10-10-1983 (City Council) Agenda Packet date posted 10-7-83 • time posted 8:00 A.M. ��� O F �f G LAKE `.f LAVON WYLIE • LAKE RAY HUBBARD AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 10, 1983 8:00 P. M. 1 . Executive session to discuss personnel matters 114 NORTH BALLARD P.O.BOX 207,WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 PHONE(214)442-2236 r-a 2 9 RE I) j'c-3 &Ly of SJ V EUT cl-JoTt c?Le/iy y 1 "The Gateway To Tropical Florida" - 320 E. dl/fain eStuet CNEw g'ott SRic`iey, 91otida 33552-2576 _PiConE 813 849-2261 (Office (Df gfie City dV(anage% September 27 , 1983 City Secretary City of Wylie P.O . Box 428 Wylie , Texas 75098 • Dear City Secretary: Please accept this letter and the attached resume as my application for the position of City Manager for the City of Wylie. Should you or the City Council require any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Gus . Pa s City Man ger GHP:rem RESUME • PERSONAL INFORMATION Name : GUS H . PAPPAS Place of Birth: Dallas , Texas Date of Birth: April 5 , 1944 S .S . Number: 466-68-3845 Height: 5 ' 11" Marital Status : Married Weight : 190 lbs . Wife ' s Name: Denise Health: Excellent Number of Children: Four CURRENT ADDRESS 1104 Hibiscus Lane Home Phone : (813)845-3125 New Port Richey, Florida 33552 Office Phone: (813)849-2261 EDUCATION Master of Public Administration from North Texas State University Concentration in City Management , Finance, and Personnel . Bachelor of Arts from North Texas State University Concentration in Political Science and Sociology. EXPERIENCE June 1982 CITY MANAGER, City of New Port Richey, Florida. Home rule to present charter city with direct responsibility in City Manager 's office for all administration and operation of the city government . Population: 12 , 400 . City incorporates all phases of municipal services with a full-time staff of 122 employees , and a total operating funds in excess of 8 .3 million. The City has unionized Police Department . Organized and restructure City departments and divisions . Established computer generated budget . Updated city personnel system, reclassified employees , and instituted new pay schedule . Established City Council Work Session system. Began and directed capital improvement projects for a Wastewater Treatment Plant and 31/2 mile force main. On- going program of investigation for alternative methods of delivery of services . April 1980 CITY MANAGER, City of Port Aransas , Texas . Home rule charter to May 1982 city with direct responsibility in City Manager' s office for all operations of the city. Population: 5 ,040 with tourist peaks up to 30 ,000 . City incorporates all phases of municipal service with a full-time staff of 62 and total operating funds in excess of 3 . 25 million. Acquired IBM System 34 computer and establishe basic accounting and financial procedures to include purchases , encumberances , billing, payroll and budget . Formulated master plan for long-range street improvements to include method and financing. Installed system and procedure for live television coverage of Council meetings on local TV . Planned, financed, and began construction on jail, dog pound, Community Center and harbor improvements . Directed preparation, emergency operation: and recovery procedures connected with Hurricane Allen, which hit this coastal city in the fall of 1980 . GUS H. PAPPAS Page 2 January 1977 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR, ADMINISTRATIVE to April 1980 ASSISTANT , City of Mineral Wells , Texas . Population: 21 ,000. Budget 6 .5 million with 210 employees . Direct responsibility for operations of departments of Personnel , Parks & Recreation, Municipal Airport , State and Federal Grants and Cemeteries. Assisted the City Manager in the overall operation and management of the City and whatever specialized duties and assignments he might assign. Project Director of Federal Grant program for youth. Staff, 26 ; annual budget , 1 . 6 million. Acquired FFA Funding for airport improvements and devised master plan for long range airport development. Investigated and recommended numerous changes in user fee charges to promote greater equity in the charges and reduced burden on property taxes . As Grants Administrator , made application and secured various grants . In charge of overall grant administration. Total dollar value of grants - 4. 5 million. As Administrative Assistant , accomplished a Water and Sewer Rate Study culminating in rate adjustments . Design and implementation of City personnel regulations and pay scales . Public relations assignments . June 1969 to PRIVATE SECTOR - Established, owned, and operated sole January 1977 proprietary business , "Pappas Restaurant ," 3321 Broadway Blvd. , Garland , Texas; full service restaurant , seated 150 people , employed 15 people average. Annual sales , $180 ,000 ; annual sales increase , 27% ; capital worth, $250 ,000. February 1966 U. S . ARMY, COMMISSIONED OFFICER - CoiLuuanding Officer of Intelligence Company, Officer Candidate Company and Infantry Company; Batallion Operations Officer , U. S. Army Instructor at Infantry School; Combat Duty, Vietnam. OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS U. S. Army U.S . Army Officer Candidate School, H & D Graduate , Fort Benning, Georgia, Intelligence Analyst , Top Secret Security Clearance . Published articles in professional journals , Instructor in Leadership, Personnel Counseling and Tactics . Letters of commendation, awards and decorations. (Supplied on request. ) BUSINESS Personnel, management , purchasing, administration, finance and cost accounting. GOVERNMENT Consultant for feasibility study to consolidate cities of Lake Dallas , Corinth and Hickory Creek, Texas MEMBERSHIPS International City Manager' s Association (Full Member) Florida City & County Management Association (Full Member) American Society for Public Administrators Pi Alpha Alpha, National Honor Society, Public Affairs and Administration REFERENCES SUPPLIED UPON REQUEST f; .K7/ ' July 31, 1983 A I Ic Luu Honorable Mayor Bob Squires City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mayor Squires: I am pleased to submit my application and supporting in- struments for the position of City Manager, City of Wylie, Texas. I have a record of successful managerial performance in municipal administration with specific emphasis on productivity. As the City Manager of Cleveland and concurrent multiple office holder for the City of Pampa, I have worked success- fully with elected and appointed officials to make the City a better place in which to live; constantly striving for better government and quality of services. May you find my professional services in tune with your thoughts. With kind regards, I am, Sincerely n S.'�M. (Chick) Chittenden '7 RESUME S. M. Chittenden 2540 Christine Pampa, Texas 79065 806/665-2910 EDUCATION: BBA - Finance and Economics - 1948 Fort Hays State University, Ha s, Kansas 1959-1961 Washburn University Law School, Topeka, Kansas - 1973 MMA-Institute for Training in Municipal Administration, Washington, D. C. Special Studies - ICMA Courses - Municipal Public Relations - Technique of Municipal Administration - Municipal Finance Administration - Municipal Personnel Administration - Principles and Practice of Urban Planning • Certification - 1980 City Clerks/Secretaries and Small Cities Adl -nistrators "Certification, North Texas S afe University, Denton, Texas Certification - 1981 CMC/International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Pasadena, California PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Present - Auditor, Best Western Motel March 1981 - March 1982 - City Manager, City of Cleveland, Texas (7,000) Significant accomplishments to date include: 1 171‘) Revamped Solid Waste Collection System - i Responsible for bringing current landfill up to state standards and opened new landfill, which resulted in less capital equipment and chemicals, thus realizing savings of thousands of dollars. This consists of a continuing analysis of commercial collection needs. It is anticipated that this analysis will produce a 20% reduction in man hours. Instituted a water meter replacement program. This program will provide a more efficient accounting of revenues plus a more equitable billing system. RESUME CHITTENDEN, S. M. Proposed improvements to Municipal Airport to allow Jet landings. Upon completion of improvements package a grant application will be submitted to the FAA to provide funding. Feb. 1, 1980 - Mar. 1981 - Private Business 1970 - February 1, 1980 - Assistant Cit M Finance, City of Pampa, Texas (28,000) Areas of Responsibility Budget Preparation - working with considerable independence under the administrative direction of the City Manager in preparation of the annual budgets. This entailed the complete renovation of the budgetary process from a "line item" method to a performance budget which set work item criteria for the fiscal year to correspond with personnel operations and maintenance and capital outlay sufficient to carry out the program proposed. Purchasing Function/Purchasing Agent - co- ordinate and assimilate all purchasing act- ' ivities, i.e. , quotations, sealed bids, etc. , with the needs and requirements of department heads. Accounting Function/General Accountant - re- sponsible for preparation of all financial statements and posting of financial trans- actions. Warehouse/Yard - control of central storage and distribution of all materials and items purchased for department useage. Library - responsible for all phases regarding personnel, operation and maintenance, and capital outlay purchases. Data Processing - responsible for monthly expenditure and revenue reports. 1964 - 1970 p� `3 - City Secretary. City cf Pampa. Texas - this uu position functions as Secretary of the City Commission, maintains a complete record of all official City transactions, keeps a record of the minutes of the City Commission, indexes and files all official instruments and legal publications. He also serves as Secretary to various Trusts, Pensions, License Review and Pre-Qualification Boards, and is Chief election official for the City of Pampa. . 1 RESUME CHITTENDEN, S. M. 1963 - 1964 - Administrative Assistant to the City Manager of Pampa, Texas for approximately six months prior to appointment as City Secretary, City of Pampa, Texas 1960 - 1963 - Assistant in charge of Operation and production Hill Packing Company, Topeka, Kansas - as the assistant in charge of operation and production, it was my responsibility to act as VP of operation and production in his absence. An additional responsibility was the in- dividual preparation and scheduling of all plants production including purchasing of all raw and packaging materials. Also, responsible for scheduling and issuing all inter-plant movements of materials 1953 - 1960 - Cost accountant, Celanese Chemical Company, Pampa, Texas - involving fixed assets, billings, and payroll. 1950 - 1953 - Brown and Root Construction Company, Pampa, • Texas - accounts payable, payroll. MEMBERSHIPS AND ACTIVITIES: Prefessional associational memberships include the ICMA, TCMA, MFOA United States and Canada, Texas Chapter of MFOA, National Purchasing Institute, IIMC, City Clerks and City Secretaries Association of Texas. Other activities incorpor- ate offices in the Masonic Blue Lodge No. 194; Masonic Shrine, Oasis of Isis; Phi Mu Alph Sinfonia. Fraternity of America; Vice-Chairman of the Athletic Com- mittee, Kiwanis International; Boy Scouts of America, serving various offices and positions; Director in the Pampa Shrine Association; Top O'Texas Sports- man Club as Secretary-Treasurer and Chairman of the Bar-B-Que Committee. Religious activities are centered in the Fipt Presbyterian Church of Pampa where memberships include the Board of Deacons and Junior Educational Committee. SOME OF MY MOST IMPORTANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS - S. M. Chittenden (Compendum Track Record) 1 ) Promoted & implemented a performance budget for machine operation -EDP. 2 ) Kept all idle funds invested - interest in 16 yrs. $3,750,000 this allowed for more services at less cost. 3 ) Promoted & implemented a stores inventory located at warehouse - directly over shops/storage area (yard) . 4 ) Set up centralized purchasing - savings approx. 1 /3 of total purchases 5 ) Put into effect a one system reproduction copying process - Zerox 2400. 6 ) Held the residue, when certain bonds and interest paid off, in the interesting & sinking funds thus maintaining a healthy balance & holding a AA rating with Standard & Poors and a AAA rating with Moody. 7 ) Promoted & implemented EDP system for City. 8 ) Promoted & initiated a rapid rail. type of sanitation system. 9 ) Promoted the removal of safety hazard (declared surplus & salvage) 50,000 overhead storage reservoir. 10 ) Instrumental in acquiring siren warning system (implemented over a three year period) .. 11 ) Acquired street sign fabricating machine (resource saving of 50%) . 12 ) Mechanized street stripping & curb painting. Also, mechanized sand- spreader from hand shovel.' 13 ) Coordinated & supervised the 4" water line replacement program. 14 ) Instrumental in tele-metering the water wells (water treatment plant) . 15 ) Revamped solid waste collection system - responsible for new landfill & bringing it up to state standards. Continuing analysis of commercial collection needs. 20% reduction in man hours. (vol clay - soil additive) . 16 ) Instituted a water met4r replacement program. 17 ) Proposed improvements to municipal airport to allow jet landings. 18 ) Implemented preventive maintenance program. 19 ) Security safety project initiated. 20 ) Promoted the idea of police officer visiting newcomers to City. • RE'ERENCES: C. Dieter Ufer, P.E. , City Engineer, City of Cleveland - Bayshore Engineers, Inc. , Deer Park, Texas Bus: 713/479-2377 Russell Brown, Kirby Industries Divisional Manager and President of Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland, Texas Bus: 713/592-5284 Richard Boyett, Councilman, Motel and Restaurant Owner, Cleveland, Texas Bus: 713/592-2601 Harley Lovings, Chief of Police, Cleveland, Texas Bus: 713/592-2622 H. Glenn Jones, Municipal Court Judge, City of Cleveland, Texas Bus: 713/592-5639 Harold L Comer, Attorney, Pampa, Texas Bus: 806/665-5774 Res: 806/669-7781 H. J. Johnson, Ingersoll-Rand, Production Manager, Pampa, Texas Bus: 806/665-3701 Res: 806/665-1065 Jack Alexander, School Piincipal, Pampa, Texas Bus: 806/669-6731 Res: 806/665-3666 A. C. Malone, Gray County Auditor, Pampa, Texas Bus: 806/665-8311 Res: 806/669-9614 Viona Champion, Purchasing Agent, City of Pampa, Pampa, Texas Bus: 806/665-8481 Paul Jones, Fire Chief, City of Pampa, .Pampa, Texas Bus: 806/669-6441 Charles V. Hill, Executive Officer, Citizens National Bank, Abilene, Texas (Former Pampa City Manager) Bus: 915/677-4301