07-31-2014 (Historic Review) Minutes tti. Wylie Historic Review Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Historic Review Commission Monday,July 31,2014—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Ms. Renae' 011ie welcomed the new Commissioners and welcomed all the Commissioners to the first meeting of the year. With Chairman Stone not present, the Commissioners voted that Kathy Spillyards be Interim Chairman. Interim Spillyards called the meeting to order at 6:05PM, and stated that a quorum was present. Commission Members present were: Commissioner Bobby Heath, Jr., Commissioner Annilee Waterman, Commissioner Jennifer Wakefield, and Commissioner Bob Heath, Sr. Commissioner Jon Lewis, and Commissioner Jeremy Stone were both absent. mop Staff present: Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. NOMINATE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Commissioner Heath, Jr. nominated and made a motion for Commissioner Stone to be Vice Chairman. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Heath,Sr. Motion carried 5—O. Commissioner Heath, Sr. nominated and made a motion for Commissioner Spillyards to be Chairman. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Heath, Jr. Motion carried 4 — 0 — 1,Commissioner Spillyards abstaining. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Spillyards opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners,Chairman Spillyards closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from November 4, 2013, Special Called Meeting. Minutes July 31,2014 Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 1 of 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Heath, Jr., and seconded by Commissioner Wakefield, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 0, with Commissioner Stone and Commissioner Lewis both being absent. WORK SESSION 1. Discuss expanding the Downtown Historic District, from Birmingham Street, west on Brown Street to Keefer Street, south to Oak Street; and east on Brown Street to State Highway 78, south to Third Street. Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the purpose for the work session is to receive feedback from the Commissioners on direction on expanding Downtown Historic District (DTH). We have had several citizens and developers within the community desiring the expansion of the boundaries within the DTH to include portions of Keefer and Third Street. Ms. 011ie reviewed the process for expanding boundaries and reviewed the current boundaries. Once the Commission decides on the boundaries, the item would come back before the Commission, and eventually to City Council as a Public Hearing to expand the boundaries. Board Discussion Board Members discussed various properties off Keefer, Cottonbelt, and Jefferson. The expansion of the boundaries would provide a mix of size and type of homes. Board Members also discussed the frame homes within Holiday Terrace Subdivision, being an Urban Revitalization and not necessarily Historic Preservation,by having an identity street sign. Ms. 011ie stated whole neighborhoods may not warrant the historic preservation,the board could landmark individual lots,or houses. Board Direction The Board Members directed Staff to begin the process to extend Downtown Historic District to Oak to Brown, over to Cottonbelt, and Elliott, including house north of Brown Street on Keefer,to Brown,over to Third Street.Footnote is to have a separate designation for Holiday Terrace,and have landmarks for individual properties. 2. Discuss creating a local landmark for properties recognized by Collin County Historic Commission Asset Survey. Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that Collin County has recognized numerous properties for Historic Commission Asset Survey. Staff has researched these properties and drafted a Resolution for the City to recognize the properties with a landmark. Minutes July 31,2014 Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 2 of 3 Board Discussion pm+ Commissioners discussed incentives provided to the property owners to maintain their historic properties, with tax abatement incentives and waive permit and impact fees for new construction. Board Direction The Commissioners directed staff to hold another work session with an Ordinance to include incentives for maintaining historic properties, correspond with the Downtown Merchants to receive input. The Commissioners will reach out to property owners that have historic properties to receive their input. 3. Discuss creating Resolution and a local landmark for properties recognized with State Landmark/Medallion by Texas Historic Commission. Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that a Draft Resolution was presented to the Commissioners and asked for ideas and direction.The Resolution would be presented to the City Attorney for review. The map, Resolution and Ordinance would come back before the Commission for final review and consideration. Board Direction The Commissioners directed Staff to move forward on drafting Resolution. PIM ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Wakefield, seconded by Commissioner Heath, Jr., to adjourn the meeting at 7:00pm. All Commissioners were in consensus. Kath Spil ix! ,Chaim n ATTEST: CA Ma Br ley,Administrative ssistant Minutes July 31,2014 Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 3 of 3