04-14-1992 (WEDC) Agenda Packet 0 , ct 41'QC) f / yli o/cam MEETING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC. TUESDAY, APRIL 14 , 1992 4 : 30 PM 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH, WYLIE , TEXAS CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS NUMBER BUSINESS 1 1-3 Discuss and Consider Approval of Minutes of J AcK�=s OC/{C�--,� March 10, 1992 Regular Meeting and March 24 , 1992 JN3 yClca/c/t_ Special Called Meeting of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . 2 '30 did•+ Discuss and Consider Approval of Treasurer' s Report 3c,4 N Tc.d 4 3 Discuss and Consider Approving Budget Amendment to Pay Auditors the Additional $ 125 . 00 4 (cs.44 Discuss and Consider Proposal from Betty Lutz d On B half of the Dow -7)• � nt�ws Merchants 5 es .? Sa� Discuss and Consider s Proposal from Michael ye 4 air drown Productions c- 1 IU1Oo <; 6 Discuss and Consider Development of a Luncheo , Open House and Tour of the City for Builders and Developers 7 Discuss and Consider Administrative Questions From Executive Director 8 Recess Open Meeting 9 Convene to Workshop to Discuss Goals and Objectives 10 Reconvene Regular Meeting `10 11 Citizen Participation In Accordance With the Open Meeting Act , the Development Corporation will hear comments of Public Interest From Residents of the City of Wylie . Any discussion must be limited to placing the item on a future agenda for further Consideration . 12 Wylie Residents Wishing to Speak Should Limit Remarks to a Maximum of Five ( 5) Minutes 13 Adjourn NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Economic Development Corporation Board of Wylie will meet at 4: 30 P.M. on the / L day of ( � , 1992 at 2000 Highway 78 , North , in the City of Wylie , Texas , for the purpose of considering the above agenda . (4;2 Car n s , City Secretary POSTED THIS THE /OEL- DAY OF , 1992 , AT 'V'& AM. DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC . MINUTES MARCH 10 , 1992 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . met in regular session at 4 : 30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 10 , 1992 in the Conference Room at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Jim Smith , President ; Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer ; James Blakey, Vice President and members John Yeager and John Tobin . Mayor John Akin and City Manager Steve Norwood were also present . In attendance from the the City Staff was Anita Collins . Jim Smith called the meeting to order . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 11 , 1992 REGULAR MEETING AND FEBRUARY 25, 1992 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC: John Yeager made a motion that the minutes for these meetings be approved without any corrections . James Blakey seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT: Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer , gave a report on the expenditures and revenues of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . He reported the current balance to be $276 , 688 . 83 , sales tax received in February was $22 , 956 .87 , interest received was $860. 89 and expenditures in the amount of $2 , 390. 10 . The expenditures were as follows : Rent - $ 50 . 00 , Business Cards for Charlie Womack - $35 . 10, ., Chapman' s Remodeling , Office Addition - $2 , 350 . 00 . A motion was made by John Tobin to approve the report . The motion was seconded by John Yeager . The report was unanimously approved . DISCUSSION OF THE ANAHEIM TRIP: Linda Hamar made a presentation and presented a positive successful trip . Ms . Hamar presented her expense report and a check for $338 . 00 to the board . John Tobin made a motion that we accept this report and approve the expenses , seconded by John Yeager . The vote was unanimous . DISCUSS PREPARATION OF LETTER TO HOLLAND HITCH: President Jim Smith asked Anita Collins to prepare a letter for his signature . The letter should state the Development Corporation's participation in their expansion according to the motion made at the February 25 , 1992 special meeting . DISCUSS THE DATABASE FOR INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE INCLUDING AERIAL PHOTOS: John Tobin and Jim Yeager made a report on this . They are still in the process of gathering the information . STATUS REPORT FROM CHARLIE WOMACK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Mr . Womack was not present due to a prior commitment . Jim Smith presented a status report , from Mr . Womack, to each board member . This report detailed his contacts and their present status . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER VIDEO TAPE TO PROMOTE WYLIE: Contacts with companies that produce these videos resulted in prices ranging from $30, 000 to $50 , 000 . City Manager , Steve Norwood stated that he has had some experience in working with Michael Brown Productions and they could probably produce this for around $ 1 , 000 - $ 1 , 200 a finished minute . Mr . Norwood is going to contact Michael Brown Productions regarding a video promoting the City of Wylie . RECESS OPEN MEETING: CONVENE TO WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Bart Peddicord stated that we had received a bill for $625 .00 from the auditors and that on the next agenda we needed to have a budget amendment for $125 . 00 since we had budgeted for only $500 . 00 . RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: No citizen participation ADJOURN There being no other matters of business for discussion , a motion was made and seconded to adjourn this meeting . The motion carried with all in favor . Minutes of the March 10, 1992 , regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on April 14 , 19922 . Barton Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer PREPARED BY : Anita Collins DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC . MINUTES March 24 , 1992 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . met in a called session at 4: 30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 26 , 1992 in the Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Jim Smith, President ; Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer ; James Blakey , Vice President ; and members John Yeager and John Tobin . Also present were the Executive Director , Charlie Womack, City Manager Steve Norwood and Anita Collins from the City Staff was present . Jim Smith called the meeting to order . REVIEW PROPOSAL FROM MICHAEL BROWN PRODUCTIONS TO PRODUCE VIDEO PROMOTING WYLIE: Michael Brown from Michael Brown Productions made a presentation regarding what his company could provide in the form of a video . Mr . Brown showed several samples of his work and explained the procedures they would use . He indicated that the price usually ranged from $ 1 , 000 to $1 , 500 per finished minute . Bart Peddicord made a motion that we provide them with the things we want to see on the tape , tell them we want a 6-8 minute video using the newscast format and ask them to give us a price . There being no other matters of business for discussion , a motion was made by John Yeager to adjourn . Seconded by James Blakey. The motion carried with all in favor . Minutes of the March 24 , 1992 called meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on April 14 , 1992 . Barton Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer PREPARED BY : Anita Collins