09-09-2008 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development CITY OF WYLIE Corporation NOTICE OF JOINT MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda September 9, 2008 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Eric Hogue Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE September 9,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 6 PRESENTATION • Renewable Energy Sources: Solar Wind Technologies (R. 011ie, Planning Director) CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the August 21, 2008 Special Called Meeting and the August 26, 2008 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Lanman Addition creating three commercial lots, generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway, north of New Hensley Lane and west of Hooper Road. (R. 011ie Planning Director) RECESS CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER PARKS & RECREATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the September 11, 2007 Special Called Meeting of the Wylie Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (4B). (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of the FY2008-2009 4B Budget and authorizing expenditures for the FY2008-2009 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) ADJOURN RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION OF THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL September 9,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 6 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, amending Planned Development 2006-01 zoning to allow for flexibility of wall signage by establishing provisions within the Commercial Corridor zoned designation (for retail & service uses) of the Planned Development District. ZC 2008-09 (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Executive Summary The subject property is located south of F.M. 544, east of McCreary Road and west of Regency Business Park Addition. Planned Development zoning on this property was adopted by City Council in January 2006 (PD-2006-01) to create an approximately 65 acre shopping center consisting of major & junior anchors and multiple pad sites fronting F.M. 544. In March 2008, the Planning & Zoning Commission approved a site plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Lots 1, 2, 6-9, 14 and 17. Currently under development; this 550,000 square foot retail center includes extension of McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway and major anchor, Super Target. General Business 2. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-41 adopting a budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, beginning October 1, 2008 and ending September 30, 2009. (L. Williamson, Finance Directory) Executive Summary The tax rate being proposed for fiscal year 2008-2009 is $0.8989 per $100 of evaluation. The attached summary of all operating and capital funds includes the budget for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. 3. Consider, and act upon, ratifying the property tax increase reflected in the approved City of Wylie Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary H.B. No. 3195 was approved during the 2007 Legislative Session, creating a new requirement for the approval of the tax rate. Under Section 4, subsection C the bill states, "Adoption of a budget that will require raising more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year requires a separate vote of the governing body to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the budget. A vote under this subsection is in addition to and separate from the vote to adopt the budget or a vote to set the tax rate required by Chapter 26,Tax Code,or other law. 4. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary The Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation was established in accordance with State law as a result of the January 15, 1994 election approving the 'h cent sales tax for parks,recreation, and library projects.As set out in the Articles of Incorporation,the Board has the power to authorize the expenditure of sales tax receipts for projects approved by the City Council. Further, the Bylaws state that "It shall be the duty and obligation of the Board to finance and implement the Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by the Wylie City Council." September 9,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 6 5. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-42 fixing the tax rate/levy for Tax Year 2008 and for the Budget Year FY2008-2009 at $0.8989 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Executive Summary The tax rate needed to fund the FY 2008-2009 budget is$.8989 per$100.00 of assessed valuation. The tax rate is broken down with $.56195 being used for operations and maintenance and $.33695 being used to fund the General Debt Service Fund. This tax ordinance will generate levies of$12,274,276 for the General Fund and $7,359,815 for the I & S Fund. The adopted Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget requires the support of this ordinance for funding. 6. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-36(R) authorizing a study for the purpose of establishing a regional wastewater system with North Texas Municipal Water District, the City of Nevada, City of Lavon, and the City of Farmersville; with a cost not to exceed $15,200.00. (M. Manson, City Manager) Executive Summary Staff has attended two meetings with NTMWD to discuss a feasibility study for a regional wastewater system to serve the east side of Lake Lavon. The jurisdictions represented included Wylie, Lavon,Nevada and Farmersville. NTMWD agreed to develop a scope of work and obtain a cost proposal in order to determine what the cost would be to those entities interested in participating in the study. As such, all jurisdictions agreed that a regional system through the NTMWD is a much more logical approach to the provision of wastewater services. 7. Consider, and act upon, approval of Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $498,625.46, to Tri-Con Services, Inc. for the construction of the temporary detour on FM 1378. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary The location of the new City facilities is proposed to be just east of the future alignment of FM 1378 and on the existing alignment of the roadway as shown on the attached site plan. The construction of the new City facilities is scheduled to begin prior to the construction of FM 1378; therefore, a temporary detour is necessary to allow the construction of all three building to start at the same time. A permit has been approved by TxDOT to allow the construction of the temporary detour. 8. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-37(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services (ETMC EMS) for Regional Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance Services. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) Executive Summary The Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition was formed in 1997 allowing participating entities to participate in a cooperative agreement to solicit proposals for a regional contract to provide emergency medical services/ambulance service at a cost no entity could achieve on their own. The Coalition signed the original contract for ambulance service with ETMC EMS in 1999. Although there have been significant changes in the business relationship and the standard operating procedures for the area over the past ten years, the relationship between ETMC EMS and participating governmental entities has been a beneficial one for all involved. 9. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-38(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Supplemental Agreement with East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services (ETMC EMS) to contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) September 9,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 5 of 6 Executive Summary The Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition was formed in 1997 allowing participating entities to participate in a cooperative agreement to solicit proposals for a regional contract to provide emergency medical services/ambulance service at a cost no entity could achieve on their own. The contract between ETMC EMS and the Southeast Collin County E.M.S. Coalition funds only one full-time ambulance in the contract. In order to provide the citizens the best possible service within the Coalition, the City of Wylie has provided personnel to support the back-up ambulances donated by ETMC EMS to cover emergency medical calls when the primary ambulance is busy. 10. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Jeffrey Katzman and the appointment of a new member to the Construction Code Board for the unexpired term of July 2008 to July 2010. (M. McAnnally, Building Official) Executive Summary Staff is requesting the appointment of a new member to replace Mr. Jeffrey Katzman, who recently resigned from the City of Wylie Construction Code Board. Per the City Charter, Article VIII, Section 2(e) the City Council shall have the power and authority to create, abolish, establish and appoint boards, commissions and committees as it deems necessary to carry out the functions and obligations of the city. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney; A governmental body may not conduct a private consultation with its attorney except: (1) When the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney (A)Pending or contemplated litigation;or (B)A settlement offer;or (2) On a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. • legal issues regarding the Joint Resolution between the Cities of Wylie and Lucas, Texas, a boundary adjustment agreement with Lucas, and the City's respective boundaries RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session, including but not limited to: WORK SESSION • Presentation of the CAPP Long Term Energy Contract. (I Butters, Assistant City Manager) September 9,2008 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 6 of 6 RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 5th day of September, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed j4/11 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: Presentation Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: August 20, 2008 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Brochure Subject Presentation of Renewable Energy Sources: Solar Wind Technologies. Recommendation Direction from Council on whether to move forward with exploring alternative energy sources and drafting an ordinance to be approved by Council. Discussion "There's a great big electricity source up in the sky. Wind. It's free, non-polluting, and endless". With the rising cost of energy everyone is looking for alternative sources of energy. Residential Power Appliances (RPA) is that alternative. Small wind powered electric systems sized for homes, farms and small businesses as an industry has experienced major growth in the past decade. Skystream 3.7 is a new generation of RPAs that will change the energy landscape of how homes and small businesses receive electricity. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/20/ 8 City Manager n)m 13 fcfO Page 1 of 1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Special Called Work Session Wylie City Council Thursday, August 21, 2008 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the Special Called Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council members present: Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman Rick White, Councilman Carter Porter, and Councilman David Goss. Councilman Merrill Young was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson, Library Director Rachel Orozco, Fire Chief Randy Corbin, Public Information Officer Craig Kelly, and Secretary, Carole Ehrlich. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Conduct the first Public Hearing on the proposed tax rate of$0.8989 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and provide taxpayers an opportunity to express their views on the tax rate. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Larry Williamson addressed Council stating that In accordance with the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Texas, on August 12, 2008, the City Council took a roll call vote on the proposed tax rate and scheduled two public hearings on the tax rate. The first public hearing is to be held on August 21, 2008. The second public hearing is scheduled for August 26, 2008. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing at 6:02 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council on the proposed tax rate to come forward and limit their comments to three minutes. Mr. David Andrews residing at 3004 Hinnant Drive, Wylie Texas spoke against the tax rate increase. Minutes—August 21, 2008 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 1 Cherie Wilkinson residing at 950 Oakbrook Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the tax rate increase. Roger Davidson residing at 1123 Majestic Way, Wylie Texas spoke against the tax rate. Grace Morrison residing at 118 Glen Knoll, Wylie Texas spoke in favor of the tax rate. She thanked the City Council and staff for their work and vigilance in keeping the City up with the growth. Marina Miller residing at 224 Lake Texoma Wylie Texas spoke against the tax rate. Judy Chiles residing at 1111 Majestic Way, Wylie, Texas spoke against the tax rate. Kathy Welp residing at 1508 Evelyne Court, Wylie Texas spoke against the tax rate. With no other citizens wishing to speak, Mayor Hogue closed the Public Hearing at 6:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENT With not further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman White to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Councilman Young absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—August 21, 2008 Special Called Meeting Wylie City Council Page 2 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE .___..-.----_-_-- Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, August 26, 2008 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with the following City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Rick White, and Councilman Carter Porter. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Library Director, Rachel Orozco; Police Chief, John Duscio; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; Human Resource Manager, Lynn Fagerstrom; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Alvis Nichols representing the Wylie Church of Christ gave the invocation and Boy Scout Troop 552 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Troop members present were: Adam Bowling, Tyler Sims, Ethan Sims, and Eric Sims. Troop leader is Greg Sims. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present to address Council during Citizens Comments. PRESENTATIONS • Presentation of the Battle of the Badges Award. (J. Duscio, Police Chief/R. Corbin, Fire Chief) Michael Gonzales representing Carter Blood Care presented the second annual Battle of the Badges Award to the Wylie Fire Department. He explained that the first year the Wylie Police Department had the most blood donations but this year 78 volunteers from the Fire Department came to the center to donate blood. He reported that the Wylie Police Department collected 60 donations of blood during the drive. Chief Corbin thanked Mr. Gonzales on behalf of the Wylie Fire Department. Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 1 • Presentation to Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) graduates. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) Fire Chief Randy Corbin addressed Council stating that the CERT of Wylie program is a resource for Emergency Management here in Wylie. The cornerstone of a CERT program is citizen all-hazard disaster preparedness. The individuals, who attend CERT training, learn how to prepare for a disaster, and those that choose, can assist or augment professional first responders, by providing assistance to their neighborhoods, help organizing untrained volunteers, and provide real time disaster assessments for the Wylie Emergency Operations Center(EOC). Citizens receiving their CERT Certificates included: Kristin (Kris) Sands, Peggy Dooley, Kimberly Weems, Marlene Baptiste, Chris Larson, Lauren Perry, Meshach Baptiste, Paul Curtis, Jack Rickert, Donald Ables, Mike Dooley Dennis Gibbons, and Stephen Gilbert. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the August 12, 2008 Regular Meeting of the City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, a proposal from United Healthcare for Fiscal Year 2008- 2009 and Fiscal Year 2009-2010 medical, dental and prescription drug coverage under our current broker, The Wylie Insurance Agency and acceptance of a continuation of long-term disability and life insurance coverage from Lincoln National. (L. Fagerstrom, Human Resources Manager) C. Consider, and act upon, a Preliminary Plat creating two Commercial Corridor Lots for Stewart Addition on 2.168 acres, located at 400 East Alanis Drive. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Reports as of July 31, 2008. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of July 31, 2008. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 2 REGULAR AGENDA Mayor Hogue asked that Item #8 be considered first. Consensus of Council was to move to Item #8. 8. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Frankie Delgado, Board Member for the Parks and Recreation Board and the appointment of a new member to the Parks and Recreation Board for the unexpired term of July 2007 to July 2009. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Staff Comments Public Services Director Sferra addressed Council stating that staff is requesting the appointment of a new Parks and Recreation Board member to replace Mr. Frankie Delgado, who is resigning in order to prepare for deployment of his U.S. Marine Reserve Unit later this year. Chapter 78, section 78-25 (Vacancies) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances states: "Should a vacancy occur in the membership of the parks and recreation board, the city council shall appoint a successor for the unexpired term". In order to be in conformance with Chapter 78 Section 25 of the code, it is recommended that an appointment be made to fulfill the unexpired term of July 2007 to July 2009. Presentation Mayor Hogue asked Mr. Frankie Delgado to come forward and bring his family. He thanked Mr. Delgado for his service to the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board and presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation. He thanked Mr. Delgado for his service to his country and for the second tour he will be making to Iraq. He reported that Mr. Delgado is a member of the United States Marine Reserves Unit deploying to Iraq later this year. Mr. Delgado received a standing ovation. Council Discussion Mayor Pro Tem Byboth stated that it would be very difficult to replace Mr. Delgado who has served on this board for some time. He reported that the 2008 Council Interview Panel (Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, Councilwoman Spillyards, and Councilman White)were recommending Joy Cortinas to fill the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Board. He explained that Ms. Cortinas was a new resident to Wylie and had previous experience volunteering within the City Manager's Office in Plano. He commented that the panel believed she would be a good addition to the Parks Board. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman White to accept the resignation of Parks and Recreation Board member Frankie Delgado and appoint Joy Cortinas to fill the unexpired term of July 2007 to July 2009. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7- 0. Public Hearings 1. Hold the second Public Hearing on the proposed tax rate of$0.8989 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 and provide taxpayers an opportunity to express their views on the tax rate; and set and announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at which Council will vote on the final proposed tax rate. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 3 Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that in accordance with the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Texas, on August 12, 2008, the City Council took a roll call vote on the proposed tax rate and scheduled two public hearings on the tax rate. The first public hearing was held on August 21, 2008. This is the second public hearing. The purpose of both public hearings is to give the taxpayers an opportunity to express their views on the tax rate. Public Hearings Mayor Hogue opened the Public Hearing for the proposed tax rate at 6:29 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council on this item to come forward and limit their comments to 3 minutes. David Andrews, residing at 3004 Hinnant Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Gina Carroll, residing at 3201 Melvin Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Gilbert Tamez Sr., residing at 3104 Hinnant Ct., Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Kevin Caldwell, residing at 1512 Peggy Loftice, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Richard Hanley, residing at 1514 Peggy Loftice, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Eric Smith, residing at 3410 Melvin Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Grace Morrison, residing at 118 Glen Knoll, Wylie, Texas spoke in favor of the proposed tax rate increase. Catherine and Matt Butschek, residing at 1755 FM 1378, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Barbara Watson, residing at 2933 Montague Trails, Wylie, Texas read a letter by Sarah Beth Meyer in favor of the proposed tax rate increase. Marisol Lopez, residing at 3026 Reagnea Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Eric Beckerwerth, residing at 3404 Abelia, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Julie Livingston, residing at 702 Baldwin Road, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Courtney Gober, residing at 904 Silver Sage, Wylie, Texas spoke in favor of the proposed tax rate increase. Gabriel Guevara, residing at 3026 Hinnant Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Cheri Wilkinson, residing at 950 Oakbrook, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Abigail Smith, residing at 3410 Melvin Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Jeff Duffee, residing at 3018 Hinnah Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke in favor of the proposed tax rate increase. James Cole, residing at 1505 Lynn Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate increase. Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 4 Tom Langston, residing at 1355 Country Club Road, Wylie, Texas spoke against the proposed tax rate. Jeff Perryman, residing at 3405 Evelyne Drive, Wylie, Texas spoke neither in favor nor against the proposed tax rate increase but offered options for taxpayers to offset the higher tax rate. With no other citizens present to speak, Mayor Hogue closed the Public Hearing at 8:25 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Goss to set and announce the date of September 9, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. at the Wylie Municipal Complex, Council Chambers as the place at which time the City Council will vote on the final proposed tax rate for FY 2008-2009. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Proposed Budget and provide all interested persons an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the proposed budget; and set and announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at which Council will vote on the final proposed budget. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that a Public Hearing is required to be held on the fiscal year 2008-2009 Proposed Budget and schedule the time and place that the vote will be taken on the proposed budget. All interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the proposed budget. At the end of the hearing, the City Council will schedule the time and place that the vote will be taken on the proposed budget. Public Hearings Mayor Hogue opened the Public Hearing for the proposed budget at 8:28 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council on this item to come forward and limit their comments to 3 minutes. No one was present to address Council on the proposed FY 2008-2009 Budget. Mayor Hogue closed the Public Hearing at 8:28 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to set and announce the date of September 9, 2008, at 6:00 p.m. at the Wylie Municipal Complex, Council Chambers as the place at which time the City Council will vote on the final proposed budget for FY 2008-2009. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. General Business 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of a request from Wylie Church of Christ for Abandonment of 1,747 square feet (0.0401 acres) of Right-of-Way located at the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 5 Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the applicant, Wylie Church of Christ is requesting that the City of Wylie abandon a portion of the west end of Duncan Way to allow for expansion on their existing facility located at 901 South Ballard and to allow for adequate parking. The portion of right-of- way as depicted in Exhibit No. 1 is currently being used as a public dead-end street with barricade. She explained that the Wylie Church of Christ is the sole property owner of all properties adjacent to subject public rights-of-way. She explained that after the applicant's surveyor had completed his review, it was found that the actual square footage for abandonment is 1,817 sq. ft. She requested the motion include this revised square footage. Ms. 011ie stated that staff had reviewed the request and determined that the ROW contains no utilities other than a 6" water line that runs east and west through the center of Duncan Way. Public utility companies using or entitled to use portions of the public right-of-way/utility easement have consented to the abandonment(Exhibit No. 3 in the agenda packet). The City receives no tax revenue from right-of-way property. If the right-of-way is converted to a private ownership that is a tax exempt entity, the city would continue to receive no taxes on this property. Right- of-way abandonment requires only Council action and no review by any Board or Commission. However, before the right-of-way may be used for private purposes it must be incorporated into a plat or a replat approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Planning Director 011ie reported that the applicant has submitted a Replat for review pending approval of this abandonment request. In accordance with Section 2.12 of the Subdivision Ordinance the applicant shall have six months from the date of City Council approval of abandonment to submit and file a replat with Collin County to incorporate the abandoned right-of-way into the adjacent platted lot(s). The replat shall also establish utility and access easements. Applicant/Council Discussion Kevin Moore (applicant representative), 104 Shiloh Road, Garland, Texas addressed Council stating that the Wylie Church of Christ is requesting to increase the square footage of the church by 1,800 sq. ft. He reported that the Church was planning to provide all landscaping, parking, and irrigation required by the City for the new add on. Councilman Young asked Mr. Moore if the Church was planning to bring the improvements up to code for the old portion of the church as well as the addition. Mr. Moore replied that the landscaping, parking, and other code requirements were for the addition only. The old building will remain the same and will not be up to code due to the ADA compliance and fire sprinklers. Mayor Hogue asked Planning Director 011ie if the old building would be within code once the addition was approved. Ms. 011ie reported that staff was still reviewing the site plan; however, if the new addition met the 20% requirements for the entire building then the applicant would be in compliance. She reported that the site plan will go before Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for final approval. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Goss to approve a request from Wylie Church of Christ for Abandonment of 1,817 square feet of Right-of-Way located at the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 4. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-34(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition for Regional Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance Service. (R. Corbin, Fire Chief) Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 6 Staff Comments Fire Chief Corbin addressed Council stating that the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition was formed in 1997 allowing participating entities to participate in a cooperative agreement to solicit proposals for a regional contract to provide emergency medical services/ambulance service at a cost no entity could achieve on their own. Since the original signing of the Interlocal Agreement between Southeast Collin County Coalition members, several cities have joined and terminated their association with the Coalition causing many addendums to the original Interlocal Agreement. The Resolution presented tonight will authorize the Mayor to enter into a new Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Resolution No. 2008-34(R) authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition for Regional Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance Service. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 5. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-39 approving a Negotiated Resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company's Rate Review Mechanism Filing in all Cities Exercising Original Jurisdiction; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting Tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the Negotiated Settlement and finding the rates to be set by the attached Tariffs to be just and reasonable; approving Atmos' Proof of Revenues; adopting a Savings Clause; determining that this Ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this Ordinance to the company and legal counsel. (M. Manson, City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that the City, along with 150 other cities served by Atmos Energy Mid-Tex Division ("Atmos" or "Company"), are members of the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC"). On April 14, 2008, Atmos filed with the City an application to increase natural gas rates pursuant to the Rate Review Mechanism ("RRM") tariff approved by the City earlier this year. The Company's April RRM filing seeks a $33.5 million rate increase. The City worked with ACSC to analyze the schedules and evidence offered by Atmos to support its request to increase rates. The Ordinance and attached tariff approving rates that will increase the Company's revenues by $20 million effective October 1, 2008, are the result of negotiation between ACSC and the Company to resolve issues raised by ACSC during the review and evaluation of ACSC's RRM filing. The monthly bill impact for the average residential customer is$0.81. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Goss to approve Ordinance No. 2008-39 approving a Negotiated Resolution between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid Tex Division regarding the company's Rate Review Mechanism Filing in all Cities Exercising Original Jurisdiction; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting Tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the Negotiated Settlement and finding the rates to be set by the attached Tariffs to be just and reasonable; approving Atmos' Proof of Revenues; adopting a Savings Clause; determining that this Ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 7 declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this Ordinance to the company and legal counsel. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 6. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-35(R) determining a public necessity to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, certain properties for the right-of-way for the construction of improvements to Springwell Parkway. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Holsted addressed Council stating that the construction of Springwell Parkway south of FM 544 has recently started. One parcel of right of way at the intersection of FM 544 remains to be acquired. The parcel is approximately 33,662 square feet. Approval of the Resolution authorizes the City Manager to proceed with the acquisition of the remaining parcel by purchase or condemnation. Mr. Hoisted reported that both he and WEDC Executive Director Satterwhite had exhausted all negotiates in good faith for a settlement offer for this property. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to approve Resolution No. 2008-35(R) determining a public necessity to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, certain properties for the right-of-way for the construction of improvements to Springwell Parkway. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 7. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District to provide Law Enforcement services for the school district. (J. Duscio, Police Chief) Staff Comments Police Chief Duscio addressed Council stating that the City is currently operating under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was created in 2001. The MOU is outdated and generic and has not been updated to include the new campuses and use of certain WISD technologies. The new MOU is more specific to roles and responsibilities and has been approved by the WISD board of trustees. He reported that the cost for these services is shared equally between the WISD and the City of Wylie. Mayor Hogue asked where the resource officers were when not working for the school district. Police Chief Duscio stated that the officers were working for the City when not involved at the schools. Councilman Goss asked if there were updates in the MOU. Police Chief Duscio reported that Crisis Planning was added to the Memorandum and some technology assists was added such as video surveillance and their computer systems. Councilman Young stated that he had a conflict of interest on this item and left the room. Affidavit is filed with the City Secretary. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to authorize the City Manager to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District to provide Law Enforcement services for the school district. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0-1 with Councilman Young abstaining. Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 8 9. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-40 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in 2009. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Staff Comments City Secretary Ehrlich addressed Council stating that the City of Wylie Home Rule Charter in Article III, Section 9 states that the City Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and as many additional meetings as it deems necessary to transact the business of the City. The City Council shall fix, by ordinance, the date and time of the regular meetings. Special meetings of the City Council shall be held on the call of the mayor or a majority of the City Council members. She reported that currently the time is set generally for 6:00 p.m. Mayor Hogue and Councilman Goss have requested the proposed Ordinance No. 2008-40 be presented for consideration to change the meeting time. She noted that pursuant to Section 4, Special Meetings and Work Sessions could be called earlier at the pleasure of the City Council. She noted that by this Ordinance, the dates and times of all regular meetings in 2009 will be set. During the months of November and December one meeting per month has been scheduled due to the holidays. Upon request of the Council, special called meetings and work sessions can be scheduled at any times designated by the City Council and posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Council Discussion Mayor Pro Tern Hogue asked what time the Boards and Commissions met. City Manager Manson replied that meetings started at 6:30 for the Planning & Zoning, Parks and Recreation, and the Public Arts Advisory Board; Construction Code Board and ZBOA started at 7:00 p.m. Councilwoman Spillyards stated that she was in favor of starting the executive sessions earlier but starting the regular meetings at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Byboth stated that he saw the value in a later starting time but felt consideration should be given to staff due to the late meetings and the long hours staff works on those days/evenings. Councilman Young stated that he was in favor of starting the meetings for executive sessions at 6:00 p.m. and the regular meetings at 7:00 p.m. Councilman White stated that he was in favor of a later time. Councilman Porter stated that he was in favor of starting all portions of the meetings at 6:30. He stated that this would save the overtime for staff and would allow citizens to attend. Councilman Goss stated that he was against starting the meeting any earlier than 7:00 p.m.; if he is given an option. Mayor Hogue asked City Manager Manson how functional the work sessions would be if started at 6:00 p.m. City Manager Manson reported that if the intent was to allow the public to attend, the work sessions should also start at 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. to allow citizens time to attend. She noted that staff could look into the possibility of starting the executive sessions earlier. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman White setting the time of 7:00 p.m. and approving Ordinance No. 2008-40 setting said time, place and dates for all regular City Council Meetings in 2009. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2 with Mayor Hogue, Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, Councilwoman Spillyards, Councilman Goss, and Councilman White voting for and Councilman Young and Councilman Porter voting against. Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 9 ADJOURNMENT Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—August 26, 2008 Wylie City Council Page 10 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Account Code: Date Prepared: 08/20/08 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Lanman Addition creating three Commercial lots, generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway, north of New Hensley Lane, and west of Hooper Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Lanman Addition creating three Commercial lots, generally located west of Woodbridge Parkway, north of New Hensley Lane, and west of Hooper Road. Discussion The property totals 2.548 acres and creates three (3) Commercial Lots. The subject property is part of the larger Planned Development (PD 2003-01) District, being Tract C-2 of that PD. The PD allows for Community Retail uses within tract C-2. The Concept Plan approved by the City Council as part of the original Planned Development (PD 2003-01) in January of 2003 serves as an approved Preliminary Plat. The subject development will comply with all of the applicable requirements set forth in the conditions of PD 2003-01. The plat will establish the boundaries for three Commercial lots. The northern edges of proposed Lots 2 and 3 contain several large pipeline easements, however these will not affect the overall development of the property as proposed. The Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and conforms to the approved Conditions of the Planned Development District. Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval. A site plan for this property was approved by the Commission on August 19, 2008. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08-20-08 City Manager r V'( f Page 1 of 1 ow5eRs*R1IFICATE comnrce count X b�,z (res:":«:, SHA3HOP MAAS X 'e'.;'"'3ox c. o.R.ee,. HOOPER Busmen° PARK e...5raw]Pc . a°. r. .. '% athy.air,w'"a A C0 GAMY°S...ona wFa Orw.f 00 p 40 3.7 emee beet o Aoe Soy, C°*/ (oxcc*.),ape ove leo e. nng 0.r ua°u.ct Sor im<3aewma die A.. di- /� ME H SITE dead m°0a',n"'"n•nee oa<::tho"Ha°i°HIH"w a.e«ne<Collin County,rex.7.H.o ooc.'"d /5" ,,o,`°Ss 9..) spa i mew, w.m.`b; .and aaw ma eon.to and m.man sfao 4.....:.1.°, ?Rao-` « South a"�� Ala« I s Mh. a sz n.9.a ery/xaae W956'3YE oxcc,. 136.68i /z Run pens�'ue common�m..r us a m ..a w°a w9 I-eg6-en-ewg 413.94' / `-, NSA lar w S a a fOSOSNOMP wWOODAH,®OH amerae mem`.0 a tot.as die.. a 5/6'111006 AIRPORT on or n _- _- _--.-______ ___-___ _--_ T __ _ "°P' ( Sou �e'n alma.0 00. 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De fa=tbi1J'09' Acar,m Ohre.H`9�.=532YS 05'W xwpQMK r Femrage sec L Ctnd. qt1,-2NW wfue,He.Aw man.(.7g),v-5]xa 1C09 l JUNIOR REALM' COOPER oe1i Radiuv Cty198.6Y A aeng..47.26' __- uwcc -2',5.32• Pt m,1..N'''"'.gong to me c ro°'ev:::'.rwn.m w ro c of m.raemhv rma o,rar�em9.•H39'13'41•wIMAM ve ;tmw�m FINAL PLAT N _ fop.action,thee cub=4zz6' lye-we-yew LANMAN ADDITION _ urn w. wn�'a t612+ S-F1'.Do' 2.8.8 ere.of lend,ha the GRAPHIC SCALE to.tin to m.nine ads mum a. n�.`w"o°.I°'e.:�.e.:o"� "men:«me r r Are ni.,9l=Ho.e9' ., a-z0'13'31' tkPPv LK.Pegues Survey-Abetrecl Ho.703 , F , ^` onoeOrnq.=x73.53'45"w I w 0bwlx 1(2'o In tee City of Wylie,Coll.County.Loxes it CTr moth-179.95' H (0(r.5 I Add June.2WS Sesle.I 40' t...-,o SS u,r a wM.y.'n..e ReneeG:July.2l.2008 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Charles H. Lee Account Code: Date Prepared: August 20, 2008 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 7 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, amending Planned Development 2006-01 zoning to allow for flexibility of wall signage by establishing provisions within the Commercial Corridor zoned designation (for retail & service uses) of the Planned Development District. ZC 2008-09 Recommendation Motion to amend Planned Development 2006-01 zoning to allow for flexibility of wall signage by establishing provisions within the Commercial Corridor zoned designation (for retail & service uses) of the Planned Development District. ZC 2008-09 Discussion Owner: Direct Development, Inc. Applicant: Joshua Cogburn, Johnson Architects The subject property is located south of F.M. 544, east of McCreary Road and west of Regency Business Park Addition. Planned Development zoning on this property was adopted by City Council in January 2006 (PD- 2006-01) to create an approximately 65 acre shopping center consisting of major &junior anchors and multiple pad sites fronting F.M. 544. In March 2008, the Planning & Zoning Commission approved a site plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Lots 1, 2, 6-9, 14 and 17. Currently under development; this 550,000 square foot retail center includes extension of McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway and major anchor, Super Target. This request proposes to amend the PD to allow for revising Section 3.10, Signage of the adopted PD to allow for flexibility of the City of Wylie's Sign Regulations pertaining to wall signage (height and width). The Sign Ordinance limits maximum allowable area for wall signs to one (1) square foot of area for each linear foot of the buildings frontage or lease space frontage in a multiple tenant building, not to exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet. The applicant proposes: • Occupants with 60 feet or more of lineal frontage of building wall shall be allowed to install wall signs on each face of their building not to exceed 75% of the width of the available building frontage or store frontage for such occupant and the height of the allowable wall signs shall not exceed 7 feet. Ex: 250 feet of frontage x 0.75= 187.5 total allowable width for signs Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • For occupants with less than 60 feet of lineal frontage of building wall, wall signs on each face of their building shall not exceed 75% of the width of the available building frontage or store frontage for such occupant and the height of the allowable wall signs shall not exceed 4 feet. • Any occupants of buildings located within 300 feet of the property line along FM 544, shall not have wall signs that exceed 4 feet in height. • Target shall be permitted to install its corporate logo bullseye (i) not to exceed 12 feet in diameter on the side and rear of the building, and(ii) not to exceed 9 feet in diameter on the front of the building. Typical provisions within planned development districts recognize opportunities to allow for flexibility of standard regulations with respect to location and minimum impact upon adjacent properties. The general intent of the Sign Ordinance is to control proliferation of signs and potential adverse impact upon adjacent properties and provide uniform regulations of signs by preserving the appearance and attractiveness of the visual environment. In summary, the request to amend PD-2006-01 to allow for revisions of Section 3.10, Signage, to allow for flexibility of wall signage height and width and provide a more proportional aesthetic sign is consistent with the overall intent with the City's Sign Ordinance in allowing for uniformity within the development. In addition, the proposed provisions will establish height and width for wall signs on tenant lease spaces and advance economic value to those end-users by promoting orderly identification of tenant spaces. This request only alters Section 3.10 Signage to the existing PD and does not alter any uses or additional conditions as outlined in the approved Conditions of the Planned Development District. Planning& Zoning Commission Discussion: Commissioners discussed the allowance of signs on each face of a building. Each face would meet the requirements as outlined in the proposed amendment and not a sum of all sides. Commissioners questioned if approving this request sets a precedent for future or existing development to allow such flexibility. Staff reiterated that this property is part of a PD which allows for flexibility and innovation. It was further discussed that the current sign ordinance did not allow for developments of this size. Providing orderly and uniformity is a key factor in guiding the attractive and aesthetic development of properties. The proposed amendment is doing just that. By controlling the height and width of all wall signs, the development will maintain an orderly and uniformed appeal. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval with the following stipulations: Side and rear wall sign shall not exceed in square footage area or be greater in size than sign mounted on the front of the building or lease space. Notification/Responses: Notification/Responses: 34 notifications were mailed; with 1 written response returned favoring the request and no response opposing the request at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/20/08 City Manager p\IN\ u(( ill ma tumuli, crr I 'tea ��,...,. r� � j� �� �; ; ►1(t>11��'l11111111�1:1.- r-- -- _ r11.117prlisiilliii ■ � : 1 nu. 11�1��11�Itlli�,1111/1 ' �I f._._.._...._._.____ 4?4ii n�rr�r( u� rr :�p�111111—�, i .____.---------- i111{I{II{I` nruru�4lulu°,ate' U u r.Il����i�l1�1,11%IIIIIt1Illif ��� ��t�i ��i1 11 '�•! 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I 01111111111 '-r.-__...___-_—N ,/11 11!!11l1111 _ ._.._.._ J i i i IL 1. .. 111; • --i t j L- Ai ,�` ! i - f -- i ! 1 F r rt '�f____. � 1111111 `'.. - . - - . - ----- -------------- ' WWII r._._ E� --- ! t ff t---- r, Li —_. \/ \\\ i ! 1 t t \ I \ _______.4...J ,, j r. r i i I i ! ! i r LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2008-09 Exhibit"A" Legal Description Zone Case#2008-09 Tract 1 Being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, Collin County, Texas and being part of a 111.848 acre parcel of land called Tract 1, conveyed to Iona H. Ingram and being part of a 87.282 acre parcel of land called Tract 2, conveyed to Mary Allene Jones, from the partition of the Estate of Mollie Sachse, described in Partition Deed recorded in Volume 826 at Page 579 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and also being a part of a 111.848 acre tract conveyed to Mary Allene Jones by Executrix's Deed recorded in Volume 05102 at Page 04465 (County Clerk's File No. 2002-0020781) of the DRCCT, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the west line of said William Sachse Survey and the most westerly line of said Tract 2 and also being in the south right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544(120' R.O.W.); THENCE North 89 degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds East with said south right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544 (120' R.O.W.) and with the south line of a 0.5572 acre tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Mary Allene Jones in deed recorded in Volume 4457 at Page 2146 of the DRCCT, passing the common line of said Tracts 1 & 2 at 1215.89 feet and continuing with the South line of a 0.6743 acre tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Iona H. Ingram, in all a total distance of 1987.83 feet to a concrete TXDOT monument found for corner, the top of said monument being destroyed; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds East with said 0.6743 acre State of Texas tract 696.26 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the east line of said Tract 1; THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with said east line of said Tract 1 a distance of 1000.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" set for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 2690.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" set for corner in said westerly line of said Tract 2; THENCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West with said westerly line of said Tract 2 and said west line of William Sachse Survey, generally along old fence line, at 20.38 feet passing the northeast corner of a 5.955 acre tract of land conveyed to Harry M. Breen and Joyce E. Breen in a deed recorded in Volume 1692 at Page 0804 of the DRCCT and continuing for a total distance of 1000.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 2,689,651 square feet or 61.746 acres of land, more or less. Tract 2 Being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, Collin County, Texas and being part of a 111.848 acre parcel of land called Tract 1, conveyed to Iona H. Ingram and being part of a 87.282 acre parcel of land called Tract 2, conveyed to Mary Allene Jones, from the partition of the Estate of Mollie Sachse, described in Partition Deed recorded in Volume 826 at Page 579 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and also being a part of a 111.848 acre tract conveyed to Mary Allene Jones by Executrix's Deed recorded in Volume 05102 at Page 04465 (County Clerk's File No. 2002-0020781) of the DRCCT, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the west line of said William Sachse Survey and the most westerly line of said Tract 2 and also being in the south right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544(120' R.O.W.); THENCE North 89 degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds East with said south right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544 (120' R.O.W.) and with the south line of a 0.5572 acre tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Mary Allene Jones in deed recorded in Volume 4457 at Page 2146 of the DRCCT, passing the common line of said Tracts 1 & 2 at 1215.89 feet and continuing with the South line of a 0.6743 acre tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Iona H. Ingram, in all a total distance of 1987.89 feet to a concrete TXDOT monument found for corner,the top of said monument being destroyed; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds East with said 0.6743 acre State of Texas tract 696.26 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the east line of said Tract 1; THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with said east line of said Tract 1 a distance of 1000.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner and the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with the east line of said Tract 1 a distance of 1146.47 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the north line of a called 9.32 acre tract of land conveyed to Texas Power&Light Company, Inc. by Molly H. Sachse et al in Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 574 at Page 411 and amended in Volume 2325 at Page 730 of the DRCCT, from which a 5/8" iron rod found bears South 89 degrees 53 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 9.68 feet for the northeast corner of said 9.32 acre tract; THENCE North 89 degrees 53 minutes 15 seconds West with the northerly line of said 9.32 acre tract passing said common line of said Tracts 1 & 2 at 1468.34 feet and continuing for a total distance of 2601.01 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the northwest corner of said 9.32 acre tract and being in a west line of said Tract 2; THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 59 seconds West with the west line of said Tract 2 a distance of 658.47 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for corner, said fence post also being the northeast corner of a 1.4112 acre tract of land conveyed to the City of Sachse, Texas, a municipal corporation, by deed recorded in Volume 2344 at Page 375 of the DRCCT; THENCE North 85 degrees 39 minutes 12 seconds West with the north line of said City of Sachse tract and along fence line passing a 4" steel fence post at 90.54 feet and continuing for a total distance of 92.00 feet to point for corner in said west line of said William Sachse Survey, said point also being in the east line of a 4.983 acre tract of land conveyed to Harold W. Criswell by Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien recorded in Volume 4005 at Page 2258 of the DRCCT; THENCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West with said westerly line of said Tract 2 and said west line of said William Sachse Survey, generally along old fence line, at 194.64 feet passing a 3/8" iron rod found for the southeast corner of a 5.955 acre tract of land conveyed to Harry M. Breen and Joyce E. Breen in deed recorded in Volume 1692 at Page 0804 of the DRCCT and continuing for a total distance of 466.13 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with plastic yellow cap stamped "RPLS 5405" set for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 2690.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 3,005,416 square feet or 68.995 acres of land, more or less. Tract 3 Being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, Collin County, Texas and being part of a 111.848 acre parcel of land called Tract 1, conveyed to Iona H. Ingram and being part of a 87.282 acre parcel of land called Tract 2, conveyed to Mary Allene Jones, from the partition of the Estate of Mollie Sachse, described in Partition Deed recorded in Volume 826 at Page 579 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and also being a part of a 111.848 acre tract conveyed to Mary Allene Jones by Executrix's Deed recorded in Volume 05102 at Page 04465 (County Clerk's File No. 2002-0020781) of the DRCCT, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the west line of said William Sachse Survey and the most westerly line of said Tract 2 and also being in the south right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544(120' R.O.W.); THENCE North 89 degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds East with said south right-of-way line of F.M. Road No. 544 (120' R.O.W.) and with the south line of a 0.5572 acre tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Mary Allene Jones in deed recorded in Volume 4457 at Page 2146 of the DRCCT, passing the common line of said Tracts 1 & 2 at 1215.89 feet and continuing with the South line of a 0.6743 acre tract of land conveyed to the State of Texas by Iona H. Ingram, in all a total distance of 1987.83 feet to a concrete TXDOT monument found for corner,the top of said monument being destroyed; THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds East with said 0.6743 acre State of Texas tract 696.26 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner in the east line of said Tract 1; THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with said east line of said Tract 1 a distance of 2146.47 feet to the north line of a called 9.32 acre tract of land conveyed to Texas Power & Light Company, Inc. by Molly H. Sachse et al in Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 574 at Page 411 and amended in Volume 2325 at Page 730 of the DRCCT and continuing for a total distance of 2296.64 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" found for corner and the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with the east line of said Tract 1 a distance of 944.16 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for corner from which a '/z" iron rod found bears North 29 degrees 13 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 0.72 feet, said fence post being the southeast corner of said Tract 1 and the northeast corner of a 99.694 acre tract of land conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District by deed recorded in Volume 2281 at Page 358 of the DRCCT and also being in the westerly line of a 51.531 acre tract of land conveyed to B.C. Wood and Nettie Wood by deed recorded in Volume 1120 at Page 856 of the DRCCT; THENCE South 88 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West with the southerly line of said Tract 1 and with the northerly line of said North Texas Municipal Water District tract and generally along fence line, passing the southwest corner of said Tract 1 at 1468.48 feet and continuing with the southerly line of said Tract 2 for a total distance of 2195.99 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for corner; THENCE North 42 degrees 32 minutes 01 seconds West with a southwesterly line of said Tract 2 and with an easterly line of a 5.5445 acre tract of land conveyed to the City of Sachse, Texas, a municipal corporation, by deed recorded in Volume 2344 at Page 375 of the DRCCT and generally along fence line 499.61 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for corner; THENCE North 01 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West with a westerly line of said Tract 2 and with an easterly line of said City of Sachse tract and generally along fence line 582.46 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for corner; THENCE South 85 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds West with a northerly line of said Tract 2 and with a northerly line of said City of Sachse tract and generally along fence line 60.41 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 59 seconds West with a westerly line of said Tract 2 and with an easterly line of said City of Sachse tract and generally along fence line 67.03 feet to a'A" iron rod found for corner, said iron rod being the southwest corner of said 9.32 acre tract; THENCE South 89 degrees 53 minutes 05 seconds East with the southerly line of said 9.32 acre tract 2600.96 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 2,431,529 square feet or 55.820 acres of land, more or less. City of Wylie 07-31-08 Proposed Amendment to the PD- Wall Signs • Occupants with 60 feet or more of lineal frontage of building wall, shall be allowed to install wall signs, on each face of their building,not to exceed 75% of the width of the available building frontage or store frontage for such occupant and the height of the allowable wall signs shall not exceed 7 feet. o Ex:250 feet of frontage X 0.75= 187.5 total allowable width for signs • For occupants with less than 60 feet of lineal frontage of building wall,wall signs on each face of the building shall not exceed 75%of the width of the available building frontage or store frontage for such occupant and the height of the allowable wall signs shall not exceed 4 feet. • Any occupants of buildings located within 300 feet of the property line along FM 544,shall not have wall signs that exceed 4 feet in height. • Target shall be permitted to install its corporate logo bullseye(i)not to exceed 12 feet in diameter on the side and rear of the building,and(ii)not to exceed 9 feet in diameter on the front of the building. ._f-- i l I i ••• -- I1-10 VC —.. .. --l ._ iHjorneolvds _,_ .,.�Ylarshails ir! _ 250'x 0,75=187.5'allowable sign width on facade Sign width shown In elevation above=47'-10 A"+36'-1 z°=8443 a" C NA 3{' _ i f 139'-2;"x 0.75=104'-&allowable sign width on facade Sign width shown In elevation above=38'-9 Note: Preliminary Elevations are provided only to Illustrate compliance with the restrictions we have proposed within the amendment to our PD. l Preliminary Elevations OI :91.ife..0. pieYves'f/�0 /` nso ohnputimivi:40‘444„ HLHET .-• WOODBRIDGE CROSSING •'w� WYLIE,TEXAS Cl' O E'iCL Ili 1 cK-4- S01011,11111190110100 !Al 144 00,01i ,910110910.1010.01r0T011111110111011190,00:00,9ir 111 i ,„„„W...,11,1i1A ,••.9 4.41Afe 1,101411f1"1/11f10 1111'1 '‘'.0.41,70,, Vak0' 11 41, ,,,19,119990,,r1P111,1101:9 y:owr. 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' 1111111111 41111111:11111, 11, 0 1 „VIItI 5,1111,1 •1111•. • ....1.1"."'"-.1.11: • ' ,4 /1t11,1) 111 vill111111111c1,1 4,4111N411;fall , • 1, ts ,11, „1„1"u • ,,1.1., 1., 1,1,011, OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZONING CASE #2008-09 N4TIFICATION REPORT APPLICAiVT: Joshua Cogburn with Johnson Architects, Inc. APPLICATlON FILE #2008-09 5622 Dyer Street # 100 Dallas, Texas 75206 # BLK/ABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Appficant - Joshua Cogburn 5622 Dyet Sheet # 100 1 Johnson Architects, Inc. Dallas, Texas 75206 McCreary FM 544 PO Box 2198 2 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-A R-8451-001-01 RA-1 Auto Zone, Inc. Mem his, TN 381 O1 McCreary FM 544 2808 Fafrmount # 100 O 3 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-B R-8451-001-01 RB-1 Greenwa -McCreary, LP Dallas, Texas 7520i McCreary FM 544 24901 Dana Point Harbor #230 4 Bik i Lot 2R R-8451-001-002R-1 LaQuinta Medical Partners, LP Dana Paint, CA 92629 Moss Addn Mass Brothers 3455 FM 544 5 Blk 1 Lot 1 R-2620-001-0010-1 Real Esiafe Mana ement LP Wylie, Texas 75098 Childrens Lighthouse 1234 Trafee Lane b Blk 1 Lot 1 R-9328-001-0010-1 M Rhea Properfies, LLC Garland, Texas 75044 Childrens Lighthouse 8377 E, Hartford Drive #200 7 Blk 1 Lot 2 R-9328-001-0020-1 GE Ca ital Franxhise Financial Cot Scoitsdale, AZ 85255 Willidms Addn 5925 Fores~ Lane #50T S B1k A Lot 1 R-4673-000-0010-1 W lie Center LLC Dallas, Texas 75230 Williams Addn 5925 Farest Lane #507 9 Bik A Lat 2 R-4~73-000-0020-1 Wylie Center LLC Dallas, Texas 75230 Corvette Addn 310i W. FM 544 10 Bik A Lot 1 B R-3i 65-000-001 B-1 Four Collins Grou Cot W lie, Texas 75098 Corveffe Addn 3101 W. FM 544 1 1 Blk A Lot 2 R-3165-000-0020-1 Four Collins Grou Cor IIe, Texas 75098 FM 544 Springwell Addn Wyfie - BF, LP 5944 Sherry Lane 12 Blk A Lot lA R-4803-OOA-0010-1 Mays & Com any Dallas, Texas 75225 FM 544 Springweil Addn 1185 E. FM 544 13 Blk A Lot 1 B R-4803-OOA-001 B-1 BBS Properfies, LLC Wylle, Texas 75098 FM 544 Springwelf Addn 8519 Cherry Hill 14 BIkA Lof 2 R-4803-OQA-d020-1 Bruck-Robe~tson Family Ltd Dallas, Fexas 75243-7025 JQCObsAddn PO Box$30761 15 Blk A Lot 7 R-1955-OOA-0010-1 AI ay Livin Trusf Richc~rdson, Texas 75083 Regency # 1 110 Regency Drive 16 Blk A Lot 1 R-1949-OOA-0010-1 Austin Wylie Rea Ltd. ie, Texas 75098 L} ~ Fa'~ Regency #1 16490 Dallas Parkway #101 X=~~"~~ 17 81k A Lot 2 R-1949-OOA-0020-1 Ali Mant hi Dallas, Texas 75248 Regency # 1 6604 Jupffer Road ] 8 Bik A Lot 3 R-1949-OOA-0030-1 Farhdt Mann Plano, Texas 75074-2016 Regency # 1 401 St. Michaels Way 19 Bik A Lot 4 R-1949-ODA-0040-1 Jerome Smith Rockwall, Texas 75032 Regency # 1 401 St. Mfchaels Way 20 Bik A Lot 5 R-1949-OOA-0050-1 Jerome Smith Rockwall, Texas 75032 Regency #2 3704 Wlhdmill Court 21 Blk A Lot 6A R-2208-OOA-OObA-1 Hi hley S ecial~y Noldin s, LLC Plano, Texas 75074 Regency #2 2903 Capital Street 22 Blk A Lot 66 R-2208-OOA-OObB-1 James Hilborn Wyfie, Texas 75098 Regency #2 PO Box 6037 23 Blk D Lot 1 R-2208-OOD-~O10-1 Farmers Electric Coo erative Inc. Greenville, Texas 75403-6037 Regency #2 PO Box 6037 24 Bik D Lot 2 R-2208-OOD-~020-1 Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. Greenville, 7exQS 75403-6037 Regency #2 1610 Lawndale Avenue 25 Blk D Lot 3 R-2208-OOD-0030-1 Sa inder Grewal San Leandro, CA 94579 Regency #2 609 Memorial Hiil Way 26 Blk D Lot 4 R-2208-OOD-Od40-1 Jasbir Mondair Mu h, Texas 75094 2001 Ross Avenue #4601 27 Abst 835 Tract 1 R-6835-000-0010-1 Woodbrid e Crossin , LP Dallas, Texas 75207 2001 Rass Avenue #4601 28 Abst 835 Tract 2 R-6835-000-0020-1 W~dE~rid e Crossin , LP Daflas, Texas 7520i PO Box 219071 29 Abst 835 Tract 3 R-6835-000-~030-1 ONCOR Delive Com any Dailas, Texas 75221-9071 800 E. Cqmpbel! Roqd #130 3Q Absfi 835 Tract 17 R-6835-000-0170-1 Woodbrlcf e Nortti Comrnerciql Ltd Richardsan, Texas 75081 2114 Lakemere Drive 31 Abst 835 Tract 24 R-6835-000-0240-1 Arthur Wlllls Garland, Texas 75041-1 41 7 7 Regency Drive 32 Abst 835 Tract 28 R-6835-000-0280-1 Har rave Home Re alr Inc. Wylle, T~xas 75098 9 Regency Drive 33 AbsF 835 Tract 33 R-6835-OOQ-0330-i M-Tex Industrial Su Co, Inc. Wylie, Texas 75098 Bill lovil, P,E, PO Box 90 34 FM 544 Texas Dept of Trans ortation McfGnney, Texas 75069 35 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use btack ink) Department ofPlanning 2000 Highwa}•'78 Narth Wytie, Texas 7509s ~ I am FOR the reque5ted zoning as explained on the attached pubiic notice for Zoning Case #2008-09. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as exptained on the ariached public nolice for Zoning Case #~2U48-09. Date, Lacation ~ Time of • Planning & Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 6:30 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Daie, Location & Time of City Council meedng: Tuesday, September 9, 2~08, G;OQ pm Municipal Compte~ 2000 Highway 78 Norih, WyJie, Te~as Name: ~Q ~v~C,~~ {pleQSe p1•int) ~ Address: S D S/`'~S2 JNb fJiL17~ ~ ~/c7(S C.."~~ ~ 7 20 signaiure: Data: - p . COMMENTS: ~ L G ~J'C' ~~.Sf A~ d - -ar-ca ,~~.~T.~~~ ~ ~~r~t-r.L '~.c.r~~ ~~cr c ~ L ~TeD ~lTRrG~r- S ~t /~tlt-~"'y'-dL.Tr/ 7'"{~.~~ 20o L "?1 f ~~Gt ~',,rJa,d,~~~/"~ Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA REPO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 2 Department: Finance Department (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: Date Prepared: August 1, 2008 Budgeted Amount: All Funds Summary, Budget Exhibits: Ordinance Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-41 adopting a budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, beginning October 1, 2008, and ending September 30, 2009. Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2008-41 adopting the budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2008-2009, beginning October 1, 2008, and ending September 30, 2009. The tax rate being proposed for fiscal year 2008-2009 is $0.8989 per $100 of evaluation. The attached summary of all operating and capital funds includes the budget for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation. The adoption of the FY 2008-2009 tax rate is presented under a separate agenda item. ~ . Initial Date Department Director LW 8/1/08 City Manager m ~J 0~ Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2008-41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING RESOURCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILTIY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager and staff have prepared and filed with the City Secretary a proposed budget for operation of the City during Fiscal Year 2008-2009; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget appears to be in form and substance which fully complies with all applicable provisions of the City Charter and State law; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget has been available for public inspection and review; and WHEREAS, the City Council on August 26, 2008, conducted a public hearing to receive input from the citizens of the City concerning the content of the budget; and WHEREAS, the Council having considered the proposed budget at length, and having provided input into its preparation, has determined that the proposed budget and the revenues and expenditures contained therein is in the best interest of the City and therefore desires to adopt the same by formal action; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the proposed budget of the revenues of the City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof, as summarized in the attached Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby is, completely adopted and approved as the Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. Section 2. That the sum of one hundred million, three hundred and eight one thousand, eight hundred and sixty dollars $100,381,060 is hereby appropriated for the City's FY 2008-2009 Budget. These funds are for payment of operating, capital, and debt service expenses associated with the operation and administration of the City according to the various purposes and intents described in the FY 2008-2009 budget document. Section 3. The specific authority is hereby given to the City Manager to transfer appropriations budgeted from an account classification or activity to another within any individual department or activity; and to transfer appropriations from designated appropriations to any individual department or activity as provided in the City Charter. Ordinance No. 2008-41 Approval of Budget FY2008-2009 1 Section 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council pursuant to the law and the City Charter. Section 6. That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 9~' day of September, 2008. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The W~ie News- Se~tember 17, 2008 Ordinance No. 2008-41 Approval of Budget FY2008-2009 2 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE AT,T" OPERATING AND CAPITAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET DEBT SERVICE FUNDS SPECIAL GENERAL REVENUE G O DEBT 4B DEBT FUND FUNDS SERVICE SERVICE BEGINNING BALANCES $ 8,787,650 $ 2,176,920 $ 138,530 $ 181,040 REVENUES: - Ad Valorem Taxes 12,795,380 - 7,672,270 - Non-Properry Taxes 2,612,000 2,600,000 - - Franchise Fees 1,955,000 - - - Licenses & Permits 594,500 - - - Intergovernmental 591,480 280,000 - - Service Fees 2,199,200 557,000 - - Court Fees 540,000 - - - Interest & Misc. Income 538,050 158,850 299,930 - TOTAL REVENUES 21,825,610 3,595,850 7,972,200 - Transfers from Other Funds 516,330 1,031,760 550,750 565,300 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 31,129,590 6,804,530 8,661,480 746,340 EXPENDITURES: General Government 5,991,680 2,000 - - Public Safery 9,918,030 1,294,810 - - Development Services 1,298,690 - - - Streets 1,742,360 - - - Community Services 2,577,850 1,010,810 - - Utilities - - - - Debt Service - - 8,522,950 565,300 Capital Projects - - - - Economic Development - 1,809,500 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21,528,610 4,117,120 8,522,950 565,300 Transfers to Other Funds 558,300 631,630 - - ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 9,042,680 $ 2,055,780 $ 138,530 $ 181,040 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE ALL OPERATING AND CAPITAL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BUDGET PROPRIETARY FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS UTILITY FLEET TOTAL ALL FUNDS FUND REPLACE. FUNDS BEGINNING BALANCES $ 99,554,210 $ 4,886,640 $ 1,165,570 $ 116,890,560 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes - - - 20,467,650 Non-Property Taxes 5,212,000 Franchise Fees 1,955,000 Licenses & Permits 594,500 Intergovernmental 871,480 Service Fees 1,175,000 8,970,000 12,901,200 Court Fees 540,000 Interest & Misc. Income 1,841,500 230,000 38,600 3,106,930 TOTAL REVENUES 3,016,500 9,200,000 38,600 45,648,760 Transfers from Other Funds - 1,500,000 - 4,164,140 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 102,570,710 15,586,640 1,204,170 166,703,460 EXPENDITURES: General Government 90,000 6,083,680 Public Safety 193,000 11,405,840 Development Services 1,298,690 Streets 1,742,360 Community Services 18,000 3,606,660 Utilities 8,662,050 8,662,050 Debt Service 1,498,890 10,587,140 Capital Projects 51,021,000 51,021,000 Economic Development 1,809,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 51,021,000 10,160,940 301,000 96,216,920 Transfers to Other Funds 2,524,210 450,000 - 4,164,140 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 49,025,500 $ 4,975,700 $ 903,170 $ 66,322,400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 49,812,900 NET DECREASE (INCREASE) IN FUND BAI.ANCE 50,568,160 TOTAL APPROPRIABLE FUNDS $ 100,381,060 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA RE PO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 3 Department: Finance Department (Ciry Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: Date Prepared: August 1, 2008 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Consider, and act upon, ratifying the property tax increase reflected in the approved City of Wylie Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. . . Motion to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the approved City of Wylie Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. ~ . H.B. No. 3195 was approved during the 2007 Legislative Session, creating a new requirement for the approval of the tax rate. Under Section 4, subsection C the bill states, "Adoption of a budget that will require raising more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year requires a separate vote of the governing body to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the budget. A vote under this subsection is in addition to and separate from the vote to adopt the budget or a vote to set the tax rate required by Chapter 26, Tax Code, or other law. Initial Date Department Director Lw 8/1/08 City Manager Page 1 of 1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA R E P O RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 4 Department: Finance (Ciry Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: Date Prepared: August l, 2008 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 4B Budget Consider, and act upon, approval of the FY2008-2009 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY2008- 2009 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. . . A motion to approve FY 2008-2009 4B Budget and authorize expenditures for the FY2008-2009 Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan. ~ . The Parks and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation was established in accordance with State law as a result of the January 15, 1994 election approving the '/2 cent sales tax for parks, recreation, and library projects. The Board of Directors of the Corporation are: Mayor Eric Hogue Councilmember David Goss Councilmember Rick White Councilmember Merrill Young Shirley Burnett - Library Board Member Dan Chesnut - Parks Board Member Ann Hiney - Parks Board Member As set out in the Articles of Incorporation, the Board has the power to authorize the expenditure of sales tax receipts for projects approved by the City Council. Further, the Bylaws state that "It shall be the duty and obligation of the Board to finance and implement the Community Services Facilities Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by the Wylie City Council." ~ . _ Initial Date Department Director LW 8/0 /0 City Manager ~ S Page 1 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND The Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Developrnent Carparatian {the 4B Corporation} was established ta promate economic development within the City of Wylie. The activities of the 4B Corporation are accounted for in two fund types. The two funds are titled tlie 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund and the 4B Debt Service Fund. This special revenue fund accounts for the use of the 4B Corporation sales tax revenue and is restricted by State legislation to improve the appeal of tbe City as a place to live, work, and visit and to promote economic development. Sales taxes are levied in Wy1ie at 8.25% of goods and services sold within the City's boundaries. Of this 8.25% taJC, 0.5% of the City's share goes to the 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund. 4B REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVE1~tUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL SUDGET PROJECTED PRdpOSED 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 661,270 $ 634,610 $ 743,990 $ 680,260 REVEN[JES: Sales Tnxes 1,1$8,149 1,300,000 1,2?5,000 1,300,000 Interest Revenues 26,001 10,000 l0,OQ0 10,000 Other Financing Sources - - - - TOTAL REVEIVIJES 1,214,150 1,310,000 1,235,000 1,310,000 TOTAL AVAILASLE RESOURCES 1,875,420 1,944,610 1,978,990 1,990,260 EXP~NDITiJRES: Community Services: Parks 386,708 697,2$0 623,440 415,080 Recrearion 186,754 109,200 109,100 115,220 Transfers to Other Funds 557,970 565,190 566,19Q 565,300 TOTAL EXPENDITUI2ES 1,t31,432 1,372,67Q 1,298,730 1,095,600 ENDING FUND ~ALANCE $ 743,988 S 571,940 $ 680,260 S 894,660 4B PARKS The 4B Pazks is responsible for the development and maintenance of parks. This is a division of the Public Services Department. The 4B 5ales Ta7c Revenue Fund, 4B Parks, is a supplemental cost-center to the General Fund's Parks Deparlment. The sales taY revenue is restricted by State legislation to improving the appeal of the City as a glace to live, work, and visit and promoting economic development. BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING 2~05-2006 2006-2Q07 20Q7-2008 2008-2009 A~st. Park~ fiunerintendent 1.0 1,Q 1,~ 1(} Field S~toervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 M~intenance Worker _ 2_0 ~ r~ 0 ~ p TOTAL 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 112-4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND 4B PARKS DEPAR'I'MENTAL EXPENDITURES 2006-2Qd7 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED PROPOSED PERSONNEL SERVICES 5614-51110 SALARI~S 176,~311 180,390 180,390 189,480 SG14-51130 ~VERTIME 11,241 12,SOQ 12,500 14,500 5614-51140 LONGEVT'I"`Y PAY 1,020 1,040 1,060 1,190 5614-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,046 2,000 640 720 5614-51160 C~RTIFICATION INCENTIVE I,13Q 1,500 1,000 1,890 5614-51230 CLOTHING ALT,OWANCE 0 1,440 1,440 1,440 5614 51310 TMRS 16,942 1$,610 18,51b 20,840 5614-514I0 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSUR.ANCE 3Q,181 38,410 38,410 40,69Q 5614-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 453 1,000 1,000 I,ObO 5614-51440 FICA 11,495 12,310 12,310 12,9'70 5614-51450 MEDICARE 2,688 2,88fl 2,880 3,030 5614-51470 WORKERS COMP PItEMIUM 3,717 4,050 4,050 3,620 ~614-51480 [JNEMPL01'MENT COMP ("I'WC) 180 1,080 1,080 i,OSO TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 256,505 2'~7,210 275,370 292,510 CONTRACTUAL S~RVTCES 5614-55Q40 ~PECIAL SERVICES 0 72,OOQ 0 72,120 TOTAL CONTR.ACTUAL SERVICES 0 72,000 0 72,120 CAPITAL OUTLAY Sb14-58110 LAND 0 330,000 330,04Q 0 56I4-58150 LAND BETTERMENTS 101,708 18,a~a 18,07Q 50,450 5614-58510 MOTOR VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 5614-58530 HEAVY EQtTtPMENT 22,090 0 0 0 Sb14-58830 FURNIT[JRE & FIXTURES 0 0 0 0 5614-58840 OUTDO(~R FURNITURE & EQUIPMEN 6,405 a a 0 5614-5885a MA70R TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 5614-58910 BUILDINGS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OtJTLAY 130,203 348,070 348,070 50,450 TOTAL 4B PARKS 386,708 697,284 623,440 415,Q80 4B RECREATIUN As a division of the Public Services Department, this division supparts the overall recreation programming functions adrninistered by the Recreation Division. The division is funded by 4B Sales Tax revenue and is used as a supplemental cost-center to the General Fund Recreation (5521) bud~et. BUDGET BUDCrET BUDGET BLT~GET STA~'~TNG 2005-2006 2006-2007 20Q7-2008 2008-2009 Recreation Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Building Monitor Part-time 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.~5 TOTAL 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 112-4B SALES TAX REVENLJE FUND 4B RECR~ATION D~PARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 2Q06-20U7 2007-2008 2047-2008 2008-2009 ACTUAL BUDGET PTtOJECTED PROPOSED PERSONNELSERVICES 5615-51110 SALARIES 46,911 47,210 48,210 52,21C1 5615-51112 SALARIES-PAR.TTIIvt~ 42,045 38,930 38,930 39,520 5615-5I 130 OV~RTIME 361 1,000 0 0 561 5-5 1 1 40 LONGEVITY PAY 120 170 170 210 5615-SI 145 SICK LEAVE BtJYBACK 337 524 420 280 5615-S11b0 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0 0 0 330 5615-51310 TMR5 4,057 4,440 4,440 5,090 5615-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 5,770 6,860 b,860 7,280 5615-5l420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY l46 480 480 510 5515-51440 FICA 5,581 5,450 5,450 5,744 SG1S-51450 M~DICARE 1,305 1,270 1,270 1,340 5b15-51470 W(JTtTCERS COMP PI~EIvIIUM 1,561 I,400 1,900 1,730 5615-51480 UNEMPI.OYMENT COtv1P (TWC) 467 970 970 980 TOTAL PERSONNEL SETtVICES 108,661 109,200 109,100 115,~.20 SCJpPLIES 561 ~-5?310 FC1EL & LUBRiCANTS 1,SOQ 0 0 0 TOTAL SUPPL[ES I,49$ 0 0 Q MATERIAI..S FOR MAINT~]VANC~ 5615-54510 MOTO~t VEHICLES 59 0 0 0 TOTAL MATERIAL5 FOR MAINTENANCE 69 0 0 0 CONTRAC'1'UAL SERVICES 5615-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 54 0 0 0 5615-~6250 DLJES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL S~RVICES 54 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5615-57810 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FEES 11,870 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. FtEPL 11,870 0 0 0 CAPITAL, OUTLAY 5615-58150 MOTOR VEHICLES 64,601 0 0 4 56l 5-58995 CQNTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY -63,951 0 d ~ TOTAL CAPITAL dUTLAY 6S0 0 U 4 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5615-59711 TftANSFER TO FLEET FUND 63,951 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER ~INANCING (USES) 63,951 0 0 0 TOTAL 4B RECREATCON 186,754 109,200 104,1 Ofl 1! 5,220 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA RE PO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 5 Department: Finance Department (Ciry secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: Date Prepared: August l, 2008 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinance Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2008-42 fixing the tax rate/ levy for Tax Year 2008 and Budget Year FY 2008-2009 at $.8989 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. . . Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2008-42 fixing the tax rate/ levy for Tax Year 2008 and Budget Year FY2008-2009 at $.8989 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. . . The tax rate needed to fund the FY 2008-2009 budget is $.8989 per $100.00 of assessed valuation. The tax rate is broken down with $.56195 being used for operations and maintenance and $.33695 being used to fund the General Debt Service Fund. This tax ordinance will generate levies of $12,274,276 for the General Fund and $7,359,815 for the I& S Fund. The adopted Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget requires the support of this ordinance for funding. Initial Date Department Director LW 8/1/08 City Manager ..3 1~`~ Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2008-42 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND LEVY FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009, AND FOR THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF CREATING A SINKING FUND TO RETIRE THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR A LIEN ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TO SECURE PAYMENT OF TAXES DUE THEREON; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR' S TAX RATE. THE TAX RATE WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A ~100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY $0.00. WHEREAS, the City Council has this date, by way of Ordinance duly passed, adopted a Budget of operation for the City for fiscal year 2008-2009; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Ordinance anticipates and requires the levy of an ad valorem tax all t~able property in the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to levy such an ad valorem tax at a given rate to generate revenues sufficient to meet projected expenses; and WHEREAS, the City has fully and timely complied with all notice and other requirements relative to the adoption of a tax rate for fiscal year 2008-2009; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed tax rate, as well as the effective tax rate, has been published as required by law and the City has received no formal protest thereof. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 2008-2009 upon all real property situated within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, and upon all personal property which was owned within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, on the first day of January, A.D. 2008, except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Constitution or laws of the Ordinance 2008-42 Approval of Tax Rate Year 2008 and Budget Year FY2008-2009 1 State of Texas, a total tax of $0.8989 on each $100 of assessed valuation on all said property which said total tax herein so levied shall consist and be comprised of the following components: a) An ad valorem tax rate of $0.56195 on each $100 of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for general city purposes and to pay the current operating expenses of said City of Wylie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, which tax, when collected shall be appropriated to and for the credit of the General Fund of said City of Wylie, Texas. b) An ad valorem tax rate of $0.33695 on each $100 of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the purpose of creating an Interest and Sinking Fund with which to pay the interest and principal of the valid bonded indebtedness, and related fees of the City of Wylie, now outstanding and such tax when collected shall be appropriated and deposited in and to the credit of the General Debt Service Fund of the City of Wylie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009. Section 2. The City of Wylie shall have a lien on all taxable property located in the City of Wylie to secure the payment of taxes, penalty and interest, and all costs of collection, assessed and levied hereby. Section 3. Taxes are payable in McKinney, Texas, at the Office of the Tax-Assessor Collector of Collin County. The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. Section 4. That the tax roll presented to the City Council, together with any supplements thereto, be and same are hereby accepted and approved. Section 5. Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Section 7. That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. Section 8. The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. Ordinance 2008-42 Approval of Tax Rate Year 2008 and Budget Year FY2008-2009 2 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 9th day of September, 2008. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of Publication in The Wylie News - September 17, 2008 Ordinance 2008-42 Approval of Tax Rate Year 2008 and Budget Year FY2008-2009 3 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA REPO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 6 Department: CM (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: 9/4/08 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-36(R) authorizing a study for the purpose of establishing a regional wastewater system with North Texas Municipal Water District, the City of Nevada, City of Lavon, and the City of Farmersville; with a cost not to exceed $15,200.00. . . Motion to approve Resolution No. 2008-36(R) authorizing a study for the purpose of establishing a regional wastewater system with North Texas Municipal Water District, the City of Nevada, City of Lavon, and the City of Farmersville; with a cost not to exceed $15,200.00. ~ . Staff has attended two meetings with NTMWD to discuss a feasibility study for a regional wastewater system to serve the east side of Lake Lavon. The jurisdictions represented included Wylie, Lavon, Nevada and Farmersville. NTMWD agreed to develop a scope of work and obtain a cost proposal in order to determine what the cost would be to those entities interested in participating in the study. Lavon, Nevada and Farmersville are all dealing with the possibilities of large residential developments and associated utility districts, and Wylie has benefited from a regional approach with the Muddy Creek Plant. As such, all jurisdictions agreed that a regional system through the NTMWD is a much more logical approach to the provision of wastewater services. NTMWD presented the attached scope of wark with a"not to exceed" amount of $80,000, and then divided the proportionate costs out among the jurisdiction based on a estimated future population in the study area, with Lavon, Nevada and Farmersville each contributing $21,600 and Wylie contributing $15,200. Other jurisdictions east of the lake were contacted, but have not responded. Should they opt to participate, the original 4 jurisdictions will be reimbursed proportionately. ~ ~ ~ . : Initial Date Department Director City Manager ~L..- ~ Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-36(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A STUDY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM WITH NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, THE CITY OF NEVADA, CITY OF LAVON, AND THE CITY OF FARMERSVILLE WITH A COST NOT TO EXCEED $15,200.00. WHEREAS, the North Texas Municipal Water District intends to develop a Regional Wastewater Feasibility Study of the Lavon Lake East Side Regional Wastewater Systems; and WHEREAS, the jurisdictions represented will be the cities of Wylie, Lavon, Nevada and Farmersville; and WHEREAS, all of the jurisdictions agree that a regional system through the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) is a logical approach to the provision of wastewater services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby authorizes a study for the purpose of establishing a regional wastewater system with the North Texas Municipal Water District, the City of Nevada, the City of Lavon and the City of Farmersville. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie on this the 9t" day of September, 2008. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2008-36(R) Regional Wastewater Feasibility Study BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS i ~ , ~ 119t0 Greenville Ave., #600 Dallas, Texas 75243 Fau (214) 461-8390 Phone (214) 361-7900 ~ JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. ~ GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. JOE R. CARTER, P.E. ~ PAUL A. CARLINE, P.E. AUgLiSt 1 1~ ZOOH MATi HICKEY, P.E. 1 ~ Mr. Robert McCarthy ~ Assistant Manager of Engineering/Planning North Texas Municipal Water District Post Office Box 2408 Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Regional Wastewater Feasibility Study Lavon Lake East Side Regional Wastewater System Dear Mr. McCarthy: I ~ We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide engineering services to the North Texas Municipal Water ; District (N'TMWD) far the Lavon Lake East Side Regional Wastewater Feasibility Study. This study will , evaluate options for conveying and treating wastewater generated on the east side of Lavon Lake. We certainly appreciate your selection of Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. to assist the NTMWD on this important project and look forward to working with you and your staff. Sincerely ours aul A. Carline, P.E. Enclosures 1:V015 contdev~mmwdUavon lalce east sewc studyVdter.doc ~ AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES i ~ STATE OF TEXAS S i i COUNTY OF COLLIN S ~ ~ This Agreement made, entered into and executed this the day of , by i and between the NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT of Wylie, Texas, hereinafter called the i "District" acting herein by and through its officers, duly authorized to so act and BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS ~ & CONWAY, L.L.P., hereinafter called the "Engineer" acting herein, by and through its representative, duly ~ authorized to so act for and in behalf of said Engineer. ~ ~ WITNESSETH, that whereas the District intends to develop a Regional Wastewater Feasibility j Study, Lavon Lake East Side Regional Wastewater System (LLESRWWS) Project # AM ~ hereinafter referred to as the "Project". F ~ NOW> THEREFORE, the District and the Engineer in consideration of the mutual covenants and ~ agreements herein contained do mutually agree as follows: SECTION 1 EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEER The District agrees to employ the Engineer, and the Engineer agrees to perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project as stated in the sections to follow, and for having rendered such services, the District agrees to pay to the Engineer compensation as stated in the sections to follow. ~ SECTION II i PERIOD OF SERVICE ( i I This agreement shall become effective upon execution by the District and the Engineer and shall remain ; in force for the period, which may reasonably be required for the development of the Wastewater ' Feasibility Study, including extra services and any required extensions approved by the District. SECTION 111 BASIC SERVICES The Engineer shall render the following professional services necessary for the development of the Project. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services covered by Basic Services for the Project shall be as indicated in Attachment A. SECTION IV ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional services to be performed by the Engineer, if authorized by the District, which are not included in the above described basic services, are described as follows: 1. Investigations involving detailed consideration of operation, maintenance and overhead expenses, and the preparation of rate schedules, earnings and expense statements, feasibility studies, appraisals, evaluations, assessment schedules, and material audits or inventories required for certification of force account construction performed by the District; 2. Preparing of applications and supporting documents for governmental grants, loans, or planning advances and providing data for detailed applications; 1 ; 3. Appearance before regulatory agencies or courts as an expert witness in any litigation with third parties or condemnation proceedings arising from the development or construction of the Project including the preparation of engineering data and reports for assistance to the District; ~ SECTION V E ~ COORDINATION WITH THE DISTRICT i ` The Engineer shal~ hold periodic conferences with the District or its representatives in order to obtain full ~p bene~t of the DistricYs experience and knowledge of existing needs and facilities so that the Project will be ~ consistent with the DistricYs current policies and standards. To implement this coordination, the District will make available to the Engineer for use in developing the Project existing plans, maps, field notes, ~ statistics, computations and other data in its possession relative to existing facilities and to the Project. SECTION VI s ~ 6 WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION All engineering services and work to be performed by the Engineer under this agreement shall be authorized by the District in writing. It is specifically understood and agreed that the Engineer shall not be authorized or undertake any work pursuant to this Agreement when such work would require the payment of any charge, expense or reimbursement without having first had and obtained a work order or specific written authorization from the District. SECTION VII COMPENSATION For and in consideration of the services to be rendered by the Engineer, the District shall pay the fees hereinafter set forth. 1 A. COMPENSATION TERMS: i I ' 1. "Salary CosY' is defined as the cost of salary of engineers, draftsmen, stenographers, surveyors, ' clerks, and laborers for time directly chargeable to the Project, plus Social Security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, employment compensation insurance, retirement benefits, medical and insurance benefits, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. 2. "Sub-Contract Expense" is defined as that expense for any assignment incurred by the Engineer in employment of others in outside firms for services in the nature of foundation borings, testing, and similar-services that are not included in the Basic Services. 3. "Direct Non-Labor Expense" is defined as that expense for any assignment incurred by the Engineer for supplies, transportation and equipment, travel, communications, subsistence and lodging away from home and similar incidentals in connection with that assignment. B. BASIC SERVICES: The Engineer shall be compensated for the work described as Basic Services (Section III). Work to be performed by the Engineer as part of Basic Services is described in "Scope of Senrices, Attachment A". The Basic Charge will be on the basis of time and charges at 2.25 times salary cost with direct expenses at invoice cost times 1.10 and a maximum fee not to exceed the lump sum amount of $80,000. Partial payments to the Engineer will be made on the basis of monthly statements rendered and approved by the Executive Director of the District; however, under no circumstances shall any monthly statement for services exceed the value of work performed at the time a statement is rendered. In no case shall any payments exceed the value of the work actually completed at the time a statement is rendered. 2 It is specifically understood and agreed that the Engineer shall not be authorized to undertake any work ? pursuant to this Agreement which would require additional payments by the District of any charge, ; expense or reimbursement above the maximum fee without having first obtained written authorization ~ from the District. ~ ~ C. ADDITIONAL SERVICES ~ If any additional services are required and approved by the District, the Engineer shall be a compensated as follows: ~ 3 1. Where the services of individua~s are supplied by the Engineer, as authorized by the District, ~ payment for these services will be based on salary costs times a multiplier of 2.25. f 2. Services for direct non-labor expenses and subcontract expense provided by the Engineer shall ~ be reimbursed at actual cost times a multiplier of 1.10. ~ ~ D. PARTIAL PAYMENT: Partial payments to the Engineer may be made from time-to-time if the circumstances warrant it. In this event, payment will be made on the basis of statements rendered and approved by the Executive Director of the District, but in no event shall any statement exceed the value of work performed. SECTION VIII OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS ~ Original documents, plans, designs, and survey notes developed in connection with services performed ; hereinunder belong to and remain the property of the District in consideration of which it is mutually i agreed that the District will use them solely in connection with the Project, save with the express consent of the Engineer. The Engineer may retain reproducible copies of such documents. SECTION X TERMINATION Either party to this agreement may terminate the agreement by giving to the other party thirry (30) days notice in writing. Upon delivery of such notice by the District to the Engineer, the Engineer shall immediately, unless the notice directs otherwise, discontinue all services in connection with the performance of this agreement and should proceed to cancel promptly all existing orders and contracts insofar as such orders or contracts are chargeable to this agreement. As soon as practicable after receipt of Notice of Termination, the Engineer shall submit a statement showing in detail the services performed under this agreement to the date of termination. The District shall then pay the Engineer promptly that portion of the charges as have been previously made. Copies of all complete or practically completed preliminary designs prepared under this Agreement shall be delivered to the District when and if this Agreement is terminated. SECTION XI SECTION CAPTIONS Each Section of this Agreement has been supplied with a caption to serve only as a guide to the contents. The caption does not control the meaning of any section or in any way determine its interpretation or application. 3 I i SECTION XII i ~ SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and the successors, assigns and personal representatives of the parties in respect to all covenants of the Agreement. This Agreement shall not be assignable in whole or in part by the Engineer without the written consent of the District. Nothing herein ~ shall be construed as creating any personal liabiliry on the part of any Officer, Director, or agent of the District. IN WITNESS HEREOF, the North Texas Municipal Water District has caused these presents to be executed in several counterparts by its Executive Director and , ~ on the date above stated. I NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BY: JAMES M. PARKS Executive Director ATTEST: BY: MELISA FULLER BIRKHOFF H AY L.P. BY: PAUL A. CARLINE, P.E. ~ Partner ~ ATTEST: BY: 4 ; ; Attachment A ~ Scope of Services ; i ~ The project will consist of studying the wastewater sewerage systems and wastewater systems needs and ~ developing a Regional treatment and transmission system master plan for the study area shown on the attached map for the period 2008-2040. The study area is generally located on the east side of Lavon Lake including the city limits and ETJs of Lavon, Farmersville, Nevada, Josephine, Wylie's eastern ETJ and unincorporated areas in Collin and Hunt Counties generally located between these Cities. The tasks ~ to be performed are as follows: 3 A. General Scope of Study I ~ The study will include the following: 1 ~ 1. Review previous engineering studies related to wastewater service to the study area including: ~ a. Feasibility Study Upper Sabine Creek Regional Wastewater Interceptor System by Hayter ~ Engineering, Inc. of Texas dated September, 2004. b. Wastewater Feasibility Report Sabine Creek Regional Wastewater Collection and Treatment System Cities of Rockwall, Lavon, Royse City & Fate by Birkhoff, Hendricks 8~ Conway, L.L.P. dated August 2006. c. Rough Draft Elm Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment System Feasibility Report by North Texas Municipal Water District dated August 2007. d. Any other relevant studies by the potential member cities. 2. Conduct a"kick-off' meeting with NTMWD and the entities participating in the study to present the proposed approach that will be taken in conducting the study and to solicit input from the individual entities on the proposed approach to be taken. Solicit existing and projected population and wastewater flow information or assumptions participating entities would like to utilize in the ~ study. Entities will be requested to bring population and flow projections to the kickoff meeting. NTMWD will host the meeting. I i 3. Utilizing information provided by each participating entity, prepare draft population and wastewater i, flow projections to be used in the study for each participating entity for years 2008, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035,2040. Review the draft projections with each entity and NTMWD, and based on comments received, revise projections as necessary. Send revised projections to the participating entities for final approval for use in the study. 4. Prepare mapping showing the existing participating cities', city limits, ETJs and wastewater facilities in the study area. 5. Determine the feasibility of a regional wastewater system. If feasible, develop a minimum of three initial options for a regional wastewater system. For each option develop: a. The general location for a centralized wastewater treatment plant b. The trunk sewer and lift station facilities needed to provide adequate wastewater conveyance to the proposed regiona~ WWTP phased by time periods for the periods 2010-2015, 2015- 2025, 2025-2035, and 2035-2040 In developing the options consider: • The need for and location of temporary wastewater treatment package plants in the study area to serve some entities until such time as they can enter into a regional system for service. • The possibility of decommissioning the Lavon WWTP and the Farmersville WWTP and transporting their flows to a proposed regional WWTP for treatment. 5 • Investigate the impact on the proposed regional system of inclusion of the future ~ development of the unincorporated areas of Collin and Hunt Counties located within the ; study area into the regional system. f 6. Prepare mapping for each of the options showing the proposed regional system. s ~ 7. Prepare construction cost estimates detailing each entity's cost for each option and phase ~ studied. ~ a ; a. Cost estimates should be developed for the proposed recommended capital improvements ~ for periods 2010-2015, 2015- 2025, 2025-2035 and 2035-2040 b. Cost estimates should be separated showing each entities cost for shared infrastructure ~ based on projected percentage of use by each entity. ~ c. Cost estimates should be performed separately for Regional Treatment Facilities and ~ Transmission Facilities. s 8. Present the alternatives analyzed and cost estimates to the entities participating in the study at a workshop hosted by NTMWD. At the workshop, develop a consensus alternative for a regional plan. This consensus alternative may require additional study. 9. If the consensus alternative is different from the initial alternatives studied, perform engineering analysis of the consensus alternative, including cost estimates and maps of the proposed consensus system and present the results of the analysis to the participating entities at an additional workshop meeting to be hosted by NTMWD. Finalize a consensus plan at the workshop. 10. For the consensus plan, although no refined sewer-hydraulic modeling is anticipated, at least one or two rough calculation runs shall be done to provide a written basis from which to begin modeling for in-depth design calculations. 11. Incorporate comments received from participating entities at the workshop meeting(s) and prepare 10 copies of a draft report including maps, phased by time period, showing the proposed facilities, costs, and discussions for each alternative considered and the final consensus plan. The I report should include an executive summary, tables showing population and wastewater flow i projections, assumptions utilized for the study, and a recommendation for moving forward with the ' final consensus plan, including proposed contractual arrangements for the affected participating ' entities. 12. Incorporate review comments from participating entities on the draft report and prepare 2 copies of final report for each participating entity and 10 additional copies of the final report for NTMWD. Present final report to participating entities at a meeting to be hosted by NTMWD. Provide engineering services to conduct the study as described above for a not-to-exceed amount of $80,000. The engineering fees may be invoiced monthly based on the basis of time and charges at 2.25 times salary cost with direct expenses at invoice cost times 1.10. The estimated time to complete the study is approximately four to six months. Help from NTMWD and various cities in obtaining pertinent data on the existing wastewater systems, population studies and other existing studies is a portion of this study. 6 W lie Cit Council , CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA RE P O RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 7 (Ciry Secretary's Use Only) Department: Engineering Prepared By: Chris Holsted Account Code: 411-6905 Date Prepared: 09/02/08 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Consider, and act upon, approval of Change Order No. l, in the amount of $498,625.46, to Tri-Con Services, Inc. for the construction of the temporary detour on FM 1378. . . Motion to approve a Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $498,625.46, to Tri-Con Services, Inc. for the construction of the temporary detour on FM 1378. ~ . The location of the new City facilities is proposed to be just east of the future alignment of FM 1378 and on the existing alignment of the roadway as shown on the attached site plan. The construction of the new City facilities is scheduled to begin prior to the construction of FM 1378; therefore, a temporary detour is necessary to allow the construction of all three building to start at the same time. A permit has been approved by TxDOT to allow the construction of the temporary detour. Halff Associates, Inc. designed the temporary detour to be constructed as asphalt paving; however, due to recent price increases in asphalt, it is more economical to construct the project as concrete paving. The project has been priced with Tri-Con Services Inc. for inclusion by change order into the Ballard Paving project. A portion of the detour follows the future alignment of FM 1378. Staff is working with the contractor to construct this portion of the roadway as permanent pavement. The City of Wylie 1999 Bond Program and the 2003 Collin County Bond Program included $1,032,000 for the design and construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown St. The project will be submitted to Collin County for reimbursement. ~ . : Initial Date Department Director CH 9/2/08 City Manager ~ Page 1 of 1 FM 1378 (Country Club Road) DETOUR Tri-Con Services, Inc 8-14-08 REV DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT PRICE TOTAL SITE PREPARATION LS 1 $31,200.00 $31,200.00 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SY 3285 $4.50 $14,782.50 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION CY 9556 $5.51 $52,653.56 6" LIME TREATMENT SY 7605 $3.00 $22,815.00 HYDRATED LIME TON 151 $130.00 $19,630.00 6" conc (3600psi -6 sack-#3 rebar@18 ocew - no dowel baskets) SY 6900 $39.00 $269,100.00 36" CL III RCP FT 220 $162.00 $35,640.00 SLOPED END SECTION EA 2 $8,500.00 $17,000.00 TYPE C DRY RIPRAP - 18" THICK SY 130 $60.00 $7,800.00 SMALL SIGNS EA 32 $210.00 $6,720.00 PAVEMENT MARKING - 4" WHITE SOLID LF 3812 $0.70 $2,668.40 PAVEMENT MARK~NG - 4" WHITE DOTTED LF 90 $2.00 $180.00 PAVEMENT MARKING - 8" WHITE SOLID LF 102 $3.00 $306.00 PAVEMENT MARKING - 4" YELLOW SOLID LF 3720 $0.75 $2,790.00 PAVEMENT MARKING - 12" YELLOW SOLID LF 315 $6.00 $1,890.00 PAVEMENT MARKING - ARROW EA 2 $175.00 $350.00 REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKER EA 140 $5.00 $700.00 OBJECT MARKER EA 1 $150.00 $150.00 SEEDING TURFGRASS SY 22000 $0.15 $3,300.00 EROSION CONTROL LS 1 $8,950.00 $8,950.00 TOTAL $498,625.46 Es6mate.xls ENGINEER'S STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS FMf 13T8 (Courrtry Club Road) DET~IJR - AVO 25897 DESCRIPTION UNI QTY• UNIT PRI E T TAL SITE PREPARATkON LS 1 522,000.00 522,000.00 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SY 3285 55.00 516,425.00 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION CY 8556 $7.00 566,892.00 " L1ME TREATMENT SY 7605 $3_00 $22.815.00 HYDRAT~Q LIME TON 151 5120.00 518,120.00 8" FLEXIBLE BASE SY 7252 S9•QO $fi5,268-00 HMAC TYPE B TON 759 $80•~0 $60~72~.00 HMAC TYPE D TON 759 S90•00 $68,310.00 36' CL III RCP F7 220 $110.00 $24.200.00 SLOPED END SECTION EA` 2 $2'S00'00 $5'OQ6.00 TYPE C DRY RIPRAP - 18" THICK SY 130 550.00 $6,50U•00 SMALL SIGI~iS EA 32 S45U.00 514,400.U0 PAVEMENT MARKING - 4" WHITE SOLID LF 3812 $0.15 $571.80 PAVEMENT MARKiNG - 4" WHITE DOTTED LF 90 $0.20 $18,00 PAVEMEN7 MARKl1JG - 8' WH1TE SOLID LF 102 $1.00 $102.00 PAVEMENT MA#ZfCING -4" YELLQW SOLID LF 3720 $0.15 PAVEMENT MARKING -12" YEL~OW SOLID l.F 315 $1.00 5315•00 PAVEMENT MARKiNG - ARROW EA 2 $50.00 5100•b0 REFLECTORIZED PAVEMENT MARKER EA 140 54.00 $560.00 OBJECT MAftKER EA 1 $50.00 E50.00 SEEDfNG TUftFGRASS SY 22000 50.20 $4,400.00 Ei20SIpN CONTROL LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 SUB TpTAL $412,324.80 10% CONTINGENCY s41,232_48 OTAL 3,557.2 This statement was prepared utilizirtg standard cost estimate practices. lt is understood and agreed that this is an estimate on1y, and that Engineer shali not be liable to Owner or to a third party for any failure to accuratefy estimate the cost of the project, or any part thereof. Halff Aasociates, tnc. 7l25l2008 FM 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD) RELOCATIDN INDEX OF SHEETS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SHEETNO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER 2 PROJECT LAYOUTANDALIGNMENT DATA 3 SURVEY CONTROL 4 GENERAL NOTES AND QUANTITIES 5 TYPICAL SECTIONS d J ~ 6- 7 PAVING PLAN/PROFILE i T~~-- 8- 9 GRADING PLAN ~p~-~ r ~ _ f 10 DRAINAGEAREAMAP ~ 11 CULVERT PLAN/PROFILE ~I ~ i ~ L 12 - 13 PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE s' CITY OF WYLIE 14 SUMMARY OF SMALL SIGNS ` 15 - 16 ER~SION CONTROL PLAN I ' ~ , ~ _ , / ~ ^ • ~ 17 - 27 PROJECT CROSS SECTIONS ' 28 - 29 TxDOT SETP-CD STANDARD ~ ~ 30 - 32 TxDOT PM(1,2 8 4) STANDARD ~ ~ ! ' ~'m 33 - 34 TxDOT TSR(5-6}03 STANDARD ~ ~ 35 - 40 TxDOT SMD STANDARD VICINITY MAP 41 - 42 TxDOT D& OM(1 & 2) STANDARD 43 - 45 TxDOT TCP (1 - 3) STANDARD ~ PROJECT LOCATION 46 TxDOT WZ (TD}03 STANDARD ~ 47 - 58 TxDOT BC (1 - 12}07 STANDARD a ~i.~....«``~r,': ~ o~m~~ O~sy $ ~ ~ t ~ . HALF s i 711E 57AIUARD SHEETS SPECIFICLLLY IDENTFED ABOVE . ~ 1201 NORTH BOVYSER ROAD suvERVKnn~ 5 eEric ~wru[~ ~0 ~ vao.~tTE ~ RICFIARDSON. TE)(AS 75081 •2275 7EL 214) 318-6200 NO TDLR INSPECTION REQUIRED F'~ Z~~~~~~ ~4"O~ ~ Slawfure Oate , r„w ~ ~ , - , : '~Go , . - o . t ; ; ~ , , ~ ' - . . / r ; y,~~ . r ~ : ~ S . S . . . . . f~ . q. . . ~...ti ~ . . ~ _ w. : ~n~ ~ w.. , . ' . . . , ti . . , - , _ . . . . . , ~ • . . , , : . . j . : . . , ~ „ ~''',,..:;;~,i+'' _ >4'n'^ %j~,,.,.'•~~`. ~ , ! ~ r i~~ ~ ir ' 4 ; ~ ~ - ' ~ : ' " / ? ~ 1 ! - ' J ; , ~ " ~ ~ m . ~ ~ y f ~ ~ ' ~ ;y - ~ : ~ . : , . C.. ~ . . ~ $~r~'~." ~ ~l . ~ e Yr . ' . . ~ ~{y~$~ i ' -'r : ' , ' ~ p ~ ~ . m _ , ~ ~ . ~ :,~Yi„ ,~fW..-.. i „ F ' ; , !:i,;" ~ . , I ~ ~ t 7 a A i '4 r- . : ' ' y ~ ' , ~ l ` : , . c~a-'' r ' ac ~ , ~ ~ ; ~ ~ O ; s . _ ` , ` ~ , . ~ ~ • p ~ T . ~ , r~4g~ N ~ ~ ~I b I ~ ~~i. ~ ~ ~ - -~4 s 't. ~ - . ~ , ~ ~ - , • " . . . : , " , r . . . . - ; ; , ;g m , . ~ , , ; : . . : . . s . . r ~ : ~ c . ' ~ . . s o a.. z , , , : . ` . c~ ' . • - 5 . a ~ • ~ ; ~ . y ` o ' ' i , on~~ ; ~ . . Q -o : : : r . ; ' ~ : . X . • . . , ~ ~ , • ' . s', 'k.- ~ . arwP x ~ 1 { x _ , ' . . . . ~ ~N: I~~. ' _ , : • , . .~u a Q 4ti; ; • f~ . : U.,.4'. 5 : . ~7!p~ ;j ~ F ~ ~N.i~j' ~ ~ , 7.., ~S I' , I S, ~ P ~ ~ • . I , ; . ~ . ~ _N A . . f . .I : : ; I . ~ ~ . ~ I-. Q ~ ~ _ . ' , - ~ . ' 4 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ , , ~ ~'~i,.~ o • m ! i , -n ~ ~ , i . o ~ , ~ -..~~i : ~ . , . 1"C!~ ~ ~ ? m ~ ~ ~ ~ „I ~ ~ , . . . _ . ~ m~ , ~ ~ -...-.~.jb'£~.~~ ~ ' 8 . ~ ~ : . : ~ _ N . , . . , , ~ : - . - g ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ € ~g~ (°i',~r'~^~ ~ HALFF FM 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD) N ~s a g ~ ~'~N~~~~°$, ~ ~ ~ „ RELOCATION ~g ~.Y ~AF ~y ~ t~ CITY OF YVYLIE, TEXAS ~L ~1~ 6 0 GENERAL NOTES ~ 1. ~LL ~ORII SHALI CONFORAI TO TXE flEOUqiEYEMTS ~ THE CITY OF 11YLIE AIO SH~LI BE 9. TVE CON7RACTOR $NALL ABIDE BY ALL APPL~CABLE FEDERRL.S7ATE.AND LOCAL L~NS I6. FLEIOBLE BASE SN~LL LONFORM TO NCTCOG ITEM 701.S,Gfl~UE 2. (n PEfl/Ort4E0 M ~LCORO~NCE ~ITH THE GTT OF tTLIE 57AlAAIiO CON5T0.URION DETFlS. CAVERNNC bfCAVAiION AtD TRENGI SAFET7. THE CONTRACTdi SMALI PROVIDE U O ~ NdiK 1pT COVERED BT TNE pTY OF WrLIE ST/JDAPD fANSiRULTION OEThLS.OR TF1E ~ OE7~ILEU Pl0.M aND SPECFICRTIONS FOR E%CAVATION IJq TRENCN SAFE7Y STSTEAIS 17- LWE TRRIINGS ?RE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR nNY IlSE. COHTqACT DOCUAENTS SNALI BE PERFORMFD M AL[ORDAN[E MTM TME NOST pECENT T141T COMPLY MITX APPLICABLE UMS COVEPIfJC EXCAVRTNNI ANO TPFN[X SAFETY. VEpSqN OF TXE NORiH CENTRIL TFJfAS CWNLIL OF fAVERNMENiS INGTCOG/'ST~ND~RD i1£SE PLAMS SHALL BE SELLED BY AN ENG11fER E7(PEIaENCED 41 T1E OESIGN OF I8. ALl FILL SHALL BE L011PACTE~ BY MECMANICAL YETMOUS. MAXIWY ~OOSE LFT Fqi SPECiICIlTI0N5 FOR PUBLIC WOIp(5 CONS7flUCil01f. THE SGECUI VROVISIONS TO T!E E%CAVATIaN .~W ~flENCX SAFETY SYSTEIIS LICENSEO W THE STqTE OF TE7fA5. TNE COMPACTIDN SN~LL BE 8 INf.XES. ILL LIFiS 9ulL BE TESiED FOR DEN51T7 BY AN } F- W STAIOAqO SPECFICATIONS.OR TxDOT SPE[NI[AilONS MNERE N7TE0 ON TIE PlANS. CONTRACiOR SHALL SI1BYli CONP~ETEO EXCA~ATION ANO TRFNCH SAFEiY PLAN TO WDFPEMENT LABORATORY APPROYED BT TNE GTT OF MYLE. UENSITY pEWHtE4ENT5 ~ Q ~ TFE ENGIIEER PRpR TO fOMMENCNG WORN. TNE CONTP~CTOR SX~LL BE SOLEIY SHALL 8E SXOMN ON THE PLANS FOR iNE TYPE OF 11~TEPI~L CRLIED fOR IN TNE ~ U 2. E%IS1MG UTILITY LOCR710N5 ARE SCHEMRTIC N NATUflE A~q WY N07 ACQMtATEIY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ~SPE[TS OF TIiE MORR REUTEO TO pfCAVATION AND TRENLH PLANS. Z O LL RERECT T!ff SIZE uU LOCATqNS OF E~1CH PANTICULAR UTILITY. EXISTNG U7lJTIES SAFETY. ~ J Q SfqNN oN TNE PlANS ME BASED ON AVALA&E NECORO Ofl~MNGS AtU SURF~~E ~9- ALL AflEFS NOT IlNOfF PAVENENT, INCLIAwG ALL ~RANCNISE IITILIiY EASEMENiS, O W Z APPURTENANCES OIKY. Sqf UILITIES AUY NOT BE 511011N ON TNE PLANS. iHE 10, PEOESTPIAN ANO VEMpIIAH TRAFFIC FIOM~ SAFETY, AIU ~CCESS SNALL BE MAMAl1ED SIUIL BE COMP~C7ED TO A OEN5177 OF NOT LE55 TMAN 92 PERCFM OF 7NE WXYUM U~ U CONTRACTOR 51U1L ASSl11E HESPoN51&UTT FOIi ACT4n~ FIELD LOCATING 0.ND OURK'r ALL PHASES OF LONSTflUCT10N. BAPPICAOING aM TRAfFIG CONTRIX. q1111NG UOISITY AS OETERMr:EO BY aSTM D 698. PROiECTION ~F E%6TNG uTIUTIES YIHETNER SIIONM ON iHE PLALLS OR NOT. TME CONSTRULTqN SXALL BE TIE RESPM68iL1T'! OF THE LONTpxCTOR AND SHALL COIFORN ~ CONfflAC70R $HALL ALSO ~SSULIE RESPON58llTY FOR RFP~MiS TO EXISTNG UT~ITIES. TU TXE'TE%AS M~WAL ON UIFqiM iR~FFIC CONTflOL ~EViCES', PMT 6 IN PARTIMAIL 20. TRAFflC CONTROL MEASUfiES 5141LL COMPIY MIiM TIE 7EX~5 MAN/AL ON UWFORM ~ WHETiEP $XOMN ON 7!E PLANS OR NOT,DAM~GEO BY TIE CONTflAC70R5 ACTIVR~S. 7MFFIC FLO11 AND ACCESS SHAII BE Y~WT~MED OIrtING ALL PNRSES OF COfLSTRUCTION. TRAFFIC LONTROL OEVICES.P~RT 6 M1D T~OT MOflK ZONE IN21.BAflPIC~~E ~ND ~ DFFERENCES N TNE XORRONT0.L di VERTICAL lOCA7WN5 OF EXISTkIG I1tILITIES SIULL 7XE CONTR~CTOR K NESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIOMG TqAiFIC SAFETY NEASUflES F00. ~LL CONSTRIILTION 18C1, iVID TRAFFIL LONTR0. PLAN ITCPISTAND~NOS. ~ NOT BE THE BA515 FOfl RODITION/~L CdAPEN51ilON TO 7HE CONTPACTOR. ~ONK ON THE PROJECT. THE CONiR~CTOR SHALI ASSUlIE FIAL RESPOMSBILITY FOR i11BLIC SAFEfY N T1E CONSTRIlLTION ~NE~ fOfl TxE qMt~T1oN OF CONSTRUCTION 21. Tfl/P011ARV SIN0.E LANE ClO5URE5 FOR ONE UNE-iW0 MAT TRAFFIC CqlTROL ME ~L J. IT SILILL BE iHE RESAONS18LITY OF THE CONTR~CTOp T0~ A.) PNEVENT ANY OAYJIGE TO ~CTIVITES. ALLOMED ON,Y WRRIC OFF-PEAI( IIOURS BETWEEN 9A0 ~ND 3~00 PN. fL~GGER lL PPoVAIE PflOPEflTY ANU PFOPEPTY OnNEMS POLES.FENLES.SINUBS.ETC., &IPROTECT CONTROL SXALL BE MPLEIENTED OUWIG TELPOPARY SINGLE LANE CLOSURES. ~lL IJNUERGflOlX1D 1170.1T6S, C.1 NOTIFY AIA UTLITY COAPAMES AT LEAST ~9 HqAS Il. 7VE CONfRACTOR SNALL PEMOVE iRaY TFIE PNO.IECT RREl1 aLL SURPWS AuTFNAL flEfFR !0 TWiCD PANT G, TYPILAL APR.IC~TION 1D. Ppqp TO EXCAVATION M! ACCORO~tKE 111TN TE%AS L~W. ~HD U.1 FEID VERIF7 NOPoZONTAL THS MOPR SHALL BE NCOEIIT~L ~ND NOT A SEPi1RATE PAY ITEY. SURPLUS WITERIALS AND vERTICAL LOC~TqN OF ILLL U7ILITIES IN iHE VIWTr OF CONSTRUCTqN ACTMiES iRd1 E%CAVATqN NClUONC DPT,TRASH, ROCIt MEaSUiWC GREATER T1uN 9'IN iXE 22. AlL iRAFFIL COHIROL OEYICES THAT ARE NOT REUUINE~ FOR ONGMIC LO~lSTRUCTION PRIM TO TIE STRRT OF CONSTRIILTqN. TIE CONTRACTOR SN~LI NOTFY 7HE ENGNEEN LAflCEST DIIIENSION. ETC. SHALL BE PqOPERIY 06POSED Of 0.T n SITE AC[EPT~9lE TO OPEAATIONS SNALL BE RE110VED ~NEN N0T IEFDm. M~~FN WOIiK IS SUSPENDEU FOR F OF ANY UNqENfIFlED POTENTIAL CONFlICTS 7NAT MAY E%IST BE7NEEN iXE E705TNG TIE CITY OF MYIE F WITNN ~IE GTY LMTS. G 711E LOLATIOH IS NOT M771YN TNE LITY SVMRT OR E%TEWEO PF.AId15.ADV1NCE MRfWNG.REGULATORY,AlD/OR GWE SIW1S ~ y~ URIiES RM CONSTRUCTION PLANS. UI/I5, THE CONiRACiOR SHFLL NRWSH ~ LETTER ST~TNC 50. NO E%[ESS ETCAVATED TIUT 11NE !q LoNGER APPROPRUTE FOR T!E PRESENT CONdTI0N5 SWIIL BE PEYOVED `i ~ MATERI~L SHALL BE UEPOSIlEO R! lOW ApEAS di ~LONG NATUiAL ORAINACE WAYS OR LOVEAEO aN0 OTNFA WMPItOPRI~iE DEVICES SHRLL BE REMOYED FRON THE NdtK ~~3 ~ 1. ANY UAYAGES TNAT YAY OCCUR TO REAI PftOPEPTY OR E1aSTING IIYMOVENENTS MITNOUT T!E 1PRTTEN PFAMSSION UF T11E KFECTED %IOPEHlY 0~'NER AND TfE APEA SO TFIE7 ME NOT Y61DLE TO 1NE TRAVELLMlC PUBLIC. B NCLUpN6 EXISTNG PRIVATE AND PI18LC L/~NUSC~GE Mtli1GATqN STSTEdS. SNALL CITY OF MYLIE IF TNE CONTRALTOR PLACES E%[E55 MATERL1l W TfESE 1REA5 ~ITXOUT BE PESTOPED BY T1E CONTRACTdt TO AT LEAST TNE SAME CONOITION THAT TIE RFAI MPoT~EN PFAMISSpN.illE COMR~CTOR SHALL BE RESPoN5184E FOR ALL OAYAGES 27. THE CON7RA[TOR $HALL COVER IX2 TEMPORARiY flEYOVE EXiSTING SN7N5 TNAT PROPERTY q1 E%ISTING 14PROYEIENTS MEPE IN PRIOft TO TNE DAUAGES THS RESUITINC FRON SUCN FLL IJI~ SHAIL RENOVE TNE MATERW.S AT NO CO57 TO THE COIFLILT M4TM TNE TRAFFIL LONTNaL PLAN OR TNE NTFNi T/IEREOF. EXIS~NG T a~~ RESldtA710N SNALL BE SIIBJECT TO TNE ONNER'S APPROVAI +WD SNUL N07 BE TXE GTY OF MYLE. SNx15 TxAT 00 N0T CONFLIC7 MRH TNE TRAiFIC CONiROI PLAN OP TNE INTENT ~ Ba51S FoR ADDITqNAL CaPENSATqN TO TNE CONTRACTOR. ~ TVEREOF BUT HEDUXtE HELOCAlION OlE TO PHYSICAI CONFlICTS SNALL M~T BE ~ /2. ~LL OIS711RBED AflEAS SNAIL NAVE GNASS ESTABLISHEO IMYEDIATELY. GRASS RELOCATE~ lM~l TEMPORMY SIGN SIPPMTS X1VE BEEN INSTLLLED TO ~LLON S. TNE CONTflACTOR SH~LL PROTEC7 EXISTNG PNOVER71' MONUAENTATqN ~ND 1'NINARY SHALL ~EET THE REOUPEMENTS OF NCiCOG IiEY 202,L~IDSC~PNG. FOR Tf1E 9NEOIATE RELOCATION OF ANY SUCH SIGNS. CONTNaL. pNY SIJCX PoINTS MNGI TIE CONiPACT01i BELIEVES ON.L BE OESiR0YE0 SMLLI HAVE OFFSET PONTS EST~BlI5HE0 BY TNE CON?R~CTOIi PlilOit To [ONSiRIKTqN. 13. ALL aREAS TO 8E E%CAVATED OR iRLED SXALL H~VE EROSION CONTRO~ MEASUiES 21. SIIPENELEVITION 7NANSIT10N5 SH4Ll BE UNEAP. ANY MWUIFliT1TI0N OESTRO7E0 BY T1# Cp1TR~CTaR SNAI.L 9E flFESTABLI5NE0 Ai THE PLAGEq PRIOfl TO COMMENLNG EARTXNORK. EflOSION CONTRaL DEVICES SHAU BE - [ONTRACTO(CS E%PENSE 8T A REqSTEREO PROFESSIONAL LAIq SURVEYOR. MAWfAI~ED 7Mf1011(:IiOUT TXE PIiOJECT N ACCOIiDANCf MITN NCTCOG ITEY 201. 25. PAVENENT WPo(INCS SHALL LO/Wl7 WITH TIE PIi0VIS1016 ~ Tx00T ITEY 666 TFIioN~RY FAOSION. SED~IENTITION, A!A WATEF PoLLUTqN PPEVEH(qN 1W0 - RFFLE[TdUZEO P~YEIENT MY1KwG5, ~!A APPLCABLE Tx00T STIINDM05. 9 6. B~SIC XONfZONTLL 1NU VER7ILAL CONTNOL POIHrS 1'LL BE ESIABL6FED Ofl fANIqOI. PAVEMfNT WNRING NATEPoALS SNALL COIVLY MI1H TiE PROVISIONS OF TxDOT OESIGNATFD BY 141if ASSOCIATES.WL. THESE CONTROI PONTS SNALL BE MATEAIAI SPECFIC~TqN DMS-8200 'TR~FFIC P~tR'• RASED PAVEMFNT 4~RICENS USm AS A D~TIIM FOR iHE MORII. ALL AOqTq1UL SURVEY Mpill 5lULl BE 10. SIIOGRAOE 1R10ER PAYEMENT SNiLL~ BE A MW11U11 OF 6 NtliES OF LINE TREATEO SN/~Ll CqIPIY MiM Tx00T REY 612 - RJ115m PAVENENT WP6EflS AND PF.FFqiNED BY ~ LOMPETENI SURVEYOR FlIPlOYm BY TIIE CONTMCTOR. AS SUBGR.~OE. d117 NYDIIATFD LqAE SNALL BE IITILIZED. OPTINl1M LIIIE CONTENT RPPLICA9LE Tx00T STANDARDS. PMT OF TIE ~ORK, TNE GTY OL WYLIE NILL PROVIDE INSPECTION ~ TlIE 5lULL BE DETERUNEO OlN1G THE E%GVATION B~ iNE USE OF A lGE SEPoES lEST. PfWPOSED fANSTRULTION. lME SEPoFS 7ESi SH~LI BE T~KEN ~IONC T{IE EXCAVATUN! AT ~ll GMHGES M 501L 26. SIGNS SN~U.L CbMPL'/ MITM TxWT ITEN 636 - LLUYINUM SICNS. Tx00T ITEM 614 R TYPE MlD A NA%MW OF ]00 FEET. LME SERIES SN~U.L BE CAYPLETFD BY NI - SWLL POAlISmE Sk7N SUPPURTS AIO ASSEMBLES. AMD APPIILABIE TxDOT ~ 7. BUOEftS SXALL YAKE ANY MVESTIG~TION Oi EXISiHG SUBSURFACE COI~ITIDNS lOFPEH~ENi LABOR~TMY 1PVROYEA BY TXE QTV OF N'/LIE. STANOAROS. REUSE Of E%6TNC SIGNS A!O SUPPORTS SHAL~ BE SUBJECT TD AS OEEMED tECE55AliY AT NO WST TO 7FIE pTY OF MYLE. NE171EN TNE GTY OF TFE APPXOYAL OF THE dTY OF rYLIE. ANT SK:NS NOT REIlSEO 514111 BE ~FLIVEREO NYIE OR TIE ENGPlEER SHAtA. BE PESVONSIBLE IN ANT MAY FOR MDIT701UL 1S LWE TNEATED SUBGRAOE SN~{1 INCOflPoRATE A MIN~YJY EIGMT (81 VERCENT NTOflATED T~ THE GTY OF wYIE PUBIiC MORKS DEP~RTIENT. ~ COAPENSATqN FOR E%CAVATqN MORII PERFOflMEU IR-0EH TM$ CONTRACT DIIE LYE BY DRY IJNT. SUBCRAOE SMALL BE CONP~CTED TO A DENSITT OF NOT LE55 THAN TO TNE CANTflACiOR'S ASSLMPTIONS. 95 PEXCFNT OF TIE A1A7(IIIUY DFll51TY AS DETEPMIIED BY ASiM D 698. MOISTIIRE 27. ~PPL7 PRIIIE CO~T EWLSpN C04PlYING MITN NCTCOG IiEM 302.15 ?T A H0.TE OF CONiENT SIMII BE 1'1119N -1 TO ~S PEflCENT OF OP7MW. OFN517Y TEST NEStATS O.Y G~IIONS iER SOVARE Y~PD ~R AS OIRECTEO BY TNE ENGFIEER APPLY PG-76-22 3 8. T11E CON7i1ACTOR SXAIL M~INT~NI DRAW~CE AT ALL TIMES pXtINC CONSTRUCTN)N. SMILLL BE CMPIETm 9Y AN HOEVFlOEIIT U~80RATORT /iPPROVED BY TNE CITY OF TACK f,OAT AT A R~TE Oi 0.05 GALLONS PER SOUANE 7AR~ OR AS OIRELTEO BY THE PONDNC OF MAiER IN STNEETS, OflIVES. TPENCHES. ETC. MLL NOT BE RLLOMED. MYLE ~LL RESIlLTS SHALL BE PROVDED TO TNE CRY OF MYIIE. SI1BfAADE ENGNEEN- iESTNG $N~LL BE N ~CCONDANLE NIiH NCTCOC 17E11 307.i1 51%f'+itAOE ~~l~~ ~~fI~V~ P aaooir incea~f QUANTITIES 671~ ~ ~4~ ~ ITEM UNITS ~UANTITY ITEM UNITS UUANTITY ~ SITE PREPARATION LS t SMAL~ SIGNS EA 32 .e. ?~7/F'~6 REMOYE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SY 3205 PAVEMENT MARKING - 4'WHITE SOLID LF j812 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION CY 9556 PAVEMENT NARKING - 4' WHITE OOTTED LF 90 ~ 6' IIME TREAiMENT SY T605 PAYEL~N7 MARKWG - 8' WHITE SO110 LF 102 . HYDRATED ~IME TON 151 PAYEI~NT MARKWG - 4' YQLOM SOLID LF 3720 8'FLEXIBLE BASE SY T252 PAVEMENT MARKMG - 12'YELLOW SOIID lF 315 HMAC TYPE B TON 759 PAVEMENT MARKING - ARROW EA 2 ~ HMAC TYPE D TON 759 REFLECTORIZEO PAVEMENT MARKER EA NO 1° 'gW ~ p 36' CL III RCP FT 220 OBJECT MARKER EA 1 a..r, . i SLOPED ENO SECTION EA 2 SEEqNG TURFGRASS SY 22000 sw. ~euo~ ~ TYPE C ORY RIPRAP - 18' THICK SY 130 EROSION CONTROL LS 1 ' z cv~nN-N°~a ~ nno awr+nr~s ~ '."h"e.4 0 ~ 4 FM 1778 Q i 80' - 90' R-O-W ~ O w 2' 6' 12' I 12' 6' 2' m J; ~ FM ~378 , ij SHDR LN I LN SHDR ~ vv~~ sl 3' 9' I 9' 3' I; ~ i ~ J Z ~ 'a VARIES U O °i ~ I i'¢ VARIES 6.0% 6.0% ~ Q W l ~ t I q., Z o~ i 8.~33• 2% 2% ,3 9, ~ 4'7 As =:-,:.v.:::~"t'r~:..,,:_:i:i7;::..:.n.;;. i'~~.^;::: i;::,?s:.. M4k llpx ~.J O DITCH ITCH M4'r ~ ~ K'p~ 2~~ ~ O W ~ i JPR~~~j,pX I 2~4~FS ~ ~ q• ~ 2'HA1AC (TYPE Df PRIME COAT ~'(TYP) 4 U~ V i , MqX ~ F-'I 2' HMAC (TYPE 0) ~ B' FLEXIBLE BASE PG~ & AXIS OF I VARIOUS SEAIS i 1 1/2' HMAC ITYPE G I ROTATION ~ AND OVERLAYS i tCSJ:0918-24-0831 6'LIME TREATAIENT ~ APROX 6'COMP.OEPTH LL STAB.FOUNDATION couRSE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION (CSJ:0619-24-083) STA 13+27.77 TO STA 14s53.94 EXISTING TYPICAL SECTION "Ts ~,~j„ ~@3 ~ FN 1378 ~ FM 1378 J~k ~ 2' VARIES VARIES [y 2' 6' 12' I 12' 6' 2' = p~ VARIES I SHDR ~N I LN SHDR ~ 6.0% ~ I I I EXISTING PAVEMENT VARIES l i Z~ YARIES VARIES Z.p~ 0,• ~ 9/ At~ 9,•7 4:\ _~;;l.::_;::;rn,_~:r :4: ~s :rE ;:':~'JS.:"i-hr;:p,~,.c:. 9,.~ ~M/,y 4: x 'Nqk ~,pX FUII DEPTH '1~4.Y d.pX ~ 'a4,p ~P Q p.~~ ' ~ SAW CUT 2'(TYP1 ~ u 1'(TYP) 2'HMAC (T PE B)' ~ 2•2'~H AC ITYPE,B) PRIME COAT 1'(TYP1 ~qRBs ~ g PRIME COA7 8' FIEXIBLE BASE B' FLE%IBLE BASE PGL 6 AXIS OF ~ 6' LIME TREATIAENT 6• LIME 7REATMENT ROTATION PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION STA 10+48.74 TO STA 12+56.8Y ~ ~5 STA 15+73.94 TO STA 20+13.96 NTS .~`~,~~a~'~ ~ FM 13T8 i FM 13T8 2 YAflIES VARIES Q' 6' 12' VARIES 12' 6' 2 q<<c~~o~s 4 ~ SHOR LN 0' - 15' LN SHDR '4~~ Ar ~ ~ARIES I 1 ~ i t 1 I ~ EXISTING PAVEMENT VARIES VARIES VARIES I 2.0% i 2.0% 2.0% ~ 0~ ~ 9.~ q\ M9y 4sPX ._:;,3:_::Ai:C:+y53:~:s !.•F eit...,~.;.'•r. ~.::.'?::z'Y:;::2' 9,-~Mq p M y, y s ':S' . p M4k 1~'~ FULL DEPTH 4k d~ k _ ~ 2'f~ ~ I SAW CUT 29TYP1 I q• I 2' HMAC IiYPE U) pRIME COAT ~•~7yp~ VARIES 1'tTYP) 2' HMAC (TYPE Dl I~j{ Y HMAC (TYPE 81 4'-8' ~ 2' HMAC fTYPE 8) ~ 8'FLE%18LE BASE pGL ~ A%5 OF r.t - p PPoIAE COAT 8' FLEXIBLE BASE 6' UME TREATMENT ROTATION °w"' ~ °`D S 6' LIAIE TREATMENT ~ ~ PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION ~ „rn~ s~c„o~s STA 25+57.46 TO STA 30+p6.90 STA 20+13.96 TO STA 25+57.46 ~ NTS NTS rj a.rN.~e. ~ - IRVAM ~AOSIRI MH]] HNfF A+3fDOh1~YYTfJ~DC'4MVW~ANA1, 11CW1]M ]N NPGOW Nr11. [p p ~ N a O O 0 r / / NC=502.0 ~ ' ~ ~ NG-501.9 ~ 1 / i d~ N} ~ ~ I ~.ar e~,6~~~ ~ ~ p NG=502.2 l Ay+ ' / O I e ?~~S ~ ~ I S O~/~ i ` NG•502.1 , 1. I ' Wy PCLKOt.T ~ ~ t7 ~ / C NC•`A0.0 / I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O C f g T g~ ~m / / ~ w~•eo~.i ~ I ~ d 8 ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ NG•501.0 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ / ~ v + vc~•soi. ( ^ ~ ~ ~ $ ' g wc=soz.9 T ` ~ ` q sy : ' p~ R I ; $ ~P ~ vc~•wz I - " " '°g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NE=502.9 l S , j ~ & 'Y y ~ r ~ $i Y PCL•502 9 ~ ~ / W ~ ~ ~ NG•SOJ.S ° - y ~ YPT IS IAS EL 503.26' y~ n ~ ~ nN R P0.•503 e y = li ~ NG~503.7 ~ ~ i" ~ l ~ p}~ PGLsSW. V ~ ~ m~ u p NC•50~.1 I ~ ~ ~ g I PGL•505. % I ~ ~ ~ \ NF50~.1 ~ p I I ~ 1 ~ I ` ~y ~ a ~ 8 NG=50~.7 ~ ' . ~~.~o,. , ~ ~ ~ ~ NC•504.1 ~ ~ P~ I ~ ? N~. t I T Tf x n ~ ~ 1 ~~o CL CULV RT N0.1 •500.27 ~ t ,p vc~.soe. ~ a ° " RI I ~ m ~ ~ Y O NC=502.9 ~ y R O I^~ I P ~ ~ O Y ' P0.a500. `pT 1 70A0 EL • SOl. 3 Z I I ~J~ = NG•503.7 ~ ~ ~ ~ B Q ~ ~ K ~I ~i PGUS~l. i ~ ~"°'Sa•9 MATC LINE S A 19+ ~p ' ~ ~i I ~ I / 0 ~ ~ 4i~ ~ , li 00+8~ tl1S 3NI'1 M'~~1~ pm y ~ m r ~ ~ ~ Im D m~ o F s ; ; 3 ~ ~ ~ A m ~ 8 ~ O ~ N o `b' D ~ ~ ~ ~ ` p 4~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ 's~ti FM 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD) ~ ? _ HALFF RELOCATION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f~~~~~ ~ ~ ~s.~ `~~t 1 CITY OF WVUE, TE%AS nrr~ ~ n~t wurr namo.~awTrwoow~.rasen.v~wz aav~m~ an rrww ii.i>. i ~ p ~ N O O O MA7CH L1tJE S7A 19~0 rci=soa MATC LINE TA 19+ 0 ~I I I I I ~ p x0.50~.9 _ ~ ~ ' o ' ~ I ~ i PCV509. ] p~ ~ "h ~ NCw505.9 ~ ~I^» t ~ O p 8 PCl•509. ~ ~I I al ~ ~ j NG506.T ~ ` ' , ~ ~ ~ , PCL.S~A ~ NG=507.7 , ~ ~ / S I ~ I 'd ~ i ~ PGL~509. \ VP 1~0 A E• 9 8 I / y s 8 NG=509.9 ~ I ~ ~ / o ~e' e ~ I o z i ~ ~ iCl•510.1 ^ NG~509.~ ~ ° ~ $ ~ ~ i ~ g N Q N? PGL•510 8 I~ . I ~ p NW510.7 VP 22~00. EL a 510. 9 ~ ~B• / ~ ~ $c II f PGL•St1.7 s ~ NG=512.2 ~ ~ ~ N ` ' / W} ~CL•3126 I ^ ~ p NC.517.6 ~ I J / ~ ~ m I ~ ~ Y~ 2 ~ PGLc511.~ 'r' r = 8 ~ NC•514.1 I~^ x~'• ' I y ~ m A PCL~SN. ~ 2~ ? a• p NC=51~.7 O I ° ~ 2' ~ SJ~ ~ PG1:515.1 I S $ ~ NC•51~.7 > - ~ ~ R° N PGLs516. I~ I ~ ~ qc•sis.2 • p> i N E r/~ ~ PGL.S16.T N~. ~w~,~ly 1 NC•S15.1 VPT 25i 1.00 EL . 516.75 ~ i I ~ N ~ ~ g C+~ PCL~517.I ~ $ ~ I~ j i Q NG=5159 i I ~ ~ o ~ ly I 61D PCL.EL 51T.16 ~ ~ m ~P 1 ~ NC=S7E.0 I ~ ( ~ ~i Y ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~e I i NG~S18.1 ~ I y ~ ~ I ~ I ~ $ NG•SIB.9 i m ~ I N I I 1 ~ Y ~jI ~ ` 1 ~ Ii I I g~i I ~ ti~ ~ I l y~ ~ ~ / la g~ , 9~ ~f I , i , ~ ~ ~ , ° ~ ~ ~~o i ~ g ~ n m ~ ~ TI # y ~ $ O ~ m ~ N v ~ m ' O I B ' ~ Z D = ~ 1 - ~ m r~ ~ 8 ~ m m ~ ~ ~ N ~tl I I - ~ $ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ A~ ;QN~~,'I uu o.` ~ ~ 7~~~~~ ~~,~~i'~ ~ HALFF FM 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD) RELOCATION V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'°"ivi~ ~ ~~„t~ ~ h~ iS~.~`' CfTVOFNNLIE,TEXA3 n:ooa~u M~~s wirs t~:eroorawNwov.c~nxeen~cnwi awim~ rvwoo n.ir. ~ ~'--7~~~' .\-J J ` j ~ ~ ~~,I ,fj~ ~ ;r I ~ / ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ///i;,' /ii/~ ~ ~_,%~°'~~_..~j'' ~ `_,//,/'i%~ ) ! ~ ~ ~1~~~ ~ ~1 ~ % j~i~~~r ; ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' ~ i \ ~ ' L , j%~~~s.~'~ / i 1 I ~ t ~ er~ l' ~//0~ / i / \ ~t ~1~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~zrSS; ~~~~~_.f ~ \ ~I ~f~~~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j i ~ ~1 ' r ~ ~ l • \ 1`~ ~ti~~ j , t ~ % ~ ; , ~ \ 1 ~ ~ R ; , ~ c~ , = ~ ~ ~ . , e _ > ~ / ~ ~ V~ 1 ~ /,.~i/ ~i ~ ~ ; ~ J : , ` ~ i ~ . ` ~ ~ i,« ~ i ~ / ~ 'i ~ll \1 ~ I~~' ~ , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 r~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ; ~ ~ I~ / ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ y 1 , A`` ~ ~ `-r ~ ~/~o~ f' } ',,I~ ~R d~I ~ \ ~ \ i ~ ~.11 /I I ~ ~ ~ j , i l , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' / \ ; / ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~~1~~~ (,r..~ ) ! ~ ~ ~ 1~ v ~ J ~ `~i , ~ ~ / ~j ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ a _ ~ ~ ~~i ; f-..' ~-,1 ~ ; ; i ~ I ~ " ° I 11 `LN~~ ~ { ~ ,1~~ ~ ~l~ , ~ I \ ~ 4 ~1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~~A ~ I \ I~,~~--- _ ` ~ ' ` / r ~i; ~ . \ ~ ~ R ~I ~ ! ~tl ~ ~ ~,,i~_._ , ~ I~,~', ~ ~ , , ~ , ~ ii~I ~ ~i f , ~ ~ , , ; , _ \ 1 I ~ ~I ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i a~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ Op+6~ tl1S 3Ntl HOSVW 8 y~ ' N~N I I N o z d m k ~ ~ m Im ~ ~ o = ~ o ~ O y g c p A C A ~ ~ ~ a M~ w. o.r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ HALFF FM 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD) ~ ~ ~oN~.f~ ~ ~ RELOCATION ~ .^"t ~ N... ~;~:t ~ ~ ~ cm oF wruE, Tex~s IlplAO! 1150k6AM M11]3 NNiF O RCWROf VD~n ~Fi:c U° ~ o ' MA7CH LINE STA 19*~ _ \ - _ ~,I I I i ` A n ' ~ is I y ~ \ ~ ~ 1\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I I \ ~ ~ \ - _ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ; ~ ~ I. ~ ~ ~ ~ > ~ , , ~ r ~ _ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ; ` ~ ~ - - ~ „ ~ J'I ~ ' ~ / r~ ~ ~ , 1 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 , ~ 1~ _ ~ ~ - o~/ ~ ~ v , ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ;I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~I ' ~ ~ I ~ I ; ~ _ ~ I~~ ~ ~ ~ , - . / ~ $ ! ~ ' d . , / ~ } ~w~ , ` / ~ f-,.,,ti,~ \ T , . , r ~ ~_..J ~I°" ~ / \4/1 ~ ~ / ~,i , ` r ~ \ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.f ' , , _ ` ~ _ ti~/ ~ I ~ / ~ / \ ~ I ~ \ `i _ . ,.oo / / i e ' ' ` y ~ . ' 'B' _ \ 1 / r ~ I~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ti._- ~ ~ I I, ~ ° \ \ \ f a ~ ~ _ ' ~ ; ' w. I` j ` ; ; ` - ,_..1-.,\ _i ' ~ i ,\`J ~ `\._f',-_` ~ ~J j I~ _ ; ~ ~ I ~ Ij ~ ` _ _ ) I ~ I ~ \ - I I' l j p ~i ~ I " ~ ~ ~ ,f ~ ` 1 ~ ~ ti I ~ ~ I I I , , ~ ,i , ~ ~ , ~ _ ~ Ji I ~a- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v/ ~ I I ~ _ ~ ll % ~ I ~v~~ I III~\ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f \ I ~ , ' ~ ~~l' ~i,~ ~ m iS\~ J . ,~~~~f I _ x p ~ ~ ~i~~ z 8 m \ $ m Im ~ _ N ~.__~_~a %~-~~`i~ r'"~~~11 ~ ° ~ / .v~. - ,-~.~,f (1~ ~ o < o ~ _ - -J ,I~. ~ a -a~_._ 1,;. y ~ ~v-=~ 1 hl~ ~ y g ~ i [ `ir~l ~ i r~ ~ ^~'~',o~»~ v~ FM 1378 (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD) ~ ~ ~(~y~~~~~ ~ HALFF ~ ~ ~ ~ RELOCATION ~ ~ ~ :..~b.'7. ~h ,~„~S CIN OF VJ1'IIE, TE~S nunaa~ t+mx~w eiiu rwn eumoa~z~eenraoo~wweecr.wuw~. aowmi a nvmoo nn~. ~ . : , ....t B ! 4 ~ ~ , \ _ ~ ~ ~ i .l. l' ~ /y . , : : r \ . \ " / ' ~ ' ~ ~ , ' ~ . / . . ~ S .a',.' ~ 4 ~ ~ 6 ..r S ' . . F ~.1 ~ 7 ' ~ . . ; : . ~ i : ' ' . . ' ' . : ; . ; . . _ 5. 1~:. ~ : . 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F ~iA „i~ ~h cmoFwvuE.7ExAs 1 , 1f~5 S 6 PCG 015L1A1MER . . ~ e~ Q ~ 2 ~ Z ih~ u6e of inle a?anCOrtl Is poverne0 Dy rhe 'Texae Enpineerlnp Practlce Ac1'. No varr~n+y of any 6'on 3 i 9 1 E] ~ 5 f T t kln0 Ie moCa Dy TxDO~ 4or any pu~poae whatso~ve~.Twp01 as s no ~o ~ sip~ilty for Tne cs~ r p~~ _ ~ oi thla etoMOrC to other formale or for Ineorrect rseWfs6arMdamapea r auitinp from Its u. SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXXXXIXIXXiX-XXXX) SUMMARY OF SMALL SIGNS r T T 1~ .rM~or T fIPPwFIDSr~bne UA=UniveKOnc MounNnG MsIVaMm P~~„ SICN SIGN ~i~ s~ F Posts 71B•iMiv~r•eaM P. PrafaD. tE%T or 2EKT of Evt. S11EET N0. OMENCUTURE SICN TE7(T TWT = TMrrMdl 11 or 2) ~•3~Ip-COnc 71o1n' BM = EK1rWaE NkW Baan DWENSIONS 3 109WG = 10 BWG 5g:511p•Bdt T- PN}aE. R' ~C . I.It ~/ft Rlfq Q1a1. ~s ~ n~ 50~ ~ MA.NSOpe-Conc Il = PrafaD. 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I•0. ~e~*h Limits of Riprop (to De 7:1 3:1 1.106:1 },46<=1 9.2<3:1 12" lnru 2~" Sker6 tFxu 45' Skews trxu 45' 2' STD 2.375' 2.067" N/a ~ 'nClutletl with S.E.T. 4:1 4:1 4.IC1:1 G.619:1 5.657:1 24' Skew'S intu CS' SkerS thru 30' 3' S7~ 7.500' J.O68' 10'- 0' ~';03 for OaYmB~t~ qO LimitS of Riprap Ito Ge 6~7 6:1 6.2~2:1 6.928:1 6.G85:1 27' SkewB ihru 30' SkeYS Tnru 15• 4' STD 4.500' S.026' ~9'- B' 4~~. T' uirer 12' . inclu0aa rirh S.E.T. ~ c°~$' Oj fi CYass P7 f~ ~7~~t~ q~--' 30' Skaws iMU 15' Ske~S thfu 15' S' STD 5.563" 5.0~7" 74'- 2' ~ 33' Skews tnru 15' Alrroys reWireA •fi~i ~A~~ ~ 76' Na'mo11NO Skewl Rlrays reWireU ~s - ~ g~~Q Top of RipraO 12" t0 60' AIwOy3 repuirBtl 41wq5 ~epulYeO F~«~ , eorkinq w 5 ~bo3 PO1^t ~ ir7mmea eaqe ot ESTIMATED CONCRETE RIPRAP WANTITIES fCY1 g _ a~ue wi~c r B" a o- Namirwl 7=1 Side Slop~ 4:1 SiOe Slope 6:1 SiOe SlOOe ~ j Culvert Tg~ ~ ag _ Mite O Flor _ 0' Sker 15• Skew JO• Sker JS' Skew 0' Skew IS' Skew 30' Sker ~5' Sker 0' Skev 15' Skew 30' Sker ~5' Skew ~ ~ Line 12^ 0.4 D.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 O.B 0 S°~a IS" 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 • y o~~e IB' 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 O.B o.B 0.8 0.9 1.0 ' " 2t' 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 - iS' 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 ~.e 0.8 0.8 ~.O 1.0 1.0 ~•3 ~`°b SIDE ELEVATION OF z7- o.~ o_r a.e o.e o.e o.e o.s ~.i i.~ i.> >•z 8r ~ Yariee - See_ 30" 0.8 0.8 O.B 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 ~.2 1.2 1.3 1.6 ~s~ CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE BOTTqAANLNOR o.e o.e o.v ~.o ~.o ~.o ~.a ~.a ~•s TOENA~~ DETAILS - f5hwinp ConCrete Pipe Wlverf. 36' 0.9 0.9 0.9 I.1 1.1 t.7 1.2 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.6 ~.B T Oeto~~s of Carrupafed Metal Pipe Culvert ore slmilor. 92" t.0 I.0 1.1 1.3 1.2 1-3 1.3 t.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.~ ~bg~ Pipe Rufr~era rqt slWwn for clofltyl i~ ~ 48' 1.1 1.1 1.2 N/A 1.< 1.< 1.5 N/A 1.9 1.9 2.1 N/A 59' 1.3 1.3 N/q N/A 1.6 1.6 N/A N/A 2.1 2.1 N/A N/A i~~$~ 60" 1.4 N/A N// N/R 1.7 N/A N/A N/A 2.3 N/6 N/A N/A ~ gE K~~G oF~~- O\~gGO{l? °e 4 ,r~O i ~ Ot S i 2e of P i pp flyrner bh01 1 bB os a1W~n~ n itX iGp l es. Cro55 P i p! Sholl Oe the sane aiZe as the Pipe fl~Ytn@r_ Crose Pipe StuD Wt - P1pe Runer ~~itan Anchor Pipe ha~~ Oe ihe nezt ama~~er size Oipe os Sho~.n ~n tlie STaNDANO PIPE SIZES tu01e. O2 Thi6 eiantlartl allOVe for the OlaCqrcnt o7 on17 Me Pipe rim~er Bottom ocrosa exh culvert D~oe oPe~~rq. In arder to limit the clear ancnor oceninp to De trav¢rsed by a~ efrmt venicie, rne toi iwi~p $HEET 1 OF 2 Croas PtD~ canAitians m.,st be met: Pipe For 60' cu~verr oixs, rne skew miat not exceea o•. ~ T~pg Q~p/i~pg/~?Q/ TfO/45pp1'?d1011 FOr 5~' culvOft D~P~a, ffM slaT~ mist npt exclCQ IS•. For IB' culvert D~Pes. ihe sker must not excwC 30'. ~~°~~0~ q~~ap Fo~ O11 CulvlYt D~Pe 3i2as 42' anU 1e66~ the 6ker mis} ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~t ..~e~ ,5•. SAFETY END TREATMENT ~ If the apove wnaitima connot pa r~er, tne aesiQner amuio consiaer FOR 12' OIA TO 60~ ~~A F~w uslrq a sotety erw T~eofinem witn fia(ea r~n4s. For rurtner PIPE CULVERTS Bottan Line intormatim, rerer ro tne 7xDOr •ROOOvoy Des~pn Mmuai•_ A,~ TYPE !I - CROSS DRAINAGE ~ Tcero~i O3 uiter • Slope of MitereE Pice Culverf Ene ~ O RipfaP DIOCeO DeY~O ihC limiti ehorn nill 08 pai0 ab CanCreie ~ R,a~ a~~..,.h ~.~„3Z. •R~~oo•. SETP-CD ISOMETRIC VIEIM Of ~ OS QuOntities ahOVn Ore for oAe erq oi one reiniofcetl Concrlte Pice nu~ K~p~bu.pp~ o. w~ ~ ui sw JPi w Wi e TYPICAL INSTALLATION cwrerr. For m~~rioie vipe cuiverrs or ror cor~uparee r.~erai a~oe r~ooT u.yzoas Culverte, Gunttitiea rill neeC to De OOjuate0. RipfCp Wantitie9 ~ IShorlnq in8lollatlM ritn ~o akar.l are for CdttroCtOr'6 infofm04ipn pnly. oisim ~ Pipe Ru+ner Lmpt~ ~S/K' OYO ~ Ike tobiel E~' Dia Y 12' C~oss Tltfaqh Hole ~ 3~ t~t Cross PlpO Dia Pipe AfKJlor 8011 / C 1z^ 9" Nez Nuf 6 Mocher~ 3, pl , 9%. ~ R 1 ~--C RWOroY limits ot ~ . ~S/g' Dio TMOUqh NO~e Miter g • 4%2' ~ ( PiVa P~xner Norkinq 12' ~ q z`~~ C ~ ~ XiCroP ~ Point e'bfh \ ~f I Sq $ _ ' _ " " - ~ ~ ~SCp r ~ ~ f'/s" oia ,--E'/z' nia eoir wi oD~e~ ~ ~ Nut 6 2 1lashers i° TMOUph lble %1' Oia Hole 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ( StW WT 1~~ , ~ p~ ` ~ I ~ ~ C oss Vipe ~ Cross Pipa Cross PipC ~ r~ ~ I ~ I / StuD Out ~ / / OPT(ON A1 OPTION A2 ~ yi• Di~ HoieO ~ CROSS PIPE AND CONNECTIONS DETAILS ~ ~ - I t P~a \ ~ ~ 1,iPe1Rumer I ~~-~0 4 P I x Y _ _ _ - _ - ' _ _ - ' _ - _ _ II 5 i Ce 5 I oDe O6 ~$i - ~ Oia Fble 9 ~ Bottan AnChor PiDe I p~nur Toewall g8' o~a T^~~w^ SIDE ELEVAT[ON OF PLAN OF SKEWED g~:g 4%2" of'Pipel "°Pef e"° ~ 9- SAFETY ENO TREATMENT INSTALLATION lNSTALLATION iboo Pipe R~lxier Len9th (See lable) (51w~rin9 ~ipe Hutner rii~ Cross Pipe Canxction aPtlon At ^a~~ m0 Anchor Pipe oPtiai B2 a~ CorruqqtEd Metal Pipe Culveft. gF~B NOIE: The Seporate Pipe Rumer ahorn i8 require0 Ca'icrete Pipe Culveri Da~oils are similpf. Riprap not shorn for Cluri+yl Qg~~ vmen Crosa Pipe Comaction Option A1 is use0. ypr"~ PIPE RUNNER OETAILS i°Ea z,• 9' zr~ 4~ M~~ x 12' Bolt w/ Limits of HipraD lto ~e •a 9` N~n E~'~ ~n~iw~a viih S.E.T. M/n Lpp ~ NeM Nu1 & Masher ITyp) . ~ g~a op ~ ( Pipe 2' Min Q Cros6 Pipe lflush {pr ppy~ntl qO g°T ~ RuY~~ Rumer ~ I with top of RipY~l ~ 'i ' - ~ ~11 - nt to ' ~ ~ . 9 ' 1 rf~dest portion o°c«i r,-9• 2''~• ~ _ . ~ino SL v~ ~ ~n _ ' - 1'-6 of Pice C~IVerr s ~ 9 ~ F _ ' ITyP) ~5~~ \ BOttOm AnetWr ~ Botfpm AnCIqY i~ Pipe- I Pipe / e ° ' ' " " - ' - ~nCMr .figb , I BOttam AnGlwr BOttOm Ai1CIW( TcewOI I flipfop 9O. Tcewali TOevrall I Plpe Culvert A~~ - Pipe Culveft -~~~e _ I 6' 6' 1' Min (C.Y.P. a~ tceral I (C.~.IP. or ~~gF~ ~Z, C~ear ~a, Concrete7 Pipe Purier Concrete~ or StuG Wt tS~ ' Pipe Culv¢ff 1.0. Pipe Culver't o<. OPTION BI OPTiOt~ B2 OPTION Bt OPTION B2 INaminoil Spo - G BOTTOAA ANCHOR PIPE DETAILS~~ BOTTOM ANCHOR TOENALL DETAIlS SH011'INC CROSS PIPE 5 SHOqING TYP1CAl PIPE 11NCHOR TOENALL CULYERT d RIPRAP cCu~vert 6 Ripfup fqf SROrn iof elOriiy) SECTION A-A O necammenaeo voiu~s ot s~ae s~opa are 3=t, a:~, a 6=~. nu SHEET 2 OF 2 pnntities, caicuiations, vW tltmensions srown herein are GENERAL NOTES: DaseO on these recamenOeC voiuea. Slope of 3:1 or flaTtef Pipe Nurvxf8 ore tlesipnetl for a~roversirp IoaO ot I,800 poun0a of yie10 Taras Oqooilmdil d Tra~upp~la~lon ia reWireU for vMicte sofety. oa recamlen0e0 by Raeeoretl Report 280-7, Safety ~reotment of Rootlaide g.kpepdalm _ [ross-Ora7noqe Structures', Texw Trorwportatian Institute, Morch ~981. ~ Na,e r~. a.~~ slope of Pice Rimer ~ ~ay s~;~„~y T~ w.~., Ena Treoinents ~e,~ ae ~~,~a ~s~ +~.e SAFETY END TREATMENT frpn S~do SIOpY of RiplGp OnG Trimmetl Culverf PIce 6~• 1n6tallations ~hare ou+ of ooniro~ vMicles ora IikYly fo frover6e the opentnqs approximotely perpenGiculor to me vice R~++ne~s. FOR 12' DIA TO 60' OIA OB COrO Stq~~ D! fOkM 40 MStYe inot Riprap concrete aaes not RipfOp QM O~~ ~!ClE80ry ~1vlH6 SnOll O@ CO~C~lf! RiprOp GOnfOfTiRq f0 rirn. into rne c~oas Ptae so os ro oermtt atsnssenoiy or rne +na ~ea,Iremmte ot ~tem ~3z, •n~orm'. PIPE CUIYERTS oo~tee c«necrim to oi io.~ c~eana~t occess. Payment for riDrop onC }perol I ia 7nc~uaea in tne arlee Bitl ror eoch TYPE I I ~ CROSS URAINAGE Safetr EnC Traotment. ~ O9 After inStallation. ihe~/ ' Mle 8ha~l G! 'nBPeCieO to enSUre Pipe Nune~a, [ross Pipea~ antl AnC11a' Pipes stqtl CanfOlm to th! Y~ ihot tM1e IGp 01 fhe Pipe ~l/Vler rith the Bpitan Ar1Cho~ Pipe reQUlrements o1 A57M A53 lTypp E Of 5, GYOOe B), ~Si11 A500 IGroGt 81. - is aOeQUDYe. or ~PI 5L%52. ~ Bolt6 On0 nutb shal I COnfprn~ t0 A57Y A307. SETP~CD IO Ai faGricotor'S aption, a neot Oena to a smoatlt 5' rQOiue or o •II Steel ow~pw~enta. ezceDl cornrate fefnforcirp, slwll be qolvoniZeG morwfocturetl el0ow (of the sanr mo~er7ol os the Rurc~er~ mq De ofter foDricotlon. Golvmiziiq tlanaqe0 tlurinq fronaport ar const~uciion aeencme.c~ ~ uF a~ ut +ro w ur SuDStituteE for 1he mltKld antl veldeA joint in ihe Bottdn alqll De repolfed in oCCOrGUiCe wi}Il tn! 6peCiticGtions. ~~pp~ yot pu5 pn~,hor PiOe. .E.iswa Pwwenf EOpa ~ Fl;~ TWO LANE TWO-WAY ROADWAY WITH OR WITHOUT $HOULOERS $In~10er riMl~ ro~a~ION criste Itypl y fr ~Y Y 11yp.1 Ml110~ JC,enterline \ ~ 10' n~iR-IZ' mm. ~ o ~ o r~ o o~~ ~~H o e o o '~o + u ~ ~ "~io,' [ax ~tro e• so~to ~ a• soita T s' mi2 oo.. / Tellp lit4 3' m~n.-~' nox. Tlllp line IL ~ 4 ~ $Iqu10@f ri01M1 ^~Y ~'Y Pwercnt FOpe 6' niR ttyp. l 30' ~iw a~ Q Powio~t E09e 6' ~in. Ityp.l S70P LIIfS 1 Solid Imite ~ •i0}N 17' nin. - ~ ~,;f. ~,M ~ o 0 o a ~ ~ c¢ o ~'oite Loe Lina ~ Q Ye1lo~ ECO~ Line c 6 ~ a EOGE IINE vy o 7p' W10'J . ~ o c SoliaMite ~ 30~T10 J e n SpI1E CENTEPLIK • a~ ~ Yellw line 9' Ilhite EEqe Lirc o o ° ~ ~ 6' min. 1'ellOr l~ite EEqe Li~x lenpt~: 10' 0o a ~ o 0 0 0 / o ~ Iry0.1 fqp: 70' / IC ~ pPT10N~L EDGE LINE AND LANE LINES 5010 Ye116~ line CENTERLINE AND IANE LINES ONE-WAY ROADWAY ° FOUR LANE TWO-WAY ROADWAY WITH OR WITHOUT SHOULDERS ~~~~~f C (iz' mv. ror Mave~ea uintnu. aew~rmems ~saa• ~ W~nie.m rtea+traentc v qy qrepter etpn for EAqelires fOr Cmtlrlinea ~ittqut EWtl~nes WITH OR WITHOUT SHOl1LDERS p11y1 rr~i.a wy ~~mn x ao Po.~.~mr ram ~s~ +~.:o o~~ FOUR LANE DIVIDED ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS GUIDE FOR PLACEMENT OF STOP LINES. ROADWAYS WITH REDUCED SHOULDER EDCE LINE & CENTERLINE - WIDTH$ ACROSS BRIDGE OR CULVERT a~e ~ r.a~ei.a ~~a v~~~ roms ror uw~.i«a xto.ms ° c° Pove~ent EOpe 08 0 ~ i~ L.z u~~~..m TABIE 1- TYPICAL LENGTH (L) ~ o ~,,.oE~ a If~ife P~t~ ~ farm~l0 0 L~$ 1' tellw [Ope Life ~ SoliG Yel Iw Lirc ~ ~ ~ BrfE~e Nai~ . - ~5 2 a. ~ o y or foce ' lo. S5~ w L. fi0 01 Cirb . o a 10' oirt- ~ 12• nin O5, 50, 55, Yeaim 12' mm. 20' tYD. 2~, TYV ¦iath ~kGlan fi0. 65, 70 o~< riam ~ rw,~~<..a.iiie *~smn..«»~~.~~,.. , ~ ~~.e.w~i~,..e..~.~..y w'"°.~.~a~~ . ~ ~.am .4.~~< e. ~ reiio+ eoae ~~mr ~e• . rro. a ~u ~ ~ ~ ~r..~ F.~~.a w.~. eeueiire fo ~ ~ `.`~°'"..es°`e..a ~w~ ' e• soito ~t*e n~m,ei~z~ ~irc~ s+owY.ia i~re ime .~mn vwtK mm or wwi ~o ~i• ro iz•-ze• mi*e s~oc or .~~ia ~tK ~ E%1YPlES: ITite EApa liM ~ ~ o o voriea R~ite COpcline ~n e foot stnul0er in advace or a C~IGpe reWtH eo y ritt lax lire ~ teer on o To Wi rooEiqy. 1M 1ppM af 1M boea- tp7EA hotMi~q elnulU Ee: L •Bt70 •560ft. 1. Ib-pU887nq SMG an EriEpe apprW li i6 OpfiEn01 Wf it weQ {1 aMll Ee O niniM 500 ~t!} lay fwi Sfquldf in OOVa~ca of a d'iOps faacei to AI I nDOiW elqll Dt ffllC e[u6ifB0 f0 OGtMiil¢ M[ IocntiM Of tclfiSQ) at~ipinp. StOp/Tie1E 2. i~ C/M81qfCl~i~p IMpfh /Ll we rmi< i. : rrer a, o a irx rooa.or. Tro ier~vm of tM crwa- Oars atl tenterlires ehall D! D~~ Mlen Mt wlOim riGM ie ~aatK tIW~ 70 ft. iM mMiT 3. Tle ~iM~ of the oftaet tt) mE tM ~eWIrM voaalqic~lrq riOtn ie 1M full sln~i~ ~latn in ~q~inp eMUiO OC viCM iD OHIKd 06 th! CrtO OC1~eM f~o ~paUny6 Of 0 UiviEM ~i{/woy eeOW'M frOa e0q af a0ra~e of }ne orl0pe. L•~I~OIt / 60 • 106.6T ft. raaMed M 71U ft. trOYellO ~yl 10 l0pe of f~aveleG q). TM1e ~eUipn eKIUOl6 tVn imes. iro .~a~m .~am .tanr ee i~r aossrotcnirq srawa w rew~ree iT NY ~InilAlf riOM in aMaCe of Hn briGpe is ~ faof Oifferait GtYlYn iMK6ecti0w. iMKW¢6 TG ot oppDBif! Opp~00Gfe\ of Hq W! intef8lc1i0R O~ ~IAer ad ary rCOCtiOn in cMlldlr ~iM11 Oel06s ih! OIiOQt OCCIIS. - me norroc .ra7m .to+n ri i i a tne comro~~~no .iam to detanfns t1 vainpa Qa ~evuirea s. fa waa face atot ia, rN~r e~eaMwre in me pims. SiN~llp PINI$ ~Teras QEpo?Mwi1 d Tra~Myorla?!pn TMfk qlwalfmi LMSian YIELD LINES cex[au wores: eae~i ~r~~o~~a ~,oi i o~ ~ s~, rM n~~ Q~ a~~~f.o er •K E~,~. 1z• TYP 1 CAL STANDARD - ire eex~ ~ro cnwia eyp~coi iy w o~oceo a q~~~aam or e iwKS tra. *ne aape o~ ~ 2~~ uwemnt. m~s a~srace moy .wy ae ro oovaa.~* ~a.ei ~nu a om~r c«~a~t~ons. - [ax~t~es arc rot ~.wt~ad in are mtl yutw seclipu of rmdaya. ~ECIFIpT10N REfE11EM[E TABIE M.~ PAVEMENT MARKINGS wrcnu~ svcnr~cRrtars iti! 1rOVellG ~qy inCluOeS on1Y ~t pOrtion o( tt% fo0G+0Y ~MO 1Or Miwl? P~YEIEMi WNMERS IpEiIE[T.1 0~6-~200 trwei m0 not me oukinq ~mee, SIGe~alk6~ cenc mC enwiAers. Ttie trwelM EVOnt 0~6-6100 PM (11-03 •ays sMll 0e we~~E fran Me intiEa of e0peline to inai0e of e0pel iM of o BITUYIMUX AONESIYE Fpi PFYEIEMT 1NRKERS 016-6170 iqt POSIF? $PFEO Eq4L TO OR GPEA7ER 114N ~5 IPN _ }p IUIt ~OOC~Or. 3 t0 12' Tdpi XplOr 19tt w.YS m.d! ~•fOl m.('H ~I I ppvsent ~Rinp motlrfala eMll ~Gef Me fpuireG Depvivenfal lbterial 1~ H~z~ ~7 ~~e ~s ~ sactrcar~m os soxtrea er rne eims. ~s' iQ Q Q~ Q V Q Q Q Q Q ~ n c ° s-ao idl POSTEO SPEED E71M1 70 pl LE55 7N~N ~0 1PN e~ ~ ~ 3-01 22~ ( REFLECTIVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS FOR VEHICLE POSITIONING GUIDANCE (HEFLECTORIZED) 5> o' oo~ * ~ « ~ ~DETAIL 'A' SEE OETAII~' GIItCI fM \ - _ ' - " _ ' _ _ Sy~wlrioal QaM aMrliM TYWII-A-A T~I i~~ / ~ CaMinnn No-rq IHt tun Ime ~ Typa II-A-~ Top Yln a o o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 10 M -yl"-- 10 ~ a = ~ W' ~ - ~0' -~•~t- p' ~0' ~ ~ o 0 0 ° ~ ~ ar~m ~ CENTERLINE FOR ALL TWO IANE ROADWAY$ ° ~ o ~ o a T,,, a~.~.~a~~ ~ ~ ~ W,~, o a 35~ amt- ~ t~~ / CENTERLINE AND LANE LINES FOR TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE _ - o 0 o O o 0 0 o e Type II-A•A ~ 3EE OET~IL •C ~y ~ Wealn ~ ? W{pps ~ ~ SECTIOM ~ • 8 g rl% ~,rve ~t ar ii-o-n 'L' g t ~ I~- ~ ~ a o 0 0 0 0 o c g a n o 0 0 o r~ o o ~ g S o ~ r,,~ a„<-w o O o O i O o . i C TYae u c e .ea ,S\ ea CENTERL I NE & IANE L I NES ~~.ea v~«,m ~w~ ryw ~-c, T~ Y~ ~aoe to.va m~i troMc. aw~~ b' o FOR FWR LANE TWO-WAY HIGHWAYS o~a^~" "o-~^~* 580 Type it-A-~ ,•-x• LANE LINES FOR ONE-WAY ROADWAY (NON-FREEWAY FACILITIES) e _o`~ Q B • ~ a g Typa I! 11 A a g Rulead n~kvs T II-C-R I I iqVe olea' fooe tarTU nb~ol hofflc ¢ o~ n ~ aM re0 1 to~SE ~?an0'AY ira/ff0. ~ Wfao~ ~ ~~t. ~ ~ ~ ~~o} ,._,.I + , . ~ o~s- e p L ~ t~. OETAIL "A" DETAIL "B" DETAIL "C" SECTIq1 B ~ wr~s~ CENTER OR EDGEL I NE ~I I rateed pw~nt vYers plm~a in Ma~n Ilm Mpl l b DIawA ln Iln ~IM aN ~IW% DN~w~11 ~ ~2~~ 1ht slrlpw. 1 Qi Qav~N 0~~ 11r rvla~0 Powirrt ni~fiws ~o, b• ~ BROKEN LANE ~ INE ~~s a o~~ ro an. ~ia w me iana~+ueinai REFLECTORIZEO PROF ILE ~`~:v~i o.~wi ~~ia° ~ir ~i~a"",e ~rI- PATTEPN DETAIL °"ao11d°~"""'°"~ / TexasU+p~arfinenfdTra~oorMHm r.s~k qoraa. awrm IRING RFiLECTIVE YXOfIIE PwVE1fNt WpRINCS SPEw;a~w ~c~~~ E POSITION GUIDANCE USING g- 1z'"' EPr"mn~W"~ ~"~tt'' osilm RAISED MARKERS ~x'• BITWIIUTA IIpE51YE iqt PAYFI~If WPIIFAS O6ii70 . ~b~•~~ a~ REFLECTORIZED PROFILE ~6. r~1 ~ yi~-• 6• ~r:•• v: MARK I NGS ~ ~ A q,tac ri.ia as~ ror m. ~niam~e. a ms. ~ ~ PMt2)-08 ~In. ana vor~~..onclro acro.l~onir 2 to 7' 2 io 7• pnt to a Mu* 01 S a~~a 1o a.mcl~w ~E~ 2 to 3• nwf ~i ~m ..e~s ~-ae ~-ra ~~ut Iq(Qrf af 7 pJTtera iv Ea~f I IM 1hldaMU 2 10 3' ~ - n/~ M Spolal Sqa{iicofim 'MflMarfzaE H~ ~ 1' E06f IIIE pt CENTEALINE OPTIW~L 6' F?GE LIIE Ofl LFMfERLt1E Prof{le Pmwisrl Yvktnpt' 1' LAIE IINE OPTIpML 6' LAIE IINE ~ 2-01 228 ~ ~ I ~ Wllw Groken -fio a e~oib ° ' ~ ~ ~ ~ test ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - z~• mire C`` XHK fo plmf tOr IpqM irpic0l I50 ftlt ~ini~un Ilyy.l a , a~,~ .K, ~ F M~mm ~ € --~15 ~J v~~ ~J" v~~ ~`J v~~ ~ ~ °z ~ v~ 4~5 m - ~ SEE OET4Il A - F 500 Icet mozi~ ~ ' i ~ ~ SEE OFfA1L ! c ~ ~ - g F o iypippl iRR irmtitlpn 1ypiO01 I'tiL TfOn6ificn 5EE OE7all D 5 ~nife 0/dcm yello+ wlia 4/~ or ar-~ay Croa~ st~«, m t.o•~oy aou srraet ~.fi, ~ _ - `Li, u~nw vax-scauitiem vuan cLl' ~E * var~es oasea w, i.~am ot rv~ nm W~p ~ 0! E-IfAx S i P E E i 7C DouC~e Twn Arrws oPllonal 7?J-NfT STPEET ~f ~f 3f rro~cai~r ~i to ihe lenqth o( storope Ime ~•NT S~~[(1 i O Lt~ tYOe Il-~-~ Morkers 6• r$o ,o~,~~f~~~,~~ ; m'~ ` DETAIL D ,he ~~osYwfc~i~q fa ~he - u O~d airlCtiM o/ irovel ~ 6 ii~pl o~~a+~~ inch ~y0e II-~-I ~ of Stop Bor mE a g Pellov SoliO ~~~/Kt CroSSr01k 61w11 d;,~, O O O ~o ~ce~ ~ 7a~ or w o~ re~ia.soita L ~ iz~• ~~~.e me e~a ~n o a a o 0 0 0 ~ +t ~ / \ d ? DETAIL C 5~°°~~"' e ~k c o° ---C ~ ~ )z 7z reet ~ iroa ~ „ 1 ~ O a 1YpiC01 a r o feet ~ ZO ft i ~ ~ Po~seE pOVear~t mu"ker ~ m 5 Tro~ I t.tm uw~vioe0 ~~S 1z O ? O ? ? O O O ? niqrwara, Iluen mea ms ~ o g" ~zrei~w~~ ~ ~ e• w,~*e me f.o~ y~ie*r~ ~ioe:. rrr ~~w.~rre tn o~ar r« aaa~e~ani xw Solid ~tY0.1 T pa 1-C or iI-C-R 8' ~i}e RaiseG p1yp~IM QqpfWIL " 7 ]ce II-[-N rim GiriOM p~pilt fv ~orAa otl vrow aa Mn~ m nM~ .oaea af ~o ree. ~.ro. ~ nfa*are aa ra~sm meataxi. fw;a~~. ~_rq mo.eriai. snoi i.ee. ~ne o o"x i5o 3, rep ireG OepartaMTOI Yateriol $pecifiwtians o . . : . m aox~~ eo M.rK o~ms. o DE TA I L B ~a o~~.* t.~ ~~s o~ .a~ ~ Q.~.. 0 1 InM ~ or 4bter 7Mnf 180 feet'Tlie Cottcm ofii ~f rst~ OIIY ahol l Oe ploCeO al tl~e Deq~minp o rei ia soi ~o lypa 11-~-a YOtkKS fVn D% Ime 1i~4 05 Slwn aEOVe. DETA I L A .o ~ ~~*;a,.d ~«,,ro ~ a~.b~. d -T<R~ xx crosNCtcni~q for tne ~onia~ Uni~as rrarrie Confro~ Devlces• ~y airacrim oi xwe~ ~ uae4 SPECIFIC~IION IiEiEPE1KE (11~E W7EPI~L SPEC6IGTIONS ~ P~VEIENI MIRrtE1K (11EfLECT.] PIS-92(p EPOXT d15-6100 Type 11-A-A u~kera 1 inm I 70' J_ TYOI~lLt2 Iee~Yin BITlY1N0u5 WKSIK Ftti PFV(. weS WS-61J0 to be po5itia~l0 DlM1iM YGllo~ So110 H tlx cr06Cq/t~llq for il~e Oireclim ot trorel ~ S1MO~~M1 PL~MS ~ ~ ~ ~Tsms Qlparl~wld Trp~spprldlon - c, . a T d,~ a~ - . . . . ~ ` _ _ PAVEMENT MARKINGS FOR _ TWO-IYAY LEFT TURN LANES ~ ~E~,.«, • YEOET~~~C a DIVIDED HIGHWAYS AND I RURAL LEFT TURN BAYS TYPICAL TRANSITION FOR TWLTL PM(4)-03 TYPICA~ TWO-LANE HIGHWAY INTERSECTION ,~iw~~~~~ d~ .~TM d~~ - I AND DIVIDEO HIGHWAY ~a- .rs, ~r - WITH LEFT TURN BAYS ~ ,-o~ zm REQUIREMENT5 FOR REGULATORY SIGNS REQUIREMENTS FOR WARNING SIGNS Te' TTPICA~ EXAAPLES TYPICAL EXA?PLES ~ OEPAP114NT WIEfl114 SPE[IfIG110N5 OEPAPII(NI WiEP111 SFECIfIC~TIdIS 1 PL1~000 SIGN BLNRS P6-1100 lLWIXIII SIGN Bl1Nf5 p5•I110 - llUI1NW Slpl BLYIRS dK-T110 - - - Sp~ars ii. Yin. i~ithneas Sp~e Lf. Yin. 7~icMrcea e~ • . eac . 7.5 b 15 0.100 T.5 fo IS 0.100 traoter tlm IS 0.125 °p Cr<phr ttan IS 0.125 ~ ~ ~ YI'NYL MOMF-HEiIE[TIYE'OFUI SXEETlMG G5-6JI0 FL~T 51%~CE NEFLECTIYE SXEETING p6-870D YINTL Ndl-FEFLECTIYE OECAI SXEE7IxG p/5-AJ2o o USLGE CMW SIGN SIEETIML 154tE [aLdi SIGN 51EE7ING BI~OlLPOIM All iYP( [ INIGN $PECIii[ INiEN511Y1 B~[[GIId1H1 TELLpI TtiPE E IFLWPESCEN7 Pf1151M1I[1 LEGEMD i BIXNENS BUC[ VIMR NON-FEFLECi1YE OECAL SMEEIIMG - LEGEND L BONOERS OIITE fIPE C(NIGN SPECILIC 1M7EMSIIYI LEGEND ALL O1NEP T~PE D[N011-iLUMESCEMi PRISWiI[1 LEGEND i BONOERS BL~CC YINT~ Nd1~NEiLE[TIVE OEC.LL 511EETINL Ilype Y171 a TrDe 1% mirl 4EMEaAL tq1E5: GENE~uI ND7E5: 1. sipnc to x 1u-ni9KO, xrou~e ee oa aeroi ~ea e~aaMere ~n Me o~ms sipa to ee rurniahea. ctwu~a x an oero~ ~ea e~ce.~ere in m o~au p aq/or 06 ffipn On aiq~ taWlatian &wt. S1a~OprO siqn Wsipu aM aM/ar a5 ~fGw~ on sigi fuW~ation &ieN. StaqOrC siqn dsipn m0 - QfOr OimMSiow Cm pa fouq in iha '$fR~0o~0 NipwVy Si~ peEipn4 a'rw Uimensims cm p! fwn0 In tle 'SIU~GOrd NiqwOy S~T DeSiqns r~ C Tor igtas• ISNSD), far 1eKa6' ISNSD7. 2. Pepulat?J ¢iy~ ICpcvi05 91n11 ug! tt~! fe0e~a1 xiqlwry AO~inisiratian I 2. ~Mninq sipn Ilqerq6 N~all use tl~e iMerai Hi((wvy AOninisiratim ~ fff11M1 SfaW~~ Hi~wpr llp~eTS lB~ C~ 0. E, Eo0 Of (1. ILN~'A1 S~atlvE Niawoy IIplwDeta 18, C. D, E. E~oO of FI. ~ n J. Luixal sp0tinq petwan letf?s Td nuierala fMl l cmfo/n ~it~ iM LatRal spOCi(p Def~em lattera mG nwrrols EMI I can/mn ~i1~ tl% Sx50, an my appfovea Gwq~a merero. Lm~ra~ sDatnq of ~eya~as 5xso, ma mr worm.ea C+va~s +~ereta ~oxra~ .o~~np o+ ~epeqs a g Gwq~ . 91q1 I pOViOC o GO~a1M0 Gpp6YTGf ~ 6pOLiry ii~ t E~qRt SMII pfwih o COIRCBO QqOf~te MK 1 30ainp ~6 Iqt 6t10M1. BIOLk lepnq a1q11 pe qplie0 br r np pracesa wf-ouf vi~ryl 1. Block 1lqfliG Shall Oe opplieA OY ~~inp proceaa W cuf-aut rinyl -fefl![tive 0lCOI blf!lti~ to DRk¢tllla slMHilq. of CPiOiMti0f1 !lflKfiW qCOI 4Wetinq to MItC OaclWrdnO 61Keiinq. o/ o• emCinoti0f~ Mereof. 1h eo/. ~ L S. ~11ih I!pllq8 61q11 CB ~plll0 D) ECflMflq pfUCl66 ~iM tf416pp~M1 5. COIOrlG leqerqs sMl l pe appl i~E Dr arselninp poce56 ~iM ironepveM c9lofeC i~, htinpTent co1pM ovKlpy tilm to ~rl~ile D 1cyWq O colOreG irk, trmspo~Mt wlarM wMloy fil~ ar colae0 SlxNirq to ~ o~ aleetilq or at-aut MIt~ EMetinp to coloraU 0 J~~pY~O siteetinp. MiTa Emkprastl fsMetirp. or CmDinofim tF,ereof. ~ crnDinofian iM eof. O b. fllWireac~is fo/ ait¢t~rta are fp~ti m StuqQO Plm Sheet TSI1121. 6. Co1SeE Ieqvqe qql l be appl ie0 GY ~~inq pecesa rit~ irOnsp~en~ T. 1Wniirp Oetai 18 fS roo05iE¢ mwnfM ciqu rce sMw~ in Me t o colorM i~r t~atspQeni w1arM oveflq /ila or coloreG sMeti,q to 'S~0 series' S}m0a~0 Plan Slxets. ~ ~~Op ~ o~. Mit~ pockprpYq YMB~inp. Of cmOinOtiOn IMeo~. O~~ i. Sipf YDbMatC sMl l Ee ary nofai0l itqf ~eeie Hro Dep~~~m1 O ~ uotatai soec~r~r~m rewi~ma,+a rar oer.meo~ a~an sws+~o+ez. Y. NeQUlr~wnts for oifalmmls a'e /auM m StaWYtl Plm Shmf i5R121. 9. Ynnfitq 0efoils /f~ r00USiCS mnnfM sipns n'e sfio~n in tte ~ ~ 9 ~ 'S1~ ceries' Stu~GOrA P1m $n[eta. ma s.amro xayuoy r~ oe.lyn rar r.m. ~sxsol oa, a idn0 C! 1M fol lpi~p ~EOfitf. fTp~ //(tp,Apt. stvM. tM.ua/pD/~ttlof • iMO/tr1/YiaNlqviqot6pOf ~pL~C~D ~ L~0 N~ - ~ ~ s,.~ ~T~os v,v~.,.d T.«u~,ara, rrark qs~r~ a+isa+ TYPICAL S1GN - REQUIREMENTS TSR(51-03 ~ e.,. ..~a - ,::o, s 5 TYP[CAL ATTACNENT OF ROUTE M~RKERS AND ~ExIT ONLr' PA1EL5 TO GUIDE SICNS StGN BLANK PINiCHING DETAILS fOR ROUTE ~MRKERS w11EN ATTACNEO TO CUIDE 51CN 0 ` SCREN ATTACF~ENT 6• wo. a eaw~ sv~ccs 6' p'3- Z ` 6 ~ o e o o ~ ~ ~.~~N~ ~ o 0 0 ¦ TYPE • Y~~~ 5[GN BIaNR 3 EWLL I I E ALUAIINW A SP~CES ~ a ! $HEE~ ~ET4L SIGN BL11NR TYPE ? / SCNEII i 1{~' Noles SIGN BL~NK / 11000 SCRE11 I LENGTN .1/~• )4' Mo1es ~ _ - - ~ t' W~SHER E o 0 0 0 D o } IIASHEP • Z ~ EOIl0.l SP~CES 1_ _ ` ~ o MINIMUM THICNNES$ INTERSTATE ROUTE idARKERS U. S. ROUTE MARKERS STATE ROUTE MARKERS o o.oeo• ` A C D E 51qn Size 'P" q:s W % ALUMINUM GUIDE SIGNS PLYWOOD GUIDE SiGN 36 21 IS P/Z 2Sx24 2 p4 Z< 4 ~o ~ (E%TRIIDEU ~IUAINLM P~NELS~ IS/8' P1Y1100D1 48 28 20 30x24 3 4 36 5 76x36 3 4 48 6 NUT/BOLT ATTACHMENT asx36 4 7 2a 3 °o 98x4B 9 3 36 4 60x48 5 3 48 5 ~ ~~~~H~ GUIOE SIGN B~ANK I/~' NUT ~ND BOL7 TTPE A ~ n~ RLWINUM SIGN BLaNK ~ ~~d" NUT ~e1D BOIt « TYPE ~ ~ LOCIt 11RSHEN SIGN BLAMt / ~ ? NRSHEP ~«R WASNER 0 ARROII DETAILS ARROM DETAILS R~SHER for Lorge Grountl-MOUnted and Overhead Guide Signs {or Distance and Destinotion Signs v°oo ~ ~ MINIMIM TNI[RNE55 I ~ O.OBO' . 9.5'~<.5' 6.625' 6.125'-{I e .4J8"p .625"A I w o~ ~ ALUMINUM GUIDE SIGN$ T ~ Sy' S' - PLYWOOD GUiDE SiGN x.ezs- IE%TRl1DED ALWINUI PANEL51 (5/8' PLYIf0001 .3T5' ~ ' - ' ' 2. 25' _ - _ _ 3. 25' u~s f~ I• E3 and E3o DIRECT ATTACHMENT Standor0 2.25" orrow Stondord 3.25" arrow GUIOE S1GN t0 b¢ Usetl with to b2 u50d with WIDE SIGN B~[KGRqlND ~ 6~nch Iettef5. 8 if1Ch Iettef5. LEGEND SMEETING SHEETING TYPE LETTER SIZE A-I 10.67' U/L onA 10' Cops A-2 13.33" WL an0 R' CaDs r A-3 16' U/L ~EGExD Type C B'I q.67'U~L onG 10"CaDS E4 ond E4o STN~NI~ PLN~ 5N[Enroc g-2 13.33"U/L and 12'Caps ~rR~1tS1~~11blyd TfqM1Sy0fId1011 WST BE 'Oown' orrow CODE USED ON $IGN N0. ird/k qzralbs OhlaJm ~pT ~7 B-3 16' WL _ P~~~ y'N'~ E-3 k E-4 ES-3 and ES-4 JOINTS THICCdESS E-3a 8 E-<a ES-3a onG ES-<a T YP I CAL S I GN ~ P _ 0. O80' - .~~a. a~~~w w.~, .ti -s,~a N,,.% s,~, ~a REQU t REMENTS r^ GU1DE SIGN LEGENU IaYPL1ED OINE[TLY 70 E%TRWEO 1z,o~ p~Y"'~ TSR (6l -03 ALIMINUI PANEL51 _ Q Yo7i(y rne s+ma~a xaqwor ss~ ps~arn ror rmow ~y~~ am oe ~oua ue m toi io.t~q .wst~e. aeo~ ~a of i,mor anm. too~ ~ us r am ~-~w ~ u~ m a orraa. ' /16///ip,OW.N01w1R.WP~iMOOf-iM0/K//11iNNTiqWpOa 12-0) •r'n 6 SIGN SUPPORT DESCRIPTIVE CODES REQUIRED C~EARANCE SIGN LOCA7ION ~oaecric,~.~ ma, ar~awa~o .c so,.~• .a.;,o.e ma o~.v,.~i~ea ,ne~..~ ~ FOR BREAKAWAY SUPPORT PAVED SNpR.DERS T-INTERSECiION - SM RD SGN ASSM TY XXX~ (XIXX(X-XXXX) 5° ~ ~ ° ~ ron t~ in rf ~ r~ a iXP . fiDlf9106s IleinforC00 PI06tic Pipe ISee SW(iNPll _ in --1 HiGHMAY e rr ~~n HIGNWAY rrt ~ rn~o-bii~o Tw~~a ~e~e 9ocrm~ INiERSECTION INTERSECTION ~ IOBKI • 10 BIIG TWinp /aee 9URLIV-I) to SIDIAIO-711 3 ~ g seo - w~emie w v;ce ~sea srotsur-u ro woisurau ~ ANEAD AHEAD iz rr m~o w~ o~ vesn ar 2~ 6 ft oin o ~_~~~y 0 to 6 ft GreMv ~ n_ Yrlnr T)p . portim of ma thm 6 ft 7 5~ ~.5 ~t ~w WI • Unirer6ol MrJnr - ConCreteU lsae 9DIFPif uq SYIII~TI] u~pporf Trovel 7.0 It min ~ Trawl ~7 1.0 it m i.0 ft win ~ u 16 . Univerml Mtlpr - Bo1te0 Eaw~ lsee 5101GRP1 aM SNIII~TI7 li.e.. ahAl. d' - 10~e ~I Lane I~ ~ 1 Trwel ~ ~ tadpe M%fnr - Isee SNIITRI) r - _ S/i ~ Slippase - CanCreteO ISee 510ISLIP-II ta SNIISIIP-S11 50•_ j - SB , 51 ipDaE! - Boltea Oow~ IaM 510[Y[P-I I to Slqf$lIP-311 ~°~b Pw~ v~~ i C~ W1OCe $IUX110¢r 511d1101Y PovlO s~pi ~aninp oM~q~o.im sna~a. ~°y Q P• Pra/m. 'Vloin' Ibee 9O6LlP-11 ro ~3~, von~n, voit'nen LE55 THAN 6 FT. ri[DE GREATER THAN 6 FT, 1f[DE ~ i• Pret00. 'T` (sae AqISLIP-11 iD IJI. SIOITRII To Owitl ve~icle U~C~riaqe srqpqinq. my ~Ifen Mis S~p~ i9 ~ee0ed af the MC of o ha-Ime~ U. P~e1m. 'U" (see 91115L1G-11 io I311 StAatontiol raqin5 af o GcaAwaY KWat. fhe chwlGef ib 6 If. of lesa in ~IM~, ~IKn tlx ahoulds is qrtatef thm 6 ft in ~iEft~ t~a ~uY raa0~ar. ihe riQ~f eaqe a1 tlie siq~ sIwIE o'tl" IF PEWfNED Mxn it is prokM a~ay. 81~w1A rqt prol~f ~ siqn au5t pe olq;ed at leuat 11 ft. fran the siqi vusi Oe Oloced at leost 6 Tt. frm tM ~~n I ire ~im tl~e tenitfl ine ot H4 rooCYOy. Vloee 0o n IEKT or 2ELLT - W~OCr of Fatamiau laee SOISLIP-tl to 131, $1plTtT11 more tMn 1 inpYa 400v! a 60-inch <M/E a1 tlp travll Ime. eaqe of fIK SIWIU¢r. pa clo5e to N011 as prOCticol. ~ BY ~ Ezlru0e0 IIinC Bean laee 51pt5lli-Il fa 1311 li.e.. tyo~wl spoG! Det~m~ ~fpel potnsf. ~(Si E~Si ~C • 1.12 ~/f1 Minp GiW~el [6ee WI(SLIP-I1 to 1711 L~ E%AL ~ EMfruGld Aluninun Sipn pu~els la!! SY/1SLIP~111 BEHINO BARRIER ~ ~ 2~ ~S~ ` U~~Y .L . . , A~_.-------1---- n ow NO more than 2 sign pCCe tablt 5`*'"'"" HIGHMAY 2 tt m~~.. HIGHWAY °o "o o PostS Should be located ~ p ~ ~ INTEflSECTfON INTERSECTION vwaa vwiaor J' within a 7 ft. ci~cle. ~ ~ ~ AHEAO AHEAO o~ ~ ~ ~ caqe or r~aMe~ ~me ~ ~ . - - ~ r rr. ' ~ ~ r~. i~ -T -f - ~ a~mefe. ataerer ~a r.s tt ma. ~.s ~r mo. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ le ~ 1e~ iravel Roil t.o it i. fravel 8~ ~ i.o ft w . / - - ~ ~ \ ` Lan lma 0 8 0 ~ ~ ~ Not Acceptab l e P~ P~ ~ ~ i p a i ~ ~ ^ 0 I snwiox vwia. ~ +STOP L p , I ~ l e~ ~ ~~t, i ~ i rt. ~ BEX[ND GUARDRAIL BEH[ND CONCRETE BARRIEN o~arerer ~ atae~er ~ o g" ia ' Not Aeeeptob l e etrcie ' Not ACCeptab l e ~~sip~ cieQace aasee a, o~cfmu reyirea ror orooe. ywa ~at i or wncrere o~~im cerrw~oce. ~ Siqne Elql I De ~pMeG usinp ihe !ol Iwitq con0ifia~ flqt rew~is in fll! grtOtesf Siat elevUtiOM1 o: x o TYP I CAL S I GN ATTACHMENT DE TA I L SICNS MITN PLAOUES RESTRICTEO RIGNT-OF-IIAY o minimm of T to a nrnieun oi T.5 feeT o~d~t ~~+e I~IMn 6 tr nin. i~ rpt pwiT01~.7 eape or fro travei Iw ar S i ng I e S i gns Back- to-Back rz~ a mi~~.,~ of t~o a~ or i. s iK. mo.~ S i gns 4 EAST arme ar me nose m~n. awoorf .~,en e~m u-eoir ~q~qr ~ ~ yo.i.un ~sroiiea m ene oodwiooe. °'13 poaeioie HIGNNAY Tre mzimm vaiwa .ur oe ~ncrwsea .~en at~ec*ea oy ryim.osre(. t~or -ti t.s tr ao.- ~ INTERSEL110N the E^o~^~'. •u .os~,cf, ioct.n~ner, r.o H min o. ~5 5;~ ~ san vanei ~ AHEAD see tne tratr~e ooeratma o~.~stm .an.cte rar o~+a~iea ciw • o-«~nps ot a;p~ eirnpa, t..m u,iwrao~ rrimp,iar S:¢i Poaf ~ Nut~ loCit Inen a ~WDlam~tal DIUPb SI1Wase SYSim wipaents oM ~eOpe MCMr SYatwi Trovel Q~Y si~ ~f u6eA, ~py~tg_ l~ tlx 7 ft sipn netyit is ~uiurW M fM Oattm at 1.5 ft wn< ~ Tne Lsih a00f6as iu ~ PQ~ 1M SWp1emMG1 Olpq~! 7.0 ft min ~ tfo:~~tro-ao+.arare.f..~,siwnit:aor•~~~aawcserw Sip~ g~py~~ ar seca+OSY sipt atqW?E/irolliG6~~o.0~ `~wf. ~oa ciao stm voe* ~yM~ Travel Lar SiN~111D PLN~ zta~ eone~ ..~-~7'~m .ov,er. tiw A~EOIANS .ocrKr. ioc~ .o~r. rowa TE7f~5 OfPAl111ENi Oi TRN15PWi~iIOM S~+w10m TMnc Qmr~(a'ia pAatm Bolis u6e0 to ~nt sip~ pvwls fo M+e cloip ~e " 5,~`•„'.~ °°~"Q';n° .°"°r` 2 ~f ' pi°'+-~.-.~ ~"t~,"i~` ~ ~ a,~t~ SI GN MOUNT 1NG DETA ILS rrylm ~er. ilot ~aetef mE ICGk iqalfer. Th Clpp Bolt Siq1 Pvxl ~ py roCk6~ ~oIV~ vepetofiorl forpt. eoir ~mam i. i irwn ~ar aiu.~n. on i v~ ~rcn Nyim .mne.. ~iaf ~ H1GFI~AY ourimros. a narra. isima or omer k. . `~°""°°°`~p". ti~`' ~°a"°~"`• ~S`0"~°'* 'NiAHAO'~ f~t`f5~ SMALL ROADSIOE S[GNS +.o ~ ,o .a.~~ •'^b*'~ ° '°'N°' GENERAL NOTES & DETA I LS d~- Cock-to-OaCk, uce o S/Ifi•le UIC polvanlSM MY aziqle Bolt l M RevMts Me miniwn harizmtal cle~mce ~ I~loE pM ~Sri A707 rim nrf aW ~el itol-apritq lodt ~ frm tM eEpe of tle ttovei Ims, siyns Pipe Oimater voftier. The CpyaRimNa Oolt Imptlq for vQiau pobt Spetifit Clmp tFiverwl Clmp Yidi1E De OICCM OE iQ f~w tM Mwel '~D ~~`EN~ ~02 alzea mC siyi elup tYOOa ae OivM in }M fp01e at 7.5 ft ~mr ~aM m prattiwl. fiQ~t. Tlq ODI} IerqM O/ lec0 to 0e aEjWt~p 2' ro~iM1 3' 1 or ] 1/Y' foce of 7.0 /f ein ~ fm~ of INOf ,iui~ iODt ~-B~S d. W ~~[d d.Gl d.qlMinp ~.pm fielU caqitiva. 2 I/3' naiml 3 ar 3 I/2' 3 lI2 ar 1' G~.D ~ ~ (up Post ~oY a~~ i/ protetfb Ey n 3' nO~~rql 7 1/2 af ~ I/t' d p~trail or iT E~q7neef AetasiMa tlie 'm' ~ stm cimw er x etmer tne wwt~tc stze c~uo wer couie mt e. nit a» ro e.frene ar tne ~nivcaa~ c~mD- s~°a' A GEI[UIL MOf[9 . r " ------"-------'---"-----i I.Fini6t+MtmpqidHa~eru0tpo6161108~CTt0inpmOSG~eOUIelOPipelOWCloqa,efallDe Texas Un ~ versa I Tr i angu I ar ~,~Y.~~ fa ,~,~t~ ~d*~a. ~i~. ~ a+.~k~~, a~rK, o . ~ ~ fo ap0~oro1 or Me it~f107 1rMtic StatlmO~ Enqi~NX. ~ ~ ' 7. E~tepf ~v poais (10 BIIG ~Winq m0 ScneEUle 00 Pipei. cluqn, Me m0 Oolfa, al1 oaiponsnls o`s SI ipbase System L- - - ~~~~a~~•,•.a.,~,.~a, ~~~,a~.~~.,~T,~,,.a~„~ ~ a~~~.~~~s o ~ a~o~~ c ~ ato~~ A srmmraa rny~~., or iM Tra/1ic OperWians Divisim `ebsife. Tlw `eDSife aab'taa ta: ntta Ii.... aot. atate. tw. usiinsatmt/w-vcnort/tri/trtcriy ~ Poct J. lbterial usl0 06 pOet ~il~ 111is a]stal Yql l Canlmn to itie follwirq apaciliooffau~ m Bolf 10 B~G tWi or ~8' x Ifi' ili6_1 "c w~c uetno ~sin• wrsia. a~o.K~ a~~ Keept` PI te Sctiedil~ BO Pi ~ ' a w r---- i r- o. u,• ~n.oi .ai i m~u~u ISee Cbierol Ibre 31 ~~eY~ mcfv cansists of 5/8' diox~v sfua Doif wiM UNC series ~ ` - ~ Swe~eu a alxtric•ruictmu wido cfeei tiOinq ar oipa SIiO ~se bult itreod6 m nr upper p~E. _ Staei aMll De HSl~S Gr 55 per ASfY ~1011 or ASTY IIOOB ~ o Wptinq ~'1 ~F N1 0~ A574 A563. a+C O11ier steels ~OY1~ uSeG if tM7 ~t ttK follpiirp: 5/B' sirycival ~a+KE ~ qr ~SI11 f1}6. Tix `i 55~000 PS[ win u rislC ¢t~pqM . q t - atW Eolt eMll hm~! miniwm yiel0 1 4 70.000 PSI wini~ iq6ile afretpl~ oo~rs ~3~. ruts ~ i ~ aq u~t~rofe tenai~e sfrenqtns i` ' 20X .~niwm Hwqotim in z' a C m 13), aq ~oelbra m e ~ p{ 5p QW TS 6SI. fe3pectirely. L_ See De~oi I 0 INpll Micknna IurAOte01 slnll be ~iMin th ~aqe of 0.1t2' ta 0.138' 16) per ~S7M l325 LOGkinp Cailp' IUts. Oo11S OM WShxs Slqll Ea UitaiO! Oime1lr IucooFeEl sMll p! ~it~in iR ~aq~ of ~.86i' ta I.883" or A<~9 aq l5ee Detoi~ EI ivunixe0 prr ]im 115. 'GOivm~z- See ~elaii B qalvm~xW per ~ i M Oolt alnl l e~terq of ~1We'prtci0e piunetef~~e10 5~aniM~ A651 G210.~ .iMC~t~I~ettper~lY BB73ry A65]), reooot 0 o g ~r.m Ns •coira,i:t ~~o. ao r.erainzi ~7~ Isost /1u9~ rith tpp of ine M Su~wN M PIp~ ~Lt15' m~~a~ ato~rr~ b BOif Ianq}ti is ~1~en {nSialleQ The andwr. ~tbn . 0.276' nawirql iql I 1~iekneu 2 1/2' /ar nn ii%tO11eA in ~000 psi rvmol- r ~ r_-_--~ S1~el ttqiro per ~SiY 1500 ff [ g~ o t~s+oiiortm an ~~rr~nu soacr .e~~i wve+e .~m o s~iz• ' omer waues: ar ei.cfr~c-rea~s+a,ce .eiaa sfee~ tw~~ro or otx .tm ewtwimf i~ ~~f+irq ~ ~uaea a+iy .~w~ 7ni.un aoeurcnf. ano~ ~ nm o - ~6' _~9• arta~a atrnerar me w~~ mtcwneas mor ce usea ir ~nar mre. rne roi ~o.f~: a_ space~ i5 useE. refrofittirq mininm allp~ople tensian aW Slv.v ' $qt-1 ~.pp0 PS[ mfniwn Yteia e+renqm olA eYStem of 79W aq ]100 pai, five~ ao o f°~ Y. ~ 67.000 PS[ miniwun tensile st~erpt~ a1~L ~it~ AOwsive fypE qwtors 91q11 hove ZIX ninimm elwqa/i0n in 2• liffinp rmpl atW Ea115 ins}alle0 ~i1h Trpe Ilull t~ickreSb IUKO0teC1 afqll pe ~iRhin fl~e raq! Of 0.2~8' to 0.30~" 111 epoxY cer G6-6100~ 'EWxlea afs~a at~e+er IueaoteOl alall Oe vit~in Ihe raqe of 2.655' to 2.8%' - pM A~ecivCS' AJ~esive o'~chora T-BrOGkef ' ~ ' 1' ( - ' ~ Galvmizatim pef 4STY Ili3 m y Oe IoaOetl Ofief oOeQUte epoMY d. 5b fhe trolfic - are +~.e, oer tne wrw«+~rars ~l ~ , aoa.ot~ms a~v~e~m.eos~re ro~ mtai~ea a-a.irqe or a~y~ ciams an re.m cC~Oa - ~ecame~qotimc. L_ _J l__ ~ ' 1/2' ~ 4' I~eovY Ihiveraal TrimqulQ SlioDase SYatencmpanents. 7M ~e0site aGtrets is' ' I ~ I Kr Ooli~ M. lock fiR//ftp.dDf.etofe.tx.us/pA/f~tEOf-in~o/cm~/caervp/SiptlRG/iroffic/sliD.pM S1iC I I~~asle( aN 2 f101 5. Siqn 6Uppo~f5 sholl rof OC 6p1iCe0!*xpf MXe sho~nt. $ipn SuppWt po513 Shall nof De Op1itl0. oe~a_ i - - - .ov,.r: mr ~sn ~707 vo~+m~:ea oe~ ~ssfleti fnOCEOIME se Si~ ' a~areter hoie. A ~~I Item 1<5. faMONm o It repiirW in fl~e ]6' 6. q I I 'Wlvmliirq.' I. PraoQe 12-inG~ aiaetar oY It-irch eeep mle. It mlid rope is enrnntereQ TIY depih of iM 0~~. POVIEe a _ _ falqo}ion eyr pe redceC Su1~ IMt it ia m6e00eC a minimm o/ IB inches inta tl~e mlid rock. ~ ~ 7' R t/P' Uio~eter ~to etlqe 1 I 2. ThYqpt~ly ref uM aia tdcrete in o cdNOine/. PI¢a carcrote into Iqle uNi I it is upp~oai~nteir ~~w,izea roa ar io~m i i nusn .7m me vana. ~1 ~eGar. 9z. I I 3. PuN the pipe xfU Of MC s1i0 ~se slup into tM tenlef of }t% CawTe~e. Rofafe 1M ehD OoCk atl ~ forM ~Ti le puehinp if Eoa~ iMO Hx conc~ete fo aswa ywd cantact Uet~ev~ tlt cancrete md st~. ' O CmiinX 10 ~ork the nt~D into Me can[reft tMil it ia Oetws~ 2 ta S inc~l8 ODO~e ite prpnd. 1M PosT ipq,r va~ue ossVes Nqf T i~ptttinq vCM1icle shoul0 not SnOp on flx footi~y. The lover v01ue ^ r/m-.e~nrarcea aov~ces ciearaxa tar assemir. Cac.e+e roor~nq Oetai I A P~~ srw er ~a~~v a woeao ie..i m+ne si~o via~e. Aiio. wnore+e oeep,a*e ft.e ~o xr. - ~sroi i oe usea 0 0 - c•+a+eer i. un sAnorf m+nor tK oo*ran ar m s~m M~~~ a t ta ].5 feet lDOVe Me ~ or ,ee r~a ei.ar v ieea mrea ~ o E n eleM~e~e in ffx prill 7/16' hole (tlYay~l li.e.. aEpa of Mt eloSe8f Ime) Mm 51ip Dlohe is Oeiw tlie eOqe of pwe~t or 7 to 7.5 f!N ~ DIOnSI. iw~GOtion . movC slip Olate M+en Hie ali0 DIOtt ia more }he eUpe of tM t~wel~ar. Tl~e wt ahall pe pluip R~0 SMU10 take appOx. ' ' . • . ' . ' ' ~ Ofter uvae~lY ~ InEtOll 6firoiQ~t. ~ Dolt~ ~Yf. 2 fIW ~s 2.5 ef o/ Oorcreh. 1 1 2. Mfoch siyn M&ypo~t u61~q cu~nectiqu Ww~. Rw~ aultiDle Sipb ore inatallaE an fhe sO~e ~ = ' i " ' • sie• a~arcre~ tmcrete - t ta• a,a ~aa wy,er. ' 8 PIOCl6 IeiDeG a mininw of ~ i ~ sOPert. e~Ye Me oinimao CleTmce pei~ee~ eW~ si¢~ ~s mintaireU. See SWlSLIP-21 for 5 1/2' MW torpq to w~n. of ¦1 - ~ 1/!' K! 1/2' tROVy Mt Ealt ~iM clcvorcea 006M M siqn fypea. o r s ~~11',Ulo•-~ 50 ft-t0a1. Mdqr ~oy ~e ~•I --'-I ~yi. lock ~aslrr mE 2 flot roalers 3. SiiOe fM SlipOnx Cosiirq uMO Me ~aer mU of 1M si~ a~qporf. expa~sim af 00etiva frpE. 1 1 pH RS1Y A70/ polvmi2lE DC` ~ire a c~i5e1 a a llat-Dlatle aontriver IntO tfie cut an The laeltinp co11Q 10 s1i~f1Y PY 1M 511 qD SCl1 ASSY T~ %M%%%IKISAI%-X%R%1 CaI1Q oqn. SIiUe 11~e c01IGr onl0 tle eM ot iM Dip! So He e0pe o1 ihe Oipe is De}rGen Mx }ace 91 PO SGN ~SSY TT %X%K%11115BIIf-11MXNI I 11m ~~5. 'falrmiilnq.' of 1h lockirq col IQ GM the m0 0{ 11ie eEpe perel. A ClaO-Olw IqmkT ~q' Oe wtful in posit70n- Posf ~~u me w~ i~ ~«.«*h. ~+e ~*oo~ ~seo +o crr rn~ ~oi ~s ov~. Tarpx Me o11m Eolt to 60 ~ LoCkirq ~-~~~t inof.parqa tT20 InM-pouV61. W IqI OYFPTIW7TEN. Col1O' S. VIUU UM ol ip~ Eolt k0epx pIW! M 61ID D~O~R aM l ift as,saiDleU sip~ aM aup0ut inW po8iliM. ~'W ~~5} ~B?OI I B 6. Place m! M6Mlr' an eacli Eolt Oq imxt iheq thp~ klepF Dlote a+J tM notdKi On fhe slip Sip~ CIW Dlafe aW Gosfirp. 1ftK IMerfinp eod~ Oolt~ Dlme ane ~oM~er arq a 1'ut m 7i~¢ Eolt oq lim0- 0ltai 1 E Mnu~a rot eatena ispecitic or ~ipnten ai i t~ree. Orill 7/16' Mle ~~R Ittr 1 Of}e/ UnivKW II i. 7M OrlGkOqj flUfiX~d of Mi6 SYSiw I I qk M%,f OI~ tRee Oolts Qe 1iQMMlO Dlt~Mm 10 fo !0 ~ of m110f. ~ry ~ fwf-paMs IIBO fo %0 intl~-pdM6). fhe Enqireer afqll OCiMniro the ~praRiMe bolt torqe fv ae~eiy ma t~uroii ve• . e• ooir. rut, z{~m eoit .~m nn. ioc~ .ocner ea* ralect. ttonren ai~ eoits o~ .ortt,q vana rne r,ooort in lpproaimM~l7 10 fool-Oa1W ~osMre m0 uW 2 flaf ~uaMre per ~Stu inCrCnM?s ro oBS~fe a Ealmced 1MSim In rIR Oolt6. AII 1Mee Oo1te SMII De fSyed th cae. ROl L P I N ,bT ~~•m~ o~ D~ NUT OYEflTIGNTEN. ~p Item MS 'COivmiLinq.• - (Opt i ona I ) si,,,~p ~ .32~' Yin. Eatentlar / ~~~a• ! ro.r / Ter~os OeloarlnMrl d Trpv,porlollon _ ~•.ve• ~~exoiioi~ rrd~k~reiouam.an Detail D .32~'Yin SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS m ' ' ao~ouma~eee roie .3~7• Mo.. i~ i raP nt~ ~ . a~=~39 ~y,M1 ; SIdALL ROA05IOE SIGNS e TRIANGULAR SL[PBASE SYSTEM " ~ ~ ~ \ 3/e' x J IK' swve _ " aee f ~a~ SMD ( SL 1 P-1) -02 ~ T~ . ~ T-~~, ~ ~«k ' i ti2. ner ?stw uot w~.v~izea stm cimo rmor ~y n~ ~-eAS m-aw .-ra r~cu 1~ ao.n t~ o~ms, rne E~qineer mr Detai ~ C oe* n., us •co~vmc:t~a' esoafrc or S~ ~lQ1iro /M rol I Din to EE inOfOlleA 1901f IMpt~ wor v?Y IhivbEall 6 to ~MCe pauiDle aipn ra~ofian. pp,g~E POLI PIN OE~~II SVIitK alqll mIY ~ a11oR0 pepeWinq m cipn clup bnilW Me aipn apsfrate. ~Yp~ ~ pip! Oimefer./ 268 ~ ~ [ ~ 1 ONE-IfIT ~ Det~aen ~H ¦I~rnl•BfT 1. GII 51FPoRi • Oi POSTS W%. Sld IAFA o i ~ . . ~----~r '~T _ • . liN6-1)x~_ OluO.~s S~IOB~G 1 165f cY SfrletNUe ( 6~allpe IOB~G 2 725f ff= .~v __1` Siv~ ~•1 H I I- Sch80 1 72X a> _'i'_"._~ a 5 e~' ~ ' . ~ ~ \ ~ / u r rep,~rcm ~ - - = sm w z e~ sv ~ i ~ , . o«- ' ' . rn i. \ z. ruw~n~o«eoto~i0i:~r~~5n+eaW~~ t~x . , ; ; _,1 ~ ~ , o.Z. o.~. o.z. ~~~y~,~a,,,oo~~~~s~~.. o ~ ~ - - . ~ ~ ~ 5„~ ~ ~f ~ i _ _T ~ STOP (SPI-11 N ' 7 L 'l a stm e~ooor, wc+. ma~~ ro. x w~t~a g~ o ` ~ t1E10 IFRI.ZI SY XO SGM ~54~ lt %%%N%111MX1T1 1. ~Iwihm siq~ Dlmks ~fql I cmlorm to OeDaft~ental r `c \`'`a Yoterial SO~ifiwfims 015-illo mG 9MII ha~e rM _ ~ ` 1~ - SN Ibi! 13) IOIIMilIp Ainimn if1iMlYfelS 0.0lD fOf 6lqi6 IlE6 ,f~r~;f ; - 1 I'~. ' ~'1 oM~;25 a';i~~.~00,a~i4~,.5fo~5.a.,... ° - ~ p~a qraater thm IS sa. fi. ~ l i'/x ~ ~ I I J~ S!e ~etail 0 ~ Nylon wsMr. 5. Vlyr,wE sipu aM11 canfpn to Oepar~m¢n1a1 Ibtlriul ~ 4 i I S%_ ~f' - - on SYDI$LIP-II Jy~ -'~EKtniOeG AIUti 1linmemi ~ 5/16' s I S/~' Splcificatim 016-110p anE Yqll pe 5/! ieK/ea inict. C~ J ' S' !Ya Dolt rim 6. sipns nbt r~ire cpecitic S~qCOrta AM to reotons ~ ~ PLWIIE • 1- ariaD~e lenp}h P~1 nrt. luck ~oSMr. i oOGiTian 10 ~indlaa0ilq o/a ~nGiCOtaO On tlie 1 SIOP • 2- 32v~nc~ Oiece6 2 flat ~o91ws 'NEWIREO SIAPOPT' ta01t m Mis cMet. C~ a p!r ISTY \bi 7. fY IqfiZIXl}al f!C}Tpllv Si~6~ T-WOGkets Ofa u56E ' rt[lo • e~rcn o7ece tor syu~s z~ ~ra~es ar ~ax tn neip~r. u-oracxers SY RO SLN ~SSY iY XXX%%IIIM%IPI q°~~~T~ ~ Q L 1 - 72 inc~ D~~ e u5M Tar aiqa of ~aater neiqH. SIA 110 SGN ~554 TY NN%%11111%%(TI Iteni ~45. 8. ~ t~o lriapilOr slippose s4lports are uae0 to bo~- SY FD SGN ~SSY TY XTYX%111%%IP-BYI 'GOIVCnizinp.' y~~p~t a 5~~qla aiyn. tMY ~II not pG 'riQitlly _ - ~ Og o (oolneCleO ailw e0C11 AAW~~fo acf in0Gt0~lM!¢1t~D~~ . C ` r~ ~ Men inpocteE Dy m er~mi rMicle. o ~ ~ z i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.12 ~/ft ti Qvnel ~inq 9. ~inp ttw~nel 9ql I~reet ASIN ~ 10f I SS tr m0 Oe B ~q ~ i - qalvmizee per l5ri ~ 123. _ _ _ _ ' _ ~o.oirttsao ±rai t±~oo~w ro~1i e.iene ee~i~ tneue a~ omei~ y~'- ~ li.e.~. eac uypOrt S~all Mt pe visiDle M~en tPe - 1 1!% `~1 ¦Immtl•6FT I ~ ~ ~ Sca Uetail ~ Top Vicv 9ip~ ia ~ieireE from 1M front.l P<pair pplvai~izeE y 1 1 • I u" " ~ u-" v '°r D@tOi 1 A coan~ m~~r s~.ooarr ~ cer Ife. N5. 'Gaivmizinq." p.° ~ i ~ ~ ~ r ~i.tne Erro~~xe(.nr a~iw rne uce or m e=oo~me roan ~ ~ ~ ~ I I rwmtton. ~ ~fsr o~ aoorovea wppilers ot exvaq~nq c g~ i ~ ~0 h ii p ' ~ ~ fom~ roy Oe oUtaiMC Iran 1M ~ra f fic Oper U~i O n f , ~ ~ o~ _ 6Y1 ~ 8 ' ~ ~ i See Uefail B Oivisim ITptl or fran.Me rllf ~e05ife. . , ~ ~ rne . os~.e oaa~ees t. o„~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I 1 t--= ~ 1 L'~ --1 r~OQ nno:~im.aor.s~are.f..~~i,smmr~ora~rfn~rir.imy a u ~ i ~ ~ ~ _ - - - - - - ' - - ~ - - - ( - _ -1 - - -1 ~ - - i C~~I 12.~00ifimol route ~vke`S nor Ce adUeA verticallY. _ i i ~ proviAeO H~e total siqn Qea OOeB Mi ercee0 ihe t ~ p~ g i rotiiRpi al IpOple ondl~t pBr lbtf . o r o ~_;g _ _ 1 . • ~ - - - - - - - - - - 13.MCitianal siq'i clmp /lWireC m fM '7-tracket' post 19 - ` 1 1 I I 1 for 2~ irxY~ niyh siynA PIOCG 1f4 cluip l iricMa d~ove ~o o Z 3ee 0lto~1 [ I 1 I 1 OottOmoT si9n N+en possible. e ¦ % - SY ND $CN ~55M T1 SIX11MI11%%1U1 ]8 JB ~ ~ SM Np SGN ~SSY Ti %%]IlTI11lIt1U1 ~ m m n w rto scx Ass~ rr ~ncxxu~xzw-ea REQUIREO SUP woEn u'o: f---- iseexorem s~g,tioro sicxocstairna+ rr io~i ii zxrti i ~ i 1 isa~tfic ar ~e-~ncn sra a~a+ ~sai-n n ioe~c~nx[ta-an o~ s o ~ ~ I , , i Univefs011 . TT 1 IIIIIXI 1 ~ ~ nch TlELO s qn 6P1-21 "i fY10 efi111X%lP-B1I _ ~l k Tr ~ lUU~ ~ o Ilxlfi-irchONE~~~Y siq~ IF0.6-1) / 'U'EKtaqer ~ ~ f y 1apYie~ - TYlO8~G111%X(P-BYl I 1 ~ ~ 1 I I 1 5/I6' a 3 3/~' ~ I ~ ~ ~ tex bo~* .trn DCtOi I B ~ 3c:~e, +e.~c, aw ~e.~e•~ n s~Q,. Tr ioe~c~nxxm 1~ IIx60-inch aipne IY 5l0111%%lTl ' ' J _~'1 vtl flat raaher - - ~ - ' ' = - cer +51Y 1707 ~ ~~y~p-inch siqns IGirnn~O or sQAel TT 10B~GIIIT%lTl QOIVp1i2l0 p!~ lifi 91N Itea 1~5~ 'Calvmixi~q.' g~/NA•ims aiQu TY SWIIIXY(II ~ i i i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i Inmil __i - ( _ _ i ~ _ _ _ ( _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ ~ Nflm ~oNer. c ~!-'rxl~ ~0vacs Srlnoi X-Inp a:pi ~55~-i1 Tll IOB~f111D1IT1 ~ I 5/i6' z 1 J/1" ~ ~0-ircT St3n01 X-inq aipn tSS2-11 T1 IOB~6111IX1T1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ne. eoir.~m " ~ i ~ nut. IaCk ~aalxr. L~qs Arrw aiqn I~li i~1-7) TT IOBrG1117%lTl ~ x nm .oamrs ~ ' ' ~y I.-'= '_.I ~.nc "~1 ~r 1 `ti ( ~ N7 ~ Per ~S7Y ~]07 I 1 y i ~ ~ ~ i - ' ~41 qplvmixaoK ' ~ i 'i ~4w1.6Li ~ ItemNS, ~ ~ i ~ ~ 'COIVVniiinq.' ~TS~~ ST~ ~ - - ' - i r.ar~ a.+~ - _ =-j - - y. ~ ~~uetn.n 51°' SIGN MOUNTING DEATAILS 5. ; Pmei _ _ _ B SMALL ROADSIDE SIGNS , ~ d~ ` 5.,6-:3~.• TRIANGULAR SLIPBASE SYSTEM ne. eoit .~m ~ w*. SM~(SIIP-2?-02 utl 1 7101 ~er6 $iQ YId pr ASTY ~301 taDOi .WY ~ ~~45 w~W ~-id d~GL q01vMiMG per 0@t01 ~ C su eu sa ~ssu n saoci~¦am-itKn w no sa+ ~sw Tr seon~xx~u-zcxn ~r°° ~~s• a w a0 SGN ~ssTY n zCZZlc12)7t%cvl ca~vmizi,q.- 26C ~ . o ~-ea~ r-ev~ wr~~ .mner, ¦'"0 5/16' 7 I/2' I• SIGN SIYPOPi . a vosrs wx. s~cx uec. 9Fi CM1m~ei r'` 2 2 liex Dolt ritn 10 BIIC I 16 Y ~ i yH 0.751t-!FI) 28 10 t8 0.751~-1FT1 M. IOGk ~.u9xr. 10 BKr 7 )t 5~ a ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ pQ' S ~T SM !0 2 W Sf' '.o~ ; ___i ______t____'______~_______ t IvaiZM Rr x [ron 115~ 2. 7he E~qineer my repuire ttqt a SGM01~e !0 oost Ue a ~ m ' - , , ~ 'raivm~zirq.' uaea +n o~ace ot o ~o erc .ix(a a aip~ netptt is o~} ~ c 1 ~ ~ ~ mnmml lY nidM We ro a fi I I elope. otib L-l____"'_______" ___________SOlfce . . ~ i ' S.Siq~s~yW~tsLWllnotDeWlic6EatcWeN~<sfqwi. zTF " SiTS~Qpa~iD~6qV11notDe6Diipd ¦Ininl>16FT = I ¦Im~1.7~iT ~ I AI~/nl~im sip~ Dlmks EMI I EqfiGmi to DapoM~ental 0.115~ 0.5711 0.~15~ -'~1 ~btKiol $pCeifiea}ims OIK-7110 oM Moll lave tlrc roiiwt~+u A~~~~ m~~wK~:: o.oeo ~or s v~s i.s. P~r~d thm 7.5 aa It.. 0.100 fQ siqu 7.5 to IS sG. (1., SM HO SGN ~SSY IY %X%%%(21%MIT-2E%TI 5i~ m0 0.125 for af~s q^eatv ff~m 15 ay /T. Pari 5. PIy~wE siQ~s sM~~ cantorm ro OepvMiMneal lbferiol 1~ - See Ible 131 $pecifioolion pY5-710p mE ahall pe 5/E inctes t~iCk. i p e' 6. SipK 11b1 reyuire apecitle 9ipparta Aie 1o reaeaq 0 o R Z, ' 2, ~n oOCieiM to rinElwAi'q ore irAifqteG m flie 8 SiOe Vie~ 'IlEOUIflEU SIPPM~' loble an fhis ~~t~~ts ve une0 n . x nin. i. Faf IbfiZMiol rtCiqpJIQ s~p15. ° ~ ~ ¦Mi~l)BFT soi~ce ~y- Detoi I 8 ror:iy„ z. ~~sor i~ss ~~ne~v~r. u-erakers /x ri.a.~•i~T ~see r»re ~zr~ z. z. _a • re ~ua ~or s~PS or a•ar•r n.~a~}. o a ~ e. mai t.o trlanpuia ai~onase supporfa ve usea fo co? ( R` uNOataslrqlesiT. tieY5hol1noT0e'riqi0ly' i 00 ~ ~ e ~ I cpv%GtlO to ea ii aTl%r exe0pt tlr'Wj~ the si~ pR~el. W o ~ N ~ ~ o Thia ~ill OI10~ NG~ ¢~qpart fo Oc1 inpepertlentlf I I f i i Si~ 9. ~~~K~yplt maet ASTY ~~1011 55 Cr 50 uM ce ami 11~~ le' 2Y~~ CI~^W IVmiieODK~$TY112J. 4 ISpeeific or ~ lbles lO.EaGl55 Oipe. ~i~qaE CMVftI. Or' ri~ Nwll Ge cut ~ o~ O.ISM O.lll O.tS~ Univerwll off W ilqi if Ooea rot a~18M EeY~ tl~e Sip~ parol ~ = e / 1 li.e.. eaess auppa~t slpll ral Ee visible M~¢n M! ¦ ' ~ s~v~ 'a +te.ao rraw rne tra~r.~ Aeoo~r qairm~zea v~ xo sex ~ssr rr ztzzx~i~xxir-zezn _ =oo~t~a ar cur swoo~r mos oer ifen ~~s, •wi.~m~z~„v.• ~ ~ xoies ii.me a~otneer mor oi~o. f~ ~,se or m a.va~ raa. f V '/i' 4 r a r i a o,i m. n i~s, ot ~ o.wea s w o~~e.s or e.ome~~ q o"oa `o n- sK nore is~ . y. a r~ t Zy,. ^ • . roa .ar oe mroc~a ~r~ ~ro r~or+~c aaera.ims ~ o~ ~,e o,~ ~„a i o,.,.,~ ,r~, ~ r~~ r~ ~.,,a. rhe .eosite omress is= ~Hp //wv.0ot. s}ote. ~a. Us/ i haGtOet/Orp TOft/ir1/irfuq/ EitrutlM Ilun /inQMUn [Se! Detai I 0 af $MI lSIIP•I1 3/B' x 1 1/I' tl.Siqt Dimke YUII pe ihe sizea aW at+a0ea slvwi an - or i.it ~/ft Mirq Ctanxl i5ee Oetail A ana Detoti B~ SPI iC0 Plates sa,,~e ~ me oiv~a. u~~ess onxr.~u sr,o.~+. „o ouc~ m m~~r~- a o i IB' nin. OoIY. nut. pvBl pir~aad siqu slai 1 Iqve a tlinMDlm less 11~m IB irtlns. FI 51 ~ feef 0 B feet ar a~ollef in O « $piice p10fl6 aholl ~e 1/B ' 91ee1 tIN ~asM/ y~~ ~ Y ~ C0 ~ Split! ~ plate IISiM AMI a 1/B' eitlw Oiwnsim c1q11 pe of uq Di~u canslruetiM. e o o l5ee Ibie 171~ aliwiru ~ 1~ ~ tl.MEllionol siq~ clop repuire0 a+ it4 'T-backef' posf q F f plof< I~S7Y Bt09 ILLOT 6061-i6 or ASTY ~J01 p0lvUniZeG for 2~ inch ~i~ siyns. Place the clary ] irctie4 move ' OKIt~n915. - sasz-~ua~. srKi snoii waoiw,~:ea eo~+omor s~m.++a+oos:~o~~. 9• in acCOrOP~ce riM ~STY ~t23. 'fAlvmixinq.• ~ see ara~~ 4 RE~UIRED SUPPORT ¦Uw1.iSiT X SIGN RSCRIP7ICN Y IOB~f1~11CIl1T1 ~ i„ 18-incn StaV ciqn ~5N1-~I y~ See Oetoil B varimle IT 1006111%%IP-BYl 60-inCh TIELU sipt (FA1-21 iT 1 G(11X%ITI o x Z~. ~ ~T IOBtG111%%IP-911 IBx16-Inq~ ONE-~~T cip~ tlR6-II T1 1 R'illl%%[T1 TI' IOW4111%%IP-B/l i ~ ~ , ~ 8• ~ ~ ~ g a vr ~ ~ ~ Mz~l. w.~e~ aa ~e.~e-~rcn s~a+s n i ~cunocc ~ - B 1/2' ~ 1 1 1 ~BxfiO-iKh slpna T~ $NI(IlMllll ~-J9' 39' ~-39' 1 1 1 ~e:+e-~ n.tvne ~atmv~0 ar ep.nrel TY IaNG111xkiTi s z ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ g ~s.so-~rcn.tww rr sao~~~~x~n w.~mie ~e-t~a, w~e sa+ooi z-~~o a~q~ isv-ii rr ~oe~ii~:cin w ao scx asv~ rr xmcK~t~zzw-rx~ ~ j~ e~t j ~~e-~m, sdmi x-i~q sta, ~sst-~r rr ~ae~ii~xxm 1 1 1 LYqs Mrp ciqn [111-f L~1-71 TT IOBIIGIl7kk1T1 1 1 1 _ ~ ~ 57pi CIW 12' 1 1 1 ST~ ~ , , , ~TS+aOS Q4oar/msMd TransporAd/on 1 1 1 I Tid/!c (bsalb+s AMslar Sipi Cluo _ _ _ " _ _ ' _ _ ~ _ ' P1y~00a 6' E.tniaea • ~ !SplCific ar Siq~ OIU~Ina P~,,, o„~„ 53.~.T SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS e - M~^u miy ~r~rrvrr. ap ~ cro.,.i w~~o.~.n $MALL ROADSIDE $IGN$ - ~.f~~~ si~6• .~~n• : va• o.o. ~ «~1z-~~ TRIANGULAR Sl IPBASE SYSTEM hn OOIt ~iM y~ ~ fv a00ifippl - I~ 91ee1 Siip Oast EeYailsl SMD t SL I P- 31-02 oer ~SIY AI01 palvatilM Ob iCD Yin T~W1 Lli 2Wt ~~MS ~~4! ^'~OM °'Gl _ I~s 115. •w~.m~:~„u.• Detoi i A TYPicol ExtrudeA Atuninun Siqn Mount ~ c su ao sa ~sw n seo~vnc~a-e~ui~ 260 Wedge Anchor Un i versa I Anchor System GENF.RLL MO7E5: i. m. ~.e~ a~acr srsf~ ma .rb u,tYSSai wcrw sra~ .+m rn~~ .oi i~wiro w.~ ~ System w i th Th i n-Wa I I ed Tub i ng Post 2~}~'in0to~"°°~~ ~'~f~• ire°~~°~~~~ ~~q~~~Y ~o ~`m vosr wawai f~ine~t~~moi r~~~5 amm rot~~m or .rrk~~q ~e anlecr ro rne u ISee ceneral Ex«or rar wsrs i~i 8wG T~Dinq~, c~mw. ~uts ma co~ts, o~~ CmPa+ent~ ino~~ N ~ 5/8' Ciaeter CMCrete x°te 11 ~ prepplilie0. ~1 liat af preyplifie0 renOCrS way be aDlaircO irpn 1ne TMODi Ira/fiC Anrlar - ~ places 6' min StaqGr03 Enpineet, of iM Traffic Operotiau Divisim ~eUSife. TM ~eOSite oJMess is o.. ~~a.;~ o~ .o~--~ n~~„~.m..,f~.....~„~,~„~~.,«,,,.,~ i~~ . ~i~ 7 ve• oa ww ~ a. iotnr ~a+ria~ ~mca m waf .t.n mis srats sna~~ cmtor.i fo ine ro~~wina saecitfcofta,s: ta min o1 50 Tt~ IOSI. A ~ 17 !~i pOip Q.]7S' WIfi4 WOqtRI ~ ~ ~neQ ~r ce ~ ~ o.oss• nm~~noi ni i m~aamsa _ Poct ~ I ~I • e~s~~ ~ . $Meless or elacfrio-resiatrtKe ~e1GeE stnl f~Dinq - !SCe GmC01 ~ $t!!1 Etql I pe NXAS R 55 oQ e Iqte a) 1/~ x 2 7/8' I f oQieaire type- Otlier Stetla ~ ~Sry ~1011 or ~STY 41008 D' Pobf Slats f~ EQuollr I I 1R' y 7 t/1' iVj Oe uce:l if ttey ~eet me follwin¢ ISeeGaxral SWre01 ~I I~ Wlvmi2eU SS.OOOM1.~~~~a.Ye~acf~aqm u i ~ s~eei roa «ra ~o.aan rs~ a~n~ma ter~stie ar.cqtn - ~ rw~,iar saxet xo+e ii i as 'seoo' rar [avete mror ca,s~srz or sie• e~arerer aruo ooi+.~rn ~ex m~~tm.i eimw~~m ~n 2~ snaia oe - rne cta~ oosf uc aer~ea ooi~ meaaa m rne wce~ an ~ nea.r ne. ~uf ~ai i rn~cwcaa IvcooreCl sM11 Oe rimin M~e raqt o( .091' lo .099' ~ R riusn to ~ ma ore.ents aer ~sn a567 ma nara.ra werv oc utw v~x. rne a,ra~ae aianerm cuicootaa~ anii x.irn~n +ne raqe or z.765• ro t7ei • 6 1/1' oDOrx 7 1/2' sfi0 ~rw atu] OOIt Slnll Iqve winiwp Yi110 an0 ulti~otB 1MSila Galra~itatim per lSIY it7 or 1157Y Afi51 G210. Lor precoofeE ateel tuDirp I~SIL ~ R o qrala l~ pimetl~ t~rninp in tle bfrerqttq Of 50 mE 75 ASi. rCapectively. Wt6r Go115 aM ~fi571. racoat tWe W}BiGa Oime~er ~elO sea~ pr Rtull iZirq ~iM Sirc ~irG 9 far aptimol ~UppOa.l $daWla ~0 fouNOlion. NNCfa Npll ~e qplvmiiM DK Iis ~/5. 'Wlvml]ilq." D!r ~SIY B!}S. Tcp of Doit aMl l e~taq ot Ie0t1 IIUM rif~ fop oi nyt M~m 5. Sipn UIW.a 5n11 Oe tlp sizas TC sl~apes slww~ an Me Olms. IY~lass oMKriSe ~NSaOility. S}W Pipe irefallM TM oVqr. Men installM in M00 pci nonmi-~eipht s~^4 ^o Va'~~ a^ ~Itipakl Dly~qpd eiqM e1n11 Mve o Eircnsim leaa thm IB _ IJ' Naminoll WrCrete ritll a J ~/E' miniNn MOedMi, atqll IqvC o ni~~miu IICI1ea. Ply~oo0 s~q4 1 lqpf eY 8 tret or snller in ei}Mf OI~9151m slnl l pe ot are Oiece caufructim ~ II al lwpDle imcim aq 61~eQ o1 2~50 TO 1525 Y. • d I~ 10' ~Qieaire irpe mctprs Slql l Mre afW Ualis 7ns1o11M~ith~~ 6. AEGitipql iq~ clmp rep ire0 m the 'i-broclcei' post fa 7~' ~iyli aiqns Plae SttO Oipe [mpree6im 2.775" Oiwieter iype III apoiy per d6•6~00. 'Eporiec atl Artrelvea' clap Ot leobt 7' mave Oaifm of siq~ ~Ixn poESi01e. 12' II Rirq 0.095 Thin 1Qpsice Ondnrs moy pe IoadeE a1te~ OUlpp}e epoxy are 1. Sipn &.pports btql l mt pe splice0 excep} M~er! +Mww~. Sip~ s~ppdt posts slwl I bil l~p! }in@ p!f tIN ~OLfaC4Kar'8 rCCWIRfMO4ia15. Mt DC 6p1iGC0. 12' N4nina1l B. Sea tlie lroflic Operafims Divisian ~eDbit! 1Of dtai leE O-winp5 0~ sipi ~luips a c IuWI~ Non-reinforceU m01k7pe Mc~ System caipu~enls. TM vMaife aEO'<se ia g` socke+ n• wrrere ve- a:a. rtaurram+.ara~e.~,c.usio~n.mr-inroiawcurveisfmmra~rotrcisi~o.wr r i ~ Footfnq ~ 4D4t MCIIUI Si51EY IM514Ut1p1 PWCEpMF Man-refnfarceo (~011 • ofq iw+0atfm 1w~e. Ilnere w~fa rak fs encan~xea ot ~wie ~ere~, the Cacrefe u~~eee roteC 30. Vlmiic f~ert O O fwrWfim snoll pe a minimn Oepm of 18'. ~len saliE rack is meanter~y ° Fmti elaeNiere Caqler Deld pran0 lawl~ ilx IdnOOfim Ywll sxtdq in tte WIiO rait a mininm ~ ~ ' 0~~1. . ~~~Z leDfh o1 18' ar pfoviEe 0 minin,an fwMOtian dept~ Of 30'. If SoliE rwk ia 4 g ~etql l pe useG Gn/qotian Oi491er 10' 3 1/1' Pipe ShL ~q~~iREQ tte socket/siW epy p! ~<piClp in IwqM Os ~eyi~lU fo 0 mininm ° 0 4 lesa rote0 9~Id t~ V i eW A-A $ched~le 10 Ieigl~ of 18'. ~1nr mOterial ronovA fr0w He eockeT/s~ub sna11 be /ran tix - e~~~e ~p~ox. 2.0 cf ~ St~O Pip! ~ ~~u Ooftq~ oq Me cleurmce rtWirment6 Qivs~ m SMIIGENi ~uet Oe !ol IweO. The t i iR Dlmsl. 01 arvfltl. (3' Noeinall PIO}C imer grfat!& Of tM ca[kH/Etup wKT fMpin fres Of canc~atB w OMK Oe0ri6. 4~ ioubafl0n I!2'~~ 2. 7hard+~lY ~e/ m0 nir cmcreM in a containK. PIOC! GMa'ele info tnle urtil ~ D o sdniltl }aAe ifi Pl~lie iMlrt wut E! uSeO Mxn usinp flp T~T ~iM eitler 0 ~ " it is approximlely t1u5~ ~it~ the Rqnd o 2.0 cf ' C}i0n Cap it! lFiversul lrelnr SYSftm Or iM Bolt Dpwi Ihiveri0l 1. In5lrt tWUlur socket inio cOnC~et< until fCp oT eocket is app~a~imotlly 1/< ' } of tenCrete. ~ PIW Anc~nr SYSfpn T!! incerf sIn~1G D! qpfox. 10' Idq aM - ~Q. y ~ appye ryx ~~<te foptirq. ~ o~ I wver }M iWiip frm juEf move 1~e /W o1 Me SfiD pipe to ~ _ a 0 I"- 12' Oi ~ 12' Div-~{ tle EoTtw Of Me aiqn ppst J~en ucinp Nx ~,t~iverml Mctur 5. aHpy~ the p~~to 1M11 ~y~ ~IeM aaepia}e tine to Set. o O~ 511 RO SEN ASSY 7Y TRT(%I~~IPI SY PO SGN l5$N TY TMi1kIWIP) SY6MR The irue~t bIw1U De <W to apprar. 1 1/2' MRn SY qp 5GN 155Y TT T~'flR11A1P1 6. I~eere iM sip~ post inb sacket mE oliQ~ niqn fOee ritM1 rootlwr. ueM rit~ ilie Bolt Dow~ Uiiversol 4 inr 5 stda ~ E y 1• ~il%fYSeof 111! 'Rpp~ e~p¢eE,t M 5lCUIe p0.51. inis ri It 1lOY! app~oaiimteiy Siqn Instal iotion Usinq o Pretabricatetl T-6rocket for 7~in-Iro11 T~inq Post a-i~i rns• m~. „nra,y„ ve• ~e~„ ti. oo~r w~'~~ ~~srsm ~MSrr~~navearcwA[ < e. L I. Di0 fdlWOtion Iqle. ~Ixre aol i0 rOCk is NKMtereE at ~dnE lavel, fM ~ a°c' oftu ossdEty pq inptal l •{M ruf, latl~ qslw mG o~ s o ~/N pplt~ n~f~ 2 flat pe1~N3 2 ilat ~o6Ma p!r ~SN fanOOfim fMll pe a einiqn Aep}~ oi tE'. ItiH~ fpli0 rock ia mcun}cM •Impil.lFi pb lak ~astb. ~~pi Eelw prqfq level. 11~G /0.n0017m SMI I eataq in }he soli0 rOCk o miniiM1s q01101t~ ~ orom of ~t' ar prmim a rintmm touqorim eepln or 70'. 1~ w~ io rock ts r'________'______"'_""'__"_"""_'; ~ IM~/5~'COlvmixi~0.• ~ ercdnlere0, tl~e i0tk<f/6M ~ Ds ~eOCaE in IanpM pi flWi`!0 t0 O wini~ue N fxipqK IOqtn o/ te'. 4ry epiKial rbmvep frpn H~e Eoekef/sMp Ytlll 0! MOa~ MY I ' 1 ~n' ~ Ooftm m0 itp ClpprpY! reqiirmyntB 9~~ ul POIIjN) ~uct Oe fo11p6C. TM ~ 1 ~ i~vir eur(uote O( TNt sOCkl1/Sfup wwt roqin (rae Of wcrlf! a" OfM MN16. i i - i • ~ 2. I~nMt bO6e pOft in Iql~ to CpfM LiOw~ dMpoek~ill Mle viMeonCrNl. i I I ~tOi 1 8 3. lavel m0 PIU~ IIC pNe poN witq a fOrplOD level v~0 0l Id odc~e}e aEepqfe se. o.tovi ~ ~ ~ i ri~e ~o aet. rne rotrom or ~re s~m: o~'wie.a in ~ro stw o~a aan reiutn o.n o.w o.n ~ ~ ~ mwe ~ne *ro o1 m oorc..•. rwao~:a,. I Atfodi itie 8iq~ fo Me aip~ poat. M S. Inttall Dlastic in6erf QqRN Ootim of poet. 41 NO SGN ~591 it i~Tl%)%%1T1 _ \-T-Bruk[t 6. IMN1 6ipi ptuT inM Oae! pp61. LMG~ V~}iI fM poaf aues to ~<et On StlCI ~OQ r-o-oc~e. t. s.m ~erau~m ri~ ~~~v a no~.~r. tyuka~ ir. m+m ot o4er~..tm ~~~p e. - see ee~..oi xoee s~ ~ rill Ee tqpraKlimfel7 leval ~iM fop of sfip pDH ~fien opfiaqllr ~oerai~.a ` 9. u.ck sfv~ wsr M~w~a to a~er. i~ ia u~~. ru rvn ~t ~oosq trcrewe tte 1/2' z 1• 9• ti~iminp oT Me mipressipn rinp. ^ - - MOVr fl!x polt, $DI ite ~ ~ ~ r M. I flaF ~/M Ntminl)! f1 ISee f,anar0l NDh 51 lu Z~ 2' 5~~~ I a _ / IUtk Nsfxx DK _ _ _ _ _ ~(mm~l •10 ff I I e' _ ~ TE1G5 OEPIIRTIEIR OF iN~MSPaliAilql 2' 1• 3' T aI/k Qeral/ms pKSlm ~stu ~mr ~ SPI iCE P I Ot@S ^ I I QOIVmiRO per H ' , ' - ~ ~ ~,a«S, ~ , ~r• SIGN MOUNTING DETAILS ~ ~ •w~rmi:~np.• , ~ , ' ~ SbWLL ROAOSIOE SIGNS Pd~ ____~_a;_e~ _ "i=' ZH~• ;;~':,~;;~p~„'~°15~ MIEDGE & UNIVERSAL ANCHOR °.15• 0.15' oaf.usn °ezo~"'"um NfITH THIN WALL TUBINC POST • , . ~ 60i1-T6 0~ 5052-M7E.1 SM~ (TWT) -02 9/16' hole nuy MO 91 pp y,l~ 154~ TY T~'~IY)TkIT-ZEXII Sf!!I tMll pe q01vmIZeE }0 0e tri IIaU 7MUtpt~ ~n ocourUmCe ~iM po6f fo ortqmqOOfe 1~ -$ee Gerefal Ibtt 67 j`•' ~pln? ASTY Att3. fiU01 bIT M02 ~-NS m.~ ~.~p~ m-~y ' Dolf. ? fOr ~{f ~ T ~ ' 1~' " ~T.e for narl[mto~ r~etmpu~Q eiqns, I-Orocke~s .oy Oe uee0 ror siqi¢ w to 2~• i~ ne~~t. ~ Det011 A sa,~. roor,ye ar s~Qw .or nor eeuao io ar m m~a srsrcw "o1e P~r~ ~~ta • s 26E Universal AnChor System ~ W I th F i berg I ass Re i nforced P I 4St i C ( FRP ) POSt ~xo •tm .~aa+s a.~~v~. +ra •~v+ uco~* ~r f~ •~v~ w r~ md incluG(np 16 eQ.~e het. pql pobt instal lofim nuy Ee vaM Ior siqw tp to m0 ffclu0inp 77 apqre feet. 6' ~in 1. III I nuts. EOlis ME wtlrra Yql l D! q0lvGniZld pK lta~ 1~5. 'fAlvTizlnp.• 3. Sce ihe 7rarlic ODermiana oir;sim .eb.ire for deroi ~ea o-winw M sip~ O o u ~O Mpe ~Imps. TM ~e0sit! aOtl66 i6: 5«' joiM ~ ~fipc//wn.dof.ctate.t~.u6/i~6Gfdot/Rpd~w1/irf/}rfaq/ I A A fi POST ~FWIKlOhS °s t. Yotriols 4nlf Canrorm fa tlte reWirapnts ot Oepa~inent lbterial P~ ~ p $peei~iaati0n p1S-1~10 MO ~ill De filniSheE in 0 Tttlp or q'% eolar as - . ~pecifieG elme~er! in 11Y plo+6. ~ z. m~axsc o~ tw a,ooon ~s o. izs • o.o~r, - o.o•. 0 0 . 7. vNV atq, awo.~a are oreauiHiea h rro rra~ric awrariwn oi.~siw,. `o ' sie• a~a.em co~.re ar~cnor o~o~., rrawi~rW.to~ or~r.s v. m.o;~a ar ..~+~~y: ° ro. A A i~oea a m~~. or n nie• ooa rorar +o i~.os o~oar+~t or i~meconar~«~ g~ R o.o. ii~ . z iie• mt~. or so rr-~o.~. mr.+,or ror x<.o~~o~ Traffic Oxrofims Dirisim tz5 Eos* ~irn 5freet B fiDer9loss slofs 1~ or aarsive type- WgtiM1 ittm 78T01-YIB3 c ~ o xe~~r««a eawiiy o riw,;~ waru~ 11119ENSY MO1011 SRTOI 1~674L~TI0~ AOCFOIIES ~rqv~ vix c« sere ana,or cmatafs or sie• aime+.. stua mi, .irn i9 uxc se.riea oo~r ttrwos on rne ~pr eM. A ~eovy Mv nut oiq ~a+waf Im ro~e. wwre aoi ia rack is ercw+rerea m yana iwe~. fno _ F ~ px ~STY A563 OM MrOCMO wAtter DK ASiM fIJ6. Ttie fouMafion Yql l De 0 winimm hpih af IB'. 'N~en ml i0 ~ack ia encw~tereC - srw toi~ aea~ i na.e ~i~~mm rteia aw ui+~.nre tenst ie oeio. arou,a ~e.ei. tne taaworim snai i e.~ma me wi ia rock o a~nt...~ sr~mms ot so on ~s w~, resoecr~ve~y. w+s. ooi~c ma eeern o~ u• a e~w~oe a min~.u. rwmrim an}n ar 70•. soita rock ~a .uv~ers a~all oe pairmizaa per Iten ~~5. 'Gaivmizirq.' ercnnfarea, ihe sockefiahA.ny ea re0xrea in laqm ae reyirN ~a o TW at OOIt Nnl l aMtenO ot lapaf flu6li ~if~ fOp of M M~M iniwln IeqM of IB'. MY ~terial reove0 fron tt~e wcket/siW 9n11 be iMtal la0. 1M RKlwr~ vMn in6lalled in 1000 Wi normpl-~ei~t fron Me OOttan aW tla cleOmc~ rplira~ta 9iven on SIDIQNi ~st De . . J I/I' StleEule 10 ~~rete ~iM a 7 3/B' nini~nn nOeO~ent~ sml l nave a minieun follweE. llr imer artaces o1 tle aocket/stiD nusT renain free of cpwrete - 10' SiW Pipe allo~mle tMeiOn mC slrcor of ?I50 uW 1525 psi~ re5peetivalr. ar otlt/ Eetris. 13' MOniMll AQ45iW fypp O'~f,ilpf5 6Mil IqVG Bf1A OOlta iMTOIIlJ riih 2. In5lrf OOSB p04t in tIXn00tiOn Mle ta 0¢pt~s StIOR~ MG fill Mle rit~ iype [ll epoRy pBf d15~6100. 'Epoxiea an0 101~asives.' ~d~YHe. lui Oose po61 f~an Oottom atq a~5ure o winieun o/ 18" ebeO~en1 it n j 1/2 R 1 1/2' GOIVmiI[G $teel ROO ~~e9i W OnCIWlB mY ~ IOOOeU ufier OEepW1G cOOHY ~6 iMt01IM in WI IO fock. g~ lets os O'stop' (a` Me 6iq~ poci fine pK fPe mmylOCturer'a ~eGpnendo}iore. 3. l!v!I mU plin0 tli! pO6G pOSt ~iM cqqler usirq a tarpe0e Itv<I aq let " 5~ p;~ ona c even~a :no r~ao n,r~~~q arcrefe naram. eortan or twa ooar s~ors anai i oe mo.e me ~mcrcre BOLT -DOWN DETA I LS .*t«~`sipn fo iPP pos1. n 5'~' CapresEim Rinp 5. ItMltroC~ ~t info Dose post. lowl uHi I fle post cores to rasi m tl~p n ~ m ~-reinfa'CeE s . Cancrete imtirp 6. We IV~er to maure Hte caAler ~S firnlr seoTN. Iop af <aqler Slwla Oe (511011 p! IIbOC 11' ]p' FiOClOIOBB IMI ~it~ fOp Of pa6! pD41 i~ IIpSt iMidCl6. ~nleaa rofeE ~f~Of~ ~ i. fheCk aiP~ ro Msure H+cre is m i.isi. Ir Iwx, increose ine ti9~leniM or Plwtlc O O ~qpler. ~ e168N1Cre in tti! IfpP) Pipe ~ D o~~,.~~,.~, ~ ~~K _ n~ ~e+wia rae ~ao.. !0., DOw 5~a s~a~~ o C 2.0 d af tmtrete. Y~' Oia U ~ 10' Pipe SiW //p 1. Poaili0n pOSe O~ote ~iM eapix a~ eMiatinp cpvate. ~ o E g ~Y/ ~ 7. D~ill Iwla! iMa COnC~<tt aM~ i~bert Mr 5/8' EiarciK EOlis ~it~ RGpe J ~/2' O O 7 P~ acfnrs. ma t~yiten rurs. t ATtac~ ~iqn t0 fPP post. ~ F~icti0n [op ' ~le ~0 / In6KT Eo11a~ o/ Sipn po61 into Oipe biW. oF.Y o SiW Pipe ~ 16 5. uee lqsner to mBira 7Fe capler is firn17 eeafe0. Top of caqlar Naild Oe or Pluq 17' Naiiroll 10' 1/2' ~ lerel riM top of Ea6e pos} in ~ost iristaces. 12 O~o V iew A-A 6. QKCk aiyi ~o envre tnere ts ro f.is~. If imse. i~aeose fnr ffpntmcnq or caqlK. $Y RO SCJi ASSM TY fPP(XIIY(VI q1 pp SW ISSY T~ ipPl%IIIBIVI Typical Sign Mounting Detail TypiCOi Sign Mounting Detail for FRP Support with Single Sign for FRP Support with Bock-to-Back Signs Plaatle v rrylm ~aYer, P106fie af rc/IOn ~qlfl?. a~0 flal ~Oq%~ ` Stqf ia[e ma nm .~v.r ~ ~ st~ r~ y f s~p~ ciao slp, uuv ~so.cxic or 15pp~iiic ar ' It~lversall ~.~~i~ STNONID RANS a-~ii .va~ ~IE7(~S OEPMtl1EMT OF TRAIfSPORiJlilpl a-c i i ve• irm~. ~ roie ird/k 0.e'aflm frilsbr ~YO..i roie t~ rav ; SIGN bIOUNTING OETAILS ' Fp .WD~f qW ~PP .iP~ SMALL ROADSIDE SIGNS sp ~ UNIVERSAL ANCHOR SYSTEM S,~,F«~r IMITH FRP POST sie• rir•~ s+v, - 1 F~ $MD (FRP) -02 sn6 = ~ vz' xex eoir sie• vi~~raw stv~ - ~ PlYttic Or ~ 5/I6 a 5 1/t' N!z BDIt ~ .OBO' ~IU~ilY1~ Sfy~ - Nrlan ~aNer ~ .OBO' llui,uo Si tiApT Ju1r iWt ~-B~S s-WB ~-f011 d~[tl 5/16 z~' Het Bolt p~ - ~ Fim Yulrr. r ~,a r S/16 s 1 1/3' 1Mx Bo1t 6 26F OBJECT MARKERS DELINEATORS REFLECTOR UNIT SIZES ~ TYPES I and 4 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 a; ~~._y. ~•.r.• . o ~ ~e' : Y.' DoUBIE: k---+I 1.-~-+1 / D-SY, D~ SR or 0-SM 0-UT or 0-DN ' Y' ~ « _ f• S• ~ 6• ' : ~N 76' Sis 1 S~A t ~ ~w~.~ ~~.p~ 3' 1' 7~ ~ H-H Fr+i F«-N f•+1 rr ue m rro~ [navei ro.r• mi>. _ ~ ~ rie.rpmeemn~ae.'~~in~~~riu• Ym~ 12• It' Z-~ ~ 1• onei /t. i50 j ~ W~Ra Mlqle. I~ 6•:y• I~' . i- 1 1 7y W s ~ 1 2 ia we m~inpE Ov~e~ wa mtY" I L Uae ~a2E relal~ O~Wtlc O/~ ~ C~ '.;0. Pp.we~i I10[r910u EaeM1pN ~if~ li/N' fyq ~ ~ spva innfiep Mle. O~ o o/ ~'-o' M~~ af S D PEfICCTIYE SKEI[ML nin ~I~KtOf~ ~eliw - p6l700. L>pe E tilte - OIS 6b0. TIGe 0 PeE- - O6 llW. tYDe 0 ~a X Y Z ~ Post WC FL%/RCR WC FLX/RCR Post wc wc F~xiRCR - TYPE C BAfiRIER REFLECTORS m ~~m a ,a ,;e~a ~;.,~,s. ~ ~ « ALL TYPE 2 OBJECT IAAqKERS ARE YELLOW 01 WC-rin chamel RERECl1VE SxEETING e~ p pos4 (1.12 I~s/ftl REFLECTOR UNITS~ N-white, R-red or Y-yellow r~na.-o¦saxo, r~.e per ASTM A 1011 SS Gr 50 w~u. - ars ewo, rYO. o ~c 7ypg ~ iYPE~ u..s~~oi~x.oeo•miw.a.. WC-wingchmnel post (1.12 Ibs/ff) ~ ~e•. ie• io-,ie- FLX/RCR-flexible post (driveable and <i~^i^~^cm~a..~^vro.s~ue-ms per ASTY A 1011 SS Gr 50 ~'p1'~'"0"p1•" ~~~61 ~ r 3 o reiiw ryoe c veer~~y n.a r~x o vK.+~ro surfoce mounf) or recYCled rubber "~'~~'-rs. un r•n,~e:...nnr~~ m~ .~m ae ewo, r~ c. pL%/RCR-flexible post ItlriveoDle antl surfoce c 8° uae oe en ew+ .t m ~o ~o a.a~ i z ua.s+v~e~mao.aeo• m Tro;,A~~r,e,aa,y~a,~,;~ ~mt~ or recycled ruDDer. mouxi am. A rype B retlecra inir eper pl6 16001 atta3sG ro a OrM~~ +o ~ieote m uonlor~irq fo ISiY 8-M91~Ie~0fl~'16.~ e~ CriOpe aMeenle atl a1 MiEq! MII nWif i~p oi M! rH~KM m Ow4ete hafflc pTrlar~ railiry~ wptol,peu pvG fGnca ux nri«r~.e .m~~~a ~n occarame..i~n ev~~s m no-ivw. ~.o-wi reoe.ars aeeri v o~ner ~a~of~vo s,o.n m me oima. ~ iisr ar aoororoa ~roe c ~e+~ec~Qa cm u~s exo. x ~a.e a+: rra iirro.m+. ~tme. rr. wo-nnwm• ~mam.o~nyocaein oar D'L TYPES OF [NSTALLATIONS GROUND MOUNT DETAILS GENERAL NOTES D & OM DESCR[PTIVE COOES q Post 1. Plae del ine0tofs dt o 5ectim of roaWaY iM sme M1LUIQ 60ch~t ISw Ge~Sal ~ UiSiqILG frqll HC lCqE o! ~vbMM1t. " Mot~ ~1 9OR~f1 ffwlE Oe ~~q~o~ 2. KY're U resiriLlitll prevMis cMSi51Mt pIQC911E111 ~ INSTL DEl ASSM fD-~ )52 XXX XXXfXXI ro w~. fran ihe pavemmT eEqe, place tM o(fecteE ~K ~ o~ p a M~~~ aq„a y' aoixr aurkers to i~rn v~rn me imermosr eaqe or s• s;iro~• ar wr~.a~ ~boro..~ ~"~w.~ the obarructim. o. nmie ~^~'~in'• + 3. ~M1en aCl~t mD-kers rne more tnm 8 ft (ron ihe ~ G1v W Mlslan -/t eGpe of the pUrMmt, it m]y not be possiOle to -'F r o niro ~pintain o ~eiqhT o~ ~.0-a.5 ff. If t~is is iM ° T . Y~IIp • • ~~«w Case~ place ihe aCject o~mkers os C1ose to iM1e e.2 ~Y': ~5''' Aeaire0 nei¢~t as po55iEle. T]pOI10~1 6tafl INtOII pll 0llillMlOrl~ OCjKt ~qlkl~5 MIO ~C . liiq pqnMl PMf ~f~ 4 TWUIR Ellw . EOffiLf leflBLiVII in OG(.1T~I1G8 riM tIR fLR • iN~ipie Poaf GN~ 5elf Pi~linp S~toce Ib.nf 2i' 1S. fi' ~~Q}Kl~~9 ~lCOmfM~}ipf. aa • w~~a nmr rrc • hw c e~rir wr~«ror SLF &$RF m• c~- n. v~.a w• ran~ a u.~w~.wm. ao . o-a.~a ~e.n rm.i~o tre • t«ce~~ eQ.ter wn~ iT>oa t miy~ ~+a~ ~ a~ ~ pEPARTIENTAI N/TERIRI SPECIFICA~fONS a1. at. 67 - a~e Iaw A~raa..nr - v.~..s ro*.a 5rs . y~r~~ ~ ai.ew.re ~ FLE%IBLE DELINEATOR L~JECT ?URKER POSTS s~r . s~u eiyirily oiwi. Iqi1YEABLE 4 SUNFACE AIOIMT TYPESI DIIS-C400 sr.Glte~ iwmHu, Y~ ~y~~ cc ; . . . ~ d,,,~ia ~d,. , , soer~ FUT SURFACE REFIECTIVE SHEETING UMS-8300 ei • tl-oincllanal ~ ~ • : ~ : dODror. i.o cr • ~ ' . • ~ . ara;1 pl • l1-olrcNaoi ~im rn m a ~~Q~~ DEIINEAi0R5 A~D OBJECT WIRIIERS pb-B600 {~-li' oir-~ ~--~2' eia--~ INSTL OM ASSM IOAI-% ) XXX XXX~XX) ~e~~N ~ 1PEDGE ANLHOR STEEL SYSTEM WEDGE ANCNOR P~ASTIC SYSTEM «w~.~+.... Y srWOiwo vuNs ~.:,~.a~ rr N M~«~.n ~rnC c~ir~ ~rnG~ m~r~ s~irfa~ce ~ Texas D~ar?~ron?d Tran~orkllbn l.vf~ Six i nriecmr ,rits ~r~p Z oni» Tidlk qoerd/pu Onis~on T. 1 SiA 3 rH1acIT tnil ItyOe t ml)l _ z.~.m~ s~n ~ nn.e~v wn ~rn. ~ mit~ : i. ~2 i bsiit ~ . 5~„ ~ m,~ ,d,~ DEl I NEATOR & e. e~m~ s~a rt~ro. ~ mi~ ~v*a mir~ ro. - ~~.•aM ~ OBJECT MARKER c . nro mv..i ro.e - tt, - I NSTALLAT I ON AND poi . mcr~~a ~oar CraM Lire ~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION » c~a . r.a.,e .s.k z' -o- o.~.qp. rr~v r~mtc snrs min D & OM(1f-04 - W . Srfew Wn~ su . si~ niynny N'ING CHANNEL POST rmo~ r,aw~ too~ .~ps m.qu .~rox v~tK _ ~s • uaa rw s~« i s~r..~ oinnM ~ers ee iw nii o~i.ar ~ SS Bi ~~'~°1PF0 GF2 GF3 ~'~°TE: ~~nq [tvvie~ oosr ootcm ~s fo be usee for ` e~ • e+-oo-.m~~~ iYpe 2 ODI~t Markers aM delineotors anly 20~ USES OF DELINEATORS $lqqested SpOCinq fOr Hiqhway Delin@OtOrs On Fbrizontol Ctrves ~ ~ CmOiTian for use Type oi RooO or ~~~~t~ ~ [m0itim ReOuireA Pecamentletl Optiarwl ProhibiteU Spocinq , 4~ s ~srwi i ee usea~ ~snwia oe usem ~moy ee usem lcamot be usMl Curve SOac ing ° ~ D-SW on r iqht ar SY" n9 ~ Op 9h} b rmyent raisea oovement zoo-53o fr t~„oy oePa ~cc. P~ A~ A~A °~h °~°y S - marker5 0~9~ h~~9~ y~ p~W ~ 2 C~~ ~OP °p~;~ Free~ays StC ~pG CVtJ Q A~ ~eJ POrt. 9 or turve D-Sw m rtqnt see TaDie \`ppp~ 2p ?q ~ ng / _ Expressrays ' Ranp D-SN on one si0e Q'~ Wi5i0e of iniefchmqe ~ z See Note t+~ rrnp cufves ~ 2p A-Y7` O11xY Ttqn Tmqmt D-$Y or 0-OY 200-53D ft ~ ~ F r e e r a y s o r D- S M o n ~i g ht or lefT side on left SiGe of ~ ~ 0 8 ExpressWays Qrve t.ro-vay roa0s see TaCle .cD ~ /.cceleration an0 D-~W or D-UY 100 ft o Deceleratim Lmes spacing 0 CU~vCS 18S5 thatl 1 dCqfCB 00 f70t C~ossovers D-OY m left SiOe of ihrouqh fl0fliql ly require dCl it1E0tOfS. - rood an tor side of crossover ~o~ ~}~9_~.py o-sa tor w~~w-YOy +~orr~c $~pqeSted SpOCinq for Cttevron& on H0~'~zOntol Curves 0 ~ Povement NarraYinq 0•SM trigl~i) of D-$Y Ileftl adj~CH1i to The Chevrm may be used to provide otlAitional mphosis on0 quidonce . offected lane for tull lenqth of ironsi~ion for o chanqe in horizontal aliB~t. A C~evrm moy be usea os o supDlement $ee Note 2 ~w to OelinEation. _ o Truch escope ranps D-SR m Doth sides of 50 ft apocinq Point of ~ Point of rrnp ° curvature d b/ tanqent WiTh guara fence, 100 ft use ° E CriAqe rail, or min. of 3 ° o o concrete oarrcer ~ $ g g 8 ~ ~ i General Notes: Ilnless iMicated oTherrise, the calor of a delineatars mist cmform to the color of fhe pavement edqe line 9 B ' on the sitle of the rooC rhe~e fhe tlelineators are D~~eC. Borrier markers can De useG to reD~ae reWirM dei~reWOrs. DS-R cm Oe rtdnieC on ine Oack 5i0e of ezistinq aeiineotor posts. ~CZ~ • 1. Delineation reWired on ane sitle either SY or SW. `N 2. Yiniirtm of 3. Nhen Geqree of curve or ro0ius is knorn ~ ~ o E+ Degre Feet ~ T ~ Curves less thm S degrees do not when deqree of curve of Rotlius Spacing Spacing Chevrm 'f normally require Chevrons. . Of fO41U$ IS flOt kflOM~1 Lurve of in in Spocing ~ o~,e Curve Curve Strtowy in b'•6' 6'~6' AOviSOry $paCinq Spacinq Chevfon Curve Gu1DELINES FOit USE OF WARNING DEY[CES eT CUNVES WITH AUVISORY SPEED LIMI75 SpeeU in in Spocing A 2A B 1AfH) Curve Sirirnry in I 5T30 225 450 AmDU~t Oy WhiC~ AdviSOfy Speetl Cu've Z 2865 1fi0 320 Is iess than PosteO Speea Ifarninq Oevius Ntttlea A 2xA B 3 1910 130 260 ~ ~ 0 to 14 WH ~s 65 130 260 q 1433 110 220 .•-o• ~•-o~ IS to 24 IPH RPNS mA Del ineotors 60 110 0 S 1146 I00 200 160 I 25 APH or qreofer RPMS on0 Chevrons 55 100 200 160 6 955 90 180 160 '~~0~ } J- SO 85 170 160 T 819 85 l70 160 45 75 150 160 8 716 75 I50 160 AO 70 190 120 9 63T 75 I50 120 ~ 35 60 120 120 10 513 70 140 120 - ~s''. 30 55 I10 80 I1 521 65 I70 120 25 50 100 80 12 478 60 120 120 z1• ~t- Si~ID~1D PLAMS 20 40 80 80 13 4~1 60 120 120 - x• 70• ~TG~OS (~p~'bbl~d T/dLf~fd~0~1 15 35 TO 40 i 4 <09 S 110 80 ~y - p~ Tld7k f.bYOMn[ OM#at If the deqree ot arve is not krw~wi, ~5 382 55 110 80 - - oei;,uoror scoci~ may oe aeterm~nea te s ss ~to ao ' TYPICAL DELINEATOR _ ppp¢Q p~ }tie FOViSOry SpeCG of ihe 19 302 50 100 80 ~ - arve. use ihe Aei ineotor wrve z3 z~e +o eo eo - ~ & OBJECT MARKER - sv~~~q ra ~n ao~~~r ze ,ee 3s 7o eo ~~~-o;a ;:•~'o~o -a o~o--i ~-r~--~ PLACEb1ENT DETAILS Sce~ ~~H~• 38 151 30 60 40 57 101 20 40 40 Sl1PBA5E NEOGE ANCFqR WEOGE ANCFqR xy D& OI~A(2) -04 [urve Aelireator approoch a+0 departure SYSTEY STEEL SYSTEM PLASTIC SYSTEY spacirp shoulo incluGe 1 tle~ineators rvror nns+ ma ~~as s.ae ~-~a d~w SpoCeO at 2A. This spatirg NwuIG Oe ;1 ~ ~ useC drirq tlesi{~ preparatim ar w~en c ~ ihe de9ree of turve is krom. va a...m sost~~m+rar an oos~~. .et~r ro 1~.. w~ •so~i waaia s~m Sowrrs me ua.~i~n•. ~ ihe reWiraw~t far aipOw vchielea lEC[ID ^ END ~i~l pe IistM in iM proi~f GfNENAI 1qTE5. ~ Type 111 MrimOe f,M1Ur~elixirq Derices LJ flop ~ ~o~~~~a s~a~ sea~e~e .a. ROAD W~RK soz. eo-r~~ms,, s~ae a,a r.mr~ Nmei~„~. i 0 0 ~n aooos~ta oi~ectt«, c~~ ROAD ~ ~ewr ~k ven;ei. ~ Tr~ wunea Arr.r~uwr 0 Sane w Beio. v WOpK ONE ~ANE rra~ier wu~rao rvrmie nmaeaoia ° j G2o-7o g( AHEAD ~6' t ~e' r~auitM ~rro. vmei B uessna S~p~ I ~e' % 21• ROA~ IfIAGS-5EE NOif 11 " /T''T PREPAflED ~~AD \ Q~ Fio~qr i Sip~ Poet fi~~ bi0-~o sqy.rw wtn.. o~~ so~mi vo-z YIELD TO STOP ~e• Y~e. \ ~ a~m.. wr.mi. I l~ ' ~mk u~w~. sos~~a o. a.~~. ~o ~2' %~T x ~T ~ ~ //J L~ ° v..,~o ia• n• m o m u ~ ~ - A • - ~ Soeeaik r " wfwwrwianw tapc ivq~e S'o~armu ~ T~ ~ ~«fM'~D \ ~ 30 150' 165' 180' }p' 60'-75' 120' ~ 18' X 36' ON[ON]NG f ~e• x ~e• ~ IM$~ ~ TRAFfIC ISFF xolE z1 ~ x ~ 35 L= 60 205' 2T5' 2A5' 35' 70"-90' 160' I T } ~ / 90 2fi5' 295' 320' 40' 80'-100' 2d0' t• .inimm ~ ~ 45 950' 495' S40' 45' 90'-110' 320' ` ISEE IqfE 61 FC/20-ia c~ ~ ~e• x~e' r~ / ` 50 500' S50' 600' S0' 100_725' 400' ~;a; iEET \ 55 550' 605' 660' S5' I 10' -1 <0' So0' ~ g o ~ 60 L-wS 600' 660' 720' 60' 120' -1 50' M 600' n ~ij;y' ~ ~ 65 650' 715' 780' 65' 130'-765' ~100' i;y` o END ~a 7p0' 170' 890' 70" 140'-175' ~800' c~w.,.i,:,~ ae~~~aa 3: f~ ° ROAD WORK xo~of..on~ o.w - ~ . ~ ~a...,,.i~i ~m. o,~> t~a~ trave~ea .ay. .,a ~rce eQrteaa.. ~ . cm-ao *~rm« ~«a o~ a~. ci+m~~ei i:cnq avicee.or c M ~ ~e• lt zr • ~a*n or ia.r~ ~..norn o. m.... ~s~.i s ro...a seava ~rxi ~ YaOO~ vMicle ~iM oraqa = ~ ilopa ar w'ni~p liytiis. y ~ MIC1l US~ffi hn pqOo~ ve~icle 's ' 150' Min. yu11 ytpl tEW IMIfNfDilf[ lpK IFIY - ~ ~eWi~eC. it yipll p~ p~ippM ¦ ~IL[ p/GIIQ SiAIIq1AP1 1CIY SI~fIIRWT Si~f101Wt ~ .im rruck ran~ee a~rmwror. ° ' • i'r-5 x o g ° ~ ~'S'k, ~ ° ccxEwu norrn 0 0« ."r.:m ~~ws a.+ou.a ro e~~. ~au~aco. ~I ? o c irx ui oar"caa. z, ~ii o-atrc cmfrm ae.~cea ~uwo-m~a W D e,~rnf +noee ~ I z cnar~ei~z~iw a~.~ce.~or ~!"S.. ~ ~ x YIELD ~1_z snoeo. ven;eie r~fn ormue a fK oit~n ~ne rr~apie s~.m~ ~er x m~i+ea wen sro~ea eise.n.ra - I ~ 1~ ~7' % 12' M~P' tjryp~ yppp~ ~icle~ta• 7. Tre 9E PF(P1PE0 t0 SLOV ciq~ moy pe inalollaE offar tl~a ONC lAK HplO L ~e4i~a0, it llnll De`eyippeO ~NE~O aiq~, put propN siqi spocinq slqll Ce mointoircl " ~ o / TO ~ ~0 ~ORF ~HF~D siqn wqr Ge repeotN if tlr visiDifify o( tl~e ok ~ Q~ / ONCOMING SXI-A ~iM irisk YunTeO Itimntar. zvr Is leu tfm 1500'. „ t I ~ TR~FFIC IYF ItlTE661 . T[Pll~iel _ Q$ f ~ s. r1E~o aiv~ rrar~~c cmfroi moy oe usee m proi~+s .~rn ooproows ¢ o I ~ I m t r,we an~are aiy~r aiaea+ce. tar ofoiecrs in vom areos.~ M ~ E M U I E n p I V q 2 ~ t f p ~ O n e M l i C i f r O I O C k. I n ~ O E w ~aadvy6 ~it~ lfee fIW~ /000 ADI~ rYk O/M~ 91W10 Ca ro 1ldlpf iPRI ~W'. ~ I xicto . anzo-ra e. ne~o ro a«.wvw rauru .~o~ .noi ~ o~ nia«a ~ o ww~.+ o~ a r ~ i.,~ ~nr ~nv netV~r. m-ta 500 ~e' x~e• r n u- m ~ ~e' a ~e~ FEET riqp~rs vwia ~ae no-.m raa~os or omer Aemoos or caw~t~ar~m o r,c o I to mntrm rratric. • / ~ B. laqM o/ vork neo sIwIO W OosaO a~ nv m~i~fy of ~lopp~rs fe ONE LANE I x / PFEPAHED CO1""`O1C• I AOAO ~ ro sror 9 ~oltc~iata to~OeMifY aM reoct ta 11WOer al~orwalaa lenpfn 1m ~xEaO ~ ~ ~-~o ~ ONE L~N ~e' x ~6' Ms s~v~~~nr w~i r ~~L ~ ~iw ~f aso~i~n ' AH~EA~ . FG120-1D woOC~~ aY m~ir erow w M aNwO b ~ItIR > M1ni Ha++w~~ ~ x~ ~e Zz ~e~ ~sic xorc u.mea.a~«u.~.~. - rt I END o..... r,..~....~,. A [d1 IIw SMYI ROAD WORK ' ~W~ti ~M N1M•iv IIO~D in.. n~n ursse I x !s 1Stb b~•]~4 1'ORK ~_Z, \ I fi0A0 [r~~ ~s-vwrraH..ax..u~ar~r AHEAD ~e' ~ z~• ~ ' J. IIORI( ~e~x ~e• T AHEAD IiuGS-SEE NOIE 11 M^-~o z%'p +e• ~ iE1uS OFPARIIEIII piPiRIY6PCRT~lilpl u• x~e' e~- r.~k psmro~ aH.rm ' _ IiLAGS-SEE 1qTE II d/~ 6' 0 TCP 11-20) TCP (1-2b) ~f' ,r- _ 36• ~(~{6~~~- ~~o TRAFFIC CONTROL PIAN One Lane C I osed One Lane C 1 osed ~ 4 o e~'(~~ 6•E x„ ; Adequote Field of View lnadequate Field of View ei,• - TCP{1-2)-98 ~~_2D Leifers - BIaN IrpOfUraEV Il~S ~~lR s.W ~.py u.y~ BackprounC - /hita °1Of $'Q ~B' s ]6' Reileefive 6 Y-9~ 1•fi ~ 152 IEGEND ~ ~ T,a ~„a.,.~;_;~ q~~~, Hewy fork VMitit ~ T~uck YOUfTeO AtittiupiK _ ~7'i a~ o AOAD RO~D (,a r~a~~~ ua.~fin e vorrmie anaeaoi~ o ~D FiwninpArrv~Pmei M uessape5iv+ n CRO-ID ~IL ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~ Flopper i Sipn Posf ~ * ~ ~8" x ~e' ~ ~ [RO-10 5 I utni Ii111L5 - SEE ~DTE 11 ~8' % ~B' W uint~u oe~irmia S.qpe~~M ~e.imw G20-2a IR~LS - SEE xDTE 1I • ~qt ~.r ~ o imo~n• sooc~~q or oe.~n s~~ woc~ro IB' % 2~' \ • jo 3M4~F in~ula prlfel OII~MraIMr 1cK~ faqrn ~iatmc~ - ^ 1~ ~4 30 t50' 165' ~80' 30' 60'-75' 120' Q= / \ y z ~ 35 L~ ws 205' 225' 245' 35' 70'-9D' 160' <~r~o LJ T i ~ EIO 40 6O 265' 295' 320' 40' 80'-100' 240' 45 450' 495' S90' 45' 90'-I10' 320' ECn-~N U ` E~~~'~p 36' X 36' ~ G2a-2a 50 S00' S50' 600' S0' ~00'-125' ~00' 36' M M' Xx T ~ ~`m ~B % Z~ SS 550' 605' 660' S5' 110' -I CO' S00' ~ L scn3-~ XX L=wS ~ g o sc~U-~ - Y~• [ 2~~ ~ 60 600' 660' 720' 60' 120'-150' ~600' `Ju N' Y N' ¦ ~ 65 650' 715' 7B0' 65' 130'-165' ~ 700' ? ~ 70 700' 770' 840' 70' 140' -1 75' * BOO' ~ /~~,jj } i00' m~n \ ? + U - ~ ~ ~';.ro na"°°°~ ew,". a w ~ T~ ~ Q L.LrVrn er Teqr Irl.1 ~~Ibm,or o1raN ~fT.l s VeNW Sq~e MN~ ~ ~ E[w1'6u ~NIpR 16~GEi ~ 36' % 36' ~ CMnel iz~nq Aevicea WIRI LGRi IFIY INfFn[01~1[ LOIG iEIY • x c~~o ~oss ciwea iu,e ioeu[ auwia snntxwr ~ur sTmawn suriaum E~1-fi0 ? ~ ~ ISae NOfe bl W \ 36' % 76' ~ I ' n CENEP~L NOr6~ n ? 100' m n E ~ ~ IYW I11 Cv~ico0e, i. I.Yileaa ofl~erwiu stafe0 in ttx plon5~ floqe aitacl~eE io siqns are clmx~izinp eevices.or pEWINED. ~ elaEw vMicle ritn oroqe 2. AII iraffic mntrol aevices i I IuslrateG ore PEWI0.E0. eycept tlwHe EC~I•~R fltpn or vvnirq liqita. Ge~pteG ~itn itb ifiOqle s7pCO1 mq Oe witTeA Men etoteE e15eM~ere U ' ~ y .nen enam. rentcie f: 7~ +ne o~a~s. _ S e• z 7 e• i~ ° ew~~sa. v,oii x ew~ocea a. fi ~ i mwia r x ueee m~ass rooo.oy wwt.tms or neovy srn~-, ° ~°o~ oaa~ ro r~ ~ a< wm t.w~ unn«a ~r~cYw+ar. rrotr~e voiune rew~re oaotftanoi a~Moa~s ~o wreiy can+.oi +rarr~c. xr c t+• XX ~aa~rtaai +iwoe's vw~a oe ooa~*;meo or u,a or rrorttc we~,es .~j i ~ y ~n~~aa t~• : z~• sTarisia omaie ~a wea. _ ~ Fl~ n~ ~ NOT PASS. PASS ~ITX C.1R[, TC cansfnc}ion /equlvtory apeeG xane p o o[ Type Iil Oorriw0e. = 2 eiqns muy De irofalleA aan6frean oi tM FOIO fMR AHE10 siqna. X ~mrliZlnp Eevices~ar ~ flaqqer S. ~AO rONk AXE~D si~ ooy be repea1M it tlx visiEility of fM york = b sraeo. venlc~e r~~n aana s m rceaee. mre Is iesa tnm ~soo•. (Itq¢ or pninq II{~ta. ¦ ISEE NDTE 31 ~ 3 6. I~xn Hx vork zme mi0e W of severa~ ~ark Qeoa. Uqme~izirp ~ i^ ~w~ slq0o~ vMftle ia ~ dvices 5~w10 Ee place0 latafal IY ~rosa tltt <IOaeU IOne ~a ra- o g` riv+~ree, tr p+o~~ oe w+ee0~ : mpwsize cioe+re. latera~ iy o~ocea uwrw~fz~np ae.~ices snw~a ee p~ y o ~IM Trueh Ib~nfaG attennfor, x repeate0 every 500' to 10p0' in VOan oreas uM every 1/~ to 1/T si le \ e 'n rtfal ortm. Q ~ - EL11-6o \ ~ ~ ~ ~~d- ? ' / \ ]6' 11 16' • ~ cSEE NOTE !1 ~ J ~ -1 C ISEE NOTF 21J T h w~su w u~i~~rwvr~iq a ~ rii ~ ri: ~v ~ W T~ ? U EC'11-IL ~ ~ y14 q~Mlw ON~Mn - R • ]6' % 76' ~ ~r ~YI1M~ M tMysr/O~Iw . EC~I -6O \ ~ ~ ¦ \ \ ~]S E~1 I~M TY~ ~n 16' z]b' X X \ 1 ~ny ~ M1N•trf SCtll-7 U EC~1-~l ~ ~Nl~ nFI1L ISEE NOTE 21 i II' % 7~' ~ 8 ~ M' t 36' Ie AIt1 ~14LN 6 . ~Y~K _ [y1~ll-AIr~Ye1t~.M.tl~M1.ICr O p0 g' . em-zo \ g I XX sen~-i rn. r.atr.m~e rar anom. wmeia pppg ~pp( IB' % 21' \ N' x N' ~i11 x Itatea In 1ne prolwt GE~LPIiI MDTES. T N T i ItM 502, Borr7toGea, Sipn ma TrWflc 1bWlirq. i cxa-:o F~~ ~ ~e' M z~• I A~ ~ STNQ1110 OLANS ~ iE1G5 OFlANi14Mi 0~ TBIINSPONT?i Id1 - crm-io ROAD tra~k qmrawu artw~ ' ~e• x ~a• IiUGS - SEE NOIE 11 ~RK Of10-ID ~ AHEAD ~e• x ~e• _ IfuGS - SEE M~TE TRAFF IC CONTROL PLAN ' ~ TCP (1-3a> ~~o TCP (1-3b) - 2-Lane Roadway With Paved Shoulders rosta~ Z-Lone Roadway With Paved Shoulders TCP(t-3)-98 ~e• x~e• ~e• k~e• Ofl@ Lafle C I osed I One Lone Closed ~"n0-7D ~F°~•'° use oniy Mrwn Fwopxe eonrratrottm ~~r aens. ~fu ~.w .-w d.~r Adequote F i e 1 d of V i ew ~SEE NDiE 21 I nadequote F i e I d of V i ew ~~T z•~ ~ - ~-s ,-~r - ~ " ~s~ LfGENO ~ ~ Tra t~~ ao-.~wo. o~.ri~z~~+o owtaa qv~~ ~ w.r~~.~m xewr ro.k rm~eie ~ Tn x yanrea ~rfvw~n o e ~ oe.~u: ' 6 : ENO ~ T~a~ ~K ~ Pa,~~< <~m~e ~o~o ~~E rorE END m m .«a M w,.~. s,~ o; ~o~o a a ROAD WORK r ~ ~+K ROAO WORK ~K ~ ~ o I po r~~ i Siyi Post ~ AHE~D 1 L N azo-za ~ I `cp:: ~ ~cio-zo AHEAD ~ ~e' x x~' I u:~~,.. a.i~mi. ~ow.~w ua.i.... ~i~t...~ ~ ~8' x i~~ ~ ~SEE M~tE 21 T~ ~ea!M M# x~~ro er on.~w slyn syociro ~ ISEE NOiE 21 fornuio fN1AD ~e~ e' \ + i i. ~ w~w~op~t ar»• wnn a'iu. rm..o m o a ,J~,, lillGS - 3EE lqiE 11 _n~ CR0~10 , rmpn~ OiNmu - ~K \ / [ ~e• x~e• \,f~/,, ~ ~ 3a 150' 165' I80' 30' 60' -75' 120' AHEAO I LJ ~T IiLIGS - SEE NDTE 11 V I l.1 ~ WSZ ~ I 35 L= 60 205' 225' 295' 35' 70'-90' 760' urt ventaea or otrw qp 265' ?95' 320' 40' 80' -100' 240' crro-io ~ o I ewia~f rcu.~r rer ' - - ~e• x ~r ~ ° c f~e .Qk ow~m~w~ wrn ~ 45 450' <95' S40' 95' 90' -110' 320' - u 3 ~ mo. ~ truw, ~ ie vara, c~ ~E ~ i~ I c° _ T~ ~ atc.. xnn r In in I 50 500' S50 600' S0' 100' -125' 400' umei;:ot;oo a.mee ~ ~ areac a.oarm.o rrm ~wa 55 550' 605' 660' S5' 110' -140' S00' ~qpeo.i~r.o~rrne rimrtlericesa~i~r~~ea. I 60 ~~WS 600'660"720' 60' 120'-i50' M600' g ~ork o~60 is e minim~ . ~~kliitnp ~ y o ~ ~ f 70' /ra~ fl¢ nevast ~ ~ trovelea.q. ~ ~'~a• 65 650" 715' 780' 65' 130'-165' M700' • csEE NDtE t~ I ~ ~ I I 7o ioo• no• aao• io• iao•-i7s *eoo• * a~y 4 : ~ ~ e.., .a.a.a o,.. ~ ? a,o.,.r:tre ¦ ~ - ' • ~ ' ~ ~.wm o, ,m~ ~r,.~ ..aw~ o, o..... in.~ : Pw..a w.w ~wu ~ ~ Dwlus I ~ • . C ISFE 1qIE il ~ C ~ MICLL V.LE[t h~ ` ~ I f*~ ~ ~ J I Ix1EN[OIAIf ~ac ~rw ~osnc d~uno~ sunow~r IEIYSiAf10NM1 sr~nauvr n ~noc~~.e ~ ~ w~~ ~ R .~a.i~i~ , g g~ ~ I GEIFML IpTES: ~f ~ ~ :!1 ~ ~ ~ u,pFpllsn~orner.~ae :rur<a tn ~re o~ma~ ri~ o.~o~+ea .o sivu ore T~rpe ill OQ~ieoOe, - ~ o ~ 'A` ,c 2 ~ii frorrc canmoi aWcea i~~wo-area ara WI . ' L I ;-l:• f1Wn[li2ilp OBViCeS.W ' ~ o' ~btM ~it~ 1M 1' le a~ittM~MiM,ffOf6C B~e1MrI! I a~•ar .vne .im ormqe p4; r~mq sr~~ noy oe [ o~ c llOpb nq IiQNt. . 3< n tXe Olma. ^ 2 Nin~ yppp~ vp~iele ia ~ I rlyirM~ it a1p11 p! epiipplU ~ ~ 4 ¢ 1 3. O'~ niyll SpeeO IOGilitien Oawce avninp alpN SIn11E Oe irK1a11l~ w I ~it~ T~uck lqnfeU ~tlenwTV. I app~oKi~oTely Si frm Me wk orao or Iren /M Epimirq of a laneor aXOUiEer faper. On ~o~ apeM /¢ili}iea 1M oWmce rarninp I L D I 1 ~ I , alp'u slw~0 Oe DloeeO EapeO m 1M n~ni~un Giatucs. ~ Iroetiv! rark vMicleb ar 01Mf ayipsn~t qqi1G Es p~ke0 necr }K i, ~ o~ m ~ I , .~yn-ot-.nr ~t~e oa ~wr oork.o o~ rro w~ea ein,iaer. ~cnun.itzinu Devicea I ISEE ltllE 1f ' • a~r or.•aoi~r~.a oraocr..m~~ o. ~.aa. ~ iia~ o+ca.o~~m~ I o.- r o ~ • _ ENO ~ ¦ ~ armcrs on mev wvan ~ar a mro~rra o-r ~.~rr~q ar ~min~ END ~ . ROAD WORK , ~ AOAD WORK ~ cm-xa ~ , - ~ i`n«~e~i `o~oar~+rm a°i:'~a~:o eatEim ~ o• c z.~ ~ t2o4a IIIE FDIE 21 ~ I 72! Ease nM Sfrwf n• K t~. I ~in raa »m~-ta1 Rvr ISltl ~IMa~w ISEE II~iE 21 m I I id~ f5121 ~IL-31i1 O 5 ~ E+n~~ rxr•sTMD1110rotipr.mt..ron.ra.~a I N I ^ -r I ~ r~ ..a,~~«~~ ra ~rmo..M,toi.. O ~ 9 ~ ~ ` •i11 De liatlU in ttq polat frENEfl~I IqTES. > > AOA6 T ~ y \ I ~~e. sat, aorn~ra sims ma r~mr~~ ~oi~~- 0 0 ~ ~ I N ~ I ? aw..is:ioy STNOIWD PLY4 _ _ I oo.~im. I ~ ~TE1GS ~PARiIEMi p' TRNISPpIiAl1O1 CRO-1D ~ 1D IYE IUIE 11 ~ a~a.ei t:;~y R01D ppqp r,s~k aovdra~s rn+m, - u• x~e• a.v~ees ~a• x u• ~ORK ~ORII ~ IF11GS - SEE NOTE 11 ~scE ~att x~ ~n~cs - s~¢ rott AF~AD ~ AHEAO maio ~e• x ~e• IFUGS - SEE NOTF U TRAFF I C CONTROL PLAN ` TCP (1-ta) TCP (1-tb) TCP (1-lc) TCPti-t)-98 Work Area Near Shou I der Work Areo on Shou I der Work Veh i c I es on 5hou I der _.~p a.,~ „ _ 2-~ ~ ~ ~ .-n ~ v , s, CHANNELIZING DEVICES FOR URBAN ROADWAY TYPE PROJECT MULTI-DIRECTIONAL BARRICADE ~ m P~~.,,~ a,,. ~ n N11-2 ^ /7 °u °w ~ Vertieoi n«e~ V U I /'-I V V N J~ \ -.J « ~ V i h o ~ONN SP~CE ~ 0 MFK WACE ~ g ~r ~m m ~m m ~ ~ , i a m n ~ _ o ~ m m - n~m ~ m m f _ ~ w~.~-o~ree+~anai ear~~eoee / ° .;~n aani. naoao a~or o wir~-or~.m~w,oi eorr~coae . n for apocinp Wt~ww~ Mvice~~ M BCIl1. sieple lieonen arror or [~1-6, it Ux a~l~-riptMinp WppOrte in Or a Mrre Sirple N~aOW Arrmr pqple MeaOetl Ar~o` tl~ere is o ~iQn potsntial monwi izinp Uevite! te ee sirutN. I. Wlti-Giraetiopl arriCaOa snoll rot De usetl for 1 clowr a. F~ z. wy x waa ror varo cnaw~a t aiiomen.. or ac~osa rooanr rro~ s~.m o~ 'r' tn»rs.cr~m. lYDico11Y Ints~meG104~^Twrn Statln~mY. 3M1arf ierm SfatiMd'Y a y~1 OurMion vork zal~e ape~atipfb. Sae tla CtETCD List (or approvea Osaiqis. BARRIER DELINEATION WITH SAFETY GLARE FENCE - USAGE OF CW1-6, ECWt-6o AND CW1-8 SIGNS CN1'8 tn e gn~ a a - - - ~ - - - - rne cxcvxw •;v~ ¢n-u cu-~ ~ ~ oe uua ~o ~a~me ~ i Ry 0 0 om.ia xi~reo~~oo o~, ~y / ~ ~ o « = arv.c or „s~a ~n ~rm- `f" ~ T O \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ \ \ : f r i «a ar tro~ra. / ~ L ~ ~ \ ~ ~ \ Corc~N< Barrier `a ` / ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~ po.eynf Wtoce il?IHL ' o ~ . ~ ~ ~ ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ~ ¦ \ \ ~ ~ \ ~ 1 nwSnuna~ a s~ai~ ~ ~ ¦ ~ ra . rn~c.~ ^ ~ • ~ • ~ ~j ECWI-6o uwsnuna 1 ~N in IRARD AOPIxE IP0.01 K f1011M ~ 1 V sroo~ ~[rn-w~ . i~:~a.a I sa • o c IIDTES • e~ uaW ta iraicote ~ M ~ Epimirq ot a drve E° E~ ~ • 35 rrant~im. I~ xxuia a t. Le~uM m safat> Give fmc[ vi I I be speCificO tlseMR~! in ~IY D~~~ j. 1M cuNlatiw nOwin01 lanpttl of iM ~od11K uniis sMl l eppl fIM aRt a~ ~iM m~pro- I y~ L~1-6 ~ ~ O~ I~npill Of ilie inOiYiAW1 MCfiOnb Of fapororY ~fete }ra/fiC 0/(~e arw afqn.twn ~ - OQriK M`~hiCh 1My R< i116to11YU fp /14 loinT pltKM On'rilf LEGEND ~ dW~O rot pe _ ~se0 Mrpqwf fM arve O~'~ uttia~6 will mt De spdrrC OY mY ~~if. ~ frwil7v~ IlaiserY 3. PoXI/plaMa ~111 Ee tle6iQrC su1~ ~Iqt reflecfive M!lTlnq conlor~ftg ~ p~ricoCa WeaO plops fa apfionoi. vi1~ MpartmMtol Ibterfal SpeCifitOtipn p15•~}00. flat S~rf¢O NO11lCfive . SMe11np, fypt C INiq~ $peti{it IMeMitYl. a nieun aize of P I~es ¦ ¦ Clia*el ixinq Oevices OY 11 imlrc cm Ue ottWeE fo tir aapa oi tlle pbpl/EIOW. TM P~~ Wf~ yxefirq 6tql I Ee WtoTeE fo ae p0'CI/DIOOe per neefiM of mveta frl~ Trai ler m~nteE M~iES~ OTriK rot 10 attee0 a 6paeinp Of kl tett. Bvrix roflNtor6 aa rqt ~.Z.Y r~~~~a ~r~ cm~i CWt-6 1. L11-6. EQt-ip ~[~I-t s~p~s Ynti Of ~dn1a0 M IixaO apDO/ts. IIBGbOWy Mt[n puMl/DIOd6 Gr0 in6t01IW. A LANLE ~M01 aiy~ i. Ge'~raa~ Mvn u%Cr Mb~l G ereciW On fM wR~iEV at o Mo/p Ye4iIR GIGf! Scrnro 10t Nl00 ~iQM Cv~ix 61q1 I ireef iM ~eWi~~v~16 ~fety 91pre ferce (C'It-61 ia lnteqeG fo or furnr 1~ aid M m~nfersectim. M> elal I W Ot d15-l610. W ~aeU b Oiw rotip ~~~z .~m ua m r~yn myia ee aopaou~Inp rrmnc. $pociro Of a Y~p [lqqf in M4~IE W NxA~ ttnt fM ~DtKii~ olpy~ M! fmM in ~iw. ~ntl l Z OI fpnenf ftirnl in iM Me tlvpe in OI fpwnt ~I iwirqlaa its ~ve6 Eiroctim of irm~l. If l. fr ro-~oy ira(tiy uv vreiqmnT of sl~e m aWSiae of PREOWl1iIGTid PpOLEdAES ANE ~BIIINEO iRdk ~KV10 M pr~uG~O ~ifn ur~s tar euf~ Eirsctim M trrn~. Ol/y pl'~•pID15/1~p pCqlCtf r1011 M IMd ~ CEpJ Of 1M ~'qprcpriofe o0rvv 1. WornRiofe oMVm ~vninp MYE > TI~M ai~ ~im iUVleary SpeeE ~ •tao~imr brt Iar TrMtic CaMrol DNrim l{N• ~[Rf~ ~ warruc~tm .vn~m o~ow• ro~~a o. wa ven neaa.o. MClipq prpOlf/iM pI00CH otl Mif fpIOM 910 q M CONSTpI[TION UIYISIdI-WTENIALS YN 7E515 SE[Tldl pw~ Wt~ tum tip~ ~ ~a~~ iEL~S DFPIJIT~EMf OF iflAMSPOPTAliON ITaWT] 125 EA51 ilm STREET - s*~a AlISiIN, TX 18101-2~83 STWWiO PIAMS r.ornc ao..'io. oi.tam • tt ~TE7uS OEPAR11tNi OF 1RANSPORi~iipl ius o.oef~n a verpor~ar~m r.arrk uro+aax crw~ra, 12S [ON I7M SMNI OV1MflEMT/iL WTFRI/L SPE[IfICA71p15 . rw•r~ im nmi-:.u me five cvtepories of ~ork CurMim utl tlrir tVme ot o loca~im abl l Oe: RsM tllll IIh7130 fUT SUPLME PEFLECTIYE LIEE7INL WS-B700 n,~ .u•xw oui~c.raaz .~o ae.~t~, w~mcurs o~s-esoo i«w-,K••,~~~y ~:.ak ,ro. aaoi~, a i«m~~ ,nm ~ oors. TRAFF I C CONTROL PLAN y~ Ym?tn auF sa~E[xs ua-n5~o a p e. [me..eavme-~a.n a~m~«wr ~s .on~ +ro~ «aotea o ioro*tm .ore mm ona ' ~Amntar ro ~oeor. +ti •tarm- m r~oor ..o.te. v« cna us~ee s~a sxccnxe ~r~ ~oH oer~oo w+o ~ mre, ~~,~,f,,~..a. ~m.,~, ~e TYP [ CAL DETA I L S StOrf M wpaiM - w0af.sMwhbu~ C. Snort-ter. atofionv7 is Ooyti~ .ork tMf acayies o Iocotim ior ~ore ' CIId M'/OaR it00I'~ dM~M~E B~Rfl~IIHD ITPE E IFLUONENEYI PRI94TIC1 ffm i tp~. dA leas t~m 12 Inra. ~y7 ~ TD~ ~O~ E Cltqt m'p'~t2Mlaql OvY. IMITf B~CRfAdb ttPE C lxlpl SVECIfit IxiENSlirf n~ ~ ~ - BIAC[ LEff10 t BCViDFRS YIMYL Npl-MEFLE[~IYE $IEEll11G D. 4'EH ArotiOn ls RR Hqt occupiea o IOCOtim ~p to 1 hOV. CIIfJt pl hp(/~C (bl'Ollar 04a~ I~ppi iWwy 19l1 ~~19 e-pIN a.py s-m CIifJ[ m'teqlTON Rrlt 1tl4 TM/iC [aMrol OFr10N'. - CIIQ p1 "t1A Pa'. E. YoCi le is ~bk 1Mt rovee iMMitiMtly Or CmlinamlY. $ TMi`.~N i' ~in~1' PEf[A ~0 TNE BC $NEETS fpl SIIEETIMG NEUlINE1fNt i q1 C14NE1121NG UEYICES. It0 i ~ OiIY preyqlitiW praGUeta aholl W wW. iM'CapliaM - Barr i cade and Construct i on ( BC ) Standard Sheets Genera 1 Notes: wnc z«r trortio c«itro~ owioes ~~sr caarco~ a.~ie.. preO~ol tf~W producis mE ltrir earoes aW n~ 0~ fan0 m-I~ns aM iM ~wD a0treae ql`en Wiw or by oaMmilnp~ ooi 1. The Barricade and Construction Standard Sheets (BC sheets) are intended to show typical examp l es for p I acement of temporary traff i c contro I dev i ces, construct i on pavement mark i ngs, re~. o.oan..~r w r~o,~o~~~, § ~ = TrMllo OpxoFlons DIvl~im - TE ~ ond typ i ca I work zone s i gns. The i nformat i on conta i ned i n these sheets meet or exceed the ~si2~ +is-3~~ requirements shown in the "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Oevices" (TMUTCD). - 2. The development and design of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is the responsibility of the Eng i neer . v~enooaessESFORaeFer~ncEOOOCUMerars <~m 3. The Contractor may propose changes to the TCP that are signed and sealed by a licensed profess i ona I eng i neer for approva I. The Eng i neer may deve I op, s i gn and sea i Contractor ~^w~w«+~z«bT~co^+~wo~u~cc,~co~ m8 proposed changes. ""°'""""'.°°°°~°°"ro"~'w+~'a°am~."'"' >`o q, The Contractor i s respons i b l e fior i nsta I I i ng ond mo i nta i n i ng the traf f i c contro I dev i ces TexaeMrwelonUnNamT~ellkCOnVd DmAem(TMUTCD) o as shown i n the p I ans. The Contractor may not move or change the approx i mate I ocat i on of ~~o~~~~ro~wr~uaw~~.n~ any device without the approval of the Engineer. 5. Geometr i c des i gn of I ane sh i fts and detours shou I d, when poss i b l e meet the app I i cab l e 5~.'°'"'"°"""''sr~'°°'°"'~`T°""cs"SO' `g' des i gn cr i ter i a conta i ned i n manuo 1 s such as the Amer i can Assoc i at i on of State H i ghway ""P'""'"'w0~°`9wrv~~~~ ~ ai; and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and T~~~~+~w~~~ ~ Streets", the TxDOT "Roadway Des i gn Manua I" or eng i neer i ng judgment. '"'^~OedoC~1°~'~°~,m"~^ ~ a~ 6. When pro j ects obut, the Eng i neer (s ) may om i t the END ROAD WORK, TRAFF IC F I NES DOUBLE, ,,,~,;,,~„m,,,,, n and other advance warn i ng s i gns i f the s i gn i ng wou I d be redundant and the work areas ~,n,,~,.a~aa.~~~.~,vr~~, u~.~~, appear continuous to the motorists. If the adjacent project is completed first, the ° g~ Contractor sha I I erect the necessary warn i ng s i gns as shown on these sheets, the TCP °~iibnen11A~'a'°15°°~"~"°"'~°h's> D~~ sheets or os d i rected by the Eng i neer. The BEG IN ROAD WORK NEXT X MI~ES s i gn sha I I be ~~~~'~'gov1~~a1r~ONmatdiel_apecilkatiau! ,~w revised to show appropriate work zone distance. r~ro~y,~M.~~e~ a~~ 7. The Eng i neer may requ i re dup I i cate warn i ng s i gns on the med i an s i de of d i v i ded h i ghways ^~a~^^~~o~r~9a~~ ~^^~^m^~~ ^4*~ where median width will permit and traffic volumes justify the signing. 8. All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the details found in the "Standord Mighway Sign Designs for Texas," latest edition. Sign details not shown in this manual :a~ shall be shown in the plans or the Engineer shall provide a detail to the Contractor ~o~: before the sign is manufactured. 9. The temporary traffic control devices shown in the illustrations of the BC sheets are ` examples. As necessary, the Engineer wil~ determine the most appropriate traffic control °~Y° devices to be used. 10. As shown on BC(2), the OBEY WARNING SIGNS STATE LAW sign and the WORK ZONE TRAFFIC FINES DOUBLE sign with plaque shall be erected in advance of the CSJ limits. The BEGIN ROAD WORK NEXT X MILES, CONTRACTOR and END ROAD WORK signs shall be erected at or near the CSJ limits. 11. Except for devices required by Note 10, traffic control devices should be in place only while work is actually in progress or a definite need exists. 12. The Engineer has the final decision on the location of all traffic control devices. 13. Inactive equipment and work vehicles, including workers' private vehicles must be parked away from travel lanes. They should be as close to the right-of-way line as possible, or located behind a barrier or guardrail, or as approved by the Engineer. siuioum PuMs Worker Safety Appare I Notes: mus oEVUmo~r~rrn~xsPaRr~rtaM - 1. Workers on foot who are exposed to traffic or to construction equipment within the BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION - right-of-way shall wear high-visibility safety apparef ineeting the requirements ofi ISEA GENERAL NOTES "American National Standard for High-Visibility Apparel" labeled as ANSI 107-2004 standard performance for Class 2 or 3 risk exposure. Class 3 garments should be considered AND REQUIREMENTS for high traffic volume work areas or night time work. 1 of 12 BC(t)-07 ~ ,b, - - ~ ,o, ~ TYPICAI LOCATION OF CROSSROAD SICNS T-INTERSECTION TYPICAL CONSiRUCTION MARNINC SICN SI2E ~N~ SPACING ~ ~ u°'m m~~wc e ~ari~i ~rt~~m~i~io ~ wm-~o q~Rim~ao czaie~ mx~rus 512E SPACING - eto-t eq o w wr. uo-ia ~ ~ / siqn ~V°~- EKpreaaroy/ P~tsa sipn . € o \ ~ ~ tooo'-t5oo' - Nn % ~xaper tianal Fre ~ee4 SD°°i~0 1MfCRSR7ED I Btotlt - CIM/ R~ e'?oY ° ~ ~ ~ ~~r " iooo•-isoo' - N.r b i si«k - ct+r ar Seriea ' tlp55PWC x [ x ~ X ~ CM20 ~ APX ~AFeex.I - ` ~ ~ 30 12a ~ i ~ 2 X G20-9 Z~ / N4 Li~~ ~9 1WFFI[ ~3 ~8~ %~8' 18' % 48' f f f 1yFFl[ 62a-ST ~ ~'S FIIES CN25 40 2 0 _ ROAU < N~5 FIIES i Od1Btf roxK ar~rcimrs ~ 046LE RZo-S CY/i. CN2. ~5 320 AHEAD I~If 7 tlIIIO Rt0-5 G2P6 ~T ~ 50 400 • ~ ~p ~ m O e i~ ~ CM7~ CMB~ 36' z 36' ~8' x 48' 2 -'e 6M-la IW Imal MWDRR CM9. CM11~ 55 500 y R I ~ NP109i7LL CNI~ fi0 6002 ~ ~ a 65 700 s o Q~ M~ovrt~G m Oadc o1 LRO-iD siy~ ~IM qproval ot enpiroar. ISw roM 2 MIw1 ~-~0 piJ. CM4, CMS, CM6. ~8" x 48' ~8' X~B• 70 800 oyO 1. 11r typtcol ~Iniw~ aipnirp m a arowaoa approaU~ ahw10 E~ o Cr20-10 Ip1D ~Olpl AHFM eipi oV a ~ LIYI73 ~i T-IMERg[rlpl ~8-3, 75 900= 620-2a OD PoAD ~ORIt si~,~nlw nvFM oMSria~ In vlw. CM10, CWt 2 80 1000 ~ o m 2. iro Fnpiro~r B~ ws Nr rsdptl ~Ia w 78' ROW ~ORII uEAD IITm-ID) si41 mou~laC Cxk io Oack 1. ita fnpineer .11I btar~irr iM typ~6 atl loootim W ary aECltlanl 1ru111c oa~irol Ewlne, ~ w o * .IM fM rqoW ~la X' a I6' FID ROW ~OPoI IGM-2al si~ m Iw wlia awrooae Iw Mot~ 1 u~Crr Tlappr m0 mmipaqlnp ~Iqa, a otlrr sipm, Maf alnuld A~ wetl ~fw~ ~arlc Is beinp perfone0 at or o~ ~ 'Typlool Carotncitm ~vnlnp Siy~ Sim oq Spminp'1. Ss 1M 'StaN~E Nlyroy Siy~ Orlar fr ~ m irrtr~eotim o T~ao' oual far sip~ tlstails. 1M Upirer ~y ~11 ttr oAvaw ~aminp ~Iqw m la~ wlu~ If amefnntim cleua Mr ~000 ot a 7-IMsr~setim Me CmlraoTar oMi l Dloo~ 1M 6t0-i 'CaMraotar Mas' ~y : o ruvmOs. 1M Fnpfroar ri l l Es}relro MNMr a reoa Is la wlue. 7MIS in/mofim aMl l Ds slon si~ OMIM 1hs Typs III BvrioaM fm iM rooU closv~ teaa BCIIU/ aleol. ilr G2o-1EL uH 620-tdt s frc ryplml Jpi pmiip m OI.IM ~Iq`qti c~rruvJa uN 7raw0ti ~er M 6 a M~ in Ms Dlma. elqe atall M rplooe0 Oy ihe Oetar ai~lrp aal la0 ~or in tlr Olme. •!m ~b~ol m 1rol~ita~ hallfa rmhol Mias' fIWRDI f7Dim1 ~pyiimtlm OIaPs 3. BaeeO m axlstinp flela amCltioro. ttr Enpirrr/I~spxtor w~ fp~In aCtlfiional sl~s ntli u FIACCFA Q T~ S~d D~~ lJIFM. lODSE OL1Y0., ar wiw aoravriah sipr. ~nn aeaHianoi siQr m rw~lre4 mw ~iw ri i i e Yfnlu Of~loq fro ~ak vW 70 11fN WRO~ bn11q iIP III~M ~h blt O'd OWP b! WN~AYOA pT} 0/ N! m7lIIV flQII~~IIIA 71M EIQIIYY/7lMplCfUf VI I I AI}~fllllll~ MM ROpK at.ras en...~ .se~ aea~riau~ .ia lamllm m0 ~paollq of ary aipi nof YWn m/M BC e1wf~~ ttaHia Cmfrol Plm MMf~ ar }M bk ~al ~ g b zme s+maora s~netc me c2o-ta •~yn anci~ e. rewiree at ni~ wiu. aa~roo0~ to o0vir motarfM~ 0/ Nr IMpt~ M 1. Sqoial ar lupr ~ire dqr ~q e~ iw0 a~ers7. aannrwrim io •imr eo-«r~o~ ira~ ilr IMrswllm. tns F++ainser i i ar.r.iro rrmer o rooa.vi L OiHap l~h~n iiW hulE CI irci~aME a~ /~Wiftl M Ivn ~500 fM1 aONw ~Rnilly ~s oa~sie.r.d e~~ wwrc. x oimme eeiwsi .~w eona e. in~.o..e a nw~~•a m m~. f4 N i. v¦r. m.uce .o,mc e€: s. Amir~on~ frorno m~7ro~ awtoss ~nr e. Mow1 e~aarr. ~o tn. o~w ror nt~laf ~ro~1s vo..rooeo. x• . z• row ~u uw ~I.no-~ol .tyr ~mr n~..n m ~u. w~u. araroaa m m. a~v+rtm ~ - 6. hn wk amrs fn 1M IMrewflan veo, apprapriela /raftie amlrol Miau, us efpn ~Iewtsa in of M+ tnYinr. sr M~ 2 ubr 'Typical lmoftm o/ 6o.vea7 SIPr'. Hw Dlu» or m dslvdnW Oy Hw Fi~cinr/InWeoTar, aMl I M in plaoe. i O~y Olmtl ~~a vninp ~ip~ ~fza a~ INIaa1~6 . C Sse alpi ~is IfMinp in '1WIm'. Siqi AppstliK v 1h 'SfmErtl Niy~ Sfpi Orlyr tar Tm' ~ ouol fv ouyleta li~l o, aeilmb ~Ip~ Mf01 ~Im~. o°o ~ 1Y(MK AREAS IN NULTIPLE LOCATIONS MITHIN CSJ LIYITS SAAPLE LAYOUT Of SIGNI~ FOR WORK BEGI?M7ING AT THE CSJ LIMITS ~ ~ 00 O lEOIM 6Y0-9T 3f If F 3F~f G2o-ST C N R O ~ ~RI! iCME IWW N6 ~•p N' 2 g+ GTeO-tU )J' I R~-1 (w YIE4D RPO-S if if Sias . = e. RoAO Cf ~t3k cm-e ~ rn-u we~~iaa~ « STATEUN ~'S~ 0.0AD WORK C~f-ul XX P20-53fM NORK ~ AHEAD Orn~'~ CRP-tu ~ RAl iE~IE O p~\% 5'E Y`. AHEAO ~ XX T II[ Bvr ioa0~ Q ~ X % M ] I Y ° p` crio-io rn~^ ono .ii:rro awias , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1% 1 1/ n l W l I V ~ I I V l ~ l ~z• o- ~ a ~ ~ ~ - - - - - ~~VUV~ S.~ /~~j n~^/n~~n 1 ~ ~ ~ Mplminp of ND-PASSIW IIM Anu10 O O II ~ ~1,.11 ~ ~ tlmr~fLlry C5.1 lidt ~ ~dlnoh riM ~iQ1 IoooYlm Gm-7n iFdf LJ Il W ~ Orvl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~en .zrane.e atc~mo.. «ar e.~...~ ¦mt.a~ wru o+d. +ro F++o~~,exnno.o+~ .nw~a awra ominonm s.r xom ~ rn.oa ~aao-io~ stw a. n~mea tn aaao a mrs .ork Qw ro r~im o-i~s mn Q..ri~i cm-m ~f~ .im~n m orol.=r ii.ira sm m awi~oaei. ra .i..ra ror smcr ioocrion ma w~~ro or sio~. an en,wi:iro ew~o.s. "Z0-' w ~.a~+aieara.r - r~m~ e~.oana - .ni» ~ SMPIE IAYWT OF SIGNING FOR MOHK BEGIWlING OOWNSTREAM OF THE CSJ LIIIITS ~T~ t ~ rtr ~actor uwi i ane~.im +ne ~ STNDAi1D PLIIIK S - O ~ ~*ezo-s ~ ~ ~~m. aiiv~. ma"ct~o-°si t~`*ar„" 1FJU15 DEPIIR11EMf OF 7R~{NSPORfATIp1 ROAD /l~` ~ qp~p IFM 40-R ii~4i"=iTiF3 iE~k ao-s Fu~ES s~~~ aaon w~trta orolaor. mi~ ei.raw .no~ ~ ~ qry~, p~y„ CL~ e~~-z u MonK O r"`s ar~ STATE U~ iti n~va~st ~•i i..t .n.imatfa mR~~~ ~ GEND rn-a. ,wE~o % N[LE x~~o-s or m. uo~ner. w a.oi.ou .nai i o. _ ~rn-c '~'9','~",Q XN io ~o-~E ~ R.u~ xm-3~* ~.w. s~o~ BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION an..~i:i~v ~ 0N1ai OO w,o~0~9e.a~~.swQ.~i ~.,a. oornv..~i:i~oo«i«. PROJECT LIMIT o ~ x\`„ R\c, ~ x x ,n. a, u.ia. ~i ~Ma.,i,.,~r~i.r STANDARD y • ~ ~ ~r~~ ;m.: ~ mwt: ir I T'"• 2 Of 12 BC ( 2) -07 , Mlaw~ - - - - - ~ W Ll~it ~ 3k3F ~Irodm OCIIIIt ~IO~In0. Sw X ~i~ ~~*SOmshuctlm ~~Of 1~ ~ ~.T001 s-TOOf ~.7OOf s.T~001 i ~ ~l - ~ ~ Yw /ar Dlmwrt o1 •POAD ~ORC IYrtfD iQ aIT c ' .~1 ~1 ~ cio-m Mlf * uFU- .~o~ ma aM,n- aa» ur arv~c.. ~IrW ..w~r~,ra. ~ { a mI1M far m 1M irdtlo Cm}rel Pla+. ~ 102 - 1 ~ ~ TYPICAL APPLICATION OF WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS - Nark mne speed limifa ahall be requlatory, ee+aDliehed I~ accarda~ce with ihe 'Proeedree far Eatablishtnp Speed Zonea,' o; aM approved Dy ihe Texas Trmepartation Commissim, or by City Ordtrw~ce Mien rithin Incorparated City Limita. «gp Reduced speeds should only be posted in the vicinity ~ 5~~~^~ ~5~ of work act i v i ty and not throughout the ent i re pro j ect. ~,a C5J ona Olraef{m m1Y' o ~ g s.. ec,:, .a / LIWITS Regu I atory work zone speed s i qns (R2- t) sho I I be removed ~ a z~ Q~y uWIrs ~ ma~nmoi aaan. g ~~~~^a L/ or covered dur i ng per i ods when they are not needed. ad°~*:imi ~ ~ ~ m8~ `go ~~o b ~ p b b p b b p b p b ~ i g} RSO' - I500') Sae GNMfaI ~ ~ See GelYral ~S o xete ~ s.. Gewa~ wro ~ ~7so• - ~soo'~ rbfa 1 ~ SPEED Q ~E ~p~9 ~E G2o-9 SpEED Q Z~E ~o-9 SPEEO ~ c ~~Y17 ~ SPEED SPEEO LIN1T SPEED LINIT IIMIT LIYR O lIY1T r; ~ 7 0~-~ so ~-5 6 O"~-' 6 0"~-' 7 0~-, 60 6 p R=-~ 7 0~-~ N[CHT NIGHT m"S NICHT ` g° 6 5~-~ 6 5~-~ 6 5~-~ ;~o E GUIDANCE FOR USE: o IONG/INTERIED[ATE TEtdl MORK ZONE SPEED L[41T5 GENERA~ NOTES: `08 o This type of work zone speed limit should be inciuded an the desiqn of i, Requlota'y vra'k za7e Speed limits should be used only for sections of construction the traffic control plms when restricted qeanetrics with o lower aesign p~-ojects rhere speed control is of major irtportance. ~.`~o~ speed ore present in the work zone and modificatian of the geometrics to 2. Regulotory wrk zone speed limit signs shall be placed on suppa-ts at a 7 foot minimm a higher design speed is not feasible. max~ting heiqht. 3. Speed zone signs are illustrated for one direction of travel and are nornally posted t for each direction of travel. Long/Intermediate Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs, w~en approved as describetl q, Frequency of work zone speed limit signs should be: x aDove, should be posted and visible to ihe motorist when vork octivity is present. q0 rtph md greater 0.2 to 2 miles IYOrk octivity may also be defined as a change in the roadvay that reQUires 35 mph and less 0.2 to 1 mile a reduced speed for motorists to 5afely neqotiote the worK area, includinq: 5. Regulotory speed limit signs shall have black legend aW border on a rhite reflective a) rouqh road or drnioqed pavement surface bock~owd (See 'Heflective Sheeting" on BCl4)l. b) substantiol alteratim of roadray geanetrics fdiversionsl 6. Fabricotion, errection and maintenmce of the CW3-S si~, G2D-9 plaque and the c) construction detours R2-1 and R2-3 siqns sholl not be paid for directly, but shall be considered 01 subsidiary to Item 502. el vidth 7, Turnirg siqns fran viev, laying signs over or down rill not be allowed, unless other- f) other conditiais readily apparent to the driver vise noted. As lonq as my of these canditions exist, the wrk zone speed limit signs g, TeclniWes thot moy help reduce traffic speeds include Dut are not limited to: should remain in place. A. Lw enforcement. B. Flog~r stationed next to siqn. L. Portable cfwpeaDle message sign lPCMS). SHOfiT TERA1 MORK ZONE SPEED LIMITS ~ STAIpARD PLIWS D. Lo+r-porer (~-one) radar trmsmitter. This type of rark zane speed limit sFwuld be included on the desiqn of E. Speed aanitor trailers or siqns. T07ro6 OqaarMwlfd T~Gn6pofMlM rrwk (yr~Yb+ naa~on the traffic control plms uhen workers or equipment ~e not Dehind cancrete g, Speeds slwwn on detoils above are for illustration only_ - barrier, Wien work activity is within 15 feet of povement edge or octually ~k Zone Speed Limits should only be posted us approved for each project. +r~e pavemen+. BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION WORK ZONE SPEED LIMIT ' SFwrt Term Work Zone Speed Limit signs should be posted and visible to tlie STANDARD motorists only wF~en work octivity is present. Mhen wrk activity is not present, signs shall De remove0 or covered. (See Removinq or Coverinq on BC(4ll. 3 of 12 BC (3) -07 nmr ir~-aa .-nmoi ..r~am ~.nm .-mm ` ~d~ - ~7 ffi. ~w i TYPICAL GINIMUM CLEARANCES FOR LONG TERM AND INTERAEOIATE TEMI SIGNS ~u r~s im ~at ip[ SItK t. Cml~ootar 4a11 Instoll ad ~oi~foln alp~ in a stralyrt and p1u4 ooMlt~m ad/~ m 0lreoteE Gy Mr Fnpliwr. L Nodon si~ posfs Yql l W palMwl ~Aita 3. 9vrfaadu alnll IOT W w~0 os Upt rPport~. ~ 12' e1M1 MCile Iqll IqT 0~ uY0 ta CHrcl1 ~IQIS 1o Ty mpport. RQ~ S. All slaa alnll W iMtal I~A in moorAaw rlfA Ms Dlms or m Efrmte0 Ey 1M Fiqiroer. Slar tlnl l Oe use0 to raWlaFe, ~my m0 ~OAD RO/W QOAD w~ne +ns tro.H~ny pn~~o ,or.~r mra~y~ m. .vx m.. ROIIK wO~K .tn~ ~IIII s. m. rmtrarar ~ro nrnten .imr ms sto~ a.tm ~n m. oima or i~ ~ns •staw~a xtwmr sia~ oaniy,s ror t..as• ~vao~. me ~ ~f.~ FnOiner/Inpaofar ~y' re41n tlw CaMraoYar To ArniN oftrr wk mro aiW 11vt Qe al~o~wi In ilr lYRCO Wt ~Y Icra Uea~ ~{tted - ~ AIEAb ~ ANFJ1p ~ AiAIID ~.a. n. o~m.. M+n ~~or~m tn r~» o~w .no~ i e. trlour~rw M•'t»an a~.amr e.t.r, m. Eno~~wr me x. fm+raer~r•s pesporri4le Fcmn ~II U~opss nr4 W dooaw~Md In vrttinp Mtare O~Inp Iqlsrrf~l l~ls om IroWO~ Omsrnfinp Mr Maqee In ~ 6' He Ir~actds 7m0T Elo7~ mE M+Inp CoM t~r Iiup~otor aW CaMraotar Initial md Ov/a fM oPCatl ~pm tlw~p~a f g 6. ~in ~ r~ 7. Ilr CaNracfar Yqll fun(M aipi w/par}s I ls}etl in 1M 'Cayltart br% Zae TMfic CaMrol 6wia Lirt' IdITCDI. TM [aifrmlar i ti enoll Iroral I Nr eIT ~cYa+ in aoaarAawe riM iM vulmfirds no~ermflw. Ir Mra la o O~~Im ~aq~aln0 ImM11Mim i: ` T.0' niM1 ~ procqra~. ttr Cqkrml~ rtni i M1miah ft~ Fn0lroar a oapy of xr ~mutaohrer'a intallotim rwu~rWaFiva w/M Fnpineer cm ° AO' ^ar. ~ ff°a~ 7.0' min ~ T.o' ~fn ~iry Ms avrach GroaAr~~ ay Eslr9 to11aM6 9.D' mmc y.~. ~ 6.0' ~In e. m. camaror i. r..carie~. ~or i~sroi iino .tw m wvrw~aa .~oa~T. ma rev~mtna aiar ~im aaaaea ~ c~ea .n.+Twae marar n_ a._`. eanu.a a nvrw r.r~em~w rwrrno a atnor.e er m Erq~nser~~mo.wur. q 9. IMnfitioofltll ~vkfnps ~uy CO efnw~ an1Y sl~ NDttfoN. 11M watiu Mi~f of I~ttaf~ bN/af oupmY lapos weE o g ~ far IasMHlcatlon elnl l M 1 ImR u m lo. iM CtlYh•act~ qqll rpima daoped waC p0ete. NN or A~opsE ~aoC sial posTa e1ni1 tpt Ee p1faBE. ~ P~ r~" ~ gs P~ g~y, !E OIM7ION OF ~ORI fa dMInC by Mr 'T~mo~ Ibuol m Unita~ Traftio M1rol Owlor• Ivi if ~ lIIO11EK a1~q11EC ~ 1. TM fypes Of alqll M.ppart~ alal murtlry M~Q1f.1M siza oT 6lpr. aq /M typ~ N t~01 mOStIa/N om vQy baRE d11M 1YDe ~ e .ar1c Eetnp per/ors0. 7ro Eiqinr Is n~pawiON tor a~lwtinp fhe appraprlafa sim ~I~ ir Mp typs o1 wk befnp pMps6 7M c° 3F Uwi Olminp ekiG appoHa m uHSVSI Qwd, Ms Ip post IeqfM wx~ Ea aUl~sted w Mr sip~ ~peara ahoidN mtl DIUO. ~~m~a 1~ r~pwtDl~ fa erru~lnp /M sl~ wppart, ~i~ innfinp MtaAf ad sbhafe meMe ioufachrr'e raoa~ollau In UEJecf~ Ypll NO7 M IaaO uNer ak14 a~ a mcaa M Iwel l~q. q~tl to c~aelwortliineea ad dratlan of wrk rsWira~rtf~. ~ D a Lanp-tern Noltavy - wrlc ffM ooaqix a laooflm ~ora Mm 7 my~. G°a p, In}r~e01of0-Mr~ atafimury - ak NM ooaylu 0 lawf(m sr~ Mm ons Ooy11yH pvlod ip 10 7 Uv/s, Q nidMis vk lasfirq ~iE ~ oiav.e Q. v~mea m a~oi•~sa aso~ra *ner acwa ea arrovra m m. ia~~ ns~.n m. +rwei im.. v mm oro wir. o: kpplalnTal PlaQws tuWtsoly ar EINu~aef Nu~10 not oDWf HM w1uW o/ i11e p~e11F siph 9clY-fa~ staffalTy - Aa~lffm vk tlql Ooapip o looutial }ar a~ Hvi I tur In o slnple Eql lyh pefiaG. a Q $Mri~ Oifoflql - Yvk Mat aaalplM a looollm ~p f0 1 IW. 1b0ila -.ork ifpY ~orea mrtlnudelY ~ Infernlttw~tlY l~faDCfnp frc ~q to ~prwfmotelY IS ~Iruf~s.) ° ATTACHMfNT FOR SICN $UPPORTS ~tray..nr m,unes~ n~ports 5[n ~aMfIK ~[lart o ~ vt i i w M oon~ ma nute ~rr eotta~ oi ~«q-ten?IMV~salat~-ws stw anai i ea ar iamr 1 taat~ eut rot .ora tnm 9 ~asf~ mvn ma oa+e utaz~ aroeo* ar ac(ws. Ur 7m07's r Yr.n far rnPlanrrlol OIuWS ~anteE Mlw oHer slQx. ° ~ 7r~T~ 2. Itr Ooftu oi SMrf•txwi3lv~t O~ra~lm alqK tlni l W a miniiun W t foot mow Ms pawmenf arfaoe 6W ro va Mm 2 irot mwa mov~ sia~ ~mMachrar'e nm~wqw ~ T# a g~~, prroMrN for ottmhlnp siq~ J. L ~ Ma~sCloFe-Tan S~~e ~ W wM In I1W ot Slnr'f-MrnVStcrf dratim ~fy~lnp. r6atfaM~ to otlr irpes M yryp~*-~~y p~p~im sials thal l Es w~C mIY ~inp Auyliyrt atl tlall Ds reioreC ot Hr aM o/ Me rarkaay. ar ralae0 fo a ~ atp~ s~qpo-~~ qiprppriah Laq-1wVlnfar:aiote a{p~ hiyrt. n Q. I sno~+ Na i I S w i I I NOT s u a uqa eiw rci i a.o~m.a ur ~eu.r r ~»r, an nor .ore nw, e ~..r, mo.e n,. vw.o arruoe r.a~a~.ee m.crk arat~en. € ~,',,;,,a' r~° Q~ ~ bE a I I owed. TM~Oinear moy ol lo+ 1M uae o7 mol lr ~ia arwm~ctim .antnp elpr m wondvy rnaes r afy etrests .Iw~ apeMa are io~ i~ ~ e e 11x si~ sim fs IiateA as m ophfm m ihe 'Typiml fmsfructlm bniro si~ Siza and spacinp' d~t a~or~ m Bt121. „ moua aiq~ f'I f I 2. TM Ca~lr yCf aM011 Tv~ibl i1N siQl atiq tlqrl in Plaq~ ttM BC Slwts. tlr TCP Meet¢ T m OiroP1eA Dy Nle 6q11Mar. \ m Each s i gn 51q1 ~,a„a ° \ Sha I t be ott4Ch8d n» oomroo~or ,to~~ an.re +ro .ca~ .n.irare ~n.m~ ~w io oooormo..im tne m~rm+~rx•. ~eou~s,mtiu,. ror m. +rro w.~o~ g~ ~ ~Q t~~Q ~ \ stppwY 11nh is Oalnp usa6 Th CRICD Ilsis eail ~DSirofe 11q1 001 Ee WeE an Mts a111~aM fypss aq IoASIe o1 st~ wqpoliL ,r d i reCt I y to the S i qn z• W"^' typ" "°r°r~°i" "°T °ppr"^° •'4' "°~TM°'~, r.parmw o7 m. f~ynmaee of ine .ew.. S~p~ wpporte Mp~~ ~ 7. II I.mCen tMiviWOl ~tp~ pwl~ /mricofW fra~ 2 ar are Oim~s anall Iqw ma ar eora ply~oa0 elaot. 1!2' Mick y 6' ~itle, e.t.na ve +nm support. MU i t i p l e ~on.roe ro me emk w ms am aa .M.diro ~ui ~y oorwe ms .iv~ m. .na~ i w aerae.a ro ms e~ m ms .ia~ uiro .ooa - o in .or w m ecra.s mor ao rot v~'a~. +n. roos w m. sta~ vo+e~. m. enai i ee a~~.a a~ eom eime a tt» a~~w ma •pao.a ot e• ~ nna~ m m. ei~ s i gfls sha I I not be a•~r•rti m• w~~ •m aoo.~. ~..moe. w ro~ i~ire +n. aa~ r«.. `o IERftTIK 9EE71MC b~: ~TM~• jo i ned o~ Sp I iced by ~i i~w rioii a retrarariaart.. ma mrotruotae m rw+tnq me.rinu m. ooior ma r.rro-reneoti.~fr r.v,~r.~.~re ot o~s-exo FRd/f ElEVA1fON faf r{9IA alp~s ar 016-L]IO fcf rol l-~p sip~s. 1I10 rcE aEtret~ far 06 a7bittoottaw Is &nYn an BClll. ' ~„y o, any means. wood 2. I~hlte afbeHrq, ~sfinp Ne rqulrsenf~ ot ~-s700 Typs [ INty1i Speciilo IMwityl, anaii e. w.a rar s~o,e.rm a.n~r. ea~- FiEr PeiMaroeO Plastic su rts sha I I not b2 ~°°d' ~ g~ 4 3. Ormq an~afinp, 'rafinp the reQainnnt~ 01 p15-8700 Type E IFl~nreeaM PrisoliU. aholl M weA tor riplA ~iqr viM oraqs ° ~ ~ extended or repa i red sla ~ IrIQ1f rll l m1Y b al law0 Mim1 tM apl Iw Is moae wllq faf OOlts, fio SIfE ELEYATIQI 1. All slat letfrs oq nubrn Ynl l be OI~~ aq opnl rauMSA }ype lpp~foaN a1p1~eY latllra u appfow0 DY ~ Fa0K01 Hiyway mow o,a ~.o e.io. m. aiw wi~r. soi tw e. ~owr.a «Nr..ir eemm 6y 5p I i C i flg ol' /~inisifa}IOn IiMAI oU M pp11Mr0 fn 1M •sra,a~a Niy.oy sim o..im +or r~.• .mwi. stw. im.r~ a,a r..o.r. .noii w w tlr ~ly~ abirale. rof roQ Ms Ome d fAe aupprcf. Splto inwt IapMa boE ~MOU10 Oa af I~wT 5 fiwes no~irol po~t ~Iu. emlaro0 m 1M apllm atl other means. ~~+++~o ~fM MpQfiwtt 5}aM~G atl Spofffooflms. M M laasi 1Te w~ piau~ ~ufrfal. IBtl'~ING CR LOYFIUN6 1. kan ti0~ ~W~ ~I Os omMIM ar m rof ~DIYr Mr ~IW e/pll M r~wM ar oaVl~t~lY oouse6 L ~aq'taw staTlavY m in+r.sa~aa nmia,arr stw ~~.tai ~.a m.w~e nnai wtrw .m a fi.,ra a.m rra. ~rar~io 90 b~Me ~Iian CONTRACTOR REQU[REAffNTS FOR W1IN7AINING PEMUNENT SIGNS ~^"1Q1°"0Qi 1i1O~ ~11Om~'~ m~~ +rve a.i~ rwa.t ~.sr. +ir Qoaoar+ntn.ea .ra,avm re~ai.es m m. ao-.crtm o+ STOP/SLdt PADDLES i.omr. m~a rantpr.w ror n. uo.a rar ~ipis troMI1M fn Me rGim oI dlrfEW Mpwa~s ar ~,.Q vy imrrcttms r.r. m a~ 1. siar~sla pami.. a. m orivy ~moa w mif.o~ rrcrr~o ~MITHIN THE PROJECT LIYITS .m e. aea~ rn~ aaoan~ro xmrta ey ~~an.a m. srrorsi.w oomi• sim .nwia m z~• x 2~• x Sipm ircfal letl m~ootlen akiES Mpl l tqf b firnM a1 90 Eq+~ aqlq fo Hu roa~q. Thw sipr ahwld G rswa0 ~ eaVletely w Oefa11~A h~lov. 1. iraawK .i Q. uw0 to iw rotiw m frmtla law w rqilaflar. oal I oover~a Mis~ rot rq ir~6 Or 0 1. twi ~lar o~~ rovse; 1M ~oNrial usW Inl l M opaps, wph aa Mmr mtl Elaic Dlostlc, ar oHrr ~afrlals M~Idi rlll aw~r 1M 2. Ls~ iweA af MyM, tte SiaPi4W paEdle rqll M ohT~niim /o omallloN tlot w potarFio117r I~w To haffic aparot~au, «Min ai~ taa atl mirreain fMir apoµr praprhir udr wrtumil~ Iraa~ lyrts of niyrr, rittpuf Oaeplnp 7tM ~iy~ Ywt~r4 rMrarNl~¢IOrIM Nw rouh Onlpqfiar, dufiMlar, dlr~eflar, OIMaw~, ssvior. polMS 5. Bvlq tlnll MOT W ueW ta aavar ~iQM. 3. STIi/5ld pad0les ~ W attodrE M a ifMf vIM a Alnlu W IMxat. m7 oMr qop~ap~lcol. noreafianel~ cr wlfirol IMa~altm 6. Ouct t~s or o~Mr a~ssivs euf~rlal tlqll M0T Es o/fixW M a slp~ fma. 71ws wafrials om ovape tM nirorHlwiirfry o1 eMslhp. Iwql~ o/ 6' 1o Mr Eatla o11M ~IW Orl~wrs Rooe0Aln0 Mrwy~ a M mfw twsd 11r aus. i1 rot MT1ar ratM i. sia. a,a awnr anw anaii a reo~ea a,a roi., n~?r~ii.a wa+ mv~arim ~.orx. My Ilprts Inoor9oraM IMO 1M AW ar Sla po0tlle tmn p.AEUn~ a iv~11Y tMn11M m a roaa~aj •It1oM aanstruottan SICM 4RPERf 4IW15 eM~l mIY Da us W~olffm117r d~ICStl in Sctim fE.Qt 2. tsn p~arM rp~lafay or anfnp siqr mHllot riM ~MC mrw omtlltions, 1. hr~ ~Ip~ a~T~ royiro 1M up at `st~fs to IcMp fra~ h/nirp owr. Sj~~ Ibtl Sl~al inp Oerlns In 7M 7WTC0. ~~w or owr 1M prqrM ai~ urti I 11r pseoeM ai~ ~eewps ~cltl»a Mr uw M w~ap~ rIM Oy, aalr~iml~ wk {s reo~idW. ~TANQB T~~ iM rwl.~l aoN~tian. 2. T+e w~ops ~II I W tlaE ~tui /o laep Mr ~m0 fi"o~ ~pillinp md fo 7. 11w~ pciqinp prvwK slar r~ ~ovW atl nlaaal~A Aw M mrhutlm ~atMOln a owfaM wiyrl. 7~~0 ~°~°0 I qrpwn, Mr7 ~oll b r1~iC1~ loofarlMt ot all ilip, 3. Rock~ oavMe. Iray eteel Q o/Mr soliE aOjwM Ynll ~ot W par~IHW ~r at»lia ~~w Qe to e~ rnaooroa m nrtr a~a~mi YPD~4 ~tiY tlql l 00 MI IY a~ 6I4~ sOPat M{~~. ~o• ~~o• 9' ~r~ msr,iia ~~,r,amn sm.. .n~ d, m. ~o s~e .b.r.. n„ .im, 1• So~ap~ tlwlA Yety~ a~Inl~n of 35 IW mA a na~iu ot 50 ID~. BARR I CADE ANO CONSTRUCT ION K~ S. Sa~ap~ !nl l Er ~ds o1 a Ardls ofarial Mof 1v~ ~pm Mialv - moi i.»r m..wv.a .a.nmc ~•ro~+. .i,o.~ m+ix x sn..r. 9e TEMPORARY S I GN NOTES . D n'1 'T' s+umes. m~s ~a~c nwi~a a w~a tar uar m. awovr~m. om N.. tar 6, xee.r tww~ a. rir. ~mr na.1 .na~~ xm a uwa rar amma~s. 2~• O e'C I I S•B niooalinp aA~ftnp ~Ip~s. 7. MlMr Oollatfe MI~E tQ'lvmlizlnp Mvios, ~Iiw1A rot M uetl tar s. ~r o.+m.~r .~v. Q. +a e..~..e ma r.i~a.a ~,.iro ~~r .wo~~ti STANDARD ll m~ ~asr an ov-rae~. .ta~ waarta sfv~ ac0~rs d.~wa ma .v.nahrea ~ ~ ~ '-1' Mr fmfrmtar Onl I ur vdwor~M wW~1a n ~c~ m 1tr K eMsfs ar Mr viM nODr Eor~ ~ W ueW Mn ~or~ m Mr CRfCO IUi. ~ p,x.I G7R19. 1M ~ipr tlal l rN Me rpdrM ~ou~finp MIyMa nwn m Mr 0. 5amap~ ehol I mIY a Vlm~a alanp ar Ia1E owr Mr Ear apprfs af 1M BC ( 4)-07 r ee si,..r. ~ x» so sr~a. a~iro ~.h,oria. mr..en~ .~ia e. wm N,mo ~n+rai a.,na. mu r,aii ~r a r~.a.b.a m~. a«.d i•y~ ar 4 Of 12 ' y' . ro. wr tn~ ao•ror~oa om ~t•• +Q .eiooor~ro..~.+tro .~w. nno •im rco.. .,re, a,on,. or atr. ru.te~r~ su~mcw .noi~ e. a~awa T,mor u+a .-nmor .-naor -~Taor --T~am ~ ~ L ~ L kq ~(Q1 ar 1f0f11o oonlrol ONIM M1of I~ ilfltlt ar Auiope0 Cy 11r fmlfa.iQ OICfp tl~ I~qf11 01 11N tlcib to widl mMl 1M tfQ1 appOrt- ar NNer mrhuflm ptl~rM efnll M rplmsU a~ ~em as pw~tEN by 11p R Samap~ tlnll MOT M Dlmtl uNr /M ~RIA mC ~holl mY W ue0 fo lawl f-07 2~~ CaMrootor to rw~ prcper yfaaq~ Tar 1M ~olarisfa TMI~ ril l b aOSiAlvq ~f~ wppart~ DIm~A m slapa ~ n~w ~ r~ ii~ fo 11s SOt. ~ ~ 10~ i I ! SKID MOUNTED WOOD SIGN SUPPORTS GROUND MOUNTED SIGN SUPPORTS Mhf to /M CfIttD uq tfls mmu/mfilrr's IMtal Iafitll prmMf~ ta ~atllyp~ ~lyl hypQt. - LONC/INTERIIEDIATE TENM STATIONARY - PORTABIE SK[0 MOl1NTED S[GN SUPPORTS ? Tap •tv~ w+~e taotay~ dn~ ~ oawrs ro nw ~eaaf~rr'a r~om~wbafion. Tro roN InNal lotlar om bs ueed tar IQOr ~lyu. Frnt s~a T~ ~r°'* ~miaa sia z~~ M pERFORATEO SGUARE 4ETAL TUBING ~mt~u +x~ +z w tt. m I'-'I/uta ~ zt aq. n. of ~^04 / sipi 1ao~ ~ ~ a r_ /~Iqi faa ~ ~ I I ! ~ n ~ II f Sfp~ Siqi Si~ I I I I 27~ I 1 Fut RM PwT _ ~ II II ~x/ 11 _ c° I I / woA * 5p' 1z~ n~ r ~ Isl ~ Dlook ~~dp A~ • g °o T2' Dlodc ~ i«aro or .~ta .ar ~ 9• r o ~ g y~ g~t~~ ~ ~ aD1111~NaDil lry. ~ . d,sstrmle . ~airaDla 6 1r eIT 2a1 x 10' , / c~~ ~ r~r Z~, ` N' ~in In (otimal t j(~ SM BCNI tfrotp 60l Is. e1MaRltq /y °o « ~ 7a6 tar s10~ N' 2K~ Erw Ininm SS' ~in In •la~w ~/N• .in In ~.~u~+ .ea m~~n. ~~n~ iQar rM~Irainf l LY Oolts WMe Mtlwr 5/W ft~m ~i sTrnq wll~, 0o i ~ af 3/!' S J 1/t' 11/1' IQ9r 11 x~l• S' ~In In I f~tn1 lap Mm alp~ ~ .aak mlta x I~--~y ' -L sawa Posfl ~ 1 W I I 1 INar Sfi0 eioa e~~ ~~i~• iQOar r g ~ ~,~i~ r~p SKID MOUNTED PERFORATED SQUARE STEE~ TUBING SIGN SUPPORTS • u x u•-~on arr~a i ari~ox t ana ~ 6- S//6'GOIt x 2 1/~' p-oW 5 Dolfs~ x x x'-Ipw lkMpr S1W1 m[frWeA 1.5' sxh,~ ID(rect F b~G~sh) (,HClwr SM aW RalMOrclrp Slaswll 6• 1 1/2' Dlwtie raMer. Ml~wol l Iaatla M11w011 n~ 12 - 5/18' flat ~aelwe. ei~ Q plasfio 6- Ms pr alq~ elp~ SIN0.F lFC &SE WING CNANNEI . c o e ~e• siae vl« L~-Wliw/oar m1iM mtliar g o Y o 0 2. x Z. „ / 5 t9~ e: Z . 12 W. ~fOH Pwt F- t - T S~ ~ • F ~z oa^xuor drr, o x ~ v~• . t~ roar a~'~ O~`a 1 J/1' % 1 3/~' Y II Taot / \ ~ ~2 W DWt 1Y Oa 0~ r a 100 NDT SPLICEI mmi. ~ _ * f 100 IOT $PLICEI 1 J/~' p01v. Iouq oF-YO .im sne• iow b. ~ dMl lEG BISE ar I J/~' Y I L4' ~NION wst Frmf Yis urrid~t .ur w+~. netro em. filasooW to ]/i' x ~/11' 31. t~leWODS M ~ SM itl~ l1RIfD PWt 7rw10~ 7' MIdM ~ S Oolt prpvl0e 7' IqfOM 1r abe0ia~/. mov~ Da'~+. leW1 aq 2' more para~Mt • wolrr 6ElEMl NOTES a- \lo Oolt tlru 1. Nnl ls m~ W u~aE In fM aswDlY o~ woEn sip~ Milp of I• olf aqpaffs, bM 1!• Oolt~ ~fm Ma R 3/!' x 3 I/Y - IaD o1 MiC ~u0 safsw Mt M ~wW m O~TY IoiM far /Irpl MIA! ia BiQf On m~MOt1aL 1 rypa~ift ~IAr poinp s• i in oppo~ite Oiraofiw. 5• L Wra Malls oI ~prowa LmyIMr~Atah m0 1 Y/~ M I 7/~~ M I~ O~ IImL MIA ~ YI~I~A MIA~ EO rot 410ff T~ w(qp'1t OT 60 ~OYIO tll MM QZICO arots Oraoa ~ emc flll w~~e. Ii~T. See BCfll /Q YeDaiT~ Iaoofim ~wIC s4uYt Mra "~10 Oln at apl~ y~~~ T~ly~ posf~ tlql I M DtoosO rlMin o 2' z 2• • Itl E ~ r' p~y~ e~p~ylapa qmm IINa 1ar apeoitlo ~otar~alf roheG m tfe It pa ak~M 1 o.or.a mo~«.a a~ ~.~o~ .~soa+. a,a ~rexas Tne~r~or rr~anspatawn fau+mf~ans Yia~~ a rs.sa trs m. oroleet .~n. p~0.+~~ M000 POSi SYSTEM °°^"°'r°° BARR I CADE AND CONSTRUCT ION WEDGE ANCHORS ~ o Fdt GROUND ~qlA1iED SIGN SUPPORTS TYPICAL SIGN SUPPORT BoM aq ~i~t~a ..~0. Mae. m+s v.n., m m. 9D :,mO~A A..,. a ~..a a +.oa~ .,o~ ~ ~o w,~..a.r w o-~~~« ? K~~~ ~.,~~~t~m a •.o,R STANDARD raos. m.r ~m w«r ~n amvm ar m shrm~ eo~ la ~r avr~ M me uy~n..r. te• roar Nu a sa r..~ a soi ~ xoNm ~s« ..e mo-w ~•r.ama w~~..r~~o sf~a sn»f.• ~ eccn,. Q~ sin. ram s~m c«. us.d.M x.ai~.a ~E o'r'e:~m ia..°'~'~a. ea:r.iai ~ e: ~.mu~ ni°r..~~ 5 of 12 BC ( 5)-07 ~ ~ i i: x• .o : x~ x- w ~ s» m. arrm rQ ,n. +~o. n.i~ wnrm. noor i,.-0z --,~ar =-neor .-,mm r-naor 1 A 2 tlwf om W wetl tar wdi ap+w~d ~IO~ ypmt. ~ ~ o~r.oriu, • f-0i i M irafilo 0 ~ 105 ~7~EpW~1~E1E55~51~ RECOMMENDED PHASES AND FORMATS FOR PCMS MESSAGES DURING ROADWORK ACTIVITIES ~ i. m.E,a~n.rnnpwrorenoii~orowoiirmooe.u..aa,vorfmi. (The E ~neer a aqes not specificolly covered here.l d,,,o,mi. ,,,a,o, aiw ~eoa~. ng' may PProve other mess T'` z Yeibp~~ m W6 Mouia cmlain ro~ora Mm ~ rQM c~vf tar fo Phase 2: Poss i b l e Com •.t.• .ro• Phase 1: Cond i t i on L i sts ponent L i sts o°u i l. 1NeWpH ~Iw~IE aaMiM W a sinpl~ pqeq w ho qpr~ ttqt ~ aIMmM. Mw-qno~ re~o~ va mf aiiwa0. Eotl~ yqr M Mp Action to Tdce/Effect on irovel Location Warning Advmce o:~ .~mw .~wia ^~+~.r a~~~a~• Mauu+t~ ma ~uc+ ee u~++ooe e~r Rood/Lane/Rrnq C 1 osure L i st Other CaW i t i on L i st ~ ~ st L i st L i st Not i ce L i st i~ 1. Use 7M ~orA •E1tIT' ta rHr fo m exit rap m o Irwoy{ t.e., ~ 'Ex17 0.aaED.' Do rw u» 1M far~'RNp.' FREEWAY FRONTAGE ROAD1rORK ROAD MERGE FORM pT SPEED TUE-FNI _ 5. ~Iroye ux ths rM~ ar iMrdoN aai~im ~Ix, US, sx, rm C~OSEO ROAD X1(X FT REPALRS RIGHT X IINES FM L IMIT RX AM- - aiaq +IM Hr n~0ar .~wi rNwrinp to o rma.ay. X MILE CLOSED X%Xl( FT RICHT X% APH X PIA " 6. ~en in uw 1M DoHw W a s4afimory MS6 ~eamp~ pmel ehalA ns a miniu T isei mow tM rooa.aj, rw~ pwslDie ROAD SHOULDER FLAGGER IANE OETOUR USE BEFORE NAXIWM APR XX- 1. me .e,wpe f.rm •~E[xnp• rnule ee waa mly Ii ttr .a1c i. m CLOSEU CLOSED XXXX FT NARROWS NEXT %%XX% RAILNOAD SPEED X% °^~"v °a ~ F^~' °`*^~^o ~'~~~T• AT SH XX% %XX FT X7(%X FT X EXITS RD EXIT CROSSINC XX ApH X PAI-X AIA _ ~mua~ mr. aw ro~r. a~ .~x .nwia e. a~eoim~.a a, ms roa tr .ork o¢ Is to Cpin m irlCOy ewnliq mNOr omtinw tirto ~trd~r mirnlnp. pppD RICHT LN RIGHT LN TIYO-WAY USE USE EXIT NE7(T 41NIYlA BEGINS 71x FnpirrribupwfQ nv~ seieot ar o1 t.o optiau inid~ Qe avai CL50 AT CLOSEO NARROYIS TRAFFIC E%IT 7(X1C I-I(X ~ SPEEO ?qNDAY a. B ml~ for Elplqinp o T.o-plqse rc~sope m o P06 Euc~ ppea ~ De a Afepla»d tar ~ttlrr far amm aoa~ cr tQ mna a~mnos wti. FY XXXX XX% FT %lOb( FT XX I/ILE NORTH MIlES )(X MPH 9. m rof '}IaN' n~wpe~ r vAa imIWM fn a~e~saps. Tr rssops xwia a.t.ae,r dm ar amftrw. Nd~• m.y~epr.a. AICHT X RIGHT X MEHGING CONST STAY ON USE PAST ADVt50RY BEGINS o~ 10. Oo rot pr~sene raArbmf IMOrmutlm m o tuo-paa n~wpe~ I.s., LANES LANES TRAfFIC TRAFFiC US XX% I-%% E US X%X SPEED MI1Y X7C - s ~~"a ti0 m°'°~°0a M1° ~O^° °a ~°p~^0 N1° „'~~d ClOSEO OPEN %XXJ( FT XX% FT SOUTH TO I-X% N E%IT XX MPM c° g a 11. Do rot ur f1r vA 'ouqr' In ieseaps. ~ i7. oo ror oipioy m. ~awp. •u~ES v~iFT LEFT• Q•uMES sxIP7 R[c~rt• CENTER OAYTINE - LOOSE UNEVEN TRUCKS WATCH %7(X%XX% RIGHT MAY X-K ' ~~"'Y O° "D* ~'~OTOb ~~°°°0~°' LANE LANE GRAVEL LANES USE FOR TO LANE PN - e oe ~ ~ f7. Oo rot aiwiq wuapn tro1 xro11 riorizmta~l7 ~~flm11y ooroe~ CLOSED CLOSURES XX%X fT XXXX FT US %%X N TRUCKS %%%XXXX E%IT AM ~ m taw M tlr sipn. ` 8° f1. tro fol Iwinp imle I~sts mtravlofed wrm me 1e~orA praw Mof E«5 ve acaeptmle tar uw m a Po6. BoM wre~ in o qrae~ nwf ee NIGHT I-XX SOUTH DETOUR RWCH WATCH EXPECT US %%X USE NE%T ateo~ayea top.mon bre~ ar yrwes nor m mis iin rwia ror es LANE EXIT 7( M[LE ROAO FOR DELAYS TO CAUTION FRI-SUN ~ ~e+'~~ CLOSURES CLOSED XXXX FT TRlICKS FM XX%X 15. Itl6 qvwtr Mly~f tlauld Cs ol Isae} IB IMa 1or lroilar ~wrfM ~ g o u~~}y T~rr knWA p~ rt.lole hc~ at Iw~t vz ~.st NIe ma ine »zt VppIOUS EXIT XXX ROAONORK ROADWORK E%PEC7 PREPARE DRIYE XX AM gnulG Ce IpiDla fra~ at I~mf tt0 f~eT. Tnck eaMatl u~its waf hwe LANES CLOSEU PAST NEXT DELAYS TO SAFELY TO o~~ f uw-oorx ro~qn a io tiwee aw ewi De Iepfela frm ot Iwst MO CLOSED % M[LE SH 7fXX% FRI-Slk! STOP 7(X PM • a i IS Ead1 IfM of ~~xt tltd)IE M cNrIKM m Me ~OaeWs DeafC roMrr iMn - ~eft ar riy~r Jwtinea E%I7 RIGHT lN BUTAP US X%X REOUCE END ORIVE NE%T n~ z n. n mamiee, ms ro6 e~wwa ueemn w m iuepien el.ylq mar .ul CLOSEO TO BE %X%% FT EXIT SPEEO SHOUlOER wITH tUE $ nof aium ofar~sta mE ~ill mly be uee0 M oiM rorkra tlqt me CLOSED K MIlES XX% FT USE CARE AUG XX 0 8 o roa nas min,wrtaee. ~ oor+am am a o«.i~a m roriz~i w~ta « E~~ is ~woDrlafa MALL X LANES TRAFFIC LANES USE MATCH TONICHT e DRIVEWAY CLOSED SICNAL SNIFT ~ OTHER FOR XR PM- ~4 a~~ ~a Q~~^ CLOSED TUE FRI %%XX FT pOUTES WORKERS XX AM ~ o X~ a°°°°° xooe 'ka w° Y° °r WJ X%XX%XXX S7AY ~ efr 1 R OL/Y Yil ~ BLVD ~I T Y~IN Per IWr IPM 3f UIES SHIFT in Pl~a 1 wbt Ee 1Yed riM ST1T IX UiNE In Phu~e 2. ~N * If If 5N Applioatlan ILiMI IMt IbM G ~ S•- ~v+na ~ AYE r mr IM CIOSE~ UNE N ION ' BoulevQA 1 NOR1 or-s tr p10G Nd'111 N ~lpplimflunlLlaellnst Cavof C IbilOalq frwlNl N 1brOfrq ~Itmmfiw Cenlr Pafi PI(ING I. anly I or 2 clwss~ ~e to W ~eaC m a Ppti. 1. 7M w4 RIGNf. LffT m0 ~1LL om M IrrfxdnqM a~prapr~ata. carotnct m 2. iM ut pou ~Q enmf aw~a w w~~ct.a tra me 2. IboO.~r ar~o~cllan [X, ~s. sx. FY an ls om ee In~wwqM a Nw0 04Kf NEID Pa'R7 L PpI OT botl/LoWpup Clwr~ LisY uM Ms '011~ Crtqifial Li~Y. ro~iwr ~ ~m. ~s w anai w.°~°~,i ~o~wta ~ca oim'anme •aorim m rrta~rfeot waw~tare. ¢ sm,r s~r nva ~tsrs•. ro. or ~aaw wrio x~sr. ~csr, Mortm a,e wirtH ~or mer..~ana,s 4~. w a,a s~ om D~ ~maraiaiwd o ~pranriat~. 1 E w 1. A Laoafion Rqm Is neo~awy an1Y it a Al~tmu or Imvlim NIQ~ay ~vs~ ad nrtxs rplmp w apprapriab. Fiix I 9lOR 1~ nof tro1WW tn Nr /IrH ppr rleot~G 'S- PdO. NIIi1Mf atl FAEEII~T am M InMdnqtl w nseb6 YNIo a OFR 51I 3IP £ If fi+o K~6 os w~0 In teprc~, ttry ~ust M tpvof~d Ey 6- AIEb ~r a uM iMTeaO Of Efstaos 1/ fMOraQn. ~n o ~Ini~e M 1000 tt. EaM PQ6 tlp11 Oe I I~IeE to ho paw. 7. R utl YI. Yttf aq YRES flM~rdwpU a~praprlo». lawa 1 5 atl a1w~lA De uNerNaqmlf DY tliwelwc ~T~ BFFUI~ aW VA51 IMVdvqW a nNd~E. ~ 5~e ~ 6. d~~~~~ a~~} ~ 1~ riMin ~swn Aoys 9. OlNmos~ ar AIFM am W~IMIno1eJ fras Mr reaop~ if a i am. rauw ee rwioo.a .tm iomrtm ams is ~..a. aol+ m m. Yeat. wwne notit~ooltm r,cuie tm~ou~~r e. tor r i~ ro~on thm ans ~wM Oriar 10 11a ~ork Fr tIMaO BLRD I f~ $T~ ~ Y o ~ ~ PCYS SIGNS MITHIN THE R.D.N. SHALL BE BEHIND GUARDRAIL OR ~Tsxoe DeparfixNd TranspartdJan vMiol~ xor raw~ra llmxs CONCRETE BAflRIER at $HAIL HAVE A AIINIMUTA OF FOUR (4I T~b~~~ xars ~.r rx PLASTIC ORUTAS PLACEO PERPENOICULAR TO TRAfFIC ON THE BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCTION n w,o:^' ` ursrReau sioE oF rHE vcus. PORTABLE CHANGEABLE Fuu +urnix ras sicNS MESSAGE SIGN (PCMS) ar ~ aetl 0.5U Mst L~ I. M Full Yofrix P06 ~i~ w uaA, Hr ~arler MiyM m0 IpfDi Iity/vi~iDl liy roputlsnts Ynl I De ~oiMOinstl n I iHad In Nofi 15 ui0er 'PoRTIBLE STANDARD . ~E ~ s~~• BC (6) -07 ~ M«,a,o. imsr~t 2. M~7~Dei slow, wxA s Mr [RO-)a Floppr Speol. v~ rapMSit~e ~la~iy m tta ful I~7r1~ Y06 st~ mq NM tIK ~prwo~ of Hr 6p1~. ~f 6 of 12 tlnll oirtbin 71~ Ipi0ill}ylvl~10111fy nQUlrsen~ I IM~O mww p~yy 7. M a~o~ siQr S~ npresnTad Q~IIloaliY u~ itr NI I W1r1R POb, ttry efnl I mIY M9laent th~ w o111r stoFio siQ~ repra~art~A, atl aMl l rof aWatitW~ T~ ~H-0¢ .-ADOi .-7~W .-MOf e-T~07f - M14~im ~ IN-M~Eer. US-nuDer. SN-na0x. fY~nnOer far. s nDlao~ 1lof ~~0~. ~1E11 Il~i IN IREr RF10YE T1E iOK FAOY iNE RIGHf-0f-~h1 qi PL~CE TIE P06 ~+ui i.oh-iz raa ~mr a usd w.tw~~ar. a naen~ro aro. oaw oro.iaea tt ,w~a m. w.~ei i iri. tlah raN aq OI~IN rq+{rinq m BC17). fo' fM T07 ~ earoo e~~~a m awmwAn nTx s~cx rurt~ nnxm r~xu~a m rxur~c •~z• °r0+. ~ ~ ia BARRIER REFLECTORS FOR CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER AND ATTENUATORS TYPICAL FLASHING ARROW PANEL o t. avrtr Rrti~otar~ riaii e~ prap.oilnw, ma mmor~ te ms miQ aq LOM PROFIIE CONCflETE BARRIER (LPCB) rHlscfirity rp~ira~rits M 66-l6W. A Iiaf o1 pr~qaol ItiaA Bvrlr Mrw Parl~ roy M Iooaf~A De~InJ Murrlizinp brlan In plao~ IQ a • o O Mlwfars ITypf t O~Iinoafa~) aan M fauq af iH Ipt~rial hadnr yi{~ y~~ 7' z 3' atit ~IUr f~er ar ~rqinp t~rr ~nwte. ~ror .no~i a aiin.a+w .im o 0 5 i LIM wC abtw Mnn m Kfl1. / ~ar f~l a1q~Mli=fnp MvIoN DImW porpwqlouls }0 1rof11a cn }he o 0 I. COltl ot BvTIK Mi1W1ar~ ~Ilal I W a~ flaalDl~ dlMeoturs rHleotlw O o ~~~41 ~T~ apaclileE In Tln /Ylfm. TM ~ ~ / ~~I~ iqlrw sib M traffia o 0 r e~ ooc} M 1A~ r~71p}ori ,fnl I Ds caplAr~O aLeIE1Qy to If~n 50t. ~ t. 1M Flphirp Yror Pm~l e1~w10 M ur0 iv all lur olowrw m ~ eulfi-IaM roadivfa. ar slw ~ovinp ~alnfaqqs or aauiruoTim ° CONCRE7E TRaFFIC BARRIER ICTB) 16• mtlrir~r m m tra.~ inw.. ~ o0 ~ z vioeniro arw ra.~• siwia mr a w.a m+.r~a.. +~o+or o roo~ai4 afwn~ur ar .ork m Yiou~aen ~n~ws fns •uurtar ateo~ar ~ses afali e.~ow is wsG : ~ o `o Ym~. ymfnp of ar/ow ~nf tlexiDl~ E~I Irralvs J. TM E}qfrwr/Impeetor aMl I tlmp oll ~praprlal~ alqr. n a ie M teet. A1tad1 ttle 61llrators u D~ eor~ane mai~ mn~r ~rmne mmroi ewio.. mm rwia ea ~..a " O in aml~im rIM iM Flahlnp Yrnr Pm~l. ' o o °~0°~r'~ f°~0~i0~6' 1. 1M Floehinp Irror Poel Mw10 D~ ml~ M tliaplq itr Iollwrlnp m ~ ll Bvrler e~eolu • • ~ - o RNIeotRa ~ • • ~ g q DELINEATION OF END TREATAfNTS q~~ i~~~ ,y~ o g • • • • • o • ~~1~ 3. 7sa troftla Is on aro afb M Ms CIB, tso 121 8v~lx Mflmiors ~ ~ ~ YlNIMY Yal l M ~arMW In qyroxi~oM1Y ~~~~~Im o/ eodi aeofim ot C7& r O • Y1NIYl1 YINIYM N~BFA Y[SIBIIIT' l~n altaM+ ~ourlinp laoofim i~ ~nifar~lY dfl ar CTR Thla .I I I al la. far aMm~en~ 01 a evrir ~~p1~ rltlwR ~3 ~l TTPE Slff 6 PuE1 lNfS UISTMCE c°~ e ~Dinp tM r~fl~otx. TM BoTI~ INtiaotar ealM~U m Me ~i6 of w Mr C78 qptl M IooafW Al~eotlY alw th~ rHleoiar minteC m Top of y r-r'r FICM~inp Dp1BLE lNNO~ B ]0 M fA 13 7/~ ~ila Ma Cvrir, n Ynri I~ Hr Mfall mar~. • o••• o• C a% IS 1 ~I I• a~ cn.ep~ata. no-~ rrain~, iMS Dvri~r MI'ctr~ Mol1 ea • • ATIENTION~ Flach{rq Arrw Parls rama m aaon s.cr~m m ne. m. ntiamar ~ntt m*w arwi i eav. • • fio yellar Mleotlw fmu f8t-0InoTfarol/Mlle Ms Mla¢lora m eui~ ahal l Ee equfppad ~ith sIM ot tlp bvri~f Npl l hw~ at yel lor ntlmtiw Ims, u~ tlpM1 tn Ina}all a~InfAal ot 3 Bvr~er RNl~ctaft fn btai I mov~. a ox ~sulmhrx's rac~~Gatims. uAamtio 0lmnfnp Aavices. S. Ken CT! wp~atw traffle lrawllnp 1ha w~ dlnotlan, ro Dvrf~r • • rNleclars •I II Ee rep~traA an tap M the Cl& FloNinp GUfidl ~ ~ ~IIEN MOT IN USE, RE7WE TIE 1Wt0~ ~cN~ws mui~c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~wio 6 Bsrir MI~cYOr ~nit~ rol l 0~ y~l lar ar wi» In oolar M~otr~ p p I~IEL Fp(M I1E Rltlif-OF-YT OR tte eap~~~~ estrq appiarM~a, rel Iw eur~r RHl~otar~ eha~i w mas aotx sioE pE 510E END TREATAIENTS FOR • • PI~CE nE ~ PNEt eEx~to ~ e ~itl~ Typ~ E fluoraaoenf Pri~o4lo Tal Iw NNrarMl~eliw 9eailny OI-3 ~TB~ S U$E~ [pICRETE 71UFF]C BANRIEP Q PYApWIL. ° ~IN Mtaclvs Nal I Ee mE~ ~iM Typ~ D FiM Prlsvfio e/iesflnp. a g°~e 7. wK~.w wm~~c w evrier a.ri.crars ~s ra+r ~w~ ~aer. oELiMFltriaw a-~ v.rtcoa~ IN WORK ZONES s. ms 'GUntax• ai.piq oms~.ra o~ rar oa,.r iuvs riaen~np [~6 e. Pmalenf eQkef6 rc tapofQy flatiDle-rNlptlw 1'aadYay IiGrkx ims pQyi ~i~I1a~ePM17. 11. 11p f IMtnp ATw Parl a1q11 M onfN m _ tlplt IIDT Es ua0 m CT6 alinplior~ BiG freal~rN~ wW m C78'e in vk 6, ~ mylyit Iins mAfm aieplay ta MOT uL0E0. a~MieN, troller or oftw riltmN aqpart. s o 9. MiaMenf M Bvrier RNIm}Q~ W CTB aMll be pr ~m~fmhrer'a ~~I I~°O°~'OfmY rta~a° 7. llr fla9~inp Yrw Pate~ elnl l ea o~l~ W~ininm 50 prcanf tY. A Flaohfnp Mrw Paal SIULl Iqf BE USED 10 ~ rac4r~pu{Ima. w Oeftns0 in 1M Mafianol CaoqrotiH dimmlnp }r4 raf~0 lap wltaps. ilr 71pMinp fale of }M lap Iat~ra117 M~ift 1raHi6 o a o 10.Ytainp af Ua0p~0 BaFir PNbo}ars tlql l W roplao~A M OirecfW NIa1Kq RONQMI Mpor} 35D. IMfY fo ypll rof b IMS 1fq~ 25 ror wft 111m ~0 floehea px ~Inu1e. I7. A NI I pffiv PO6 qy M ueM M alllulMa a Dy Me Enqimr. Ms p¢fCD Llrt Iar ~prorcd ena ¦iniu lap 'm ti~• Ynl I e~ ipprcaiimf~fr 5o pera~M ~or me Flahlnp Arrw Pa»I prwldW it ~sts e 11.Slrqle ~IOpe OuTis~ atql I W bll~fad a rbll m Me aOVM Esfol l. hMilsM~ atl ~uNfa0f1t~r0. TIaNl1p vra+ aq sppl imwoi. a n o.ror,r rar e«~ v1~ib11it)~ t1o1M raf~ m0 Ef~11p fpllrss~ts M¢/Ittal plqM a ih tlatltllq CM~Tm. p(1 Mt~ YiMT ttf Hp aalU efb vrw 9. 71r apsifial ~ro~ Uiaplq fa IqT ALt011FD. 11. Ylniwa murtinq Mi~f of huil~ niurt~0 arw « S°~ ~a. n,. rimntro Qrw aiw~m m. rmot era,a~q ro..w.~ ms om.~s r,n,ie w i r..r oa..om.oi +o emr~ o g: wa~w uarts ..a.~»ia~ m...m atwim ~ e. w.a ernq a~iia~+ av.ra+~v,.. or oo»~. 1. bninp IIyHa Ypl l meN tM rp~irsnf~ M tM Tlfft0. 2. bn(np Ilylf~ elnll NOT Ea InelcliM an Dar~tooON. Q F g~ ~ l. Typ~ A-Lwi IMerolty FlMinp bnlnp llyif~ os oo~a~lY ~E viM trve. 7My ve In~rtle0 to .om at v ~ar1c a pafsiflal IY tmQOws - ~ m.~~ w..bn e. a ~~a~ ~„n~..ro.f ~Q ollier atwts W Me piw Dy thr Mipiq'fm 'iL'. ilr T~p ~ ranirq llyrts TRUCK-MOUNTED ATTENUATORS tlwll rot es we ~im siW vYeaonrM rim rYM E 9wFin7 Ifluor~~an1 Msuriel wNiiq tM nWtrrrM. a1 UeDQ'~ai Yotxtol - o Speaitioofim p6-l700. 1. Tluok-fqnta0 uHaluutQa I7W1 uMG an T~AOT laol Iitl~s mrf ~1Bt tlM (eWilairiis MI IneC 1n 1N Notiaql T~qa-C mE T7p 0 360 Mpra St~aEy B~rn Llyit~ ~ IMrtleO ta Oe wed In a arla~ tor AeIilrMlm to wppl~nf atlrr troHia omhol M/IOr. nro- w..mii w a inatoaroe m mn nwr awar o+n.r ww~. o+ me v~ar M nr a.ia~~m •se•. ~°°e•ra~~ x~o~.mr w.rv~a~ w.wr+ xo. nso INCINP 7501. S. Tlti Fiqinr/Inpwfar or ~M p1aM Moll pwiry 1M IoooFlm aq i7ys oI vninp Ity~fs io W Irofal I~G m th lrafiio omfrol Aevlox. 2. INfr fo fh qLftD 1ar Mr nWlrmrls o} Lewl 2 ar Lsvsl 7 7Wa. 6 M rapilrN !y tM FiipinY, tlp CpNroofor tlnl I NnIN a aopy of itr aninp I~y~f~ orYlfloafian. ltr ~vnlnp Ily~f nmufuc}~~r ~il I 3. Mfr fo tlr Oofn ~an tn 1M CRffD fo ~nrr~ MM tlr 7W Mi~ Mr ap~ r~q.ifr~nls oq tM catlworMliru o-lMla ~s1mIIYiW Dy Mr Fa0wo1 Nlyrq Abdni~trMfm IFIRAI Iar 7W~. orrin m.m,tro ~id~+...sr ms rw+o-~nr. at me ~af«t I7c nra,o.. swo~noariw rar r~a.n~nc ma stwm-am ~vnin~ uyrt.. nnx ro nr cRrw 1r a ~tat w mwovM lw.. 7. ~hn wsE to U~Iiluaf~ aM1. typ-C aN iyq 0 Stsatly irn Ltyrts Mau10 m1Y a Vlooq m Mr M~IOS of /M urva~ rqt ihs Iruld. 5, nys Q~ reWlrW m frs~ls uilass otMrria~ nottl (n 1M Dlm~. IWNIN6 UprtS Y71MIfm pl PUISTIC ONl6 6. ~ iW ~Icu10 Os urU arytiw flaf H em Oa posltlonM approzhofaly l0 to f00 fwt In a0wna of 1fr Qaa oI rrw c bnt~a Q aro. a~owrs .tmun oaQ..h orreartro m..on~ wrrar~o. ~plwb w4Stihm ~wtlb I. Typ~ A 11atl1lnp R11f1q I Id1fe T~ IMwdtl b~+Rn M1'ivYS MaY }hy Ve ~[fo0t/11np in G potartla1171 It~QAGIR R~a i. lh~ aN) ~eaetll o IW a11a110 Mt 0e fepllfaE I~ MMn a vR Q~u lt ~plw0 dtlrl 1M fOadYq ad i11s vk ffb f~ ~J~~ TM~1 2. Typ~ A fa10i l1a111np evnilp Il~ft ~a M InTa1140 7or bllrootim aq Iwll nDt M U~tl In a KfK m~fr~ 41a~~ h~ 1 a rrlu M MQa~tldl IlaMinp Rnlnp I IyM~ Plowd m tlq~IIM112inp Miow 10 1aw o rrdlnp }~er p~ p~ use0 for 61lfwotfp4 If ~re0, Mr a~cawsiw flmninp af tts ~eps~}fal ~anfnp IiyM~ tliw10 ooar 1rv Mr Dpiminp ot Hr i~r ta xr eN M 1fr rpiro tapr in r---- ~aer ro tem~h m. e..tr.a wntoi. w+n m. rae. m riamro rQ .acn i~y~* w,a~ i a ea nan.. o.r .inm. oiua ar ~~n» ro~iaw.. Typ~ [ md 0 rtw~1•Mrn wnip Ilyifs Qe InfaqM fo D' uea In o serlas io dNiroafs flr ~dp~ of 1M trawl Ime m Ee}ar~, m lar I I '1npr, p~ lor olavay dq m olher ~Id 1~ mqltians. i s. Tm a Tm. c ma rm o.vmro ~ta~+s am i w tr.+oi i.a m iooonon. o. aroi i.e a, m~.r a..r. m m. v~a,.. STAIOlIND PLAIS 6. ~trnln0 I idMa anol i nof N ~rrfa~ ~ae m a tru Not ta~ a~iqy mMrm a reMiml Ov+el. ~ o r. n,..m~io wm~~o r~ .ontro itdrt~ m a,a +wia w tar~r~mi ro rr ana.r~tziro aw~w .~i~a. Texas Dqamrimer~l d TrdlBpOr/d/m Trdlltr (~dWr dNwM - - fIJMIK PERECi0R51OUITFD OM PIASTIC dM~6 AS A SUBSIIME Fd1 iIPE C[SIGCf BIFMI WMIMC L[Wf5 BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION " "'~i~a `wi"'~ ~ ~.°'a'i'~m° a ° °i°.ri° m ° "°"i'~". ° "m. a `..°a~ ~"„ro a ARROW PANEL, REFIECTORS, GlaorsNm d 11r CmMmlar u~lss ollswiM rolaE in Mr Plm~. 2. iM wvninp rHlsefar elql l E~ ril lav In aolar aN aMl I C~ novlmlirW usinp a~tp~ ~OSfrvt~ ~ae0 tor ur ~IM plastlo Ovr I irt~G - ~r»~+~ WARNING LIGHTS & ATTENUATOR bMna rMiac+a m~r e~ rwia 1 ms.urn~np .erieotar ro~~ wY. a.~nto re~rorat~.er~.~ wrtaw vaa ~arr-.~m or w a+~r. ~Mns. $TANDARD ~ ar ep~w Wtt Mw a 1. PaM Ml~olv~ tlpll 0~ 1u11Y Mleotarfx~q ImlWinp flr ~o M~~ oMOOlra /o tlr 6u Mlactiw w!'100~ ~M o1 of ICMT 5. SWT~ ~Mffa1M ~xt t10w a~{nin~ Ot 76 ql~a tIMM o/ reflaolorlpU alwllnp. Ihy GD nDf ~1M /0 M fNl~atarilM Mw~ it p~ ~~~_07 x•°~• s. m~.:ia: w n~,. w~„i~ m~.~ ~mina aoo.~m~a +.mrta rn~ i now .~.riro ...riro +n~ ~i~ me ~.~.~m.~+t.i+r ~.ai~~+. r~ 7 Of 12 ° us aearw. o a~a,-ri~o...o.M A-t.ona. nom n-~ez --noor s-rmm ..nmar s-naor i. ~rn u.a „er m-.m +rerno, eom .ia.. ar ~n..m~tro rniacror .noi ~ e. ~.riwrorim ~r6, ~t ~ e. m..Qntno m~.cear rwie e. wnw m m. ~ts a nr nowie n~.N aPoromnenv mmta }07 e 9, m~.m~t..+omh+o rer .aniro r.r~.orars rw~a ee tam~oni to a,ane~~:tro a.r~a. ~pmiro r.w~r.em~. 107 xa,aie te• un enc• mn ~yp~ 9. Ru CoQ~ eMl l tiaw a dnt~w ubol ImteO wi~t of T.7 IM. vq tor .ourttro ~n.a veaiia~t~a ..ipm w tt ~ea Tn~ wti w ms au me,r nai i - Top MouIC not aly~s aN U~ a~iniu o/ 0.07 ircl~ In Midw~s. MNyM ol ary trv wypll~C [ a~ la+ ml Iatim .vntro I i9Me erol i rot w7r ~r. Mm o.s ~h fr~ mof M ih OryOn~ riiN w01.. o~ p~ ~q{r pr IO.Onw a10 DON Mlall M VIW vIM1 Ib1uIWhIr"s 1q1~ aM ~Cel n~0~f. o ~ ? A~Orls IE7RORFlFCfIYE SIFfTIMC ~ a«_ i. ms srrip.e u..e an a,r anai i w ow.rnnrsa m a..~i~ ~.rino me ~ mlor ma r~frar•I~~ofirl~7 ~airws~f. a Osp~hr~+a~ ror~r~a~. ~ mtn Ead~ Ovn enall twrs svwirleafim p6-~lo0. •iiat s~r+aas RHi~etlve Bwriro.• xiah s. ~ o.ini..iot tarmoe sa.=~eia tm.r~b ~rro. ci r.+rer.n.oriw awnro.neii c..woii.a ` aa z r,rro ari a~.i« .we~nw i~ +n. oia,.. ~rm~ z. m. .n..rioo .noi i n.,i~mi. rar w. m o~a .naii m,.r. eo +n. w te• a z~• sia+ is• : x+• - g irinp Tpps C ntro- Wm~in~ Siq~ DiYrisiml Yarliool Parl arlau ~uM Mwf. ~pan MIwIQ iepmi. iM Mwtlnp Yqll ~~oin r.n.ctt.. rwrtiq w~rnn dt-~, opoosiiq troftie ta. „w~t .im a~a~i. z• .m~ m~.r.a i~-n~ow ma .~n~oir r~o aia~r~ori~u. ormmw. ~ io.. or ~~rc.~ ~ .im m. tav s+rio. ~.f~Q.~i.orni~r wn.r mm mor ie.. n. w~a.~a, w,n. .n...i„o oi~iaer~ Orirawl ~1V~ 07C4 [mV Nl~t ,icvtro m., *o.Qm o g' o•~m wrrooe. e~ rr~a a m~r ~iw w www~a trove~ w~r py Fipi~r <<~ E~ ~s* Plywood, Aluminun a' Metal sign X~ i. ud,i i,ff.a e~.s d„ii 6, iw, en„q, n,ia ,a w m ib,, ,r .a,a substrotes Sha I I NOT b0 USBd ofl o mi. eae., .~a~ +i~ iea .tm m eai ia.+ oe.r~ai, r,wie wiy, ese..., p I OSt 1 C dt`1Y11S 0.0T' iemc 35 IES Wnl~ul atl SO IDS Uimtol. 1M Eal1aM q b~ qM In ar ~ o_ to 11rw qmop~ aepQON fron ths Es~, avq fn a u~ti11a0 D~~~a SICNS, CHEVRONS, ANO VERTICAI PANELS MDUNTED ~ m 7~pr fo al lar Eos, or oHrr Collafinp ho~oq ro~pror+a Cy iM Ffqiirer. Sfacktrq go o ~ rar at«kiiq o or wmap~ .1~1 a a~iowa, nowwr triyrt W w~w~ a6ow Dwaen ON PUSTIC DRUMS ~Ini~w oi 5 ~fow v~ rol dompA 12 InaM~. 2. Baaa riM Wilt-in Dal last ~In11 wipli ONiwn 10 IEC ak SO IDS. " ~ ~ 1~. Bul it-In bal lmT om M aaKMUet~i of m intqal auG nLDw Eoee or t. TtQw uw0 m Olmtic tr~ Ma11 b ~nufachr~C ~rinp Uia. aacl a o110 nLEr Eom. aDSfrafss IlsfeA m iM liLffD. 5. Tr Eol la~t tlcl l rot b~ Irwy abl~a, .ols, ar ory ~oFrial ttM 2. Oerrwn aq oflrr ~arf~ zme al0r .iM m oraq~ UodcQa+~E _ a10 Emr tmQOOUe to Mai~ts, p~ErKimf, cr atwa Mn 1M elql l Os'uu/mfiraC rIM Iyp~ E/f Iuar~sceM Prl~ofio] ~ c 6E/E]t~L M01F5 tru~ I~ ~MCk M o whlol~. r~M~a 016-tB 00,~'SiO~ Fme Wf~r oi uilwyattsvir rf r 4. 1~w~ uW in rpiarn MwqFi0le 1o ir~e¢lnp, trvr elpll Iaw tralmpe I. Fx laq 1rn rtoFlavy rartc zaas m ~raevays, tru~ eMl l Os ueed m rola ~n 1M EM1~ w 1Mf wf~ rl l I raf mI laoT aM (neia Deooelrq S. ~loalaPUkl~elqi i n. w~wm++r.a .im araqs ma .titn o~ 1fe privy tluvell:irp hviw. o tmQa rin ~inrli Dy a vMiel~. eMa}inp n~ftnp fM raWirs~nh o/ pR-l700 lyp~ C INlyl~ 2. Faf 71M~nIeAlofa t~I1 Hatl 5. Bul IoH oMll not M OlaoeO v1 iCp of Anae. ~ o~ °~y ~~0° Q1 t~~y~r ~I~ ~0 6. Meaivat 3Pwi/b [Mamit7~1. ~lapaql atrlpu m Vrilml Pmel~ umE m iM vrivY MmMllzirq dwia GR ~m' W rWlmsa in taqn~ ~I M ws0 M uw~ bow o7 trus to WwirM. lial l.lap ewn 1wvJ ttr IrMraM frawtM lar. e~citw Dy wrHcal pmol~. w~2' h+o-Dl~w mr~. In faqnf s~cfiap Oflw ~ip~ wmp~s Its:t ar arDOlic) ~ Os ustl a s cr one-piw~ ouws ,cy W wW rIM Mr ryprpql of Mr Fnpiner Wf mIY apprwW Dy Mr (nplroK. SiQi Ul~enalaM qpl l not ~xo~ed 0 o s tf p[f~Gnl~l Ta pfesM~f M fhe pfal~ m oll ti~es M mtllfaln ihs 10 InCfIM 1n vIOM ar 21 Irc/1M In Irldlt. oue6 In prapf pwl4lm aq IoWt10n 3. Slp~s !pl l Os iM1aI laE w11q O 1R liq+ Doli InAllqll ~ r~ 7. far Yvf t~rw NafionvY ~rlc zaMS m frewaYa. tr~r a's 1M OfNarrN mE rN. fio vaYw~. aN an IoMiM wMwr tar wch ~ o ahonel Izinp 6rlw Duf ~ap Os rplaos0 In t~ra 1ra~sitims uq topsit a aectiw trJ vrf{ml punl~~ tYe-Dlaos odMt Q qr-Oiq mI1M cs 6. Wu1Fl1q Eolta m0 nult Mqll ba ful IY d~0oP4 ~ dCVrovM M tlu FnOinr. ~ 2~• ~ uplppHlY farq.eLL bin alnula rot etf~n0 mor~ Nm t/t ~ - B onr md oi i ro~aroa ttw r~a~ i aoqir .~m ++r reouirarns or x. ~ mm eer~ rurc f e~ arra~r ~.~m ~r ms •r.ms in.,oi m u,ira. Tra~io Califol OwIOH' QI-6 r. n».rw nmr w Piaaa m o„~s m n,. ~r.ias w ar..., ~7WfW1 aN Nr •Cap11aM b% Zw» 7rMflo CaNrol Oeviou LiM• eratry t~rs Q m a~iHirq taprs M used in 1Ma~ u o~ w Ip2TW1. lamhian MeY ~7 M DlaosO m wrY bin ar tpaos0 nof ' 5. Oru~. bar, aW nlafaG wofrlols ~Iwll atl~IDit pooa ~orf~W~ip oq ~ 1Y. v* Mim m~wrY MirA Ou ~~Iniau M 1Kee 131 ~ o t alqll M hw trv a0j~ofiawDle vW o E~t1ofs Mof rou10 o0vrrly ~10 bs uetl af wi~ lowtim m11eA t~ In th Dlae. ~ F Y~ alfeol lheir appeQmoe a~svlosab(IIh. e. ~ Z1~7'~,M1~-~ a~G k9-~ta S1Gwnik CImW ~tqls M~id~ 0 0 6. The Miroofar eroll Iws a nmAu W 2~ mir~ 1o rqlaos ary Dlasti¢ ~j be,unfed m DloeTfo bus, riM trir IMti71~a fr n0lmsnF M fM Fro~neer/[nsqofa. 1M nP~ar uDO~~t o11ne Fn9lnsar. rM Mlw iusf M m appowd Owla. ~e. 76' CFIFAJIL OET1411 IEtl11Afli1115 %ppl I}~~ 91a}IO trlr !MI I IYf MM I01IpIllO flQY{~~IIM4 ~5~ ~ i. narte au..noii w a~o-oiaa. as.toa m•eom~' or m an..noi ~ ee m. +a w.+~a~ me +n. •eas.• .m~i e. m. em+a o-a,o. z 7M Oo~l aq EaM ~na11 lak te0~1Mr tn wM a ~mw 1Mf 1M Eodr apQOMS ft-a /M Dae Min i~poot~d M a ralilob MarHinp at a yrE ~1» of YO MN or qrpfar hUf pI'MMe mo1011Y101 MpRafim ~ M nof~ol Ima11n0 mE/ar air 1v6ulma orso~ad M O~InO Mlolw. 1 Plw}IO tr~w ~Iwll E~ ourlfuolM of Ily~fwlQM 11niUlq utl tlefu~aEle ~ofrlola llr CmlraolQ tlnl I InT u» ~tal O~s or .~roi. v~.o. o~ar~o e.r aa man.~izar~on ar~or ar .~m .mar+s. 1. Orus Mol I or~~ o Drai I~ MrR I. o.Inl~a o/ le tnolr In .IMn 01 tW M InrA IrI~yN Mri riww0 frv ay alr~cflan llr MIyM M tru vJt IDOO! IMaI I~d m hawl tlal l W a¦intw~ a l6 irclw aN STAI~UI PLAN$ o~mciu a R i~vr. T0.COB d s. m. +w or m au noii m~w o wiit-in ~e~. rar ~aer o~aoc ma ot~cna wtura wa~uoc r~ Nall N CwtO~ 1o Oroln rafr m0 rv1 ml leof Otlria 1M IimAl• 1. 7M olneflm Inataals 9vrloaee ~r w ww In t~r~. trwlttarr. ma . .noii ror. o¦ini.. m r.o .iaq ~m.e snc ircr wan.r noi« m emr ~w wr~ .n.oino a~notiaa~ wim+o. *e r~.r• ~,.o...~,. BARR I CADE ANO CONSTRUCT ION m ia erra~r or a.Q„i~ i ~a~. vnlM Ml~elor inil ar tppmeC z u~..a +n. oi~.orim w~~ ev.~~a. .no~~e e. ~,..a m..i« ,a m~ m. o-t..r +~rwy~ m. o-wino~ ma imo xr i~+.mw Nw.i iw. °°D~~°"'~0` x rn. oir.ena, ~m~eeier s~iom~ .mi i ee~.~.~ a a~.-otreor~m ~:a CHANNEL I Z I N ~ & 1M acfrlor of tlr Ov Ea~ ehol l lae a~inlu of ta~ alf~naHnp ~ r.~.tr..~.~.~„ o~.~.~.~.M~a~ .,~,a. ,,,m .,,e. .q...~«, o e~~ ~.e. a DEY I CES ° ~ ~rc~w nor Qemr i~m e tndw In riax~. wy imr~t~aetQia.a e1 TYp E FlwpMOMr1 Prla~ofle A'vp~ meh o roil .~tn ryo. c x~~ .nm. e.,,~, m, ,.o aetm.ir .+riw. ~oi i ro~ ..o..a : u,ei.. i~ swoina ~„r.,.i~r ,,,.~.n.ori» .~,..,i~o i~ an..,,mi~ .~i,. me STANDARD rI0M4 >oq~ MrIpN ~1op11q OorwH af a~ opl~ of ts eqrs In tM a1r~Oflon sow ~naii nw. o~m~...tmn w x iw.., a.atu ~rtaht a~ A Opel~ vfPw m}h~ Olrwfim iMieafor bfloo0~ vil l Mt W OIIawA. 8 of 12 BC (8) -07 tm... me o.~mu o1 rie faoNnlb of ~uA1ciM ~Is ro mie. em. s wv~~.a.ewmn.... .ro.~ en +n. ~rco un. evii~.r .naii e. m e~ n.ia an r,ii. «oQa~ro nx av eomr +ra nr ea... a. aoor~.e er m. rowmn.... i~mi~.. naor n-~aa ..r~or .-r~or ..rmar .-mor _ e, eimio a,s oroii e. msfruo~w ot w~ro-rioi.t stm~~tmq, oraqs, i, ~ ~ nlyrbn~*i wUro~M~w tlorE~ c otlr roo~~ ~Ia~. c 10~ CHANNELIZING DEVICES i. wrk xa» a~arri ~:trw ewio.s t i wsNarw m mc. ana.t .v~ w m.rai i.a o VERTICAI PANELS (VP81 In clor ~I~It~r ro troMio ad Qa awTm~~ tar uw an n~yi or io+ - ro iz• e• eo is• CHEVRONS ny yymon ano~l M a wrTiool r~ctaql~ ~iM a ~ b IY' 1e 1t' ~l ~lnl~n ~Ii~ of I1 Oy U iMlw. fOO~' TM~inw/InpMfar eMll anar~ ilqF ~paDim uW f'---'~ f'-- ~I n~mnr,f I~ u~iros me m aaoamiw rim M,. •T.w. ~u.io~ u,irv. a P I+--~I ~r ~ z. a,n.m. ~a troa,am To o~w ~orio. or o u+~v r~rno cmtro~ o«io.s• i~rta~. avp. a aiton.~+.i+n m. at..crian a+r~.i x. awn.ii:rna ewioas anr, m+ni. ,iwr ob naw n o-~wmia ri~a.a Q ~ ~ ma o~'~a am~r~ma~ eipo~. mo wtaaiw for oorrm~a ea... n. rev+ira.rt ror r~f-riOKtro awrr~ ~:c~y ewto.. nusr c~« ~ whio7e opratare rIM rep~a fo UwNS+ ln M Wwiriaa In tM biwal Ibtw ar olhr o~m Yiw~l~. p IcrfzpM01 aliprtf o/ tir ram.~r. 7. d+mwlitinp Owips on MIT-rldrffnp e~pQte MculU M usM In ~orlc iar ~ ~ S ~ 2~' l. OrKau, Mn wq Npll W rea1M m/M auf- ~ws rr.re ciq~wl iZiro Cwi v Q~ irp~flY LpmM DY aT~ ~Iolp 21• k i5 a1M M a Nap arve or tvn, r m th t~ si0e or wl~icl~ n1aH0 ~tM yMt moktnp oliQnnM vl iM Mu~Mlizirp Orviou ~In p ot m l~ncfia~ llry ~lal I Ea in Ilm .fm diMiculi fo mlrtMin Looaflarr ot 1he~e Ewlcu Yql l Os CNO11e0 ~Iw- _ 15~ ~ $ TE pl f1~YY Rql~i M~pfOOdllflp tI0/tic. 1~1Ye In iM DIUN. 1)pN M~W LMI I 001(OT to MI~ 7MIICD OM ih~ Spmilq a~wlA M srl~ lfaf 1M wlvial Olrurys •Wpliatt trk 2ar Tfu/flt CaMr01 Dwfas l16}~ ICI1TC01. ` 8 Me ihrr in riw. uHi l 1M clmqe In ol ipwRnf 7~p ~~~a qqll miMaln tlwtass in a ol~m mMfi{m atl replm~ VP-1R ~ t •17~11qfM Ift MM. doope0~ IlulrstleCfiw. to0e0. or Oftlun Mloa aq OaMa ot rlpilrM Dy YP-ll ~ 1. io E~ NfwY{w, flr tlwrm Ywltl W ri~iDle 1tr 4qLwr/In~Watar. 7he Wntrao+ar Nnll M raWlroJ to miMain praper tQ of laaaf 500 faat. devin epocfnp uW alt~ent. - f1~aE Bon ~0p 5. Ur~rmt tlal l De vmp~ r!M a Dlaak nmraflao- W APV~w'b R0°a'0y ~ M' tIW IprW. 9rrflnp 1or Mr dpKm tlql I bt 5. ~ml~ mas8 ahall bf fmrloole0 frv v(r01n mNar rsoyal W nLOSr. TM i g wwafw B0°' vaimle Omss ~hal I wlyi ~proalm/elY 75 IOO. a NIYia rairareflaaflv~ ryD~ E IiluoreeaM Yrisatiel s. PavssM arfmu enall Ue V~w In o omr f/at ~naru 7rW~ DaNinO - - .iO y~.~ ooMar~l to Opa~i~eiMal Mofxlal Speclliooflon a r as-ewo,"u,iees roroa a~.n~t~s. m. i w+...n m. o~eew.., m. ri..a mo~m nae.. ma +ro v~++ erraoe. SNtYfyMinp 12' ~Inl~ue °a°d ~Aiuln~ elqll M prpon0 m0 appl fatl aooorEinp to iM ~oufaahrr'~ p" FIXEU ~e• ~r ~t e~epne~r an~~ a nim~ wiar~ non-.wi.ariw a.mi mwt- r.o~smr~ane. . Inp ~esilnp tlr nyfrar~ha o1 tl6•lI00. i. Tlr iMallofim ab r~oral o/ aMrwl Izirq Oevioss tlal I rof m~as - ~ IRIOId Q eelf-riyMiro~ • & FQ lup Trw SMimay ws m t~er~ ~ ytrlwnlal Nteots /o ttr 11m1 pav~ent srfaoe~, Irolu0lnp paw~nf gg g ~ frm.tr~ar m~. md ai.iasa nry~s ,~r~ ataooiararia. ~«rreo. i~r.~i+r. a~i~.mi. ea... .nai i nor w DRIVEABIE ~~~wa eo» .i nror%+a ,~aw~ve r~fvtaM~np a»Ka+. ~or e. w.e ro rno~a.wrr lMfvemlt ea~s, ar Fla6ble plWlc trus WI rof to rplaoe Dlmtio truw. DnlnaC on /lrol pw~nl wrfmr. 1M Fnplnaar/InapeMV Mnll approw all appl loa}im aM rroval prmsares o111~a0 ba~as. 1. vrilool Pmels fVP'q cn nawcl IY iwd 1u clmrKlixa 8. Essaplm m Mia dwt va ca~n1Y ~~~Ilzinq avice~ In wrk zaw. e i far oMrr Gwlau. rNx M tM l7ITC0. frcllla or airla appotinp lars of traltia 0 8~ L6' ro-~ 1J7' 2. N's my be iwe in tloyfi~ cr ~IyMefs t1l~ptlona ` 1' "1 71ry ~r Ds u~aE at iM Wp~ a1 tlqulbr Ercp-ot/s aW 1. appo~inp irolfle lvr DIV1Arr~ f07101 ~e r~ 4 oxw veae wan a ~ar marltfar ~tere ~POSING TRAFFIC LANE positiw alimafim bviwa OriprE 1o aarvart o ~ini.w o..hmi• suow.~.a ~m~.n 5om~ro daytls ma nlyMtiw esI lneotlm Is rewirea m~ DIVIOENS (OTLD) ~+el aa-~r rood~r asctian to hu-+ay T ~.~qwr Mif or wv..~i:t o..tew Fnpinr/tnepeolor Mpl l Mr ro the Ibatl~ay Uesfp~ opera/im OAD's as usC m tspor>y Po.~.a ~o• ~ m a 'c 8° uuuai N+iertl~~ e•ireal~en+ m vmw~t OruD-wr. ~n amr~ines. me w~b ma ceMrQe aro+s so.w r"•••~~~ a~ r..r Tawr rvw~t i o° t1• ~'k 1dM~' far atltl(tiaql q1lCSlircs on itM ues a1 ~ i m 1fn ~ial's /aoe iltliaafs t11s ElrmTim oi JO i 150' 185' 180' 70' 60' -TS' 205' 225' 245' JS' 70'-90' 'oo ~ dn m6' 7. H'a Mw~Id~Ee~iwifsd Eodc ro DoNC iT ueeG M Ms No/Ilc m eitfrr ai0e M m~ UlviOr. 7M 10 L' ~ 265' 295' 320' ~o' eo•-/00' ~ ~ In. ~ PaMle EaY i~ Naf~O N Mr OwaMM11 .IM m aG- W oA. aAtaoerr/ to t~c'.vJ tw Iva raan.aYC stricee nanfad Msiw r nCOer YsidM ra wln4lm now~s~f are to N Aflsefiw arap~ m0 raflsoflve M~I}e oq yop~ ~ pp~ AS ~SO' 195' S10' ~5' 90' -110' . g r+w10 alrojs 61ope EorwvA ta.~O 1M 1raN1 Ims. by a wl~icle i~pacT ar •In0 prt. 6 YP'~ uMA m~reewerya aN tree~q~ Q olfer hi~ 1e' z. m. on.o may a ue.a in aaDiMim riM ainpls 50 500' SSO' 600' S0' 100' -125' ~~o ~ epeW fooORys~elnll IqVS a~I~IY ot 270 p1~s I1ltltee 3. IQ M w e n 1 M O R A e M l l ro t a t tt e A 5 0 0 55 550' 605' 660 55' 11 O' -110' r oi feKal~flwtlM Q~o /uollq irofli6 5~ ~ 60 600' 660" ?20' 60' 120' - I S O' ~ ¦ 5. SslMiyifinp rppvi~ Qa woilmle rith por+mle Ous. ~~m~0. r.at. nnui~.u~x.ra a wa v~«.a e.~..s~ 65 fi50' i15' TBO' 63' 130'-185' Ses Cap11u1f trk ipte T~Milo Canlrol Oericss LI~t' 76• FI~ °r 11M OTID'~ MW IA nof awssA I W foot epoclrq . ~s ICRTCDI. ~I~ml~ B^°a 1. The OttD Yql I Da aaps ~~M o Dlodt tpn- 70 700' 770' BIO' l0' 1 40" -1 i5' ~ o E 6. SMf~lq Inf itM W's th011 M rN~arNl~ofiw Type C a~~ ~NIWt(w Iepe1M. Ylrttnp iv iAs O1L0 ahal I T5 750' B23' 900' 75' 1 SO' -185' o~ e INiy~ Spsnifia lManstfyl om/mdip to pap~lr~ful °r ~ ~ rslrarafl~ofP.+ iype E IFluor~smH Priemfim Bo BOO' B80' 960' BO' 160' -/95' 4 Iq{vid a eslt-r1y.11np1 YaTa'lal Speoifiaolim p6-Q700. uilan ro}M olfwnir. °^t~ aoMOr~lnp to Oep~IwMat IMrlol Speoiflootlm e~- 7. ~eta 1M Iieiyrt ot Mlectiv~ mfrial m Mr wrtlml WS'0.~00, inlw nofM olMenir. 7M IpsiE 3Hkr~.r ~.~n. ~v~. nw~ ranaw ar. ' o~i v+arar mm x irow. o am~i mtw a - enoii e. eiack .troi ~.+etieattve aeooi ~-~.an e. r,~ a-r.~ ..nam a or.«. ~n. i „ g°c' PORTABLE 6 fnoMe tlpll b uae6 r.artnp ~s.wnp me raytrs~n. or ua-awo. '-^~1° o q Q VERTICAL PANELS a OPPOSING TRAFFIC LANE I qefr ro BC mNar tW HOLLO~ qi MiER BAIL~STm SYSTEl6 USEO AS ~ Q DIVIOERS SEPARATING TNO-MIAY TNAFFIC ? i~ appr~ a LONGITI~INAL CH~MIELI2ING OEVICES dt BMRIFAS Q ITypicol appl (ootim) • rewtr~.. GMYI IM ~ LON6I11D1NAL 11W1FLl2Li OEY[L45 ~ ~ _ ~ i. ~mo~n,airoi a~m.iizo-a awioes Qa~.a.+ro. ~~nM..ton~ ANarwml~ dvlae~ ttqf Qe ~ly~ry v~siDla. na~.e a~a b ~J 1vpM wlw aq om a oavret~a toprlMr. 11nY s~ roh MIYMd M oaMeln x rWirwl a Mlol. m i~pmf. P. LaqI1W(rcl ohme1121np bvlow oQ} M wM IrotwO o/ a IIM of ows cr tr~~. 3. laqlfitliml aMVrlixlnp Jviw tlnll Es DlaoeE In morAOne M nppliaafim oq Iirfoliotlm repd~smfa ymfflo ~F Q g Q Q Q Q Q io }h bvioe, aM wd mIY ~ 1fe CT17W I faf. LaqHua~roi cna.rilzl~o ewla.. aw~a rot w un0 ro awia cosittw notwf~m rv caatm~•s. w~ktae ar r Yorlur~. , ~ ~ Z STAIOARD PLAN$ 5. impifwim~ uvn~Izinp awiw mo~i ee r~trveri.cr~w, ar aWlsrM~a ~iM r~trarNl~cttw tleliroalim ~ ~TNMS D17~Q~hI1DIId TfdIBpGP111Ndi a nwo-.a tQ t.oaroy ovr~~. m ecm-oi. I 7M/b QmN/au LMidhn °1° "i`~'~ ~~D ~°~"R1°~ ~ ~ r i~ BARR ICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION ~ I. h/x bo11wN0 q~tr utl a O~ir~ dnll rof G ur0 qlaly to Om~lin roa~ ~wvR ~ also fo p~M~ot 1M _ °n~° °w`°ai~° "a~. u° °°.~°'~in... `°wi~", m `°~e.m' °°TiK w°n°~ri~,' CHANNEL IZING ~ ' z. ~a~r ealimta yaf~w wa ro amwin wnlai~ trartfo ~ha~i b~ w~p~~rnaa riM rnrantistiw a~iiroorim w Q ~ _ or dimrlliinp Mlar M lupow d~Ifir/n1OMtir r1~Ibllity. Rry rry al~o 0~ ypl~nf~d ~I71~ pwsrH vkinpc anoo.~~o r~~~ roro.'~a ocw~'ro `p ~ DEV ICES - 7. wMr bal lahd MTSS u~A n Darlan tlnll M olmed in mavanne to uppl tootlm aq Installafim n4 irsnf• lms ~ p~olilc io t1r Mfw, mtl isa mly wn Yan m 1h O[fW Iiet Oivider ~ ~ Lms TiCul~ ltrkr ~ a ~~r..~~a a ~..a o..n~~, ~a.o..a ,ro, ~s DlriOr a~.~~ STANDARD vUm Qwa. hn w0 m o t~er tn a Iw yr0 v4m ~o, 1M t~r Yql l Oe bl InalaO m0 th t~er Irqt~ ewna e~ an~a~ea ro ror~~~n rom usr aownar omsterma m. o.ai imie o~+*ic ma~tcm~. 0 soacino err.asi tm vr•s ar eewQ awrs awii rot ~m~w im rwr. m rooa~~r..i+n +ora ier mm ~s ~rx. 9 of 12 BC ( 9)-07 s. tw~ .m~ eai ia.+.a m~ ~•e a. eari.n mw eiun ew. ~~o~ea m+rontq nw~ +w~a ea arrvw~ae romhro est..en tne neuiQ .vwrs or w•. ani i es as .ror~ m m. anmui tziro .omi~a rm~. r~m an ~nta pr uofacivr rma~0etlar ar f1~C to polM aMiOS H1o ol~or xar. i~00T 11-f-0Q .-T~ON s.U/DT ~'PmOf s.TmOf Wmi'q V'~r Mm 100 1M bosM m 1M ~msal 1M uss a~f~n of 100 feet Ooi wps. It ttw tm~~ aaw w n ~t ~rW 1o ao~r~iz~ rosesfria~. IuqHudim~ amrii:lro eev~as Q.arr eai iastea h+~ ~st row a ooninw. romtno ea~wn t~r eewQ vtors a vYa Ewr tttm imvei~zl~a awis eha~~ e. m otto, asopt .tw x~ ~=p7 ~ ~ aro wer w wao.a oiar ~o mommn m unrworim som~~o ar..n m. ono r,a~ i nur ..o..a soo r..f. • ateorm~. bortv ror ueers or ~ua oars ad xr +co a m. in~t rn~~ o. rof ~.as mm Ix ~ridw tn ~WdM. t09 I ~ t ~ ( TYPE III BARpICADES TYPE [li BARRICADE 1P05T AND SKID) TYPICAL APPLICATION CULVERT NIDENING OR OTHER ISOIATED MORK NITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS o I. M~ M 1M CapliaH ~orlc iw Tra/fin CoMrol Ow4as LiH (CmW1 _ tar dsfatla o/1h~ Typ~ IIt B~rfaobt atl o li~t o1 0l I wofxiol~ ° uW In 1M amrhucfim o1 lyp~ Il] 8~toaM. ~ r~~~ ~ a ~ ~-i~ ' 1. ~ere puftiv~ re0lrstlmol 3. ryq III BQrIaa7M Yqll M usd af ~adi aq of ow}nnf(m 0Iri0W hlywoy ~foll G~ ~e _ YroHcf, olowa m al I tro/t1o. oarlcaeW in 11r ws arrr. R~1-s flOAD ~ _ ~~~mm~yy ~mi~ih is P~tAe4 o~ur 'o ~ 1 eQrlooeN ..+e~a~no mroa o roaaay r,ou~a naw err~w fMf .~ae CLOSEO uo-c ~ noy e. amaa. ao..~a in nr ao-.o~ian ro.o-a ritm ~rmno ww wn in asmriro. w-ia ~ z. via.rcn oar~n,~rim ra,oiro : F. ~en ootn r~drt ad ~ett tvm ara awia.q tn~ aw.(m .er~n~no ~ar mq m w~a .im o-us for sia. m.~.ve in oom mnortar frai rr ams ot m evrioaa. ~ w/e t y m ~eWIrM in me plw. vm w. ro~vm Q. orwie.a a~ a oiasa rom nr~otro rwia siaw lr. ~ t x vsf~oai ra.i. m fie¦ICi• ¦w~ Eor~ard In DoM air~otians raae itr w~fr of rood.q/. SfriPlnp ot rail~. tar 1f~ riyit ~IE~ o( tM raabay, tlwlE atoq ~ o ~ Typfool a~fltufaE tar 6~s Miw~ tte _ EPf1~4U b tM INL Far 1M IHt atb of }Iq ~OOdiu)r s}flPlnp ~ _ v~ Plastlc On~ °~~IAef rIOM la Isss ihm ~ fMt. YnulE aluW Oorrvtl to He riOK. _ .L~,.r 1. Min tM rpulMr ~IOM i~ Qsofr 5. fOnll/loaftan vkinps ~ bs Ywn my m m Osk o/ Mr ' S Y Mm 12 1M. steo~-hm Ityrta + tl evriam~ roi is. tns ~mtiinw ir~cM m Irrt~rs mNar oupoq lapos 3~ . ~ PERSPECTIVE VIEW +Y a wittae if ets va ur6 uMC toI iUrN(fioafim Aail M t'. TMa d'~s S. Onws ~xt ~Kfwq tlr lanpfh c. eQrimeu .naii mr a vim.e oQO~i.~ +o rrmn~ ~i.es a, mea~. • r l~ w ~«r Qe ror r.w~.aa o~ ms n~i~r+ .~e.,tno. - i cle~ mn is orwta~a. J ~ ~ m w-wy rm0~ay / 7. anino itym enaii xot e~ ~nstaii.e m errtoosa. . ~ ° g~ ~n Dvriahs rsp.iin fh ws oi ~wl¢A~ fo teep irm hmlrq a~. 11r ues af w~ap~ ~im try, aM~imiw ~md ts rwmaiESM1 me PERSPECTIVE VIEW ~t~' \ I inorww nnorr ot p~wt~c true m tlr o w+maps .11I D~ i~tl Muf to Yrp ilr eaW hm ~ptl Iinp aM to RoUdrUy ~ ~ ~iM oI ~prood~irq maftic H fhs awn - r ~alMaln a awp}mt NIOH. Saq !oP Yql I rot W~toCkaE In 0 onx ~ rr riQM+ moW~ it nou~uY. hlnlu o1 t o« NqF ow~r~ aq pvitan ot a borrioa0s roi I~ rH1soT(w tlwftiq. ~ ~ rtq ~mi~un oi 1 trur) xoa~, mnor.+a sr«i or wi.r aoiia anl.a+..ii i iar a ~ 0o m P~ItNd. Somops aMU1e wid~ o siM~m M R Iw aq o ~mi~w a 71r Nr« ral l. m iY?e Il[ oarrlooM~ ~ 50 IW. Sa~ep~ ~fql l M nio~ of a Arml~ ~oMlal 11af /sQS ~pm Nol I W ~sflaclarlmU ~mpe utl vNlaul~ I~poot NEDx lwM ae Tin Imr fi4n) alnl I rot Ge wsE rNlwtiw hit~ strlpss m vr s16 fQ evlmap~. aholl I M IadO al of iM Eop ~ ~~b `o i l Appaf~ri D/ itn~ svlu~ uq tlnllrnoi W MwpnM~C mov~ prqfq IMI ~Winp ma-rm! fraHlC oq EoHi 61Ma tor t~+o-YUy }roliia e`o a hn0 vIM rapq rirs. Aqlro ar o1Mr fu~}wre. 9Qricotls ttriPinp elquld eimt "l~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Platio trun ° 9. 9aef(np far Evrlaab~ !nl I Ee rHrarHl~cti~w lrps C INlyi yyK~e In ff~ Oiraafim of E~Tar. 10' f0' ~me. 10' ~ SpsoiTic Infrrifyl cm1>ulnp ta O~p~f~nnfal Yotxlat Spefloaflm o~s-ewo uNesa othnla noha PLAN VIEW fa--~-++.--~f.-+l ~ v~aM1e o„n rim et.aay dm ~ lyn ~ ~ f`A n~nt.. or t.o mn. ~oii ~ ye~ior.miino r*~ieotor 1. Sf~e e1w1A G ~wnFtl m fn0epnpsH appris al a 7 foot S' laqf~ Type III EvrtcaAes ps ~p Qyp~ ryr ~ Qp, o Barr i Codes Sha I( NOT °d"*~"o "°~o" 'n oenr.r m rooaiay. ms e~o~e arnwa a a °f ~ sreaM a.n .vninv ~ ~on c S ~inlnw o1 to taet benlrN iYM tii B~rIWOM. or »I lai rvniro rHiectar o T~ ~ U6Cf) 4S U S I~1 SUppOft. 2. ~amoe aip~inp s~nii a u apecineE elwMwe in ftr olms. pLAN VIEN TYPICAL STRIPINC DETAIL FOR BAPRICADE RAII ~ ~ CONES e. ~IAM o1 1'-~' ]'-1' 2' ma~. ~ Mwirpl~ ~ Pe/51MehInY min. ofalGe 6' min. 7' min. €S o s• /k/~/ 1 i„ats. ~z• ~io. z• z' *o e' ~ ~1' min. Mite m Tz• in. min. ~3• min. ~z. EDGELINE TYPICAL PANEL DETAIL 6• min. .L~~ ~1Oi °rQp° CHANNEIIIER f~ g ~ Y min. 2e• te• a a FOR SKID OR POST 7YPE BARRICADES 2• m~n. min. min. ~.nt+e ~ ~ o ~ 0 4' ~In. min. ~p. ~ Z9• min. mfn. One'PIBCe aon88 Tubulal' Morker x R, ~ i. m~. ew~n t. inraNSa on~r rv w ~n oiooe m u wrr~aa~ v~~ to 28' Canes shal I Mve a minimm vreiqht of 9 1/2 IDS. aw.,.iim TMania ey im~oar~np me moe w me rraw~ ia,e. ~t ts R• rm im.ro.a m n. ~..a ~o +rm.~rims or +w~.. s~irm.r 42' 2-Piece conea ehol I huva o minirmm reipht oi z. mis awios ana~i ~m w u..a to ..vQ~. ~ms. or tr~er~~ co~mira 301Ds. tnclud(nObaae. vomwiw~xwnofmfecte. ` flat ran 7. 1111~ ENIq la DowO m a@ iMy iqDleos aoly dM m alternvM TVO-PiBCE OOf1B8 tfflDliq W~1arrc fair 1 Indl Ietrof~/lwiiw CaMS. ~}M on stittnr mq M Irrta or Mala~ M wpper}. Wi ro ror~ fl~m z.r~n.~.r. .nui ~ a ui ~e..a u, a,. eQrimae. avraa~l.ar. x lrc~ o~ eN...n eaNS. m. oo~nr or ms ema elnuia 1. TMfia aoros aq hb~IQ vkrs atall be o~Inl~n ot 2! Irtl~ss In hly~f ~Fen aarrsapai0lu 1fr mlur M the Wp~l iro lysllw tar INt W~Iin, ueeG slMrr m frae.q~ ar rt1 nly»tiw. MJN tor rlyif Mqlfn~l far rhiM /M Owica Ia abtiluhd or fer TRAFFIC CONTROL FOR IMTERIAL STOCKPILES ~tternore Z• ~°"N °r tWU~~ ~t~°~ a°e~~^°K~Y °r°q~, ~~uar°°°°M''°a'°r°q°• °r Mlq~ If wyplwnf6 M rNlctarizN OoWS ~loll Oa r~1rvHlciiv~ ~ FltemoN ~ 11~resM yeliw-oraqe. 7M7r YwIA Oe Mqf olem oM trly~t 7ar ~im~ Typ~ C~p~sulahE Mo0 INiy~ Sp~oifia lM~nsttyl oontarmlrp io r~.~et~~b- D~p~i~rMC~ iblar~a~ swo~rtoa~~m a6-wo~ u~~.ss o+trv~e. iom 7. [orw useE m1Y ix E~Ifiw w~artorr au nor rowtr. +m nnw~aiz.a oma.. ms oo....~ ..ia~ a¦intna a w ie.. ~OOrmc Dnnr. Mrtlaa~ D~1~ or ~Y' aaw ,~yr ~ 4 Caw atl hWiQ ~u1~~ ~a far nlyrMi~ ro~flan lal~ o~ M~~arorizrt m~' ~i~ RHIwYariaW el~rial Iioil taw a a~o114 ew1~E outer aNOw MM Elpl~re tn..a. more:i.or. coiQ nrmo m. am am oion- m. ~.n.oraria.a uu~o~ tlnll h retranfleollw 77N~ t Mi~ Speolfle IMwwiH) oaMV~l'q io YfR 2 trir Min 2 O~s ~~°I Yofr~ul Speoltloofim p6-Q00, ~nlap ollwriY notad $T~ ~AI~$ S. ~nn uM m ntOK. aor~RtaN vremrl Yn11 wn moF onr~ oq twu~Q ~TBY06 ~O11111Nrd Tfdl~d~d/011 Q I i~qe Ill ~ t iyp~ Ili vtas r~ln In 1Mtr prepr looahim oq In m ~prlyM po~ctim. i0°~° ~ STOCVIIE ~ ~ ~OOa b. NNlwlvixofim M!!'oaw tlrl l oomiH M a~Ini~w i ircb EuN olmed af T~~O ~d~ ~ "'d'°' °ut"' °j BARRICADE AND CONSTRUCT ION y ~ n."eo''~°~''~'~t'~'~'~u~ n~°°~~e. "°"~'a"~°'~'°°°""nr °''+.TM'ro'. TM r~°'°' CHANNEL I Z ING 3' .nlf. rIr10~ r~tf~ orop m 1cp, a o o a o o w.ruortrimno~ a~,iQ.~. .na~~ w o.i~i.. or +.o z r~n ema. wn.a DEV I CES d+ ~+ro Oaafrml~ a~ciu ot 2 IrcM~ hv He top rHh a~lu of 6 Intlr~ Mww~ Ov~. ~ ao.~.N.~ m.. ,ro~~u ~~im ~ a o.-ot.o. ~rs a ewiQ .r~.. Q. w+.ci ir .u+cei. ror *.~ror~r ~.W. iw STANDARD a Oarimh ~q Os 1~ a~f~ib ~blhtrq Mvior pQOll~l io trof/io ~ ~~p ~IM o11r dvrrlimflm drviaa eud~ a vartiml parls, tru~ ar mittaU here olw ma. Mnu10 Os u~E Mxn stookVf ie Is fio-pio mes far Ia0 ts~ uu0~. Cw ~ou1A M tdue fe npr~ 11rY n~ofn in 1 r 1 rNnln lo' /rs nvwl Iw. lhir prapr laoafim uq in m ~prlQvl po~ifian 1 0 41 ~ 2 8C ~ 1 O~ -07 a 10.[ar ~ fiLUIQ v1ar~ uw0 m aod~ RoHof alnll M M 11N e~ t1A atl ~1~. TOOf IN-Q .-bWt ~~AOOf .-irWf .-UlOf Il.llr Iqqle ~q W Unip~e0 n a IcMC ar otlir Ybq, f~IOU1sE !ra ,m-ri91A - - - - - tl1~i01{ ~f~l l~ io 1M opM ~olricl. dtl ~ sAr10 ~p fo a~IY a( ~ IMwt 9-OI . ~ - - - - - - - mors 11~ 1W of caw. L~nOM~ o! 11r hmEl~ tlpll nDf N om~fOr~E ~IM rpQA b ~ i1r owrotl Ir~y~t M 1fr mr ~ 109A ,I I MOHK ZONE PAVE?ENT wUtKINGS Tenpor~y FI~xtDls-Reflsativs Roadray Marker Tabn OF?AR11ENfJL MI1TFlIK 4EUfiGTIp15 ~ i f~7EPAL IBOVAL Of MYFIEMf YMI[IMLS NP V1E~ ilpNf YIE1 SIOE YIE~ T~`YFIfYf YMIIF0.S fPF37ECi0RIZFDI 06-tlOD ua i. m. ca,+rm+ar moi i w r.eocnstei. m~ot~a~niro .a.~ zar ma ra~K vktnpi fMt w ro i>q~r ~D~ ~amiq aaa cwh ca+~u- I ~ ~ uaxv uo w~siv[5 us-ctm ..i.rtno o~rt axuw. in aoaarm~w .im m. nma~a weoi+~- .tm or ao-eor a wnort.r taKra ar IMO 11M ¢losd poltlm of 11r Y~ BI7WII~15 ~pE51YE Fpt PAYF1FMf YIRRER$ as-ttw « e ooFians aq p~olol prwfAw, m al l r~ apn fo frof}Ic roodiay. efpl l E~ r~ovM cr oCliNrahO b/w tM r I PNEFMRIWTEO PAYFIFM YIPot[MGS-PENYIFM 06-~2q c ~ •Itl~in 1M CSJ I I~it~ ~nlau ofMr~iw ~Mt~O in 1M Dlar. W to lruftia. ~r i~ ~ PREf1lRIC~1FD /AYF1Fl1f INIa[NCS•RFIOVMIE OE-~21~ ~ o~ z. coior~ oa+.~+~. ~a ai..,.id,. .nai i w oonra~ma .tro nx e. nr mov. wi i ror mo~r to e.tars in o~ao. rar i.se mm +w y. ,y ~ 1HPORAIIY FLE%IBLE'PFFLECTIYE NWOM'I YYIIIFR TI~BS P6d212 t 'T~w Wnnl m UNfan iraific CaMrol Mrlwa' I7WTCD1. waW, rrn tlappr~ aWar u1tloleM ~MVrllxinp Mvlaae Qs wW ~Oweiw patl ~ Il~t M prpniNiW rHlwfive roleW paraiorM olur~. ` 7. Amlrimol MoV1aMa1 Cwwnf ~ntcin9 Mails M M tasM in fns in Iteu o1 ~ktnp~ to Mltn ily dsfar rauf~. INlyrt of Yrtliq non-ratlaatfn traHic Wftma. raa0iro vYer m0 atner = g Dlar or pwilloaf{aa 1. Pm~nf vk~np~ ~Inll M~sovM M tlp Iul INf ~Nanf pw~fDle, it uwlly vs iM~ pvieenf vkl~ om Oe touq of itr Yaf~r101 ProOpr LIM ?w~nt mvkinps Anll G inatat~~0 in ocaorwn~ vim tns TW/CO n a rof to I~aw o al~oernaDl~ eskln0. mf. ~noll a M' m1r tMOG I/~• ma lees Mm I•. wC atltrw Yan an &111. q ~ ad a efn+~ an 11e Dlaa. ~prow0 EY TAUT Speolilmfion It~ AT far 'EI teiroflnp Fxlefinp 5. M Mcrf tar~ mrkfrys w raWiretl m tlr Dlw. Mrt fsn Povsd~f Mvklrq~ m0 11~tun•. ~vkinp~ ~Iql I ooMaa riM /M IYRIL. 1M vlw m0 Mails as 1. 71p rsowl o( pw~~f alclnps m~ rap~in rwrfmirq Q pal _ almn m tns StoN~a vim 9wt R~slqo. mortnp parfiw a ms roouY~, STAPLES OR NAILS SHALL NOT BE USED TO SECURE ° 5. thn Hme~o Da'~r vkiro~ Q. not in o~ao~ aq Hr rmMOY i S41aot to 1M aoDr~l or th~ F+qiror. un ~t~o0 mat D~ov~s ro a ~ g F° is opard to frdfiq DO MoT PA55 sivu d+a11 ee rwtee fo ~on~ wiow~stui m.a pvttw~~ typa pw~rM m~r M wd Tfl/'ORARY FLEXIBLE-REFLECTIVE ROADMAY MARKER 6 m. ep~mirq a ms exflar.ewa paump praniettw aq e, eia.t oi.mfny.m~ e. ueae nur.lli nof w rewiree ~niees avmiflaai- TABS TO THE PAVEAIENT SURFACE ~ v~5s ~Itx CAIE ~tar at tM bptminp o1 saoTiw .hwe p~tno h~ In fM p~m.. ~'S is prNftsO. 7. Owlr-poiMirq o/ Me mmk(npe SIMLI MDT BE parllHe6 7. All YofN iuu powent niO'kirqt slqll W intollaE III OooarOUlw e. nanw~ oe rois.a pw~K ~n~.rs aroii w w atr.cr.o oy rr g~ rIM Its 66t. 'w~c Zar vm~e~n~ ~inoa.' Fnyirox. go } 9. nrowi M ariatirq nmvrH vklna ma v~ur~ ~~i i ea pma trc 1. TeiWrvy IIai0lrrMl~etlw roa/~q ~sMr tme usM w pulAwvw IGISED P~IYBENT INNN~1115 AlnoflY in moar~w~ riM Itwi 677. 'FIIMIINTIMG EI[ISi1NG PAYOfNT alnl I m~N ttr nylrsen~a ot dlt-~212. N WJtlt1N65 MO WJtltFASr• uN~w othrviee ~fofW In Mr Olma 2. hb Crfallea m MI~ ~Iwf ar to G ImpwfW ok aooaple0 DY fta 1. RafwO pa~ni vYx~ Qs to M plme0 oocorEinp to 1M pafhnr 10.BImc-aR otinp t~e ~cr W uee to cw~r ooMllotirq ~xlatinp Fiqiror ar MlqiolW rpnwMOfiw. Saplinp aM tasfin0 1~ rof an Bt1121. aatclnp~ tor pria0e less Mm 1Ye ~ks Urn qprowJ Dy 1M Fnpinsr. rvmallY ~'q+IrM, lowrr af tl~ aptim o/ tM Frytnr, HMer i`o x. ~II ra~~ea pm~srt ~vk~rs w~a tor wk mn aklnp~ ~holl ewt r•B• e~lo~ ~oy o~ I~powA ro wwra qnliy 4fora Dlxsnf m me wa 1M rp~IrusM~ of [}s 6T2. '141I5ED i1VFlEMT INRIIEK' m7 Mp~f' roaEqy. - m~MOI Ibtriol spcirlmfim o~6-I200 m p6-I7W. h. Ss1e¢t fiw Isi ~~on ima af rap~ ira aad~ la a Mto- ~ meM ad a1~it to 1M Casfrwftan otviaiwy Yofarlal, aa PI~TYRIGTED PAYBpf WRIIN6S Po.~nf Srhim to bNrwiro Weaftlaaf~an mpllmo~. a 2~ a s.i.~r n.a is fine aw pnor. ~n. toi~wtno ++sr. ~~n. r~~a c$ 1. Rsovml~ prafmrloafeE pavaroni ovklrqs Mol I wsf the reWir~fa I51 tms o} t1 Irrh IM~rwls m m a~qio~ffa pwes~f In a ot p6-l211. sfroi~t Iln. tNlnp o ralui ~in pawiqr vYilals ar D~daq i o~ Y. Mon-rtiwml~ prs/mricataC pc.a~nf mrki~y fPoi I Doa1c1 afnl l wt nn wr 1M ~vMn riM fM tranf m0 ~aQ t{res at o W~E c`o ~ ~~Wir~fs of p6-E2M. of 35 }0 10 ~Iln pr Mar, 1ov UI tire In saf~ Uffaotla~ xo ~on Mm pw tll M o/ ttr fiw 15/ reflztlw rrlmes aholl - WIMT,~lIU16 ~OR[ IDIE PAYF~Yf YAItlqMGS Ds loet a E(plooeG oe a reeulf ot Mia f.rt. 7. Se~~ as.~v~ varlaw..ro a mrw e.N.n tm ieawm+v.rs. o° ~ e 1. Th W~iraofar ~i 11 M napansiDls }or solMOininp vork mrr po•a~enf 1. Sea Sta~O 9rf RfSiPMi far tm Oloo~nt on nw pv.~nts. See wrkinp~ rlMtn ttr vk ILita Sfvq~A 4ret ~7(T-1/ t~ 1m Plm~nf m s~ol waf ~ak. t. brk mr pw~e~M vkinp~ elal l De irxpo/eA In aooorUUCe rIM ~ tfr Irsplaioy aN reyaf'Ifnp f~pJiraw~fs oi uk iar traMie oMffol - n~ Mla Inepktlans a~ rquintl Ey Faa 9l9. o~~ 7. The ~vkiny e1pu10 provfb o vis101~ refrwtw far a pinl~u ~ ai.taro. o+ wo r..r arnq m,~o~ eayi tdn rnirs aq isa r..r rr, Rataed Pave~ent Morksra 2 I~IUitnafW M aelmCil. IsOwi Ma0lidMa a1 niQM. ~ntees •idN AlNaea is rssfrlefW Er ~oo0+q pe~t~les. Ul~d GS Gll~dlAl~ka ~ w*ma ratiiro ro~r+ mi. cit.r~o .imin m. e~r.r x em+ ottr ~ o g~ olwe~s~f ~noi l Ee rW laaa at the ~r of tns Contractar « D~ o. Y o SpeoiTlooflm Its 662. 1. MIaW pouserk oMrs wU w qJlar~ks alpl I Os fro tha ~prweA or~f I IsT. aN wT m natrsnls of p6-~T00. 2. FI I taporoy mvkv.+lm ralwE pa~asM ivkrs prw10e0 m a Ro- l.or ma~ ~ e. a m. .u. ~u.nao-hrx. t. Ae~nt.. tor w~aotcs ma~~ e. e~n.~~o. mr.r~o~ ~or ~v~~w Q eutyl nmsr poa /or a~i erlow~, a fMnopiastlc tor mlbMe wrtaast wiaw~r. enaii a aaia~.e a~ YELL011 - 1fio uMr ro/l~aflw rrfaw~ r{fil yslla~ Eo~l. MIIE - Idw si1rY Mlbtiv~ N'faC~ rim ~If~ po%). n~~ ~Texoa GYy~nMbvM d Tia~sjoarMJan r.snr 4.m~s ae~on BARRICADE ANU CONSTRUCTION ~ . PAVEMENT MARKINGS STANDARD 11 of 12 BC(11)-07 t~001 f If1~ rTYW s-flY07 ~•i~Wf s-T~Of ' ~ ~s ~ ~ 1~ ~ I I~R 9'O1 1098 PAVEMENT MARKING PATTERNS STANDARD WORK ZONE PAVEMENT MARKINGS DETAILS ' • 3' TYOe II-A-A Typ~ 1' OWtd1e ~oa CENTER IINE & NO-PASSING ZONE BARRIER LINES FOR TWO-LANE~ TYYO-WAY HIGHMAYS DOUBLE d~ ~Z- ~ o~o 0 0 0 0~0 0~o a o +E e NO-PASSINC T° o,o 0 0 0 0 o a o o? o i~ 10 to 12• /i. TYW Y buttms 10 io 12' TYM II-A-A ~ to 12'.~ o ~ l LINE ~ 1 Snoooo ee~ooooao Yellw ~o ~ Yellaw Tellovr ~ oooon°eooaoooooo ~~ooooaooooo0 TYPS 11-MA Type Y Ouftons TYW i-C . I-A af II-A-A /Typa M or Y Cuttane REFIECTpi1ZE0 PAVFIENT 4MKINCS - PATTERN A RAISED P~VEYENT WRKERS - PATTENN ? SOL I D EDGE L[NE O o 9 ~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 .8~°. OR SINGLE ~'Ot L I N E S bo~ . 3- NO-PASSING L1NE °""0"1°O ` og ~ Typs II-A-A Type Y Duttons a ` g 6 0 o a~ ~ a o ~ 1°~I'qf Mhtts or rsl Iw pr ~oooo oaoooa~aoo oao~ ~ tlo ,J~ T Yel lOw ~ ,t~ oa ~ a} o000 0 00 0 000o Type I-C 3, 7yps W Mrttona 'V ~ to 8' ti/ Type Y Wttonn 6 to e' ~ Type II-A-A WIDE w~an °o ~_Z. ~a~o ~ b o 0 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 0 REFLECTORIZED PAVOAENT WN%INCS - PATTERN B . P~ISED PAVENENT WRKERS - PATiERN B LINE YM1~W r~ O O O 0 O O o D o O o O O c°S e Pottarn ~ is ths ixoot staM~0. lwwwr Pottern B n~r Ds wW il co0~~ or t~r Froineer. ~ra~m a' np~ ~y M aCsfllufsA 1ar rsTleafaNmO pv,ssif mrkhqs. nwa~ PrafmricotM morltt ~ ~ i:~u~~c~io m ~ otsmw~c u~[ awria ~ runws ~hlte ~ B °u - EDCE 6 LANE LINES FOR DIVIDED HICHWAY Tya ~--~o' ~p• . rsF ~ rs~o 0000 0 000o a o000 0ooooosoooaooaooooaosaaoooaooooo0000000000 Troei-corlI-~-A f_'I f'- o e o a I--,o• 30• ~ a ~,;,e ~e ~T~ ~-~o ~`o 0o a BROKEN ~ ~ Yel low ° TY~ I°A o oeeo irPe ~ ar Y euttone - ~ _ _a ~o oe°e o Ty~~~,.a„ ° a LINE I.-,o• o 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~~i~ p ~ p ~ / o. o 000 ooe o.~..EU..~ ~..~~„g ~~o•~.--30• wn~reorr.iia. v~u o000000000000oooooao eoaoooooaeooooooooa ~ YeiIW ~ TYDS I-~f TYPe Y brftonef TYW I-C or I[-A-A ~o ~ ~ Whiie~~ ~ o000 0 0 00 000 000 0 0000 0 (M~en raQuireCl r f ~ Type M brfimn~o o_~ Type I-G or II-C-R r~ o000oooooaooooo000000000000oooooeoeooooo0o REAIOVABLEANRKINGS 5' •s• ~.--.I ' flEF~ECTOflIZEO PAVOENT WRK[NGS RAISEO PAVFIENT WpRERS \ IIITH RAISED o 0 0 } a~ wa~mr~wica .vxtme .m~ w.e.n+,nea rcr ~.~~ee~artz.a wwieen* .vlc~ro.. 7ros ~-C to•-•Ir- 3~• --~1 ~ o ~'o PAVE6IENT MARKERS If rolaeE pavaia~t ~FSra Qa useU RataeO Pavenwnt Morkera i c to aMl~nt RFIWIIBLE ~rki`q6, '~"~c° g. LANE & CENTER LIMES FOR LULTIUNE UNDIVIOED HICHWAYS ~~w• ~ rov~~~~ ~ o s }pp 011M 7~ O1 MI~ (ppfOMllOf! nid Isq}II of lape ueetl Tor Erakm I I Cj lTYOe M buitC(18 Type [-C I IMt af af 20 }ooi 6pmIM taf ~Y m1IE Itnu. mis allws m easier 20• , 1• Mhite % ~ ~ o eooo 0 000o e o00o a o000 0 0000 ~~~p~ a{ ry~~ p~K Q~e - a Typs II-A-A T~Y.G.ye~ Y Outiclle a aq [M~fr11M anly - M to O! uM0 a1 sJps I1M ~oo'o'o~'ooooeoe'o'oo'oooo~o'ooo'e'ooo'ooooooee'oo ~ ~ Yellow ~ ~ ~ ~itg f~ ~ ~ o00 ` o 0000 0 0000 0~ o000 0 0000 o polsa0 par~rt evlurs u.etl as stawvJ Type ~ buttonn TYCe [-C pWa~r~t akinp~ tlal I Oe fra~ tlle trpoveA flEF~ECTORIZEO PAVE)ENT WRKINGS qAiSED PAVEYENT LYRKERS OroAM~ If~T md ~st Ma rp~lrarrt/s oI Its 672 'MIYO P~VFIEMf Y1R{FRS.' RefmrloafeE okirqt ~ M wp~tlhka0 tar rotleofarin0 pwawk mk~np~. 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TypsSI-A-A STANDARD ooooe'o'o oooo'o'o°o'oooooon'o'oo°ooooooeo'ooou°oooo° ~ ~ 12 of 12 BC (12 ) -07 ~ o 0 0 ooaa o eooo 0` 0000 0 oooa o ~ ~M11te ~ ao~TqDe N OuY1of16 \iyPe I-C D007FNW11lM oT~00f s~TODT ~-hOOf s-T~60f - ~ ~ ~ RFFLECTd2(IED PAVEIENT INRKINCS MISED PAVEIENT WRKER$ ~ ~ PrNmrimletl vkirp~ ~r Ea ~tNuteE for MleotartnA pwrrM vUinp~. n~ ~ !-OT 109t Wylie City Council CITY QF WYLIE AG E N DA RE PO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 8 Department: Fire (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Randy Corbin Account Code: Date Prepared: 8/15/08 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-37(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC EMS) for Regional Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance Service. . . Motion to approve Resolution No. 2008-37(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC EMS) for Regional Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance Service. The Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition was formed in 1997 allowing participating entities to participate in a cooperative agreement to solicit proposals for a regional contract to provide emergency medical services/ambulance service at a cost no entity could achieve on their own. The Coalition signed the original contract for ambulance service with ETMC EMS in 1999. Although there have been significant changes in the business relationship and the standard operating procedures for the area over the past ten years, the relationship between ETMC EMS and participating governmental entities has been a beneficial one for all involved. It is the recommendation of the Coalition's Strategic Planning Committee to continue our commitment for another five years by signing a new and improved contract. Although there are several changes to the contract, these changes will be transparent to the general public. . : Initial Date Department Director RC 8/15/08 City Manager 1~ I~'~~ b Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-37(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTHEAST COLLIN COUNTY EMS COALITION AND THE EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (ETMC EMS) FOR REGIONAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES/AMBULANCE SERVICES. WHEREAS, the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition consist of the following Texas governmental entities: City of Parker, City of Wylie, City of St. Paul, Collin County, City of Lucas and City of Lavon; and WHEREAS, the East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service "ETMC EMS" is a Texas not-for-profit corporation; and WHEREAS, the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the ETMC EMS desire to enter into a contract for paramedic ambulance services. WHEREAS, it has been determined that regional emergency medical services and ambulance services would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby approves the lnterlocal Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC EMS). SECTION 2: That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to execute the Interlocal Agreement. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie on this the 9th day of September, 2008. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2008-37(R) Interlocal Agreement with the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services (ETMC EMS) CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES This Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (hereinafter referred to as "Contract" or "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition, consisting of the following Texas cities: Parker, Wylie, St. Paul, Collin County, Lucas and Lavon (hereinafter referred to as "Coalition") and East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service, a Texas not-for-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ETMC EMS"). Coalition and ETMC EMS are collectively referred to as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, including the award of exclusive market rights, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby forever acknowledged and confessed, the Parties agree as follows. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to terms as used throughout this Agreement: Agreement means this Contract. Ambulance Patient means any person being transported to or from a health care facility in a reclining position from any point within the "Regulated Service Area." Ambulance Service Contract means an agreement between ETMC EMS and any local governing unit incorporating clinical standards and financial provisions consistent with those set forth in this Agreement. Ambulance Service Contractor means East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC EMS). ANI/ALI means Automatic Number ldentifier/Automatic Location Identifier and is one of the enhancement features of 911 systems that aids in identification of incoming calls. CAD means Computer Assisted Dispatch including but not limited to primary dispatch data entry and automated time-stamping, 911 data interface, demand pattern analysis, system status management, automated patient locator aids, reporting and documentation, and (when installed) automated vehicle tracking. Contract Service Area means the geographic area encompassing the regulated Service Area plus unincorporated areas of Collin County and such other counties as may choose to contract with ETMC EMS pursuant to a contract incorporating clinical standards and financial provisions consistent with those contained in this Contract. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 1 521356.v1 EMS System means that network of individuals, organizations, facilities and equipment including but not limited to ETMC EMS, whose participation is required to generate a clinically- appropriate, pre-planned system-wide response to each request for pre-hospital care and/or inter- facility transport, so as to provide each patient the best possible chance of survival without disability and given available financial resources. Extraordinary Adjustment is an adjustment justified on the basis of either: (1) an increase in the System Standard of Care whose cost of implementation and on-going compliance exceeds the then-remaining balance of the "Upgrade Reserve"; or, (2) an unusual increase in the cost of a factor of production when such increase in cost is industry wide and the result of causes beyond ETMC EMS's reasonable control. lst Response, lst Responder, lst Response Organization refers to that service and those units (e.g., fire department 1 st responders) which provide initial stabilization and trained assistance on-scene and, when required, en route to medical facilities, as well as certain extrication and rescue services. In accardance with Priority Dispatch Protocols, a 1 st Response unit is routinely sent to all presumptively-classified life-threatening calls within the ETMC EMS service area. Contract (aka Contract for Ambulance Services; aka the "Agreement"; aka the "Contract") is this Contract document labeled Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Service and is an Agreement between the Coalition and East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service. Medical Director means that Medical Director which shall be an emergency physician expert in the pre-hospital practice of Emergency Medicine, appointed by ETMC EMS. Member Jurisdiction means the individual Coalition member's corporate limits. Primary Unit means that unit staffed by ETMC EMS personnel. MICU means Mobile Intensive Care Unit as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code. Mutual Aid means the paramedic ambulance service provided within the Contract Service Area by neighboring providers other than ETMC EMS at the request of ETMC EMS, pursuant to an agreement governing the exchange of service assistance when requested. PSAP means Public Service Answering Point and is an auxiliary service in the 911 system. Regulated Service Area means the combined corporate limits of all Member Jurisdictions. Response Area of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition means the corporate limits of the Member Jurisdictions of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition. Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition means an interlocal cooperative group consisting of the participating municipality governments of Lavon, Lucas, Parker, St. Paul, Wylie and portions of Collin County. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 2 521356.v1 Subscription Ambulance Membership Plan means an optional plan by which citizens in the Member Jurisdictions can contract with ETMC EMS for prepaid, medically necessary, ambulance transport services. System Standard of Care means the combined compilation of all priority-dispatching protocols, pre-arrival instruction protocols (i.e., ambulances), protocols for selecting destination hospital, standards for certification of pre-hospital care personnel (i.e. telephone call-takers, ambulance personnel and on-line medical control physicians. ARTICLE II MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND UNDERSTANDINGS 2.1 FRANCHISE MODEL SYSTEM a. ETMC EMS shall provide services under this Contract through a franchise model system and shall furnish its own facilities, vehicles, on-board equipment, radio systems and computer-aided dispatch hardware and software as provided in this Contract. Except as otherwise set forth herein, ETMC EMS shall serve as the retail provider of 911 ambulance services, routine transport services and related ambulance services, financed primarily or exclusively on a fee-for-service basis with or without subsidy according to the agreement of each member jurisdiction and participating jurisdiction. b. ETMC EMS may charge user fees for services rendered under this contract that are consistent with the provisions of this Contract. c. Except for subsidies paid to ETMC EMS under the Subsidy/Price Agreement with each jurisdiction, ETMC EMS shall look for compensation for its services under this Contract solely through the following sources: (i) Third party payors; (ii) Persons or entities who use ambulance services or other persons responsible for such ambulance services; and (iii) Contract purchasers of ambulance services. 2.2 ALL MICU, FULL-SERVICE SYSTEM. All ambulances rendering services pursuant to this Contract shall be a MICU and shall be staffed and equipped to render paramedic- level care. 2.3 MEDICAL SUPPLIES. All medical supplies acquired, supplied or reimbursed for the performance of the wark that is the subject of this Contract shall be furnished by ETMC EMS at ETMC EMS's own expense, including first responder supplies. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 3 521356.v1 2.4 MEDICAL CONTROL. ETMC EMS shall provide Medical Direction for ETMC EMS personnel and if so desired, will provide Medical Direction for all members of the Coalition. 2.5 SUBSCRIPTION AMBULANCE MEMBERSHIP PLAN. a. Basic Objects of Program. ETMC EMS shall offer for sale to residents of all member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions under this Contract, a subscription ambulance membership plan which fee for the first year of coverage under the plan will not exceed sixty ($60) dollars per household for persons with insurance and sixty-eight ($68) for those with no third party insurance. The fee for the subscription ambulance membership plan is subject to an annual inflation adjustment equal to 100% of the percentage increase in the CPI over the most recent twelve (12) month period for which published figures are then available as approved by the Board of Directors of ETMC EMS. Additionally, ETMC EMS may offer discounts for renewal of subscription ambulance membership plans. b. Legal Obli ations. The subscription ambulance membership plan offered to residents of the member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions under this Contract shall comply with federal and state law relating to subscription ambulance membership programs. c. Medicaid Reci ients. Persons whose medical expenses are covered under Medicaid are not eligible to participate under the subscription ambulance membership plan. d. Additional Benefits. ETMC EMS may, at its option, offer to persons who purchase subscription ambulance membership plans under this subsection, additional benefits. e. Periodic Membership Drives. ETMC EMS shall hold an open enrollment period during each calendar year for the subscription ambulance membership program and residents in the member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions shall be entitled to apply for participation in the subscription ambulance membership program during that period. f. Beneficial Extension of Service. Each person requiring or requesting ambulance service shall receive the quality of care and transportation required under the System Standard of Care, without regard to membership status in the subscription ambulance membership program. g. Financial Assistance for Plan Purchase. A member jurisdiction or participating jurisdiction may purchase or may assist its residents in purchasing and paying for subscription ambulance membership' plans in accordance with a written agreement between the member jurisdiction or participating jurisdiction and ETMC EMS. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 4 521356.v1 2.6 USE OWN EXPERTISE AND JUDGMENT. ETMC EMS is specifically advised to use its own best judgment in deciding upon the methods to be employed to achieve and maintain the levels of performance required hereunder. Such "methods" include compensation programs, shift schedules, personnel policies, supervisory structures, vehicle deployment techniques, and other internal matters which, taken together, comprise ETMC EMS's own strategies and tactics for performing its obligations under this Agreement. 2.7 EXCLUSIVITY. ETMC EMS is awarded exclusive rights and responsibilities for the provision of all emergency and non-emergency ambulance services, originating within the Member Jurisdictions, regardless of the manner in which the request for service is conveyed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Required MICU (as defined in Section 3.1) is on a transfer or otherwise unavailable, ETMC EMS may use another EMS service provider for non-emergency transfers to and from the Member Jurisdictions. 2.8 SELECTION OF PATIENT DESTINATION. Medical Protocols approved by the Medical Director shall establish protocols for selection of the destination hospital, which protocols shall be strictly followed by paramedic personnel and on-line medical control physicians, except when a departure from protocol is justified on the basis of special considerations of patient care or practical barriers to implementation (e.g., blocked roads, hospital divert status, etc.). This Contract is entered into by both parties pursuant to a mutual assumption that transport protocols approved by the Medical Director shall strictly adhere to the following priorities of consideration, and shall recognize these priorities in the sequence presented: a. First Consideration: patient care and safety; b. Second Consideration: patient/family choice; and c. Third Consideration: fairness in distribution of patients among hospitals. In this regard, the following rules shall apply: (i) Non-Emer eg ncies. All "non-emergency patients" (as defined by patient- assessment protocols approved by the Medical Director) shall be transported to the destination selected by the patient, the patient's family or the patient's personal physician, without exception. (ii) Non Life-Threatening Emergencies. Patients experiencing a"non life- threatening emergency" (as defined by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Director) shall be transported to the facility of choice designated by the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's personal physician, or if no such preference is stated, to the nearest hospital approved by the Medical Director for receipt of patients experiencing non-life-threatening emergencies. (iii) Life-Threatenin~ Emer eg ncies. Patients experiencing life-threatening emergencies (as defined by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Contract for Paramedic Services Page 5 521356.v1 Director) shall, in accordance with transport protocols approved by the Medical Director, be delivered to the "nearest appropriate facility", taking into consideration the patient's condition and location, the patient's medical requirements and the respective capabilities of hospitals within and, for some types of patients, outside the "Contract Service Area." Such transport protocols shall not be inconsistent with then-currently-approved trauma system protocols (when available). (iv) Enforcement. Inappropriate and unjustified deviations from these patient- destination protocols by a paramedic without direct authorization by a Base Station Physician or inappropriate and unjustified instructions regarding such deviation by a Base Station Physician shall be subject to sanction by the Medical Director provided such sanctions are applied in accordance with due process procedures. ARTICLE III SCOPE AND QUALITY OF SERVICES 3.1 AMBULANCE SERVICES TO COALITION. ETMC EMS shall provide emergency and non-emergency ambulance service to the entire Response Area of the Coalition, and shall provide staff and MICU's as set forth in this Contract, including but not limited to at least one fully staffed MICU dedicated solely for response to the entire Response Area of the Coalition (the "Required MICU"). ETMC EMS shall only use the Required MICU far emergency transfers to and from the Coalition facilities listed below. Baylor Plano Lake Pointe Medical Center Baylor Garland North Central Medical Richardson Regional Medical Center Presbyterian Allen Medical Center Plano Presbyterian Plano Hillcrest Manar NH Wylie Presbyterian Rockwall In the event that no ambulance provided for in this Contract is available for service, or additional ambulances are needed, each member of the Coalition will be required to rely upon mutual aid plans for their municipality. Wylie will maintain response time records and meet the following goals on all primary unit transports for which Wylie has primary dispatch responsibility as set forth below: 1. Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 8 minutes and 14 seconds. 2. Non Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 12 minutes and 14 seconds. These commitments shall be calculated on a per-one hundred (100) transport basis for the primary unit only, and shall be calculated annually at the end of each year within the Contract term. The response time commitments set forth above shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Agreement. In this regard, the protocols set forth in Section 3.2 of the Coalition Agreement shall apply to the reporting Contract for Paramedic Services Page 6 521356.v1 requirements of this Agreement. However, for purposes of this Agreement "response time" is defined as: the elapsed time between the moment a request for ambulance service is received by the responding Coalition ambulance, and the time that unit arrives at the confirmed location of an emergency or upon the arrival of ALS First Responder personnel. Exemqtions. No requests for ambulance service shall be exempt from response time compliance. Calculations will be based on percentiles for every one hundred (100) requests for service by priority except as follows: i. Requests not resulting in a patient transport; ii. Requests during a period of unusually-severe weather conditions, such that response time compliance is either impossible or could be achieved only at a greater risk to the public than would result from delayed response; iii. Late runs resulting as a consequence of inaccurate or incomplete information obtained by 911 control center personnel during telephone interrogation of a caller, or in conveying such information to the ETMC EMS responding unit, either orally or by way of data transmission. iv. Requests during a declared disaster, locally or in a neighboring non- participating jurisdiction, in which ETMC EMS is rendering assistance. During such periods, ETMC EMS shall use best-efforts to simultaneously maintain coverage within Member Jurisdictions and Participating Jurisdictions as well as provide disaster assistance; v. In cases where multiple paramedio-capable units are dispatched to a single incident, the first-arriving paramedic unit shall "stop the clock," and response times of later-arriving units shall be excluded from response time statistics; vi. During periods of unusual system overload, which shall mean that at least three (3) emergency responses are occurring simultaneously within the service area, responses in excess of the second emergency request shall not be included in response time calculations. vii. Requests dispatched to EMS Unit when responding from locations outside the City of Wylie. viii. No other causes of late response (e.g., equipment failure, vehicular accident regardless of origin, or other causes within ETMC EMS's reasonable control) shall serve to justify exemption from response time requirements. 3.2 EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISPATCH: ETMC EMS agrees that all ambulances will be dispatched through the City of Wylie Communications Center. ETMC EMS further agrees to provide EMD and pre-arrival instruction (when indicated) to all callers Contract for Paramedic Services Page 7 521356.v1 transferred to ETMC EMS from the contracted area PSAP. The EMD certification will be with a nationally recognized program Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS). The City of Wylie agrees to provide real-time access to all emergency medical call related telephone calls and real-time access to all EMS related radio traffic and dispatch data. 3.3 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM. Except for changes adopted by the Board of Directors of ETMC EMS, ETMC EMS shall comply with customer service and accounts receivable management practices as provided in this Contract. 3.4 DISASTER ASSISTANCE. During a declared disaster, locally or in a neighboring jurisdiction, the normal course of business under this Contract shall be interrupted from the moment the disaster occurs. Immediately upon such notification, ETMC EMS shall commit such resources as are necessary and appropriate, given the nature of the disaster, and shall assist in accordance with disaster plans and protocols applicable in the locality where the disaster occurred. The disaster-related provisions of this Contract are: a. At the scene of such disasters, ETMC EMS personnel shall perform in accordance with local disaster protocols established by that community. b. When disaster assistance has been terminated, ETMC EMS shall resume normal operations as rapidly as is practical considering exhaustion of personnel, need for restocking and other relevant considerations. c. During the course of the disaster, ETMC EMS shall use its best efforts to provide emergency coverage throughout the "Contract Service Area" and shall suspend non- emergency transport work as necessary, informing persons requesting such non- emergency service of the reason for the temporary suspension. 3.5 NO AMBULANCE DEPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS. Every member jurisdiction and participating jurisdiction shall have access to the resources of the EMS System, as dictated by fluctuations in consumer demand for service, weather conditions and disaster events. To ensure such flexibility in responding to shifting needs, ETMC EMS will refrain from contractually committing any of its ambulances to the exclusive benefit of any jurisdiction. 3.6 GRANDFATHER CLAUSE. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as preventing ETMC EMS from honoring and fulfilling contractual commitments in effect as of the commencement date of this Contract, even if provisions of such contracts are in conflict with provisions set forth immediately above, provided, however, that no such existing contract containing provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Contract shall be extended or renewed unless amended to remove the conflicting provisions. 3.7 WYLIE AMBULANCE AND DEPLOYMENT. The City of Wylie currently staffs an ambulance with MICU capabilities ("Wylie Ambulance") and will continue to do so. Such Wylie Ambulance shall be used to provide back-up ambulance service to the Coalition. A separate contract, Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Contract for Paramedic Services Page 8 521356.v1 Ambulance Services, between the City of Wylie and ETMC shall provide special terms and conditions. Should any other member of the SE Collin County Coalition determine they will also provide back-up ambulance service, a separate contract between the municipality and ETMC will also be required. ETMC EMS shall pay a one hundred ($100.00) dollar stipend, per transport, to the Coalition member municipality that provided the transport, but only when ETMC EMS calls for back-up in the event ETMC EMS's unit is out of service, subject to Section 3.10, below. a. ETMC EMS shall provide all EMS supplies used on patients for the operation of the Ambulance (as described in 3.7 above). The supplies used must be recorded on the patient care report. b. ETMC EMS shall provide the Coalition with another ambulance unit during any time that the Wylie Ambulance is out of service. ETMC EMS will provide such replacement ambulance for a period of up to ten (10) days. After ten (10) days, ETMC EMS will negotiate a mutually acceptable short term lease for such replacement ambulance with lease payments not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per day. c. If the Coalition requests additional resources from ETMC EMS, the Parties agree to renegotiate in good faith the annual total subsidy to be paid ETMC EMS in order to provide sufficient resources for the services described in such Contract. If the Parties are unable to reach such a mutual agreement, the current provisions shall remain in effect. 3.8 USE OF NON-COALITION OR NON ETMC EMS AMBULANCES. In the event a Coalition Member utilizes an ambulance of an entity that is not a Coalition Member nor an ETMC EMS unit, and a Coalition ambulance or an ETMC EMS ambulance was available, then such Coalition Member shall reimburse ETMC EMS for ETMC EMS's loss of revenue for such trip, excluding transfer. 3.9 CLEAN TICKET PROVISION. The One Hundred ($100) Dollar stipend as set forth above, is expressly conditioned upon the Coalition Members fully and accurately completing the trip ticket and related paper work in accordance with the policies and procedures that ETMC EMS requires of its own personnel in the completion of such trip ticket ("Clean Ticket"). ETMC EMS will provide adequate training/education to personnel filling out trip tickets. 3.10 CLINICAL STANDARDS AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT. The initial standards of clinical quality, as well as the clinical upgrade schedules to occur on or before listed deadlines throughout the term of this Contract shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Agreement. 3.11 CONTINUING EDUCATION. ETMC EMS shall provide the Coalition members with necessary continuing education including two (2) live Continuing Education programs conducted by the Medical Director annually. These continuing education opportunities shall be held at various locations throughout the Coalition Service Area. This includes EMT and Paramedic training as well as initial and refresher training in ITLS,ACLS, and Contract for Paramedic Services Page 9 521356.v1 PEPP programs. ARTICLE IV CONSIDERATION Consideration for this Contract is an award of exclusive market rights subject to the terms set forth in this Contract for the term of the Contract. 4.1 AUTHORIZATION OF USER-FEE CHARGES. ETMC EMS shall charge user fees for services originating within each Coalition Member Jurisdiction. Each Coalition Member may assist its residents in purchasing and paying for membership rights by incorporating voluntary provisions for billing and payment in conjunction with residential water bills. 4.2 USER-FEE AUTHORIZATION. ETMC EMS is hereby authorized to charge for ground ambulance services user-fees as follows: The maximum total average of all bills generated for ambulance service originating with the Coalition (exclusive of mileage charges) shall not exceed seven hundred ninety two dollars and eighty-four cents ($792.84). 4.3 ANNUAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENTS. The Coalition shall annually permit adjustment of the ETMC EMS Maximum Total Average Bill (as discussed in 4.2), the first such adjustment being authorized on October 1, 2009. Any increase made to the Maximum Total Average Bill in such adjustment shall not exceed the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index on a nationwide basis over the most recent twelve (12) month period for which published figures are available. ETMC EMS has the discretion to accept all or a portion of the maximum allowable inflation adjustment and may apply those amounts in the manner determined by ETMC EMS provided that such adjustment does not exceed the maximum allowable adjustment under this Contract. 4.4 ADJUSTMENT FOR EXCESS BILLINGS. In the event ETMC EMS's actual total average bill (exclusive of mileage charges) for services rendered in a Member Jurisdiction ar Participating Jurisdiction during the preceding contract period is found to be inadvertently in excess of the level permitted by the then-applicable "Subsidy/Price Agreement", the Coalition shall delay the effective date of the inflation adjustment increase in that jurisdiction by a number of days sufficient to fully offset the amount of overpayment, as proposed by the Coalition and approved by the Board of Directors of the Coalition. 4.5 EXTRAORDINARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR EXTERNALLY IMPOSED UPGRADES. ETMC EMS may periodically apply for extraordinary rate adjustments to offset the actual and reasonable marginal costs of implementing and maintaining clinical upgrades required by the Medical Director and approved by the Coalition. Adjustment shall be subject to optional review and confirmation or denial by the Coalition. 4.6 EXTRAORDINARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR UNUSUAL COST INCREASES. As may be justified by circumstances beyond ETMC EMS's reasonable control (e.g., industry wide insurance cost increases of major magnitude, restoration of OPEC's pricing powers, Contract for Paramedic Services Page 10 521356.v1 etc.), ETMC EMS shall be eligible for temporary but renewable (as justified and approved by the Coalition) "extraordinary rate adjustments" when the Coalition finds that the cause of such extraordinary increase in the cost of one or more factors of production necessary to produce quality pre-hospital care is due to an unusually large, rapid increase in the cost to ETMC EMS of that factor of production, in which this increase is industry wide, not the result of poor purchasing practices and not the result of increased consumption of the factor of production. Provided, however, all such approvals of Extraordinary Adjustment shall be subject to optional review and confirmation or denial by the Coalition. 4.7 ANNUAL SUBSIDY. Beginning October 1, 2008, the Coalition will provide an annual subsidy to ETMC EMS for the provision of EMS services in the amount of one hundred sixty-two thousand, six hundred ninety two dollars and no cents ($162,692.00) which will be paid in four (4) quarterly installments of forty thousand six hundred seventy three dollars and one cents ($40,673.01) each due on October 1, January l, April 1 and July 1 of each year during the term of this Agreement. The subsidy amount will be adjusted annually on October 1 st of each year but not to exceed the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") (nationwide) over the most recent 12-month period for which published figures are available. ETMC EMS will provide Coalition with at least sixty days' (60) notice of any increase in the subsidy due to changes in the CPI. The quarterly subsidy payment will be remitted to ETMC EMS within fifteen (15) days of the invoice for such quarterly subsidy being sent to Coalition. In the event the Coalition fails to remit such payment, ETMC EMS shall have the option to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days' notice. The share of the subsidies to be paid by each Coalition member shall be as agreed to by the Coalition in Exhibit "A". In the event the Initial Term of this Agreement is continued into one or more renewal terms, the Parties agree to negotiate in good faith relative to subsidy amounts for the renewal term(s), if any. If the Parties cannot mutually agree on such subsidy amounts for any renewal term, ETMC EMS may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, without penalty. The amounts set forth above represent the amounts due ETMC EMS assuming the Coalition members remain the same as of the effective date of the Contract. The Coalition further agrees to reimburse ETMC EMS for any ETMC EMS loss in revenue due to any current Coalition member no longer participating in this Agreement. EACH COALITION MEMBER WHO WITHDRAWS FROM THE COALITION, CEASES TO PARTICIPATE OR CONTRACTS WITH ANOTHER EMS PROVIDER, AGREES TO MAKE ETMC EMS WHOLE FOR SUCH LOSS OF REVENUE FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT (WHICH INCLUDES SUBSIDY AND PATIENT TRANSPORT REVENUE RELATED TO SUCH COALITION MEMBER) TO ETMC EMS. Such Coalition member agrees that its termination or withdrawal from the Coalition irreparably harms ETMC EMS and knowingly and specifically agrees that its agreement to make ETMC EMS whole as the result of such termination or withdrawal is an essential provision in this Agreement. The Coalition agrees to the maximum extent permitted by law to hold harmless ETMC EMS from such loss of revenue and loss of Contract for Paramedic Services Page 11 521356.v1 subsidy. In the event such Coalition member refuses to reimburse ETMC EMS for such loss of revenue or loss of subsidy, ETMC EMS shall have all rights allowed by law to pursue money damages, including its attorneys' fees in seeking to collect such loss of revenue and subsidy from the Coalition Member. Additionally, the failure to pay such monies to ETMC EMS is a material breach of this Agreement and notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, ETMC EMS may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, without penalty. 4.8 ETMC EMS shall have the exclusive right to bill and collect any third party payor or individual for services rendered by ETMC EMS, and for any transports rendered by the Coalition. 4.9 ADDITIONAL LJNITS. The Parties acknowledge that the Member Jurisdictions are growing rapidly and the need for future EMS services may arise in the future. ETMC EMS will periodically evaluate the services rendered and determine ETMC EMS's capability and performance. As the result of such evaluation, ETMC EMS may consider such information in evaluating the need to dedicate additional units or other alternatives to the Coalition as sound business practices would dictate, and as the Parties mutually agree. ARTICLE V INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION S.l INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. At all times during the term of this Contract and throughout any extension periods thereof, ETMC EMS shall obtain and pay all premiums for ETMC EMS's owned and operated ambulances. For liability arising solely from the actions or inactions of ETMC EMS or ETMC EMS's personnel, all such policies shall name the Coalition and the Medical Director as "additional insureds". ETMC EMS shall furnish the Coalition with an Accord Certificate of Insurance indicating that the types and amounts of insurance required hereunder are in full force and effect and that the insurance carrier shall give the Coalition thirty (30) days' written advance notice of any cancellation, change, termination, failure to renew or renewal, or any change in coverage of any such policy or policies reflected on said certificate. Nothing in this Article V shall be deemed to prohibit the use of a program of insurance being "self-insurance" as that term is normally used as being a formally organized system of covering risks or to be a limitation upon the insured as to the deduction it may cause to be provided in connection with any of its respective insurance policies. ETMC EMS's insurance coverage shall meet the following minimum requirements: a. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. Worker's Compensation Insurance as permitted by the laws of the State of Texas. b. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY. Commercial general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single limits (CSL) for all claims resulting from bodily injury (including death) and/or property damage arising out of the operations of the ambulance service authorized hereunder. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 12 521356.v1 c. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY. The following coverage is required: (i) Uninsured Motorist. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, covering all automobiles and including all owned, hired, or leased vehicles in an amount equal to or greater than the minimum liability limits required by law. (ii) Employer's Non-owned Auto Covera~e. Employer's non-owned liability in an amount equal to the liability limits set forth in Subsection b, immediately above. d. AMBULANCE LIABILITY. A policy covering the liability created by ambulance operation to a limit called for in Subsection b hereof. It is further understood that, due to the nature of this risk, it is presently necessary to obtain this coverage through the Assigned Risk Pool and that policy form must be accepted as offered. e. MALPRACTICE. Malpractice insurance in an amount not less than one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars for each claim. f. EXCESS LIABILITY INSURANCE UMBRELLA. Excess liability insurance umbrella policy providing two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) coverage per occurrence and four million dollars ($4,000,000.00) annual aggregate coverage in excess of all other liability policies prescribed herein. g. SUBMISSION OF POLICIES. Said insurance policies required hereunder may be submitted to the Coalition. Satisfactory evidence that such insurance is at all times in full force and effect shall be furnished to the Coalition. h. EFFECT OF CANCELLATION OR TERMINATION. The cancellation or other termination of any policy of insurance required hereunder shall give the Coalition the right to revoke and terminate this Contract for ambulance service granted hereunder, unless another insurance policy complying with the provisions of this section shall be provided and be in full force and effect at the time of such cancellation or other termination. i. OCCURRENCE FORM REQUIRED. All coverage furnished hereunder shall be written on an("occurrence") basis not a"claims made" basis, provided, however, a combination of "claims made" coverage and "extended reporting endorsement" ("tail coverage") for an indefinite period following expiration of this Contract shall be considered equivalent to "occurrence" coverage. Furthermore, nothing in this provision shall be construed as prohibiting partial self-funding of defined aspects of coverage, provided self-funding financial arrangements and risk- management aspects are approved by the Coalition, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5.2 INDEMNIFICATION. ETMC EMS COVENANTS AND AGREES THAT IT Contract for Paramedic Services Page 13 521356.v1 WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE COALITION, AND EACH MEMBER JURISDICTION AND THEIR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM ANY CLAIM, LOSS, DAMAGE, COST, CHARGE OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF ANY ACT, ACTION, NEGLECT OR OMISSION BY ETMC EMS DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, EXCEPT THAT NEITHER ETMC EMS, EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER REGIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, NOR ANY OF THEIR SUBCONTRACTORS, OR ASSIGNEES, WILL BE LIABLE UNDER THIS SECTION FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF INJURY OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY DIRECTLY CAUSED OR RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE COALITION, OR ANY MEMBER JURISDICTION OR ANY OF THEIR OFFICERS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES OR EMPLOYEES. ARTICLE VI MAJOR DEFAULT & REPLACEMENT PROVISIONS 6.1 MAJOR DEFAULT DEFINED. Conditions and circumstances that shall constitute a major default by ETMC EMS shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Supplying to the Coalition during the contracting process, false information or information so incomplete as to effectively mislead; b. Willful falsification of data supplied to the Coalition or to the Medical Director during the course of operations, including by way of example but not by way of exclusion, dispatch data, patient report data, response data, financial data, or willful or deliberate omission of any other data required under this Contract; c. Deliberate and unauthorized scaling down of operations to the detriment of performance during a"lame duck" period; d. Failure to maintain equipment in accordance with generally accepted maintenance practices; e. Willful attempts by ETMC EMS to intimidate or otherwise punish non- management employees who desire to interview with or to sign contingent employment agreements with successful bidders following a subsequent bid cycle; £ Chronic and persistent failure of ETMC EMS's employees to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner and to present a professional appearance; g. Failure by ETMC EMS to cooperate with and assist the Coalition in its transfer of ETMC EMS's operations after a major default has been declared by the Coalition, as provided for in 6.2, next, even if it is later determined that such default never occurred or that the cause of such default was beyond ETMC EMS's reasonable control; Contract for Paramedic Services Page 14 521356.v1 h. Failure to substantially and consistently meet or exceed the various clinical and response standards required hereunder; and i. Intentional over billing in violation of provisions of this Contract. 6.2 DECLARATION OF MAJOR DEFAULT AND TRANSFER OF SERVICE. In the event the Coalition determines that a major default has occurred, and if the nature of the default is, in the opinion of the Coalition, such that public health and safety are endangered, ETMC EMS shall be given written notice specifying the particular complaints and identifying them as appropriate by date, place, etc. with a reasonable opportunity (defined as seventy-two (72) hours for deficiencies dangerous to public health and safety and thirty (30) days for any other deficiencies) to correct said deficiency. In the event ETMC EMS fails to correct said deficiency within the time as set forth above, ETMC EMS may thereafter be found to be in default (as set forth in Section 6.3). In such event, ETMC EMS shall cooperate with the Coalition to affect a prompt and orderly transfer to the Coalition of ETMC EMS's and the Coalitions responsibilities as set forth in Section 6.3. 6.3 MAJOR DEFAULT. In the event of a major default and the failure to cure same as set forth in Section 6.2, ETMC EMS shall transfer its responsibilities within seventy-two (72) hours thereafter upon such finding of a major default by the Coalition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ETMC EMS does not waive its rights to challenge such declaration and may dispute such issue in a court of law and, if successful, recover all its damages as allowed by law. 6.4 DEFAULT NOT DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. If the Coalition declares ETMC EMS to be in major default on grounds other than performance deficiencies dangerous to public health and safety, ETMC EMS may dispute and legally resolve the Coalition's claim of major default prior to transfer of ETMC EMS's operations by the Coalition. 6.5 "LAME DUCK" PROVISIONS. Should ETMC EMS fail to prevail in a future procurement cycle, the Coalition shall obviously depend upon ETMC EMS to continue provision of all services required under this Contract until the new contractor assumes service responsibilities. Under these circumstances, ETMC EMS would, for a period of several months, serve as a"lame duck" contractor. To ensure continued performance fully consistent with the requirements of this Contract throughout any such "lame duck" period, the following "lame duck" provisions shall apply: a. Throughout such "lame duck" period, ETMC EMS shall continue all operations and support services at substantially the same levels of effort and performance as were in effect prior to the award of the subsequent contract to a competing firm; b. ETMC EMS shall make no changes in methods of operation that could reasonably be considered to be aimed at cutting ETMC EMS's service and operating costs to maximize profits during the final stages of this Contract; and, Contract for Paramedic Services Page 15 521356.v1 c. The Coalition recognized that, if a competing firm prevails in a future procurement cycle, ETMC EMS may reasonably begin to prepare for transition of service to the new contractor during the "lame duck" period, and the Coalition shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of ETMC EMS's requests to begin an orderly transition process, including reasonable plans to relocate staff, scale down certain inventory items, etc., so long as such transition activities do not impair ETMC EMS's performance during the "lame duck" period and so long as such transition activities are prior-approved by the Coalition. 6.6 PERFORMANCE PENALTY. To provide protection to the Coalition, ETMC EMS shall furnish a performance bond in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) pursuant to the provisions for declaration of major default set forth herein. ARTICLE VII TERM AND RENEWAL 7.1 TERM OF AGREEMENT. This contract shall be for a period of five (5) years beginning October 1, 2008 ("Initial Term"). 7.2 RENEWAL TERMS. Contract will automatically be renewed for one (1) additional five (5) year extension. Either party shall have the right to terminate this contract at any time by providing the other party with a one hundred twenty (120) day written notice prior to such date. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 CHARACTER AND COMPETENCE OF PERSONNEL. All persons employed by ETMC EMS in the performance of work under this Contract shall be competent and holders of appropriate permits in their respective trades or professions. The Coalition may demand the removal of any person employed by ETMC EMS who chronically misconducts himself or is chronically incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duties, and such person shall not be reassigned by ETMC EMS for production of services under this Contract without the written consent of the Coalition, provided, however, that the Coalition shall not be arbitrary or capricious in exercising its rights under this provision, and shall be required to document in writing the specific reasons for exercising rights relative to any given employee, and shall also give that employee an opportunity to defend himself in the presence of ETMC EMS's chief executive officer and Medical Director and the Directors of the Coalition's governing board prior to removal. 8.2 PERMITS & LICENSES. ETMC EMS shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and licenses required for initiation and completion of its work under this Contract. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 16 521356.v1 8.3 ASSIGNMENT. ETMC EMS will have the right to assign this Agreement to any related or affiliated entity of the East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System without any party's prior consent. Otherwise, this Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the expressed written consent of the Coalition. Such written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 8.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT WAIVED. ETMC EMS agrees that the work specified in this Contract shall be completed without further consideration of the market rights provided for herein and that the acceptance of work and the payment of user fees and subsidy amounts (if any) shall not be held to prevent maintenance of an action for failure to perform such work in accordance with this Agreement. In no event shall payment by a Member Jurisdiction (if any such payments are made) hereunder constitute or be construed to be a waiver by the Coalition of any default or covenant or any default which may then exist on the part of ETMC EMS, and the making of such payment while any such default exists shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Coalition with respect to such default. 8.5 ATTORNEY FEES. If either the Coalition ar ETMC EMS institutes litigation against the other party to secure its rights pursuant to this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to the actual and reasonable costs of litigation and reasonable attorney's fees in addition to any other relief to which such party may be entitled. 8.6 NON-DISCRIMINATION. ETMC EMS agrees as follows: a. ETMC EMS will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. ETMC EMS will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: (i) employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; (ii) recruitment or recruitment advertising; (iii) layoff or termination; (iv) rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and (v) selection for training, including apprenticeship. ETMC EMS agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. b. ETMC EMS will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of ETMC EMS, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. 8.7 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The services furnished by ETMC EMS under this Contract shall be rendered in substantially full compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. It shall be ETMC EMS's responsibility to determine which laws, rules and regulations apply to the services rendered under this Contract and to maintain compliance with those applicable standards at all times. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 17 521356.v1 8.8 SEVERABILITY. In the event any provision hereunder is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, said provision shall be deemed deleted from this Agreement as if never contained herein and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain enforceable. 8.9 HEADINGS. The Paragraph headings, articles, sections and captions contained in this Contract are solely for the convenience of the Parties and shall in no manner be construed as part of this Agreement. 8.10 CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and, in the event of litigation with respect to this Agreement or any of its terms, venue shall rest in Collin County, Texas. 8.11 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, whether oral or in writing, between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement or promise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement that is not contained herein shall be valid or binding unless in writing signed by all Parties. 8.12 AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended in writing upon the agreement of both Parties so as to conform to the law or any changes in the law and/or regulations applicable to the terms of this Agreement. If the Coalition refuses to amend the Agreement in accordance with this Section, such action shall be considered a breach of this Agreement and the Agreement may be terminated by ETMC EMS. 8.13 NO WAIVER. The failure of either party to insist at any time upon the strict observance of performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy as provided in this Agreement shall not impair any right or remedy of such party or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment thereof with respect to subsequent defaults or breaches. Every right and remedy given by this Agreement to the Parties hereto may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the appropriate party. 8.14 CORRESPONDENCE. All notices hereunder by either Party to the other shall be in writing, delivered personally, by certified or registered mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested or by overnight courier services (charges prepaid) and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally, when deposited in the United States mail or delivered to the overnight courier, addressed as follows: If to ETMC EMS: Anthony J. Myers, Vice President/COO East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service P.O. Box 387 Tyler, Texas 75710 Contract for Paramedic Services Page 18 521356.v1 If to Coalition: Southeast Collin Co. EMS Coalition 2000 N. Hwy 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Attention: Fire Chief or to such other persons or places as either Party may, from time to time, designate by written notice to the other. 8.15 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. In performing this Contract, ETMC EMS is acting as an independent contractor with respect to the Coalition and neither ETMC EMS nor any ETMC EMS staff shall be considered employees of the Coalition. It is agreed and acknowledged by the Parties that, as an independent contractor, ETMC EMS retains the right to contract with and provide EMS services to entities and individuals other than the Coalition; and nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as limiting or restricting in any way ETMC EMS's right to do so. In no event shall this Agreement be construed as establishing a partnership or joint venture or similar relationship between the Parties hereto, and nothing herein shall authorize either Party to act as agent for the other, except to the extent herein provided. The Coalition shall be liable for its own debts, obligations, acts and omissions, including the payment of all required withholding, social security and other taxes and benefits with respect to all Coalition personnel. Neither ETMC EMS nor any ETMC EMS staff shall be subject to any Coalition policies solely applicable to the Coalition's employees or be eligible for any employee benefit plan offered by the Coalition. 8.16 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or other interruption of service deemed to result, directly or indirectly, from the acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, failure of transportation, strikes or other work interruptions by either Party's employees, or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either Party. 8.17 ACCESS TO RECORDS. As an independent contractor of the Coalition, ETMC EMS shall, in accordance with 42 U.S.C., § 1395x (v)(I)(I) (Social Security Act § 1861 (v)(I)(I) and 42 C.F.R., Part 420, Subpart D, §420.300, et seq., until the expiration of four (4) years after the furnishing of Medicare reimbursable Services pursuant to this Contract, upon proper written request, allow the Comptroller General of the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services and their duly authorized representatives access to this Agreement and to ETMC EMS's books, documents and records (as such terms are defined in 42 C.F.R., §420.301) necessary to verify the nature and extent of costs of Medicare reimbursable Services provided under this Contract. In accordance with such laws and regulations, if Medicare or Medicaid reimbursable services provided Contract for Paramedic Services Page 19 521356.v1 by ETMC EMS under this Contract are carried out by the means of a subcontract with an organization related to ETMC EMS, and such related organization provides the services at a value or cost of ten thousand dollars and no cents ($10,000.00) or more over a twelve (12) month period, then the subcontract between ETMC EMS and the related organization shall contain a clause comparable to the clause specified in the preceding sentence. No attorney-client, accountant-client or other legal privilege shall be deemed to have been waived by ETMC EMS or the Coalition by virtue of this Contract. 8.18 ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Contract contains the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the Parties relating to such subject matter. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by mutual written agreement. 8.19 CHANGE IN LAW. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the governmental agencies (or their representatives) which administer Medicare, any other payor or any other federal, state or local government or agency passes, issues or promulgates any law, rules, regulation, standard or interpretation, or any court of competent jurisdiction renders any decision or issues any order, at any time while this Agreement is in effect, which prohibits, restricts, limits or in any way substantially changes the method or amount of reimbursement or payment for Services rendered under this Agreement, or which otherwise significantly affects either Party's rights or obligations here under, either Partly may give the other notice of intent to amend this Agreement to the satisfaction of both Parties, to compensate for such prohibition, restriction, limitation or change. If this Agreement is not so amended in writing within ten (10) days after said notice was given, this Agreement shall terminate as of midnight on the tenth ( l Oth) day after said notice was given. 8.20 CONSENTS, APPROVALS AND EXERCISE OF DISCRETION. Except as may be herein specifically provided to the contrary, whenever this Agreement requires any consent or approval to be given by either Party, or either Party must or may exercise discretion, the Parties agree that such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and such discretion shall be reasonably exercised in good faith. 8.21 THIRD PARTIES. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be for the benefit of third parties or enforceable by any third party. Except as provided above, any agreement to pay an amount and any assumption of a liability herein contained, expressed or implied, shall only be for the benefit of the Parties hereto and such agreement or assumption shall not inure to the benefit of any third party, including an oblige. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 20 521356.v1 8.22 PARAMEDIC SKILL LEVELS. Effective October, 2008, ETMC EMS Paramedic skill levels will be as follows: a. Texas State EMT-P Certification b. International Trauma Life Support or equivalent c. Advanced Cardiac Life Support d. Advanced-Pediatric Emergency Care or equivalent 8.23 COLJNTERPARTS. This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts, and is effective on the last date of execution indicated below. City of Lavon, Texas East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service Mayor Date Printed Name: Anthony J. Meyers, V/P Date City of Lucas, Texas Collin County, Texas Mayor Date Keith Self Date Printed Name: County Judge City of St. Paul, Texas City of Wylie, Texas Mayor Date Mayor Date Printed Name: Printed Name: City of Parker, Texas Mayor Date Printed Name: Contract for Paramedic Services Page 21 521356.v1 EXHIBIT "A" No. of Estimated Member Current Subsidy Cost Back-up Estimated Ambulance Back- Estimated Total Cost Population Ambulance Calls up Fees Payable to Wylie for Ambulance Service Collin County 4,654 $14,908.12 36 $31,680.00 $46,588.12 Wylie 35,400 $113,396.54 396 $348,480.00 $461,876.54 Lucas 5,100 $16,336.79 21 $18,480.00 $34,816.79 Parker 3, 300 $10, 570.86 12 $10, 560.00 $21,130.86 Lavon 1, 550 $4, 965.10 12 $10, 560.00 $15, 525.10 St. Paul 785 $2,514,58 9 $7,920.00 $10,434.58 Totals 50,789 $162,692.00 486 $427,680.00 $590,372.00 2008 Cost per capita (total subsidy divided by Cost per back-up run based on 2007 population) $3.20 data per call, personnel responses $ 880.00 Contract for Paramedic Services Page 22 521356.v1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA RE PO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 9 Department: Fire (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Randy Corbin Account Code: Date Prepared: 8/15/08 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2008-38(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Supplemental Agreement with East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services (ETMC EMS) to contract for Paramedic Ambulance Service. . . Motion to approve Resolution No. 2008-38(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Supplemental Agreement with East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services (ETMC EMS) to contract for Paramedic Ambulance Service. . . The Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition was formed in 1997 allowing participating entities to participate in a cooperative agreement to solicit proposals for a regional contract to provide emergency medical services/ambulance service at a cost no entity could achieve on their own. The contract between ETMC EMS and the Southeast Collin County E.M.S. Coalition funds only one full-time ambulance in the contract. In order to provide the citizens the best possible service within the Coalition, the City of Wylie has provided personnel to support the back-up ambulances donated by ETMC EMS to cover emergency medical calls when the primary ambulance is busy. The purpose of this is to reduce response times by not having to call for mutual aide from other agencies outside the Coalition. This program has been enhanced since its inauguration and continues to support itself by stipends provided by ETMC EMS for calls made. The Supplemental Agreement to contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services is a new contract but almost mirrors the preceding contract. . : Initial Date Department Director RC 8/15/08 City Manager ,~j Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-38(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (ETMC EMS) TO CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES. WHEREAS, it has been determined that paramedic ambulance services would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas. WHEREAS, the East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service "ETMC EMS" is a Texas not-for-profit corporation; and WHEREAS, in 2008 ETMC EMS and the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition entered into a contract for paramedic ambulance services; and WHEREAS, ETMC EMS and the City of Wylie desire to uphold and abide by the Coalition agreement; and WHEREAS, ETMC EMS and the City of Wylie desire to supplement the Coalition Agreement with additional conditions, obligations and duties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby approves the Supplemental Agreement with the East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC EMS) to contract for paramedic ambulance services. SECTION 2: That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to execute the Supplemental Agreement. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie on this the 9th day of September, 2008. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2008-38(R) Supplemental Agreement - East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services (ETMC EMS) SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES This Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services ("A~reement") is entered into by and between the City of Wylie, Texas, a municipal corporation ("W.~") and East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service, a Texas not-for-profit corporation ("ETMC EMS"), (individually a"Party" or collectively the "Parties"). WHEREAS, in 2008 ETMC EMS and Wylie and other cities known as the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition ("Coalition") entered into a Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (the "Coalition Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes; and WHEREAS, ETMC EMS and Wylie still desire to uphold and abide by the Coalition Agreement; and WHEREAS, ETMC EMS and Wylie wish to supplement the Coalition Agreement by entering into this Agreement that will impose additional conditions, obligations and duties upon the Parties hereto. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions herein contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the Parties agree as follows: l. Uniforms. ETMC EMS employees shall wear Wylie Fire-Rescue ("WFR") uniforms when on duty in Wylie and/or when responding to calls within or on behalf of Wylie. 2. Regulations. ETMC EMS employees shall report to a company officer with the WFR for all shifts in which they will be responding to calls within Wylie. ETMC EMS employees shall abide by all WFR station rules while working such shift and shall abide by all ETMC EMS rules, regulations, policies and management direction, including but not limited to ETMC EMS's Policies and Procedures Manual. Wylie shall report all violations of any WFR rule or ETMC EMS rules, regulations, policies and management direction by an ETMC EMS employee to a representative of ETMC EMS for appropriate investigation, action and follow-through of enforcing said policies. 3. Independent Contractor. In performing this Agreement, ETMC EMS, and ETMC EMS's employees, are acting as independent contractors with respect to Wylie, and no employees of ETMC EMS shall be considered employees of Wylie. It is agreed and acknowledged by the Parties that, as an independent contractor, ETMC EMS retains the right to contract with and provide services to entities and individuals other than Wylie, and nothing herein shall be construed as limiting ETMC EMS's right to do so. In no event shall this Agreement be construed as establishing a partnership, association, joint venture or other relationship between the Parties, and nothing shall authorize either Party to act as an agent for the other, except as authorized herein. Each Party shall be liable for Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 1 523247 vl its own debts, obligations, acts and omissions, including but not limited to, payment of all required payroll, withholding, social security and other taxes and benefits. Neither ETMC EMS nor ETMC EMS's employees shall be eligible for any benefit received by Wylie's employees. 4. On Scene Response. When ETMC EMS and Wylie personnel are on the scene of a call, the ETMC EMS employees assume responsibility of all patient care at that scene or as assigned by Incident Command. WFR when on scene, will assume command of any incident within its response area, operating strictly within NIMS protocols. 5. W. liy e Dispatch. Wylie agrees to provide dispatch services for ETMC EMS Unit 990 responsible for providing emergency medical service to the Coalition. Wylie shall record all communications relating to such dispatch services and maintain the recordings for one year. The recordings shall be made available to ETMC EMS upon request. 6. Transfer of Calls. Wylie will transfer all first and second party emergency callers to the ETMC EMS Communications Center so ETMC EMS can provide Emergency Medical Dispatch Pre-Arrival Instructions as needed. 7. Accompanv ETMC EMS to Hospital. Wylie personnel agree to accompany ETMC EMS to the hospital when requested by ETMC EMS personnel. 8. Testin~. WFR may assist ETMC EMS with skills testing and protocol testing of ETMC EMS employees. WFR personnel will be tested regularly by the ETMC Education Department and WFR Continued Education. 9. Qualitv Control and Response Time Reliability. A. Quality Control will be a three step process: 1) The initial review of all EMS runs shall be by the WFR's Quality Control Officer and any significant finding will be noted on a separate QI form which will be attached to the patient care report. Any concerns or acknowledgements shall be shared with the WFR EMS Officer when applicable, and especially when issues involve WFR personnel or service delivery concerns that may be questioned locally. 2) A secondary review will be by the ETMC EMS Director of Clinical Services. 3) All recommendations for improvement will be forwarded to the Wylie Fire Chief to assure patient confidentiality and to assure that all records are safely secured. The WFR EMS Officer will share information for Quality Assurance purposes when applicable to both agencies. B. Wylie will maintain response time records from its Computer Aided Dispatch database, and ETMC will be responsible for meeting the following response times for the Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 2 523247 vl primary ETMC staffed ambulance to the Coalition as a whole: 1. Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 8 minutes and 14 seconds. 2. Non Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 12 minutes and 14 seconds. These commitments shall be calculated on a per one-hundred transport basis for the primary unit only, for the Coalition as a whole, and shall be calculated annually at the end of the contract year. The response time commitments set forth above shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Agreement. In this regard, the protocols set forth in Section 3.2 of the Coalition Agreement shall apply to the reporting requirements of this Agreement. However, for purposes of this Agreement "response time" is defined as: the elapsed time between the moment a request for ambulance service is received by the responding Coalition ambulance, and the time that unit arrives at the confirmed location of an emergency or upon the arrival of ALS First Responder personnel. 10. 990 Ambulance Replacement Paramedic. ETMC EMS shall provide a replacement paramedic or EMT to Wylie whenever the paramedic or EMT assigned to the 990 ambulance is on vacation, out sick, or otherwise unavailable or utilize a WFR Paramedic or EMT who has documented approval and knowledge of all ETMC EMS protocols, equipment, vehicles and policies and procedures. If the replacement paramedic or EMT is and ETMC EMS employee he/she will not be required to wear the Wylie Fire- Rescue uniform. If the replacement paramedic or EMT is from the WFR then Wylie will invoice ETMC EMS the actual cost of employee. 11. Discretion to Use ETMC EMS Emplo,yees. Wylie shall have sole discretion in determining whether it wishes to use the contract services of any particular ETMC EMS employee provided to Wylie pursuant to this Agreement. Should Wylie decline the services of a particular ETMC EMS employee, ETMC EMS will immediately provide a qualified replacement of that employee. Wylie will have the discretion to assign to ETMC EMS employees duties relevant to EMS issues and co-habitation issues such as shared station duties as long as ETMC EMS employees can maintain a clean professional appearance and maintain a prompt readiness status. 12. Continuin~ Education. ETMC EMS shall provide regular continuing education to WFR personnel and members of the Coalition, including initial and refresher card courses such as ACLS, PEPP, and ITLS, as necessary and consistent with ETMC policy for its own employees. ETMC will deliver an equitable number of these classes on weeknights or Saturdays to allow attendance by volunteer agencies that neighbor Wylie. 13. Patient Care Reporting. ETMC EMS will accept WFR's electronic patient care form as a replacement for ETMC and EMS's written form. WFR will submit these forms electronically or in printed format as preferred by ETMC EMS. When personnel are Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 3 523247 vl assigned temporarily, they may be allowed to use the standard ETMC EMS written form, and WFR on-duty personnel will enter the data at the station. ETMC EMS medical control will review the reports from this data on an annual basis and discuss findings with the WFR EMS Officer, to identify trends in treatment, paramedic skills, etc. 14. Indemnification/Hold Harmless Bv ETMC EMS. ETMC EMS SHALL INDEMNIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS WYLIE AND ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES FROM ALL SUITS, ACTIONS, LOSSES, DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITY OF ANY CHARACTER, TYPE, OR DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING ALL EXPENSES OF LITIGATION, COURT COSTS, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR INJURY OR DEATH TO ANY PERSON, OR INJURY TO ANY PROPERTY, RECEIVED OR SUSTAINED BY ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF, OR OCCASIONED BY, THE ACTS OF ETMC OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, IN THE EXECUTION OR PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. ETMC EMS AGREES TO ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR INJURIES TO ITSELF OR OTHERS CAUSED BY ITS, OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, OWN NEGLIGENCE, MALFEASANCE, ACT OR OMISSION. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS ALSO SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO APPLY TO, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, ACTIONS AND CAUSES OF ACTION OF EVERY KIND AND NATURE, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, EXISTING OR CLAIMED TO EXIST, RELATING TO OR ARISING OUT OF ANY EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETMC EMS AND ITS EMPLOYEES AS A RESULT OF THAT EMPLOYEES EMPLOYMENT AND/OR SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT WITH ETMC EMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DISCRIMINATION CLAIM BASED ON SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION OR PREFERENCE, RACE, RELIGION, COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE OR DISABILITY UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW, RULE OR REGULATION, AND/OR ANY CLAIM FOR WRONGFUL TERMINATION, BACK PAY, FUTURE WAGE LOSS, OVERTIME PAY, INJURY SUBJECT TO RELIEF UNDER THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, AND ANY OTHER CLAIM, WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE. 15. Miscellaneous Provisions. a) Notice. Any notice required to be sent under this Agreement must be in writing and may be served by depositing same in the United States Mail, addressed to the party to be notified, postage pre-paid and registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by delivering the same in person to such party via a hand-delivery service, Federal Express or any courier service that provides a return receipt showing the date of actual delivery of same to the addressee thereof. Notice given in accordance herewith shall be effective upon receipt at the address Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 4 523247 vl of the addressee. For purposes of notice, the addresses of the parties shall be as follows: If to Wylie: Wylie Fire Department Attn: Randy Corbin 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 If to ETMC EMS to: East Texas Medical Center EMS Attn: Anthony J. Myers, Vice President/COO P.O. Box 387 Tyler, Texas 75710 b) Entire A~reement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the matters contained herein and may not be modified or terminated except upon the provisions hereof or by the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. c) Venue. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and shall be performable in Collin County, Texas. d) Consideration. This Agreement is executed by the parties hereto without coercion or duress and for substantial consideration, the sufficiency of which is forever confessed. e) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. ~ Authority to Execute. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other and to others that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the date hereof. g) Savin~s/Severabilitv. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. h) Representations. Each signatory represents this Agreement has been read by the party for which this Agreement is executed and that such party has had an opportunity to confer with its counsel. Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 5 523247 vl i) Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions. This Agreement shall be deemed drafted equally by all parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any party shall not apply. Headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties and are not intended to be used in construing this document. j) Sovereign Immunitv. The parties agree that Wylie has not waived its sovereign immunity by entering into and performing their respective obligations under this Agreement. k) Assi~. This Agreement or any part thereof shall not be assigned or transferred by any party without the prior written consent of the other party. Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 6 523247 vl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement and caused this Agreement to be effective on the latest date as reflected by the signatures below. THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a Municipal Corporation By: Date: Mindy Manson Its: City Manager EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER d/b/a EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE a Texas not-for-profit corporation By: Date: Anthony J. Myers Its: Vice President/COO Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 7 523247 v1 Exhibit "A" Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (2008) Page 8 523247 vl EXHIBIT A CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES This Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (hereinafter referred to as "Contract" or "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition, consisting of the following Texas cities: Parker, Wylie, St. Paul, Collin County, Lucas and Lavon (hereinafter referred to as "Coalition") and East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service, a Texas not-for-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ETMC EMS"). Coalition and ETMC EMS are collectively referred to as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, including the award of exclusive market rights, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby forever acknowledged and confessed, the Parties agree as follows. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to terms as used throughout this Agreement: Agreement means this Contract. Ambulance Patient means any person being transported to or from a health care facility in a reclining position from any point within the "Regulated Service Area." Ambulance Service Contract means an agreement between ETMC EMS and any local governing unit incorporating clinical standards and financial provisions consistent with those set forth in this Agreement. Ambulance Service Contractor means East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC EMS). ANUALI means Automatic Number ldentifier/Automatic Location Identifier and is one of the enhancement features of 911 systems that aids in identification of incoming calls. CAD means Computer Assisted Dispatch including but not limited to primary dispatch data entry and automated time-stamping, 911 data interface, demand pattern analysis, system status management, automated patient locator aids, reporting and documentation, and (when installed) automated vehicle tracking. Contract Service Area means the geographic area encompassing the regulated Service Area plus unincorporated areas of Collin County and such other counties as may choose to contract with ETMC EMS pursuant to a contract incorporating clinical standards and financial provisions consistent with those contained in this Contract. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 1 521356.v1 EMS System means that network of individuals, organizations, facilities and equipment including but not limited to ETMC EMS, whose participation is required to generate a clinically- appropriate, pre-planned system-wide response to each request for pre-hospital care and/or inter- facility transport, so as to provide each patient the best possible chance of survival without disability and given available financial resources. Extraordinary Adjustment is an adjustment justified on the basis of either: (1) an increase in the System Standard of Care whose cost of implementation and on-going compliance exceeds the then-remaining balance of the "Upgrade Reserve"; or, (2) an unusual increase in the cost of a factor of production when such increase in cost is industry wide and the result of causes beyond ETMC EMS's reasonable control. lst Response, lst Responder, lst Response Organization refers to that service and those units (e.g., fire department 1 st responders) which provide initial stabilization and trained assistance on-scene and, when required, en route to medical facilities, as well as certain extrication and rescue services. In accordance with Priority Dispatch Protocols, a 1 st Response unit is routinely sent to all presumptively-classified life-threatening calls within the ETMC EMS service area. Contract (aka Contract for Ambulance Services; aka the "Agreement"; aka the "Contract") is this Contract document labeled Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Service and is an Agreement between the Coalition and East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service. Medical Director means that Medical Director which shall be an emergency physician expert in the pre-hospital practice of Emergency Medicine, appointed by ETMC EMS. Member Jurisdiction means the individual Coalition member's corporate limits. Primary Unit means that unit staffed by ETMC EMS personnel. MICU means Mobile Intensive Care Unit as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code. Mutual Aid means the paramedic ambulance service provided within the Contract Service Area by neighboring providers other than ETMC EMS at the request of ETMC EMS, pursuant to an agreement governing the exchange of service assistance when requested. PSAP means Public Service Answering Point and is an auxiliary service in the 911 system. Regulated Service Area means the combined corporate limits of all Member Jurisdictions. Response Area of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition means the corporate limits of the Member Jurisdictions of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition. Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition means an interlocal cooperative group consisting of the participating municipality governments of Lavon, Lucas, Parker, St. Paul, Wylie and portions of Collin County. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 2 521356.v1 Subscription Ambulance Membership Plan means an optional plan by which citizens in the Member Jurisdictions can contract with ETMC EMS for prepaid, medically necessary, ambulance transport services. System Standard of Care means the combined compilation of all priority-dispatching protocols, pre-arrival instruction protocols (i.e., ambulances), protocols for selecting destination hospital, standards for certification of pre-hospital care personnel (i.e. telephone call-takers, ambulance personnel and on-line medical control physicians. ARTICLE II MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND UNDERSTANDINGS 2.1 FRANCHISE MODEL SYSTEM a. ETMC EMS shall provide services under this Contract through a franchise model system and shall furnish its own facilities, vehicles, on-board equipment, radio systems and computer-aided dispatch hardware and software as provided in this Contract. Except as otherwise set forth herein, ETMC EMS shall serve as the retail provider of 911 ambulance services, routine transport services and related ambulance services, financed primarily or exclusively on a fee-for-service basis with or without subsidy according to the agreement of each member jurisdiction and participating jurisdiction. b. ETMC EMS may charge user fees for services rendered under this contract that • are consistent with the provisions of this Contract. c. Except for subsidies paid to ETMC EMS under the Subsidy/Price Agreement with each jurisdiction, ETMC EMS shall look for compensation for its services under this Contract solely through the following sources: (i) Third party payors; (ii) Persons or entities who use ambulance services or other persons responsible for such ambulance services; and (iii) Contract purchasers of ambulance services. 2.2 ALL MICU, FULL-SERVICE SYSTEM. All ambulances rendering services pursuant to this Contract shall be a MICU and shall be staffed and equipped to render paramedic- level care. 2.3 MEDICAL SUPPLIES. All medical supplies acquired, supplied or reimbursed for the performance of the work that is the subject of this Contract shall be furnished by ETMC EMS at ETMC EMS's own expense, including first responder supplies. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 3 521356.v1 2.4 MEDICAL CONTROL. ETMC EMS shall provide Medical Direction for ETMC EMS personnel and if so desired, will provide Medical Direction for all members of the Coalition. 2.5 SUBSCRIPTION AMBULANCE MEMBERSHIP PLAN. a. Basic Objects of Pro~ram. ETMC EMS shall offer for sale to residents of all member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions under this Contract, a subscription ambulance membership plan which fee for the first year of coverage under the plan will not exceed sixty ($60) dollars per household for persons with insurance and sixty-eight ($68) for those with no third party insurance. The fee for the subscription ambulance membership plan is subject to an annual inflation adjustment equal to 100% of the percentage increase in the CPI over the most recent twelve (12) month period for which published figures are then available as approved by the Board of Directors of ETMC EMS. Additionally, ETMC EMS may offer discounts for renewal of subscription ambulance membership plans. b. Legal Obli ations. The subscription ambulance membership plan offered to residents of the member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions under this Contract shall comply with federal and state law relating to subscription ambulance membership programs. c. Medicaid Recipients. Persons whose medical expenses are covered under Medicaid are not eligible to participate under the subscription ambulance membership plan. d. Additional Benefits. ETMC EMS may, at its option, offer to persons who purchase subscription ambulance membership plans under this subsection, additional benefits. e. Periodic Membership Drives. ETMC EMS shall hold an open enrollment period during each calendar year far the subscription ambulance membership program and residents in the member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions shall be entitled to apply for participation in the subscription ambulance membership program during that period. f. Beneficial Extension of Service. Each person requiring or requesting ambulance service shall receive the quality of care and transportation required under the System Standard of Care, without regard to membership status in the subscription ambulance membership program. g. Financial Assistance for Plan Purchase. A member jurisdiction or participating jurisdiction may purchase or may assist its residents in purchasing and paying for subscription ambulance membership' plans in accordance with a written agreement between the member jurisdiction or participating jurisdiction and ETMC EMS. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 4 521356.v1 2.6 USE OWN EXPERTISE AND JUDGMENT. ETMC EMS is specifically advised to use its own best judgment in deciding upon the methods to be employed to achieve and maintain the levels of performance required hereunder. Such "methods" include compensation programs, shift schedules, personnel policies, supervisory structures, vehicle deployment techniques, and other internal matters which, taken together, comprise ETMC EMS's own strategies and tactics for performing its obligations under this Agreement. 2.7 EXCLUSIVITY. ETMC EMS is awarded exclusive rights and responsibilities for the provision of all emergency and non-emergency ambulance services, originating within the Member Jurisdictions, regardless of the manner in which the request for service is conveyed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Required MICU (as defined in Section 3.1) is on a transfer or otherwise unavailable, ETMC EMS may use another EMS service provider for non-emergency transfers to and from the Member Jurisdictions. 2.8 SELECTION OF PATIENT DESTINATION. Medical Protocols approved by the Medical Director shall establish protocols for selection of the destination hospital, which protocols shall be strictly followed by paramedic personnel and on-line medical control physicians, except when a departure from protocol is justified on the basis of special considerations of patient care or practical barriers to implementation (e.g., blocked roads, hospital divert status, etc.). This Contract is entered into by both parties pursuant to a mutual assumption that transport protocols approved by the Medical Director shall strictly adhere to the following priorities of consideration, and shall recognize these priorities in the sequence presented: a. First Consideration: patient care and safety; b. Second Consideration: patient/family choice; and c. Third Consideration: fairness in distribution of patients among hospitals. In this regard, the following rules shall apply: (i) Non-Emer encies. All "non-emergency patients" (as defined by patient- assessment protocols approved by the Medical Director) shall be transported to the destination selected by the patient, the patient's family or the patient's personal physician, without exception. (ii) Non Life-Threatenin Emer encies. Patients experiencing a"non life- threatening emergency" (as defined by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Director) shall be transported to the facility of choice designated by the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's personal physician, or if no such preference is stated, to the nearest hospital approved by the Medical Director for receipt of patients experiencing non-life-threatening emergencies. (iii) Life-Threatenin~ Emer e~ ncies. Patients experiencing life-threatening emergencies (as defined by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Contract for Paramedic Services Page 5 521356.v1 Director) shall, in accordance with transport protocols approved by the Medical Director, be delivered to the "nearest appropriate facility", taking into consideration the patient's condition and location, the patient's medical requirements and the respective capabilities of hospitals within and, for some types of patients, outside the "Contract Service Area." Such transport protocols shall not be inconsistent with then-currently-approved trauma system protocols (when available). (iv) Enforcement. Inappropriate and unjustified deviations from these patient- destination protocols by a paramedic without direct authorization by a Base Station Physician or inappropriate and unjustified instructions regarding such deviation by a Base Station Physician shall be subject to sanction by the Medical Director provided such sanctions are applied in accordance with due process procedures. ARTICLE III SCOPE AND QUALITY OF SERVICES 3.1 AMBULANCE SERVICES TO COALITION. ETMC EMS shall provide emergency and non-emergency ambulance service to the entire Response Area of the Coalition, and shall provide staff and MICU's as set forth in this Contract, including but not limited to at least one fully staffed MICU dedicated solely for response to the entire Response Area of the Coalition (the "Required MICU"). ETMC EMS shall only use the Required MICU for emergency transfers to and from the Coalition facilities listed below. Baylor Plano Lake Pointe Medical Center Baylor Garland North Central Medical Richardson Regional Medical Center Presbyterian Allen Medical Center Plano Presbyterian Plano Hillcrest Manor NH Wylie Presbyterian Rockwall In the event that no ambulance provided for in this Contract is available for service, or additional ambulances are needed, each member of the Coalition will be required to rely upon mutual aid plans for their municipality. Wylie will maintain response time records and meet the following goals on all primary unit transports for which Wylie has primary dispatch responsibility as set forth below: 1. Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 8 minutes and 14 seconds. 2. Non Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 12 minutes and 14 seconds. These commitments shall be calculated on a per-one hundred (100) transport basis for the primary unit only, and shall be calculated annually at the end of each year within the Contract term. The response time commitments set forth above shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Agreement. In this regard, the protocols set forth in Section 3.2 of the Coalition Agreement shall apply to the reporting Contract for Paramedic Services Page 6 521356.v1 requirements of this Agreement. However, for purposes of this Agreement "response time" is defined as: the elapsed time between the moment a request for ambulance service is received by the responding Coalition ambulance, and the time that unit arrives at the confirmed location of an emergency or upon the arrival of ALS First Responder personnel. Exemptions. No requests for ambulance service shall be exempt from response time compliance. Calculations will be based on percentiles for every one hundred (100) requests for service by priority except as follows: i. Requests not resulting in a patient transport; ii. Requests during a period of unusually-severe weather conditions, such that response time compliance is either impossible or could be achieved only at a greater risk to the public than would result from delayed response; iii. Late runs resulting as a consequence of inaccurate or incomplete information obtained by 911 control center personnel during telephone interrogation of a caller, or in conveying such information to the ETMC EMS responding unit, either orally or by way of data transmission. iv. Requests during a declared disaster, locally or in a neighboring non- participating jurisdiction, in which ETMC EMS is rendering assistance. During such periods, ETMC EMS shall use best-efforts to simultaneously maintain coverage within Member Jurisdictions and Participating Jurisdictions as well as provide disaster assistance; v. In cases where multiple paramedic-capable units are dispatched to a single incident, the first-arriving paramedic unit shall "stop the clock," and response times of later-arriving units shall be excluded from response time statistics; vi. During periods of unusual system overload, which shall mean that at least three (3) emergency responses are occurring simultaneously within the service area, responses in excess of the second emergency request shall not be included in response time calculations. vii. Requests dispatched to EMS Unit when responding from locations outside the City of Wylie. viii. No other causes of late response (e.g., equipment failure, vehicular accident regardless of origin, or other causes within ETMC EMS's reasonable control) shall serve to justify exemption from response time requirements. 3.2 EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISPATCH: ETMC EMS agrees that all ambulances will be dispatched through the City of Wylie Communications Center. ETMC EMS further agrees to provide EMD and pre-arrival instruction (when indicated) to all callers Contract for Paramedic Services Page 7 521356.v1 transferred to ETMC EMS from the contracted area PSAP. The EMD certification will be with a nationally recognized program Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS). The City of Wylie agrees to provide real-time access to all emergency medical call related telephone calls and real-time access to all EMS related radio traffic and dispatch data. 3.3 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM. Except for changes adopted by the Board of Directors of ETMC EMS, ETMC EMS shall comply with customer service and accounts receivable management practices as provided in this Contract. 3.4 DISASTER ASSISTANCE. During a declared disaster, locally or in a neighboring jurisdiction, the normal course of business under this Contract shall be interrupted from the moment the disaster occurs. Immediately upon such notification, ETMC EMS shall commit such resources as are necessary and appropriate, given the nature of the disaster, and shall assist in accordance with disaster plans and protocols applicable in the locality where the disaster occurred. The disaster-related provisions of this Contract are: a. At the scene of such disasters, ETMC EMS personnel shall perform in accordance with local disaster protocols established by that community. b. When disaster assistance has been terminated, ETMC EMS shall resume normal operations as rapidly as is practical considering exhaustion of personnel, need for restocking and other relevant considerations. c. During the course of the disaster, ETMC EMS shall use its best efforts to provide emergency coverage throughout the "Contract Service Area" and shall suspend non- emergency transport work as necessary, informing persons requesting such non- emergency service of the reason for the temporary suspension. 3.5 NO AMBULANCE DEPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS. Every member jurisdiction and participating jurisdiction shall have access to the resources of the EMS System, as dictated by fluctuations in consumer demand for service, weather conditions and disaster events. To ensure such flexibility in responding to shifting needs, ETMC EMS will refrain from contractually committing any of its ambulances to the exclusive benefit of any jurisdiction. 3.6 GRANDFATHER CLAUSE. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as preventing ETMC EMS from honoring and fulfilling contractual commitments in effect as of the commencement date of this Contract, even if provisions of such contracts are in conflict with provisions set forth immediately above, provided, however, that no such existing contract containing provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Contract shall be extended or renewed unless amended to remove the conflicting provisions. 3.7 WYLIE AMBULANCE AND DEPLOYMENT. The City of Wylie currently staffs an ambulance with MICU capabilities ("Wylie Ambulance") and will continue to do so. Such Wylie Ambulance shall be used to provide back-up ambulance service to the Coalition. A separate contract, Supplemental Agreement to Contract for Paramedic Contract for Paramedic Services Page 8 521356.v1 Ambulance Services, between the City of Wylie and ETMC shall provide special terms and conditions. Should any other member of the SE Collin County Coalition determine they will also provide back-up ambulance service, a separate contract between the municipality and ETMC will also be required. ETMC EMS shall pay a one hundred ($100.00) dollar stipend, per transport, to the Coalition member municipality that provided the transport, but only when ETMC EMS calls for back-up in the event ETMC EMS's unit is out of service, subject to Section 3.10, below. a. ETMC EMS shall provide all EMS supplies used on patients for the operation of the Ambulance (as described in 3.7 above). The supplies used must be recorded on the patient care report. b. ETMC EMS shall provide the Coalition with another ambulance unit during any time that the Wylie Ambulance is out of service. ETMC EMS will provide such replacement ambulance for a period of up to ten (10) days. After ten (10) days, ETMC EMS will negotiate a mutually acceptable short term lease for such replacement ambulance with lease payments not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) per day. c. If the Coalition requests additional resources from ETMC EMS, the Parties agree to renegotiate in good faith the annual total subsidy to be paid ETMC EMS in order to provide sufficient resources for the services described in such Contract. If the Parties are unable to reach such a mutual agreement, the current provisions shall remain in effect. 3.8 USE OF NON-COALITION OR NON ETMC EMS AMBULANCES. In the event a Coalition Member utilizes an ambulance of an entity that is not a Coalition Member nor an ETMC EMS unit, and a Coalition ambulance or an ETMC EMS ambulance was available, then such Coalition Member shall reimburse ETMC EMS for ETMC EMS's loss of revenue for such trip, excluding transfer. 3.9 CLEAN TICKET PROVISION. The One Hundred ($100) Dollar stipend as set forth above, is expressly conditioned upon the Coalition Members fully and accurately completing the trip ticket and related paper work in accordance with the policies and procedures that ETMC EMS requires of its own personnel in the completion of such trip ticket ("Clean Ticket"). ETMC EMS will provide adequate training/education to personnel filling out trip tickets. 3.10 CLINICAL STANDARDS AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT. The initial standards of clinical quality, as well as the clinical upgrade schedules to occur on or before listed deadlines throughout the term of this Contract shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Agreement. 3.11 CONTINUING EDUCATION. ETMC EMS shall provide the Coalition members with necessary continuing education including two (2) live Continuing Education programs conducted by the Medical Director annually. These continuing education opportunities shall be held at various locations throughout the Coalition Service Area. This includes EMT and Paramedic training as well as initial and refresher training in ITLS,ACLS, and Contract for Paramedic Services Page 9 521356.v1 PEPP programs. ARTICLE IV CONSIDERATION Consideration for this Contract is an award of exclusive market rights subject to the terms set forth in this Contract for the term of the Contract. 4.1 AUTHORIZATION OF USER-FEE CHARGES. ETMC EMS shall charge user fees for services originating within each Coalition Member Jurisdiction. Each Coalition Member may assist its residents in purchasing and paying for membership rights by incorporating voluntary provisions for billing and payment in conjunction with residential water bills. 4.2 USER-FEE AUTHORIZATION. ETMC EMS is hereby authorized to charge for ground ambulance services user-fees as follows: The m~imum total average of all bills generated for ambulance service originating with the Coalition (exclusive of mileage charges) shall not exceed seven hundred ninety two dollars and eighty-four cents ($792.84). 4.3 ANNUAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENTS. The Coalition shall annually permit adjustment of the ETMC EMS M~imum Total Average Bill (as discussed in 4.2), the first such adjustment being authorized on October l, 2009. Any increase made to the Maximum Total Average Bill in such adjustment shall not exceed the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index on a nationwide basis over the most recent twelve (12) month period for which published figures are available. ETMC EMS has the discretion to accept all or a portion of the maximum allowable inflation adjustment and may apply those amounts in the manner determined by ETMC EMS provided that such adjustment does not exceed the maximum allowable adjustment under this Contract. 4.4 ADJUSTMENT FOR EXCESS BILLINGS. In the event ETMC EMS's actual total average bill (exclusive of mileage charges) for services rendered in a Member Jurisdiction or Participating Jurisdiction during the preceding contract period is found to be inadvertently in excess of the level permitted by the then-applicable "Subsidy/Price Agreement", the Coalition shall delay the effective date of the inflation adjustment increase in that jurisdiction by a number of days sufficient to fully offset the amount of overpayment, as proposed by the Coalition and approved by the Board of Directors of the Coalition. 4.5 EXTRAORDINARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR EXTERNALLY IMPOSED UPGRADES. ETMC EMS may periodically apply for extraordinary rate adjustments to offset the actual and reasonable marginal costs of implementing and maintaining clinical upgrades required by the Medical Director and approved by the Coalition. Adjustment shall be subject to optional review and confirmation or denial by the Coalition. 4.6 EXTRAORDINARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR UNUSUAL COST INCREASES. As may be justified by circumstances beyond ETMC EMS's reasonable control (e.g., industry wide insurance cost increases of major magnitude, restoration of OPEC's pricing powers, Contract for Paramedic Services Page 10 521356.v1 etc.), ETMC EMS shall be eligible for temporary but renewable (as justified and approved by the Coalition) "extraordinary rate adjustments" when the Coalition finds that the cause of such extraordinary increase in the cost of one or more factors of production necessary to produce quality pre-hospital care is due to an unusually large, rapid increase in the cost to ETMC EMS of that factor of production, in which this increase is industry wide, not the result of poor purchasing practices and not the result of increased consumption of the factor of production. Provided, however, all such approvals of Extraordinary Adjustment shall be subject to optional review and confirmation or denial by the Coalition. 4.7 ANNUAL SUBSIDY. Beginning October 1, 2008, the Coalition will provide an annual subsidy to ETMC EMS for the provision of EMS services in the amount of one hundred sixty-two thousand, six hundred ninety two dollars and no cents ($162,692.00) which will be paid in four (4) quarterly installments of forty thousand six hundred seventy three dollars and one cents ($40,673.01) each due on October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1 of each year during the term of this Agreement. The subsidy amount will be adjusted annually on October 1 st of each year but not to exceed the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") (nationwide) over the most recent 12-month period for which published figures are available. ETMC EMS will provide Coalition with at least sixty days' (60) notice of any increase in the subsidy due to changes in the CPI. The quarterly subsidy payment will be remitted to ETMC EMS within fifteen (15) days of the invoice for such quarterly subsidy being sent to Coalition. In the event the Coalition fails to remit such payment, ETMC EMS shall have the option to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days' notice. The share of the subsidies to be paid by each Coalition member shall be as agreed to by the Coalition in Exhibit "A". In the event the Initial Term of this Agreement is continued into one or more renewal terms, the Parties agree to negotiate in good faith relative to subsidy amounts for the renewal term(s), if any. If the Parties cannot mutually agree on such subsidy amounts for any renewal term, ETMC EMS may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, without penalty. The amounts set forth above represent the amounts due ETMC EMS assuming the Coalition members remain the same as of the effective date of the Contract. The Coalition further agrees to reimburse ETMC EMS for any ETMC EMS loss in revenue due to any current Coalition member no longer participating in this Agreement. EACH COALITION MEMBER WHO WITHDRAWS FROM THE COALITION, CEASES TO PARTICIPATE OR CONTRACTS WITH ANOTHER EMS PROVIDER, AGREES TO MAKE ETMC EMS WHOLE FOR SUCH LOSS OF REVENUE FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT (WHICH 1NCLUDES SUBSIDY AND PATIENT TRANSPORT REVENUE RELATED TO SUCH COALITION MEMBER) TO ETMC EMS. Such Coalition member agrees that its termination or withdrawal from the Coalition irreparably harms ETMC EMS and knowingly and specifically agrees that its agreement to make ETMC EMS whole as the result of such termination or withdrawal is an essential provision in this Agreement. The Coalition agrees to the maximum extent permitted by law to hold hannless ETMC EMS from such loss of revenue and loss of Contract for Paramedic Services Page 11 521356.v1 subsidy. In the event such Coalition member refuses to reimburse ETMC EMS for such loss of revenue or loss of subsidy, ETMC EMS shall have all rights allowed by law to pursue money damages, including its attorneys' fees in seeking to collect such loss of revenue and subsidy from the Coalition Member. Additionally, the failure to pay such monies to ETMC EMS is a material breach of this Agreement and notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, ETMC EMS may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, without penalty. 4.8 ETMC EMS shall have the exclusive right to bill and collect any third party payor or individual for services rendered by ETMC EMS, and for any transports rendered by the Coalition. 4.9 ADDITIONAL LTNITS. The Parties acknowledge that the Member Jurisdictions are growing rapidly and the need for future EMS services may arise in the future. ETMC EMS will periodically evaluate the services rendered and determine ETMC EMS's capability and performance. As the result of such evaluation, ETMC EMS may consider such information in evaluating the need to dedicate additional units or other alternatives to the Coalition as sound business practices would dictate, and as the Parties mutually agree. ARTICLE V INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. At all times during the term of this Contract and throughout any extension periods thereof, ETMC EMS shall obtain and pay all premiums for ETMC EMS's owned and operated ambulances. For liability arising solely from the actions or inactions of ETMC EMS or ETMC EMS's personnel, all such policies shall name the Coalition and the Medical Director as "additional insureds". ETMC EMS shall furnish the Coalition with an Accord Certificate of Insurance indicating that the types and amounts of insurance required hereunder are in full force and effect and that the insurance carrier shall give the Coalition thirty (30) days' written advance notice of any cancellation, change, termination, failure to renew or renewal, or any change in coverage of any such policy or policies reflected on said certificate. Nothing in this Article V shall be deemed to prohibit the use of a program of insurance being "self-insurance" as that term is normally used as being a formally organized system of covering risks or to be a limitation upon the insured as to the deduction it may cause to be provided in connection with any of its respective insurance policies. ETMC EMS's insurance coverage shall meet the following minimum requirements: a. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. Worker's Compensation Insurance as permitted by the laws of the State of Texas. b. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY. Commercial general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single limits (CSL) for all claims resulting from bodily injury (including death) and/or property damage arising out of the operations of the ambulance service authorized hereunder. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 12 521356.v1 c. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY. The following coverage is required: (i) Uninsured Motorist. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, covering all automobiles and including all owned, hired, or leased vehicles in an amount equal to or greater than the minimum liability limits required by law. (ii) Employer's Non-owned Auto Covera~. Employer's non-owned liability in an amount equal to the liability limits set forth in Subsection b, immediately above. d. AMBULANCE LIABILITY. A policy covering the liability created by ambulance operation to a limit called for in Subsection b hereof. It is further understood that, due to the nature of this risk, it is presently necessary to obtain this coverage through the Assigned Risk Pool and that policy form must be accepted as offered. e. MALPRACTICE. Malpractice insurance in an amount not less than one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars for each claim. f. EXCESS LIABILITY INSURANCE UMBRELLA. Excess liability insurance umbrella policy providing two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) coverage per occurrence and four million dollars ($4,000,000.00) annual aggregate coverage in excess of all other liability policies prescribed herein. g. SUBMISSION OF POLICIES. Said insurance policies required hereunder may be submitted to the Coalition. Satisfactory evidence that such insurance is at all times in full force and effect shall be furnished to the Coalition. h. EFFECT OF CANCELLATION OR TERMINATION. The cancellation or other termination of any policy of insurance required hereunder shall give the Coalition the right to revoke and terminate this Contract for ambulance service granted hereunder, unless another insurance policy complying with the provisions of this section shall be provided and be in full force and effect at the time of such cancellation or other termination. i. OCCURRENCE FORM REQUIRED. All coverage furnished hereunder shall be written on an ("occurrence") basis not a"claims made" basis, provided, however, a combination of "claims made" coverage and "extended reporting endorsement" ("tail coverage") for an indefinite period following expiration of this Contract shall be considered equivalent to "occurrence" coverage. Furthermore, nothing in this provision shall be construed as prohibiting partial self-funding of defined aspects of coverage, provided self-funding financial arrangements and risk- management aspects are approved by the Coalition, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5.2 INDEMNIFICATION. ETMC EMS COVENANTS AND AGREES THAT IT Contract for Paramedic Services Page 13 521356.v1 WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE COALITION, AND EACH MEMBER JURISDICTION AND THEIR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM ANY CLAIM, LOSS, DAMAGE, COST, CHARGE OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF ANY ACT, ACTION, NEGLECT OR OMISSION BY ETMC EMS DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, EXCEPT THAT NEITHER ETMC EMS, EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER REGIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, NOR ANY OF THEIR SUBCONTRACTORS, OR ASSIGNEES, WILL BE LIABLE UNDER THIS SECTION FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF INJURY OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY DIRECTLY CAUSED OR RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE COALITION, OR ANY MEMBER JURISDICTION OR ANY OF THEIR OFFICERS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES OR EMPLOYEES. ARTICLE VI MAJOR DEFAULT & REPLACEMENT PROVISIONS 6.1 MAJOR DEFAULT DEFINED. Conditions and circumstances that shall constitute a major default by ETMC EMS shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Supplying to the Coalition during the contracting process, false information or information so incomplete as to effectively mislead; b. Willful falsification of data supplied to the Coalition ar to the Medical Director during the course of operations, including by way of example but not by way of exclusion, dispatch data, patient report data, response data, financial data, or willful or deliberate omission of any other data required under this Contract; c. Deliberate and unauthorized scaling down of operations to the detriment of performance during a"lame duck" period; d. Failure to maintain equipment in accordance with generally accepted maintenance practices; e. Willful attempts by ETMC EMS to intimidate or otherwise punish non- management employees who desire to interview with or to sign contingent employment agreements with successful bidders following a subsequent bid cycle; f. Chronic and persistent failure of ETMC EMS's employees to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner and to present a professional appearance; g. Failure by ETMC EMS to cooperate with and assist the Coalition in its transfer of ETMC EMS's operations after a major default has been declared by the Coalition, as provided for in 6.2, next, even if it is later determined that such default never occurred or that the cause of such default was beyond ETMC EMS's reasonable control; Contract for Paramedic Services Page 14 521356.v] h. Failure to substantially and consistently meet ar exceed the various clinical and response standards required hereunder; and i. Intentional over billing in violation of provisions of this Contract. 6.2 DECLARATION OF MAJOR DEFAULT AND TRANSFER OF SERVICE. In the event the Coalition determines that a major default has occurred, and if the nature of the default is, in the opinion of the Coalition, such that public health and safety are endangered, ETMC EMS shall be given written notice specifying the particular complaints and identifying them as appropriate by date, place, etc. with a reasonable opportunity (defined as seventy-two (72) hours for deficiencies dangerous to public health and safety and thirty (30) days for any other deficiencies) to correct said deficiency. In the event ETMC EMS fails to correct said deficiency within the time as set forth above, ETMC EMS may thereafter be found to be in default (as set forth in Section 6.3). In such event, ETMC EMS shall cooperate with the Coalition to affect a prompt and orderly transfer to the Coalition of ETMC EMS's and the Coalitions responsibilities as set forth in Section 6.3. 6.3 MAJOR DEFAULT. In the event of a major default and the failure to cure same as set forth in Section 6.2, ETMC EMS shall transfer its responsibilities within seventy-two (72) hours thereafter upon such finding of a major default by the Coalition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ETMC EMS does not waive its rights to challenge such declaration and may dispute such issue in a court of law and, if successful, recover all its damages as allowed by law. 6.4 DEFAULT NOT DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. If the Coalition declares ETMC EMS to be in major default on grounds other than performance deficiencies dangerous to public health and safety, ETMC EMS may dispute and legally resolve the Coalition's claim of major default prior to transfer of ETMC EMS's operations by the Coalition. 6.5 "LAME DUCK" PROVISIONS. Should ETMC EMS fail to prevail in a future procurement cycle, the Coalition shall obviously depend upon ETMC EMS to continue provision of all services required under this Contract until the new contractor assumes service responsibilities. Under these circumstances, ETMC EMS would, for a period of several months, serve as a"lame duck" contractor. To ensure continued performance fully consistent with the requirements of this Contract throughout any such "lame duck" period, the following "lame duck" provisions shall apply: a. Throughout such "lame duck" period, ETMC EMS shall continue all operations and support services at substantially the same levels of effort and performance as were in effect prior to the award of the subsequent contract to a competing firm; b. ETMC EMS shall make no changes in methods of operation that could reasonably be considered to be aimed at cutting ETMC EMS's service and operating costs to maximize profits during the final stages of this Contract; and, Contract for Paramedic Services Page 15 521356.v1 c. The Coalition recognized that, if a competing firm prevails in a future procurement cycle, ETMC EMS may reasonably begin to prepare for transition of service to the new contractor during the "lame duck" period, and the Coalition shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of ETMC EMS's requests to begin an orderly transition process, including reasonable plans to relocate staff, scale down certain inventory items, etc., so long as such transition activities do not impair ETMC EMS's performance during the "lame duck" period and so long as such transition activities are prior-approved by the Coalition. 6.6 PERFORMANCE PENALTY. To provide protection to the Coalition, ETMC EMS shall furnish a performance bond in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) pursuant to the provisions for declaration of major default set forth herein. ARTICLE VII TERM AND RENEWAL 7.1 TERM OF AGREEMENT. This contract shall be for a period of five (5) years beginning October 1, 2008 ("Initial Term"). 7.2 RENEWAL TERMS. Contract will automatically be renewed for one (1) additional five (5) year extension. Either party shall have the right to terminate this contract at any time by providing the other party with a one hundred twenty (120) day written notice prior to such date. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 CHARACTER AND COMPETENCE OF PERSONNEL. All persons employed by ETMC EMS in the performance of work under this Contract shall be competent and holders of appropriate permits in their respective trades or professions. The Coalition may demand the removal of any person employed by ETMC EMS who chronically misconducts himself or is chronically incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duties, and such person shall not be reassigned by ETMC EMS for production of services under this Contract without the written consent of the Coalition, provided, however, that the Coalition shall not be arbitrary or capricious in exercising its rights under this provision, and shall be required to document in writing the specific reasons for exercising rights relative to any given employee, and shall also give that employee an opportunity to defend himself in the presence of ETMC EMS's chief executive officer and Medical Director and the Directors of the Coalition's governing board prior to removal. 8.2 PERMITS & LICENSES. ETMC EMS shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and licenses required for initiation and completion of its work under this Contract. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 16 521356.v1 8.3 ASSIGNMENT. ETMC EMS will have the right to assign this Agreement to any xelated or affiliated entity of the East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System without any party's prior consent. Otherwise, this Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the expressed written consent of the Coalition. Such written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 8.4 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT WANED. ETMC EMS agrees that the work specified in this Contract shall be completed without further consideration of the market rights provided for herein and that the acceptance of work and the payment of user fees and subsidy amounts (if any) shall not be held to prevent maintenance of an action for failure to perform such work in accordance with this Agreement. In no event shall payment by a Member Jurisdiction (if any such payments are made) hereunder constitute or be construed to be a waiver by the Coalition of any default or covenant or any default which may then exist on the part of ETMC EMS, and the making of such payment while any such default exists shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Coalition with respect to such default. 8.5 ATTORNEY FEES. If either the Coalition or ETMC EMS institutes litigation against the other party to secure its rights pursuant to this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to the actual and reasonable costs of litigation and reasonable attorney's fees in addition to any other relief to which such party may be entitled. 8.6 NON-DISCRIMINATION. ETMC EMS agrees as follows: a. ETMC EMS will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. ETMC EMS will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: (i) employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; (ii) recruitment or recruitment advertising; (iii) layoff or termination; (iv) rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and (v) selection for training, including apprenticeship. ETMC EMS agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. b. ETMC EMS will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of ETMC EMS, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. 8.7 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The services furnished by ETMC EMS under this Contract shall be rendered in substantially full compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. It shall be ETMC EMS's responsibility to determine which laws, rules and regulations apply to the services rendered under this Contract and to maintain compliance with those applicable standards at all times. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 17 521356.v1 8.8 SEVERABILITY. In the event any provision hereunder is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, said provision shall be deemed deleted from this Agreement as if never contained herein and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain enforceable. 8.9 HEADINGS. The Paragraph headings, articles, sections and captions contained in this Contract are solely for the convenience of the Parties and shall in no manner be construed as part of this Agreement. 8.10 CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and, in the event of litigation with respect to this Agreement or any of its terms, venue shall rest in Collin County, Texas. 8.11 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, whether oral or in writing, between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement or promise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement that is not contained herein shall be valid or binding unless in writing signed by all Parties. 8.12 AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended in writing upon the agreement of both Parties so as to conform to the law or any changes in the law and/or regulations applicable to the terms of this Agreement. If the Coalition refuses to amend the Agreement in accordance with this Section, such action shall be considered a breach of this Agreement and the Agreement may be terminated by ETMC EMS. 8.13 NO WAIVER. The failure of either party to insist at any time upon the strict observance of performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy as provided in this Agreement shall not impair any right or remedy of such party or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment thereof with respect to subsequent defaults or breaches. Every right and remedy given by this Agreement to the Parties hereto may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the appropriate P~Y• 8.14 CORRESPONDENCE. All notices hereunder by either Party to the other shall be in writing, delivered personally, by certified or registered mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested or by overnight courier services (charges prepaid) and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally, when deposited in the United States mail or delivered to the overnight courier, addressed as follows: If to ETMC EMS: Anthony J. Myers, Vice President/COO East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service P.O. Box 387 Tyler, Texas 75710 Contract for Paramedic Services Page 18 521356.v1 If to Coalition: Southeast Collin Co. EMS Coalition 2000 N. Hwy 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Attention: Fire Chief or to such other persons or places as either Party may, from time to time, designate by written notice to the other. 8.15 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. In performing this Contract, ETMC EMS is acting as an independent contractor with respect to the Coalition and neither ETMC EMS nor any ETMC EMS staff shall be considered employees of the Coalition. It is agreed and acknowledged by the Parties that, as an independent contractor, ETMC EMS retains the right to contract with and provide EMS services to entities and individuals other than the Coalition; and nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as limiting or restricting in any way ETMC EMS's right to do so. In no event shall this Agreement be construed as establishing a partnership or joint venture or similar relationship between the Parties hereto, and nothing herein shall authorize either Party to act as agent for the other, except to the extent herein provided. The Coalition shall be liable for its own debts, obligations, acts and omissions, including the payment of all required withholding, social security and other taxes and benefits with respect to all Coalition personnel. Neither ETMC EMS nor any ETMC EMS staff shall be subject to any Coalition policies solely applicable to the Coalition's employees or be eligible for any employee benefit plan offered by the Coalition. 8.16 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or other interruption of service deemed to result, directly or indirectly, from the acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, failure of transportation, strikes or other work interruptions by either Party's employees, or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either Party. 8.17 ACCESS TO RECORDS. As an independent contractor of the Coalition, ETMC EMS shall, in accordance with 42 U.S.C., § 1395x (v)(I)(I) (Social Security Act § 1861 (v)(I)(I) and 42 C.F.R., Part 420, Subpart D, §420.300, et seq., until the expiration of four (4) years after the furnishing of Medicare reimbursable Services pursuant to this Contract, upon proper written request, allow the Comptroller General of the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services and their duly authorized representatives access to this Agreement and to ETMC EMS's books, documents and records (as such terms are defined in 42 C.F.R., §420.301) necessary to verify the nature and extent of costs of Medicare reimbursable Services provided under this Contract. In accordance with such laws and regulations, if Medicare or Medicaid reimbursable services provided Contract for Paramedic Services Page 19 521356.v1 by ETMC EMS under this Contract are carried out by the means of a subcontract with an organization related to ETMC EMS, and such related organization provides the services at a value or cost of ten thousand dollars and no cents ($10,000.00) or more over a twelve (12) month period, then the subcontract between ETMC EMS and the related organization shall contain a clause comparable to the clause specified in the preceding sentence. No attorney-client, accountant-client or other legal privilege shall be deemed to have been waived by ETMC EMS or the Coalition by virtue of this Contract. 8.18 ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Contract contains the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the Parties relating to such subject matter. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by mutual written agreement. 8.19 CHANGE IN LAW. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the governmental agencies (or their representatives) which administer Medicare, any other payor or any other federal, state or local government or agency passes, issues or promulgates any law, rules, regulation, standard or interpretation, or any court of competent jurisdiction renders any decision or issues any order, at any time while this Agreement is in effect, which prohibits, restricts, limits or in any way substantially changes the method or amount of reimbursement or payment for Services rendered under this Agreement, or which otherwise significantly affects either Party's rights or obligations here under, either Partly may give the other notice of intent to amend this Agreement to the satisfaction of both Parties, to compensate for such prohibition, restriction, limitation or change. If this Agreement is not so amended in writing within ten (10) days after said notice was given, this Agreement shall terminate as of midnight on the tenth (lOth) day after said notice was given. 8.20 CONSENTS, APPROVALS AND EXERCISE OF DISCRETION. Except as may be herein specifically provided to the contrary, whenever this Agreement requires any consent or approval to be given by either Party, or either Party must or may exercise discretion, the Parties agree that such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and such discretion shall be reasonably exercised in good faith. 8.21 THIRD PARTIES. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be for the benefit of third parties or enforceable by any third party. Except as provided above, any agreement to pay an amount and any assumption of a liability herein contained, expressed or implied, shall only be for the benefit of the Parties hereto and such agreement or assumption shall not inure to the benefit of any third party, including an oblige. Contract for Paramedic Services Page 20 521356.v1 8.22 PARAMEDIC SKILL LEVELS. Effective October, 2008, ETMC EMS Paramedic skill levels will be as follows: a. Texas State EMT-P Certification b. International Trauma Life Support or equivalent c. Advanced Cardiac Life Support d. Advanced-Pediatric Emergency Care or equivalent 8.23 COiJNTERPARTS. This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts, and is effective on the last date of execution indicated below. City of Lavon, Texas East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service Mayor Date Printed Name: Anthony J. Meyers, V/P Date City of Lucas, Texas Collin County, Texas Mayor Date Keith Self Date Printed Name: County Judge City of St. Paul, Texas City of Wylie, Texas Mayor Date Mayor Date Printed Name: Printed Name: City of Parker, Texas Mayor Date Printed Name: Contract for Paramedic Services Page 21 521356.v1 EXHIBIT "A" No. of Estimated Member Current Subsidy Cost Back-up Estimated Ambulance Back- Estimated Total Cost Population Ambulance Calls up Fees Payable to Wylie for Ambulance Service Collin County 4,654 $14,908.12 36 $31,680.00 $46,588.12 Wylie 35,400 $113,396.54 396 $348,480.Q0 $461,876.54 Lucas 5,100 $16, 336.79 21 $18,480.00 $34, 816.79 Parker 3,300 $10,570.86 12 $10,560.00 $21,130.86 Lavon 1,550 $4,965.10 12 $10,560.00 $15,525.10 St. Paul 785 $2,514.58 9 $7,920.00 $10,434.58 Totals 50,789 $162,692.00 486 $427,680.00 $590,372.00 2008 Cost per capita (total subsidy divided by Cost per back-up run based on 2007 o ulation $3.20 data er call, ersonnel res onses $ 880.00 Contract for Paramedic Services Page 22 521356.v1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AG E N DA REPO RT Meeting Date: September 9, 2008 Item Number: 10 Department: Building (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: G. Walton Account Code: Date Prepared: September 2, 2008 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Three Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Jeffrey Katzman and the appointment of a new member to the City of Wylie Construction Code Board for the unexpired term of July 2008 to July 2010. . . A motion to accept the resignation of Jeffrey Katzman and appoint to the City of Wylie Construction Code Board. . . Staff is requesting the appointment of a new member to replace Mr. Jeffrey Katzman, who recently resigned from the City of Wylie Construction Code Board. Per the City Charter, Article VIII, Section 2(e) the City Council shall have the power and authority to create, abolish, establish and appoint boards, commissions and committees as it deems necessary to carry out the functions and obligations of the city. Ordinance No. 84-11 created the Construction Code Board and it states: "Section 1-1: Construction Code Board Created: There is hereby created the Construction Code Board (hereafter called Board) consisting of seven (7) persons who shall be appointed by the City Council. Section 1-2: Qualifications: Persons who serve on the Board as members shall be qualified as follows: (a) One designated member shall be taxpaying resident or elector of the city. (b) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident building contractors. (c) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident plumbers. (d) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident electricians (one Masters and one Journeyman). (e) One designated staff inember to act as secretary of the board. ( fl Staff representative will be the City Building Official. (g) In the event that volunteer members in the (b), (c), or (d) categories are not available, one of the two designated tradesmen may be replaced with a member in the (a) category." In order to be in conformance with Ordinance 84-11, it is recommended that an appointment be made to fulfill the unexpired term of July 2008 to July 2010. ~ . : Initial Date Department Director MA 9/2/08 City Manager Page 1 of 1 From: Jeff Katzman [mailto:jikatzman@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:17 PM To: Gayle Walton Subject: Construction Board To whom it may concern, Due to changes in my travel schedule necessary for my job, I have determined that I am unreliable if called far a board meeting. It is for this reson that I resign from my position as a board member. My apologies and thanks for the opportunity to serve my community. Jeffrey Katzman 908 Fleming St Wylie, TX 75098 ORDINANCE N0. 84-11 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD: SETTING FORTH THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD: PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, SECTION 1: This ordinance shall be known as "Construction Code Board Ordinance". SECTION 1-1: CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD CREATED: There is hereby created the Construction Code Roard (hereafter calted Board) consisting of seven (7) persons who shalt be appointed by the City Council. Said Board shall replace but retain the authorities granted the Board of Adjustments and appeals in the 1982 Uniform Building Code as adopted. Save and except Section 111 of said Building Code. SECTION 1-2: QUALIFICATIONS: Persons who serve on the Board as members shall be qualified as follows: (a.) One designated member who shall be taxpaying resident elector of the City. (b.) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident building contractors, (c.) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident Plumbers (d.) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident electricians (one Masters & one Journeyman). (e.) One designated staff inember to act as secretary of the board. (f.) Staff representative will be the City Building Official (g.) In the event that volunteer members in the (b), (c), or (d) categ~ries are not available one of the two designated tradesmen may be replaced with a member in the (a) category. SECTION 1-3: TENURE OF OFFICE: Three (3) members of the Board sha11 be appointed for the balance of the calendar year. Four (4) members of the Board shall be appointed for the balance of the calendar year following the date of adoption of this ordinance plus one full year. After the expiration of the terms of the first appointees members shall continue until their successor is appointed. Any member of the Board may be removed by the City Council for cause. Vacancies within the Board shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. Ordinance No. 84-11 Con't. SECTION 1-4: REGULAR AND CALLED MEETINGS: The Board shall hold such regular, special or called meetings as are necessary for its proper performance of duty. SECTION 1-5: POWERS AND DUTIES: The Board shall at its first meeting in each calendar year select a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman and prescribe a procedure and order of business for hearing applications for licenses and for hearing matters brought to it by the Building Official for recommendation to the City Council or on appeal and aggrievement appeals as provided herein, and for general business sessions. (a) It shall be the duty of said Board to pass upon the ouali- fications of all applicants for licenses. Any person who shall make application for an Electrical License may obtain proper forms from the Buildinq Division. Upon receipt by the Building Official or his authorized representative of an application accompained by proper fee, an examination shall be scheduled for some date within seven (7) days from the date of the application. (b) For examination, the Board shall prepare at least three (3) sets of examinations for each class of license of electricians required to be examined under this ordinance. The sets of examinations may be changed by the Board at any time when no applications for examinations are pending. When an application for examination has been filed, a set of examination questions for the proper class of license shall be selected at random from the several sets of examination questions and submitted to the applicant for the examfnation. SECTION 1-5: QUORUt~: Four (4} members of the Board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the concurring vote of not less than four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to constitute an official action of the Board. SECTION 1-7: RECORDS: The Board shall keep a Minute Book in which shall be recorded all transactions and business of tt~e Board. The Board shall keep a record of the name and place of business of all persons to whom licenses have been issued; provided that said Board shall not be responsible for the record of any person whose license has not been re- newed or has lapsed for a period in excess of 24 months. SECTION 2: PUBLICATION: Publication shall be made one time in the official publication of the City of Wylie, which publication shall contain the caption stating in substance the purpose of the ordinance. SECTION 3; All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistant with or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same are Ordinance No. 84-11 Con't hereby, expressly repealed. SECTION 4: If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, or clause of this ordinance sha]1 be declared invalid for any reason what- soever, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect; and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable. IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 13th day of March , 1984. CITY OF WYLI ' obert B quires, Mayor ATTEST: ~ Carol n one City Secretary CITY OF WYLIE CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD BYLAWS ARTICLE I Name As authorized by the City Charter, City of Wylie and City Ordinance No. 84-11. This body shall be known as the Construction Code Board. ARTICLE II Meetinqs Section 1. Meetings may be called by the Staff Liaison, the Chair or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all Board members. Section 2. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Board. Section 3. All questions presented for a vote of the Construction Code Board shall be decided by a simple majority of the quorum, including the vote of the Chair. Section 4. Any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term. Section 5. Robert's Rules of Order (current edition) shall govern the parliamentary procedure of the Board, in cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. Construction Code Bylaws Adopted 10/6/05 Council Approved 10/2~05 Page 1 of 3 ARTICLE III Officers Section 1. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary (City Staff member will be serving as Secretary). Section 2. Officers shall be elected and take office at the first regular meeting after new Board members have been appointed and sworn in. Section 3. Vacancies in office shall be handled as follows: (a) In the event of resignation or incapacity of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall become the Chair for the unexpired portion of the term. (b) Vacancies in officers other than the Chair shall be filled for the unexpired term by election from the remaining Construction Code Board Members. Section 4. Duties of the officers shall be as follows: (a) Chair: (i) Preside at all meetings (ii) Represent the Construction Code Board at public functions. (iii) Appoint special committees. (iv) Assist Building Inspection staff in establishing the agenda for each meeting. Agenda items requested by any Board Member will be included. (b) Vice-Chair: (i) Assist the Chair in directing the affairs of the Board and act in the Chair's absence. (c) Secretary: (i) The Staff Liaison will be responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes. This "Secretary position" will be occupied by a City Staff inember and not be an official Board position. Construction Code Bylaws Adopted 10/6/05 Council Approved 10/25/05 Page 2 of 3 (ii) The Staff Liaison will be responsible for producing the agenda and distributing the agenda and minutes to the Construction Code Board and City Manager. An official record of attendance will be kept in the minutes. ARTICLE IV Committees Section 1. Committees may be appointed for special purposes by the Chair and with the consent of the majority of the Board. All committees will have at least one Construction Code Board member serving on them. These committees are automatically dissolved upon completion of assignment. Section 2. Progress reports will be given at each Board Meeting and a final report on completion of assignments. ARTICLE V Duties of Board Members Section 1. Board Members shall: (a) Be appointed by the City Council. (b) Abide by applicable ordinances of the City of Wylie. ARTICLE VI Amendments Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting, provided all members have been notified of the proposed amendments at least three days prior to such meeting. Such amendment would then be subject to approval by City Council. Construction Code Bylaws Adopted 10/6/05 Council Approved 10/25/05 Page 3 of 3 -----Original Message----- From: Daljinder S Dhiilon (mailto rimlon~yahoo com~ Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 10:46 AM To: City Secretary Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - Daljinder S Dhillon DATE_OF_APPLICATION - 06/24/2008 FIRST CHOICE - Planning and Zoning Commission SECOND_CHOICE - Construction Code Board THIRD_CHOICE - Wyle Economic Develoment Corp. Board SUBCOMMITTEE - Yes HOME_ADDRESS - 1710 Mapleleaf Dr., Wylie, TX 75098 HOME PHONE - 9722597597 HOME_FAX - HOME_EMAIL - rimlon@yahoo.com RESIDENT_YEARS - 1 CONTACT_METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS_OWNER - No BUSINESS NAME - OCCUPATION - IT Prof BUSINESS_ADDRESS - BUSINESS PHONE - BUSINESS_FAX - BUSINESS_EMAIL - WHY INTERESTED - I am living here so I wan to be part of the society to develope it, make is best living community. I am hard working and positive thinker which makes me candidate for this position. Thanks. Submit - Submit End of form information J ~ ; ----Original Message----- From: Allen Morris [maitto Allenmorris~Yahoo.com~ Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 12:04 PM To: City Secretary Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - Allen Morris DATE_OF_APPLICATION - May 25, 2008 FIRST CHOICE - Parks and Recreation Board SECOND_CHOICE - Pubtic Arts Advisory Board THIRD_CHOICE - Library Board SUBCOMMITTEE - No HOME ADDRESS - 307 North Ballard Ave HOME_PHONE - 903 456 2203 cell HOME FAX - NA HOME_EMAIL - Allenmorris@Yahoo.com RESIDENT_YEARS - 11 CONTACT METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS OWNER - No BUSINESS_NAME - OCCUPATION - Former High School Teacher: Current Director of Education for a Dallas Corp. BUSINESS ADDRESS - BUSINESS PHONE - BUSINESS FAX - BUSINESS_EMAIL - WHY INTERESTED - If the council feels that I can be of service, I would be my pleasure to serve. Submit - Submit End of form information ~ -----Original Message----- From: Owen S. Lewis [mailto:oslewis45(c~yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 9:13 PM To: City Secretary Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - Owen S. Lewis DATE OF APPLICATION - 05/19/2008 FIRST_CHOICE - Wyle Economic Develoment Corp. Board SECOND_CHOICE - Parks and Recreation Board THIRD CHOICE - Library Board SUBCOMMITTEE - Yes HOME ADDRESS - 716 Decatur Way HOME_PHONE - (972) 429-1073 HOME FAX - HOME EMAIL - oslewis45@yahoo.com RESIDENT YEARS - 1 CONTACT METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED VOTER - Yes BUSINESS OWNER - No BUSINESS NAME - N/A OCCUPATION - Retired BUSINESS ADDRESS - BUSINESS PHONE - BUSINESS FAX - BUSINESS EMAIL - WHY INTERESTED - Wylie is where I plan to spend the rest of my life. I would like to be involved in some way with the continuing growth and development of the city. I want to plant roots and become an active part of the community. Submit - Submit End of form information ~~,~C/~-' ~,r M~ ~F' ~ ~ ~ Ciuc*ag Aggr~gat9dn Paw~et Pra}c~ct~ €ne. M~ ~ ~r V' a'~=~~ .~5:`eM~. ~f @ ~ 3~':~l6}4oa~ ~ j.~ ~ 'y~. ~ R~ V~9~1~~ ?1~~~~1~~ 1 ~ ~ ~,x d + E ~ ea k: i ~ fn ~r~~ @ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ Y ~ 1 ~{,,.~~"~i ~aP ~ ~ q.~ P ~ ~ ~ yn`~ 3p I i~..- F~~,'~ i, '~A~. ~ If' ~ ~ t ~ r .~~~?~~~1~ / ~~'~k r t',~°~ fs;a~~~. ~ f~" ~ : - T_'"-~... y~~~ . ,i,~ ~ - ~ l i ' sr~"'J 1~~~. ~ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ _ T ' CAPP Partic~pat~on In Lo g . ~ Term Power Purchase ~ . Agreement (2009 PPA) Presentation to Plano Regional Meeting Geoffrey M. Gay August 27, 2008 General Counsel to CAPP ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. A 24- ear fixed price contract for approximately 60% Y . that is, baseload - 24/7/365 use) of partic~pants historic ~ use. 2. CAPP issues bonds to pre-pay capacity portion (3/5) of the PPA. 3. Participants enter a contract with CAPP that pledges taxin authority to fulfill the debt service obligation (3/5 g of the contract price) . 4. The ener cost under the PPA (2/5 of the PPA price) is gY blended with other supply agreement priced at market cost and billed by the Retail Electric Provider (REP) . Provi~lirt~ Stccl~ility ilt Erter•,~y~ Cnsts tn Texccs ~rtres , - 11. ~ - ~ • • . • • . • ' • . • - - • 1. Fixed debt service payment for capacity 3.5¢ per kWh 2. Bill from REP at blended energy rates of 2.1 ¢ and 10~ 4~ per kWh 8.0~ per kWh Savings - 2~ per kWh Provi~tia~rg ,Stahility fn ~rter•gy C'nsts to Texas Cifie~s ~ • . . • - ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. Diversity of fuel source 2. Reduces volatility associated with natural gas 3. Increased budget stability 4. Immediate* ($25 million) and projected long term ($1 billion) savings 5. Market innovation *Based on 2009 indicative prices ~ . Providiri~ Stahilily in ~iterg_y C'osts t~ T~xas Citi~s ~ ~ i i ~ ~ , • • • 1. Ca acit portion (debt service) must be paid even if no p Y energy consumed 2. Assi ned energy and debt service will likely have to be g trued-up and reconciled 3. Will re uire ongoing monitoring of economics regarding a . . . whether default by Luminant should result in termination . . ~~j Pr~vi~lirr~g Stability i~i ~iter~y ~~sts ta Texas Cilies • • . ~ ~ ~ - 1. PPA dependent upon TXU LBO Financing 2. Potentiai Early Termination (Art. 12) • events of default may trigger (Art. 10) • make-whole provisions • liquidated damages 3. Refinancing and Substitute Collateral (Art. 9) 4. Failure to schedule and liquidated damages • CAPP will know before event 5. New Governmental Charges 6. Confidentiality - Probably Moot . Pr-ovidirzg S'tc~bili~ty iti _~~:e~gy Cnsts t~ Tex~s C~ties • . ~ • ' • 1. First lien on competitive assets including ali of Luminant's formerl TXU) generation facilities. ( v 2. 90% availability on rolling three-year average. 3. Li uidated damages (up to $120 million) for withholding q power or early termination. 4. "Make whole" of outstanding portion of prepayment in an event of early termination, including bankruptcy. 5. Guaranty from parent. 6. No Member liability for other participants failure to appropriate. ~'rovidirrg Stability in ~Crrer~y Costs t~ Texas Crties . ~ - - Risk Mitiqation - 1. Bankruptcy Plants will continue to operate The contract will either stand or be renegotiated 2. Gas Price Decline Would have to be sustained (several years) below $7 3. Early Termination/ CAPP will constantly monitor economics to Adequacy of Collateral cover debt defeasance 4. Environmental Surcharge Will impact entire U.S. electric market 5. Collateral Value Reduction • TCEH will add new assets on Refinancing • CAPP gets benefits negotiated by new secured creditors • ntract has dilution tests Co Prnvir~irrg Stability i~z Is~iergy Costs tn Texas Cities