04-04-1983 (City Council) Agenda Packet POSTED: 3-31-83 TIME: 11:45 a.m. . .4,;_ OF 4, 1 G LAKE 'cfte. LAVON WYLIE • LAKE RAY HUBBARD AGENDA SPECIAL CALL SESSION CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 4, 1983 5:30 p.m. Canvass returns of City Council election. sc 114 NORTH BALLARD P.O.BOX 207,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PHONE(214)442-2236 CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS COLLIN COUNTY CHIEF APPRAISER Robert Collins,Chairman Don W. Caldwell,CTA,RPA I)r. Leo Fitzgerald, Secretary 1201 W. 15th Street, Room 136 Ernest Chesney,Jr. Plano, Texas 75075 Jack C. Faubion Anthony Geer 214/423 8802 214/542-0306 DATE: March 29, 1983 TO: Collin County Officials FROM: Don W. Caldwell SUBJECT: House Bill 1551 For your information, House Bill 1551 has been filed by Representative Bill Ceverha of Richardson. The bill will exempt stock in a bank from ad valorem taxation and subjects banks to state franchise tax with some allocation to the tax units which taxed the banks the preceding year. The allocation process would be thru the comptroller of public accounts and all protests on the allocation would be thru his office. G LAKE f LAVON WYLIE • LAKE RAY HUBBARD WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTEER POLICE UNIT QUALIFICATIONS: AGE: Minimum age 19 yeakz PHYSICAL: Meet Texaz Camm.iz& on on Law Eniotcement 0�{�tcetc Standakdz and Education phyz,ica and p4 ychoPog<icae ztandatcd4. OTHER: Must be 1. ) £_1cenzed State o6 Texan Peace O46,icetc not cwvicentey empto yed on commL &Zoned ass a peace o 6{.ice t within the State; on 2. ) capabP e 06 being £ cen s ed State a 4 Texato Peace M,icen upon appoint- ment (i.e. , have pnev.iouzPy been cammizzioned o66icen within the State 06 Texa4); Must poloezz a vati.d Texas, d,t,Lven'd ticenoe and have a good dn.iving necond; Mint be ava.ieabte bon emergency duty; Mint attend one (1 ) negw akey schedueed meeting pen month; Mw t donate 15 hounz vo.eunteen 4env.ice each month. GENERAL: Ate apptLcantz 4an the Va.eunteek Pa-e.i.ce Unit must be citizen 0.6 the United State . Ate, appZicantz must be 06 good mono chatcactetc. A comp.eete bacfagnound inveisti.gatIon ins conducted on each appZicant. Wet compeetion o6 the baclzgnound .i.nvezt-iga ion, appointment to the Vo2unteetc Unit .us dependant upon the acceptance by the Chief 06 Po1dce. VLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTEER POLICE UNIT QUALIFICATIONS (Continued) GENERAL: Time spent on Vowunteen Unfit ae vJ ed/a44ignmentz compeeteJy vofuntany, without any type compen4a- .Lon. Vofun.een o44,icetc moat be nezpons.ibte 4on a t pen ona2 L emns requited .in the peqonmance o4 h s duties. The City o6 GUyeie w..I e 4wcni h each q{.icen with one set o 4 department un i4 onm4. Spou4e4 o4 tegutait. o44.ice (i.e. , employed as peace o44icenz 4on the City o4 wytie) cannot be eon4.idened ass Volunteer Unit membe't . Foh. 4wc then £niSolcmation, contact: Wye Pot ice Department 112 South Ba2eand St-&eet Wylie, Texas 75098 214-442-2222 (Da2eas Metro) Cji-js/\(- WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTEER POLICE UNIT RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 . ) A22 Vo2wnteet Unit v6 .Lcex)s 4ha22 abide by the nuLe4 and negutan.Lov 6 a4 atab2.i4hed by the City o6 Wylie Po2.Lce Department. In addition to depantmenta2 nula and negu.2at.Lov4, all o 6.Lcenus 4ha22 abide by the nu2e2 and negulatLovu atabU hed Sor the Vo2LLVLteeJL Unit. 2. ) A vo2u.nteen. o 6,6.Lce t 4 ha22 acquaint h.i.m4 c2Vheu e26 with a2.2 po Uc L o, nuZes, neguYaLLon4, ondens and pnocedune4 which apply to him/hex and to the won(z to which he/she us a,.o&.igned. 3. ) A voeunteenJha22 coopeaate with the neguLan o(iS.Lce and me.mbetcs the department. A vo2unteett o“,Lcen 4hall be /subject to the on.duus o6 a negu1an oiS1,Lcetc at a22 times. 4. ) Wh.i,Le on duty, a member o5 the Vo!unteex Unit mu4t nema'Ln a2eat, ob- 4etcvant, and occupied with the buws.ine44 06 the depatctmen-t. 5. ) A vowunteen o64icen to whom a neazonabPe and 2aw6ul onden tis add/Lazed by a 4upeaion o“ice'L on the Ch.ie oiS Police, zha22 not wL?2SwUy dizobey that ondett. 6. ) Each o,6 6.Lcen '12 nequ,ined to maintain a telephone at hi4 auidence and c� to advi4e the depantmevtt oiS any change in telephone 4- atu4. a. ) Notice oiS change oi5 addne44 on telephone /should be made .in writing within one (1 ) week o{y v uch change; b. ) I S o 5 5.Lcen wilt be unavailable at hi4 nu,Ldence addne44 Son any length o5 time (to exceed one (1 ) week) , thL o55.Lcen to nepont same to the Police Department and advize department 06 /s,ctuation. 7. ) A vo2w'iteen o{5.Lcen shall maize no written on ona2 4tate.ment4 on dacu44 any ctc im.ina2 case on civil cage concenn.ing the Wylie Police Depantmevct on any othen department on po2.ice agency with which the o55.icen wonfzed without the peuona2 consent o5 the Ch ie5 o5 Police to maize Ouch •state- ment on to ente& Ln-to Ouch dacu44.ion. 8. ) A voeunteex o55i.cen.oha22 not canny a 5t'Leanm until he hay been com- m4:44.Lo ned by the State o 5 Texas a4 an o 5 5.Lcen 5 on the City o 5 Wylie. 9. ) Unit membetc4 shall not accept employment, 1SuLe. on pant-time, which witt any way dizcnedit the depcuctment. 10. ) Employment az part-t-ime zecunity guand4, bartenderz, etc. , 6on- b.idden uviezz expnezzly approved by the Ch.i.e o6 Police. 11 . ) In the event a ne4enve oUicen become's itt and .cto unable to nepoa 4on a rtegweakey 4chedu2ed ass&.ignment, he 4haU immediately contact hits zupen.Lon o{i.icett. 12. ) No volunteer o66.icett 4hc 2 be allowed to canny an o“-duty iS,vteanm un2e z pen.mizz ion haz been granted by the Ch.iei oiS Potice. 13. ) No votuv,teetc o(6.icejc zhatt uwe Gws badge on ID card to 4ecwce Savonz in any 6onm. The u.oe o5 the badge and ID .its iSon o“.iciat depcuctment buzine24 only. 14. ) An o“.icer becoming involved .in any o6,6-duty action involving the Wylie Potice Depcv tment wLU not.i�y y the ChieiS o iS Potice, and immedi- ately 4ubmJt to the Ch.ieiS a complete, iSactuaf, mitten report o6 the incident. 15. ) Volunteers o .icetc4 are expected to attend the negutan acheduted monthly meeting of the Volunteer Unit, and any others zpec at meeti'igz ar, ca fled. 16. ) A volunteer o{ cer 4 hall be nequined to abide by a- l the negwlatt.on4 06 the Lnd.ividuat a-sz-ignment to which he/she .cz azzigned. 17. ) A volunteer oiS{.icen 4hatt be .swspended on 4epanated iSnom the Volunteer Unit iSon violation o i Wy2 i.e Potice Department on Wytie Potice Depatct- ment Volunteer Potice Unit nufez. 18. ) Volunteer unit o“Lcervs may be nequ fed to .6upp4 the Chief oiS Police with a bond payable at the time oi5 appointment. TUz nequirsement .ins governed by the Ch.ieiS of Potice, az coverage .cz apptLed iSon through the City o iS Gl ytie PoZice Depcurtment. 19. ) A depo4.i t 2 negwined iSon aft volunteer o iS{.icen badg e-s. The badge .c,b the property of the Wylie Police Department and mu4t be netwtned to the department at time oi5 nez.ignat.ion. The depo4,it iSon the badge wLU be netwtned to the unit member upon nece,ipt oiS the badge. 20. ) Unit memb etas 4 ha t be neq witted to ma.i,nta.in pro iS.icienc y in the ups e o iS iS.ireanma az negwired by the department and ,state ztatutes. 21 . ) AU -item4 .c.z-sued to a unit member: badge, ID card, uni,iyonm, 4houlden patches, etc. , must be returned to the department upon tenm.ination on ne ignation iSnom the Volunteer Unit. 22. ) Unit membetus are ung ed to add Rider 216 to thedtt pnes ent automo bit e Uabit ty inzunance coverage. Th.vo .cro the law enuioncement oiSiicett'4 liabit ty inzunance attachment. Th.vo added coverage would be at the oiSiS.icer''o pe oonat expevze and the o66icen would obtain such coverage through hi4/heft .ind.ividuat inzunance agent. Thus coverage -cry not, however, mandatory. 23. ) Volunteer o•iLcehs must be able to at-tend Munic i..pat Count az necez-oany.