01-11-1983 (City Council) Agenda Packet 't.. Time posted: 9:45 �' ) -- Date posted: 1-7- 4 - r U �c 1 s bh il/vz.. 31 ��~ OF jam, '1,t t,�'-�, / kx, "I� ��� t' G LAKE ,f c LAVON y( , A:5 "J is aa , WYLIE • n 2 , y �L�-� 1 tit U�4 LAKE (,.. �YII �/ , RAY HUBBARD �/ PIA' "..)ibtri,,nr,e, )\/ Pl•- AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING c -ei , lie , JANUARY 11, 1983 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to order; invocation. - - ° U'��' �`�` 2. Approve minutes of previous meetings and accounts payable. ))\1---/3. Conduct first public hearing on petition to annex approximately 674 acres, Birmingham Trust Land. 4. Conduct public hearing on request to rezone 17.1 acres, Kinsing- ton Manor Addition, from Agriculture to SF-2 residential . This property is located east of F.M. 2514 (N. Ballard) and south of J & T Cabinet Shop. 5. Consider approval of preliminary plat for Kinsington Manor Addition. 6. Conduct public hearing on request to rezone Lot 1, Block 6, Keller Addition (400 S. Jackson) from SF-2 residential to retail business (offi'ce use).. 7. Consider approval of Meadow Heights Addition, located outside the City on East Old Highway 78. 8. Consider cooperative City-School project to pave Pirate Drive from Second west to S. Ballard. 9-. Authorize invitation to bid on hydraulic rescue tool. 10. Authorize replacement of water-damaged City Hall carpet. 11 . Departmental reports. 12. Mayor's report and Council discussion. 13. Citizen participation. 14. Adjourn. 114 NORTH BALLARD P.O.BOX 428,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PHONE(214)442-2236 DATE: January 7, 1983 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Manager' s Newsletter You may recall that the Planning & Zoning Commission requested the City Council to authorize review of all site plans for multi-family developments prior to issuance of any building permits. It is suggested that the Council discuss this request during the Council discussion period at the January 11 Council meeting, after which you can instruct the administration as to the method to be used in authorizing the Planning & Zoning Commission to make site plan reviews, if such is your desire. Further, it would be helpful if the Council would specify any additional procedures to be contained in the instructions to the Planning & Zoning Commission for such reviews. We anticipate the Planning & Zoning Commission will review the pro- posal for water department improvements to West Wylie at their meeting of January 13. The need for improved water service in West Wylie is apparent, but it is difficult to find a way to finance such improve- ments without major increases in the water and sewer rates. We believe such increases would be very unpopular at this time. Under Texas law, the Mayor is the Civil Defense Director for the City. We recommended that Mayor Squires attend the 22nd annual Emergency Management Conference in Austin on February 15-17, but he directed that Mr. Brian Cowan attend the conference on behalf of the City. We have made travel arrangements and pre-registered Mr. Cowan for this conference. We are not aware as to whether a Wylie representative has been appointed to serve on the Citizen's Advisory Committee for Collin County, but if one has not been appointed they should be. The names of John W. Akin and Mrs. Sue Webster were discussed at the meeting of December 2 and Mayor Squires agreed to hold nominations open for one week from that date. We hope to have an update on the poll for the street paving projects on Memorial and Mardi Gras for you at the meeting of Tuesday evening. Mr. Bill James has turned in most of the "ballots" on one of the streets, but we need to update the other one. We did some extensive research on the request by Council member Reta Allen as to why J & T Cabinet Shop is not on the tax roll . We checked the ordinance and the Council minute books and talked personally with several members of the City Council who voted on this annexation pro- cedure in 1979, and all of them said that they knew of no reason why J & T Cabinet Shop should not have been placed on the tax roll in 1979. We can only surmise that then City Manager/Tax Collector Denton Miller did not make the necessary entry on the tax roll . We understand he left soon thereafter, and the omission was not picked up by the suc- ceeding two City Managers nor by me. I talked yesterday with Mr. Troy Gibson and explained the circumstances to him. He agreed that the matter was not discussed at all at the two meetings during the annexation proceedings, but did not pay any taxes to the City because he did not receive a bill . Mr. Gibson agreed to dis- Page 2 cuss the matter with his father and then come in and discuss it with me further. I agreed to recommend that the Council waive any payment of penalty and interest on the taxes for tax year 1980 or 81 , provided they would pay the entire tax bill prior to January 31 , 1983. We did not place this on the agenda because we do not know what their position will be, but will have it on the agenda for your next Council meeting. Our efforts to see that such matters do not occur include the furnishing of certified copies of each subdivision plat which is added to City, copies of the building permits for all improvements or new dwellings or new structures added to the City, together with personal communications with the Central Appraisal District on all items on which there is any question whatsoever. We shall appreciate the assistance of any Council member or any other citizen who has reason to believe someone is not on the tax roll and should be. Several weeks ago we provided the City Council with a memo concerning the proposal by the School District for City-School cooperation in paving Pirate Drive from Second Street west to South Ballard. Basically, the School proposes to have the City furnish men and equipment to provide the preliminary grading and excavation for this project, with the School furnishing engineering and contracting for the actual installation of the concrete pavement and any necessary drainage structures. In this instance, it appears that fill will need to be borrowed elsewhere and hauled to the site, because there is a swag in the area to be paved. Mr. Chris Sanders, North Texas Contractors, has agreed to load the necessary fill clay on our trucks at the North Texas Municipal Water District plant, where we can transport and place it in the Pirate Drive subbase area. We esti- mate the cost for labor and equipment for the City's share of this pro- ject to be in the neighborhood of $2,200 to $2,500. This expenditure will be for labor and fuel for the trucks to haul the clay. Council member Reta Allen has advised that the Committee has alarge number of carpet samples and that they will secure a cost estimate from Ted's Floors for replacement carpet at City Hall. Wylie Insurance Agency has sent an insurance adjuster who agreed to allow $2,018 insurance coverage toward the replacement of the carpet in City Hall . We estimate most of the carpet can be replaced for this amount of money, with out=of- pocket expenses by the City limited to $400. to $500, extra dollars. Please refer to the Agenda Brief for additional details on other agenda items. The budget status report for the first quarter of F.Y. 1983 in included in your agenda packet. Both revenues and expenditures are near antici- pations. General Fund revenue came in at 37.7%, while expenditures were 25.1%. Utility Fund revenue came in at 26.2%, while expenditures amounted to 33.4%, and overrun which was caused by the purchase of materials for the sanitary sewer lift station east of Wylwood V and the cemetery and for the materials for the water mains to the installed on Mardi Gras and Memorial . sbh COUNCIL AGENDA BRIEF JANUARY11 , 1983 7:00 P.M. Item #3 involves the first public hearing on a petition to annex approximately 674 acres known as the Birmingham Trust Land and located west of Wylie and north of F.M. 3412. The Birmingham Land Board of Trustees has petitioned the City Council to annex this land so that it may be protected against encroachment by other entities and as stated through the chairman that they have no present plans for development of the land. The Birmingham Trust Land has been recommended for annexation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. If the first hearing results in a favorable vote by the City Council , a second public hearing on the annexation will take place on the site at a future date to be named by the City Council . Item #4 involves a public hearing on a request by Mr. Don Kreymer to rezone 17.1 acres of land for subdivision as Kinsington Manor Addition from agri- culture to Single Family-2 residential zoning. The property is located just east of F.M. 2514 and south of the J & T Cabinet Shop. It has been recommended for rezoning by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Item #5 will be considered if the Council votes to rezone the Kinsington Manor Addition. A preliminary plat has been prepared for the subdivision of this 17.1 acres and has been previously approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Item #6 involves a public hearing on a request to rezone Lot 1, Block 6 of Keller Addition from Single Family-2 residential to retail business for general office use. This property is adjacent to other properties which are presently zoned for retail business and would be an extension of that zoning. It has been recommended for rezoning by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Item #7 involves Council approval of a plat for a proposed Meadow Heights Addition, located outside the City limits east of Wylie on East Old Highway 78. The Collin County Commissioner's court has requested the City of Wylie to approve such proposed subdivisions prior to County approval , because under State law, land within five miles of an adjacent city should be approved by the City for subdivision and development prior to County approval . The Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this subdivision plat. Item #8 involves Council approval of a cooperative City-School project to extend the pavement of Pirate Dr iye from Second Street. west.to. South Ballard, Under a previous arrangement, the section of Pirate Drive from Hilltop west to South Second was paved by the School District after City forces had performed the preliminary grading and excavation. In this instance, the School has requested the City to again provide the preliminary grading and excavation, after which the School will contract for the installation of the lime stabilized subbase and the concrete street pavement. Item #9 involves authority to invite bids on a hydraulic rescue tool for the Wylie Volunteer Fire Department. Several weeks ago, the City Council agreed to furnish up to $4,000 of the cost of such a rescue tool provided the Volunteer Fire Department would furnish the other estimated $4,000 cost. Recently, the Volunteer Fire Department, with City staff assistance, Page 2 mailed out postcards to the people of Wylie requesting voluntary Bona- ' tions of any amount to help pay for 50% of the cost of the rescue equipment. Several weeks ago, a water pipe in an adjacent building ruptured, causing water to seep into City Hall and ruin or damage most of the carpet. The City carries insurance for such damages and item #10 is a request for authority from the Council to submit the insurance claim and to purchase replacement carpet for City Hall . It appears that 85 to 90% of the cost of replacement carpet will be covered by insurance. LSV/sbh CITY OP' WYLIE 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE TEXAS 75098-0428 MEMORANDUM DATE: January 6, 1982 TO: Lee S. Vickers, City Manager FROM: Brian H. Cowan, Director of Public Works ehiC� SUBJECT: Weekly Status Report 1 . Lift Stations: All lift stations are in operation. In the Spring of 1982 the lift station at the North Texas Municipal Water District was damaged by flood waters. This flooding was a direct result of con- struction work by a contractor working for the NTMWD on new facilities for the NTMWD. We have had various companies and contractors, as well as City forces, repair the pumps, motors, controls, etc. , and we have compiled and forwarded a detailed list of costs to the NTMWD. Mr. Jim Parks with North Texas has reviewed the list and is forwarding it to their contractor for consideration and payment to the City of Wylie. 2. Streets and Drainage: The last three days of this week we con- centrated on needed road repairs, especially the South Birmingham, Kirby, Mardi Gras, and Memorial area. Repairs include improved drainage and asphaltic concrete patches. One of the most frustrating and dissapointing aspects in the street department has been the recurring breakdown of the City's mobile street sweeper. The streets need to be cleaned regularly and they have not been due to problems with the sweeper's transmission. However, we have the transmission back and will proceed with street sweeping Friday and then on a regular schedule. 3. Wylie Community Park: Our tree transplanting program at the Park was in full gear last week and we fully intended to proceed with this project through the 18th of January using the Corps of Engineers tree spade; however, the Corps informed the City this past Monday that the tree spade was needed at another location. We will still line up tree donations in the event we will be able to borrow th*e tree spade later this Winter. 4. City Projects: The Christmas and New Years holidays are over and the Christmas tree is down and lights and decorations stored. The lights strung across Ballard Street will be removed and stored in the next few days. There has been very little construction in the new subdivision due to wet conditions. Southwest Laboratories did collect base samples from the south portion of Spence Drive in the Oaks Addition for their soil tests. Weekly Status Report B. Cowan 1-6-82 Page 2 In the water/sewer areas, the City has been relatively free of water breaks or leaks and has allowed our people to catch up on' water meter repairs and replacements. There has also been little sewer problems this past week. Jessie Housewright will be on vacation from 5:00 p.m. Friday the 7th to 8:00 a.m. Monday the 17th; therefore, I have asked Mr. W.A. Allen to work for the City during this peroid and he has agreed to be on call during nights and weekends along with Hulen Zachary. sbh (j CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1982 5:30 P.M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. on December 14, 1982 in the Council Chamber at City Hall . Mayor Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem William Martin, Council members Harold Eavenson, Percy Simmons, Reta Allen and Geline Dodd, City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Gail Wallace, Director of Public Works Brian Cowan, City Attorney CaMille Elliott, David Englemann, Catherine McAnally, Police Chief Royce Abbott, Tim Hemingway, Don Kreymer, Harry B. Carrol , J. Robert Fischer, Bill Elam, Melvin St. John, Tom Daniels, Bill Kreymer, Dennis Kauffman, James Weaver, Randall Gaston, Ken Mauk, Harold Spence, Raymond Cooper and Frank Rasor. Mayor Pro Tem Martin gave the invocation. The Mayor advised that an on-site public hearing would be held on the property located on the east side of F.M. 2514 and north of Cottonbelt Railroad. The meeting was recessed in order to travel to that site. A public hearing was held at the site of the 17.336 acres of land. The pro- perty lines were pointed out by the developers. The meeting was again re- cessed in order to return to City Hall . The meeting was called back to order. A brief discussion was held regarding the property. The developers advised that if the property is annexed, the intended use will be for single family 2 residences. They also advised that if the property is not successfully rezoned as such, they will request that' it be deannexed. There being no opposition to the annexation, Councilman Martin moved that the property be annexed into the City limits as agriculture. Councilwoman Allen seconded the motion. All were in favor. The rezoning hearing before the Planning & Zoning Commission will be held December 20, 1982 at 7 :00 p.m. Consent Agenda. The following consent agenda items were considered: 3. Approve accounts payable and minutes of previous meetings. 4. Authorize engineering consultants to codify ordinances related to sub- division regulations. 5. Consider resolution in support of Collin County Road improvements. 6. Consider resolution in support of State Highway improvements. (Also decide if a delegation will go to Austin. ) 7. Authorize retainer of planning consultant to assist the Planning and Zoning Commission during its meetings. 8. Consider resolution ordering brief review of preliminary plats by engineering consultants; if the plat obviously is not complete, return to engineer for completion. '; 1r Item 4 was removed for further discussion. Item 5 was postponed until the January Council meeting. Consent agenda items 3, 6, 7 and 8 were approved on motion by Councilwoman Dodd, seconded by Councilman Eavenson, all in favor. Item 4: Mr. Frank Rasor, Engineering Consultant, explained that in order to codify the ordinances relating to subdivision regulations it would be necessary for him to obtain copies of all of these ordinances. They would be put in order of procedure and reviewed. The Engineer would then make suggestions for Council decision as to how the ordinances could be rede- signed or reorganized for maximum use. The Engineer will prepare a master and the City will duplicate the necessary copies. Motion to retain the Engineer to codify the subdivision ordinances was made by Councilman Simmons. Councilman Martin seconded the motion, with all in favor. Consider Re-plat of Oaks Addition, Installment II . Mr. Cowan explained the changes to Oaks Addition, Installment II consisted of extending Oak Street to the property line and also extending the water line. Mr. Spence advised the changes were made for future development purposes. Concern was expressed regarding Mr. Spence's installation of a sewer line which had not been approved by City Staff, and which had six inches of cover instead of the required 42". Mr. Cowan advised the problem could be rectified if Mr. Spence would comply with the 42" cover over the line. Due to the delay of Mr. Tom Daniels, Engineer for Mr. Spence, this item was postponed until the end of the Council meeting. Drainage on east side of South First Street. Mr. Cowan presented a proposal to improve the drainage problems on South First Street. Mr. Cowan proposed to install an additional 8' inlet on the east side of First Street to intercept the water. He also recommended enlarging the mouth of a small inlet. The approximate cost of the improvements was estimated at $1,200. Motion to approve the project was made by Councilman Simmons, seconded by Councilwoman Allen, all in favor. No action was taken regarding the purchase of a used backhoe due to the condition of the machine. Flood-damaged carpet at City Hall . Council was advised that carpet had received flood damage due to a water leak at the Finch Book Store north of City Hall . Council was asked to made a decision on whether or not to replace all of the carpet and who would pay the costs. Since no costs estimates were available on replacement of the carpet, Mayor appointed Councilman Simmons and Councilwoman Allen to obtain esti- mates from various carpet companies. The decision was tabled for future consideration pending the receipt of the cost estimates. Extension of six inch water main. City staff was seeking approval from Council to tie onto an eight inch water main at Fourth Street and extend a six inch water line to the west end of Oaks Addition. This expansion would improve water service to the residents on Fifth Street, provide water for the apartments under construction at Fifth and Oak, and allow fire protection for this area. Don Kreymer had agreed to pay the cost of installing the water main from his apartments to Fifth Street and pro- vide a fire hydrant, if the City would install the line from Fifth Street to Fourth Street. The project would cost the City approximately $1,800. Councilman Martin felt the project would be a good investment for the City, but would not agree to do it for the sole benefit of the developers. Mayor advised if Council approved the project it would be with a firm understanding that the City is not changing its policy regarding the developers' responsibility to furnish water to his development. Council- man Eavenson moved to approve the project with the above understanding. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Allen. All in favor. At this point the discussion regarding the re-plat of Oaks Addition, Installment II continued. Brian Cowan, Director of Public Works, briefed the Council on request by Harold Spence for approval of changes in re-plat: 1) Change in street layout. 2) Change in water mains. 3) Deletion of sanitary sewer lift station and re-routing sanitary sewer to flow into the new lift station east of Wylie Cemetery. Mr. Cowan reported that Planning & Zoning Commission had approved the re-plat, conditioned upon a short section of shallow sani- tary sewer main being brought to City specifications. A lengthy discussion followed during which, because of a misunderstanding, an unrelated matter was discussed at length--that a question was raised by Planning & Zoning Commission as to inlet elevation of sanitary sewer lift station: is it too high? When it became apparent the discussion would not provide a definite answer, Mayor Squires requested Council to delay a decision and called for a meeting to be held at First State Bank at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21 . Councilman Eavenson made the motion to table the item, seconded by Councilwoman Dodd. All were in favor. Departmental reports were discussed. Concern was expressed again regarding the traffic hazards at Highway 78 and new F.M. 544. Council felt the need to expedite the installation of a traffic signal at this location. Councilman Eavenson advised he would work with the Highway Department in Dallas. City Manager suggested that he and Mr. Eavenson go to Dallas to expedite the matter. They planned a trip for the following week. Mayor will also be able to go to Dallas. Tim Hemingway, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, suggested the Council review the sign ordinance. The Chamber volunteered to conduct a comparative study with other surrounding cities to determine how they handled the erection of signs. The Council gave their consent for the Chamber to appoint a subcommittee to conduct a study on sign ordinances and come back to them with sugges- tions. Mayor Squires appointed Councilman Simmons to be the liaison between the Council and the Chamber of Commerce regarding the study. Repaving of Memorial and Mardi Gras was discussed. Council was advised that out of the 68 letters mailed for th.e second survey, only 34 or 50% were returned. City staff was instructed to provide Messrs. James_ or Svobada with a list of the property owners on those two streets in order that they might be able to get the rest of the letters returned. Also a deadline for getting the letters back to Council was set for the February Council meeting. 115 Mr. Frank Rasor discussed the procedures for submitting an application to the Department of Water Resources for construction of a water trans- mission line from the existing system west to F.M. 3412. The project would require the installation of a 250,000 gallon storage tank. It would also improve water service on the west side of town and provide fire protection. Hogan and Rasor would prepare the application for the City at no charge; however, if the project ever came to pass, the City would have a moral obligation to retain the services of Hogan & Rasor for pre- paration of the construction plans and specifications. After discussing the project at length, the concensus of the Council was not to rush into the application at this time since the City may not be able to afford such a project for several years. The Council also wanted the Planning & Zoning to look into the matter from a planning viewpoint. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned on motion made by Councilman Simmons, seconded by Councilman Martin. All were in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Gail Wallace, City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 22, 1982 7:00 P.M. The Wylie City Council met in special called session at 7:00 p.m. on December 22, 1982 in the Council Chamber at City Hall . Mayor Squires pre- sided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Robert Squires, Mayor Pro Tem William Martin, Council members Percy Simmons, Reta Allen and Geline Dodd. Councilman Harold Eavenson was absent. Also present were City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Gail Wallace, Director of Public Works Brian Cowan, Randall Gaston, Ruthie Gaston, David Englemann, Catherine McAnally, Mike McAnally, Don Kreymer, Harold Spence, Bill Kreymer, and Melvin St. John. Mayor Squires called the meeting to order. Replat of Oaks Addition, Installment 2. Mayor Squires advised the item had been tabled at the December 14 Council meeting due to a heated discussion which erupted- regarding the new lift station. He also advised that if the matter of the lift station is an issue, tt is a separate issue and is not relevant to Oaks Addition. The item for discussion is whether or not the replat for Oaks Addition should be approved. Mayor Squires advised that Mike McAnally had been appointed to look into the lift station controversy to determine whether or not any discrepancies exist. To date none have been found. City Manager advised that he met with Melvin St. John, Harold Spence and his engineer and Brian Cowan concerning the cover on the sanitary sewer line in Oaks Addition. It was determined that there was no real problem with the line in regard to drainage or cover. Mr. Spence did indicate that he would put additional cover on the lines. Mayor advised that Planning & Zoning Commission did recommend approval of the replat provided any problem with_ sewer line coverage was reconciled. Councilwoman Dodd made motion to approve the replat, seconded by Council- man Simmons, with all in favor. Councilman Simmons made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Martin. All were in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Gail Wallace, City Secretary PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 20, 1982 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on December 20, 1982 in the Council Chamber at City Hall . A quorum was present and the notice of the meeting had been posted at the time and in accordance with State law. Planning & Zoning Commission members present were: Chairman Joe Fulgham, Vice Chairman John Seeley, Mike McAnally, Ken Mauk, Judy Brewster, Albert Harrison, and Bryant Barry. Also present were Mayor Robert Squires, Council members Percy Simmons, William Martin and Harold Eavenson, City Manager Lee Vickers, Director of Public Works Brian Cowan, City Planner J. T. Dunkin and the following: Richard Parker, Melvin St. John, Tom Daniel , Randall Gaston, Harold Spence, Raymond Cooper, Katherine McAnally, David Engelmann, Henry Martinez and wife, Lois Fluentes, Harry T. Carroll , Tim Hemingway, Ed Collins, Don Kreymer, James Weaver, Bill Kreymer, Al Kittner, Bo Daffin, Robert Fisher, John Reyes, and Bob Edgin. Public Hearing to rezone Lot 1 , Block 6, Keller's Addition: Mr. Richard Parker requested to rezone Lot 1 , Block 6, Keller's Addition (400 S. Jackson) from Single Family to Retail for general office use. He stated that there is presently commercial on one side and a professional building on the other. He also felt there was a definite need for additional office space in Wylie and this location was reasonable. He plans to demolish the existing structure and erect an office building. Mr. Raymond Cooper also spoke in favor of the rezoning. Noone spoke in opposition. Chairman Joe Fulgham reviewed the notification report and informed the Commission that six rezoning notifications were returned to the City with five being in favor and one, Ms. Emogine Westphal of 100 W. Calloway, in opposition. The members of the Commission then went through a checklist of considerations for zone changes. Bryant Barry made a motion to rezone the property from Single Family to Retail for general office use. John Seeley seconded the motion with all in favor. Consider proposed annexation of Birmingham Trust property: Mayor Squires, as Chairman of the Birmingham Land Board, presented to the Commission the petition for annexation. He stated the main intent of the annexation was to protect the future land usage, and being annexed the City could exercise more control over the usage of the land. He made it clear there were no immediate plans for development. The plan for annexation was discussed with the Wylie Independent School District at a joint meeting with the Birmingham Land Board, with the School Board showing no opposition. Mayor Squires indicated there would be no request to the City for any utilities or services. He also informed the Commission the annexation will be brought to the City Council at the January 11 , 1983 meeting. Chairman Fulgham stated he felt the annexation of the land would be beneficial to the City. John Seeley made a motion to approve the proposed annexation for planning purposes. Mr. Harrison seconded the motion. Chairman Fulgham, Albert Harrison, Ken Mauk and John Seeley were in favor. Mike McAnally, Bryant Barry and Judy Brewster abstained. Public Hearing on request to rezone 17.1 acres, James Truett Survey, Abstract 920 and approve preliminary plat for same. The preliminary plat was reviewed to aid the Commission in making their decision concerning the rezoning request. Mr. Don Kreymer, owner of the property, made the presentation to the Commission. In a general discussion in the public hearing it was stated the proposed subdivision would be named Kinsington Manor Estates rather than Northlake Estates. Mr. Kreymer asked for rezoning from agriculture to Single Family 2. The proposed development will have 65 lots with a minimum living area of 1 ,100 square feet, with each house having a minimum of 75% brick. All lots would be rear entry onto paved alleys. All storm water would be collected in a storm sewer system and would be discharged through twin 27 inch culverts from a point of concentration at the northeast corner of the 17.1 acres through a proposed easement and discharged into a road ditch. Mr. Harry A. Carrol , Surveyor, stated the details as to drainage will be worked out in the process of preparing the final plat. The City also requested the extension of the water main to extend to the north property line of the subdivision and the increase in sewer lines from 6 to 8 inches. The City also requested a properly designed discharge structure of the two 27" storm water culverts. Mr. Carrol also indicated a sanitary sewer lift station would be installed and probably would be an above ground dual pump and motor system with the pumps being Crown pumps rated at 100 gallons per minute. There were no City of Wylie residents in opposition to the proposal . However, Mr. James Weaver, a land owner on the northeast corner of the development raised concerns about the effect of the smaller lots and houses on existing property values. Mr. Kreymer interjected the development would probably increase property values. Mr. Weaver was also concerned with the drainage situation, which will improve, and the increase in traffic on F.M. 2514. Mr. Kreymer indicated the houses would cost in the range of $60,000. After additional discussion Chairman Fulgham called for an end to the public hearing and called for a motion. Mr. Ken Mauk made a motion to approve the rezoning of the property from agriculture to Single Family 2. Motion was seconded by Bryant Barry. All were in favor. 2. The Chairman then called for a motion to approve the preliminary plat for Kinsington Manor Estates. Mike McAnally made a motion for approval , seconded by John Seeley. All were in favor. Review plat for Meadow Heights Estates: Mr. Tom Daniel , Engineer for the proposed development presented the plat to the Commission. Mr. Daniel indicated that the Collin County Commissioners would not approve any new development within five miles of the City of Wylie unless it was first approved by the City of Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council . Mr. Daniel presented a plan with deed restrictions showing drainage and topographic maps being filed at Collin County. He indicated there would be 10 lots, minimum of lf acre in size and be single family residences. Water and sewer facilities were approved by the registered sanitarian in McKinney. Mr. Daniel indicated the sewer would be a field transportation system rather than a septic drain field, due to the right clays in the area. This system has been approved and the City will receive a plan. There was also a general discussion concerning the future thoroughfare plans for County Road 382 and County Road 433 or Old Highway 78, which borders Meadow Heights Estates. Mr. Daniel pointed out there was a 30 foot right-of-way dedication from the centerline of each of these roads plus Collin County required a 50 foot building line beyond the right-of-way line which would assure adequate road expansion. . Albert Harrison made a motion to approve the plat of Meadow Heights Estates, seconded by Mike McAnally. All were in favor with John Seeley abstaining. Review of proposed site plan for Village East Apartments. Don Kreymer, owner of Village East Apartments made the presentation using the original site plan as presented to the City Manager in September 1982. There was no revised site plan presented to the Commission. Mr. Kreymer proposed a total of 28 apartments (two ten unit buildings and one eight unit building on the site) . He stated this arrangement would satisfy the two items of the Zoning Ordinance that the City Manager and the Planning & Zoning Commission had requested. These were the required 2.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit for off-street parking and a 30 foot distance between buildings. Mr. Mike McAnally and others were concerned about the apartment unit density, which the Zoning Ordinance calls for a maximum of 15 units per acre or 3,000 square feet per unit minimum. The City Manager pointed out that the site contained 51 ,106 square feet or 1 .17 acres, which would allow a maximum of 17 apartment units rather than the proposed 28 units. Mr. McAnally also questioned why the apartments were under construction without the needed street improvements on Oak, sidewalks, water service, and fire hydrant. Mr. Kreymer stated he has offered to pay for the 6" water line to be brought up to 5th Street from the Oaks Addition, to pay for their part of Oak Street to be paved and offered to give the City a fire hydrant at his expense. 3. Mr. Kreymer revealed that he was issued a building permit for the first apartment building containing ten units with the request to comply with the Zoning Ordinance on the additional construction. The City Manager stated he issued the building permit for the first ten apartment units with the stipulation that any additional building permits would not be issued unless a revised plat was brought in to the City Hall . He also recommended to the Commission that the Zoning Ordinance be reviewed concerning apartment zoning, and that future apartment site plans be reviewed by the Commission. He felt a compromise of 20 units would be suitable. However, Mr. Kreymer indicated that number would not be feasible. Mr. Kreymer proposed a total of 26 apartment units which would include the existing ten unit building and two eight unit buildings. Bryant Barry made a motion to accept the 26 units with acceptable cosmetics, greenbelt and playground and architectural features to enhance the facilities. John Seeley seconded the motion with all in favor. The plat will be revised and brought before the Planning & Zoning Commission. Public hearing on request to rezone 43.401 acre tract from agriculture to mobile home district. Melvin St. John advised the Commission that he wanted his request for rezoning removed from the agenda on the advice of his legal counsel . The item was removed. Planning discussion regarding mobile home parks. The Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a lengthy discussion regarding mobile home parks and growth in general . Chairman Fulgham and Vice Chairman Seeley each made a point to keep the discussion concentrated on mobile home parks. Mike McAnally further narrowed the discussion to the proposed Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park, pointing out that the land was annexed into the City now as agriculture. He also discussed the presence of Ordinance 70-2 regulating mobile home parks in the City. The City Manager discussed the problems facing the City and the problems Wylie will face as it grows. He re-introduced to the Commission Mr. J. T. Dunkin, City Planner, who will be assisting the Commission as counsel and planning consultant at future meetings. The discussion broadened to recognize the need for the planning of the future growth of the City. The concensus was that the City was to grow but there is a definite need to control the growth. The general feeling was the need to determine the present residential mix and plan for future growth as needs dictate. Mr. Bo Daffin made a presentation to the Commission indicating the tax rolls, such as the Wylie Independent School District and the Central Appraisal District should be utilized to determine the current housing mix and the future housing needs. The tax information would be useful in revenue source determination and for planning purposes. 4. There followed a general discussion concerning the appraisal process concerning mobile homes. The discussion on planning and zoning guidelines was postponed until the next regular Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. The meeting was adjourned. Joe Fulgham, Chairman 5. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE UTILITY FUND DECEMBER 1982 21046 Colonial Insurance 67.75 employee insurance var. Industrial Uniform 213.00 uniform rental var. Rushin Lumber Co. 97.29 misc. items var. Switzer Petroleum 988.96 gas & oil var. TML Workers Comp Insurance 230.50 w/c insurance var. Wylie Supermarket 34.96 office items 25504 Texas Rubber Supply 494.03 repair diaphragm pump 25408 Trans-Tex Supply 158.66 water system repair 26409 Texas Meter & Sewer 371 .25 sewer system maintenance 25/26408 Rohan Co. 933.36 water & sewer supplies 25408 Quality Meter Repair 384.50 water meters 25504 Pierce Pump Co. 925.85 3" diaphragm pump 25305 N.T. M.W.D. 6,179.97 water usage var. Mercantile Texas Capital 452.67 backhoe payment 27303 General Telephone 48.51 service center 25406 Gray's Auto 71 .00 parts repair 25406 AAA Ball Auto Parts 150.00 used transmission var. American United Life 504.10 group insurance TOTAL $12,306.36 9w ACCOUNTS PAYABLE GENERAL FUND DECEMBER 1982 4319 Xerox 210.00 machine rental var. Wylie Printing Co. 276.63 printing var. Wylie Auto Parts 933.43 vehicle repair 4203 Wylie News 60.44 advertising 4204 Wylie Flower & Gift 60.00 flowers var. Wylie Supermarket 77.56 office items var. TML Workers Comp Insurance 691 .50 w/c insurance 8407 Sargent-Sowell 511 .10 street signs var. Switzer Petroleum 7,016.49 gas & oil 15511 Publishers Telemarketing 172.39 books var. Pegasus Bldg Maintenance 85.00 janitorial service 8408 North Texas Construction 160.00 street repair 8408 North Star Paving Co. 294.00 street repair 6310 Morrow Electric 296.00 wire dog pound 8405 Moody Day Co. 467.87 repair air compressor var. McKinney Office Supply 454.70 office furniture 8405 Lacal Equipment Co. 76.76 mobile sweeper 7404 Ken's Communication 322.64 repair repair var. Industrial Uniform 113.75 uniform rental 9405 Fred Jordan Wrecking 75.00 used air compressor var. General Telephone 207.86 telephone charges var. Douthitt's Variety Store 107.91 office supplies var. California Contractors Supply 247.14 rainsuits 8408 Chambers Bros. Construction 105.96 crushed rock 2046 Colonial Insurance 59.25 employee insurance var. CBA Enterprises 56.76 vehicle repair items 2050 Comptroller of Public Accts 310.50 municipal court fees 2047 ii 1 ,552.50 " si TOTAL $15,003.14 var. American United Life 1 ,877.81 $16,880.95 9w BILLS PAID PRIOR TO COUNCIL DECEMBER 1982 UTILITY FUND 27312 Dataflex Computer System 140.00 computer services var. TP&L 1 ,368.19 electric service 27301 Lone Star Gas 125.90 service center 27202 Wylie Post Ofifce 143.75 water bills 25316 Lone Star Gas 576.63 repair gas line var. Payroll Account 3,184.10 utility payroll var. Social Security Division 1 ,649.97 contributions var. T.M.R.S. 734.22 retirement contribution 27202 Wylie Post Office 200.00 fill postage meter 22074 D. B. Haught 250.33 refund 55 mos. sewer charge var. Under $50 62.53 misc. items TOTAL $8,291 .87 9w BILLS PAID PRIOR TO COUNCIL DECEMBER 1982 GENERAL FUND 4322 Cafe Wylie $ 288.00 Christmas dinner var. TP&L 1574.66 electric service var. Wylie Auto Parts 150.03 vehicle repair 6301 Lone Star Gas 168.29 gas - P.D. 6407 Racal-Milgo 105.00 TLETS maintenance 2041C Utility Fund 25,000.00 repay 10-14-80 loan var. Northside Grocery 58.70 prisoner food var. City of Wylie 113.19 petty cash 4319 Pitney Bowes 85.00 mail machine rental 12320 Huey Parker 375.00 office rent 15320 Iona Martin 300.00 library rent 11312 Bill Kreymer 90.00 inspects 11312 Robert Roddy 640.00 inspects 12102 CaMille Elliott 200.00 Pros Atty 12102 Robert Beasley 150.00 Mun Judge 7102 Lester Gayler 150.00 fire marshal 6318 NCTCOG 60.00 Bridgefarmer training 4315 TCMA 66.00 membership dues var. Payroll Account 6,566.15 payroll 4318 NTSU 87.50 election seminar var. Social Security Division 450.36 contributions var. T.M.R.S. 2,377.01 retirement contributions var. T.E.C. 82.29 unemployment insurance 2034 Comptroller of Public Accts. 55.39 sales tax payable 4312 J. T. Dunkin 100.00 P&Z attendance var. Under $50 155.34 misc. items TOTAL $43,482.43 gw GENERAL FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1982 BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ 46,832.78 REVENUE DEPOSITS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1982 Tax (Trash Bags) $ 17.76 State Court Cost I 870.00 State Court Cost II 174.00 Trash Bags 529.15 Ad Valorem Tax 63,699.18 Delinquent Tax 796.69 Penalty & Interest 285.70 Tax Certificates 28.00 Sales Tax 5,369.54 Plat Fees - 0 - Building Permits 524.89 Electrical Permits 104.80 Plumbing Permits 49.00 Other Permits 6.00 Electrical Licenses 157.95 Other License 22.00 Garbage Service Fee 7,223.40 Municipal Court Fines 5,666.50 Library Fines - 0 - Library Cost - 0 - Donations - Special Projects - 0 - Miscellaneous Revenue 980.20 Interest Earned .76 Street Paving 9.42 C.D. Matured 22,227.78 Zoning 50.00 Planning Reports 42.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 108,834.72 TOTAL BANK FUNDS $ 155,667.50. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 94,581.89 YEAR END ADJUSTMENTS $ 199.77 BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 61 ,285.38 UTILITY FUND MONTHLY REPORT OF DECEMBER 1982 BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ 6,061 .13 Revenue Deposits for the Month of December 1982 Meter Deposits $ 460.00 Donations/Special Projects - 0 - Water Sales 15,532.78 Water Tap 277.60 Other Water Sales 75.15 Sewer Service Fees 10,637.61 Sewer Tap 15.00 Interest & Penalty 764.35 Turn On/Off 133.31 Miscellaneous Revenue 88.64 Loan Payment from General 25,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 52,984.44 TOTAL BANK FUNDS - _ $ 59,045.57 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 39,502.96 ADJUSTMENTS FOR CLOSING ENTRIES $ 30.00 BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 19,572.61 GENERAL OBLIGATION INTEREST & SINKING ....:...... MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1982 BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ 19,435.84 Revenue Deposits for December 1982 Ad Valorem Tax Total Deposit $ 4,115.7.2 Total Bank Funds $ 23,551 .56 Expenditures for December 1982 $ - 0 - BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 23,551 .56 WATER & SEWER SYSTEMS REVENUE BONDS INTEREST & SINKING FUND BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER $ 1,532.93 Revenue Deposits for December 1982 Transfer Interest Total Deposits $ - O - Total Bank Funds $ 1 ,532.93 Expenditures for December 1982 $ _ O - BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 1,53?.93 WATER & SEWER REVENUE BOND IMPROVEMENT FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1982 • BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ - 0 - Revenue Deposits for the Month of December 1982 Total Deposits $ - 0 - Total Bank Funds $ - 0 - Expenditures $ - 0 - BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ - 0 - WYLIE PARK & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1982 BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ 5,292.91 Revenue Deposits for the Month of December 1982 Total Deposits $ 111 ,80 Total Bank Funds $ 5,404.71 Expenditures $ 3,099.44 r BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 2,305.27 REVENUE SHARING FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1982 BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ 9,400.85 Revenue Deposits for December 1982 Total Deposits $ - 0 - Total Bank Funds $ 9,400.85 Expenditures for December 1982 $ - 0 - BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 9.400.85 COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION SERIES OF 1974 INTEREST & SINKING FUND BANK BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 1982 $ 1.00 Revenue Total Deposits $ - 0 - Total Bank Funds $ 1 .00 Expenditures for December 1982 $ - 0 - BANK BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 1982 $ 1 .00 • 1982 Tax Collection for December 1982 Riverview Townhomes $ - 0 - Bostic I 1 ,012.12 Bostic II 2,594.31 Bostic III 1 .618.20 Brown & Burns 1 .920.88 J M Butler 101 .53 Butler 831 .33 Caldwell 2,775.35 Callaway 158.23 Eldridge 790.89 Fairview 1,290.44 Holiday Terrace I 2.913.52 Holiday Terrace II 1.695.86 . Holiday Terrace III 3,021 .61 Keller I 3,383.00 Keller II 297.27 Lavon Terrace 2,629.55 Railroad 6,729.37 Russell 988.75 Southside 703.41 Westwind Meadows 2,714.45 Wylie Industrial Park 1 ,683.82 Wylwood I 1 ,267.59' Wylwood II 2,029.88 Wylwood III 6,438.83 Wylwood IV 4,730.56 Survey 6,214.85 Personal Property 7,381 .05 Mobile Homes 287.43 TOTALS 68,204.08 GENERAL FUND -(2l.e , J,//,d'_2 - REVENUE - --/a- f�14 . __ ] F - - 82=83 Current Y - T -D % Estimates I' Quarter _ _ 5 024 Master Plan Books ' 25. ; i029 Trash Bag Sales 6 100. 1 1,.py. ; ;9 A/7.e7 i I , 036 Comp. Plan Books 1 25. I -..v.— 1 T051 Ad-Valorem Tax 244 500. f I / rae 6! �! /�p0� �, 0 , I Delinquent-n- — - - 1 ,- _ 3: . _ ( �07 2. /off II 7f7o. 052 Tax 1 600. i I ( I 053 j Penalty & Interest 11 ,600. 1 0,3 li j 1054 Tax Certificates 1 300. ' I iI 1 i ji 1055 I Utility Franchise Tax 109,600. i , , --c-- i 056 City Sales Tax 107,000. a / �9�! �. I 1 I - ;057 Plat Fees i 200. .,-- , .----0-- . I i 958 Building Permits 5,000. /j . 63. �o I 1 / tf c 059 Electrical Permits I 1 ,000. i s,39. ?� I Jam`/.7D I 060 Plumbing Permits j 800. jj �.16. so. ; 3 *0 li I i; � �• 061 Other Permits ( 80. { " /a. /�7o / 062 1; Electrical License I 600. I ,,,, �0 '' 063 Sales License O- I i I iI !I 1 _ I 064300. • Animal Control License 1; WI Y'/i oh. D65 ,I Garbage Service Fees II 96,000. j i ‘_0 ;. ,//f/0 • ' __�3__I ' ti c (, Municipal Court Fines 37,500. _fisyc. { Ao:o. 3/,?9 ,. I, ; (i �,- - - - - `3 ' 3� d97 . J67 Library Fines '� . 110. ! . 1 � i 1 . )68 Li bray Contributions j' ; 1,400. 1 1 / Page 2 GENERAL FUND (Cont. ) &,(oi- ,.3i), /912 _ REVENUE (Cont. ) ,, y• i — 1 ; 4 5 82-82 Current Y-T-D % i —069 Fire Contracts -0- i --to— -e,-- i , 070 Donations Special Porjects 1 -0- -6--- --o-- 078 Misc. Revenue 1 1 ,600. 3 g 373 og3 YD I 1 : 080 P.U.D. & Zoning Fees 200. I D. &O. - 0 o+ 1081 I Interest Earned 60. j li a. 1 : of, c3 Pic: !082 Governmental (Grants) 1 12,800. I ! --17-- --ate 1 085 Street Paving Assessments 1 ,600. /7 /9 i� . ADMINISTRATIVE -} ACCT. #4 ' _ l 100 Personal Services I 10,600. I /67g . /677• /� /o , , 1 200 Supplies 3,900. IJ //031 1 nia3. 9/D 300 Contractual _______ __ 24,500. i � _ _ �p�0�, .��Q' ___- /7 w 1 1 1 1 ,500. o� �o 400 I Maintenance � JI I �3a �a _51111___k_Capital Outlay 1 200. ! /T 9 lig I Zc o ' 1 I 1 J' . � - jl ! i _ I FINANCE ACCT. #5 100 i Personal Services 40,750. t ' 1 l00e f0 �, I. 075 /01' 200 _ j Supplies 2,000 _3i/6• 3�‘, _ 7A0 I-- i 1 300 _Contractual 1 12,600. 11 I (377` I 43/ I L5a20 , -- - - - - ; _ �I! 11 ij 400 !! Maintenance �I 300. `fi t _ � 1 r __ i I,------ , ii I --- j 500 - i Capital Outlay 6,250, - I1 -0-- -17--- I . j l i Page 3 GENERAL FUND J ,, .YD,/9?[z,. /.,,et_te_.4.1. 1 , a i POLICE - ACCT. #6 82-82 Current Y-T-D % 1 Estimates Quarter _ 100 Personal Services 196,750. S6 rlo.. v3 o, 1 �' , 98f, ,., 'MO ;Supplies 7 500. o i I 111, 300 'Contractual 12,900. II 9'' . -_1 ,� II p I j 1 / D .9o ,: 400 Maintenance ' , 4,900. ' � D 1 i I 11 500 Capital Outlay 11 200. 1 I O. � /°3 I i ' I j I FIRE SERVICES ACCT_#.7.____ i_. Ii I 1 - I I I 100 Personal Services 8,700. 5.S 'l'/P ' 200 Supplies 1 ,850. I ' Contractual 7,900. II , i Con , 213, I 53, ij D 30t 4 0 -1 Maintenance 00. I L _ �� 0 66 I 500 Capital Outlay ; 8,400. i , i I --e•"'- it ! STREET SERVICES ACCT #8 /// pp 100 "' Personal Services00. r cSa, , (0�7p7/. I 30 I' I' i 200 _ Supplies SuPp 1 i es 5,800. , _ I ; ; 300_ �� Contractual ' 19,900. ; �: 5a ff, I ,5�� : 3 400 ',Maintenance ( 11 ,800. H 1 t500 � Capitol Outlay 29,410. ! 8'0/r ! 0� , - t a7 7 D '1 , , ,w i' I - ii. i 7 �i i I i I i - I i 1 , Page 4 GENERAL FUND Jt-0.- . .30 /9tv iii- ".71-1.i. ] - 7 3 d 5 SANITATION SERVICES 82-83 Current Y-T-D % ACCT . #9 100 Personal Services 58,200. 200 Supplies 1 19,000. {', ,M I 1 1 a7 /O' ! I — 300 Contractual I 25,000. g73, c3 a i ' /�O 400 Maintenance ii 6,800. i 30'..5. 3o j ?' X, 70 500 Capital Outlay 5,900. 3,42 I 3867 , e6 20 T II BUILDI_NG SERVICES ACCT. #; 1 i it I — 1 100 Personal Services -0- t �Q. ��, j ! 200 Supplies I 200. —7:9-- 1 li . 3�.) Contractual 4,700. I /7 zs. i /7 37 ,0 i i , MUNICIPAL COURT ACCT #12 ! i bo0. j _/..( I` 100 ._ Personal Services_. _6, � ;,,50 . � � /�s"Q, ; of i 'p - - I 200 Supplies es 1 ,100. I ! I✓� ,- �Sw _ iy 20 ! i 300 Contractual i 5,600. I, I3SO. II /3,50- jj 0r fl,7v I i PARK & RECREATION SERVICE - ACCT # 3 ij t j _100_- 1 Personal _Services __- 7,800. i -0_, 'j 9 i! 200 ' Supplies _ _ 540. 1' 1 ' ff. I _ i I II ii "Inn !Contractual 1 ' 600_ - - — ' 1f< ! 1 � - i / �c 4t,_ 1Mintenance 2,800. �ra‹ _-e - t30/ai -- i- 11 -500 I Capital Outlay I 5,000. ---8 �--0 — ! ' II i. 1 11 I' --- i Page 5 GENERAL FUND OM, , 30/1 rz Add' LIBRARY SERVICES ACCT. #15 82-83 Current Y-T-D % Estimate , Quarter -, ` ' 30r aro? 7oC, �l 100 Personal Services 17,900. .:�ye, I! �/ �I rill 200 Il Supplies 600. li !3 , N• 7i j I' ' 300 !, Contractual I 5,950. j �_- -J �,? lif 1 400 Maintenance 700• ! /�.'". i /at. O ` 2300 500 Capital Outlay I I! //dg. ���0.7 - j , !, it - - -� { UTILI4Y FUND ' I CI R VEUE i Orm Donations Special Projects -0- i , , 071 i Water Sales J 245,000. i ' 45 74 .: . 65s.2 072 W to Taa Fees 4,1on /6?& /d1 073 i Other Sales 900. 7g li 0 . �7b• i c33 'O a /Cg 6f 074 Sewer Fees 145,000. a 3-<�/' II u 9i5/, �1 I 7a 075 _ /� . 9�' �7c ; Sewer Tap Fees _ 1 ,750.. : 076 I Penalty & Interest _ ___- .7,800. i i as W• I r '? 30 077 Turn On & Off BnoL I /l' ,O k078 t. . � / ,/ I Misc. Revenue -6,000. -/W. /75(. O 1' li it 079 L Pro Rata Fees -0- r--Bi t1 j I II II ! r. l - 1, — — f 1! 1 1 1; Page 6 UTILITY FUND (Cont. ) a-_, . 3g, /,�L , /-e7L:fii/-4-,- WATER SERVICES ACCT. 25 82-83 Current Y-T-D li I ESTIMATES j -- --quarter _ �f - —; r�-mow � //�O/ 3/.�T' 100 Personal Services i' S6,000. i , 1 7l� ti 200 Supplies 4,600. a3 , 713, .. /670 300 Contractual II77,000. Ii !' .do?.316.____doW4.__________c2M I is I! l400 Maintenance 9,600. gyp 6gY7 7/4 ; 500 Capital Outlay 10,000. /O 741 014 /O�� SEWER SERVICES - ACCT. 26 1 _ 100 Personal Services 58,900. ;' dill. I of/ �jZ.J 3/4 ' i; II 2P-c Supplies i1 5,200. i i I 636. ; 'j. /07 $ :300 .i Contractual ! 48,000. i ? 7078, I r' 7ieg; /o 2 �t — II r. I �I 400 II Maintenace l 7,600. �1 I �____ d. I —_jfie !' f; • I ii VI i 500 Capital Outlay 13,850. ' i, /,4�6 I /aSw r 9/ G I I UTILITY ADMIN. ACCT.27 ' ' - I 1 1 ' i ! i /3 d ' /3w%` 100 Personal Services 49,800. i� �� 1 200 ii Supplies 5,950. , A597 1 /39 a?7 f .��300 Contractual 12,000. i ' G. 4 II 4 --!-- - - . _ ;--- — �l� �� as 7 v ,400 �{Maintenance 2,700. { , f 1 ? ' -7�• •! ' of toFe , 500 Capital Outlay_ — — it -0- ! — .-'L - - j; i i ,1,7„,22 ' n WYLIE PUBLIC LIBRARY 108 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 1240 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-1240 PHONE: 442-2716 January 4, 1983 MEMO: TO: Lee Vickers, City Manager FROM! Library Director RE: Library Statistics for December, 1982 CIRCULATION: December,1982 947 Books average of 45 books per day Adults: 609 juvenile: 338 paperbacks: 61 periodicals: 16 Recordings: 18 Tapes: 42 Ieocassette Movies: 43 Filmstrips: 27 barge print Books: 12 TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1166 113 reference questions were answered this month. REGISTRATION: Cards Issued: 30 Total to date: 3769 ACCESSIONS: 70 Books Total to date : 13,601 4 videocassette movies, Total to date: 12 INTERLIBRARY LOAN: 3 Books, 3 films, 16 videocassette movies, 24 large print books were borrowered for use by our patrons. EQUIPMENT LOANED: -ailmstrip projector: 1 Overhead projector: 2 Res�1e tf ly Vmit phyll s D. Floyd Librarian PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK ORDERS December 1982 Dec Dec WATER DEPARTMENT: 1982 1981 Leaks 9 12 Rereads 19 45 New Meters 37 10 Finals 7 11 Taps 3 11 New Accounts 28 13 Bad Meters 38 10 Miscellaneous 14 12 TOTALS 155 124 SEWER DEPARTMENT: 11 10 Stoppages 3 --` 11 Taps 0 8 Miscellanious TOTALS 14 29 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT: 15 3 Electrical Permits Rough-In 9 0 Temporary Pole 7 Final 8 8 . Plumbing Permits 4 8 Rough-In _ 14 0 Final 1 3 Building Permits 7 Slab Inspects 9 8 Rough-In 8 1 Final 0 Gas Line Inspects 4 0 Fence Permits 1 0 Pool Permits 2 0 TOTALS $9 36 STREET DEPARTMENT: 5 5 Repairs SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 13 11 Special Pick-ups TOTAL WORK ORDERS 276 205 MUNICIPAL COURT CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY REPORT DECEMBER 1982 Docket Nos. 312 thru 429 Total Number of complaints filed: 118 Charges: Speeding 38 No Valid Inspection Certificate _3 Ran Stop Sign 1 Drivers License Violations _5 Registration Violations Speeding, School Zone 6 No Proof/Liability Insurance 6 Equipment Violations Public Intoxication 3 Failure to Appear 39 Improper Passing 1 Improper Parking 2 Fleeing 1 Cut Across to Avoid Traffic Device 2 Ran Flashing Red Light 1 Solict without Permit 1 Dog at Large 1 Driver's License Suspension 1 Court Activity: Pretrial Nolo Contendere (pd) 119 Quashed Complaint -r Dismissed Complaint 29 Dismissed/Defensive Driving Course 4 Time Served in Lieu of Fine 0 Trial by Judge 2 1 guilty; 1 not guilty Trial by Jury 0 Bond Forfeitures 5r+ Warrants Issued 74 Appeals 3 Collections: 3066 2047 2050 Bond Forfeitures $ 2424.50 $ 2088.50 $ 280.00 $ 56.00 Fines Paid (Cash) $ 4286.00 $ 3578.00 $ 590.00 $ 118.00 Refunds/Out of City $ 316.00 Total Collections $ 6710.50 $ 5656.50 $ 870.00 $ 174.00 28 December 1982 / i etn J. Gray, Court Clerk • FISCAL REPORT 28 December 1982 BANK ACCOUNT-MUNICIPAL COURT APPEARANCE BONDS Beginning Bank Balance 1 December 1982 $ 1283.50 Total Deposits $ 1860.00 Disbursements City of Wylie $ 2424.50 Out of City/Bonds Ret/Refunds $ 316.00 Total Disbursements $ 2740.50 Bank Balance 28 December 1982 $ 403.00 CASH TRANSACTIONS Total Cash Receipts $ 4479.68 Disbursements/City of Wylie Account #3066 $ 3578.00 Account #2047 $ 590.00 Account #2050 $ 118.00 Account #3064 (Animal) $ 22.00 Account #3078 (Report) $ 40.00 Account #22073 (Water) $ 52.75 Account #3029 (Trash Bag Sales) $ 64.87 Account # 6303 $ 14.06 Account # $ Account # $ Total Cash Disbursements $ 4479.68 Cash on Hand 28 December 1982 $ -0- • TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CITY OF WYLIE - Account No. Cash Bond Forfeitures Total 3066 $ 3578.00 $ 2088.50 $ 5666.50 2047 $ 590.00 $ 280.00 $ 870.00 2050 $ 118.00 $ 56.00 $ 174.00 3064 $ 22.00 - $ 22.00 3078 $ 40.00 - $ 40.00 22073 $ 52.75 - $ 52.75 3029 $ 64.87 - $ 64.87 6303 $ 14.06 - $ 14.06 $ - $ $ - $ Cash Transactions $ 4479.68 Bond Account Transactions $ 2424.50 Totals $ 6904. 18 28 December 1982 Iliizabeth J. Gray, Court Clerk City of Wylie, Texas MONTHLY ACTIVITY DECEMBER 1982 FINES AND BONDS Total Bond Forfeitures (Bank Account Transactions) $ 2424.50 Total Fines Collected (Cash Transactions) $ 4286.00 GRAND TOTAL TO CITY TREASURER $ 6710.50 Credit Account #3066 $ 5666.50 Credit Account #2047 $ 870.00 Credit Account #2050 $ 174.00 MISCELLANEOUS Total Report Fees-Account #3078 $ 40.00 Total Water Receipts-Account #22073 $ 52.75 Total Trash Bag Sales-Account #3029 $ 64.87 Total Animal Fees-Account #3064 $ 22.00 Total Misc. Credits- $ 14.06 Account # 6303 $ 14.06 Account # Account # $ GRAND TOTAL TO CITY TREASURER $ 193.68 6904. 18 GRAND TOTAL-ALL ACCOUNTS-TO CITY TREASURER $ DISBURSEMENTS City Treasurer (Cash Bond Account) $ 2424.50 City Treasurer (Cash Transfer) $ 449.68 Out of City/Refunds/Returned Bonds (Cash Bond Account) $ 31b.00 GRAND TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 7220. 18 BANK ACCOUNT BALANCE 28 December 1982 $ 403.00 Receipt Nos. M4117 thru 4170 C4525 thru 4550; C4753 thru 4800; C4801 thru 4831 ; C4833 J4596 thru 4600; J4601 thru 4614 A4407 thru 4413 Trash Bag 1817 thru 1838 Check Nos. 431 thru 445 28 December 1982 1 e h J. Gray, Court Clerk ity of Wylie, Texas WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT December 19 82 • ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 13 Ordinance Violation • Total 13 ACCIDENTS Major 2 Minor 10 Total 12 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock : 1 Dog At Large 13 Other Dog Bite 1 Total 15 AMBULANCE CALLS Emergency Sick Calls 16 Police-Related Calls 4 ' Other 78 Total 98 ALARMS ANSWERED In City • Bank 4 Other Business 3 Residence Out of City 2 Total 9 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 2 Traffic 1 Other 18 Total 21 ARRESTS MADE Warrant (City of Wylie) 4 Warrant (out of city) 2 Traffic charge 2 Public Intoxication 1 Other -Theft over $200.00 3 Narcotics/Dangerous Drugs 2 Total • 14 t�i.G2 1 MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT December , 19 82 BURGLARY CALLS Residence 2 Business Motor Vehicle Coin Operated Machine Total - 2 THEFT CALLS Felony 4 Misdemeanor Total 4 WRECKER CALLS Accident 2 Police-Related Pull 7 1 Total 10 MISCELLANEOUS CALLS Suspicious Person 9 Suspicious Vehicle 6 Prowler 0 Open Door (Business) 6 Missing Person/Runaway 1 Deceased 0 Security Check 10 Mental Patient/Commitment 0 Emergency Message 3 Traffic (other than accident) 14 Funeral Escort 4 Other Escort 15 Criminal Mischief/Vandalism 1 Disturbance 16 Other: Terroristic Threat -- 1 Speak to Officer 44 Total 130 CLEARANCES Felony 8 Misdemeanor 3 Total 11 TRAFFIC STOPS-Total 198 TOTAL, ALL CALLS FOR MONTH OF December .. 216 Submitted this 6th day of January 19 83 M0::TALY ACTIVITY REPORT WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT December , 19 82 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT ACCIDENTS REPORTED: DATE LOCATION INJURIES? 12-07-82 Hwy 78 @ Ballard No 12-11-82 301 S. Second St. No , 12-11-82 Hwy 78 @ FM 544 No 12-11-82 Brown @ Ballard St. No 12-17-82 Ballard @ College St. Yes 12-17-82 Hwy 78 @ Mobile Station Yes 12-18-82 Assist Sachse on Major Acc. @ Hwy 78 & Pauls Groc. Yes 12-21-82 FM 544 @ Vincent Rd. No 12-26-82 Drop In Grocery No 12-27-82 605 Valentine No 12-31-82 Jackson @ Brown St. No 12-31-82 909 Easter No CLEARANCES: DATE/OFFENSE DATE CLEARED COMPLAINANT/VICTIM CHARGE 12-03-82 12-03-82 Artie Fortenberry Missing Person 11-26-82 12-02-82 Staci Willett Traffic Offense 12-08-82 12-15-82 Ray Jackson Burglary-Residence 12-08-82 12-08-82 Patricia Jones Criminal Trespass 12-12-82 12-12-82 State of Texas/WPD Narcotics/Dang. DrL 12-09-82 12-09-82 State of Texas/WPD Narcotics/Dang. Drt: 12-27-82 12-27-82 Bill Case Criminal Mischief 12-27-82 12-28-82 Tommy Fitch Burglary-Residence 12-28-82 12-29-82 Melvin St.John Theft over $200.00 12-28-82 12-30-82 Robert Daniels Theft over $200.00 12-21-82 12-30-82 Dr. T. M. Trimble Theft over $200.00 ARRESTS: DATE OFFENSE 12-02--82 Wylie Warrants 12-22-82 Wylie Warrants 12-05-82 Wylie Warrants 12-23-82 Wylie Warrants 12-09-82 Narcotics/Dang. Drugs 12-27-82 CCSO Warrants 12-12-82 Narcotics/Dang. Drugs 12-28-82 Theft over $200.00 12-09-82 Traffic 12-28-82 Theft over $200.00 12-13-82 DCSO Warrants 12-29-82 Theft over $200.00 12-15-82 Traffic 12-15-82 Public Intoxication RESCUE TOOL BID SPECIFICATIONS SPREADER Tool must be one-man operated. Maximum working pressure should be 10,500 p.s.i . Weight may not exceed 57 lbs. Chains are to be connected without removing tips or pins first. Arms & tips must have barbed teeth at the inner side in order to to be able to squeeze pipes, etc, Tool must be well balanced. The operation of the tool must be through a one-hand deadman's handle. For safety reasons non-return valves must hold the load in case of pump failure. Moving the deadman 's handle when there is no hydraulic pressure in the tool may not cause a release. Chains should be provided with hooks and one extra shortening hook must be available to be able to make a fixed loop. Must offer 27" spreading. Must furnish one set of hoses 20 feet long with quick couplers and dust caps. RESCUE SHEAR The maximum working pressure of the tool should be 10,500 p.s. i . Must use regrindable blades with a recess in order to cut solid steel bars of 1". Tool should have an adjustable side grip to hold the shear firmly and to provide a good balance. Must offer maximum 17 tons of pure cutting force. Weight may not exceed 31 lbs. The operation of the tool must be through a one-hand deadman's handle. Maximum blade opening must be 4" measured at the points. Must furnish one set of hoses 20 feet long with quick couplers. GASOLINE DRIVEN PUMP Sound level must not exceed 81 dB at 16 feet. Must use a 4-stroke engine of at least 3.5 hp. Engine must be "Briggs & Stratton". Engine must have a "one-handle" control for all functions as throttle, choke, etc. Must operate with any available standard hydraulic oil with a viscosity of 22 cST at 40*. Weight may not exceed 66 lbs. including valve, oil , carrying frame, etc. Pump should have a hydraulic oil capacity of one gallon. Pump must be available with a "two tool " change-over valve to be able to connect the hoses of two tools and select the one to operate. Must have a pressure-release valve to release pressure which has been accidentally built up when the pump has been started without connected hoses. Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENTS----COUPLINGS, ETC. A wide range of accessories must be available to enable large numbers of useful applications. The couplers should be of the "quick-coupler" type and should have dustcaps. One set of 6' 6" chains with hooks. Two chain adaptors; two spare tips; two special cutting tips. Oil Must be mineral based. Must be non-irritating to skin and eyes. Oil to be locally available. SUPPLIER All equipment repair must be by "kit form". Bid specifications must match all printed literature of equipment and be substantiated upon request. Complete owners manual and instruction book to be included. Warranty must be for one year; ninety days on Briggs Engine. Supplier must furnish eight (8) hours training on proper use and safety procedure of this equipment. Page 2 of 2 • • CITY OF WYLIE CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY 1983 Tuesday, January 11 - City Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 13 - Board of Adjustment 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing Thursday, January 13 - Collin County Public 7:30 p.m. Officials Meeting Tuesday, January 25 - Municipal Court 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 27 - Planning & Zoning 7:00 p.m. Commission • gw CITY OF ALLEN \` en 302 W. MCDERMOTT ALLEN. TEXAS 75002 TO: COLLIN COUN PUBLIC OFFICIALS FROM: JOE FARMER, RESIDENT, CCPOA SUBJECT: JANUARY MEE NG OF THE COLLIN COUNTY PUBLIC OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION DATE: JANUARY 5, 1983 The January Meeting of the Collin County Public Officials Association has been scheduled for Thursday, January 13, at the old McKinney Country Club located east of Highway 5 on F.M. 1378. There will be a cash bar beginning at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Another outstanding program has been scheduled for the benefit of the members. As you know, in observance of the holiday season, the Association does not hold a meeting in December. Last November the members present at the meeting heard a report from members of each of the six subcommittees of the Progress and Evaluation Committee organized by the County Commissioner's Court to advise the Court on items to be considered in a bond program to be put before the voters in the spring of 1983. Those six subcommittees include the Roads and Highway Development Subcommittee, the Health Services Subcommittee, the New Jail, Fire/Police Training Facilities, Central Maintenance Building Subcommittee, the Plano Subcourthouse Improvements Subcommittee, the Old Courthouse and Old Jail Subcommittee, and the Youth Park Open- Space Preservation and Farmers Market Subcommittee. A reminder that the February Meeting of the Association will be held on Friday, February 11, 1983, at the Los Rios Country Club. The February Meeting is the Annual Spring Banquet at which a special program is held and spouses are encouraged to attend. I have just received word from Gib Lewis' office and he has agreed to be the featured speaker at the Spring Banquet. Representative Lewis' attendance at the Spring Banquet is particularly timely and appropriate because, of course, the Legislative Session will have just begun and it is anticipated that Mr. Lewis will be the Speaker of the House. Announcement notices for the Spring Banquet will be mailed to you in the next week or two. Please notify the appropriate people in your organization of the January meeting and call in your reservations to Judy Morrison at the Allen City Hall no later than 12:00 noon, Tuesday, January 11, 1983 (telephone 727-3336 or 424-7518, Dallas line) . 302 W.MCDERMOTT • 71 4.777.1116 • 71 4.474-7S 1 a tf1AI I AS I INF1