09-10-1991 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC . MINUTES September 10 , 1991 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . met in regular session at 4 : 00 P .M. on Tuesday, September 10 , 1991 in the Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Jim Smith, President ; Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer ; James Blakey , Vice President and members John Yeager and John Tobin and Mayor John Akin . Jim Smith called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 13 , 1991 : James Blakey made a motion that the minutes be approved without any corrections . John Yeager seconded the motion . The motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF TREASURER REPORT: Bart Peddicord , Secretary- Treasurer , gave a report on the expenditures and revenues of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . He reported the current balance to be $178 , 926 . 90, sales tax received in August was $ 19 , 931 . 39 , interest received was $676 .72 and expenditures in the amount of $ 50 . 00 to the City of Wylie , $7 . 00 to Wylie Printing and Office Supplies and $14. 50 to Bart Peddicord for reimbursement of postage . A motion was made by John Yeager to approve the report . The motion was seconded by John Tobin . The report was unanimously approved . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PRESENTATION FROM DR. STUART WALLACE , REPRESENTING THE PIRATE BOOSTER CLUB , FOR HELP IN RESTORING THE HIGHWAY 78 SIGN: Dr . Stuart Wallace asked the board to assist the Booster Club in replacing the Highway 78 sign . Dr . Wallace indicated it would cost approximately $2 , 500 to replace the sign . He also indicated that they already had commitments for $500 . 00 . Bart Peddicord made a motion that the Development Corporation commit $ 1 , 000 to the Booster Club to be used in replacing the sign. James Blakey seconded the motion . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER SELECTION OF AUDITORS FOR FY91 ANNUAL AUDIT: John Tobin made a motion that the Development Corporation use the same auditors which the City of Wylie selects to do their audit . John Yeager seconded the motion and it carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FORMAL ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS TO INCLUDE DUTIES OF SECRETARY: James Blakey made a motion that the following amendment be adopted and become an offical part of the bylaws of the Development Corporation : 5 .06 SECRETARY The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept , at the registered office a record of the minutes of all meetings of the Board and of any committees of the Board . The Secretary shall also file a copy of said Minutes with the City and the same to be given , in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws , or as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act or the Texas Open Records Act or other applicable law. The Secretary shall be custodian of the corporate records and seal of the Corporation , and shall keep a register of the mailing address and street address , if different , of each director . John Yeager seconded the motion. It carried with all in favor . DISCUSS FY91 BUDGET AND TYPO ON THE AMOUNT BUDGETED FOR PROMOTIONS : This item was for discussion only . All totals were correct . The line item for promotions read $18 , 000 and should have read $22 ,000 . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PREPARATION OF ANNUAL PLAN: This item was for discussion only. The final annual plan should be ready for the next meeting . RECESS REGULAR MEETING: WORKSHOP DISCUSSION OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES : Goals and objectives were discussed . RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING There being no other matters of business for discussion , a motion was made by John Yeager to adjourn and seconded by Bart Peddicord . The motion carried with all in favor . Minutes of the September 10 , 1991 regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October 8 , 1991 . Barton Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer