02-19-2016 (WEDC) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING Wylie EconomCicO R Development Regular Meeting Agenda February 19, 2016—6:30 A.M. WEDC Offices—Conference Room 250 South Highway 78—Wylie, Texas Marvin Fuller....... ... .. .... ......... ................ .. ......... w,. m ,,,., President MitchHerzog..... . ..... .... „.... ......,,,,....,. .. .,....... ,..m ,. , ., .,.....,Vice President John Yeager Secretary Todd Wintters...... .. ... .... Treasurer Demond Dawkins.. ,,,,...., „Board Member Mayor Eric Hogue Ex-Officio Member Mindy Manson,City Manager Ex-Officio Member Samuel Satterwhite Executive Director Jason Greiner....... .Assistant Director Angel Wygant........,. Senior Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City Website: of n?ylig auw.qy within the required time frame. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Residents may address the WEDC Board regarding an item that is or is not listed on the agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The WEDC Board requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the WEDC Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. ACTION ITEMS I. Consider and act upon approval of the January 22, 2015 Minutes of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation(WEDC) Board of Directors Meeting. II. Consider and act upon approval of the January 2016 WEDC Treasurer's Report. III. {Remove from Table} Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Freudiger Holdings, LLC. IV. Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between WEDC and Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC. V. Consider and act upon issues surrounding a WEDC Business Retention & Expansion Program. WEDC—Agenda February 19, 2106 Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION ITEMS VI. Staff report: review issues surrounding Performance Agreements between WEDC and: Woodbridge Crossing, Ascend Custom Extrusions, CSD Woodbridge, Exco Tooling Solutions, Von Runnen Holdings, All State Fire, ICSC Retail Forecast, 605 Commerce/W&M Environmental, 106 N. Birmingham, Expiring Terms for Board Members, Mann Made/Linduff Real Estate Transactions, sporting events, regional housing starts. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Section 551.072 (Real Estate) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located near the intersection of: • Cooper Drive & State Highway • Martinez and Alanis • Hooper and F.M. 544 • Highway 78 &Ballard • Regency and F.M. 544 • Commerce and F.M. 544 Section 551.087 (Economic Development) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). • Project 2015-12a • Project 2016-la • Project 2016-lb RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certifi, that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 15`h day of February at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website:www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Minutes Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting Friday, January 22, 2016—6:30 A.M. WEDC Offices—Conference Room 250 South Highway 78 —Wylie, Texas CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Marvin Fuller called the meeting to order at 6:34 a.m. Board Members present were Mitch Herzog, John Yeager, Demond Dawkins and Todd Wintters. Ex-officio member City Manager Mindy Manson and Mayor Eric Hogue were present. WEDC staff present was Executive Director Sam Satterwhite, Assistant Director Jason Greiner, and Sr. Assistant Angel Wygant. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Lynn Grimes was in attendance and informed the Board that The Taste of Wylie Event is planned for April 25th and encouraged the Board to attend and support the event. With no further citizen participation, Mr. Fuller proceeded to Action Items. ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 — Consider and act upon approval of the December 18, 2015 Minutes of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors Meeting. MOTION: A motion was made by Todd Wintters and seconded by John Yeager to approve the December 18, 2015 Minutes of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. 2 — Consider and act upon approval of the December 2015 WEDC Treasurer's Report. MOTION: A motion was made by Mitch Herzog and seconded by John Yeager to approve the December 2015 WEDC Treasurer's report. The WEDC Board voted 5 —FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. 3 — Consider and act upon a Commercial Lease Agreement for office space at 250 South Highway 78. Staff became aware in January that the WEDC Commercial Lease for office space with Wylie Industrial Court Development, Ltd. (ICD) had expired as of November 30, 2015. The current WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 2 of 9 lease allows for a 60 month extension should the WEDC exercise the same. ICD has indicated that the extension will be honored should the WEDC choose to extend. The WEDC has three offices, a dedicated work/copy room, filing room, a dedicated conference room which accommodates six, and a shared conference room within which WEDC Board meeting are held. Utilities are shared according to percent of office space utilized with the WEDC responsible for its own cleaning services. As approved in the FY 2015 — 2016 WEDC Budget, a monthly lease rate of S2,250 is paid to ICD. Staff could not identify another option for alternate WEDC offices unless the Board would like to discuss utilizing office space at the Wylie Municipal Complex. Short of City Hall, there is no adequate alternative regardless of price. While staff is confident that office space at the Municipal Complex could be financially beneficial, there is still value in having a perceived separation when dealing with developers and business owners. Staff recommended that the WEDC Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to exercise a 60 month extension of a Commercial Lease between the WEDC and Industrial Court Development, Ltd. for the lease of office space at 250 S. Highway 78, Wylie, Texas. The WEDC Board agreed with this recommendation and suggested that Staff explore installing some type of signage on the building in order to identify the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as a tenant at that location. MOTION: A motion was made by John Yeager and seconded by Todd Wintters to authorize the Executive Director to exercise a 60 month extension of a Commercial Lease between the WEDC and Industrial Court Development, Ltd. for the lease of office space at 250 S. Highway 78, Wylie, Texas. The WEDC Board voted 5 —FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. 4- {Remove from Table} Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Freudiger Holdings, LLC. MOTION: A motion was made by Mitch Herzog and seconded by John Yeager to Remove Item from Table. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of the motion. Staff explained that there was still information that was lacking for a complete analysis and requested that this item again be Tabled for consideration until the next Regular or Special Called Meeting of the WEDC Board of Directors. MOTION: A motion was made by Todd Wintters and seconded by Demond Dawkins to Table this item for consideration at the next Regular or Special Called Meeting of the WEDC Board of Directors. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 3 of 9 ITEM NO. 5— Consider and act upon issues surrounding the WEDC 2015 Annual Report. As per the WEDC By-laws, the WEDC must present an annual report to the Wylie City Council no later than January 314 of each year. The report must include, but is not limited to, a review of all expenditures made by the Board, a review of accomplishments, and a review of other than direct economic development. Staff believed the attached Report met the intent of the requirements of the By-laws with the same being presented to the Wylie City Council on January 26, 2016. Board member Wintters asked that progress with the Chemical Recycling property and Commerce Street property be included in the presentation to Council. Staff recommended that the WEDC Board of Directors approve the 2015 WEDC Annual Report as presented by staff and recommended it be presented to the Wylie City Council. MOTION: A motion was made by Todd Wintters and seconded by Demond Dawkins to approve the 2015 WEDC Annual Report as presented by staff and recommended it be presented to the Wylie City Council. The WEDC Board voted 5 —FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. 6 — Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and B&B Theatres Operating Company. The WEDC originally approved a Performance Agreement with B&B Theatres Operating Company on December 9, 2011 and subsequently approved a First Amendment to the Agreement on December 1, 2014. The 2011 Agreement called for real and personal property valuation of S9.5 mm, along with confirmation of construction costs and CO, with the Amendment allowing for a cumulative value of S7.3 mm. Also part of the negotiations for amending the Agreement was the voiding of all commitments made by the City of Wylie due to an Event of Default. With cumulative values of S7,328,267, B&B is eligible to receive an economic incentive of S25,000 plus a sales tax reimbursement equivalent to i/z cent collected by the WEDC. Taxes generated by the WEDC i/z cent tax, as reported by the Comptroller of Public Accounts for the period beginning December 2014 and ending November 2015, equals S19,087.01. Staff recommended that the WEDC Board of Directors approve payment to B&B Theatres Operating Company in the amount of S44,087.01 as required under the terms of the Performance Agreement and First Amendment to the same between the WEDC and B&B. MOTION: A motion was made by Mitch Herzog and seconded by John Yeager to approve payment to B&B Theatres Operating Company in the amount of S44,087.01 as required under the terms of the Performance Agreement and First Amendment to the same between the WEDC and B&B. The WEDC Board voted 5 —FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 4 of 9 ITEM NO. 7 — Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC. Attached for the Board's review was a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend which was executed on November 19, 2010. In order to qualify for the 5th and final incentive payment of S76,518 Ascend must maintain continuous occupancy of the facility and have cumulative personal property value of not less than S7,100,000. Ascend currently has personal property valued at S8,951,010, real property valued at S8,863,2887, in addition to 225 employees. As the Ascend project was being negotiated in 2010, the total appraised value for the project was estimated at S14.3 mm. Payment of Incentive #5 will finalize the WEDC commitment per the attached Performance Agreement. The WEDC still owes two payments of S24,000 each associated with the real and personal property expansion completed in 2014. Staff recommended that the WEDC Board of Directors approve an incentive payment of S76,518 to Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC per the terms of the Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend. MOTION: A motion was made by Demond Dawkins and seconded by John Yeager to approve an incentive payment of S76,518 to Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC per the terms of the Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of the motion. Board Member Dawkins departed the meeting at 7:27 a.m. ITEM NO. 8 — Consider and act upon issues surrounding the development of WEDC properties near the intersection of State Highway 78 and Cooper Drive. Staff informed the board that all WEDC tenants on Industrial Court have received notice to vacate on or before May 31, 2016. Staff has yet to receive demolition bids for the 8 subject buildings on Cooper and Industrial Court. Staff has yet to receive final bids on the demolition but with Mann Made occupying their offices until at least March 1, 2016, final consideration of the complete bid packages can wait until February. In working with J. Volk Consulting, staff has received cost estimates for proposed site work for the benefit of three restaurant pad sites as shown on the attached exhibit. Median modification and site improvements are summarized below: 1. Driveway & Fire Lane Access (at Williams) S79,400 2. Median Modification (left turn lane) 81,200 3. Right Turn Lane at Cooper(with oversized decel lane) 114,600 4. Right Turn Lane at Driveway (Williams St. decel lane) 55,900 WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 5 of 9 In terms of importance to the overall project, the items are listed in order of priority from highest to lowest (in staff's opinion). Item No. 1 is required to provide a second access point to the site closest to Starbucks in addition to fire lane access to the middle pad site. Item No. 2 would enable north bound traffic to access the property in a safer manner with 115' of stacking or storage in addition to enhancing the marketability of the two remaining restaurant pad sites. Item No. 3 is an oversized deceleration lane for Cooper Drive not only accommodating increased traffic to the WEDC properties but also existing traffic from Starbucks. Standard deceleration lanes are 200' with the probable cost contemplating 300'. If the final design is 200' there would be a cost reduction of approximately S40,900. Item No. 4 is a 200' deceleration lane at the Williams Street entrance. Staff commented that if cost became an issue, Item No. 4 could not be built without significantly impacting access to the site. Board member Wintters indicated that all four items seemed to be important to internal and external flow and that the WEDC should proceed with the design of all improvements. President Fuller agreed and encouraged staff to negotiate with any prospective buyers to participate in the construction of Item No. 3 being that the decel lane will greatly improve access to the site closest to Starbucks. Staff requested no action. DISCUSSION ITEMS ITEM NO. 8 — Staff report: review issues surrounding Performance Agreements between the WEDC and: Woodbridge Crossing, Ascend Custom Extrusions, CSD Woodbridge, Exco Tooling Solutions, Von Runnen Holdings, All State Fire, B&B Theatres Operating Company, Inc., proposed mixed-use development on Jackson Street, redevelopment of 801 S. State Highway 78, remodeling of 710 Business Way, sporting events and regional housing starts. Analysis As a reminder to Board members, the Board may not discuss an item which is not specifically identified on the agenda. Only those items listed above can be discussed. Should any Board member want an issue be placed on the agenda at any time prior to a Board meeting, please contact the WEDC President or staff. Woodbridge Crossing Attached for the Board's review was the Sales Tax Reimbursement Report which identifies all sales taxes received through September 2015 within Woodbridge Crossing for the City General Fund, the WEDC, and the 4B. As a reminder, the City and WEDC reimbursed 85% of all sales tax generated within Woodbridge Crossing through September 2013 with the reimbursement percentage reduced to 65% thereafter. Due to the default under the Amended and Restated Performance Agreement, Woodbridge Crossing is only eligible to receive up to S6 million in sales tax reimbursement through September 2021 as opposed to the maximum reimbursement of S 12 million originally contemplated. WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 6 of 9 S3,258,412.42 in reimbursement has been earned through December 2015 with net receipts of S2,446,781.73 after reimbursements. As well, it is estimated that S3.5 mm has been paid in ad valorem taxes to the City of Wylie (excluding the WISD). As shown on the Sales Tax Reimbursement Report, S97,527.61 was generated in sales tax in October 2015 versus S92,795.93 in October 2014. This increase represents a 5% gain over 2014 receipts. Ascend Commercial Lease and Performance Agreement Attached for review was the Ascend Custom Extrusion Critical Dates Analysis and Performance Agreement Monitoring Procedures. Payment #5 of 5 for the Economic Incentives was funded pending Board approval with Ascend meeting all Performance Obligations within Sections A and B of the attachment. Board consideration of Payment#3 will take place in February. Also attached for review was the summary of a second Performance Agreement between the WEDC and ACE which was approved in December 2013. Payment #2 of 4 has been funded with Ascend meeting all Performance Obligations within Section A of the attachment. CSD Woodbridge Performance Agreement On July 15, 2013 a certificate of occupancy (CO) was issued for Kroger Marketplace. Beginning October 1, 2013 and ending October 1, 2023, Clark Street Development is eligible to receive a i/z cent sales tax reimbursement from the WEDC (City of Wylie not part of sales tax reimbursement agreement). Quarterly payments will be made to Clark Street based upon the data provided by the Comptroller. In addition to the S100,000 reimbursement incentive paid by the WEDC at CO, Clark Street is eligible to receive cumulative incentives of S1,100,000 over the life of the Agreement. Along with a summary of the Performance Agreement, a Sales Tax Reimbursement Report was included for the Board's review. Exco Tooling Solutions Exco has completed construction of its 30,000 square foot facility within Premier Business Park, moved the majority of equipment, and received a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. All indications point to a Final CO by January 31, 2016. As provided in the Summary of Performance Obligations, the WEDC will fund an S87,000 incentive upon issuance of a CO followed by four payments of S20,000 over the following four years. Exco has experienced challenges with the installation of their new age oven and is still utilizing the old age oven located at their Highway 78 location. Staff has agreed to extend their lease of the 78 property until February 15th at no cost to accommodate their use of the age oven. On January 25th, staff will present the Wylie ISD with a check for S7,195.76 in avoided taxes collected from Exco over the last 11 months. The City of Wylie will also receive S1,186.56 in avoided taxes for the period beginning October 1, 2015 thru January 31, 2016. WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 7 of 9 Von Runnen Holdings Von Runnen Holdings has received a temporary Certificate of Occupancy (CO). A Final CO is anticipated in January as required by the WEDC Performance Agreement. Upon issuance of a CO and confirmation of S1.25 mm in construction costs, the WEDC will issue Incentive Payment No. 1 of S20,000. Two additional payments of S10,000 each will be issued over the following two years. All State Fire Equipment All State Fire Equipment was issued a building permit on July 2, 2015 and held their Ground- Breaking ceremony on September 18, 2015. Work is progressing well and ASFE appears to be on track to receive a Certificate of Occupancy by the August 1, 2016 as required in their Performance Agreement. Remodeling of 710 Business Way Able Machinery Movers has completed the moving of Mann Made equipment to Business Way and Pulliam Construction Management (PCM) has received a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. The WEDC will have an as-built survey completed by January 22nd which is the final item required of the WEDC to close on the purchase of the Edge property on 78. Assuming no unanticipated issues arise, closing is scheduled for the week of January 25d'. Final costs have not been received yet from PCM but it appears as though we will come in under budget. Staff hopes to have a more specific figure prior to the Board Meeting. While temporary phone lines have been installed by Verizon to service the fire alarm monitoring system, the extension of fiber will not be complete until the middle of February. Therefore, Mann Made will maintain their office at the 78 site until fiber improvements are completed. Under the existing contract Mann Made is allowed to utilize the 78 site for a period not to exceed 60 days post-closing. Mr. Edge has indicated that there will be no reason to remain following the completion of fiber. 106 N. Birmingham A WEDC tenant located on Industrial Court has inquired as to the possibility of occupying the K&M building. Being that there is no clear direction for future use, staff had an initial interest so long as the use did not negatively impact adjoining properties (i.e. no outside operations or excessive traffic generated). If the right use /tenant were identified, the property would require less maintenance by the WEDC and the property would not deteriorate as quickly. Venue for WEDC Board Meeting With a third WEDC staff person and seven Board Members, staff suggested that the Board may want to discuss the possibility of meeting at an alternative location. The only reasonable option that staff could identify was the City Council Conference Room at the Wylie Municipal Complex WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 8 of 9 which comfortably seats twelve at the conference table with ample room for guests around the perimeter. Staff did not believe this was an immediate need as there is still room for guests in our existing Board room but would be interested in feedback from the Board on this issue. ICSC 2016 ICSC will be held May 22-25, 2016. Two staff members will be in attendance and Mayor Hogue and Board Member Wintters have expressed an interest in attending as well. Should any other Board member be interested in attending,please contact staff at your earliest convenience. Regional Housing Starts Thirty-eight homes were permitted in Wylie for December 2015. Sachse, Lavon, and Murphy permitted a combined eighteen homes over the same period. No action is requested by staff for this item. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recessed into Closed Session at 7:34 a.m. in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Section 551.072 (Real Estate) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located near the intersection of: • Cooper Drive & State Highway • Martinez and Alanis • Hooper and F.M. 544 Board Member Dawkins rejoined the meeting at 7:54 am. Section 551.087 (Economic Development) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated(Open Meetings Act). • Project 2016-la • Project 2016-lb • Project 2016-lc Mayor Hogue departed the meeting at 8:42 a.m. RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING The WEDC Board of Directors reconvened into open session at 8:57 a.m. and took no action. WEDC—Minutes January 22, 2016 Page 9 of 9 ADJOURNMENT With no further business, President Fuller adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 8:57 a.m. Marvin Fuller, President ATTEST: Samuel Satterwhite, Director Wylie Economic Development Corporation MEMORANDUM TO: Samuel Satterwhite, Executive Director FROM: Angel Wygant, Senior Assistant „ SUBJECT: January 2016 Treasurer's Report DATE: February 11, 2016 Issue Consider and act upon approval of the January 2015 WEDC Treasurer's Report. Analysis From the Balance Sheet,page 1: Deposits - $7,000. This amount reflects a deposit WEDC paid to Wylie Industrial Court for the current location of the WEDC office in the amount of $2,000 and a $5,000 deposit held in escrow for the purchase of the 398 S. South Hwy 78 property. Loan Receivable - $69,094.70. This represents the balance of the Wylie Ice Cream Holdings note, which is reduced by the principal paid each month. There was a starting balance of$93,950 as of December 2012. Wylie Ice Cream Holdings has 47 payments remaining with a balloon payment of$33,248.44 due on 12-15-19. Account Rec — Forgivable Loans - $533,333.33. The figure above includes the remaining balance of The Wedge loan in the amount of$183,333.33. Assuming The Wedge remains in compliance with their Performance Agreement, forgiveness of the remaining loan balance will be made in 2 additional payments in the amount of $91,666.67 on 12/31/16 and $91,666.66 on 12/31/17. The figure above also includes the loan made to Exco Extrusion Dies in the amount of $350,000. Assuming Exco remains in compliance with the terms of the Performance Agreement, this loan will be forgiven in 5 equal amounts of$70,000 beginning on the one year anniversary of their Certificate of Occupancy(CO). Deferred Outflows - $675,000. This is a total of incentive payments which are due in the future. A breakdown of these charges include: T. W. Snider & Assoc. - $120,000, Ascend Extrusion— Phase II - $48,000, B & B Theatres - $75,000, Dank Real Estate - $15,000, GetSet- $20,000, All State Fire - $60,000, Von Runnen Holdings - $20,000, Exco Extrusion Dies — $167,000, KREA $100,000, VIAA $20,000 and Patna Properties $30,000. WEDC January 2016 Treasurer's Report February 11, 2016 Page 2 of 3 From the Balance Sheet,page 2: Deferred Inflow - $158,297.03. The Deferred Inflow Account tracks loans receivable from Wylie Ice Cream Holdings and Exco Extrusion Dies. The Wylie Ice Cream loan receivable is reduced by the monthly principal payment which for January was $705.65. The Exco Extrusion Dies loan will be reduced by $70,000 annually for 5 years beginning one year from Certificate of Occupancy. Revenue and Expense Report,page 2: Interest Earnings - $290.84. Interest earnings from the Wylie Ice Cream Holdings. Loan Repayment- $705.65. Principal payment from the Wylie Ice Cream Holdings. Rental Income — $10,650. Wheels Unlimited - $1,400, Helical Concepts - $400, Superbikes - $2,100, Austin Said- $4,000, Trimark Catastrophe - $750, Reliable Estate Services - $1,500, Richmond Hydromulch- $500. Revenue and Expense Report,page 3: Incentives - $430,468.45. Mann Made Moving Expenses ($166,000), CSD Qrtly Sales Tax Reimbursement ($26,552.71), Von Runnen Incentive ($20,000), Business Way Remodel ($111,397.74), Ascend I ($76,518), VIAA($30,000). Special Services—$5,309.48. Survey—Industrial CT ($1,200), Environmental Svcs ($3,114.69), 710 Business Way Survey ($450), Janitorial Services ($315), Addl Tax — 710 Business Way ($228.43),Addl Tax—Glenn ROW($158.86). Advertising- $1,625. In&Around ($1,500), Wylie News Playoff Ad ($125). Community Development - $2,541.36. Holiday Supp. ($41.36), Collin College Stetson & Stiletto ($2,500). Travel & Training- $181.33. Prospect Recruitment/Bus. Mtgs ($181.33). Dues & Subscriptions - $682.56. PWCC December Dues ($607.56), WDMA Annual Dues ($75). Insurance — This account is 31% over-budget due to the unanticipated costs associated with Business Way. The insurance for Business Way was cancelled following the sale of this property and we are working with the City to determine the costs associated with insuring 398 S. Hwy 78. Once all those costs have been determined, we will request a budget transfer amendment to account for the overage. WEDC January 2016 Treasurer's Report February 11, 2016 Page 3 of 3 Engineering&Architectural—8,642.21. Jackson Street Redevelopment Plans ($8,642.21). Utilities — As with the Insurance account above, this account is 21% over-budget due to unanticipated utility costs associated the Business Way property. Once the final utility bills have been received and recorded, we will request a budget transfer amendment to accommodate those costs. The WEDC is also awaiting a "leak adjustment" from the City of Wylie. The repair was completed in January and the adjustment is being calculated and should be reflected in February's Treasurer's Report. Computer Hardware & Software — 1,730.23. Computer equipment for new employee ($1,730.23). Recommendation Staff recommends that the WEDC Board of Directors approve the January 2016 Treasurer's Report. Attachments January 2016 Treasurer's Report Sales Tax Revenue 4 2-15-211G 02:43 PM CITY OF WYLIE. PAGE: I BALANCE SHEET AS OF JANUARY 31ST, 20IG 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEMEL CORP ACCOUNT TITLE ASSETS ......,,......., 10E1-10110 CLAIM ON CAEA AND CASE EO1l1V. 165,15,8..47 1100-10115 CASH - WEIX - IMMOOR 0.00 1000-10135 ESCROW 0.00 1000-1101.80 DEPOSITS 1,000,00 1000-1019$ °TARA - MSC CLEARING 0,00 000-101141 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-40343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0,00 1000-11511 ACC RICO - MISC. 100.00 1000-11511 ACCIS REF - SALES TAX 0.00 1000-42811 LEASE PAYMENTS RECEIVABLE. 0L00 I1)0(1-129.51) LOAN PROCEEDS RECEIVABLE 0,00 1000-12996 LOAN RECEIVABLE 69,014.70 1000-1.2.991 ACCTS EEC - JIM TECH. 0.01 1000-12011 ACCTE REC. - FORGIVBABLE LOANS 533.133.33 1000-14112 INVENTORY - MATERIAL,' SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY' - LAND 8 BUILDINGS 6,816,663.46 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO/ SANDEN BLVD, 0.00 1001-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES. - KIEV 0.00 1001-14410 DEFERRED. OUTFLOWS G15,001.01 8,808,140.96. TOTAL ASSETS 8,868,349.96 LIABILITIES :,,,,,.....-........,........- 20.00-nala FEDERAL INCOME. TAX' PAYABLE 0.00 2000-2011.1 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112. CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0„.00 2000H20111 CREDIT ONION PAYABLE 0.00 2140-20114 IRS. LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2100-20115 NATIONWIDE. DEFERRED' COMP. 0.01 2010.-21113 HEALT)) ISSUE PAY-EMPLOYEE 0.16 2E11-20111 INAS PAYABLE 0.00' 2000-20118 ROTE: IRA PAYABLE 0.01 2000-21111 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00, 2014-21121 FICA. PAYABLE 0.00 2101-211E1 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-21121 STUDENT' LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0,00 2000-21123: ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANERUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-21121, VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0,00 2000-2112G ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2010-21121 1240. LEGAL SERVICES PAYABLE. 0-00 2110-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING Arroun 0.011 2010-20131. EDWARD JONES DEFERRED COMP. 0.00 2000-20112 EMP CAFE MITE 12.00 2001-21151. ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2010-24184 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY. 0.00 2100-20191 MSC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.01 -1 -2016 02:41 PM CITY OF WYIIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE, SHEET AS OF; JANUARY 31ST, 2016 1II-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNTi TITLE 2000-20201 AP PENDING, 3,300.04 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 850.16) 2.000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0+00 2000-2040 NOTES PAYABLE 675,000+00 2000-20010 DUE TO, GENERAL FUND 0+00 2000-22270 DEFERRED INFLOW 158,297,03 2000-22275 OFF INFLOW - LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 2000-22280 DEFERRED INFLOW - LEASE TNT 0+00 2100-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 2,500.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 038,267.07 EQUITY 3000-34110 FUND BALANCE - RESERVED 0+00 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIC 7,984,191.60 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY V,984,197.(0 TOTAL REVENUE 1,316,660+56 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,270, 15.27 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 45,085.29 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 8,030,082.89 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY 4, OVER/(UNDER) 8,960,349.96 2-15-2416 0243 pm CITY OF WYLIE, PAGE: I. BALANCE SBEET AR OF.:, JANUARY 31ST, 7016 922-0EN LONG TERM DEBT IWFDC) ACCOUNT4 TITLE, ASSETS -----..- 1041-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES. 0.00 1040-18110 LOAN - WREC 0.04. 1000-18124 LOAN - BIRMINGHAM 0.00. 1014-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.04 1044-18220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.04 1000-19050 BEE OUTFLOW - CONTRIBUTIONS 23,447.0.0 1044-1.9.05, DEF OUTFLOW - INVESTMENT EXP 5,062-04 1044-19100' DEF OUTFLOW - ACT EXTIASSUMB 2,154-00 30,663.00 TOTAL ASSETS 30,663.04 LIABILITIES 20011-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES' PAYABLE. 44,287.86 2040-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 0,00 2000-21410 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 4,018.84 2040-28205 NEBO' LOANS - CIIRRENT 322,81.7.01 2400-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN' 0.00 2040-28230 INWOOD LOAN 0,00 2040-28222 7,1223 LOAN - EDGE 0-00 2000-28233 ANB LOAN - PEDDICORE/WHITE 616,'119-19 204B-28234 70220 LOAN - RANDACK/BUGMES 138,828,51.. 2000-28135 ANB LOAN 0.00 2040-28236 AMR. CONSTRUCTION LOAN 0.00. 2044-2823/ AND ROAD, CONSTRUCTION LOAN 690,861.94 2000-28238 ANS LOAN - BUCHANAN 242,652.56 2040-28239 ANB LOAN - JONES/HOBART PAYOFF. 296,418./3 2004-28240 HUGHES LOAN 0,00 2044-28254 CITY' OF WYLIE. LOAN 0.00 2044-28260 PRIME ROTS LOAN 0.00 2000-28210 BOWIAND/ANDEBSON LOAN' 0.00 2040-28284 CAPITAL ONE 1 A2A11 LOAN' 0.00 2044-28290 HOBART/COMMERCE LOAN 0,00 2044-29150 NnT PENSION LIABILITY' 14'7,146.04 TOTAL 11ABTLITIES 2,503,806,50' EONITY' 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-VNRESERV/0NDES1U(' 20525,161.9) 3000-35940 UNRESTRICTED NET POSITION ( 114,969,,04) TOTAL BEGINNING EWITY 3 2,640,1.45.19) TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 TOTAL EXTRNSES ( 1.61,001.693 REVENUE OVER/INNEEE0 EXPENSES 167,001.69 TOTAL EQUITY 4, OVERIIUNDER) ( 2,471,143-B0) 2-15-2016 0243 PM CITY OF WYLIE PACE° 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: JANUARY 31ST, 2016 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER! UNDER) 30,663.00 2-15-2015 02:48 PM CITY OF WY LIE PAGE) 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OV: JANUARY fl IT, 201( III-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORR' FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-I) BUDGET 1 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ANNST, ACTUAL. ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE, SUMMARY TAXES 2,257,829.00 163,463.38 0.„00 129,881.86. 0.00 1,927,947.14 14,61 INTERGOVERNMENTAI REV. 0„00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0,00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST INCOME 12,958.00 1,112.70 0.00 4,392.70. 0.00 8,565.30 33.90 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 141,200.00 10,650.00 0.00 52,000.00 0.00 89,200.00 36„83 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (LOU 0.00 0,00 930,3.80,00 0.00 ( 930,386.001 0,00 TOTAL REVENUES 2,411,987,00 175,226.08 0.00 1,310,600.50 0.00 1,095,326.44 54.59 F.!,?EF:PPITIATE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 3,958,411.00 1124,127.19 0.00 1,270,775.27 56,291.01 2,531,354.72 34.39 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,858,411.00 524,727.19 0.00 1,270,775.27 56,281.01 2,531,35.4.72 34.39 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 1,446,421.00H 319,501.11) 0.00 45,885.29 ( 56,281,0() ( 1,436,026.28) 0,72 2-15-2016 02:48 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: JANUARY 31ST, 2016 11.1-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVE.L CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-0 BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000•-•40150 REV IN LE:LU OF TAXES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 4000-402:10 SALES TAX 2,257,829.00 163,463.38 0.00 329,881.86 0.00 1,927,947.14 14.61 TOTAL TAXES 2,257,829.00 163,463.38 0.00 329,881.86 0.00 1,927,947.19 14.61 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 4000-43518 380 ECONOMIC AGREEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTEREST :INCOME. 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46).10 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 1,000.00 116.21 0.00 406.74 0.00 593.26 40.67 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46150 INTEREST EARNINGS 3,817.00 290.84 0,00 1,180.86 0.00 2,636.14 30.94 4000-46160 LOAN REPAYMENT (PRINCIPAL) 8,141.00 705.65 0.00 2,805.10 0.00 5,335.90 34.46 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 12,958.00 1,112.70 0.00 4,392.70 0.00 0,565,e -.---.30 33.90 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 141,200.00 10,650.00 0.00 52,000.00 0.00 89,200.00 36.83 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN/(LOSS) SALE OF CAP ASS 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME: 141,200.00 10,650.00 0.00 52,000.00 0.00 89,200.00 36.83 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49160 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 930,386.00 0.00 ( 930,386.00) 0.00 4000-49550 LEASE PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS (0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ...... , .....�0.00 0.00 930,386.00 ..... 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 2,411,987.00 175,226.08 0.00 1,316,660.56 0.00 1,095,326.44 54.59 2-15-2016 02:48 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: REVENUE REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: JANUARY 31ST, 2016 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC REVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET S OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST, ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES -...................-..........................................„...................................-. 5611-51110 SALARIES 238,052.00 14,465.40 0.00 56,248.71 0.00 181,803.29 23.63 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 1,073.00 0.00 0.00 1,024.00 0.00 49.00 95.43 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 56.1.1-5.1210 CAR ALLOWANCE 12,600.00 870.78 0.00 3,389.82 0,00 9,210.18 26,90 5611-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 4,656.00 1,164.00 0.00 2,028.00 0,00 2,628.00 43.56 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51260 MOVING ALLOWANCE 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 5,000.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 36,677.00 2,234.50 0.00 8,638.28 0,00 28,038.72 23.55 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & :LIFE INSURANCE 38,107.00 1,873.87 0.00 7,495.48 0.00 30,611.52 19.67 5611-51415 EXECUTIVE HEALTH PLAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 1,357.00 52.88 0.00 264.40 0,00 1,092.60 19.40 5611-51440 FICA 15,607.00 916.22 0.00 1,538.07 0,00 14,068.93 9.86 5611-51450 MEDICARE 3,650.00 214.28 0.00 854.86 0,00 2,795.14 23.42 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 663.00 0.00 0.00 569.70 0,00 93.30 85.93 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 810.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 810.00 0.00 TOTAL, PERSONNEL SERVICES 358,252.00 21,791.93 0.00 82,051.32 0.00 276,200.68 22.90 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,500.00 191.57 0.00 374.37 108.00 3,017.63 13.78 5611-52040 POSTAGE. & FREIGHT 980.00 23.86 0.00 33.66 0.00 946.34 3.43 5611-52130 TOOLS/ EQUIP (NON-CAPITAL) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,000.00 180.68 0.00 393.41 129.34 1,477.25 26.14 5611-52990 OTHER 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 11,480.00 396.11 0.00 801.44 237.34 10,441.22 9.05 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS I EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 75.00 2,475.00 17.50 5611-54990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 75.00 2,475.00 17.50 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 2,014,914.00 430,468.45 0.00 888,946.14 52,772.87 1,073,194.99 46.74 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 112,900.00 5,309.48 0.00 25,769.25 483.25 86,647,50 23.25 56.11-56080 ADVERTISING 35,280.00 1,625.00 0.00 10,179.00 0.00 25,101.00 28.85 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 47,250.00 2,541.36 0.00 11,733.68 1,000.00 34,516.32 26.95 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 5,960.00 600.43 0.00 1,921.92 25.00 4,013,08 32.67 5611-56180 RENTAL 29,400.00 194.00 0.00 8,576.00 0.00 20,824.00 29.17 5611-56210 TRAVEL, & TRAINING 29,450.00 181.33 0,00 2,086.75 0.00 27,363.25 7.09 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 18,890.00 682.56 0,00 4,972.68 0.00 13,917.32 26.32 5611-56310 INSURANCE 4,310.00 0.00 0,00 5,684.51 0.00 ( 1,374.51) 131.89 5611-56510 AUDIT & LEGAL SERVICES 23,000.00 0.00 0.00 9,848.50 0.00 13,151.50 42.82 5611-56570 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL 20,000.00 8,642.21 0.00 8,642.21 0.00 11,357,79 43.21 5611-566.10 UTILITIES-ELECTRIC 2,000.00 524.86 0.00 2,074.29 344.54 ( 418.83) 120.94 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,343,354.00 450,769.68 0.00 980,434.93 54,625.66 1,308,293.41 44.17 I 2-15-2016 02:48 PM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: JANUARY 31ST, 2016 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D NUGGET I OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REP) 561.1-57.110 DEBT SERVICE 686,825,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 666,825.00 0.00 5611-57410 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 0.00 39,795.10 0.00 166,656.32 0.00 ( 166,656.32) 0.00 5611-57415 INTEREST EXPENSE 0.00 10,244.14 0.00 38,651.03 0.00 ( 38,651.03) 0.00 5611-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. ROPE, 686,825.00 50,039.24 0.00 205,307.35 0.00 481,517.65 29.69 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND-PURCHASE PRICE 200,000.00 0.00 0,001 950,386.00 0.00 ( 750,386.00) 475.19 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 5611-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 5611-58410 SANITARY SEWER 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 1,730.23 0,00 1,730.23 0.00 1,269„77 57.67 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 2,500.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1,343.01 1,156.99 53.72 5611-58910 BUILDINGS 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0,00 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 950,386.00) 0.00 950,386,00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 455,500.00 1,730.23 0.00 1,730.23 1,343.01 452,426.76 0.67 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-59190 TRANSFER TO THORUGHFARE IMP 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 5611-59430 TRANSFER 'Co CAPITAL FUND 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 (LOU TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 0.00 0.00 (LOU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 3,858,411.00 524,727.19 0.00 1,270, (75.27 56,281.01 2,531,354.72 34.39 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,858,411.00 524,727.19 0.00 1,270,775.27 56,281.01 2,531,354.72 34.39 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 1,446,424.00) ( 349,501.11) 0.00 45,885.29 ( 56,281.01) ( 1,436,028.28) 0.72 *** END OF REPORT *** 2^15_2016 z:mm pm m E r A z c 11 z n r ` w u eaG*o, 3 eoam ' uz-wsLza rcomowC osysL ooRs PERIOD TO °oo. )am-uou ruaw om°-2016 oser , 611 ocxozmpwEmr w,p-wouc ^ocnumzs. *61,1-52010 rapu 5611-5n910 Pmor cmra rpaw w noramomca PACssz~--~~~ vm"o : omrm ~-^~~AMOUNT---- ~---eazauco—~~ ---- '---- -------'------------------------------------------------------------------- smz'szn1a msrzCIE uoreczas o s u z w w z m r m A 1, a m o s zoz.*n 1/11/1a I/I I a4uzo4 cyu, wr,,ro ,8245 uz*oTs amou nnm*m 056876 *acC isz.sr yv4.37 ~~--~~~~l~~~ zxwownv *crrvzrx DR zpz.yr oR' n.ou 191,.57 ---------~-----~-------^----------------------------------------------------- o6/'-sem*o pomo"ao a FREIGHT o m G z * w 1, w s m a T. a w c n 9.80 1/19/16 1/19 u4*992 DM ono"sr r81165 pouTo-' zwu cT wurzc 0100912 *un omczs wxsamr 21.86 33^*E, ^nuoumc uorzvzrr oa, 23,86 cm` 0,00 23.86 _______________________________________________________________________________________ so1z-5z1sv rouca/ auoze (mmm-capzzxu) A o G z m w z n u n n L ^ u c o 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------______________________________________________ sa11-su1so TOOLS/ unnzc ' v1on-7,yya.yo o o a z m v z w o o x L u o c o 0.00, ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- sszz-sxazu FOOD uoePLzoS a n o z n w z w u w a L ^ II u o u12.73 z/zs/zm z/zy a*99o2 oor. onnws/ '18465 *soo amm ars 000912 *2'17 usczs wxmumr 24.38 237.11 1//9/16 1/19 ^49982 mpr. muuosv 78465 vaom mxo mrm waxu ooms/z wzrr uoC.1s mzsxur 9.»1 z46.42 1u9/16 1/19 ^+r987 DFT, omo*sv '18,165 xmoc u*o. erm npxL o"vnz2, wun ooczs wrANr 74.oy 321.4.; 1/19/16 1/19 u*9982 mFz. 00005"1 78e65 nsoc oao, mrs nsxu 000912 *27r ooca WrGAmr 72.00 39,3.41 a*woAPy AcTrvzTY OR M'am cw. oo zwo'aw __________________________________________________________________________________ s6z1-ouy90 wrxaR a o o r m " z w c m * L ^ M c o oon _____________________________________________________________________________________ sm/z-s4oue TOOLS r. soozrMamr a s w T m N s w o o n u s w c s w.o* sszz-owazn cvucorae xnno/s^pTwams m m m z w m z w G e a z. a m c s "sm.ov 2-1.5-2016 2:50 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE 2 FUND 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: jan-2016 THRU jan-2016 DEPT 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58910 POST DATE TRAN # REFERENCE PACKET-----DESCRIPTION------- VEND INV/JE 4 5611-54990 OTHER BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-56030 INCENTIVES BEGINNING BALANCE 450,477.69 1/07/16 1/07 A48.908 CHK. 079659 78.155 MANN MADE MVNG-PMNT 1 004503 .108933 PAY #1 63,000.00 541,477.69 1/12/16 1/12 A49392 CHK: 079808 78276 MANN MADE MVNG-FINAL PMN 004503 109057 WEDC 63,000.00 624,477.69 1/13/16 1/13 A495.52 CNN: 079854 78332 CSD QRTLY TAX REIMBURSE 003.990 01122016 WEDC 26,552.71 651,030.40 1/25/16 1/25 A50467 CNN:. 080070 78619 VON RUNNEN-INCENTIVE .1 004500 INCENTIVE #1 20,000.00 671,030.40 1/27/16 1/27 A50725 C11IC: 080128 78689 BUS, WAY-PAY43-CONST 003269 145 111,397.74 782,428.14 1/27/16 1/27 A50726 CHIC: 080121 78689 ASCEND INC. 5 OF 5 003424 PAY #5 012616 76,518.00 B58,946,14 1/29/1.6 1/29 A50941 CNN: 080206 78744 VIAA - INCENTIVE 1 004516 INCENTIVE#1 jAN16 30,000.00 888,946.14 JANUARY ACTIVITY DB 430,468.45 CR. 0.00 430,468.45 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES BEGINNING BALANCE 20,459.77 1/04/16 1/04 A48639 CHK: 079604 78039 INDUST., CT, ROW SURVEY 003073 6418 1,200.00 21,659.77 1/11/16 1/11 A49269 C11K: 079782 78245 VCP 605 COMM 004337 21386 01459.001 402.50 22,062.27 1/11/16 1/11 A49269 CHK: 079782 78245 APAR 605 COMM 004337 21386 01459.001 230.00 22,292,27 1/11/16 1/11 A49269 CHK: 079782 78245 MSD 605 COMM 004337 21386 01459.001 87.50 22,379.77 1/11/16 1/11 A49297 CHK 079792 70249 710 BUS, WAY SURVEY 003073 6417 WEDC 450.00 22,829.77 1/13/16 1/13 2349553 CUE: 079865 78332 ENVIR-VCP 605 COMM 004337 21416 01459.001 775.00 23,604.77 1/13/16 1/13 A49553 CHK: 079865 78332 ENVIR-APAR-605 COMM 004337 21.416 01459.001 115.00 23,71.9.77 1/13/16 1/1.3 A49553 CHK: 079865 76332 ENVIR-MSD 605 COMER 004337 21416 01459.001 1,504.69 25,224.46 1/19/16 1/19 A50050 CNN: 079969 78474 JANITORIAL - JAN 002330 20425 157.50 25,361.96 1/27/16 1/27 2350668 CHK: 080116 76683 710 BUS WAY-ADD), TAX WED 000821 R2000001010R1 2015 228.43 25,610.39 1/27/16 1/27 A50689 CHK: 060117 78683 GLENN ROW-ADDL TAX WEDC 000821 R682000007001 2015 158.86 25,760,25 ........--=,,--,.,, JANUARY ACTIVITY DB 5,309.48 CR: 0.00 5,309.48 5611-56080 ADVERTISING BEGINNING BALANCE 8,554.00 1/13/16 1/13 A49538 CHK:: 079862 78332 IN & AROUND NOV 000391 9911 WEDC 1,500.00 10,054.00 1/14/16 1/14 A49642 CHK. 079874 '18367 FOOTBALL PLAYOFF AD 000391 10266 WEDC 115.00 10,179.00 JANUARY ACTIVITY OB: 1,625.00 CR: 0,00 1,625.00 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2-15-2016 2:50 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE:: 3 FUND : ill-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP PERIOD TO USE: Jan-20.16 THRU Jan-2016 DEPT : 611 DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC ACCOUNTS: 5611-52010 THRU 5611-58910 POST DATE TRAM # REFERENCE PACKET---DESCRIPTION======= VEND INV/JE # BEGINNING BALANCE 9,192.32 1/19/16 1/19 A49982 OFT: 000057 78465 HOLIDAY SUPPLIES 000912 8277 DEC15 WYGANT 41.36 9,233.68 1/26/16 1/26 A50528 CHK: 080077 78641 STETSON & STIL. SPONSOR 002472 012516 WEDC 2,500.00 11,733.66 JANUARY ACTIVITY OS: 2,541.36 CR: 0.00 2,541.36 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS BEGINNING BALANCE 1,321.49 1/11/16 1/11 A49285 CHK: 079793 78249 INTERNET SVC 000190 2820367756 1)025-jA 208.72 1,530.21 1/13/16 1/13 A49541 CHIC: 079863 78332 TABLET SERVICE 001797 822495799-07 JAN16 113.97 1,644.18 1/19/16 1/19 A49969 OFT: 000057 78463 TELEPHONE SVC 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 277.74 1,921_92 JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: 600.43 CR: 0.00 600.43 5611-56180 RENTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 8,382.00 1/14/16 1/14 A49695 CHK: 079881 78374 COPIER RENTAL 003509 61405 194.00 8,576.00 JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: 194.00 CR: 0.00 194,00 5611-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING BEGINNING BALANCE 1,905.42 1/n/16 1/19 7119969 OFT: 000057 78463 BUS MTG 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 40.10 1,945.52 1/19/16 1/19 A49969 OFT: 000057 78463 BUS. MTG-ATKINS 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 27.59 1,973.11 1/19/16 1/19 A49969 DFT: 000057 78463 BUS.MTG 00091.2 8277 DEC15 SATTER 16.94 1,992.05 1/19/16 1/1.9 A49969 DFT: 000057 78463 CREDT 00091.2 8277 DEC15 SATTER 30.000R 1,962.05 1/19/16 1/19 A49969 DFT: 000057 78463 CREDIT 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 30.00CR 1,932.05 1/19/16 1/19 A49969 OFT: 000057 78463 BUS, MTG-BARNHAROT 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 17.00 1,949.05 1/19/16 1/19 A49969 OFT: 000057 78463 BUS, MTG.- RET COACH 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 137.70 2,086.75 JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: 241.33 CR:: 60.00CR 181.33 5611-56220 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS BEGINNING BALANCE 4,290.12 1/13/16 .1/13 A49540 CHK: 079866 78332 I4DMA ANNUAL DUES 001078 1381 WEDC 75.00 4,365.12 :1/19/16 1/19 A49969 DFT: 000057 78463 PWCC DUES 000912 8277 DEC15 SATTER 607.56 4,972.68 .. JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: 682.56 CR: 0.00 682.56 2-15-2016 2.50 mm u o r ^ z ^ ^ z o r z m a c^no, « rnmo , zo-wxLzo ucomnmzo oovoL CORP PERIOD TO USE. J°"-2016 rHRo omn-20z6 ooer , 611 ooVELoemomr ooar-voor ACCOUNTS, 5611-52010 THRo nsu-boym pnoT o^,u rRAN 4 momoRENcm p^oxor----moxrnreTrnm::m==~~~~ vuno zmv/Jm * mcTo ---oMnvmr~~~= =��=eaLANco~~-- ---------------~--~--~^~-~-~~^---------------------------------------------------------- sszz-saazn zmxnsAmro BEGINNING o ^ L ^ m c o 5'684.51 ���������������������������__­------------------------------------------���������������������������������� ssz1-sa5zn *uozr & Lo(,'ul, noaxzcoo o E a z m m z m o a ^ c ^ m r o 9'8413�50 ------------------------------------------ �������������'�����������������������������'�������������� 5*1z-5so`o nncrwuonzmG/annorcnorouaL a m m z m m z m c a a 1, u m c m n�oo 1/04/16 1/04 a18645 cnu. 079601 78039 vaoF amav JACnsom zm, 003615 a /sooy /36.80 /36,80 z/zz/zv z//z ^49300 ray. mn`on 78249 opcxnnm zm,� a 003615 mn� » wooc 7,905.4z 8'642.2' ~-----------~ JAmn^p, no,z"zr, oa, o,*oz�zz cm. n�ov 8'6*2�21 ------------------------------------------------------'------------------------- 5o1/-s6ozo vrzLzrzoo-o�LocTxzC o m G z m m z v n a a L a m c o 1,549.43 //04/16 1/04 a48641 ouu, 079600 �8039 n,zuoLEn ' wson mnv15 noasoz 1.1.71655189 mv,1.5 ,o.on 1'644.51 z/n^/'s 1/04 u48642 cav, 079600 78039 WATER - w000 mov15 003302 122-1040-o' wuv's 20.35 /'664..86 1/04/16 z/n« ^48643 rou. 079600 -ionsy n,rL/mun - mooc xo,zs 003302 302928")066 Nuv15 17�62 1,682�48 1/22/16 1/22 a50297 co^. vonou, 78557 sLocrnzo avo. wa, o01.325 055726558086 345�99 2,028.*� 1/29/16 1/29 ^50960 coo, ovozon 78-)4e rzo aoo wu,-oos oo5-J^C 000246 4013587903 mob-Jao 45.82 2'074.29 aumv^a, aczzvzr, oa, 524.86 ra. o�on 524.86 -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------'-------......----------------------...... ... -- sszz-5`,zn omar oo=vzcn e u s z m m z m c v ^ L ^ m c o 0.00 ____________________________________________________________________ 56zz-57^zv pazmczmo p^zMomr a o s r m w z w o o a L a v c o zcs'oaz�cz '/o^/zo 1/14 a49969 a�k. oct 0z0416 zsonz Jn23065 n^m PMr x* ^a# 023065 7'528.98 /34'390�20 z/vo/zo 1/14 a49979 a=k uf, 0�081.6 13865 Ju23o,4 esoozcoau/muzro rMro.13 :F.:# 023074 5'062�02 13e.452.22 1/1e/16 1/22 asoo/o a"^ oct 01,916 13893 Jo23120 wa pnmz rmr vzr :E» 023120 11'460.39 150'e32.61 1/22/16 `/ar p50139 o"k of, o/zzzs zsyo, no23141 oncoumpu rMr o17 oot vcaz*z 6'386.75 157.s19.36 //28/16 z/oo a50231 a"^ u,t 012816 'syz* zm23170 unoaoo/aunouou pwr n38 Ju�f oza'ro 9'336.96 zss'sso.ae ~~~~~-~~~~~-~ aumvuax ^crzvzT, ua, 39'')95.10 cm` 0,00 39'795�10 --------------------------------------------___________________________________________________ s«zz-574,s zmcoaoor o,cEmoo 2-15-2016 2:50 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE 5 FUND : 111-WY:L.IE ECONOMIC DEVE:L CORP PERIOD TO USE_ Jan-20:16 THRU Jan-2016 DEPT : 61:1. DEVELOPMENT COR.P-W.EDC. ACCOUNTS: 56].1-5201.0 THRU 56:1.1-58910 POST DATE TRAN I REFERENCE PACKET-----------DESCRIPTION=-==== VEND INV/JE I BEGINNING BALANCE 28,406,89 1./04/16 1/14 849969 Bnk Oft 010416 13862 JE2.3065 K&M PMT #4 JE# 023065 1,216.27 2.9,623.16 1/08/16 1/:1.4 1349979 Bnk. Dft 010816 13865 JE23074 PEDDICORD/WHITE PMT#1.3 JE# 023074 2,320.43 31.,943.59 1/19/16 1/22 850070 Bnk Dft 0:1:1916 1.3893 JE23120 WB PKWY PMT #17 JE# 023.120 ].,787.54 33,73.1..1.3 1/22/16 6/27 850139 Fink Dft 0122216 13907 3E231.4.1. BUCHANAN PMT #17 3E6 023141 945.20 34,676.33 1/22/16 1/22 A50344 C1IK: 080035 78566 BUS. WAY - INTEREST PAY 003207 88157334 JAN16 3,204.66 37,880.99 1/28/16 2/02 85023.1 Bnk D.tt. 0128.1.6 .1.3921 3E23170 HUGHES/RANDACK PMT #38 JE# 023:170 770.04 38,651.03 -__:- JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: .1.0,244.:14 CRr. 0.00 .1.0,244.14 5611--57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE BEGINNING BALANCE 0„00 561.1-5811.0 LAND-PURCHASE PR.ICE �. BEGINNING BALANCE 950,386.00 561:1-581.20 DEVELOPMENT FEES BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 56:L1-58150 LAND-BETTERMENTS BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 56:1.:1-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 561.1-58410 SANITARY SEWER BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 5 611-5 88 1.0 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE BEGINNING BALANCE 0.00 1/13/1.6 1/13 A49546 CHIC: 079868 78332 NEW COMPUTER BUILD 003.:339 002566 WEDC 550.00 550..00 1./19/16 1/19 A4.9982 OFT: 000057 78465 COMPUTER HARDWARE 000912 8277 DEC:15 WYGANT 595.54 1,1.45.54 1/19/16 .1./19 A4119y3.2: DFT: 000057 78465 COMPUTER HARDWARE 000912 8277 DEC.1.5 WYGANT 227.28 1,372.82 1/19/16 1/1.9 A49982 DET. 000057 78465 COMPUTER HARDWARE 000.912 8277 DEC:15 WYGANT 79.98 1,452.80 1./22/16 :1/22 A503066 CHK: 080028 78557 NEW COMPUTER 003339 002256.9 277.43 1,730.23 -mm-,,, ,m.,-- JANUARY ACTIVITY DB: 1,730.23 CR: 0.00 1,730.23 � c-zs-zuzo »,su ,m u s r a z L L s u T z m o enuE; u cumo . /11-wvLIE ECI(moeIn mswoL CORP FIESzuo TO nao� Jan-2016 rmw u^*-201e oaer : G Iz oEvoavewEmx uonr-wam: ACCuumra; 5u11-1520zu rHRu s611-59910 pvoT DATE Taam w nsFmnswum --~~ va*n zxwzs m mmTa ~��~apmqwr�~~~ ~~~~na»aouo~~�~ --------------------~----~------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- yezi-saoao cuRurzouu u FzuTunuc m s o r m m z m o u x x. A m c s o.n^ ---------------------------------- ----------~--------------------~-------- s6�z-soyzo Ali;zLmzmau a n p z w N o a ^ L n m c a 0.00 `-^-~---~-°-~-~-~-`-----^- oon cnpoaS IN THIS aapunr/ '- ua,oez soraco ~` -- osmzrs -- -- reouzzo -- aaozmmzam mnc*wcaa: z'oss,z,4,69 o.un paPopzmm nnTzvzrz, 502.99*.26 *n.*wun ENozmc BALANCES: ror^L nomo avozNG aaLamcs. e,1o9,109,95 4 2-15-1016 2:50 PM DETAIL LISTING PAGE: SELECTION CRITERIA, FISCAL YEAR: Oct-2OIh / SeP 201E FUND: Include,: 111 PERIOD TO USE: .Dorn-Yt46, THEM ,,Ia:n-2O16 TRANSACTIONS: BOTH ACCOUNT SELECTION ACCOUNT RANGE; 561.l „`i2910I TERM 5611-51391I3 DEPARTMENT RANEE: - TERM - A,".TIVE ":':,ENDS ONLY: N(';1 ACTIVF. ACCOUNT ONLY: NO INCLUDE RESTRICTED At:CORN:S: NO DIGIT SELECTION; PRINT OPTIONS DETA'II,, OMIT ACCOUNTS WITH NO ACTIVITY: NO PRINT ENCUMBRANCES: NO PRINT VENDOR NAME: NO PRINT PPU,IE.CT.S: NO PRINT ISGlIR'NAL ENTRY NOTES: NO PRINT MONTHLY TOTALS: YES PRINT GRAND TOTALS: NO PRINT: INVOICE 31 PAGE BREAK ElY: NONE END OF REPORT ". Wylie Economic Development Corporation Inventory Subledger December 31, 2015 Inventory -Land Date of Pur. Address Acreage Improvements Cost Basis Sub-totals Cooper McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a $202,045 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 $32,005 3,625 186,934 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.49 Demo 200,224 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.37 n/a 106,419 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.41 n/a 60,208 Duel Products 9/7/12 704 Cooper Dr. 0.50 n/a 127,452 Randack 10/23/12 711-713 Cooper Dr. 1.09 217,500 8,880 400,334 Lot 2R3 7/24/14 Cooper Dr. 0.95 n/a 29,056 $1,312,672 Industrial Ct. Hughes 7/25/06 211 -212 Industrial 0.74 209,801 10,000 420,361 R.O.W. 0.18 41,585 Prime Kuts 10/8/07 207 Industrial 0.20 182,223 4,550 229,284 R.O.W. 0.11 n/a 77,380 Cazad 3/17/08 210 Industrial 0.27 128,083 3,900 200,782 Buchanan 8/13/14 400 S. Hwy 78 1.25 68,294 12,750 503,233 Glenn 4/24/15 209 Industrial Ct 0.18 69,426 2,900 326,773 R.O.W. 0.12 n/a 1,799,398 Regency Ferrell 9/29/05 2806 F.M. 544 1.09 Demo 239,372 Sale of R.O.W. 2/14/07 -0.09 n/a -20,094 Crossroads 6/12/09 2804 F.M. 544 0.44 24,696 2,800 171,842 Regency Pk. 6/4/10 25 Steel Road 0.65 n/a 25,171 416,290 Commerce Hobart Investments 11/12/13 Commerce 1.60 n/a 156,820 Hobart 1/6/14 605 Commerce 1.07 396,263 20,000 386,380 543,200 Jackson Heath 3/17/14 104 N. Jackson 0.17 Demo 220,034 Udoh 2/12/14 109 Marble 0.17 n/a 70,330 Peddicord 12/12/14 108/110 Jackson 0.35 155,984 4,444 486,032 City Lot 12/12/14 100 W. Oak St 0.35 n/a Jones (K&M) 9/3/15 106 N. Birmingham 0.21 42,314 4,125 190,596 966,992 Alanis White Property(Alanis) 12/12/14 Alanis 6.63 n/a 420,336 420,336 South Ballard Birmin ham Trust 6/3/15 505-607 S. Ballard 0.95 Demo 409,390 409,390 Business Way Linduff Property 10/21/15 710 Business Way 2.11 649,716 15,000 950,386 950,386 Total 23.48 $1,526,589 92,974 $6,818,664 $6,818,664 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and not part of land value. *Prime Kuts total purchase price was$306,664.45. The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub Ledger January 31, 2016 Notes Payable Date of Rate of Principal Purchase Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Interest Balance January 1, 2016 * 3,278,499.15 ANBTX-88130968 HUGHES/RANDACK(38 of 60) 10/23/12 10,107.00 224,045.50 9,336.96 770.04 3.99 214,708.54 ANBTX-88130976 WOODBRIDGE PKWY (#17 of 60) 8/15/14 13,267.93 795,346.38 11,480.39 1,787.54 2.61 783,865.99 ANBTX-88148481 BUCHANAN(#17 of 60) 8/13/14 7,331.95 300,860.92 6,386.75 945.20 3.77 294,474.17 ANBTX-88149711 PEDDICORD/WHITE(#13 OF 120 12/12/14 7,382.45 662,980.42 5,062.02 2,320.43 4.20 657,918.40 ANBTX-88158043 K&M(4 of 48) 9/2/15 8,745.25 364,879.93 7,528.98 1,216.27 4.00 357,350.95 ANBTX-88157334 LINDUFF(4 of 9 Interest only) 10/21/15 3,204.66 930,386.00 0.00 3,204.66 4.00 930,386.00 January 31, 2016 $39,795.10 $10,244.14 3,238,704.05 Note: Principal and Interest payments vary by date of payment. * Balance adjusted $514.68 at payoff of ANBTX-88122627 (Martinez) WEDC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR J P MorganChase Expense Report December 2015 DATE 1 PAYEE AMOUNTL BUSINESS PURPOSE 1 INDIVIDUAL/GROUPS PRESENT 01/02/16 Cytracom 277.74 Telephone Svc N/A 12/11/15 Fish City Grill 40.10 Business Meeting Satterwhite, Falcon Realty 12/12/15 Prestonwood 594.09 Dues, Bus Mtgs/Pros Recruitment November 12/14/15 Ballard Street Café 17.00 Business Meeting Satterwhite, Cooper 12/28/15 Pappadeaux 137.70 Business Meeting Satterwhite, Retail Coach, Falcon Realty TOTAL 1,066.631 WEDC Senior Assistant JPMorgan Chase Expense Report December 2015 DATE I VENDOR PURPOSE IAMOUNT 12/8/15 Walmart WEDC Board Meetin. Su.dies 24.38 12/8/15 Jimm Johns WEDC Board Meeting Meal 74.99 12/16/15 Kroger WEDC Board Meeting Meal 9.31 12/18/15 Chilosos WEDC Board Meeting Meal 72.00 12/18/15 Postage Industrial Ct. Vacate Notices-Certified Mail 23.86 12/21/15 Walmart Holiday Supplies (bags) 41.36 12/22/15 Newegg Computer Equipment for Jason's Office 595.54 12/22/15 Newegg Computer Processor for Jason's Office 227.28 12/22/15 Newegg Computer tower case for Jason's Office 79.98 Total I 1,148.70 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2016 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2014 2015 2016 15 VS 16 15 VS 16 DECEMBER $134,371 $154,719 $166,418 $11,700 7.56% JANUARY 128,968 156,685 163,463 6,778 4.33% FEBRUARY 213,877 241,858 260,166 18,309 7.57% MARCH 121,483 171,741 APRIL 124,866 134,475 MAY 200,476 211,645 JUNE 145,137 161,426 JULY 149,537 159,973 AUGUST 193,751 216,962 SEPTEMBER 154,328 195,347 OCTOBER 152,545 160,876 NOVEMBER 213,292 226,078 Sub-Total $1,932,632 $2,191,785 $590,048 $36,787 6.65% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $1,932,632 $2,191,785 $590,048 $36,787 6.65% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $3 0,000 .I_ ... .. �._. ....._. .............. $250,000 ... of l $200,000 ...... . 1 r ,, r $150,000 r ///; j w, 1111 r f6 i �I [a2o5�201� f I/ U I r - II f1 II $100,000 ..... i, , ,1 , ,. 1, i , , ( 1 ir $50,000 ... (/ ,,,, �� � '�i' .. �; U I � � �, . AIL...... I �i (J g % I I% ! r I° 1 / g am Q , " El y m ' Li ¢ mO zO co Wylie Economic Development Corporation MEMORANDUM TO: WEDC Board of Directors FROM: Samuel Satterwhite, Executive Directo SUBJECT: D/FW Electric DATE: February 16, 2016 Issue (Remove from Table} Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Fruediger Holdings, LLC. Analysis D/FW Electric (Fruediger Holdings, LLC) initially came to the WEDC in an attempt to evaluate options for either acquiring property in Wylie or a similar property in Rowlett to house their expanding operations which were previously housed in 15,000 square feet on Kristen Court. Following an oral commitment by WEDC staff for assistance, D/FW closed on the property and staff is presenting the attached Performance Agreement for the Board's review. The property in Wylie was previously owned by Rushin Truss and was comprised of 20,000 square feet of warehouse and 1,800 square feet of office. D/FW will be converting 5,500 square feet of warehouse into office at a cost of not less than $250,000. In presenting this project previously, the Board was more interested in retaining the 75 existing jobs than a $250,000 investment in expanded office space. D/FW also indicated that the increased office space will allow the company to meet a significant need in expanding their office staff by no less than 10 people. The attached Agreement proposes a total maximum incentive of$70,000 which is broken down as follows: Incentive No. la $15,000 ➢ 5,500 sq ft office space added at a minimum cost of$250,000 Incentive No. lb $25,000 ➢ Confirmation of no less than 75 existing employees Incentive No. 2 $30,000 ➢ Confirmation of no less than 10 additional employees WEDC- D/FW Electric February 16, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Should D/FW fail to meet the Performance Measures for either Incentive No. 1a or 1b, the entire Performance Agreement is voided in advance. Further, should D/FW fail to add ten additional employees as called for within Section II c, no partial incentive payment will be provided to D/FW. Recommendation Staff recommends that the WEDC Board of Directors approve a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Fruediger Holdings, LLC providing for a maximum cumulative incentive of $70,000 and further authorizing the WEDC Executive Director to execute said Agreement. Attachments Performance Agreement PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Between WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION And FRUEDIGER HOLDINGS, LLC This Performance Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (the "WEDC"), a Texas corporation organized and existing under the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended from time to time (the "Act"), and Fruediger Holdings,LLC, a Texas limited liability company (the "Company"). WHEREAS, the Company desires to relocated and expand its operations to 1010 Squire Drive, Wylie, Texas (the "Property") and make certain improvements to the same to accommodate their existing and expanding workforce (the "Project"). The existing Property has a 21,800 square foot facility with 1,800 square feet in office and 20,000 square feet of open warehouse. Company is desirous of converting/remodeling 5,500 square feet of existing warehouse space to office space at a project cost of$250,000; and WHEREAS, the Company has requested that the WEDC provide economic assistance to facilitate the remodeling of the Facility and the related improvements by providing cost reimbursement for the proposed improvements (the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the establishment of the Company's facility in the City of Wylie, Texas will create "primary jobs", as that term is defined in the Act, being a job available at a company for which a majority of the products or services of the company are ultimately exported to regional, statewide,national or international markets; and WHEREAS, primary jobs created by the Facility falls within the North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) Sector No. 551; and WHEREAS, the WEDC has determined that it is in the best interest of the public and the City and promotes the purposes authorized by the voters of the City of Wylie for which the WEDC was established to retain/enhance local employment and to encourage the development and use of industrial and business properties within the City; and WHEREAS, the WEDC is willing to provide the Company with economic assistance hereinafter set forth on the terms and subject to the conditions as stated herein and Company is willing to accept the same subject to all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the WEDC and Company agree as follows: I. Economic Assistance. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the WEDC will provide Company economic assistance in the form of Incentive Payments ("Incentives") in an amount up to, but not to exceed Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) (the "Economic Page 1 of 6 518822-1 Incentive"). The Incentives will be paid according to the criteria set forth herein with the WEDC's obligation to pay the Reimbursement Incentives terminating May 1, 2017. Upon meeting the qualifications and requirements (the "Performance Requirements"), the Company shall be entitled to the following economic Incentives: Economic Incentive and Performance Requirements Schedule: Max. Total Expected Sq. Ft. Retained/New WEDC WEDC Eligibility Year Incentive Converted Employees Incentive Incentive Incentive 2016 la 5,500 n/a $15,000 $25,000 May 1, 2016 2016 lb n/a 75 $25,000 $40,000 May 1, 2016 2017 2 n/a 10 $30,000 $70,000 May 1, 2017 II. Requirements for each Incentive Payment. a. Incentive No. la: A maximum Incentive of $15,000.00 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirements for Incentive No. la: 1) Documentation of receipt on or before May 1, 2016 of a Final Certificate of Occupancy (CO) as issued by the City of Wylie for increased office space of no less than 5,500 square feet to the existing 1,800 square feet of office space located on the Property; 2) Documentation supporting a project cost of no less than $250,000 directly attributed to the Project, not including funds required to purchase the Property. Eligible documentation may include paid invoices, draw requests, purchase orders, or other documentation provided by Company to be considered and accepted at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC; 3) Should Company Fail to qualify for Incentive No. la, Incentive No. lb and Incentive No. 2 will be voided in advance; and 4) Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. la is May 1, 2016. b. Incentive No. lb: A maximum Incentive of$25,000 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirements for Incentive No. lb: 1) Documentation supporting a minimum of 75 individuals employed by Company not more than 90 days prior to CO as evidenced by Form 941 identifying number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation from the Company or other documentation provided by Company evidencing current employment considered and accepted at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC. Total employment figures Page 2 of 6 C:\Users\Sam Satterwhite\Documents\Word Files\DFW Electric\Performance Agreement.doc presented by Company to qualify for Incentive No. lb will hereinafter be identified as Base Employment; 2) Should Company fail to qualify for Incentive No. lb, Incentive No. la and Incentive No. 2 will be voided in advance, and 3) Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. lb is May 1, 2016. c. Incentive No. 2: A maximum Incentive of $30,000.00 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirements for Incentive No. 2: 1) Twelve months from issuance of CO, Company must submit documentation supporting no less than 10 new employees over and above the Base Employment as evidenced by Form 941 identifying number of employees who received wages, tips, or other compensation from the Company or other documentation provided by Company evidencing current employment considered and accepted at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC. For example, should Company identify 77 individuals employed by Company within documentation presented for Incentive No. lb (Base Employment), Company will be required to provide documentation supporting no less than 87 total employees. No partial incentive will be provided to Company for any number of employees less than 10 over and above the Base Employment; and 2) Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 2 is May 1, 2017. At the sole and absolute discretion of WEDC, the eligibility deadline for Incentive No. 2 may be extended in order to receive a more current Form 941, or other documentation which may be required, in order to accurately verify employment data. III. WEDC Payment of Reimbursement Incentives. Supporting documents must be submitted to the WEDC not more than thirty (30) days from the eligibility expiration for each incentive. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the WEDC shall pay the Incentive Payments within approximately forty-five (45) days of receipt of the required documentation from the Company, subject to verification by the WEDC that the Performance Requirements have been met or exceeded by the Company. IV. Non-Attainment of Performance Requirements. In the event that the Company does not meet or exceed a Performance Requirement as specified in Section II, the WEDC Incentive will be voided in advance of payment at the sole discretion of the WEDC. The Company will not be eligible to receive any portion of an Incentive after the date of the Economic Incentive Termination. V. Economic Assistance Termination. The Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by either party, upon the failure of the other party to fulfill an obligation as set forth in Section II above. Regardless of the Company's level of Page 3 of 6 C:\Users\Sam Satterwhite\Documents\Word Files\DFW Electric\Performance Agreement.doc attainment of the Performance Requirements set forth in Section II above, the WEDC's obligation to pay a portion or all of the Reimbursement Incentive will expire in full on May 1,2017. VI. Employee Hiring,Materials and Supplies Purchase. Although not an event of default or a condition to any advance in the Agreement, WEDC requests that the Company satisfy its need for all additional employees from Wylie residents and purchase all materials, supplies and services necessary to affect the renovations and subsequent occupancy of the leased office space from Wylie merchants and businesses. VII. Community Involvement. Although not an event of default or condition of any advance hereunder, the Company agrees to actively participate in community and charitable organizations and/or activities, the purpose of which are to improve the quality of life in the City of Wylie, Texas, and to actively encourage its City of Wylie employees to be involved in such organizations and/or activities. VIII. Verification and Compliance. The Company will allow the WEDC to audit necessary Company's records, documents, agreements and other instruments in furtherance of the following purposes: (i)to ensure the Company's compliance with the affirmative covenants set forth in this Agreement; (ii) to determine the existence of an Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement; (iii)to ensure compliance with any other terms and conditions set forth herein or any related documents. Company will provide reports certifying the status of compliance, new jobs created, new investments and any other relevant information until the termination of this Agreement. Documentation for jobs may be in the form of quarterly IRS 941 returns, Texas Workforce Commission Quarterly Unemployment Summary, or employee rosters that show the hours of work and the position filled, and such other reports as may reasonably be required. IX. Cessation of Economic Assistance. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, WEDC shall have no obligation to disburse WEDC Economic Incentives if the Company becomes insolvent, files a petition in bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or is adjudged bankrupt, is delinquent on any property tax payments, or an Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement occurs. X. Non-Payment of Economic Assistance. The following will constitute an Event of Default and any advance shall not be forgiven in an Event of Default, but shall become due and payable: the Company becomes insolvent, makes any materially false statements to the City and/or the WEDC, fails to pay ad valorem taxes, or files suit against the City and/or the WEDC. XI. Miscellaneous. a. Prior to the execution of the Performance Agreement, Company will make available to WEDC representatives for their review and acceptance a three (3) year history of financial statements and full disclosure of financing provided by any third party for the purchase of Property and development of Facilities. Page 4 of 6 C:\Users\Sam Satterwhite\Documents\Word Files\DFW Electric\Performance Agreement.doc b. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and shall not be assignable by Company without the prior written consent of the WEDC, which consent may be withheld by the WEDC in its sole and absolute discretion. c. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Texas and is subject to all provisions of Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. Art. 5190.6, which are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. In the event any provision of the Agreement is in conflict with article 5190.6, article 5190.6 shall prevail. d. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties regarding the within subject matter and may only be amended or revoked by the written agreement executed by all of the parties hereto. e. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and is specifically performable in Collin County, Texas. f. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this agreement shall be deemed delivered by depositing the same in the United States mail, certified with return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party at the following addresses, or at such other address as any part hereto might specify in writing: WEDC: Samuel D. R. Satterwhite Executive Director Wylie Economic Development Corporation 108-C W. Marble Wylie, Texas 75098 With copy to: Abernathy,Roeder,Boyd and Joplin, P.C. 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 McKinney, Texas 75069 Attention: Mr. G. Randal Hullett COMPANY: FREUDIGER HOLDINGS, LLC Attn: Kevin Freudiger 1010 Squire Lane Wylie, TX 75098 Page 5 of 6 C:\Users\Sam Satterwhite\Documents\Word Files\DFW Electric\Performance Agreement.doc By the execution hereof, each signatory hereto represents and affirms that he is acting on behalf of the party indicated, that such party has taken all action necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of the Agreement and that the same is a binding obligation on such PAY. EXECUTED this day of , 2016. WEDC: WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: Samuel D. R. Satterwhite,Executive Director COMPANY: FREUDIGER HOLDINGS,LLC, a Texas limited liability company By: Kevin Freudiger,Member Page 6 of 6 C:\Users\Sam SatterwhitelDocuments\Word Files\DFW Electric\Performance Agreement.doe Wylie Economic Development Corporation ME INV MEMORANDUM TO: WEDC Board of Directors FROM: Samuel Satterwhite, Executive Director SUBJECT: Ascend Custom Extrusions DATE: February 16, 2016 Issue Consider and act upon issues surrounding a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC. Analysis Attached for the Board's review is a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend which was executed on December 20, 2013. In order to qualify for the 3rd incentive payment of $24,000 Ascend must provide documentation to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3rd extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost) of not less than $4,500,000. Qualifying documentation was provided on January 31, 2015. The final payment under this agreement, in the amount of$24,000, is scheduled for February 1, 2017. Recommendation Staff recommends that the WEDC Board of Directors approve an incentive payment of$24,000 to Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC per the terms of the Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend. Attachments Performance Agreement PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Between WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION And ASCEND CUSTOM EXTRUSIONS,LLC This Performance Agreement (this"Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Wylie Economic Development Corporation (the "WEDC"), a Texas corporation organized and existing under Chapter 501, of the Local Government Code, known as the Development Corporation Act, as amended from time to time (the "Act"), and Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC (the"Company"),a Delaware limited liability company. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Company and WEDC entered into that certain Performance Agreement dated November 19,2010,to assist Company in the development of property in the City of Wylie, Texas, as described in that agreement (the "Property") into an aluminum extrusion business (the "Project");and WHEREAS, the Company proposes making additional improvements to the Project by constructing a 21,000 square foot expansion of the improvements located on the Property (the "Improvements");and WHEREAS, the Company has requested that the WEDC provide economic assistance to facilitate these Improvements by paying for City of Wylie building fees associated with constructing the Improvements;and WHEREAS, the Company has requested that the WEDC provide economic assistance to facilitate this Project by providing an incentive payment for the Company's installation and operation of certain equipment as part of the Project;and WHEREAS, the expansion of the Project in the City will create "primary jobs", as that term is defined in the Act, being a job available at a company for which a majority of the products or services of the company are ultimately exported to regional, statewide, national or international markets;and WHEREAS, primary jobs created by the Project of the Company fall within the North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) Sector No.311-339;and WHEREAS, for the public purpose of promoting economic development and diversity, increasing employment,reducing unemployment and underemployment, expanding commerce and stimulating business and commerce activities in the State of Texas, Collin County, and the City of Wylie, the WEDC desires to provide economic assistance to the Company as more particularly described in this Agreement;and ORIGINAL Page 1of6 636769.1 WHEREAS, the WEDC is willing to provide the Company with economic assistance hereinafter set forth on the terms and subject to the conditions as stated herein and Company is willing to accept the same subject to all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the WEDC and Company agree as follows: Economic Assistance. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the WEDC will provide Company economic assistance in the form of performance based economic incentives ("Economic Incentives") in an amount up to, but not to exceed, One Hundred Twenty One Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-One and No/100s ($121,871.00). Upon the Company providing documentation reasonably satisfactory to the WEDC that it has met the qualifications, conditions, and requirements set forth below (the "Performance Requirements"),the Company shall be entitled to the following Economic Incentives: Economic Incentive and Performance Requirements Schedule: Sq.Ft WEDC WEDC Total Expiration Year Incentive Occupied Incentive Incentive Date 2013 No. 1 117,000 $49,871 $ 49,871 2-1-14 2014 No.2 117,000 $24,000 $ 73,871 2-1-15 2015 No.3 117,000 $24,000 $ 97,871 2-1-16 2016 No.4 117,000 $24,000 $121,871 2-1-17 II. Requirements for each Economic Incentive. a. A maximum Economic Incentive of$49,871.00 will be paid to the City of Wylie upon completion of the following Performance Requirements for Incentive No. 1: 1) Issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a 21,000 square foot expansion to the Project; and 2) Documentation that the building permit associated with the Improvements has a minimum cost of$1,000,000.00; and 3) Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 1 is February 1,2014. b. A maximum Economic Incentive of $24,000.00 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No.2: 1) Documentation satisfactory to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3`d extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost) of not less than$4,500,000.00; and Page 2 of 6 636769.1 2) Eligibility for this Incentive No. 2 begins twelve (12) months from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the 21,000 square foot expansion and expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 2 is February 1,2015. c. A maximum Economic Incentive of $24,000.00 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No.3: 1) Documentation satisfactory to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3rd extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost)of not less than$4,500,000.00; and 2) Eligibility for this Incentive No. 3 begins twelve (12) months from the date of payment of Incentive No. 2 and expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 3 is February 1,2016. d. A maximum Economic Incentive of $24,000.00 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No.4: 1) Documentation satisfactory to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3rd extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost)of not less than$4,500,000.00; and 2) Eligibility for this Incentive No. 4 begins twelve (12)months from the date of payment of Incentive No. 3 and expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 4 is February 1,2017. For the purposes of this Agreement, the "payment date" of each Economic Incentive shall be the date the Economic Incentive is actually paid, or the date the Economic Incentive would have been paid if earned. III. WEDC Payment of Economic Assistance. Supporting documents must be submitted to the WEDC not more than thirty (30) days from the eligibility expiration for each incentive. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the WEDC shall pay the Economic Incentives within approximately forty-five(45)days of receipt of the required documentation from the Company, subject to verification by the WEDC that the Performance Requirements have been met or exceeded by the Company. IV. Non-Attainment of Performance Requirements. In the event that the Company does not meet or exceed a Performance Requirement as specified in Section II, the WEDC Economic Incentive will be voided in advance of payment at the sole discretion of the WEDC,provided that WEDC shall provide the Company at least 20 days advance notice of its intention to void the WEDC Economic Incentive and an opportunity to meet the Performance Requirement. The Company will not be eligible to receive any portion of a reduced Economic Incentive after the date of the performance time period has expired. Page 3 of 6 636769.1 V. Economic Assistance Termination. The Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by either party, upon the failure of the other party to fulfill an obligation as set forth in the Agreement. Regardless of the Company's level of attainment of the Requirements set forth in the Performance Agreement the WEDC's obligation to pay a portion or all of the Economic Incentive to the Company will expire in full on February 1, 2017, except in the event that the Company has fully complied with the Performance Requirements for such unpaid Economic Incentives, including reasonable compliance with the documentation requirements set forth herein. VI. Cessation of Advance. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, WEDC shall have no obligation to make economic payments or disburse WEDC funds if the Company becomes insolvent, files a petition in bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or is adjudged bankrupt,or is delinquent on municipal payments or an Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement occurs. VII. Non-Payment of Economic Incentives. The following will constitute an Event of Default and the Company shall not be entitled to any Economic Incentive following: (i) the Company knowingly making false statements to the City,the WEDC, or the State of Texas; (ii) the Company filing for protection under bankruptcy laws and/or being adjudged bankrupt; or (iii) the Company's failure to pay ad valorem taxes when due (the Company retaining the right to contest any such ad valorem taxes in the manner provided by law). The Company shall be entitled to notice and an opportunity to cure as provided for in Section IV above. VIII. Employee Hiring,Materials and Supplies Purchase. Although not an event of default or a condition of the payment of any Economic Incentive in this Agreement, WEDC requests that the Company satisfies its need for all additional employees from Wylie residents and purchase all materials, supplies and services necessary to construct and maintain the Improvements from Wylie merchants and businesses. IX. Sales Tax Situs. The Company agrees that any and all contracts for the construction of the Improvements on the Property in the case where the Company is an owner, will (i) separately identify labor and materials components for purposes of determining sales and use tax pursuant to Section 151.056(b) of the Texas Tax Code resulting in the value of the materials being separately identified from other costs and (ii) state that the situs of any sales and use tax paid and related thereto will be Wylie, Texas. The WEDC's remedy for a violation of this section is for the Company to pay the sales and use taxes that would otherwise be collected by the City in accordance with this section. The WEDC shall have the right from time to time to require the Company to deliver copies of all construction contracts and periodic billings/payments related to any improvements in the case where the Company is an owner, to the WEDC within 15 days after receipt of such written request from WEDC. The Company agrees to make a good faith effort to inform all contractors both prime and sub and any other buyers of the Property owned by the Company that the WEDC desires the situs of sales and use taxes to be Wylie, Texas. Further, the Company agrees to make Wylie, Texas, the situs for all sales taxes collected and paid for any materials or products sold by the Company while it is located on the Property. Page 4 of 6 636769.1 X. Community Involvement. Although not an event of default or condition of any payment hereunder, the Company agrees to actively participate in community and charitable organizations and/or activities,the purpose of which are to improve the quality of life in the City of Wylie, Texas, and to actively encourage its City of Wylie employees to be involved in such organizations and/or activities. XI. Verification and Compliance. The Company will allow the WEDC to audit,if necessary, all of the Company's records, documents, agreements and other instruments in furtherance of the following purposes: (i) to ensure the Company's compliance with the affirmative covenants set forth in this Agreement; (ii)to determine the existence of an Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement; (iii) to ensure compliance with any other terms and conditions set forth herein or any related documents. Company will provide reports certifying the status of compliance, new investments and any other relevant information until the termination of this Agreement. XII. Miscellaneous. a. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and shall not be assignable by Company (except to an affiliate of the Company) without the prior written consent of the WEDC,which consent may be withheld by the WEDC in its sole and absolute discretion. b. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Texas and is subject to all provisions of the Act, which are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. In the event any provision of the Agreement is in conflict with the Act, the Act shall prevail. c. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties regarding the within subject matter and may only be amended or revoked by the written agreement executed by all of the parties hereto. d. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and is specifically performable in Collin County,Texas. e. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this agreement shall be deemed delivered by depositing the same in the United States mail, certified with return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party at the following addresses,or at such other address as any part hereto might specify in writing: WEDC: Mr. Samuel D.R. Satterwhite Executive Director Wylie Economic Development Corporation 250 S.Highway 78 Wylie,Texas 75098 With copy to: Abernathy,Roeder,Boyd&Joplin,P.C. 1700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 McKinney,Texas 75069 Attention:Mr.G.Randal Hullett Page 5 of 6 636769.1 COMPANY: Ascend Custom Extrusions, LLC c/o Highlander Partners,LP 3811 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 250 Dallas, TX 75219 Attention: Chris McRorie By the execution hereof, each signatory hereto represents and affirms that he is acting on behalf of the party indicated, that such party has taken all action necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of the Agreement and that the same is a binding obligation on such party. EC'WED this �.� day of " c^ 2013. WEDC: WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION B Samuel D.R. Satterwhite Executive Director COMPANY: ASCEND CUSTOM EXTRUSIONS,LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: .� A ,. sel 1 Page 6 of 6 636769.1 Wylie Economic Development Corporation MEMORANDUM TO: WEDC Board of Directors FROM: Jason Greiner, Assistant Directo < SUBJECT: Business Retention& Expansion'Program DATE: February 19, 2016 Issue Consider and act upon issues surrounding a Business Retention&Expansion Program. Analysis The WEDC Business Retention and Expansion(BRE)program needs an overhaul and complete redesign for FY15-16. With a new BRE Strategy, Overview and Action Plan, WEDC will be better equipped to encourage the growth and expansion of Wylie companies through personal interviews and a variety of programs. The BRE interviews will be conducted by the WEDC Team, but primarily the Assistant Director and Executive Director will be responsible for ensuring the future success of the program. The primary goal is to develop, maintain and strengthen relationships with the CEO's and plant managers of our existing business and industry to assist with the continued growth and expansion of Wylie's industrial and commercial sectors. A secondary strategy of internal business development (BRE) is to identify new target companies that are excellent candidates for recruitment that may be referred to us by existing businesses. During personal interviews and a variety of other meetings, we will gather intelligence and input data into WEDC's custom database. This unique CRM (Customer Relationship Management database)will allow us to update company specific information, identify talent/workforce needs, expansion opportunities, infrastructure needs, barriers to growth,the state of the particular industry and strengthen relationships with community partners through referral of services. The BRE Program will help identify and address any other needs or concerns companies may have. What's next? • Redefine WEDC's BRE Strategy by developing a BRE Overview and Action Plan • Acquire licensing for a custom database/CRM. The Salesforce platform is easy to use and allows for integration with our BRE program • Attend the International Economic Development Council's Business Retention Expansion course in April 2016 • Design, launch and test the program by April 30, 2016 • Provide initial feedback for the FY15-16 Annual Report WEDC—BRE February 19, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the WEDC Board of Directors approve the acquisition of the Salesforce licensing in the amount of$2,556.45. Wylie EDC FY15-16 Business Retention & Expansion The Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program will encourage the growth and expansion of Wylie companies through personal interview and a variety of programs. The BRE interviews will be conducted by the WEDC Team, but primarily the Assistant Director and Executive Director will be responsible for ensuring the future success of the program. The primary goal is to develop, maintain and strengthen relationships with the CEO's and plant managers of our existing business and industry to assist with the continued growth and expansion of Wylie's industrial and commercial sectors. A secondary strategy of internal business development(BRE) is to identify new target companies that are excellent candidates for recruitment that may be referred to us by existing businesses. During personal interviews and a variety of other meetings, we will gather intelligence and input data into WEDC's custom database. This unique CRM will allow us to update company specific information, identify talent/workforce needs, expansion opportunities, infrastructure needs, barriers to growth, the state of the particular industry and strengthen relationships with community partners through referral of services. The BRE Program will help identify and address any other needs or concerns companies may have. BRE Overview: Administrative • Make weekly additions to the Contact Management System (Salesforce) o Document ALL contacts into system timely, including personal interviews&surveys o Update all projects with phone, email and/or meeting notes • Submit daily and/or weekly activity reports to the designated Salesforce Group • Produce monthly&quarterly reports of activities for board meetings • Provide reports for the Annual Report • Monitor assigned performance contracts and corresponding incentive agreements • Maintain updated contact list of primary employers Website • Consistent, constant updates and maintenance of the Existing Companies database or major employers list • Keep the BRE section fresh; assist with the updates& maintenance Existing Business • Personally visit the CEO and/or Plant Manager of local companies and complete Salesforce survey • Identify companies with expansion plans and help them throughout the process • Plan/execute quarterly Industry Tours for VIPs • Research HQs for existing companies so they can be visited when staff members are traveling • Assist primary employers in obtaining funding for new& incumbent worker training(Skills Dev Fund) • Assist companies at risk of leaving/downsizing • Provide information with customized research, including the use of the SBDC • Work with the SBDC,TMAC and others to provide applicable education,training& information to primary companies • Occasional attendance at various Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas committee meetings For Discussion Purposes Only Wylie EDC FY15-16 Future Plans: • Organize the events of the annual Industry Appreciation Month as presented by the Mayor(TBD) • Work with the Board of Directors to plan the annual Manufacturer's Appreciation Reception and/or Dinner(typically held during Industry Appreciation Month) • Partner with Wylie LSD to organize/sponsor 8th grade Career Inspire event • Help form industry teams to conduct Career Choices presentations in the Wylie schools • Gauge local interest WorkKeys and eventually help educate employers, business/community leaders, school districts& the community about WorkKeys& KeyTrain when it becomes available • Gauge local interest in a Human Resource Alliance and quarterly meeting Maintain & improve professional knowledge, accreditations and alliances through educational conferences, seminars,webinars and professional development courses throughout the year. • Business Retention & Expansion International (BREI) • Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) • International Economic Development Council (IEDC) • Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas Action Plan for FY15-16 • Acquire a list of local companies—1/26 o 1007 local companies, duplicate values and cleanup needed • Segment the companies and cultivate a BRE List and Major Employer List—2/5 o Narrowed the list to 285 to begin research o Separated companies into "industry buckets" or sectors • Further refine the list and come up with a Target BRE Audience—Pending o Identified 78 companies to explore further o Additional research needed • Explore local industry clusters surrounding aluminum and steel fabrication—Pending • Acquire licensing for a custom database/CRM—Pending o The Salesforce platform is easy to use and allows for integration with our BRE program • Explore a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce for BRE assistance- TBD • Attend the International Economic Development Council's BRE Course-Jason is registered for the course in April2016 • Design, launch and test the program by April 30, 2016 • Provide initial feedback for the FY15-16 Annual Report Goals for May 1, 2016 through September 31,2016 • Personally visit at least 25 companies, survey&enter results in Salesforce o Establish a BRE visitation schedule for Major Employers o Identify companies that are willing to host Industry Tours • Identify at least ONE company with possible expansion plans • Assist with coordination of at least one HQ visit • Establish our initial VIP list (Council, Board, Community Leaders) • Establish a plan to help local companies at Annual Trade Events/Conferences • Plan our first (of 4) Industry Tours for business & community leaders in the fall of FY16-17 • Partner with North Texas/Collin SBDC and/or TMAC to host two seminars for existing businesses in FY16-17 • Develop a list of options to consider for Industry Appreciation Month For Discussion Purposes Only Company Name Executive Executive Last Address ®State ZIP Code Executive,Executive Tit Location Employee Size Location Sales Volum-Phone Number C.Primary SIC Description SIC Code 1 Desccintion List Mayor Employers List A New Deal Irrigation Co Jay Johnson 2500 McWylie TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $5-10 Million (972)442-4077 Sprinklers-Garden&Lawn-Retail Sprinklers-Garden&Lawn-Retail BRE Accurate Automatic Mfg Corp Don Lewis 703 Busin W lie TX 75098 Male President 20 to 49 2-Mid $10-20 Million (9721442-6700 Machine Shops(Mfrs) Machine Shops(Mfrs) _ BRE Yes Aluma Graphics Inc Randall Williams 103 Seco Wylie TX 75098 Male President 20 to 49 2-Mid 55-10 Million (9721442-3299 Labels(Mfis) Labels(Mfrs) BRE Yes Amchel Communications Contr Ron Robinson 1703 Ma W lie TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2 Mid 510-20 Million 1972)442-1030 Communications Cellular Telephones(Services) BRE American Food&Vending Corp Michael Terry 6204 SaniMM TX 75098 Male Site Manage,1 to 4 1-Small Less Than$500,000 (9721442-8945 - r Vending Machines BRE American Restoration LLC M Joe Dempsey 2002 W K • TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $5-10 Million (972)429-8830 Water••• - Building Restoration&Preservation BRE American Steam Inc Carlos Diaz 49 Steel` - TX 75098 1Male Owner 10 to 19 2-Mid 520-50 Million (972)442-4499 Boilers-Supplies&Parts(Whl0) Boilers-Supplies&Parts(Whist BRE ,Amtec Wilding Steven ',Jones 2800 Cap Wylie TX 75098 Male Vice Preside 10 to 19 2-Mid 520-50 Million (972)442-5449 Welding Equipment&Supplies(Whist Welding Equipment&Supplies(Whlsl BRE Arborilogical Services Inc Steve Houser 16 Steel`Wylie TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $2 5 5 Million (972)442 1524 Tree Service Tree Trimming BRE Ascend Custom Extrusions LLC Jamey Rentfrow 1405 Ma W lie TX '.75098 Male President 10 to 19 2-Mid $5 10 Million (972)442 7200 Aluminum Fabricators(Mfrs( Aluminum Fabricators(Mfrs] BRE I8&B Wylie 12 With Marquee 711 Woor Wylie TX 75098 5 to 9 1 Small $500.000 1 Million 19721412 9999 Theatres-Movie Theatres-Movie BRE Barco Pump 940 Hens Wylie TX 75098 Ito 4 1-Small $1020 Million (214)428-5691 Pumps(Whls) Pumps(Whiff BRE co Products Inc Bijan ',Bayat 640 Sande - TX 75098 Male President 20 to 49 2-Mid $20-50 Million (2141342-0288 Electric Equipment&Supplies-Wholesale Electric Equipment-Manufacturers BRE Yes Berequist Co Carl Berequist 502 Silva Wylie TX 75098 Mule CEO 10 to 19 2-Mid $2.5-5 Million 19721442-8353 Metal Goads-Manufacturers Metal Goods-Manufacturers BRE Blue Ribbon Quilt Shoppe '.prances DE Witt 102 N Bal Wylie TX 75098 Female Owner 5 to 9 1-Small $500,000-1 Million (972)941-0777 Fabric Shops Quilts-Manufacturers BRE Carlisle Coatings&Waterproofing 900 Hens Wylie 'TX 75098 Carmie's kitchen Carmie Randack 1210 Wind Wylie TX 75098 Female Owner .5 to 9 1-Small $1-2.5 Million (972)442-1337 Spices ',ices - BRE Cazad Industries Inc Jody Lazed 7348 Mo=W lie -TX 75098 Male Owner (5 to 9 1-Small $1-2.5 Million (972)635-2100 Machine Shops(Mfrs) Machine Shops(Mfrs) BRE Chogie Manufacturing LLC Kenny Mitchell 901 Hens Wylie TX 75098 Male President 5 to 9 1-Small $1-2,5 Million (972 429-2264 Manufacturers Manufacturers BRE Clayton Industries Joshua Stegman 3 Trails PI(Wylie 'IX 75098 Male Manager 1 to 4 1-Small $1-2.5 Million 972)224-5011 Boilers-New&Used(Whls) Rollers-New&Used(Whls) BRE Collins Bros Jeep Dennis Collins 3101W F Wylie TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $20-50 Million (972)442-6189 Automobile Dealers-New Cars Automobile Dealers-New Cars BRE CPI Communications Inc Phil Easterling941 Hens Wylie TX 75098 Male President 10 to 19 2-Mid $5-10 Million 19721429-7160 Manufacturers Manufacturers BRE Day Lumb r Co LLC 31 Steel Wylie 'TX 75098 10 to 19 2-Mid $2.5-5 Million 8 r Lumber-Retail Lumber-Retail BRE Duel Products Inc Rod-er Nation 702 Coop Wylie '.TX 75098 Male Vice Preside;5 to 9 1-Small $2.5 5 Million 972)429-5607 Sheet - .. . . Sheet Metal Fabricators(Mfrs) BRE Dyne-Mist Construction Coro Vanetta Plumlee 2808 Cam W lie TX 75098 Female Owner 50 to 99 3 Large $20 50 Million Companies Construction companies BRE Yes Eagle Ready Mix Concrete Inc Kevin Bell 1502 W K Wylie TX 75098 Male Mana-er 20 to 49 2 Mid 55-10 Million (972 442-3113 Concrete-Ready Mixed Concrete-Read Mixed BRE Eden Signs&Murals 304 Sprin TX 75098 1 to 4 1-Small 6500,000-1 Million (9721442-2930 Signs(Mfrs) Signs(Mfrs) BRE Extruders Inc Robert M Reed Jr '.930 Hens W lie TX 75098 Male .Manager 250 to 499 3-Large $100-S00 Mellon (972)442-3535 Aluminum Fabricators(Mfrs) Aluminum Fabricators(Mfrs) BRE Yes Farmtek Mike Douglas 1000 N Hi W lie TX 75098 Male Owner 5 to 9 1-Small $5-10 Million (972)429-0947 Electronic-Mfrs Representatives(Whls) Electronic-Mfrs Representatives(WhIs) BRE Founders Plaza Nursing&Rehab ':Scott Givens 721 S Hi;• TX 75098 Male_ Administrate 50 to 99 3-Large $5-10 Million 972.303-8100 - •- -• Nursing&Convalescent Homes BRE Yes Gemca Manufacturing Co Bobby Geckler 2807 Cap W lie TX 75098 Male Owner 5to9 1-Small $i-2.5 Million (972)461-1920 Machine Shops(Mfrs) Machine ShopyJMfrs) BRE General Transformer Corp '.Chris Feinhals 717 CoopW lie TX 75098 Male President 20 to 49 2-Mid $5-10 Million (972)442-1285 Electronic Coil&Transformers(Mfrs) Power DistrlSpecialty Transformer(Mfrs) BRE Yes Glenn Brothers Jake Glenn 209 Indus Wylie TX 75098 Male Vice Presider 1 to 4 1-Small 52.5-5 Million (972)442-4820 Meat-Wholesale Meat-Wholesale BRE Hargrave Custom Foundation Rpr Dan Hargrave 7 RegencW lie TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $5-10 Million (972)442-5000 Foundation-Contractors Foundation-Contractors BRE Nerve Lace Gates 203 S 1st W lie TX 75098 1to4 1-Small Less Than 5500,000 (972)4423987 Welding Welding BRE ___... 1 Co Rnamental Iron Works Inc 2630 N Hi W lie TX 75098 1 to 4 1-Small $500,000-1 Million (972)442-6293 Ornamental Metal Work Mfrs) Ornamental Metal Work(Mfrs) BRE J Cs Ornamental Iron Works J C Worley 130 Krist.Wylie TX 75098 Owner 1 to 4 1-Small $500,000 1 Million 19721442 6293 Ornamental Metal Work Mfrs) Ornamental Metal Work(Mfrs) BRE Kansas City Southern Rlwv Co Jerry Littlefield 3939 Sky W lie TX 75098 Male Manager 50 to 99 3-Large $20-50 Million (972)295-7169 Railroads Railroads BRE Yes $5-10 Million 97 429-4749 Has itals Hospitals BRE Yes Lake Pointe Medical Ctr 2300 W F � TX 75098 50 to 99 3-Large { j p' Lone Star Circuits Ed Porter 901 Hens 1TEMI TX 75098 Male President 100 to 249 3-Large 214)291-1427 Circuit Boards-Manufacturers Printed&Etched Circults-Mfrs BRE (Yes Lone Star Granite Paul Man 114 Rege;Wylie TX 75098 Male President 10 to 19 2-Mid $5-10 Million (9721429-0774 Nonmetallic Mineral Products NEC(Mfrs) Stone-Natural BRE Lutz Woodworks LLC Betty Lutz 700 Park W lie TX 75098 Female Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $5-10 Million (972)429-5521 Cabinets-Manufacturers Cabinets-Manufacturers BRE Yes Mane Made Inc Joe ',Edge 3985 Hig Wylie TX 75098 Male President 10 to 19 2-Mid $20-50 Million (972)442-3561 Aluminum(Whist Aluminum(Whlsl BRE Meineke Car Care Ctr 3455W F Wylie TX 75098 1to4 1-Small Less Than 5500,000 (2141466-7999 Automobile Repairine&Service Mufflers&Exhaust Systems-Engine BRE I Moulding Associates Inc Raford Cade 933 Hens Wylie TX `75098 Male Owner 50 to 99 3-Large $20-50 Million (972 487-6680 Marketing Programs&Services Marketing Programs&Services BRE Yes Malt Machining Co Tony Linduff 701 Busi•Wylie TX 75098 Male Owner 20 to 49 2-Mid $10-20 Million Machine Shops(Mfrs) Machine Shops(Mfrs) BRE Yes Nana Auto Parts-Xpress Auto 1303 Cen;Wylie TX 75098 5 to 9 1-Small $1-2.5 Million _ Automobile Parts&Supplies-Retail-New Automobile Parts&Suppl%es-Wholesale BRE 1 Nina Hayes Cleaning Svc Inc Nina Hayes 2810 Exc-Wylie TX 75098 Female President 50 to 99 3-Large $2.5-5 Million '.Janitor Service Janitor Service BRE Yes Nino's Marble Works Marceline Alvizo 144 Krist Wylie TX (75098 Male Owner 10 to 19 2-Mid $1-2.5 Million •• Granite Products-Manufacturers Marble Contractors BRE Nortek Wholesale Nursery Inc Nancy Hargis 1300 W B Wylie TX (75098 Female Manager 50 to 99 3-Large $2.5-5 Million (972)442-5451 '.Greenhouses Greenhouses BRE Yes North Texas Municipal Water Jim Parks 505 E Bra Wylie TX 75098 Male Exec Direct°.250 to 499 3-Large $50-100 Million (972)442-5405 Water&Sewage Companies-Utility Water&Sewage Companies-Utility BRE Yes North Texas Woodcrafters Scott Goldenburg 2814 W F Wylie TX 75098 Male Owner 1 to 4 1-Small Less Than$500.000 (9721442-4878 Wood Products Wood Products BRE Pella Windows&Doors Trey Rainey 933 Hens W lie TX 75098 Male Site Manager 50 to 99 3-Large $10-20 Million (972)487-6680 Windows Windows BRE Yes Perform.Trailers Ronny '.Young 1825 E F Wylie TX 75098 Male Owner 10 to 19 2-Mid 520-50 Million ;(972)442-3527 Truck Accessories(Whis) Truck Accessories(Whls) BRE Poole Feed Supply D Poole 10352n.Wylie TX 75098 Male Owner Ito 4 1-Small 52.5-S Million '(972)442-4844 Feed-Dealers(Whls) Feed-Dealers(Whis) BRE Precision Mc '.Barry Patrick 700 Sand.Wylie TX 75098 Male President 5 to 9 1-Small $2.5-5 Million (972)429-6200 Sheet Metal Fabricators(Mfrs) Sheet Metal Fabricators(Mfrs) BRE Professional Plumbers Group camOttwell Jr 1322 Cen Wylie TX 75098 Male President 20 to 49 . 55-10 Million ''(972)429-5575 Plumbing Contractors Plumbing Contractors BRE Saf-Holland USA Inc Frank Catron 1301 - - TX 75098 Male ••to 249 - 550-100 Million (972)442-3556 Automobile Parts&Supplies-Mfrs Industrial Trucks Tractors/Trailers(Mfrs) WE Yes Sanden International USA Inc Brent Pope 601 Sand,Wylie TX 75098 male manager SOO to (972)442-8400 Compressors-Manufacturers Compressors-Manufacturers BRE Yes Sava -Precision •Inc JoannGardner •': Female President 20 to 49 • 510-20 Million (972)429-0993 Assembly&Fabricating Service(Mfrs) Assembly&Fabricating Service(Mfrs) BRE Yes Sawtech • • Roger 2805 .• - 75098 .- • $2.5-5 Million (972)442-4501 'Metal Goods-Manufacturers Metal Goods-Manufacturers :BRE Sincere Home Health Care Johnson Churandur'Crab. 75098 Male Mana•er 20 to•• • • .Home Health Service Home Health Service BRE Smith Tool&NI: Laura Eooler 116 Reg'_Wylie TX 75098 Female Owner 20 • E1liII: • Sheet Metal (M frs)Mfrs) Sheet Metal Fabricators(Mfrs) BRE Yes Software Development Concepts Ricky • • ••: • Million ublishers-Computer rs Mfre(Mfrs) PublishCmputer Software(Mfrs) '.BRE- - . r ., - ••: taples Staplers&Tackers(Whis) MYes Stitchmaker Cathy Carter 0 - 09 igns(Mfrs) -� 'Signs(Mfrs) .BRE Stoploss Resources 870 -.t wviie TX 75098Male •••••-1 Million (972)365-4475 Manufacturers Manufacturers BRE Texas Gis Data Ryon Gross 3010 - - TX 75098 Male ::: • Mapping Services(Whis) Mapping Services(Whis) BRE Texas Specialty Fasteners Bill George 1310 Cen Wylie TX 75098 Male President 5 to 9 1-Small 510-20 Million (972)442-0001 Fasteners-Industrial(Whis) Fasteners-Industrial-Painting(Mfrs) BRE Victoria's Pet Secret 124 Hoop W lie TX 75098 1 to. ••••• . Pet Shops Pet Shops BRE Wachter Handcrafted Lndng Net : - Tx 75098 1 to. 1-Small 51-2.5 Million (972)429-9301 Manufacturers Manufacturers BRE WHF Electrical Contractors Inc lames Hillborn •• - TX 75098 Male President 5•to 99 3-Large • •Million (972)442-5738 Electric Contractors Electric Contractors BRE Yes W lie Feed&Hardware -�j:®. © -®�C7eft� (972)442-3222 Hardware-Retail Hardware-Retail BRE« Wylie Fence&Deck Co • - ••: Male • - PJS:9 E�2-NM lir=1 •••••'55-10 Million (972)442-6223 Fence Contractors Fence Contractors '.BRE Wylie News Chad Engbrock 110 N Bal Wylie IIIXII 75098 Male - • $2.5-5 Million (972)442-5515 Newspapers(Publishers/Mfrs) Newspapers(Publishers/Mfrs) BRE Wylie Plastering Charles Barber ••- - - TX 75098Male Owner 20 to.• . 55-10 Million (972)442-0017 Swimming Pod Contrs Dealers&Designers Plastering Contractors BRE Wylie Printing&Office Supply Donna Larson 300 S Hie,Wylie TX 75098 Female Owner 5 to• $1-2.5 Million (9721442-2111 Commercial Printing NEC(Mfrs) Printers(Mfrs) BRE Wylie Steel LTD Charla Barik 7.130.1 - TX 75098 Female Owner 5 to• $10-20 Million (972)442-2568 Steel-Distributors&Warehouses(Whis) Steel-Distributors&Warehouses(Whis) BRE JJ/ salesforce.com,inc. ORDER FORM for City of Wylie San Francisco,CA 94105 Offer Valid Through:2/29/2016 61111,1,$, United States Proposed by:Jay Migliozzi 1 1 i�� �i Quote Number:Q-00444094 111, 1 ORDER FORM Address Information Bill To: Ship To: 250 S.Hwy 78 250 S.Hwy 78 Wylie Wylie TX,75098 TX,75098 US-United States US-United States Billing Company Name:City of Wylie Billing Phone:972-442-7901 Billing Contact Name:Jason Greiner Billing Fax: Billing Email Address:jason@wylieedc.com Billing Language:English Terms and Conditions Contract Start Date*:3/1/2016 Payment Method:Check Contract End Date*:2/28/2017 Payment Terms:Net 30 Billing Frequency:Annual Billing Method:Email Services Order Order Order Term Monthly/ Services Start Date* End Date* (months)* Unit Price+ Quantity Total Price Sales Cloud-Professional Edition 3/1/2016 2/28/2017 12 USD 61.75 3 USD 2,223.00 ,Premier Success Plan(Support) 3/1/2016 2/28/2017 12 USD 27.79 1 USD 333.45 Total:USD 2,556.45 "The Monthly/Unit Price shown above has been rounded to two decimal places for display purposes.As many as eight decimal places may be present in the actual price.The totals for this order were calculated using the actual price,rather than the Monthly/Unit Price displayed above,and are the true and binding totals for this order.*If this Order Form is executed and/or returned to salesforce.com by Customer after the Order Start Date above,salesforce.com may adjust the Order Start Date and Order End Date,without increasing the Total Price,based on the date salesforce.com activates the products and provided that the total term length does not change.Following activation,any adjustments to these terms may be confirmed by logging into Checkout,by reference to the order confirmation email sent by salesforce.com to the Billing Email Address above,and/or by contacting Customer Service.Prices shown above do not include any taxes that may apply.Any such taxes are the responsibility of Customer. This is not an invoice. 1/3 Premier „,)„,lwitool00010 si.Access servaces Success Plans Maximize Your Salesforce ROI ustorrer si,Jc...c.:(-..?ss is a top priority at Salesfc)rce and every custoriner gets a Standard Success Plan for o(-11ine support:and training.1--lowevEkr°Lir most succe:.ssful noSton'lers take advantage of our Premier Success Plans and acl'lleve up to an 80'370 higher rett.arn on their Salesforce investrnei-it.Success pians include t tie right corr)bination of support online training and resoi.Jrces designed Us: Dnvo"SE3lesforce.adorybon ▪ Increase user productivity ▪ Ensure busirless continuity and minimize risk Premier Success Vv. '" robborsi,bs lox t,„1„kci s isoiso.s "i 30 id O'-drj,TIC, Oar.,,C.C; rirle coursc...)s FInd su,..1c:coss pira..),i;rarris arlci reconlrnc,r-Klat.K..ms. 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When you need help get fast:access to Our most skilled 10,7 technical resources,Whether you have hoviiii-to qtlestions, ' technical issues,or need developer support FFvherF ba/ilding custom applications,550 give you fast,expert ansvvr„iiirs, Premier+ Success curoIlorl „,/ ninisl,L,A lc,''1 V.„Jinicv,1„.)Ic n II-Km „ n o h„.1441vII Support initial response time by case Severity Level' 2 business days2 `3cDgyity I 3 row' „r„ ' Sovri 4y 2 2 0-10(um, Severity 2,2 hours Sov(NrIty „8 III'ouAr,„' Severity 4,8 hours" Online access to Standard Success resources: Help,knowledge base,and"Getting Started"training Access to Premier Success resources:Prernierfoolkit, „/ user adoption programs,and release programs 2417 toll-free phone support Premier Developer Support Customizable training templates Assigned Success representative5 Administration services to update your Salesforce solution6 Xf rtoht$1)5 6 Premier Developer Su°port n,'1111,"^1 Jp1).(11 111.; h,LUICH ;NI 1.1.ssi HI'Sill ni)11,,n I Hu v"'" ry 10 01.11 11fl',."1, -.1 drv,/,',VOIJvH rdmo.11111y,1)uvelopm I ,1111,010eitAin, '111;10r1:11An10,6111111h1 11111111h1111$1;1111i'lr!!,',111'111P,d1111111k:'„u11111111ill?,,,INC,!!!11111'!1,111111111?'"1111',1',"„!II!!ITIIII:'!"':',gii1111111'1'11,1110101.1il'I'llill'hnt:1111;11011111q1101011,100011'11P:1,,,",g,11,N,v,v,11;601,17111311111E20116,1,1,1,1,[tul,„,u,:,:,,„;',,,,,,1111'111':',1,1rPle;t1r:„„11,111,1044,y,,,,,,10,RIP4MePttir,l,',1):',',""%11PIIIIIMIOu„,10,,:,P;',1,il'V',4111!!;'1,:!:11 Explanation of governor limits Salesforce error message troubleshooting Error-related code review of Force corn classes and triggers (Jo tz-12C0 tr-es) Force.corn code and Force.com pages best prQctices and recommendations Web Services API Salesforce error message troubleshooting SOAP message capture and review Web Services API best practices and recommendations Yllop()r110(1 I)0vo,lorrrir Salesforce error message troubleshooting IC,P1 Toolkit best practices and recommendations Premier+ Administration Services 1,11,001e101'in,"'"1,144:E'$1111i141 '1'1Kt!,,,,q!li1:11111111:,,Ati'04,1b,t6s11:R,ALIO! -AT1 :1111p,igITAISI<S11,11 SETUP AND CUSTOMIZATION TERRITORY Users Create,update and deactivate users Territory Hierarchy Create and update territory hierarchies Portal Users Create,update and deactivate portal users Territory Rules Create and update territory rules Roles Create and update roles and role User territory Assignments' Create arid update user territory hierarchies assignments COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES Public Groups Create and update public groups HTML Letterhead Templates Create HTML letterhead templates" rTHII Ilusroplailes Create email templates Qui()to [ernplatos Create and update quote templates Custom Fields 0 III Page Layouts' Create and update page layouts ci drrct rimr;b100 Record Types Create and update record types , ON.10111(i.!ii1:1:11 virrivvilll ° liviviliiiivIl :1,11:ni vilivvONv Illv,ilvvvil filkoirolot#$$If:, INIIIIiivgilIV; II IA di* vlillvvIgIIIV„IoirIvgVIVNiolilli,v;titglltVillIlcIIPIVIVVIVIll:IVIVVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIVIIIllIIIIIIII:lliItIVVIVVIVIV lliuvvvv.v„„„„;„17,Lvgv,!kvviQvvvvvivvvvlpvdvpivivv:.vv:oviav:v,4:vvvv,v:ivllivvivvi:I:I:Rofvvlitit4ivlkivtyhvigvfvilv:vlvv:vviglvg,rv.vvv:):,:v.vivvlvv::::: IIIIIIvtXtfr00IVOVOVtViMliqipllillIl*itiliOINVtOI,I§III*:fOgjlvyAIVWIIIIVIVVIIvijIII' vivilvvVil:ivillvvv,,,,v4oiIviv::Vvvv.vvI,„„vvi„vvviv.VV,, IIIIIVVIIEVI:AllVPS:rIV::.:::VV,vaIllvlitvvvtItlIRivlli II 4:::' II FI I illidivill„,,IliviliwilvvivvIvIlivilivt.::,VIlivilIvillivveillivillivii,Pliviviviiviill„,,,I? 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Birmingham, Expiring Terms for Board Members, Mann Made/Linduff Real Estate Transactions, sporting events, and regional housing starts. Analysis As a reminder to Board members, the Board may not discuss an item which is not specifically identified on the agenda. Only those items listed above can be discussed. Should any Board member want an issue be placed on the agenda at any time prior to a Board meeting, please contact the WEDC President or staff. Woodbridge Crossing Attached for the Board's review is the Sales Tax Reimbursement Report which identifies all sales taxes received through January 2016 within Woodbridge Crossing for the City General Fund, the WEDC, and the 4B. As a reminder, the City and WEDC reimbursed 85% of all sales tax generated within Woodbridge Crossing through September 2013 with the reimbursement percentage reduced to 65% thereafter. Due to the default under the Amended and Restated Performance Agreement, Woodbridge Crossing is only eligible to receive up to $6 million in sales tax reimbursement through September 2021 as opposed to the maximum reimbursement of $12 million originally contemplated. $3,320,133.44 in reimbursement has been earned through January 2016 with net receipts of $2,511,667.94 after reimbursements. As well, it is estimated that $3.5 mm has been paid in ad valorem taxes to the City of Wylie (excluding the WISD). As shown on the Sales Tax Reimbursement Report, $126,607.23 was generated in sales tax in November 2015 versus $124,877.73 in November 2014. This increase represents a 1.4% gain over 2014 receipts. Ascend Performance Agreement WEDC- Staff Report February 8, 2016 Page 2 of 3 With the 2012 Performance Agreement completed, a second Performance Agreement executed in December 2013 is the last commitment between the parties. Payment #3 of 4 is being considered currently with the remaining Performance Obligations attached for your review. CSD Woodbridge Performance Agreement On July 15, 2013 a certificate of occupancy(CO) was issued for Kroger Marketplace. Beginning October 1, 2013 and ending October 1, 2023, Clark Street Development is eligible to receive a V2 cent sales tax reimbursement from the WEDC (City of Wylie not part of sales tax reimbursement agreement). Quarterly payments will be made to Clark Street based upon the data provided by the Comptroller. In addition to the $100,000 reimbursement incentive paid by the WEDC at CO, Clark Street is eligible to receive cumulative incentives of $1,100,000 over the life of the Agreement. Along with a summary of the Performance Agreement, a Sales Tax Reimbursement Report is included for the Board's review. Exco Tooling Solutions Exco has completed construction of its 30,000 square foot facility within Premier Business Park, moved the majority of equipment, and received a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Staff is waiting to fund Incentive Payment No. 1 upon the issuance of a Final CO. An additional $80,000 will be funded over the next four years in payments of$20,000 each. Exco has experienced challenges with the installation of their new age oven and is still utilizing the old age oven located at their Highway 78 location. Staff has agreed to extend their lease of the 78 property until February 18th at no cost to accommodate their use of the age oven. Exco has agreed to leave the utilities on for an approximate two week period to allow PD to use the building for SWAT training. Von Runnen Holdings Von Runnen has completed construction of their facility with Incentive payment No. 1 of $20,000 being issued. Should there be any Board member that is interested in touring the new facility,please contact staff All State Fire Equipment All State Fire Equipment was issued a building permit on July 2, 2015 and held their Ground- Breaking ceremony on September 18, 2015. Work is progressing well and ASFE appears to be on track to receive a Certificate of Occupancy by the August 1, 2016 as required in their Performance Agreement. A final inspection has been scheduled with the issuance of a Temporary CO being imminent. WEDC- Staff Report February 8, 2016 Page 3 of 3 605 Commerce/W&M Environmental Attached for the Board's review is a spreadsheet tracking all activities with W&M Environmental for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16. W&M has prepared Phase I & II reports for Mann Made, K&M, Business Way, is processing the VCP application for the Commerce property, and processing the Municipal Setting Designation through the City. 106 N. Birmingham Staff has come to terms with Wylie Glass to lease the K&M building. Wylie Glass will be contracting with an electrician to bring the building up to code and will also be upgrading the exterior of the building. Expiring Terms for Board Members Terms for Board Members Fuller and Herzog will expire in July 2016. Applications will be made available at the meeting for those Board Members wishing to be considered for reappointment. Mann Made/Linduff Real Estate Transactions As reported via email the real estate transaction between the Edge family and the WEDC has been finalized. Pulliam Construction Management has been paid in full and lien releases have been secured form all contractors working on the job. Sporting Events Attached for the Board's review is the Promotional Activities Report which specifically details attendees at Dallas Mavericks games. Regional Housing Starts Nine homes were permitted in Wylie for January 2016. Sachse, Lavon, and Murphy permitted a combined thirty homes over the same period. No action is requested by staff for this item. Attachments Woodbridge Crossing Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Ascend Performance Agreement, 12-20-13 CSD Woodbridge Performance Obligations CSD Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Exco Summary of Performance Requirements W&M Environmental Tracking Report Sporting Tickets Spreadsheet Regional Housing Permits Woodbridge Crossing Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Filing Allocation City of 4B WEDC Applicable WEDC City Total Period Period Wylie (1%) (0.5%) (0.5%) Total Rate (%) Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Oct-09 Dec-09 $17,612.55 $8,806.27 $8,806.27 $35,225.09 0.85 7,485.33 $14,970.66 $22,455.99 Nov-09 Jan-10 21,995.30 10,997.65 10,997.65 43,990.60 0.85 9,348.00 18,696.01 28,044.01 Dec-09 Feb-10 40,289.26 20,144.63 20,144.63 80,578.52 0.85 17,122.94 34,245.87 51,368.81 Sub-Total 159,794.21 33,956.27 67,912.54 101,868.81 Jan-10 Mar-10 16,017.96 8,008.98 8,008.98 32,035.92 0.85 6,807.63 13,615.27 20,422.90 Feb-10 Apr-10 18,392.59 9,196.29 9,196.29 36,785.17 0.85 7,816.85 15,633.70 23,450.55 Mar-10 May-10 24,382.07 12,191.03 12,191.03 48,764.13 0.85 10,362.38 20,724.76 31,087.13 Sub-Total 117,585.22 24,986.86 49,973.72 74,960.58 Apr-10 Jun-10 16,991.53 8,495.76 8,495.76 33,983.05 0.85 7,221.40 14,442.80 21,664.19 May-10 Jul-10 19,588.24 9,794.12 9,794.12 39,176.48 0.85 8,325.00 16,650.00 24,975.01 Jun-10 Aug-10 24,662.64 12,331.32 12,331.32 49,325.28 0.85 10,481.62 20,963.24 31,444.87 Sub-Total 122,484.81 26,028.02 52,056.04 78,084.07 Jul-10 Sep-10 18,344.56 9,172.28 9,172.28 36,689.12 0.85 7,796.44 15,592.88 23,389.31 Aug-10 Oct-10 20,401.73 10,200.87 10,200.87 40,803.46 0.85 8,670.74 17,341.47 26,012.21 Sep-10 Nov-10 22,301.22 11,150.61 11,150.61 44,602.43 0.85 9,478.02 18,956.03 28,434.05 Sub-Total 122,095.01 25,945.19 51,890.38 77,835.57 Oct-10 Dec-10 18,800.19 9,400.10 9,400.10 37,600.38 0.85 7,990.08 15,980.16 23,970.24 Nov-10 Jan-11 25,735.09 12,867.54 12,867.54 51,470.17 0.85 10,937.41 21,874.82 32,812.23 Dec-10 Feb-11 42,668.92 21,334.46 21,334.46 85,337.83 0.85 18,134.29 36,268.58 54,402.87 Audit Adjust. Oct-10 5,065.71 2,532.86 2,532.86 10,131.42 0.85 2,152.93 4,305.85 6,458.78 Sub-Total 184,539.80 39,214.71 78,429.42 117,644.12 Jan-11 Mar-11 18,295.33 9,147.66 9,147.66 36,590.65 0.85 7,775.51 15,551.03 23,326.54 Feb-11 Apr-11 25,185.02 12,592.51 12,592.51 50,370.04 0.85 10,703.63 21,407.27 32,110.90 Mar-11 May-11 39,822.31 19,911.15 19,911.15 79,644.61 0.85 16,924.48 33,848.96 50,773.44 Sub-Total 166,605.30 35,403.63 70,807.25 106,210.88 Apr-11 Jun-11 33,456.49 16,728.25 16,728.25 66,912.98 0.85 14,219.01 28,438.02 42,657.02 Woodbridge Crossing Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Page 2 Filing Allocation City of 4B WEDC Applicable WEDC City Total Period Period Wylie (1%) (0.5%) (0.5%) Total Rate (%) Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement May-11 Jul-11 50,192.64 25,096.32 25,096.32 100,385.28 0.85 21,331.87 42,663.74 63,995.62 Jun-11 Aug-11 43,639.11 21,819.56 21,819.56 87,278.22 0.85 18,546.62 37,093.24 55,639.87 Sub-Total 254,576.48 54,097.50 108,195.00 162,292.51 Jul-11 Sep-11 31,551.34 15,775.67 15,775.67 63,102.67 0.85 13,409.32 26,818.63 40,227.95 Aug-11 Oct-11 32,798.19 16,399.09 16,399.09 65,596.37 0.85 13,939.23 27,878.46 41,817.69 Sep-11 Nov-11 36,136.64 18,068.32 18,068.32 72,273.27 0.85 15,358.07 30,716.14 46,074.21 Sub-Total 200,972.31 42,706.62 85,413.23 128,119.85 Oct-11 Dec-11 31,701.68 15,850.84 15,850.84 63,403.35 0.85 13,473.21 26,946.42 40,419.64 Nov-11 Jan-12 40,631.94 20,315.97 20,315.97 81,263.88 0.85 17,268.57 34,537.15 51,805.72 Dec-11 Feb-12 66,403.17 33,201.59 33,201.59 132,806.34 0.85 28,221.35 56,442.69 84,664.04 Sub-Total 277,473.57 58,963.13 117,926.27 176,889.40 Jan-12 Mar-12 28,180.49 14,090.24 14,090.24 56,360.97 0.85 11,976.71 23,953.41 35,930.12 Feb-12 Apr-12 32,824.36 16,412.18 16,412.18 65,648.71 0.85 13,950.35 27,900.70 41,851.05 Mar-12 May-12 42,213.75 21,106.88 21,106.88 84,427.50 0.85 17,940.84 35,881.69 53,822.53 Sub-Total 206,437.18 43,867.90 87,735.80 131,603.70 Apr-12 Jun-12 33,749.69 16,874.85 16,874.85 67,499.38 0.85 14,343.62 28,687.24 43,030.85 May-12 Jul-12 35,756.08 17,878.04 17,878.04 71,512.15 0.85 15,196.33 30,392.66 45,589.00 Jun-12 Aug-12 43,423.09 21,711.55 21,711.55 86,846.18 0.85 18,454.81 36,909.63 55,364.44 Sub-Total 225,857.71 47,994.76 95,989.53 143,984.29 Jul-12 Sep-12 32,945.51 16,472.76 16,472.76 65,891.02 0.85 14,001.84 28,003.68 42,005.53 Aug-12 Oct-12 33,981.49 16,990.74 16,990.74 67,962.97 0.85 14,442.13 28,884.26 43,326.39 Sep-12 Nov-12 39,669.19 19,834.60 19,834.60 79,338.38 0.85 16,859.41 33,718.81 50,578.22 Sub-Total 213,192.37 45,303.38 90,606.76 135,910.14 Oct-12 Dec-12 61,352.09 30,676.05 30,676.05 122,704.18 0.85 26,074.64 52,149.28 78,223.91 Nov-12 Jan-13 13,760.37 6,880.18 6,880.18 27,520.73 0.85 5,848.16 11,696.31 17,544.47 Dec-12 Feb-13 68,951.35 34,475.67 34,475.67 137,902.69 0.85 29,304.32 58,608.64 87,912.96 Sub-Total 288,127.60 61,227.11 122,454.23 183,681.35 Jan-13 Mar-13 37,264.78 18,632.39 18,632.39 74,529.55 0.85 15,837.53 31,675.06 47,512.59 Woodbridge Crossing Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Page 3 Filing Allocation City of 4B WEDC Applicable WEDC City Total Period Period Wylie (1%) (0.5%) (0.5%) Total Rate (%) Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Feb-13 Apr-13 32,499.58 16,249.79 16,249.79 64,999.15 0.85 13,812.32 27,624.64 41,436.96 Mar-13 May-13 42,416.25 21,208.13 21,208.13 84,832.50 0.85 18,026.91 36,053.81 54,080.72 Sub-Total 224,361.20 47,676.76 95,353.51 143,030.27 Apr-13 Jun-13 31,950.38 15,975.19 15,975.19 63,900.76 0.85 13,578.91 27,157.82 40,736.73 May-13 Jul-13 35,623.93 17,811.97 17,811.97 71,247.86 0.85 15,140.17 30,280.34 _ 45,420.51 Jun-13 Aug-13 44,805.27 22,402.63 22,402.63 89,610.53 0.85 19,042.24 38,084.48 57,126.71 Sub-Total 224,759.15 47,761.32 95,522.64 143,283.96 Jul-13 Sep-13 30,171.94 15,085.97 15,085.97 60,343.87 0.85 12,823.07 25,646.14 38,469.22 Aug-13 Oct-13 31,615.59 15,807.80 15,807.80 63,231.18 0.85 13,436.63 26,873.25 40,309.88 Sep-13 Nov-13 34,215.75 17,107.88 17,107.88 68,431.50 0.85 14,541.69 29,083.39 43,625.08 Sub-Total 192,006.55 40,801.39 81,602.78 122,404.18 Oct-13 Dec-13 30,192.68 15,096.34 15,096.34 60,385.36 0.65 9,812.62 19,625.24 29,437.86 Nov-13 Jan-14 40,059.94 20,029.97 20,029.97 80,119.87 0.65 13,019.48 26,038.96 39,058.44 Dec-13 Feb-14 60,106.82 30,053.41 30,053.41 120,213.63 0.65 19,534.71 39,069.43 58,604.14 Sub-Total 260,718.86 42,366.81 84,733.63 127,100.44 Jan-14 Mar-14 34,887.18 17,443.59 17,443.59 69,774.35 0.65 11,338.33 22,676.66 34,015.00 Feb-14 Apr-14 39,550.17 19,775.09 19,775.09 79,100.34 0.65 12,853.81 25,707.61 38,561.42 Mar-14 *May-14 50,095.00 25,047.50 25,047.50 100,190.00 0.65 16,280.88 32,561.75 48,842.63 Sub-Total 249,064.69 40,473.01 80,946.02 121,419.04 Apr-14 Jun-14 42,836.52 21,418.26 21,418.26 85,673.03 0.65 13,921.87 27,843.73 41,765.60 May-14 Jul-14 44,483.44 22,241.72 22,241.72 88,966.88 0.65 14,457.12 28,914.24 43,371.35 Jun-14 Aug-14 54,191.06 27,095.53 27,095.53 108,382.12 0.65 17,612.09 35,224.19 52,836.28 Sub-Total 283,022.03 45,991.08 91,982.16 137,973.24 Jul-14 Sep-14 41,601.13 20,800.56 20,800.56 83,202.25 0.65 13,520.37 27,040.73 40,561.10 Aug-14 Oct-14 46,838.76 23,419.38 23,419.38 93,677.52 0.65 15,222.60 30,445.19 45,667.79 Sep-14 Nov-14 58,574.10 29,287.05 29,287.05 117,148.19 0.65 19,036.58 38,073.16 57,109.74 Sub-Total 294,027.96 47,779.54 95,559.09 143,338.63 Oct-14 Dec-14 46,397.97 23,198.98 23,198.98 92,795.93 0.65 15,079.34 30,158.68 45,238.02 Woodbridge Crossing Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Page 4 Filing Allocation City of 4B WEDC Applicable WEDC City Total Period Period Wylie(1%) (0.5%) (0.5%) Total Rate (%) Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Nov-14 Jan-15 62,438.87 31,219.43 31,219.43 124,877.73 0.65 20,292.63 40,585.26 60,877.89 Dec-14 Feb-15 93,019.09 46,509.54 46,509.54 186,038.17 0.65 30,231.20 60,462.41 90,693.61 Sub-Total 403,711.83 65,603.17 131,206.34 196,809.52 Jan-15 Mar-15 42,919.35 21,459.67 21,459.67 85,838.69 0.65 13,948.79 27,897.57 41,846.36 Feb-15 Apr-15 44,299.71 22,149.86 22,149.86 88,599.42 0.65 14,397.41 28,794.81 43,192.22 Mar-15 May-15 61,991.88 30,995.94 30,995.94 123,983.76 0.65 20,147.36 40,294.72 60,442.08 Sub-Total 298,421.87 48,493.55 96,987.11 145,480.66 Apr-15 Jun-15 47,156.82 23,578.41 23,578.41 94,313.63 0.65 15,325.96 30,651.93 45,977.89 May-15 Jul-15 51,820.00 25,910.00 25,910.00 103,639.99 0.65 16,841.50 33,683.00 50,524.50 Jun-15 Aug-15 63,530.67 31,765.34 31,765.34 127,061.34 0.65 20,647.47 41,294.94 61,942.40 Sub-Total 325,014.96 52,814.93 105,629.86 158,444.79 Jul-15 Sep-15 49,814.04 24,907.02 24,907.02 99,628.08 0.65 16,189.56 32,379.13 48,568.69 Aug-15 Oct-15 52,333.38 26,166.69 26,166.69 104,666.76 0.65 17,008.35 34,016.70 51,025.05 Sep-15 Nov-15 54,260.52 27,130.26 27,130.26 108,521.03 0.65 17,634.67 35,269.33 52,904.00 312,815.87 50,832.58 101,665.16 152,497.74 Oct-15 Dec-15 48,763.81 24,381.90 24,381.90 97.527,61 0.65 15,848.24 31,696.47 47,544.71 Nov-15 Jan-16 63,303.62 31,651.81 31,651.81 126.607,23 0.65 20,573.67 41,147.35 61,721.02 Dec-15 Feb-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 224,134.84 36,421.91 72,843.82 109,265.73 Totals 5,831,801.38 1,106,711.15 2,213,422.30 3,320,133.44 Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Ascend Custom Extrusion 12-20-13 Reimbursement Schedule Start Date 2013 End Date 2017 Economic Incentive and Performance Requirements Schedule: 1. Payment#1 (Expiration Date 2-1-14) $49,871 2. Payment#2 (Expiration Date 2-1-15) $24,000 3. Payment#3 (Expiration Date 2-1-16) $24,000 4. Payment#4 (Expiration Date 2-1-17) $24,000 Total reimbursements not to exceed$121,871, ONE HUNDRED-TWENTY ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-ONE DOLLARS. Performance Obligations A. A maximum Reimbursement Incentive of$49,871 will be paid to City of Wylie upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No. 1: 1. Issuance of a certification of occupancy for a 21,000 square foot expansion to the Project; and 2. Documentation that the building permit associated with the Improvements has a minimum cost of$1,000,000.00; and 3. Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 1 is February 1, 2014. B. A maximum Reimbursement Incentive of $24,000 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No. 2: 1. Documentation satisfactory to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3rd extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost) of not less than$4,500,000.00; and 2. Eligibility for this Incentive No 2 begins twelve (12) months from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the 21,000 square foot expansion and expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 2 is February 1, 2015. C. A maximum Reimbursement Incentive of $24,000 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No. 3: 1. Documentation satisfactory to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3rd extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost) of not less than $4,500,000.00; and 2. Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 3 is February 1, 2016. D. A maximum Reimbursement Incentive of $24,000 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirement for Incentive No. 4: 1. Documentation satisfactory to the WEDC of the installation and operation of a 3`d extrusion press at the Project with a purchase price (plus installation cost) of not less than$4,500,000.00; and 2. Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No. 4 is February 1, 2017. For the purposed of this Agreement, the "payment date" of each Economic Incentive shall be the date the Economic Incentive is actually paid, or the date the Economic Incentive would have been paid if earned. Page 2 of 2 CSD Woodbridge,LLC Performance Obligations Phase Ito be completed no later than: March 31, 2014. The WEDC will provide a reimbursement to Company of$100,000 upon the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for a Kroger Marketplace with a minimum of 110,000 square feet of space. Additionally, WEDC shall provide a sales tax grant equal to V2 percent (.005) of the sales tax generated from the Woodbridge Centre from the Start Date and ending on the day prior to the ten year anniversary of the Start Date. The Reimbursement Incentives shall not exceed the cumulative sum of$1,100,000. Sales Tax Reimbursement Start Date: Sixty (60) days after the City issues a final Certificate of Occupancy for a Kroger Marketplace. The payment of the sales tax grant Reimbursement Incentives shall take place on a quarterly basis and shall be supported by a report provided by the State of Texas pursuant to Tax Code Section 321.3022 or other statement in a form reasonably acceptable by the WEDC setting for the collection of the sales and use taxes received by the City on behalf of the WEDC relative to the Project Phase 1. The Initial Phase shall include acquiring the Property by no later than July 31, 2012 and completing (as evidenced by final Certificates of Occupancy) no later than March 31, 2014, a Kroger Market place of no less than 110,000 square feet. Phase II. The Second Phase will bring the Project to a total of 120,600 square feet of retail space and shall be completed (as evidenced by final Certificates of Occupancy) no later than March 31, 2015. Phase III. The Third Phase will bring the Project to a total of 127,600 square and shall be completed (as evidenced by final Certificates of Occupancy) no later than March 31, 2017. Phase IV. The Fourth Phase will bring the Project to a total of 134,200 square feet and shall be completed (as evidenced by final Certificates of Occupancy) no later than March 31, 2019. Company, at its cost, shall complete the Qualified Infrastructure by the Start Date. Should CSD Woodbridge be in Default of Phase I requirements, none of the Reimbursement Incentives shall be paid to the Company and this Agreement shall terminate. In the event Company fails to meet Phase II — IV the Reimbursement Incentives shall be reduced so that the maximum amount that may be earned under this Agreement shall not exceed the cumulative sum of$550,000. CSD Woodbridge Centre Sales Tax Reimbursement Report Filing Allocation City 4B WEDC WEDC Period Period 1.00% 0.50% 0.50% Total Reimbursement Jan-14 Mar-14 $500.33 $250.17 $250.17 $1,000.66 $250.17 Sub-Total 1,000.66 250.17 Feb-14 Apr-14 608.31 304.16 304.16 1,216.62 304.16 Mar-14 May-14 819.13 409.57 409.57 1,638.26 409.57 Apr-14 Jun-14 1,474.84 737.42 737.42 2,949.67 737.42 Sub-Total 5,804.55 1,451.14 May-14 Jul-14 1,856.70 928.35 928.35 3,713.39 928.35 Jun-14 Aug-14 25,686.18 12,843.09 12,843.09 51,372.36 12,843.09 Jul-14 Sep-14 1,482.27 741.14 741.14 2,964.54 741.14 Sub-Total 58,050.29 14,512.57 Aug-14 Oct-14 1,927.17 963.59 963.59 3,854.34 $963.59 Sep-14 Nov-14 32,934.65 16,467.32 16,467.32 65,869.29 16,467.32 Oct-14 Dec-14 1,998.92 999.46 999.46 3,997.84 999.46 Sub-Total 73,721.47 18,430.37 Nov-14 Jan-15 2,885.15 1,442.58 1,442.58 5,770.30 1,442.58 Dec-14 Feb-15 29,624.02 14,812.01 14,812.01 $59,248.04 $14,812.01 Jan-15 Mar-15 6,488.22 3,244.11 3,244.11 $12,976.44 $3,244.11 Sub-Total $77,994.78 $19,498.70 Feb-15 Apr-15 5,694.92 2,847.46 2,847.46 11,389.83 2,847.46 Mar-15 May-15 31,176.75 15,588.37 15,588.37 $62,353.49 $15,588.37 Apr-15 Jun-15 5,390.41 2,695.20 2,695.20 $10,780.81 $2,695.20 Sub-Total $84,524.13 $21,131.03 May-15 Jul-15 6,467.00 3,233.50 3,233.50 12,934.00 3,233.50 Jun-15 Aug-15 32,110.31 16,055.16 16,055.16 $64,220.62 $16,055.16 Jul-15 Sep-15 5,548.58 2,774.29 2,774.29 $11,097.15 $2,774.29 Sub-Total $88,251.77 $22,062.94 Aug-15 Oct-15 5,683.49 2,841.74 2,841.74 11,366.97 2,841.74 Sep-15 Nov-15 41,414.13 20,707.06 20,707.06 $82,828.25 $20,707.06 Oct-15 Dec-15 6,007.81 3,003.91 3,003.91 $12,015.62 $3,003.91 Sub-Total $106,210.84 $26,552.71 Nov-15 Jan-16 6,246.73 3,123.36 3,123.36 12,493.45 3,123.36 Dec-15 Feb-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 Woodbridge IS eel% a$4 am: so.00 Sub-Total $12,493.45 $3,1 Z =36 t ,01_ 11 EXCO Extrusion Dies (Texas),Inc. Summary of Performance Obligations EXCO is purchasing from The WEDC 3.206 acres of property located on Hensley Dr. EXCO will build a facility of not less than 30,000 sf of combined office and manufacturing/assembly facility. Incentives: 1. Note Forgiveness: The WEDC will provide assistance to EXCO up to the amount of the purchase price of the property ($350,000) in the form of forgiveness of Seller Note. Seller note will be forgiven over a five (5) year period in the amount of $70,000.00 per year beginning on the first Anniversary of Certificate of Occupancy. 2. First Incentive: $87,000.00 upon issuance of CO 3. Second Incentive: $80,000.00 —Paid Annually in 4 equal installments of$20,000.00 beginning 1 year from CO. Performance Obligations to Qualify for Incentives: a. Commence construction of a 30,000 sf facility conforming to all City of Wylie Codes and Ordinances by March 1, 2015. b. Maintain value of$7,550,000.00 for all real and personal property owned by the Company. No Additional Economic Incentive shall be paid for that year if the value falls below $5,550,000.00. For each $100,000 below $7,550,000.00 but above $5,550,000, the Additional Incentive paid will be reduced by$1,500.00. c. Maintain its Texas principal place of business on the property for 5 years. d. Complete construction, and receive CO by January 31, 2016. e. Employ 20 Full-Time Employees at this location for five (5) years f. No event of default as evidenced by a Bankruptcy, conveyance of the property or its interests in the property without the express written consent of WEDC and/or nonpayment of property taxes. W M Environmental Program Tracking Invoiced Date Descr. of Work 11Proj.Total 605 Commerce Project Total:' 61,264.54 Phase II 4,138.75 2/28/15 Labor: Laura Foss;James Maxwell; Clay Snider; Michael Whitehead Contracted Amt:$11,500 1,967.65 2/28/15 Laboratory ($69.96 over budget) 4,878.30 2/28/15 Drilling 124.12 2/28/15 Misc.Supplies 151.25 2/28/15 W&M Equipment 250.00 2/28/15 Vehicle Usage P-2 12.39 8/18/15 Postage 47.50 8/31/15 Labor: Mark Smith Total 11,569.96 Va=:C P OU Cl eanuP.,.°i'ro ?032. ? 6/ 3 15 tat r•fra ikC Lauk ss tireh el Henn' fam?s M 1`°t \ ,f\ \ \ \:d ss \ \ \. \ tea\ \. \ \\ate \ \ \ \ �. \. \ \7� r� i a („ d ,\ �\ \ �\ \c .\ .\ \,cap=` �\ \ \ 4 \ a .;4 ,z . ..� . .: .� z \\ :xu. ::\ \\.�\.. . � .\...\. � . y;:a . : 3\ 0 \, cl� clr� s rdrr=M� h��� <ea� 2'63 3 TVAAAW,W 4W4.4V,,,A-kV ik,1441 i4,444,44V. \ \ \ \ a \ \ \ `� 15 t \bra r \ \.a _.\ ..'' \, \. i s \\..: \)DANN \44v, k \ \:\\ \ �.\ . .\. `� Ste' ��\ \. \ \ \ \�. \ \.. ykt \.. 04� \ l= r rrr . �a 44, a.g Ala \. ' \ _ ace �� \\\�� •�� vim:•`iota4a . \ \\ .., a\� \ Thi \, \ \ \ \ .\ \ ttt trttA \ .\ ttAt� cam\ �.t %:<.. \ �. ..\ \\\,. 5.\ . . \ :, } 1,dYf,�}„'r' \\\ .44 44, \.vokk \ ,\.\ \a\\\ cam. \\. \ 0 .\;.\ \... a.. ...... �. :. \\ `:\ �.\ a i.\O•\. \..o \\� \\�\ \moo\\ \ \\ .��. 3i .. \,\, \.. �. .'\ 1�5`� 8 15 ehJi;esa�#�tookoy-P,. �\: \ \... \\\.\\ \ \, _4 �� :.A.., A V. AgypA\ . .. ..aA 3 �yA ,Ak x,. W M Environmental Program Tracking \ \ \ v. \ \ \ �\ \ te. \\\\\\ \�:. APAR (Affected Property Assessment Report 805.00 7/14/15 Labor: Clay Snider 87.50 8/18/15 Labor: Michael Henn Contracted Amt: $10,000 2,676.25 8/31/15 Labor: Laura Foss; Michael Henn; Clay Snider 11.73 8/31/15 Misc.Supplies 398.50 8/31/15 Vehicle usage P-2; W&M Equipment 2,880.00 9/30/15 Labor: Shan Ahmad;Jmes Maxwell;Antonia Pacholczuk; Clay Snider; Michael Whitehead. 536.00 10/31/15 Labor: Clay Snider; Frank Clark 38.56 10/31/15 Subcontractors: Postage &Shipping / :15.00 230.001 12/311/12/15 3.1 155 LaborLabor: ClayClay SniderSnider 3,107.50 1/31/16 Labor: Shan Ahmad, Frank Clark, Michael Henn,Jeremiah Roy, Clay Snider Total 10,886.04 wisp(municipal setting Designation 393.75. 7/14/15 Labor: Michael Henn 384,00 8/18/15` Labor-Frank Clark,Michael Henn Contracted� 8/18/15Aerials/Maps/Photos . . 8/ 1/1 Labor: F ra k Clark,Michael Henn ,020.1 / 0 5< Labor. Laura Fug 2 2 1. 5 1%1 15 Labor. Frank d r ,Michael Henn;Michael Whitehead I 87.50 2/.m5/ s Labor: Henn W M Environmental Program Tracking 1,476.25 12/31/15 Labor: Frank Clark, Holly Stockton, Michael Whitehead I 28.44 12/31/15 Mileage 837.50 1/31/16 Frank Clark, Michael Henn Total 8,000.67 106 N. Birmingham Project Total: 7,800.00 Phase I-- Contracted: 2,800 2,800.00 6/11/15 Completed Total 2,800.00 Ltd Phase II -Contract: 5,000 5,000.00 7/31/15 Completed Total 5,000.00 398 S. Highway 78 Project Total:; 14,297.97 Phase I-Contract$2,700 2,700.00 9/30/15 Completed Total: 2,700.00 Ltd Phase II- Contract$3,800 3,800.00 Completed Total: 3,800.00 Jd'I Phase II -Contract$7,900 1,818.50 9/30/15 Labor: Frank Clark, Michael Henn,James Maxwell, Clay Snider 1,845.75 9/30/15 Drilling 747.50 9/30/15 Other Subcontractors 26.46 9/30/15 Mileage 1,851.25 11/13/15 Labor: Ahmad, Maxwell, Rodusky,Snider, Whitehead 1,508.51 11/13/15 Subcontractors: Laboratory and Other 7,797.97 710 Business Way Project Total: 2,600.00 Phase I ESA-Contract$2,600 2,600.00 11/2/2015 Completed 2,600.00 W M Environmental Program Tracking Spent Contracted Total W&M Expenditures: 85,962.51 S104,800 WEDC Promotional Activities 2015-16 Mavericks Tickets Game Opponent Attendees Business Purpose November 5-Thursday @ 7:30 pm Charlotte McClure Partners Commercial Development on 544 November 28-Saturday @ 7:30 pm Denver KREA Acquisitions 19 ac office Development December 4- Friday @7:30 pm Houston Falcon Realty Advisors Retail Development/CSD December 28- Monday @ 7:30 pm Milwaukee Falcon Realty Advisors,The Retail Coach Retail Development/CSD January 12-Tuesday @ 7:30 pm Cleveland N/A Donated to Coventry Reserve Auction January 31-Sunday @ 6:00 pm Phoenix Vinay Kumar Medical Office Development March 3 -Thursday @7:30 pm Sacramento Project 2015-12c Prospect Recruitment March 9-Wednesday @ 7:30 Detroit March 12-Saturday @ 1:00 pm Indiana March 20-Sunday @ 3:00 pm Portland March 30-Wednesday @ 7:30 pm New York April 6-Wednesday @ 8:30 pm Houston April 13-Wednesday @ 7:00 pm San Antonio Regional Housing Permits Wylie Lavon 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 January 28 20 16 18Ell 46 9 January 0 3 8 2 4 5 4 6 2 February 34 18 9Ell 14 20iglig February 1 4 7 11 2 5 11 6 March 36 26 20 28 18 III 30 March April 7 10 8 3 6 3 17 8 April 59 16III 18 29 38 10 4 6 13 1 12 24 7 11 May IIIIIIII 26 18 20 Cal 26 68 III May 4 7 8 1 1 0 9 17 4 June11:11 36 24 19 III11111 9 June 6 12 12 9 2 5 12 5 July 20 19 1 18 29 36 1111 July 12 14 11 2 3 1 14 12 August 28 24 16 19 20 19 30 • August 1 14 12 9 6 3 1 5 September 38 Ego 8 '� 24 September 3 I 1 0 6 7 6 2 7 October Blom 16 28 30 131 October 1 3 14 4 2 1 9 5 November 18 20 November 3 13 5 5 3 2 1 2 December 14 HIE10 16 D 65 38MI December 19 2 1 1 7 1 4 5 6 TOTAL 413 MI 264 201 230 236 280 483 9 TOTAL 61 89 99 60 48 68 100 77 2 Muur•h Sachse 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 January 14 2 14 4 7 26 13 1 12 January 12 5 17 14 8 13 18 14 16 February 16 1 15 3 14 4 5 5 February 11 8 10 3 11 8 29 17 March 12 4 15 9 6 6 8 4 March 7 11 11 9 12 1 13 24 April 12 7 12 8 10 23 1 3 April 15 12 11 8 4 13 17 12 May 12 7 5 11 14 7 7 2 May 15 6 13 11 17 10 21 6 June 25 12 13 6 19 15 6 7 June 22 17 11 8 17 14 16 38 July 13 12 7 7 16 7 22 4 July 17 11 15 7 14 15 30 12 August 15 6 3 4 13 15 16 2 August 18 12 14 5 19 10 29 41 September 6 12 7 4 10 10 3 3 September 16 13 3 12 12 17 23 27 October 7 4 8 3 16 16 j 4 0 October 25 15 3 8 15 25 18 31 November 3 5 7 3 17 5 5 2 November 10 14 4 6 9 12 27 26 December 3 14 9 8 7 15 4 December 9 12 6 7 10 11 39 12 TOTAL 138 86 115 70 149 149 94 33 12 TOTAL 1771136 118 98 148 149 280 260 16 Wylie- Pending Developments Sachse- Pending Developments Estates of Creekside-45 ac. -63 Lots, 3 open space Jackson Hills Phase 3A-2 -55 Lc Braddock Place, Phase 2 - 185 ac. - 44 Lots Heritage Park- Phase 3 -81 Lots Kreymer Estates Phase 1 -36.475 ac. - 110 Lots Parkwood Ranch - Phase 2 -102 Lots Lewis Ranch -53 ac. -216 Lots Jackson Hills - Phase 3B - 114 Lots Woodbridge 16 -25.083 ac. - 111 Lots Jackson Meadows-51 Lots Dominion of Pleasant Valley-361.4 ac. -975 Lots Woodbridge- Phase 19 - 148 Lots Covington Estates Ph 1 - 14.308 ac. -44 lots Bozeman Farms-780 lots remaining (145 under cons.) Regional Housing Permits Alan's Crossing -Phase 1 -29.292 ac-53 Lots Braddock Place, Phase 3-18.322 ac. - 53 Lots, 2 open space Wilson Creek-38 ac. 140 lots Inspiration 2B-25 ac. 76 lots Wylie ETJ ZC 2014-08 Nails-25 ac. 105 Townhomes Hunter's Cove Phase I -31.414 ac 58 Lots Bozman Farms Phase 3-50.392 ac 139 Lots Braddock Place Phase 4-25.608 ac 77 Lots Braddock Place Phase 3- 18.322 ac. 53 Lots Creekside Estates Phase VII -23.267 ac. - 11 Lots Castle Park-31.41 ac 56 Lots Inspiration Phase 1 &2--53 Lots