07-14-2003 (City Council) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Monday, July 14, 2003 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IT ENS PARTICIPATION T WORK SESSION • 2003/2004 Budget Overview EXECUTIVE SESSION In accordance with Chapter 551,Government Code,Vernon's Texas Code Annotated(Open Meeting Act), Section 551.074 Personnel Matters to deliberate the appointment,employment,evaluation,reassignment,duties,discipline,or dismissal of a public officer or employee;(City Manager's Evaluation) Section 551.071, Government Code. Meeting with city attorney concerning potential litigation and on a matter in which the duty of the city attorney under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas conflicts with the Open Meetings Act. RECONVENE IN` 0► 3PE 1 EET G Take any action as a result of the Executive Session. In addition to any specifically identified Executive Sessions,Council may convene into Executive Session at any point during the open meeting to discuss any item posted on this agenda The Open Meetings Act provides specific exceptions that require that a meeting be open. Should Council elect to convene into Executive Session, those exceptions will be specifically identified and announced. Any subsequent action,as a result of this Executive Session,will be taken and recorded in open session. I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this llth day of July,2003 at 5:00 p.m.as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted to the City of Wylie Website at tiww CI tx.us Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-8170. Fiscal 2004 Budget Overview Operating Funds Monday, July 14 , 2003 City of Wylie Budget Work Session, July 14,2003 Highlights of Operating Funds FY2004 El Proposed Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2004 is $0.705, Current Tax Rate is $0.715 0 Preliminary Tax Roll is $1,118,400,000, an increase of$189,153,395 over last years tax base of$929,246,605 El The increase in the tax roll will generate an additional $1,232,035 in tax revenues. El No long term debt will be issued in FY2004. El In the General Fund, 11.5 new positions will be added. 0.75 One (1) HR Assistant, Part-time 1.0 One (1) Information System Technician 1.0 One (1)Custodian for Facilities 1.0 One (1)CID Secretary 1, (8N) VO ,� 2.0 Two (2) Patrol Officers EZ 1.0 One (1) Fire Prevention Inspector 0.0 Three (3) Full-time Firefighters replacing (3) Part-time Firefighters( 1.0 One (1) Permit Technician S-L.Ae"`'LP3. r 2.0 One (1)Athletic Maint.Worker& One (1)General Maint.Worker 0.75 Three (3)Seasonal Workers, Summer Program,Wylie students a?)4/6 a� 0.5 One (1)Secretary, Part-time � 0.5 Increase Part-time Staffing 20 hours per week. ������L/ .. �' `" 11.50 Total General Fund Proposed Personne .z+�'` d El In the Utility Fund, 3.5 new positions will be added. 1.0 One (1)Crewleader 1.0 One (1) Equipment Operator 1.0 One (1) Maintenance Worker 0.5 Upgrade AP Clerk from Part-time to Full-time J�yps' 3.5 Total Utility Fund Proposed Personnel El In the General Fund, Proposed FY2004 fund balance is$ 1,674,485 approximately 47.9 days of working capital or 13.1 percent of expenditures. For comparison purposes, original FY2003 recorded 49.7 days of working capital or 13.6 percent of expenditures. El In the Utility Fund, Proposed FY2004 fund balance is 71.8 days of working capital or 19.7 percent of expenditures. FY2003 recorded 941 days of working capital and 25.9 percent of expenditures. ‘( °tt 't41 \ TABLE OF CONTENTS Property Tax Distribution Calculations 1 General Fund Statement of Revenues & Expenditures 2 Utility Fund Statement of Revenues & Expenditures 3 FY 2004 Departmental Staffing Summary 4 Personnel Overview of Proposed Budget 5 Departmental Overview of Proposed Budget: General Fund City Council n/a City Manager 7 City Secretary n/a Municipal Court 7 Finance n/a Facilities 7 Combined Services n/a Police 8 Fire 9 Animal Control 10 Planning 10 Building Inspections 11 Code Enforcement n/a Streets 11 Parks 12 Recreation 13 Library 13 Utility Fund Utility Administration n/a Utilities (Water) 14 Engineering 15 Utilities(Sewer) 15 Utility Billing 16 Combined Services n/a PRELIMINARY PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION CALCULATIONS FY2004 FY2003 Tax Year 2003 Tax Year 2002 TAX ROLL: Assessed Valuation(100%) $ 1,118,400,000 $ 929,246,605 Rate per$100 0.705 0.715 Total Tax Levy 7,884,720.00 6,644,113.23 Percent of Collection 98% 98% Estimated Current Tax Collections $ 7,727,026 $ 6,511,231 SUMMARY OF TAX COLLECTIONS: Current Tax $ 7,727,026 $ 6,511,231 Delinquent Tax 70,000 70,000 Penalty and Interest 30,000 30,000 TOTAL TAX COLLECTIONS $ 7,827,026 $ 6,611,231 DISTRIBUTION: FY2004 FY2004 PERCENT FY2003 TAX RATE OF TOTAL FY2004 AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERAL FUND: Current Tax $ 5,816,028 $ 4,588,788 Delinquent Tax 52,688 49,332 Penalty and Interest 22,581 21,142 Total General Fund $ 0.530644 75.269% $ 5,891,297 $ 4,659,262 DEBT SERVICE FUND: Current Tax $ 1,910,998 $ 1,922,443 Delinquent Tax 17,312 20,668 Penalty and Interest 7,419 8,858 Total Debt Service $ 0.174356 24.731% $ 1,935,729 $ 1,951,969 DISTRIBUTION $ 0.705000 100.000% $ 7,827,026 $ 6,611,231 ASSESSED VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY 1200 - 1118.4 2 929.2 _ a y st 1 1000 - 754.a 800 - > .. 426.9 600 1 402A 4614 542.5 — • - 4. 365.5 wz y 400 - w ° 200 — co 2 Q FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 1 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2001-2002 2002-2003 2002-2003 2003-2004 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 2,168,444 $ 2,263,960 $ 2,709,293 $ 2,624,523 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes 3,773,837 4,659,260 4,697,000 5,891,292 Sales Taxes 951,371 935,500 1,064,630 1,287,730 Franchise Fees 958,066 979,000 1,055,780 1,107,000 Licenses&Permits 1,131,544 865,100 1,398,000 1,160,100 Intergovernmental Rever 365,316 229,870 254,900 220,000 Service Fees 1,386,398 1,438,300 1,288,300 1,171,000 Court Fees 484,920 486,400 367,000 480,000 Interest&Miscellaneous 222,989 83,300 101,300 85,500 Total Revenues 9,274,441 9,676,730 10,226,910 11,402,622 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Bond Proceeds 250,000 - - - Transfers from Other Fur 420,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 Total Other Financing Sources 670,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 Total Revenues&Other Financing• 9,944,441 10,096,730 10,646,910 11,822,622 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 12,112,885 12,360,690 13,356,203 14,447,145 EXPENDITURES: General Government: City Council 46,099 83,350 83,050 89,950 City Manage 406,859 490,280 468,250 638,200 City Secreta 126,814 146,460 136,300 180,680 Municipal Cc 133,467 174,630 168,930 181,600 Finance 399,356 530,910 528,110 595,800 Facilities&F 178,639 405,300 402,000 397,650 Combined S 1,655,671 1,532,720 1,453,120 1,409,900 Animal Cont 66,130 117,230 114,040 115,370 Public Safety: Police 1,885,599 2,308,000 2,288,300 2,661,980 Fire 1,709,603 1,954,450 1,940,180 2,449,310 Dispatch - - - Development Services: Planning 201,987 225,650 223,770 246,220 Building Ins{ 457,981 486,260 477,180 635,360 Code Enforc 51,227 69,380 64,850 76,630 Streets 934,866 907,150 714,680 1,229,330 Community Services: Parks 554,502 783,560 719,050 992,450 Recreation 89,943 109,300 109,260 138,910 Library 322,719 356,760 355,440 407,340 Contingency - - - - Transfers to Other Funds 182,130 475,880 485,170 325,980 Total Expenditures 9,403,592 11,157,270 10,731,680 12,772,660 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 2,709,293 $ 1,203,420 $ 2,624,523 $ 1,674,485 70.5 Tax Rate 0.1311 47.85 2 UTILITY FUND COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 2001-2002 2002-2003 2002-2003 2003-2004 OPERATING REVENUES: Water Service $ 2,490,859 $ 2,775,000 $ 2,825,000 $ 3,106,000 Sewer Service 1,606,486 1,623,000 1,750,000 1,925,000 Sewer Pass-Thru 388,157 393,000 412,000 453,200 Penalty&Interest 70,786 64,000 80,000 85,000 Water Tap Fees 200,470 120,000 210,000 160,000 Sewer Tap Fees 29,945 35,000 30,000 30,000 Reconnect Fees 3,153 3,000 3,000 3,000 Impact Fees-Water/Sewer - - - 503,360 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 4,789,856 5,013,000 5,310,000 6,265,560 OPERATING EXPENSES: Water Purchases 687,549 800,000 885,750 1,011,080 Sewer Treatment 310,006 1,070,550 1,070,550 1,163,680 Utility Administration 259,769 278,680 272,640 304,240 Water 767,110 1,677,450 1,070,080 1,433,540 Sewer - - - 813,390 Engineering 227,820 377,810 269,760 373,390 Utility Billing 483,762 578,460 586,610 616,125 Combined Services 45,281 79,700 71,000 70,500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,781,297 4,862,650 4,226,390 5,785,945 NET OPERATING INCOME(LOSS) 2,008,559 150,350 1,083,610 479,615 NON-OPERATING REVS(EXP): Utility Pre-treatment Fees 10,270 33,000 33,000 12,000 Interest Income 57,784 65,000 33,000 65,000 Miscellaneous Income 32,693 10,000 30,000 10,000 Debt Service (1,201,131) (1,284,100) (1,194,130) (1,273,340) Transfer from Other Funds - - - - Transfer to Other Funds (420,000) (420,000) (420,000) (420,000) TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVS(EXP) (1,520,384) (1,596,100) (1,518,130) (1,606,340) NET INCOME(LOSS) 488,175 (1,445,750) (434,520) (1,126,725) BEG FUND BALANCE(WORKING CAP) 3,740,598 3,147,150 3,032,866 2,598,346 Adjustment to Fund Balance (1,195,905) - - - END FUND BALANCE(WORKING CAP) $ 3,032,868 $ 1,701,400 $ 2,598,346 $ 1,471,621 0.2591 0.1968 94.57 71.82 3 FY 2004 DEPARTMENTAL STAFFING SUMMARY (ALL POSITIONS SHOWN AS FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS) PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 General Fund City Manager 3.50 4.50 4.50 6.25 City Secretary 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Municipal Court 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Finance 6.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 Facilities& Fleet Services 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Police 31.10 26.10 30.00 33.00 Fire 19.00 27.00 28.40 29.40 Animal Control 1.40 1.50 2.00 2.00 Development Services - - - - Planning 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 Building Inspections 4.50 7.00 7.00 8.00 Code Enforcement 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Streets 6.25 5.75 7.75 7.75 Parks 7.00 7.00 9.00 11.75 Recreation 1.35 1.80 2.10 2.60 Library 4.50 4.75 4.75 5.25 Total General Fund 93.60 99.90 109.00 120.50 Utility Fund Utilities Administration 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Utilities-Water 8.00 9.00 11.00 10.00 Utilities-Sewer - - - 4.00 Engineernig 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Utility Billing 5.50 7.00 7.00 7.50 Total Utility Fund 20.00 22.50 24.50 28.00 Wylie Economic Development 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4B Sales Tax Fund Parks 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Community Center 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 Library 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 48 Sales Tax Fund 5.50 6.50 7.50 7.50 Emergency Communications Fund Dispatch Services - 7.00 7.00 7.00 Total Emergency Comm Fund - 7.00 7.00 7.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 121.10 136.90 149.00 164.00 4 PROPOSED BUDGET OVERVIEW OF OPERATING FUNDS July 14, 2003 Budget 2003-2004 PERSONNEL(Additions,Promotions,and Changes) Item# General Fund Departments: Personnel Cost* 112 -City Manager 1) One (1) HR Assistant, Part-time $ 18,570 2) One (1) Information System Technician $ 61,840 132 -Facilities 3) One(1) Custodian for Facilities $ 42,430 211 -Police 4) One (1)CID Secretary 1, (8N) $ 41,120 5) Reclass Records Clerk (7N to 8N) $ 1,310 6) Two(2) Patrol Officers $ 117,910 231 -Fire 7) One (1) Fire Prevention Inspector $ 54,630 8) Three (3) Full-time Firefighters replacing (3) Part-time Firefighters $ 72,350 WrkiY64G44 9) Additional Ambulance Staffing �J lad $ 49,360 312 -Building Inspections 10) One (1) Permit Technician $ 44,120 511 -Parks 11) One(1)Athletic Maint. Worker& One (1)General Maint. Worker $ 79,010 12) Three (3)Seasonal Workers, Summer Program,Wylie students $ 16,500 521 -Recreation Dept. 13) One(1)Secretary, Part-time $ 9,930 551 -Library 14) Increase Part-time Staffing 20 hours per week. $ 9,800 Total General Fund Proposed Personnel $ 618,880 *Personnel Cost include Salaries and Benefits.See Capital and Expanded level of Service Costs for non personnel expenses. 5 PROPOSED BUDGET OVERVIEW OF OPERATING FUNDS July 14,2003 Budget 2003-2004 PERSONNEL(Additions,Promotions,and Changes) Item# Utility Fund Departments: Personnel Cost* 712-Public Works Utilities(Water) 1) One(1)Crewleader $ 54,310 2) One (1)Equipment Operator $ 43,050 3) One (1)Maintenance Worker $ 41,130 715-Utility Billing 4) Upgrade AP Clerk from Part-time to Full-time $ 24,840 Total Utility Fund Proposed Personnel $ 163,330 Personnel Cost include Salaries and Benefits.See Capital and Expanded level of Service Costs for non personnel expenses. 6 112 - City Manager Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One(1) HR Assistant- Part-time $ 18,570 $ 5,000 One(1) Information System Technician 61,840 6,500 Total $ 80,410 $ 11,500 Grand Total $ 91,910 122 - Municipal Court Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Automated and Online Payment. Carry forward from FY2003 $ - $ 15,300 One (1) Fire Proof Safe - 1,610 Total $ - $ 16,910 Grand Total $ 16,910 132 - Facilities Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Four(4)new rooftop HVAC units $ - $ 24,000 One (1)Custodian for Facilities 42,430 - Total $ 42,430 $ 24,000 Grand Total $ 66,430 7 211 - Police Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One (1)CID Secretary 1 $ 41,120 $ 5,100 Computer Network Upgrade - 20,500 Reclass Records Clerk (7N to 8N) 1,310 Two (2) Patrol Officers 117,910 12,060 One (1) Police Sedan - 29,580 Fleet Replacement Fees - 7,300 One (1)Video Camera for Squad Car - 3,150 One (1) Mobile Radio - 2,600 One (1) Computer and Printer for Sgt. - 1,200 Total $ 160,340 $ 81,490 Grand Total $ 241,830 8 231 - Fire Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One(1) Fire Prevention Inspector and vehicle $ 54,630 $ 47,180 Fleet Replacement Fee - 2,860 Quint Maint. - 25,000 Three(3)fulltime Firefighters replacing (3) Part-time Firefighters 72,350 600 One(1)Air Truck SCBA Compressor - 38,000 Capital Replacement Fees - 5,430 One(1) k-12 Rescue Saw - 1,600 Health and Wellness Program - 3,000 Three(3)Treadmills - 1,500 Two(2) Universal ten station weight set - 1,500 PDA - 2,500 One (1) Fire Hose Repair Press - 2,650 Two(2) Riding Lawn Mowers for Stations - 5,000 Additional Ambulance Staffing 49,360 - Total $ 176,340 $ 136,820 Grand Total $ 313,160 9 251 - Animal Control Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Repair Brickwork on Northside of Animal Shelter $ - $ 1,000 One (1) Portable Radio - 2,270 Total $ - $ 3,270 Grand Total $ 3,270 311 - Planning Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One(1)36" Plotter-Split with Engineering $ - $ 5,720 One(1) Copier-Split with Engineering - 4,120 One(1) Pentium IV Computer, replace - 1,500 Land Use Maps - 2,500 Total $ - $ 13,840 Grand Total $ 13,840 10 312 - Building Inspections Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One (1) Permit Technician $ 44,120 $ 6,670 Internet Based Permit Issuance - 6,000 Expansion of Impact Software - 9,140 Demolition of structures - 20,000 Total $ 44,120 $ 41,810 Grand Total $ 85,930 411 Streets Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One (1) Pickup truck for Fleet Maintenance Coordinator $ - $ 8,500 split 411/712 Maintenance and Operating costs - 1,950 Fleet Replacement Fee - 1,220 Budget Increase in 54210, Streets and Alleys - 44,000 Total $ - $ 55,670 Grand Total $ 55,670 11 511 -Parks Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One(1)Athletic Maint.Worker, One (1)General Maintenance Worker, and Pickup truck $ 79,010 $ 28,970 Fleet Replacement Fees - 3,000 One(1) Riding Lawn Mower - 9,800 One(1) Riding Lawn Mower - 9,800 One(1)Trailer - 5,200 One(1)Trailer - 5,250 One (1)Athletic Infield machine - 10,950 One (1)Chemical Sprayer Tank - 5,950 One (1)Tractor Tiller - 2,650 One (1) Riding Line Cutter - 6,100 Three (3)Seasonal workers, Summer,Wylie Students 16,500 1,260 Anticipated Utlilties - Electric - 10,000 Baseline Equipment, Athletic Field Poles, Backflow, etc. - 21,150 Total $ 95,510 $ 120,080 Grand Total $ 215,590 12 521 - Recreation Dept. Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost One (1)Secretary, Part-time $ 9,930 $ 4,000 Total $ 9,930 $ 4,000 Grand Total $ 13,930 551 - Library Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Increase Part-time Staffing 20 hours per week $ 9,800 $ - Books and Audio Visual materials - 7,000 Books in Print Database - 2,200 Total $ 9,800 $ 9,200 Grand Total $ 19,000 13 712 - Public Works Utilities (Water) Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost 2nd/3rd Street Alley Water line $ - $ 110,000 One (1)Crewleader and Vehicle 54,310 39,250 Fleet Replacement Fee - 4,280 One (1) Equipment Operator 43,050 1,100 One (1) Maintenance Worker 41,130 750 One(1) Extended Cab Pick up Truck - 19,700 Fleet Replacement Fee - 2,290 One (1)Trailer, 2 axle Belche - 7,500 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator Vehicle, split 411 - 8,500 Fleet Replacement Fees, split 411 - 1,220 Total $ 138,490 $ 194,590 Grand Total $ 333,080 14 713 - Engineering Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Computer System $ - $ 1,500 36" plotter/feeder split with Planning - 5,620 Xerox Copier split with Planning - 4,120 Total $ - $ 11,240 Grand Total $ 11,240 714 - Public Works Utilities (Sewer) Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Valentine Creek Wastewater Line $ - $ 90,000 Jet Machine/Vac Combo - 114,100 Fleet Replacement Fee - 11,000 One(1)Trailer, 2 axle Belche - 7,500 One (1) Hydraulic Jack Hammer - 8,700 One (1) Hydraulic Post Hole Digger - 2,000 Total $ - $ 233,300 Grand Total $ 233,300 15 715 - Utility Billing Personnel Non Personnel Request Cost Cost Upgrade AP Clerk from Part-time to Full-time $ 24,840 $ - Total $ 24,840 $ - Grand Total $ 24,840 16