) Deny his request - Since the petition is not in statutory compliance, Council has no obligations in this matter. (3) Instruct the City Attorney to review the criteria for disannexation to determine if Mr. Jernigan is eligible to petition for disannexation if he groups his property with resident qualified voters. STAFF RECOMMENDATION On discretionary disannexation issues like this one, staff has • made rec• - • rendations, f://iti,e, c/1/ Submitted By App • ed By § 43.136 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE (d) This section does not authorize the municipality ' the filing of an answer by the governing body. Disannex: to extend its boundaries to include area that is part of application of either party, the case shall be ad cant,,, Charter or belongs to another municipality. and heard without further delay in accordance Nr. „e-rule muni: (e) A municipality may not tax the property over the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. The distrl. „•cipality actor which the boundaries are extended under this section court shall enter an order disannexing the area if char of the unless the property is within the general municipal I court finds that a valid petition was filed with ty =„e procedural boundaries. municipality and that the municipality failed to pr, , 70th Leg.. form its obligations in accordance with the sen�, "'(f) After the adoption of the ordinance extending plan or failed to perform in good faith. the municipal boundaries, the municipality may fully 43_ Disannex regulate navigation, wharfage, including wharfage (c) If the area is disannexed under this section. - in Gen rates, and all facilities, conveniences, and aids to navi- may not be annexed again within five years after ti', 1 date of the disannexation. If it is reannexed wit - When at leas: gation or wharfage. The municipality may adopt ordi- nances, including those imposing criminal penalties, seven years after the date of the disannexatior, in a general and may otherwise police navigation on the stream service plan for the area must be implemented r.. :on to the ma and the use of the wharves or other facilities and aids later than one year after the date of the reannexati.. - .. the area by to navigation or wharfage. (d) The petition for disannexation must: ' the area be dec_ (g) The municipality may designate all or part of ,,the mayor sh (1) be written; in the municipa. the added area as an industrial district, as the term is (2) request the disannexation: 5tst uniform elk- customarily used, and may treat the designated area (3) be signed in ink indelible in a manner considered by the governing body to be in or pencil h} t . xection Code. t: the best interest of the municipality. The governing appropriate voters; petition is filed body may make written contracts or agreements with (4) be signed by each voter as that person's nary the election i the owners of land in the industrial district, to guaran- appears on the most recent official list of registers-. ,) When a majc tee the continuation of the limited purpose annexation voters; -:,n favor disco status of the district and its immunity from general (5) contain a note made by each voter stating t. - .,,;pality, the m. purpose annexation for a period not to exceed 10 ' person's residence address and the precinct numb - 'pager a part of- years. The contract or agreement may contain other and voter registration number that appear on tn, to that effec- terms considered appropriate by the parties. The person's voter registration certificate: • g body of governing body and landowners may renew or extend (6) describe the area to be disannexed and hay' - _The a part of t:r. the contract for successive periods not to exceed 10 plat or other likeness of the area attached: :,rAlien However. -. years each. (7) be presented to the secretary of the mum tthe munic: Added by Acts 1989. 71st Leg.. ch. 1. § 3(k), eff. Aug. 28. pality, the mum 1989. (e) The signatures to the petition need not be at• mile or one [Sections 43.137 to 43.140 reserved for expansion] pended to one paper. riginal mur SLBCH_�PTER G. DISA\VEXATION (f) Before the petition is circulated among the vo( the area ers, notice of the petition must be given by posting 3 d by this § 43.141. Disannexation for Failure to Provide copy of the petition for 10 days in three public ply` wal• the m Services in the annexed area and by publishing a copy of t`' otherwise.the a (a) A majority of the qualified voters of an annexed Petition once in a newspaper of general circulau of that index area may petition the governing body of the munici- serving the area before the 15th day before the d:,t. ; _ •..ue to levy pality to disannex the area if the municipality fails or the petition is first circulated. Proof of the po rr4 • in the ar andpublication must be made b, attachingto t'" refuses to provide services or to cause services to be ) property it provided to the area within the period specified by petition presented to the secretary: from the Section 43.056 or by the service plan prepared for the (1) the sworn affidavit of any voter who signed ' •. ess. Th area under that section. the petition, stating the places and dates of t.7 cost of levyin (b) If the governing body fails or refuses to disan- posting; and shall be alp): flex the area within 60 days after the date of the (2) the sworn affidavit of the publisher of u Iwo rats ahar� newspaper in which the notice was published. ,a:. 4 does not prey receipt of the petition, any one or more of the signers of the petition may bring a cause of action in a district ing the name of the newspaper and the issue :uod '': in full at court of the county in which the area is principally date of publication. •' ess. 19located to request that the area be disannexed. On Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1. 1987. , 70th Leg 56 December 6, 1994 Mary Nichols Wylie City Secretary 2000 HWY 78N- P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Subject: Transmittal letter for "De-Annexation Petition" Dear Ms Nichols, In accordance with our telephone conversation concerning possible de-annexation requirements, our petition is attached and delivered to you in a timely manner, based on your defined schedule. It is understood that this subject will become an agenda item for the December 1994 Wylie City Council meeting. Please advise the date, time and meeting location of that Council meeting so the respective people/owners can be present for the discussions leading to a firm decision. Sincerely, Aiii41044) Don Jernigan 1408 Hillside Plano, Texas 75074 214-424-6014 Attachment: Petition (December 6, 1994) Petition December 6, 1994 The Land Owners signing this petition were annexed into the City of Wylie, Texas by Ordinance No. 86-96, dated 23rd day of December of the year 1986; whereas the first paragraph of Ordinance No. 86-96 is written, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE,AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE."; whereas the third paragraph of said Ordinance No. 86-96 is written, "WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and" whereas the City of Wylie has not within eight years of annexation provided public services consistent with the rights and privileges of all other citizens, and specifically has not provided Sanitary Sewer Service; and therefore it is respectively submitted that the owners of tracts listed herein, having been a part of the territory annexed by Ordinance No. 86-96, do hereby petition to the City of Wylie, Texas, for de-annexation from the City of Wylie as of this year 1994. SIGNED: Name: Tract No. See Attachment •ngi 3 D I 'A3Adhib 3sH3V6 "WM ' riS `o9 `Aa 'N'ov 'i , w.IY .14MMae 0, ol NN 1 '� o',, I. `� .. mil . • A ;" V CD 41 8 8 •rarc• 1v YC av;•t. tni Na3183/MFI,IfYpg sin 1S• LC ' $ w•i r WViitIts ` t .8E 9 —JV (PST 7Vfl 7✓ly �V /lo '97 00o6'7'ta so7.tr► ILf �� IfI•t?A 'L31.1G^weld Md'►,I •Ali/M4HV/ w/7v1 11WV171114 M$ 1I4. f • �6 9Z fL 8a-9 . r•, • M,t-R11 ' VSWWf7 • J,IVivd . 71,R•tc as 7vfh 'tt -7Y 88 'I h r e0w/.1r41„/A4 0 09 LC 'VIVO, oth-7I.1 • 596-i44 llp-LIU 0yjNo7rs 1411f II /IINIII 'T f Vo'7,1Y/ loWd oleo18a8Vd QsiLhIri AMd71Ay tiwititivw ,rworll I/ 71FN/Vd Aviv7 of 'dr 711,4110' volt • Nsrw1 S p?NSI.4 It NLIyq '7 Si?MiI1 •( . S17A9J AZ20 1 I i1 t Z oZ . 1..1VM ervonw n 'Vot• MJdl19 'VI4 1I 1-/Osi If Ms 77rr.11 0l I A PM tyre flifMlyv I •av/9'9z • 'aV tt 'Sn/ NaaV i'L—cor�z >•V7rr '3 I Qs=V NJNvb amV'1 z.uf»Ntvrw '`'•/' i13NNrrn 'An •'0 !Li ' • 7V 01 IAI-abh --173 a 1M1110, .', •9.7 N q. m 91 --1N • -! o 011 • 'VirgZ. an9rtM P$0014I:'IWO 9y Ilo hi • t>►•iee ,..., I • '1st '►13NMIv�•vrM .r---- l✓M•CZ Page 3 of Petition EXHIBIT A Description of property: Address: 2813 W. FM544 Wylie, Texas 75098 Owner of record: T. K. Jernigan 4909 Orchard Sachse, Texas 75048 City of Wylie Ordinance No. 86-96, dated 23rd December 1986 defined property as, "Tract 29 consisting of .53 acres". Collin County Records defines the property as: Being part of a 40 acre tract of land out of the MOSES SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 849, recorded in Volume 385, Page 33 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and a portion of a 5.84 acre tract as deeded to Norman R. McCord and wife, Betty Alice McCord by L. L. Gayler and wife, Evelyn Gayler on June 1, 1971 and recorded in Volume 786, Page 782 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for Southwest corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and in the North line of State Farm Road No. 544, said point bears South 89 degrees 52 minutes East 338.0 feet from the Southwest corner of said 5.84 acre tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 03 minutes West along the East line of adjacent Lot 3 a distance of 213.44 feet to a point for corner therein; THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 112.56 feet to a point for corner in the West line of adjacent Lot 5; THENCE South 0 degrees 03 minutes East along the West line of said Lot 5, a distance of 207.24 feet to a point for corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 52 minutes West along the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and the North line of said State Farm Road No. 544, a distance of 112.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Owner Policy of Title Insurance (No. OP-A 06698) indicates: "Being a portion of a 5.84 acre tract in the Moses Survey, Abstract No. 849; also being known as Lot 4 of McCord's Little Six Subdivision, an unrecorded addition in Collin County, Texas." Page 4 of Petition EXHIBIT B Description of property: Address: 2819 W. FM544 Wylie, Texas 75098 Owner of record: Curtis Watts Registered Voter, precinct #25 City of Wylie Ordinance No. 86-96, dated 23rd December 1986 defined property as, "Tract 26 consisting of.57 acres". Collin County Records defines the property as: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and in the North line of State Farm Road No. 544, said corner bears South 89 degrees 52 minutes East 20.00 feet from the Southwest corner of said 5.84 acre tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 03 minutes West along the East line of a county road, a distance of 245.24 feet to a point for corner therein; THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, 90.02 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 0 degrees 03 minutes East, 5.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, 14.50 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 0 degrees 03 minutes East, 229.78 feet to a point for corner in the North line of said Farm Road No. 544; THENCE North 89 degrees 52 minutes West, along the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and the North line of said Farm Road No. 544, a distance of 104.00 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being Lot 1 of McCords LITTLE SIX SUBDIVISION, an unrecorded subdivision in Collin County, Texas. Page 5 of Petition EXHIBIT C Description of property: Address: 2815 W. FM544 Wylie, Texas 75098 Owner of record: William Steven Orban Registered Voter, precinct #25 City of Wylie Ordinance No. 86-96, dated 23rd December 1986 defined property as, "Tract 28 consisting of.54 acres". Collin County Records defines the property as: Being part of a 40 acre tract of land out of the MOSES SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 849, recorded in Volume 385, Page 33 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and a portion of a 5.84 acre tract as deeded to Norman R. McCord and wife, Betty Alice McCord by L. L. Gayler and wife, Evelyn Gayler on June 1, 1971 and recorded in Volume 786, Page 782 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and described as follows: All of Lot No. 3; BEGINNING at a point for Southwest corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and in the North line of State Farm Road No. 544, said point bears South 89 degrees 52 minutes East 229.00 feet; THENCE North 0 degrees 03 minutes West parallel to the West line of said 5.84 acre tract and along the East line of adjacent Lot No. 2, a distance of 224.34 feet to a point for corner therein; THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, parallel to the North line of said 5.84 acre tract, a distance of 109.54 feet to a point for corner in the West line of adjacent Lot No. 4; THENCE South 0 degrees 03 minutes East along the West line of said Lot No. 4, a distance of 213.44 feet to a point for corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 52 minutes West along the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and the North line of said State Farm Road No. 544, a distance of 109.00 feet to the POINT BEGINNING. Page 6 of Petition EXHIBIT D Description of property: Address: 2809 W. FM544 Wylie, Texas 75098 Owner of record: Jake D. Waldner Registered Voter, precinct #25 City of Wylie Ordinance No. 86-96, dated 23rd December 1986 defined property as, "Tract 31 consisting of.52 acres". Collin County Records defines the property as: BEING PART OF A 40 acre tract of land out of the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract 849, recorded in Volume 385, Page 33, of the Deed Records of Coffin County, Texas, and a portion of a 5.84 acre tract as deeded to Norman R. McCord and wife, Ruby Alice McCord, by L. L. Gayler and wife, Evelyn Gayler, on June 1, 1971, and recorded in Volume 786, Page 728, of the Deed Records of Coffin County, Texas, and described as follows: All of Lot No. 6, (McCords Little Six Subdivision) BEGINNING at a point for SW corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and in the North line of State Farm Road No. 544, said point bears South 89 degrees 52 minutes East, 568.00 feet from the SW corner of said 5.84 acre tract; THENCE North 0 degrees 03 minutes West along the East line of adjacent Lot No. 5, a distance of 190.43 feet to a point for corner therein; THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 124.62 feet to a point corner in the West line of adjacent Lot No. 7; THENCE South 0 degrees 03 minutes East along the West line of said Lot No. 7, a distance of 178.04 feet to a point for corner in the South line of said 5.84 acre tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 52 minutes West along the South line of said 5.84 acre tract and the North line of State Farm Road No. 544, a distance of 124.00 feet to the point BEGINNING. -;,.,,,,,,,;,,,.,,-.,,.;,;: ,;,..,,.;.,,.,i.i;.;,,;,,;,.;,,,;.;.;..;.;;:w-, - y------00,----i,i,i,c.....1--E-vii.i.i.t.....o.iititliiiiiiiiiiiii;.i..;i.;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiii.;.;..i.iiiiii.i.iii.:::.:;..;,.;,;,;..i.,i.,i.,i.„::.,::,.:,..;,.i,..;.i..;.ii.ii..:::.ii.;..;..;.,...,,,...,i.,1.,;. i.::,,:ii.,,,,i.,,,iii:.,:44.1::::2...:8, ::q.,..,..,..,.,.i,,.,.,.:.',..i r .bra y ;::; 9: .:: .. :.;::iiii limiengierdititinct fluiciiidlingiiiWyllit(:oar Or it POttaint to OM ttg a o ISSUE The proposed ordinance will amend the Wylie curfew requirements to reflect those requirements which have withheld court challenges. Our City Attorney has prepared this ordinance which was modeled after the City of Dallas' regulations. The Dallas ordinance has been challenged for constitutionality and has been held up in court. BACKGROUND The Wylie Code currently prohibits children between the ages of 12 and 17 from being in public and unsupervised between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and midnight. These regulations are clearly unconstitutional and all ordinances of this nature that have been challenged have failed. The revised ordinance: (1) provides specific defenses for violating the curfew (2) changes the hours to 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on weeknights and Midnight to 6:00 a.m. on weekends (3) requires the staff to review the ordinance in six months LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Richard Abernathy, City Attorney, is not only comfortable that this ordinance is constitutional, but he has stated that cities all over Texas are amending their ordinances to reflect the provisions we are considering. ATTACHMENTS (1) Copy of Ordinance ' nt ei—ei-e. Submit ed Approved By § 3.00 J.FAVING DEBRIS OR DIRT § 4.02 Contributing to Neglect or ON CITY STREETS Delinquency of Children Any parent,legal guardian,or other person having § 3.01 Leaving Debris or Dirt on City the care or custody of a minor child under the age Streets Unlawful of seventeen(17)years who shall by any act,or by lack of supervision and control over said minor It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm, child,encourage,contribute toward,cause or tend or corporation to leave debris and/or dirt on a city to cause said minor child to commit any delinquent street unless the person, firm, or corporation or criminal act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. provides, erects, places, and maintains warning signs,lighting devices,barricades and channelizing (Ord.79-23 adopted 10-9-79,Sec.2) devices required in Part VI —Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction and Maintenance § 4.03 Curfew for Children Under Operation of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Twelve (12) Years of Age control Devices for Streets and Highways No minor under the age of twelve (12) years shall published by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. loiter, idle, or congregate in or on any public street, highway, alley, park, school, or any other (Ord.adopting Code) public place, or the place normally open to the public, including but not limited to shopping § 3.02 Penalty for Violations centers, places of amusement, private recreation areas, or similar places, between the hours of Any person violating any of the provisions of this 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., unless the minor is section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor accompanied by a parent or guardian,or some adult and upon conviction, shall be subject to a fine of delegated by the parent or guardian to accompany not more than that established by Texas state law. the child. Each day the violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. (Ord.79-23 adopted 10-9-79,Sec.3) (Ord.87-13 adopted 1-27-87,Sec.2) § 4.04 Curfew for Children Between Twelve (12) and Through Sixteen (16) Years Old § 4.00 CONTRIBUTING TO NEGLECT No minor between the ages of twelve (12) and OR DE OF CHILDREN; through sixteen (16) years of age shall loiter, idle CURFEWURFEW DELINOUENCY R MINORS or congregate in or on any public street,highway, alley, park, school,or other public place,or other § 4.01 Finding of Necessity place normally open to the public, including but not limited to shopping centers, places of The citycouncil finds that offenses against the amusement, private recreation areas or similar g places, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and laws of the United States, the statutes of the State 6:00 a.m., unless the minor is accompanied by a of Texas,and the ordinances of the City of Wylie parent or guardian, or some adult over the age of by minors under the age of seventeen(17)years are twenty-one (21) years delegated by the parent or increasing at a substantial rate; that in a great guardian to accompany the minor child or where many of the cases,a lack of proper supervision and the minor child is upon an errand or other control of the minor child by his or her parents or legitimate business directed by his or her parent or guardian is evident; that the increasing problem of criminal offenses by children will not be solved by guardian. sanctions imposed upon the children alone, but (Oral 79-23 adopted 10-9-79,Sec.4) that it is necessary that sanctions be imposed upon parents whose neglect of their duty to properly § 4.05 Violation of Curfew Hours supervise and control their children is a proximate cause of the delinquency of those children. Any parent, legal guardian or other person having (Ord.79-23 adopted 10-9-79,Sec. 1) the care or custody of any minor child under the age of seventeen (17) years who shall assist, aid, abet, allow, permit, or encourage said minor to violate the provisions of§ 4.03 and § 4.04 of this section,either by overt act,by failing to act or by 7-8 Supp. No. 1 lack of supervision and control over said minor is those regarding public nuisance with guilty of a misdemeanor. The fact that a child excessive noise from loudspeakers etc., under twelve (12) years or under the age of public intoxication, and/or disturbing the seventeen (17) years is apprehended while on the peace. public street, highway, alley, park, school, or other public place,or other place normally open to (b) The chief of police, or his or her designated the public during the hours defined in above§4.03 representative will be responsible for posting the and § 4.04, shall be prima facie evidence of a fact of the block party in question for the violation of this section on the part of the parents, information of the police officers on duty during legal guardian, or other person having the care or the hours of the celebration and for the information custody of said minor child. of the dispatcher on duty, in case of inquiries by citizens. (Ord.79-23 adopted 10-9-79,Sec.5) (Ord.86-82 adopted 8-12-86,Sec. 1) § 4.06 Penalty Any person found guilty of a misdemeanor under § 6.00 LOUD NOISF, the terms of this section shall, upon conviction thereof,be subject to a fine. § 6.01 General (Ord.79-23 adopted 10-9-79,Sec.6) (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to make or cause any unreasonably loud, disturbing, § 5.00 GATHERINGS ON PUBLIC unnecessary noise which causes or may cause ,STREETS material distress,discomfort or injury to persons of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity thereof. (a) Parties, gatherings, etc. which involve the blocking or closing off of public streets and/or (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to make or thoroughfares are prohibited in the City of Wylie cause any noise of such character, intensity and except under the circumstances and provisions continued duration as to substantially interfere with listed below: the comfortable enjoyment of private homes by persons or ordinary sensibilities. (1) Contact the chief of police of the City of Wylie, or his or her designated (Ord.86-81 adopted 8-12-86,Sec. 1) representative and advise of the date and time of the desired party. § 6.02 Acts Creating, Enumerated (2) The chief of police or his or her (a) The playing of any phonograph, television, designated representative will advise the radio or any musical instrument in such manner or organizer(s)of the following: with such volume,particularly between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., as to annoy or (a) Must have letter signed by residents disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of persons of affected by such party, giving their ordinary sensibilities in any dwelling, hotel or consent and approval of such party,to be other type of residence. placed on file with the police department. (b) The use of any stationary loud-speaker, (b) Contact the director of public works, amplifier or musical instrument in such a manner or designated representative and make or with such volume in the immediate vicinity arrangements to pick up city barricades thereof, particularly between the hours of 10:00 with which to block off street where party p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; provided however, that the is to be held. city council may make exceptions upon application when the public interest will be served (c) Streets must be left open to the thereby. extent that emergency vehicles can gain entrance without delay of any kind. (c) The blowing of any steam whistle attached to any stationary boiler or the blowing of any other (d) Parties must be conducted in such a loud or far-reaching steam whistle within the manner as not to be in violation of any corporate limits,except to give notice of the time other ordinance of the city particularly to begin or stop work or as a warning of danger. 7-9 Supp. No. 1 :.:-,..IIR.t,,:,:iii;muiiniiiiiiliiii!iiiimiiiiiiii,::::11,:awv:iie-lilhAtittliiiz..„„,..toti„in.(.1tig.ii.i:„;ii:„iii,,iii,:i,:n„;iiiiii,,,,,,,omiliiii,,,:i::::,i,:iii02,,,iiiii,:i,:,,,,,,,,,:„iii„,,,,,i,:.,:iii ,:,:,,,:,,,,:,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,:,:,:,.:„.„.,,,.::, ,,,,,,,,..„:, :,,,„„:„:,:„,::„.:,.,:,:, ,....................1,...:::,,,,,,:„!,...,,,,,,,!,,,,:,,::„,„,:,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::,,,„,,, ,:: ::,:::,: .„,:.:::::„,::::::::,:,:,.:,::::,::: ::„,:,„„„:,,,:,„„:„„„„„„„„„„„„„:„„„„„„„„„::.::::.::::::::::„„„„„:.„::::::::::::.::::::::::::: ::.:: ,,,, fr ;:.Or'd IKQ>R . uirin ::: k : to ..:... Issue In an effort to promote fire safety and reduce the cost of providing fire protection, the following are proposed revision to the city's Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5, Fire Protection, for consideration: To ensure the life safety of the citizens of Wylie, add an ordinance that requires a working smoke detector in all occupied residential dwellings. Background This ordinance will help prevent the loss of lives in the city limits of Wylie. Smoke detectors are now very affordable and there are agencies that will provide them to those families who cannot afford them. The Wylie Fire Department also has a program for families on limited income that has been very successful and is still in tact. Legal Consideration The City Attorney has reviewed and produced the finished ordinance for the council's approval. The City will not legally be able to inspect all existing homes for detectors. However, if an incident does occur and the home does not have a detector, that resident will then be subject to penalty of fine and/or prosecution. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends approval of the changes and additions to the Code of Ordinances in Chapter 5, Fire Protection. Attachments Copy of Ordinance Submitted By Approved By ..iiiiiilligiiiiIiiiii!lilii!ii!!!!iiiliiiiiiiiiii!liiiiilii!ililii:iii:!!;iiii:iivililli8iiiiiiiiiiliiii..illiriiiiiliNiiiiiiiiiiiiii..tiiiiiiiiiiiiellilitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilitliiiiiiiiitilltil.liiiillilili.;! ii;iiiiaiiiiiiiiiiigli.;;I.i: LI ..................................................................................................w........ ................ ............ ................. ....„ ...................:.........,........._ ..:.:.:„. . .. ......,.:.:.:.:.,.:„.:„.:.:„.„.„:„.„.:„.:,.:.:.:.:.:.„ .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:„.„,,,.,.:.:.::„::::„::„„„„„ ,:„:„:„:::;,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,„„,......„,.......,....,,.....,.,;„,.,,,,.„.„.„„,,,,,,,,.;,,,,,,,.„:;,,,,,,,,,:,.„,,,,,!,,,,„,,,,,,,,„,,,!,,,!,,,,,,.„,,,, „,.,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„:„,,,„„„„„„. ...",.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:.:.:.:„.„...„.,::::•:.,...,.....".....::::::::::::::::::::„....::::„..•: .. ....:......... ,.........„.,......: t.„:„.:.:.:.:„. •,.:.:.:.:.„. .. •• ••• ..•••...• r.> g ::`:: ::::::: :::`::::::''' :<< „,:,:,,,,,,,,,:„:,:,:.:„:,:„..: Summary An issue of concern to all municipalities is the existing burden on municipal staff to be administratively involved with the competency testing of electricians as part of their municipality's electrician licensing requirements. In an effort to remove this burden from the municipalities and continue to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of North Texas a regional testing program is being implemented by the North Texas Council of Governments and administered by Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. Background The Regional Electrical Advisory Board was dissolved in the fall of 1994. This was a group formed by area municipalities to administer the testing of electricians in this region. The problem with this program was that electricians who passed this examination were considered to have received their license from the city where they applied for the test. Under the new program, all member cities will honor the examination results as their own. Financial Considerations The examination administration process will be the complete responsibility of SBCCI and will be financially supported fully by the testing fee of$45 to be paid by the applicant. There will be no funding or administrative responsibilities expected from the participating municipalities. Legal Considerations There will be legislation proposed in the near future for State licensing of electricians. This is one of the first steps towards that direction but this is the best program to date. Board/Commission Recommendations No recommendation is necessary. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends passage of the resolution. Attachments-Proposed resolution and agreement Submitted By Approved By • THE STATE OF TEXAS THE REGION OF NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE TESTING OF ELECTRICIANS THIS INTERLOCAL Agreement ("Agreement") effective is entered into between the city of , a municipal corporation duly incorporated under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; the North Central Texas Council of Governments ("NCTCOG"), a political subdivision of the State of Texas acting by and through its Executive Board; and other North Central Texas governmental entities consenting hereto, WITNESSETH WHEREAS, pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, as amended (the "ACT"), cities, counties, special districts and other legally constituted political subdivisions of the State of Texas are authorized to enter into interlocal contracts and agreements with each other regarding governmental functions and services as set forth in the Act; and, WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement have been cooperating together through NCTCOG to develop a cooperative regional program to accomplish competency testing of electricians in North Central Texas; and, WHEREAS, other entities will become involved in the regional electrician testing program, hereinafter referred to as the North Central Texas Electrical Examination Program, and benefit from cooperation through this Interlocal Agreement; and, WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement understand that entering into this Agreement in no way obligates any party to participate in any associated program without the express approval of the party; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants herein contained, and subject to the conditions herein set forth, the parties hereto covenant, agree and bind themselves as follows: ARTICLE 1 -- PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement includes accomplishing the following objectives: • Protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens of North Central Texas through a cooperative regional program for the competency testing at various grade levels of electricians desiring to perform electrical work in this region; • Remove the burden of local testing of electricians from municipalities as part of their electrician licensing requirements; • Engage, through the North Central Texas Council of Governments, a qualified testing agency or agencies to prepare, administer, and grade the electrical examinations; and Page 1 of 3 3/2/94 • Provide quality testing opportunities that are cost efficient and convenient for prospective electricians at their desired grade levels. ARTICLE 2 -- ADMINISTRATIVE AND POLICY STRUCTURE The administrative and policy structure under this Agreement is as follows: • NCTCOG's Regional Codes Coordinating Committee ("RCCC") will approve recommendation of the qualified testing agency or agencies to be used, provide policy guidance for the cooperative program, and make recommendations to the participating entities to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement. • The RCCC will appoint whatever supporting subcommittees it deems necessary and desirable to provide technical guidance and assistance to the selected testing agency or agencies, including a validation task force of representatives from the region. • NCTCOG will be the administrative agent under the Agreement pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act and enter into an agreement on behalf of the participating parties with the selected testing agency or agencies. • The selected testing agency or agencies and its testing program are fiscally supported by the testing fees collected from the applicants. No funds will be solicited from the parties to this agreement or NCTCOG and no party hereto shall be liable or responsible for the payment of funds in support of this regional testing program beyond the testing fees from the applicants. The RCCC will approve the testing fee. • This Agreement is recognized as a supplemental level of service, and is not intended to duplicate or diminish the products, assistance, representation, or services received by participating entities through NCTCOG membership. ARTICLE 3 -- ADDITIONAL PARTIES Additional political subdivisions within or serving the North Central Texas region may become parties to this Agreement by approving the terms and conditions of this Agreement and affixing hereto the signature of its authorized representative indicating the date of approval of this Agreement by said entity. ARTICLE 4 -- RENEWAL AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement will be in effect for one year from the effective date of this Agreement, and will be considered automatically renewed for each succeeding year. A party may withdraw from this Agreement provided that it has notified the Executive Director of NCTCOG of such action in writing at least 60 days before its intended withdrawal date. Amendments may be made to this Agreement upon the approval of the affected parties. ARTICLE 5 -- SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any provision of this Agreement or any application hereof shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions and applications shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Page 2 of 3 3/2/94 ARTICLE 6 -- GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas. ARTICLE 7 -- INDEMNIFICATION It is agreed that no party to this Agreement shall be responsible for the acts of another party to this Agreement. ARTICLE 8 -- MISCELLANEOUS It is expressly understood and agreed that in the execution of this Agreement, neither the parties to this Agreement nor NCTCOG waive, nor shall be deemed to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to each against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. The undersigned officers and/or agents are properly authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the parties hereto, and each hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. By entering into this Interlocal Agreement, the parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other than those set forth herein, and this Agreement shall not create any rights in parties not signatories hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date and year noted below. Signature Mike Eastland Executive Director Title North Central Texas Agency Council of Governments Date Date Page 3 of 3 3/2/94