01-26-2006 (Construction Code) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD JANUARY 26, 2006 -7:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—City Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North cato TO-ORDER Board Chairman Jim Chaney called the meeting to order at 7:00 with the following Board members present;Frank Spingola,Eric Brown, Scott Henry,Mike Phillips,and Steve Repasky. Board member Guy Gordon arrived at 7:10. Staff members present were Johnny Bray,Building Official,Melanie Pinales-Doville,and Rachael Hermes,permit technicians. OTIZENJURTICIPATION There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. 1. Consider and act upon the approval of the Minutes from the January 12,2006 meeting. Board Action Board member Steve Repasky made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Board member Frank Spingola seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCIISSIANITEMS 3. Discuss sidewalk replacement and/or repairs. Board Discussion Board member Steve Repasky opened discussion recommending making downtown Wylie a priority for sidewalk repairs. Board member Eric Brown agreed making downtown a priority. Board member Guy Gordon arrived at this time. Board member Frank Spingola recommended that sidewalks near schools and older areas of the city should be the priority. Board members Scott Henry and Guy Gordon asked who would be responsible for the repairs between homeowners and the city. Board member Eric Brown suggested that the funds should be used to repair the sidewalks,once the funds are spent then possibly have the city budget funds each year. Board member Guy Gordon suggested that the repairs should begin at the schools and right of way. Chairman Jim Chaney recommends that all commercial properties should be fully responsible for all their sidewalk repairs and maintenance, and then rental property owners should be responsible for Minutes—January 26,2006 Wylie Construction Code Board Page 1 half of the cost for any repairs. The Board requests that the Finance Director attend the next meeting to discuss bond issues, how much money is available, and when it can be available, and a Park Representative to discuss landscaping. Board member Mike Phillips requested the City Engineer's knowledge in regards to road widening approved from the bond election and to provide maps for the next meeting; also he suggested to seek reimbursement from commercial business that have moved in to the city after the sidewalk has been placed. Board member Guy Gordon requests any records to help prioritize regarding trip hazards,lack of sidewalks,etc. AWOURNDUNT Board Action With no further business, Board member Steve Reprasky made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.The motion was seconded by Frank Spingola.A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Jim Chaney,Construction Code Board C an SUBMITTED BY: nitt—Lek, Melanie Pinales-Doville,Construction Code Board Secretary Minutes—January 26,2006 Wylie Construction Code Board Page 2