03-10-1987 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1987 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-15 Consider approval of minutes. 2 16-17 Consider designation of uniform election date, beginning 1988 . PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 3 18-2341, Conduct first PUBLIC HEARING on the annexation of 456 acres out of the 0. Shelby Survey, Collin County Abstract 799 and the L. Farmer Survey, Collin County Abstract 334 , and the J. J. Turnham Survey, Collin County Abstract 919 . 4 24-29-46 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, changing the rear yard setback in SF3 from 25 ft. to 20 ft. 5 30-31 Consider approval of amendment to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance changing rear yard setback in SF3 from 25 ft. to 20 ft. 6 32-33 Conduct PUBLIC HEARING on the request for a special use permit by the Ministerial Alliance to operate a distribution center for food and clothing. 7 Consider authorization to the City staff to issue a special use permit to the Ministerial Alliance to operate a distribution center for food and clothing . GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 Citizen Participation. NEW BUSINESS 9 34-36 Consider authorization to draft letter requesting from Collin County, a fund transfer to construct "S" curve at Kirby/Stone to S. Ballard. 10 37-48 Consider approval of Task Order #3 from CH2M Hill. gg 11 hand-out Consider authorization school zones on FM3412 and FM544 . A 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 19B7 7:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 24, 1987 at 7: 00 P. M. in the Wylie Community Room,, e quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Joe Fulgham, Council Members William Martin, Kent Crane, Calvin Westerhof , and Sandra Donovan, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Director Bill Windham, Engineer I . W. Santry and David Medanich from First Southwest,, Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Westerhof gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were submitted for the meetings of January 27th, February 5th and February 10, 1987. There being no corrections or additions, a motion was made by Councilman Martin to approve as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Westerhof in favor, Councilman Martin in favor, Councilman Crane in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . SETTING OF RECALL ELECTION FOR THE RECALL OF COUNCIL PERSON SANDRA DONOVAN: This item was placed on the agenda by Lhe petitioners committee chairman for the setting of April 4, 1987 as the recall election date. The petitioners committee chairman sent in a letter requesting that this item be pulled from the agenda. Councilman Crane asked the Mayor if he could speak. Mayor Trimble said no. Councilman Crane said Mayor, I checked with our City Attorney and he said even though this item had been pulled, I as a Councilman, could ask this item be voted on. I could not continue on this Council without making it clear that I am appauld that members of this council continue to violate our City Charter and to deny the public their right to vote on this issue. Councilman Crane made a motion to call for the recall election to be held on April 4, 1987. Mayor Trimble said he did not intertain a motion and this item has been with drawn and we will go on to item number 3. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham seconded the motion made by Councilman Crane, Councilman Crane addressed the Mayor and wanted to know if the Council was to understand that the Mayor was denying the voters their right to vote by denying the Council the right to set the election. Mayor Trimble said he was going along with the person who requested this item be pulled from the agenda. Q AL This special meeting on March 1 / , 198/ will be for a work session, public hearing and lease settlement on the sanitary landfill with B. F. I . Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to call for the special meeting on March 17, 1987 at 7: 00 P. M. . Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor ,, OF SF A PORTIONS OF- WHIP8101.1Q.9EQ! This property is joiated on FM 3412 an(--I is across from the Birmingham i:::1ementary School . The � � portion being requested for re-zoning is adjacent to FM 3412. The developer has requested the SF-A (townhomes) be rezoned to SF-3 (single family 3) , and this will reduce the density in this area. Area builders are finding townhomes and duplex lots difficult to market. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the rezoning of this area. Mayor Trimble asked if there was any questions. No questions, Mayor Trimble said we would move to the next item. inere being no questions from Council , Mayor FTT-j Tem Fulgham made the motion to rezone this portion of Westgate 1 from SF-A to SF-3 (single family 3) . Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor. and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. Mr. Roy Faires said this was an ordinance that is necessary for the City to retain its positon with the National Flood Insurance Program administered by FEMA. The City does have an existing flood ordinance, this is just and update to that ordinance. Councilwoman Donovan asked Mr. Faires who made up the appeals board that is mentioned in the ordinance. Mr. Faires said it was up to the Council , but most times it is given to the Zoning Appeals Board. Councilman Martin wanted to know if developers had to post flood warning signs in their area. Mr. Faires said no, but there is a form the developer have to file with the code office and prior to buid] ing, this flood problem has to be addressed and corrected. City Manager Gus Pappas stated that there has been problems in the past in flood plain areas and this ordinance would keep construction out of the area until conditions for improvements had been made and approved by FEMA. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to approve the ordinance to control construction in areas in Wylie and the ETJ subject to flooding. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor. and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. Mr . T H. Hartman stated back in December, 1986, he was going down the alley between Dogwood and Biriarwood. There is a lot of drainage problems and the concrete is torn up. I run off into a big hole. I talked with Mr. Pappas about the damage to my car- and also talked with Mr . Johnson. The repair estimate for the damages was $789. 87 and the adjustor said after looking at the area the City was not liable for this claim. Prim!- to the adjustor coming out the City filled the hole with asphalt . What upset me more than anything was after the claim was filed the adjustor said it was not the City' s liablity. The alley is a mess, hugh pieces of concrete are pushed out and into people' s yards. Mayor Trimble said ths City did offer to pay the $250. 00 deductible from your-- insurance. Mr . Hartman said yes, but the damage is not $2500. and the City' s insurance will not pay if it is not over the $2500. Mr . Johnson said this was correct that the City insurance will not pay on a claim unless it is over $2500. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know how fast Mr. Hartman was going. Mr. Hartman replied about 5 m. p. h. Mr. John Pierrel of 604 Stoneybrook said he was puzzled by what rules of order that these Jp/ Council meetings are held. It was my understanding it was the Robert Rules. Mayor Trimble said no. Mr. Pierrel said this Council has a motion and second that was not dealt with. The running of a meeting by the whim of one person or another is not right. As a citizen my feelings are to have these meetings conducted in a proper manner . There are items that will come before Council that will not be what you want to deal with, but you have to. Thank you for your time. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO WYNDHAM ESTATES PLANNED The developer indicated on the plat the building line of these zero lot line houses. me builder who wants to buy these lots has asked that the building line be placed on the opposite lot line so that the window side of the structure will not be facing an alley on lots 58, 12A5 2A, and 169. The restrictions placed on the zero lot line houses required that no windows be included on the zero line. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval with the following stipulations, lots 5B and 12A offset two feet from the property line on the alley side and granted a minimum of eight foot building line on the non zero lot line side, and that fencing requirement be wavied on the north side of the building where it abuts the alley. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tom Fulgham to approve the amendment to Wyndham Estates Planned Development with lots 5B and 12A being offset two feet from the property line on the alley side and granted a minimum of egiht foot building line on the non zero lot line side and that fencing requirements be waived on the north side of the building where it abuts thc alley. Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows: Mayor | rimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tom Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan -in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. This property is located on FM 1378 and was previously known as Crescent Cove. The engineering department has reviewed these plans and recommended Council ' s approval . The Planning and Zoning reviewed these plans and recommend Council ' s approval with a change from the original plans to reduce the 37 ft . street to a 27 ft. street but retaining a 65 ft . right-of-way on an east-west road through the subdivison. The original 37 ft. street was required in order to connect one of Mr . Moussa' s proposed thoroughfares. Since these thoroughfares may never exist , there is little reason to demand that our developer put in a collector that goes to it . There is another collector plan just a few hundred feet south. Mr. I . W. Santry of the engineering department said the plat needs to reflect the correct street width of 37 ft. and the entrance on Anchor Drive and the water line from the storgae tank site. If Council wants to approve these with stipulations of these few corrections, than when the corrections are done, I will bring the plats to City Hall for signatures. Councilman Martin said he did not understand the problem with the water storage tank . Mr . Santry said it was not the tank , but the water line coming from the tank site needed to be shown on the plat . Councilwoman Donovan asked Mr. Santry it he had a good feeling about Council approving this with the stipulations. Mr. Santry said it would not be a problem. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tom Fulgham to approve the construction plans for Newport Harbor with the stipulations made above by Mr. Santry. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tom Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . �� IV!INARY PLAT FOR WOOD{ AKE VILLAGE: This property is located on E SH78 and is adjacent to the new Municipal Building. There are some drainage problems that still need to be worked out on this plat , but the engineers are working on it . At this point , the plans take the drainage down to tract C and it is left there, this will need to be shown as temporary and show on the plat what will be done at the time this tract is developed. If this plat is approved, then it should be stated that this is a temporary drainage and will be corrected prior to subdivison or construction. Planning and Zoning recommends approva] with the notation of the drainage as being noted as temporary. Mr. Santry said the drainage will appear on the construction plans and the final plat . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to approve the preliminary plat for Woodlake Village with the notation that the drainage is temporary and will be constructed in accordance to the City' s Ordinance prior to subdivison or construction of this tract. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as Follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . Replat of Akin Lane has been discussed for several years, and the main problem has been there is no right-of-way. It is very hard to make improvements when the City does not have the righ-of-way. Th City can continue to repair the pot holes, but this will get us no where. At the Planning and Zoning meeting and the public hearing on this replat, several ways was discussed in trying to solve the problems with this street . The right- of-way problem has been solved and the owners are willing to grant the right-of-way needed. Staff is ready to move ahead on getting the right of wa/ through easements if the Council so desires. At the public hearing, the property owners in the immediate area did not want any other street put through and stated that they would give the easement needed for the improvements to Akin Lane. If Council so desires, staff will go ahead and pursue the easements for Akin Lane and bring them back to Council for final approval . Councilman Martin wanted to know if this would correct all the problems on Akin Lane. City Manager Gus Pappas said no, but it would help with the problem. After the improvements to Akin Lane, Council will still have the ability to bring Fifth St. through to Butler St , and would give a better drainage for the area by putting this street through. This is just something for Council to think about . This property is located on the South side of Stone Road and will be used for temporary athletic fields. The staff contacted Mr. Williams and explained that there would be no permanent structures and could vacate in a short time when the land was scheduled for development or another use. Mr. Williams only stipulation was that the property be cleaned up and that we accept all liability. With Council approval , this will give the additional playing fields for the soccer and football- leagues in town. The costs would be for belachers and goals only that could be moved from temporary leased location to temporary leased location until the City established permanent sites of its own. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to grant authorization to the City Manager to execute temporary lease agreement between the City of Wylie and Dave Williams for undeveloped portion of Quail Hollow for temporary athletic fields. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane in Y7/� � favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AWARD OF BID 1987 and staff received three bids as follows-� Bob Tomes Ford - McKinney $12, 000. Spec. Bid Ray Chevrolet - Plano $12, 481 . 89 Spec Bid $12, 794. 32 Spec Bid plus spare tire Lakeside Chevrolet - Rockwall $12, 067. 90 Spec Bid Staff recommends the bid award go to Bob Tomes Ford in McKinney who is the low bidder. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to award the bid to Bob Tomes Ford in McKinney in the amount of $12, 000. 00. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Counilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . INVENTORY SUPPLY: Staff mailed out twelve ( 12) bid packets and received six bids. There is a list of supplies that are needed for inventory in order to be able to make timely repairs without waiting for someone to go for a part that is needed. The bidders list is available for public view in the City Secretary' s office. Staff recommends the low bid or best bid on items to the following vendors (bidders) in total form: Bowles & Edens $12, 316. 44 North Texas Supplies $ 1 , 249. 48 Day Star Sales $ 3, 936. 68 Trans-Tex s 4, 546. 08 Texas Meter & Sewer $ 1 , 725. 98 __________ Grand Total $23, 774. 66 Councilman Martin wanted to know based on todays activity, how long will this list of supplies last ' Mr. Johnson said his plans are to make these supplies last until September. Councilman Martin then asked, based on this type of dollar inventory, where will iL be housed. Mr . Johnson said in the warehouse at Public Works and it is locked up. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to approve the bid award for- Public works supply list to the above named vendors. Seconded by Councilman Martin. The vote was as fol ] ows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Counilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . The staff request authorization to seek bids for the landfill dirt work. This will close the landill as well as prepare it for its future use. This action will help to satisfy the complaints that have been lodged by the Health Department . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to grant authorization to seek bids for landfill dirt work . Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Counilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. City Manager Gus Pappas said there was a piece of good news for council to discuss at the next meeting, in regards to the dog leg at Stone and Birmingham. There appears to be something that can be done in this area by working with the County and reallocating some funds. Staff will have a proposal for this area soon. Councilman Crane said in case there is a questions about my being mad, I am mad, I am disgusted that Sandra Donovan called my wife while I was out of town and threatened her- and called a lot of people to threaten them. People on the citizens committee can testify that it was my opinion to back off the recall and let things work out. After Council was told that you could not force the clerks on the judge, Mrs. Donovan did try and force this issue on our judge. Even after the attorney said not to do this. I am mad that people on this council support this kind of activity. I am disgusted that people in the public support this kind of activity. Where have we come, when our citizens are depressed by the people they elected to the council . I think we are in sad shape. I am upset about this. This is what the people are up set with. We have responsible people in our community that support this. I am disgusted with our community. I can not believe we have come to the place that this is okay. The frustrating thing is what to you do about it. I don' t know what to do. If there is something to do, I would do it. The public may just have to bear this until they are ready to do something about it. That' s all I have to say. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he will havc to prepare hzs before he makes a statement, he had better not get started tonight. Councilwoman Donovan said she had one comment for the record . You need to check the source, Councilman Crane, before you make accusation. Some of your information is False, I would say 99% of it is false. As far as taking action that is not dictated to a City Council Person , I have not taken any such action or I would have charges against me. That is all I have to say. AUTHORIZATION H... .. BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR TWO (2) NEW Staff is a little unsure about what to do, there is money in the budget to purchase three pickups, one of which the bid was just awarded to earlier tonight, the other two have not been bid out yet. If staff purchases the two new trucks, it will leave us short about three or four vehicles. The staff is requesting that these monies allocated for two new trucks be used to purchase several trucks for aproximatley $4, 000. to $5, 000 per truck and this will help in solving our problem. Councilman Martin wanted to know where the trucks are coming from. City Manager Gus Pappas said from wholesalers, staff is looking at year models of 82-84. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to grant authorization for staff to reallocate money for used trucks instead of two new trucks. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof in favor, Counilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE CREATING CITY OF WYLIE PROPFRTY Mr. Bob Dransfield of Hutchison Price Boyle and Brooks stated that this ordinance is the / authority to have a corporation and does not give powder to incur debt or issue bonds without council approval . Council must appoint members to represent the corporation. This board will always have to bring all issues back to Council for approval . This corporation is set up to help council get better interest rates when purchasing equipment and capital items. Councilman Crane wanted to know if it was common to name outside members rather than council members. Mr. Dransfield said it was common to have city staff but you could have anyone. Councilwoman Donovan said regardless of who is on the board, all issues come back to council for approval . Mr. Dransfield said yes. Councilman Crane said who is usually the Agent of Record. Mr . Dransfield said City Attorney, City Manager, are a lawyer , after a board is organized, it will elect its own President, Vice President and Secretary/Treausre. City Manager Gus Pappas said the corporation is usually the Council , Directors usually staff members, and the Agent of Record is usually the City Secretary. City Manager Gus Pappas said this works wel ] because staff already knows that Council has to approve all issues. Councilmao Crane wanted to know which staff members. City Manager Gus Pappas said the City Manager, Public Works Director and Finance Director. Motion was made by Councilman Crane to approve the ordinance creating City of Wylie Property Finance Authority, Inc . and having Council as the Corporation Board, City Manager, Public Works Director and Finance Director as Board of Directors and City Secretary as the Agent of Record. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor | rimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane in faovr , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . _..........__..........__ ............________..... ...__ Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: _.............................._.............. .........___............. __ Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1987 The Planning and Zoning Commisi.on for the City of Wylie. Texas met in a Regular Meeting on Feoruary 19. 1987 in the Community Room at 800 Thomas 5T r- et. A quorum was present, notice of the meeting had beer, posted for the time and in • the manner required by law. Those present were: Vice- Chairman Brian Chaney, Fred Ouei .i.ette, R. P. Miller, Ken Mauk and Bill Chapman. Jay Davis :a.nd Ben Scholz were absent. Representing the city staff was uus H. Pappas, City Manager and Amanda Maples, Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 p. m. by Vice- • Chairman Brian Chaney. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 5. 1987 — Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 5- u. ITEM NO. 2 - ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR P&Z - Ken Mauk made a motion to elect Vice-Chairman Brian Chaney as the new Chairman for F'&Z. Bill Chapman _seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 3 — ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR P&Z - Bill Chapman made a motion to ele Ben Scholz as the Vice- Chairman for F'&Z. Ken Mauk. seonded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 4 - APPROVAL OF REF•LAT OF SECTION OF WYNDHAM ESTATES - This replat of W\. dham Estates involves the building line for the "0" lcc line houses in this PD section. The original replat al .led for the building line to be on the opposite lot lin : from that now shown. The reason for requesting the chanm was that the builder did not want windows of the homes to De facing the alley on lots 5B and 12A. One of the stipulaYlons of this zoning was that the side of the structure plac -i on the "ir" lot line side was to have no windows. Mr. Pappas stated that the dilsmma of granting this change was that in the case of lots 5B : nd 12A, approval would mean that these two houses would be paced right on the lot line of the alley. The builders fer.c ;. these yards however, what you would have is a wall right (::),i the alley. The City does allow fences of wood or brick to ue built right on the alley and the wall would be no closer- than a fence. If you move the set back off of the lot lir•= you would be creating dead space. Mr. Ouellette and 1 have been discussing_ the possibility of a 2 ' setback r . :auirment which wastes very little space and then the p..... .. ibility of a 6 ' setback: requirment which wastes a consicr'able amount of space. Fred Ouellette asked Mr. Pappa :i.f he was recommending the 2 ' setback. Mr. Pappas replied that he you • recommend a setback of or less. lJ Baron Cook stated that he was making this request for a lot line change at the request of the builder. Based on their marketing study they felt that shifting the lot line to the north and not having windows on the alley would make the homes more marketable. He suggested that instead of requiring the builder to fence the dead space that an extra 2 ' could be dedicated as part of the alley. Mr. Pappas replied that the City has enough little pieces of grass to mow now and it doesn ' t need any more. Bill Chapman asked Mr. Pappas what would happen if a 1 ' setback was granted. Mr. Pappas stated "all of the options are in your court, because this is a planned development you could even waive the fencing requirement. " Fred Ouellette stated that he felt uncomfortable about putting a citizen in a situation that their wall was only feet or so from the alley because of traffic. R. P. Miller asked Mr. Ouellette if he was concerned about the noise or about someone runninq into the house. Fred Ouellette said that his main concern was the noise. R. P. Miller replied that 6 ' of air would not help the noise at all. Brian Chaney stated that 2 of dead space would be impossible to mow if it were between the wall and a fence. Mr. Pappas brought up the question of the overhang of the house. If the house sits right on the line of the alley then the overhang would come out into the alley at least 18". Bill Chapman made a motion to allow the houses on lots 5B and 12A to be placed off the property line of the alley and that the fencing requirement be waived on the north side of the building where it abuts the alley and that the side yard setback be reduced to 8 on the south side of the building. Ken Mauk seconded the motion. Motion carried 5- o. ITEM NO. 5 - APPROVE FINAL PLAT OF NEWPORT HARBOR - This addition was previously know as Crescent Cove. That joint venture partnership has now been dissolved and this portion is now in the hand of Baron COOK. The Preliminary Flat was recently apporved. The Engineering Department has reviewed the Final Flat and recommends approval . Mr. Pappas addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission stating that the Final Flat had not changed from the Preliminary Flat but that the developer was concerned about Anchor Drive. It was originally platted as a 65 ' R. O. W. with a 37 ' concrete street. This was to tie into Mr. Moussa 's plans for development in St. Paul . Mr. Cook feels that there would be no benefit to him to go to the expense of having this replated but he would like to request that the paving of the street be reduced to a standard 27 ' residential street. Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the Final Flat and grant the request that Anchor Drive be reduced to a. 27 ' standard residential street. Ken Mauk: seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 2 ITEM NO. 6 - APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WOODLAKE VILLAGE - This subdivision is located on the property adjacent to the new City Hall . The developer is Baron Cook representing the joint venture Centennial-Arapaho East. The Engineering Department met with the developers and their engineer on Friday of last week and now recommend your approval . Mr. Pappas stated that this was a very simple Preliminary Plat because it is not at all unusual to divide a large tract of land. The tract around the City Hall site was approximately 300 acres. We subdivided it once to take out the City Hall tract. Now the developer wants to dedicate some road R. O. W. and divide his Property into phases that he can work with. The only point .-7v concern is the large storm drainage channel that runs across the property. The City needs some improvement to that storm drainage. Right now the improvment can be an eartnn channel. This is on a temporary basis, until the property is developed further. The permanent drainage improvement will be regulated at either replat the building permit level in order to protect the City. Fred Ouellette asked Mr. Pappas what denoted "temporary, " what would be the difference beeen a temporary channel and a permanent channel . Mr. Pappas replied that an earthen channel had been approved as temporary and that the permanent channel would be underground and made of concrete. Bill Chapman made a motion to accept the Preliminary Plat. R. P. Miller seconded the motion . Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 7 - PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING OF SECTIONS OF WESTGATE ADDITION - Westgate Addition is located on W. Brown Avenue (FM3412) adjacent to and oirectly west of Rustic Oaks Addition. The developer is : skiing for a rezoning of a section of the development previously zoned for townhomes to SF3. Mr. Pappas stated that if this: request is approved the property will have to be replatei but that is fairly simple. Chairman Brian Chaney asked wh A kind of zoning is around this area to be rezoned. Mr. Pappas said that is was SF3. Chairman Brian Chaney said that this would be simply extending the SF3 all the way ujr to Rustic Oaks. Mr. Pappas replied that "yes" the SF3 would be extended to Rustic Oaks Retail . Ken Mauk asked how many houses uneir would be as opposed to the townhomes. The developer said that their would be 16 lots for SF=; as opposed to 20 MF lots. Ken Mauk: made a motion to accept the proposal for rezoning of the townhomes to SF3. Bill L.napman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. B — PLANNING RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR LONGTERM TRAFFIC FLOW IN THE AREA OF AKIN LANE, DOGWOOD AND BUTLER STS. - Over the past several months, the City staff has been engaged in conversation = with property owners along Akin Lane, in the Rush Creek. Dogwood Ct. area. There exists a lot in that area, wh' c_n is not large enough for building and an individual who i .'nted to build on the lot. Small pieces of property needed be transferred, easements needed to be abandoned, and de : cated rights-of-way, which are currently in use. needed tc :. e firmed up. It appeared that because of mutual interest on all the part of all parties concerned, that a so : i ,tion to the dilemma was eminent and that the property ov.�._ er^s would receive what they needed and the City would rece ! .e a bonafide right-of-way for Akin Lane in which improvem.:r;ts could be made and a old problem finally settled. In tHe bottom half of the ninth inning, conditions were added tht significantly changed the palatability of the negotiaticil . The request certainly exceeds the authority of the C) t7 staff and. as requested, 'may even exceed the legal author rty of the City and of the City Council. The original pla. sought by the City Staff, merely cleared up some ambiguity. :_bout Akin Lane so that the City could enter the property ar make improvements. both to the street and by removing som. visual dangers, so long as those costs were minimal , that rtainly appeared to be the best solution. Now the costs are beginning to accelerate and the staff feels that commeH t need to be made by the Planning & Zoning Commission nd the City Council as to whether or not there might i better solutions. For example, is it in the City 's long range interests to improve Akin Lane? Given the tri .sting nature of the street, will it ever be a good road? right not it be better, to abandon the road altogether and reroute traffic along completely new approaches. The taff would like to have the opportunity, at this meeting, o discuss alternate plans before proceeding further with the negotiations. Mr. Pappas stated that Akin Lane is a street full of problems some of which are; drt::rnage, the need for roadway improvements, potential traffic hazards and Akin Lane has no R. O.W. dedications. The City began working with Hr. Minihan who wanted to purchase lot 5 of Wylwood Estates from Mr. Cooper in order to build a house. The lot was not large enough to build on so the City examined the area :a.nd found that by replatinq and moving Akin Lane and by abandoning some old sewer easements that the lot could be made large enough to build on and we cound obtain the much needed R. O. W. dedication for Akin Lane. We talked with Mr. Westerhof about a R. O. W. dedication and finally with kr- . Cooper. Mr. Cooper delivered a set of conditions wflich I could not support and we began to feel that the poss : ., ility of this solution was drifting away from us. We have always felt that Akin L.:,Fie is a bad street. It has several elevation changes thror. qn its length that even and improved Akin Lane might not bE able to overcome. For this reason, we tried to find other ,:aolutions to handle traffic problems in this area with an eye toward no longer using Akin Lane. A. Instead of Mr. Minihan using the lot. ask him to allow the City to buy the lot. The City would pave a concrete street adjoining Lot 1 of Wvinc:jod 5 which would connect Rush Creek Drive to dogwood Cir' B. Rip out the existing stre between Mr. Westerhof and the Cemetary through Ouailhollc - The property lines would essentially stay the same excer . that Mr. Westerhof and Lot 1 of Rush Creek would be enter d by a small amount. Rush Creek Dr. would be a through st! _ at to Dogwood Cir. // C. Straighten and reduce Akin Lane in size along the Cemetary to a 20' R.O. W. Inforrn the utility companies to move the utilities into what would then be an alley. D. Extend 5th Street to Butlr making a right angle at that corner and thereby allowing drainage to flow along 5th Street to Dogwood and Butler CirLie. E. Use the existing drainage asement to create a street that would connect Dogwood Circe and Butler Circle. The total cost for constructing ;ill proposals A through E is $73,800. 00. The cost of the improvements to Akin Lane are $61 , 794. 00. I have had comments made to me from several of these property owners that they would he willing to dedicate right of ways for Akin Lane; however . if we don ' t secure all of ' them then obviously we have anon:;i,er dilemma. Bill Chapman asked if we extennied Rush Creek to Dogwood, could Dogwood carry the increase:=: traffic. Mr. Pappas replied that the on traffic it would have to handle is traffic going in and f:git of Rush Creek. He added that as Quailhollow and Stone C:rove complete, there will be through streets connecting with Rush Creek III . Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Pappas if the City had received any complaints concerning this. Mr. Pappas said that the City had recieved numerous complaints concerning drainage ;:;.round the 5th Street area. Mr. Crane believes that the drainage problem is not created by the water that falls directly on the area but that other areas drain toward this area and that is the source of the problem. Raymond Cooper of 301 Dogwood addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission stating that if the City wanted to stop the traffic problem on Akin Lane- all they had to do is close off the street and that would not cost a dime. Further, concerning the easement, there nave been 3 or 4 attempts to solve this problem in the 1a't few years. My first conversation with Mr. Pappas wa<.:: last summer. I do not want to be assesed for improvements: to a street that I don ' t really want. I will dedicE, R the land. It is not impossible to secure this R. O. W. dedication but fair is fair and the City should give me s::.me consideration of it not costing me money to give them a r:. O. W. dedication. Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr. Looper how he felt about the proposal of 5th Street as far ar the drainage was concerned. Mr. Cooper felt that making 5th Street a through street to Butler would not help the drainage. He added that Mr. Pappas might find himself buyin ::: some expensive homes. "We bought and paid a premium to li on a cul-de-sac because we didn ' t want through traffic. am sympathic to improving Akin Lane and the R. O. W. is not impossible to secure from me. Bill Chapman asked Mr. Cooper v , _ t concessions he wanted in order for the City to secure a J. W. dedication from him. Mr. Cooper replied that he dia not want to be assesed for the cost of the improvements to Hkin Lane. That a retaining wall be built if there is a s :.•::,nificant difference in the elevation of the new street an.: my lot. That there be no significant changes made in r : .ards to trees and shrubs. except by mutual agreement, un't l t the new street is put in. I also asked that the City wou:f . guarantee that there would never be a through alley from ALi.n Lane to Dogwood Cir. R. P. Miller asked Mr. Cooper 17 there would be a problem with cutting down the trees on the west side of Lot 1 , Akin Lane that cause a traffic hazard. Mr. Cooper replied, "no, " I h -;e discussed this with Mr. Pappas before. P. P. Miller asked Mr. Cooper i - those trees were to be cut down and then Akin Lane aban ,oned would that hurt your property. Mr. Cooper said that if the trE•::a that were mutually agreed upon were the only ones cut own it would not hurt his property. Mr. Pat Minihan, owner of Lot #: under discussion, addressed the Planning and Zoning Commis•. .on saying that he did not feel that Akin Lane would ever ue a heavily traveled street because as it is now Rush Creer is the only traffic that uses Akin as a through street to get out of town and as Quailhollow and Stone Grove developed there will be other streets that will be me:r- � easily accessed by Rush Creek. So, I don ' t believe Ak: n Lane will ever be a major throughofare. I don ' t see any problem with grading Akin Lane, though you may want to give those hom:: _: along there options for a rear entry access. I do not believe that you will solve the problem by taking Rush Creek through to Dogwood. Ken Mauk asked Mr. Minihan :,hen W. A. Allen would be completed to Stone Street. Mr. Minihan replied that he e ;-•ected completion some time this summer. Chairman Brian Chaney asked Mr . Minihan if he wanted the improvements done to Akin Lane .: : ;d an option for rear access or if he would rather have it a an alley. Mr. Minihan said that he view, Akin Lane as a two lane street so the improvements srlould be done but that he doesn ' t see it as a heavily tra' •:;:led street and that in fact a year from now the street wou.i ::, not carry as much traffic as it currently does. Mr. Ronald F'i lkington of 309 Dc_.:�Nood addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission with two :3ncerns. At the moment. on Akin Lane comming from Hwy. 76, I am the next to the last rear entrance home on that roac • As far as the dedication of land for a R.O. W. , I see o problem with that. My concern does arise when your i :. lk: inq about putting a road between Dogwood and Butler. 6u- houses are less than 37 ' apart. Another concern is the r tch of the proposed road. I have difficulty in getting out L my driveway in bad weather as it is. I fear that we would LTIly be creating another ice arena for our children in the w Hter months. On the proposed road from Rusr, Creek to Dogwood. Travel along Dogwood to Woodhollow is difficult now if cars are parked on either side of the r , •.,d. The road is at best cars wide. I feel that improvements can anf:::, should be made to Akin Lane such as the blind corner which Ir. Cooper discussed moving some trees. The majority of the water comes from Master and Butler in that area. In short with the regrading and relocating of Akin Lane the ma..,ority of those problems can be alleviated. Chairman Brian Chaney stated to the Planning and Zoning Commission that the views hear :J on Dogwood connecting to Rush Creek were all negative 1 the views on the drainage varried. But, all of the vie: l',,s for improving Akin Lane seemed to be positive. R. P. Miller stated that he felr that he was at a loss and would like to have some time to Look at the area. Fred Ouellette felt that he wod like to table this motion -for action after further study the area. ' Chairman Brian Chaney agreed a: asked Mr. Pappas if it was proper to notify all of the pr . ertv owners in this area of these proposals so that they ma - be present to discuss it at another meeting. Mr. Pappas said that he could do that. Fred Ouellette made a motion to table this item for further study. Ken Mauk seconded the mo ion. Mr. Pappas addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission stating that tableing this iten creates a problem that you should be make aware of. The t r'ms of Mr. Coopers proposals need to be either accepted or r ojected at the City Council level. If you table this i em it will postpone this. pending your action. The provi !.on concerning the retaining wall we did agree on, that is ::.n engineering necessity. We talked about the trees, I would :nark certain ones and if Mr. Cooper agreed, we would cut th€ i down. I think that all of the other provisions can only I: s decided on by the Council . I don ' t believe that this councLL can make an agreement that will bind a future council. Only the City Council can negotiate or decide on these pro - isions. Chairman Brian Chaney asked Ouellette to amend his motion to put this on the next -_1enda. Mr. Pappas said that the Cit could give up part of the alley easement that could mak it more difficult for the alley to ever become a thru , ley connecting Dogwood and Akin Lane. The dilemma is tha. : there are 3 homeowner's who might be done a disservice by :'n_ying them access to their homes. Mr. Cooper stated that the prop ty owner's would have access across his property, he had not Henyed access in three years and now it is too late for him do that. Mr. Pappas stated that F'rovisic No. 1 - Mr. Cooper not being_ charged for a building permit, 5 agreed to be removed. Provision No. 2 - The City guar• : tee not to connect Dogwood and Akin Lane. the City would give up half of the alley easement to make it more diffi - �lt for a thru alley to be made of the alley easement. Provision No. 3 - The retaining all , was agreed on. Provision No. 4 - Not altering trees or schrubs until the new street is constructed, was greed to be removed. // ' Provision No. 5 - Nonassesment �or the street improvements to Akin Lane, was agreed to be removed. Fred Ouellette asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission was agreeing to the replatinq anu not the proposed routs? Mr. Cooper stated that if this s replated and Akin Lane is improved the rest of it is moot . Fred Ouellette said he would l , ':e to resend his motion to table this item. He then ma , ` a motion to forward the replating of Akin Lane tc the City Council with recommendation for approval wit. , the revisions stated to Mr' Coopers provisions for grantin� a R. O.W. dedication. Bill Chapman seconded the motion. M'` ion carried 5-0. .ITEM NO. 9 - ADJOURN - Bill Cha``' .an made a motion to adjourn the February 19, 1987 meeting ,f the Planning and Zoning Commission. R.P. Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Respectfully Submitted: Z_��__�_ 14�f Amanda Maples, Smcretary )4o� Office of the VR 5 ..; SECRETARY OF STATE• - Jack M. Rains SECRETARY OF STATE MEMORANDUM EXECUTIVE DIVISION P.O.Box 12697 Austin,Texas 78711 TO: Cities and Schools Publications �� P.O.Box 13824 FROM: Jack Rains, Secretary of State 512 463-5561 ELECTIONS DIVISION DATE: February 19 , 1987 P.O.Box 12060 512463-5650 RE: Federal Preclearance of Senate Bill 4 Disclosure Filings Section P.O.Box 12070 This is to inform you that this office has received a 512463-5704 letter from the U.S. Department of Justice preclearing DATA SERVICES Senate Bill 4 , Act of October 15, 1986 , ch. 14 , 1986 DIVISION P.O.Box 12887 Tex. Sess. Law Serv. 628 (Vernon) . Senate Bill 4 pro- 512463-5609 vides, in part , that a political subdivision that currently holds its general election for officers on the SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION first Saturday in April will, beginning in 1988 , hold such election on the third Saturday in May, unless it Financial Management chooses another uniform election date for its election 30a7 512 463-5600 pursuant to Section 41 .005, Tex. Elec. Code Ann. 512 Staff Services Currently, under Tex. Elec. Code Ann. , sec. 41 .001 , the P.O.Box 12887 512463-5600 first Saturday in April is one of the four uniform election dates on which most elections are required to STATUTORY FILINGS DIVISION be held. This uniform election date has been eliminated DIVISION by Senate Bill 4 and a new uniform date, the third Corporations Saturday in May, has been established. The April date P.O.Box 1 was eliminated to avoid possible administrative and 512 463-5555 55 public confusion with the new primary election dates, Statutory Documents established by Senate Bill 4 . The primary will now be P.O.sax 12887held on the second Tuesday in March and the primary 512 463-5654 runoff will be held on the second Tuesday in April. Uniform Commercial Code P.O.Box 13193 512462-1155 Political subdivisions that currently hold their general elections in April will automatically be moved to May. There is no need to make any formal order or resolution moving the date to May, or to submit the change to May to the U.S. Department of Justice for preclearance pursuant to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act . Elected officials whose terms would expire upon the outcome of the April election will hold over until their successors are elected and duly qualified following the May elec- tion. An Equal Opportunity Employer • /6 MEMORANDUM Page 2 If a political subdivision does not wish to hold its general election in May, it may choose to hold the election on another uniform election date, if certain requirements are met . Tex. Elec. Code, sec. 41.005 (c) , authorizes any political subdivision to change, one time only, its general election date to another uniform election date. Any such change must be made before December 31 , 1987. The new date must be not more than 250 days earlier or later than the old date, and the change must be ordered at least 150 days before the new or former date, whichever is earlier. Under this provision of the Election Code, a subdivision that wished to change to the January date would have to do so before August 19, 1987. However, S.B. 4 allows politi- cal subdivisions to make a change to the January uniform election date between September 1, 1987, the date Senate Bill 4 becomes effective, and September 10 , 1987, regardless of the time limitations under Sec. 41.005 (c) . If a uniform date other than January is selected, however, the political subdivision must abide by the 250 and 150 day limitations mentioned above. Political subdivisions that choose to hold their general elections on a date other than the new May date, must formally order an election date change pursuant to Sec. 41.005 and submit such change to the U.S. Department of Justice for preclearance under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (412) 463-5650 or toll free at 1-800-252-VOTE (8683) . JMR/EL/kcg/mj/mh /mhmem3 / 7 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of 1 the City, and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows: 253 acres out of the Orpha Shelby Survey, Collin County Abstract 799; 138 .0 acres out of the Leroy Farmer Survey, Collin County Abstract 334; and 65.0 acres out of the Josiah J. Turnham Survey, Collin County Abstract 919 , total 456 acres. (Legal description attached as Exhibit "B" . ) SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of 19 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY 2 /9 EXHIBIT "A" PROVISION OF SERVICES TO LAND ANNEXED INVOLUNTARILY POLICE PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance, Police protection will be provided to your property. You, as the property owner, and any other person residing on that property shall be entitled to response and enforcement of State and local laws. You may contact the Police of the City of Wylie at 442-2222. Regular patrols will be made of your property and all local ordinances in effect within the city limits of Wylie shall immediately be in effect on your property. You may also expect the enforcement of traffic regulations on your property and its perimeter. Such requests should be expressed to the Chief of Police of the City of Wylie. FIRE FIGHTING & FIRE CODES ENFORCEMENT: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance, your property and all structures or buildings which exist on the property annexed will be provided, without charge, fire fighting services. Should a fire of any magnitude occur on your property or in any structure on your property, a call to the City of Wylie Police/Fire number at 442-2222 will cause the fire department to be dispatched to the scene to combat the fire. In addition, new structures and existing structures will be subject to random inspection in order to insure the control of potentially dangerous fire hazards to both yourself and to your neighbors. ZONING AND CODES ENFORCEMENT: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance your property will be subject to the enforcement of all the provisions of the current editions of the Uniform Building Code which sets forth basic policies on methods which are approved for new construction and remodeling . Such codes cover areas of construction, electrical, plumbing and mechanical and plans for any improvement on your property should be submitted following the date of annexation to the Codes Enforcement Office at City Hall for review and for the issuance of a building permit. There is a fee for this service and it is relative to the cost of the improvement. Zoning is a public process that will begin during the time your annexation is being processed. This action should be final shortly after your annexation is complete. Zoning is a public act by which the governing body of your City designates a particular use for your tract of land in order to provide for the orderly growth of the City. Any use which was in existance on your property prior to the completion of the annexation will be allowed to continue. This concept is called "grandfathered". Under the grandfathered provision, you may continue to use your property in a way that is not consistant with the zoning placed upon it by the public body; however, such use may not be expanded and if the use is discontinued it may not be reinstated. You may indicate, by signing the enclosed forms, any preference which you may have for the zoning designation to be placed upon your property. While you may not have been aware of it, while your property was in the county and was not within the city limits of any city, you did not have zoning protection; thus, your neighbors could have used their property for any purpose which may or may not have been consistant with your use or with the best use of the property in general . Zoning will protect your property and your area from that type of abuse and generally adds both to your personal security and to the value of your property. LIBRARY AND PARKS & RECREATION SERVICES: Upon completion of annexation, you and any residents of the property shall be entitled to the use of the City Library and our various parks and recreational facilities. This segment of our city services are undergoing a great deal of expansion and improvement and although they provide excellent services now, they will provide even greater service opportunities in the near future. Many of these services are provided free of charge to citizens to the City of Wylie, others are provided with the charge of a small user fee. You are entitled to pay the "in-city" rate for these services after your annexation is complete. ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES: The City provides an animal control service to deal with problems associated with the control of both and large and small animals that either wild or domestic. This service is provided through our Public Works Department which may be contacted by telephone at 442- 7588. On completion of your annexation process, you may contact this office for any questions regarding this service. STREETS & DRAINAGE SERVICES: The City of Wylie operates a department charged with the responsibility of maintaining city streets and keeping existing drainage devices flowing properly. If your property abuts or contains drainage ditches or streets which are under the City' s dominion and control, you may request, upon completion of annexation, that repairs or maintenance be performed upon these public facilities. These requests should be phoned to the Public Works Department at 442-7588. Upon receipt of your phone call and verification of eligibility these requests will be grouped and scheduled for an appropriate work period. Improvements to streets and drainage which are above the simple maintenance level involve a more complicated procedure of prioritizing and, in most cases, some form of financial participation between the City and the adjacent property owner. Should you desire this level of services, you should contact City Hall to discuss what improvements you had in mind and what financial arrangements can be made. WATER SERVICES: The City of Wylie provides potable water service to residents within it's city limits. In certain areas there may be a previously existing legitimate water supply corporation. If such is the case on your property, • then water service has already been provided. The City of Wylie will be happy to assist you in assuring that such provided service is adequate. Should you not be satisfied with services provided by such a water service, please contact City Hall with your complaints. We will be happy to act as an intermediary on your behalf to see what improvements can be made. If service is not currently available, the City, in participation with you and other property owners, will be happy to assemble a plan which provide water service within a reasonable distance from your proeprty. We have several plans available and need only arrange a meeting with you to decide which of the various plans is most suitable for your needs and financial situation. The City has numerous water service points within the area and should have little difficulty providing such service within a reasonable time after annexation. SEWER SERVICES: The City of Wylie owns it' s own sewage treatment facility and has divided the City into several large lift station districts. Your property will fall into one of these districts. Sewer service is being extended throughout the City at a rapid rate. In order to obtain sewer services to your property, you will need to contact City Hall following your annexation to discuss the specifics of extending such service. In . general there are fees and cost participation associated with initial provision of this service; however, each case is considered unique and only a discussion specifically involving your piece of property will be able to determine your actual fees and the time which will be necessary for such services to be provided. Exhibit "B" A tract of land situated in the County of Collin, State of Texas, being parts of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-799, the Josiah J. Turnham Survey, A-919, the Mark L. Morris Survey, A-561 and the Leroy Farmer Survey, A-334 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod marking the Northwest corner of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-799, same being the Southwest corner of the Michael Millirons Survey, A-564; THENCE, North 89 deg. 45 min. 09 sec. East, 3007.66 feet along the common line between said Shelby Survey on the South and said Millirons Survey on the North, to a concrete monument marking the Westerly U. S. Government boundary line of Lake Lavon; THENCE, along said Government boundary line, South 03 deg. 55 min. 42 sec. East, 756.58 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, Nort" 64 deg. 57 min. 24 sec. West, 833.99 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 01 deg. 02 min. 27 sec. West, 549.89 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 70 deg. 27 min. 19 sec. West, 1077.20 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 51 deg. 12 min. 09 sec. West, 1404.85 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 07 deg. 19 min. 53 sec. East, 74.79 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 88 deg. 57 min. 46 sec. East, 2464.97 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 29 deg. 19 min. 00 sec. West, 2603.07 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 88 deg. 57 min. 46 sec. East, 572.93 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 49 deg. 39 min. 26 sec. East, 1753.65 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 61 deg. 56 min. 45 sec. East, 1093.61 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 33 deg. 03 min. 17 sec. East, 1419.83 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 64 deg. 29 min. 44 sec. East, 651.15 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 44 deg. 09 min. 17 sec. West, 470.92 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 76 deg. 08 min. 40 sec. West, 1056.27 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 29 deg. 50 min. 44 sec. West, 904.26 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 79 deg. 22 min. 51 sec. East, 758.14 feet to a concrete monumen..;' THENCE, South 06 deg. 53 min. 31 sec. West, 907.24 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 74 deg. 31 min. 36 sec. East, 64.46 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 65 deg. 13 min. 40 sec. East, 805.68 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 32 deg. 38 min. 22 sec. East, 297.05 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 84 deg. 11 min. 30 sec. East, 255.88 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 41 deg. 47 min. 01 sec. East, 367.18 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, North 77 deg. 18 min. 22 sec. East, 1317.48 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 10 deg. 34 min. 24 sec. West., 600.44 feet to a concrete monument; THENCE, South 65 deg. 36 min. 47 sec. West, 17.19.07 feet to a concrete monument on the South line of the Josiah Turnham Survey, A-919, same being the North line of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-800; THENCE, leaving said Government boundary line, North 88 deg. 48 ,min. 10 sec. West, 649.87 feet along the common line between said Turnham Survey on the North and said Shelby Survey on the South to an iron rod at the Northwest corner of said Shelby Survey same being the most Easterly Northeast corner of the Mark L. Morris Survey, A-561; THENCE, South 00 deg. 14 min. 10 sec. West, 1309.90 feet along the common line between said Morris Survey on the West and said Shelby Survey on the East to a metal corner post of a chain link fence marking the Northeast corner of the St. Paul Catholic Cemetery; THENCE, North 89 deg. 10 min. 46 sec. West, 283.62 feet to a metal corner post marking the Northwest corner of said cemetery; THENCE, South 00 deg. 03 min. 58 sec. West, 283.79 feet along the West line of said cemetery to an iron rod'on the North line of St. Paul Road; THENCE, North 89 deg. 47 min. 26 sec. West, 1805.07 feet along the North line of said road to an iron rod; THENCE, South 00 deg. 20 min. 49 sec East, 4.00 feet to an iron rod on the North right-of-way line of FM Highway 2514 (100 feet wide); THENCE, South 89 deg. 39 min. 11 sec. West, 1571.30 feet along said right-of- way to an iron rod; THENCE, North 45 deg. 56 min. 20 sec. West, 43.45 feet along a corner cut-off line to a wood post on the East line of Aztec Trail ; THENCE, North 00 deg. 56 min. 20 sec. West, 1823.20 feet to an iron rod at the Northeast corner of Aztec Trail ; THENCE, North 00 deg. 22 min. 34 sec. East, 1884.91 feet to an iron rod in the South line of the Orpha Shelby Survey, A-799; THENCE, South 89 deg. 45 min. 08 sec. West, 1111.40 feet to an iron rod at the Southwest corner of said Shelby Survey, same being the Southeast corner of the Dennis Kinsaul Survey, A-502; THENCE, North 00 deg. 30 min. 52 sec. West,. 4430.33 feet along the common line between said Shelby Survey on the East and said Kinsaul Survey on the West to . the PLACE OF BEGINNING and Containing 25,830,928 sqaure feet or 592.9988 acre3 of land. SAVE AND EXCEPT: 136.99 ACRES OUT OF THE MARK L. MORRIS SURVEY ABST. 561 \ l • t ;..am= �.. O , ✓ \.. `Z H/yuE • Disrlacr 1 • wat6 otstrtw'r \ \ . \\\\ 1._......7.---7C-11,r, sr Lp��) 'DST /7 . — ....................„/I / .. \ plp,PF * .' r i GrY of%r f+1dL i4 ..r . GE- OA9 - C. G. %IIAir Dill �''r L. G. 3 or sr R4kv , 1 \. cry -1 GI of V fue. Fir. 4\ J DI I , V C % t COS - dr' . \pi 00, S•F' I No,r....,VewJ•=lµol6,,, IJ...3 ST. P UL t.25 gl._v P . DI.S R-►c]_ r+u�s,rc 752o7 _ _ .. . _. ..� — F. �j1{ • .sc. 1 sr 4 I //�1 1 �fJ`' ^ 'r'y lu1 I Rffy,n1e4,e1',wrn�nirs ►I,. V}.T� t ✓`� V5 /v"' 1 T, IKi .. Tr . g jMbdfton DeMelopmertt 5956 Sherry Lane/Suite 2000/Dallas,Texas 75225-6587/(214)373-6400 March 5, 1987 Mayor and City Council City of Wylie c/o Gus Pappas, City Manager 108 South Jackson Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Westgate Addition Zoning Request - Rear Yard Setback Dear Mayor and Council Members: We have requested that Order of Business #6, which was tabled on your February 10 agenda, be placed on the March 10 agenda for consideration. This item is a request for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance changing the rear yard setback in SF3 from 25 feet to 20 feet. Please take a few moments to read this letter which outlines some of the background and reasons for this request. In the latter part of 1986 Astor Development Company re-structured management of their real estate projects which include the Westgate Addition in Wylie. Albritton Development Company was hired by Astor to act as project manager. During our examination of the approved and recorded Phase I plat it became apparent that several mistakes were made in platting this subdivision, one of which relates to the available building pad for many of the SF3 lots (58' deep). We later learned that the City Staff had advised the previous project manager of these mistakes. The plat was submitted by the previous manager without taking into consideration this advice from Staff and was subsequently approved. As interest rates have fallen, buyers for the homes projected to be built in this subdivision can afford higher payments and prefer larger homes with more amenities. The extremely competitive nature of builders have responded to this shift. As a result of these shifts in home sizes, pad depths of 65' versus 60' are required similar to those in the Rustic Oaks Addition. Most cities have viewed this as an up-zoning and increase in the tax base and therefore accepted this shift as it complies with their existing zoning ordinances. We realize that it would have been preferable to plat lots of greater depth (110' or 115' vs. 108'); however, this development now sits idle with all streets and utilities in place and no building acitivity. We believe that this • AAfiateB:Barbbr Qevefapment and Aldittorr Aaany Corpara6on Dallas,Houston,Tulsa,Nashville,Baltimore,Tampa,Atlanta Mayor and City Council City of Wylie March 5, 1987 Page 2 change does not represent a change in zoning philosophy. The larger pad allows the home living areas and garage to be arranged on one side of the plan which actually allows more useable yard area and makes for a more liveable home. We have requested this change in the zoning ordinance to allow it to be more flexible and responsive to changes in the economy. The City Staff suggested this method in lieu of Planned Development zoning considering that if it were approved, all developers and builders could realize the benefits on an equitable basis. The City Staff also advised that a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment was not appropriate since it would amend a significant number of lots in the subdivision and that hardship could not easily be established. We submit that the question of hardship is subjective and remains open. Regardless of market conditions and the impact of a vacant subdivision on the community, several other factors need to be considered. I have attached several exhibits to address some of these factors. It is important to note that all of these SF3 lots are rear-entry type. The first exhibit illustrates similar zoning categories in area cities. The 20' rear setback is common and does conform with FHA guidelines. The second exhibit indicates a range of standard vehicle design dimensions. Most residential automobiles (all passenger cars and trucks through the supercab size) can be parked within the 20' limitation. Twenty feet is a standard or above standard parking space length for surface parking lots and garages. The last exhibit depicts a Typical Lot Layout in the Westgate Addition including the existing lot, front and side yard dimensions and the proposed 20' rear yard setback. The floor plan shown illustrates an option of offering a game room or family room in lieu of a formal dining room. We ask that you consider this change openly in light of all the factors. If you have any questions or wish to meet to discuss further, please call me at the number listed above or at my home in Murphy at 881-9429. Sincerely, Timothy . Terrill TLT:dab xc: Ford Albritton, Jr. Keith Rowland David Clappier Steve Smathers Tom Cravens Bob Stone Jim Douglas Gus Pappas .�' DWELLING ZONING CITY LOT AREA AREA FRONT REAR ARLINGTON 7,200 SF 1,000 SF 20' 5'-18' WITH ALLEY R-7,500 BEDFORD 7,500 SF 1,350 SF 20' 20' R-4 CARROLLTON 7,000 SF 1,200 SF 25' 20' R-2 CEDAR HILL 7,000 SF 1,250 SF 30' 20' R-7 COPPELL 7,000 SF 1,200 SF 30' 20' SF-7 DENTON 7,000 SF NO MIN SF 25' 10' R-3 DUNCANVILLE 7,200 SF 1,000 SF 25' 20' WITH ALLEY SF-3 GRAND 7,500 SF 1,400 SF 25' 20' WITH ALLEY PRAIRIE R-7.5 IRVING 7,500 SF NO MIN SF 25' 20' R-3 MESQUITE 7,200 SF 1,300 SF 25' 25' OR 20% R-5 SEAGOVILLE 7,200 SF 1,050 SF 30' 20% OR 24' MAX SF-2 WAXAHACHIE 7,500 SF 1,000 SF 25' 10' SF-3 WYLIE 7,200 SF 1,100 SF 25' 25' GENERAL NOTE . • Each DESIGN VEHICLE in Groups I,II,and III repre- - - sents a composite of the critical dimensions of the real •vehicles within each group below. Parking lot dimen- sions on a following page are based on these groups and dimensions. For parking purposes,both compact . and standard sire vehicles are in Group II. Turning • • . dimensions R,RI,and C are shown on the next page. ........... DESIGN VEHICLE 10Milli /. ,C GROUPI SMALL CARS OR WB OF OS-'4 T r L Length 15'S" �_os W Width 5"-10" H Height . 4"-10" L W i i WB Wheelbase 9'-7' OF Overhang front 7-6" ' OR Overhang rear '.3.9.• - OS Overhang sides :; - • GROUP II CTS - . L Length - 16'•11" W Width 6%3" H Height . 5•-0" •WB Wheelbase 10"0" ' OF Overhang front 2'-8•' OR Overhang rear 4'3"" . OS Overhang sides 0'-8" fz T Track 4%10" FOR R, RI, AND C DIMENSIONS SEE NEXT PAGE GROUP III STANDARD - L Length 17'9" W width 6%8" H Height 5%2" WB Wheelbase 10'-7" OF Overhang front 2'-10" OR Overhang rear 4'•4" OS Overhang side 0'-9" T Track 5"-2" LARGE VEHICLE DIMENSIONS' VEHICLE IL)LENGTH (WI WIDTH (OR)OVERHANG REAR Intercity bus 45"•0" 9'•O" 10%1" City bus 40••0" 8'•6" 6"•6" GROUP IV LARGE CARS School bus 39'•6" 8'•0" 17-8" L Length 18'-0•" Ambulance 20'•10'/." 6'•11" 5.q "' Paramedic van 18'•0"" W Width "" Hearse 20-10'/. 6'-11" 5"•4""5' H Height -4"' 5••4" Airport limousine 27.5'/a"' WB Wheelbase 10'-8" 6'•4" 3'-11" OF Overhang front 2%11" Trash truck 28"-2"• 8.0•• 6 O•• OR Overhang rear 4•.5" U.P.S.truck 23'-2" 7-7•' 8"-7' OS Overhang side 0•-9". Fire truck 31'-4" 8 1" 10 0" T Track 5'-7* 'Exact sizes of large vehicles may vary. • NOTE ANGLES SHOWN BELOW MAY _ VARY DEPENDING ON SPEED. LOAD. TIRE PRESSURE. AND NV-2'• CONDITION OF SHOCK ABSORBERS i•- I ie 10• OR 17% B•OR 14% B• OR 14% COMPOSITE VEHICLE WITH MAXIMUM we.OF, ANO OR LARGE VAN •Sheen T.MM et wt,AIA:Sans Sabers`CIII$SI S - . J- TRANSPORTATION - STANDARD TRUCK LENGTHS Chevrolet/GMC Crew Cab 246.4" (20.5') Long Wheel Base 212.2" (17.68') Small Pick-up w/Long Wheel Base 195.0" (16.25') Ford Super Cab 232.2" (19.35') Long Wheel Base 210.2" (17.5') Toyota Small Pick-Up Truck 190.0" (15.83') ►rop•rty Lin• s 0 Alloy S s 0 I. 86.87 / t rop;rty Line i •—;t • v -- �_-� ' • ;' /�,,. Driveway 1 I � " �\►s`. 20' Roar r • ��— J bic d Building Line G • V. Garage 1e.3' /\w,D-1-WM I 9.0' 1.! pi 0 Dining Room $ ec O o Bath w J G o v Game Room/ v 0 Bedroom. a c to • 0 2 Family Room .. 0 to —� n o m o Seth Kitchen, w _ FP � ;IJ I AC Living Room Bedroom Bedroom 4.e' n.y' I. .2aS. �— Existing 25' Front Building Line . �„ .� - -.y. =a� ►i i= .�' .i\ C� Property Lino 86.67 • 10.`i`.•„ ay - n 0 Sidewalk Street ea me 3. e o 1 twits Tie to • et .i Typical Lot Layout r 4 - MEMORANDUM , TO: Gus Pappas, City Manager � FROM: Roy Faires, Zoning Advisor DATE: March 6, 1987 RE: Response to Albritton Development Letter The first three paragraphs are basically uncontestable except for the fact that not only did the previous project manager not consider staffs advice, he rejected it in no uncertain terms. We also concur with their evaluation of the depth of the pads in Rustic Oaks, however we should bear in mind the limitation of a 60+ ft. wide lot in Rustic Oaks which limits these builders in the width of their homes. This is not true in Westgate where the lots are 66 ft. wide. We do not agree that the proposed charge "does not represent a change in zoning philosophy" as we perceive it to be in the City of Wylie. The proposal was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commisssion as a way to place a longer home on these lots and from all appearances is requested to conform with a standard set of plans of a different builder than the one for whom the subdivision was orginally designed and who is unwilling to take advantage of the additional width of the lots in this subdivision. As you can see the width of this particular structure is only 47. 9 ft. . We should also remember that if this change is made they can then take advantage of the wider lot and place a home on these lots far in excess of SF-2 minimum size. We are aware of at least two builders who have attempted to talk price on the lots in this subdivision on numerous occasion with no change in the set back requirements. The staff has once again been misquoted. We advised them that in our estimation this was the gnly chance they had to use the lots with a different set back requirement, the subject of hardship is not subjective when the plea is financial hardship and when the courts have consistantly ruled that financial hardship is not justification for a variance. The rear yard set back of 20 ft. is, as pointed out, quite common but when you anaylize the the total set back requirements, front and back, you find that were these same lots in Cedar Hill, Coppell, Mesquite or Seagoville they ' could not use them with this floor plan anymore than they can presently in Wylie. We should remember that when the Zoning Ordinance was compiled we too did some comparisons and we chose a nearly middle of the road approach, we should also remember that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously not to change the ordinance. As far as cars and trucks are concerned we see no correlation between this and set back requirements. Finally staff cannot see the justification in changing our ordinance to comply with the desires of one particular builder when every other builder who has come to Wylie has altered his plans to meet the city' s requirements. We feel that the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission should be supported and that this request be rejected. �� ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 85-23A, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, SPECIFICALLY SECTION 11.3 , PARAGRAPH 1. , SUB- PARAGRAPH C. ; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS the following paragraph will read as stated below: 11 .3 Area Regulations 1 . Size of Yards c. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet. Minimum rear yard for accessory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet. PUBLICATION: The caption of this ordinance shall be published one time in the official newspaper of the City of Wylie. PENALTY: Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined an amount not to exceed the maximum established by State law, and each and every day that the provisions of this ordinance are violated shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the said penalty provided for, the right is hereby conferred and extended upon any property owner owning property in any district, where such property owner may be affected or invaded, by a violation of the terms of the ordinance, to bring suit in such court or courts having jurisdiction thereof and obtain such remedies as may be available at law and equity in the protection of the rights of such property owners . SEVERABILITY: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that should the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences , paragraphs, or sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of unconstitutional or invalid phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or sections . EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon approval and passage by the City Council of the City of Wylie and upon publication of the caption in the official newspaper of the City of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ON THIS THE 10TH DAY OF MARCH, 1987. Chuck Trimble, Mayor, City of Wylie ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary APPLICATION TO i Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Building) ORDINANCE 83-15 I Board of Adjustment and Appeals (Zoning) ORDINANCE 81-5 J )4- 1 Planning and Zoning Commission ORDINANCE 81-5 ' NAME Wylie Ministerial Alliance/First Baptist Church ADDRESS 204 North First LOT BA BLOCK 8 SUBDIVISION Rairoad BASIS OF APPLICATION: Interpretation xiI Special exception for use or development Variance f1:11 Rezoning Exception to Building Code EXPLANATION: Special Use Permit for a Charitable Organization to The Ministerial Alliance to operate a food, rinthing, etc, Distribution Center on Monday, Wednesday and satin-day 10: 00 a.m. - 2 : 00 p. m. and on Tuesday 5: 00 'p.m. -8: 00 p.m. SIGNITURE of APPLICANT DATE February 2, 1987 Must be accompanied by filing fee of $ /(20, ' Received: 2x-1 Date: - - Y 7 CODE ENFOR EMENT OFFICER cv�c- J .1P ;01, .i. ;..14_1!Is s 1. 8. 1.4 tit „ : lilt 111±US $ 11111 .X. !.. i _ak Aftlll arm TlAilkk \ . w Cla Zth NUM r. i � � r - - - •i w � . 4,tig � dnabefe'� TR�R� c� �4 . • k-icrek . f. • , . s , . • .0 lo I IS 8.` gi . la . 1 . „ . ix • . : . . N .11 ti r . i :.1 ST. NI Irom .. .......... .......0..m..8... : . _ f�F = iez • S• • ='=yy Y A5515C DIDJP N.......j s,,,,,,,ss\sssss? I � N = = w i Q� A 0 . * • i : ir, 2.,_0 : e < •• _ :az�� + .VINYL . N ND�Ar; : 1 . s . . ._: !.. . . _ ,. • Do • "Ti.: :41. =- n g Hvao a111c ire*.:re./ � . _ OM . Silt 5 N. .1 ,b,� �: ®®ADD Mgt; . . 411=IL,.; —41: . " f. P r o � - � ota - I "I�1 » I ar- . --- - - . 11 ' ' t;� • ■■ M M . 0 Sil . _ I 4W v4. '• ••" ea.se . • \ \ i l! rill/Mil pi a al a: a a• a , a t• • mom .• ..i 4:;...,,:„... ,p,:. %. It a iti 1 mg (� • ©R •'• '• • = *t*,• il• i !i! .• il •s = ill, NI - r 7� sings, • . 7 .1 2111E -I- - Obi MN° , i Vq , s • .1• • •la 1 TN t i •.; :LI' ii:I: I : is •2 X • itsIII S 11/4111MC Milli IMO `�„VVV • A g fl. 11 Tilt ►INtT \ TY1/4' . . . t s. i 8 talm • Itlig volg Viol gag • 1lCOM• lox 12 1s1:I1C1ON11•3 i `J, 1 mow , I. ,;& c•. 9t g .2. 1hMe . ... .•• .1.«•, 4 ‘rsI1.Tf 1 O?C..•C i. 1•.•41. .... .a CO=M11IC1R/ENIMI n, : cz. 21,46,. i R i >e K • : aao©oD11o11oDDoo , =T. _ _1 I - ° 1imi 'h \ • « • . • r+�� ST"CIT M . '�u•w� • 01 _ w i TNM• 0 ` • «.- i • • 11115CIC4 TNM• `' ` 4 ti •" T • • 8 • • VAIL tO§Plitlittk nninglinUMMIN ' 'Er•X" - i ! f r - R 4 w ;• x •OYIITN ©... 1r-• 41.is 2'j.&.z 1.. E .I4. 0[0em. wl tromp .,,,. II NtIT t •Si .uun tim m0 insMai ©o - =lmirli11 ti . l.ol\k 1• LAW = i: d ii= IOC • \ • i2!IN - ► 0 0�laDglnI00IWA .. .. a ,� ,• Olt T•P � stirs • - 3 aa � aooao®®aao ,."ttT \ .. • . s0� -ten r—tft '•l I ii.A,c1717,.. .'"\ , _______ TO: CITY COUNCIL if FROM: GUS PAPPAS, CITY MANAGER 1// DATE: MARCH 2 , 1987 SUBJECT: DOG-LEG ON KIRBY/STONE ROAD AT BIRMINGHAM For some time, the City staff and a number of City Council members, both current and past, have been concerned about the traffic conditions caused by the dog-leg where Kirby Street traffic must turn at Birmingham and then turn again to go down Stone Road. This problem, because it links FM544 and Stone Road together, was not likely to diminish but rather to increase in severity as the City grew. Yet, the solution to the problem was so costly that it seemed out of our reach until some future time when significant bond issues could be passed by the City to correct the problem. The apparent remedy to the problem is to buy numerous properties within the block where the problem exists and then install an "S" curve so that the street becomes a through street. In today' s dollars that' s approximately a 3/4 million dollar problem. In future dollars , for example when the City could afford it, the problem might well be a million and a half dollars given our history of rapidly increasing land values. Enter Mr . Dennis M. Burn, project engineer for the Department of Public Works of Collin County. Collin County, it appears, is trying to close out its last countywide road improvement bond issue so that it may begin preparation for the next issue. In that last issue, the City of Wylie was tagged for two projects in particular . The first was the improvement of FM544 from Los Rios to Rowlett Creek. The second was the improvement of what has been called Dog Drop Road to a paved road . It would appear , at this time, that the City of Wylie or the County is not going to be able to move forward with either of these projects before the next bond issue. In the Dog Drop project, the improvement is not yet needed. In the case of the FM544 improvement, the State is not yet ready. Thus, the funds assigned for these projects is eligible for reassignment. The amount of funds eligible for reassignment is $747 ,000.00 . You will see by our estimates that that should be adequate funds to acquire the property, pave the road, install a signal at Ballard and Stone and do some landscaping. It might even be enough to do some improvements to the drainage at Highway 78 and FM544 . If this proposal meets with your approval and you desire that the staff pursue it , we will need your vote to direct the City staff to prepare a letter requesting that these funds be reallocated and that an interlocal agreement be drafted that will move the dedication of this money from its past specified destination to the new one and transfer these funds to the City of Wylie for the necessary property acquisition and contracts. Later, the Council will need to pass, by resolution, the contract itself in order for the matter to be final . I am enclosing an overview drawing of the design for your review. The estimate of cost of the project has been sent to you under separate cover so that this document will not become a public document at this time. I would ask that each of you study the attachments and this memo but that our public discussion and the figures on the estimate remain somewhat unemphasized . Significant public discussion of these prices could drive the project out of the realm of financial feasability and force us to include the cost of legal fees for condemnation. t I( . I I 1 .v Li l Q. 1 W. KIRBY STREET 1 — nt �� `�� 5T'\' i)' po17 . > r: C 0v . bep.,-_„ boo vt\f, .wood ./ 1 10 �9 38 --- S L 3 34 334.1.k. ...p •°Q�w ' I •. 1 - , 1 i 'v.;:I •o isµ �'S +-7•' -:: K :w,+. . .,.•�• . .. I 9 Q Q f . ��, •• Ems` _ •° -B-\C1L 1 �'' ..P ti i F�Pr �.;,I / . 41 143viAr46 ;.. �47:- a48 . 5i ,6 :� �. 1 n `n j� p STONE • ROAD .. ... �, • 5 : , 1. 30 I 21 / 3 4 �a' 6 29 Sc..f .7 . . -1 28 31 / I . . ° • • 1i 't.. - 8 i 27 .SK i/..31,• )• .s. 1 , .__..------ • v 1 ►e— ,ate\ 9 26 GSM `s\ .. 10 G. . . ' / . „ � PPPOSTn Clrr-Y- 01:rnA7-Y-j--jj'FV 108S.JAOKSONGT. -- PD. 8OX428 VVYL|E'TEXAS 75O08 (214)442-2236 M_E_M. O RA.N DATE: March 4, 1987 TO: City Council FROM: Staff SUBJECT: CH2M Hill Task Order No. 3 Attached please find the CH2M Hill Task Order No.3 for the engineering design, construction drawings, specifications and consultation. The Task Order attempts to separate the work such that the absolutely necessary work will be accomplished at a minimum of cost to the City as presented to you at the Council Meeting on February 10, 1987. It is recommended that the Task Order No. 3 be approved with the assurance that all reasonable avenues for Ve solution of the plant design problem will be required of the consultants. r • ® Engineers ® Planners MHILL Economists Scientists '4 March 4, 1987 TX356. 73 • Mr. I. W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Wylie, TX 75098 Dear Mr. Santry: Enclosed are three copies of the scope and fee for Task Order No. 3 . This task order includes design services for the short-term improvements at the existing plant and construc- tion services for these short-term improvements. As you have requested, the preliminary design and geotechnical investigation scope and fee for the new plant will be included in a separate task order in the near future. In addition, some minor changes to the scope have been made to the draft copy per your suggestions. The total estimated budget for the existing plant improve- ments design and construction services is $62,900 . The allocation of the projected costs for each major work task is summarized in Table 1 . As we have discussed, the origi- nal project scope and fee have been adjusted from our previ- ous estimate to include the following factors: o The deletion of the new plant preliminary design services has necessitated some staffing changes . Basically, Bob Morrison will become more heavily involved during the existing plant design than originally planned. o The secondary clarifier will be designated in the Contract Documents as a separate construction schedule. This increases the cost slightly for specification coordination in terms of the front- end legal specifications. Basically, we plan to receive bids on the new clarifier right away to save time, but delay construction of the clarifier until authorized in writing by the City. CH2M HILL Dallas/Fort Worth Office 5339 Alpha Road,Sulte 300, Dallas, Texas 75240 214.980.2170 Metro:263.9476 Mr. I. W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. Page 2 March 4, 1987 TX356.73 • 's o The use of separate task orders increases our coordination responsibilities. o The design of the polymer facilities has been deleted from the scope of services . You indicated that this work will be done by your staff. o Per your request, the O&M manual preparation and operator training and startup services have been deleted from the construction services portion of the task order. As with our previous task orders, we propose the compen- sation for performing the services outlined in Task Order No. 3 be paid on a monthly billing basis at a rate of the personnel ' s salary cost times a multiplier of 2 . 25 , with reimbursement of all direct expenses at actual cost times 1 . 10 . The work will be done on a time and materials basis so that the City will only pay for actual hours expended and costs incurred on the project. The total cost shall not exceed $62,900 without the written approval of the City. Please return two signed copies of Task Order No. 3 for our accounting department. The third copy is for your files. We appreciate the opportunity to continue working with the City and look forward to working closely with you in the design and construction of the short-term improvements. Siinncerely, i(4/71. 7(G2.1/1%eviD Robert J. Morrison, P.E. Project Manager )--(71,(1.- Gordon F. Koblitz , P.E. Principal-in-Charge bam/DFW307/083 Enclosures • Table 1 ALLOCATION OF PROJECTED COSTS • Projected Work Task Cost Existing Plant, Short-Term Improvements Design Services o Project Management, Coordination, Review, and Quality Control $ 7, 400 o Final Design Drawings and Specifications 29,200 o Preliminary Document Printing, Construction Cost Opinion, and Miscellaneous Tasks 3,500 o Expenses 3,000 SUBTOTAL $43 , 100 Existing Plant, Short-Term Improvements Construction Services o Project Management $ 1 ,200 o Final Document Printing 800 o Services Prior to Construction 4 , 500 o Services During Construction 9,500 o Additional Services 1 , 000 o Expenses 2, 800 SUBTOTAL $19 , 800 TOTAL $6 2 , 9 0 0 DFW306/002 6 • • TASK ORDER NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE WYLIE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES: SHORT-TERM IMPROVEMENTS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the CITY OF WYLIE, as OWNER, and CH2M HILL CENTRAL, INC. , as ENGINEER, entered into an AGREEMENT to furnish en- gineering services dated June 18, 1986 (the "ORIGINAL AGREE- MENT") in connection with preliminary engineering, design, bidding, construction, and post-construction services for a wastewater treatment plant, and review and coordination with Wylie; and NOW, THEREFORE, the ENGINEER agrees to perform such services as are hereinafter set forth, and the OWNER, in consideration thereof, agrees to pay the ENGINEER the amounts as are here- inafter specified, all upon the following terms and condi- tions, and the OWNER and ENGINEER agree that the following terms and conditions shall be added to and supplement the referenced ORIGINAL AGREEMENT: I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Task Order is to establish terms and conditions to provide design and construction engi- neering services for short-term improvements to the existing wastewater treatment plant. This project is described in the "Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Pre- liminary Engineering Study" dated November 1986, and the "Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Engi- neering Study Supplemental Report" dated February 1987 . II . SCOPE OF SERVICES The basic scope of services will include the following tasks to be performed by the ENGINEER: A. EXISTING PLANT, SHORT-TERM IMPROVEMENTS DESIGN SERVICES 1 . Final Design Project Management, Project Coordination, and Project Review and Quality Control DFW306/003 1 -sL/ • • a. The ENGINEER will conduct meetings to provide guidance and coordination with the ENGINEER' s assigned Project Staff. b. The ENGINEER will manage the Project' s budget and monitor its percent complete status by preparing monthly Project sta- '� tus analyses. The ENGINEER will summa- rize the Project' s status and formally submit invoices to the OWNER on a monthly basis. c. The Project' s quality will be monitored through the use of OWNER and ENGINEER reviews as described below: o OWNER' s review will be conducted through the use of informal and formal meetings between the ENGI- NEER and designated representatives of the OWNER. Up to two formal meetings will be conducted with the OWNER at approximately the 25- percent and 50-percent complete stages. o The ENGINEER will provide in-house review of the final design status and Contract Documents at the 80- percent completion level by tech- nically competent senior Project personnel. o Concurrent with the ENGINEER' s 80- percent, in-house review of the Contract Documents, the ENGINEER will conduct an 80-percent review meeting with the OWNER. o Additional meetings with the OWNER will be conducted if requested by the (WNFR under the provisiorq of an increased scope amendment to this Task Order. 2. Final Design Process Components The following specific facilities identified in the Preliminary Engineering Study Supple- mental Report are to be designed by the ENGI- NEER for installation in one contract at the existing wastewater treatment plant site: DFW306/003 2 • a. The replacement of two influent pumps and associated suction and discharge piping with new pumps and piping at the influent pump station. Associated elec- trical equipment and wiring modifications will also be included. b. The addition of four new floating aspir- ator aerators at the oxidation ditch with associated electrical equipment and wiring. c. The addition of one new steel tank sec- ondary clarifier in the existing trickl- ing filter basin with associated modi- fications to the trickling filter basin, yard piping, and electrical system. Equipment will include one suction clarifier mechanism, two return sludge pumps with two-speed motors, and one scum pump. This work will be designated as a separate bid item under a separate construction schedule in the Contract Documents . This construction may or may not be initiated by the City. d. Modifications to the existing clarifier/ digester influent and effluent piping to convert it to a gravity thickener/diges- ter. This work will be included in the separate bid item and separate construc- tion schedule (outlined in Sec- tion II.A.2.c above) in the Contract Documents . • e. Miscellaneous yard piping modifications . Any of the yard piping changes associ- ated with Sections II .A. 2 .c and II .A. 2 .d will be included in the separate bid item and separate construction schedule (outlined in these sections above) in the Contract Documents . Final detailed design work will include struc- tural, mechanical, and electrical drawings. Specifications will be prepared for the in- stallation of the facilities listed above, including sections for bidding requirements, contract forms, conditions of the contract, general requirements, site work, concrete, metals, equipment, special construction, mech- anical, and electrical. DFW306/003 3 • • 3. Preliminary Document Printing, Construction Cost Opinion, and Miscellaneous Tasks a. The ENGINEER will provide two sets of preliminary Contract Documents at the 80-percent design completion stage to the OWNER. The 80-percent completion A review documents will consist of xerox reproductions of computer-printed spec- ifications and full size "blueline" reproductions of the original mylar and ink drawings. b. Upon receipt of the OWNER and ENGINEER review comments, the ENGINEER will modify the Contract Documents as required and submit five sets of Contract Documents to the OWNER for distribution to govern- mental agencies having jurisdiction for their review. These documents will con- sist of xerox reproductions of computer- printed specifications and full size "blueline" reproductions of the original mylar and ink drawings. c. The ENGINEER will prepare an opinion of the construction cost of the Project. The ENGINEER' s opinion of cost will be prepared after completion of the final plans and specifications and prior to the Project' s advertisement for bids. Should the results of the ENGINEER' s cost opinion affect the OWNER' s apparent ability to finance the project, the ENGI- NEER will modify the Contract Documents which were the basis of the construction cost opinion if specifically asked to do so, but only under the provisions of an increased scope amendment to this Task Order. B. EXISTING PLANT, SHORT-TERM IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUC- TION SERVICES 1 . Final Contract Document Printing Upon receipt of approval of OWNER and appro- priate reviewing agencies of the draft plans and specifications (within 60 days from date such draft plans and specifications were sub- mitted) , the ENGINEER will provide 5 copies of the Contract Documents to the OWNER. In addition, 50 copies of the Contract Documents DFW306/003 4 • will be printed for obtaining bids for con- struction. These documents will consist of bound reproductions of computer-printed spec- ifications and half-size reproductions of the original mylar and ink drawings . 2. Services Prior to Construction 4 a. Provide prebid services, such as inter- pretation of plans and specifications during the bidding period, preparation of advertisements, news releases, dis- tribution of planholders lists, and issuing of addenda. Schedule and chair a prebid conference. b. Assist the OWNER in receiving and tabu- lating construction and/or materials proposals; report the results to the OWNER; and assist in awarding the Con- tract for construction and/or materials. c. Prepare seven sets of Contract Documents from the successful Contractor ' s proposal/ submittal for execution by the OWNER and Contractor. 3 . Services During Construction a. Provide technical interpretations of the drawings, specifications, and Contract Documents, and evaluate requested devia- tions from the approved design or speci- fications. b. Meet with the Construction Contractor' s representatives and the OWNER up to three times to assist in implementing the con- struction process. The ENGINEER will act as initial inter- preter of the requirements of the Con- tract Documents and judge of the accept- ability of the work thereunder and advise the OWNER on all claims of the Contrac- tor relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the re- quirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the execution and progress of the work. The ENGINEER will not be liable for the results of any such inter- pretations or decisions rendered in good faith. DFW306/003 5 • • c. Assist the OWNER in negotiating with the Contractor the scope and cost of any necessary. contract change orders. Pre- pare such change orders as may be required and submit them to the OWNER for approval. d. Make up to three periodic visits to the site of the Project to observe the pro- gress and quality of the work and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the intent of the Contract Documents. The OWNER may provide full-time resident observa- tion services at their sole descretion. The ENGINEER will, at the OWNER' s request, provide resident observation services as an additional scope item. e. Review shop drawings, diagrams, illus- trations, catalog data, schedules and samples , the results of tests and inspec- tions, and other data which the Contrac- tor is required to submit. These will be reviewed for general conformance with the design concept of the Project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Such review is not intended as an approval of the submittals if they deviate from the Contract Documents or contain errors, omissions, and inconsistencies. The review is not intended to relieve the Contractor of his full responsibility for Contract performance, nor is the review intended to ensure or guarantee lack of inconsistencies, errors, and/or omissions between the submittals and the Contract requirements. f. Upon completion of operable units, rec- ommend tests and testing schedule , Td observe operation and performance testing. Report findings to the OWNER and Con- tractor. g. Review the Contractor' s monthly payment requests and assist the OWNER in the preparation of monthly progress payments to the Contractor. h. Make a final review of the construction. Assist in negotiating final payment for DFW306/003 6 y« construction and submit a final letter report upon which final settlement and termination of the Construction Contract can be based. The OWNER and appropriate regulatory agencies may furnish a rep- resentative to jointly make the final observation of the construction. 4. Additional Construction Services a. Provide two copies of a maintenance man- ual containing manufacturers ' maintenance instructions for major mechanical equip- ment installed as a part of the PROJECT. The maintenance instructions will include lubrication schedules, recommended lub- ricants, recommended inspection or ser- vice procedures, instructions for disas- sembly and reassembly after repairs, and such other information as is provided by the manufacturers to facilitate equipment maintenance. C. SERVICES SPECIFICALLY NOT INCLUDED This item and Task Order specifically excludes the following from this Scope of Services: 1 . Engineering services related to the method of financing and the work required to secure finances for the existing plant improvements construction. 2 . Engineering services related to the boundary survey, topographic elevation survey, and geotechnical investigation of the existing wastewater treatment plant site. Work already performed by others and included in the City' s as-built drawings of the existing wastewater treatment plant will be used in the design. 3 . Construction services under Section II-B of this Task Order do not include resident observation, O&M Manual preparation, startup services, and operator training. III. COMPENSATION As consideration for providing the services enumerated above, the OWNER shall pay the ENGINEER for its services as follows: DFW306/003 7 At a multiplier of 2.25 times the ENGINEER' s sal- ary costs plus 1 .10 times direct expenses as defined in Provisions 2 and 4 of the ORIGINAL AGREEMENT. The estimated budget for the Short- Term Improvements Design Services is $43, 100. The estimated budget for the Short-Term Improvements Construction Services is $19 , 800 . The total A estimated budget is $62, 900 and will not be exceeded without the written approval of the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this TASK ORDER NO. 3 on the respective dates written below. FOR CITY OF WYLIE By Name Title By Name Title Dated this day of March 1987 FOR CH2M HILL CENTRAL, INC. By D las Office Manage Dated this 4th day of March 1987 DFW306/003 DFW306/003 8 /f • COLLIN COUNTY August 18, 1986 Mayors of Collin County Cities: An Open Space Plan has now been adopted by the Commissioners' Court of Collin County. This Plan is now being printed and should be available by the end of September, 1986. The Plan proposes a diverse range of programs to be implemented in various time periods and with a variety of funding sources . Some of the funds approved in the 1983 County Bond Program are available to begin implementation of the Plan. Attached is an announcement of the County Open Space Board' s intention to receive applications from interested organizations for County participation in local open space projects. You are invited to submit a request for County participation if you feel you have an appropriate project. If you have any questions, you can contact me at the Public works Department,Collin County Courthouse, r,42-9441 or metro 231-7170 or any Open Space Board member (a list is attached) . Respectfully, (Z-e.,,epi-ce 14/4;01 Clarence Daugherty Director of Public Works 1 • NOTICE OF COUNTY OPEN SPACE GRANT PROJECTS The Collin County Open Space Board will receive grant applications for the County participation in local open space projects at 5: 00 p.m. until October 31 , 1986. Approximately $300,000 will be available for this program, at this time. Organizations are asked to provide the following: 1 . Detailed description of the proposed project 2. Analysis of need or justification for project at the local level 3 . Justification of project in terms of benefit to the County 4 . Project's compliance with the Collin County Open Space Plan 5. Amount of participation requested from County Projects will be evaluated by the Open Space Board and recommendations will be made to the Commissioners' Court for approval . Evaluations will be made primarily on need and on conformity to the goals and recommendations of the Collin County Open Space Plan. Additional information may be requested if necessary after the applications are reviewed. Agencies are encouraged to make a concurrent application to the grant program of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department by the State deadline of January 31, 1987. Grants will be considered at the discretion of the Open Space Board and the Commissioners' Court. All or any part of these funds may be withheld if it is the opinion of the Board and Court that no suitable projects are proposed. Application should be sent to: Collin County Open Space Board Department of Public Works 210 McDonald St. 6th Floor McKinney, Texas 75069 5 COLtIN COUNTY OPEN SPACE BOARD Charles Belew, Chairman John Powell Frances Williams • Elta Chandler Sidna Leavenworth Georgia Green Robert Powers - Ex-0Mcio member - i ,....,__, WreIe & CORPORATION DATE INTERNATIONAL February 25, 1987 NATIONAL C)FF�ES P. O. BOX 15580 INVOICE NUMBER `.FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76119 3 4 3 8 Local 478-1137 Metro 572-0351 City of Wylie 114 N. Ballard P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Cust#662 PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. NET 10 DAYS S DESCRIPTION RE: City of Wylie Municipal Complex Job#60903 ' Draw #4 See Spread Sheet: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE DRAW #4: 178,968.05 SPEED FAB-CRETE �� *'04,e/ AV LAST AMUUaI CORPORATION INTERNATIONALIN THIS COL;',, , APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G702 I TO(OWNER): City of Wylie PROJECT: City of Wylie Municipal Complex APPLICATION NO: #4 Distribution to: 114 N. Ballard ❑ OWNER Wylie, Texas 75098 PERIOD TO: 2/25/87 0 ARCHITECT 0 CONTRACTOR FROM(CONTRACTOR):Speed Fab—Crete Corp. VIA(ARCHITECT): Less Stuart Associates ARCHITECT'S ❑ 1150 E. Mansfield Hwy PROJECT NO: 60903 ❑ Fort Worth, Texas 76119 CONTRACT FOR: City Municipal Complex CONTRACT DATE: 9/05-86 Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 1,734,838.00 Change Orders approved in ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS 2. Net change by Change Orders $ .00 previous months by Owner 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE(Line 1 ± 2) $ 1,734,838.00 TOTAL 4. TOTAL COMPLETED&STORED TO DATE $ 385,116.88 Approved this Month Number Date Approved 5. RETAINAGE: a. 10 % of Completed Work $ 38,511.69 NI "U b. % of Stored Material $ 'U Total Retainage(Line 5a + 5b or 38,511.69 TOTALS ± Total in Column 1 $ Net change by Change Orders 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $ =346;605.19 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been PAYMENT(Line 6 from prior Certificate) $ 167,637.14 paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE $ 178,968.05 issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAGE $ 1,388,232.81 herein is now due. (Line 3 less Line 6) CONTRACTOR:SPEED FAB—CRETE CORPORATION, INT'L State of: 4ve.c.o County of: r-,..�a4/et-$'t Subscribed and sww to befor�thhis a�f� day of . ,1917 n / Notary Public: z, By Date: d��� v My Commission expires: C _ _�� AMOUNT CERTIFIED $(7e a fbe ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT (Attach explanatio if amount cacti ' differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT: ( f In accordance with the Contract Documents, based onon-site observations and the � � �� data comprising the above application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as ' - 1, Date: � indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and is certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. x CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G702A PAGE OF PAGE$ APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing CITY OF WYLIE 1 CONTRACTOR'S signed Certification is attached. APPLICATION NUMBER: In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. *4 Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: WORK COMPLETED libvV0.5 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED STORED TOTAL COMPLETED AND BALANCE RETAINAGE No. ' . VALUE Previous This MATERIALS STORED TO DATE o TO FINISH A B C Applications Application F G(D+E+F) 'O H(C-G) I D E SITE WORK - 58,564.00 46,851.20 11,712.80 58,564.00 100/. 0.00 TEMP SERVICES 4,500.00 450.00 450.00 900.00 20X 3,600.00 ARCHITECT DRAWINGS 6,050.00 6,050.00 0.00 6,050.00 1001 0.00 SHOP DRAWINGS 15,500.00 15,500.00 0.00 15,500.00 100% 0.00 ENG. STAMP 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000,00 100'/, 0.00 FOUNDATION WORK 107,545.00 5,371.25 43,018.00 48,395.25 45X 59,149.75 PIERS 25,245.00 18,933.75 6,311.25 25,245.00 100% 0.00 CONCRETE WORK 333,429.00 3,334.29 0.00 3,334.29 1% 330,094.71 STRIPING 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 1,200.00 PRECAST WORK 210,163.00 0.00 63,048.90 63,048.90 30 147,114.10 WYLIE SIGN 14,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 14,000.00 ' JOINT/WALL TREATMENT 8,575.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 8,575.00 il..( JOIST/GIRDER!DECK 82,198.00 0.00 47,674.84 47,674.84 58% 34,523.16 GUILT UP ROOF 85,488.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 85,488.00 SPRINKLER SYSTEM 39,060.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 39,060.00 GLASS/DOORS-WINDOWS 33,612.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 OX 33,612.00 DRIVE THROUGH WINDOW 4,918.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 4,918.00 INTERIOR/WOOD DOORS 36,804.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,804.00 DRYWALL & CEILING 143,244.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 143,244.00 FLOORING 35,860.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 35,660.00 PAINTING 11,998.00 f A i` v.0i. 0.00 ;.Ot' DI 11,998.00 CARPENTRY 4•220.l( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0I 4,220.00 PLUMBING 78,792.00 0.00 23,631.60 23,637.60 301 55,154.40 ELECTRICAL 99,334.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0: 99,334.00 A-C/HEATING 90,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 90,000.00 FLAG POLE 7,751.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 7,751.00 JAIL EQUIPMENT 63,530.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 63,530.00 TOLIET ACCESSORIES 11,591.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 11,591.00 CLEAN UP 5,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 5,100.00 SUPERINTENDENT 30,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 207. 24,000.00 SUB TOTAL OR TOTAL CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE OF PAGES APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT, containing CONTRACTOR'S signed Certification is attached. APPLICATION NUMBER: In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: WORK COMPLETED ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED STORED TOTAL COMPLETED AND BALANCE RETAINAGE No. VALUE Previous This MATERIALS STORED TO DATE TO FINISH A B C Applications Application F G(D+E+F) ' H(C—G) I PERFORMANCE BOND 19,327.00 19,327.00 0.00. 19,327.00 100X 0.00 INSURANCE 66,440.00 66,440.00 0.00 66,440.00 100X 0.00 ii SUB TOTAL OR TOTAL 1,734,838.00 186,263.49 198,853.39 385,116.88 1,349,721,12 ie CITY OF VV.YLIE 108 S. JACKSON — P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 (214) 442-2236 March 3 , 1987 To : Gus Pappas , City Manager From: James Johnson, Finance Director Re: Financial Advisory Charges-1st Southwest Company Charges-$7617 . 00 Attached is a recent statement received from the First Southwest Company for financial advisory services related to the issuance of the $135 , 000 in equipment notes which was funded thru the Personal Property Finance Contract for the acquisition of the Allen ambulances and other public safety equipment . The remainder of the funds are invested under the name of the Public Safety Equipment Fund of which there is approximately $92 , 950 including some interest accured to date . As you can see from Exhibit A of the contract , $10, 000 was budgeted for this expense . Status of Fund Sale of Notes $ 135 .000 Purchase of 2 ambulances -42 ,500 92 , 500 Partial interest Accural + 450 92 , 950 Less Financial Advisory Charges -7 , 617 upon Council approval 85 ,333 Estimated balance March 15th EXHIBIT A PROPERTY The Property which is the subject of the attached Personal Property Finance Contract is as follows : Invoice Quantity Description Price 1 Used 1983 Type 2 Ford Super Van Econoline 250 $21, 250 1 Used 1981 Type 1 Ford Modular F-350 $21, 250 1 New 1986 Type 1 Modular Ambulance $69 , 500 1 New 1986 Fire Department Rescue Suburban $13 , 000 Costs of Financing $10 , 000 �✓7 FIRST So it/u,2e& COMPANY INVESTMENT BANKERS 800 DALLAS BUILDING 1807 COMMERCE ST. DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 DAVID K. MEDANICH VICE PRESIDENT �2fa, 742-6461 February 24, 1987 Mr. Gus Pappas City Manager City of Wylie P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: $135,000 City of Wylie, Texas Equipment Notes Dear Gus: In regard to the above described issue, I am enclosing our Statement of charges for Financial Advisory services rendered and expenses incurred pursuant to our Financial Advisory Agreement with the City dated and accepted August 12, 1986. I appreciate very much the opportunity to work with you and the City on this financing and trust it was handled to your complete satisfaction. ,,; y;,:,,. Should you have any questions pertaining to this or any other matter, please don't hesitate to call. Sincere David K. Medanich DKM:dp Enclosures cc: Mr. James Johnson Director of Finance Wylie, Texas STATEMENT FIRST 030fithiVeot COMPANY INVESTMENT BANKERS MERCANTILE DALLAS BUILDING DALLAS,TEXAS 75201 February 24, 1987 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 L Financial Advisory services rendered and expenses incurred relative to the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of $135,000 City of Wylie, Texas Equipment Notes, Series 1986 per Financial Advisory Agreement dated August 12, 1986 $ 7,617.00 • /J� TO: CITY COUNCIL • FROM: GUS PAPPAS, CITY MANAGER DATE : MARCH 6 , 1987 SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDERS FOR MUNICIPAL COMPLEX There have been no authorized change orders in the contractual amount of the City Hall until now; so the original contract sum of $1 ,734,838 .00 has remained. The first change order included in your packet deals with five small additions to the complex . Reasons for these changes are self-evident from the attached form. The dollar figure is however, incorrect, since continued discussion with Speed Fab-Crete has reduced that amount. The staff would recommend the Council ' s authorization of change order #1 in the amount of $6 ,842.00 . In addition, a group of expenses has been laid before you that would change the contract and become a part of change order #2 . They address several questions that heretofore have been unresolved. The staff would recommend that you authorize the signing of change order #2 in the amount of $19,135 .00 . That would make the current total contract with Speed Fab-Crete $1 ,760,815.00 . Change order #2 , if approved by you as recommended, would settle several questions. First , we would not have parking lot lighting of the "pretty" type with underground wires. That option would cost us $40,800 .00 ; whereas we can have TP&L install what amounts to street lights with overhead wires for $500 .00 and do the improvements of underground nice lights later when the City can better afford it and when the possibility exists to share the cost with the adjacent developer. Also, approving the change order as recommended would designate electric heat in the building. Our study and research has indicated that while gas operation is cheaper, it would take too many years to get the original investment back. The other items are pretty much housecleaning. The study on the heat and air system is enclosed and Mr . Johnson is prepared to discuss it with you at length should you desire to do so . Co , MEMORANDUM TO: Gus Pappas, City Manager FROM: Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer DATE: Febuary 13, 1987 RE: Heating Fuel For City Complex Having read the engineers report and analyized his findings, it was my thought that the variables mentioned warranted investigation. My sources indicate that : ( 1 ) The orfices of a propane system tend to clog, therefore an annual cleaning and adjustment is required. (2) The heating elements tend to rust and therefore require an annual removal of rust in order to eliminate the insulating quality of the rust. (Rust=Ferrous material + moisture) (Moisture=one of the by products of combustion) Chem. I (3) Due to the rust in item (2) the elements will need to be replaced in three to five years. (4) Units do not come from the factory equipped for L. P. G. , a $75. 00 conversion kit is required for each unit total of $1125. 00. (5) We should be concerned with the asthetics of an unsightly propane tank adjacent to a beautiful edifice such as the Municipal Complex. (6) In our discussions with contractors the subject of maintenance contracts indicated that a contract for a heat pump system would be comparatively constant at $1100. 00 per year, the contract for a propane system would be $1300. 00 to $1500. 00 per year initially but after three years could increase to approximately $2000. 00 per year. I make no recommendations however, I thought you should have all the facts before deciding yours. 6 / • URDY 4CGIJ I R E NC. Mechanical•Electrical Engineers WILLIAM J. McCORMICK, P.E. President January 29, 1987 Mr. James E. Johnson City of Wylie 108 S . Jackson P . 0 . Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: HVAC and Heating Energy Source Comparison Supplement PMI Project No. 87002 Dear Mr . Johnson : Based upon revised first cost criteria, received from your office , for the extension of the natural gas service , we have updated our payback analysis . Please note that based upon this revised analysis , PMI restates the previous recommendation that propane be used as the heating fuel source for• this project . If our office can be of any further service, please do not hesitate to contact us . Yours truly, PURDY-NMcGUIRE , INCORPORATED William J . McCormick, P. E . WJM/tks Enclosure 14901 Quorum Drive-Suite 900 Dallas,Texas 75240.214-239-5357 WYLIE CITY COMPLEX HVAC AND ENERGY SOURCE COMPARISON SUPPLEMENT REVISED PAYBACK ANALYSIS REVISED COST TO EXTEND GAS MAIN = 1/2 ($71 , 812) _ $35 , 906 YEARS TO SEASONAL ; MARGINAL ; PAYBACK CONCEPTUAL ; MARGINAL ; ENERGY , ENERGY ; COST OF ENERGY ALLOWANCE COSTS COSTS COSTS , NATURAL SOURCE ; (DOLLARS ) (DOLLARS) ( DOLLARS) (DOLLARS) ; GAS ; Electricity ; 20 , 000 - 15 , 006 2 , 950 + 1 , 750 9 ; Natural , Gas 35 , 906 -- -- - - -- 1 , �2 00 ; Propane 5 , 000 -30 , 906 2 , 300 +- 1 , 100 28 Discussion : It is obvious from the table that based upon this analysis , propane is a more economic choice than electricity as the heating energy source . Propane has a lower eonceptual allowance for the cost to provide and utilize the energy source ( i . e . , first cost ) and is less expensive to consume on a seasonal basis . The payback analysis also reveals that propane is a more economic choice over natural gas by a ratio of 28 to 9 - more than 3 times . The comparison between propane and natural gas reveals that it would take 28 years for the savings from the lower seasonal costs of natural gas to offset the large costs to install the main extension. 10�- (9.JIti-,,, I ee7 -t41 /) 7 ,r 737 , eicf.,,,,,e, e,fzigi_ -41 _________±,:})_LL----13C.- 7Zau, �..,.-r.r.Z, /J 7 G o f5'/S". St CHANGE OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ORDER CONTRACTOR ❑ FIELD ❑ , -. AIA DOCUMENT G701 OTHER PROJECT: Attn: Gus Pappas CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: One (1) (name, address) City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 TO (Contractor) Wylie, Texas 75098 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: Speed Fab-Crete Corp. , Inc. P.O. Box 15580 CONTRACT FOR: Fort Worth, Texas 76119 L J CONTRACT DATE: You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: Add: Additional pass for lime stablilization called for by Hooper Testing $ 2,376 -- lei g J Add: Change sign from "Wylie City Complex" to "Wylie Municipal Complex" 119 1 1i Add: Testing 4,292 4 317; Add: Insurance for changes listed 367 P -3 'Z E Add: Shower (fiberglass) in Women's Room 158 (3' x 3') 840-1 9(1 C Total $ 7,994 7,8 y;� The original Contract Sum was $ 1,734,838.00 Net change by previous Change Orders $ —0— • The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,734,838.00 • The Contract Sum will be (increased) (d (I ) by this Change Order . . . $ 7,994.00 . The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 1,742,832.00 The Contract Time will be puwizemxzwzgaw(unchanged) by ( ) Days. The Date of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is Lee Stuart & Associates Speed Fab-Crete Corp. Int'1. City of Wylie A TE C POTR TO R . fox 15580 P.O. 15580 OWNER Address Address Address •O Box 428 Fort Worth as 7 119 F t Worth, T 76 19 Wylie, Texas 75098 e BY r BY DATE DATE 02 —/9 g DATE J z /✓ +G rr 1 kr AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHANGE ORDER • APRIL 1970 EDITION • AIA® • © 1970 • THE ONE PAGE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW,WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 • RIDGLEA OFFICE SUPPLY INC. --- r 1 , DAVE BLOXOM'S SPEED FAB-CRETE CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL P. O. BOX 15580 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76119 LOCAL 478-1137 METRO 572-035tt MESSAGE• REPLY TO DATE DATE Z/I4:31637 Q / v _1.�1C.•�O� �'h'/�5 LcJ iT/� SIGNED 47 .2 r r tx 7`r it'`'�a "„° 'WiS+ i-r,777rt R 7�''r" - s'iyg:'r� r a 11"4"f 7 _ ",-.,... . ._ t S T he. WE I �.. Pe�-fo e �. � a � � e �adesr cue r< d . g (.........___,... THE WEDGE SERIES: ' Its unique styling evolves around a Ok • . universal optical assembly for both long .,. 1 . range and wide beam distribution. Its S� y:. bold, modern design will meet the `, challenges of any lighting needs. O� N . ' ,max V ‘1V:‘1.." 'Te...77rilet' , '"'':____,.,...-7„....? -0c....,..,......"...^...#""......, .117... 2'44,."''..,.....*7.1` mos. .v‘i.ii-ir-ms24.1, 1:1 --e .4.0.............. •<� ' i ::. ���ems.... abYiY1L + .f. - )" ,, rn a . _ Si •s•� + I I`�e-74 NT— ad: . . .i. , �� n '+" `1. .. • , SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC. 3477 W. Touhy Ave. • Lincolnwood, IL 60645 • (312) 674-7100 Lighting for Commerce & Industry 1-800-544-4848 Ballast r 36" _ Compartment I —1T " IoIrnp 6„ 8" i . 19" �'�- i ..., 11111.• -Lamp 1 �..--18"—op. FIXTURE ORDERING INFORMATION: FEATURES: Cat. # WL- - - 1. A completely waterproof one-piece formed aluminum 250 HPS DB - Duranodic MT - MultiTap housing. Access to lamp and ballast compartment 400 HPS Bronze Ballast thru two aluminum hinged doors. 1000 HPS (120, 208, 240 2. One-piece tempered lens designed for sharp cut-off 250 MH TB - Textured & 277) of back light. Oriented at 17° above horizontal for 400 MH Black maximum performance. 1000 MH 480V 250 MV TW -Textured 3. Optical system designed for optimum efficiency for 400 MV White long & wide light patterns. Fabricated of polished 1000 MV Alzak aluminum. NOTE: Consult factory for other colors and accessories. 4. Luminaire finished in weatherproof powder coat paint. 4"sq. Pole w/Top Cap FEATURES: POLE ORDERING INFORMATION' oi I Cat. # SSP-18- 1. Steel pole finished with weatherproof, rust o Threaded preventative paint.(Wrapped for protection.) (Example: SSP-18-SGL.) o Mtg. 2. Furnished with (4) galvanized anchor bolts Holes (3/4" x 36" + 3" hook) plus 3 nuts & 2 washers and metal template. 3. Handhole provided. Sgl. Dbl. 90° NOTE: Consult factory for other pole sizes and accessories. 1 :1 D-° D : El E LJ__ .125 wall Pole —12% Dbl. 180° thickness Base Trpl. Plate t ' ''/ --f' fir—� —14"— � 10" ` 24�, CI 4' OI Hand-Hole -0- 10"40- 18„ ❑ w/Cover ` - Dbl. F 10" Bolt Circle Y Quad. Tapered Steel Base for Concrete Pour (Optional) SECURITY LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC REPORT some; UPS WATTS: 400 LAMP: S'51 MODEL NO.: '4AOH► T wlSS►•1{-SG1 SGL - D B • 11 ,*010100, 40' 8. 5 1.5 60' 5 =s 80' 40' 20' 0' 20' 40' 20' Mounting Height (18'pole on 2'concrete base) 17' Sloped Refractor System suitable for both wide and long range lighting needs. Suggested spacing between poles Is 85' for a minimum of 1 Ic. at grade. SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS, INC 3477 W. Touhy Avenue, Lincolnwood , Illinois 60645 �n Toll Free 1/800•544.4$4$ U In Illinois 312-674•7100