07-16-1987 (City Council) Agenda Packet Date posted 7-13-87 Time posted 10:00 A.M. AGENDA CALLED COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1987 7:00 P. M. RITA & TRUETT SMITH LIBRARY 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS Convene cal led r:ieet ina. Adjourn t'1 t:� workshop. oF.l. Convene workshop to discuss the following items : (A) FM 544 reallocation/ real i g nment. (E+) Spring Creek Parkway. (C) Planned State Highway 78 improvements. (am)) 1988 Collin County Bond Program. `` ADJOURN TO: MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, ACTING CITY MANAGE RE: RELIGNMENT OF FM 544 REALLOCATION OF 1983 BOND FUNDS $747, 000 . DATE: APRIL 14, 1987 Yesterday, I attended the Collin County Commissioners meeting in regard to 1983 County Bond funds that were to be reallocated for this project. After some discussion of the item by the Commissioners Court, it was approved. However, the approval came with the st ipulat ion that no bond funds could be used for purchasing of right-of-way (ROW) . After the meeting, I spoke with Clarence Daugherty, Director of Public Works, Collin County, Ruben Delgada, Assistant Director Public Works, and Dennis Burn, Project Engineer. I told them that I believed the City of Wylie was under the assumption such funds could be used for ROW acquisition. Letters attached (areas are highlighted) attest to that. The contract doesn' t however. I asked Mr. Daugherty to hold up the contract with Judge Roberts until I had some direction from the Council. I also asked Mr. • Daugherty to give us an estimate of the construction costs from his staff. He agreed and suggested a meeting between parties of the County and City in finding a resloution to this matter. I will await further instructions. cc: I. W. Santry, City Engineer ( , 14 ii I 1 1 W. KIRBY STREET / 1 / I \C.i- ; E ',,e0D .:w. Qom' . ^ V-2 °)7 1 ' t n '.y(/ i 10 ,i$-.,, ;0.. .. ,i itttg4iiito-Vj. ..4.,4,10,•••••-le..„ 4.1-7t....7.•;of-' I/".•''.4',' i CI 2. I t , w • �y-� tL 1 Y Y.._ • •••• I .A • I "• W ... 41 A 604 I r1 43 44 45 46, �4' ' 48 :? ..r- .:6 ;.• - i o :t t, •ii,: . ice :; YAGANI. • v4 tiN. 2 E� vE r T., • I /STONE ROAD .. , • • 21 /3 4 5 30 �-k• r 6 • 29 • W 31 / • 7 28 .r . / ••'• • .• . ./ // bu �� 26 . k.%.s/ift, 10 , 6, L-------;-------" . nQn 1=D(ric' L/- ) MEMORANDUM TO: James Johnson, Acting City Manager FROM: Roy Faires, Director of Planning & Zoning RE: g Pringcreek Parkway/Pendrey Property DATE: June 1, 1987 We met with county staff on 5-2- and surfacin• alignment of S 87 to discuss the alalignmentpringcreek Parkway, material supplied to us is attached. We discussed the county suggested alternates of surface and size of drive surface. The county staff was concerned about the possibility of recouping part or all of their expenditure. It seems that the land owner is willing to donate right of way in return for the county building the road. It would seem that the Pendreys expect the count through program, to relieve them of a substanial � developmentthe band cost. In the past the City has agreed that the county could improve a street, part of which was in the City, two lane rural specifications on a asto n orderry to have a last time basis in passable drive surface (Brown St. ) however, developers were still required to fees because the street was "substandard" pording totcity subdivision regulations, according city One of the re-ocurring problems with Springcreek Parkway is the inability of some city' s to obtain the required right of way through their city. Logically one solution would be to obtain the right of wa Permit the county to , a condemnation proceeding and tinstall eaexpe twor�lanesefrural roa The resultant expenditure, by the co,.unt d. less that the cost of the right of wa y' wenld probably be yhen d takes place we would still require the• devJelo erVto installert or pay cash in lieu of a four lane concrete street as required by the subdivision regulations. 3 - - -VL Lrw Ana. la Another possibility is for the county to install the required four lane concrete with land owners participation although it is doubtful that the landowner/developer would be willing to accept this solution at this time. In the event that the county does not build the street at this time the developer would be required to do so at the time of development either as a complete street with in his subdivision or as a perimeter street for each of two within the subdivision. The alignment can be determinedphases the City during plat review, we would suggest that the present proposed alignment would seem logical. We should remember that our perimeter street program is only applicable to "substandard streets" therefore, if the county were to install the required four lane concrete street which meet our subdivision regulations the owner/developer would ultimately incur no financial obligation or liability. 1 COST ESTIMATE SPRING CREEK PARKWAY Pender, Famii ; Project No. 48801 CONSTRUCTION ALTERNATIVES Segment 2 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane Rural (1) Urban Urban Lane IItbau Urban Eubanks to $ 55,000 $270,000 Pendery West Property Line $410,000 $ 625,000 (4300 LF) Pendery West Property Line(4) 95,000 180,000 235 000 to N•S Road 325,000 (1700 LF) N•S Road to 15,000 75,000 115,000 FM 175,000 (1200 LF) Subtotal 165,000 525,000 760,000 1,125,000 Engineering and Contingencies (15%) 24,750 78,750 114,000 _ 168.750 TOTAL 3189,750 $603,750 $874,000� $1,293,750 (1) Constructed with County personnel; materials cost only (2) The urban sections include 30% of drainage.$66,000/mile. (3) City participates in paving cost for Pa paving cost over 4 lane and for oversizing utility lines. (4) Includes $75,000 for major drainage crossing of roadway. • • !AmA.w.wlc S-0-97 I1 1mi., aP .R n�we �..�� . COLLIN COUNTY Department of Public Works July 3 , 1987 James Johnson Acting City Manager City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Subject : Preliminary Design Schematic for S.H. 78 from S.H. 190 to S.H. 205 Dear Mr . Johnson: We have reviewed the Preliminary Design Schematic for S .H. 78 . As you know, being Preliminary Schematic Drawings which show the proposed alignment and right-of-way limits, the plans are intended to generally show affected land parcels, right-of-way limits and basic alignment geometry throughout its length. Our review is limited to those parameters . Overall , the concept alignment is satisfactory to us. The City may want to check with the City' s transportation plan. In order to facilitate engineering design and right-of- way acquisition within the City, it would be very helpful to the SDHPT if the City could provide more right-of-way information for those parcels affected within the City. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, / Ruben Delgado, P.i. Asst . Director o2' Public Works Engineering cc : Jerry Hoagland Clarence Daugherty Dennis Burn McKinney, Texas 75069 • (214)548-4616 • 231-7170 (Metro) 1111111 i COLLIN COUNTY Pr July 9, 1987 Mr. James Johnson City Manager of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Johnson: In 1983, the voters of Collin County approved a $59 million bond program for capital improvements. Those improvements were planned to encompass a five-year period and are, therefore, scheduled for completion in 1988. The Commissioners' Court is in the process of forming a citizens committee to evaluate the need for another bond program to provide funds for major improvements for the upcoming five-year period, 1989-1994. We, the undersigned, have accepted the Court's invitation to chair the committee and value this opportunity to participate in activities that will affect the future of Collin County. In order to address this effort efficiently and effectively, we seek your support. We feel confident your experience with municipal issues will enhance the committee's ability to more thoroughly analyze the proposed topics. Please take a moment to review the attached organizational/issue chart which has been formulated to date. We encourage your input and ask that any specific comments or suggestions you have to offer be submitted to us as soon as possible. Also, we recommend that you be prepared to submit bond project nominations by September. Your expertise will be most helpful in assessing the needs of Collin County and we cordially invite you to volunteer to serve with us on the committee of your choice. Please don't hesitate to contact either of us with questions or call Barbara Glock in the Commissioners' offices for additional information (Metro 231-7170 or Local 214-548-4634) . Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, -•z=k1_/:$, ALL-4,4...i --(-1, Charles Belew Ed Mahon Home 542-7035 Home 696-1523 0fce 248-7225 0fce 422-5000 ,may' Proposed Schedule for 1988 Bond Program June Meeting of Steering Committee with chairs of all committees, and sub- committees and with staff. July Commissioners ' Court members complete submittal of names for Committees August Send out invitations to individuals to be on Committee and to meet in Sept . Include proposed list of subjects and request for priority and desired sub- committees . Sept. First meeting of full committee to (week of Sept. 7) explain program and divide into sub- committees. Sept. 87 - Jan. 88 Sub-committees and full committee meet, evaluate program and develop recommendations. February 1, 1988 Committee submit recommendation to Commissioners ' Court March 1, 1988 Commissioners ' Court decide on proposition and call "election July or August, 1988 Election COLLIN COUNTY 1988 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART STEERING COMMITTEE ,. i' ; CO-CHAIRPERSONS: I JERRY HOAGLAND I JACK HATCHELL .iminumnsamerommul . • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS I STAFF SUPPORT COMM i PROGRAM COMMITTEE I C. DAUGHERTY, CHR. I CO-CHAIRPERSONS• I C.BDOMBROWSKI I CHARLES BELEW I ED MAHON I B. LINDBERG 1 I 1 FINANCIAL IMPACT & i ANALYSIS COMM P. PARKER, AUDITOR F. MEDANICH, ADVISOR I R. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY 1 •TRANSPORTATION COMM I • OPEN SPACE COMM INFRASTRUCTURE COMM i BUILDINGS COMM DA CO-CHAIRPERSONS:EISOI I CO-CHAIRPERSONS: I CO-CHAIRPERSONS: I CHAIRPERSON: BOB COLLINSI I I ELTA CHANDLER 1 ; FRANK WALKER I I BILLKRAMER STAFB: C. LLINSERTY I I DON PROESCHEL I LEAHRAY WROTEN 1 STAFF: B. LINDBERG ; STAFF: B. FRASER ! STAFF: ROADS SUBCOMM CHAIRPERSON: ! irmummiummimmummomoma WATER & SEWER SUBCOMM I HEALTH FACILITIES SUBCOMM I ! CHAIRPERSON: I I I CHAIRPERSON: STAFF: D. BURN ! ri �--� i STAFF: STAFF: C. DOMBROWSKI AIRPORTS SUBCOMM ■ ` CHAIRPERSON: i SOLID WASTE SUBCOMM ADMINISTRATION SUBCOMM I CHAIRPERSON: I I ' CHAIRPERSON: STAFF: R. BOSTON r't I j STAFF: j STAFF: B. LINDBERG • l'imummonsmaimmummans iiiimmumummummummmi-j . TRANSIT SUBCOMM i i FLOOD CONTROL SUBCOMM i CRIMINAL JUSTICE ! , CHAIRPERSON: I I CHAIRPERSON: I I SUBCOMM `—� I I CHAIRPERSON: STAFF: R. DELGADO I STAFF: STAFF: G. RENFRO i i