12-23-1986 (City Council) Agenda Packet P rt- dos rt L is-iq-8 T)97 I10671'F G p p/YJ AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1986 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-35 Consider approval of minutes. PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 35a-41 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 629 .31 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 . Location - north of the Texana property on E. SH78 . 3 42-45 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 279 .0574 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 . Location - along and south of W. Brown Street . 4 46-48 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 50 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660 . Located south of the Louis Reese property and west of Muddy Creek, north of the Collin/Dallas county line. 5 49-52 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 140 .58 acres out of the J . Mitchell Survey, Abstract 589 and Wm. Patterson Survey, Abstract 716 . Bounded on the east by FM1378 and on the south by Lake Ranch Road. 6 53-56 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 256 .993 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract 849 . Located along and north of W. FM544 across from Steel Industrial Park. 7 57 Consider approval of ordinance providing for extended hours of operation for private clubs as described in the Texas Liquor Control Codes. GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 Citizen Participation. 1 ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9 58 Consider approval of Collin County Public Works Department improvements on county bridges on CR298 and CR431 (McMillan & Troy Roads) . 10 59-63 Consider approval of new speed zone on FM1378 southward from FM2514 . 11 64-64a Consider authorization of partial payment to Dawson Construction Co. 12 Recess open meeting. 13 Convene workshop to discuss the following items. 1 . Staff proposed increases in City water/sewer rates. 2 . Staff analysis/recommendations of sanitation rates . 65-74 3 . Creation of City of Wylie Personal Property Finance Corporation (First Southwest Co. , David Medanich) . 75-118 4 . Matters related to the refunding of the City' s water and sewer bonds. 14 Close workshop session. 15 Reconvene open meeting . 16 Consider authorization to set public hearing date for water/sewer rates for City customers. 17 Consider authorization to set public hearing date for sanitation rates. 18 Consider authorization for First Southwest to proceed with preparation of documents for City of Wylie Personal Property Finance Corporation. 19 Consider authorization to proceed with matters related to refunding of City' s water and sewer bonds. 20 ADJOURN 2 ^ - NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Notice is hereby given that the governing b f e City of W lie will meet at /: 00 P. M. on the _ day of __ ____, in the Wylie Community Center at 800 Thomas Street in the City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of considering the attached Agenda. -r-------- Carolyo one Secretary . ^r PO THE DAY OF _��_.PO_A.0�_M. 17 :n.: P/}% AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1986 7:80 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM 800 THOMAS STREET CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 1-35 Consider approval of minutes. PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES/PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 35a-41 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 629 .31 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 . Location - north of the Texana property on E. SH78 . 3 42-45 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 279.0574 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 . Location - along and south of W. Brown Street . 4 46-48 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 50 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660 . Located south of the Louis Reese property and west of Muddy Creek , north of the Collin/Dallas county line . 5 49-52 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 140 . 58 acres out of the J . Mitchell Survey, Abstract 589 and Wm. Patterson Survey, Abstract 716 . Bounded on the east by FM1378 and on the south by Lake Ranch Road. 6 53-56 Consider approval of annexation ordinance for 256 .993 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract 849 . Located along and north of W. FM544 across from Steel Industrial Park. 7 57 Consider approval of ordinance providing for extended hours of operation for private clubs as described in the Texas Liquor Control Codes . GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 Citizen Participation. ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9 58 Consider approval of Collin County Public Works Department improvements on county bridges on CR298 and CR431 (McMillan & Troy Roads) . 10 59-63 Consider approval of new speed zone on FM1378 southward from FM2514 . 11 64-64a Consider authorization of partial payment to Dawson Construction Co. 12 Recess open meeting. 13 Convene workshop to discuss the following items. 1 . Staff proposed increases in City water/sewer rates. 2 . Staff analysis/recommendations of sanitation rates . 65-74 3 . Creation of City of Wylie Personal Property Finance Corporation (First Southwest Co. , David Medanich) . 75-118 4 . Matters related to the refunding of the City' s water and sewer bonds. 14 Close workshop session. 15 Reconvene open meeting. 16 Consider authorization to set public hearing date for water/sewer rates for City customers . 17 Consider authorization to set public hearing date for sanitation rates. 18 Consider authorization for First Southwest to proceed with preparation of documents for City of Wylie Personal Property Finance Corporation . 19 Consider authorization to proceed with matters related to refunding of City' s water and sewer bonds. 20 ADJOURN 2 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING _ MINUTES NOVEMBER 80~ 8986 8c00 P. M. The Wylie City Council were to meet in a called session on Monday, November 10, 1986 at 8: 00 P. M. in the Wylie Community Room. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem Joe Fulgham, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, City Attorney Larry Jackson, the Wylie News and approximately 40 citizens. Those absent were Councilwoman Sandra Donovan, Councilman Chuck Trimble and Councilman Cal Westerhof . Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said obviously there is not a quorum and there will be no meeting tonight. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham stated to the citizens that were present that on Monday, Nov. 3rd, Councilwoman Donovan notified the City Secretary of her request for a public hearing, which she wanted on November 18th. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he called Councilman Westerhof on Tuesday about setting the date for the public hearing on Monday, November 10th at 8: 00 P. M. , and Councilman Westerhof agreed. I begin to try and contact Councilman Trimble, and was told each time he was out of the office. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he left a message on Mr. Trimble' s home recorder and never received a return call from Mr. Trimble. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he then called Mr . Larry Jackson and that he only needed a majority of the three council members for this meeting to be called for November 10th. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he also talked with Mr. Don Hughes about making this meeting. Mr. Trimble finally called me on Thursday, and he said Monday, November 10th was ok by him for this public hearing. Letters and agenda' s went out informing the council members of what I had attempted to do to put together a public hearing for Nov. 10, 1986. Tonight just as I was getting out of my car, Mr. Donovan gave me the following letter : Nov. 10, 1986 "Dear Mavor Pro Tem Fulgham: We the undersigned council members have each received a letter stating a publ ,c hearing is set for November 10th at 8: 00 P. M. to consider the recall petition. We have been advised that the law required council to set the date for such a public hearing. Since we three represent the on! ) remaining members of the city council we cannot understand why we were not asked as a council to call a public hearing . None of us are willing to participate in a possibly illegal meeting and we are hereby notifying you that we have no intention of attending a public hearing until the entire council receives proper notice under the Texas Open Meetings Law of a council meeting for the purpose of selecting a date and calling a public hearing. For your information the date of November 18th at 7: 00 P. M. is acceptable for all of us to hold a public hearing. Sincerely, Place l Chuck Trimble Place 2 Cal Westerhof Place 6 Sandra Donovan'' This letter is in the same manner in which I called this meeting tonight. Having the public hearing on November 18th, will make the election day Dec. 20th. Larry Jackson, City Attorney, said this will postpone the election until sometime after the December 6tr election. The remarks in the letter about this being illegal is not true. This is a legal meeting. Since there was not a quorum, the citizens were told there would be no meeting. Joe Fulgham, Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: Carol yn Jones, Ci ty Secretary 9- CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES N0VEMBE0 11, 1906 7:45 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 11 , 198b at 7: 00 P. M. in the Wylie Lommunity Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present Mayor Pro Tem Joe Fulgham, Council Members Chuck Trimble, Sandra Donovan, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Acting Public Works Director Kenneth Moelling, and approximately 40 citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham made a statement to the citizens that there was not a quorum and we were giving Mr. Westerhof a little more time. After some 30 to 35 minutes, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham called Mr. Don Hughes to come to the meeting in order to have a quorum. Mr. Hughes arrived and requested Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham keep the chair for the meeting and he would take a seat at the council table. Mayor Fulgham called the meeting to order one gave the invocation at approximately 7: 45 P. M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to approve the minutes for October 28, 1986 as submitted. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor (prior to Mr. Hughes voting, he asked for some time to review the minutes) . This motion carried with all in favor. REAPPOINTMENT OF DR. TOM JONES AS HEALTH OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE: Dr. Jones has served as the City' s Health Officer for the past year . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to reappoint Dr . Jones as Health Officer for the City of Wylie. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Counciman Hughes - in favor ' This motion carried with all in favor . ADM[UN] P�[ER OATH--OF_{}FFlCE TO [7^ l'O/i_J{�N�S-i��_�i�~iLTl±-[���ICEi IE:_ City Secretary Carolyr Jones gave the oath of office to Dr ' Tom Jones' PL8}LJ_C_HE"AING ON THE ANNEXATION_OF`'62{>. 029 ACRES_ yU.-']F_.rHE FRAN( lN - S����[T-���8; This property is located north of E. SH78 Let+.een E. SH78 and LaYe Lavon.. Thzs annexation has been inzrzated nv the City and the letters have been sent to all prcpert) owners. This area of land will firm up the boundary line for the City of Wylie up to Lake Lavon. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends this property for anKexation to the Council . Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposztion, the public hearing was closed . PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION OF 279. 0574 ACRES ,OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVE/° COLL]]NCOUNTY This property is located along and south of E. Brown Street (Old SH78) and is owned by Jimmy Kreymer , Bill Kreymer , Carol Kreymer and Archie Kreymer. This annenation has been initiated by the City and the letters have been sent to all property owners. All of the above property owners have signed voluntary annexation petitions. The Pianning and Zoning Comn,ission recommends this propernv for onnexati 'zn Ma-or Fro 7em Fulgham opened Lhe pubizc hearzrn ' therp beinq ins 1t ^ �ni jr oPpcI Li on . tv 1 nun 1 c ME ±~ 1 '`�. � � PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 50 ACRES OUT OF THE R� D_._NEWMAN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 660: This property is located on the north side of the Collin/Dallas County line, east of SH78. More commonly described as being that tract of land that lies between the George Lewis property and the Collin /Dallas County line. This property will close the boundary line between Wylie and Sachse and is a section that both cities have agreed upon as a boundary line. The City initiated this annexation and a letter was sent to the property owner. The Planning and Zoning recommends this for annexation into the City of Wylie. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed' PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 140. 58 ACRES OUT OF THE J=_MITCHELL SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 589, AND THE WILLIAM PATTERSON SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 716: This property is bounded on the east by FM1378 and on the south by Lake Ranch Road. There are two parcels making up this tract, and have one owner. The City initiated this annexation and a letter was sent to the property owner ' The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends this for annexation into the City of Wylie. This is the property where the bridge will have to be rebuilt, but we hope to give the land back to the property owners where the road sits now and move the road over where Park Lane will be coming through. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. pUBL]I� HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 256. 933 ACRES OUT OF THE K__SpARKS .SURVEY, COLLIN_COUNTy_ ABSTRACT B49: This property is located along and north of FM544. This annexation is comprised of several small tracts along W. F~|544 and some larger tracts that lie east of the Wylie/Murphy boundary line. The City initiated this annexation and letters have been sent to all property owners. Several of the property owners have come in and signed voluntary annexation petitions. The Planning and Zoning Commisszor recommends-.- this property for annexation . Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing. City Manager Gus Pappas said there i =, some developmenL in this area and the staf* has had e ' ot of calls about what is being built in this area. This is our chance to take control and give this zoning tQ help keep it ir` line with what will be best for the area Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know what we were pumoin'] in tne Steel area. City Nonager Gus Pappas ain just tne industrial and we pump it every otter day . Tvere is ? sr.ot sewer line that needs to be installed and cne- we ~zl ] not have to pomp the-e' But there n.s been sD ,po / projecLs bigger and with greater peeds that this one too been pushed osck. There being no other questions, the public hearing was closed' NEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 51 . 531 A��RES OUT OF THE - ACHSE_SUR N COUNTY ABSTRACT 87.5q This property is located on Hooper Road and south nf FM544' The public hearings were held some time back , but the " inal annexation was he1d up due co the TRO iniciated by the City of Sachse. The TRO has exhausted itself and both sides attorneys have discussed this fact and whether or not either side should do anything. Sachse has begin to oost notices for anne4ing these properties. The City of Sachse has to start from day one which is a 60 day process and the City of Wylie only has to sign the annexation ordinance. The City Attorney, Larry Jackson, recommends to file a counter injunction on Sachse which is a lot of money or to go ahead and sign the anne^ation ordznancas. -- Councilwoman Donovan asked City Manager Gus Pappas if we had anything to gain by doing this. City Manager Gus Pappas said the City Attorney said if we had the opportunity and did nothing, Sachse would use this in Court against us. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said we had an obligation to annexation these properties, as the owners have requested to oe annexed into the City of Wylie. Mr . Reese° on of the property owners, has filed a law suite against Sachse for holding up his construction and development of the property. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to approve and sign the annexation ordinance for 51 . 531 acres out of the William Sachse Survey. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 51 . 531 ACRESTHE ----- SA , COLl=IN COUNTY ABSTRACT 835: This -------property �is located on Hooper Road and south of FM544. All the public hearings have been held some time back. This is a part of the TRO initiated by City of Sachse, as discussed above. The request for zoning is for Agricultural ' Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to approve zoning ordinance for Agricultural zoning for 51 . 531 Acres out of the Williams Sachse Survey. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF_ ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 149.6546 ACRES__OUT__Of` THE_ H. J . HARDIN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT_438L This property is located west of SH78 and south of 17M544. All the public hearings were held some time back. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 149. 6546 acres out of the H. J. Hardin Survey. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes' - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR l00. 2Ei7 ACRES_{K�j_ OF, THE R. L. NEWMAN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRA{3 660L This property is located east of S. SH7B and is owned by L. Reese Company. All public hearings were hvld some time back ' Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to approve and sign anne4ation ordinance for 100. 287 acres out of the R. D. Newman Sur'ey. Seconded bv Councilman Trimble. Fhe vote was as follows: Mayor Fro Tem Fu! gham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Councilman Hughes - in fnvor . 7nis motion carried wizn all in favor. APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 37. 415 ACRES OUT _OF'7H£ NEWMAN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRA �: This property it located east of S. SH�8 and is owned by L. Reese Company. All public hearings were held some time back. Motion was made Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 37' 415 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey . Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 5. 990 ACRES OUT OF THE D. NEWMAN_ SUR\ EY _COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 66{}: This property is located east of S. SH78 and is owned by L. Reese Company. The public hearing for this property were !'.eid some time back. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to 6nne�ah�imn for T."( ac^ �s 'uu- ~ the R. D. Newman Survey. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF ANNEXATION ORDINANCE FOR 7. 297 ACRES OUT -HE H. J . HARDIN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 438: This property is located east of S. SH78 and is owned by L. Reese Company. The public hearings have been held some time back. Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to approve and sign annexation ordinance for 7. 297 acres out of the H. J . Hardin Survey. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ApPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE FOR 446. 273 ACRES OUT OF THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, _COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 660 AND THE H. J. HARDIN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 438: This property is located east of S. SH78 and is owned by the L. Reese Company. The public hearings have been held some time back and the request for zoning is Business One and Two, Retail , Multifamily, Single Family Two and Three' Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to approve the above zoning for 446. 273 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, and the H. J. Hardin Survey. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Councilman Hughes - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF REVISED PERSONAL PROPERTY FINANCE CONTRACT AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF AMBULANCE SERVICE AND OTHER VEHICLES: Finance Director James Johnson presented to Council the revised contract on the property being purchased in the ambulance service. The following equipment is included in this purchase: l Used 1983 Type 2 Ford Super Van Econoline 20} 1 Used 1981 Type 1 Ford Modular F-350 1 New 1986 Type 1 Modular Ambulance 1 New 1986 Fire Department Rescue Suburban, The 1986-87 budget was appro°eo with these zte,:s i"c� uned in it . Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham asked if this was just to apprOve the financing of these items. Finance Director said vas, that we will have to gc out for aids for the no- ambulance ano the suburban' City Manager Gus Pappas saic the Transfer oate iE now set for November 15, 1986 at whzcn 71ne we -111 haye tne insurance coverage that is needed. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to approve Fhe financial contract for the purchase of the Ambulance Service and the new equipment. Seconded by Councilman Trimble' The vote was as follows: Mayor P46 Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Councilman Hughes - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PRESENTATIONBY KERRY_W{]EKS REQUESTING_THE REMOVAL OF THE 8ARRIER,AC]RDSS THE ALLEYWAY BETWEEN BUTLER_AND HILLTOP STREETQ� Mr . Weeks requested that the barrier that was just recently put up at the entrance to the alley off Butler Ct. be removed. Mr . Weeks feels the City made a decision without contacting all the people that use that alley. Mr. Weeks said he understood that the barrier was put up because of speeders in the alley, but this is a police problem. r/ayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he was not in total snreeme­t -I ' .` po�tl "� '`p tke bat LVK r22�_r -0`' - because of the people using it for a high speed thoroughfare. This ideal of the barrier came from the people that live off Butler Ct. and Woodhollow Ct. Councilwoman Donovan wanted the staff to send out letters again. City Manager Gus Pappas said the letters were sent to those property owners who would be responsible for paying for the repaving of the alley. Do you want letters sent to those would have no responsibility for the upkeep of the alley. Council directed City Manager Gus Pappas to take down the barrier and send out letters to the property owners on Briarwood, Woodhollow Ct. , Dogwood Ct. and Hilltop. City Manager Gus Pappas reminded the Council that they had voted to put the barrier up and this would take a vote to take it down. Council still told City Manager to remove the barrier. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mr . David Stephens of 303 Woodhollow Ct. said he wanted to know if Council had to vote on putting up the barrier, why could they take it down without a vote. Mr. Stephens said he strongly objects to the Council taking it down. City Manager Gus Pappas said Mr. Stephens was right in stating that this needed a vote in order to take down the barrier. Mr. John Pierrel of 604 Stoneybrook said there are speed bumps in the alley of Stoneybrook and if he could live with these, the residents in this other area should be able to live with the barrier. Mr. Kerry Weeks of Briarwood said Council may take action on putting up barriers on alleyways, and if you do it on one you will do it on others. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said all areas will be looked at as an individual area. Councilman Hughes said what caused this problem was not having a good review of plats on Planning and Zoning and the City Council at the time this subdivision was built. Now there is better and improved system and these areas are looked at in a different way so as not to have cul-de-sac when a through street is needed . City Manager Gus Pappas said that the street crew could move into the allev between Briarwood and Hilltop and put in gravel in the hole so traffic can go through. The citizens saio there was not a hole, the alley just stops. Mr. Ernest Adkins of 1010 Mardi Gras, said he ~ould like to make a statement concerning the public hearinu on Mondey. November 10, 1986. Many citizens came to take part in s legal Council meeting which the City Attornev sazd was lenal ' This should come as no surprise to you, Courcilmar Trimble, since you contacted the City Attorne°n vourself and was told at that time that the meetino was legel . Realizing that tne meeting was legal , l am confused by your actions or maybe I should say lack of action regarding the hearing last night . We, the people of Wylie, entrusted the life of our City to you Councilman Trimble and to Councilman Wesferhof and I am appalled by the letter which we were read last night signed by Councilman Trimble, Councilman Westerhof and Councilwoman Donovan. When we as citizens cannot depend on your word such as when you made your verbai agreement wz0) Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to hold the public hearing last night then we have a serious breach of trust . This breach was a direct result of your actions Councilmen Trimble and Westerhof and I feel your poor conduct requires an explanation to the citizens. Are you Councilman Trimble going to attend the meeting on Thursday night. Mr. Trimble had no response. Councilwoman Donovan, are you going to attend the Thursday night meeting. Mrs' Donovan said sne would have to answer later . Mayor Pro rem Fulonam` are ,ou soing to attend this meeting Thurwav night ' Nevor Pro rp.n / Fulgham said yes. Councilman Hughes will you attend this meeting. Mr . Hughes said yes. Mr. John Pierrel 604 Stoneybrook said we elected you people to carry out the business of the City, not to play games' I as a citizens and tax payer feel very ripped off . I should not have to take the time to make each Council meeting. You people have been elected to serve the people of the Citv and not anyone else. I did not put my life on the line to live in a City where the elected officials do not care. I have to leave work early just to get to these meetings and I feel I should not have to do this. Mrs. Olympia Margies 1010 Lucy Lane, my comments are directed to those who need them. Councilman Trimble did you say the recall election may call out people to vote and you do not want more people coming out to vote on the Council election just because of the recall issue. One does not have to vote in all issues. On our petition there are 534 citizens wanting to vote on her, why do you not want them to vote for the council election. Councilman Trimble, did you not ride in a car with Councilwoman Donovan in the Centennial Parade with a banner on it that said present Council members. Did I not count right, or was there only two council members instead of six members. Also about last night, Councilman Trimble, you have showed us you respect no one but Councilwoman Donovan. I do not have any respect for you Councilman Trimble or Councilman Westerhof . I do have much respect for Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham for the way he handled the meeting. Cecelia Woods 515 Woodhollow said she still liked Wylie and feels that the ones that gives time on the Council does deserve appreciation for their time. Why was Mayor Hugne-E� brought back to the Council tonight. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said that Mr. Larry Jackson and Mr . Lewis Nichols said that because of a lack of a quorum, that this step could be done in order to have a quorum and conduct the city business. A council member is not really relieved of his/her duties until the position has been Tilled by election or appointment . Cecilia Woods said this statement was on record. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said yes. ' AWARD OF_BID FOR_�HA]]�-LI TEEL City Manager Gus Pappas stated that the +ence was a part of the finishing up at Steel Road Tank site. This will erclwse the tank, values, pump house which could be meddled witn and there has been one case where someone has meddled with the equipment . There were three bids submittei frcm the following firmE: Mario' s Fence Co. $41990. 00 Liberty Fence Co. $4, 277. 00 J & J Fencing Co. $7, 632. 50 The City Engineering Department has reviewed these bids and recommends the award of bid to Liberty Fence Co. in the amount of $4, 277. 00. Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to award the fence bid to Liberty Fence Co. in the amount of $4, 277. 00. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Councilman Hughes - in favor ' This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR PICKUF TRUCK F{lR THE PARKS DEPARTMENT: City Manager Gus Pappas stated that this truck was included in the 86-87 budget, but needs Council approval to advertise for bids. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to advertise for bids for pickup truck for the Parks Department. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fu1gham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Councilman Hughes - in favor - This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF_pRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GROVE ESTATESL This is an ETJ review and has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval with the relocation of an easement for a future sewer line. The developer has agreed to install streets to City specifications and has agreed to a larger waterline than that first proposed. This area has been designated for Single Family 1 homes on our planning map. The homes that will be constructed in this plat are the same size as what our Single Family 1 . This tract of land is not contiguous with our City, and does not have water/sewer from our city. The City does not have the power to enforce the complete subdivision ordinance on this subdivision. The State does grant us the opportunity to make some requirements such as concrete streets, fire hydrants every six feet. The water lines are smaller than what our ordinance calls for, but easements have been required for sewer lines and improvements to the water line if and when this becomes a part of our City. Staff feels that they have taken out most of the problems that could come back to haunt us at a later date. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to approve the preliminary plat for Liberty Grove Estates with the Planning and Zoning recommendations of the relocation of the easement for a future sewer line. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM RUST!('- OAKS EN APARTMENTS JOINT VENTURE :_ This drainage easement is necessary in order for the work to proceed the developer needs to dedicate this drainage easement ' The easements is continued from the drainage line +rom the Westgate Addition which has already been instai1en ' Motion was made by CounciLwoman Donovan to accept the dedication of the drainage easement from Rustic Oaks Garden Aoartments Jnint Venture' Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in iavor , Councilwoman Donovan - 1n favor , ano Councilman Hughes - zq favor . This notlon carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL PLANS FOR MUNICIPAL COMPLEX:_ City Manager Gus Pappas said the final plans for the Municipal Cpmplex -had -been reviewed by the Code Enforcemeht Officer and found all codes have been followed. The staff recommends approval of these plans. Motion was made by Councilman Hughes to approve the final plans for the Municipal Complex . Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor" Councilwoman Donovan - in favor , and Councilman Hughes - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor' COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilwoman Donovan asked City Manager Gus Pappas why the item was not on the agenda in regards to the street program. City Manager Gus Pappas said an appraisal has to be done on the properties by a professional registered apprazser . This is being clone now and you will �ee it on the nent Council agerwa. You musf: prove that tne lien being place on these properties are true and that properties hold this value. APPROVAL OF DRAW #1 FROM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX CONSTRUCTION FUND TO SPEED FAD-CRETE: Finance Director James Johnson said the draw down for Draw #1 is for $97, 561 . 44, and a CD will be wired to the Bank tomorrow if this is approved in the amount of $100, 000. This has been reviewed and is correct. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham thanked Mr. Johnson for the work done on this draw down schedule. Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to approve Draw #1 from Municipal Complex Construction Fund to Speed Fab-Crete in the amount of $100,000. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. There being no other business, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham called for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made with all in favor to adjourn. Joe Fulgham, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: __________________ ----------- Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES NOVEMBER 137 89S6 9:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, November 13, 1986 at 9:00 P. M. in the Wylie Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem Joe Fulgham, Council Members Sandra Donovan, Chuck Trimble, Cal Westerhof , and Don Hughes, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, and a number of citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham called the meeting to order. SET DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING AS REQUESTED BY COUNCILWOMAN SANDRA DONOVAN: Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to set the public hearing on Tuesday, November 18, 1986 at 7: 00 P. M. in the High School Cafeteria. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilwoman Donovan - in favor, and Councilman Hughes - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. City Manager Gus Pappas made the state that we would have to call the school on Friday morning to acquire permission to hold the meetintg at the high school . Motion was made to adjourn, with all in favor. Joe Fulgham, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING — MINUTES NOVEMBER le, 8906 7:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 18, 1986 at 7: 00 P. M. in the Wylie High School Cafeteria. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem Joe Fulgham, Council Members Don Hughes, Chuck Trimble, Calvin Westerhof , and Sandra Donovan, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, several news media representatives and approximately 100 citizens' Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. PUBLIC HEARING AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILWOMAN SANDRA DONOyA ,1 AS PROVIDED BY THE CITY CHARTER: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham stated that this public hearing was for Councilwoman Donovan to answer to the charges that have been brought against her in a petition for recall . The Charter in Article Six , Sec. 1 states: ''The qualified voters of the City of Wyie shall , by following the procedures set out in this charter, have the power to propose ordinances to the city council , to requrie reconsideration by the city council of any adopted ordinances, and to revoke the office of any elected city official . Article Six , Section 8, An elected official whose removal is sought by recall may, within five (5) days after such recall petition has been presented to the city counrii , request that a public hearing be held to permit him to present facts pertinent to the charges specified in the petition. Should such a request be made, the city council shall order that a pub1c hearing be held not less than five (5) days nor more than fifteen ( 15) days after receiving such request for a public hearing. " Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham asked Councilwoman Donovan if she wanted to make a statement . Councilwoman Donovan thanked everyone for coming and taking time away from their families. The following is a copy of the statement Councilwoman Donovan read. Response of Sandra Donovan to Charges of Incompetency and Non-Compliance with Wylie's Charter Public Hearing November 18, 1986 CHARGE 1 . Mrs. Donovan violated Wylie' s City Charter (Art. III, Sec. 8 . C. and Art. IV, Sec. 7. A. ) by giving a direct order to a City Employee at various times during the month of May, 1986, by ordering a member of the Police Department to pick her up at her residence and take her for a ride around the City. Further, Art. III , Sec. 6 . B. (2) of said charter provides for the express forfeiture of office when any provision of Sec. 8 of said Art. III is violated by a councilman (or mayor) . Art. III, Sec. 8. C. of Wylie City Charter provides : C. INTERFERENCE WITH ADMINISTRATION Except for the purpose of inquiries and investigations as provided by this charter, the city council or its members shall deal with city officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the city manager solely through the city manager, and neither the city council nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee, either publicly or privately, except as otherwise provided in this charter. (Emphasis added) . Art. IV, Sec. 7. A. provides: SECTION 7 : PERSONNEL SYSTEM A. Neither the city council nor any of its members shall request or direct the appointment of any person to, or his removal from office or employment, by the city manager or any of his subordinates; provided that the appointment or removal from office of department heads shall be subject to approval of the city council. Except for the purposes of inquiry, the city council and its members shall deal with the city' s administrative service solely through the city manager. And, neither the city council nor its members shall give orders to any subordinates of the city manager, either publicly or privately, except as may be provided in this charter. (Emphasis added) . CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18:86: 11 : 43 Page 1 RESPONSE My contact with Lt. Holley was for an inquiry. I had received four or five calls from citizens concerning some police matters - one specifically asked me to talk with Lt. Holley about police moral. I called Lt. Holley at work and said I would like to talk with him. He said fine. I asked if that afternoon would be alright. He said it would be. I asked what time he would like me to come down to the police station. He said if we meet in the police station we would be interrupted by the phone and people coming in and out. He asked if I mind talking in the police car as he drove around the city. I said that would be alright with me. So he said fine I ' ll pick you up at 1 :00 p.m. I have checked with Lt. Holley since this charge has been made and he has told me that the above statement is correct and that I have never given him any order. He further told me that no one (except me) ever checked with him before or since this charge has been made. This charge is totally false and without any merit. CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18 : 86 : 11 : 43 Page 2 I CHARGE 2. Mrs. Donovan violated Wylie' s City Charter when she solicited and obtained sufficient votes to exclude the city manager from the deliberations concerning the residential qualifications of Councilman Harold Spence. This was in direct violation of Art. IV, Sec. 1 . E. (4) of Wylie's City Charter. Art. IV, Sec. 1 . E. (4) of city charter provides: E. DUTIES The city manager shall be empowered to: (4) Attend all city council meetings and have the right to take part in discussions, but he shall not vote. RESPONSE When we entered the library for our Executive session (closed to the public by law) I asked Mayor Hughes if the city secretary and city manager could be excluded from our discussions. He said he didn't care if they're present or not, but it's whatever the majority of the council wanted. He then asked if we wanted Gus and Carolyn out of the meeting and all council members (Bud, Harold, Cal, & Myself) shook their heads yes. This was not a council meeting but an executive closed session. The charter does not give the city secretary or the city manager any right to attend council executive sessions over the objection of a majority of the council. It is unfair to single me out for recall because I ask a question and the mayor ask the council their wishes and a majority expressed their opinion to conduct the executive session without the city manager and city secretary being present. CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18 :86 : 11 :43 Page 3 ! j CHARGE 3 . Mrs. Donovan violated Art. III, Sections 8 . B. and C. of Wylie ' s City Charter when she made derogatory written statements against a city employee who was under the sole direction and control of the city manager by insisting such statements be placed in that employee's personnel file. Additional authority as to such control and supervision by the city manager is found under Art. IV, Sections 6. C. and 7. A. Art. III, Sec. 8. B. and C. of the charter provides: SECTION 8: PROHIBITIONS B. APPOINTMENTS AND REMOVALS Neither the city council nor any of its members shall in any manner dictate the appointment or removal of any city administrative officers or employees whom the city manager or any of his subordinates are empowered to appoint, but the city council, at a meeting called for that purpose, may express its views and fully and freely discuss with the city manager anything pertaining to appointment and removal of such officers and employees. (Emphasis added) . C. INTERFERENCE WITH ADMINISTRATION Except for the purpose of inquiries and investigations as provided by this charter, the city council or its members shall deal with city officers and employees who are subject to the direction and supervision of the city manager solely through the city manager, and neither the city council nor its members shall give orders to any such officer or employee, either publicly or privately, except as otherwise provided in this charter. (Emphasis added) . RESPONSE A city employee (city manager's secretary) called a council member (me) a "bitch" in an open council meeting. After speaking to the city manager about the incident and getting no positive action, I , with advice of the Texas Municipal League' s legal counsel, wrote a letter to the city manager summarizing what had happened that evening. I also wrote a separate letter to the CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 :18 :86: 11 :43 Page 4 l `% city manager specifically stating my opinion that his decision in this matter was not satisfactory. I then asked that the letters be put in the secretary' s personnel file. I also asked the city manager to have the council discuss the issue in a regular meeting or executive session. The city manager ignored this request. I had no dealings directly with the city manager' s secretary over this incident. I have violated neither of the provisions of the city charter quoted above. I did not dictate any action to the city manager. I did express my opinion in the form the Texas Municipal League attorney told me was proper. CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18:86 : 11 :43 Page 5 CHARGE 4 . The incompetency and ineffectiveness of Mrs. Donovan is amply demonstrated by the fact that she has caused to be placed on the agenda for the city council only the following items during the approximately six (6) months she has been on the Council: a. Termination of the city manager (three times) . b. The appointment of Wylie' s representative to the North Texas Municipal Water District. c. The futile effort on August 26, 1986 to remove Mayor Pro-Tem Joe Fulgham by offering five (5) separate agenda items: (1) to consider "qualifications of Joe Fulgham to continue in office"; (2) to appoint person to fill his place; (3) to administer oath to his replacement; (4) to elect Mayor Pro-Tem; and (5) "appointment of temporary replacement for city manager. " No constructive or positive matters for the general good or benefit of Wylie has been promoted by Mrs. Donovan, but she has been instrumental in obtaining the resignation of the mayor and two councilmen due to her derisive behavior. RESPONSE Even if every allegation under Item No. 4 were true, which it is not, it would not be sufficient grounds to support a recall. In addition to the items which are listed in this charge that I have placed on the agenda I have also caused to be placed the following items and many others on the agenda: 1 . Lowering residential speed limit. 2. Municipal complex to bond election. 3 . Financing of complex by bond issue not lease - purchase. 4 . Street resurfacing program. 5. Suggest names of citizens for appointment to Parks and Recreation and P & Z & NTMWD Board. The charges under Item No. 4 are indicative of the entire political issue at stake in this recall matter. It is CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18:86: 11 :43 Page 6 4 interesting to note that there is no alleged violation of any provision of the City Charter of Wylie! The allegations are totally political in nature and are an attempt on the part of the city manager and a few supporters of his to intimidate me. These charges say simply we don't like the positions that she has taken. The underlying issue is who makes the policy for the City of Wylie -- the mayor and city council or the city manager. I believe that the elected officials should make the policy decisions and that the city employees should carry out those decisions. I do not believe it will ever work in a democracy if the roles become reversed. It is this belief of mine which has caused the city manager and others to attack me and to seek to intimidate me and hopefully get me to resign or be recalled. I must admit that their efforts to date have given me and my family a great deal of discomfort and inconvenience. I will hasten to add, however, that their efforts will not be successful, they will not intimidate me! I will not resign. I intend to serve out my entire term the voters elected me for no matter how unpleasant these few people try to make my service. The issue is much greater than Sandra Donovan. The issue is will an elected representative of the people of the City of Wylie be allowed to complete a term of office. This issue is basic to our democratic principles of government and it is of vital importance to the future of our city. This principle is worth fighting for! The suggestion that I have "been instrumental in obtaining the resignation of the mayor and the two councilmen" due to my derisive behavior is totally untrue and is disputed by the three council members who have resigned in statements which are attached to this response and is refuted by the mayor in his resignation statement in the minutes of this council for a meeting held July 22, 1986. CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18 :86: 11 :43 Page 7 Harold Spence 125 7. 544 1yle , Texas 75098 november 17, 1936 P1rs. Sandra Donovan 337 Hilltop ?Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Sandra: Let me take this opportunity to make this _Public statement, again, concerning my resignation from the 'Wylie City Council in July of 1986. Your service on the City Council had nothing to do with my resignation. The time that I served with you on the City Council was en- joyable. I feel that your research on the agendas was very thor- ough , as well as an asset to the city. When •annexation or zoning of property was on the agenda, you would take the time and effort to drive by the property and inspect it; the majority of the City Council does not do this . I feel assured that your concerns in- clude an improved police and fire department. You have genuine concerns for the citizens and the City of :Wylie. I am aware that you do not agree with some of the Policies that are now under consideration; hopefully, you will be given the opportunity-to Exercise your convictions , as the citizens of '.'ylie elected you to do. I feel the current recall petition against you is based on political issues rather than legitimate claims. _'ou may be assured that you have my continued support , as .you are a very strong in- dividual, who does not succumb to political pressure. since ely, Caro ld Spence "S/at November 17, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is being written to dispell recent allegations made concerning my resignation from the Wylie City Council . My resignation was made due to personal reasons and was not a result of anyone's influence . Sandra Donovan was in no way a factor in my decision to resign from the City Council . Lowell S. Brewster 1 November 17, 1986 To Whom It May Concern: Once again I want the citizens of Wylie to be made aware that my resignation as a member of the City Council was not in any way due to Sandra Donovan. I believe it is time for some people to begin to think in terms of going ahead with business that pertains to Wylie and allow the people who have been elected to serve and make the decisions in matters concerning our city. In a democracy we allow people to serve the term to which they have been elected, and if at the end of their term we are not satisfied with their performance, we replace them. I believe it is time to start allowing people to have an opinion that might not necessarily be the same as yours if we are going to maintain the "democratic spirit" that has always been in Wylie. Si erely, ( Geline Dodd CHARGE 5. Mrs. Donovan has consistently and blatantly disregarded the reasonable and orderly rules and procedures as established by the City staff by refusing to complete the agenda requests. The city manager has the responsibility to prepare and accept items for inclusion in the official agenda of all city council meetings (ART. 4 , Sec. 1 .E. (7) ) . These procedures and forms are designed for the orderly conduct and flow of the City' s business and should be observed by the citizens of Wylie and the councilpersons of Wylie alike. Art. 4 , Sec. 1 . E. (7) of the charter provides: (7) Prepare and submit to the city council, an annual report on the finances and administrative activities of the city, as of the end of the fiscal year, such report to be due not later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of the city' s fiscal year. The report of individual audit, as required by this charter, shall be incorporated into the annual report submitted by the city manager. RESPONSE Charging me with a violation of a provision of the charter concerning the "annual report on finances, . . . " shows the viciousness and carelessness of these people. Since I have no responsibility under (7) I could not possibly have violated it. They apparently were intending to charge me with violation of Art. 4, Sec. 1 . E. (5) . I have not violated that provision of the charter either. Our city charter Sec. 12 provides: SECTION 12: RULES OF PROCEDURE The city council shall, by ordinance, determine its own rules and order of business, and the rules shall provide that citizens of the city shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard at any meeting with regard to any matter under consideration. . . . (Emphasis added) . The city manager rather than the city council has adopted a form for placing items on the agenda. This form has never been submitted to the council for their approval. Two other council CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18 : 86: 11 : 43 Page 8 members and I had requested that an item be placed on the agenda concerning whether or not Joe Fulgham currently met the residential qualifications to remain on the council. I asked the city manager to place the item on the agenda at the request of the two other council members and me. The city manager asked me to sign an agenda form which implied that I alone had requested this item to be placed on the agenda. I told him that that was not accurate because Cal and Chuck had also submitted this item. I asked Gus to call Cal and Chuck and confirm with them but he refused. This form which the city manager prepared was never a procedure required by ordinance before an item could be placed on the agenda. The city manager did this on his own volition without submitting this item to the council for their approval. The city manager has not followed Section 12. CHARGE 1186423/D7/11 : 18: 86: 11 : 43 Page 9 Councilwoman Donovan said in conclusion, it was her understanding that the recall election be paid for by the petitioners committee. Councilwoman Donovan asked the following questins: 1 . Who will pay for the election, the petitioners committee or the tax payers of Wylie? 2. The City Attorney has been called several times in regards to this recall petition, who will pay for his fees, the petitioners committee or the taxpayers of Wylie? 3. City Manager, City Secretary and the City Manager ' s Secretary have all spent many hours on this petition, who will pay for their hours, the petitioners committee or the tax payers of Wylie? Councilwoman Donovan then asked that her fellow council members to vote no on placing this recall on a ballot. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham wanted to know if Councilwoman Donovan wanted to discuss the questions she had just asked. Councilwoman Donovan asked what questions. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said the ones about who will pay for all these expenses. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said the Charter states that the voters of the City have the power to ask the council to reconsider ordinances or recall an officer ' Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham than stated that if this public hearing had been held earlier, this item would have been put on the December 6th ballot and there would not have been any extra expense for another election. These petitioners are tax payers, they believe that anything they request of the City Council will be taken care of . The attorney' s fees falls into the same category as all the chargers that you, Councilwoman Donovan have caused the tax payers since April when you, Councilwcman Donovan have called the attorney. Mr. Louis Nichols, Attorney, said that these are expenses that soould be oaid for by the City. He had never heard of anyone expecting the L'zmmittee to pay for sucn chargers' CALL�iFOR ELECTIIN FOR THE RECALl=-IF [%}UY�.D=�OM DONOVAN: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham stated that Article Six , Section 10 says '' If an officer whose removal is sought does not resign, then the c1ty Louncil shall order an election and set the date for molding such recall election. The date selected for the recall election shall be the first date permitted by law for holding said election after twenty-five (25> days after the date the petition was presented to the city council , or from the date of the public hearing, if one was held. " Mr. Louis Nichols, attorney, said a recall maybe held any time after the twenty-five (25) days and the first date available would be December 20, 1986. ~ / Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to call for an election for the recall of Councilwoman Donovan to be held on December 20, 1986. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - against, Councilman Westerhof - against, Councilman Hughes - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - against. There was no decision on this motion, with three against and two in favor. The City Charter states it takes four votes to pass or deny action. Motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. _ Joe Fulgham, Mayor Pro Tem ! ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ~ ~'7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 25, 1986 7:00 P. M. The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 25, 1986 at 7: 00 P. M. in the Wylie Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem Joe Fulgham, Council Members Calvin Westerhof , Sandra Donovan, and Chuck Trimble, City Manager Gus Pappas, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Acting Public Works Director Kenneth Moelling, Ron Homeyer from the Engineering Department and some citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. A}qqROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were submitted for the meetings of November 10, 11 , 13, and 18, 1986. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve all minutes as submitted. Councilwoman Donovan made another motion to approve only November 11th and 13th minutes. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham seconded the motion made by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - against, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - against. There was no decision on the first motion with a vote of two in favor and two against. The City Charter states it takes four votes to carry or deny a motion. Councilman Trimble seconded the motion made by Councilwoman Donovan to approve minutes for November llth and 13th. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - against, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - against, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. There was no decision on the second motion with a vote of two in favor and two against. The City Charter states it takes four votes to carry or deny a motion. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 620. 028_ACRES OUT OF _THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 68{8:L This property is located north of E. SH78 primarily between the Texana Property and the Federal land adjacent to Lake Lavon. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL_1qUBLICHEARING ON THE ANNEXAT]I}N OF 279. 0574 A{]R ES OUT DF_THE_ERANCISCO_IUE_LA PIN+i, SURVEy , COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 68B:_ This property is located along and south of E. Brown Street (Old SH78) . Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 50 ACRES OUT OF THE R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 660: This Property is located west of Muddy Creek along the Collin/Dallas County line. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 140. 58 ACRES OUT OF__THE J. MITCHELL SURVEY, ABSTRACT 589, AND THE WILLIAM pATTERSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 716, COLLIN COUNTY: This property is located west of FM1378 and north of Lake Ranch Road. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. � _ ,� FINAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF 156. 993 ACRES OUT OF THE M. SPARKS SURVEY, COLLIN COUNTY ABSTRACT 849: This property is located on the north side of W. FM544 across from Steel Industrial Park. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham opened the public hearing, there being no questions or opposition, the public hearing was closed. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Dale Fulgham of 309 Woodhollow Court said she was wanting to see first if Mr. Weeks was in the audience. I do not know how many of you have had a chance to read the Wylie News, but that is what I want to address you about. I do not know what it takes to make a letter slanderous other than this letter, but the News says they do not publish things like that. First, Mr. Weeks stated that he has been told that our City Manager was the problem, while it seems that he plays up to Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham as he is well informed on City business. It is hard to tell by this form of writing, if Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham is well in formed or if the City Manager is well informed. Either one should be well informed on City business. Second part of Mr. Weeks letter was that money most likely is the issue here. Dale Fulgham said she agreed, money and power maybe. The third item that the one thing we needed to guard against was the constant change in our Master Plan. Dale Fulgham said she thinks the citizens need to know why everytime we change council , we change the master plan. Builders and Developers are getting tired of being messed around, they do not know what to expect from the City of Wylie' Fourth, Mr. Weeks questioned the creditability of the Mayor Pro Tem. It appears to Mr. Weeks that Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham thinks he is the Council . Mr. Weeks said Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham quotes the regulations on one side and then turns to another and violates it. I have no ideal of what he is talking about. Does anyone on the Council know what Mr . Weeks is talking about. The sixth item, Mr. Weeks said he attended a meeting where Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said he called Mr. Brewster and Mr' Hughes' Mr. Weeks said he believed Mr. Brewster when he said he did not receive a call from Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham that night, and yet Mr. Hughes sure got there quick, it sure looks like a set up to me. Dale said that Joe called Lowell Brewster, not that day, but two or three days before and asked him if he was needed, would he come back to the Council table. Mr. Brewster said no he did not want to return to a City Council and set in a chair for any reason. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham also contacted Mr . Hughes and Mr. Hughes said yes. When this situation came up, Mayor Pro Tem "ulgham did not call Mr. Brewster that night, but he did call Mr. Hughes. Dale Fulgham then turned and addressed Mr. Trimble about his statement of not being called. Mr. Trimble, Joe called and left several messages that you never returned. Chuck do you play your calls back . Mr. Trimble had no comments' Dale said I have an answering machine, and I play all my calls back . The conflict of interest Mr. Weeks is talking about. I do not know what Joe has that would be a conflict of interest. Citizens are confused, Chuck will not raise his head and answer you. Calvin Westerhof will not give a straight answer twice. Calvin Westerhof , about Nov. 10th, Joe and I were both there when Joe asked you about this date and time and you said it would be okay. Citizens are confused and angry. Cecelia Woods 515 Woodhollow, as vou know, I have been to most of the Council meetings. I would like for the Mayor and Council to set up a format for Citizen Participation. I do not feel it is the time to berate the Council or citizens who write to the newspaper and are not here to hear you. Mr. John Pierre! of 604 Stoneybrook said to the lady who just sit down, you need to look at the Constitution of the United States. What is everyone afraid of . If you do not think you have done anything wrong, then why not face the voters. You Council Members refused to uphold tMe Citv � Charter and gave the dirty work to a judge. If you can, t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. AWARD OF BID FOR POLICE CARS: There were eleven ( 11 ) bid packets mailed out and five bids received as follows: Dealer Unit Price Extended Price North Central Ford $11 , 779. 00 $35, 337. 00 Newman Chevrolet $11 , 940. 00 $35, 820. 00 Lakeside Chevrolet $13, 093. 00 $39, 279. 00 Ray Chevrolet $11 , 109. 38 $33, 328. 14 Doran Chevrolet $11 , 704. 74 $35, 114. 22 Councilman Westerhof asked about bids for 86 year models. City Manager Gus Pappas said the 86 year models had already been sold by the time the bids were sent out. Staff recommends the award of bid to Ray Chevrolet, which is the low bidder. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to award to Ray Chevrolet in the about of $33, 328. 14 for three cars. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tam Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING STUDY ON WYLIE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT: City Manager Gus Pappas said the agenda should have read acceptance of preliminary engineering study not approval . Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if this is just accepting the preliminary study and not giving okay for work to be done. City Manager Gus Pappas said this is the study that we needed in order to go forth with our treatment plant. Now it is time to spend some time and money on the existing plant and not move on with the new plant until the City has more growth. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to accept the preliminary engineering study on Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Fro Tam Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor' AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE POLYMER INJECTION SYSTEM FOR THE WYLIE WASTQATE]R TREATMENT PLANTgL Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know who we would lease instead of buying. Finance Director James Johnson said the advantage for Capital outlay for reimbursement. Mr . Santry and I have talked about this, on the life of the equipment it would be better to lease purchase than buy. It is really an issue of cash versus lease. Councilman Trimble wanted to know what the operating cost was. Mr. Johnson said $3. 00 to $4. 00 per day. Councilman Trimble asked about the report from CH2M Hill about the cost of the equipment or was it the polymer that cost so much. City Manager Gus Pappas said that Mr' Santry could give you a better report upon his return, but spending the money for chemicals to enhance our plant would be a reasonable expense. Polymer is going to go into the lines in the clarifier and in the drying beds. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the authorization to enter into a lease/purchase agreement to provide polymer injection system for the Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tam Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor' This motion carried with all in favor. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if the council could have copies of the maps showing the ETJ i with Lucas and with Garland. City Manager Gus Pappas said the Cit` did not receive Exhibit ''B" from Garland. We know what was to be on it, but did not receive a copy. City Manager Gus Pappas said there is a line that runs through Sachse and Wylie for Garland` s Power lines going to their power plant. Garland gave Sachse a letter stating that Garland would not exercise their ETJ rights. In Wylie^ s area , Garland jumped our City Limits, you can not do this. That is why is it important to get these agreements for ETJ signed. City Manager Gus Pappas said on Lucas there is a small development at the tip of a peninsula called Trinity Park. Lucas annexation meanders considerable and is very strange. When the City of Wylie annexed up the lake, Lucas invited us to attend a Council meeting. Lucas thought we were taking in Trinity Park. We assured Lucas that we would not take in Trinity Park. Mayor Pro Tam Fulgham asked if this was the letter written to Garland in 1970. City Manager Gus Pappas said yes. A group of citizens from Wylie went to the public hearing on this annexation of Garlands. Garland stated they were protecting their City from taxes on their power plant . There is a similar problem with City of Dallas, as their boundary is on Lake Ray Hubbard. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if the street program was moving forward or if staff was waiting on a decision from Council . City Manager Gus Pappas said there was no decision from Council . Councilwoman Donovan said that December 23rd was not a good date for a public hearing. City Manager Gus Pappas said that was the first date available and if letters have gone out, then we should go ahead. If the letter have not gone out, then we can change the date. There are 20 letters and this was the earliest possible date. Councilwoman Donovan said to send follow up letter stating we moved the meeting to January. Councilman Trimble said to move the meeting to January. Mayor Pro Tam Fulgham said since we brought up the Garland letter, I want the Council to know that I was upset when I saw the Garland Paper. I called the City Manager, and Assistant City Manager of Garland and asked them about the Garland/Wylie dispute. They reported that the paper called them and wanted to make something out of this and they told the paper there was nothing. Garland City Manager said Wylie and Garland have no boundary problems, that they needed to finish something that was started back in 1970. City Manager Gus Pappas said he needed to ask Council if in Your opinion we need to take action on or if it is within his authority to move days off for holidays. The personnel regulations state Thanksgiving the City will be closed for Thursday and Friday, Christmas the City will be closed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This year, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will mean the City will be closed Wednesday and Thursday and come back to work on Friday. I do not believe Friday will be a very productive day and I have asked all the department heads about closing Thursday and Friday and working on Christmas Eve. Mayor Pro Tam Fulgham put this item on the next agenda and to also change the personnel regulations to say City Manager may designate days off for holidays so long as he does not exceed the number days listed, such as Christmas there are two days. AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE Up_TD $1{0, 000. : Finance Director James Johnson said the staff is asking for your authorization to obtain a short term bank loan in anticipation of the taxes that will be paid to the City. Due to the change in the federal tax structure, property owners have until Jan. 31 , 1987 to pay their taxes and still claim them for 1986 year. The Revenue generated for the first six weeks of the budget year is down from what was expected from ad valorem taxes, building permits, etc. The note will not exceed 60 days and staff is asking for this only if it is needed. Motion was made bv Councilman Trimble to grant autoorization to issue tax anticipation note up to $100 000, Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR NORTEX TANK SITE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: These materials are needed to complete the job at Nortex Tank Site in installation of the piping and meter vault and pump building. These are budgeted items, but since the amount is expected to be greater than $5, 000. , staff must, by law seek bids. Councilwoman Donovan said we had a meeting back in the summer, that a statement was made that at that time the equipment being bid was all that was needed. City Manager Gus Pappas said for the equipment, but this is for the pump house and the building materials to connect the pump house to the tank. The bid we awarded was the low bid and did not have this pump house included in it. Councilwoman Donovan asked about the gate value with a cost of $3, 75'2. 00. Mr. Ron Homeyer- from the engineering department said that was only one quote and the engineering department has received another quote of $1 , 800. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to grant authorization to seek bids for Nortex Tank Site construction materials. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR INVENTORY ITEMS TO STOCK WAREHOUSE: Finance Director James Johnson stated that in the last 60 days, we have been setting up a warehouse in order to get better control on the parts that are used.. This will also enable us to get competitive bids and hope to save the City some money and time on i obs by navi ng the parts in stock and not having to find what is needed for this jobwithin a few hours. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to grant authorization to seek bids for inventory items to stock warehouse. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Ful gham -. in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR MATERIALS FOR CONNECTING WATERLINE BETWEEN LAKE RANCH ESTATES AND PRESIDENTIAL ESTATES: This is a p oiect to make a loop in this area and is a small project that will enhance the City'Cityrs own system. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if this is a high priority when we have leaks. to fix all over town. I_it'-. Manager Gus Pappas said it was a matter of timeliness. Presidential Estates is now under con_trutctj.on and now is the time to do this lob since there i s. no one l i `-i ng there and we would n c t be cutting _tt: rl _{ i anyone water =_!p p: . Councilwoman Donovan asked for a copy of the impact Fund and all expenses. Finance Director James Johnson told he it was on the financial sheets passed out to the council each month. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to grant authorization to seek bids for materials for connecting waterline between Lake Ranch Estates and Pre=-identi al Estates. Seconded Councilman r b - . f ,_ --t by I 1 t7{J 1 t' I _ vote ' c.�- rt=•. follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Council man Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Council woman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . City Manager Gus Pappas stated that the reason Mr. Westerhof did not abstain is that this is only granting authorization to seek bids not expending funds. When the bids are award, since Mr . Westerhof i e. employed by the owners of Presidential Estates, Mr . Wes.terno�t will have to abstain. PRESENTATION BY FINANCE DIRECTOR CONCERNING THE PROPOSED INCREASE FOR WATER/SEWER RATES FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE: Finance Director James Johnson said this is something that Council has been talking about for months, the water and sewer rates need to be reconstructed and increased. I have given you the proposed rate in two plans, this increase comes from the fact that North Texas Municipal Water District has increased our price on water purchases. Mr. Johnson also stated that since our growth rate has fallen that it would be better to make more improvements to our existing plant and not build the new plant yet. City Manager Gus Pappas said that when the original factor was given to CH2M Hill , Wylie was growing at a faster rate and needed the new plant. Since that time, the growth as fallen off and our plant with improvements would be large enough at the present time. The rate increase for sewer would have been much greater had we been looking at a new treatment plant, than what this rate increase is showing now. If on the other hand growth picks up, than Impact fees will pick up and we will be ready for the cost of the plant. Councilman Westerhof said that it would be a 12' 5% increase this year and next year possible another increase. Do you know what that increase will be. Mr. Johnson said no, not at this time. Councilman Westerhof said if growth stays in remission, will we see a rate increase like this. Mr. Johnson said yes, part of the problem with the water and sewer rates increase is that Wylie has always budgeted for small repairs and not for replacement of old lines and major repairs. This rate structure is a step up from what we have been doing in the past. The person who uses more water will pay more and the person who uses less water will pay less. This is just the opposite from what has been happening. In our current system, the person who uses more water is billed at a lesser rate than one who uses less water' Mr . Johnson also stated that without the Impact Fund, the water and sewer rates would have to be increased much more than what we are looking at right now. Mr. Johnson also stated that in his opinion, the council should raise the Impact Fee and raise it significantly. City Manager Gus Pappas said that if you leave the Impact Fees at their current level there will be considerable large rate increases to cover bond issues for capital improvements. Mr. Johnson said if Council feels the need for a workshop, to let staff know. This is not a simple thing to look at and does need to be studied . Councilwoman Donovan said a workshop sounds good. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham said the auditors as well as the people in New York wants to see this rate increase. AUTHORIZATIONTO PURSUE WATER/SEWER DEBT RESTRUCTURIN{ n_ Finance Director James Johnson said this was only the authority to pursue the studv and checking out the possibility of restructuring the water/sewer debt' Mr . David Medanich said that he is not asking for approved numbers but approval to prepare the reconstruction of these debts. Without this reconstructuring, water rates will have to be increased significantly over the next several years just to justify the bond issue on the new sewer plant, since that money, under current conditions, must be excess and available before the bonds can be considered. Motion was made by Councilman Trimble to grant authorization to pursue water/sewer debt restructuring. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO TASK ORDER #1 FROM CH2M HILL: City Manager Gus Pappas stated that this task order is needed because of the shift that the slow down in growth cycle has caused which has place greater emphasis on improvements to the existing plant rather than speed on constructing the new plant. Etaff recommenba approval , +o- �� �� record, this will be paid for through Impact Fund. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the additional service to Task Order #1 from CH2M Hill with the maximum amount being $42, 809. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Council woman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO RENT PADDLE SCRAPER FOR INTERIM PERIOD UNTIL SETTLEMENT MADE OF SANITATION CONTRACT AT THE CITY' S OLD LANDFILL: City Manager Gus Pappas said the State of Texas wants some dirt work done at the landfill . The State is not interested in our problem ,with Moore, they just want the pit filled in that has been left open. Moore entered into a contract with the City of Wylie for the lease of the old landfill and the up keep of the road leading into the landfill . Since that time, Moore has found that the State is upgrading the permit the City had and wants a large number of improvements done to the landfill . This has changed Moore' s mind in keeping their contract with Wylie. They have dug a pit, then moved off the landfill and left it for Us to fill i n. The State of Texas views the open and unused pit as a pond and it is illegal to have a water bearing pond on top of an old landfill . The State of Texas hold the City of Wylie responsible and wants some of the work started. City Manager Gus Pappas said i f we rent the paddle scraper, he would like for the staff to go ahead and level the old landfill , this will have to be done in the future. Councilman Westerhof wanted to know if we were going to rent. City Manager Gus Pappas said it was clearly in our opinion to rent this equipment for one year. The numbers are so large to rent, we thought of contracting the work out, but those numbers are greater . At this point , the rental for one year which has to have a maintenance agreement with it is greater than the purchase price. The lease is approximately $68, i is ii i. for one year . Cost of contracting this lob out is estimated at 180, 000 and this is only to fill in the pond. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if the staff was. sure we would get the money back. Councilman Westerhof wanted to know how much of a fine would be. City Manager Gus Pappas said as much as $10, 00. per day Councilwoman Donovan asked if the City had a front end loader. City Manager- Gus. Pappas said it does, but the front end loader will not handle a large load at a time. Councilwoman Donovan said time was not the issue why not use the front end loader. City Manager Gus Pappas said the bucket is on a back hoe and we would be taking the back hoe off another lob: to do t_hi. c lot. City Manager =!u_ Pappas _.... that Moorewasstuck with the low rates for refuse said _+;._ t_ r collections until they pa.y what they owe the r'y v. Finance Direct.or James Johnson Salsaici he told Moore the landfill issue has tc:- be settled prior to their rate hearing for.. a rate increase.ease. City Manage'.. b!u�s. Pappas+=' said ii d staff i - _.t. used .-+ - �.i�-�._ _d.. looking c. renting a piece of equipment for one year. Finance Director James Johnson said it might be better to buy this used equipment and then sell it and bill Moore for our loss. City Manager Gus Pappas asked Council for authorization to rent with maximum dollar amount. City Manager Gus Pappas said the staff does not recommend the figure of $68, 000. that they received today. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to grant authorization to the staff to look into :leasing the equipment with it not to exceed $1500. 00 per month for one year. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Council man Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. (here being nc other business. a. motion was ,Tic_! to __- iourn with all in favor 2 �, Joe Fulgham, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary '� ~] CITY INITIATED ANNEXATIONS SUMMARY : 29 letters of intent mailed . 11 voluntary requests for annexation returned 1 letter of objection MOSE SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT 849 (W. FM544 area) WILLIAM CAMPBELL Tracts 11 and 10 94 .01 acres and 41 .88 acres. Has more property in the vicinity which he has voiced a desire to have annexed into the City of Wylie. PERRY EASTERLING Tract 12 44.9 acres. Mr. Easterling has had other properties which he has voluntarily annexed into the City. City has good working relationship with Mr. Easterling. MILDRED WATTS Tract 26 .57 acres. Small tract fronting on W. FM544. KENNETH MCKINNEY Tract 1 .50 acres. Mr. McKinney' s only question was that he would like to have the property zoned for commercial use. FRANCISCO DE LA PIMA SURVEY, ABSTRACT 688 - E. Brown St.area ARCHIE KREYMER Tract 110, 39 .954 acres BILL KREYMER Tract 112 - 35.8 acres KAROL A. KREYMER Tract 111 - 34 .950 acres. Although we have not received a signed voluntary annexation, we have spoken with Ms. Kreymer on the telephone on two or three occasions and she wants her property annexed into the City but wanted the zoning to be delayed until she had an opportunity to study the matter and make a request for zoning . JOHN WILLIS KREYMER Tracts 124-9 and 124 consisting of 140 .840 acres and 1 acre. JIMMY KREYMER Tract 140 - 1 acre FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT 688 - LAKE LAVON AREA ROBERT ALEXANDER III Tract 31-9, 327 .222 acres and Tract 31 one acre. JOHN PENDERY Tracts 14-9 , 73 .986 acres; 14 , 1 acre; 74, 49.61 acres; 29 , 36. 498 acres and 75, 11 .599 acres. We have not received a signed voluntary petition for annexation these tracts, we visited with Mr. Pendery' s representatives in our office a few days ago and they are agreeable to this annexation. The only objection we received was from Thomas Jernigan who owns tract 29 out of the M. Sparks Survey consisting of .53 acres. Mr. Jernigan' s father visited with us in the office and asked a lot of questions and left a letter with us which we answered. His primary concern was for the effect of this annexation upon an existing business and about codes. His objections were not hostile and we have no further contact with him. TOTAL ACREAGE - 1,355.9404 TOTAL VOLUNTARY - 728.676 BALANCE, INVOLUNTARY 627.2944 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances , acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows: Tract 14-9 consisting of 73 .986 acres; and Tract 14 consisting of 1 acre; and Tract 74 consisting of 49 .61 acres; and Tract 15 consisting of 7 .4 acres; and Tract 85 consisting of 6.161 acres; and Tract 87 consisting of 2 .07 acres; and Tract 88 consisting of 22.904 acres; and Tract 72 consisting of 49.89 acres; and Tract 84 consisting of 5.5 acres; and Tract 29 consisting of 36 .498 acres; and Tract 75 consisting of 11 .599 acres; and Tract 31-9 consisting of 327.222 acres; and Tract 31 consisting of 1 acre; and 34 .47 acres of railroad right-of-way owned by the St. Louis & Southwestern Railway Co. for a total of 629.31 acres out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 . SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of 19 ��' / APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY ;ma nimeAa� .n•►r n�+•,Y, 8 AOOM: @@ , • �� o W 7.. .... .+.,. 9 il.s.r 14-9 • < a�• GLAD �'+ U`" N,o�� 20•,r..u.! �,�., eti•�• .lam/v ' • S1,faa t��AG'.. D� r ssovo i►�i/A /J17.10, + 2. T4a 3 AClEglOW � 28.S 9 � r uV IIIIIIMINgia • (MIRY p Ral..a ri tC 15ses-3447 .Amidr73.75 aG . . _ 14, n•tY M. o'a,i.ar. toqC fob•1,� 0}` re yi.iiec JZ SHEET 2 «., G itr • row... 'LOA., /uc.,ET,Al, a N Q •ii )y,2-3tV L ' <V �, yG.rT•• At It �, 1' t O.J ��� r <� cc e.Yr T 5 �� Z _ 88. ,M�•••ter iLnOtRY W -rox.A.5 Urn-Inez G�CTex co. 364 88 22. /04AG• 1,t:GREEL 0 TAG ihit ac oil a . T CA' 85 AmIKI•01 AO. ...mi. �+• a.risl /a NT 11� iUETT" g't•LoV� 7Y rEY ,20 g,g } la CC I 91 a' rsr�•+ M.,.,us�� w•+aR NotrM 81 p,(IR,at !q I11 Pff.7$dG' p V 1 . : .o y. rai . it...1 a t , tti c AtR ALE'Mega c N '�`ggk 1,i•19 A •1;,.. r 4J r l 1 `yy wltRY At -- y+ . V'` ttt Po �9M 1y♦ '"' �y �LriTr� 5p 01'4 / to7, ' . �r b S a(,. t7 ..c` <v ti • P�' � cL2 72 aa.� T ��'�+ SHEEt.3 tv 1 A.D.AoYO g ca, it o,�.,M *4 owt fa.rD F. • �•� N v.ly Ac L .r 0 CO rt.�.j Ir° P•D) f�u0co. =eDAc Y .+o"tg3 rt pc t,. 1W EAS1 I4 ' pPNGt1 . rkav gH 7a t9s, \ �� ��� t 1,� ;a1�� /\ - sa. �`� �e1 V� 1 '� k1�� �t ,n�\\ $�' 8� ��� Ili,\I \ i\t,l.` ' q3� ►,, ; 62 66' 1rN, ti. B. 1-tiL.L SU�YEY. �_a33 32. AMpgE1.L 8URYEY VON NANGNETIES '° JN�' G A•,239 LA \N.')\el G W It S 5� ___ WM. pgt ? * �fJLKFR AjEx�HoEa 310,74 AC, 10 r0 14 .0 1i s1►L ,33 •f s; 33"'g Goa. 3a 1 �J`• SAL P• kt 34-4 trea 0610.C. 3O *t 31. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City , and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : Tract 110 consisting of 39.954 acress; and Tract 112 consisting of 35.8 acres; and Tract 100 consisting of 25.5134 acres; and Tract 111 consisting of 34 .950 acres; and Tract 124-9 consisting of 140.840 acres; and Tract 124 consisting of 1.0 acres; and Tracct 140 consisting of 1.0 acres; all out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 totaling 279.0574 acres. SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DOLT PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of 19 APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO FORM MAYOR CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY 4 Ir.', f I ♦• �.• • w • , ca13401..n.„lii . M 1111 ♦+ • ; 1 1 0 Y b. OAKli 11.111.1111111.11\ !+ IV: oAM• KAOM. kQErMfR Ce,3t 1asi DA + . 541QC, ( Nt3i 5F•ef( ER ADD"' _5,- •• 11/444 0TgN+ r11 1 , OAK+ 0 •A. Aa TAONr4 T ff , ,r .itacY ADDN r\i #! wu .J.1 goo 1 .? 901. 000 A cNit,aT lIU6N ORE" • T.T;i cerAtl+.a 313� �G T �y ^ 2s. SHEET�QOK� AU,M Gq!!K .' •ill + tAtl+ 7�{� ►►��yy •�• `+ 1 �t W 1t 4Paf• tA�,,,, t r .11. 1 I47 ".fit �r ,0 Ji !1 J ,Ot „mos_ t"a�.,,6 11. -.3 . Wvl,! f0� A-�' 'r''r,` ASS At wtmwppD " 1966 Cltt 99 go Gry*1 r++1� Q a fr. ay 173 yUsRRT f'Y�'� l oevt I. 19B 1`J.) t i-1 ��c, B�. • r OOS1IC AOON• De�ro will 1{" ' it v!- WttiW000 .►! ' fG.‘l Pr � W '\1‘1\\I ‘1\ 1,•---:;;;;-:1,‘ ‘74 ' eA8a Ls.:�� A4;• ME AOC'N µ tel0%1A \\\ \ ....—- . . , .12411 i;: 169 co, I 111 t of 1,.1.-!,i f i:e r+At•oi \ 68 172 BA• N 7.7MA• G„r.7! i/.Alii 1 +O.�7 AG a, h aeYMa• 1Q. ►t.WIH �o$N WIL'IE r LAA�ai~ o '. wrtvMta C. ���.a AG C. 1$$ aaA$ 1 1a .o.+7A• iii .tg5-9 c ryV4'E!i "bit A` 3 1e+ IaaNt,INaA , a + • 1�1, 1pN+Ell.IO AE vim{ 175 1. :::.:.,:::::::::::: aA 1•4A MAIYniA120 lLNNw,+7'17..7d• It41.K14A 12071) * At t ZOf. N.paAE1+ I.A�1'f r lA.' Iji,A i 1$3, 1a 1 14� 43 1� �9 �7 0 18Q Awls. oso ��� � A $ � r (�? 1.41'0{1 �/•Ya.AI �.6V 19 iD .. $2 17 .+ �7 VV ADg „ A• n RI .ri M lGrlafM►/ YMY ��Eau.✓+ _ NGtY[ . . Ii.Of! 1iv e11Ei l.7Ab �i1 /!ai r ew 11,frAG <,�w����rtAa oa l ,AYG//I L1N.r'Y ,'" Q i7 n.u: go �' 1$V Vi"G E. N• vv f � ei"~ VA A* J !t Ac . Olt e/A i. x,xt/4 v �. 3 A. O l,.A •��«,'+,,,,,1., . 142 ,..ate i 12 7.9 3� ,(/� 79 iiNY r ,. 1� 7.OE! 1�Q 1'!•'S yY 56 J G r``pir EE. 11 _t c . + 1 i !30�* ea �39 w.�� 15a w1+Gl.A� '+� ' ,,NY IA. al Z M AEG+NAill ":„."":ja, ' 3 •w'liI real r 'E�•yEa DAVI VII It a JtA& oarfir" 7.l3AE ti.,:'::::14.. ,A. e��.A• _ a w ou At ,»».e !+ OVE i a tk t12Ai it 1.1l • • +En11� 3.0. A W y v 1. (.�,At . :" • tilt / A"• A_475 y j y 049- 2 T 8t1 --' E 1�yAc 1 half E tf 11;f.O - (!r {r1ERLFf t1 it a �7.1:'. , 00."C :. �3PG Yt1,0" °it-�`� t!y ems,r` /,... rEu•t'' (AC II lldY r ►�Mf 1 xE AL At ! f cull toyE WESS guRVEY �edi e.000+Ky t•`" 1!I A! AARdN A—g79 ,., w ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City, and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows: Tract 19 consisting of 50 acres out of the R. D. Newman Survey, Collin County Abstract 660. SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of 19 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY /w e ..... . lc. 1 ,‘/ol.. * Ao ) ' .. t4,o os.., . 401AO • ..• _ . ,• , •.. . . . . .. • 31 0: 15. C'''. 1, 17 IS.' . . . . • . ; • ' , • • • • , .., / , ‘1... e....--... . . -•L ; o .., L.,.; c.... • . . . . , . B. • .......it... . . . , rri.,.. . . .. . ., .„ ) ,....., ?..v.,„...... . •• , . ... • ..:. .• . .„. ;„ • . I. • A 4 :R ‘%... 44 AC V.•k "P Z.V."1.cirk., . ... ,.;‘;'...t, ..ts, ,.,..3.' ..%‘: 1.0., • .4..292 •,,,_ _ ••••1:4A I a•Soil . • , . ... Al KITTNER \ 46.034 AC ...; . ,• .t. ,, ... t. r` ,',>) °Al'''. 1 , . • , •,99.64•AC ` 66.197 AC 3.013-Soil ; F \ •, ., .., S.a.r1 "8. '3.01.1"sov.... **\ • ; 't 1 ., .' .. '' '4...oin3 -'-'SOI ' ,''' . ' ' . 8 e......., \ . ., c 0 • ; . . . i 0 2.o%76-301 • 0 ... r-.: . • . , c • . .........., L r...) . , . Fs ..• , • , ,• (........--, . , .., . . . . , . la ?0 • .k. . , . . . . t DAVID M: SHEARER . , • ' e . DAVID M. SHEARER • • 15014C.; : , . . llf AC . . . , . .. 4 q, 06 .4• .,„ v.. • . • COLLIN COUNTY . . ' ' V WYLIE ISO • . • . . • 4/ ) , , , . . 01. inmate S. !PATTON)* I Aa so.sumo W.w * iht • . • • . ..' MI IG.ammo D.*ISOGON* so.NIT INTOIWOINII MO. ONO sall AO OT4Fiv...1•Cek,1,k,i;.**. wh... /rms. ii.OMIT 4.110Waa• . so.50101.11 NSA LIONGANTS MO.a AO ail.M.INTIN11.11111*M 1111 li 11-000 Nose AO , • PO I/41 . . , lti !. ' ' . r. olio AG !ft II! i 1 isi s 4 I 10 01/1111 d NI $4.1" i 40 41 ii /14*11111110 101 1 1 1 f H 1 !'/" [Ala Nil , i iiii,„1: ro i ni ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City, and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows: Tract 4 consisting of 37.13 acres out of the J. Mitchell Survey, Collin County Abstract 589; and Tract 29 out of the Wm. Patterson Survey, Collin County Abstract 716 for a total of 140.58 acres. SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of 19 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY qt/DO„MIo' Wolff ' •4.1%.49$ lit11At J.I.• ILWtt IN As , . i)Ih•l�ntSe ' ? e • t0; , . aion ' , . . ? • . • v.r.+M/ ..S WM. PATTERSON SURVEY • A-718 ,i , . . 8 —--\\ ... ' . eill DN/s7 ♦MrswlQ W1Y-7f8 1\ 1.1.so At - �. IsahT v. • • t„r4noy0 ,K G'M;T4 P ,.,7.411 4.,OSo fa•tMA, • 8 :O. G t2 ,lc, • $.I11T fholtnaWD , 1..Nf At _. .• . I , r. • - LAKE RANCH G. GUNNELL SURVEY ' ' • IA, SPARKS SURVEY' ApDN. A..'961 1 • �� • N WYLIE ISO , fit 1 ''I'll 'I;1 'I IIIIITISICT I ,1; I ' 11 i t lilt M 1111 A 1 ;�' III % d �`I1I 3RvrY _ ►: 77AC•. . t�ER3ERaY St Ct4�g. 14 w""3E -''2q_ - Q,t,t,.Ja _T� z G r'• 1 - • LPKE RXNCN al......'''''."' \ , auNNE� SURVEY .E ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City, and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas . ti Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows : Tract 11 consisting of 94 .01 acres; and Tract 10 consisting of 41 .88 acres; and Tract 8-9 consisting of 28 .011 acres; and Tract 39 consisting of 3.5 acres; and Tract 8 consisting of 1 acre; and Tract 40 consisting of 4 .0 acres; and Tract 37 consisting of 1 .599 acres; and Tract 9 consisting of 0.699 acres; and Tract 12 consisting of 44 .9 acres; and Tract 24 consisting of 15.5 acres; and Tract 25 consisting of 15 acres; and Tract 41 consisting of 1.5 acres; and Tract 26 consisting of .57 acres; and Tract 27 consisting of .54 acres; and Tract 28 consisting of .54 acres; and Tract 29 consisting of .53 acres; and Tract 30 consisting of .51 acres; and Tract 31 consisting of .52 acres; Tract 1 consisting of .50 acres; and Tract 32 consisting of .50 acres; and Tract 33 consisting of .49 acres; and Tract 23 consisting of .694 acres for a total of 256 .993 acres out of the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract 849; together with all the railroad right-of-way owned by the St. Louis & Southwestern Railway Co. contained in the M. Sparks Survey, Collin County Abstract 849 . SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall 7 not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this the day of 19 APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY C -' � I 0'" 1.1. 41t• .yAi IYY►•snIW 16 at►p,r �s;d) Oast. 1, l4A+ 1d , t.6,NA+4/tim nt TOM t.AKE RANCN • ADDS �s+wb�,, r.+,wv1�+ ii ��,�� .r• MMOIiO �wAA�Tri " wt'M1t3 L. rn,t 1� 14 rttNtA 4 volt` j, riatAr 21. !0 4wRRv irtxf+ v IA/0 iICONj4 . • rosiaAs "moat will M� pCioR ip,illl� '`�+� • �»t•MI 4A.M At w►.ta"N�+a la. twa 22. • lwt►Nf Lwi1��/AR1MK 1Z, yfec yrR�+i • Olt•�j L/rye y I. +S AC es1404 • 4A+ 34 -- 25 24 . • 9 !u►N t�M,c�lIT44, a t•woo 8 441. ;!l't!'1 tl+lh NMro• 4,1'01 {,�,.su ,f•AL 35.6 AG iA1'N+L/m wµtMM4 - //ti•1/I N.fE4 • . t3• olt AC . , ST LOWS 3 SOUTNWE8TE N R.R �,, . r.Ir► �,vcs 3d� iilii s. IlilliallialaeligrilligialejitIV142.1111Wiliw."-- j J.t t• W.OM et y iAt !.' _...a lit t4,1,1'Q'!1 oII*u04/. viva..pKTIolisci): 8v'll'' go' \ ....------'--- surtvEI ctAg,14- - •tiiig,,my' .x.609 . ... . . . . . . •'.... .. . . . . . . • ' ' . • . .. . ,, • . 12:, . ' 1 . . . . • .. • . • . • LAKg RX• , . .. 11 '. • 4 . - '• ' - .1sOPtlii ,.sv . , . . . • • t.o,6 111• . ., . , .. • ' ttoY kI ' . . . .... , . • • 44.144 • . . .. , . . • . «. , .. . ' , • ' . . • almis 16 00.011w4 atilt`wIA. VI At , 44;743.1:41;i111•1::hl: . N • 16 #1,•%041 , -, G. W. GUNek''L SUR%t•0• 14—.35 ' 1 444.-141 -Iktieti ' • •' ISOpti V . . CA.Vir4 AfiliVAI Al' J.M zo0,--71/ zebelac. _.------- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, GRANTING PERMISSION FOR EXTENDED HOURS OF OPERATION FOR PRIVATE CLUBS AS LISTED BELOW; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, THAT: by separate action of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas the following private clubs are granted permission for extended hours of operation as defined in the Texas Liquor Control Codes. 1 . Steaks Over Texas 1956 E. SH78 Wylie, Texas SEVERABILITY: If any one or more of the, sections, provisions, clauses, words or terms of this ordinance shall for any reason be held invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality, voidness, or unenforceability, shall not, in any way, affect any other section, provision, clause, word or term of this ordinance and the City Council hereto agrees that they would have approved this ordinance regardless of such invalidity, illegality, unenforceability or voidness. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become effective upon passage and approval by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE DAY OF 1986. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • MEMORANDUM DATE: December 4, 1986 TO: Mr. Gus H. Pappas, City Manager FROM: Mr. I.W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. , City Engineer -��� SUBJECT: Collin County Bridges on Roads 298 and 431 Collin County Public Works Department has been working with their engineering consultant on the reopening of McMillian Road (CCR No.298) by rebuilding the bridge across Muddy Creek, and the rebuilding of a bridge on Tray Road (CCR No. 431) at Rush Creek. The Engineering Department has met with the Collin County Public Works Department and their consultant on these two projects for planning purposes and the concurrence of the City of Wylie. McMillian Road Project. In the process 04 discusiOR, the project it was pointed out that "Perks' Blvd. " or McMillian was to be removed north of the present location to allow for a straightening of the road from Muddy Creek to FM 1370. This arrangement would mean that the County would need to secure a temporary road easement to return McMillian to the . existing R.O.W. on the east side of Muddy Creek and '4110w the reopening of McMillian. Troy Road Project. The purpose of this project is to enlarge the openings now existing at the location where water passed over the road and should provide for the future Rush Creek Flow. Collin County Public Works Department thinks that the relocation of the McMillian Road structure appears to be a reasonable arrangement and would like the concurrence of the City Council . In both projects the design will be such as to allow for the additional widening of the roads when necessary in the future. The Engineering Staff recommends to the City Council that the improvements by Collin County be approved in concept. Detailed information will be available at the City Council Meeting on December •, 1986. MEMORANDUM DATE: December 4, 1986 TO: Mr. Gus H. Pappas, City Manager FROM: Mr. I.W. Santry, Jr. , P.E. , City Engineer SUBJECT: New Speed Zone on FM1378 at FM2514 Southward The City Engineering Staff has reviewed the speed zone recommendation of the State Highway Department & Public Transportation for FM1378 fro* the city limit at ;. . southward. The Engineering Staff concurs with the State Highway Department & Public Transportation proposal and recommends that the City Council approve the ordinance setting a 45 mile per hour speed zone within the City Of Wylie limits at FM Station 121+70 t tar Vital & p approximately a 04, Mr. Clarence Rought.ry lIn t fir' initiated the rtgimst based ups 1_ , rnq C 4 reported to his 'office. Please notr part 'o A speed zone is to within the city l`l isi s :+ the i ` . Yk' Ate. enc. Sheet 1 of 3 • NO. SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 1690) OF ARTICLE 6701 d, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES,:1UPdI F.M. ' HIGHWAY NO. 1378 OR PARTS' TFIERtOF, WITHIN THE IN- CORPORA E LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Section 169(b) of Article 6701 d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, provides that whenever the governing body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or highway within the City, taking into consideration the width and con- dition of the pavement and other circumstances on such portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS: SECTION 1. Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation hereto- fore made as authorized by the provisions of Section 169(b) of Article 6701 d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, the following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways, or parts thereof, described as follows: A. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS: 1. That from and after the date of the passage of this speed speed zone ordinance, no motor vehicle shall be operated along and upon F.M. Highway No. 1378 within the corporate limits of the City of —"'Wyli a in ex- cess of the speeds now set forth in the following limits: Sheet 2 of 3 (a.) Beginning at said point (Station 121+70) being at the North City Limits of Wylie thence continuing along F.M. 1378 in a Southerly and Easterly direction for a distance of 0.307 mile, approximate- ly, said point being at Station 137+92, a maximum speed of 45 MILES PER HOUR. SECTION 2. The Mayor of Wylie is hereby authorized to cause to be erected, appropiate signs indicating such speed zones. SECTION 3, Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordin- ance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,A.D. ,19 Mayo,- / • Sheet 3 of 3 ATTEST: City Secretary City of Wylie Texas APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: APPROVED: City Attorney City Manager Wylie City of Wylie Texas City of y Texas I, City Secretary of the City of Wylie , Texas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. adopted by the City Council of the City of Wylie Texas, , A.D. , 19 To certify which, witness my hand and seal of office this day of , A.D. , 19 City Secretary City of Wylie Texas ✓ T' MEMORANDUM DATE: November 26, 1986 TO: Gus H. Pappas, City ManagerP161(/ FROM: Ron Homeyer, Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: NORTEX TANK SITE Mr. Tim Dawson of Tim Dawson - Utility Contractors submitted a partial payment request for the work completed as of November 24, 1986. I have reviewed the request and feel that it is reasonable; therefore, I recommend that he receive partial payment as requested in the amount of $14,235. 00 less 10% retainage of $1 ,423. 50 leaving $12,811 . 50 for payment. Please place this item on the next council agenda to receive council action. �0 TA(4-Cok --17A-v\ N)00 lci8(0 *-041usso,i - 14010 groo,V--cllez 7reticil ‘,11•40 Firrok% ?Ammer54 r IS °to eie" r epte to-r-rt 18980 . 00 _ , 4 35 oo 15-°/0 ?Pc-cot 00 rcrAec+- L1/0e51- 1, FIRST £'o€LMwe4t COMPANY CITY OF WYLIE PROPERTY FINANCE AUTHORITY, INC. Purpose: Allow City to obtain personal property on a timely and cost effective basis. Advantages: Borrow at municipal rates based on the City's credit. City holds title to property. City receives true bid on equipment. Payment is considered debt of the City and therefore is considered an Interest and Sinking Fund tax rate. Does not figure in calculation for General Fund tax rate. No notice of intention to issue the notes is required. The City needs only to adopt an ordinance authorizing the Authority to issue the notes on the City's behalf. Method: City creates Finance Authority with directors being appointed by the City Council (usually City Staff). The Finance Authority sells notes on behalf of the City, with the funds being deposited to the City's account in its depository bank dedicated for the purchase of the equipment. The City contracts with the Authority to issue the debt, and pledges the City's ad valorem tax rate as security for repayment. Although the Authority is a separate entity, it is nothing more than a finance vehicle for the City's purposes and can, therefore, take no action without approval of the City Council. • This Private Placement Memorandum does not constitute an offer to sell the Notes in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer in such jurisdiction. No dealer, salesman, or any other person has been authorized to give any information or make any representation, other than those contained herein, in connection with the offering of the Notes, and if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon. The information and expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice and neither the delivery of this Private Placement Memorandum nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change since the date hereof. PRIVATE PLACEMENT MEMORANDUM In the opinion of bond Counsel(a) the interest on the Notes is excludable from gross income under Section 103(a)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,and applicable regulations,published rulings, and court decisions (collectively the "Code"), and (b) the Notes are not "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section l l(a)of the Code. Under certain other provisions of'the Code, the receipt of interest on the Notes may give use to adverse federal income tax consequences to certain holders thereof. See "Tax Exemption". CITY OF ROCKWALL PROPERTY FINANCE AUTHORITY,INC. (Rodman County,Texas) MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT NOTES,SERIES 19S6 Dated: November 1, 1986 Due: August 1, as shown below The Notes will be special obligations of the City of Rockwall Property Finance Authority, Inc. (the "Authority"), a Texas non-profit corporation and an instrumentality of the City of Rockwall, Texas (the "City"), that are payable from payments(the "Payments") to be made by the City under a Repayment and Security Agreement between such parties(the "Repayment Agreement"), as further described herein. The City's obligation to make the Payments is a direct obligation of the City, payable from the proceeds of a continuing, direct annual ad valorem tax levied against all taxable property within the City within the limits prescribed by law. The Notes are additionally secured by an irrevocable first lien on and pledge of the moneys on deposit from time to time in the Interest and Sinking Fund, as herein described. See "Security for the Notes". The proceeds from the sale of the Notes will be used to purchase various pieces of equipment for the City's landfill and street maintenance and to pay the costs of issuing the Notes. Interest on the Notes will accrue from November 1, 1986 and will be payable August 1 and February 1 of each year, commencing February 1, 1987. Principal of the Notes will be payable at maturity upon presentation at the principal corporate trust office of the paying agent/registrar (the "Paying Agent/Registrar"), initially MBank Dallas, N.A., Dallas, Texas. The Notes will be issued only in fully registered form in the denomination of $3,000 or any integral multiple thereof. The Notes are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. MATURITY SCHEDULE Amount Maturity Date Rate 5,000 8-1-1987 6.10% 70,000 8-1-198E 6.25% 70,000 8-1-1989 6.50% 75,000 8-1-1990 6.75% The Notes are offered when, as and if issued, subject to the approval of legality by Hutchison Price Boyle do Brooks, Dallas, Texas, Bond Counsel. The Notes are expected to be available for delivery on or about November 20, 1986. Dated: November 3, 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pare Description of the Notes 1/2 Introduction 4 Security for the Notes 4 General Pledge Under Resolution, Payment Agreement,Tax Levy 4 Remedies Special Obligations 3 Valuation and Debt Information of the City 6 Valuation and Funded Debt History 7 Taxable Assessed Valuations by Category 7 Estimated Overlapping Funded Debt Payable From Ad Valorem Taxes 7 Tax Rate Limitation 7 Tax Data a Municipal Sales Tax a Other Obligations of the City Top Ten Taxpayers 9 Tax Adequacy 9 Debt Service Fund Management Index 9 Authorized General Obligation Bonds 9 Tax Exemption 10 Debt Service Requirements 11 Form of Installment Payment Agreement Appendix A Form of Opinion of Bond Counsel Appendix B Financial Statements of the City Appendix C - 3 - AU such proceedings are to be instituted and maintained by the-Authority for the benefit of all owners of the Notes as their interests may appear from time to time. If the Authority fails to act within 30 days after any monetary default,or after 120 days after notice of any other default, then any such action or suit may be commenced and prosecuted by any Noteholder for the benefit of all owners of the Notes as their interests may appear. Each right or privilege of the Authority (on behalf of the owners of the Notes)shall be in addition to and cumulative of any other right or privilege, and the exercise of any right or privilege by the Authority shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or privilege thereof. The Authority cannot foreclose on or sell property within the City (other than the pledged Interest and Sinking Fund) in order to pay the Payment obligations under the Payment Agreement. However,by a judicially issued writ of mandamus, the Authority, or in the proper case, a Noteholder, can require the City Council to levy, assess and collect taxes in an amount sufficient to pay such Payment obligations within the limits prescribed by law and to enforce the other pledges hereinabove described. The enforceability of the rights and remedies under the Payment Agreement and the Tax Ordinance may be limited by the exercise of judicial discretion in accordance with equitable principles or in the application of the sovereign police powers or the governmental necessities of the City and laws relating to bankruptcy, reorganization or other similar laws of general application affecting the rights of creditors generally. Special ObliaatioN The Notes are not general obligations at the Authority and are payable solely from the sources, levies and pledges described herein. The Authority reserves the right to engage in the financing of other governmental programs of and for the City, and the holders of the Notes shall have no rights to any fund or security pledged by the Authority in connection therewith or any other assets of the Authority that it may own from time to time. - S - - VALUATION AND FUNDED DEBT HISTORY Ratio Funded Funded Debt Debt to Taxable Outstanding Taxable Fiscal Assessed at End Assessed Petiod Valuation of Year Valuation f 7r-Ti $17,as6,171 $ 493,006 1.83% 1976-77 211,714,876 480,000 1.67% 1977-7S 30,881,632 913,000 2.96% 197S-79 32,274,413(a) 900,000 1.72% 1979-80 60,422,777 966,000 1.60% 1980-81 68,638,860 934,000 1.36% 1981-82 171,094,391 (b) 1,217,000 0.68% 19112-33 136,065,360 2,630,000 1.42% 1983-84 333,206,734(a) 2,369,000 0.77% 1911445 369,834,272 2,479,000 0.61% 19*5-16 404,130,30 3,369,000 0.096 19116-87 486,041,172 3,004,000(c) 1.03% (a) Revaluation. (b) Changed basis of assessment from 40% to 100%. (c) Projected, includes the Payment Agreement(for Notes) and the City's $1,600,000 General Obligation Bonds expected to be sold on November 3, 1986. TAXABLE ASSESSED VALUATIONS BY CATEGORY Property Assessment As%of Real Property Personal Property Taxable Fiscal Appraised %of %of Assessed Period Value Amount Total Amount Total Valuation 119981- 100% S133,371,101 22,723,290 % 5178,094,391 1982-83 100% 163,431,225 87.84% 22,627,335 12.16% 136,065,560 1983-84 100% 298,674,925 89.64% 34,531,809 10.36% 333,206,734 1984-15 100% 329,285,149 89.03% 40,569,123 10.97% 369,854,272 1985-86 100% 364,367,400 90.16% 39,767,169 9.84% 404,134,569 1986-87 100% 444,165,891 91.38% 41,832,281 8.62% 486,048,172 ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING FUNDED DEBT PAYABLE FROM AD VALOREM TAXES (As of 9-30-86) Estimated Total % Overlapping Taxing jurisdiction Funded Debt Applicable Funded Debt City of Rockwall 5,229,000• 100.00% 55,229,000 Rockwall Independent School District 8,345,000 58.20% 4,856,790 Rockwall County 40,000 47.40% 18,960 Total Overlapping Funded Debt $10,104,730 Ratio Overlapping Funded Debt to 1986 Taxable Assessed Valuation 2.08% Per Capita Overlapping Funded Debt -$1,010 • Includes the Payment Agreement (for Notes) and the City's $1,600,000 General Obligation Bonds expected to be sold on November 3, 19E6. TAX RATE LIMITATION • All taxable property within the City is subject to the assessment, levy and collection by the City of a continuing, direct annual ad valorem tax sufficient to provide for the Payments required under the Payment Agreement within the limits prescribed by law. Article XI,Section 3,of the Texas Constitution is applicable to the City, and by Home Rule Charter its maximum ad valorem tax rate is limited to$2.50 per S100 Assessed Valuation(for all City purposes). - 7 - TOP TEN TAXPAYERS 1986 %of Total • Taxable Taxable Nature of Property Assessed Assessed Name of Taxpayer or Product Valuation Valuation Alumax Aluminum Corporation Aluminum Plant $ 13,016,27i 2. % Texas/Frates Company Acreage 11,774,790 1.30 Folsom 3oint Venture Acreage and Apartments 8,442,290 1.73 Texas Utilities Company Electric Utility 3,336,193 1.10 Canyon Ridge Apartment Venture Apartments 4,534,690 1.00 Whitmore Manufacturing Company Oil Lubricants 4,131,310 1.00 First Texas Savings Association Acreage 4,702,030 0.97 Carlisle Rodcwaf VWagd3oint Venture Acreage 4,611,300 0.93 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Telephone Utility 4,3110,9S0 0.94 Chandlers Landing Country Club/Marina 3 344 !3Q 0.73 3 62.735.007 Tf.90% TAX ADEQUACY 1916/117 Estimated Principal and Interest Requirements $69I,539• Debt Service Tax Rate Required @ 93%Collection $ 0.149E Estimated Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirements, 19117/2006 $480,344• Debt Service Tax Rate Required @ 93%Collection $ 0.1040 • Includes debt service requirements of the City's $1,600,000 General Obligation Bonds expected to be sold on November 3, 1986,and Payments required under the Payment Agreement(for Notes). DEBT SERVICE FUND MANAGEMENT INDEX Estimated General Obligation Debt Service Requirements, Fiscal Year Ending 9-3047 $691,339• Debt Service Fund,All General Obligation Issues,9-30-86 $ 49,460 1986/87 Debt Service Fund Tax Levy @ 93%Collection 576,239 Transfer From Water and Sewer Fund•• 239,147 864,866 Estimated Surplus $173,327 * Includes debt service requirements of the City's $1,600,000 General Obligation Bonds expected to be sold on November 3, 1986,and Payments required under the Payment Agreement(for Notes). •• For payment of Waterworks and Sewer System General Obligation Bonds. AUTHORIZED GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Amount Amount Date Amount Heretofore Being Unissued Purpose Authorized Authorized Issued Issued Balance Street Improvements 11-21-81 $1,000,000 $ -0- r75157566 500,000 Street Improvements 12-07-85 1,300,000 -0- 1,100,000 400,000 32,500,006 $ -0- $1,600,000 $ 900,000 - 9 - r DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Year Present End Debt Service $280,000 Payment Agreement(for NotesX2) Grand Total 9 30 Requirements(!) Principal Rate Interest Total Requirements i 5 613,073 5 65,000 6.10% 13,464 ,464 S 691,339 1988 673,381 70,000 6.23% 13,988 83,988 739,349 1989 672,381 70,000 6.50% 9,613 79,613 731,994 1990 644,431 73,000 6.73% 5,063 80,063 724,494 1991 633,076 635,076 1992 619,1186 619,886 1993 549,936 549,956 1994 334,469 534,469 1993 313,366 513,366 1996 496,934 496,954 1997 474,894 474,894 1998 302,361 502,361 1999 479,774 479,774 2000 391,523 391,323 2001 372,148 372,148 2002 397,193 397,193 2003 291,860 291,860 2004 169,730 169,750 2005 158,275 138,275 2006 91.800 91,800 $ 9,284,753 $ 280,000 $ 42,128 $322,128 $9,606,881 (1) City of Rockwall, Texas outstanding General Obligation Bonds, including the City's $1,600,000 General Obligation Bonds expected to be sold on November 3, 1986. (2) The City's Payments under the Payment Agreement are equal to, and pledged as security for, the Authority's debt service requirements on the Notes. - 11 - APPENDIX A STATE OF TEXAS § § INSTALLMENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT ROCKWALL COUNTY § INSTALLMENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT (this "Installment Payment Agreement" or this "Agreement"), dated November , 1986, between CITY OF ROCKWALL PROPERTY FINANCE AUTHORITY, INC. (the "Authority"), a Texas nonprofit corporation, and the CITY OF ROCKWALL, TEXAS (the "City"), a home rule city. WITNESSETli: WHEREAS, the Public Property Finance Act (the "Finance Act"), Article 2368a.2, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, as amended, authorizes the City to acquire equipment and other personal property for public use and to make payments relating to the acquisition thereof in installments under contracts that may be on the terms and in such form as the governing body (the "City Council") of the City deems appropriate; and WHEREAS, the City has advertised for competitive bids in the manner required by law for the equipment and personal property described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Equipment") the acquisition of which has been determined by the City to be in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City has requested the Authority to borrow funds and to loan the same to the City (the "Loan") by depositing the same in the City depository designated by the City on or before the date the Loan is made (the "Closing Date") to be used for the purpose of paying for the bid price and costs of the Equipment, and the Authority has agreed to do so in accordance with the terms hereof; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted an ordinance dated November , 1986 (the "Tax Ordinance") approving this Agreement and levying ad valorem taxes in support of its obligation hereunder, and the City herein agrees to repay the Loan in installments, which amounts are to be used by the Authority for the purpose of (a) repaying the principal amount of the funds borrowed by the Authority, plus (b) interest actually paid by the Authority on such principal amount, and plus (c) expenses of the Authority incurred from time to time in connection with such borrowing; and WHEREAS, in fulfillment of such agreements and pursuant to a resolution (the "Resolution") adopted by the board of directors of the Authority on November , 1986, the Authority proposes to sell its Municipal Equipment Notes, Series 1986, (the "Notes") In the aggregate principal amount of $280,000, and to use the proceeds for the purposes described; and WHEREAS, the Notes shall be secured by and payable from the taxes, revenues, moneys and payments owed to the Authority under this Installment Payment Agreement; and APPENDIX B (FORM OF BOND COUNSEL OPINION) 6280,000 City of Rockwall Property Finance Authority, Inc. Municipal Equipment Notes, Series 1986 We have conducted an examination into the validity of a certain series of notes (the "Notes") issued by City of Rockwall Property Finance Authority, Inc. (the "Authority"), bearing the title stated above, dated November 1, 1986, numbered consecutively from R-1 upward, each in the denomination of $5,000 or an integral multiple thereof for any one maturity, aggregating S280,000 and maturing serially in the years 1997 through 1990. The Notes mature in the amounts and bear interest at the rates prescribed for their respective maturity dates in accordance with the schedule provided in that certain Resolution (the "Resolution") adopted by the Board of Directors (the "Board")of the Authority on November 3, 1986. As Bond Counsel in connection with the issuance of the Notes, we have examined the Installment Payment Agreement (the "Payment Agreement") dated November , 1986, executed by and between the Authority and the City of Rockwall, Texas (the "City") and the ordinance of the City (the "Tax Ordinance") adopted November . 1986, approving the Payment Agreement and levying a direct and continuing ad valorem tax in support of the City's obligation to make payments thereunder (together the Payment Agreement and the Tax Ordinance hereafter refered to as the "City Documents"); the Notes and the Resolution, (together hereafter referred to as the "Note Documents"); and the Articles of incorporation and By-Laws of the Authority (together hereafter referred to as the "Authority Documents"); and the ordinance of the City authorizing the incorporation of the Authority, together with certain other official proceedings and actions of the governing body of the City and the Authority together with customary certificates and other documents executed by officers, agents and representatives of the Authority, the City and others. We have also examined such portions of the Constitution and statutes of the State of Texas and the United States as we have deemed necessary for the purposes of this opinion. Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that - (1) The Authority is duly and validly incorporated under, and has the powers prescribed in, the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, Article 1396, Vernon's 0150i. WE HAVE ACTED AS BOND COUNSEL for the Authority for the sole purpose of rendering an opinion with respect to the legality and validity of the Notes under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and with respect to the application to the Notes of those provisions of the Code as to which an opinion is rendered herein and for no other reason or purpose. We have not been requested to investigate or verify, and have not independently investigated or verified, any records, data or other material relating to the financial condition or capabilities of the Authority and have not assumed any responsibility with respect thereto. Respectfully, 01Sam —3— V *************************************t*******tt CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL JuTSTA$DiNG REAMS€ DEBT YITh PRINCIPAL DELAYED FOR 5 YEARS 3CnEDiiLES Of 'iE PROPOSED «vuN,ING DOT AND Tia irTEREST COST CALCULATION if*ttt************************tt*t*****t****t**t A REFLINDI b STuii PREPARED it FIRS! SCO!iwESt NAPANt DALLAS, TEXAS NOvE naER 11, Ciao FIRST 6tiuT WEST COMPANY 11/1i,i986 iAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - WYLIE WITH DELAYED PRIM REFUNDING ISSUE ii PRINCIPAL BR jttTEREST DEBT SERVICE o/iii1967 31,153.75 31,153.75 12/81/1987 31,153.75 31,153.75 6i1i11968 31,153.75 31,153,75 12/81/1988 31,153.75 31,153.75 6/01/1989 31,153.75 31,153.75 12/11/1989 31,153.75 34,153.75 6/11/199/ 31,153.75 31,153.75 12/11/1991 31,153.75 31,153.75 6/11/1991 31,153.75 31,153.75 12/11/199i 31,153.75 31,153.75 6/11/1992 45,111.11 5.511 31,153.75 75,153.75 12/11/1992 28,916.25 28,916.25 6/11/1993 41,100.01 5.751 28,916.25 68,916.25 12/01/1993 27,766,25 27,766.25 6/11/1994 45,111.10 6.1/1 27,766,25 72,766.25 12/11/i994 26,416,25 26,416.25 6/1i/1995 45,111.11 6.111 26,416.25 71,416.25 12/81/1995 25,143.75 25,143,75 6/11i1996 50,181.10 6.251 25,143.75 75,143.75 12/81/1996 23,481.25 23,481,25 6/41/1997 50,048,44 6.400 23,481.25 73,481,25 lu ilil997 21,881.25 21,881.25 6/41/1998 55,686,00 6.500 21,881.25 76,881.25 12141/1998 26,093,75 20,093.75 oj6t/1999 61,000.4i 6.601 24,093.75 88,893,75 i24 1/1949 18,113.75 18,113.75 oii1,2u46 60,401.64 6.701 18,113.75 78,113.75 it/0i,20u0 16,103.75 16,103.75 6,81,204i 65,4ii.u8 6.750 16,113.75 31,163,75 ici6ii2uu1 13,910.00 13,916.01 oiiii2,i42 76,868.10 6.751 13,910.11 83,911.10 it,8i,2042 11,547,51 11,547.5i oii1/2645 75,861.86 6.801 11,547.50 86,547.5i 12,61i2Ci5 8,997.51 8,997.5i 6iui,24a4 30,000.81 6.851 8,997.56 38,997.54 iu eii20i4 6,257.51 6,257.51 oiii 2845 35,6 d.10 6.900 6,257.54 91,257.5i i2iiii2805 3,325.00 3,325,88 6,41i2486 95,101.0i 7,018 3,325.00 98,325.01 iOT46 920,068.00 835,398.75 1,755,398.75 FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 -TIC OF NU ISSUE ----- AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 6.889522836Z START DATE 12/31/86 ?RESENT CUMULATIVE ATF AliQ T P/V FAfTO2 ymE PRESENT 0 1 6i11/87 31,153.75 .972314173 29,318.61 29,318,61 2 12/01/67 31,155,75 .941289468 28,353.25 57,671,86 3 6/11/88 51,153.75 .909328978 27,419.68 85,191.54 4 12/81/88 31,153.75 .879387917 26,516.84 111,618.38 5 6/111/89 38,153.75 .851432712 25,643.74 137,252.12 6 i2/11/89 31,153.75 .822434912 24,799.38 162,851.54 7 6/41/91 31,153.75 .795351195 23,982.82 186,834.32 8 12/11/91 31,153.75 .769162932 23,193.15 219,227.47 9 6/11/91 31,153.75 .743837155 22,429.48 231,656.95 11 12111/91 31,153,75 .719345172 21,690.95 253,347.91 11 6/11/92 75,153.75 ,695659525 52,281.42 315,629,32 12 12/11/92 28,9i6.25 .672753861 19,453.52 325,182.84 13 6/11/93 68,916,25 .651612411 44,837.08 369,919,92 14 12/11i93 27,766.25 .629188313 17,469,96 387,389.90 15 6/11/94 72,766,25 .618463579 44,275,61 431,665,51 16 12/01i94 26,416,25 .588428977 15,544,09 447,219.68 17 6/61/95 71,416,25 .569054144 41,639,71 487,849,31 18 12111/95 25,143,75 .550317061 13,782.44 501,631,31 19 6i1t/96 75,043,75 .532197422 39,938,06 541,569,37 20 1210i/96 23,481,25 .514673614 12,685.18 553,654,55 21 6,4097 73,481,25 .497727191 36,573,62 590,228,17 22 12/61/97 21,881.25 .481336754 16,532.29 666,766.40 23 o/11/98 76,661,25 .465489932 35,787,45 636,547.91 24 ;2/61/98 26,493,775 ,454162958 9,645,46 645,593,37 25 6/41/99 86,693.75 .435346647 34,868.07 680,461.44 20 ,2i0i;99 i8,113.75 ,421606384 7,626,00 688,087,44 27 6/61,60 78,113,75 .407144199 31,863.55 719,896.99 20 ,2i41/66 lo,103.75 ,393738251 6,340,66 726,231,65 29 0/61,01 81,113.75 .381773811 31,882.18 757,113,85 30 i2iii/41 13,910.11 .368236245 5,122,17 762,236.66 FIRST illiNNEST COMPANY 11i1h/1964 PAGE: 2 ----------TIC OF NE4 ISSiiE--- --- AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 6,80952283aa STA,i; DATE 12/30/86 PRESENT CUSULATIiE uATEE AM0 P/V FACTOR m_kk. PAFSENT VALUE 31 6i61/62 33,910.i0 .356111499 29,881.32 792,117.32 32 i2iii/i2 11,547.5i .344385978 5,976.81 796,094.12 33 6/11/03 86,547.54 .333146538 28,824.35 824,915.47 34 12i11/03 8,997.50 .322181466 2,897.92 527,816.39 35 6,11iO4 68,997.51 .311475471 27,721.54 855,536.95 36 12/11/14 6,257.51 .311219659 1,884.88 857,421.81 37 6i11/05 91,257.51 .291311536 26,583.45 884,115.26 36 12i11i05 3,325.11 .281719984 936.69 884,941.95 39 6/11/0b 98,325.1i .272434247 26,787.11 911,729.15 TOTALS 1,735,338,75 911,729.05 TARGET FIGURE CO1PRISED OF: PRINCIPAL AMO ffi OF NEW ISSUE 920,OO1.0J PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST 4,858,14 LESS NET INSUiANCE COST 13,129.i3 LESS ORIGINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT TAis;Ei F,GURE 911,729:0 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REVENUE DEBT WITH PRINCIPAL DELAYED FOR 5 YENS STRUCTURE OF ThE ESCROW ACCOUNT, REINVESTMENTS AT ZERO PERCENTAGE RATE AND PROOF OF YIELD A REFUNDING STUDY PREPARED DI FIRST SGUTH1iEST ;;G PAtNY DALLAS, TEXAS N&EMBER 11, 1986 FIRST 55UihvEST CuAPANY iii•ii/liab ?Ali[: 1 ESCROi CAST FLQ6 SCNERYti MAX RATE 5LGS :01__,.-:- lea RATE OSEI PRINCIPAL INTEREST CASK FOii DEB} JCkviL_"t DIFFExEh E 'di_ `. 6i4u`1987 5.3500 5.1600 184,300 22,4733.56 246,373.56 286,347,98 25.56 :: 12i0►/i967 5.5600 5.3711 2,510 21,639,11 24,139.11 24,144.77 1.66- ,:y.. 6/01i1966 5.8200 5.6544 17,600 21,515,53 39,115.53 59,144.46 24.95- 12/41i1966 6.1840 5.6944 2,710 21,424.49 23,720.09 23,653,27 66,52 05,7 6/01/1969 6.2301 6.4400 22,704 20,944.58 43,641.58 43,652,98 12.40- 55.: 12/0ii1989 6.3314 6.1401 2,701 21,255.04 22,955.14 23,143.27 46.23- 5.i 6/0111994 6.4514 6.2610 22,94i 20,172.15 43,172.15 43,04238 69.17 74..i 12/41/1994 6.5441 6.3501 2,940 19,455.38 22,335.38 22,3333.27 2.1i 70.4 6/41/1991 6.5141 6.3810 22,901 19,363,31 , 42,263.31 42,352.96 59.67- ;5.2 12/01/1991 6.6444 6.4100 3,140 18,632.80 21,732.80 21,696.75 42.45 25.6 5/41/1992 6.6610 6.4700 23,200 18,533,45 41,733.45 41,690,50 42,95 12/01/1992 6.7604 6.5741 3,200 17,782.93 20,982.93 21,128.23 45.30- �e•- 6/iiii993 6,6600 6,6701 28,406 17,677.81 46,877001 46,428.02 49.79 6:1 12/41/1995 6.9400 6.7540 3,444 16,731,67 24,134.67 24,214.48 69.4i- o:: 6/41i1994 7,0404 6.8144 28,604 16,615,92 45,215.92 45,199,92 16.44 • 12/41i1994 7,0641 6.5704 3,710 15,642.49 19,342.04 19,371.93 29.64- o., 6i0;i1995 7,i464 6.9100 418,944 15,515.04 434,415.14 434,371.82 43.18 36. : 12141/1995 7.1444 1,442.41 1,042,ii 993,78 48.23 0;.• 61011i096 7.1644 6.4740 29,914 1,442.41 34,942,41 34,593,72 51.71- IUTALS 523,500 325,649.44 614+,249,44 ;,149,216.73 52,7 / ' 1-113' 56u nisi 4:Z6 M1 liiIiii986 iAuE: 1 -FiESEkT VALUE OF ESCROY----- AT A DISCOUNT RATE 4F 6,799495476Z KART ATE 12i30/86 RESENT Cun11LATiv2 ATE A1.6.065. E/V FACTO! Agi EPiSEkT VAL6i i 6,01;17 206,373.56 .972343651 208,666.12 201,666.12 2 ,2/11i67 24,139.11 .941373319 22,699.77 223,365.79 3 6,11;88 39,115.53 .98945418i 35,573.78 258,939,57 4 12/11/68 25,721.19 .879551652 21,863.14 279,812.61 5 oiiii89 43,641,56 .851632317 37,122.09 316,9E4.76 6 12101io9 22,955.14 .822663821 18,884.28 335,808.98 7 6i01iiu 45,1772,15 .795614928 34,268.85 374,077,65 3 12/11/90 22,355.58 .769455594 17,211.47 387,279.33 9 biiii91 42,263,31 .744155975 31,451.49 418,729.79 10 12;01i91 21,732.81 .719688593 15,641,84 434,371.65 it 6/11;92 41,733.45 .696125295 29,147.54 463,416.17 12 12i41/92 20,;82.93 .673141232 14,124.45 477,542.62 13 aiu1,93 46,i77 6i .651107622 29,997,11 507,559.65 14 i2/01;93 24,13i.67 .6296112724 12,674.52 520,213,95 15 atii;i4 45,2;5.92 .6489116i1 27,532.15 347,746,11 16 12iiii94 19,342,09 .568881144 11,390.19 359,136.19 ;' 6i0i;95 434,415.04; .569516942 247,407.57 806,543.76 16 ,2i4;i95 ;,142,11 .551793562 573.+3 H 7,1:7.6; i> CiVii9b 34,;42,4, :332663473 16,482,3i 623,640.00 70 r+i.3 1,i49,24 :44 323,600.4N rrl(b2' f,L.uiE iunil{1Jti! jr'. r�1 t.J L Atiuun" uF xv3 823,640,04 'IESCMvt FUhiu 1,..,3 i4Asi. r4i,3CzEi'5 8E E IT 823,61,1U 0 i ****************************** **************** CITY OF WILE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REVENUE DEBT WITH PRINCIPAL DELAYED FOR 5 YEARS COMBINED OUTSTANDING DEBT TG BE DEFEASED PRICED TO MATURITY *********************************************** A REFUNDING STUDY PREPARED FIRST SOOT BEST COMPARY DALLAS, TEXAS $OVEABER 11, 1986 FIRST SOuTNNEST COMPANY 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - WYLIE TO MAT COMBItED AMOUNTS DATE PRINCIPAL INTEiEST DEBT SERVICc 9/30/1987 15,101.11 31,347.98 46,347,98 9/31/1988 26,010.01 61,721.25 81,721,25 9/30/1989 25,006.00 61,326.25 85,326.25 940/1991 25,111.1i 58,616.25 83,616,25 9/36/1991 25,161.16 56,886.25 81,886,25 9/31/1992 25,101.14 55,141.25 81,141.25 9/30/1993 31,101.11 53,396.25 83,396.25 9/31/1994 31,410.11 51,321.11 81,321.11 9/31/1995 31,141.11 49,243.71 79,243,75 9/31/1996 35,14131 47,167.51 82,167.51 9/34/1997 4O,010.1i 44,761,01 84,761.11 9/3i/1996 45,111.0i 41,221.00 86,221.60 9/31/1999 45,001.61 37,234.01 82,234,06 9/36/2011 50,010.61 33,241.61 83,240.01 9/31/2011 55,010.01 28,811.61 83,800.40 9/31,2162 61,016.11 23,911.11 83,910.0i 9/30/2063 61,106.11 18,571.01 78,570.0i 9/36/2164 65,000,00 13,230.01 78,230.01 9/30/2005 76,060.00 7,470.60 77,470,00 9i36/200o 15,iu6.60 1,260.60 16,260,00 T6TALS 765,ii0.ui 774,846,73 1,539,646,73 v FIRST 506THwEaT COMPANY 11/11/ii66 l'Ai,E: 1 RECORD NAME — wYliE TO MAT COMBINED AMOUNTS DATE n iNCIPAi. INTE2EaT DEiT SEKViCE 6i11i1967 15,111,01 31,347.96 46,347,96 ►2i01i1967 30,664.77 34,661,77 oi01i1986 21,101.06 31,664.46 51,861.48 12/61/196i 31,163.27 30,163.27 o/ii1iii89 25,141.0i 31,162.98 55,162.96 12/11/1989 29,303.27 29,313.27 oi01i1994 25,311.14 29,312.98 54,382.96 12i41i1996 26,443.27 28,443.27 b/iii1991 25,140.ii 28,442.96 33,442.96 12i11/119i 27,578.75 27,571.75 6/41/1992 25,111.10 27,571.51 52,570,51 12i41/1992 26,696.23 26,696.23 6/11/199i 34,111.01 26,698.02 56,698,12 12/11/1993 25,660,48 25,661.18 oi01/1994 31,111,10 25,659.92 55,659.92 12/11;1994 24,621.93 24,621.93 6/11/095 31,010,00 24,621,82 54,621.62 12i11i1995 23,563,76 23,583.78 6/11/1996 35,010.0i 23,563,72 56,563.72 1Ziiiiiii96 22,38 ,iii 22,38O.0i oio1,1997 40,u0o,Oi 22,380.i4 62,380,0v 12i6ifiiy% 2C 6 W,Oi 2a,ali is oiuih i9i 45,06J,U6 20,616,iia b3,6ii.ii 1u.iti-iiib 18,615.ii i8,6i5.a0 o,oiitiv, 45,uue.“ ia,o15,11i 63,615,ii i2,ut!ti9i 16,o2O,iii 16,620,iii o/Qi- 4UV 5tl,@6,611 lo,6,24,JU ob,bC1,YJ 1�. „_u•iv 14,4UV,+Ja 14,4u0.du 4,Di,Liu, 55,4)4u,iii 14,4O0,ii6 o9,464.66 to li2i41 11,955.i0 11,955.41 6,-,t,;:iilz 60,111,11 11,955,D0 71,?55,i4 ,Loti2ue;. 9,285.16 9,285.CA o,Uticuua oa,aii6,ia i,285.Oa 69,235.6 i : .,i,:;uuo o,b15.1i4 o,o15.4i o,y,i2i 4 o5,Jr0.a1 6,6i5,ii 7i,b15.46 tciiil:20a4 3,755,06 3,735,10 o'aii26u5 70,uUo.ur 3,735.ia 73,755,4i .2iiii26u5 630.04 631.iii aiiii2ovo i5,uuu.A 651,06 15,634.11 TLTALS 765,JUO,ou 774,846.73 1,539,a46.73 G CITY OF NILUE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REVENUE DEBT YITh PRINCIPAL DELAYED FOR 5 YEARS OITSTAMDI C DEBT TO BE DEFEASED PRICED TO MATURITY t****************************************!***t* !+ E.FuhDI ; Sr D i PRE ARE, di ;SAL LAS, TEAAi PUVEMBEM iiy in0 FIE: 3667r€ST COMPANY 11,11i1960 PAi,E; i RECORD NAME - .Yi_iE 71 PRICED TO MTURITY DAA i PRIMCii46 iggos INTEREST DEFT SERVICE 6;ii, ►i67 15,100.11 6.511 7,177.98 22,0777.98 12;1i 1987 6,591,77 6,590.77 6i01ii18o ,5,006.06 6.501 6,590.48 21,590.48 12ii1ii968 6,103,27 6,113.27 6iiii1w89 26,416.01 6.511 6,112.98 26,112.98 i2/41/198i 5,453.27 5,453.27 6/61/1991 20,010.11 6.541 5,452.98 25,452.98 12/01,1991 4,813.27 4,843.27 ; 6/11/1991 28,160.00 6.625 4,802.98 24,812.98 12/61/1991 4,146.75 4,141.75 6/01i1992 21,601.10 6.625 4,141.51 24,141,5i i2/1i,i992 3,478,23 3,478.23 6/01ii993 25,100,00 6.625 3,476,62 28,476.12 12/81/i993 2,650.68 2,651.18 6/0111994 25,110.ii 6.625 2,649.92 27,649.92 12/61/1994 1,821,93 1,821.93 6/61ii995 25,100,61 6.625 1,821.82 26,821.82 1218i11995 993.76 993.76 0/41/1996 30,110,01 6.625 993.72 31,993,72 TOTALS 215,04.16 79,146,73 294,146.73 TnE r, r vEmtil COuPON IS ROU$DED OP UN TnE 12/01 PAYOE$T 77 J FIRST ;uuTiiW iT COMPANY i1/11/198o PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - eY1.iE 60 PRICED TO 11ATURITY LATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST PT SERVICE bi01,1967 17,550,00 17,554 00 12/iiii967 17,550,11 17,550.00 6i0i/1961 17,550,00 17,550.00 12i01/068 17,551,00 17,550.00 b/G1.1965 17,550,61 17,550,00 1ei41/1989 17,550,01 17,554.11 6ilii1994 17,551.01 17,550.00 12/0111991 17,551.1i 17,551.10 6i0ii1991 17,551.11 17,550.00 12/O1il991 17,551,11 17,550.00 6i01/1992 17,551,01 17,550.0i 12/01/1992 17,551,10 17,550,01 b/Gii1ir93 17,550,0i 17,550,00 12/01/1993 17,550,0i 17,550,4i b/61i1994 17,550,01 17,550.i0 i2i0ii1994 17,550,00 17,550,00 oi81i1995 17,550,00 17,556.6i i2/01/1995 17,558,30 17,550.00 oiu1iii9b 17,550.00 17,554,10 12/6t'106 17,550,01 17,556.60 biui;i397 30,6u6,u6* 9,ii00 17,550,00 47,550,01 S2iuiiti;.7 ib,200.+38 16,200.00 Diutii593 55,040,44* 9.030 16,244.40 51,200,00 i2i u;, iY90 14,625.40 14,625,04 O,li: liii 55,040.0u* 5,,Oii 14,625.00 49,625.04 12,01, .=4; 13,450,01 15,450.00 a, ,+ 2o6a 40,030.10 i.06u 13,050,00 53,656.13 ,., 3,izu40 11,250,0') 11,250.00 ). ;!iuui 45,460,40* 9.G6i 11,250.4i 56,256,4i i"tit/200 t 9,225.61 9,225,4i 6,3i,2002 50,600,40* 9,010 9,225,0G 59,225.63 ..&0iic6u2 b,975,00 6,975,00 a,oi,24455 56,666.0u* 9.404 6,975,00 5O,975.51 ,u 1 2663 4,725.00 4,725.44 o,61i2604 50,064,u0* 9.100 4,7225.4i 54,725,04 12,ni,Z0i4 2,475,00 2,475,00 oio:,261i5 55,300.10* 9.000 2,475,00 57,475,03 iviAL5 390,i00,00 525,6i6.01 915,660.60 57 FIRST SOCRIEST CONI1A04 11iuiili1b PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - wYi,;E 86 PRICED TO 6ATURITY uATE PRINCIPA6 COUPON INTEREST DEBT SERACE 6%01iii87 6,720.61 6,720.06 iiiiiiiiiT 6,720.6i 6,726.ii biiiii966 5,400.10 8.400 6,720.64 11,721.1i 12i0i;i9o1 6,510.16 6,510.06 6/1111%9 5,006.111* 8.406 6,516,6i 11,511.6i 12i3ii1989 6,301.10 6,311.11 biiili1i9. 5,iii.61* 8.411 6,301.46 11,310.ii 12iii/194 6,190.01 6,19i.i6 b/*l/I991 5,iii.i6* 8.461 6,196.60 11,091.14 lc/i1i1991 5,88i.W1 5,881.1i 6iii/i992 5,040,00 8.40i 5,886.4i 10,686.16 12iiii1992 5,676.06 5,671.61 6iii,1993 5,i01.i0* 8,410 5,670.ii 10,670.41 J2/61/0995 5,460.4i 5,466.0i w iliiii4 5,10i.i0* 1,410 5,464.06 16,466.61 iu iiii994 5,250.66 5,251,10 6iilii995 5,444.01* 8.416 5,256.64 16,256,04 12iiii1995 5,146.ii 5,040,01 b/Uii l9io 5,400.010* 8.441 5,040.06 16,04U.ii 12701/19i6 4,830,40 4,850,01 6iaiiii47 A0,404.10* 8.40i 4,830,04 14,634.4i 12/0,/ .ii7 4,410.44 4,400,04 0,4i, .iii 10,404,00* 8,4vii 4,410.0i i4,4i0,i4 1[,u,,i;i6 3,v96.0i 3,i90.ua b,uii 1;;; l;I,j66.i4* 3,446 3,990.01 13,950.4i 12i V1, 17`4 3,57v•44 �,4 .i�l o'4,,_J04 i0,440 ^a* 2.46 5,574:u0 13,576,04 iL 41. 0 3,150.40 3,154.0 o/4. aVu. 10,000 tlb* 8.404 5,150,60 13050.00 12/0 ,200, 2,730,40 2,7.34.44 o,0, yu 10,300.06* 8.411 2,736.60 12,736.06 , ,a,;24i2 2,310, 14 2,310,46 6,0i,a003 11,400,00* 8.401 2,516.u0 12,511,44 i2,•o.•. a i,890.0i 1,8i0,04 6/41,2044 i5,aii.04* 8.4i6 1,696.66 16,biU:0i i2/01,2100.' 1,260,46 i,261.04 o/i:/Gila 15,44U,104* 8.414 i,264.6 16,264.04 i2,ii-2v45 636.6i o30.40 ei0ii2a06 ,5,iii:44* 3.4i6 636.64 15,650.04 75TAL 1oi,i4i.44 174,106.00 336060.4i i CITY bF NYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OtiTSTANDiiw REVENUE DEW WITh PRINCIPAL DELAYED FOR 5 YEARS Oi,TSTANDINO DEBT TO FE DEFEASED PRICED TO CAL. rr********************************************** - A REFUN iO; ST ' ?REPAREL if FIRST SO TiiEai CWAnr DALLAS, TEXAS thWEI1FEi i i, 1s6o /-r �, FIRST 300M1EST CONPAN! 1ii11,1986 RAGE: i RECORD NAME - WYLIE TO CALL COMBINED AMOUNTS DATE ?.RIOCIPAL INTEREST DEBT SERVICE 9i50/1i87 175,001.00 31,347.98 216,347.96 9/34i1964 15,141.00 48,281.25 63,281.25 9/30ii985 20,448.00 47,316.25 67,386.25 9/30i1998 24,081.08 46,006.25 66,086.25 9i3iii991 21,141.40 44,786.25 64,716.25 9/34,1992 20,i00.81 43,381.25 63,381.25 9/31/1993 25,001.10 42,156.25 67,056.25 9i30ii994 25,810.84 41,411.01 63,410.11 9/34i1995 415,010.84 38,743.73 453,743.75 9/30/1996 51,114.14 1,987.51 31,987.51 TOTALS 765,810.41 384,216.73 1,149,216.73 ,?J FIRST 3Ou?nYE3T COnPANr r;,lti1i66 PAGE: 1 iECORD MAME - Mii.IE T, CALL ;,OMBIrlED MOOTS DATE ?If1hCIPAL IOTE EST DEBT SERVICE 6iii;087 175,018.01 31,34738 206,347,98 12riiii967 24,148.77 24,140,777 6/ir/1966 15,446.88 24,141.48 39,144,48 i2/11/1988 23,653.27 23,653.27 6/0111989 20,668.18 23,652.98 43,652.98 iz/81/1989 23,813.27 23,013.27 , 6i6i/1991 21,804.11 23,882.98 43,182.98 12iii.i1591 22,353.27 22,353.27 6/11/1991 21,016.01 22,352.98 42,352.98 12/iii199; 21,698.75 21,691,75 6/11/092 20,018.10 21,698.51 41,691.54 i2/11i1992 21,828,23 21,628.23 6/61/1993 25,868,84 21,028,12 46,028,82 i2ii111 93 21,288,68 20,268.88 6,6i,1994 25,683:36 21,199.92 45,199.92 1218ii1994 19,571.93 19,371.93 6i6ii1995 4t5,808.64 19,371,8i 434,371,82 i2i61,1995 993.73 993.78 6iiii1996 30,300.86 993.72 30,993,72 'TOTALS 765,488.48 364, 16,73 1,149,216.73 iJ FIRST SOUTOWEST COMPANY 11/11/1986 PAGE: I RECORD NAME - YYLIE 8i TO CAL PRICED TO CALL DATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST DEBT SER4iCE bi61/1967 17,554.40 17,55,0i 12,01i,967 171551,4i 17,551,ii oiiiii968 17,551.1i 17,55i.i0 12/O ine 17,551.00 17,551,14 6/6i/1989 17,551.4/ 17,556.1i 12141/1989 17,55/.1i 17,551.10 6/11/1991 17,551.11 17,551.13 12131/199/ 17,351.11 17,551./1 6/11/1991 17,551.11 17,551.11 12/11/1991 17,55/.11 17,551.11 6i11/1992 17,554.11 17,531,31 12/11/1992 17,551.40 17,550.01 bi61/1993 17,551,14 17,556,04 12/61/1793 17,556,46 17,556.31 6/01/1994 17,554.10 17,536,40 12i0i/1994 17,550.0i 17,556,14 6/41i1995 390,400.06 9.406 17,550.66 407,554,01 TOTAL. 390,004,40 298,351.0i 688,354,40 • FIRST 361,7r,EST CCWAht li,1Ui956 PAC: I RECORD NAME - ITLUE 8o TO CALL PRICE) TO CALL MIL rRINci?.Al aSN iNT icEST DEBT SERVICE biii,I9 7 166,0ii,ii 8.416 6,720.6i 166,72i,ui TOTALS 166,666.6i 6,721,fiO 166,721.0 I . IThiltil***IHM***********114*******111HHHFIVIMIIIHN CITY OF YYIIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF AL. OUTSTANDING REYENUE REST WITF PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1987 111t**a*ra r** *+r ****t+rtillrif***%*****ta* A REFUNDING STL;i PREPARE; BY FIRST SOUT6WESt CCAPAN1 DALLAS, TEAAS Nt)1+E1i$tR 11, 146 / MHHIThiliThitI******a******4**l*************** CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTARING REVENUE DEBT WITH PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1987 DETAILS OF THE REFUNDING AND A SCHEDULE OF SAVINGS A REFOODING STUDi PREPARED Rr FIRST SOtiTiWEST C Ae t DALZASy TEXAS NOVEABER yjy I;643 • FIRST 504TnWESi CDMPAMY 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - rYLIE REFUNDING DEBT REFUNDING ISSUE lig PRINEIPA4 !III INTEREST KIT SERVE JUTSTANJINc HAVANfZS 9/31/1987 25,111.11 4.751 29,388.75 54,388,75 46,347.98 3,315.92-1 9/31/1988 31,111.11 5.141 57,591.11 87,594.61 81,721.25 5,868.75- 9/31/1989 33,111.11 5.154 36,191.11 91,491.41 85,326.25 5,763.75- 9/34/1994 35,111.11 5.341 54,287.51 89,287.51 83,646.25 5,681.25- 9/30/1991 35,411.01 5.511 52,432.51 87,432.51 81,886.25 5,546.25- 9/30/1992 35,111.11 5.751 51,517.31 85,517.51 81,141.25 5,366.25- 9/311/1993 41,114.1i 6.111 48,495.11 88,495.11 83,396.25 5,198.75- 9/31/094 41,111.11 6.111 • 46,195.11 86,195.11 81,321.11 4,775.14- 9/31/1995 41,411.11 6.251 43,653.11 83,655.11 79,243.75 4,411.25- 9/30/i996 45,141.14 6.411 41,155.11 86,155.11 82,167.54 3,987.50- 9/31/1997 51,111.11 6.511 38,273.14 81,275.11 84,761.11 3,515.44- 9/34/1998 55,111.41 6.611 33,425.11 91,125.11 86,221.11 3,815.1/- 9/34/1999 55,111.01 6.711 31,395.11 86,395.11 82,231.1i 4,165.14- 9/31/2111 64,111.11 6.751 27,711.10 87,711.11 83,241.11 4,471.41- 9/34i2111 65,110.11 6.751 23,661.11 88,661,11 63,801.16 4,860.41- 9/31/2012 65,111.4$ 6.811 19,272.51 84,272.51 83,911.1i 362.51- 9/36/c003 65,011.11 6.851 14,852.51 79,852.54 78,571.11 1,282.51- 9/34/2/14 65,141.11 6.911 11,411.11 73,411.14 78,231.11 2,834.11 9/31/2115 74,111.11 6.951 5,915.11 75,915.41 77,471.11 1,555,04 9/31/2146 15,111.41 7.111 1,151.14 16,151.11 16,261.11 214.44 1O7AL. 925,440.40 687,251.25 1,612,251,25 1,539,846,73 67,669,07- TOTAL SAVI$GS 67,669,67- 4 - iAvini,5 ihCLUDES ACCRUED IATERES7 OF 4,734.85 1 FIRST SOuTh*EST COIIPAR4Y 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 REEUi ufi BONDS ISSUE DETAILS DATED DATE 12/11/1986 DELIVERY DATE 12/31/1986 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SLGS 821,311.11 88.681 UR+RDE:M ITERS FEE 15,725.11 1.711 u1 ECOUEl*6LE ISSUANCE COSTS 65,111.41 7.13E OUTSTAN/ING DUE IsIN 45 DAYS ORIGINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT INSURANCE FEE 20,111.11 2.16E ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF MISS RESUVE FUND FRON PROCEEDS BALANCING FIGURE 3,975.1/ 1.43Z # TOTAL REQUIRED 925,111.11 LESS CASH ON OW LESS INSURANCE REFUND '* PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS 925,810./1 111.10% PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST 4,734.85 LESS UIIDERV ITERS FEE 15,725.00 LESS ORIGINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT * NET TO ISSUER 914,119.85 TIC OF iE uNDING ISSUE 6.895584E40 YIELD ON ESUON 6.890237373 i NO rEA4S 10,347.500 NET INTEREST COST 702,976.25 NE; INTEREST COST SAS A z) 6,793682048 • IHHHHICHHHICHHHHHHHHHHIMHICHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIMI CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REVENUE DEBT UITN PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1987 SCHEDULES OF THE PROPOSED REFUNDING DEBT AND TRUE INTEREST COST CALCULATION *H}*H}*H*HHHH*****4*****H*HHHH**4** A REFUNDING STUDY PREPARED 1Y FIRST SO4 Tr+WEST COMPANY DALLAS, TEAAS NOVEMBER 11, 1986 / ._ iy-1 • FIRST 3O4/ii,N 3T Cik$PANY 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - ATLIE REFUNDING DEBT REFUNDING ISSUE itii PRINCIPAk OR ?NTJREST 4EITS R JC4 6/11/1,87 25,111.11 4.751 29,388.75 54,388.75 12/01/007 28,795.11 28,795.11 6/01/1988 31,111.11 5.111 28,795.11 58,795.11 _ 12/11/1988 28,045.01 28,145.11 biiiii1189 35,1i0.00 5.151 28,145.11 63,145.10 12/01/1989 27,143.75 27,143.75 6/11i1996 35,111.11 5.311 27,143.75 62)143.75 12/11/1/91 26,216.25 26,216.25 6/11/1991 33,111.11 3.511 26,216.25 41,216.25 12/11/1991 25,253.73 25,253.75 6/11/1992 35,111.11 5.758 25,253.75 61,253.75 12/11/1992 24,247.51 24,247.51 6/11/1993 41,111.11 6.111 24,247.51 64,247.51 12/11/1493 23,047.51 23,147,31 6/11/1994 41,111.11 6.111 23,147.51 63,147.51 12/11/1994 21,827.51 21,827.51 6/11/1995 41,011.11 6.251 21,827.50 61,827.51 12/11/1995 21,577.51 21,577.51 6/11/1996 45,101.11 6.401 20,577.51 65,577.51 12/11/1996 19,137.51 19,137.51 6/11/1997 58,010,01 6.501 19,137.50 69,137.51 0111/1997 17,512,50 17,512,51 6/61i1995 55,068,61 6.611 17,512,51 72,512.50 i2/ii/i996 15,697,50 15,697.51 6/1i►999 55,641,60 6.701 15,697.51 70,697,58 12/41.19 13,855.10 13,655.10 0,61/2088 61,101.10 6.751 13,855.18 73,855.10 12iiiia044 11,831,11 11,831,1i aiii;299i 65,006.80 6,751 11,831.11 76,831.00 12/0i/206i 9,636,25 9,636.25 6:11,Z114 65,111.11 6.811 9,636.25 74,636.25 i2i61,aVY2 7,426,25 7,426.25 6/61/2093 65,101.11 6.851 7,426.25 72,426,25 12i01;2ii5 5,201.14 5,201.11 oiri4:464 65,611.1i 6.901 5,201.01 71,281.80 ►iiiii/2004 2,957.31 2,957.51 6i61/2185 71,661.1i 6.951 2,957.51 72,957.51 12i6i/2015 525.01 525.01 bii1/2616 15,104.61 7.161 525.10 15,525.11 TOTALS 925,111,01 687,251,25 1,612,251.25 / t / -" FIRST SGuT1iMEST COIIPAAY 11/tui1986 PAGE: 1 --TIC OF NEV ISSUE AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 6.84558481iU START DATE 12/31/86 PRESENT CUMULATIVE A�sT" moon P/V FACTO) V&A MAT VALUE 1 6/11/87 54,388.75 .971964775 52,863.95 52,863,95 2 1211147 26,795.10 .939571341 27,154.93 79,918.88 3 6/11/88 58,795.41 .948255573 53,411.89 133,319.77 4 12/11/88 28,145.11 .877984491 24,623.18 157,942.85 S 6iii/89 63,145.41 .848722318 53,517.71 211,454.55 6 12/01/89 27,143.75 .82.433398 22,269.69 233,721.24 7 6/4i/94 62,143.75 .793191258 44,285.66 283,115.91 4 1241191 26,216.25 .766658466 21,198.91 343;114.81 9 6/11/91 61,216.25 .741116647 45,367.77 348,472.58 11 12/11/91 25,253.75 .716446441 18,191.95 366,564.53 11 6/11/92 61,253.75 .692529462 41,727.31 448,292.13 12 t2111i92 24,247.51 .669448275 16,232.45 424,524.48 13 6/41/93 64,247.51 .647136357 41,576.89 466,111.37 14 12/11/93 23,647,51 .625568169 14,417.78 486,519.15 i5 6/104 63,147.51 .614718626 38,126.14 518,645.15 16 12ihii94 21,827,51 .584564171 12,759.57 531,414.72 17 641/95 61,827.51 .565181242 34,937.56 566,342.28 18 i2/i1195 26,577,50 .546247754 11,246.41 577,582.69 19 6ii1i96 65,577,54 .528041963 34,627.67 612,216.36 26 12/006 19,137.51 .51144295i 9,768.61 621,978,96 21 6/-607 69,157.56 .493450491 34,114,55 656,193,51 22 i2 iii 17,512.50 .476965657 8,553.21 664,446.71 25 6/608 72,512.56 .461667691 33,434.62 697,881,33 24 i2.4i.96 15,097.56 .445720164 6,996.6i 764,878.62 25 70,6;7.56 .430864856 36,461.67 735,339.05 20 13,655.66 .416564643 5,776.67 741,109.76 27 o6i ;� 73,655 i0 .442623636 29,735,72 770,645.46 26 ,21ui,;'3 36 tl; .385264687 4,644.28 775,449.76 25 6•1i/9i 7o,63u.i0 .376232576 28,905.93 8+i4,355.69 34 ;,030.25 .363692996 3,514.64 667,866.33 / 'J/ FiRST SOUTA6E5T GNAPPNY ,iili/1386 PAGE: 2 ----------TIC OF NEY ISSUE---------- AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 6.895584806Z START DATE 12/31/86 PRESEi'T CIALATIVE DATi ANQUNTi P/V FACTOR 28a PHiSENT VAIN 31 6/41/12 74,636.25 .351571541 26,239.i8 834,141.51 32 ►2ii1/42 7,426.25 .339854177 2,523.34 836,624.15 33 6/603 72,426.25 .328527143 23,793.99 861,418.14 34 12/81/13 5,211.81 .317577722 1,651.44 862,169.54 35 6/is/84 74,201.14 .346993233 21,531.92 883,621.46 36 12/11/14 2,957.54 .296761512 877.67 884,498.13 37 6/41/15 72,957.51 .286874842 21,929.38 3/5,427.51 38 12/11/15 525.14 .277319738 145.59 915,573.11 39 641/16 15,525.11 .268467333 4,161.75 919,734.85 TOTALS 1,612,251.25 919,734.85 TARGET FIGURE COMPRISED OF: PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NEV ISSUE 925,088.8/ PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST 4,734.85 LESS NET INSURANCE COST 26,101.10 LESS ORIiINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT TARGET FIGURE i 909,734.85 /j CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REVENUE DEBT WITH PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1917 STRUCTURE OF THE ESCROW ACCOIiNT, REINVESTMENTS AT ZERO PERCENTAGE RATE AND PROOF OF YIELD A REF ADING STuDi PREPARED BY FIRST SOUTmwEST CCA PANY DALLAS, TEXAS NOvE11BER 11, 066 FiAST 3OUT6iEST COMPANY 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 gagUkakigiMa MAX RATE SLCS CouL47:, DAN mg gm PR1MCiPA4 jMJEST psi; FLO Qr4T s§ER JCi if►E ems Dirrcit%_ 6/11/1187 5,3561 5,2511 184,111 22,361.23 216,441.23 216,347.98 52.25 :2 12111/1987 5.5611 5.4611 2,311 21,823.29 24,123.29 24,146.77 17.48- 34.7 6111/1988 5.8211 5.7211 17,511 21,717,69 39,217.69 39,141.48 67.21 iii.% 12/81/1988 6.6881 5.9861 2,411 21,267.19 23,617.19 23,653,27 46.18- 55 ; 641/1989 6.2311 6.1346 22,511 21,135.43 43,635.43 43,652.98 17.55- 3a.3, 12/41/1989 6.3311 6.2311 2,611 21,443.81 23,145.81 23,613.27 42.54 66.6 o/O1/1991 6.4511 6.3511 22,616 26,364.82 42,964.82 43,112.98 38.16- 42,7 12/11/1991 6.5410 6.4441 2,761 19,647.27 22,347.27 22,353.27 6.81- 34,7, 6/11/1991 6.5711 6.471i 22,841 19,541.33 42,36/.33 42,352.98 7.35 44.8i 12/61/1991 6.6111 6.5161 2,911 18,822.73 • 21,722.75 21,691.75 32.88 ' " 6/I1/1992 6.6611 6.5611 22,911 18,728.56 41,428.56 41,694.51 62.11- i4,iii 12/01/1992 6.7661 6.6611 3,111 17,977,38 21,177.38 21,428.23 49.15 65.2: 6/61/1993 6.8681 6.7611 28,211 17,874,15 46,174.15 46,128.12 46.13 169 3+ 12/61/1993 6.9411 6.8411 3,266 16,920.99 21,121.99 21,266.18 79.09- 3i.2. 6/11/1994 7.0111 6.9111 28,4/1 16,811.55 45,211.55 45,199.92 11.63 41.i. 12/61/1994 7,1618 6.9611 3,611 15,831.75 19,431,75 19,371.93 59,62 Lill." 6/11/1995 7.1111 7.8114 418,611 15,716,47 434,316.47 434,371.82 65.35- 56.3 12/41/1995 7.1418 1,155.47 1,155.47 993.78 61.6, ;8..; 6/61/1996 7.1688 7.6616 29,901 1,155,47 31,955.47 36,993.72 38,25- 5;,c TO1At3 826,300 528,976,54 1,149,276.54 1,149,216.73 5981 //✓ , FIRST SOVO6E5T COMPANY 11/11/1986 PAGE: 1 -------PRESENT jALUE OF ESCROli-----_ AT A DISCOUNT RATE OF 6.8912373732 START DATE 12/31/86 PRESENT CUIiU1 ATIVE QAi AMOUN11 P/V FACTOR VAS ?MEAT VALUE 1 6i11i37 216,411,23 .971985849 211,618.11 211,618.11 2 12/01/87 24,123.29 .939614998 22,666.61 223,284.71 3 6/11/88 39,267.69 .918322219 35,613.22 258,897.93 4 12/01/88 23,617.19 .878171616 21,728.81 279,626.73 5 6/11/89 43,633.43 .848828462 37,138.99 316,665.72 6 12/41/89 23,645.81 .821559223 18,911.45 335,576.17 7 6/81/91 42,964.82 .793231438 34,681.15 361,651.22 8 12/11/91 22,347.27 .766813812 17,136.21 386,793.42 9 6/11/91 42,361.33 .741275975 31,414.69 418,194.11 1/ i2/11/91 21,722.75 .716588645 15,566.28 433,764.39 11 6/11/92 41,628.56 .692723499 28,837.14 462,597.43 12 12/61/92 21,177.38 .669653153 14,114.53 476,711.96 13 6/11/93 46,174.15 .647351138 29,826.15 516,538,11 14 i2/11/93 21,126,99 .625791865 12,591.55 519,129.66 15 6/11/94 45,211.55 .614951599 27,351.73 546,481.41 16 12/61/94 19,431.75 .584813427 11,363.75 557,844.16 17 6/11/95 434,316.47 .565327233 245,525.21 813,369.44 18 12/41/95 1,655.47 .546499671 576.81 813,946.25 19 6/81/96 34,955.47 .528299138 16,353.75 821,301.00 TOTALS 1,149,270,54 820,311.0i TARGET FiGoRE CUNPRISE"u O►: r+ciNC:PAL ANChAT GF SUS 821,311.04 r'LL:S RESiRiCiED RESERVE Fii14D ?LuS TRANS. PROt.ttia BENEFIT TAR;ET _--------> 821,301.0i /�� CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS RUINING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REYEMIE DEBT WITH PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1987 COMBINED OUTSTANDING DEBT TO BE DEFUSED PRICED TO MATURITY ******************11**i*l11*******111HH HHHHH !i** A REFUNDING STUDt PREPARED by FIRST SOOT WEST CONPAA( DALLAS, TEXAS 'OVEMBER 11, 1986 /CI FIRST iuuTn.EST COMPANT 11/11/198b PAU: 1 UwMD NAM[ - iYLIE TO MAT COMBINED AMOUMTS iAS PR1Nia6 Ii1TEi%;T DaT SEiVICE ii3ii►987 i5,00i.11 31,547.95 46,347.95 9,3iiti8i 20,110.11 61,721.25 81,721.25 9/3iii98► Z5,510.55 61,326.25 83,326.25 9i3iii99i 25,15i.ii 38,616.25 83,616.25 9i3i/i99t 25,111.11 56,886.23 81,866.25 9i3iii932 25,110.11 55,141.25 81,141.2s 9/38i1993 31,111.11 53,396.25 83,396.25 9/3iii994 51,O10.1i 51,321.11 81,321,11 9/31/1995 31,111.11 49,243.75 79,243.75 9/31/1996 35,411.10 47,167.5i 82,167.31 5/3i1i997 41,111.11 44,761.11 84,761.15 911;1'1996 45,510.0i 41,221.00 86,220.10 9/51i1999 45,111.00 37,231.01 52,230:50 9i30/21101 50,111.11 33,241.01 83,240.01 9/30,2111 55,010.4a 28,511.11 83,800.J1 9 30i21i2 61,011.i8 23,911.11 83,915.05 9i54,2553 60i5.10 18,571.11 78,370.1i 9/30/Z154 65,i0i.50 13,230.01 78,230.01 9i58,2i55 70,500.50 7,470.0i 77,470,00 9/30,20ic i5,554.15 1,261,00 16,240.05 767»t.5 765,i00.u0 774,846.73 1,339,646.73 /J 7 FAST 81.1 h6E8 i,uil*ANt 11,i 1,iieb MU: 1 2ECU D WE - ika Ta 14A7 COMBINED AMOUNTS DATE YINCIPAi. INTEREE WEBT SEiVICE 6iii/ ,967 i5,i16.11 31,347.ii 46,347,i8 t2i11/.iiii 31,861,77 31,861,77 oi01/ii86 2064.11 31,861,48 51,866,48 12/11/1968 31,163.27 30,163.27 6/i1/i189 25,iii.ii 31,162.98 55,162.98 12/11/i98i 29,313.27 29,313.27 6/i1ii991 25,411.ii 29,312.98 54,312.98 12/it/195i 28,443.27 28,443.27 4/6/011 25,141.1/ 28,442.98 53,442.4 12/11/1i91 27,571.75 27,571.755 6/41i1992 25,iii.i1 27,571.51 52,571.51 12/41/199 26,698.23 26,698.23 oiil/1795 36,166.41 26,698.12 56,698,62 12/i1/1953 25,661.18 25,661.68 6/11ii1994 30,iii.i0 25,659.92 55,659.92 12i11:1994 24,621.73 24,621.93 6/11i►i95 31,010.11 24,621.82 S4,621.62 12/11/1995 23,583,76 23,583.78 6/i1/194o 35,610,11 23,583.72 58,583,72 I2/6i/Ii96 22,36i,ii 22,360.00 6/01,iii1 40,u60.1)i 22,38i.ii 62,38i.ii 12/01: 7 20,610.0i 20,616:0i 0/4i, i7i76 45,00J,v+ 20,610,40 63,610.ii 1ai4v ;;;5 18,615.;0 ii,6i5,o0 b/iil,ii; 45,040 6; 16,b15.0i 63,bi5,ui i2, ,:,; i 16,620.0i 16,620.0i oiv,•:uvev 5,,, ,i,:i i6,621.00 66,620.v� 1:•U a rod 14,464,00 14,440.116 oni,cuel 5,:,J: .4i 14,40i.ii 09,446,60 ,:, 1,26 1 11,955.00 1i,i55,00 6,4,,1002 00,0;0.ii 11,955.i0 71,755:5d 12,6:/1 7,285.16 9,265.c,a o.ul,.vua 64,666.66 7,285.11 69,285,04, i:: ,i,civa 6,615.11 6,615.ii o,yu2161 oL,iii►.ii 6,615.ii 11,615.ii aiii1: 20i4 3,735.04 5,735.40 o/i./605 ' 7i,i.4u.,;i 3,735.111 73, 55,00 ,2iii,,1045 650.06 631.ii a/i►,2iuo i5,iiU,oi 631,00 15,634.ii Ti,+i4.3 765,i61,66 774,844.73 1,559,646.73 /J/ IHNfffff*RHlf NNNNNfifit*********11f f f HH CITY OF NYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING REVENUE DEBT WITH PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1987 OUTSTANDING DEBT TO DE DEFEASa PRICED TO MATiRITY kffifffffH#f#f#f##fffiftfffl#flHff iffffff#f A REFUMING STUDY ? EPARED by FIRST SOUTHiAEST Ca PANY DALLAS, TEXAS NOVEMSER 11, 196o / ; :i3 JUu7nrE5 ...WARY 11,1 i0 1986 1'Abt; i Kt.UicD NAME - 01.'2 71 PRICED T6 MATURITY iAii. 1PiINci k iigtiq tTtRE37 iiiiiiiiiii 6i61, 06 i5,il0a.44 6.511 7,477.98 22,477.i8 12uiii1967 6,591,77 6,591.77 oii1/iiif8 .3,064,04 6.501 6,590.48 21,591.48 t2/i1i,968 6,103.27 6,103.27 6/44 1789 26,040.44 6.51i 6,102.98 26,102.98 i2iii:ii6y 5,453.27 5,453.27 6i61/1991 20,00.14 6.511 5,452.98 25,452.98 1c/i1/1991 4,813.27 4,843.27 oi01/1991 ci,110.ii 6.625 4,8112.98 24,812.98 ii:/iiiiiii 4,148.75 4,441.75 6101/1992 21,180.ii 6.625 4,141.58 24,140.51 i2ii;ili;2 3,478.23 3,478.23 oilliii93 25,100.11 6.625 3,476.02 28,478.42 1 Ji1/1993 2,650.08 2,651.0 6/41;1994 25,440.44 6.625 2,649.92 27,649.92 12/014+94 1,821.93 1,821.93 6/61i1995 25,000.44 6.625 1,821.82 26,821.82 12/01i1995 993.78 993,78 6/11/1996 311,404.4i 6.625 993.72 331,993.72 iCTAL3 a15,4;0.44 79,146.73 294,146.73 -ni; nAt_i Eftri i,uUP04 iS iGU*DED uP uti THE i2/01 PAYNEST /,/ v ST ; ,T'E;T Gi1IPANt i ii 1 i,iiio PA6E; i AECGRD WI - rY�iE 61 ?RICER TO MATURITY DA1 Pc}N COUPO1! WiliiT Kit xR61_i 6/10 1967 17,551.11 17,531.14 12/11+067 17,551.11 17,551.14 6iii,i961 17,551.11 17,551.10 1u 41/►966 17,551.10 17,551.01 6/Mir1969 17,551.61 17,551.ii 12/i1/1969 17,551.10 17,351.61 6ii1i1991 171554.1A 17,551.0 12/iiii991 17,351.ii 17,530.Oi 6/iiii991 17,551.11 17155i.ii 12/04091 171551.1i 11,551.0 6i41/1992 17,554.i1 17,551.11 12i11/1992 17,551.11 17,551.11 6/14 1995 17,551.1i 17,550.11 ici11/1995 17,551.4i 17,551.11 Oiii/1994 17,551.1i 17,551.16 12/11/1994 17,551.11 17,556.11 6/1111995 17,551.00 17,556.61 12/11/1995 17,551.00 17,551,01 o/Jiiii96 17,551.11 17,551.14 i2/01/1996 17,556.01 17,554,41 3111; i97 30,64.iu* i.441 17,551.14 47,551.01 ,u ui/irv' ib,211.41 16,214.04 0/o if+o 55,4A,u+i* 9.0d4:i 16,210.J3 3i,210.i►u i2/4i,iiii 14,625,10 14,625,0i 06 i:i!{Y JS,UUL.NY* 9.014 14,625.01 49,625,44 i;:/ii, .=i+ 13,156.01 15,050.14 a,9t!000J• 49,Ub!l.Vd* J.YOJ 13,6i.YV 53,45i.01 ,Z,;,.c+;;t 1,,256.0J 11,25i.u0 a, /Luui 4:5,i4; ,4* 9.064 11,251.14 56,256.41 iCrui/241L 7,225.4i 9,225.40 6- 1,24 c 54,461.10* 9,016 9,225.01 59,225.41 ,a140 C442 6,975.10 6,975,a o/vi!C445 54,444.44* 9.14i 6,975.04 56,975.41 /;)i- LUUJ 4,725,01 4,72L.41 6,4ii2.414 54,iii,ii* 9.iii 4,725.41 54,715.44 1c,oi,cuil4 2,475.11 2,475.14 oru:,a45 5a,UUj, ii* ?.004 2,475.11 57,475,41 TUTAL.5 591,111.11 525,614,41 915,641.64 /./ / Fiat nouTAES7 COMPANi ttiiiitide PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - tiTLIE 86 PRICED TO MATURITY uATC PRINCIPAL POtUPON i?iTiiiST DOT SE14ICE co4i:1167 6,720.61 6,724.01 12/61iiii7 6,720.61 6,7i0.01 6ii1i1988 5,440.40 8.410 6,720.6 11,726.1i 12,6iii988 6,511.11 6,510.00 6iiiii989 5,iii.0i* 8.411 6,51141 11,511.11 12i11/1989 6,301.1/ 6,311.0 6/11i1996 5,iii.10* 8.411 6,311.60 11,31i.01 12ii1i4991 6,194.81 6,198.11 6/i1/091 5,iii.i0* 8.411 6,01.01 11,091.01 12/11i1991 5,880.11 5,881.16 6iiiii,992 5,060.00 8.41i 5,881.6i 11,881.6 12ii1i1992 5,670.41 5,671.41 6iiiii1993 5,101.40* 8.411 5,671.4i 10,670.01 12/11'1993 5,461,0i 5,461.01 biili1994 5,104.40* 6.410 5,460.44 10,464.01 12i41/1?94 5,251.61 5,251.10 biilil995 5,000.OI* 8.41i 5,25614 10,254.00 12i0ii1995 5,141.1i 5,040,0i oi0ii19Yo 5,400.40* 8.444 5,040,41 14,040,10 iciuiii9io 4,830.40 4,850.01 oiiiii147 1u,606.00* 3.440 4,836,4i 14,6.30.41 12iu,r ,i�7 4,414,44 4,41 •iti b,iii ,iii 6,41i4:4v* 6.4iit 4,416.00 14,41U,Oi iZ.i it t;ii 3,i90.i0 3,igi 6 o,vi, i+ai 14,300,46* 3.4v6 3,990.61 13,9%0,ui ic:ii, ii;; 3,570,60 3,576.06 o,i,,, a6t) 16,666.uu* 3.416 3,576.0i 13,576.6i iz 61.:646 3,150.64 3,156,60 ,,J.i244. iU,eeV U,,* 3:460 3,136,60 i3,i,,U,U0 i2,;.,2iii, 2,73i.0i 2,730.60 •,y, i4.: i0,060,00* 8.460 2,731.04 12,734,41 )2/41i:4i2 2,31i.0i 2,314.44 oi;i)Z443 )0,404,40* 8.400 2,311.66 i2,31u,vu i2:ai ::ii43 1,iii.6i 1,8id.v0 6,4i 2ii4 i5,i00.ii* 8.40 1,896.0i 16,89ii.i6 iu viiCG04 1,264.0i i,261.Ys o,4:i2445 15,604,64* 8,406 1,260,44 16,260,40 lvil,Zie. 630,00 630,41 oi6ii240e i5,4011,04* 3.411 630.00 15,634.00 T3;AL3 toi,i00.00 174,141.1i 330060,4i l4444*4*******:4******* #W,****r ******** CITY OF NYLIE, TEXAS REFUNDING OF ALL OUTSTANDING Rtv€MJE DEBT WITO PRINCIPAL STARTING IN 1987 3OTSTANDING DEBT TO BE DEFEASED PRICED TO CALL 4**44#11.***4 *************#oil ****** *****# BY r,RW 53uTnwEST 6umr4o4 DkLAS; TEXAS dwEHbER i l, t+ao //off • FIRST 5 uT HEST CONPANt 1i/11/1986 ?ACE: 1 RECORD NAME - 4YLIE TO CALL. CONDO MOUNTS HT,6- PRINNE& INTEREST poi SERVICg 1/31/1187 175,111.11 31,347,98 216,347.98 1/36/1968 15,111.11 48,281.25 63,281.25 1/31/1989 21,811,18 47,316.25 67,316,25 9/31/1998 21,181.11 46,816.25 66,116.25 1/31/1991 21,111.11 44,716.25 64,716.25 9/31/1992 21,111.11 43,381.25 63,381.25 7,31/1993 25,141.11 • 42,156.25 67,156.25 9/31/1994 25,111.11 41,411.11 63,411.11 9/34/1995 415,111.8i 38,743.75 453,743.75 9/31/1996 31,111.11 1,987.51 31,987.51 TOTALS 765,111.11 384,216.73 1,149,216.73 // 5/ FIRST SOuTn6EST COAPANi 11/11/1186 PAGE: 1 RECORD WIVE - WYLIE TO CALL COMBINE) AMOUNTS ggi PRD CIPA4 iN:REST ggiliaggi 6/01/1987 175,11/.11 31,347.98 206,347.98 12/1;i1987 24,141.77 24,141.77 6/1i/198o 15,011.i1 24,141.48 39,148.48 i2/i1/1988 23,653.27 23,653.27 6/81/1969 21,801.0i 23,632.48 43,652.98 12/41i1969 23,113.27 23,113.27 6/1i/i991 21,111.11 23,112.98 43,112.98 12/11/199i 22,353.27 22,353.27 6/81/1191 21,814.11 22,352.98 42,352.98 12/11/1991 21,691.75 21,691.73 6/01i1992 21,111.10 21,691.51 41,691.51 12/01i1992 21,128.23 21,128.23 6/11i1993 25,110.44 21,028.12 46,128.12 i2ii1/1993 21,211.18 21,218 38 6/01i1994 25,001,10 21,199.92 45,199.92 12/11/1994 19,371.93 19,371.93 6/111/1995 415,110.11 19,371.82 434,371.82 12/1111995 993.78 993.78 6iiii1996 34,001.00 993.72 30,993.72 TOTALS 765,4i4.00 384,216,73 1,149,216.73 //� ;iii5T ATIImEST Cii$PANY 11.11/t06e rACI: 1 AECORD NME - 61LiE 61 TO CALL PRICil TG CALL 011 ?ilitG"P�yR COi#OA iliggil HILIghici piii/i'i67 17,551,00 17,554.01 12/6ii1967 170551.11 17,556.41 6iiiii,iii 17,551.11 17,551.11 12/6406i 17,551.06 17,551.10 bi 6 ii 1969 17,551.i11 17,551.141 12/11/1969 17,551.11 17,551.1i 0/11/1991 17,551.11 17,551.11 121i1/1i91 17,531.11 17,551.11 b,iiii991 17,530.11 17,550.11 12/61i1991 17,551.61 17,556.11 641/1992 17,551.11 17,531.11 12/11/1992 17,531.10 17,556.01 6/61;095 17,551.11 17,551,11 121+11/1995 17,551.01 17,551.16 6/11i1994 17,551.10 17,551.10 12%6i/1994 17,550.0i 17,551.10 a 11/095 300,161.16 9.iii 17,551.16 A67,550,01 MALL 391,iii►.ii 296,351.61 b68,350.06 /'✓ Fi1ST 3OUTNNEST COMPANY 11i11/1986 PAGE: 1 RECORD NAME - ITLIE 86 TO CALL PRICED TO CALL PRINCIPAL gingg INTEREST SERV Q 6i61i1967 166,011.01 8.411 6,726.61 166,721.u1 TOTALS 161,161.61 6,721,11 166,721,16 / /7 4