02-16-1984 (City Council) Agenda Packet AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1984 AT 7 : 00 P.M. AT CITY HALL WYLIE, TEXAS INVOCATION CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE COUNCIL BUSINESS vl 1-3 Consider approval of minutes for Council meeting of January 10, 1984 and for Meeting of Feb. 2 „ 1984. v2 4 Consider acceptance of resignation by John Seeley for the Planning & Zoning and the Plat Revue Committee. 5 Consider appointment to vacancy on Planning and N,. Zoning Commission. 0)) 4 5 Consider appointment to vacancy on Plat Revue / Committee . \ 5 5 Consider appointment to vacancy on Zoning Board of Adjustments . 1 ✓6 6-7 Consider appoinment of contact person required,( by Federal Revenue Sharing Regulations (CS) . I 17 oral Consider appointment of Council Sub-Committeer/ to recommend to the full Council an overall policy for W & S impact fees and system improvement costs . (CM) 8 oral Consider appointment of representative for tile "Relief Co-ordinating Committee" . (CM) PUBLIC HEARINGS & ORDINANCES 119 8-11 Conduct first public hearingannexation on annex on !` / ✓ of 15 acres from the D. H. Williams Survey ! ' Abstract 1021 . (Located on FM 3412 - proposed site of new elementary school) J10 12-15 , Conduct first public hearing annexing 20 acres"/ from the E. C. Davidson Survey , Abstract 267. (Proposed site for West Wind Meadows #3. ) � 11 16-18 / Conduct public hearing zoning a tract of land of 124.43 acres out of the E. C. Davidson Survey located on F.M. 3412 . (Commonly known as Westgate W 12 19-32 ✓ Consider an ordinance zoning a tract of land 't of 124 .43 acres out of the E. C. Davidson Survey - located on F.M. 3412 (commonly referred to as Westgate Addition) . 7 • 1 • d13 Consider ordinance amendin 81-5 , Section 10-501 g the zoning ordinance changing the minimum side- yard set-back from 6 4r 6.5 feet to 6.0 feetffor S .F. 2 . (CM) / 14 Consider an ordinance amendin (83-15) requiring framingg the building code brick exteriors . (CEO) specifications d NEW BUSINESS /15 oral Consider approval to modify the qualification requirements for the City Police Force . (PC) of Wylie Re rve 16 37-44 Consider request for re-zoning of Block 2 , Lot 1 Russell Addition ,(4Q5 N. allard to B-1 . i Alrarom SF-1 'l7 oral Consider authorization for City Manager conduct a public ;"Candidates Briefing to (CM) Session". 18 45-48 Consider policy guidelines for payment of lab tests and street sins in AP",Q;� -e' 4g developments . (CM).-, 4-7 UNFINISHED BUSINESS v 19 oral Consider final acceptance of streets and utilities in the Railroad Industrial District (Don Kreymer) No 20 oral Consider approval of delegation of responsi- bilities for Parks between City of Wylie and WSA . (Mayor Pro-tem Akin) CONSENT AGENDA 21 ITEMS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AND VOTED ON BY THE CITY COUNCIL AS A GROUP, UNLESS ANY COUNCIL MEMBER DESIRES TO DISCUSS AN INCLUDED ITEM INDIVIDUALLY oral Consider approval of transfer of set of 1982 Thomas Registers to the Wylie Area Chamber of Commerce. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE/PAYMENT/BUDGET AMENDMENTS 49-50 Consider approval for accounts payable. 51-58 Consider authorization to enter lease agreement for a copying machine. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION AND REPORTS 22 oral Mayor and Council Reports . 23 59-79 Administrative Reports. 24 oral Citizen Participation . 25 Close public meeting _- _ ._..�.._....._ _ 2 EXECUTIVE SESSION 26 80-81 Convene Executive Session under the tho article 6252-17 of Vernon 's AnnotateduCivilty of Statutes Section 2 Paragraph (g) "Personnel Matters". 27 Re-convene open meeting . 28 Consider possible action on matters discussed in closed executive session. 29 ADJOURN 3 ( ) City Council Minutes January 10, 1984 7:00 P.M. The Wylie Cit 1984 in he y Council met in regular session on Thesda Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Squires presided.January 10, Quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required Robert B. Squires, ired by law. Those in attendance were Ma o Ron rt B. , C eo yor Pro Tem John Akin, Councilmen Percy Simmons,y r City Secretaryghes, o Adams, and William Martin and Cityr Carolyn Jones, Public Works Director and Code Gus EnPaforcement Officer Roy Faires I. W. Santry, Mike Rawlings, tizencement ' g and other Citizens. rove Minutes and Accounts Pa- able: Mbtion Akin to approve minutes an accounts payable. was onde by MC Pro Tem P y Adams. All in favor. Seconded by Counun cilman Si Ordinance for Annexation of 1.949 acres East f of land is located East of lie ony 1 This tract Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to a proveext andto siA1P omega Floodi. nanCe for this area. Seconded by Councilmansign in favor. royal Qri- Martin. All . royal of Relief Patrolman: City Manager Gus Pappas said that most of this patrolmarfssala would come from cutting Mayor Pro Tem Akin said there was an advantageotor this man since heohascers. worked for Wylie Police Department before.one Patrolman would eliminate the auxiliarypayro or Squires asked if this no; this would assure twoe patrolman. Chief Abbott said Hughes to approve the relief 1 atroh]ir�anc� Motion was made by Aug ines favor. Pro Councilman Akin.P Seconded by Mayor Tem Akin. Bids for Fire De artznent for Radio Base Station: Received two bids on this base station as follows: Kan's Communication $4, 996.00 - General Electric Radio Midland - $2,240. 70 - Midland Radio Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to award the bid to Midland in the amount of $2,240. 70. Seconded by Councilman Adams All in favor. Bids for Janitorial Services for Cit Hall and Libr t e one i . It was recommen e to st to t Staff received only program with staff and not accept that one bid. to wor out a cleaning Departmental Reports • Mike Rawlings reported that the old red fire hydrants in the old section of the City are not working. There are approximately 25 of these fire hydrants. Mr. Santry said the fire hydrants should be checked on a regular basis. All department reports were accepted as submitted. Ma or and Council Re ort: Mayor Squires uires aPP t e to ep one surveys up atingthe e 1entd a Committee to look at and - Simmons are to serve on this committee. y Councilmen Hughes Council also agreed to move the February 14, 1984 meeting to Thursday, February 16, 1984. ) , Councilman Martin is concerned jwater. about the amount of sand ' Councilman Martin suggested staff talk with North Water District about thisgetting into the problem, Texas MLmicipal Mayor PtO Tem Akin asked about the c is completed, Council shoubd completion of the Park.II Co the park. Mayor give some thought about `� soon for h II ofa Fe or Pro Tem Akin is very another grantwith Phase Railroad on an agreement for the land.interestedSanta in working are interested but want same of the cross" the Fee representatives Pro Tem Akin saidcrossing on Highway 78 closed.maintain the saidmaybe an agreement could be reached to Mayor crossing instead of closing them where the City would Councilman Hughes wanted the staff to in one of the light poles and also have the park checked as there is a short a short in the concession building. Councilman Sums wants to see a cleanup ai Councilman Simms wants to see the weedycampaign for the City lot ordinance this spring. City Manager s pa enforced. Ga ppas informed Council about the possible Don Kreymer's Industrial buildings and problem with Mr. Dent with Mr. K Industrial for Cu go apar is• There should be would be responsible for the lines. on property to read an ease- meters but Nk-, Kreymer City Manager GUs Pappas informed Council of the cost The City has been rentingfor the Xerox machine. of $2ity plus n h this machine for approximately $1,400. 00. month. Xerox has offered this Citymacineytorthetcost The average monthly payment for lastyear City �nager'said the City could do better was $246.00 for with lease purchase. with newer copier equipment month. Motion was made by Councilman witho nthe teems in Article 6 7H5ughes to go into executive session in accordance 7 V•A.C.S. section 2e to discuss Seconded by Councilman Adams. legal matters. All in favor. g Mayor Squires called Council back into open session. Motio Dan Adams to allow City Manager Gus n was made b Pappas a $200.00 a month car allowanc e Seconded by Mayor Pro Temimcil- ��• All in favor. Motion was made by Councilman Adams to adjourn Seconded b All in favor. y Councilman Hughes. Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST; Carolyn Jones, CitSecretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 2, 1984 The Wylie City 1984 at 5:30 Council met in a called P.M. in the Council session on Thursday, 1984 4idt A quorum was ChambersMayor Februaryes 2, for A inpresent and notice of City Hall . had Seni Mayor timetheob and the manner required by law.the meeting t been Mayor Simmons B. Squires, Mayor Pro TemJohn Aki Those in posted d Cleo Adams r Akin, Secretary Hughes, ance e Carolyn Jones. City Manager Gus Pappas, Councilman William Martin . City Mayor was absent, Secretary ySquires called the meeting was to call meeting to order and said the an order for City Officer's ElectionUrpose of the 1�1otion was made by Ma or Mot April 7, 1984 y Pro Tem Akin to call Seconded by Councilmanfavor. Order for CityElection fAdams. All in fa Motion was made by Pro Tem Akin to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Hughes. All in fav Robert B. Squires, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING January 12,1984 MINUTES 7:00 P.M. The Wylie A.q' .lie Planningas sdaY January Zoning 10 mission met re gular sessi Aand in presentr n notice of 984 het the had been poste ity d at 7.00 Fin the, Vice required by law. rag been posted for Hall. man Joe Gaston Charm John Seale_Those in attendance the Carolyn Jones and Kenn City Y� Kent Crane dance were chair- Ran Roy Fame , ' Manager � Pa Sarah Connell Minutes: I. W. SantTy' Jam' Land, Secretary y' rove Woodward. Care instead ofes Sarah Cot November 10 Sent out for nnell 1983minutes to special use Connelly's Day Care. reflect Wylie Day item was re permitDue to not h Navin beenreturned to Planning and Zoning NOV�er 8, 1983 having letters it isspelled with ut._ t December meeting, this two 1 Gaston re 8, 1983 with letters from voting not sustained. Also minutes totre his name to be corrected, fleet Sarah-1 Connelly abstained Motion was made by Randall Seconded byGaston to a Ken Mauk. All in favor. approve minutes with the above correct'Variance on s uare foota e tuns. for his tether. for SF2 home: Jane Woodward the City pz-dinanCee wants a house faith less s wants to build which Board should h requirement. qua feet of livinguha house Zoningand act The Question was brought area that Board of h Adjustment or Planning on this variance If it should gobefore as to check into Adjustment and Zonin Connelly requested around the lot question.There should be letters sentso thtoproe requested i be requested This variance is beingProperty owners and would check brought back after a lot is decided reed toy Woodward heif the , ance to see which Board this should City Manager saido ask PlanningCouncil and Zoning wants to hear this type of variance, City Manager Also appoint them as two boards. will Zoning for West ate Develo from the Bi ernent: This developement is located on acrosss: 111gham Land Trust. This is zoning for 124.43 a FM 3 es4as follow 52. 18 Acres - Single Family 2 2.30 Acres - Retail 13.87 Acres - M. F. - Duplex 21.09 Acres - M. F. - Apartments 13.43 Acres - Industrial 8.02 Acres - Townhouses 13.54 Acres - Streets There being no question or opposition on this zoning Chairman Fulghal:1 called for a motion. Motion was made by Randall Gaston to recommend the above zoning to City Council for approval. Seconded by Kent Crane. All in favor. Motion was made to adjourn Planning and Zoning. All in favor. Chairman Fulgham called the meeting back to order fora planning session with J. T. Dnnkin. There was a lot of discussion about expanding the SF2 and SF1 square feet of living area. J. T. Dunkin had several questions in /6 the seconddto the list of would be back for meeting in February hanger for the frhn Seeley ma the meeting. to be a planner ordinaDunkin nce.o�Iy was set up; f conflict o f because °statement to _Nanning d T. for Mo interest. °me business og and Zoning faorn made to ad' ssdealshewoldb hewouldb was boo by Randall Gaston e involved rCoul•d is us_ Seconded by Ken . Ad/ � Joe FulgChairman