10-13-1992 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE , INC . MINUTES OCTOBER 13 , 1992 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie , Inc . met in regular session at 4 : 00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 13 , 1992 in the Development Corporation's office at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Jim Smith , President; James Blakey, Vice President; John Yeager , Secretary Treasurer and members John Tobin and John Mondy . Executive Director Charlie Womack, Mayor John Akin, Councilwoman Allen and City Manager Steve Norwood were also present . In attendance from the City Staff was Anita Collins . Jim Smith called the meeting to order . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 13 , 1992 REGULAR MEETING : A correction was made - under other business , item b it should read "Discuss the Need for the Corporation to Rent a Post Office Box" not "Discuss the Need for the Corporation to Rent a Post Office Post" . With this correction being made John Yeager made a motion that the minutes be approved, seconded by John Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT: The Treasurer's Report (See attached report at the end of these minutes) reported the following: Balance as of August 31 , 1992 $319 , 502 . 24 September Revenues 17 , 131 . 46 September Expenses 2 , 033 . 38 Petty Cash Expenses 21 . 75 Balance as of September 30 , 1992 James Blakey made a motion that the treasurer' s report be accepted as written, seconded by John Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor . REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: A. Current status of Master Brake Service , Inc . loan transaction - Although the owners received the bid on this property they failed to close the loan at the appropriate time . It appears this is now a dead issue . B . Current status of American Mold , Inc. request and problems with the Texas Air Control Board - the hearing for the expansion request is still pending before the Texas Air Control Board. The Development Corporation is not taking any action or stand on this item. C. Up-date on move of office from City Hall to the Wylie Chamber of Commerce facility - the move is scheduled for October 16 , 1992 . D. Current status report of efforts being made to relocate the Goldin Pickle facility to Wylie - Garland has finally issued them a building permit and they will be building their new facility in Garland. Should there be some type of problem to prevent them from building in Garland they will take another look at Wylie. OTHER BUSINESS A. Discuss and consider loan request of Robert Arden - Mr. Arden made a bid to purchase the building that he houses his restaurant in and he received the bid. He has requested assistance from the Development Corp. in the form of a secured loan. After a lengthy discussion and careful consideration John Tobin made a motion that this request did fit the Corporation's criteria and that we make the loan developed by the Executive Director and subject to Mr. Arden taking care of delinquent taxes owed the City for personal property taxes. The motion was seconded by James Blakey. The motion carried with four in favor and one abstain. President Jim Smith abstained. B. Discuss and consider purchase of industrial facility - this discussion centered around purchasing a piece of property now occupied by a company that has six employees. The occupant would be willing to sign a lease if we are successful in our bid to purchase this real estate. John Yeager made a motion that we submit a bid for $35 , 010 and authorize a 5% escrow payment of $1 , 750 . 50 . The motion was seconded by James Blakey. The motion carried with all in favor. C. Discuss and consider a possible "Grant" of land or building a facility to be leased to a major corporation - this centered around a corporation that employees some 250 people and is looking for a new location. Representatives from the Development Corp. will be meeting with the executives from this company and this will be discussed further at a later date. D. Discuss and make decision to enroll Executive Director in a five and one-half day annual Basic Economic Development Course being offered November 8-13 , 1992 by Texas Engineering Extension Service, of the Texas A & M University System, College Station, Texas - John Yeager made a motion that we approve this expenditure of $510 for registration and expenses for room and board during this period. John Tobin seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor. E. Sale of conference table to the City of Wylie for $50 . 00 . The Development Corporation will not pay any rent in October and in return will leave the conference table now occupying their office. F. Discuss audit proposal offered by Rutledge, Crain & Co, P.C. - John Yeager made a motion that we allow the Executive Director to negotiate a contract with the auditors for less than a $1 ,000 . The motion was seconded by James Blakey. The motion carried with all in favor. G. Discuss preparation of 1993 budget - see attached proposed budget presentation. John Yeager made a motion that we adopt the budget with the discussed changes. James Blakey seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor. RECESS OPEN MEETING: CONVENE TO WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: No discussion took place on this item. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None There being no other business for discussion a motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Minutes of the October 13 , 1992 , regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on November 10 , 1992 . 41"/ n Y ge , Secretary PREPARED BY : f <' <_', :„ Anita Collins