06-04-1987 (City Council) Agenda Packet t( //)( d ‘;/// (42-))tE ?).}-6-(It tr 6 AGENDA CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, JUNE 4 , 1987 7 :00 P.M. RITA & TRUETT SMITH LIBRARY 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 2 Consider seating of members at City Council Table. 2 3 - 6 Consider setting workshop date with County on Spring Creek Parkway. 3 To be Consider presentation of amended presented budget proposals . 4 To be Consider adoption of amended presented budget . 5 7 Consider water and sewer rate revisions. 6 8 - 9 Consider authorization for Engineering Staff to begin cost estimates for sidewalk from Rustic Trail crossing to Birmingham Road crossing guards station. 7 ADJOURN 7. T T AC f''!(p 1) /9' w " ' , •._ (*iC'� �O/ Cotis7 �u c Tid,✓ ).. / � 7-e/7.917 ,,� �4/s o /- - �Z.� S7/�.c �7o-✓ 9 Ai C {�'4 /``f� -�pa 0,14,.'./ ' Lu l �� `, t_ /�� C c 4. /9 c e d/pQ4i(iU • I., I I I I f I ! I ! j 1 I I , I • . i i • I ''''''\4 J N. . - i p I 1 I �� / A I f is�� '% 30 'Sro ��a �p 1,� kk . / • . /77iCI4- 'V . \\, , \ • , sk / \op (:)\......._.. , _I so '9%\%• N. a 4/ 4 .1i o N S 'D /,ZM__ I I I I i ' MEMORANDUM TO: James Johnson, Acting City Manager FROM: Roy Faires, Director of Planning & Zoning ,,�' RE: Springcreek Parkway/Pendrey Property DATE: June 1, 1987 We met with county staff on 5-2-87 to discuss the alignment and surfacing of Springcreek Parkway, material supplied to us is attached. We discussed the county suggested alternates of surface and size of drive surface. The county staff was concerned about the possibility of recouping part or all of their expenditure. It seems that the land owner is willing to donate right of way in return for the county building the road. It would seem that the Pendreys expect the county, through the bond program, to relieve them of a substanial development cost. In the past the City has agreed that the county could improve a street, part of which was in the City, to county two lane rural specifications or, a last time basis in order to have a passable drive surface (Brown St. ) however, developers were still required to pay their permiter street fees because the street was "substandard" according to city subdivision regulations. One of the re-ocurring problems with Springcreek Parkway is the inability of some city' s to obtain the required right of way through their city. Logically one solution would be to permit the county to obtain the right of way, without the expense of a condemnation proceeding and install a two lane rural road. The resultant expenditure, by the county, would probably be less that the cost of the right of way. When development takes place we would still require the developer to install or pay cash in lieu of a four lane concrete street as required by the subdivision regulations. COST ESTIMATE SPRING CREEK PARKWAY Pendery Family; Project No. 48801 • CONSTRUCTION ALTERNATIVES Segment 2 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane Rural (1) Urban Urban Urban Eubanks to $ 55,000 $270,000 $410,000 $ 625,000 Pendery West Property Line (4300 LF) Pendery West Property Line(4) 95,000 180,000 235,000 325,000 to N•S Road (1700 LF) N•S Road to 15,000 75,000 115,000 175,000 FM (1200 LF) Subtotal 165,000 525,000 760,000 1,125,000 Engineering and Contingencies (15%) 24,750 78,750 114,000 168,750 TOTAL $189,750 $603,750 $874,000 $1,293,750 (1) Constructed with County personnel; materials cost only $66,000/mile. (2) The urban sections include 30% of paving cost for drainage. (3) City participates in paving cost over 4 lane and for oversizing utility lines. (4) Includes $75,000 for major drainage crossing of roadway. • PRWA.W,r•k 5--[8-87 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, ACTING CITY MANAGER RE: AGENDA ITEM #5 DATE: JUNE 2, 1987 AGENDA ITEM #5 This item was originally placed on the agenda for a presentation from Frank Medanich, First Southwest to talk with the Council about the needed rate increases (water and sewer) , so as to finance the improvements agreed by the City with the Texas Water Commission. These improvements are the table 5 recommendations continued in the CH2M Hill Report. That presentation by First Southwest will probably occur at the regular Council meeting next Tuesday. However, staff would ask authority to begin seeking out proposals for a utility rate study. 5 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, ACTING CITY MANAGER RE: AGENDA ITEM #6 DATE: JUNE 2, 1987 AGENDA ITEM #6 This item is the result of consultation between the School District and Mayor Pro-Tem Donovan, regarding a sidewalk needed for children walking to and from the Birmingham School, along FM 3412. ,A. — ''' - ',.-- '-' -''''....... 6—','-'"4- .'1;.:'-x!`:,;;•:.•::''_,• ,4-.?..:!:3fr-.Zq''':'4::".",-?;:"."---,'-Y:'.::''''.,-,"•:.--': -.•-•• - ' . - - ' : • .„,.....-, Wt4'1i:g41100.-A:ve'`:- .-i'.';!:•:-;14":.e,',f<i.:J.`,.,".::t.. -.:.7.±',i,.,.:''.,-, ' .• -' -, '• '. , - - ''''''''",-'''' ''', 4.•''.-",,-,3'-17"1. ,*.r.; ..*'•'..r.WA:,,'..4..,'..,-;,--Mi-,.,.:-...,7.- ,,, .Z `.7,- 4.-if...-. ,'::: ,..'.:•.:,-...„..,,,..:„.v,-2, ,. - .. . 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