09-13-1983 (City Council) Agenda Packet \\, f ' \ O F jy� date posted 9-9-83 0- LAKE �j time posted 11 :00 AM \CANON 4 WYLIE •• LAKE RAY HUBBARD AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 13, 1983 7 :00 P. M. 1 . Call to order and invocation. d41111) 2. Approve minutes and accounts payable. ) ( I OP 3. o. - -e fiury Suzy-Block a Family. 4. Consider fee for Ambulance Service. 5. Approve holding a public auction to remove all equipment, cars, etc. not being used. 6. Approval of Mr. J. T. Dunkin services to update the zoning ordinance. 7. Consider approval of the speed zone for Birmingham from 15 mph to 20 mph in the school zone. 8. Consider approval of speed zone for S. Ballard from 15 mph to 20 mph in the school zone. 9. Approve the posting of school crossing sign at Sachse Road and Kirby. 10. First Public Hearing for annexation of 10 acres on FM 1378 (Kelley Concrete) . 11 . Approval of preliminary plat for Rustic Oaks. 12. Approval of preliminary plat for Planned Development for Switzer Property. 13. Approval of preliminary plat for Railroad Industrial Park. 14. Consider approval of a part-time employee for Police Department (one day a week at $5.06 per hour) . 15. Consider approval of specs for commerical trash pick-up. 16. Jerry Hoagland to address the Council . — 17. Departmental Reports. 18. Mayor and Council reports. 19. Consider appointment of City Manager (V. S. 6252.17) . 20. Adjourn. 1 - n CITY COUNCIL MINUTES CALLED MEETING August 6, 1983 8:30 A.M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session at 8:30 A.M. on Saturday, August 6, 1983 in Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Robert Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendace were Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Councilmen Don Hughes, William Martin, Cleo Adams, Percy Simmons, and City Secretary Carolyn Jones. Councilman Martin made a motion to recess into Executive Session, in accordance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2g, to discuss personnel matters. Mayor Pro Tem Akin seconded, all in favor. Mayor Squires called the meeting back into open session. Matters discussed during executive session were interviews with candidates for City Manager position. There were four interviews conducted with the following persons: 1. Frank A. Proctor 2. T. H. "Jack" Caffall 3. Joe C. Benton 4. Paul W. Henderson No decision made at this time for the position of City Manager. Motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Hughes, seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary MINUTES OF CALLED CITY COUNCIL August 8, 1983 7:00 P.M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session at 7:00 P. M. on Monday, August 8, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro Tem Akin, Councilmen Percy Simmons, Cleo Adams, William Martin, Don Hughes, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager I . W. Santry, Bob Mansell , Carl Reim and Truett Smith. Mayor ,called the meeting to order. The primary purpose is to meet with North Texas Municipal Water District over the water and sewer problems east of town. Carl Reim asked to give a brief history of North Texas Municipal Water Dis- trict. North Texas is a governmental indity, greated by the State of Texas back in 1951, there was ten (10) cities that banded together, Wylie was one of the original 10 cities. At this time the State was trying to build some type of water storage out of Lake Lavon. The State had to have someone to contract within this area. These ten cities finally got together and worked out their situation and formed a District through the Texas Legislation. The Legislature finally formed a District and it was primarily formed to store i " and operate a water treatment plant. Mr. Truett Smith was one of the original Board Members and one of the first persons to try and put this District to- gether. North Texas has several concerns for our City, the first being all the new developments coming in on the west side of Wylie and not having enough water supply and pressure. Second being the sewer treatment plant is running at 60% capacity. This is a very high capacity without adding more to it. The City needs to look into the possibility of enlarging the system we have or building another system. North Texas Municipal Water District has a 72" water line with a tap on it to help serve the west side of the City. The City could also put a pump station at the 72" tap at approximate cost of $100.000. without overhead storage. Also, the City could move the old water tower over on the west side and put it in to operation at approximate cost of $104.000. The old tower has approx- imately 40 more years of service. Capacity wise, the pump has approximately 25 years, if ground level tank is put in, then the capacity of the old tank would last longer than 25 years. There is another alternative and that is that the City would have to enter into an agreement with North Texas Municipal Water District agreeing that the City would purchase X# gallons and then North Texas would pick up the tap for this area. The City would have to provide a storage tank and pump station for the area. Mr. Rehin said no matter what the City decides to do the rates will have to go up in order to provide service for the City Mr. Truett Smith said the Council needed to look at what the developers pay per lot for putting in water and sewer lines that tap into the City main lines. He also said a City smaller than Wylie is charging $904.00 per lot for water and sewer taps. This charge would help compensate the cost of water and sewer. Another problem is the City sewer treatment plant is overloaded on a daily basis. The City sewer permit is up October 14, 1984, and there may be problems with the State in getting this permit renewed. It looks as though the City will have to put in another treatment plant or enlarge the one they already have. Mayor Pro Tem Akins wanted to know if it would be feasible to go in with Murphy and combine a new sewer treatment plant. Mayor Pro Tem Akin feels the City is not ready to put in a new water tower and new sewer treatmen plant. I. W. Santry wanted to know if there was additional capacity at North Texas for another pump at the clear well . It appears that the present line will not carry water to the east. Mr. Rehin assured the Council that North Texas would make room for another pump for the City. Mr. Reim also reminded Council that there is an open space now where one of the pumps was pulled for repairs. Council gave Mr. I. W. Santry the O.K. to have the pump put together and put back into operation. Motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Hughes, seconded by Councilman Adams , all in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL August 9, 1983 The Wylie City Council met in a regular session at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 9, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall .<1 liayor Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Councilmen Don Hughes, Percy Simmons, Cleo Adams , William Martin, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Acting City Manager I . W. Santry, Lib- rarian Cindy Peterson, Chief Abbott, Wylie Ranch East Homeowners Assoc., and other citizens. Introduction of Librarian: The City's new librarian was introduced to the Council . Her name is Cynthia Peterson (Cindy). Cindy is working on her masters degree in Library Science. Minutes and Accounts Payable: There being no questions to the minutes and accounts payable, motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to accept them. Sec- onded by Councilman Simmons , all in favor. First Public Hearing annexing of 107.11 acres in De La Pina Survey: This acreage is located off of North Highway 78 between Kreymer Lane and Eubanks Road. Council asked for the letters from the property owners inside this section of land requesting to be annexed. Mr. Beckham did not have letters from these property owners , but did have signed affidavits and signed deeds. Mayor Squires informed Mr. Beckham that Wylie was a General Law City and the Council needed these letters requesting annexation into the City. Mr. Beckham said some of the property owners were out of town and could not be reached at this time. Mr. Beckham also said that all property owners had to sign the final plat and this should be enough. Mayor pointed out that the final plat was not the same as the annexation hearing. Mayor Squires suggested the Council proceed on and request a ruling from City Attorney. Mayor Squires opened the meeting up for the public hearing. Mr. I. W. Santry gave a report from Planning and Zoning which recommended the developer bring the water line out to the property plus a sewer line to the new Rush Creek lift station. Mr. Beckham has agreed to participate with the other developers in the cost of the new lift station. Mayor Squires asked if there was any public opinion. Mr. Clyde Key spoke for the Wylie Ranch East Homeowners Assoc. , this property is directly across Kreymer Lane, which has great concern that Mr. Beckham has not upheld his promises and building standards in putting in their addition. Mayor Squires assured this group that there would be no home built until all requirements and ordinances had been met. Another citizen was concerned about the drainage problem. James Parker made the statement the water is so high on Kreymer Lane, that the buses have had to take the kids down the road just so they- could get home from school . Mrs. Betty Key said she has dealt with Mr. Beckham for quite some time because of the conditions of the street sand and the drainage. Mrs. Key feels this will add to their drainage problem and that from past experience knows the City already had enough drainage problems without adding to them. Another citizen wanted to know if the City took into consideration the schools and how many more students they will be adding into the system. Another citizen has concern about the traffic problem at Highway 78 and Kreymer, they do not want another addition added to this already existing problem. It sometimes takes ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes 142 to get from Kreymer onto Highway 78 now, if this addition is accepted, it will increase the traffic flow. Mr. Santry said that Kreymer Lane, Old Highway 78, and Eubanks will be paved and this will help, but there will still be some problems. James Parker asked what type of homes would be built. Mayor Squires reminded him that this was not the question on hand, but that the City Odinance required 75% masonary. Mr. Beckham said Wylie Ranch East was developed in 1978. There was '25 - 2 acre tractsand roads that were built by Collin County Standards. The problem with these roads is due to the water running across Kreymer Lane. The streets were built for low water crossing instead of building bridges and drainage systems. Mr. Beckham set up the homeowners account and paid $50.00 per lot until the lots were sold. There is an account at First State Bank in Wylie. Some of the funds have been used to repair and patch these streets. The Council has heard the pros and cons and has also heard from Mr. Beckham. Mayor Squires turned this item of annexation back to the Council table for questions. Councilman Hughes wanted to know what size street would be put in. Planning and Zoning has not made a recommendation but feels they will recommend 37 back to back for Old 78 and Kreymer Lane. Councilman Hughes also asked if the drainage problem could be solved. Mr. Santry thinks it can and that it will also help the drainage problem of Wylie Ranch East. Councilman Adams wanted to know if Rush Creek would be able to carry this drainage. Mr. Santry does not see a problem with this. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to accept the first annexation hearing and proceed to the second hearing for annexation. Seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. Public Hearing for zoning request from Retail to Planned Development: This area is located on Highway 78 between Dairy Queen and Texaco Service Station, its legal is Track 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, &10 of S. B. Shelby Abstract No. 820. This section contains 6.3685 acres. Mayor Squires opened the meeting up for a public hearing. There being no opposition or questions from the public, the hearing was closed and this item returned to the Council table. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to rezone this property from Retail to Planned Development. Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Public Hearing for zoning request from Industrial & SF1 to Retail and SF2: This area is located off FM 3412 anf Cottonbelt. Mayor Squires opened the meeting up for a public hearing. There being no opposition or questions from the public, the public hearing was closed and this item returned to Council table. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to change the zoning from Industrial & SF1 to Retail and SF2. Seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. Speed Zone Ordinance for FM 3412: Speed Zone ordinance for all of FM 3412 within the incorporate limits of the City of Wylie. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to adopt the speed zone ordinance for FM 3412, seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. No Parking Sign on west side of Fifth Street: There is a problem with parking on both sides of the street at Fifth and Oak. No parking signs on the west side of the street would keep traffic lanes open. Motion made by Councilman Simmons to put up two no parking signs on the west side of Fifth Street, seconded by Councilman Adams , all in favor. Mayor's report & Council Discussion & Departmental reports: Fire Department reported making 23 calls during the month of July, 1983. Mr. Santry reported one pump at North Texas Municipal Water District has been repumping water back through the check value. This has caused some of our high water usage. All departmental reports were accepted without question. Citizen Participation: Tim Hemingham reported that Phase I is complete for Kinsington Manor. The lift station has been installed but the power has not been connected by Texas Power & Light as of this date. Phase II has all the streets, alleys, and water and sewer lines in place. Again, the lift station does not have power as of yet. Texas Power & Light says it will be at least three or four more weeks before they can get to this. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to recess into Executive Session, in accordance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2g, to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by Councilman Martin, all in favor. Mayor Squires called the meeting back into open session. During executive session, several personnel matters were discussed. First being that of appointing an Acting City Manager since Mayor Pro Tem Akin was leaving town for a few weeks. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to appoint I . W. Santry as Acting City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Martin, all in favor. Another item was that of appointing a tax collector for Wylie since there was not a member of the City Staff certified or in the process of being certified for tax collecting. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to appoint Eugent (BO) Daffin as Tax Collector for the City of Wylie. Seconded by Council- man Adams, all in favor. Letter from Fire Marshall : Fire Marshall Lester Gayler has requested a car allowance since he has to provide his own transportation. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to allow $50.00 per month car allowance to the Fire Marshall . Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Mayor appointed a committee to review all salaries of the City employees. This committee is made up of Councilman Martin and Adams. Council would like to see the City go to a merit method of increasing salaries instead of across the board increase. Motion was made to adjourn, all in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 12, 1983 The Wylie City Council met in an emergency called session at 6:30 P.M. on Friday, August 12, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Squires, Mayor Pro Tem Akin, Councilmen Cleo Adams , William Martin, Percy Simmons, Don Hughes, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Chief Abbott, Officer Bridgefarmer. Motion was made to recess into Executive Session, in accordance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2g, to discuss personell matters by Councilman Simmons. Seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. Mayor Squires called the meet- ing back into open session. During executive session the Council reviewed information on City Manager Candidates. Motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Hughes seconded, all in favor. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary - CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 22, 1983 7:00 P.M. • The Wylie City Council met in a called session at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, August 22, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Squires, Councilmen Percy Simmons, Cleo Adams , William Martin, Don Hughes, Acting City Manager I . W. Santry, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Don Kreymer, Mike Rawlings , Jamie Roberts , Larry Jack- son City Attorney, Mr. Beckham. Mayor Pro Tem Akin was absent. Mayor Squires called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. On Site Public Hearing for 107. 11 acres in De La Pina for annexation: This acreage is located between Highway 78, Kreymer Lane, Old Highway 78 and Eubanks Road. There being no opposition or questions concerning this annexation, the public hearing was closed and Council returned to the Chambers. Attorney Larry Jackson gave a ruling on the City not hav- ing proper letters from property owners requesting annexation. The City can take action, but these letters have to be in our files prior to the ordinance being signed granting annexation. Motion was made by Council- man to annex these 107. 11 acres. Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor Public Hear ng for rezoning Rush Creek II from SF1 and SF2: Meeting was opened to public, there being no questions or opposition, public hearing was closed. Planning and Zoning recommended this rezoning be approved. Motion was made by Councilman Martin to accept zoning change from SF1 to SF2. Seconded by Councilman Simmons , all in favor. Park Proration Charge: I. W. Santry has prepared a draft for consideration and approval . There is a park proration charge in other cities such as Allen and Plano. This sets forth a process by which a developer sets aside a tract of land or cash amount based on fair market value into Escrow account for purchasing land for a park. Mr. Santry suggested this be tabled until the Council has had time to read and study the ordinance further. This ordinance is in accordance with same values as the City of Allen. Mr. Santry would like for Planning and Zoning to see this if Council says they will enforce such an ordinance. All the Council agreed tp endorse this item with more detail study. Mayor Squires suggested this not be made a part of the Zoning Ordinance or the Subdivision Regulations. Melvin St. John feels this is not fair to the developers . People in new subdivisions will have to pay more than their fair share. Melvin feels -. there should be a public hearing before this is adopted. Mayor Squires assured Melvin that there would be a meeting with developers as he had done in the past. Bids for Paving Memorial and Mardi Gras: One bid was received from Mr. Harold Spence for paving Memorial and Mardi Gras. Total bid for asphalt with lime stabilization is $60,512.00, Concrete $91,910.00. Mr. Spence did not put up a maintenance bond on either of the bids. Council requested that Mr. Spence put up some type of maintenance. Mr. Spence agreed to let the City retain 5% of the cost of the street for a period of six (6) months. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to accept the aspect bid for $60,512.00 as written except with 5% maintenance bond. Seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. Approval of Mobile Home Ordinance: Planning and Zoning approved the revised draft and recommended it be adopted by the City of Wylie. Motion was made by Councilman Adams to approve the Mobile Home Ordinance. Second- ed by Councilman Martin. Three Councilmen voted in favor of the Ordinance. One Councilman voted against. Comments from Director of Chamber of Commerce: Chamber is supporting a new fire station on the ground of the new water tower. The building will have 2800 square feet, all brick and will be built through donated funds. Mike Rawlings would like to see the doors changed form 10 x 12 to 12. x 12 in order to have enough clarence. The existing fire station has doors that are 10 x 12 and there is barely enough clarence. Councilmen are in complete agreement and very thankful for the support of the citizens to this fund. Council wishes to express their thank you to Don Kreymer and Raymond Cooper for working on this project. Acceptance of a portion of Westwind Meadows II: All water and sewer lines have been installed and all streets and alleyways are in. All that is left is a section of the street that has not been cut. The ease- ment for the water and sewer will be paid by Melvin St. John in the amount of $300.00 to Holland Hitch. There will be no occupance certificates issued until the streets have been cut, this request is for building permits only. Motion was made by Councilman hughes to accept Westwind Meadows II for building permits only, no occupancy certificates will be issued. Seconded by Councilman Adams , all in favor. Acceptance of a portion of Kiningston Manor II & III : All water and sewer lines have been installed, all streets and alleyways are in. The only thing left is to have Texas Power and Light Company put power to the lift station. TP & L has promised to do this within the next few days. There will be no certificates of occupancy until the lift station is in full operation. Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to grant building permits only and not certificate of occupancy until final plat has been approved. Seconded by Councilman Hughes, all in favor. Consider appointment of J. T. Dunkin to make addition to the Zoning Ordinance: I. W. Santry has talked with Mr. Dunkin and discussed some of the areas which need to be studied and additions made. Also Mr. Dunkin has met with the Planning and Zoning Commission and discussed the Zoning Ordinance. Motion was made to table until Mr. Dunkin has given us some type of estimate on the cost of this project by Councilman Simmons , second- ed by Councilman Adams , all in favor. Councilman Adams made a motion to recess into Executive Session, in accord- ance with Article 6252-17, subsection 2G, to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by Councilman Simmons, all in favor. Mayor Squires called the meeting back into open session. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes, based upon recommendation of staff, the following employees, Richard Martinez, John Allen, and Donald Richmond, be terminated from the City due to lack of confid- ence for their ability to perform their duties. Seconded by Councilman Martin, all in favor. Councilmen also requested Mr. Santry check into the progress of the quick claim deed for Bill Chapman. Mr. I. W. Santry wants to meet with the refuse committee to prepare spects for bids before contracting the refuse collections for the City. The City has been accepted by Region 10 Educational services since our School district is using this system. Region 10 will run our tax roll and print all tax statements . All Councilmen were in favor of this. Motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Hughes, Seconded by Councilman Adams, all in favor. Robert B. Squires , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • EMERGENCY CALLED MEETING CITY COUNCIL August 24, 1983 6:00 P.M. The Wylie City Council met in an emergency called session at 6:00 P. M. on Wednesday, August 24, 1983 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . Mayor Squires presided. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting ha been posted for the time and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Squires, Councilmen William Martin, Percy Simmons , Cleo Adams, Acting City Manager I. W. Santry, City Secretary, Carolyn Jones. Those absent were Mayor Pro Tem John Akin,. and Councilman Don Hughes. Reconsider Bid for paving Memorial & Mardi Gras Streets: Motion was made by Councilman Adams to move that the action taken in regards to the bid- ding on the construction of the paving of Memorial and Mardi Gras at the Monday, August 22, 1983 meeting of the City Council be rescinded because a mistake was made and that two bids had been -received and that one bid was overlooked. Seconded by Councilman Martin, all in favor. The bids received were as follows : Spence Construction $60,512.02 for asphalt $91,910.07 for concrete Texas Bitulithic Co. $43,317.72 for asphalt Motion was made by Councilman Adams to accept the bid from Texas Bit ulithic Company for $14,439.24 for asphalt. Seconded by Councilman Martin, all in favor. There will be a limit to citizens wanting to pay out their portion of repaving to 12, 18, or 24 month period. Authorize Mayor to enter into a contract with Region 10 for tax preparation for 1983 tax year. Motion was made by Councilman Martin, seconded by. Councilman Adams. All in favor. Motion made to adjourn by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Martin, all in favor. Robert B. Squires , Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary GENERAL FUND Accounts Payable 13402 Larry Allen $ 110.00 Mowing 9403 Larry Allen 432.00 Mowing Var. Aratex/Industrial Uniform & Towel 283.81 Uniform rental 6406 Carter Chevrolet Co. 147 .76 Carburetor 4303 General Telephone 273.00 Telephone 6303 General Telephone 109.08 Telephone 15303 General Telephone 50.75 Telephone Var. General Telephone 303.94 Telephone 9406 Hi-way Wrecking Yard 353.55 Air Compressor & parts 9328 NTMWD 2,537 .00 Solid waste disposal Var. Pegasus Building Maintenance 85.00 Jantorial service 8407 North Star Paving Co. 609.00 Hot mix Var. Switzer Petroleum Products, Inc . 4,371 .77 Gas, oil , & misc . 4312 Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols 300.00 Legal services 4204 Sysco Food Systems, Inc . 83.54 Coffee machine 8508 Southwestern Laboratories 1 ,079.75 Tests 4201 V. W. Eimicke Assoc. , Inc. 72.67 Office supplies 4203 The Wylie News 94.40 Ads Var. Wylie Texaco 127 .10 Inspection & flats Var. Wylie Auto Parts 88.93 Parts Var. Wylie Auto Parts 244.64 Parts Var. Xerox 255.92 Rental services Total $12,013.61 UTILITY FUND Accounts Payable Var. Aratex/Industrial Uniform & Towel $ 186.54 Uniform rental Var. Wylie Hardware 187 .85 Misc. 25405 ChemCo 104.50 Chemicals 27303 General Telephone 51 .65 Telephone 25406 Jomar Parts Warehouse ' 114.73 Parts 25305 NTMWD 8,498.13 Water Var. Rockwall Ice Co. 75.45 Ice 25509 The Rohan Co. 576.00 Meter boxes & lids Var. Rushin Lumber Co. 73.39 Misc . Var. Switzer Petroleum Products 4,371 .76 Gas and oil 27204 Sysco Food Systems, Inc. 83.53 Coffee machine 25408 Tolbert Electric Motor Co. , Inc. 388.50 Rebuilt motor 25405 Thomason Tire Inc . 304.90 Tire & tube 25405 Trinity Equipment Co. 202.45 Parts Var. Texas Meter & Sewer Co. 1 ,443.05 Parts Total $16,662.43 UTILITY FUND Var. Aratex Ind. Uniforms $ 207.40 Uniforms 25408 Control Specialist 317.00 Water pumps 25509 Quality Meter & Repair 515.50 Meters 25207 Tifco Ind. 100.64 Misc . Var. A & C Enterprises 83.64 Nuts & bolts Var. American United Life 490.95 Group insurance 21048 Petty Cash 755.00 Final bills 25408 Daco 228.00 Autocon System Var. Employee's Retirement System 683.54 Social Security 25408 Quality Meters 737.10 Meters 25405 Newman Electric 140.00 Control circuit - _ 25408 Rohan Co. 576.00 Meter boxes 25204 Zep Manufacturing 102.35 Supplies Var. T P & L 1 ,514.90 Electric service Var. TML Workmen' s Comp. 230.50 Workmen' s Comp. Ins. Var. TMRS 328.35 Retirement plan Total $ 7,010.87 GENERAL FUND 9208 Arrow Industries $ 4,950.00 Trash Bags Var. Artex Ind. Uniforms 153.39 Uniforms Var. Griner Printing 236.75 Printing Var. GTE 257 .79 Telephone 8407 North Star Paving 777.00 Hot mix 6406 Rowlett Transmissions 135.00 Trans./An. Cont. Truck 8508 Southwest Labs 645.50 Test Var. Schwaab 70.00 Stamps Var. Xerox Corp. 89.00 Paper Var. A & C Enterprises 83.07 Nuts & bolts 8407 Century Ready Mix 207.05 Concrete Kirby & Memoria 15511 Cole Publication 67.75 Dues Var. IBM 435.00 Maint.-typewriter Var. Employees Retirement System 1 ,468.78 Social Security Var. P. D. Petty Cash 85.70 Misc. 4201 Plano Office Supply 102.98 Supplies 8407 North Star Paving 525.00 Hot mix 8407 North star Paving 1 ,743.00 Hot mix 6204 Marking System 416.27 P. D. Logos 4320 Ladylike System 360.00 Rent on storage bldg. 7321 A. T. & S. F. Railroad Co. 400.00 Rent 8508 SW Labs 699.00 Test-streets 8508 SW Labs 302.00 Test-streets — 4319 Xerox 210.00 Rent on machine Var. Western Auto 59.68 Supplies Var. Taylor Sales 231 .23 Repair gas pump Var. T P & L 2,666.40 Electric service 8207 Tifco Industries 72.60 Electric Term. Var. TML Workmen' s Comp. 691 .50 Workmen' s Comp. 6401 Racal Milgo 147.00 P. D. Supplies 6401 Racal Milgo 21 .00 P. D. Supplies Var. TMRS 902.06 Retirement plan Total $ 19,211 .50 CITY OF VV. E 114 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 428 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-0428 MEMORANDUM 2 September 1983 . TO: I . S. Santry , Acting City Manager FROM: R. D. Abbott, Chief of Police RE: Request for additional parttime personnel I have considered the request (copy attached) from the Court Clerk, Liz Gray for parttime temporary help and feel that such request is justified. I now request your consideration of this matter , and ask that your approval of this request be prompt in order to help alleviate the situation at hand as soon as possible. I have no objection to the named individual suggested for this job; I would recommend a salary of $5.06/hr; no benefits , of course. 7(2 /? &AC R. D. Abbott Chief of Police RDA:ejg attach. J 114 N. BALLARDES TEXAS P.O. BOX 428 WY LI75098-0428 ( 9 V C S EMORA ,,,,. 1 2\September 1983 t I TO: R. D. Abbott , Chief of Police FROM: Liz Gray , Court Clerk RE: Parttime Court Clerk R Chief , I wish to request parttime office assistance (for at least the month 1 of September 1983) particularily to assist with Court paperwork. .4 I have been unable to keep abreast of all these matters due to the increased Court workload as well as Police activity which has been on the rise since ithe end of June. I Currently , dispatchers have been trying to help with some of the typing of k Court papers , and I feel that this is risky for two reasons--one, we end I: up with four or five different persons handling court business and the I paperwork ends up being lost , etc. , and two, these dispatchers are not actually 'official" and under the letter of the law, cannot act officially. , Also, we run a great risk of someone complaining because we are OBVIOUSLY mixing police business with court business, which I feel in itself is not i a good policy. 1 d At this writing , I have a backlog of over 100 warrants to be typed; I have 1 probably 30-40 complaints needing to be typed and filed , bond forfeitures E which have not been acted upon since the middle of August and miscellaneous filing which needs to be accomplished. I would feel more comfortable (in i knowing that it will be done correctly , etc.--and this is no reflection upon the dispatchers--it is just that I cannot remember to tell each of the dispatchers every little thing there is to be told about these different papers) hiring one person to help on occasion and teaching her the correct , way to do so. i My workload of police business is such that I cannot keep up with all of the work in spite of some overtime which I would probably still be working if we do hire some help. Office records for the new fiscal year need to be set up as well as closing out the old year--not to mention the annual report for Muny Court. 2 September 1983 Chief R. D. Abbott ' Page two I would like to recommend the hiring of an individual as a sort of "Deputy" Court Clerk, on a temporary basis , and one day a week. I do have someone in mind for this help , Jeanne Nixon , who at this time does not work on Fridays , and could fill this position. I feel that she is familiar with the work to such an extent that she would not be afraid of it , and would easily "pick up" alot of the things that she would need to know. In the event that she were needed to dispatch or type police reports , she would also be able to fill in for us in that regard. Please consider this request and pass this information on to the City Manager and Council as you see appropriate. • Liz Gray t.),„ frIn `-' P. O. Box 495 • WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 • 214-442-2234 '( We request that thecityalott the ambulance service , 000. 00 a year, use of the police department dispatchers, and the up-keep of the radios in the ambulances We feel this is a very reasonable amount for the service considering the amount many of our neighbors are having to pay for their ambulance service . The City of Rockwall is paying $78, 000. 00 a year for their services. The ambulances there ran about 300 emergency calls. Allen Ambulance Service cc: la _500- 0) \),, P. O. Box 495 • WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 • 214-.442-2234 Radio Repair $ 150. 00 Insurance 2, 090. 00 Gasoline 10, 200 . 00 Repair to Ambulance 7, 104. 00 Salaries 96, 720. 00 Supplies 2, 375. 00 Workman Comp. Insurance 1 , 358. 00 Telephone 1 , 296. 00 Gas, Water, Electrical 1 , 214 . 00 Office Help-Ins. , Medicare 6, 500. 00 Office Supplies 725 . 00 Salaries on Telephone ( 24 hrs . ) 10, 250. 00 Linen 2, 000. 00 Cost of Ambulance 21 , 750 . 00* Radios for Ambulance 847 . 00 Schooling 640. 00 TOTAL $1 65, 219 . 00 * This is the cost for the ambulance only . Price does not include stretcher, oxygen bottle or supplies. GENERAL FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST BANK BALANCE AS OF duly 31 , 1983 $ 70,873.22 REVENUE DEPOSITS FOR THE MONTH OF August Tax (Trash Bags) $ 67.98 State Court Cost I 495.00 State Court Cost II 97.00 Trash Bags 370.50 Ad Valorem Tax 163.99 Delinquent Tax 254.53 Penalty & Interest 200.55 Tax Certificates 14.00 Sales Tax 18,871 .43 0 Plat Fees Building Permits 1 ,885.85 Electrical Permits 95.20 Plumbing Permits 281 .00 Other Permits 6.00 Electrical Licenses 260.00 Other License 25.00 Garbage Service Fee 8,206.89 Municipal Court Fines 4,098.00 Library Fines 13.10 Library Cost 0 Donations - Special Projects 0 Miscellaneous Revenue 474.47 Interest Earned 0 Street Paving 426.23 Utility Franchise 0 Zoning 50.00 Police-Building Maintenance 275.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 36,631 .72 TOTAL BANK FUNDS $ 107,504.94 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 73,203.56 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 34,301 .38 UTILITY FUND MONTHLY REPORT OF AUGUST BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983 $ 16,404.16 Revenue Deposits for the Month of August 1983 Meter Deposits $ 1 ,380.00 Donations/Special Projects 0 Water Sales 23,051 .87 Water Tap 1 ,620.00 Other Water Sales 240.95 Sewer Service Fees 13,454.58 Sewer Tap 90.00 Interest & Penalty 818.50 Turn On/Off 48.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 186.47 TOTAL .REVENUE $ 40,890.37 TOTAL BANK FUNDS $ 57,294.53 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 41 ,935.74 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 15,358.79 WATER & SEWER REVENUE BOND IMPROVEMENT FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR August BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983 $ 0 Revenue Deposits for the Month of August Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 0 Expenditures $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 0 WYLIE PARK & RECREATION DEVELOPMENT FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR August 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983 $ 6,433.15 Revenue Deposits for the Month of August Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 6,433.15 Expenditures $ 536.60 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 5,896.55 REVENUE SHARING FUND MONTHLY REPORT FOR August 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983 $ 21 ,270.85 Revenue Deposits for August 1983 Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 21 ,270.85 Expenditures for August 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 21 ,270.85 COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF • OBLIGATION SERIES OF 1974 INTEREST & SINKING FUND BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983 $ 1 .00 Revenue Total Deposits $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 1 .00 Expenditures for August 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 1 .00 • 1982 Tax Collection for AUGUST Riverview Townhomes $ 0 Bostic I 0 Bostic II 0 Bostic III 0 Brown & Burns 0 J M Butler 0 Butler 0 Caldwell 0 Callaway 0 Eldridge 0 Fairview 99.24 Holiday Terrace I 0 Holiday Terrace II 0 Holiday Terrace III 0 Keller I 0 Keller II 0 Lavon Terrace 0 Railroad 0 Russell 64.95 Southside 0 Westwind Meadows 0 Wylie Industrial Park 0 Wylwood I 0 •Wylwood II 0 Wylwood III 0 Wylwood IV 0 Survey 0 Personal Property 0 Mobile Homes 0 TOTALS $ 163.99 GENERAL OBLIGATION INTEREST & SINKING MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST 1983 BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983 $ 9,895.04 Revenue Deposits for August 1983 Ad Valorem Tax Total Deposit $ 0 . Total Bank Funds $ 9,895.04 Expenditures for August 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 9,895.04 WATER & SEWER SYSTEMS REVENUE BONDS INTEREST & SINKING FUND BANK BALANCE AS OF July 31 , 1983. $ 1 ,459.91 Revenue Deposits for August 1983 Transfer Interest Total Deposits _ $ 0 Total Bank Funds $ 1 ,459.91 Expenditures for August 1983 $ 0 BANK BALANCE AS OF August 31 , 1983 $ 1 ,45A 91 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK ORDERS August - DATER DEPARTMENT: 1983 1983 Leaks 3 8 Rereads 14 63 New Meters 37 14 Finals 24 10 Taps 10 4 . New Accounts 41 25 Replace Meters 10 12 Repair Meters 1 Miscellaneous 5 9 TOTALS 155 145 SEWER DEPARTMENT: Stoppages 6 8 Taps 10 4 Miscellaneous 2 1 TOTALS 18 13 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT: Electrical Permits 11 7 Temporary Pole 7 7 Rough-In 16 4 Final 15 2 PlumbingPermits 16 10 Rough-In 17 5 Final 11 5 Building Permits 23 11 Slab 25 9 Framing 15 3 Occupancy 1 3 • Gas Line 9 2 Fence Permits 1 Pool Permits 1 Belly Steel TOTALS 166 70 STREET DEPARTMENT: 3 22 Repairs SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 25 28 Special Pick-ups TOTAL WORK ORDERS 367 278 WYLIE PUBLIC LIBRARY 108 N. BALLARD ST. - P.O. BOX 1240 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098-1240 PHONE: 442-2716 September 1 , 1983 MEMO: TO : City Manager FROM: Library Director RE: Library Statistics for July, 1983 CIRCULATION: 1224 books, average of 53 books per day Adult : 659 Juvenile : 565 Paperbacks: 37 Periodicals: 27 Recordings: 47 Videocasette tapes : 130 Films: 3 Tapes : 1 Large Print Books: 6 Filmstrips: 0 Total Circulation: 1475 REGISTRATION: 32 reference questions were answered this month for our patrons. Cards issued: 32 Total to date: 4073 ACCESSIONS : 75 books were added Total to date : 14104 INTERLIBRARY LOAN: 8 books, 0 films were borrowed for use by our patrons . EQUIPMENT LOANED: 1 pair of headsets Respectfully submitted Cynthia L. Peterson Librarian W'YLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT AM UST 19 83 MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT ABANDONED VEHICLES • 26 Checked by Officer 6 Ordinance Violation 26 Total ACCIDENTS 2 Major 4 Minor 5 Total • ANIMAL COMPLAINTS0 Loose Livestock Dog At Large 8 8 Other —9 Dog Bite 18 Total • — AMBULANCE CALLS 9 Emergency Sick Calls Police-Related Calls 9 • 2 Other 5 43 Total ALARMS ANSWERED In City Bank 7 Other Business 17 0 Residence 0 Out of City 17 Total ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 0 Traffic 1 Other 7 Total ARRESTS MADE 1 Warrant (City of Wylie) 1 Warrant (out of city)Traffic charge 6 1 Public Intoxication 4 Other 22 motal s BURGLARY CALLS 1 Residence 1 Business • Motor Vehicle O 0 Coin Operated Machine . • 2 Total • THEFT CALLS 6 Felony 1 Misdemeanor • Total • WRECKER CALLS . Accident 4 • Police-Related Pull 6 • 10 . • Total MISCELLANEOUS CALLS 6 • • Suspicious Person . 16 • Suspicious Vehicle Prowler 22 . Open'Door (Business) 4 • Missing Person/Runaway 0 Deceased 0 _•_ Security Check • 1 Mental Patient/Commitment - Emergency Message 1 Traffic (other than accident) 1 Funeral Escort 5 Other Escort • 4 • Criminal Mischief/Vandalism 30 Disturbance • 2 Other: Harassing Phone Calls • Drunk Person 5 Speak to Officer 15 •• 113 Total CLEARANCES 5 Felony 6 Misdemeanor • 11 Total • . � 188 TRAFFIC STOPS-Total 200 TOTAL, ALL CALLS FOR MONTH OF AUGUST Submitted this 8 day of AUGUST 19 83 aT/-/Ori • R. D. ABBOTT, CHEF OF POLICE City of Wylie{ Texas I MONTHLY ACTIVITY AUGUST 1983 FINES AND BONDS $ 374.50 Total Bond Forfeitures (Bank Account Transactions) $ 43$0.50 Total Fines Collected (Cash Transactions) $ 4755.00 GRAND TOTAL TO CITY TREASURER $ 4092.00 Credit Account #3066 Credit Account #2047 $ 54f.no Credit Account #2050 $ 108.00 Credit Acct. #3043 MISCELLANEOUS $ 24.00 Total Report Fees-Account #3078 $ 60 00 Total Water Receipts-Account #22073 5 .7 Total Trash Bag Sales-Account #3029 $$ 1 1144 5 Total Animal Fees-Account #3064 $ 295.26 Total Misc. Credits- Account # 6303 $ 20.26 Account # 6402 $ 275.00 Account # $ $ 519.96 GRAND TOTAL TO CITY TREASURER -. - - $ 5274.96 GRAND TOTAL-ALL ACCOUNTS-TO CITY TREASURER DISBURSEMENTS 374.50 $ City Treasurer (Cash Bond Account) $ 4900.46 City Treasurer (Cash Transfer) $ 900.50 Out of City/Refunds/Returned Bonds (Cash Bond Account) $ 5952.46 GRAND TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1692.50 31 August 1983 $ BANK ACCOUNT BALANCE • Receipt Nos. C5481 thru C5500; C5501 thru C5550; C5551 thru C5559; C5561 thru C5566 M1088-M1100; M1101 thru M1150; M1151 thru M1163 J5233 thru J5247 A4917 thru A4921 TB1962-1978 Check Nos. 536 th'ru 541 31 August 1983 El z th J. Gray, Court Clerk City of Wylie, Texas l FISCAL REPORT AUGUST 1983 BANK ACCOUNT-MUNICIPAL COURT APPEARANCE BONDS Beginning Bank Balance 1 August 1983 $ 1383.00 $ 1361 .50 Total Deposits Disbursements 374.50 City of Wylie $ Out of City/Bonds Ret/Refunds $ 677.50 Total Disbursements $ 1052.00 Bank Balance 31 August 1983 $ 1692.50 CASH TRANSACTIONS Total Cash Receipts $ 4900.46 Disbursements/City of Wylie Account #3066 $ 3765.50 Account #2047 $ 500.00 Account #2050 $ 100.00 Account #3064 (Animal) $ 25.00 Account #3078 (Report) $ 24.00 Account #22073 (Water) $ 60.95 Account #3029 (Trash Bag Sales) $ 114.75 Account #3043 (Adm. Fees) $ 15.00 "` Account # 6303 $ 20.26 Account # 6402 $ 275.00 $ 4900.46 Total Cash Disbursements Cash on Hand 31 August 1983 $ -0- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS TO CITY OF WYLIE Account No. Cash Bond Forfeitures Total 1 $4092.on 3066 $ 3765.50 $ 3?6 5n $ 54n On 2047 $ 5nn on $ 40.00 2050 $ 100.00 $ 8.00 $ 108.07 3064 $ 25.00 - $ 25.0n 3078 $ 24.00 - $ 24_nn 22073 $ 60.95 - $ 60.9i 3029 $ 114.75 - $ 114.7T 3043 $ 15.00 - $ 15.0E 6303 $ 20.26 - $ 20.25 6402 $ 275.00 _ $ 275 or Cash Transactions $ 4900.46 374 50 Bond Account Transactions $ .,. $5274.95 Totals 31 August 1983 •w fr1 .eth J. Gray, Court Clerk City of Wylie, Texas 1 MUNICIPAL COURT CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1983 Docket Nos. 83-1475 thru 83-1625 Total Number of complaints filed: 151 Charges: Speeding 50 No Valid Inspection Certificate Ran Stop Sign 2 Drivers License Violations 11 Registration Violations 6 Speeding, School Zone 1 No Proof/Liability Insurance 2 Equipment Violations 1 Public Intoxication 8 Failure to Appear 50 Improper Passing 3 Excessive Noise 1 Exhibition of Acceleration 1 Disorderly Conduct 3 Improper Turn 2 Ran Flashing Red Light 1 Following too closely 1 Assault 3 Fleeing Peace Officer ---1— Court Activity: Pretrial Nolo Contendere (pd) 102 Quashed Complaint 1 Dismissed Complaint 91 Dismissed/Defensive Driving Course 11 Time Served in Lieu of Fine 9 Trial by Judge 1 Guilty Trial by Jury 0 Bond Forfeitures 8 Warrants Issued 5 Warrants Executed 27 Collections: 3066 2047 2050 3C Bond Forfeitures $ 374.50 $ 326.50 $ 40.00 $ 8.00 Fines Paid (Cash) $ 4380.50 $ 3765.50 $ 500.00 $ 100.00 SI Refunds/Out of City $ 677.50 Total Collections $ 5432 .50 $ 4092.00 $ 540.00 $ 108.00 5 31 August 1983 , 7•eth J. Gray, Court Clerk ]`��J.TDUNKIN &ASSOCIATES INC. uu ``''�� urban planning / landscape architecture September 6, 1983 Mayor and City Council City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Mr. Mayor and Council: We are submitting herein our proposal for work related to Zoning Ordi- nance 81-5. I have discussed with Mr. Santry the various points which have been of concern with regards to single family classification, unit sizes, yard requirements, screening, and the planned development district. It is likely other points will emerge as we further discuss the content of the present ordinance. It is proposed that we jointly review the Ordinance with you and the Commission. Approximately four meetings have been estimated for this purpose. Modifications and changes will be made in an appropriate format for discussion and amendment. It is our intent to examine, if necessary, land use and set land use policies in conjunction with the residential questions of lot size and zoning classification. Included in our fee is an allowance for re-typing and re-working the total Ordinance whereby you will have a current text for off-set print- ing with all amendments in place as you adopt them. For our time involved in meeting and re-writing those sections antic- ipated for change and producing a final master copy for printing, the fee is $3,400. An additional amount of $425 should be allocated for printing the final Ordinance. This printing will give you 100 bound copies. Sincerely, At4..-1—.1- 9( J. T. Dunkin 13600 LB.J-freeway 1540 eastgate plaza suite 206 p.o.box 2766 garland,texas 75041 214-270 7661 -11 LIT DUNKIN & ASSOCIATES INC. f`l IIJII JJ urban planning / landscape architecture September 6, 1983 Mayor and City Council City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Mr. Mayor and Council: We are submitting herein our proposal for work related to Zoning Ordi- nance 81-5. I have discussed with Mr. Santry the various points which have been of concern with regards to single family classification, unit sizes, yard requirements, screening, and the planned development district. It is likely other points will emerge as we further discuss the content of the present ordinance. It is proposed that we jointly review the Ordinance with you and the Commission. Approximately four meetings have been estimated for this purpose. Modifications and changes will be made in an appropriate format for discussion and amendment. It is our intent to examine, if necessary, land use and set land use policies in conjunction with the residential questions of lot size and zoning classification. Included in our fee is an allowance for re-typing and re-working the total Ordinance whereby you will have a current text for off-set print- ing with all amendments in place as you adopt them. For our time involved in meeting and re-writing those sections antic- ipated for change and producing a final master copy for printing, the fee is $3,400. An additional amount of $425 should be allocated for printing the final Ordinance. This printing will give you 100 bound copies. Sincerely, i J. T. Dunkin 13600 L.B.J freeway 1540 eastgate plaza suite 206 p.o.box 2766 garland,texas 75041 214-270-7661 i .). ..--- , . • . , e . 1 . SURVEY PLAT . • . . • . ., • SCALE: 1 100 • • FIELD NOTES ; !• T,eing all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County, Texas , being out of the Charles ( ' . Attebury Survey, Abstract tto. 2, and being the same 10.000 acres conveyed to:Judy Owens , Trustee for Wylie Saddle , Olub Joint Venture, by Fobby Brininstool recorded in ,Volume 1331, Page 494, Collin County Deed Records and. being I: . more .particularly dcsrihed as follows : I :• t. Beginning at an iron stake found for corner .in the East line of F. N. Uo. • 1376, said point being the Northwest corner of said 10.000acre tract ; F THENCE: ]AST 810.00 feet to an iron stake found for corner. ,• ' , ' •.FENCE: S 00 deg. 12 min. •17 sec. E 537.69 feet'; to an iron stake found for, corner. •j • THENCE: WEST 810.00 feet to an iron stake found 'for corner in the East line Of said r. N. No, 1378, THENCE : N 00 deg. 16 Odin. W 251.69 feet along the East line of said F. 1•1.. No. 1378 to an iron stake .found for corner. •.THENCE: ti 00 deg. 09 min. W 286.00 feet along the East line of said 141 IL No. 1378 to the Place of Beginning and containing 10.000 acres of land. ' i� THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS,, PROTRUSIONS OR CONFLICTS.. • LASEMI;NTS : Easement to Texas Power & Light Co, recorded in Volume 397 ; Page 18 , . Collin County Deed Records does not effect this property. P • ti , EAs r O ScA —,,,,--4 I ��,.-, • w I CKA1N LII`i1C I . �6�, .CON.C.RETE p FLG'OU C.OTr 1�O r :Z ' Sr r�JC ;• 1 1. c ^f p ; . 1, '� • • •�', 4(96 _/' o • I wrn _ ) IJ . \ -.0) --- . ; 90 ACRES • N is.�' •• --_____ l �� o jL i` oN � i E • {ATR LINE. isfW 1 I . . i r • •• 1 SURVEY PLAT ' .. - • ' .. . .• . . • CITY OIT' VV.YLIE 114 N. BALLARDIES . - P.O. BOX 428 S 75098-0428 MEMORANDUM 19 August 1983 TO: John W. Akin , Acting City Manager FROM: R. D. Abbott , Chief of Police RE: Prisoner Per Diem/Collin County The attached copy of Commissioners ' Court (Collin County) is self-explanatory and is for your information. R. D. Abbott Chief of Police RDA:ejg NO. 8.3 - z//I '- l/ THE STATE OF TEXAS ) PRISONER CARE CHARGES COLLIN COUNTY JAIL COUNTY OF COLLIN ) SHERIFF'S OFFICE August 11 , 1983, the Commissioners' Court of Collin County, Texas, in Regular Session with the following members present and participating to-wit: William J. Roberts County Judge , Presiding Howard Thornton Commissioner, Pet . No. 1 Jerry Hoagland Commissioner, Pct. No . 2 Wallace Webb Commissioner, Pet. No . 3 Richard E. May Commissioner, Pet. No. 4 and at such session, among other business coming to the attention of the Court was consideration of charging ' all governmental entities, other than Collin County, increased prisoner care fees 4, from the current $20 to $50 per day, to become effective October 1 , 1983. • Motion was made, seconded and carried by a majority vote of the Court that the per diem prisoner care charge be increased to $50 as outlined above , and same is hereby approved . • 7e Dated this the // day of August, 1983. _Aj /; William J. Roberts, County Judge ATTE T: elen Starnes, Ex-Officio Clerk Commissioners' Court Collin County, T E X A S • t ,) r