01-09-2018 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CitY- LIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda January 9, 2018 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Diane Culver Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. January 9, 2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 PRESENTATION • Presentation of information on the design of Parker Road at Brown Street. (Tim Bennett) CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of December 12, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Keeley Corners creating three single family residential lots on 5.421 acres, generally located in the City of Wylie ETJ southeast of the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Keeley Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of playground equipment for Community Park from WeBuildFun, Inc. in the estimated amount of$109,554.57 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) D. Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2018-01R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, authorizing a five (5) year lease agreement for a Next Generation Vesta Hosted 9-1-1 Telephone System from Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T in the estimated amount of $430,000.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) E. Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of building improvement goods from Home Depot in the estimated annual amount of$60,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with US Communities Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents (G. Hayes, Purchasing) F. Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of consulting services for the Laserfiche document management system from MCCI in the amount of $50,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) G. Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of exercise equipment from Marathon Fitness in the estimated amount of $57,833.63 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) H. Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of vehicles from Lake Country Chevrolet in the estimated amount of$262,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with the State of Texas Smart Buy Program, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) January 9, 2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 L Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for November 30, 2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) J. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for November 30, 2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG/30) District to Neighborhood Services (NS) District for commercial purposes on one acre, generally located approximately 1,160 feet west of Westgate Way within the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abs A0266, Tr 18, and more specifically at 1250 W. Brown Street. ZC2017-08 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting to rezone a one acre property located at 1250 West Brown Street. The property is currently zoned as Agricultural(AG/30)and is not platted. 2. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-02(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the "Official Newspaper" for the City of Wylie. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Executive Summary Texas Local Government Code, §52.004 states that at the beginning of each fiscal year, municipalities must designate an official newspaper. This must be done as soon as practicable. The municipality shall contract with the newspaper designated by ordinance or resolution. PRESENTATION • The NuRock Companies seeking a resolution for a senior housing development on a vacant tract of land currently zoned Multi-Family utilizing Affordable Housing and Tax Credit program, generally located southeast of the intersection of Vinson Road and Neva Lane. ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087--Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076 -Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. January 9, 2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on January 5, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Google Maps _ , • 4. 11111 i( tea.. » , .+dry-., • .. f 1 J It Ha �+r PARKER RD - . = t `" �� .,: � • Nr1 "e M.. W Ar avowjy�"^ �, :� ... +r i t ya , :t !� t 1-1 4 . .91 j } �� t r~`� r "w �*+q i"+�►�' • i I r= ,-t�te, r.*• 1. _ 'rig_., it 4 .... � iivir "1 «'1/41,� _ 3 '7k ,.PARK BLVD a,� _ a ,? 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Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Carole Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor pro tem Keith Stephens, Councilman David Dahl, Councilman Timothy Wallis, Councilwoman Candy Arrington, Councilman Jeff Forrester. Councilwoman Diane Culver was absent. Staff present included: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Chris Hoisted; City Engineer, Tim Porter; Fire Chief, Brent Parker; Finance Director, Linda Bantz; Development Services Director, Renae 011ie; Police Chief, Anthony Henderson; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor pro tem Stephens gave the invocation and Councilwoman Arrington led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Presentation by Chris Connealy for the Texas Fire Chiefs Association Best Practices Program. Chief Chris Connealy representing the Texas Fire Chief's Association, Best Practices Program presented Wylie Fire Rescue with a plaque honoring their use of best practices in the Wylie organization. He noted they had gone above and beyond putting these programs and practices in place. He also noted the achievement of retaining the ISO 1 Fire rating for the City. Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 1 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present wishing to address Council during Citizens Comments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of November 9, 2017 Special Called Work Session and November 14,2017 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-31 amending Planned Development 2013-37- Single Family District and Planned Development 2016-27 (PD2016-27-SF) to include an additional 2 acres, adjust the allowed total lot count, and to allow a day care use by SUP, generally located east of Sachse Road/Ballard Ave. and south of Pleasant Valley Road. ZC2017-07 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the purchase of a 2018 Chevrolet Animal Control vehicle from Caldwell Country Chevrolet in the estimated amount of$50,348.00 through a cooperative Buy Board purchasing contract, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) D. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of October 31,2017. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-24(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute a Wholesale Wastewater Collection Agreement with the Wylie Northeast Special Utility District. (C. Holsted, Asst. City Manager) F. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for October 31,2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) G. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for October 31, 2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Mayor Hogue noted one small typographical error on Item E. Section 2.06 should read "one hundred percent (100%) rather than one hundred ten percent." He noted the change has been made on the final documents. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the one correction. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon,Resolution No. 2017-25(R), a Resolution of the City of Wylie, Texas regarding the recommendations of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' Collin County Strategic Roadway Plan in the City of Wylie and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction; and providing for an effective date. (M. Manson, City Manager) Council/Staff Comments Mayor Hogue reported the North Central Texas Council of Governments (COG), at the request of the Collin County Commissioners Court, has conducted an assessment of future transportation needs for Collin County, including the evaluation of both existing and possible new road corridors. The assessment process consisted of multiple meetings with elected officials and staff to present the initial findings and to solicit input, with the goal of achieving a consensus on projects to include in the Mobility 2045 long term transportation plan. Inclusion in the Mobility 2045 plan would set the stage for a detailed environmental study and a public involvement process. Mayor Hogue explained the proposed resolution was provided in the packet. He reported staff tried to include items of concern that were voiced at the November 9th Council Work Session, without placing blinders to the need for additional roadways to accommodate the growing population. He reported that over the past ten years, the City has spent over 75 million on Wylie roadways which have greatly improved mobility throughout the City. Council also must be aware of the way County officials will view the recommendations in this resolution. Mayor Hogue indicated commissioners may choose not to fund City roadway projects if the City does not support the county recommendations; this could mean less funding from the state and federal government. City Manager Manson reported NCTCOG had provided a new thoroughfare proposal on their website after clearly hearing comments from the November 9th work session. The possibility of a north/south freeway extending through Wylie is no longer indicated on the proposed plan. They are now looking at the availability of other thoroughfares. NCTCOG felt the east loop was too far east and needed to be revised. Manson noted this is the only freeway still recommended on the plan. She indicated the proposed plans had not changed very much in the past 35 years. Mayor Hogue read the proposed resolution and explained why certain items were included. Section 1. B was added, he explained, even though this bridge is not in the City's jurisdiction. This was done to try and work with Collin County so the City continues to receive federal dollars. He asked for input from the Council. Councilman Wallis commented that he understood the City did not want to upset Collin County however removing the "bridge over Lake Ray Hubbard" verbiage of Section B would show that the City is being passive but not confrontational. He also asked that the word "support" be struck and only say encourage further study. Councilwoman Arrington, Councilman Dahl, and Councilman Forrester concurred with Councilman Wallis in removing the bridge over Lake Ray Hubbard verbiage, only. Mayor Hogue read Section 1, Item C and Item D for Council consideration. Councilman Wallis commented that he wanted "the support of improvements to existing bridges and new bridges over Lake Lavon"to be taken out of the section. Other councilmembers were satisfied with Section D as written. Mayor Hogue read Section 1, Item E to the Council. All Council members were in favor of the proposed section. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Councilman Dahl to approve Resolution No. 2017-25(R), regarding the recommendations of the North Central Texas Council Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 3 of Governments' Collin County Strategic Roadway Plan in the City of Wylie and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction; and providing for an effective date, with the following amendments: Section 1 Paragraph B to read: "The City Council supports and encourages further study of north-south and east-west thoroughfares", and striking "including a bridge over Lake Ray Hubbard to connect to S.H. 205/John King Blvd." A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-1 with Mayor Hogue, Mayor pro tern Stephens, Councilman Forrester, Councilwoman Arrington, and Councilman Dahl voting for with Councilman Wallis voting against and Councilwoman Culver absent. 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-32, repealing Ordinance No. 2013-08; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code for Commercial Buildings, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Staff Comments Building Official Bret McCullough gave a short PowerPoint presentation regarding the next ten items. He explained some of the important changes in the 2015 Edition of the Building Codes when compared to the current 2012 Edition. He explained that in the interest of advancing regional uniformity in efficient design and safety of building systems by promoting a common code; the North Central Texas Council of Governments Regional Code Coordinating Committee encourages member jurisdictions to adopt the recommended codes along with their respective regional amendments. Contained in each Ordinance are the 2015 Edition of the Codes and all regional and local amendments. McCullough noted staff is asking for approval of the following ten code agenda items. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilman Forrester to approve Ordinance No. 2017-32, repealing Ordinance No. 2013-08; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code for Commercial Buildings, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-33 repealing Ordinance No. 2012-31, save and except the amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11, and adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Wallis, seconded by Mayor pro tem Stephens to approve Ordinance No. 2017-33 repealing Ordinance No. 2012-31, save and except the amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11, and adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 4 violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 4. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-34, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-32; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Forrester, seconded by Mayor pro tem Stephens to approve Ordinance No. 2017-34, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-32; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 5. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-35, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-34; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilman Forrester to approve Ordinance No. 2017-35, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-34; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 6. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-36, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-35; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Mechanical Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve Ordinance No. 2017-36, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-35; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Mechanical Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 5 publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 7. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-37, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-36; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Plumbing Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve Ordinance No. 2017-37, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-36; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Plumbing Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 8. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-38, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-37; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve Ordinance No. 2017-38, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-37; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 9. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-39, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-38; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Residential Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilman Wallis to approve Ordinance No. 2017-39, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-38; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Residential Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 6 10. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-40, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-40; adopting the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilman Wallis to approve Ordinance No. 2017-40, repealing Ordinance No. 2012-40; adopting the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. 11. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2017-41 authorizing the City of Wylie/Wylie City Council to repeal Ordinance No. 2012-33 and Any Amendments Thereto; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Fire Code, Save and Except the Deletions and Additions Set Forth Herein; Prescribing Regulations Governing, Among Other Things, Conditions Hazardous To Life and Property from Fire,Hazardous Materials or Explosions; Providing a Penalty Clause, Savings/Repealing Clause, Severability Clause and an Effective Date; and Providing for the Publication of the Caption Hereof. Staff Comments Wylie Fire Department and the City of Wylie are currently an Insurance Services Office Class One rated municipality. In an effort to maintain the current ISO rating and remain proactive in fire prevention, the Wylie Fire Prevention/Community Risk Reduction Division has been actively participating in the North Texas Council of Governments Fire Advisory board meetings. The goal of the Fire Prevention/Community Risk Reduction Division is to maintain and prevent deficiencies in future ISO PPC ratings, due to fire code, and remain current in relation to industry standard fire code. Based on past discussion with the Wylie Building Official, and the Prevention/Community Risk Reduction Division, this code revision aligns the fire code in line with the current International Building Code (IBC) 2015. The Wylie Fire department requests the adoption of the 2015 International Fire Code NCTCOG regional amendments, Option B track. This will provide for the best protection of life and property in Wylie from construction with the building code and maintenance over our occupancy's lifetime through this updated fire code. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilman Wallis to approve Ordinance No. 2017-41 authorizing the City of Wylie/Wylie City Council to repeal Ordinance No. 2012-33 and any amendments thereto; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Fire Code, save and except the deletions and additions set forth herein; Prescribing regulations governing, among other things, conditions hazardous to life and property from fire, hazardous materials or explosions; Providing a penalty clause, savings/repealing clause, severability clause and an effective date; and Providing for the publication of the caption hereof. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 7 City Secretary Carole Ehrlich and Records Analyst Stephanie Storm read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2017-31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 2017-41 into the official records. Mayor Hogue convened into Work Session at 8:40 p.m. WORK SESSION • Discuss third party energy management and procurement services. (C. Hoisted, Asst. City Manager) Assistant City Manager Chris Hoisted addressed Council stating that in 2016, Council approved Resolution No. 2016-04(R) authorizing the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power, Inc. (TCAP) to negotiate an electric supply agreement for five years for deliveries of electricity. TCAP successfully negotiated a rate of $36.84/MWh and the City of Wylie is currently under contract with Gexa Energy, LP for our electric service through December 2022. Hoisted explained that staff recently met with Energy by 5 to discuss energy management and procurement services. There is an opportunity to lock in power prices for 2022-2026 at almost the same rate as the current contract allowing the City to maintain a flat monetary spend on electricity for the next 9 years. Josh Coleman, representing Energy by 5, gave a short presentation showing the advantages of working with his company to lock in a competitive bid for energy with cost savings to the City. Direction from Council was to further research this option and report back to Council at a future meeting. • Discuss revisions to, and the renewal of, the Solid Waste and Recycling Contract with Community Waste Disposal,L.P. (C. Hoisted,Asst. City Manager) Assistant City Manager Hoisted addressed Council stating that the City of Wylie contracted with Community Waste Disposal (CWD) in 2008 to provide solid waste and recycling services. The contract was renewed in 2013 and expires in September 2018. City staff has been working with CWD to identify any possible contract revisions to provide better service, reduce complaints, and reduce staff time Hoisted reported the utility billing and code enforcement departments spend considerable staff time related to bulk pickup. Currently, citizens must contact CWD to schedule bulk pickup and it is limited to 24 cubic yards per year. Hoisted explained CWD has priced two options for regularly scheduled bulk pickup, thereby eliminating the need to call in to schedule service. He reported the increased cost is $0.89/month for once a month pickup, and $2.97/month for weekly pickup. Currently Wylie is one of the lowest fees charged by surrounding cities. Craig Roemer, president of Community Waste Disposal, addressed Council requesting the Council also consider adding front load recycling in the list of exclusive franchise services and apartment recycling as a mandatory service. Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 8 Council discussed the options for monthly recycling versus weekly recycling and gave direction to staff to further research monthly bulk pick up for consideration at a future meeting. Council also directed further research regarding apartment complex recycling and if all apartment complexes would be able to handle a large front load recycling vehicle. Council members voiced their satisfaction with the service CWD was providing. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular Session at 9:18 p.m. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilwoman Culver absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes December 12, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 9 Wylie City Council w� = AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: December 6, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Keeley Corners creating three single family residential lots on 5.421 acres, generally located in the City of Wylie ETJ southeast of the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Keeley Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Keeley Corners creating three single family residential lots on 5.421 acres, generally located in the City of Wylie ETJ southeast of the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Keeley Road. Discussion OWNER: Janet A W Johnson APPLICANT: Roome Land Surveying, INC The 5.421 acre tract is located in the City's ETJ in the county of Dallas and is southeast of the intersection of Pleasant Valley Road and Keeley Road. The Final plat will dedicate 19 feet of Right-of-Way to Pleasant Valley road as well as 25 feet for Keeley Road and shall establish boundaries for three single-family residential lots. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission recommends approval 7-0 subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § OF DALus COUNTY OFECOLLIN 5 § _ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. acre tract as recorded in Volume 87155. uccessors of Page Dallas Dallas County Deed a property a Keeley title orners Lots I-3,on addition toTHAT I.F E.Bemenderler.JrertilY that I Prepared this final plat and the Records ond being more particularly described as follows their heirs,assignees a. the County of Dallas.and do hereby ded,cate.the public use forever field notes mode a port thereof from an actual and accurate survey of land and that the 1 the streets,alleys,ond right-of-woy ments shown nd do corner monuments shown thereon were properly ploced under my personol acre tract and the in tersection of the sou theas I righ I-o f-way line of Pleasant hereby reserve the 2 easement toppo shown san thins plot thereon, the mutual accordance wife the Subdivision g ions of the v v.Texas. supervision in g an aigg/e break of �_- - 1 - o recorded under Instrument 4I1 o62 Dallas County Map Records remove ond keep removed oll or part of ony buildings,fences,trees, Doted fns v 20]. Valley Road with the centerline of Keeley Road,also BEGINNING KeeleyRoad d 5.21 nacre shrubs,or other improvements or growths that in any way endanger or tract,the southwesterly line of said Campbell Addition,and Twin Creek Ranch eny Scale. -9a / ublic utility shoS, 1„$ , from ond W. ve /, - trfpsg fore purpose o constructing.reconstructing.r tng.the F E.Bemenderfer.J Estates recorded Volume]5 Page e County Map Records,South systems on any n O6 f the Ca 46'00D'Eosf ]6a_30 fief re a pant ma Y:ng be e a n / / \ tract a acre tract se dII715e5.Page 1541 of mses and the northwest Westsco County Deed records Lana //4♦♦♦ \..‘ m, ocr I/2 s 5 330330 common line of said 5 421 acre f Surveyor No.405 / „csx on rod found bear attached to ro ert ur.ss otherwise indicated on the required / / ♦ _ �'ce Dna c°called 2 8P1 acre tract recorded in Volume 2005156,Page 2430 of the is of said Ce tract,South 45100'00"West,318 08 feet to o point on the northeasterly .rtification nhat is included on this s rules,regulations Pan reslat This olutilat ons the Mortgage Holder to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT % `\ - au D County D R g W as / ♦♦♦ ma'gg,..,, P / N 51100 W 0.53 Texas n a t WnE QJSTATE OF TEXAS g / my j/ I,sro,;:"a.»Ptw,l T ♦\ \P '1,\ northeasterly/me of said 2 891 acre tract,o called 1 0 and 2 513 acre tract♦ \ record.in Volume 90240 Page 34Og,ond a called 1 0 acre tract recorded ursifzms the ne r an s a ends. LDONtt OF DALtAddf bfnBelmEerin,Public in and tor the State RI Texas,on this day Jr., Instrument. of the D.as County De.Records,North 0. BEFORE ME,the personolly „�/ 4OSc / \ %R\ /2 southeasterly right-of-wayado a cons demtans o,.retrument and ocknowledged to neren sea and a that the e �'� / ♦ a b e west most southwesterly corner of s p p ,� ,y o- i ♦ \ pr mi sad mea9�e ca brie Janet Ann W.Johnson p y an sated. 421 Q // ♦♦♦ �. THENCE Ens to with northwesterly line of Peasant-v o a d,North said 45Paamo premises, and me GIVEN UNDER Mr HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this Na v zon. / ♦ 303[26 fe place o beginning and con taming 237301 square feetor 5421 STATE S§ / /tee \.,/'' / t on�L ty ♦♦♦♦s� acres of /n COUNTY OF DALLAS§undersigned authoCounty and State,on this day rity.a Notanally ry P or //,s\ / ♦ g. �\ me,the /, W / / tnawn to me to be the persons whose nomes ore subscribed to the expressed cutedared Janet Ann W. on TFe SWfe of Tews the same for the ose and considerations therein / ,/ �., Lot 1 �� ♦♦ a under y and and sea a a ee y fRECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL /° y,� 17 1.684 Acres `♦ :. \ Given ,ykr / vA / ♦` A> r Pu far [barman, e g z g mmes�on Dam // '� \ ♦♦♦ \� em,uP,aa`r meosmte nor re.os V \ :/ ♦`S °'� \ wr/ `o=HAaFc APPROVED FOR CONSI,CTIoN V V `♦ Mayor dry at Wy,e Texas Dale b \ AV `♦ ACCEPTED Ss V A / ♦♦ Mayor, Date \ A / ` / The undersigned,the City Secretory r the of Tews n e at%o'n A A/ ♦♦ / subdivision County oh Dallas was submitted to the b0 Council zsicu oeAc.z \ /A r , ♦`♦ Lot 2 �'T2017,ond the Council,by formol action,then.0 there accepted the \ 2.469 AcTes � •\ �° me'' \ \ the y m fare ohm M �� the tan of by pgrkng hp name as heremabove subsonbed �3 �WV , i />`S / Wt d m D 2a T ` • v � `♦ v C,ty Secretary i `♦ :/ H. °o�' near, ` , Gip of Wylie,Texas \ V T �/ Lot 3 \ Final P/at oT e, nnv5 n�'��d Ama= / v v v // 1.268 Acres Keeley Corners He an ssze, TPnao,ag�e cane Monument no 4 / Lewd Lots 1-3 � ‘ KR, _�°x 5.421 Gross Acreage • • '• j • not Wy,o Pc ,Px DR..., A A e'btD W^ p macs being a 5.421 Acre Tract /A T A j. \ f \ M"M" Recorded in Vaume N7165,Page 1641,D.R.D.CT. xsF, �,aoO. BennettJDocn Survc Abstract No.382 A, ta„Mt.. x \I \ W. wa.r,a.a y r O \ _ \ Dallas County,Texas 'a ✓' \� / • / m,„a.W,a.t z,Ma,„,, A T awns =✓ mei avea.n � / a� \ �w s by Janet Johnson z o rnge D ROOMS LAND SURVEYING INC. _ I \ W ordnance and state low and,s subject to Imes Irmo s and building M SBOB Pleasant Valley 0 Roa e \ V A e e p (972)Texas ( ) LOCATION NAP\ - Gemendemer N.T.S. F...N.„,De,r„z,4v-752.2 J Wylie City Council for 7 = AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: C Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: G. Hayes Account Code: 112-5614-58150 Date Prepared: 1/2/2018 Budgeted Amount: $110,000.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of playground equipment for Community Park from WeBuildFun, Inc. in the estimated amount of$109,554.57 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approve the purchase of playground equipment for Community Park from WeBuildFun, Inc. in the estimated amount of $109,554.57 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Cooperative Purchasing and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion The Parks department is responsible for monitoring the conditions of equipment located within the City's designated parks. As one of the most heavily utilized locations, staff is recommending the replacement of the playground equipment located at Community Parks which will provide appropriate structures for ages 2-5 and 5-12. Staff recommends the purchase of playground equipment from WeBuildFun, Inc. in the estimated amount of$109,554.57 as being the best value for the City. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. TASB-Buy Board Contract#512-16; Wylie#W2018-34-I Wylie City Council for _ w :-,, AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: D Department: Communications (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Purchasing Account Code: 100-5241-56120 Date Prepared: 1/2/2018 Budgeted Amount: $180,000.00 Resolution; Exhibits: Department Memo Subject Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2018-01(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, authorizing a five (5) year lease agreement for a Next Generation Vesta Hosted 9-1-1 Telephone System from Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T in the estimated amount of $430,000.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approve Resolution No. 2018-01(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, authorizing a five (5) year lease agreement for a Next Generation Vesta Hosted 9-1-1 Telephone System from Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T in the estimated amount of $430,000.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion The City of Wylie's current 911 system has reached end of life resulting in several outages over recent months. Currently, AT&T maintains our equipment. They have provided exceptional service on a daily basis and during outages. AT&T Staff members went above and beyond to provide Wylie PSC the necessary assistance in the aftermath of the 2016 hail storm last year. Expenses for year one (1) of the agreement are $118,000.00: $40,000.00 for the purchase of two (2) custom mobile command post units and $78,000.00 for the annual lease of six (6) answering positions (including 911 Mapping, Text to 911, maintenance, support and upgrades to the equipment). Years 2-5 of the agreement will be invoiced at $78,000/year for the lease of the answering position equipment, annual maintenance, support and upgrades (as approved in future budgets). Staff recommends the approval of the purchase of a Next Generation Hosted Solution platform offered by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T under Texas Local Government Code 252.022.a.2 as exempt from competitive bidding as "a procurement necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the municipality's residents". Wylie Agreement#W2018-27-A. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-01(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY d/b/a AT&T FOR A NEXT GENERATION VESTA HOSTED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Wylie Fire Rescue has identified a need to upgrade its existing 9-1-1 telephone system to provide improved and enhanced services; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie City Council has approved the replacement of the existing 9-1-1 telephone system in the 2017-2018 fiscal year budget; and WHEREAS, the replacement of the existing 9-1-1 telephone system will be procured under Texas Local Government Code 252.022.a.2 as exempt from competitive bidding as a procurement necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the City's residents; and WHEREAS, staff has deemed it in the best interest of the City to enter into a five (5) year lease agreement for a Next Generation Vesta Hosted 9-1-1 telephone system in the total amount of$430,000; year one (1) expenses of$118,000 and subsequent expenses of$78,000 per year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of WYLIE, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of WYLIE, Texas, an Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Rockwall and the City of WYLIE, Texas for Mutual Aid, SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. RESOLVED THIS THE 9th DAY OF JANUARY, 2018 ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution No.2018-01(R) Southwestern Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T,Next Generation Vesta Hosted 9-1-1 Telephone System. L FIR" -11 ate«uil AOl +/ b rir.; IE,y 1IIh/ l raw,(°dr"°.�;'. VW m*XC'61tl,. '� roNor"'.. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MINDY MANSON, CITY MANAGER FROM: BRENT PARKER, FIRE CHIN F SUBJECT: AT&T HOSTED 9-1-1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM DATE: 12/01/2017 Approved inside the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget is the replacement of our current Cassidian Patriot 9-1-1 Telephone System. The system was purchased in 2010-2011 and is currently at end of life. The system has proven to be unstable on multiple occasions thus, causing our telephone lines and 9-1-1 trunks to be re-routed to other agencies while lengthy repairs were performed. AT&T currently maintains the equipment and has provided exceptional service on a daily basis and during outages. The new Hosted solution by AT&T offers complete redundancy while lessening the need for onsite "back room" equipment. The new system will consist of Six (6) Answering Positions. Two (2) positions are portable and will have the capability to be active at a back-up location with full functionality. This will provide much needed redundancy for our 9-1-1 center. The system will also provide 911 Mapping. This feature will plot incoming 9-1-1 calls on a map providing accurate caller location. This is especially important for mobile callers, which account for 85-90% of the incoming 9-1-1 calls. Lastly, the system will provide Text to 9-1-1. Citizens who are unable to place a voice 9- 1-1 call will have the ability to send a text message in an emergency. City Council previously directed the communications division to pursue this service to the citizens of Wylie. The contract also includes Call Reporting/Statistics, all maintenance, updates, support and upgrades to the equipment. Staff recommends the approval of the purchase of a Next Generation Hosted Solution platform offered by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T under Texas Local Government Code 252.022.a.2 as exempt from competitive bidding as "a procurement necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the municipality's residents". , r virr ��� Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: E Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: G. Hayes Account Code: Various Date Prepared: 1/2/2018 Budgeted Amount: $60,000.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of building improvement goods from Home Depot in the estimated annual amount of $60,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with US Communities Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approve the purchase of building improvement goods from Home Depot in the estimated annual amount of $60,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with US Communities Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion Purchases are being made by various departments from the local Wylie Home Depot for various building improvement items, electrical and plumbing materials, and small appliances. Staff recommends the approval of the purchase of building improvement goods from Home Depot in the estimated annual amount of$60,000. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. US Communities Cooperative#16154; Wylie#W2018-36-I , r virr ��� Wylie City Council _ w = AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: F Department: City Secretary Office (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: G. Hayes Account Code: 100-5113-56040 Date Prepared: 1/2/2018 Budgeted Amount: $50,000.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of consulting services for the Laserfiche document management system from MCCI in the amount of $50,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to award the purchase of consulting services for the Laserfiche document management system from MCCI in the amount of $50,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion The City Secretary office continues to assist departments with the automation and standardization of various work flow processes which will benefit the public. Anticipated projects include Building Inspections permitting process and Municipal Court processes. Staff recommends the purchase of consulting services with MCCI (an authorized Laserfiche reseller) to assist in creating forms, workflow processes and 3rd party software interfaces. The consulting services fixed price agreement is for one (1) year, with a not to exceed value of $50,000, and services will be ordered on an as needed basis. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. TASB-Buy Board Contract#544-17; Wylie#W2018-9-I oF Wylie City Council ,ter.,„ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: G Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) 112-5625-52610 Prepared By: G. Hayes Account Code: 112-5613-52130 $ 54,000.00 Date Prepared: 1/2/2018 Budgeted Amount: $ 6,000.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of exercise equipment from Marathon Fitness in the estimated amount of $57,833.63 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to approve the purchase of exercise equipment from Marathon Fitness in the estimated amount of $57,833.63 through a cooperative purchasing contract with Buy Board Purchasing Cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion Since the opening of the recreation center in 2011, staff has monitored the cardio equipment for wear and tear while also researching new technologies. For fiscal year 2017-2018, staff recommends the following: • addition of a strength tower at the Wylie Senior Center in the amount of$4,997.63 to provide essential strength training exercises for senior patrons; and • replacement of eight pieces of cardio equipment at the Wylie Recreation Center in the amount of $52,836.00 with similar functioning equipment. Staff recommends the purchase of fitness equipment for the Wylie Recreation Center and the Wylie Senior Center from Marathon Fitness in the amount of$57,833.63 as being the best value for the City. The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 271 Subchapter F of the Local Government Code; and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. TASB-Buy Board Contract#502-16; Wylie#W2018-35-I oF Wylie City Council _ w = AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: H Department: Purchasing (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: G. Hayes Account Code: Various departments Date Prepared: 1/2/2018 Budgeted Amount: $315,000.00 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the approval of the purchase of vehicles from Lake Country Chevrolet in the estimated amount of$262,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with the State of Texas Smart Buy Program, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Recommendation A motion to award the purchase of vehicles from Lake Country Chevrolet in the estimated amount of $262,000.00 through a cooperative purchasing contract with the State of Texas Smart Buy Program, and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion Staff recommends the purchase of nine (9), 2018 % ton Chevrolet Silverado pickup trucks through the use of a state purchasing contract. These vehicles are for both new positions and the scheduled replacement of existing vehicles that have reached their end of life. The City is authorized to purchase from the State Contract list pursuant to Section 271 Subchapter D of the Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. TxSMART Buy#072/Wylie#W2018-20-I OF ivp Wylie City Council _ w = AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 09, 2018 Item Number: J Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: December 27, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Investment Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for November 30, 2017. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for November 30, 2017. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Page 1 of 1 city Of Vyne 2017-2018 Investment Report November 30, 2017 Money Market Accounts: MMA Certificates of Deposit: CCD Treasury Bills: T-Bills Treasury Notes: T-Notes Government Agency Notes: AN Invest. Principal Type Of Interest Purchase Maturity Number Amount Security Rate Issuer Date Date 1 $14,705,195.81 MMA 1.0506% Texpool 12/31/2006 NA 2 $15,233,529.57 MMA 1.0695% TexStar 3/15/2011 NA $29,938,725.38 Total Weighted Average Coupon: 1.0602% Money Markets: $29,938,725.38 Weighted Average Maturity(Days): 1.00 Certificates of Deposits: $0.00 $29,938,725.38 , icr� ��� Wylie City Council _ w = AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: January 09, 2018 Item Number: K Department: Finance (City Secretavy's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: December 27, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Revenue and Expenditure Exhibits: Monthly Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for November 30, 2017. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for November 30, 2017. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT November 30,2017 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 16.67% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2017-2018 2017-2018 2017-2018 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 28,966,858 1,024,150 1,352,974 4.67% A FRANCHISE FEES 2,689,000 2,797 2,797 0.10% B LICENSES AND PERMITS 872,000 79,904 153,817 17.64% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 873,500 191,262 192,071 21.99% SERVICE FEES 3,397,000 332,014 348,598 10.26% C FINES AND FORFEITURES 576,400 41,705 74,757 12.97% D INTEREST INCOME 40,000 6,477 13,633 34.08% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 145,500 77,706 78,459 53.92% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,166,807 0 2,166,807 100.00% E REVENUES 39,727,065 1,756,015 4,383,913 11.04% USE OF FUND BALANCE 3,369,153 NA NA NA F USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 116,529 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 43,212,747 NA NA NA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 82,847 4,574 15,686 18.93% G CITY MANAGER 945,362 63,978 125,182 13.24% CITY SECRETARY 434,873 26,512 53,043 12.20% CITY ATTORNEY 155,000 9,439 9,439 6.09% FINANCE 1,234,583 66,976 131,132 10.62% FACILITIES 812,663 45,003 74,127 9.12% MUNICIPAL COURT 567,582 30,394 58,635 10.33% HUMAN RESOURCES 589,088 37,927 70,185 11.91% PURCHASING 171,610 10,906 22,573 13.15% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,231,322 69,616 388,612 31.56% H POLICE 9,378,063 688,133 1,387,488 14.80% FIRE 8,418,295 565,868 1,099,550 13.06% EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 1,781,322 169,572 280,246 15.73% ANIMAL CONTROL 633,347 33,166 71,271 11.25% PLANNING 629,200 45,343 87,937 13.98% BUILDING INSPECTION 561,947 36,956 80,081 14.25% CODE ENFORCEMENT 234,536 14,566 28,990 12.36% STREETS 3,282,038 129,788 466,491 14.21% PARKS 2,662,083 184,472 306,971 11.53% LIBRARY 2,089,636 187,822 301,163 14.41% COMBINED SERVICES 7,355,484 191,064 3,507,132 47.68% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 43,250,881 2,612,075 8,565,933 19.81% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -38,134 -856,060 -4,182,020 -8.77% A. Property Tax Collections for FY17-18 as of November 30 are 5.81%, in comparison to FY16-17 for the same time period of 5.40%. B. Franchise Fees:The majority of franchise fees are recognized in the third and fourth quarter with electric fees making up the majority. C.Service Fees:Trash fees billed in October are applicable towards FY 2016-17 revenue with the remaining fees coming from other seasonal fees. D. Fines and Forfeitures: FY17-18 budget was slightly increased.Actual revenues are down 11%compared to this time last year. E.Other Financing Sources includes the annual transfer from the Utility Fund. F. Use of Fund Balance: For Replacement/New Fleet&Equipment and Transfer to PSB Renovation/Expansion Fund. G. Due to one-time expenditures including annual membership dues. This will level out throughout the fiscal year. H. Due to one-time expenditures including annual maintenance contract renewals paid in October. This will level out throughout the fiscal year. I. Due to one-time expenditures including annual insurance payments and transfer to the PSB Fund.This will level out throughout the fiscal year. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT November 30,2017 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 16.67% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2017-2018 2017-2018 2017-2018 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 17,295,000 1,521,739 1,563,384 9.04% J INTEREST INCOME 22,000 3,518 6,990 31.77% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 30,000 1,405 2,970 9.90% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 0 0 0.00% REVENUES 17,347,000 1,526,662 1,573,344 9.07% USE OF FUND BALANCE 322,000 NA NA NA K USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 245,000 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 17,914,000 NA NA NA UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 407,505 23,240 47,692 11.70% UTILITIES-WATER 2,671,098 105,067 254,157 9.52% CITY ENGINEER 538,952 27,147 55,776 10.35% UTILITIES-SEWER 870,986 37,573 101,075 11.60% UTILITY BILLING 486,098 30,112 64,414 13.25% COMBINED SERVICES 13,821,201 823,346 3,852,764 27.88% L TOTAL EXPENDITURES 18,795,840 1,046,485 4,375,878 23.28% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -881,840 480,177 -2,802,533 -14.21% J. Most Utility Fund Revenue billed in October was applicable to FY 2016-17. K. Use of Fund Balance: For Replacement/New Fleet&Equipment. L. Due to annual transfer to the General Fund. This will level out throughout the fiscal year. OF ivp , icr� �� Wylie City Council ,. = AGENDA REPORT WWY Meeting Date: January 9, 2018 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: December 6, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 5 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG/30) District to Neighborhood Services (NS) District for commercial purposes on one acre, generally located approximately 1,160 feet west of Westgate Way within the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abs A0266, Tr 18, and more specifically at 1250 W. Brown Street. ZC2017-08 Recommendation Motion to approve a change of zoning from Agricultural-30 (AG/30) District to Neighborhood Services (NS) District for commercial purposes on one acre, generally located approximately 1,160 feet west of Westgate Way within the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abs A0266, Tr 18, and more specifically at 1250 W. Brown Street. ZC2017-08 Discussion Owner: Robert Heath Applicant: Robert Heath The applicant is requesting to rezone a one acre property located at 1250 West Brown Street. The property is currently zoned as Agricultural(AG/30) and is not platted. The applicant is proposing the property be rezoned to Neighborhood Services (NS). NS zoning is compatible with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The area is designated as General Urban, which generally supports the retail, service, office,light production and research. The purpose of the rezoning is for the sale of the property as is. The applicant has no plans at this time to develop the property themselves. If the zoning request is approved, development must adhere to the standards as set forth in the zoning ordinance. Notification/Responses: Six(6)notifications were mailed;with no responses returned at the time of posting. PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Commissioners voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the request as submitted. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 'l l ' girl,. `� I' I jr1 • r�- ii t__i - .: Subject I\ 1 p =11 Property I ____.-------j...---- Mal 1111 # 'qr . il U . a alijoimirpsale L. ill Eitimii lull IPark Wetland ilkili ■ am', tit iiirliiiiW1.101 i imilmor:imEwl',. i. firli mist' 1111111M riii gr.ili. " f,,,' mu. ala IWO W mt. I N wan 11i1111111 orm t 1T!!L �ilillili► moll C..61.../21".[.17,iial iimeir:"..4"1.11"...,,,ms ...„11111„11_11,L11,.1,1411,1E,Inin;imlimilinglimver. :9-11:41 6.1.711111'Ll"milm:7121 111;,,1001.11111. pr. '1111111111411:111111:11:011:Ali ii-r;14' -117 444,101744011111111101 Boil 1111.1111111111111 marl will a i Air ,.�datui. . iliilil � ris. Ili WNW _.. c ma atinguitiurv, IlLIIII-1111111rs 4., L.,„. ,.. slilk—, #11.10, ,,....)14$0:1411,2,...7.-mnitrii..,IF...=mmaii,"••••,ortori 4111, 40 �1� 1 III r11 1 1.. . Wc,t Brown Stlee, IF 121 - ` Z im l.'a_.S.\'" tE ] rri��ii1 11.x1,1 •= rut . t‘ _ 7 -1%0 NM Mil kW NB ii 1 r .1 � l/I. �--.-,11�� gr 11111 u1l111vf.l. ill /lliil��1:1i1•i11k4- 0• .>w to iiiiiii a ws I I1 ,� 111i111i` +! 1111111111 woo. i � 1111L1 40 # l c�� a ,�ll'111l111l1 o �1h1■ AIli mil ffHi i1 I 1 11 LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2017-08 Exhibit "A" Legal Description Being all of a 1.0 acre tract of land situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey,Abstract No. 266,Tract 18, City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas.More specifically at 1250 W. Brown Street,Wylie,Texas. \� _- uF - = \= --==- _ = _ -_ jam_ , \\\ _-  -- - = _= --__ _ - _ s \ .\\  = - mo _ \\ \ i .__ - - - _ _ = =-_ " - -_  -_`� V'I YI!uV �IIIII'IIR; mlul O I loolovolyII III i,11„HipPIrdi\';',,„1„1„1,p,i,p p, 1111'11111111,,,,,I,1,11,,,,,I,,,,,,,„1,1„„ I ifililil Irv j i r "ld�l��lii'iriIi�iiI�llI IIlI''�"II�liIiiilNllI.I,I�;�Il„ilp.91 II�I I�l�lllll' VI omR 000011 ,j1� \PifJii?'1!(11„01 ( dll \\IV ,,11 1:10, lh'u'uI'l:il'I!lIllllI,PiIl�o�III�Pu".i�/ I ti j/ i� � ,i aIA; /, (((lIlIlIlIlIlIlIlI,, / t Iry , I:", f �P�III`III I ;IIIII IIIIVI�I�i. ,,,,Ilililfl 4'11 rylu�ryll,,,,, 1\V' ^(1,1),T,;1 ^^,1^)0,,1^)'f$51J li\l^," ,,,/,,,,,)" 11,^[,)Ntlii,,p1"„1„1„Hrl nill II�// GIIII I d / ..,j�%, Y,' � ooI' (01,ir,,„1„„),10,,,,„„,„.i,,,,,,,,,„„„,,,„,„,,I)))))1 „,,,,,,,,,,,iiio, : .�� �II Iu, I �fiU j�� � P)0 000'1/1110,N00,01101010001,110440 J �'i�gy,C v a " 11j ,+llY� 1� % �I f �y'//� d ' + N'lilt Il If IIIIV 'U zA i� T1 iullrr I' II�I�I I'lllu -1��V'I,I /� U lu �j%%%;', � ,',i ll � Wld ' V�.11 kI 000111,1,1,1, 1111, 1111 III IIii/ �1,ll', �� „II�'ll u i t� v�r �ll� ^m ;�' I'''IIIIIII' i1 �� p,,Illroo'ui�lj i "!IIYO � % 1I VIIR6 m IN � ii I� �I I �I ' m °IIIIII 1,O%i 1 �q1;l on,, N l"fl �IYIYO' I'I'I'il 6 Iluuul, ' I aD / Vu Il °NI�II Ylll//, o(�II„ �� � iIh iu 'YII'�, Ilr ', �/ IliVi." r, d W „,u ��ppIN p I Illll lvi 1111,11111111111 fr §s � i/ i u l lo II v II I„, / �/,, Al�p III 1010 l IrYp�q I:11'''' ',l I I,pl,, I 'iMinI uutl � Hil. i .""I II 1p ii Ii lll i� I m �IIII l l IIIII dlllll a voi%� �A - l � II� � I���i�IIIIII; �� : I, Ill' 0iIll �,�� 10 Oh ",0,0,0,000000i II W III o IV I I lHiI��l�Ivll IlII W"' ,I, , I�� u 000000 11��.� �, I�, I � j;IY �I� ,I���m 11 ",N^ " " IliI l"Ip�ilillll^'I"�ImImV..Ill"lI IuVI mdllllI�r,i�lI l^Ill� . ill ��� �1uiill��V" 1ol"IIl I�,I „rIgI uIII Y;;; yI m00i Il l '�" IuI I 1lr /1 Oi r - ".I ��A III �/�� ri/i3p IIYI�uml✓'u "N, , I/� , II � , � Y;II„ i„„lppli i I, I I"I I o/ f I ' I,,! 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I l`iu � �ll1111111111111111 II IN ° irlIIIIIII 1 0e N� I IIII 1 I V,Ng1 I�»ii v INlpoi lI ,y � m I i11 v00 h IIll llfl 11 m.. •lI 10001 1I 01 111 ' I Nursery I I I OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2017-08 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Robert Heath APPLICATION FILE #2017-08 4506 E.Parker Road Parker,Texas 75002 # BLK/ABSTI LOT/TRACT I TAX I.O.# PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant 4506 E. Parker Road I Robert Heath Parker,Texas 75002 B'ham Farms 10 1605 LBJ Frwy#710 2 Blk A Lot 1 R-10592-00A-0010-1 Wylie Apartments,Lp Dallas,Texas 75234 New Hope Church PO Box 118 3 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-8719-001-0010-1 New Hope Christian Church Wylie,Texas 75098 7040 Teakwood Drive 4 Abst 266 Tract 1 R-6266-000-0010-1 Wylie Nursery Group, LP Dallas,Texas 75240 4506 E. Parker Road 5 Abst 266 Tract 18 R-6266-000-0180-1 Robert Heath Parker,Texas 75002 7040 Teakwood Drive 6 Abst 266 Tract 48 R-6266-000-0480-I Wylie Nursery Group, LP Dallas,Texas 75240 613 NW Loop 410#510 7 Abst 1021 Trct 2 R7021-000-0020-1 Birmingham Land,Ltd. San Antonio,Texas 78216 8 9 IO Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Wylie City Council CITY WYLIE AGENDA REPORT q Meeting Date: January 09, 2018 Item Number: 2 Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: N/A Budgeted in individual Date Prepared: December 13, 2017 Budgeted Amount: departments Resolution &Public Cost Exhibits: Summary Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-02(R) establishing a public newspaper of general circulation to be the"Official Newspaper" for the City of Wylie. Recommendation Motion to approve, Resolution No. 2018-02(R) establishing the as the "Official Newspaper" of the City of Wylie. Discussion Texas Local Government Code, §52.004 states that at the beginning of each fiscal year, municipalities must designate an official newspaper. This must be done as soon as practicable. The municipality shall contract with the newspaper designated by ordinance or resolution. There are two requirements that must be met for a newspaper to meet the statutory requirements as a newspaper of general circulation. (a)Designating Official Newspaper. The publication must be a newspaper as defined by § 2051.044, Government Code. The section defines the term newspaper as: § 2051.044, (a) (1) any newspaper devoting not less than 25% of its total column lineage to the carrying of items of general interest (2) published not less frequently than once each week, (3) entered as second class postal matter in the county where published (4) Having been published regularly and continuously not less than twelve (12) months prior to the making of any publication... Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 2051.044, (b)Publication of Notice in Newspaper. Where a law which requires or authorizes the publication of a notice in a newspaper by a municipality, and does not specify the manner of the publication, including the number of times that the notice is required to be published and the period during which the notice is required to be published, the above requirements pertain; additionally a municipality shall publish notices in a newspaper that is published in the municipality, and which meets the above requirements and will publish the notice at or below the legal rate. If no newspaper published in the municipality meets these requirements, then the municipality shall publish the notice in a newspaper that is published in the county in which the municipality is located and will charge the legal rate or a lower rate. GC §2051.048. Publication rates for the Wylie News Legal Notices increased in 2018 from $2.81 to $2.89. All other rates for the Wylie News and the Dallas Morning News remain the same. The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter additionally states in Article Xl, Section 2; The City Council shall declare an official newspaper of general circulation in the city. All captions of ordinances, notices and other matters required to be published by this charter, by city ordinances, or by the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, shall be published in the official newspaper. The Wylie News and Dallas Morning News meet the criteria for the official publication as provided by the statute. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-02(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION TO BE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE. WHEREAS,Section 52.004,Local Government Code,requires the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas("City Council")to determine,by ordinance or resolution,a public newspaper to be the official newspaper for the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the is a public newspaper of general circulation and: (1) devotes not less than 25% of its total column lineage to general interest items; (2) is published at least once a week; (3) is entered as 2nd class postal matter in the county where published; (4) has been published regularly and continuously for at least 12 months before the governmental entity or representative publishes notice; and WHEREAS,the City Council finds that the is a publication that meets all of the criteria legally required of an officially designated newspaper for the City of Wylie; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: (1) The is designated as the official newspaper for the City of Wylie for Fiscal Year 2018, commencing January 1, 2018. (2) This Resolution is effective immediately upon passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this 9th day of January, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2018-02(R)Establishing Official Newspaper 2018 Page 1 of 1 PUBLICATION COST SUMMARY Dallas Morning News Wylie News January 2018 DALLAS MORNING NEWS Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P& Z) Full Dallas Morning News Open $14.00 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Full Dallas Morning News ($3,000/yr) $5.50 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Full Dallas Morning News ($10,000/yr) $2.65 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Classified Rates (Election Notices) Full DMN only $14.00 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online With Contract ($3,000/yr.) $5.50 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) Open $3,500.00* (1/4 page-Mon, Tues, Wed) $4,000.00* (1/4 page-Sunday) THE WYLIE NEWS (EFFECTIVE JAN. 2018) Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P& Z) Rate $2.89 per line(display online included) Classified Rates (Election Notices) $14.99 per column inch (includes both print and digital e-edition) Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) $14.75 per column inch (includes both print and digital e-edition) CIRCULATION WITHIN THE CITY Dallas Morning News (for zip code 75098) 2,782 (Mon/Sat paper) 4,258 (Avg. Circulation Sunday) All legal notices also publish online at dallasnews.com and mypublicnotices.com with 9 million unique visitors to dallasnews.com each moth The Wylie News (Wylie) 5,147 (The Wylie News) Includes circulation in Collin, Dallas and Rockwall counties The Wylie News -Notices are published in the 11,146 (Wylie/Sachse/Murphy) Murphy/Sachse/Wylie editions Public notices are included in digital platforms which average over 158,000 visitors per month. Public notices are included in digital platforms which average over 127,000 visitors per month. ADVERTISING EXPENDITURES By Department (for the period of FY 2015-2017) Department FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015 Average City Secretary $ 2,292.34 $ 2,282.89 $ 2,361.19 $ 2,312.14 Purchasing $ 2,419.72 $ 769.74 $ 1,425.90 $ 1,538.45 Planning $ 5,510.61 $ 5,767.95 $ 5,242.17 $ 5,506.91 TOTAL $ 10,222.67 $ 8,820.58 $ 9,029.26 $ 9,357.50 PUBLICATION COST SUMMARY Dallas Morning News Wylie News January 2017 DALLAS MORNING NEWS Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P& Z) Full Dallas Morning News Open $14.00 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Full Dallas Morning News ($3,000/yr) $5.50 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Classified Rates (Election Notices) Full DMN only $14.00 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online With Contract ($3,000/yr.) $5.50 per line/$35 liner-$45 display online Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) Open $3,500.00* (1/4 page-Mon, Tues, Wed) $4,000.00* (1/4 page-Sunday) THE WYLIE NEWS (EFFECTIVE JAN. 2017) Legal Notices (Ordinance Captions, Public Hearings P& Z) Rate $2.81 per line(display online included) Classified Rates (Election Notices) $14.99 per column inch (display online, based on 8 columns per page, included in price) Display Rates (Budget/Tax Notices) $14.75 per column inch (includes digital e- editions) CIRCULATION WITHIN THE CITY Dallas Morning News (for zip code 75098) 2,782 (Mon/Sat paper) 4,258 (Avg. Circulation Sunday) All legal notices also publish online at dallasnews.com and mypublicnotices.com with 9 million unique visitors to dallasnews.com each moth The Wylie News (Wylie) 5,147 (The Wylie News) Includes circulation in Collin, Dallas and Rockwall counties The Wylie News -Notices are published in the 11,146 (Wylie/Sachse/Murphy) Murphy/Sachse/Wylie editions Public notices are included in digital platforms which average over 127,000 visitors per month. d" pW ' OV is „v'r ';,N",Il,;,m'�i' ' IIAn�'YIv i1,lll''U'IYVIirM1p'vpJll,,,'„ ',„M , u � �/ lIl IWMI' ^,'' AY. 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Boyd Senior Vice President Ph: 512 -426-4991 Email: jboyd@nurock.com Lisa M. Rucker Vice President Ph: 512 -409-6170 Email: lrucker@nurock.com www.nurock.com The NuRock Companies Company Overview • Successful track record of 9,635 apartment units owned & managed in 35 communities • Offices located in Texas, Georgia & Florida • Develops family and senior/elderly restricted market rate, mixed income & affordable properties • Vertically integrated company. Develops, constructs, and manages all apartment communities • The Texas development team has over 20 years of affordable housing experience • Long term ownership. Holds properties 15 years + +� The NuRock Companies t 12 Affordable Communities in Texas *Residences of Diamond Hill- Fort Worth-204 Units *Eagles Landing-Austin-240 Units *Heritage Pointe-Austin-240 Units *Tower Ridge-Corinth-224 Units *Residences at Sunset Pointe-Fort Worth-224 Units *Bella Vista-Fort Worth-276 Units *Residences at Eastland-Fort Worth-146 Units *Buttercup Apartment-Fort Worth-92 Units *Heritage Park Vista-Fort Worth-140 Units *Napa Villas-Plano-123 Units *Heritage Oak Hill-Austin-96 Units *Residences at Earl Campbell-Tyler-92 Units 40U 7: Road . Texas `\ - -  _ Ekartte5 8729 R 'Wh Road Fort Wow Texas - -  - - -- - =i1 -- - ---- -- =- - - - -_ -- - -------—— =--'01.°,1!r1=11=1Fni"=='-'1- =le ii=m-taill"1571.2„P I!PIC'= ----'2„1„-Mill----1- 41-5=-IN= - _ - -- _ = = ,, ems__= _ - ',a=o AL _- 3' -__ AllllllUflfimllL _--ems _r__,11:1 ri 4"1 I"1 1 1""" ""' "I"11--__NS1?--.M1-3M--=a-.-1-E-t-'--r== ------ --.4- -__ - = s - - -=Mgt =--- III I'1+I wI��"CluI�! �ir,I,,�,,i,,;;i�d�f lai,��%iui,���✓�� p��+�,�,°Iu>l^.'i"u��u��lVm,: WVWi�^Iui��@iIiiilm�i�Npi��llI'l IIlldVll�ll„,lI'll„llll�l ldl�ll4"lLl�Il�l�l�l�lIll'll�lwliill�pIV�iI'�„�t�I�IP wI I III ,„I,I,I11IIIII„,.,1 �ill"0111 If q Ali 11 ) 1itiiii/111 111 1fv fiNp urirto 1 m pI1 VIV I W 1111 I���I�I oIIAI� , 1111 o 1/ oril � i1� loolo III ,,,,),,,1 ,,„,,,,,1 ,,,,, 11111 ItIll 1111111111111 l ilI�II�I�I II I111111111101 IIIIII I Il�� p i� NWp M „ 000 /1 W ��� � �IIIII�i , " u 0 „ VI� J kdhl �d 1 � ' I ➢l'f/%/ //// %//////// 0 U .�tl,dl�� �II�II�IIjIIIV IVI �" IIVV luquIu uul,ul,,,l,, „u,INIINIII I "I, i(w 11111�1 1111111'p „ II VlV ^ y " IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111111111111 ww V lW lip ^ II, �� IuIuI, uiUuuuu 1N�lImm IIIIIPl,I�,' 0001 0•1( I� + ' "0'�II�pIII�I�;INII ll,slI �lt�il 01 I hIIIIIIIIIII l 111111100000000001000 ll i ��� ll i IIIIII o III II II I p II D1 I .11h�I�I1q,000.hlII I t1lIII'I uVmIIo oII uI^m11 V� 1 11 'u 1II 1 Wlllllllllllllllul ly „ �y 011 IIII0tip „ Ip 11 . I v y uuululllllll llllu (f�ff I1 6( „ l,AI 11111111 1'��II'llllllll�s�;� 1111 00 „ 11�pill� II illiiiuuul /!r66 IV u 11.10.10000100000...000 �V.I „ ldi�H? 1111111111111111111111 u!l�u��iui,II VulIi Iu�iluliP I r � I . 1IYu'l�!oIi ;i 1N eplloo Vilt / pll� �0�ol ul a 1I 1111111 II �� IIII 0000000000V00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 �nu IUulllllllIu ll IWI MtlIYp(� �� i w ll4pll I nl��tllVl wl illlhllu ��WwIII! vovho llll^u I . IU'Iv"Il LI" ;i��lWII ,ri, 11(l .VO�,1�00 IVI11,1 1111 r u'i A 1 0 I I �11 l ,1 t 0000 G,(1, VOW , rvv u o 11111111111111111111111111100000001 1mI 11? 1IN I W �11 1 �4 ‘ci rr/sa Y . 11 ri IIV m YVIwl �.y wW' VI 1111100000000 I I III � �II1; III I l�1l IIPIllllllllI. li 1V°\\1100 ;WI, IVII I 0t\\k° 1 � I'I6'1l11 uluu„uuwu'II�11 ��II 10 III u � 1 �uI I, I � i 1 u III � � 1\ I I 1 1111111 II 111111111111111 11 'llllllllllllll Vr" II 11 fi $ n i CI,I� I �I I l�� � " N 111 I ll l VpppuupVuo 1I�@WNNW llll l ,, 11111111 I •cil,,,I t 1111 / 111(1 !/1illjiV111(i 1 IIII I 1111 )111 1 0 11111111 I lit Ww'VIW'IVIVgIW' �1 ��Iii I; tllh i ltt 11 111 t V,llr 11 �'L II �� II lll�r 1111111111111111111 V) i �11I Y' "1I w I I ^ Il{1l1 v V mlllllll���� II 111 yp�u,;Ii oiviI,J�V'P„I ' I;1 �/ ; 1 r + itii: !!pq" Heritage at Wylie Pro ect Overview • 10-13 acre subdivided site located at the SEQ of County Line Road and Troy Road • Site is zoned MF • Proposed Senior/Elderly 55 + age restricted development with up to 136 one and two bedroom apartment homes • 3 story garden style, elevator served community • On-site clubhouse/amenity center • Fenced and gated community • On-site management/maintenance • Privately owned and pays property taxes based on NOI - \ ce 6 > - - -Y 1-,;;,,__:: -ter .¢ - -- _ *:61Lii,--::161wwl s",7747-747e- 4r L r 6_V `_ko egos � o.d _ = -__ _ _" _.,„___..,..__ =__ - ""-'-‘------i'- - : - e-8---',93-11-- - '- -4-41-1---..c':'7=1 4: 1 Ei P.I� � _ � -� yam€ �` ice_ b dj,'j uoiino 1 aug Reasons for This Location • No other affordable independent age restricted apartment communities in the City of Wylie so there is a market demand for the low to moderate income Senior population • High quality economic growth area with small town charm including summer band concerts, festivals and a beautiful historic district • Senior residents will be able to live near their children and grandchildren yet be able to live an independent life in an apartment community where they can make friends • Quiet and safe neighborhood off the beaten path • Only minutes away from the Wylie Senior Recreational Center • Property is zoned for intended apartment use ConceptualRendering Herita : eatW lie „ .2.„.„,„_:,___ ,. ._,_ , ____ „...., ,.._ _ _______ __ .' }`'s II IT �.. _. t-rli•ru i1Wr,INIYJ=' i■. -; �t - ! r - ' n ¢__ le .iii ii'••- -- - - LI ymNN AH (IIIIIII . IIIIIIII . -- - '111- __ n J ® gN ..I.MI IIIIIIII■IIITII111111r••,;.!! r- i Il-!I-ICI 11 I!'l1111m11 milli ._ IIIIIIII =p .' :II I1I11 1 1 Il uP� 1__ -- 1II - • I:I II. 4 - \ V %I2■IIIIIIIIIL� �:?....•.;: 1� Illllllllf _ lllllll!! ■ I� � ® - -.��� -��� �3;� :-- IiY tt ----. -_.-. a ���� �_ F' - IW..n�Yllwrrrr .IW _ e ... ... ... . - r i ..,i/rn vrApP rA1 r. _ — {,•....•Y ' 7-, • �!!! 1.I II I.RAI II II I.f NM 1N I =1.t 1 ■■ I1 1I 1I �IN El I■ ! ® M RE IIIIIIIII _. IIII = -IIIIII --•-•- _ �1III lu.■ o I�n�I• a ■■ uuu a 1�s ‘J ■III ■ II■ IIIIII . ■ IIIIIIIII III-n 1 = ! f.`n 11M I 1 n ■ __IIII/ __ ,.r,,:_- ����� .�� � �t� 11111 -.17- s o n u n 1..n�m n ■; ■■ ■III!!4- ■.:. 1 ■ � s ------` � � n n ■ IIIIIIIII I - - -,--I- _ III ■ __:_■ IIIIII■ °7_ � I7 :• ■ OE or x. N.W.MARHR PART RFLIS 101.1EVATIRPEfRETER!'RR1 s'1 rams y_� �. AHIAfNr nM1NFJM1N1 t .. IF t _ RNl1lJlJF- A _ wrw w. w ---- - - II II11111r1� II II II r.I..IN IJ 1I , :_ - IIIIIII N IIIIIII II lae III - .F �+ - - --� � II I ■ ':,-. , i-' "" • -_III ■. -■ 11 -- �� II >s= i■II 1 ■ --„ -.•� • ' l7IIIII LJi iJ _ = - I i�. = _ ■ 1111111 ! = 111 g F *This is a conceptual elevation. NuRock will comply with all requirements of the City of Wylie Building Code and Planning Department requirements Typical Floor Plans 0 , p.i. Patio Storage 2 LivIVORung Master Settozat Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Dining Room ,---- Living Room agrroctil ----„ ,., r ._ ...a— "gown w1.e..--2—, WIC1 1 _ pantry 7— . immi ' HvAc -J , . „ --„ Kitchen Entry -1--— Laundry Lwricky i Bath 2 - -Coats Bath 1 Wi,c, g , ,e5555--- i One Bedroom Unit Two Bedroom Unit Typical Clubhouse 120'Cr N, , C N 0 o a t c 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I — j , I I j j l l j j l I I j , I I j1717 1 1 I I I ref I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I r L J I. IL J I I L J I I I 11 I I L J I. I L J I T.T ? ' .. _ _ . ' ___ I r r Ilt 1 ___) ill I MILL I I I 11 — 1 Lt I. _ BEN I 111 I 1 LEASING AMENITIES BLDG PLAN 0 1' ' 12' ie SCALE = l '= -IT Clubhouse Amenities • Sparkling swimming pool where residents swim and do water aerobics • Well-equipped fitness center • Technology room with high speed Internet access • Billiards parlor and game room • Meeting/conference hall • Grand ballroom for entertaining • Picnic/BBQ areas for BBQ events and potlucks • Crime Watch program • Arts and crafts center • Free coffee bar in kitchen area • Beauty shop What is Affordable Housing and the Tax Credit Program? • It's housing costs that do not exceed 30% of a household's gross income. Total housing costs are inclusive of rent, insurance and utilities. When the monthly costs of a home exceed 30-35% of household income, then the housing is considered unaffordable for that household. Many households are paying more than 30% for rent and transportation making it difficult to afford food, clothing, medical care, etc. The Tax Credit Program helps build affordable housing. • The Housing Tax Credit program is one of the primary means of directing private capital toward the development and preservation of affordable rental housing low-income households. It provides a source of equity financing for the development and it is highly competitive. • Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs monitors and physically inspects all properties which have received tax credits to insure that all developers build well-maintained quality housing. Income Requirements • Estimated Rents are based on Dallas/Fort Worth Area Median Income (AMI) determined by HUD • Current AMI is $73,400 • Tenants who meet the screening and eligibility restrictions of the property may qualify for a reduced rent unit. • Tenants must have income of at least 2 or 2 1/2 times the rent. 4ek - G 30% AMI 10% 50% AMI 40% 60% AMI 50% ProposedProject/Unit Summary a pvx u I a = 1BR/1Ba 68 750 SF $413 -$826 2 BR/2BA 68 1000 SF $495 -$991 • Full Kitchen with Energy Star appliances • Ceiling fans • Washer/Dryer connections • Large closets • Carpet and vinyl flooring • Residents pay utilities which include electricity, water, & communications. Rent adjusted for utility allowance Resident Programs • NuRock partners with community and non-profit organizations to provide services and skills training to all residents. • On-Site supportive services might include: +Quarterly health and nutritional classes +Annual health fair & health screening services +Weekly exercise classes +Twice monthly on-site social events +Twice monthly arts, crafts and other recreational activities +Annual income tax preparation +Computer proficiency classes +Wellness programs to help seniors stay independent City Council Support • Tax Credit Financing Timeline : - Pre-apps due 1/9/18 - Full Apps with support resolutions due 1/26/18 - TDHCA board approves final awards late July - Post Award, start predevelopment activities in August - Building and site plans submitted to city Sept/October - Building Permit ready November 2018 - Close development and start construction November- December 2018 • Competitive 9% HTC applications require : - City Council Resolution of Support - Letter/resolution of financial support for a minimum of $500 in reduced city fees or city contribution