09-20-2005 (City Council) Agenda Packet Message Page 1 of 2 Carole Ehrlich From: Rebecca Brewer[rbrewer@ABERNATHY-LAW.com] Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 3:43 PM To: Carole Ehrlich Cc: Betty Cooper Subject: RE: Budget amendment Importance: High Attachments: ARBJ-#409490-v1-Ordinance Amending_Budget_2004-2005_(CASA_and_others).DOC (awl" 41tachedp(,ease fndtlie proposed ordinance regarding the Befou -referenced mat ter. 'You 'urillneed-to fiffin as appropriate. %1(so, please pass on the foffoulrig information to ‘_:11aif regarifing earmarkifig funds for these entities: Sections51 and 52of,4riicfcrI/Iofthe'7c.Vas Constitution require that (ity_frnidsmust he used for'puhlic purpose. 1/oa'ever,1_5"I aiu[ 52 do not preclude the('ity from making an e..penditlire of public f tends that happens to benefit a private person or entity if the City (ouiicif'1')determines in good fail(r ilia! t(rc expenditure serves a public purpose and(2)plices.suffic cent controls on the transaction to insure that the public purpose is carried.ried out."(Iev. %I.(j. Opinion`No. ,7C-011$ at 2. In mkt-to use ( ity funds to support the entities (( ithout umfitirlg the7e_{psConstitution, a CO rail must be entered into (I'hic/l: (I)(really states the public purpose to he_f rrt tiered, and(it)contains terms which give the(pity sufficient control orer performance of the contract to insure that the public purpose for uli cli the funds are Being doilated is carried out for the benefit of the City and its residents. .Pfeasc contact us so (CC may assist you in dra fling a public purpose statement that could a it listarid constitutional-scrutinv. :Ifome rule cities hall' f lit'fuff porr'Cr of focaf.cefrgov ern men t. '7ir. fora(car't (ode_0.51.072. `I/oti crcr, the Constitutional(imitations regarding the use of public funds for public purposes apply. 'There/ore, u'liile /useless dealings tt'ith private!entitles, such as the entities, are permitted the City may not use its funds simpfy to obtain /or the community and it.c citizens the general henefits resulting front the operation of the entities. (rtvof(oipusChristi r /3ayfrront ,Issociates, L.id., 81-1.5.'11:'2d98, 105(`ley, Epp. — Corpus(hrist 199 Olen lug‘Rarringion c ( oOtios, 338,5. f 1'.2d1.3.3, /40(`7c.v, 1960). `Thus, an e ienditlire for the direct acconipfishment ofa legitimate pubfic arldciiy purpose is not rendered unlawful-simply liy the fact that a pro atCry on'edhusiness may lie hene ittea-thereliy. ld. C enerafly, cities may not cow nhute puhfic lards as charitable donalionc or gifts to private entities 'le va.s Constitution,_i4rt. III, 1152. _11onctarysupport for the entities must he appropriately.structured toauoold rriotiling the'7e aslontitution. if fundsare used to support the entities, a contract siumg he entered into which clearly states the public purpose to lie furthered, and contains terms which give the ('itv sufficient controloverperformance of the contract to insure t/iat 1/ie puhfic purpose_for'which the funds are being donated is Carriedout for the Benefit of the t'ity and its residents. ,See`1cvas,1.(j. Opinion;f 11-158, 1984. Thanks and let nee I now if you Bove any questions. I hare to femme the office ce at .3'50 foram appointment, hut my legal-assistant can interrupt me if necessary. 'Ilc'rname is:!/city and she is at 214. 544.4011. Ila ve a great rt'ee/end, ehecc a 9/16/2005 C MAYOR DAVID E.DORMAN CITY OF MELISSA,TEXAS September 16,2005 Mayor John Mondy And City Council City of Wylie,Texas 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 RE: Increased Support of CASA; CCCAC and CITY House Dear Mayor and Council: This program consists of supporting,initially,three entities,CASA(Court Appointed Special Advocates); CCCAC (Collin County Children's Advocacy Center)and CITY House, for a total of$.50. Their budgets consist of$2,000,000 for CCCAC; CASA-$500,000 and CITY House- $500,000. We have earmarked,based upon these budgets, $.25 for CCCAC; $.125 for CASA and$.125 for CITY House. However, at the discretion of your council,you may increase portions of your commitment to these three entities above the amounts described. The City of Melissa will be contributing$.35 for CCCAC, $.125 for CASA and$.125 for CITY House with the balance proportioned out to various non profit entities within our county. The balance of the $1.00 per resident would be decided by the Council of other nonprofits that serve the public needs, such as The Samaritan Inn,Meals on Wheels,The Food Pantry,The Women's Shelter,etc. The City of Plano has already opted in for$2.00 per resident,the City of McKinney-$1.00,the City of Melissa- $1.00, and the City of Lowry Crossing-$1.00. I do know that the Cities of Frisco and Allen have it on their agendas for$1.00 per resident. We,as municipalities,must take the lead to ensure that our obligations to these venues are funded in part from our budgets. Our goal is to petition the County to do likewise on a 2 to 1,county to municipality funding. When we spend million of dollars on animal control, should we not be spending likewise on abused and neglected children and displaced individuals? I urge your support in joining with the other cities that have already opted into this program. Sincerely, David E.Dorman Mayor,City of Melissa City Of. Wylie Mer110 To: Mark B. Roath From: Brandy BrooK" Date: September 14,2005 Re: CASA/CCCAC Mark, Per your request, I asked Chief Butters and Lynn Fagerstrom about the Children's Advocacy Center, which is the main focus of the materials you provided to me. I have attached a summary of what I found out. On the first page of back-up information, Mayor Dorman stated that each municipality would be allocating $0.50 per citizen, which would amount to approximately $14,900. I do not have the information on the budget to know if we have enough money to cover this added expense under the current plan. However, it should be noted that the letter at the back of the information states that the CCCAC only receives$100,000 from cities out of their$2,000,000 budget. However, this amount does not include the money that I know Wylie pays ($30,000) towards an investigator's salary. 2000 Highway 78 North • Wylie,Texas 75098 • (972)442-8100 • Fax 972 442-4302 Collin County Children's Advocacy Center The Advocacy Center was started 10-12 years ago for the following reasons: • Cities were working independently on cases • Children weren't receiving counseling • Police Investigators were taking statements Currently, the Advocacy Center does the following for abused or neglected children: • Forensic Interviewers that are trained counselors interact with and obtain statements from the children. • Rooms set up to ease children's minds and allow them to feel comfortable in the interview process. • Provide needs for children that aren't met- i.e. clean clothes, doctor's visits, haircuts, healthy environment. Benefits to Wylie: • Wylie currently pays $30,000 for a Collin County Investigator to handle our cases. • According to Chief Butters, we are almost at the point in our number of cases that we could have a full-time position to handle our child abuse and neglect cases, which would cost$60,000, and we are currently getting those services for $30,000. • Better cases prosecution. With the testimony of forensic investigators holding up better in court than a police investigator, as well as a district attorney at the Advocacy Center specializing in the cases, more victims are being justly represented.