06-08-1993 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC . MINUTES JUNE 8 , 1993 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . met in regular session at 4 : 00 P .M. on Tuesday , June 8 , 1993 in the Development Corporation' s office at 108 W . Marble, Wylie, Texas . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Those present were President Jim Smith, Vice President James Blakey , Secretary/Treasurer John Yeager and members John Mondy and John Tobin . Executive Director Charlie Womack, Mayor John Akin and City Manager Steve Norwood were also present . In attendance from the City Staff was Anita Collins . President Jim Smith called the meeting to order . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 8 , 1993 REGULAR MEETING : The minutes of the May 11 , 1993 meeting should read ( 38 . 53) not ( 35 . 83 ) . There being no other corrections to the minutes James Blakey made a motion that they be approved without any further corrections , seconded by John Mondy . The motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER' S REPORT: Total corporate funds as of May 31 , 1993 were $439 , 513 . 39 . Expenses for May were $6 , 119 . 11 and revenues were $27 , 818 . 25 . Total available funds were $318 , 227 . 79 . A motion was made by John Tobin to accept the Treasurer ' s Report as read and was seconded by James Blakey . The motion carried with all in favor . (See attached report at the end of these minutes ) . REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: • A. Physicians Regional Hospital Status Report - The hospital was closed for eight days and the Medical Plaza building should reopen within the next ninety ( 90 ) days . All patients were removed from the hospital immediately after the tornado and no fees were generated during the closed period. All tenants in the professional building have moved to other locations . A hearing was scheduled by the court for May 26 , 1993 but has been rescheduled for late July or August on the bankruptcy petition. B . Major Employer Relocation Status Report - A recent conversation with local management reveals no decision has been made by the corporate office . Mr . Womack' s contact indicated that the home office was going through some management changes and this has delayed any definite decision on the relocation of the Dallas facility . He agreed to Keep us abreast of any new developments . C . PERMA-TUNE Inc . Status Report - Management reports business has been better than expected . Two employees nave been added to meet current demands . One local company came to their rescue when a supplier failed to supply parts as scheduled and it didn' t become necessary to stop production. Mr . Lenarduzzi continues to be happy with his move to Wylie and is anxious to sell his California home so he can establish a permanent residence in Wylie . D . GINNY ' S Inc . Status Report - Company has completed their move to their new location in the old Post Office building . They need more space and are looking for a facility where their patterns can be stored . Employees are happy with the new location because there are windows in the building that make their working area a much more attractive area . Mrs . Leon ( owner) has discussed the possibility of asking the corporation for financial assistance to help defray some of their moving and renovating expenses . E. Jim Meara , D/B/A the Meara Company Status Report - Mr . Meara has continued to meet with the City Manager to reach an agreement for some relief on this item. The City Council declined Mr . Meara ' s request for the city to place a moratorium for two years on the collection of impact tees when requesting a bui l ding permit on an Existing deve . oiled building lot . Mr . Meara reported that negotiations foL the sale of this propertyto General :comes r is in its final stages . F. Crane Safety & Maintenance , Inc . - Mr . Crisuolo continues to negotiate a land purchase from Provident Bank and has requested they consider providing interim and permanent financing on the new facility . The bank has agreed to consider this request but additional information is needed before they will make a decision. Mr . Criscuolo is developing the final plan and estimated cost of the new facility . He will be spending the first week in June erecting a large crane in Denver , Colorado and this will delay completing the information for the bank. He believes all the financing will be furnished by the bank and there will be no need for the corporation to provide any financial assistance. G . Update on Plans to Honor Mr . Hiroshi Takahashi , Chairman/President and C . E . O . , Sanden international (U . S .A. ) , Inc . - Sanden is hosting a farewell reception honoring Mr . Hiroshi Takahashi at the Bristol Suites Hotel in Dallas on June 10 , 1993 from 6 : 00 P .M. - 8 : 00 P .M. The members of the Development Corporation have been invited . H . Mr . Womack informed the board that he had visited with each business that had sustained damage from the tornado . They were told that the Development Corporation would consider any request for financial assistance if the need was necessary to get them back into production as soon as possible . No requests for assistance have been received . RECESS OPEN MEETING CONVENE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: A . Update on Contract to Purchase a Tract of Land toy Future Development . B . Update on Request by Two Local Employers inte_ este.. in Financial Assistance tb Relocate t_:e_r Current Operations . C . Report on Another Company that is _ iannong a Relocation a_.s Has some Interest in the Wylie area . RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING A. A motion was made by John Yeager to purchase the 51 . 531 acres at a cost not to exceed $200 , 000 . 00 . The motion was seconded by John Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor . B . No action taken . C . No action taken . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION : None There being no other business for discussion a motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned . Minutes of the June 2th 1993 , regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on ,July 1.3th, 1993 . 3m. �:, Presid nt im21t PREPARED BY : Anita Collins