07-13-1993 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. MINUTES JULY 13, 1993 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . met in regular session at 4: 00 P.M. on Tuesday, July 13, 1993 in the Development Corporation's office at 108 W. Marble, Wylie, Texas . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were President Raymond Cooper, Vice President John Tobin, Secretary/Treasurer John Yeager and member John Mondy . Executive Director Charlie Womack, Mayor John Akin and City Manager Steve Norwood were also present . In attendance from the City Staff was Anita Collins . Tim Robinson was absent from the meeting. President Raymond Cooper called the meeting to order. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 8, 1993 REGULAR MEETING : There being no corrections to the minutes John Yeager made a motion that they be approved, seconded by John Mondy. Mr. Cooper did not vote since he was not on the board at that time and not in attendance at the meeting. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1993 SPECIAL MEETING : There being no corrections to the minutes John Mondy made a motion that they be approved, seconded by John Yeager. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT: Total corporate funds as of June 30 , 1993 were $450 ,015 . 81 . Expenses for May were $6,120 . 37 and revenues were $334, 207 . 16. Total available funds were $328 , 429 . 49 . A motion was made by John Tobin to accept the Treasurer's Report as read and was seconded by John Mondy. The motion carried with all in favor. (See attached report at the end of these minutes) . REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: A. Physicians Regional Hospital Status Report - The hospital is hopeful that their bankruptcy petition for reorganization will be accepted. All available beds were full during the last two weeks of June. They continue to be optimistic that the situation will improve for them. B. Major Employer Relocation Status Report - A recent conversation with local management reveals no decision has been made by the corporate office and relocation plans are on hold pending management changes . C. Jim Meara, D/B/A the Meara Company Status Report - Mr. Meara reports his efforts to have the impact fees waived by the City Council have been unsuccessful but he will continue to research his options for a possible solution to this current problem. The Wylie Planning and Zoning Board approved the replating of the duplex building lots in the sub-division to fifty-eight (58) single family residential lots . Recommendation of the P & Z board will be reviewed and a final decision will be made by the Wylie City Council in their next scheduled meeting on July 13 , 1993 . D. Crane Safety & Maintenance, Inc . - Mr. Crisuolo has signed a contract to purchase an industrial building lot from Provident Bank - Wylie. There are no immediate plans to construct a building until the lot is free and clear of debt . The company has bid several big jobs with good profit margins which if they are the successful bidder, should generate sufficient funds to liquidate lot debt and construct building. Currently management has no plans to request any financial assistance from the Development Corporation. E. Applied Powder Technologies, Inc. - This is a company out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company manufactures a broad range of metal powders at its production facility in Connecticut for the North American coating industry. Wylie is one of the five cities within the metroplex that would be a good candidate for their consideration. There was a meeting on June 28 with Mr. Chad and Mr . Allen from APT and various representatives from the City, Chamber, and Development Corporation. F. S-Line Corporation - Mr. Womack reported that he sent them one of the videos and called them back after they had opportunity to look at the video. They were impressed with the video but their plans for relocation have been put on hold. G. Roberts Manufacturing Company - This company is presently located in California with a small office in West Dallas . REVIEW AND APPROVE BUDGET FOR YEAR BEGINNING 10/01/93 AND ENDING 09/30/94: Expenditures for the upcoming budget year were discussed and the following change was recommended: That advertising for the Chamber of Commerce be raised to $15 ,000 in order for them to do the advertising for the Development Corporation and that promotions be at $6,000 . With this change a motion was made by John Yeager to adopt the budget as presented, seconded by John Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor. RECESS OPEN MEETING CONVENE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Update on Contract to Purchase a Tract of Land for Future Development . B. Update on Request by Two Local Employers Interested in Financial Assistance to Relocate their Current Operations . C. Report on Another Company that is Planning a Relocation and Has some Interest in the Wylie area. RECONVENE OPEN MEETING ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION A. No action taken. B. A motion was made by John Yeager that the Development Corporation make a loan to Gingy's Heaven Scent for $3 ,800 .00 at six percent ( 6%) interest and payable in twelve equal monthly installments. The motion was seconded by John Tobin and carried with all in favor. C. No action taken. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None There being no other business for discussion a motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Minutes of the July 13 , 1993 , regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on August 10 , 1993 . ? In a / 1 G ? / it RaYm d Cooper, President PREPARED BY: (2-4(-4---64-- a21462.; Anita Collins