02-12-1991 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC. MINUTES FEBRUARY 12 , 1991 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. met in regular session at 4 : 00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 12 , 1991 in the Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Jim Smith, President ; Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer ; and members Raymond Cooper and John Yeager. James Blakey, Vice President arrived late . Also present were City Manager, Bill Dashner and Mayor John Akin . Jim Smith called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 8 , 1991 : A motion was made and seconded that the minutes of the January 8 , 1991 meeting be accepted as is . The motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF TREASURER REPORT: Bart Peddicord, Secretary- Treasurer ; gave a report on the expenditures and revenues of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc. He reported the current balance to be $65 ,863 .43 . A current treasurer ' s report will be given at each meeting. A motion was made by Raymond Cooper to accept the report as read and it was seconded by John Yeager. The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PURCHASE OF A FILE CABINET: Discussion was made about the purchase of a used two (2 ) drawer legal size fire proof file cabinet from Bart Peddicord' s son for $175 .00 . Bart Peddicord abstained from discussion on this item. Raymond Cooper stated this was a very good deal and made a motion that we purchase it . John Yeager made a second. Jim Smith - in favor, Raymond Cooper - in favor , John Yeager - in favor . Bart Peddicord abstained from voting on this item. Motion carried . AUTHORIZE PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF WYLIE FOR EXPENSES INCURRED IN ORGANIZING THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC: A motion was made by Raymond Cooper to reimburse the City for expense in the amount of $604 .12 as per their invoice. The motion was seconded by John Yeager . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF LETTER FROM ANITA COLLIN REGARDING RECEIPT OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUNDS FROM CITY OF WYLIE: Discussion was made as to how funds are received from the City and what kind of documentation they will receive. DISCUSSION WAS MADE ON COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ZONING AND LAND USE: Bart Peddicord brought the board up to date on the types of zoning the City now has . There has been a sub- committee appointed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to look in to the zoning we presently have and to make recommendations for changes . City Manager, Bill Dashner , reported that the City is in the process of recodifying and preparing a Land Use Map for planning and zoning use. It will be an official Land Use map and will be located in the Council Chambers . RECESS REGULAR MEETING: A motion was made to recess the regular meeting by Raymond Cooper and seconded by Bart Peddicord. The motion carried with all in favor . WORKSHOP DISCUSSION OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVE: Discussion was made about the objective of the Wylie Development Corporation and what parameters it must work within. Discuss the objectives of why the Wylie Chamber of Commerce was formed. There will be a Texas Highway Department reception at Sanden Corporation on the 28th of February. Discuss and Consider having badges for the Development Corp. board members . Discussion of whether we should or do we even want to get involved in the issuance of bonds . Discussed building a building that could eventually be leased , lease/purchase or sold to a new business. Philosophy of this board . Reconvene Open Meeting . There being no other matters of business for discussion , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Minutes of the January 8 , 1991 regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on February 12 , 1991 . • Barton Peddicord, Secretary-Treasurer