04-20-1993 (City Council) Agenda Packet MEMORANDUM DATE April 16, 1993 TO Mayor John Akin and City Council FROM Steve Norwood, City Manager SUBJECT City Council Worksession for 4/20/93 This memo outlines information that is being presented at Tuesday night's worksession. I am also attaching information that will be discussed. Six Month Overview of FY 92/93 Budget Brady is finalizing March end numbers and they should be ready for distribution at the worksession. March 31 was the six-month mark for the city's operating budget. Our revenues appear to be at budget with the exception of the major increase in sales tax collections. For the first six months, the city has increased it sales tax collections, over the same period last year, by over 20%. All other revenue estimates appear to be accurate or it is too early to raise concern. • Expenditures in the general fund also appear to be in line with budget estimates. We were concerned when the budget was adopted, that our expenditures were too "tight". Fortunately, directors have done an outstanding job in managing their departments and the next six months will be extremely critical. Potential Budget Amendments We will briefly go over a few items that must be amended, but no formal action will occur until May. A couple of the budget amendments are; the settlements to James Johnson and Don White and an amendment must be made regarding the ambulance contract. There will be a few items throughout the budget of the $2,000 - $5,000 range that also need to be increased. Our budget is in relatively good shape and the amendments can be easily explained. BR Garbage Collection/Curb Side Recycling I have virtually reached the conclusion of negotiations with BFI regarding the City's sanitation and curb-side recycling service. BFI has performed a credible job in trying to provide a level of service that does not increase the cost to the residents of Wylie. During last years one year renewal with BFI, they lowered the rates to both residential and commercial customers in addition to absorbing a 25 cent increase on landfill cost. With the current proposal, BFI did not reinstate their cost decreases from a year ago. However, they did restore the 25 cents to cover the landfill increases. For all practical purposes, BFI has kept the rate the same for both residential and commercial customers. As you can see from the attached sheet, the Council has an opportunity to significantly lower the cost of sanitation to the citizens of Wylie. The main reason why Council has this opportunity, is because the City has lowered the portion of the rate that is attributed to debt service on the landfill closure. Under our current rate, the City of Wylie has assessed the residents a $2.60 per month charge for debt service on the landfill closure. Since the landfill closure did not cost what we had estimated, and that some of the monies were shifted to the utility construction fund, we were able to lower this debt service charge to $1.55 per month. The three options that were negotiated with BFI were done for various reasons. The option that I am recommending is proposal B-1. Not only does this lower the residents garbage bill by 10%, but it also incudes a curb-side recycling program. The one concern that some residents may have will be that garbage collection is being reduced from 2 pickups a week to 1 pickup a week. However with recycling, they should not have as much garbage on the garbage pickup day. Proposal B-2 would still have 2 garbage pickups and one recycling pickup. However, this would increase the cost of this service by roughly 8%. More importantly, it would not encourage recycling. Proposal B-3 would include polycarts. Several cities are beginning to utilize the 75 - 90 gallon polycart but there is an increase of cost due to the cost of the polycart. Should council desire to explore this option, I'm sure there would be some opportunities for the city to negotiate a better rate instead of an $11.10 charge that would he assessed. In regard to curbside recycling, BFI will be charging the City approximately $1.30 per month per resident. This is roughly 75 cents to a $1.00 lower per month than what neighboring cities were able to achieve. The reason why the City will receive such a low rate is due to it being a Wednesday collection. The fact, is that BFI's recycling trucks sit idle on Wednesday's and that we were able to avoid any capital cost associated with recycling. I will inform you of further details of the contract with council on Tuesday night, so please bring your questions and concerns. I am attaching a copy of the specifications that were issued to BFI. At this point, my plans are to have the awarding of a sanitation contract and curbside recycling on the April 27 agenda. I will also have Randi Smith from BFI will be here to address any issues or answer any questions at a 6:00 p.m. pre-meeting in order for council to be provided with additional time to discuss this with BFI. Service Center Attached is a memo from Carl Riehn and NTMWD regarding a potential site for the City of Wylie's Service Center. I have negotiated a possible deal with North Texas to allow the City of Wylie to receive approximately 4.5 acres at no cost since the City is having to amend it's thoroughfare plan to accommodate the 200+ acre expansion of North Texas. I have performed some preliminary environmental testing on this site and it appears to be free of problems. The site is large enough to allow for future expansion. It also allows us a future site for a fire station for this side of town. Furthermore, this site puts it in closer proximity to City Hall as well as siting it off of our major thoroughfares; 544 and SH78. Again, on Tuesday night; I will explain in more detail the particulars regarding this proposal. North Texas has this on their April 22, board meeting to approve. So if there are any major concerns addressed Tuesday night, we will still have time for North Texas to remove it. But I do not foresee any concerns that cannot be addressed. I will then have this item on the April 27 Council meeting to adopt with construction on the service center beginning in July. The completion will take approximately 6 months. This maybe an ambitious schedule, but it is definitely obtainable if we proceed quickly. • If you have any questions, I will be around this weekend. PROPOSED BUDGET ADMENDMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992/92 April 20, 1993 DEBT GENERAL UTILITY SERVICE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION FUND FUND FUND City Manager Computer Replacement $1,500 Comb. Services -G/F J. Johnson Settlement 17,500 Comb. Services - U/F J. Johnson Settlement 17,500 Comb. Services - U/F Don White Settlement 10,000 Comb. Services - U/F Wylie NE Settlement 25,000 Comb. Services - G/F Ambulance Contract (1) 18,200 Streets Birmingham -Const. (2) 40,000 Parks Flail Mower 4,200 Debt Service Fund(DSF) Debt Transfered to U/F (94,910) Comb. Services -U/F Debt Transfered from DSF 94,910 Totals $81,400 $147,410 ($94,910) (1)The new abmbulance contract will cost$18,200 than the old agreement would have for FY92/93. (2)The Birmingham street project was carried over from last year, but was not included in FY92193 budget. CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSAL BY BROWNING-FERRIS, INC. BFI City RATE RATE (1) Current Rate $7.43 $10.55 Proposal A: Residential Garbage Collection 2 x Week $7.76 $9.31 Proposal B: 1. Residential Garbage 1 x Week Residential Recycling 1 x Week $8.05 $9.60 2. Residential Garbage 2 x Week Residential Recycling 1 x Week $9.06 $11.39 3. Residential Garbage 1 x Week with Polycart Residential Recycling 1 x Week $9.55 $11.10 (5 Year Contract) Notes: 1. The City rates include $1.55 per month for debt service on landfill closure. 2. All commercial and industrial rates remain the same to the customer. 3. All proposals with recycling assume Wednesday collection in plastic bags of a color chosen by the City. 4. BFI will spend up to $3,000 per year for promotional and educational costs toward curbside recycling. CITY OF WYLIE INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For the Month Ending March 31, 1993 Balance March March Balance Fund 02-28-93 Receipts Disbursements 03-31-93 General Fund: General Fund $1,426,041 $379,184 $201,871 1,603,354 City Council Reserve 46,598 0 0 46,598 Special Revenue Funds: Community Park 4,136 919 3,582 1,473 Debt Service Fund 128,802 14,467 926 142,343 Capital Projects Funds: Street Fund 20,493 1,193 0 21,686 Perimeter Street Fund 376,313 1,842 0 378,155 Service Center (526,4 > 962 0 342,482 Landfill Closure 73,863 150 0 74,013 Enterprise Funds: Utility Fund 399,269 223,788 166,116 456,941 Utility Construction 357,241 1,039 4,200 354,080 Impact 52,867 7,350 0 60,217 Internal Service Funds Fleet Replacement 95,398 3,436 26,506 72,328 Trust and Agency Funds Police Forfeiture Fund 6,261 18 0 6,279 TOTAL-ALL FUNDS $3,313,770 $634,350 $403,200 $3,559,952 INVESTMENTS BY MATURITY AND TYPE As of March 31, 1993 Average Type Annual Yield Amount CASH AND INVESTMENTS: At 03-31-93 Certificates of Deposits Provident State Bank CD#17330 3.35% $104,166 Provident State Bank CD#17379 2.90% 56,748 American National Bank CD#400001804 3.50% 100,000 Texpool 3.87% 1,540,559 Demand Deposits $1,758,479 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $3,559,952 Page 1 CITY OF WYLIE GENERAL FUND INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Received Year or Spent to Date Annual Year as % of Expected Budget to Date Budget Total BEGINNING BALANCE $338,540 S369,700 109.2% S369,700 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes $1,485,050 $1,425,537 96.0% S1,485,050 Sales Taxes 400,550 211,633 52.8% 420,000 Franchise Fees 373,500 109,894 29.4% 382,700 Licenses and Permits 67,700 25,846 38.2% 67,700 Intergovernmental Revenues 53,360 10,141 19.0% 53,360 Service Fees 440,400 223,200 50.7% 440,400 Court Fees 140,000 82,230 58.7% 140,000 Interest Income 25,000 12,514 50.1% 25,000 Miscellaneous 25,950 10,647 41.0% 25,950 Transfers From Other Funds 250,000 125,000 50.0% 250,000 TOTAL REVENUES $3,261,510 S2,236,640 68.6% $3,290,160 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $3,600,050 $2,606,340 72.4% $3,659,860 EXPENDITURES: City Council $39,600 S16,256 41.1% $39,600 City Manager 105,210 51,000 48.5% 105,210 City Secretary 58,400 22,336 38.2% 58,400 City Attorney 69,960 28.396 40.6% 69,960 Municipal Court 62,150 26,313 42.3% 62,150 Finance 288,620 133,286 46.2% 288,620 Building and Fleet Services 86,370 39,422 45.6% 86,370 Combined Services 769,450 329,055 42.8% 804,660 Police 723,580 340,554 47.1% 723,580 Fire 219,310 82,043 37.4% 219,310 Community Development 151,990 62,078 40.8% 151,990 Streets 466,030 235,158 50.5% 506,030 Parks 154,960 73,941 47.7% 154,960 Library 73,630 34.081 46.3% 73,630 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,269,260 $1,473,919 45.1% S3,344,470 ENDING FUND BALANCE $330,790 $315,390 Page 2 • CITY OF WYLIE GENERAL FUND INTERIM STATEMENT OF ACTUAL REVENUE COMPARED TO BUDGET For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Year-to-Date Actual as%of Actual Annual Budget Annual March Year-to-Date Unrealized Current Prior Revenue Category Budget Revenue Revenue Revenue Year Year Ad Valorem Taxes: Current Taxes $1,390,740 $19,464 $1,369,609 $21,131 98.5% 95.1% Delinquent Taxes 65,110 8,236 40,426 24,684 62.1% 23.3% Penalty&Interest 29,200 3,005 15,501 13,699 53.1% 26.6% Sales Taxes: General 400,000 28,926 211,171 188,829 52.8% 35.9% • Alcoholic Beverage 550 0 462 88 84.0% 42.5% Franchise Fees: Electric Franchise 225,000 0 15,052 209,948 6.7% 8.6% Gas Franchise 41,500 0 0 41,500 0.0% 0.0% Telephone Franchise 46,000 48,420 48,420 (2,420) 105.3% 0.0% Cable Franchise 21,000 27,796 27,796 (6,796) 132.4% 0.0% Sanitation Franchise 40,000 6,323 18,625 21,375 46.6% 61.4% Licenses and Permits 67,700 6,215 25,846 41,854 38.2% 41.4% Intergovernmental Revenues: Lake Patrol 32,000 0 0 32,000 0.0% 0.0% County Library Grant 3,760 0 941 2,819 25.0% 50.0% ISD/School Guard 7,600 0 0 7,600 0.0% 0.0% Fire/Dispatcher Service 10,000 4,417 9,200 800 92.0% 36.0% Service Fees: 911 Fees 45,000 3,793 22,673 22,327 50.4% 45.1% Alarm Permits 1,200 20 1,400 (200) 116.7% 53.0% Development Fees 2,200 283 7,264 (5,064) 330.2% 74.2% Sanitation Fees 390,000 37,864 191,195 198,805 49.0% 41.6% Recreation Fees(Community Room) 2,000 500 668 1,332 33.4% 2.4% Court Fees 140,000 33,718 82,230 57,770 58.7% 30.2% Interest Income 25,000 3,881 12,514 12,486 50.1% 58.4% Miscellaneous: Rental Income 14,800 1,292 7,260 7,540 49.1% 41.1% Miscellaneous Income 11,150 285 3,386 7,765 30.4% 8.9% Transfers From Other Funds: Utility Fund 250,000 20,833 125,000 125,000 50.0% 52.5% TOTAL REVENUES $3,261,510 $255,272 $2,236,640 1,024,870 68.6% 61.4% Page 3 CITY OF WYLIE GENERAL FUND INTERIM STATEMENT OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURES COMPARED TO BUDGET For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 i Year-to-Date Actual as%of Actual Annual Budget Annual March Year-to-Date Current Prior Expenditure Category Budget Expenditures Expenditures Balance Year Year General Government: City Council $39,600 $1,450 $16,256 $23,344 41.1% 64.6% City Manager 105,210 12,838 51,000 54,210 48.5% 24.4% City Secretary 58,400 5,325 22,336 36,064 38.2% 43.4% City Attorney 69,960 7,219 28,396 41,564 40.6% 38.2% Municipal Court 62,150 6,859 26,313 35,837 42.3% 34.6% Finance 288,620 28,381 133,286 155,334 46.2% 41.4% Building and Fleet Services 86,370 12,589 39,422 46,948 45.6% 44.0% Combined Services 769,450 58,355 329,055 440,395 42.8% 36.6% Public Safety: Police 723,580 73,486 340,554 383,026 47.1% 42.7% Fire 219,310 18,366 82,043 137,267 37.4% 23.8% Urban Development: Community Development 151,990 15,790 62,078 89,912 40.8% 38.2% Streets 466,030 35,928 235,159 230,871 50.5% 30.7% Community Services: Parks 154,960 25,095 73,941 81,019 47.7% 32.9% Library 73,630 10,144 34,081 39,549 46.3% 44.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,269,260 $311,826 $1,473,919 $1,795,341 45.1% 37.4% Page 4 CITY OF WYLIE COMMUNITY PARK FUND INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Received Year or Spent to Date Annual Year as%of Expected Budget to Date Budget Total BEGINNING BALANCE $5,210 $3,680 70.6% $3,680 REVENUES: Concessions $9,000 $812 9.0% $9,000 Lighting Fees 2,100 305 14.5% 2,100 League/Athletic Fees 5,150 866 16.8% 5,150 Interest Income 250 46 18.5% 250 TOTAL REVENUES $16,500 $2,029 12.3% $16,500 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $21,710 $5,709 26.3% $20,180 EXPENDITURES: Electric Service-Field Lights $4,300 $593 13.8% $4,300 Rock, Dirt, Seed 1,500 0 0.0% 1,500 Sprinkler System 1,800 0 0.0% 1,800 Special Purpose Equipment 5,270 0 0.0% 5,270 Other 0 3,645 n/a 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $12,870 $4,238 32.9% $12,870 ENDING FUND BALANCE $8,840 $7,310 Page 5 CITY OF WYLIE DEBT SERVICE FUND INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Received Year or Spent to Date Annual Year as%of Expected Budget to Date Budget Total BEGINNING BALANCE $43,000 $73,740 171.5% $73,740 REVENUES: Current Ad Valorem Taxes $452,540 $445,421 98.4% $452,540 Delinquent Taxes 21,190 15,291 72.2% 21,190 Penalty&Interest 9,500 10,498 110.5% 9,500 Interest Income 10,000 2,271 22.7% 10,000 TOTAL REVENUES $493,230 $473,481 96.0% $493,230 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $536,230 $547,221 102.0% $566,970 EXPENDITURES: Debt Service-Principal $233,370 $196,759 84.3% $214,020 Debt Service-Interest 289,580 119,950 41.4% 214,020 Debt Service-Fiscal Agent 3,200 921 28.8% 3,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $526,150 $317,630 60.4% $431,240 $10,080 $135,730 Page 6 CITY OF WYLIE SERVICE CENTER FUND INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Received Year or Spent to Date Annual Year as%of Expected Budget to Date Budget Total BEGINNING BALANCE $316,020 $324,410 102.7% $324,410 REVENUES: Interest Income 1,000 4,884 488.4% 1,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,000 $4,884 488.4% $1,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $317,020 $329,294 103.9% $325,410 EXPENDITURES: Other 0 $15 0.0% 0 Capital Improvements 310,020 0 0.0% 310,020 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $310,020 $15 0.0% $310,020 ENDING FUND BALANCE $7,000 $15,390 Page 7 CITY OF WYLIE UTILITY FUND INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Received Year or Spent to Date Annual Year as%of Expected Budget to Date Budget Total BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL $325,840 $412,520 126.6% $412,520 REVENUES: Water Sales 1,100,000 466,286 42.4% 1,100,000 Sewer Service 850,000 407,152 47.9% 850,000 Sewer Pass Thru 98,000 47,352 48.3% 130,000 Penalty&Interest 40,000 15,684 39.2% 40,000 Water Tap Fees 9,000 1,700 18.9% 9,000 Sewer Tap Fees 4,000 1,951 48.8% 4,000 Reconnect Fees 3,500 1,603 45.8% 3,500 Interest Income 9,000 9,940 110.4% 10,000 Utility Pre-treatment Fees 0 5,585 0 11,420 Recovery-Prior Year Expenditure 0 17,400 0 17,400 Misc. Income 5,500 1,671 30.4% 5,500 TOTAL REVENUES $2,119,000 $976,324 46.1% $2,180,820 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $2,444,840 $1,388,844 56.8% $2,593,340 EXPENSES: Utility Administration $125,840 $61,396 48.8% $125,840 Utilities(Water&Sewer) 569,340 166,703 29.3% 569,340 Utility Billing 114,970 50,665 44.1% 114,970 Combined Services-U/F: Combined Services-General Items 43,280 72,376 167.2% 95,780 Water Purchases 313,740 131,329 41.9% 313,740 Sewer Treatment 170,000 138,722 81.6% 170,000 Debt Service 564,080 300,537 53.3% 658,990 Transfer to General Fund 250,000 125,000 50.0% 250,000 Total Combined Services-U/F 1,341,100 767,964 57.3% 1,488,510 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,151,250 $1,046,728 48.7% $2,298,660 ENDING WORKING CAPITAL $293,590 $294,680 Page 8 CITY OF WYLIE UTILITY FUND INTERIM STATEMENT OF ACTUAL REVENUES AND EXPENSES COMPARED TO BUDGET For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 3/, 1993 Year-to-Date Actual as%of Annual Budget Annual Actual Current Prior Budget March Year-to-Date Balance Year Year REVENUES: Water Sales $1,100,000 $100,524 $466,286 $633,714 42.4% 42.6% Sewer Service 850,000 81,149 407,152 442,848 47.9% 47.0% Sewer Pass Thru 98,000 10,568 47,352 50,648 48.3% 42.7% Penalty&Interest 40,000 2,579 15,684 24,316 39.2% 36.3% Water Tap Fees 9,000 700 1,700 7,300 18.9% 38.6% Sewer Tap Fees 4,000 120 1,951 2,049 48.8% 21.6% Reconnect Fees 3,500 170 1,603 1,897 45.8% 20.2% Interest Income 9,000 620 9,940 (940) 110.4% 28.1% Utility Pre-Treatment Fees 0 1,016 5,585 0 n/a n/a Recovery-Prior Year Expenditures 0 0 17,400 0 n/a n/a Misc. Income 5,500 337 1,671 3,829 30.4% 42.3% TOTAL REVENUES $2,119,000 $197,784 $976,324 $1,165,661 46.1% 43.9% EXPENSES: Utility Administration $125,840 $13,398 $61,396 $64,444 48.8% 50.9% Utilities(Water&Sewer) 569,340 35,919 166,703 402,637 29.3% 43.0% Utility Billing 114,970 (4,608) 50,665 64,305 44.1% 39.8% Combined Services- U/F: Comb. Services-General Items 43,280 18,499 72,376 (29,096) 167.2% 4.5% Water Purchases 313,740 26,145 131,329 182,411 41.9% 45.4% Sewer Treatment 170,000 29,807 138,722 31,278 81.6% 58.1% Debt Service 564,080 0 300,537 263,543 53.3% 54.4% Transfer to General Fund 250,000 20,833 125,000 125,000 50.0% 52.5% Total Combined Services 1,341,100 95,284 767,964 573,136 57.3% n/a TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,151,250 $139,993 $1,046,728 $1,104,522 48.7% 46.7% Page 9 CITY OF WYLIE FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND INTERIM COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Month of March 1993 and the Sixth Month Ended March 31, 1993 Received Year or Spent to Date Annual Year as%of Expected Budget to Date Budget Total BEGINNING BALANCE $71,400 $78,650 110.2% $78,650 REVENUES: Aution Proceeds $5,000 $0 0.0% $5,000 Contributions from Departments 38,000 19,000 50.0% 38,000 Interest Income 2,000 1,181 59.1% 2,000 TOTAL REVENUES $45,000 $20,181 44.8% $45,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $116,400 $98,831 84.9% $123,650 EXPENDITURES: Auction Expenses $0 $0 0.0% $0 Capital Equipment: Police 30,000 26,506 88.4% 30,000 Streets 13,000 0 0.0% 13,000 Parks 13,000 0 0.0% 13,000 Utilities-Water 16,000 0 0.0% 16,000 Utilities- Sewer 16,000 0 0.0% 16,000 UB- Meter Services 0 0 0.0% 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $88,000 $26,506 0.0% $88,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $28,400 $35,650 Page 10 CITY OF WYLIE RAINFALL& WASTEWATER FLOWS 3.0 — — 3.500 Rainfall Actual Flow — 3.000 2.5 — Permttted Flow — 2.500 2.0 — -- - — 2.000 G 1.5 — `- 1.500 1. 1.0 - - 1.000 0.5 — — 0.500 0.0 I I 1 II�I1 I i i I I i -1�1I1:212-1 'I 1 I I I1©I 11© 0.000 Si! Si! S Si! uVuVVVVVVVVVVVV u V V V V V V V V V V u V V V U 4 4 $ $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 4 _ t� $ 4 $ 4 4_ N `1 ►� ^ Q N N N N N N N N ch RAINFALL (Inches) O O A) N O th O to C to O 1-Jon-93 { { { { { 2-Jan-93 0 3-Jan-93 4-Jan-93 5-Jan-934 n o 6-Jan-93 ] 0 0 :. o 0 7-Jan-93 o 8-Jan-93 9-Jan-93 10-Jan-93 E 11-Jan-93 12-Jan-93 — 2 13-Jan-93 14-Jan-93 — es n 15-Jan-93 S 16-Jan-93 O 17-Jan-93 18-Jan-93 T rn 20 19-Jan-93 'es 0 20-Jan-93 -- N 21-Jon-93 22-Jan-93 23-Jan-93 24-Jan-93 25-Jon-93 26-Jan-93 27-Jan-93 28-Jan-93 29-Jan-93 j 30-Jan-93 31-Jon-93 !.) w w §• FLOW(MGD) RAINFALL(Inches) 0 o P.) r� w o in o in o ih o 1-Feb-93 2-Feb-93 3-Feb-93 4-Feb-93 p cDi o 5-Feb-93 3 C z 0 O 6-Feb-93 a o 7-Feb-93 o 8-Feb-93 9-Feb-93 10-Feb-93 1 1-Feb-93 12-Feb-93 13-Feb-93 n J 4-Feb-93s 0 15-Feb-93 16-Feb-93 m T 17-Feb-93 O 18-Feb-93 co) 19-Feb-93 20-Feb-93 2 I-Feb-93 22-Feb-93 23-Feb-93 24-Feb-93 25-Feb-93 26-Feb-93 27-Feb-93 28-Feb-93 E:._.s......:..... _..+ .: E f O O N N W w F/nw RAINFALL(Inches) W o in o in o in o 1-Ma►-93 2-Mor-93 3-Mar-93 4-Mar-93 5-Mor-93 + - n 6-Mar-93 w o 0- - A 'Ts 7Mor-93 _ 7.1 o 8-Mar-93 9Mar-93 10-Mor--93 11 Mar-93 ::.: :: 12-Mar-93 z 13-Mar-93 14-Mar-93 n 11r 16-Mor-93 -n T 17-Mar-93 18-Mor-93 T rn 19-Mor-93 O 20Mar-93 H 21-Mar-93 22-Mar-93 23-Mar-93 24Mar-93 25Mar-93 26-Mor-93 27Mar-93 28Mor-93 29 Mor-93 30Mar-93 31-Mor-93 O O I 011111 RAINFALL(Inches) O O N N W C �n C N C to O 1-Apr-93 2Apr-93 , 3-Apr-93 4-Apr-93 5-Apr-93 C 6-Apr-93 -: Q o_ a 7-Apr-93 -, 8-Apr-93 9-Apr-93 10-Apr-93 11 Apr-93 — 12Apr-93 Z —13-Apr-93 a 10 n 14-Apr 93 �.................................................................................................... , � 15-Apr-93 — I" 0 16-Apr-93 rn 17-Apr-93 a 1- m 18-Apr-93 7° 19-Apr-93 0 20-Apr-93 tot 21-Apr-93 22-Apr-93 23-Apr-93 24-Apr-93 25-Apr-93 26-Apr-93 27-Apr-93 28-Apr-93 29-Apr-93 30-Apr-93 — Og O g t N gW �Wj O O FLOW(MGD) CN YOFWYZ/E WASTEWATERFLOWFORAPR/L 13froughAPR/L 15 B — 5 — -r • 2 - 1 - 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIM1I-'1IIII CITY OF WYLIE RAINFALL it WASTEWATER FLOWS 3.0 — — 3.500 Rainfall Actual Flow — 3.000 2.5 — Permitted Flow — 2.500 2.0 — I e --• - — 2.000 p^ 1.5 — .. — 1.500 uO 1.0 • — — 1.000 0.5 — — 0.500 0.o I I I ill—IF I I ICI ``" I;".; I I—I I I I II— 0.000 u U U U U U U U U U U U U V U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U a, as t v a� a, a� a, a, a, a a, a, o, a, v a, a, a, a, a, a) a, a, a, a, a) a, a) N N N N N N N N N N �7 RAINFALL (Inches) 0 o I.) N w o in c in o in b I I I I I I 1-Jan-93 ti 2-Jan-93 0 3-Jan-93 4-Jan-93 5-Jan-93 0 n o 6-Jon-93 .z 0 o 7-Jan-93 I T 0 _ o' &Jon-93 G::�:::::<::::::::::::�>�:> `:::::: ::::>' -77 9-Jan-93 10-Jan-93 11-Jan-93 -b 12-Jan-93 rt 13-Jan-93 y 14-Jan-93 P n a 15-Jon-93 — 16-Jan-93 17-Jan-93 1 18-Jan-93 1 rn — r 19-Jan-93 E `:`::.>":_:: E`EE:•::`E E:'E: 0 20-Jan-93 21-Jan-93 22-Jan-93 23-Jan-93 `::: ;:::>::;_<: ::;: .1 24-Jo n-93 25-Jon-93 T 26-Jon-93 27-Jan-93 28-Jan-93 29-Jan-93 3 30-Jan-93 r 31-Jon-93 I ' I I I I I O O t,) N co Pa g g O g O O g O FLOW(MGD) RAINFALL(inches) O O N N W O O O N O I I I I I i 1-Feb-93 2-Feb-93 3-Feb-93 ..,. 4-Feb-93 5 o n 5-Feb-93 2 C. 5. o t, 6-Feb-93 a o 7-Feb-93 — o — 8-Feb-93 9-Feb-93 10-Feb-93 11-Feb-93 12-Feb-93 - 13-Feb-93 1 � J 4-Feb-93 s O 15-Feb-93 T � a � 16-Feb-93 T rn 17-Feb-93 r- 18-Feb-93 ti 19-Feb-93 20-Feb-93 21-Feb-93 22-Feb-93 23-Feb-93 24-Feb-93 25-Feb-93 26-Feb-93 27-Feb-93 I 28feb-93 :;: ..: gO O g gNNj gW W FI nW/Mr1l RAINFALL(Inches) 0 o N !s 1-Mar-93 2-Mar-93 3-Mar-93 4-Mar-93 5-Mar-93 * c 6-Mar-93 :. 0 0 7-Mar-93 O. o 8-Mar-93 9-Mar-93 10-Mar-93 1 1-Mar-93 �p 12-Mar-93 — Z 13-Mar-93 y 14-Mar--93 n 1 S-Mar-93 _............................. _ S 16-Mar-93 17-Mar-93 D 1` 18-Mor--931111 19-Mar-93 20-Mar-93 N 21-Mar-93 `:: :::........................... ..................................... 22-Mar-93 23-Mar-93 24-Mar-93 25-Mar-93 26-Mar-93 27-Mar-93 28-Mar-93 29-Mar-93 30-Mar-93 31-Mor-93 I I I I i I 0 0 I vines iur_ni CITY OF WYLIE RAINFALL& WASTEWATER FLOWS 3.0 — — 3.500 Rainfall mm"""'Actual Flow — 3.000 2.5 — Permitted Flow — 2.500 2.0 - i — 2.000 G 1.5 — - 1.500 u. 1.0 -- ".�► - 1.000 0.5 - - 0.500 0.0 II®I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.000 ch ch c ' M M M cq M cM ch ch ch ch M c) M cq ch M M M M ch c� M c+t c)c M cq O� O� P O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O� O; 0. ih . ^ O. d N ch 4 ^ o N N C1 N N N N N N N GYTYOFWYL/E WASTEWATER HOW FOR APR/L 13throughAPR/L 15 — 5 — 4 — is ___ 2 — 0 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIfl1 1fI II IIIIIll Lit III CITY OF WYLIE RAINFALL& WASTEWATER FLOWS 3.0 — — 3.500 Rainfall Actual Flow — 3.000 2.5 — Permitted Flow — 2.500 2.0 -- 2.000 G au 1.5 — 2 — _+ 1.500 e. mil 1.0 - - 1.000 0.5 1111 — -- 0.500 • 0.0 I I I Irj I®I I- I I t f F...: 1 I "i."1-1-2i I 'I I I I ICI©I I":' I© o.000 u u u u u u u u u U U 66 66 66 66 u u u u u u u u U u u u v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v 4 4 � � � 4 $ � � 4 4 � � $ 4 $ 4 4 4 � � 4 � $ $ 4 � 4 N `F t� �-- N v I� a O `t ►� RAINFALL(Inches) a a ru N I I I I I i 1-Jon-93 2-Jan-93 3 3-Jon-93 73 4-Jan-93 5-Jan-93 6-Jan-93 C - c 7-Jan-93 a o T 8-Jan-93 ........... ........_... ::::<:> 9-Jon-93 t 10-Jon-93 11-Jan-93 12-Jan-93 13-Jon-93 S T 14-Jan-93 n 15-Jan-93 16-Jan-93 17-Jon-93 18-Jan-93 rn 19-Jan-93 0 20-Jan-93 N 21-Jo n-93 22-Jan-93 23-Jan-93 :... ::......'.....:; 24-Jo n-93 25-Jon-93 26-Jon-93 27-Jan-93 28-Jan-93 2 9-Jon-93 30-Jan-93 31-Jon-93 I I f I I i I O O N N I FLOW/MGM RAINFALL(Inches) O O N N W C 4� C C th C 1-Feb-93 2-Feb-93 3-Feb-93 .. . 4-Feb-93 5-Feb-93 C 6-Feb-93 A T _ 0. 0 7-Feb-93 -1' 8-Feb-93 9-Feb-93 10-Feb-93 11-Feb-93 D 12-Feb-93 T 13-Feb-93 go 14-Feb-93 ti O 15-Feb-93 t ': T ri I6-Feb-93 T 7v 17-Feb-93 ro 18-Feb-93 19-Feb-93 20-Feb-93 21-Feb-93 22-Feb-93 23-Feb-93 24feb-93 25-Feb-93 26-Feb-93 27-Feb-93 28-Feb-93 O O N N W W Ft nw/AMMI RAINFALL (Inches) o o N N co o i„ o in o cn o 1-Mar-93 2-Mor-93 3-Mar-93 4-Mor-93 5-Mar-93 A > o 6-Mor-93 .; 0 7-Mar-93 — O. 0 8-Mar-93 _ f 9-Mar-93 10-Mor-93 I I-Mor-93 12-Mar-93 — Z 13-Mar-93 14-Mor-93 n I5-Mar-93 :: : ........._ . ... ..:.....:..: 16-Mor-93 rn 17-Mar-93 D 18-Mar-93 MI T 70 19-Mor-93 r. 0 20-Mar-93 21-Mar-93 ` 22-Mar-93 23-Mor-93 24-Mar-93 25-Mar-93 26-Mar-93 27-Mar-93 28-Mar-93 29-Mar-93 30-Mar-93 31-Mor-93 O O N N W W S 8 I Ft Aw/�Il2n] CRY OF WYUE RAINFALL£ WASTEWATER FLOWS 3.0 — — 3.500 j Rainfall Actual Flow 2.5 — — 3.000 Permitted Flow — 2.500 2.0 — — 2.000 a 11 € 1.5 — 777 3 O z - 1.500 ti 1.0 - — — 1.000 0.5 — — 0.500 0.0 II®i I' Ijl -I I I I I I I I- I I I I I II I I it I I II I 0.000 co co co co M M M M M CO M c'7 ce) M CO M CO M M co) M M M M M M M 11 M M Cr P P Cr R. O• R. Os R. Os R• Or R' O' R• P O. Os t Rs Rs Os R• O. O. Rs R. Rs P R• Ir •17Q,' ► 1.. . L L �►Q7' L L . 0 ►. L. ch N N N t N N� N N N c� LYTYOFWYL/E WASTEWATER ROW FOR APR/L 13hhroughAPR/L 15 B — 5 - 4 - 1 3 T 2 - 1 - 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIiIIIIIII " ggtlIng1WIIMW =ItIMWIIIIPI CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSAL BY BROWNING-FERRIS, INC. BFI City RATE RATE (1) Current Rate $7.43 $10.55 Proposal A: Residential Garbage Collection 2 x Week $7.76 $9.31 Proposal B: 1. Residential Garbage 1 x Week Residential Recycling 1 x Week $8.05 $9.60 2. Residential Garbage 2 x Week Residential Recycling 1 x Week $9.06 $11.39 3. Residential Garbage 1 x Week with Polycart Residential Recycling 1 x Week $9.55 $11.10 (5 Year Contract) Notes: 1. The City rates include $1.55 per month for debt service on landfill closure. 2. All commercial and industrial rates remain the same to the customer. 3. All proposals with recycling assume Wednesday collection in plastic bags of a color chosen by the City. 4. BFI will spend up to $3,000 per year for promotional and educational costs toward curbside recycling. NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT APRIL 1993 ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM NO. 1540 WATER TREATMENT PLANT III WYLIE COOPERATIVE TRANSFER The NTMWD owns approximately 380 plus acres inside the city limits of Wylie. On this property is the existing 350 million gallon per day water treatment plant and sufficient land for an additional 560 MGD future water treatment plant . This memo- randum proposes a transfer of beneficial conditions for the NTMWD and the City of Wylie that will promote the utilization of the property for the purposes intended. Recently the NTMWD acquired approximately 220 plus acres for the construction of Water Treatment Plant III . The planning for the utilization of this property has been ongoing for approxi- mately one year and discussions have been held with the City of Wylie and Collin County over road relocations and utilization of the property for a water treatment plant . Agreement has been reached with the staff on proposed transfer of considerations that would prove beneficial to all parties . This includes the relocation of the proposed Spring Creek Parkway in the city ' s master plan from basically the South property line of the newly acquired property to a location allowing an intersection with existing County Road No. 384 to avoid conflicts with the proposed treatment facilities. The proposal also provides for the abandon- ment of Dog Drop Lane in an old prescriptive county road easement that passed to the city upon annexation. The NTMWD would provide an approximate 4 .55 acre tract on the Southeast corner of the intersection of County Road No. 389 and County Road No. 384 for use by the City of Wylie. These actions would bring the new site in conformance with city planning and allow for the tract to be utilized in accordance with the planning of the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District . Attached to the memorandum is a proposed joint resolution. This joint resolution has been reviewed by the Staff of the City and the NTMWD Staff and is recommended for consideration. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Executive Director that the Board approve the proposed joint resolution and authorize the Executive Director to execute a document for transfer of the 4 . 55 acre tract for use of the City of Wylie upon approval of the joint resolution by the City and agreement to the considerations included. This will be an item on the April 1993 Agenda. A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, • TEXAS AND THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT IN A COOPERATIVE TRANSFER OF CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT OF BOTH PARTIES. WHEREAS , the North Texas Municipal Water District Water Treatment Plant located in Wylie, Texas on an approximate 140 acre site treats potable drinking water for a large regional area on the North and Eastern side of the Dallas Metropolitan area; WHEREAS, the City of Wylie , a home rule city , has since 1954 cooperated with the NTMWD in the development of this major regional water treatment facility located within its city limits; WHEREAS , the NTMWD has purchased an additional 240 plus acres to the North of the existing plant site and is planning construc- tion of additional plant capacity to serve the area; WHEREAS , both parties agree that it will be in their best self interests to realign Spring Creek Parkway , abandon right-of- way for Dog Drop Lane , and transfer land for use of the City of Wylie. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District mutually agree to the follow- ing: 1 . In the City of Wylie' s master street plan Spring Creek Parkway will be realigned as it affects NTMWD property in accordance with attached Exhibit A. 2 . Dog Drop Lane (County Road 383) will be abandoned from Paul Wilson Road (County Road 384) to Eubanks Lane (County Road 389) . 3 . A tract of land approximately 4 . 55 acres at the intersection of County Road No. 389 and County Road No. 384 , being more specifically the Southeast corner, will be transferred by the NTMWD to the City of Wylie for its use for as long as the City utilizes the property for municipal purposes . Should the City cease to use the property for municipal purposes the property would revert to the NTMWD. This joint Resolution approved by the City of Wylie on this the day of , 1993 , and by the Board of Directors of the North Texas Municipal Water District on this the day of , 1993 . CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MAYOR, ROBERT C. ALLEN, PRESIDENT ATTEST: ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY JACK I . MCJUNKIN, SECRETARY • I Ne16 �1 )m w iM N / NCl/• 1 �A w"' 1169•�v ` "i t' ii�11 ilftOp0 I S 1 S� j VOL 701 PG 401 D I m I Ap. I G I 1 1 1 t 36.471 TOTAL ACRES 1 L'RF VP 11 Oh I "1 Aw . S 88'27'25. E 1 R 263:$5' 1j I � 1 1 y ' ' 4Y 9 I .J 1 I O 1 1 P. I I N I f i 1 1 1 W 1 1 n l 1 I I I , pIi 5 I � 1 SURVEY A B S T R A C T N 0 6 8 z FR ANCISCO D E L A P I N A 8 i , a. It P° _ i , i i . i i .G.)f r T .fi.fl MKS .ua ww. I T N 88'27'29. W /i 1384.08' Ii.i \ � '� /i / i EXHIBIT "A" APRIL 1993 Joint Resolution City of Wylie NTMWD A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT IN A COOPERATIVE TRANSFER OF CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT OF BOTH PARTIES. WHEREAS, the North Texas Municipal Water District Water Treatment Plant located in Wylie, Texas on an approximate 140 acre site treats potable drinking water for a large regional area on the North and Eastern side of the Dallas Metropolitan area; WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, a home rule city , has since 1954 cooperated with the NTMWD in the development of this major regional water treatment facility located within its city limits; WHEREAS, the NTMWD has purchased an additional 240 plus acres to the North of the existing plant site and is planning construc- tion of additional plant capacity to serve the area; WHEREAS , both parties agree that it will be in their best self interests to realign Spring Creek Parkway , abandon right-of- way for Dog Drop Lane, and transfer land for use of the City of Wylie. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District mutually agree to the follow- ing: 1 . In the City of Wylie' s master street plan Spring Creek Parkway will be realigned as it affects NTMWD property in accordance with attached Exhibit A. 2 . Dog Drop Lane (County Road 383) will be abandoned from Paul Wilson Road (County Road 384) to Eubanks Lane (County Road 389) . 3 . A tract of land approximately 4 .55 acres at the intersection of County Road No. 389 and County Road No. 384, being more specifically the Southeast corner, will be transferred by the NTMWD to the City of Wylie for its use for as long as the City utilizes the property for municipal purposes. This joint Resolution approved by the City of Wylie on this the day of , 1993 , and by the Board of Directors of the North Texas Municipal Water District on this the day of , 1993 . CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL1: 1) ') WATER DISTRICT% • 1 MAYOR, ROBERT C. ALLEN, PRESIDENT ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY JACK I . MCJUNKIN, SECRETARY N e�66. >rke.... N . I f .► -- N�, — . E -� L I QpO8 eO 4 r 7 5 A. 7S VOL Tor PG a9r g m A ° 11 I 9 • WA, . 1 � 8 I 36.471 TOTAL ACRES CR 10 4'F� N (°' Aw�_ S 88'27'25" E '1 4 263.35' '1 q y 1 , � 0 0 1 I N I N I I I I I W i/I/il I ! s 1 , / / SURVEY ABSTRACT N 0 6 B = FRANCISCO DE L A P I N A /J ' / / ch c / / / / T+ &SIp1Yl,PA Vag., - N 68'27'29" W / 1384.09' \ 4 // ,/ / EXHIBIT "A" APRIL 1993 Joint Resolution City of Wylie NTMWD c 1414;1) 1 This 1 nbo GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS bO(,Y r U.)pe55'V In 1.00 DEFINITIONS CY1LII-Zok3 1.01 Bags �"� 1.02 Bin 1.03 Bulky Waste 1.04 Bundle 1.05 City 1.06 Commercial and Industrial Refuse 1.07 Commercial and Industrial Unit 1.08 Construction Debris 1.09 Container 1.10 Contractor 1.11 Dead Animals 1. 12 Disposal Site 1 . 13 Garbage 1 . 14 Hazardous Waste 1 . 15 Landfill 1 . 16 Producer 1 . 17 Refuse 1 . 18 Residential Refuse 1. 19 Residential Unit 1 .20 Rubbish 1.21 Contract Documents 1 .22 Stable Matter 1 .23 Commercial Hand Collect Unit 1 .24 Recyclable Commodities 1 .25 Recycling Containers 1 .26 Polycart Containers 2.00 SCOPE OF WORK 3.00 COLLECTION 3.01 Service Provided 3.02 Location of Bins, Containers, Bags and Bundles for Collection 4 .00 COLLECTION OPERATION 4 .01 Hours of Operation 4 .02 Routes of Collection 4.03 Holidays 4.04 Complaints 4.05 Collection Equipment 4.06 Office 4.07 Hauling 4.08 Disposal Page - 2 General Specifications 4.09 Notification 4. 10 Point of Contact 5.00 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 6.00 EFFECTIVE DATE 7.00 NONDISCRIMINATION 8 .00 INDEMNITY 9 .00 LICENSE AND TAXES 10.00 TERM 11.00 INSURANCE 12 .00 BOND 12 .01 Collection 12.02 Power of Attorney 13.00 BASIS AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 13.01 Collection 13.02 Modification to Rates 13.03 City to Act as Collector 13.04 Delinquent and Closed Accounts 13.05 Contractor Billing to City 14 .00 TRANSFERABILITY OF CONTRACT 15.00 EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT 16.00 Page - 3 General Specifications 1.00 DEFINITIONS 1 .01 BAGS - Plastic sacks designed to store refuse with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. Total weight of a bag and its contents shall not exceed 35 pounds. 1.02 BINS - Metal receptacle designed to be lifted and emptied mechanically for use only at commercial and industrial units. 1.03 BULKY WASTE - Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, furniture and other waste materials other than construction debris, dead animals, or hazardous waste with weights or volumes greater than those allowed for bins or containers, as the case may be. 1 . 04 BUNDLE - Tree, shrub and brush trimmings or newspapers and magazines securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding three feet in length or 35 lbs. in weight. 1 .05 CITY - City of Wylie, Texas. 1. 06 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL REFUSE - All bulky waste construction debris, garbage, rubbish generated by a producer at a commercial and industrial unit. 1 .07 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNIT - All premises, locations or entities, public or private, requiring refuse collection within the corporate limits of the City not a residential unit. 1 .08 CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS - Waste building materials resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition operations. 1.09 CONTAINER - A receptacle with a capacity of greater than 20 gallons but less than 35 gallons constructed of plastic, metal or fiberglass, having handles of adequate strength for lifting, and having a tight fitting lid capable of preventing entrance into the container by vectors. The mouth of a container shall have a diameter greater than or equal to that of the base. The weight of a container and its contents shall not exceed 60 lbs. 1. 10 CONTRACTOR - The person, or partnership performing refuse collection and disposal under the contract with the City. Page - 4 General Specifications *. 1. 11 DEAD ANIMALS - Animals or portionsthereof equal to or greater than 10 lbs. in weight that have expired from any cause, except those slaughtered or killed or human use. 1. 12 DISPOSAL SITE - A refuse depository including but not limited to the landfills, transfer stations, incinerators and waste processing/separation centers licensed, permitted or approved by all governmental bodies and agencies having jurisdiction and requiring such licenses, permits or approvals to receive refuse and/or dead animals for processing or final disposal. 1. 13 GARBAGE - Any and all dead animals of less than 10 lbs. in weight, except those slaughtered for human consumption; every accumulation of waste (animal, vegetable and/or other matter) that results from the preparation, processing consumption, dealing in, handling, packing, canning, storage transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits, grains or other animal or vegetable matter (including, but not by way of limitation, that used in tin cans and other food containers; and all putrescible or easily decomposable waste animal or vegetable matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents) ; except (in all cases) any matter included in the definition of bulky waste, construction debris, dead animals, hazardous waste, or rubbish. 1 . 14 HAZARDOUS WASTE - Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance or article which is designated by the United States Environments Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the State to be "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal or State law. 1 . 15 LANDFILL - A facility used by the contractor where trash and garbage are disposed of by burying between layers of earth. 1 . 16 PRODUCER - An occupant of a commercial industrial unit or a residential unit who generates refuse. 1. 17 REFUSE - This term shall refer to residential refuse and bulky waste, construction debris generated at a residential unit, unless the context otherwise Irequires, and commercial and industrial refuse. 1 . 18 RESIDENTIAL REFUSE - All garbage, and rubbish generated by a producer at a residential unit. Page - 5 General Specifications 1 . 19 RESIDENTIAL UNIT - A dwelling within the corporate limits of the City occupied by a person or group of persons comprising no more than four families. A residential unit shall be deemed occupied when either water or domestic light and power services are being supplied thereto. A condominium dwelling, whether of single or multi-level construction, consisting of four or less contiguous or separate single-family dwelling units, shall or less contiguous or separate single-family dwelling units, shall be treated as a residential unit, except that each single- family dwelling within any such residential unit shall be billed separately as a residential unit. 1 .20 RUBBISH - All waste wood, wood, wood products, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches thereof, chips, shavings, sawdust, printed matter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded clothing, used and discarded shoes and boots, combustible waste pulp and other products such as are used for packaging, or wrapping crockery and glass, ashes, cinders, flood sweeping, glass, mineral or metallic substances, and any and all waste, construction debris, dead animals, garbage, or hazardous waste. 1 . 21 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - The request for Proposals, Instructions to Proponents, Contractor's Proposal, General Specifications, the Agreement, Performance Bond and any addenda or changes to the foregoing documents agreed to by the City and the Contractor. 1 .22 STABLE MATTER - All manure and other waste matter normally accumulated in or about a stable, or any animal, livestock or poultry enclosure, and resulting from the keeping of animals, poultry, or livestock. 1 .23 COMMERCIAL HAND COLLECT UNIT - A retail or light commercial type of business which generates no more than 14 30 gal. bags or containers of refuse per week. 1 .24 RECYCLABLE COMMODITIES - Material collected by the contractor pursuant to the contract documents, which can be sold in a spot or future market for processing and use or reuse including, but no limited to, newsprint, plastic (pet and hdpe) , glass containers, aluminum cans and metal (tin) cans. 1.25 RECYCLING CONTAINER - A plastic receptacle, designed for the purpose of curbside collection of recycling Page - 6 General Specifications commodities, with minimum capacity of 18 gallons. Containers shall be of a type currently utilized in other municipal recycling programs. 1.26 POLYCART CONTAINER - A pneumatic wheeled container, having a minimum capacity of 95 gallons, designed for automated or semi-automated solid waste collection systems; (Otto Industries, Inc. - Model MSD-95 or equal) . Construction shall be injection molded polyethylene. 2.00 SCOPE OF WORK The work under this contract shall consist of the items contained in the proposal including all the supervision, materials, equipment, labor and all other items necessary to complete said work in accordance with the contract documents. 3.00 COLLECTION 3. 01 SERVICE PROVIDED a) Contractor shall provide curb side collection service for the collection of residential refuse to each residential unit twice per week according to bid. Bags, containers and bundles shall be placed at curb side by 7:00 A.M. on the designated collection day. b) Contractor shall provide bin collection service for the collection of commercial and industrial refuse to commercial and industrial units according to individual agreements. The contractor shall provide commercial hand collection service for commercial hand collect units as define in 1.23 of definitions. c) Contractor shall provide transportation of collected refuse to the landfill site for disposal, which responsibility is solely that the landfill operator. d) The contractor shall provide for the special collection from residential units of bulky waste. Also, the contractor may from time to time provide for the special collection of dead animals and hazardous waste at commercial and industrial units and residential units at its sole discretion and upon such terms as contractor shall specify. (See Para. 12.01 B) 4 s. J' Page - 7 " General Specifications k > .. SS ' 3.02 LOCATION OF BINS, BAGS, Co `j, RS AND/OR BUNDLES FOR COLLECTION ' r`- . X a) Each bag, container, .; or bundle shall be placed at curb side for collection.:` i b side refers to that portion of right-of-way adjacent ' •;:' paved or traveled City roadways. Bags, containers, and/sir bundles shall be placed as close to the roadway as AWacticable without interfering with or endangering the IrVitimnt of vehicles or pedestrians. When construction work: i . ing performed in the right-of-way, bags, containers, end #;= bundles shall be placed as close as practicable to an_ access point for the collection vehicle. Contractor may decline to collect any bag, container, and/or bundle not so placed. b) Contractor shall provide bins for commercial and industrial units whenever customers request their use. CouGafc'tF Pay Each bin shall be placed in an accessible, outside location a� according to individual agreement. Contractor may decline to collect refuse in bins not so placed. PLAC.fxcNT at f3,tts Ant, '-;IzE/ComiSTAnz094 of C KGRElt PhD SN'LL SE 1S C1t l ?rc Ili FR.otaT WNEBt,S aF CoU-EL'fwg vErk►Ca, T EwriQE1..y on -r - Pk u.M-rL5 P,N I.S LtFmb ANt �Hkt.�. R�° 4 .00 COLLECTION OPERATION E b • 4 . 01 HOURS OF OPERATION a) Collection of residential refuse shall not start before 7 :00 A.M. or continue after 7:00 P.M. on the same day. Exceptions to collection hours shall be effected only upon the mutual agreement of the City and contractor, or when contractor reasonably determinesthat an exception is necessary in order to complete collection on an existing collection route due to unusual circumstces. b) Collection of commercial acid industrial refuse shall take place according to individgalreement. 4 .02 ROUTES OF COLLECTION k,"*.r a) Residential and Commelci - '.,collection routes shall be established by the contra r .' Contractor shall submit a map designating the resid1I't ., unit collection routes to the City for their approva ch approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Cit s,' 1 publish at its expense at least once during each •`.'1 `;; year a map of such residential unit collection Q�=" . '' ``: in a newspaper published in the immediate area. Th ":. .:'` shed map shall be }; ', K� Page - 8 General Specifications of such size to clearly show all pertinent information. The contractor may from time to time propose to City for approval changes in routes or days of collection affecting residential units, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Upon City's approval of the approved changes, City shall promptly give written or published notice to the affected residential units. b) Commercial and residential unit collection routes shall be established by the contractor at its sole discretion. 4.03 HOLIDAYS - The following shall be holidays for purposes of this contract: New Year's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Contractor may decide to observe any or all of the above- mentioned holidays by suspension of collection services on the holiday, but such decision in no manner relieves contractor of his obligation to provide collection service at residential units at least twice per week. 4 .04 COMPLAINTS - All complaints shall be made directly to the contractor and shall be given prompt and courteous attention. In the case of alleged missed scheduled collections, the contractor shall investigate and, if such allegations are verified, shall arrange for the collection of the refuse not collected within 24 hours after the complaint is received. 4 .05 COLLECTION EQUIPMENT - The contractor shall provide an adequate number of vehicles for regular collection services. All vehicles, bins and other equipment shall be kept in good repair, appearance, and in a sanitary condition at all times. Each vehicle shall have clearly visible on each side the identity and telephone number of the contractor. 4.06 OFFICE - The contractor shall maintain an office of such other facilities through which he can be contacted. Page - 9 General Specifications It shall be equipped with sufficient telephones and shall have a responsible person in charge from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. 4.07 HAULING - All refuse hauled by the contractor shall be so contained, tied or enclosed that leaking, spilling or blowing are reasonably prevented. 4.08 DISPOSAL - All refuse collected for disposal by the contractor shall be hauled to a landfill or other disposal site. 4 .09 NOTIFICATION - The City shall notify all producers at residential units about complaint procedures, rates, regulations, and days for scheduled refuse collection. 4 . 10 POINT OF CONTACT - All dealings contracts, etc. , between the contractor and the City shall be directed by the contractor to the City Manager or Finance Director. 4+ntom iaE-the-Gity . 5 .00 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW The contractor shall conduct operations under this contract in compliance with all applicable laws; provided, however, that the general specifications shall govern the obligations of the contractor where there exist conflicting ordinances of the City on the subject. 6.00 EFFECTIVE DATE This contract shall be effective upon the execution of the contract and performance of such contract shall begin on 7 .00 NONDISCRIMINATION The contractor shall not discriminate against any person because of race, sex, age, creed, color, religion or national origin. 8.00 INDEMNITY The contractor will indemnify, save harmless, and exempt the City, its officers, agents, servants, and Page - 10 General Specifications employees from and against any and all suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, cost, expenses, and attorneys' fees incident to any work done in the performance of this contract arising out of a willful or negligent act or omission of the contractor, its officers, agents, servants and employees; provided, however, that the contractor shall not be liable for any suits, actions, legal proceedings, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and attorneys' fees arising out of a willful or negligent act or omission of the City, its officers, agents, servants and employees. 9. 00 LICENSES AND TAXES The contractor shall obtain all licenses and permits (other than the license and permit granted by the contract) and promptly pay all taxes required by the City and by the State. 10. 00 TERM -rtwo. The contract shall be for a £-i ve (k) year period beginning upon the execution of the contract and ending f- a (3) years thereafter. The initial termii of this contract shall automatically be extended for successive additional one ( 1 ) year terms, unless either party notifies the other party in writing, not less than sixty (60) days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the initial $ , (3) year term or of any successive one ( 1) year term of its intentions to terminate this contract. Any such written notice shall be served by certified or registered mail, return receipt request. 11 .00 INSURANCE The contractor shall at all times during the contract maintain in full force and effect employer's liability, worker's compensation, public liability and property damage insurance, including contractual liability coverage for the provisions of Section 8.00. All insurance shall be by insurers and for policy limits acceptable to the City; and, before commencement of work hereunder, the contractor agrees to furnish the City Page - 11 General Specifications certificates of insurance or other evidence satisfactory to the City to the effect that such insurance has been procured and is in force. The certificates shall contain the following express obligations: "This is to certify that the policies of insurance described herein have been issued to the insured for whom this certificate is executed and are in force at this time. In the event of cancellation or material change in a policy affecting the cer- tificate holder, thirty (30) days prior written notice will be given the certificate holder" . For the purpose of the contract, the contractor shall carry the following types of insurance in at least the limits specified below: Coverage Limits of Liability Worker's Compensation Statutory Employer's Liability $500,000 Bodily Injury Liability $500,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $1,000,000 each aggregate Property Damage Liability $500,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $500,000 aggregate Automobile Bodily Injury $500,000 each person Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence Automobile Property Damage $500,000 each occurrence Excess Umbrella Liability $5,000,0000 each occurrence As an alternative to the above, contractor may insure the above public liability and property coverage under a plan of self insurance. Each insurance policy with respect to public liability insurance may provide for a self-insured retention of an amount of $250,000 with the result that the contractor is its own insurer to the extent. The coverage may be provided by the contractor's parent corporation. The contractor agrees to furnish the City with certificates satisfactory to the City evidencing such plan of self- insurance. 12.00 BOND Page - 12 General Specifications 12.01 PERFORMANCE BOND - The Contractor will be required to furnish a corporate surety bond as security for the performance of this Agreement. Said surety bond must be in the amount of $100,000.00, with no pro rata reduction over the term of the Agreement. 12.02 POWER OF ATTORNEY - Attorneys-in-fact who sign performance bonds or contract bonds must file with each bond a certified and effectively dated copy of their Power of Attorney. 13 .00 BASIS AND METHOD OF PAYMENT 13. 01 COLLECTION a) For collection service required to be performed pursuant to Sections 3.01 (a) - (b) , the charges shall not exceed the rates as shown on EXHIBIT "A" , as adjusted in accordance with Section 13.02 . b) For special collection provided by the Contractor pursuant to Section 3.01 (d) , the charges are to be negotiated between the contractor and Producer prior to collection. If agreement cannot be reached, the matter may be submitted to the City for determination of a reasonable fee. �+._,, 13.02 MODIFICATION TO RATES 0"111 cmkgu v & a) The fees whi may be charged by tee Co ractor for the = -cond and subse cent years of th- erm here - shall - adjusted upward o downward - reflect changes ' • CP as defined below. As o th- ast month of the first y- = of the contract and eve - lve ( 12) months th- eafte , the -es shall be increas= - or de eased for the ens ' • twelve ( • months b- - - • on an .ual Adder calc ed in accordan - with e following formul- • nual Adde = CPI X B- -e Rat Exhibit "A" ) for P - • ' .g Twelve Months. Where: CPI th- percentage change fo the preceding Calendar ar in Con ,, -r Price Index b. edthe Index entit "Dallas-Fort .rth; All It ) from e D.S. De. nt of Labor, Burea.�of Labor - tistics publi ion Page - 13 General Specifications ntitled "Southwest Stat• -tical Summary, Consumer Price 'ilex-For all Urban C• -umers (CPI-U) , D.S. City Aver ge, Da las-Fort Worth and .ou ton", 1982-1984-100. Perce •t changes in the ind- shall be calculated th the base p= iod of 198 -1984-100 .til the Bureau of La•or Statist s "BLS" •ublishes data •n a new base per. . . . Calculati•ns sh- 1 be made from • - ta on the new •ase period from that • • lie orward. If the inde specified above is dis• •ntinu=- , the parties hereto shal a•ree by June 1 to subst • ute another equally authoritat• e m= - sure of change in the • chasing power of the U.S. •ollar or CPI as may then be -vailabie so as to carry ou the inte t of this provision. If the BLS designat= an index wit a new itle or code number of table numb= as being t e continu- tion of the index cited herein, th- new index shall be us-d. If the spec• fic index "Dallas-F. t Worth" is discontinu- • , but the "U. - . City Average" remai , the atter index wil be used. Ot. - ise, a substitute sh- 1 b agreed upon by the parties h= es . . • s�soon as practicable afte tie end of each Contract ear of each year) , • e C. tractor will determine he amount of the Base Rate - djustme t increase (Annual Adde that will b= effective o• the seco • and subsequent years . the term. If a caiculatio - here•nder does not re - it in an incre - se in the amount of t - B se Rates, the amou of the Bas Rates will not be chang- - hereby. b) e ates charged by the Co ract• may also be adjusted to reimb rse the Contractor fo i creases in gate rates (di- •osal f= -s) charged at the Dis• : =al Site due to changes i state an• federal regulations • •verning the operation of he disposal -ite. Adjustments rd under this provision , -y only refle increases in s- id • -te rates (disposal ees) over and above the nual •der as calculate. herein. c) If the Dispo al Site •ecomes unavax able for an reason for Refuse dispo - 1 dur •g the term of • s Agree- =nt, the Contractor shal pr- ide an alternat e Dis . . al Site. In such event, Cit • all pay an additional amo t to Contractor, which amount ,all be mutually agreed to • tween the parties. In the ev t he parties are unable Page - 14 General Specifications t each an ag ment, Contracto t its sole discr • , may a t t erminate this Contract t ' ) s notice, continue the Contr t the urrent rate very adjus erred herein to t rates pai o the Contractor sh a 've and in addit ' to every other rate a ' stment conferred he • 13.03 CONTRACTOR TO ACT AS COLLECTOR - The Contractor shall submit statements to and collect from all commercial and industrial units for services provided by the contractor pursuant to Section 3.01 (b) - (d) . ( j NC 010 N(D Co" itto,1, snub 13 .04 DELINQUENT AND CLOSED ACCOUNTS (41-1' - -I AND SHE P X' �U!MPSTMRS) a) The contractor shall discontinue refuse collection service at any residential unit as set forth in a written notice sent to it by the City. Upon further notification by the City, the contractor shall resume refuse collection on the next regularly scheduled collection day. The City shall indemnify and hold the contractor harmless from any claims, suits, damages, liabilities or expenses (including but not limited to expenses of investigation and attorney's fees) resulting from the contractor's discontinuing service at any location at the direction of the City. b) The contractor shall have the right to discontinue refuse collection service at any commercial and industrial unit delinquent in its payments. 13.05 CONTRACTOR BILLINGS TO CITY - The contractor shall bill the City for service rendered to residential units within ten ( 10) days following the end of the month and the City shall pay the contractor on or before the 15th day following the end of such month. Such billing and payment shall be based on the price rates and schedules set forth in the contract documents. The contractor shall be entitled to payment for services rendered to residential unit irrespective of whether or not the City collects from the customer for such service. 14 .00 TRANSFERABILITY OF CONTRACT No assignment of the contract or any right Page - 15 General Specifications accruing under this contract shall be made in whole or in part by the contractor without the express written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event of any assignment, the assignee shall assume the liability of the contractor as though it was the original contracting party. 15.00 EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT The contractor shall have the sole and exclusive franchise, license and privilege to provide refuse collection and removal within the corporate limits of the City. The contractor shall at all times have the right to first refusal to the collection of dead animals and hazardous waste from residential units and from commercial and industrial units. 16 .00 OWNERSHIP Title to refuse and dead animals shall pass to the contractor when placed in contractor's collection vehicle, removed by contractor from a bin or container, or removed by contractor from the customer's premises, whichever last occurs. 17 .00 FRANCHISE FEE ( 1NGLcr17E RFdF l9Tr^ FRoiv‘.kw) 66Aidnift(AW) The Contractor shall pay to the City E'(,i i percent ( 8 %) of all amounts received by the Contractor for all Commercial and Industrial Refuse collection and disposal services provided pursuant to this Contract. Such payment shall be made to the City on or before the 25th day of each month for amounts received by the Contractor for the performance of services during the immediately preceding month. 18 .00 BOORS AND RECORDS The City and the Contractor agree to maintain at their respective places of business adequate books and records relating to the performance of their respective duties under the provisions of this Contract and such books and records shall be made available at any time during business hours for inspection by the other party, at the inspecting party's expense, upon reasonable advance notice; Page - 16 General Specifications provided, however, the City may not inspect or audit any books and records pertaining to the cost of Contractor's operations, except to the extent pertaining to increases in the fees which may be charged by Contractor under Section 13.02 (d) and (e) . 19.00 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If at any time the Contractor shall fail to substantially perform terms, covenants or conditions herein set forth, the City, after a hearing described herein, may terminate this Contract and the rights and privileges granted to Contractor herein. The aforesaid hearing shall not be held until notice of same has been given to the Contractor by registered or certified mail addressed to the Contractor at the address set forth herein, and a period of at least ten ( 10) days has elapsed since the receipt of such notice by Contractor. The notice shall specify the time and place of the hearing and shall include the specific reasons in support of the City's claim that the Contractor has substantially breached the terms and provisions of this Contract. The hearing shall be conducted in public by the City Council of the City and the Contractor shall be allowed to be present and shall be given full opportunity to answer such claims as are set out against it in the aforesaid notice. If, after said public hearing, the City Council makes a finding that Contractor has failed to provide adequate Refuse collection service for the City, the City Council may be two-thirds vote terminate this Contract. 20 . 00 NOTICES Any notice required or permitted to be delivered hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the respective party of the address set forth below: if the City, at: P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Attn: City Secretary if the Contractor, at: Page - 17 General Specifications or such other addresses as the parties may hereafter specify by written notice delivered in accordance herewith. 21.00 APPROVAL This Contract shall not be considered fully executed nor binding on the City or the Contractor until the same shall have been executed by the Contractor, the Mayor and the City Secretary of the City. 22.00 AMENDMENT All provisions of this Contract shall be strictly complied with and conformed to by the Contractor, and no amendment to this Contract shall be made except upon the written consent of the parties. No amendment shall be construed to release either party from any obligation under this Contract except as specifically provided for in such amendment. 23.00 FORCE MAJEURE Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Contractor shall not be liable for the failure to perform its duties if such failure is caused by a catastrophe, riot, war, governmental order or regulation, strike, fire, accident, Act of God or other similar or different contingency beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor. 24 .00 SEVERABILITY In the event that any provision or portion thereof of any Contract Document shall be found to be invalid or unenforceable, then such provision or portion thereof shall be performed in accordance with the applicable laws. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision Page - 18 General Specifications or portion of this Contract shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or portion of this Contract. 25.00 ENTIRE CONTRACT This Contract constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto and cancels and supersedes all prior negotiations, representation, understandings and agreements, either written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Z6,Oo bD tikE l'oLLOWIW0 5PF,(,1Al, Pp\sti.14(»vs • gIw C.aLLf.Cficr& R�ru�. fDR trikA of U 1,1E �RZtL� fy tDVo a) 5aA'x,t. ` x,\ADE A in)AlAnk w oc JD o CUB '/44, Coui'k1 r45)6 {,� �1(1u�,T,PLC l.ocArro 46 1:;) Co NTRWO'oR SA oru. Q tibi FREE Gsudiocrti ► K Pl&v, UP -re 1-0 Neu or 605k, `IA�RDS— .D3 11HIAA&���N fi t,,�c /WV All/14'1 i" 1R�V r�o 4c. Nob ' to/N 1 ,n_ Coto tsliig5 CoQ, cook Stizi GF �-gLtSN ue. fc+4 D , )-E yam, EXHIBIT A CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION TO: The City of Wylie Proposal of a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas. The undersigned, having carefully read and considered the terms and conditions of the enclosed Documents for Solid Waste Collection for the City of Wylie does hereby offer to perform such services on behalf of the City, of the type and quality and in the manner described, and subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract Documents at the rates (expressed in word and figures) hereafter set forth: A. Rate per residential unit per month, with two collections per week dollars and cents( $ ) . B. Alternate proposal. The following alternates are based on combinations of regular waste (garbage/refuse) collection and curbside collection of recyclable commodities, variations in the number of scheduled collections and an option utilizing pneumatic wheeled polycarts. Bid amounts shall be expressed as the proposed rate per residential unit per month. 1. One regular collection and one recyclable collection per week: dollars and cents ($ ) Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of 18 gal. recycling containers at a unit price of 2 . Two regular collections and one recyclable collection per week: dollars and cents ($ ) un At'at T AAA C Akko 44) -c To a 5 Nth, C,4)1411 w tA. l in P^C.fi -1-}} A._ _F-fti,AT oN o� w- Gas" { ov /W1 wlw-t- i-;, W.,WDG At AuTs A-4 ? P6 A-L bl� Page - 2 A Coker/us-us- �Niii' c'(c . Contractor' Proposal 3. One regular collection, utilizing polycart containers and one recyclable collection per week: dollars and cents ($ ) a. Contractor shall provide, at no cost to the City, one polycart container for each resident unit. Containers shall conform to Section 1.26 of the General Specifications and shall be subject to acceptance by the City. b. Contractor agrees to replace lost, stolen or damaged container up to % of the total number of containers provided under the initial contract. c. Containers shall become the property of the City at the end of the initial contract period. 4 . To enhance the successful implementation of a curb- side recycling program, the contractor shall provide the following educational and promotional assistance (describe) : Contractor shall be responsible for % of educational/promotional costs. C. Schedule of proposed charges for commercial/industrial collection: 1. Commercial hand collection - monthly rate per unit, with two collections per week: dollars cents ($ ) 2. Commercial bin collection: Bin Capacity Number of Collections per Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 yard 3 yard Page - 3 Contractor's Proposal 4 yard 6 yard 8 yard PROPONENT: BY: PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: MEMORANDUM DATE April 16, 1993 TO Mayor John Akin and City Council FROM Steve Norwood, City Manager SUBJECT City Council Worksession for 4/20/93 This memo outlines information that is being presented at Tuesday night's worksession. I am also attaching information that will be discussed. Six Month Overview of FY 92/93 Budget Brady is finalizing March end numbers and they should be ready for distribution at the worksession. March 31 was the six-month mark for the city's operating budget. Our revenues appear to be at budget with the exception of the major increase in sales tax collections. For the first six months, the city has increased it sales tax collections, over the same period last year, by over 20%. All other revenue estimates appear to be accurate or it is too early to raise concern. • Expenditures in the general fund also appear to be in line with budget estimates. We were concerned when the budget was adopted, that our expenditures were too "tight". Fortunately, directors have done an outstanding job in managing their departments and the next six months will be extremely critical. Potential Budget Amendments We will briefly go over a few items that must be amended, but no formal action will occur until May. A couple of the budget amendments are; the settlements to James Johnson and Don White and an amendment must be made regarding the ambulance contract. There will be a few items throughout the budget of the $2,000 - $5,000 range that also need to be increased. Our budget is in relatively good shape and the amendments can be easily explained. BFI Garbage Collection/Curb Side Recycling I have virtually reached the conclusion of negotiations with BFI regarding the City's sanitation and curb-side recycling service. BFI has performed a credible job in trying to provide a level of service that does not increase the cost to the residents of Wylie. During last years one year renewal with BFI, they lowered the rates to both residential and commercial customers in addition to absorbing a 25 cent increase on landfill cost. With the current proposal, BFI did not reinstate their cost decreases from a year ago. However, they did restore the 25 cents to cover the landfill increases. For all practical purposes, BFI has kept the rate the same for both residential and commercial customers. As you can see from the attached sheet, the Council has an opportunity to significantly lower the cost of sanitation to the citizens of Wylie. The main reason why Council has this opportunity, is because the City has lowered the portion of the rate that is attributed to debt service on the landfill closure. Under our current rate, the City of Wylie has assessed the residents a $2.60 per month charge for debt service oh the landfill closure. Since the landfill closure did not cost what we had estimated, and that some of the monies were shifted to the utility construction fund, we were able to lower this debt service charge to • $1.55 per month. The three options that were negotiated with BFI were done for various reasons. The option that I am recommending is proposal B-1. Not only does this lower the residents garbage bill by 10%, but it also incudes a curb-side recycling program. The one concern that some residents may have will be that garbage collection is being reduced from 2 pickups a week to 1 pickup a week. However with recycling, they should not have as much garbage on the garbage pickup day. Proposal B-2 would still have 2 garbage pickups and one recycling pickup. However, this would increase the cost of this service by roughly 8%. More importantly, it would not encourage recycling. Proposal B-3 would include polycarts. Several cities are beginning to utilize the 75 - 90 gallon polycart but there is an increase of cost due to the cost of the polycart. Should council desire to explore this option, I'm sure there would be some opportunities for the city to negotiate a better rate instead of an $11.10 charge that would be assessed. In regard to curbside recycling, BFI will be charging the City approximately $1.30 per month per resident. This is roughly 75 cents to a $1.00 lower per month than what neighboring cities were able to achieve. The reason why the City will receive such a low rate is due to it being a Wednesday collection. The fact, is that BFI's recycling trucks sit idle on Wednesday's and that we were able to avoid any capital cost associated with recycling. I will inform you of further details of the contract with council on Tuesday night, so please bring your questions and concerns. I am attaching a copy of the specifications that were issued to BFI. At this point, my plans are to have the awarding of a sanitation contract and curbside recycling on the April 27 agenda. I will also have Randi Smith from BFI will be here to address any issues or answer any questions at a 6:00 p.m. pre-meeting in order for council to be provided with additional time to discuss this with BFI. Service Center Attached is a memo from Carl Riehn and NTMWD regarding a potential site for the City of Wylie's Service Center. I have negotiated a possible deal with North Texas to allow the City of Wylie to receive approximately 4.5 acres at no cost since the City is having to amend it's thoroughfare plan to accommodate the 200+ acre expansion of North Texas. I have performed some preliminary environmental testing on this site and it appears to be free of problems. The site is large enough to allow for future expansion. It also allows us a future site for a fire station for this side of town. Furthermore, this site puts it in closer proximity to City Hall as well as siting it off of our major thoroughfares; 544 and SH78. Again, on Tuesday night; I will explain in more detail the particulars regarding this proposal. North Texas has this on their April 22, board meeting to approve. So if there are any major concerns addressed Tuesday night, we will still have time for North Texas to remove it. But I do not foresee any concerns that cannot be addressed. I will then have this item on the April 27 Council meeting to adopt with construction on the service center beginning in July. The completion will take approximately 6 months. This maybe an ambitious schedule, but it is definitely obtainable if we proceed quickly. • If you have any questions, I will be around this weekend. CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSAL BY BROWNING-FERRIS, INC. BFI City RATE RATE (1) Current Rate $7.43 $10.55 Proposal A: Residential Garbage Collection 2 x Week $7.76 $9.31 Proposal B: 1. Residential Garbage 1 x Week Residential Recycling 1 x Week $8.05 $9.60 2. Residential Garbage 2 x Week Residential Recycling 1 x Week $9.06 $11.39 3. Residential Garbage 1 x Week with Polycart Residential Recycling 1 x Week $9.55 $11.10 (5 Year Contract) Notes: 1. The City rates include $1.55 per month for debt service on landfill closure. 2. All commercial and industrial rates remain the same to the customer. 3. All proposals with recycling assume Wednesday collection in plastic bags of a color chosen by the City. 4. BFI will spend up to $3,000 per year for promotional and educational costs toward curbside recycling. r () AM rdt1 '2 ' NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT APRIL 1993 ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM NO. 1540 WATER TREATMENT PLANT III WYLIE COOPERATIVE TRANSFER The NTMWD owns approximately 380 plus acres inside the city limits of Wylie. On this property is the existing 350 million gallon per day water treatment plant and sufficient land for an additional 560 MGD future water treatment plant . This memo- randum proposes a transfer of beneficial conditions for the NTMWD and the City of Wylie that will promote the utilization of the property for the purposes intended. Recently the NTMWD acquired approximately 220 plus acres for the construction of Water Treatment Plant III . The planning for the utilization of this property has been ongoing for approxi- mately one year and discussions have been held with the City of Wylie and Collin County over road relocations and utilization of the property for a water treatment plant . Agreement has been reached with the staff on proposed transfer of considerations that would prove beneficial to all parties. This includes the relocation of the proposed Spring Creek Parkway in the city ' s master plan from basically the South property line of the newly acquired property to a location allowing an intersection with existing County Road No. 384 to avoid conflicts with the proposed treatment facilities . The proposal also provides for the abandon- ment of Dog Drop Lane in an old prescriptive county road easement that passed to the city upon annexation. The NTMWD would provide an approximate 4 .55 acre tract on the Southeast corner of the intersection of County Road No. 389 and County Road No. 384 for use by the City of Wylie. These actions would bring the new site in conformance with city planning and allow for the tract to be utilized in accordance with the planning of the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District . Attached to the memorandum is a proposed joint resolution. . This joint resolution has been reviewed by the Staff of the City and the NTMWD Staff and is recommended for consideration. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Executive Director that the Board approve the ,proposed joint resolution and authorize the Executive Director to execute a document for transfer of the 4 .55 acre tract for use of the City of Wylie upon approval of the joint resolution by the City and agreement to the considerations included . This will be an item on the April 1993 Agenda. A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND THE NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT IN A COOPERATIVE TRANSFER OF CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT OF BOTH PARTIES. WHEREAS , the North Texas Municipal Water District Water Treatment Plant located in Wylie , Texas on an approximate 140 acre site treats potable drinking water for a large regional area on the North and Eastern side of the Dallas Metropolitan area; WHEREAS , the City of Wylie , a home rule city, has since 1954 cooperated with the NTMWD in the development of this major regional water treatment facility located within its city limits; WHEREAS , the NTMWD has purchased an additional 240 plus acres to the North of the existing plant site and is planning construc- tion of additional plant capacity to serve the area; WHEREAS, both parties agree that it will be in their best self interests to realign Spring Creek Parkway , abandon right-of- way for Dog Drop Lane , and transfer land for use of the City of Wylie. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Wylie and the North Texas Municipal Water District mutually agree to the follow- ing: 1 . In the City of Wylie ' s master street plan Spring Creek Parkway will be realigned as it affects NTMWD property in accordance with attached Exhibit A. 2 . Dog Drop Lane (County Road 383) will be abandoned from Paul Wilson Road (County Road 384) to Eubanks Lane (County Road 389) . 3 . A tract of land approximately 4 . 55 acres at the intersection of County Road No. 389 and County Road No. 384 , being more specifically the Southeast corner , will be transferred by the NTMWD to the City of Wylie for its use for as long as the City utilizes the property for municipal purposes. Should the City cease to use the property for municipal purposes the property would revert to the NTMWD. This joint Resolution approved by the City of Wylie on this the day of , 1993 , and by the Board of Directors of the North Texas Municipal Water District on this the day of , 1993 . CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MAYOR, ROBERT C . ALLEN , PRESIDENT ATTEST: ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY JACK I . MCJUNKIN , SECRETARY r• r. UPON i 2. 4. �' ,yS t` "`1iiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiiiiiHiiiSi ' I ��ye:.e%6J . 1 e�6�. :.:- ! ..... !mill ii:i....... 1 .` :to O" Q VOL7M PG 4t1 S,FD I SpA1N ' - I ig • ' .tP 36.471 TOTAL ACRES RAF :: .........: I A.. I S 88'27.25' E . . �R 263.185' N r i o I- I 1 N N 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I la ' 1 1 I I in n i i T NO 6 8 8 S i i S U R V E Y ABSTR AC . FR A N C I S C O D E L A PIN A / / Z • I / / / / Tr.>awwi...ui.' / / Walt goatv,o us r. / / 1384.09' �W N 88'2T29' W i i •‘7 /i// EXHIBIT "A" APRIL 1993 Joint Resolution City of Wylie NTMWD