02-11-1992 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC . MINUTES February 11 , 1992 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . met in regular session at 4 : 30 P.M. on Tuesday, February 11 , 1992 in the Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Jim Smith , President ; Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer ; James Blakey, Vice President and members John Yeager and John Tobin and Executive Director , Charles Womack. Mayor John Akin , Councilman William Martin and Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones were also present . In attendance from the the City Staff was Anita Collins . Jim Smith called the meeting to order . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1992 REGULAR MEETING AND JANUARY 28 , 1991 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC: James Blakey made a motion that the minutes for these meetings be approved without any corrections . John Yeager seconded the motion . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT: Bart Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer , gave a report on the expenditures and revenues of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . He reported the current balance to be $255 , 261 . 17 , sales tax received in January was $10, 182 . 69 , interest received was $876 . 02 and expenditures in the amount of $2 , 050. 00 . A motion was made by John Tobin to approve the report . The motion was seconded by John Yeager . The report was unanimously approved . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER VIDEO TAPE TO PROMOTE WYLIE: James Blakey made a motion that we solicit quotes to produce a fifteen to twenty minute tape on Wylie . The motion was seconded by Bart Peddicord . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER THE HIGHWAY 78 WIDENING PROJECT INCLUDING THE PROCUREMENT OF DRAWINGS AND A BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM: Acting City Manager , Carolyn Jones informed the Board that we do not yet have the drawings and we check with the Highway Department regularly , they should be available in mid April . Discussions were made about how to hide the junkyards and the industrial areas with shrubs , etc . DISCUSS THE DATABASE FOR INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE INCLUDING AERIAL PHOTOS: John Yeager and John Tobin are going to investigate this further and report on the project at the next meeting . DISCUSS SPRING CLEANUP: The Board discussed various options on a major cleanup for the City . President Jim Smith said he would try to discuss this at the Partnership in Development Meeting on February 17 , 1992 . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER LOCATION OF OFFICE FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: The Board felt that the location of their present office in the Municipal Complex was no longer suitable since they had hired an Executive Director . Acting City Manager Carolyn Jones stated that we had received two quotes to build them a new office in the area of the City Manager and City Attorney' s office . A motion was made by Bart Peddicord to authorize expenditures up to $2 , 500 for this office . The motion was seconded by John Yeager . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS WALMART: The feasibility of obtaining a Walmart was discussed . The Board is going to seek further information . RECESS OPEN MEETING: CONVENE TO WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Mr . Womack presented a draft of a proposed sign to indicate where the Armory is being built . RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: No citizen participation Adjourn There being no other matters of business for discussion , a motion was made and seconded to adjourn this meeting . The motion carried with all in favor . Minutes of the February 11 , 1992 , regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on March 10 , 1992 . Barton Peddicord , Secretary-Treasurer PREPARED BY : 1rf Anita Collins