02-16-1993 (City Council) Agenda Packet WYLIE CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION �-G 0'14 4i-‘ Al( A PROPOSED FEE REVISIONS February 16 , 1993 MUNICIPAT, COURT ....!...„..,:„.. . * * ..... .. . . .... ... ..... . . . .,..,. 44 • A f * : FEES • MEMORANDUM TO: Mary Nichols FROM: Steve Deiter SUBJECT: Municipal Court Fees, Fines, Charges DATE: February 3, 1993 The municipal court fees and fines are not contained in the City's current fee ordinance. I am unsure as to the reason for the omission. The municipal court is not requesting any increases, except for a few limited areas. With the change over to the new CPS court system we have updated the fee schedule to collect all required state fees. Additionally we are now collecting two fees allowed, but not required, by state statute. They are a $20.00 fee for all offenses which occur in a school zone and an additional $3.00 for all traffic offenses. These funds are retained and used by the city for state specified purposes. The only change in fines (the aforementioned changes are fees) is that for regular speeding and speeding in a school zone. If the old amounts were used the additional fees had the effect of lowering the amount of fine actually received by the City. Additionally under the new CPS system it was preferable to assign a fine of so much per mile over the speed limit (in addition to all fees and costs) rather than to have a set amount which included fines, fees, and costs. Therefore in regular speeding cases we are now charging the $28.00 (up from $20.00) for fees and costs and a fine of $4.00 for each mile over the speed limit. The school speeding is now determined in the same fashion except that the fees and costs are $48.00 (up from $20.00- increase includes the $8.00 same as regular speeding and an additional $20.00 for school zone violation) plus $6.00 per mile over the speed limit. I have attached a schedule showing the old and new speeding rates along with current (no change requested)fines for all other traffic offenses. I omitted from the listing the fines for non- traffic ordinance violations as they are covered by the penalty section of the Wylie City Code (Sec. 1-1.06). Thank you in advance for your attention and assistance herein. cc: Steve Norwood 0 old SPEEDING SPEEDI". u J'.:HOOL ZONE First Ten Miles over First Ten Miles over $38 . 50 + $20 . 00 = $58 . 50 $62 . 50 + 20 . 00 = $82 . 50 Each Mile after First Ten Each Mile After First Ten $2 . 00 $2 . 00 NEW NEW 10 $ 58 .50 68 . 00 10 $ 82 .50 108 . 00 11 $ 60 . 50 72 . 00 11 $ 84 . 50 114. 00 12 ----- $ 62 . 50 76 . 00 12 $ 86 .50 120 . 01 13 $ 64 . 50 80 . 00 13 $ 88 . 50 126 . 00 14 $ 66 . 50 84. 00 14 $ 90 .50 132 . 0C 15 S 68 . 50 88 . 00 15 $ 92 . 50 138 . 0C 16 S 70 . 50 92 . 00 16 $ 94 . 50 144 . 0C 17 S 72 . 50 96 . 00 17 $ 96 . 50 150 . 0_ 18 $ 74 .50 100 . 00 18 $ 98 .50 156 . 0C 19 $ 76 . 50 104 . 00 19 $100 . 50 162 . 0C 20 $ 78 . 50 108 . 00 20 $102 . 50 168 . 0C 21 $ 80 . 50 112 . 00 21 S104 . 50 174 . 0C 22 $ 82 . 50 116 . 00 22 $106 . 50 180 . 0C 23 $ 84 . 50 120 . 00 23 $108 . 50 186 . 0C 24 $ 86 . 50 124. 00 24 $110 .50 192 . 0C 25 $ 88 . 00 128 . 00 25 $112 . 50 198 . 0C 26 $ 90 . 50 132 . 00 26 $114 .50 204 OC 27 $ 92 . 50 136 . 00 27 $116 .50 213 . 0C 28 $ 94 .50 140 . 00 28 $118 .50 216 . 0C 29 $ 96 . 50 144. 00 29 $120 .50 222 . 0C 30 $ 98 .50 147 . 00 30 $122 .50 228 . 0C 31 $100 . 50 150 . 00 31 $124 . 50 234. O0 32 $102 . 50 154. 00 32 $126 .50 240 . O0 33 $104 . 50 158 . 00 32 $128 . 50 246 . 00 "= $8 . 00 OF INCREASE IS FOR COSTS AND FEES, BALANCE IS FINE ""'' 28 . 00 OF INCREASE IS FOR COSTS AND FEES, BALANCE IS FINE Date: 09/19/91 CITY OF 1YLIE, TEXAS Court Records Sgstes (c) US, 1987I PAGE ' Tile: 10:28:40 MUNICIPAL CITATIO1 SYSTEM Violation List CRS Vers 1.00 CRVIORO: Code Violation Description St Taxes k Iine tie Pea (1) Speed line Lit St. Tax C T.SchZone P•ParkZone !.Traffic P=Posted M•Moving LEA Fee L' . NAY CAY (2) Incr. Rate S/L 'Y' for D- 28A 10 OPERATORS LICENSE 44c00 45.00 A. 041411° --- •-- -- T M 510l 0.00 Y Y S Y 2011 10 OPERATOR'S LICEISE(21D OFFEISE) Phh86 75.00 0.08 2444 : T M 5141, 0.00 Y Y S I 20A2 10 OPERATOR'S LICEISB(3RD MUSE) IVO 85.56 0.08 : T M 5. 0.60 Y 1 S Y 20B NOL/SR IVO 35.50 0.0044' : T M 5. 0.00 Y I S Y 2081 IOL/SR(21D OIFEISB) AA 60.51 8.00 00111" ' ! K 5. 0.00 I I S T 20B2 10L/SR(3RD 01111S1) 1414 85.50 8.68 jetio0 ' I M 0.00 I Y / S Y 20C ALTERED DRIVERS LICEISE 105.AO 8.80 l!�! M Nelia 0.0A Y Y / S Y 21A EXPIRED DRIVERS LICENSE 44,18 35.80 B.OA aleffit) : ! M 5. 0.00 Y Y S Y 21B IAIL TO CHAIGE ADDRESS 01 DRIVER'S LICEISE 00 15.50 0.00 ! it5. 0.00 Y Y S Y 21B1 FAIL TO CHANGE HAMS ON DRIVER'S LICEISE 11400 15.58 0.00 : ! M 5. 0.08 Y Y S Y 21C PAIL TO DISPLAY D.L. i .OA 45.68 0.00 : ! M 0 0.01 Y Y S 22A D L RESTRICTI01(CORRECTIVE LEASES) 11184k 35.00 0.00 4;4'0/0 . I M 1.00YY S Y 22B D L RESTRICTIOI(ACCOMPAIIBD BY 18 YEARS OLD) N0 35.00 0.00 5104 . I K 5.0k A./A T I S T 22C 10 OPERATOR'S LICEISE/COMMERCIAL 1114blf 35.00 0.00 0414 : I M 511! 0.00 Y Y S T 221 D L RESTRICTI01(MOTORCTCLE ALSO) N/ 35.11 0.00 VC 1 I M 1 1.11 T T / S I 221 D L RISTRICTIO1('P') .// 35.00 0.00 I K 0.00 I I S T 23A RAN RED LIGHT /i 45.01 0.00 , 1 I M . COO I T S I 24A RAN STOP SIC1 .H 45.00 4 00 I� 1 T 1 , 1.11 I I S T Date: 09/19/91 CITY OF ITLIB, TEXAS Court Records STsten 1(c) UCS, 19871 PAGE Tiae: 10:30:06 MUIICIPAL CITATI01 SYSTEM Violation List 'CRS Vers 1.001 CRVIOR01 Code Violation Description St Taxes Sch Fine ilk Pen (1) Speed Fine Lit St. Tax C: Y■SchZone P•ParkZone T•Traffic P•Posted Moving LEA Fee NA! CAI (21 Incr. Rate S/L 'Y' for D: 24B FAIL TO STOP A! DESIGIATED POUT NAG 50.08 0.00 T M c700 A.AA I T S I 24C FAIL TO STOP LBAVIIG PRIVATE DRIVE AA MOO A.AA0. : ! M 1.11 Y T S Y 25A FAILURE TO YIELD 1.0.N.(STOP IlTERSBCTI01) ./A 50.00 OM . : T K . A.A1 I Y S Y 258 FAILURE TO YIELD R.O.1.(11ERGEICY VEHICLES) Al 50.00 0.00 ?A/AP . T M S. 0.00 Y Y S Y 25C FAIL TO YIELD R.O.N.(PRIVATE DRIVEIAY) AI 50.11 LOG0 : T M 5. 0.I0 Y I S I 25D FAILURE TO YIELD R.O.N.(STOP I1TERSECTI01) ./0 51./A 1.A1 IAA T M A A.00 Y Y S Y 251 FAILURE TO YIELD R.0.1(LIGH! IITERSECTI01) 11111, MOO 0.00 . i M 5. COA I I S Y 25! FAILURE TO !MY R.O.N.(YIBLD SIGI) NI 50.00 0.10 or* T P K A.AA I T S T 25G FAIL TO PASS LEFT SAFELY Net 55.AA EGO . T M A./A Y I ' S Y 426A IMPROPER RIGHT TURI 16 50.00 0.00 : T M 5. A.AO I Y S I 0 26B IMPROPER TURI(10 SIGIAL) XA 25.50 0.00 . T M 0 1.00 I T S T 26C IMPROPER LEIi !DRI NO 58.11 1.11 0009 1 T M 8 1.09 TT S I 27A IMPROPER PASSIIG(APPROACBIIG) IN; 55.00 1.98 T M 5 0.A1 T I S T 27A1 IMPROPER PASSIIG (DISAIE) Niii 72.50 Lei 1 I I 214.00 T 1 i S T 27B IMPROPER PASSIIG(IITERSECTI01) NA 55.11 A.00 1 i M 1.11 I I S T 21B1 IMPROPER PASSIIG (IITEYSECSI01) 55.11 1.11 1. T I S 1.00 I I S T 27C IMPROPER PASSIIG(10 PASSIIG FOIE) 11 55.00 1.11 1p!rliril 1 i I 5. 1.11 I I S T 27D IMPROPER PASSIIG(IITIII 111' OP BRIDGE) 11116, 55.11 1.11 , 1: T 1 51.11 I I S T Date: 09/19/91 CITY Of WYLIE, NUS Court Records SYstea 1(c) UCS, 1981) PAGE3 Tile: 10:38:41 MUIICIPAL CITATION SYSTEM Violation List 1CRS Vers 1.881 CRVIORO: Code Violation Description St Taxes S ,1111:, Tile Pen (1) Speed Iine Lit St. Tax C: Y•ScDZone P=ParkZone T•Traffic P•Posted Moving LEA fee LI NI CAI (2) Incr. Rate S/L 'Y' for D: 211 IMPROPER PASSII6(OVBRTAEI16) milki 55.88 cat .;j • 0 T II 5. 8./8 Y Y I% • S Y 2711 IMPROPER PASSIIG (CUT II AFTER PASSIIG) 12.58 8.88 , T M -133.81s. Y Y S Y 27f IMPROPER PASSIIG(01 RIGHT) NO, 55.18 1.00 000 ' T M 5. A.AA Y Y S Y 27G DROVE LEIT OF CUTER - 10T PASSII6 AA 38.58 0.00 T P K 8 0.A8 Y Y S I 271 FAILED TO GIVE NY IEEE OVIRTAIEI I4A4 132.51 0.80 : f I 5. A.00 Y Y S Y 28A FAILED TO DRIVE II SIIGLE LAZE NO 5/.AA A.AB gee's, ' T I 0 8.80 Y Y S Y 29A CUTTIIG ACROSS PARIIIG LOT N00 5A.84 0.80T I 0.00 Y Y S Y 29B DRIVIIG THROUGH PRIVIT! PROPERTY 1 AA 51.I8 A.AA OP,* 1 T / 5. B.00 Y Y S I 29H1 ORDIIAICE(HIGH GRASS AID/OR WEEDS) N A 75.18 8.80 Woe, ' 8 8.01 Y Y L 30A DRAG RACIIG 0 5A.88 A.AA elf T K 5. 8 8.08 Y Y O S Y 38A1 COINS? FOR SPEED X 165.0A 0.80 :T M 8.84 Y Y 44146;4kS I 31A FAILURE TO STOP If RAILROAD CROSSIIG > A 51.18 0.88 Oil' : T M A A.00 Y Y S I 31B DISREGARD SIGILL AT RAILROAD CROSSIIG k A8 50.00 4.81 /let 1 f M 5. A.AA Y Y S I 33A PERMITTIIG UILICEISED PERSON TO DRIVE Wei 00 A.AA 104 ' T K A 0.0A Y Y S Y 33B AIDING AID ABETTIIG CLIIGIIG TO VEHICLESIS 1 51.00 OM leg1 T II CIO Y Y S T 34A DEFECTIVE BRAIB LIGHTS 5.11 25.11 CH . 1 T M 1 1.11 Y Y S T 34A1 DEFECTIVE BRAZE LIGHTS(TRAILER) 414 .11 25.11 1.18 • ' ,r 1 T I1 COI I S T 341 DEFECTIVE HAD LIGHTS .11 25.11 OM IV 1: T II II 0.11 T I S I Date: 89/19/91 CITY 0I IYLIE, TEIAS Court Records Systei 1(c) UCS, 19871 PAGE 4 fire: 18:31:28 MUIICIPAL CITATION SYSTEM Violation List 'CRS Vers 1.101 CRVIOR81 Code Violation Description St Taxes S i line Tine Pen (1) Speed line Lit St. Tax C. Y•Scdione P•ParkZone T•Traffic P•Posted 11•Movin9 LEA lee LR . r NAI CAI (2) Incr. Rate S/L 'Y' for D: --- --- ---- 34C DEFECTIVE TAIL LIGHTS 00 25.11 1.8A t T 1 0 A.11 Y Y S 34D DEFECTIVE MUD ILAPS .AA 25.11 OM T 1 Of A.AA Y Y S Y 346 DETECTIVE EQUIPMENT TURF SIGNAL • Al 25.11 1.A1 le" ' T Of /.AA S 35A DETECTIVE MUFFLER Of 25.1f A.88 T 1 188 1.00 Y Y sr 311 LICEISE PLATE(EIPIRED) AI 35.11 1.11 Sole . I 1 100 1.11 T T S 37B LICEISE PLATE(10 STICKER) - 11 35.11 A.11 44,11° I 1 Of 1.01 1 Y S T 37C LICEISE PLATE(IICTITIOUS) .AA 115.00 0.00 /JO 1 T M .10 1.18 Y Y S Y 37D LICEISE PLATE(10 REAR PLATE) •.11 25.11 0.10 iiiielp ' I 1 ,.AA COO Y Y S Y 371 LICEISE PLATE(10 IROIT PLATE) .00 25.10 A.AA Orri 1 T 1 .AA /.1A I T S Y 37F LICENSE PLATE(TRAILER) .AA 25.81 1.00 • i M .18 A.00 T Y S Y oira 376 LICENSE PLATE(LIGH!) .AA 15.51 A.AO . I II Of A.AA i Y S'''.°- S Y 371 LICENSE PLITE(ILLEGIBLE) • ''1 25.11 1.11 401 : T M , -A 1.11 T T SY 37I LICENSE PLATE(BUTER'S EIPIIED) 1 1 35.00 CIO S1 I 1 O 1.11 T T S 373 WRONG LICENSE PLATE 1 115.11 1.11 • 1 I M 00 Oil I I 04447 S 371 LICENSE PLATE (TON TRICE) .11 85.11 1.11 0° 1 I M .11 0.11 T T S T 37L 10 REGISTRATION ( .11 35.11 1.00 45;0.111. .11 1.11 S T fp 37L2 DEALERS LICEISE VIOLITION .11 52.51 1.11 e 1 .11 4111.011re T T S I 381 IISPECTION STICIEI(EIPINID) .11 25.11 1.11 �D 1: I I .11 1.11 T T S Date: 09/19/91 CITY OF 1YLIE, TEIAS Court Records Systei 1(c) OCS, 1981) PAGE 5 Tise: 10:32:14 IUIICIPAL CITLTIOI SYSTEM Violation List (CRS Vers 1.01) CRVIORO1 Code Violation Description St Taxes Sc. 41;) Tise Pen (1) Speed Iine Lit St. Tax Cc T•Scdlone P•Parklone T■Traffic P•Posted ! Moving LEA Tee IR III CAI (2) Incr. Rate S/L 'T' for DL 38B IISPECTIOI STICIER(IOIE) 4441 25.11 COO . T I 5.N /.AA T Y S T 38C FICTITIOUS MYI CERTIFICATE AA 115.AA I.AA 1 T M 5. . 0 T T ire; S 38D Wrong inspection sticker AA 115.01 CIO1 t 5. 1.00 s o 39k SPEEDIIG(5511P1 S01E) N AA.AA lA 5A lA ! T P I A.00 Y Y 1 2. S Y 39B SPEEDIIG(ORDIIAICE) .AA A.AA 1A 5A 11 . i P I 5. 1.11 Y T 1 2. L T 39B1 SPEEDIIG - IOT POSTEDilks14 CIO lA 5/ lA 1 T I 5. 1.00 T Y 1 2. S Y 39C SPEEDIIG(SCHOOL 101E TO 151111 OVER LIMIT) 13�AA A.AO 10 5A 11 ! Y T P I 5. 0.00 Y T 1 2. L Y 39D SPEEDIIG(FIITEE1 MILES OR MORE OVER LIMIT) AA 62.51 A.AA 15 ESA 15 Y T P I AA 1.00 Y Y 1 2. S Y 391 UISAIE SPIED ,Al 41.11 1.111. T I 10 CIO Y Y ‘0#1/111. S Y 391 IMPEDIIG TRAFFIC 11.01 40.1A 1.10 T K .80 0.00 TT S Y 40A UIRISTRAIIED CHILD UIDER TIO YEARS 11.00 35.11 1.00 ! T M .AA A.AA Y T S Y 418 UIRESTRLIIED CHILD UIDER TOUR TEARS 00 35.11 COI ‘i(010.4" 1 T I }11 1.10 T Y S T 41D FAILURE TO lIAR SILT BILT(15 OR OLDER) 1 /1 35.01 0.1A 1 T I AA 1.10 T T S T 411 FAILURE TO IELR SILT BELTS(4-15 TEARS OI AGE) .AA 35.11 1.0ASi/ell 1 T K AA 1.11 Y T S T 40I CHILD UIDER 12 RIDIIG II BID OI TRUCK .01 45.11 1.11 1 T K 10 1.11 S 41k DISREGARD OP BARRICADES II 35.11 1.11agee5 11 T I '11 1.11 T T S T 42A EIIIBITIOI OF LCCELERLTIOI \I. 35.11 1.11 .� 1, ! I 11 1.11 1 i S i 4211 EIIIBITIOI OF 1CCILERAYI01(21D 0111151) .11 51.11 1.11 11 T 1 .11 0.11 T T S T Date: 09/19/91 CITY OF IYLIE, TEIAS Court Records Systen I(c) UCS, 19871 PAGE 6 Tine: 18:32:59 MUIICIPAL CITATIO1 SYSTEM Violation List 'CRS Vera 1.00( CRVIOR01 Code Violation Description St Taxes Sc. 0"; Tine Pea (1) Speed Iine Lit St. Tax C: Y•Scbione P•Parklane T•Traffic P•Posted Moving LEA Iee LI Factr TA! CAI (2) Incr. Rate S/L 'T' for D: 42A2 EIHIBITIOI OF ACCELERATIOI(3RD OIIEISE) mrsi 75.0 0.00 T M A.IA Y Y 9 S I 43A TAIL TO STOP FOR SCHOOL BUS .AA 115.00 A.00 . T II 0 A.00 Y Y , S Y 40 IOLLOIIIG TOO CLOSBLY(VBHICLES) A 75.AA 0.80 9411/6 . T K 0 8.81 Y Y S Y D 451 MOTORCYCLE(HELMET) AA 35.50 8.00 • bee° T 1( 5. 0.80 Y Y S Y 45A1 ALLOT PASSEIGER TO RIDE TIC I/OUT HEADGEAR *AA 35.58 0.80 : T M / 0.10 Y Y S 45B MO!ORCYCLE(IISPECIIO1 SlICEIR) .AA 25.0A A.A@ 40:4D T II 1.00 Y Y S Y 45C MOTORCYCLE(LICEISE PLATE) AA 35.88 0.80 OID ' T K 0 /.AA Y Y S T 45D MOTORCYCLE(MIRROR) !A 15.58 0.08ell . ! K 5 8 8.88 Y Y S I 461 FAILURE TO DIM HEADLIGHTS NA� 35.0A A.00 :�i M @.A0 Y Y S Y 46B MORE THAI FOUR (4) HEADLAMPS LIGHTED 11AA 35.00 0.A0 : T M 5. 1.00 Y Y S 46C IMPROPER !LASHIIG LIGHTS 1 A 35.09 0.00 i� ! K 5. CIO Y Y S 41A TAIL TO MAIIiAII PR00I OF FI111CIAL RESP NA 105.0A A.AOT M 40,4 A.AO T Y S I 4711 LIABILITY IISDRRICE PROOI(21D MIME) 9 AA 15A.00 @.08 Satfr o T M 5. 8 1.01 T Y S Y • 478.2 LIABILITY IISURAICE P100I(3RD OFFEISE) 5 AA 211.00 O.AA 2er 2 T M . COO Y Y S I 481 PARIIIG(BLOCIIIG SIDEH.LE) Ni28.14 0.00 ADO 2 T 5. 1.11 1 I S 48B PABLIIG(FIRE RTDRAIi OR LIRE LR1E) /1 28.11 0.1/ 2 T 5 0 1.11 1 I S 48C PARIIIG(HAIDICAPPED i01E) )i; 28.11 I.OA 2 T 5. 1.11 I I S 480 PR11IMG(10 PARIIIG BOLE) ç 28.11 CIAJet) 2 ! NO, 1.10 I I S Lkits•INS 9.1 _ S oTt icirt)*& tts# 'S +ILA 4trt nr441•tallce U k 0 kegAlktik ."P NO off Date: 19/19/91 CITY 07 IYLIB, TILLS line: 10:33:45 IDIICIPAL CILITIO1 STSTSK Court Records Systea — Violation List 1(c) DCS, 19871 PIGS Code ------ Violation Description ---------------- St ICRS Vera 1.111 CRVIO: Y•Sc6Eone P•Pan Des Taxes! Traffic Masted I■Moving LBA lee 'liil� line Pen (1) Speed ' ----------------- _ e line Lit PIREII --------- AI CAT 6(II ROADWAY) "��'"" 21 Iacr. Rate l IN: 28.AA --A.Of ----- _ _/L =i= f o= 48G PARII16(1ITHII 30' TRAIIIC COITROL DIVICI / A.AA y i ���� S ! ) 3• 18.00.AA CIOVirg° 481 P1YII16(I1IL 10 DII H1AD LAPS) A.AA y r S P .IA 35.11 �/ CIO �I 511 WIWI1 TO IDIIlITT 1.11 y i S 15.10 75.li 1.11 / ..‘471if 5011 !AILDRI l0 IDIITIPT(21D 0II1151) 5•AA 0.00 T T 15.11 111,11 Ile /01 D °a S 5012 ZULUS TO IDIIl1I1(31D OMSK) S.IA 1.11 T T A S 1 15,01 151,1/ 1.11 D 5013 TAIL TO LIAPI ID A! ACCIDII! 5.01 1.00 f , L y 11 r 15.11 PO s I 211.11 1.11 /]n 511 IAILDII TO APPIAI 5•AA 1,11 y i �1t/ S 11 T T I 15.1/ 111,11 1.11 G0 5.00 1.11 T T / 0. Q� S 11 T Date: 09/19/91 CITY Of IYLIE, TEXAS Court Records Spate' 1(c) UCS, 19871 PAGE 1: Tile: 10:37:24 KUIICIPAL CITATI01 SISTER Violation List 'CRS Vers 1.101 CRVIORAI Code Violation Description St Taxes ' 0 iie Pea (1) Speed Iine Lit St. Tax Cc Y•Schlone P•Parklone !.Traffic P•Posted M•Movinq LEI fee L - IAF CAI (2) Incr. Rate SIL 'I' for Di 52A TRAISPORTIIG LOOSE MATERIAL .AA 40.00 0.00 � 0 --- --- ---: T K A COI T T S T 52B ILLEGAL LOAD EIYEISI01 TO LEI! .AA 75.AA 0.00 Y� . T K A A.AA Y Y S Y 538 DRIVIIG IITHOU! HEADLIGHTS .AA 35.00 GAO lifelefir 1 I K 4�0 A.AA Y T S T 53C PARIED(10 LIGHTS) AA 18.00 0.00 ! A 0.00 Y YIligkilll $ 53D DRIVIIG 01 IMPROVED SHOULDER I111 PROHIBITED NZ 51.00 0.00geriff. 1 T K 4.AO T T S Y 53E DRIVIIG LEFT OI ROTARY TRAUIC ISLAID Pio2 50.00 0.00 �; 1 T I 5.111 A.AI Y T S T 548 FAILURE TO STOP AID !ICHAIGE II!ORMATIOI 1 0 75.00 0.00 , T M 5. A.AA Y Y S T 5481 FAILURE TO STOP AID RIEDER AID ILOO 200.00 0.00 1 tile I M 5. 0.00 Y Y S I 55A RECILESS DRIVIIG 1 I0 75.00 0.00glee° .. T K 514 A.AA Y T S Y 561 FLEEIIG FROM A POLICE OFFICER 11k20 2AA.AO 0.00 1 K 5. COO Y Y S - - 0' 5 - . . . ' 1 5.-- COI Y Y S 4a- "-co- ➢'II➢A1" OVUM 1C1° 1Y'_11 j D 1 5.40 1.41 T /.�" S DO i6.01 .11 I.A1 g.. 1 5. ' IAA Y Y S ws IL!! /T 11111E11(11111 111.11 1i 4a laa.Pe a as A,R�•oo 1 5.08 OAS Y Y S 58C Tc3i1iCR 01 BiD CIECE 15.00 211.11 amX/.OO 1 .... T S 401 1TscDTl - HMV' .4 T 15.11 II 1.11 /3 pi, 1: 5.11 1. Y T S sp. .DHC . 'Tl 40/1"../11°‘ 15.11 200.11 0. D• DO 1: 11 !' 5.11 0.A0 a r S i LtTiitll6_ii Lin:Loos 15.41 111.11 1.00 ��•R''�t a. T T Date, 09/19/91 CITY Of ITLIE, TIIAS Coart Records System 1(c) OCS, 19871 PAGE 1: Tine: 10:38:08 MUIICIPAL CI1111I01 SYSTEM Violation List 'CRS Vera 1.00l CRVIORA1 Code Violation Description St Taxes S 41010 in Pen (1) Speed line Lit St. Tax Cc T•Schlone Marline !.Traffic Masted Moving LEI fee L. I1f CAI (2) Incr. Rate S/L 'T' for D: 60A TAIL TO COITROL VEHICLE SPEED 1 15.01 0.1AVor)I' M 5. 1 0.08 T I S T 611 STRIEIIG IIIED OBJECTS 01 HIGHIIT IIS..1/ 75.00 0.00 W O O t 1.00 T T S I OO 61H STRIIIIG UIITTEIDED VEHICLE �.// 111.00 Lee / ,1D i II0.00 T T L T /aD °° 621 QVERFILLIIG OI GASOLIIE PUMP 25.09 111.11 Lee . 5.80 1.00 T Y 0 L RO . 0 62B CHITIN GIS LEAF 15.AA 1A1.11 1.1A . 5.00 0.00 Y T / L D 62C DRIVIR OVER /III HOSE 15.01 15.41 1.A/ QI 5.00 0.00 T T e O S 62D UIITTEIDED VEHICLE 15.00 85.00 1.00 /Ø. '' . i 5.00 0.10 T T S I aco JdUIa is � wua (AMU!'A II -Ji LAMS 15.MM 115.MM M.MM u 5.00 4 /3.5: S I Of 631 PASSEIGER EICIEDIIC 3-IITERIERI DRIVERCOITROL 15.00 41.11 Lee .D' - 1. i 1 5.00 0.81 T T V ,O S 641 DISREGARD SCHOOL CROSSIIG GUARD 15.80 200.01 gm D • 1 T ! M 5.00 1.10 T Y S T 651 DISREGARD TRAFFIC COITROL DEVICE 15.80 50.00 0.00 •9000 1 i I 5.08 1.00 T Y S I 6511 AVOID TRUUIIC COITROL DEVICE 15.01 67.50 1.11 g9tiP 1. i 1 5.10 1.00 S I 65 , �� 1: 5.10 0.00 T T L 0O 65C 1. 5.11 1.00 T T L •D 1 c as laa as a as a0 • 1: 5.11 0.11 T T a L so aill011••••••••141~141•11114.691~IWPIWIMIIIIII•••""11111191111M1110• 1: 5.11 1.11 T T O a L 1: S.Ii 1.11 T T , L 66E 11I11111 111111111 1 IIIIYll1) AA £...A 1.11 I m 1: HA 1.11 T T L INiewi 6S A irk on‘ttiett A$ ekef ovoi - 7mbl TOURNAMENT FEES MEMORANDUM DATE February 2, 1993 TO Steve Norwood, City Manager FROM Bill Nelson, Community Services`3 N SUBJECT : W.S.A. Tournament Requests The Wylie Sports Association (W.S.A.) is requesting the following: (See attached letter) Waiving of tournament fees for up to fifteen (15) Youth BasebalVSoftball Tournaments in a calendar year. Waiving of tournament fees and charging a gate fee (actually a team entry fee) for P.B.I. (Pony Baseball Inc.) Tournament(s). The W.S.A. says that they cannot afford tournament fees for the Youth BasebalVSoftball Program and P.B.I. Tournament(s). The current Athletic Field Tournament fee is one hundred dollars ($100.00) per field for one (1) evening and the next day and evening or one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per field for this same time period plus another day and evening. The waiving of these fees will obviously mean loss revenue for the Community Park Fund. However, some of this loss will be made up by more patrons being at the park which probably means more concession stand sales of which the City gets a share. The W.S.A. has in the past and continues to be a supporter of Community Park. My concern is that if we allow these "Special Considerations" for the W.S.A., we may be setting a precedent for future requests from the W.S.A. and/or other groups/organizations. ------ . _ .0' ( Om v \ Wylie Sports Association P.O. Box 652 Wylie, Texas 75098 fanury 20 , ( :? .lit ..• cf ',,,ylie T-,..i-- ks Board . •:' . ,Thx 42,2',. -.H. e . -;e <as Dear .''ir . Nelson , eeason is rapidly approachin . here Uscums that need to be addresseo The fir -i be consibro:d I : tfe tounament fee fi:n- .us-i: ...• • ,-1. ,-. ... ile o,,..sebali pa1i' . inf - .._:y r .,: ir :; r :.:77:Jpon ? ..n a no -r-Rrct or..laizatl:bn oenefitin t:.e ,4yile • . : -Jc7'. i:asaa]. 1 end sc , _ ± oul,f, like to see the fees fof the use of toe parks Jurin post e a :,_ ._-:n ._curnaments ixalved . Tnese touFnaments are u eisficiel not oniy for bur baseball :7rograms but oiir - - 7.3 ,iFinments Tng in teems , _ 7he .r-ea CI-IrCh31 L ,:j;',. .I.CI : 1,t- 7: -i 'mce namen:s . Me tours aio ,-- ,3; ft ; •bffibial league state tournaments . In the past L.JSA has Cr approacfed by RBI to 'n.ost a repionai tournament . The cost assessed by PSI to host EU : T a tournament is approximately $1.i0 . LY....e to the expense involved , othor hosting Leagues recover these e penses L. charging a Qate fee per team and yeceive p ..- fi_ts from the concession stand sales . ASA baseball Is stino permission to oharcje a ,.- -ate fee to offset the e pe -,se , if this opportunity of hosting a tournament sbuii present it 's self again . ASA would appreciate any consideration the Parks Board could make on these important issues . If there are any further question please feel free to contact me at 14I- 377 or home , 442-6620 . Sincerix,.., , (iximy Pulliam Commissioner cc : 2teve Norwood COMMUNITY ROOM COMMUNITY ROOM PRESENT RATE SCHEDULE RENTAL FEES Civic Groups - No Charge/yjp D Individuals - $6.00/hour Businesses - $12.00/hour DEPOSIT FEES With Food and/or Beverages - $100.00 Without Food and/or Beverages - $50.00 All those using the Community Room are required to pay a deposit whether or not they are charged a rental fee (i.e. - Civic Groups). LI B RARY ff' f�rS FE E S FINE RATES PRESENT PROPOSED Books, Audio Cassettes, Magazines, Filmstrips $0.05 day $0.10 day Encyclopedias $0.25 day $0.50 day Video Cassettes, Overhead Projectors, $1.00 day $1.00 day Film Projectors OVERDUE NOTICES PAST PRESENT 1st Notice 21 days 10 days 2nd Notice 28 days 17 days 3rd Notice 35 days 21 days(call from Library Board) 4th Notice 45 days (letter from Librarian) 28 days (letter from Librarian) 5th Notice 60 days (letter from City Attorney) 45 (letter from City Attorney) Notices are being sent out earlier/calls being made from Library Board Members to encourage quicker return of overdue materials. All above has been approved by the Library Board. OVERDUE STATISTICS NOTICES SENT VIDEO CHARGE BOOK CHARGE ALLEN Weekly/2 wks late 1.00 a day .15 a day MCKINNEY 7 days 1st 1.00 a day . 20 a day 14 days 2nd No Maximum 10.00 max PARIS No mailed 1.00 a day .10 a day Some called 5.00 max 5.00 max ROCKWALL Weekly/2 wks late 1.00 a day .05 a day 5.00 max 1.50 max ROWLETT No mailed 1.00 a day .20 a day Phone notification Replacement Replacement SACHSE 2 weeks/10 days late 1.00 a day .05 a day 1.00 max 1.00 max TERRELL weekly/2wks late 1.00 a day .10 a day 10.00 max 6.00 max $30.00 max/ per card BUILDING dikh - III INSPECTION FEES Jan 28 , 1993 TO: STEVE NORWOOD, CITY MANAGER FROM: MICHAEL SCHMIDT, BUILDING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR FEE RESTRUCTURING Attached you will find my recommendations for a restructuring of fees that are charged for various permits by my office . I have formatted the request to reflect the old price and system beside the new requested price and system for the purpose of a rapid comparison. The new fees and system of figuring the permit amount are greatly simplified . I am proposing that we issue a project permit for house and commercial construction. This allows me to deal with one person, the builder or general contractor, and simplifies the permitting process . The specialized trade subcontractors would validate with us that they are the company that is working on the project , however they would no longer have to obtain their own permit as it would be covered under the project permit . This system works very satisfactorily in other metroplex cities and gives me better control of the whole process . At first glance it may appear that the project permit would be less than the current method of permitting all phases of construction separately . By raising all other permits that we dispense to reflect what the rest of the area is charging we would actually gain an increase of a projected 200 over current revenues . This would be reflected almost immediately , as we permit a vastly larger amount of small projects than we do single family. We will still be considered a bargain compared to Plano for example and I don' t anticipate a lot of gripes . In addition I am recommending that we charge for all services and that when I go out the door on any inspection it was generated by a paid for permit . Currently we provide too many services without recompense . çIe Jan 29, 1993 BUILDING INSPECTION FEES No fee for application processing for submittal of plans at this time. Proposed fee requires a $50 . 00 non-refundable application processing fee at the time of submittal of plans . Project permits FEES: PROPOSED FEES: 1 . New dwellings up to 4 units * value $420 . /UNIT 2 . Pool/spa * value $80 . 3 . Temporary Buildings * value $80 . 4 . New Commercial , Apartments ,Accessory, Additions , Remodels , Finish Outs * value $3 . /1000 . with $50 . min. Special Permits 1 . Annual Electrical N/A $200 . 2 . Building N/A $35 . 3 . Certificate of Occupancy N/A $50 . 4 . Demolition $50 . $35 . 5 . Electrical fixtures $35 . 6 . Fence $15 . $35 . 7 . Fire Sprinkler $35 . 8 . House Moving $100 . $35 . 9. Lawn Sprinkler $35 . $35 . 10 . Mechanical * value $35 . 11 . Plumbing fixtures $35 . 12 . Satellite dish N/A $35 . 13 . Sign . * value $35 . 14 . Banner * value $35 . 15 . Clean and Show N/A $35 . 16 Weekend directional signs N/h $75 . ea . /yr . Service Fees 1 . Reinspection $15 . $35 . 2 . Pre-brick inspection N/A $35 . 3 . Temporary service/construction heat N/A $50 . BOARD OF APPEALS 1 . Zoning Board of Adjustment $100 . $100 . (per consideration) 2 . Sign Board of Appeals $100 . $100 . (per consideration) 3 . Construction Advisory and Appeals Board $100 . $35 . (per consideration) LICENSING AND REGISTRATION 1 . Plumbing Contractors per year N/A $75 . 2 . Electrical Contractor per year N/A $75 . 3 . Fire Sprinkler Contractor per year N/A $75 . 4 . Lawn Sprinkler Contractor per year N/A $75 . 5 . Mechanical Contractor per year N/A $75 . 6 . Electrical Exam N/A $25 . 7 . Master Electrician per year $65 . $75 . 8 . Journeyman Electrician per year $10 . $25 . * Based on the percentage of value . N/A: No fees at this time. CURRENT PERMITS FEES PROPOSED FEES Food Service $150 . / calendar yr . 1) Add Temporary 2) Anniversary date Waste Hauling $10 . $10 . Solicitor/Itinerant $20 . + $10 . for each 1) include stationary Peddler additional salesperson sales . Administrative Fee $150 . per lot + cost $150 . per lot + cost . for mow/clean. Garage Sale $5 . $5 . Message Therapist $65 . per year 1) Discontinue ( Licensed by State and Unenforceable) Salvage Yard $250 . per year $250 . per year ENGINEERING FEES Annual Pretreatment Permit Fee - $100 Blue Line Prints 18" x 24" - $ 3. 00 24" x 24" - $ 3. 00 24" x 36" - $ 3. 00 36" x 36" - $ 5. 00 36" x 42" - $ 5. 00 36" x 48 - $ 5. 00 42" x 48" - $ 6. 00 *1" = 500' - $15. 00 (Water/Sewer System, Base Street Map, etc. ) 1" = 1000' - $ 6. 00 (City Limit, Thoroughfare, Small Zoning) *Base Maps 1" = 200' - 3' x 6. 5' $15. 00 ea. *Large Zoning Map 1" = 500' - 4 sheets ea. 3' x 3. 5' $20. 00 * Prices are for map copies not taped or spliced together. An additional charge of $5. 00 will be added for maps that require splicing. Large Xerox Copies : 18" x 24" - $ 4. 00 24" x 24" - $ 5. 00 24" x 30" - $ 7. 50 24" x 36" - $ 7. 50 24" x 42" - $ 9. 00 24" x 48" - $10. 00 Ordinance Books Subdivision Ordinance - $20. 00 Zoning Ordinance - $15. 00 Xerox Copies 8-1/2" x 11" - . 10 8-1/2" x 14" - . 15 11" x 17" - . 20 WRE C KE R . .. .. •..•..•.• ..... ....„....:,•,....::::::•.:.:::.:.:::.....:.:.. S � �:,,.. m .. .. ...:::::::::::.:::•:•....:.::.L__.1:•:':::::'................:::::!....:-::::::.:.:......:•:::.:.1:•.......•:':..1....:•::.'.:,...::::::::::::::.:!':::•.:::::'.::.::::::::::..1:::::::::.ii.:•.::.::::::.:::.:.::::::.1.:::::.::::::::.::•::::::::.•:::•::•:....:.:::::::::••:1:...!::::.!:::!:•:'.•:.::::.:.:::::::.::•:.::::••.:::::....*::::.:::.•••:::::....:.}:::.•111:',. ..A..... ....::::::.:.::::::.: .::::::........ :::.:,:::,::-.....::,::•::::,:::„:::::,::...:.:::::..„:„:„.........:::.......,:.......::.„::::::::::........ ................,...„.::::::::::..............:: _ ,.. ::::::::„::::::....• •.....,..,::•::::.:::.::::::„::::::::::::::„.•................:::..............._;:,::::::::.:.:.:.:........... 1.1. , :::::::::.... ..........„.:.:.::::::::::.:„.....•-•••......:-.: ....•...• FEES MEMORANDUM TO: Mary Nichols FROM: Steve Deiter SUBJECT: Wrecker Fees DATE: February 3, 1993 The attached schedule for wrecker fees is a copy of the existing rates which have the new rates indicated beside them. In addition to the new rates there are several additional charges which have been suggested. These additional charges appear at the bottom in caps. All of these charges are taken from Rockwall's ordinance which was updated in January of 1991. A copy of the Rockwall ordinance was provided to me by Chub Morrow along with a request for Wylie to raise its fees to equal Rockwall's. Not co-incidently Chubb is the wrecker service for Rockwall as well. I note with interest the initials of "MN" on the Rockwall ordinance, as they look strangely familiar. I am bring this matter forward for the fee ordinance update NOT because of any expertise which I have in the area, but because I was the one contacted by Chubb some time ago. I am making no recommendations concerning the appropriate amount of fees. Thank you for your attention. cc: steve Norwood § 27.00 PANCE HALL LICENSE FEES The license fee to be charged and collected for any license to operate a dance hall within the city shall be one hundred dollars(S 100.00).and all licenses to expire December 31st of the year issued. (Ord.84-16 adopted 3-28-84,Art.III,Sec.8) § 28.00 POOL HALL LICENSE FEES The license fee to be charged and collected for any license to operate a pool hall within the city shall be one hundred dollars(S 100.00),all license to expire December 31st of the year issued. (Ord.84-16 adopted 3-28-84,Art.IV,Sec.5) § 29.00 GARAGE SALE PERMIT FEES The fee for a garage sale permit shall be five dollars(S5.00). (Ord.89-13 adopted 4-25-89,Sec.2) § 30.00 WRECKER SERVICE FEES § 30.01 Wrecker Rotation List Fee; Renewal Fee (a) An application fee of ten dollars (S10.00) for each wrecker to be operated on the rotation list by the applicant shall accompany each application. (b) Each applicant shall.if he or she desires to continue his or her placement on the wrecker rotation list. make a renewal application and pay a renewal fee of five dollars(S5.00). (Ord.82-23 adopted 11-22-82.Sec. 1) § 30.02 Wrecker Service Rate Schedule No applicant, whose application has been approved hereunder and who has been placed on the wrecker rotation list shall charge for wrecker service any sum in excess of the rates specified in the following schedule: NEW FE (a) Towing of non-accident vehicles during regular business hours,8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.—S25.00. 4 0 . C (b) Nights and weekends—S35.00. 5 0 , C (c) Vehicles requiring a dolly for reasons other than automatic transmission-additional charge—S 15.00. 4 0 . 0 (d) Extra time in excess of one (1) hour (not including time spent waiting for officer to complete 2 3 . 0 investigation)per hour—315.00. (e) Charge for diesel rig or other heavy equipment per hour(with S45.00 minimum)—S45.00. 17 5 . 0 (Ord.82-23 adopted 11-22-82,Sec.7) 0Storage of vehicle per day or fraction thereof—$5.00 10 . 0 igStA*VOMA00XX ) WRECKED VEHICLES 60. 0 H) IF DRIVELINE MUST BE DROPPED TO TOW VEHICLE (ADDITIONAL) 11 . 0 (I) IF NECESSARY TO CHANGE WHEEL AND TIRE (ADDITIONAL) 11 . 0 • (J) ROLLED OVER OR UPSET VEHICLL-25 60 . 0 (K) ROLL OVER WITH DOLLY TOW 70 . 0 (L) , IF WINCH REQUIRED, ADDITIONAL FOR EA. 50 ' OF PULL 23 . 0 CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE