02-14-1995 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. Tuesday, February 14, 1995 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in regular session at 4:00 PM, Tuesday, February 14, 1995 in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room at 108 Marble Street, Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were President John Yeager, Vice-President John Mondy, Sec-Treas. Marvin Fuller, Director Irene Messenger, Director Bud Naish, Executive Director Charlie Womack, City Manager Steve Norwood and Administrative Assistant to the City Manager Mike Collins. The meeting was called to order by President John Yeager. ITEM NO. 1 - Presentation by Mr. Larry Nelson, Data Grafix, Carrollton, Texas of their proposal to conduct an economic assessment of the City of Wylie. No action required. ITEM NO. 2 - Presentation by Mr. Worth Blake, President, Worth Blake and Associates, DFW Airport of their proposal to conduct an economic assessment of the City of Wylie. No action required. ITEM NO. 3 - Discuss and Consider approval of Minutes from Regular Meeting held on January 10, 1995. There being no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Bud Naish to approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Marvin Fuller, All in favor, motion carried. ITEM NO. 4 - Discuss and Consider approval of Treasurer's Report ending January 31, 1995. There being no corrections to the treasurer's report, a motion was made by Marvin Fuller to approve the report as submitted, seconded by Irene Messenger. All in favor. ITEM NO. 5 - Report from Executive Director. No action required. ITEM NO. 6 - Discuss and Consider renewal of Fidelity Bond Policy 330435613 for a twelve month period for a cost of $821.00 payable to Wylie Insurance Agency, Inc. A motion to approve the renewal as stated was made by Marvin Fuller, seconded by Irene Messenger. All in favor with John Yeager abstaining. Motion carried. ITEM NO. 7 - Discuss and Consider a possible change in day and time of monthly board meeting. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Bud Naish to change the time for the regular meetings of the DCW to the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Seconded by Marvin Fuller. Vote as follows: Yeager - yes; Monday - yes; Fuller - yes; Naish - yes; Messenger - no. Motion carried 4-1. ITEM NO. 8 - Discuss and Consider a plan or plans to market the seven building lots in the 544 Industrial Park. No action taken on the basis of the fact the completion of the economic Development Corporation of Wylie Minutes - Febniary 14, 1995 Page 2 development analysis will provide the marketing strategy. ITEM NO. 9 - Review and Consider purchase of office computer and related equipment within a budgeted amount of $4100. Following the discussion, a motion was made by Irene Messenger to appoint John Mondy and Bud Naish to write the specifications for the computer and purchase same at a cost not to exceed $3 500. Seconded by Marvin Fuller. Motion carried - all in favor. ITEM NO. 10 - Consider final draft of application for Financial Assistance which has the approval of legal counsel. The document had been reviewed by Mark Howser, Attorney for the DCW. His opinion was that the application as drafted looked good. Had nothing to add or correct. Based on this recommendation, a motion was made by Marvin Fuller, seconded by John Mondy to approve the application for use. Motion carried - all in favor. ITEM NO. 11 - Review easement on tract 10, Duke Strickland Survey. Review of the title information by the DCW attorney revealed that approximately six (6) acres of the 55 acre tract located in the SW corner, had been given, as an easement, to the Collin County Soil Conservation District. Based on this new information, the directors of the DCW requested the total offer for the property be renegotiated. Mr. Womack was instructed to enter into this renegotiation. ITEM NO. 12 - Citizen Participation. None. ITEM NO. 13 - ADJOURN. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ohn ag , President Submitted by: arbara LeCocq, Sec tart'