04-10-2018 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CIOWY-LIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda April 10, 2018 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Diane Culver Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS • National Library Week Proclamation • Presentation by the Wylie Rotary Club to donate $4,000 to the City of Wylie for a park improvement to Olde City Park • Proclamation for Crime Victims' Rights Week April 10,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of March 27, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, a request for Substantial renovations of a residential structure in Jefferson St. and Jackson St., and more specifically at 100 W. Jefferson within the accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17, generally located at the northeast corner of Downtown Historic District. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-10 to change the zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development Single Family District (2018-10-SF) for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-11 to change the zoning from Agricultural —30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-12 to change the zoning from Planned Development 2011-29 (PD-2011-29) to Planned Development -Commercial Corridor (PD- CC), to allow for retail and self-storage uses. Generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC2018-03 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) F. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-17(R), of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, approving the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's proposal to renovate the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. (M. Manson, City Manager) G. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Tim Gilchrist and appointment of Danyella Lanier as Board Member to the Board of Ethics to fill the unexpired term of July 2017 to June 2019. (S. Storm, City Secretary) H. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-13, repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33, save and except the amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11, and adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. (B. McCullough, Building Official) April 10,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-14, repealing Ordinance No. 2017-38; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. (B. McCullough, Building Official) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD-CC- LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900. N SH. 78. ZC2018-02 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant has submitted a letter to withdraw the item for consideration. 2. Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018", including the adoption of Ordinance No. 2018-15 authorizing the issuance of such certificates of obligation. (M. Beard, Finance Director) Executive Summary At the February 27, 2018 Council meeting, Resolution 2018-12(R) authorizing the publication of the notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation was approved. The notice was published in The Wylie News on March 7, 2018 and March 14, 2018. These certificates of obligation will fund the remodel and expansion of the Public Safety Building. Bids will be received for the sale of these certificates on April 10, 2018 and presented to Council at their regular meeting that evening. 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-16 amending Ordinance No. 2017-26 (2017- 2018 Budget) for proposed mid-year amendments for fiscal year 2017-2018. (M. Beard, Finance Director) Executive Summary The mid-year budget amendments are generally intended to cover unanticipated revenue and expenditure adjustments to the current budget. The detail is attached for the requested items which are located within the General Fund, Parks A&I Fund, Hotel Tax Fund, and Utility Fund. The requests are further defined as neutral(matching revenues to expenditures),revenue increases,or expenditure increases. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. WORK SESSION • Discussion and possible direction for a future 180-day moratorium on special events involving running,walking, and/or cycling on public right-of-way. April 10,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087--Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on April 6, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WY LIE Minutes Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 27, 2018—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Stephanie Storm took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor pro tern Keith Stephens, Councilman David Dahl, Councilwoman Candy Arrington, Councilwoman Diane Culver, and Councilman Timothy Wallis. Councilman Jeff Forrester was absent. Staff present included: City Manager Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager Chris Holsted; Police Lieutenant Matt Miller; Fire Chief Brent Parker; Development Services Director Renae 011ie; City Engineer Tim Porter; Public Information Officer Craig Kelly; Finance Director Linda Bantz; Human Resource Director Lety Yanez; Parks and Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz; City Secretary Stephanie Storm, and various support staff. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Hogue gave the invocation and the Wylie Way Students led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation for Collin County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 10th Anniversary. Mayor Hogue presented a proclamation to Jeannine Brew designating the weekend of March 30-April 1, 2018 as the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Collin County Alumnae Chapter weekend in Wylie, Texas. • Employee Milestone Anniversaries Mayor Hogue and City Manager Manson presented Millstone Anniversary honors to the following employees: Brandon Webb, Facilities Maintenance Technician- 10 years of service Wesley Gheen,Fire Captain- 10 years of service Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 1 • Wylie Way Students Mayor Hogue and Mayor pro tern Stephens presented medallions to students demonstrating "Shining the Wylie Way." Each nine weeks one student from each WISD campus is chosen as the "Wylie Way Student." CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate, or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Matthew Porter, citizen of Wylie, addressed Council regarding the NCTCOG update. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of March 13, 2018,. Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (S. Storm, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Kingdom Court Addition to establish 9 residential lots on 11.048 acres within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of County Road 489 and west of SH 78. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 2. The Plat will create 214 single-family residential lots and multiple open space areas on 62.849 acres and dedicate the necessary rights of way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located south of the intersection of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phases 4A consisting of 16.832 acres to establish single-family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2514) on Inspiration Blvd. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, the award of a professional services project order (PSPO) #W2018- 57-E for Improvements to Eubanks Lane from Hwy 78 to North Texas Municipal Water District Entrance Drive to Halff Associates, Inc. in the amount of $215,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) F. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for February 28, 2018.. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) G. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for February 28, 2018.. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) H. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-15(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall counties, Texas, amending Resolution Nos. 2018-04(R) and 2018-11(R), Section 1, to amend the election judges; and providing for an effective date. (S. Storm, City Secretary) Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 2 I. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of February 28, 2018. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie, BPE Phase V, LTD., and Braddock Place Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., for regulations for the Developer to design and construct a playground within Phase 3 of the Braddock Place Subdivision, and Developer to pay to the City $50,000 (Security Deposit) to secure Developer's performance under the agreement. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating this item is the agreement that the Developer shall design and construct, at no cost to the City, a playground on Lot 5, Block B within Braddock Phase 3 with construction being completed on or before December 31, 2018.. In addition, the Developer shall pay a security deposit in the amount $50,000 to the City to assure performance in accordance with the agreement. The security deposit shall be made payable to the City within three days of the effective date of this agreement. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman.Culver to approve authorizing the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie, BPE Phase V, LTD., and Braddock Place Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., for regulations for the Developer to design and construct a playground within Phase 3 of the Braddock Place Subdivision, and Developer to pay to the City $50,000 (Security Deposit) to secure Developer's performance under the agreement. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Tabled from 03-13-2018 Remove from table and consider A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl to remove Item No. 2 from the table and consider. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 3 Applicant/Council Comments Councilman.Wallis stated he would like the Developer to keep in mind the lot size vs. home size in regard to set-backs on the smaller lot sizes. Councilwoman Arrington verified that this subdivision would have sidewalks, curbs, and gutters to prevent potential drainage issues. Developer Trey Wallette confirmed that this neighborhood will have sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, no culverts under driveways, there will be 15 feet in each rear yard, and some homes may have more space than that between homes. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on ZC2017-09 at 6:41 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. Matthew Porter, citizen of Wylie, addressed Council expressing concerns regarding the proposed development. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 6:46 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl to approve a change of zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change in zoning from Planned Development (PD) to Planned Development-Commercial Corridor (PD-CC), to allow for retail and self-storage uses. Generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC2018-03 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating the applicant is requesting to amend the current Planned Development to allow for self-storage as a permitted use in a mixed-use setting on approximately 3.19 acres located north of the existing movie theater on.Woodbridge Parkway (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). The Developer is requesting for this development to be approved in two phases. Phase 1 includes development of 104,650 gross square feet of self-storage toward the rear of the subject property, and Phase 2 includes development of a commercial retail space on the frontage of Woodbridge Parkway. Lot 3 will consist of one three-story self-storage building, and three single-story self-storage buildings. Lot 4 will consist of a future commercial development. A newly created lot 5 (by plat) will consist of 22 existing parking spaces. The site, landscaping, and architectural design plans are in compliance with the base requirements of the zoning ordinance and current PD standards. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as General Urban Sector, promoting a wide range of opportunities to "live, work and play" generally supporting retail, service, office, light production, and research development uses. In 2007 City Council adopted an Ordinance specifying the location of Mini-Warehouse uses throughout the City. Prior to 2007, Mini-Warehouse uses were allowed by right within Commercial Corridor (CC) District, Light Industrial (LI), and with a Special Use Permit (SUP) within the Community Retail (CR) District. Upon the adoption of Ordinance No. 2007-04 Mini-Warehouse uses continued to be allowed by Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 4 right within LI and HI districts, allowed with an SUP in CC and prohibit the use within CR District. In 2011, Council again directed staff to revisit land use categories and specifically address mini-storage uses. With the adoption of Ordinance No. 2012-01, Mini-Warehouse uses were allowed with the approval of an SUP only within LI& HI zoning districts. 011ie stated that 11 notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the proposal. One response was received opposing the request at the time of posting. The Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval of the request. 011ie stated the elevations of the three-story self-storage building are to provide architectural articulation with offsets that resemble retail storefronts. Applicant/Council Comments Rob Baldwin, representing Hines Development, addressed Council stating this lot is 900 feet deep and 150 feet wide, and this is a good solution with a destination use at the back of the property, and once the retail tenant is known, they will design a building for them up front. The building does sit lower than Kroger so there will be a retaining wall along the north side property line adjacent to the Woodbridge Centre. All the units in the main building are air conditioned. The self-storage buildings will be placed in. a manner that hides loading areas and service bays from view from street frontages. Councilman Wallis expressed concerns regarding the safety of pedestrian traffic from the high school to the retail in front. Baldwin responded that during the platting process concerns like this are addressed. Councilwoman Culver stated that she was on the fence about having a storage facility in a prime retail area and asked why the property could not be utilized for office space. Baldwin responded that the depth of the property and lack of visibility from the street makes it hard to utilize for an office space purpose. Dennis McIntire, representing B&B Theatres, addressed Council stating they have been marketing the property since April 2012 and there has been very little retail and office interest. McIntire stated they feel this is the best use for this retail property. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on ZC2018-03 at 7:20 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. Matthew Porter, citizen of Wylie, addressed Council asking if the zoning on the front lots could be different than the back section to preserve the front lots for commercial uses. 011ie replied that the PD specifies the mini-storage on Lot 3 only, so if the applicant wanted to have mini- storage on the front lots, it would have to come back as a Zoning Case. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 7:22 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Councilman Wallis to approve a change in zoning from Planned Development (PD) to Planned Development-Commercial Corridor (PD-CC), to allow for retail and self-storage uses. Generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC2018-03. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-1 with Councilwoman Culver voting against and Councilman Forrester absent. Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 5 4. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating the item is a request that consists of five separate tracts. Tract 13 and lot 2 were the subject of land conveyance from the City of Wylie to Collin College in 2016. Since that time, the applicant has acquired additional land to the north for a total of five lots. They are requesting to re-zone the lots to set the boundaries; currently these lots are zoned AG. Establishing permanent zoning of Business Government is the first step in the development process. 011ie reported twenty-four notifications were mailed, with one response returned in favor of the request at the time of posting. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on ZC2018-04 at 7:31 p.m. asking anyone present wishing to address Council to come forward. No one was present wishing to address Council. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 7:32 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: Mayor Hogue recessed the Council into Executive Session at 7:33 p.m. reading the caption below. §§Sec. 551.074. PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING. This chapter does not require a governmental body to conduct an open meeting: (1) to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or (2) to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply if the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. • City Engineer • Director of Public Services • Municipal Court Judges • Prosecutor for the City RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 6 Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 8:34 p.m. 5. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-16(R) , a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, repealing Resolution Nos. 2016-06(R), 2017-07(R), and 2017-08(R). (M. Manson, City Manager) Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilman Dahl to approve Resolution No. 2018-16(R), a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, repealing Resolution Nos. 2016-06(R), 2017-07(R), and 2017-08(R). A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. 6. Consider, and act upon, the award of a professional services project order (PSPO) #W2018- 58-E for the 2018 update of the Water Distribution System Master Plan, 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan, and Impact Fee Study to Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter L.L.P. in the amount of $145,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. (G. Hayes, Purchasing) Staff Comments City Engineer Porter addressed Council stating staff requests the approval of a professional services agreement with Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. for updating the Water, Wastewater, and Roadway Capital Improvement Plan and Impact Fee Study. The Texas Local Government Code requires an examination and update of impact fees every five years. Previously the fees were separated out by Utility and Roadway and they were done on separate years every two years in an alternating fashion. This year they have been combined into one study, one update and will be done at the same time every four years. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Arrington, seconded by Councilwoman Culver to award professional services project order (PSPO) #W2018-58-E for the 2018 update of the Water Distribution System Master Plan, 10 Year Capital Improvement Plan, and Impact Fee Study to Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter L.L.P. in the amount of$145,300.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Forrester absent. WORK SESSION Mayor Hogue convened into Work Sessions at 8:38 p.m. • Update for the remodeling of Station 2. (B. Parker, Fire Chief) Fire Chief Parker addressed Council stating there are two preliminary suggestions that have been developed. Option 1 is adding a bay to the north side of the fire station and reconfiguring the dormitories to the south side of the station to address the mixed gender issue. If a bay is added to the north side, then a driveway will have to be created in order to get the apparatus into the bay. Option 2 is recreating bays on the backside of the station so you could drive thru the parking lot into the bays, and out of the driveway that is on the north side of the station. The current bays would be remodeled to address the dormitories and fitness area as needed. Staff requests Council's direction to move forward with working on an agreement with an architect to determine the best and most cost effective way for the Fire Station 2 remodel. Consensus of Council was to move forward. Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 7 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 8:41 p.m. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Culver to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman.Forrester absent. Eric Hogue,Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Minutes March 27,2018 Wylie City Council Page 8 orj Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT era uew aw'�a,� 4430.0V6 PP-o- Meeting Date: April 10, 2018 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 23, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider, and act upon, a request for Substantial renovations of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17, generally located at the northeast corner of Jefferson St. and Jackson St., and more specifically at 100 W. Jefferson within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to approve a request for Substantial renovations of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17, generally located at the northeast corner of Jefferson St. and Jackson St., and more specifically at 100 W. Jefferson within the Downtown Historic District. Discussion OWNER: Birmingham Trust APPLICANT: Jon Lewis/Birmingham Trust The Council, through recommendation of the HRC, approved similar plans to remodel the rear in October of 2017. However, the property has received notice from the Texas Historical Commission in regards to the scope of work originally proposed. The subject property now has a State designated historical marker. The attached letter from THC explains what is acceptable and meets the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. In an effort to not jeopardize the state designation, the owner/applicant is submitting modifications to the original scope of work. The new scope of work shall consist of re-grading the property to prevent the ongoing drainage issues, replace the deteriorated bois d'arc foundation piers with new level concrete piers, replace the asphalt shingle with 30 year asphalt shingles instead of standing seam, and replace the mid-century side addition with an updated, larger shed roof addition and portico. All windows will be replaced with reproduction double pane two pane per sash wood frame windows to give the proper appearance of a Folk Victorian home. The residential structure shall continue to be used for private office space. The applicant proposes to start and complete construction this year. HRC DISCUSSION: The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval to the City Council. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of I APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC REVIEW Date: J' i - lt NOTICE TO APPLICANT I Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering Office no later than 10 days before the meeting. (Regular meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imperative that you complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of your project. 3 The presence of the applicant or his/her agent as designated herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. 4 All presentation material must be received by Staff on the Monday the week prior to the meeting. This will be case for Historic Review Commission and. City Council. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Jo S Phone: ai LI - - ©3 r1 Mailing Address: P.0 , W e X, 01$ Email Address: Fax: t PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: 'Ir:Q,0}, Phone: 97 -�"` Mailing Address: 1 ,a, BOX J114,. W /,'e 4' � Email Address: Fax: JJ/ PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Business (if applicable): O. B r 4tii 5 tut A, I/ Current or intended use of the building: Pr; veAe Ckar rtItL (Q TruS1 0'^Cr c Address of Project: © ©,>`l ee (The below information (Lot, Block, Subdivision, and Frontage) can he obtained on the County Appraisal District's website by entering the physical address of the proper4, ht_tp„-//callincad.org or !itita:%rlallascad.org or htt ://rockivedh-ad.or;g — = Ifyou do not have access to the Internet or cannot locale this information on the website, contact the Planning Department at (972)516-63 20,for assistance. Lot 7 , Block , Subdivision Brbu,}k) Et &COS' Current Zoning: Which District is the property located within? rou Downtown Historic District 10 South Ballard Overlay District 0 Other SCOPE OF WORK o Remodeling/Renovating Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed alterations and/or repairs(attach additional sheets if necess UO kG t QIr4 elex- �s p oI %cope O y r- c Sp La t+- SIN)l I.e re ,of t.$'�-eQt� o s Qildi*i Sea '-- Me. '�L.t RadeSt i) o'P a& ;4.to o tu 4I.Q eat! a',Jot ge40s,`5x1 a.0 roof 0 tre,— a06d i 14o.1 ou +o oas'N. Are you painting an exterior feature? NO If YES: Describe Feature Color Name Sample Attached Ex. Window and door frames SW Autumn Hue(No.7665) YES NO S all)5/Wh., dos1 r f iartL/uws SQ /"( e c S #D USA-- YES NO YES NO YES NO Are you replacing an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Current Material Proposed Material Sample Attached Ex. Window frame Wood Vinyl YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO o New Construction ' Are you replacing an existing structure? �:�%� NO If YES, complete"Demolition"below. o Demolition Describe the condition of the existing structure: Wood (oars ore_ uJ ar'pQ_c &I)6J brave boc.kte01) Sub looriiJc is r-ot-Aiwto) SO tAitk Wait is Pv11:+io) aWa.t1 cr0rt 010.1w 6v;1dtvJ5 S i S at/ .bo CCU.usiz_ ca- excess;ve tYlo;s?-Ure cue ,-o -g-e. e,jc.rose4) pc 'o he5 ooJ AIL. °taa Nd. What is the estimated cost of restoration or repair of the existing structure? Explain why the property is being demolished as opposed to restored or renovated for adaptivet reuse: `I K�S PIUCJO S-'d Atcs k 4S ,tom✓e t' ,�.v,�.�-ty don)s'1'�ludea/ a crept)A idJ � gccd post'4 ie Idea-ex- 1/ow 0-to o) ro M +tiles s 4t-c1 t 1t r-e What do you plani to do to mitigate the losse of the landmark structure? t�1� bui Ir4 . St/110/4,- ta s? uchure . cod c w�t�,. 4: , Q a�'1~ '-{ow5 acme t �rat u � r{'_ Z r'S pro ton► J s udirc tias �.Al °pp mac) +)9 "rg?G&-S /./c Ars c& C am-0, f/eQSa_ Q 7' fin+.J lc' GI- o Sign Type of Sign: o Attached Sign o Pole Sign o Temporary Sign o Banner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions:__ Total Square Footage Will the sign be connected to electricity or lit in any way? YES NO If YES,what is the method of lighting? Will this sign project over a public sidewalk? YES NO If YES,what is the distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign? Have you submitted an application for a Sign Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? What is the proposed height of the fence? Are you replacing an existing fence? YES NO If YES,what is the current fence material? Have you submitted an application for a Fence Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed project(attach additional sheets if necessary): REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: o Current photographs of the property o If available,historic photographs of the property o Site Plan indicating the following: • Dimensions of the lot on which the building will be located, including setbacks(check official plat records and Zoning Ordinance) • Location and width of all easements(check official plat records) • Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, parking areas,and existing signs (if any) • Architect's rendering or elevations of proposed construction o Sample board of materials and colors to be used p o Site Plan Fee$250.00-Check/Card/Cash(Check made payable to City of Wylie) f c pf ci3 150E' Intended start and finish dates: Start 690 / e Finish Q f 0 I have carefully read the complete application and know the same is true and correct.I understand the ordinances governing the activity described in this application,and I agree to comply with all provisions of the ity ordinances,State laws,and all property restrictions,whether herein specified or not. X �' (Own r r uthorized Agent) RETURN City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (972)516-6320 inr m Y V EXISTING FENCE UNE noo . Q e CI +20 E tI E —I z wall EXIST 1 O w 1 4- ROOF NEW SHED ROOF O IS • ET 1 gn o IQ4 a n 0 BU LDING CODE ANALYSIS: ' SCOPE; RENOVATION„/ADDITION CONSTRUCTION OF A RESDENTAAL STRJCTURE USED AS A PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE. LOCATED AT 100 W. JEFFERSON, IN THE DOWNTOWN HISTORICAL DISTRICT OF THE C#TY or EXIST __ , 0 WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS 75098. ROOF APX 231 SF CONSISTING OF A I960'S OR 1970'S ADDITION TO THE EX 4' SWET ORRC NAL STRUCTURE THAT WAS AN ENCLOSED REAR PORCH, SHALL BE �� DEMOLISHED W°THOIT REMOVAL OF, OR ANY DAMAGE TO, THE OR`GINAL NEW „ AREAT ANDESHAL E BER GINAL RETAINED INCTURE'S PLACE.SIDING STILL EXISTS ':N THIS T — ADDITION s4, THE ENTIRE STRJCTURE SHALL BE RAISED :NTO THE A R, A NEW P FOUNDATION SHALT., B C CONSTRUCTED BELOW.THE STRUCTURER ! I BEAM 1ST J LOWERED. AND A 267 SF ADDITION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR USE AS A CONFERENCE ROOM, -- Tt� � TIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE SUMMARY: STRUCT EXISTING 1st FLR SF • 1,221 SF GROSS (OUT TO OUT) I EXIST EX STING 2nd FLR SF - 397 SF GROSS (NO CHANGES) ROOF a EX STING STRUCTURE SF a 1,618 SF °D AREA OF DEMOLITION • 231 SF (GROSS) I f l Q ADDITION : 273 SF (GROSS) T CI til COMPLETED Ist FLR SF • 1,263 SF (GROSS) EXISTING 2nd FLR (NO CHANGES) - 397 SF 1 d POST CONSTRUCTION 1st & 2nd TOTAL SF = 1,660 + T 1 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, EXIST COUNTY, STATE, OR FEDERAL LAW AND APPLICABLE CONSTRUCTION CODES OUT BLDG I ZF AS CURRENTLY RECOGNIZED BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, EXIST # © k TEXAS. ROOF tn c eC I U 0 ARTICLES, SECTIONS, OR TABLES REFERRED TO HEREIN ARE TAKEN FROM L. — — — — — -- — — -- — U.+ W CODES LISTED BELOW, CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH: x t 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (1BC) W '-+© 4 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) qq `3 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC) 1 a 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) b g Da- 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) .. 2015 INTL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) I TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS w THIS PROPERTY IS ZONED: DTH, DOWNTOWN HISTORICAL DISTRICT cs [ W BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B (TABLE 601) Q OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (SECT 304.1); BUSINESS GROUP U g OCCUPANCY LOAD: (TABLE 1004,1.2): 1,660 SF 0 1:100 • 17 NO CHANCE TO OCCUPANCY LOAD r EGRESS REQUIREMENTS: (SECT 1005.3.1) STAIRWAY: 4 OCC X .3 + 1.2 (SECT 1005.3.2) OTHER EGRESS: 17 OCC x .2 - 3.4 w (SECT 1014.3 W/O SPRINKLER): COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL IS LESS THAN 75' _ (SECT 1015,1) OCCUPANCY LESS THAN 49 (CLASS B OCC) - 1 EXIT REDD THREE EXITS PROVIDED: EX 4' SW EX 4' SW EX 4' SW (1) 3'K6'8' AT FRONT LEFT (NORTH ELEVATION)(1) 3'4'8. AT FRONT RIGHT (NORTH ELEVATION) (1) 3`x6'8' AT FRONT RIGHT (EAST ELEVATION) (SECT 1015J) OCC CLASS A, NO SPK, 01ST TO EXIT LESS THAN 200' DRAWING REV FOR; GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION EX CONC CONSTRUCTION CLASS B OCCUPANCY WITH NO HIGH PILE STORAGE APPROACH DRAWN BY: SPRINKLER REQUIREMENTS (IFC SECT 903): Bryan D.Rogers 1,618 GROSS SF, GROSS BLDG SF LESS THAN 6,000 SF, NO AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM REOD DATE. FIRE EXTINGUISHER REQUIREMENTS PER IFC TABLE 9063(1) SITE PLAN 02-064011 REQUIRED; 1 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSTALLED & SCALE: 1/4- • 1'-0" `.H► SHEET MAINTAINED PER IFC SECT 906 AND NFPA 10. 1 PROVIDED: TWO 5 LB TYPE ABC. PER IFC 906 AND NFPA 10 C OF BUILDING ACCESS: PROVIDED VIA EXIST KNOX BOX ON BLDG FACE. N 0 4 S'Cti'�RESS UP SdHG, N C r r iwrwr-w-prw.-.w rrwrrrw -rr ug. rrr--w- -r-.=.2.+r+rr.�7-. rr wrrrr...r..�r- rrrrn+r rrrrr+.trrr Hof r. q pr r rrYr�.rr +..-rr�rr rr ■�■ Y TWO rr r+`t.rr+r+wr rrrT. '=■ rrwZ /sp.�ac.-�on� WM13nd1 SNagGLE ROVING,Tv? \ , y uo.a.na a.�'i�ik' 1 -'�itiiiil - :r.�r�r rwr r rwr •pr• r..rl. ma,- rrrr ... •w rrrrr r..rrrrr- r r rrr ,,. 'r--rrr- rrr g r..r rrr i . \Iwmwwicwfr` r~drag% r tl.f 'M. r-prrr W. 1. rwrrw w�rr..Yre. m, ^:, olo q -rrrr r W. - + r■2 7 F ./I rww■rrrr'.r-v-- rr..r rrr.i is=AI — Q _ 1 r . L + rid. ;� r_ 1. +► �- 01 p T I I I�N �.. ' 10 Y :waaa�' rr . .��.• _ rrr-r-rwrrr-r<r+ im MIM � _ 1, Ma Ct:hi i-rrl _. _ 14' NI ti NOT COT % .m op 10 cow TWO A na l''l L —•C Cw..l7 TO1117 or. y I y6f 1`N NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SCALE. 3/16' • 1'-4" SCALE.' 3/16- • 1'-0' a 1 , 14 red VI 1161 40-1 15 .. ... 'L::y-.._. n MOW . . i~.. r'iiii�- r r-r- r-i..-ri.rii .ewr■.■. VS v1 �� =:r+x r' rrrv+r rrr r 4 zL n+nc m R ^^ - 1-3 g .`�,,..�� ■ ..rrr wrr.. rrr- rrrrg 4, - ,-T--,, ,,r^r•: ,_ s e+rn,,r wv. �� 'la r rr■..�trJYM4tir r r..wr .:., L) ,.... R C Z.- , I -- .....—H ' 1:. :1 . 0 0 . . t.. = nn II� il 00 Da .r — r " wa j Ws MR•000.1 +, rr rs I 3 0 ..o we*ro norm+arc a n.. ++•rn.cnro«- C Oen To tow c.nor s': +r -4. •'-$° $ U SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION — . SCALE: 3/15" • 1'-0" SCALE 3/16" r 1'-0' ' ' NOTES: 8 SCOPE' RENOVATION,f'ADDMON CONSTRUCT ON OF A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE USED AS A PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE, LOCATED AT 100 W JEFFERSON, IN THE DOWNTOWN HISTORICAL DISTRICT OF THE C TY CF WYLIE, CO,Y_N COUNTY, w�".rR" STATE OF TEXAS 75D99 M"0 APX 231 SF CONSISTING OF A 1960'S OR 19:10'S ADDITION TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE THAT WAS AN ENCLOSED REAR PORCH, SHALL BE DEMOLISHED WITHOUT REMOVAL OF, OR ANY DAMAGE TO: THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE. THEE �. "'-- ORIGINAL STRUCTURE'S SIDING STILL EXISTS IN THIS AREA AND SHALL BE RETAINED IN PLACE. _ _ ` _. THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE SHALL BE RAISED NTT THE AIR, A NEW PIER & BEAM FOUNDATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED '— BELOW, THE STRUCTURE LOWERED, AND A 267 SF ADDITION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR USE AS A CONFERENCE _ ROOM. ..��! SQUARE FOOTAGE SUMMARY: �s_�` _ _ EXISTING 1st FLR SF w 1,221 SF GROSS (OUT TO OUT) _ -- r. 0_❑= DRAtMN[i REV EXISTING STRUCTUREEXISTING 2nd FLR FSF -91.SF GSOSS (NO CHANGES) -.—: ■ �- CONSDRA B1"ON AREA OF DEMOLITION . 231 SF (GROSS) • =- El ...—_ �_._- i ADDITION • 273 SF (GROSS) _ DATE �r ' EinD.Roza;COMPLETED tat FLR SF . 1,263 SF (GROSS) - EXISTING 2nd FLR (NO CHANGES) • 397 SF L m°-s- w a-roar DATE; POST CONSTRUCTION 1st & 2nd TOTAL SF . 1.664 O2 o6-2OI 21 NEW CEDAR OR CYPRESS S DING SHALL MATCH THE APPEARANCE OF EXISTING SIDING ■ SHEET BRICK VENEER ON NEW FOUNDATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO APPEAR AS A PERIOD BRCK STYLE FOUNDATION, EAST ELEVATION EXIST CONDITION Ali OF NEW WINDOWS SHALL MATCH OR CLOSELY RESEMBLE OR G1NAL WINDOWS, SCALE^ 3/16" . 1'--4" 1 E i i 13 Mb t m k V cifl rm �� COI D 2 1 III ZRAI r � LJ 1 y I1061 ® . 1 ! F I1 A%$ lb 111 �. n �— I �I = r_�I m o T 1 ` fi N I 1 1III1041 $ `T J ,„„,, Nry. I. uiwiirn , Will i J II 101 I ...-till..... tin trt i \ i a 10 i 1 PORCH 6 0 0 VI srauovc but Or VNO THE ONIG M+.r 6 NOT iMOEA ' U M[OIIICaML Co1lCN 1 EL. o C «c. IIJ Z OA ea 0 0 • 0 EXIST ROOF LINES f . _ 1st FLOOR EXIST & DEMOLITION , ,..r SCALE: 1/4' . 1'-0" i' SCALE: I/a" i'-D" 4 W a 0 NOTES: u U SCOPE: RENOVATION/ADDITION CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENTIAL SR°..ICTURE USED AS A PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE. LOCATED AT 100 W. JEFFERSON. N THE DOWNTOWN H STORICAL DiSRICT OF THE CITY OF WYUE, COLUN COUNTY. STATE OF TEXAS 75090. APX 231 SF CONSISTING OF A 1960'S OR 1970 5 ADDITION TO THE ORIGINAL STR"'CTURE THAT WAS AN ENCLOSED REAR PORCH, SHALL BE DEMO.,SHED W THOUT REMOVA; OF, OR ANY DAMAGE TO, THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE THE OR GINAL STRUCTURE'S SIDING STILL EXISTS N THIS AREA AND SHALL BE RETAINED, :-N PLACE. THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE SHALL 8E RASED INTO TIE AIR, A NEW PIER & BEAM FOUNDATION SHAj. BE CONSIRI CT£I+' BELOW THE STRUCTURE LOWERED, AND A 267 SF ADDITION SHALL BE CONSTRJCTED FOR USE AS A CONFERENCE l ROOM SQUARE FOOTAGE SUMMARY' REVISION NOTES: i' EXISTING 1st FLR SF a 1,221 SF GROSS (OUT TO OUT) EXISTING 2nd FLR SF • 397 SF GROSS (NO Cr.ANGES) 201 B-01-17 EXIST FRONT . DRAWING - -- EXISTING STRUCTURE SF . 1,610 SF PORCH DIMENSIONS ADDED TO DWG DRAWINGREVE TO CLARIFY FRONT PORCH SIZE FOR. GROSS AFTER THE UNCOVERED PORTION OF CONSTRUCTION, AREA Of DEMOLITION 231 SF (GROSS) THE FRONT PORCH IS REMOVED, AWN 9Y- ADDITION . 273 SF (GROSS) DRAWN D.Rogers COMPLETED 1st FLR SF a 1,263 SF (GROSS'„ I EXISTING 2nd FLR OPOST CONS RUC ION 1st & 2nd)TOTAL SF. 397S• 1,66p WALL TYPE LEGEND aZ4.a6401l.znle NEW CEDAR OR CYPRESS S DING SHALL MATCH THE APPEARANCE OF CX STING SID NG. L I EXISTING WALL , -- E DEMO WALL SHEET BRICK VENEER ON NEW FOUNDATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO APPEAR AS A PERIOD BRICK STYLE FOUNDATION 1 -�- .,a I NEW WALLWA 1 NEW WINDOWS SHALL MATCH OR CLOSELY RESEMBLE OR.GINAL WINDOWS OF ' ❑ -a a a ❑ ❑_-__❑ a q Cl a rO ❑ ❑ a CT .51 a El t ELECTRICAL LEGEND ! - - °� X J.-y 4- s'-1 2T-I - .. I4 ya , El DUPLEX RECEPTACLE. 1 B AFF U.N.O. _ ,. ._. ��_... ... ._ ._.,. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ! Y$ Et I I,_ m_. Q m I 1 WEATHERT SUBSCR°:PT: GPI-GROUND FAULT INTERRUPT LOT """ Fa3 "]uo rnan wx AWAW ALL WEATHER G-ISOLATED GROUND W4 MO ! _ _ ` I' COZ D-DEDICATED / �\ er DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, FLUSH FLOOR MOUNT OR CLG ' ® MOUNT, AS NOTED ""�� 11 /! i��l x QUAD RECEPTACLE, 18 AFT U.N.O, 1 ! / ! ` l + QUAD RECEPTACLE, FLUSH FLOOR MOUNT OR CLG L i� $ -i t y �� ® MOUNT, AS NOTED ._. y 0 i I IO 1 ® 51 ' 1� xJ I$220Y 220 VOLT RECEPTACLE, HEIGHT AS NOTED "'_� TELEPHONE, CABLE, SATELLITE, OR OTHER SERVICE, _ 1 ONE at 1 �X HEIGHT AS NOTED z Arla NETWORK, ALARM, OR OTHER SERVICE, HEIGHT AS ` '� ©x 'NOTED a • SWITCH, SINGLE POLE„ SINGLE THROW, 48 ATE ,1- ) I E. SuBSCRIPT: 3-THREE WAY 4-FOUR WAY WPC "1 S-OCCUPANCY SENSOR s}� I p�j4] '1601 1tECREEs DOM ni u I` `F g D-DIMMER F-FAN L-LIGHT . . _._ D i I� CONF L u ® LIGHT, ZxZ; FLUORESCENT, LED, OR INCANDESCENT SCALE. 1/4" . t -"° —� c u + AS NOTED LIGHT, 2x4; FLUORESCENT, LED, OR INCANDESCENT I `3 ® - r-�r asp 1 AS NOTED�..�..... - • RECESSED CAN FLUORESCENT,�IEGD, OR I •1 !• �I�'I�I�. �ry 7y ` INCANDESCENT AS NOTED + ' 111 O LIGHT FIXTURE. SC-SCONCE. P PENDANT, .2 a 2° s�--+°°z' �2 A CH-CHANDELIER, S-SURFACE MT .,n,aEccas®c.x P 14 ® FAN, CEILING MOUNT EXHAUST woo W aN MUMS 1 CEILING FAN AS NOTED •. ] -� du eualsl. 1 '53- I� LIGHT, EMERGENCY EXIT; ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION _w ei, - _--r+ g 4 LIGHT, EMERGENCY EXIT & LIGHTCOMBCr �. I � _ x t~ 10 UGHT, EMERGENCY EGRESS PATHWAY um. "' I4 4 �_ Kam, A 1 I LIGHT, AS NOTED 1� `1 `,y /� 15±...,I ,. T1 �- �\ y GiA LIGHT, EXTERIOR PHOTO EYE..^� _ r� �� I EXTERIOR WALL PACK L .. ., ,. !! ! :v Z F .f J _ .: Z, o 1 n , J._ I• CI 51' %, ' EXIST �� EXIST 1� x PORCH T m . o �IS' _. __ —__.._ 6 Al 2 a LIGHTING , RM �- -_� . . 4 J$ALE:° 1/4 �I I-©• 1st FLOOR PLAN NOTES- SCALE: 1/4' . 1°-0- 8 U I SCOPE: RENOVATION/ADDITION CONSTRUCTION OF A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE USED AS A PRIVATE OFFICE SPACE, '••1 LOCATED AT 1D0 W< JEFFERSON, IN THE DOWNTOWN HISTORICAL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLON COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS 75098, APX 231 SF CONSISTING OF A 1960`S OR 1970"S ADDITION TO THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE THAT WAS AN ENCLOSED REAR PORCH, SHALL BE DEMOLISHED WITHOUT REMOVAL OF° OR ANY CAMACE TO, THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE, THE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE'S SIDING STILL EXISTS IN THIS AREA AND SHALL BE RETAINED IN PLACE, THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE SHALL BE RAISED INTO THE AR, A NEW PIER & BEAM FOUNDATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BELOW, THE STRUCTURE LOWERED, AND A 267 SF ADDITION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR USE AS A CONFERENCE ROOM, SQUARE FOOTAGE SUMMARY EXISTING 1st FLR SF . 1,221 SF GROSS (OUT TO OUT) EXISTING 2nd FIR SF . 397 SF GROSS (NO CHANGES) DRAWING REV: EXISTING STRUCTURE SF m 1,618 SF FOR CONSTRUCTION AREA OF DEMOLITION • 231 SF (GROSS) . ADDITION • 273 SF (GROSS) DRAWN COMPLETED tat FLR SF .. 1,263 SF (GROSS) WALL TYPE LEGEND Bryan D.Row, , EXISTING 2nd FLR (NO CHANGES) • 397 SF WE: POST CONSTRUCTION 1st & 2nd TOTAL SF . 1,660 E.- ° ] EXISTING WALL ti.-------' DEMO WALL 122-o6.2011 NEW CEDAR OR CYPRESS SIDING SHALL MATCH THE APPEARANCE OF EXISTING SIDING. 1 ;.,.] NEW WALL SHEET BRICK VENEER ON NEW FOUNDATION SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO APPEAR AS A PERIOD BRICK STYLE FOUNDATION. __L,L,_:_._,J BRICK LEDGE A3 NEW WINDOWS SHALL MATCH OR CLOSELY RESEM9LE ORIGINAL WINDOWS, OF 2E-0" E /.de I N. I r I _ .../....,/,,,m,,,,,,...w.,.....wzip • V @ C .1-. .,_... " INSTALL 5-1M • I L 5: SEE VENT POrnm.lip nvr . GENERAL NOTES: . %MEM MP,ALL) va 1. THIS FOUNDATION IS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI STANDARDS AND i a) 51 .gra. Jill -5: !! DETAIL , .t--' %. MODIFICATIONS BASED ON LOCAL EXPERIENCE MID TO ACCOMODATE THE USE OF PIERS. ../...-''...--3.-4.-1 1/2'-ir--v-7'-it-5.-5 I/2.-. ; IT IS INTENDED FOR USE ONLY FOR THE STRUCTURE ON 100 W. .EFFERSON STREET, a) - .z SEE VENT r 0 1, Wv1.1E. TX. DETAIL 11 , ,.., .0....., ..,...r., /...../ xi,/ ,,,,,,,, / ....r., I 0-II i,:.athroom !.._..,__.„1., SEE SENT 2. ALL CONCRETE TO BE 3000 PS STRENGTH AT 2B DAYS AND SHALL CONTAIN A nor I/1 la -0 1.--, .4.4. ..-..---.- , DETAIL I-, MINIMUM OF(5) SACKS OF PORTLAND CEMENT PER CUBIC YARD THE MAX. AGGREGATE I I 0 xrtir ,,, 1-"Xr Jai EN le 111 al 111.alma II CrIrtnr11175 I/ 17.,1 MI ' / N -... SIZE SHALL sE 3/4' AND THE SLUMP OF THE CONCRETE SHALL BE 3 - 5' FOR 114E Cil • ? CallEa 48 14-111.04 q a. GRADE BEAUS AND SLABS AND S- 7"FOR THE PIERS. CONCRETE TO BE NORMAL ti il ,,,Nr • II III Ma 111, ti .-lii gill 33 Egg114.. t: •I , / ..../u/ .....,4 WEIGHT . .= 1. I ror C -1 2 0 L II, f; =xi • 3. AU.REINFORCING BARS TO BE GRADE 60 AND SHALL BE FREE OF RUST AND OTHER LLIU-1-. 2 a i i o 0 2 i>. 0 49 F5.-:: BOND REDUCING AGENTS. fl/ Iv__6,. • • ._ 6,-iit ,...,,,,;.- =Ku. mEmokmmamm .4. .- I ,;.: H--:' 616. '.1 4. SLAB STEEL REINFORCING TO SE /4 BARS (1/2') SPACED AT 12"0,C.E.W, OR AS 1 3 ,„-o _ ..:,-; , i ii , 14, SPECIFIED. 140 v-10 0-2 Conference --, 4 *3 ' ''' a 4 - , 01, i ... , 5. SUPPORT SLAB STEEL ON CHAIRS AT 36 SPAONO ,„43 .... II ° RoomT .i. _ 4,- LIJ m O. CONCRETE BEAMS TO BE 12'WIDE AND 24 DEEP UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOW. SEE SENT .--_%-.........„, .• 0 YU-XIV t I 5 „..- 1-, i DEIHL II-0 S : cal ur cotiors I tasr,_77121s. Maxi lar.acra a :11 11. 1 I ''..t DEANS TO BE REINFORCED WITH A MINIMUM OF TWO i5(S/B') BARS TOP AND BOTTOM 1 1 ' i'lli../ ,f- M 0 M a, .1 a, I Kitchen OR AS SHOWN ON SECTIONAL VIEWS. ALL SPUCES TO OVERLAP 24'. 24'X 24' CORNER BARS TO BE PLACED AT ALL BEAL' CORNERS AND INTERSECTIONS. n e ti ' r ......, 0, p../ * •. .5.- ..., ri, ......, .,,,, ..,,,v F3 ei ' 114.11 041 011 i . . S P -".z• c-, 7. STRIP ALL VEGETATION DOWN TO NATURAL SOIL GRUB ALL ROOTS AND VEGETATION •. . t...‘ 0 IIIIF • ! .1 lr....,.,.....4 AND PROVIDE A 504J0 SOIL CONDITION. xiicA.I.OMNI 12.1. .r.„ laila ,•, .% 2_--- _ 5 D. REMOVE ALL TREES AND BUSHES WITHIN 8 FEET OF PERIMETER OF FORMING AREAS. •••••>4./eNV11,447. 'Closet A. Il elur lar 3 . ri .. vocr ,•-• . .... -•!.-iiiii:o k 5 , kg - , • CM Pr COMM a I, ••., 1 , DETAIL T.,, 9. PROOF-ROLL EXPOSED SUDGRADE IN THE VICINITY OF THE SLAB. multi TREE 7 i - o tEgftp,a m Stairs I 5 i A• r.,1 T i ,i'l I A. .6. HOLES OR SOFT POCKETS WITH MATERIAL SANE AS OR SIMILAR TO NATURAL SITE MATERIALS, 7.,.....0 opp•are.•to 5501, 0.001,50O 5.01 Clublee1110 779 L % 0 SF_E VENT by •19111 FirriiiMMI6• , smiim ,,,, ma ik " i DETAIL 10,BRING SLAB SUBORADE TO REQUIRED ELEVATION WITH SELECT FILL SOL 11FIFCT A,.....,J.1411bone,RE 108SD6 SOIL SHALL BE INORGANIC MATERIAL WITH A PLASTICITY INDEX BETWEEN 5 AND 12 PER SOILS REPORT -0,,AUGUST OB. SOU Ler. ..19.-7-0'-il-6.-2 1/2' le 5-8 I/2.-4 .5- • • '.:, 5 11. INITIAL SITE GRADING SHALL BE COMPLETED BEFORE SETTING OF FORMS. FINAL • 13 0_21 i .11 •. BLE FLOOR JOST -... - r -----..-J--, 0-1 „, 1,5, ::::: AS SHOWN FOR ACCESS.AS GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE EXTERIOR or Ti-it FOUNDATION 1/4' PER FOOT FOR THE FIRST 10' SUCH THAT POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION IS . .4.. 1 a 0-0 . 1.....osi is e w coma DI .4, LOCATED BY OWNER. k ASSURED. 1-. 0 2-10 1/21I 'S 1 1 22 i gaN - 02 .1 12. ALL CONSTRUCTION WILL CONFORM TO BUILDING CCOE REQUIREMENTS. 50 LLJ 1 1.. 1 1-2---: ;'? El - • 0-5 • 13. SEE ARCHITECTURAL FLOOR PLAN FOR ANY MISSING OR CONFUCT1NG DIMENSIONS. 0 P ---it _.1 Office 2 rxe xesr o Living- m < Y.: .... “ EN 111"COMM 0 no . .4. 14. PIERS: g 1 0, ,,,,' -1 l'' LLT 4... F rril.Xar 111-0 a Room : -,, A. PIERS SHALL BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN PLEASE NOTIFY THE 0 I EN 1e comes N ENGINEER IF ANY CONFLICTS ARE FOUND TO REQUIRE THE MODIFICATION OF PIER 0 .... .. I --'I r-OB ---1.4W-'-gra.-J PLACEMENT. C.) I , -.-fesTritEllusior -.01 B.PIERS TO BE DRILLED AND POURED ON THE SAME DAY En 1-) .1,7,,inp / / / - ' , REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL SOILS REPORT DY AMGCC. PROJECT /32501 RI, 0 I - ' 51,' clET VENT SEE VENT ,,.: I 7 FOUNDATION STRINGER BEAM LEGEND DATED JULY 19, 2017 0 IT DETAIL. .-- In Covered Porch le Flea mom, Ct le / ,.. . ,.,--- g ___ To 1111 A I a 11.1 w - ... = ,,,, ....., /e.ey .5 0 01/111 1--. 8 D ' .•C.. 0 owl siorvenew - 1==:227"...' 1.07111AL.Mg= r4 .1 MED(Tlx.ALL) , 0 013111 1 . C-6" I 5-4' C-1' 14'-D' 5*-0' r ALL MOW 111041PECIFED/40•18aacifiliffiewria Et • • • • / • LIMB. Z.1.41allall LA 1011115LLLY CLMIZTEb%IMAM WOW amiT•ET liAllaraCELNIX1OktillENEA BRIE DILE= 51.-5' • 0 Cana 11.160.1a ,EriPION Tarr UMW 00 /111 ass NO 111 - - -...I 1 6" 1-.- EZAINC7 ()FOUNDATION PLAN . . roe mislay ri wi. 1.17.1....,..i,x...3 e KM.Sa NM IS" r-Ve 000211100 RIM ei -11.11A ....A.. am Earn•,r oc. e-a'NE WV A:. 1111 1At '11 1=MIIIIT A EMU .....1 ,...7.4 -....1 _.,4 r. _ .____ •01 •••• _. .arn•nr o.• /•••• • 11-,--o...••••'roc aurrum''e- IL „ , ........ar..7*3,- iZ lit. 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'on's vi p•.....v.v. 01.11001150 DK rne 115243150 5 1 OL-2211B11:DI= CUM SLY LTV WI SY OPLLIM etri XISEA/70/f nit 1,-, III MP=jut TV STRINcrs szaa carranftrAM(NTS) SLILY If-R _. =TICS C-C MOLT MI - - - 100 W. Jefferson Street proposed scope of work Demolition Demolition of existing shed style-conference room,located on the east side of the house next to the driveway. Room was a closed in patio that literally sits on the ground not allowing the moisture to evaporate, so the subfloor is currently rotting. The original exterior of the house in the area of this room still exist and is currently the interior west wall of this room. Also due to this room being on the ground elevation it is a step down from the rest of the rooms in the house. Foundation Replace original Boise de Arc foundation with new concrete pier and beam. The house will be lifted up during construction and the lot will be regraded so water will shed away from the house. Also the exterior foundation beam will have a brick ledge that will allow for the exterior beam to have a bricked façade for a more historic look. A brick has been picked out that mimics bricks made around 1900 in the North Texas Area. More specifically bricks made in Ferris,Texas by a company named Cole and King B that have been found at the Historic Stone House south of Wylie. New Addition Construction of the new conference room is as depicted in the included drawings. This addition will be will have a shed style roof that will tie into the rear roof of the house and be built on the same level as the rest of the house. There will be two windows that face the street and an exterior doorway to access the Garage and driveway. This second doorway will have a small covered porch to shield inclement weather from entering the building. Roofmg Due to the Texas Historical Commission not allowing us to install a standing seem metal roof we will be replacing the roof with similar style 30 year architectural style asphalt shingle that is currently on the house. Windows So we are proposing that we replace all the windows with reproduction double pain,two(2)pain per sash wood frame windows to give the proper appearance of a Folk Victorian Home. Note: It is unclear if any of the original windows are in the house currently. Depending on the room they change in style and size. Four(4)of the windows(located downstairs front rooms and the center of the front of the house upstairs)were replaced sometime in the 1950s because they have metal tracking. Two(2)of the windows (located upstairs on the east and west sides)have four(4)pains per sash and look like they were replaced in the 1940s. The remaining four(4)windows in the"Bay Window"are wood frame and were at one time weighted but have been modified and currently appear nailed shut. Jon Lewis From: AlexanderTopec Sent: Wednesda October I8, 20179:I3AM To: Subject RE: lB0VV.Jefferson Street, Wylie Attachments: txu samburn-vvyhe-l9O6-4jpg Mr. Lewis, After looking over the documents in the email, | certainly understand the need to remove the current non-historic, shed roof addition, as well as replace the foundation piers to level the house. I am concerned that the addition is too long, although | do believe the gable design nf the addition can be differentiated from the historic main house with selected materials.This building never had a standing seem metal roof, and the current asphalt shingles seem to have been chosen to reflect the wood shingles that were historically on the house. I have attached the 1906 Sanborn Fire Insurance map that shows the house being carpentry (yellow color) with a shingle roof(represented by the X marks on the house and porches, etc). The proposal of such a long addition that visually detracts from the main house based on how far it projects,along with the proposal of installing a standing seem metal roof, does not meet the Secretary of Interior's Standards and may call for the removal of the designation that was just received. I believe this can be avoided by following the recommendation to step back the length of the addition and replace the roof with something that betterv|sua||yref|ectsshing|es (preferably wood, asphalt orcnmpnsite.) It seems as though widening the addition (in depth down the length of the main house) would compensate for shortening the length as well as differentiate the addition by having a slightly more shallow pitch tn the gable compared to that of the main house. | look forward to reviewing the hard copy submission, and wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to respond to my initial comments before | make any official recommendations. Much thanks. Alexander J. Top,ac Project Design Assistant / NoFth Texas Regional Remem/er Division of Architecture Texas Historica� Connmisaion F <], Box 12275 Austin, Texas 78711 5l2-463-6183 �R , TEXAS x/srOWcAL. COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION real places telling real stories November 9, 2017 Jon Lewis Executive Director F.O. Birmingham Memorial Land Trust P.O. Box 546 Wylie, TX 75098 Re: Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Project Review, The Brown Cottage,100 W. Jefferson St., Wylie, Collin County Address (RTHL) Dear Mr. Lewis: Thank you for sending the correspondence describing the proposed work on the Brown Cottage, which is designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL). This letter represents the comments of the Executive Director of the Texas Historical Commission, the state agency responsible for designating and reviewing proposed work for all Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks. The review staff, led by Alexander Toprac, has completed its review of the project proposal and supplementary documentation received on October 20, 2017 and November 8, 2017. Based on the project scope, submitted documentation, and our correspondence, the staff acknowledges the proposal to regrade the property to prevent the ongoing drainage issues, replace the deteriorated bois d'arc foundation piers with new level concrete piers, replace the asphalt shingle roof in-kind, and replace the mid-century side addition with an updated, larger shed roof addition and portico. After our recent correspondence, the staff commends your efforts along with your architect to reflect our preliminary recommendations in the revised design plans. The project review staff has determined that the project plans meet the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, and we hereby confirm that work may proceed without further consultation with our office. Thank you for your interest in the cultural heritage and historic resources of Texas, and for the opportunity to review and comment on this project in accordance with the Recorded Texas Historic Landmark legislation. We look forward to further consultation with your office and hope to maintain a partnership that will foster effective historic preservation. If you have any questions concerning our review or if we can be of further assistance, please contact Alexander Toprac at(512)463-6183. Sincerely, / Alexander Toprac, North Texas Regional Reviewer For Mark Wolfe, Executive Director MIN/at GREG ABBOTT, GOVERNOR *JOHN L. NAU, HI, CHAIR *MARK WOLFE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR P0. BOX 12276*AUSTIN,TEXAS *78711-2276 *P 512463,6100*F 512,475 4872 0 thc.texas,gov --...N\ Cods'; !' , Wylie City Council ° ��� AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2018 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 28, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 5 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-10 to change the zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development Single Family District (2018-10-SF) for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09 Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2018-10 to change the zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Planned Development Single Family District (2018-10-SF) for Patio Homes on approximately 18 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way within the D.W. Williams Survey, Abs A1021, Tr 2. ZC2017-09 Discussion Owner: Birmingham Land, Ltd. Applicant: Skorburg Company Zoning Case 2017-09 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. The subject ordinance establishes a Planned Development for patio home uses on 18.393 acres and allows for single-family residential units with a minimum of 5,500 sf. lots, and a 5.3 acre park dedication to the City of Wylie. Exhibits A (Legal Description), B (Development Standards), C (Concept Plan), and D (Park Plan) are included and made a part of this Ordinance. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. Page 1 of 1. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-10 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2017-09, FROM SINGLE-FAMILY 10/24 (SF-10/24) DISTRICT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (2018-10-SF) FOR PATIO HOMES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Planned Development 2018-10-SF (PD-201 8-1 0-SF), said property being described in Exhibit A (Legal Description), Exhibit B (PD Conditions), Exhibit C (Concept Plan), and Exhibit D (Parks Plan) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Ordinance No. 2018-10 Change the zoning on the hereinafter described property, Zoning Case Number 2017-09, from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24)District To Planned Development Single Family District(2018-10-SF)for patio homes SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: April 18,2018, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2018-10 Change the zoning on the hereinafter described property, Zoning Case Number 2017-09, from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24)District To Planned Development Single Family District(2018-10-SF)for patio homes EXHIBIT"A" WHEREAS Birmingham Land Ltd.,a Texas Limited Partnership is the Sole Owner of a 18.393 acre tract of land situated in the D. William Survey, Abstract No. 1021, in the City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas and being a portion of a tract of land, described in deed to Birmingham Land Ltd., recorded in County Clerk's File No. (CC*) 94-0029675,Deed Records, Collin County,Texas(D.R.C.C.T.), basis of bearing is the South line of a tract of land described as Tract 2A, as described in Deed to Centex Homes, recorded in cc# 2001-0042153 D.R.C.C.T. said 18.393 acre tract of land, being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING, at a wood monument found on the North right-of-way line of Brown Street(F.M. Hwy. No. 3412— a variable width right of way), being the Southwest corner of a tract of land, described in Deed to the Wylie Independent School District, recorded In Volume 530, Page 445, D.R.C.C.T., and the common Southeast corner of said Birmingham Land, Ltd., tract; THENCE, North 87 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds West, along the North right-of-way line, of said Brown Street, a distance of 443.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for the point of beginning; THENCE, North 87 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds West,continuing along the North right-of-way line of said Brown Street, a distance of 1266.92 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess" set for corner; THENCE over and across said Birmingham Land Ltd., tract, the following courses and distances: North 02 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds East, distance of 57.45 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for corner; North 28 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds West,a distance of 302.76 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"found for an ell corner of a tract of land, described as Tract 2A, in Deed to Centex Homes, a Nevada General Partnership,recorded in cc#2001-0042153, D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE North 51 degrees 01 minute 09 seconds East, along a South line of said Centex Tract,a distance of 942.00 feet to a 5/8"inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for corner; THENCE over and across said Birmingham Land Ltd., tract the following courses and distances: South 38 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 738.51 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set for comer; South 87 degrees 22 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 293.25 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped"Carter Burgess"set in the West line of a tract of land,described as Tract 28, in Deed to Centex Homes,a Nevada General Partnership, recorded in cc# 2001-0042153,D.R.C.C.T.; THENCE, South 02 degrees 37 minutes 46 seconds West, along the West line of said Centex Tract 28, a distance of 357.19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and CONTAINING 18.393 acres of land, more or less. EXHIBIT "B" CONDITIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT BIRMINGHAM BLUFFS ZONING CASE No. 2017-09 I. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This planned Development District shall not affect any regulations within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 2. All regulations of the Single Family 10/24 set forth in Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of May 2011) are hereby replaced with the following: Figure 3-4-Planned Development— Single Family(PD— SF) Lot Size (Minimum) Lot Area(sq. ft.) 5,500 Lot Width at building line (feet) 50 Lot width of corner Lots at building line (feet) 55 Lot Depth at building line (feet) 100 Lot Depth of Double Front Lots at building line 110 (feet) Dwelling Regulations (Minimum Square Footage A/C space) Maximum of 20% of the lots 1,800 Minimum of 30% of the lots 2,000 Minimum of 50% of the lots 2,200 Design Standards Level of Achievement See Section III Design Conditions Yard Requirements—Main Structures Front Yard(feet) 20 Side Yard (feet) 5 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) 10 Side Yard of Corner Lots (feet) on key lots 10 Rear Yard(feet) Minimum of 90% -15 Maximum of 10%- 10 Rear Yard Double Front Lots (feet) 20 Lot Coverage 65% Height of Structures Main Structure (feet 40 Accessory Structure (feet) No Accessory Structures Allowed II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Maximum number of residential lots not to exceed 60 lots. 2. Key lots are defined as a corner lot which is backing up to an abutting side yard. 3. Three-tab roofing shall not be permitted. 4. No alleys shall be required within the Planned Development. 5. Lots which back onto HOA Open Space shall provide a decorative iron fence of uniform design to be installed by the homebuilder, as approved by the Planning Department. 6. Lots which back onto the HOA lot along Brown Street shall provide a 6-foot-tall board on board cedar wood fence with masonry columns every 100 feet on center with the flat side of the fence facing Brown Street. This fence to be installed at one time prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy. 7. Lots which back onto the Joel Scott Memorial Skate Park shall provide a 6-foot- tall board on board cedar wood fence with steel posts with the flat side of the fence facing the Skate Park. The flat face of the fence to be stained a uniformed neutral color. 8. Lots along the southern property line that back up to West Brown Street shall have a minimum building setback of 40 feet from the Right of Way. 9. Existing trees greater than 6 inch caliper within the flood plain shall be protected in accordance with City's Tree Preservation Plan. 10. Open space, drainage & floodway easement, and public hike & bike trail shall be dedicated to the City of Wylie in accordance with City's Subdivision Regulations and approval by the City Council. 11. A Homeowner's Association (HOA) shall be established that will be responsible for the maintenance of all perimeter fencing, screening, HOA lots, HOA common areas, and landscaping within HOA areas. 12. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any dwelling unit, all infrastructure of phase I, phase II, trail, and open spaces is to be installed. IV.DESIGN CONDITIONS: A. Land Design Standards—New Residential Requirements Desired Land Design requirements are achieved by projects in accordance with Exhibit"P" and the following criteria: 1. Provision of Public Pathways - Public Open Space a. Base Standard (1) To follow the City of Wylie's 2012 Master Trail Plan, a Hike and Bike Trail shall be constructed by the developer to the City's standards and completed as part of the subdivision being accepted by the City Engineer. This trail will serve as an integral connection between Birmingham Farms Park (2), Joel Scott Memorial Park, the Skate Park, and the Municipal Complex. (a) 8' Hike&Bike Trail, achieving link in city trail system. (b) Open Space Improvements, including 2 park benches, 2 picnic tables, 2 trash can. (2) To provide easy access for all residents of Biiiiiingham Bluffs, two connections shall be made between the neighborhood and the Hike & Bike Trail. The main connection between the development and Trail will be further improved to include an area to enjoy barbeques or take a break while utilizing the trail system. The public pathway system easement(s) shall be connected along existing or planned utility rights-of-way and/or public property lines to any existing or planned public trail system on abutting land. The public open space easement will be located to provide for future connections to be made by others across intervening property to any existing or planned public trail system on land that does not abut the development. Public Access Street Subdivision Dev elopment P.ihlir ()nonr r .a .i, Space Easement wih8 c ji tra! .. .s Open Space ,. - '' b. Desirable Design Attributes To further enhance the connection between Birmingham Bluffs and the Hike & Bike Trail a partially single-loaded Street along the open space will be provided. This will give and open view to the open space and provide a large area to make a connection. \t d 1i 1 `irr 14r, . xyµr 4,8 " 3 d b`n u � • 2. Provision of Public Pathway—Perimeter Walkways and Landscape a. Base Standard (1)Per Exhibit"P" and coordinate improvements with the City of Wylie Biiiiiingham Bluffs, where possible, will utilize a selection of the following trees and shrubs for landscaping and screening purposes and shall be of a species common or adaptable to this area of Texas: 1. Large Trees: Pecan Red Oak Burr Oak Water Oak Southern Magnolias Live Oak Bald Cypress 2. Small Trees: Yaupon Hollies Crape Myrtle Wax Myrtle Cherry Laurel Red Bud Japanese Black Pine Cedar Elm 3. Evergreen Shrubs: Red Tip Photinia Burford Holly Nellie R. Stevens Chinese Holly Yaupon Holly Clearra Nandinnia Dwarf Crape Myrtle Japanese Ligustrum Waxleaf Ligustrum Abelia Junipers Barberry Asian Jasmine Honeysuckle English Ivy Boston Ivy Liriope Monkey Grass Virginia Creeper Vinca Mondon Grass Ophia Pogon Elaeagnus Purple Sage Pistachio The following trees will not be used for required landscaping and screening purposes: Silver Maple Hackberry Green Ash Arizona Ash Mulberry Cottonwood Mimosa Syberian Elm American Elm Willow Sycamore Bradford Pear c. Desirable Design Attributes None 3. Lighting and Furnishings Along Open Space, Easements and Trails d. Base Standard (1) To provide places for the residents of Wylie to rest while utilizing the Hike and Bike Trail, benches with backs will be installed and match those currently being used by the City. (2) By providing distinctive striping and buttons or similar cross-walks approved by city engineer at street connectors, Birmingham Bluffs will add an extra level of safety to pedestrians in the neighborhood. (3) For continuity and to provide a pedestrian friendly atmosphere, distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer at main entry; 6 ft wide at interior street connectors. e. Desirable Design Attributes (1) To maximize the utility of the trail and connections, 2 Benches, 2 Picnic Tables with barbeque grills, and 2 Trash Cans will be provided and will be coordinated with Parks Department. This will give the residents a place to congregate, relax, and host neighborhood events while limiting the long-term maintenance burden of the HOA. (2) 8' wide distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer crossing at main entry; B. Street and Sidewalk Standards—New Residential Requirements Desired street and sidewalk requirements are achieved in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Street Treatments—Entry Features and Signage at Entries a. Base Standard Architectural features on stone monument(no brick) with landscaping and incorporated into open space area and illuminated by means other than street lights. b. Desirable Design Attributes The quality and cohesive planning of Bu�uingham Bluffs will start at the entry way. Birmingham Bluffs entry monument will feature decorative iron accent panels or 2 or more different type/color of stone (can be synthetic or cultured). b� � � r . a "'" v j : „�, wow"" dr.w a4,„ n ° �uu: �;". 2. Street Treatments— Street Name Signs a. Base Standard Block numbers shall be incorporated with street lighting that is coordinated throughout the subdivision to provide safe guidance whether it be day or night. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 3. Street Treatments—Pedestrian Crosswalks a. Base Standard All crosswalks within a Residential development are to be 8 feet wide at trail crossings with distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer and must connect to a pedestrian sidewalk system with pedestrian ramps complying with the American with Disabilities Act, to provide a clear, continuous pedestrian and circulation system throughout a subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: Provide 8 ft. wide, connected system of distinctive striping and buttons or similar approved by city engineer at Trail Crossing at Main Entry. 4. Pedestrian Sidewalks - Sidewalk Locations a. Base Standard Being located adjacent to Birmingham Elementary school it is important that families have a safe way to walk to school regardless of which house they live in. Sidewalk access for every home in Birmingham Bluffs will be provided with a 4 feet wide concrete pedestrian sidewalks shall be located on both sides of the street, in the right-of-way of every internal street. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 5. Pedestrian Sidewalks- Sidewalk Lighting a. Base Standard Decorative street lighting shall be provided along residential streets throughout all Residential Developments, providing low illumination with decorative poles with spacing ranging from 250 feet to 350 feet between lights placed on alternating sides of the street. A Street Lighting Plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. The City Engineer is authorized to alter the distance requirement if needed in an effort to achieve the best lighting arrangement possible. 'NN l ", a nay mot_. ° ' 0 b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 6. Perimeter Alleys a. Base Standard No Alleyways are required for the subdivision. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None C. Architectural Standards—New Residential Requirements 1. Building Bulk and Articulation a. Base Standard In order to avoid large blank facades, variations in the elevation of residential facades facing a public street shall be provided in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. At least 20 percent of the facade shall be offset a minimum of 1 foot either protruding from or recessed back from the remainder of the facade. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 2. House Numbers a. Base Standard For consistency and community feel all single family residential units shall have front stone wall plaque with resident address beside the main entry of the dwelling unit. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 3. Exterior Facade Material a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum of eighty (80) percent of the exterior facade composed of kiln-fired clay brick, rock, or masonry stucco with the balance being window boxes, gables, architectural shingle and etc., but not 20% siding, excluding windows, doors and other openings. Glazing shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the front elevation of the residence. Dormers, second story walls or other elements supported by the roof structure may be composite masonry materials if approved by the Building Official as having the same durability as masonry or stone and when offset at least six (6) inches from the first floor exterior wall. Wood, vinyl siding and EIFS materials shall not be used for exterior walls. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 4. Exterior Facades—Porch a. Base Standard Each single family residential unit shall have a combined total covered front, side or rear entry of a minimum of 120 total square feet of floor area. ti lip4.411P ke VA ;01.0,...)0' ,,,,,,,m't , --ke, 40 w ^yy" " z yp "y. x sG - b. Desirable Design Attributes: Front porches are an invaluable social construct that can bring people out of their houses and into the community setting. Not only do front porches encourage neighborhood feelings of cohesion, but it is also a pragmatic place to safely store the packages delivered from the ever growing popularity of door step deliveries. To achieve these goals, two or more sides of covered porches, or pitched cover incorporated into roof lines of house 5. Exterior Facades - Chimneys a. Base Standard Chimney flues for fireplace chimneys are to be within a chimney enclosed with masonry matching exterior walls of the residential unit and capped. b. Desirable Design Attributes: To match the overall esthetic of the homes in Birmingham Bluffs all fireplace chimneys shall incorporate 40 percent stone, matching the accent exterior facade materials of the house for houses with Chimneys. 6. Roofs and Roofing -Roof Pitch a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have a minimum roof pitch of 8:12, with articulation, dormers or a combination of hip and gable roofing. A minimum roof pitch of 4:12 will be allowed over porches and patios. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 7. Roofs and Roofing - Roofing Materials a. Base Standard All single family residential units shall have architectural-grade overlap shingles, tile or standing seam metal. Wood shingles are not permitted. Plumbing vents, attic vents, and other rooftop accessories are to be painted to match the roof shingle color. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 8. Roofs and Roofing - Roof Eaves a. Base Standard No wood fascia or soffits are permitted. x *uw ",' In al 1212 kid12 Miriimuni Roof 12 Pitch Allowed 8:12 517 12 b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 9. Repetition of Residential Unit Designs — Repetition of Floor Plan and Elevation a. Base Standard Diversity of offerings is the key in constructing a vibrant community for generations. This is achieved not only at the first sale of a home but all the resales that will happen in the future. Creating a neighborhood of varying plans and styles will limit the "cookie cutter" feel of the neighborhood and expand the offerings to differentiated customers. To avoid repetitious feel, a minimum of five (5)platted residential lots must be skipped on the same side and three (3) lots must be skipped on the opposite side of a street before rebuilding the same single family residential unit with an identical (or nearly identical) street elevation design. The same floor plan shall not be repeated on neighboring, side by side lots or directly across the street. ._. —.—L-.-L-. L.— L«.�.�. —" _ T'T'� i�'T'T'Tok —r r _.T._ NO ( 7 6 15 14 13 12 I I 3 LOI'S SiKIP/ED2OPIOSITE 31 E O ISREE' 6 ( 7 ( 17 I I 5 LOI'S 4IP[ED SA'Y E SIDE:OOEET 1 I Z 13 •I 4 I 5 •6 I 7 ( NO 1 1 1OK1 I I I 1 1OKI I 1 1 I I 1 1 —r'T'T"1—'1-1'—1''T'T.' Identical or nearly identical floor plan means that the layout, size and function of the rooms are essentially the same Identical or nearly identical street elevation design means little or no variation in the articulation of the facade, height or width of facade, placement of the primary entrances, porches, number and placement of windows, and other major architectural feature. It does not mean similar colors, materials, or small details. b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 10. Garage Entry a. Base Standard To maximize the useable rear yards garage doors can be located on the primary street elevation of a single family residential unit with an upgraded door with carriage hardware. The primary street would be the addressed street front. Garages may face the street on a corner lot side yard. To provide ample parking and storage each garage shall be a minimum of 400 square feet. +vv� �,A i i d "° r 1 Y 11 ° i v i IY iI v,; I �; I •° )'+ is 4. i,.rt w5 .y, ^ trvd !rK' °�,y �0., a ., , • ' ,Ct � •, g r 4' r L ru r 'gn,5g a4 sasT t � rw ° b. Desirable Design Attributes: None 11. Dwelling Size a. Base Standard Providing a variety of homes at different sizes is key in creating a diverse community. Having a range of home sizes gives options for those with growing families, empty nesters, and all those in-between. The minimum square feet of floor space shall be (a maximum of 20%) of the houses 1,800 s.f. , (a minimum of 30%) of the houses 2,000 s.f. , (a minimum of 50%) of the houses 2,200 s.f. measured within the outside dimensions of a residential dwelling unit including each floor level, but excluding carports, garages, and breezeways. 12. Fencing a. Base Standard (1) Front yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 4 feet maximum with minimum 50 percent transparency constructed of wood or wrought iron. (2) Side and rear yard fences (if provided) shall be permitted to a height of 8 feet maximum and constructed of wood with metal posts and rails to the inside. (3) Pressure treated wood is prohibited. (4) Fences shall be constructed of decorative iron next to public open space, and shall be minimum 4 ft in height. (5) To provide both uniformed screening and privacy, the fencing behind the Joel Scott Memorial Skate Park shall be a 6-foot-tall board on board cedar wood fence with steel posts with the flat side of the fence facing the Skate Park. The flat side shall be stained in a uniform neutral color. (6) Fencing along Brown Street shall be constructed of 6-foot-tall board on board cedar wood fences with masonry columns every 100 feet on center. b. Desirable Design Attributes None 13. Landscaping a. Base Standard (1) Each residential dwelling shall have sodded front, side, and rear yard with a minimum of 2 trees and 5 shrubs in front yard. (2) All landscaped areas must be kept in a healthy and growing condition. Any plant materials that die during a time of year where it is not feasible to replant shall be replaced as soon as possible. b. Desirable Design Attributes Each residential dwelling unit shall have an automated, subsurface irrigation system. 14. Outdoor Lighting a. Base Standard All residential dwelling units shall have an illuminated standard porch light at the front entry and drive/garage. b. Desirable Design Attributes Front facade and drive/garage shall be illuminated by coach lights on each side of the garage and front yard activity area illuminated and wired to the interior of the house. 15. Conservation/Sustainability a. Base Standard Each residential dwelling unit must comply with the Energy component of the Building Code. b. Desirable Design Attributes None ;1*. € tO1NAM.F NN u $4 .y., F a �s•�. wry .!•n t01 DEMIAPE;--X15 IF F . ..�.. 1111 k wNiwt ME41 APE.; m52*6 IF °fa 4 �^^ ._.- re i—F "'�,Jgr� w w.� �w Y .w Nitro bfc.P xl c 2u u �t� lf{j•!{i rr "a tre. �r. ,mF • 3 'Fait i. 4.t } • " CU ;III sv Niwrtere ♦ L 4.... ..Se. K fif IG.S CS,,,••,S'- �•!� �y r+h{ ,, \r"".r. 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PARK CONCEPT PLAN Cods'; ' , f j , Wylie City Council k{Ltx"' f :° ��� AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2018 Item Number: D Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 29, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-11 to change the zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2018-11 to change the zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG-30) to Business Government (BG) for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres, generally located at Brown Street, and west of Country Club Road. ZC2018-04 Discussion Owner: Collin College Applicant: Page Southerland Page,Inc. Zoning Case 2018-04 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. This ordinance establishes permanent zoning of Business Government on the subject property, consisting of approximately 54 acres. Exhibits A (Legal Description) and B (Boundary Survey) are included and made a part of this Ordinance. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. Page 1 of 1. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2018-04, FROM AGRICULTURAL — 30 DISTRICT (AG-30) TO BUSINESS GOVERNMENT (BG) FOR COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY USES ON APPROXIMATELY 54 ACRES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Business Government (BG), said property being described in Exhibit A (Legal Description) and Exhibit B (Boundary Survey) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Ordinance No. 2018-11 Change the zoning on the hereinafter described property,zoning case number 2018-04,from Agricultural—30 District(AG-30)to Business Government(BG)for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: April 18,2018, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2018-11 Change the zoning on the hereinafter described property,zoning case number 2018-04,from Agricultural—30 District(AG-30)to Business Government(BG)for College or University uses on approximately 54 acres LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the J. Curtis Survey, Abstract No. 196 and the G. W. Gunnell Survey, Abstract No. 351 Collin county, Texas, and being all of a called 9.689 acres tract conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20161215001702780, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a called 9.719 acres tract conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20170123000100100, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of a called 23.888 acres tract conveyed to Collin County Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20160923001280200, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, being all of Lot 2, Block A, Wylie Civic Center Addition, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2011, Page 56, Plat Records Collin County, Texas and conveyed to Collin county Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. 20161216001707960, Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of a XXX acre tract conveyed to Collin County Community District as recorded in County Clerks No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Land Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bound as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for corner of said called 9.689 acre tract, said iron rod also being at the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block A, Wylie Fire Station No. 2 as recorded in Cabinet P, Page 511, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE S 89'37'44" E following the south line of said Wylie Fire Station No. 2 a distance of 1601.37' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner in the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road (a variable width ROW); THENCE S 00'31 '07" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 268. 18' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 01'28'25" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 132.99' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 04'53'33" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 130.54' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 04'53'33" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 129.49' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 01'26'24" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 132.76' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; Page 57 of 63 THENCE S 8559'06" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Rood a distance of 8.71' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 00'29'41 " E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 223.66' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 04'02'24" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 167.98' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along said curve to the right following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road through a central angle of 12'1 1'52", a radius of 2103.89', an arc length of 447.90', with a chord bearing of S 2(748'03" W, and a chord length of 447.05', to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 29'21'00" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 168.40' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner; THENCE S 34'34'49" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 314.59' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 35'00'28" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 507.56' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 32'49'41" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 231.66'to a 5/8" iron rod found for corner; THENCE S 31'50'10" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 200.71 ' to a TXDOT aluminum cap found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road through a central angle of 15'09'21", a radius of 1528.27', an arc length of 404.26', with a chord bearing of S 20'53'30" W, and a chord length of 403.08' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; Page 58 of 63 THENCE S 06'14'35" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Rood a distance of 155.56' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE S 11'56'30" W following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 102. 10' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HA" found for corner; THENCE S 00'38'15" E following the west Right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 1378 / Country Club Road a distance of 71. 13' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "HA" found for corner; THENCE S 86'34'03" W a distance of 103.08' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the southeast corner of Block A, Parkside Phase I, as recorded in Volume 2007, Page 640, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE N 00'08'03" W following the east line of said Block A a distance of 509.01' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner in a curve to the left said iron rod being in the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive (65' ROW); THENCE along said curve to the left following the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive through a central angle of 05'31 '42", a radius of 665.00', an arc length of 64. 16', with a chord bearing of S 69'49'03" E, and a chord length of 64. 14' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner, THENCE S 72'34'54" E following the South Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive a distance of 89.98' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner to the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the right, said iron rod being at the end of Lakefield Drive; THENCE along said curve to the right following the east end of Lakefield Drive through a central angle of 02'23'28', a radius of 1558.27', an arc length of 65.03', with a chord bearing of N 19'08'18" E, and a chord length of 65.03' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stomped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 72'34'54" W following the north Right of Way line of Lakefield Drive a distance of 91.93' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; Page 59 of 63 THENCE along said curve to the right following the north Right of Way line of Lake field Drive through a central angle of 08'11 '57", a radius of 600.00', an arc length of 85.86', with a chord bearing of N 68'28'55" W, and a chord length of 85.79' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block X of said Parkside Phase 1; THENCE N 0005'44" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 427.72'; THENCE S 89'55'29" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 82.49'; THENCE N 53'26'39" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 534.68'; THENCE N 34'16'23" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 484.02'; THENCE N 50'01'11" W following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 354.93' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 5935'51" E following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 455.32' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left through a central angle of 53'29'51 ", a radius of 353.88', an arc length of 330.42', with a chord bearing of N 3042'04" E, and a chord length of 318.55' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner, THENCE N 03'57'09" E following the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 263.64' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, said iron rod being in the south line of Lake Ranch Phase I as recorded in Cabinet C, Page 193, P.R.C.C.T.; THENCE N 8957'09" E following the south line of said Lake Ranch Phase I a distance of 92.73' to a 1/2" iron rod found with a yellow plastic cap stamped "4613" found for corner; THENCE N 0020'08" E following the east line of said Lake Ranch Phase I a distance of 786.27' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4,204,564 Square Feet or 96.524 Acres of land. Page 60 of 63 LIRE a /A ,,,,,e , , a1 titi \es,',900,, ,Cy / \ ` IAN NORTH SCALE 1"- 100' Xs 0.)/ .. LEGEND C.M. = CONTROLLING MONUMENT GINS = CAPPED 1/2" IRON ROD SET STAMPED (4613) = ALUMINUM CAP 7AM \` IRE IRON ROD FOUND ( = POWER POLE nnQQAn V , = GUY WIRE 1 �\ DRAIN 7 v C(RF - LIGHT POLE � o',, .` .6 FIRE HYDRANT ��� MUDDY CREEK RESERVOIR 0 = WATER VALVE 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT , VOLUME 4720, PAGE 1525 LAKE SOIL. CONSEFTVATION AKA U = UNDER GROUND TELEPHONE BOX �-.,) VOL. 488, PC. 346 �.,� 20 VOLUME 3255, DAG EiT EASEMENT OOp,T vol... 538, PG. 308 / IOT 5 C�, ��� AKE RANCH PHASE CABINET C, PAGE L01 1, BLOCK X7-- s-, 193 OPEN SPACE/DRAINAGE EASEMENT � �' '----�57'09" E RE CITYOF WYLIE I '�-------- VOLUME 2007, PAGE 640I \ 263.64 ' - - _ \ / L'''' ;'% RF N 00°20'08" E 786.27' POB - x -�- -� x x - x 7-� x X x -x x 1/2"IRF ,,, , , -47 DP 448 70 x \ 4) , F,L"TXX " fi �' MD SEALED) �„ i„ PoI , ' / / X PONDx ' \ ---1 OOP Vi,;"/"Ii // //AP / / 0 a c�. . / / GALLED 23.888 ACRES 11. I \ \ , / / COLT IN COUNTY COMMUNITY I\ \ 1 \ L .Di % COLLEGE DISTRICT � z / / // C.C. NO. 20160923001280200 c, S / ; ' 0-) / '- TOP 498.70 i / a RI] m FL 487-88/ ' e , ' v� O / V \ / ' / LOT 1, BLOCK X CIRE ' ' OPEN SPACE/DRAINAGE EASEMENT / / o 1-3 CITY OF WYLIE , / VOLUME 2007, PAGE 640 'W / - -- -- o n i —// / --- GIRT CO NNELL SURVEY', ABSTRACT NO. 351 N 00 05 44 W 427.72 aRF __ �_ 238� - SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 196 -- -- -- _ N 00°08'03" W 09.01' - CIRE CIRF __ _ _ / G.W. CURTIS--- RTIS V , x x o ZONED AE „-0 /GIPP PANEL NO. 48085C0415J / / „='� x L9 REVISED JUNE 2, 2009 / iy GRAPHICALLY LOCATED / / CAPPED CAPPED �� — --__ __ -� • N / / -; c "HALES „HALFF" CIRF L7 — ti / IRE / ; CIRF C4 / x ��� CIRF / ."`" i ,�C? / ZONED x -0 m \ / ,'u� PANEL NO. 48085C0415J m �� v v REVISED JUNE 2, 2009 n ` , TOP 497.39 ', CS) / / I EL 488.48 GRAPHICALLY LOCATED x 0 E 20' .SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT / 1 STORY o) ' METAL ACMSD S'NNII \ / 7 STORY � S"DORY VOLUME 3255, PAGE. 36 METAL �.1 s / / 96.524 ACRES STORY V / METAL M ;' LOT 2, BLOCK A METAL 10* A / LOT 1, BLOCK A 2�O) WYLIE CIVIC CENTER ,�� ` / VOL. 2011, PAGE 56 1 lD WYLIE FIRE STATION NO. 2 / i S\F\ i' j P.R.C.C.T. x .� CABINET P. PACE 511 P.R.C.C.T. c.M. A / COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY w , i COLLEGE DISTRICT d x .S v C.C. NO. 20161216001707960 �` o / ', �( x C.C.BNOA 93-00/3_82 �31 �1 / CAr I ED 9.719 ACRES CALLED 9.689 ACRES m •66 /,,_ COLLIN COUNTYCOMMUNITY COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY Zn mil/ L.R.C.C.T. COL.LFGE DISTRICT COLLEGE DISTRICT 00 / , i AREA NOT SURVEYED C.C. NO. 20170123000100100 C.C. NO. 20161215001702780 co / CIRFwv "T x x %� 1 o Q ��;'� ' S`� \ 30' NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL ,_# ;' So \ WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT # x x x° x _ / / j ' \ VOLUME 2011, PAGE 56 1 STORY / . A / C' \ METAL / / S 7 STORY x _. LO x x \ O METAL. [1 -I /;/ Xs v • _, STORY /'' / L��L \ Z X METAL NE BEARING DISTANCE °< U x 0'31'07, E 268.18' / �O'� �OT O 2 S 1 28'25" E 1 32.99' L3 S 04 53 33 E 130.54 + L4 S 04 633" E 12 . ' L5 S 01 26 24 E 132.76' L6 S 85°59'06" W 8.71' GIBE \ L7 S 06°14'35" W 155.56' -6+.7 L8 S 11'56'30" W 102.10' ' A SHED ' L9 S 0038'15" E 71.13' S3 x 0 0 S 86 34'03" W 103.08' �°� °x + L11 S 72°34'54" E 89.98' L12 N 72°34'54" W 91.93' i �S�g�\ + -- x L13 S 89'55'29" W 82.49' O x �1�s9 �.x _ x x p z 4 N 89°57'09" E 92.73' A �' �J \ SHED T�i { NI C 1 12'1 1'52" 2103 89' 447.90' S 20'48'03" W 447 05' BM #2 "X" CUT WELL STORY 1 STORY C2RVE DELTA5 09'2 ANGLE RADIUS7 ARC LENGTHCHORD RING CHORD LENGTH I CC3 1 5'31'42 665. 0' 65.0. E N 69'49'93" ELEV. sonsORION m 4 W u03.08' END \ BRICK A as 64.1 6' S 69 49 03" E 64.14' �� .S� v ... E 65.03 ax :. \\ 1 4 C5 8°12'04" 600.00' 85.88' N 68°28'52" W 85.81' �� 100 v '�-1 m C6 53'29'51" 353.88' 330.42' N 30°42'04" E 318.55' 6`q4�� (� � x ox �lr� CAM FND \INN v x ` NOTES: 8_ x 1. The original copy will have original signatures, stamp ���CZ 8- TO STATE OF TEXAS o---� TO STATE OF TEXAS seal and an impression seal. ��� * TO STATE OF TEXAS C.C. N0. 20090130000096870 NNNC.C. NO. 200901 30000097120 x C.C. N0. 2008 6000697370 LRC.CT. 2. Copyright 2017, Surduhan Surveying, Inc. 3. This survey is being provided solely for the use of R.C.C.T. x AM FND L1 M. the current parties. M o AM END 4. This survey is subject to all easements of �, AM END L3 -- M. p S 04 02'24" W AM END x 14 -- CIRE • -- - -- ord. �'� S 0 �9 41 E CIRF x aRF. 5. The basis of bearings, horizontal and vertical position �� " C.M. , -- x are derived from Texas WDS RTK Network, Texas State • 98' _22 RF --® aRF Y �� e Plane Coordinates System, Nad83, North Central Zone, �� �' — NM #1 "X" CUT Nad 83 (CORS96) Epoch 2002.0, Vertical position are Iv ELEV. 531.09 referenced to NAVD88 using (GEIOD03). SITE BENCHMARKS FM No. 1378 / COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • 7 KARIAB #1 X CUT AT NORTH END OF CENTERLINE MEDIUM ON o 0� E WIDTH Row v 0 COUNT""BY CLUB ROAD EAST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF �� �� THIS SITE. EL..EV. 531.09 • BOUNDARY SURVEY # X CUT ON EAST TOP OE CURB AT 21' NORTH OE. THE SOUTH END OF CENTERLINE MEDIUM ON COUNTRY CLUB 1 96.524 ACRES ROAD, 1175' NORTH OF CENTER LINE LAKEFIELD DR. I J. CURTIS SURVEY ELEV. 507.39 ABSTRACT NO.196 G. W. GUNNELL SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 351 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS t Wylie City Council t� E AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2018 Item Number: E Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 28, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 4 Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-12 to change the zoning from Planned Development 2011-29 (PD- 2011-29) to Planned Development -Commercial Corridor (PD-CC), to allow for retail and self-storage uses. Generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC2018-03 Recommendation Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2018-12 to change the zoning from Planned Development 2011-29 (PD-2011- 29) to Planned Development-Commercial Corridor (PD-CC), to allow for retail and self-storage uses. Generally located south of the intersection of FM 544 and Woodbridge Parkway (721 & 731 Woodbridge Parkway). ZC2018-03 Discussion Owner: Wylie Cinema Company, LLC Applicant: Baldwin Associates,LLC Zoning Case 2018-03 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. The subject ordinance establishes Planned Development-Commercial Corridor District zoning on 3.184 acres and allows for retail and self-storage uses. Self-storage uses are allowed by right on Lot 3, Block A. Exhibits A (Legal Description), B (Development Standards), C (Site Plan), and D (Elevations) are included and made a part of this Ordinance. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. Page 1 of 1. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2018-03, FROM PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2011-29 (PD-2011-29) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2018-12-COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR (PD-2018-12-CC), TO ALLOW FOR RETAIL AND SELF-STORAGE USES ON 3.18 ACRES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Planned Development 2018-12- Commercial Corridor District (PD-2018-12-CC), said property being described in Exhibit A (Legal Description), B (Development Standards), C (Site Plan), and D (Elevations) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful Ordinance No. 2018-12 Change the zoning on the hereinafter described property,Zoning Case No.2018-03, from Planned Development 2011-29 to Planned Development 2018-12-Commercial Corridor District to allow for retail and self-storage uses on 3.18 acres act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary DATE OF PUBLICATION: April 18,2018, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2018-12 Change the zoning on the hereinafter described property,Zoning Case No.2018-03, from Planned Development 2011-29 to Planned Development 2018-12-Commercial Corridor District to allow for retail and self-storage uses on 3.18 acres LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract No. 703, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of Lot 3 and part of Lot 4, Block A, Woodbridge Centre Phase II, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 2013, Page 202, Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas. BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the northeast corner of said Lot 4 and being in the west right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway (a variable width right-of-way) and being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 7°27'45", a radius of 844.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 18°20'05"West, 109.91 feet; THENCE with the west right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway, the following courses and distances: In a southwesterly direction, with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 109.99 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 15°33'22", a radius of 286.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 35°03'52" West, 77.55 feet; In a southwesterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 77.79 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found at the beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a central angle of 7°35'25", a radius of 830.06 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 31°04'53"West, 109.88 feet; In a southwesterly direction with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 109.96 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap set for corner; THENCE departing said west right-of-way line of Woodbridge Parkway, North 55°50'32" West, passing at a distance of 143.05 feet an "X" cut in concrete found for the southeast corner of said Lot 3 and the west line of said Lot 4, continuing with the south line of said Lot 3 in all a total distance of 196.17 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found at the beginning of a tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 34°17'42", a radius of 37.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 72°59'23"West, 21.82 feet; THENCE continuing with said south line of Lot 3, the following courses and distances: In a northwesterly direction, with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 22.15 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found for corner; South 89°51'46" West, a distance of 540.76 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found for the southwest corner of said Lot 3 and being in the east line of Lot 10, Block A, Hooper Business Park, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Volume H, Page 52 of said Official Public Records; THENCE with the east line of said Hooper Business Park, North 0°08'14" West, a distance of 153.69 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found for the northwest corner of said Lot 3 and being the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block B of Woodbridge Centre Phase I Addition an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Volume 2012, Page 308 of said Official Public Records; THENCE departing said east line of Hooper Business Park and with the south line of said Lot 1, Block B and the south line of Lots 2A and 2B, Block B of Woodbridge Center, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Volume 2015, Page 558 of said Official Public Records, South 89°32'00" East, passing at a distance of 164.63 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod with"WAI" cap found for the southernmost southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block B and the southwest corner of said Lot 2A, Block B,passing at a distance of 588.33 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod with "WAI" cap found for the southeast corner of said Lot 2A, Block B and the southwest corner of said Lot 2B, Block, passing at a distance of 849.89 feet a 1/2-inch iron rod with "WAI" cap found for the southeast corner of said Lot 2B, continuing in all a total distance of 860.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3.1874 acres or 138,844 square feet of land. Bearing system based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983. EXHIBIT "B" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 1.01 Purpose: The purpose of this Planned Development District is intended to provide for the mixing and combining of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate land use regulations and development standards. Each permitted use is planned, developed or operated as an integral land use unit while providing flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings where modification of specific provisions of this ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the neighborhood. The allowable use of a combination of these districts provides for the enhancement and implementation of the City's vision of the Comprehensive Plan. 2.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT- COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Block A, Lots 3, 4, & 5 2.01 General Description: The commercial tracts within this Planned Development located within the proximity of the residential land uses are intended to accommodate the development of office, retail and commercial service-related uses for the neighborhood residents. 2.02 Permitted Uses: a. Land uses permitted shall be in accordance with Commercial Corridor District as listed in Article 5 Use Regulations,Section 5.1 Land Use Charts, Figure 5-3 Land Use Tables, and Section 5.2 Listed uses as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie in place at the time of adoption of this Planned Development. b. A Mini-Storage use is allowed by right on Block A, Lot 3 as shown on exhibit "E". 2.03 Commercial Corridor District(CC): Block A, Lots 4 & 5 are to be developed in accordance with the Development Standards as defined in Article 4 - Non-residential District Regulations, Section 4.1 Commercial Districts C. Commercial Corridor District (CC), Figure 4-3- Commercial Corridor District(CC) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie in place at the time of adoption of this Planned Development, and must comply with the Site Plan shown on Exhibit "E". 2.04 Non-residential Design Standards: Section 4.3 Non-residential Design Standards shall apply throughout the Planned Development District, with the following revisions: 2.05.1 Mini-Storage on Lot 3 2.05.01.a. Building A shall have a minimum 16% stone on the north facade. 2.05.01.b. Buildings B, C and D shall not be required to have stone on any facade face. 2.05.2 Retail Building on Lot 4 shall have a minimum 13%stone requirement on the south facade. 2.05.02.a. Building must comply with the architectural provisions and off-street parking shown on Exhibit 2.06 Landscaping Requirements Landscaping shall comply with Figure 4-8 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Cityof Wylie in place at the time of adoption of this Planned Development. 2.06.01 For the purposes of determining compliance with landscaping regulations,the subject property on Exhibit "E" is considered one lot. 2.07 Parking Design Requirements: The parking for commercial development shall be designed in accordance with the following: 2.07.01 A parking space shall be 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep for 90-degree parking. A parking space for angled parking shall be 9.5 feet wide and 18 feet deep. 2.07.02 A one-way aisle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. 2.07.03 A two-way aisle shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. 2.07.04 The parking for a mini-storage on Lot 3, Block A is one space for every 40 rental units. 2.07.05 For the purpose of calculating required off-street parking, the subject property on Exhibit "E" is considered one lot. 3.0 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.01 Conformance to the Wylie Zoning Ordinance: Except as amended herein, this Planned Development shall conform to any and all applicable articles and sections of the City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance dated January 10, 2012. 3.02 Procedures of the Planned Development District: 3.02.01 Legal Description: Exhibit A Setsforth an overall property boundary description is attached and made a part of the approval for this Planned Development District, and the designation of each lot, identified by a number which corresponds to the lots defined in this Exhibit "B" Planned Development District Development Standards. 3.02.02 Conceptual Plan: The Conceptual Plan is hereby attached and made a part of the approval for the Planned Development District as Exhibit "E". 3.03 General Compliance: Except as amended by these conditions, development of property within this Planned Development must comply with the requirements of all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Wylie as they presently exist. r m LEGEND — — PROPERTY LINE 04 EXISTING WATER METER LU PROPOSED WATER LINE EXISTING TRAFFIC BOX / \ I ,, Q a © -- EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL - - - - - - PROPOSED SSWR LINE NORTH - EXISTING GUY ANCHOR LOT 1, BLOCK B I PROPOSED STORM LINE WOODBRIDGE CENTRE, 0 LOT 2B, BLOCK B Li EXISTING POWER POLE PHASE 1 ADDITION # ---4" TRANS. WOODBRIDGE CENTRE z i — PROPOSED RETAINING WALL VOL. 2012, PG. 308 VOL. 2015, PG. 558 X X PROPOSED FENCE LINE PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET O.P.R.C.C.T. O.P.R.C.C.T. I Aid o CI PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT 0 15 30 60 co FL PROPOSED FIRELANE STRIPING ZONING: PD 2003-01 ZONING: PD 2003-01 o E. PROPOSED WATER METER CONCRETE r ELEC. 8'As EXISTING SSWR LINE&SIZE PAVEMENT -' VAULT PPP Z o "Vt EXISTING WATER LINE&SIZE 0 PROPOSED PARKING COUNT W x w EXISTING STORM LINE PROPOSED STORM INLET CC 2 Aft ,, GAS EXISTING UNDERGROUND GAS LINE , PROPOSED BFR O 1- F OHE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE LS LANDSCAPE AREA 8„did - S W .. nN ..-8nN __ __. ... 8„\N S„S€ . .. .�. �.. ...._ -.__. ...... ..�. �..... ........ - ........"_ A?. Ea- < CBL EXISTING UNDERGROUND COMM LINE :S q ;5 i w.,c INLET S w GRAVEL CONCRETE F 0 / VISIBILITY TRIANGLE/ZONE ,;I.; x -- Z PAVEMENT W ill m * BM/4 PAVEMENT ,,.. W Y LOT 2A, BLOCK B 4fr co I " a (..5 /N� IWOODBRIDGE CENTRE o 01 ? FT VOL. 2015, PG. 558 F I ( O.P.R.C.C.T. LINN 1-- oo ZONING: PD 2003-01 C W N 0 22'UTILITY EASEMENT PROP.SLIDING CD W o VOL.2013, PG.202 PROP. DUMPSTER GATE W c,,� 24'FIRE LANE AND ACCESS / 'S Al = < O.P.R.C.C.T. ENCLOSURE EASEMENT BY PLAT g„ rV O 0) z .L _ PROP. FH S89°32'00'E 605.53' ' PROP.FH N O CONCRETE X .r .� .. S89°32'00"E 254.67' W o N 0 PROP.RETAINING WALL -, - - — �. - — — �� — — �� U ' tiZ W WALL 10'LANDSCAPE SETBACK ❑� 0 Di LI ti W r I O� -� LS 1 PROP. RETAINING WALL °� 2 I , w. ., .i i L II LS 10'LANDSCAPE SETBACK ^ O Q W >- 1N BUILDING Dw IIi II / PROP.8' g < u- m ( 1 STORY X Z PROP.8"WATER fr..). V SIDEWALK / \ w W c' Z zo LS - BLDG.FOOTPR NT=2,000 SF FDC �� al --I- . o ¢ 111111111M.111 // N`T J ~ m W PROP. FENCE - - - - II� - - - - — 1<- LINE I) PROP.24"STORM cc PROP. 18"STORM 10 o) (� Q CD W ct a ( J H w FUTURE w r` W < i w PROP.CONC ' 4 O Q Q u ® i li li li o i Md li PVMT - li ��\ ti ® COMMERCIAL ��/ o ti 0 10'SETBACK -i w .9 m �'S, , ~ - CU z 51 N I o PROP.CONcrAtit"Att ritttAtAtAtAtt �, �co DEVELOPMENT< o z- o p0 - -❑� /- 10.0 PVMTz PROP.18"STORM t- Q ,iit 11111111111 Q Zo U (TYP.) m / / PROP.LOADING ZONE PROP.LOADING ZONE FDC x N O QN X .!" PER PD REQUIREMENTS PER PD REQUIREMENTS7 0 4 >` CL x m t.ll #0, „ co„, E W ±365 0 _�� o w X _ A� 6 il 4 10.0' ',,,..- 30'FIRE LANE AND ACCESS �� O I- x 0 a w + BUILDING C FDCir O (TYP. II EASEMENT BY PLAT / in Z U 20.0' 1 STORY • ( i_ i O 0 A=7°2T45" ■ d- f� , R=844.50' LS PROP.TAwr Ni ( ) 24.0' BLDG.FOOTPRINT-2,500 SF I � ° :::Igen: W CONCRETE < TYP. - _ BFR WALL Z �" ) _ 2.11 ACRES SIDEWALK n �� 4 L=109.99' o Q o w 24'FIRE LANE AND ACCESS o , BUILDING A At TYP) FIRE LANE LS Y o 1' 0 92 108 SQ. FT. ' CB-S18 2005 W F U z' C,X o EASEMENT BY PLAT LOT 3, BLOCK A 3 STORIES ffry_ C=109.91' U _ II - - 6.5' WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II BLDG. FOOTPRINT=32,850 SF - O ,..4 Alt W = ' PROP.24"STORM w Z_ d 47 PROP.CONC 2 .0' VOL. 2013, PG. 202 TOTAL BLDG.AREA=98,550 G.S.F. ,, J I I 2, 1m ICJ�nh� D O O PVMT FIRE ANE 11.6' O.P.R.C.C.T. .F.i 11.� pfrfr,i61 o J J - - - FOR REVIEW ONLY o COx 1+ LS VISIBILITY VARIABLE WIDTH SIDEWALK, �/� 0,, x Q o I', N BUILDING B \ �� ' ' PROP. 15'SANITARY 1.07 ACRES Not for�"°'"'�I"or permit�''> I- Y I X X o 1 STORY mo FDC / • 'IIZONE cn SEWER EASEMENT 46,736 SQ. FT. LANDSCAPE, DRAINAGE IVmley*Horn o U o LS - BLDG. FOOTPRINT=1600 SF �0.: = 2�v 1CO / &UTILITY EASEMENT evinew SARAH E. SOOTY. P.E. v O W N 57. 'Q LOT 4, BLOCK A VOL.2013, PG.202N RE N� 113285 Dote 3/9/2018 z< CO O J ' ® �� I Ia WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II O.P.R.C.C.T. w oO U' ( " 17.0' 17.0' �� VOL. 202 2w g 2" W Mtn, W - �_ \25 OL 2013, PG. " � = Z y q' O P R C C T �� A=15°33'22" w ~ Z \ cb - - - - - - ° - - - - - (2' I I R=286.50' a O O Q0 EX. 12"STORM LINE PROP.SLIDING S89 51 46 W 540.76' - (Q O J VISIBILITY Q \ 100 L=77.79' a N u (+ "s ZONE 8"ss GATE g"Ss SS q« &"SØ1B=S350352flW�SS - r° Z Q z N5 �\ / ` 2 < 1 CONCRETE _ / GRATE �65� \ / Q O PAVE �- // INLET / A=34°17'42" 032//,^,� �, \ Vim/ Z Q m j-: m j - R=37.00' Pk s �" �co 'SNCRvTE I- p W CO w W L=22.15' 73. !(� PAVE NT w o iLi Z Z cc ACCESS EASEMENT ik CB=N72°59'23"W / ♦ O IW- Q (A Q W it o INST.NO. 0 W 20120711000835870 C=21.82' \ Q/ 0' M w O.P.R.C.C.T. s_WROUGHT S / 0 LOT 1, BLOCK A o U cc D IRON FENCE AN PROP.8' co sy WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE IIti`'/ /i/ SIDEWALK w, , VOL. 2013, PG. 202 24'FIRELANE&ACCESS EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ' \ s WYE / ���/// �� GRATE VOL.2013, PG.202,O.P.R.C.C.T. VOL.2013,PG.202 \ r / Q O.P.R.C.C.T. WLET Q.P.R.C.C.T. INLET �,J��` o 15'SAN.SEW. GRATE ACCESS EASEMENT I ` �� / Q V� x EASEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK INLET INST. NO.20120711000835870,O.P.R.C.C.T. / O �� INST.NO. I-. ZONING: PD 2003-01 GRATE _ '1'ss, / 0 20070605000759070 INLET SO� �// A=7°35'25" V W w 2-STORY ~ O.P.R.C.C.T. wLI)W ( D - TILT WALL BUILDING g�0 L=109.96' AZ) Q'��J 0 o I I ` / CB=S31°04'53"W 141( co bl p O PROP. w cri ® MONUMENT SIGN / ` / // O D CONCRETE / / o PAVEMENT " / i W w 0.39 ACRES // EXISTING DECEL LANE / / b 16,909 SQ. FT. / / / / // // I W W Z o BUILDING # GROSS ( LOT 5, BLOCK A /X /-'` / / w LOT 3 FOOTPRINT STORIES BUILDING AREA CONCRETE / TAVISIBILITY9 TRIANGLE THOROUGHFARE BASED z V L(< ' 22 EXISTING / / TABLE 9 OF THE / / FIGURE 4-7 SITE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1 PARKING / / STANDARDS / / 0 BUILDING A 32,850 SF 3 98,550 GSF O SPACES / / `` / o ELEMENT BASE STANDARD(ALL DESIREABLE(EACH DEVELOPMENT / / VICINITY MAP No`rroSCALE W SELLER NOTE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY MUST SELECT 4 OF THE 8 BUILDING B 1,600 SF 1 1,600 GSF / z FULLY WITH ALL LISTED BELOW) DESIREABLE LISTED BELOW) / / c, BM44 IIIIIMIIIIMgmmium 'M U) SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES / w AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY BUILDING C 2,500 SF 1 2,500 GSF ' / / -b� / fc. o BUILDING 1.ENTRANCES AND/OR FACADES X 1.BUILDING AT THE FRONT YARD /°ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW,DOING SO IS PLACEMENT ORIENTED TO THE STREET. LINE. ; / /:` / o \W SUBJECT TO FINES AND THE WITHHOLDING OF BUILDING D 2,000 SF 1 2,000 GSF / >-2.BUILDING FOOTPRINTS NO ❑ 2. INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS W/ / / z STEEL RD.w UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. / Z" w ///////,i O GREATER THAN 20,000 SQUARE FOOTPRINTS=OR< 10,000 SQUARE 6 o z FEET IN NS AND CR DISTRICTS. FEET. TOTAL 38,950 SF 104,650 GSF /, �= � , UJ 3.MULTIPLE BUILDINGS PLACED TO CG LOT 3 SUMMARY /' w 0 X 3.FRONT FACADE ORIENTED TO / / a •�' SITE FLOODPLAIN NOTE CREATE PAZAS,COURTYARDS, THE STREET. / / / o Z ro LANDSCAPED AREAS W/ EXISTING ZONING/BASE ZONING PD 2003-01/COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR(CC) / w z ACCORDING TO MAP No.48085C0415J, CONNECTING WALKWAYS. / / 4L- SIDEWALK,LANDSCAPE iv w < COMMUNITY PANEL No.0415 J,DATED DECEMBER LAND USE DESIGNATION MINI-WAREHOUSE / / `� &V.A.M.EASEMENT �' w PARKING 1.PARKING SPACES AT LEASE 10' ❑ °1.SITE PLAN WITH NO MORE THAN BENCHMARKS / / \�� / VOL.2013,PG.202 ,N / �ti,,, c < 2,2009 OF THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PLACEMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL LOT LINE. 50%OF PARKING IN FRONT OF THE VW BM#1 (CITY OF WYLIE MONUMENT NO. 1) LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF STATE O.P.R.C.C.T. 4, zqy F_ w RATE MAP(FIRM)OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS BUILDING. TOTAL PROPERTY AREA 2.11 AC / ��' HIGHWAY NO. 78 NEAR THE EAST ENTRANCE DRIVE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE / 40 / / /� x v w THIS SITE IS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE o 2.BUILDING WITH NO MORE THAN MUNICIPAL COMPLEX AT 2000 STATE HIGHWAY NO.78 NORTH,79.7 FEET WEST OF THE 5 / v xTOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT 38,950 SF / w EDNGE OF THE EAST CONCRETE ENTRANCE DRIVE,23.2 FEET SOUTH OF A 10 FOOT g / w w 0 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN. ONE ROW PARKING IN FRONT. / W WIDE CONCRETE DRIVE, 76.1 FEET NORHT OF THE ENDGE OF ASPHALT OF STATE k'1` /' 64:1C w z TOTAL BUILDING AREA(GROSS SF) 104,650 GSF HIGHWAY No.78 NORTH. / / Z w ACCESS DRIVES 1.MINIMUM WIDTH DRIVE OF 24'. X 1.COMBINED ACCESS POINTS ELEV=530.29 / , / / / w a a VISIBILITY TRIANGLES / TURNING RADIUS OF 25'. WITH ADJACENT TRACTS. TOTAL STOAGE UNITS 950 UNITS BM#2 (CITY OF WYLIE MONUMENT N0.2)LOCATED NORTH OF STATE HIGHWAY NO.78 / // / SITE PLAN a q z 2.ACCESS DRIVE AT LEAST 150' XI 2.DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN BUILDING A:3-STORY(38') AND WEST OF SOUTH BALLARD STREET, NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE / \ ®/ WOODBRIDGE OODBRI DGE CENTRE, PHASE II ADDITION CL BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD STREET, 10.0 FEET WEST OF THE / ZONES FROM INTERSECTION. BUILDINGS AND STREET. BUILDINGS B,C,&D: 1-STORY(16') \l' � LOT 3 & BLOCK A � U in SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 104 SOUTH BALLARD STREET. r./ 4, 1 d o NO APPURTENANCES BETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF 3.ACCESS DRIVES SERVING PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 42.3% / / ° / PD 2003-01 2 FEET AND 9 FEET, MEASURED FROM THE TOP ELEV=550.24 / / Z x Z DEVELOPMENTS GREATER THAN / / w 0 < OF THE ADJACENT STREET CURB,SHALL BE 30,000 SQ. FT.SHALL HAVE ✓" W BM#3 SQUARE CUT WITH"X"CUT SET ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCRETE / X W a PLACED IN THE VISIBILITY TRIANGLE AREAS. SEPARATED MEDIAN,OR BE CURB INLET, NORTHWEST SIDE OF WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, ±960 FEET NORTHEAST / TOTAL OF 3.18 ACRES I- zSEPARATED AT LEAST 150'FROM OF THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HENSLEY LANE AND WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, /- , / L.K. PEGUES SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 703 g 3 O EACH OTHER. ±504 FEET SOUTHWEST OF THE SOUTH CORNER OF SITE. /;' CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TX 0 N 6. 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4.LANDSCAPEDTREATMENTOF PARKING DATA SUMMARY (FOR LOTS 3, 4, & 5) ELEV=519.66 O 8 W W �_� ~ BEING A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE L.K.PEGUES ENTRANCES. Q M o SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.703,CITY OF WYLIE,GOBLIN BM#4 SQUARE CUT WITH"X"CUT SET ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCRETE DEVELOPER ARCHITECT Z 6 8 LOCATION OF 1.SERVICE AND LOADING AREAS ❑ 1.NOT VISIBLE FROM A PUBLIC REQUIRED PARKING RATIO MINI-WAREHOUSE: 1 SPACE PER 40 UNITS CURB INLET,NORTHWEST SIDE OF WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY,±1,610 FEET NORTHEAST HINES RKAA ARCHITECTS, INC. Z L COUNTY,TEXAS,AND BEING ALL OF LOT 3 AND PART OF SERVICE AND SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE FROM A STREET BUT PROVIDE MASONRY OF THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF HENSLEY LANE AND WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, N W ±157 FEET NORTHEAST OF THE SOUTH CORNER OF SITE. 609 MAIN ST.,SUITE 4400 2233 E THOMAS RD. Z v x LOT 4, BLOCK A,WOODBRIDGE CENTRE PHASE II,AN LOADING AREAS PUBLIC STREET OR ADJACENT SCREENING. Lt REQUIRED PARKING 24 SPACES ELEV=524.27 HOUSTON,TX 77002 PHOENIX,AZ 85016 p w H<o o ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS ACCORDING TO RESIDENTIAL LOT. 0:(713)237-5719 0:(602)955-3900 w o Q N o " c W THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2013,PAGE 202, 2. DEVELOPMENTS UNABLE TO MEET BM#5 SQUARE CUT WITH"X"CUT SET ON A CONCRETE YE INLET,±860 FEET WEST >- X x PROVIDED PARKING 40 SPACES W x MF OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS. THE ABOVE ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE OF THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY, ±50 FEET NORTH OF THE ENGINEER/SURVEYOR OWNER NORTHWEST CORNER OF SITE. Z MASONRY SCREENING WALLS W/ KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES WYLIE CINEMA COMPANY LLC. = w GATES. ADA STALLS REQ'D I PROVIDED 2 STALL/2 STALL ELEV=527.30 13455 NOEL ROAD,TWO GALLERIA OFFICE PO BOX 129 SHEET NUMBER Y co Q d d 8 TOWER,SUITE 700 LIBERTY, MO 64069 W( z NOTE:REQUIRED AND PROVIDED PARKING SHOULD BE CONSIDERED CUMULATIVE OF <W c h 0 DALLAS,TX 75240 0:(816)407-7469 CAD. 0 3¢ = LOTS 3,4,AND 5(PER THE PD REQUIREMENTS) O:(972)770-1300 0 aQ � NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'4Y oI,mo " ST FLOOR JIIJI 111111111111111111111u11 I1 111111 1111111111111 I1I111 IIId11111,111111.11JJJJ111111111IIId11111,16111111I1 IWIIIIIII 1111111 1 I1 I1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111 111 111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 1111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIJIII111111111111111111111 IIJd111111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111. EAST ELEVATION II 11111111111111111111111111111111111n1Ad,.11a1i1 wrrFl,41111111111frtil1 le711111111111111111,111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111r 1111 11111111111111111111111111 1.111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11 r Tllllllllll lull f,11 T,O.P. rI IIIA m111111111111111111111111111111 1 IIIIIIII II II LL,IIJIII(II IIIIII111111111111111111111111116I IIIIItl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA ... . .,,..«.... _ 1 IIII.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 V 11111111 1 1111111111 11 III Ipp IIIIII 11 1111 plot IIIIII II IV111111111 1VVI 11111111111111111 IIIIII 1 1111111 MVI 111111111111 1111111111p1111Vp1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111VpI111111111p1111111111VpppVp111111111111111pp11111111111pI11pp1111 1 1111111 II I IIIIII 1111111111111 1 111111 V IIIIIIppp1 111,1111111111' 11111 1 1 1 1 11111 11111 11 1111111III 1 11111111 1111 IV1111111,Ip1111 11111111111111 V11111VVVVOVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111 V110111111111p111111111111111p 11111 1111111 11 1111 11111111111111111 1111 IIII III 1111111 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 tl . m u 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1 I l 1 11 IIIIII IIII 1 111!1 IIIIIIIII 1111111111111 1 1 ��u11u111111uYm11iu1uu1uuul,llu iu�uuuu ulm�ui uumlumuuluuuumlu�lu,umuu 1uluu,uuuuu, ,m„uu lulouul IIIIII to � u luau 1 u ,1i,ululi umulL ulumuu"11 irlumlulullullul u1 uluuu uiuululuum uu 111u�1 iuiiuiuuiiuu,uu uuuuuli 1u1u1u1�ir1u,u1u1 u1 1. 11riu 111uu uu1u1m14u�u uli,u1u1r1lll ,ou,uui u1u1i�1u1u1�luuruill �I� � � � ,1,Iuu 11 11 i1<luuo imoo"ioiuuuuui�ulWu1u111uo mi omui. SCALE: 3/3 ”' 1'-o" TOTAL WALL EXCLUDING STOREFRONT: 2,106 SF STUCCO 7% MASONRY 62% METAL All!NINGS 4% STONE MASONRY 27% 2 TOTAL WA 12,418 SF STUCCO 7% MASONRY 77% STONE MASONRY EXCLUDING STOREFRONT: 16% MATERIAI SUMMIT BRICK LANDMARK SUMMIT BRICK IRON MOUNTAIN STOREFRONT ALUMINUM KAWNEER ANODIZED CLEAR TRIM 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6237 ABSTRACT WHITE METAL AWNINGS 5 MBCI CHARCOAL GRAY 6 NOT USED PARAPET 7 DUNN ED1WARIDS DE6363 POINTED ROCK SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 11-0" 33%4" T O.P.. 301-0" ROOF LINE ,[1.11.,1WI111IJ4.111/111111,111 11.1 I '111111111',011,111/..,1,011'II.1011 I1,1,N111I.J,;N 1L111,11,14,011, e'lll, WEST ELEVATION - 1 1,1,JLJ 111IIIEIII IIIdr 111111111 J1111111111•1161uuu61 IIIA III ddf 1 V 1JL J16„, „11,1„„,„,„„„„,,11„„11„„,„ SCALE: 3/32” = 1"-0" Vg "11 ,4111,, I I II II'JIOx 111 r «,r. 6111". ma"r,.rrar roc rrmclrimrinrnrmrirml rnr,ImmIawcrrc o, 111 „II,N pPyl I I TOTAL WALL EXCLUDING STOREFRONT: 3,055 SF STUCCO 7% MASONRY 68% METAL AWNINGS 1% STONE MASONRY 24% PROPOSED MINI -STORAGE SWC WOODBRID6E PARKWAY AND FM544 WYLIE, TEXAS DATE: 01-31-2018 (PRELIMINARY) PAINT 8 DUNN EDWARDS DEC760 DESERT GRAY FINE FINISH 'STUCCO 9 DUNN EDWARDS DEC790 ICE GRAY PAINT 10 DUNN EDWARDS DEC750 BISON BEIGE ...... _ ... 11 DARK BRONZE .w LIGHT FINE FINISH STUCCO 12 DUNN EDWARDS DE6084 ROY BROWN CORONADO STONE 13 IDAHO DRYSTACK GREY QUARTZITE TOTAL WALL EXCLUDING STOREFRONT: 11,206 SF STUCCO 1O% MASONRY 53% METAL A\ 1% NINGS STONE MASONRY 36% WEST NORTH KEY MAP SCALE; N.T.S. 11 13 A A"4r 131//..'Ai, INC. AI I III SG11 1 5 121 S 1315 roN ?h",/I LI x.' N1 01 Sr'vl"-I. II IS Oil 'N QFZ %iT t' CIF RKAir ARF+1111 r 1S. IN( . ANLI M4� YlCl I"?. IRI II)1 31, 4151';1)” YR • PI KM ISSKI;?r; 1)1 [kr ,r.:1fallIFcl 111 EL -1 #17171.50 SOUTH EAST ARCH touluvuonv000loolopouv 444-44,[44.4.44,41444.44.444444.4,4.4.4 11,4[4[444'4 444[4[44"44,[4,4:4^441444444444[4[44,[44444,444"4[4' NORTH ELEVATION 11 Id 11 111111 1 1 1 1 1 H1 11 1111111 1 III 1 II J 1 1 1 1111, 1 1 1 11111 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 III I I II 1 1 1 11 SCALE: 3/16" = 1°—O" II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 11 II EAST ELEVATION 1441„ ,[41,4441 [1111 1,1414141,411. .1. ,„41111„1J11,,,1,1„ 1„1111 „11i1[1141 4141.1441111 4,11,414,11 „di 44.1411441 —.4,4 441441141111[11.11 441 1 0 11411 44411 H114141411 [ , 4 41,11 , , 11111111111111111111111 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 414 414 414 11 14 40 11111111111114111111 11 11 11 1111111111 11 411 444444411111 411111111111 4 11 11 414 414 414 414 414 414 41141 11 11 444 . 4,4 SCALE: 3/16” = lc0" 11111111111111111111111111 [1111111111 WEST ELEVATION INN II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14114 .1., 411041 4.111111,11.4[41[ .11 ,111 .„. R11.414111114...,...u1111111.41111. ,J[1,4 4[11 .,[11.[,..11.1111111,111111 N111111111 41 J41111 411111 .1111[1 4141,111111 111111444 , 44[1 1114411111111111111411111111111111 11111 111111111111114111111111111411111111111111 HI 411 mil 41141 1111411111111114111111111 11 Ill IIII 111 4 11 11 11111 111411 SCALE: 3/16" = III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t11,2,S,11t,',.:111111t01,1,11,,z.1,6114,111A,,F,f,x, SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" 11-0" PROPOSED MINI -STORAGE SWC WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY AND FM544 WYLIE, TEXAS DATE: 01-02-2018 (PRELIMINARY) ,„„„„„imillimumwpmegiipogig[oollowu 0 1 11 1! 7 RKAA 111,1 6E1 111E 'II k fIRAVVINC. ES 1)`•'1, N 1 0 NdAVIA" 1 1 1 i Cu, AKAA 4/V411110 1",4 0 71 1.11.1P1 /,,15111 UIl or(aqt). 'Win WU' Wfill 101 N PER ISSIV)N 01 1 1 P1A14( d 11 1 MATERIALS SUPERLITE BLOCK INTEGRAL COLOR COCOA BROWN SUPERLITE BLOCK 2 INTEGRAL COLOR GRAY FINE FINISH STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS DE6084 ROXY BROWN TRIM .4 'DUNN EDWARDS 0E6232 ABSTRACT WHITE PARAPET 5 'DUNN EDWARDS DE6363 POINTED ROCK JANUS 6 ROLL—UP DOORS SANDSTONE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 7 MBCI LIGHT STONE METAL DOORS PAINTED 8 DUNN EDWARDS DEC750 BISON BEIGE WEST [> J 1 r KEY MAP SCALE: N.T.S. 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!IJ SCALE: 3/16" = PROPOSED MINI -STORAGE SWC WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY AND FM544 WYLIE, TEXAS DATE: 12-27-2017 (PRELIMINARY) O MATERIALS WEST SUPERLITE L ITBLOCK S INTEGRAL COLOR COCOA BROWN SUPERLITE BLOCK 2 INTEGRAL COLOR GRAY FINE FINIS..., H STUCCO B DUNN EDWARDS DEC778 BOXWOOD TRIM 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6232 ABSTRACT WHITE PARAPET 5 DUNN EDWARDS DE6363 POINTED ROCK JANUS 6 ROLL -UP DOORS SANDSTONE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 7 MBCI LIGHT STONE METAL DOORS PAINTED 8 DUNN EDWARDS DIEC75O BISON BEIGE KEY MAP u .1 a 11 11411,111111 111111 11 11111111111111 111111111111111nu 1iu111111 1111111111 1111 SCALE: I.T.S. e�;• 1 II '. RKAA AV'll„.V05L,'3S, INF. ALL +°'Niall PI Hf. S I. FIN 11. a 1,;15 DRAWING "S ft% 7`< 51 1+1:11,.",1p.N 1 {1F `.f. vI ( 1 1 1 I:; 1 1'"R. A'RLil11IC 14, IN( . ANL) t i,l'UPI I( ,Al F. a;1, I,ISF l) f1Fi f)ISl-w 1: ?5117 k,vcf I 10 11 '.vHI l' r'+; N PLRhir,S4.:sr4 i!1 11," f6=1c,loII1l W EL3 ##17171.50 NORTH A SOUTH 111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 <1 EAST ARCH g'? III 11,1,11111 1 I I, , 11 11 II 1 , II I I, I NORTH ELEVATION 11, 111110011110 1111101E1101 J111,1111,1 01,11111111110 011 00111110,1111 0110101 11110111,1111,11,1111 1 0110 11 10,1 11 11111„11 011111101 IV 110 1111111111111111110111111111111111111111110111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 SCALE: 3/16" =1"-O" 4.7'10,411114040r,RIE 3110IMAIliiiIIIMMISKIFENCREIroptilegragorsion EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" 1.. WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = 1"-D" m4mor';mn‘,., im ' SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED MINI -STORAGE SWC WOODBRIDGE PARKWAY AND FM544 WYLI E, TEXAS DATE: 01-02-2018 (PRELIMINARY) MATERIALS SUPERLITE BLOCK INTEGRAL COLOR COCOA BROWN SUPERLITE BLOCK 2 INTEGRAL COLOR GRAY _ . FINE FINISH STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS DE6084 ROXY BROWN TRIM 4 DUNN E.DWARDS DE6232 ABSTRACT WHITE PARAPET 5 DUNN EDWARDS DE6363 POINTED ROCK JANUS 6 'ROLL -UP DOORS SAN DSTON E STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 7 MBCI LIGHT STONE METAL DOORS PAINTED 8 DUNN EDWARDS DEC750 BISON BEIGE WEST h" - KEY MAP SCALE: N.T.S. ^„1 K A A Ato. i urcs. IN( . AAA ROC, H A R f FLvi. 7, Ads. nAlAWINCt IIit NiI. At; 1 DI ,N'tc)pial-i OF ,-11(ItA ARA01111 1 1 iNt AND M y N 0 Et it DIAN 16111a. ',MI., Mt Or=A: OF ,N:11 IOU I1 N P liMISSUA 01 trl; AaGiiii r; EL -4 #17171.50 NORTH v A SOUTH ARCH TECTS EAST NC Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: April 10, 2018 City Manager Mindy Manson April 3, 2018 Subject Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Item Number: Account Code: Exhibits: F (City Secretmy's Use 0111y) Resolution; Proposal Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2018-17(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, approving the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's proposal to renovate the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. Recommendation Motion to approve, Resolution No. 2018-17(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, approving the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's proposal to renovate the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. Discussion The Rockwall Central Appraisal District wishes to renovate and expand their existing offices. The Tax Code requires that this action must be approved by three-fourths of the taxing units that are entitled to vote on the appointment of board members for the District. The proposed expansion and renovation of the existing building and construction of additional parking will not exceed $4,000,000. A very small portion of Wylie city limits is in Rockwall County. Wylie's portion of the annual cost to support the proposed improvements is less than $800 per year. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-17(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, APPROVING THE ROCKWALL CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT'S PROPOSAL TO RENOVATE THE PROPERTY SITUATED AT 841 JUSTIN ROAD, ROCKWALL, TEXAS. WHEREAS, § 6.051, TEx. TAx CODE authorizes the Board of Directors of an appraisal district to construct or renovate a building or other improvements as necessary to establish and operate the appraisal office. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rockwall Central Appraisal District has delivered a copy of Resolution No. 2018-17(R) setting forth the desire to renovate and expand the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rockwall Central Appraisal District has also delivered information showing the costs of available alternatives to the renovation of the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. WHEREAS, § 6.051, TEx. TAx CODE requires that an appraisal district's construction or renovation of such real property and improvements must be approved by three-fourths (3/4) of the taxing units entitled to vote on the appointment of board members. WHEREAS, the referenced provisions of the Texas Property Tax Code authorize the following action: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE: RESOLVED, that the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's proposal to renovate the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas is hereby APPROVED. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution No. 2018-17(R) Approving the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's proposal to renovate the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. ROCKWALL CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION ROCKWALL. TEXAS Sec. 6.051. Ownership or Lease of Real Property. (a)The board of directors of an appraisal district may purchase or lease real property and may construct improvements as necessary to establish and operate the appraisal office or a branch appraisal office. (b)The acquisition or conveyance of real property or the construction or renovation of a building or other improvement by an appraisal district must be approved by the governing bodies of three-fourths of the taxing units entitled to vote on the appointment of board members. a. The board of directors by resolution may propose a property transaction or other action for which this subsection requires approval of the taxing units. b. The chief appraiser shall notify the presiding officer of each governing body entitled to vote on the approval of the proposal by delivering a copy of the board's resolution, together with information showing the costs of other available alternatives to the proposal c. On or before the 30th day after the date the presiding officer receives notice of the proposal, the governing body of a taxing unit by resolution may approve or disapprove the proposal. If a governing body fails to act on or before that 30th day or fails to file its resolution with the chief appraiser on or before the 10th day after that 30th day, the proposal is treated as if it were disapproved by the governing body. (c) The board of directors may convey real property owned by the district, and the proceeds shall be credited to each taxing unit that participates in the district in proportion to the unit's allocation of the appraisal district budget in the year in which ROCKWALL TRfrL A''RAISAL DISTRICT Table of Contents Z. Resolution to be signed 2. Proposal, History & Background 3. Population Census Chart 4. Protest & Inquiry Status S. Recommendation Letters 6. Budget for each Entity 7. Construction Budget 8. Construction Time Line 9. Design Package RESOLUTION TO BE SIGNED 1 State of Texas County of Rockwall APPROVAL OF ROCKWALL CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT'S RESOLUTION # 2018 - WHEREAS, § 6.051, TEX. TAX CODE authorizes the Board of Directors of an appraisal district to construct or renovate a building or other improvements as necessary to establish and operate the appraisal office.. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Rockwall Central Appraisal District has delivered a copy of Resolution # 2018- setting forth the desire to renovate and expand the property situated at 84] Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of thc Rockwall Central Appraisal District has also delivered information showing the costs of available alternatives to the renovation of the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas. WHEREAS, § 6.051, TEX. TAX CODE requires that an appraisal district's construction or renovation of such real property and improvements must he approved by three-fourths (3/4) of the taxing units entitled to vote on thc appointment of board members. WHEREAS, the referenced provisions of the Texas Property Tax Code authorize the following action: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the of RESOLVED, that the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's proposal to renovate the property situated at 841 Justin Road, Rockwall, Texas is hereby APPROVED. 2 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of 2018. PRESIDING OFFICER NAME OF TAXING UNIT ATTEST: PROPOSALa HISTORY BACKGROUND 4 Executive Summary The Rockwall Central Appraisal District (RCAD) office building has stood in its existing location for 20 years. In that time the population of Rockwall County has almost tripled and continues to grow at an ever increasing rate. While our building remains structurally sound, it now lacks the space and parking capacity to adequately serve our employees and, more importantly, our citizens. The Texas Tax Code authorizes the Board of Directors of an appraisal district, with the approval Of its taxing unita, to purChaSe, lease, or renovate a building as necessary to operate the appraisal office. A search of existing properties tor sate or lease within Rockwall County has been conducted and no suitable facility was found. All properties either lacked the appropriate space, parking, or were far too costly to renovate. Details of those properties is available upon request. The Board of Directors has determined that the most logical and fiscally responsible approach to address our immediate needs and prepare for the future is to build an expansion to our current facility for the foliowing reasons: m Office space is very limited, with some appraisers having to double up. The Texas 8d0pted08Dua|"Pn}pgMx/\ppFaisa|mndASSessmentAdrninistnati0n''naco[nmend3 one appraiser for every 3,000 to 3,500 parcels. Currently there are eight appraisers, each appraiser managing 4.000-0,000 parcels. The District is currently three appraisers short. � Storage space for files is overflowing into the workspace. Off-site climate controlled storage is now leased every month to fill this immediate need. m The public waiting area is very smarl and easily becomes overcrowded and uncomfortable. The District expects the number of protests to double in eight years, • The parking lot is also very small with only one entrance and exit. Citizens must park in other business parking Iots down the Street, or on the Street some distance away. There is only one conference room for the Appraisal Review Board (ARB) to hear citizen protests. Increasing demand now requires conducting two boards simultaneously. The second board is held in the Assistant Chief Appraiser's office, who is then forced to double up in another office for those three months. � The District Office is centrally located in Rockwall County. The Taxing Entities already own this building and the land on a corner lot, which is large enough to easily accommodate this buliding and parking lot expansion. The planned 12,000 square foot Two Story Addition, expanded parking lot and some updates to the current building will not exceed $4,000,000. The estimated annual budget for each entity is included in this packet. This space and redesign will greatly enlarge and enhance the comfort in the public areas. The parking area will triple and with a one-way flow of traffic, will accommodate all visitors and make access to the building safer. It will allow for the hiring of additional employees to more closely reach the recommended workload levels. This prject will provide the opportunity to better serve the citizens of Rockwall County now and for many years to come. POPULATON CENSUS CHART 6 Year Population Growth 1990 25,604 1997 36,618 2000 43,080 2007 72,373 2008 76,126 2009 81,267 2010 78,337 2011 79,570 2013 83,400 2014 85,000 2015 88,200 20161 90,570 2017 93,130 2018 95,924 2019 98,802 2020 101,766 2021 104,819 2122 107,964 2123 111,202 2024 114,539 2025 117,975 2026 121,514 2027 125,159 2028 128,914 Using information provided by North Central Texas Council of Governments NCTCOG a 3% compounded population growth is calculated. 7 PROTEST &INQUIRY STATUS 8 I Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Protest 2,545 4,114 3,773 6,333 8,087 8,896 9,785 10,764 11,840 13,0241 14,327 15,759 17,335 19,069 20,976 23,073 With the number of new homes being built annually and property taxes continuing to rise, it is projected protest will increase approximately 10% per year. 9 Appraiser Staffing Year Accounts % Increase Appraisers Needed 2007 39445 2008 37399 2009 37859 2010 37995 2011 38162 2012 38556 2013 38909 2014 39877 2015 39948 2016 40658 2017 42553 2018 44036 2019 45357 2020 46718 2021 48119 2022 49563 2023 51050 2024 52581 2025 54159 2026 55783 2027 57457 2028 59181 2029 203060956 62785 2031 64668 2032 66608 2033 68607 2034 70665 2035 72785 2036 74968 2037 77217 2038 79534 Accounts: Parcels requiring appraisal Appraisers needed: Based on the State of Texas adopted Manual "Property Appraisal and 1Assessment Administration" Published by the International Association of Assessing Officers at 0% 1% 1% 2% 0% 2% 5% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 201 10 RECON ENDATION LETTERS 11 Sept 17, 2017 To: All Rockwall County, City, and School Taxing Entities 1 have had the honor of serving on the Appraisal Review Board for four years nd I am currently serving as the ARB Chairman. With the rapid growth and forecasts of population, homes being built and updated, and additional business expansion we need to expand our CAD office space. Next year we will probably need two or more panels and need additional hearing rooms with adequate space to conduct open hearings that comply with state laws. At the current time, we only have one hearing room that can provide seating for the public to attend our hearings. Office space also needs to be provided for additional appraisers and staff as needed. I am certain we all have the same common interests to comply with state laws to have all properties appraised at fair market values, and, to provide a fair and timely hearing for all protesters to have an unbiased review of their appraisal by the APB. Please call me if I can provide any additional information or help. Hal Hutchins c 972-771-4927 ARB Board Chairman 12 To Whom It May Concern September 16, 2017 As a member of the Appraisal Review Board during 2017, 1 had the opportunity to closely observe the personnel and facilities of the Rockwall County Central Appraisal District. First, no one feels comfortable with their Property Tax Assessment. Thus they have at least three options: complain, protest, or do nothing. The majority, unfortunately, do not understand the laws imposed by our State Legislators on how Property Taxes are determined nor do they understand the various components of the assessment. Accordingly, since they do not understand how the assessment is done, the villain in the process is the Appraisal District. This gives them the target for their complaint, protest, or even doing nothing. Second, my personal observation over the experiences of this year and of four years as County Judge, is that the personnel of the Central Appraisal District apply the laws as written, follow all of the procedures detailed by the Legislators, go out of their way to be helpful to tax payers, and provide a service to both the citizens and the taxing entities. While it is easy to complain and find a "whipping boy", in my opinion it should not be the personnel of the Central Appraisal District. The proper avenue for complaint should be to your local State Representatives as they are the ones who make the laws we all must follow as citizens. Third, the facilities of the Central Appraisal District badly need to be expanded. Storage space for their operation is almost non-existerit; office space is so limited that appraisers who meet with the public are now being forced to share offices which limit their ability to actually interface with the citizens; only one room is currently available for citizens to meet with Appraisal Review Board members, however because of the number of protests resulting from the expanding population growth, it is necessary to divide the Review Board into Panels to accommodate the protests. This required one panel to meet in the coroner of one office jammed into a space too tight to allow public observers as necessitated by law. Because of the increase in the number of protests, the waiting time for many citizens who must sit in a very small, hot reception room is frustrating, Finally, as you may know, I am not one to argue for expansion of government, adding more people, or building bigger and better facilities. However in this case, to meet the needs of an expanding population and to serve our citizens, I do recommend the Central Appraisal District building be expanded to meet the basic needs of that organization. The need is real. Rockwall County Judge (Retired) 13 MOM LOAF STUDEO ART ^ ILLUSTRATION ` DESIGN O31Turquoise Point Rockwall, TX 75032 214-394-0092 tloaf man flash .net 9/15/2017 To the Officials of the Entities Served by the Rockwall Central Appraisal District Dear Sirs and Mesdames, I am writing in support of the Rockwall Central Appraisal District in requesting funding for an additional building to accommodate the continued growth of the organization. Having served on the RCA0 Appraisal Review Board for the last three years, I am personally familiar with the lack of adequate space even for existing needs. Currnt1y, the Appraisal D5trict has insufflcient space for storing aU the records that must be kept on hand, leading to filing cabinets lining the hallways, which could be considered a safety issue. Also, the Appraisal Review Board this year instituted the practice of using two panels of three members in order to accommodate all the tapayers wishing to protest their appraisals. Because the current RCAD facility has anly one meeting room, one panel had to meet with taxpayers in the Assistant Chief Appraiser's office. While it did suffice, it was a rather cramped environment for the proceedings. | know that an additional appraiser position has been approved for next year, and with Rockwall County growing at a very rapid pace, the need for additional personnel can only increase in the foreseeable future. Please review positively the Rockwall Central Appraisal District's appeal for the funding needed to construct an additional building. it is sorely needed. Thank you for your consideration. Submitted respectively, ThomLuahnan Vice Chairman Rockwall County Appraisal Review Board 14 BUDGET FOR EACH ENTITY 15 2017 Levy % of Budget * Projected ENTITY City of Dallas 83,781 City of Fate 2,934,573 City of Garland 10 City of Heath 6,434,833 1City of McLendon Chisholm 582,165 !City of Rockwall 21,802,342 City of Rowlett 4,941,878 City of Royse City 4,813,417 City of Wylie 533,570 Rockwall 1 S D 124,119,475 Royse City ISD 27,795,058 Rockwall County 36,335,523 Rockwall County Mud # 8 4,241 Rockwall County Mud # 9 46,831 Rockwall County MUD #1 1,781,552 Rockwall County MUD #6 209,904 Rockwall County MUD #7 26,369 232,445,522 Based on 20 Yr. Mtg 5.09% rate 0.036% 1.262% 0.000% 2.768% 0.250%© 9.380% 2.126% 2.071% 0.230% 53.397% 11.958% 15.632% 0.002% 0.020% 0.766% 0.090% 0.011% 100% Allocation per Year $ 115 $ 4,030 $ 0 $ 8,836 $ 799 $ 29,937 $ 6,786 $ 6,609 $ 733 $ 170,431 $ 38,166 $ 49,893 $ 6 $ 64 $ 2,446 $ 288 $ 36 $ 319,176 16 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET 17 architects PROJECT SCHEDULE Rockwall County Appraisal District RCAD Board, 750 Interstate 30 Sitire110 D0"i`"`1lT�-�AA- _ _.�� � � -_-. 1: 972-732-6085 � Q�1--��'�O�A '~'�'~-.`^" | have prepared a pre!irnnary Time Line Schedule determining the process for pianning, designing, construction drawings, various city approvals, Bidding, and construction time, This Building Phase includes +/- 12,000 SF Two Story Office building with new parking areas, Time Line Schedule: Schematic concept package Design Development package/ construction budget RCAD finance approval process Civil Engineering, Landscape Design City "Site Plan Approva|" process (Site plan, Building Elevations, Civil, Landscape) Building Contract Documents Drawings City Building Permit Submittal Contractor pricing (this is during permit review) Construction time Approved 3-24-17 Completed 4-19-17 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 6 weeks 4 weeks 10 months TIME LINE SCHEDULE = 5 months for drawings & approvals + 10 months of construction The Time line would look like this starting April 2018: Design Development package; (15%completed plans) RCAD — Board of Dir. Resolution Adoption RCAD—Approvals from various Entities Civil & Landscaping drawing documents City "Site Plan Approval" Process; submittal /approval Building Contract Documents (CD's) City Building Permit; Submittal / approval Contractor's Final Pricing Construction Start / Finish Finished Project July 2O1g April 19, 2017 March 21.2O18 Month of April 2018 April 9 — May 21, 2018 May 15—Jun 18.2O18 May 15 — July 10, 2018 July 17—Aug 28.ZO18 July 17—Aug 21.2O18 Sept, 2O18—July 2O19 Carroll Architects appreciates the opportunity to be apart of the new building vision for RCAD and seeing it becorne a reality. Sincerely, Jeff Carroll President / CEO 20/700/xcxon4ockwxx.�� CONSTRUCTION TIME LINE 20 CARROLL architects MEM() TO: RCAD Rockwall, Texas MEMO FROM: Carroll Architects DATE: Monday, March 26, 201 Revised RCAD Building Addition / Updating Existing Offices RE: 750 Interstate 30 Suite 110 Rockwail,TX 75087 1: 972-739.-6085 f: 972-732-8058 Construction Budget: New12,000 SF Two Story Addition and Existing Buildim; Updatin Existing Building Updating: $165,400.00 A) Provide new Carpet B) Provide new Paint C) Removing Overhead Door for Window New 12,000 SF Addition: S2,554,000MO A) Site Work, Utilities, Paving B) Building Shell with Interiors City Fees and Soft Cost: $176,000.00 F. F. E.: $355,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET: S3,250,400.00 END OF MEMO .1C 21 DESIGN PACKAGE, 22 Proposed Addition to the ROCKWALL CENTRAL APPRASIAL DISTRICT OFFICE 841 Justin Road Rockwall, Texas 75087-4842 CA Project Na, 2(117001 architects 901/101PT011NIOHIEL03 ;MC, CARROLL PROJECT TEAM ABBREVIATION SCHEDULE MATERIAL SCHEDULE SYNIBOL SCHEDULE OWNER: a. 0, Alar. 0.151.10100010 MATERIALS DESCR/PTION SYMBOLS DESCRIPT;ON al4h1. Aram. nr. attOlt. liacirwed Carr. Pfacasiel EJba. OMER 10.,ZLZ7 000,01401 04TAM ACi. t04:7 ,0,10 ,.. trz Dm. 24g2INZAVI. carom a40101....1 mac. 000004110 0.111.3Las Mr ' Ora F. .. .14. ARCHITECT: Ug: rta...10, rpm. a.1.0 01.00.11 P.A.C. roman WWI. ...IMO MMULL MIMIECTJ 00 0000000018104 t a r FACC Cr c6.0.6..1.4 0401, 000001 M E 0o,401 00, 1001 110 il. ge 001110 10 0 10.0001AT R014404.. Tam 754001 MT 01010000,0005FIUMMUITIMMI..... 10004. 0610Ge 4,111010110010 MARL: (MmeMarcitom gi Garradrora L.A. sten 100 cur krita.ma am01.10.1000.010 Ort, Oa 46 ra a a (1 P., 1,1 litiun .0,00 IWO, HEWING 4r1011.0.1100 a 0. 000,101710+.0 :U.' INGICIE6.0161001 NCH H. 0100006 t13": arri.. neriauracrurter 1,01. ,n1.00 InsautruiE04. :111. Nit, aartlaraccar 011", C....r.00e 1.4.40£50 a taral. MEM.. 01001001004 10014.'' 0000004400000000 P1,11090 1-...« ..INILIPEPI SIXPRZ FOOT MA 1.04.1NOSPERSIMPRE INCH AL .T.reT m ReTeTam rmorT warp ...Sp ?aarit rmarricr.1.1 0010, Olaf' 07£09. 000000/41010 STI. mut l iTurr. 41180001.004 saUnroa 111 TA. IA. COP07.,,,,......, 00.00.001. .10 Ihr.i. r, gE1,111,9111:20r 9,01!..100. 4010.1.0100 .01130 tiAlF4 .91577.1,1P141PW B.,&erra BC,. 10000 041n00000 .1010 4 haa. 9004 FINI190 01IPOU 01,7,110149 00001410I*0000400 0110111010001104 n===lr EartPT:r"' nom NUMMI , LxMEIMIOPOONGER 00.1.0010.00 1111101010100r00110 Ma OR arr.. rv.00. CODE ANALYSIS DRAWING INDEX. A. BUILDING CRITERIA orral.pirr Ca.0.0.00. crarruallorr.rr 00 0010400l0I00000000 40? Ir.. maw. kr 11.0E0 act..10.11...... B. BUILDING GODES: 0040014010000 10t0]010110040 0404]'1101000041100 0111.000000.011.00. COM 0004 04rallc0. 101011010410 40010 0001 ....tarar.r. Coca Zart 410001010001M MO01EI00113000 -2004.610.0.4,..t. WIC earlE/a4.0.0..2470 2021.M.10=111.111,1VT 5TAM1,1[15 OCCUPMCY: T001::::MTI 14100 010010 404.4140404 010000001 a AATI 00110400! 11 accaa MC..." a a. D. BOUARE FOOTAGE; oar.. 1.1 M TT.11,1041 NC 00104 1E0ol. 00002.010. 0000,4. 0,1110.0 700.0.00.£ FCC.. c 01, VICINITY MAP SITE - GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL 410,, PIRST MCC MAN MX? 1,41 MPG110P114 0401, PIATI100 41,2 '01'oae, 4,014,. 000100100101110001 TN, et, te ..01e -mat v. ra.01000.0arawne. 0000.00 .70.0 .0..0 .0. r Quier buetv, .17 hav Nmmilosew zraner-r....7441nr..,cOnt, Q CV LU cr) z 0 0 LU 0 65 T.J.TOWNSEND BLVD. EXISTING & PROPOSED SITE PLAN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING & PROPOSED SITE PLAN APPJL A 1 00 tig te,r0 4i) 90 JC FUTURE 2 STORY A L... _.,., 701 .... J - 1. _. ...... ].a FIRST FLOOR 6,102 AC SF SECOND FLOOR 5,519 AC SF TOTAL 11,521 AC SF FIRST FLOOR PLA' SCALE: 3M. 1,7 111111a3.... ADD! T1ON TO THE z 0 o —4(f) < 1C1 cr FIRST FLOOR PLAN mumll 6is Olt MT W" A200 6,, LL CC z 0 F 5 0 0 UJ CN or NA° 44? F.FIQE-:::1 cc, N .". , . ;womErql PRIVATE 5ToRAGE. PLINLEC STORAGE FIRST FLOOR 6,102 AC SF SECOND FLOOR 5,5'19 AC SF TOTAL 11,621 AC SF SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCAM VW' = 1..D° "me w SECOND FLOOR PLAN 041414011... woe APWIL wlarutrCr.r.4 "'"'' A201 DA1,41.Y. 31 JC 3 50 UT VAIM E LEVATEat, SCALE11ir l'O' vt,c;inu 1...EvAT Q,U , ...,^•---.--.6--- (7, ,,EASIgt. EYATI9N '..LrititTg: c‘a 8 ADDITION TO THE morasetwees EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 0 VI al AFR"E. 7377 "' A501 0011061110111Liwam*at Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: April 10, 2018 City Secretary Stephanie Storm March 28, 2018 Subject Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Item Number: Account Code: Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: G (City Secretmy's Use 00y) 1 Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of Tim Gilchrist and appointment of Danyella Lanier as Board Member to the Board of Ethics to fill the unexpired term of July 2017 to June 2019. Recommendation Motion to accept the resignation of Tim Gilchrist and to appoint Danyella Lanier as Board Member to the Board of Ethics to fill the unexpired term of July 2017 to June 2019. Discussion Staff is requesting the appointment of a new Board of Ethics member to replace Tim Gilchrist. Mr. Gilchrist has submitted his letter of resignation dated March 27, 2018. Danyella Lanier currently holds the position of Alternate for the Board of Ethics and is a citizen of Wylie. She would replace Mr. Gilchrist until the time for renewal in June 2019. Page 1 of 1 Tim Gilchrist 1917 Highland Haven Ln Wylie, TX 75098 3/27/18 Stephanie Storm City Secretary City of Wylie Dear Stephanie: It is with regret that I tender my resignation from the City of Wylie board of ethics, effective immediately. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve on the board and I offer my best wishes for it's continued service to the great city of Wylie. Sincerely, Tim Gilchrist Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT April 10, 2018 Item Number: H Building Inspections Bret McCullough Account Code: April 2, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject (City Secretmy's Use On!y) Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-13, repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33, save and except the amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11, and adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption thereof. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-13, repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33, save and except the amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11, and adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, save an except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Discussion The following exception was inadvertently left out of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2017-33, Adoption of the 2015 International Existing Building Code, adopted at the December 12, 2017 City Council meeting: "...except in the Downtown Historical District where the currently adopted Zoning Ordinance and amendments may take precedent over the 2015 International Building Code." Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2018-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2017-33, SAVE AND EXCEPT THE AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 84-11, AND ADOPTING THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE, SAVE AND EXCEPT THE DELETIONS AND AMENDMENTS SET FORTH HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to repeal Wylie Ordinance No. 2017-33; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Ordinance No. 2017-33 Repealed, Save and Except the Amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11. Wylie Ordinance No. 2017-33 is repealed in its entirety, save and except the amendment to Ordinance No. 84-11, and replaced by this Ordinance. The effective date of the repeal discussed in this Section shall not occur until the effective date of this Ordinance at which time Ordinance No. 2017-33 shall be repealed. Such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution and/or lawsuit or prevent any prosecution and/or lawsuit from being commenced for any violation of Ordinance No. 2017-33 occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: Adoption of the 2015 International Existing Building Code. The 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code, copyrighted by the International Code Council, Inc., save and except the amendments set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, is hereby adopted as the existing building code for Wylie, prescribing regulations applicable to all residential, nonresidential and commercial buildings, existing premises and structures (the "2015 International Existing Building Code"), except in the Downtown Historical District where the currently adopted Zoning Ordinance and amendments may take precedence over the 2015 International Existing Building Code. The 2015 International Existing Building Code is made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. One (1) copy of the 2015 International Existing Building Code is on file in the office of the City Secretary of Wylie being marked and designated as the 2015 International Existing Building Code. Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portion of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. A reference in any ordinance to an earlier or different version of an existing building code is hereby amended to refer to the 2015 International Existing Building Code as it is adopted herein or may be subsequently amended. SECTION 5: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 6: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date of Publication: April 18, 2018, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 Exhibit A Recommended Amendments to the 2015 International Existing Building Code North Central Texas Council of Governments Region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2015 International Existing Building Code are hereby amended as follows: Standard type is text from the IEBC. A double asterisk (**) at the beginning of a section identifies an amendment carried over from the 2012 edition of the code and a triple asterisk (***) identifies a new or revised amendment with the 2015 code. ***Section 102.4; change to read as follows: [Al 102.4 Referenced codes and standards. The codes, when specifically adopted, and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference and as further regulated in Sections 102.4.1 and 102.4.2. [Reason: To not inadvertently adopt other codes (i.e. Wildland Urban Interface Code etc...) by reference.] ***Section 202; amend definition of Existing Building as follows: Existing Building - A building, structure, or space, with an approved final inspection issued under a code edition which is at least 2 published code editions preceding the can-ently adopted building code; or a change of occupancy. (Reason: To prevent potential abuses in new construction and shell buildings.) ***Section 405.1.2, 405.1.3, 405.1.4; change to read as follows: 405.1.2 Existing fire escapes. Existing fire escapes shall continue to be accepted as a component in the means of egress in existing buildings only. Existing fire escapes shall be permitted to be repaired or replaced. (Reason: To add clarity and help reduce confusion associated with the amendment preventing new fire escapes.) 'r r__ Section 406.2; change to read as follows: 406.2 Replacement window opening control devices. In Group R-2 or R-3 buildings containing dwelling units, window opening control devices coinplying with ASTM F 2090 shall be installed where an existing window is replaced and where all of the following apply to the replacement window.The window opening control device, after operation to release the control device allowing the window to fully open, shall not reduce the minimum net clear opening area of the window unit to less than the area required by Section 1030.2 of the International Building Code. Remainder unchanged (Reason: Referenced Section was incorrec ***Section 406.3; change to read as follows: Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 406.3 Replacement window emergency escape and rescue openings. Where windows are required to provide emergency escape and rescue openings in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies, replacement windows shall be exempt from the requirements of Sections 1030.2, 1030.3 and 1030.5 of the International Building Code provided the replacement window meets the following conditions: Remainder unchanged (Reason: To clarify which code this section was referencing) ***Section 408.3; to closely follow the amendments for the IBC: 408.3 Flood hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city) ***Section 409.1 add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Moved historic buildings need not be brought into compliance with the exception of new construction features required as the result of such movement, including but not limited to foundations and/or other structural elements. (Reason: To maintain the integrity of historic buildings that would otherwise be required to comply with the provisions for new construction.) ***Section 410.1 adds an exception to read as follows: Exception: Components of projects regulated by and registered with Architectural Barriers Division of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation shall be deemed to be incompliance with the requirements of this chapter. (Reason: To coordinate with the IBC and State Law.) ***Section 410.4.2, Add Number 7 to the list of requirements as follows: 7. At least one accessible family or assisted use toilet room shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 11 of the International Building Code. (Reason: Accessible toilet rooms should be available for disabled occupants.) ***Section 601.3; to closely follow the amendments for the IBC: 601.3 Flood hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city) ***Section 601.3; to closely follow the amendments for the IBC: Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 601.3 Flood hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city) ***Section 602.3; add code reference to read as follows: 602.3 Glazing in hazardous locations. Replacement glazing in hazardous locations shall comply with the safety glazing requirements of the International Building Code, International Energy Conservation Code, or International Residential Code as applicable. (Reason: The Reduces potential confusion/conflicts for glazing replacement regarding applicable codes.) ***Section 606.2.4; to closely follow the amendments for the IBC: 606.2.4: Flood hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city.) ***Section 6071; add a code reference to read as follows: 607.1 Material. Existing electrical wiring and equipment undergoing repair shall be allowed to be repaired or replaced with like material, in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 70. (Reason: To ensure compliance with the NEC relative to any electrical repairs/replacement.) ***Section 701.3; to closely follow the amendments for the IBC: 701.3: Flood Hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city.) **'Section 702.6; add a code reference to read as follows: 702.6 Materials and methods. All new work shall comply with the materials and methods requirements in the International Building Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code, and International Plumbing Code, as applicable, that specify material standards, detail of installation and connection, joints, penetrations, and continuity of any element, component, or system in the building. (Reason: To provide a more complete list of potentially adopted codes.) **Section 802.1; add a code reference to read as follows: 802.1 General. Alteration of buildings classified as special use and occupancy as described in Chapter 4 of the International Building Code shall comply with the requirements of Section 801.1 and the scoping provisions of Chapter 1 where applicable. (Reason: To clearly identify the location of special use and occupancy requirements in the Building Code) Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 ** *Section 803.5.1; Exception; change to read as follows: 803.5.1 Minimum requirement. Every portion of open -sided walking surfaces, including mezzanines, equipment platforms, aisles, .stairs, ramps and landings that arc not provided with guards, or those in which the existing guards are judged to be in danger of collapsing, shall be provided with guards. (Reason: To be consistent with Building Code requirements for guards and unsafe conditions.) ***Section 804.1; add sentence to read as follows: For the purpose of fire sprinkler protection and fire alarm requirements included in this section, the work area shall be extended to include at least the entire tenant space or spaces bounded by walls capable of resisting the passage of smoke containing the subject work area, and if the work area includes a corridor, hallway, or other exit access, then such corridor, hallway, or other exit access shall be protected in its entirety on that particular floor level. (Reason: The intent is to avoid work area protection that would result in partial sprinkler or fire alarm protection. Partial sprinkler protection not delineated by walls would be a clear violation of NFPA 13 and would not allow the sprinkler to perform or function as intended. Also, partial fire alarm coverage is a clear violation of the Fire Code, NFPA 72, and ADA.) ***Section 804.2.2, Number 2; change Exception to read as follows: Exception: Where the building does not have sufficient municipal water supply for design of a fire sprinkler system available to the floor without installation of a new fire pump, fire sprinkler protection shall not be required. (Reason: Smoke detection is not an equivalency to sprinkler protection and in general, could result in increased false alarm issues.) ***Section 804.2.5; change Exception to read as follows: Exception: Supervision is not required where the Fire Code does not require such for new construction. (Reason: The published exceptions are over -reaching and will result in inconsistencies among supervised protection systems and cause confusion for first responders as well.) ***Section 804.3; change section to read as follows: 804.3 Standpipes. Refer to Section 1103.6 of the Fire Code for retroactive standpipe requirements. {Delete rest of Section 804.3. } (Reason: The Fire Code already requires standpipes in these buildings (greater than 50 ft.) retroactively in Section 1103.6. This new section would negate/lessen those retroactive provisions already contained in the Fire Code.) ***Section 805.3.1.2; add change to read as follows: 805.3.1.2 Fire Escapes required. For other than Group 1-2, where more than one exit is required an existing fire escape complying with section 805. shall be accepted as providing one of the required means of egress. (Reason: Higher level of safety by not allowing new fire escapes.) ***Section 805.; add change to read as follows: 805. Fire Escape access and details - ... Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 2. Access to a fire escape shall be through a door... 3. Strike whole section 5. In all building of Group E occupancy up to and including the 121h grade, building of Group I occupancy, boarding houses, and childcare centers, ladders of any type are prohibited on fire escapes used as a required means of egress. (Reason: Higher level of safety by not allowing new fire escapes. Consistency with language and defined term in IBC.) ***Section 805.5.2 Transoms Add note to read as follows: B and E occupancies are not included in the list and consideration should be given to adding them depending on existing buildings stock. (Reason: Transom windows were historically a common practice in school buildings and each jurisdiction should evaluate the impact on their stakeholders and their community with regards to section) ***Section 806.2; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Components of projects regulated by and registered with Architectural Barriers Division of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation shall be deemed to be incompliance with the requirements of this chapter. (Reason: with COG amendments to Section 1101.2 of IBC ***Section 904.1; add sentence to read as follows: For the purpose of fire sprinkler protection and fire alarm requirements included in this section, the work area shall be extended to include at least the entire tenant space or spaces bounded by walls containing the subject work area, and if the work area includes a corridor, hallway, or other exit access, then such corridor, hallway, or other exit access shall be protected in its entirety on that particular floor level. (Reason: The intent is to avoid work area protection that would result in partial sprinkler or fire alarm protection. Partial sprinkler protection not delineated by walls would be a clear violation of NFPA 13 and the Fire Code and would not allow the sprinkler system to perform or function as intended. Also, partial fire alarm coverage is a clear violation of the Fire Code, NFPA 72, and ADA.) ***Section 904.1; add sentence to read as follows: 904.1.1 High-rise buildings. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in work areas of high-rise building. (Reason: Level 3 alterations are affecting more than 50% of the existing high-rise building, and as such, sprinkler protection is more than justifiable, even when fire pumps, etc., are necessary. It is noted that the work area method is one of three different methods available to the designer/owner in the IEBC.) ***Section 1103.5 Flood Hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city) ***Section 1201.4 Flood hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city.) Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 ***Section 1302.7 Flood hazard areas. (Jurisdictions may consider the option to amend or delete depending on local enforcement and flood hazard ordinances.) (Reason: Flood hazard ordinances may be administered by other departments within the city) ***Section 1401.2; change to read as follows: 1401.2 Applicability. Structures existing prior to the date of an approved final inspection issued under a code edition which is at least two published code editions preceding the currently adopted building code; or a change of occupancy, { rest of section un -changed } . (Reason: For consistency with amendment in Chapter 2 relative to allowable use of this code for existing building.) ***Section 1401.3.2; change to read as follows: 1401.3.2 Compliance with other codes. Buildings that are evaluated in accordance with this section shall comply with the International Fire Code. (Reason: NCTCOG does not currently review the IPMC for recommended amendments at this time.) *** Chapter 16 — Referenced Standards; change to read as follows: IECC Edition as adopted by the State of Texas International Energy Conservation Code®. . 301.2, 702.6, 708.1, 811.1, 908.1 (Reason: For compliance with State Law requirements for Energy Code) Ordinance No. 2018-13 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017-33; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code 2264538 Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT April 10, 2018 Item Number: Building Inspections Bret McCullough Account Code: April 2, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject 1 (City Secretmy's Use 0,1!y) Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-14, repealing Ordinance No. 2017-38; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-14, repealing Ordinance No. 2017-38; adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth herein; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; providing for an effective date of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption hereof. Discussion Amendments were mistakenly attached to Ordinance No. 2017-38, Adoption of the 2015 Property Maintenance Code, adopted at the December 12, 2017 City Council Meeting. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) did not recommend any amendments to this ordinance. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2018-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2017-38; ADOPTING THE 2015 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE, SAVE AND EXCEPT THE DELETIONS AND AMENDMENTS SET FORTH HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to repeal Wylie Ordinance No. 2017-38; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of Wylie to adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Ordinance No. 2017-38 Repealed. Wylie Ordinance No. 2017-38 is repealed in its entirety and replaced by this Ordinance. The effective date of the repeal discussed in this Section shall not occur until the effective date of this Ordinance at which time Ordinance No. 2017-38 shall be repealed. Such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution and/or lawsuit or prevent any prosecution and/or lawsuit from being commenced for any violation of Ordinance No. 2017-38 occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: Adoption of the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code. The 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, copyrighted by the International Code Council, Inc., is hereby adopted as the property maintenance code for Wylie, prescribing regulations applicable to all residential, nonresidential and commercial buildings, existing premises and structures and constituting the minimum requirements and standards for premises, structures, equipment and facilities for safe and sanitary maintenance (the "2015 International Property Maintenance Code"). The 2015 International Property Maintenance Code is made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. One (1) copy of the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code is on file in the office of the City Secretary of Wylie being marked and designated as the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code. Ordinance No. 2018-14 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017- 38; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code 2264650 SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portion of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. A reference in any ordinance to an earlier or different version of a property maintenance code is hereby amended to refer to the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code as it is adopted herein or may be subsequently amended. SECTION 5: Penalty Provision. Any person, firm, corporation or entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 6: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication as required by the City Charter and by law. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date of Publication: April 18, 2018, in the Wylie News Ordinance No. 2018-14 Repealing Ordinance No. 2017- 38; Adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code 2264650 Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT April 10, 2018 Item Number: 1 Planning Renae' 011ie Account Code: April 2, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 3 Subject (City Secretmy's Use 0111y) Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG -30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD -CC -LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 Recommendation Motion to withdraw a change of zoning from Agricultural — 30 District (AG -30) to Planned Development for Commercial and Industrial uses (PD -CC -LI) on approximately 8 acres, located at 1900 N SH 78. ZC2018-02 Discussion Owner: Ryan Cole Applicant: Serene Business Park The applicant has submitted a letter to withdraw the item for consideration. Notification/Responses: Twelve (12) notifications were mailed; with no responses returned at the time of posting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Commission discussed with the applicant why they were not meeting many of the zoning ordinance requirements. The applicant stated that they are awaiting direction from the City Engineer on alternative materials. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend denial of the request. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 From: Ryan Cole Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 10:32 AM To: Renae OIIie Cc: Alex Herrera Subject: Re: Serene ZC 2018-02 Withdraw until we get on same page. Thx On Mon, Apr 2, 2018, 10:17 AM Renae 011ie wrote: Alex, I am working on the Council report for the April 10th meeting. It is due in the City Secretary's office by noon today. Alex, when we spoke after the P&Z recommendation, I asked if Serene wanted to move forward with P&Z denial or if you wanted to withdraw the item. Please let me know so I may finish the report. Sincerely, Renae' OIIie, MCP Director of Development Services 300 Country Club Road, Wylie, Tx 75098 117 Subject Property ONCOR/LAVCN PARK AVALON ADDITION F'Af7h; (PHASE CITY' E YLI LOCATION MAP ZC #2018-02 Map Date: 1123/2018 41, ILM1U UI 4 4141303 41E414011 Sum sueunzisont T S041 41711137)1 I 0 MI iluese-le 1 4 60£ I E 0:44 rl fli fl, a MA 01,145 • 11..113 1011 €977 •117. rial‘ I • f BIE1 E 4* Ir 4ffi IT UNUUCEN WAG mac* MASS 9d. 90e CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT April 10, 2018 Item Number: 2 (Cirn Secretary's Use On!r) Finance Melissa Beard Account Code: March 28, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018", including the adoption of Ordinance No. 2018-15 authorizing the issuance of "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax And Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018"; specifying the terms and features of said certificates; providing for the payment of said Certificates of Obligation by the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within the City and a limited pledge of the net revenues derived from the operation of the City's waterworks and sewer system; providing the terms and features of such certificates and resolving other matters incident and relating to the issuance, payment, security, sale and delivery of said certificates, including the approval and execution of a paying agent/registrar agreement and the approval and distribution of an official statement pertaining thereto; and providing an effective date. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-15 and all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018," as provided for in Agenda Item #2. Discussion At the February 27, 2018 Council meeting, Resolution 2018-12(R) authorizing the publication of the notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation was approved. The notice was published in The Wylie News on March 7, 2018 and March 14, 2018. These certificates of obligation will fund the remodel and expansion of the Public Safety Building. Bids will be received for the sale of these certificates on April 10, 2018 and presented to Council at their regular meeting that evening. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2018-15 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018"; SPECIFYING THE TERMS AND FEATURES OF SAID CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION BY THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY AND A LIMITED PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES DERIVED FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING THE TERMS AND FEATURES OF SUCH CERTIFICATES AND RESOLVING OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE, PAYMENT, SECURITY, SALE AND DELIVERY OF SAID CERTIFICATES, INCLUDING THE APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT AND THE APPROVAL AND DISTRIBUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT PERTAINING THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, notice of the City Council's intention to issue certificates of obligation in the maximum principal amount of $9,000,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof, has been duly published in the Wylie News, a newspaper hereby found and determined to be of general circulation in the City of Wylie, Texas, on March 7, 2018 and March 14, 2018, the date the first publication of such notice being not less than thirty-one (31) days prior to the tentative date stated therein for the passage of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates; and WHEREAS, no petition protesting the issuance of the certificates of obligation and bearing valid petition signatures of at least 5% of the qualified electors of the City, has been presented to or filed with the Mayor, City Secretary or any other official of the City on or prior to the date of the passage of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the certificates of obligation described in the aforesaid notice should be issued and sold at this time in the amount and manner as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Authorization - Designation - Principal Amount - Purpose. Certificates of obligation of the City shall be and are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $ , to be designated and bear the title "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018" (hereinafter referred to as the "Certificates"), for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof, pursuant to authority conferred by and in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter C of Chapter 271, as amended. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 S-1 SECTION 2. Fully Re>?istered Obligations - Authorized Denominations - Stated Maturities - Certificate Date. The Certificates are issuable in fully registered form only; shall be dated April 1, 2018 (the "Certificate Date") and shall be in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (within a Stated Maturity) and the Certificates shall become due and payable on February 15 in each of the years and in principal amounts (the "Stated Maturities") and bear interest at the per annum rate(s) in accordance with the following schedule: Year of Principal Interest Stated Maturity Amount Rate(s) 2019 $ 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 The Certificates shall bear interest on the unpaid principal amounts from the date of their delivery to the initial purchasers at the rates per annum shown above in this Section (calculated on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months), and such interest shall be payable on February 15 and August 15 of each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. SECTION 3. Terms of Payment - Paving Agent/Registrar. The principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the Certificates, due and payable by reason of maturity, redemption, or otherwise, shall be payable only to the registered owners or holders of the Certificates (hereinafter called the "Holders") appearing on the registration and transfer books maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar and the payment thereof shall be in any coin or currency of the United States of America, which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, and shall be without exchange or collection charges to the Holders. The selection and appointment of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Dallas, Texas, to serve as Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates is hereby approved and confirmed. Books and records relating to the registration, payment, transfer and exchange of the Certificates (the "Security Register") shall at all times be kept and maintained on behalf of the City by the Paying Agent/Registrar, as provided herein and in accordance with the terns and provisions of a "Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement", substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and such reasonable rules and regulations as the Paying Agent/Registrar and the City may prescribe. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem and Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 City Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and deliver such Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement in connection with the delivery of the Certificates. The City covenants to maintain and provide a Paying Agent/Registrar at all times until the Certificates are paid and discharged, and any successor Paying Agent/Registrar shall be a commercial bank, trust company, financial institution or other entity qualified and authorized to serve in such capacity and perform the duties and services of Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon any change in the Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates, the City agrees to promptly cause a written notice thereof to be sent to each Holder by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, which notice shall also give the address of the new Paying Agent/Registrar. Principal of and premium, if any, on the Certificates, shall be payable at the Stated Maturities or the redemption thereof only upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its designated offices, initially in East Syracuse, New York, or, with respect to a successor Paying Agent/Registrar, at the designated offices of such successor (the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office"). Interest on the Certificates shall be paid to the Holders whose names appear in the Security Register at the close of business on the Record Date (the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date) and shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar (i) by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the Holder recorded in the Security Register or (ii) by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the Holder. if the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. In the event of a nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for thirty (30) days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five (5) business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. SECTION 4. Redemption. (a) Optional Redemption. The Certificates having Stated Maturities on and after February 15, 2028 shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (and if within a Stated Maturity by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar), on February 15, 2027, or on any date thereafter at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. At least forty five (45) days prior to an optional redemption date for the Certificates (unless a shorter notification period shall be satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar), the City shall notify the Paying Agent/Registrar of the decision to redeem Certificates, the principal amount of each Stated Maturity to be redeemed, and the date of redeinption therefor. The decision of the City to exercise the right to redeem Certificates shall be entered in the minutes of the governing body of the City. (b) JMandatory Redemption. The Certificates maturing on February 15, 20 (the "Term Certificates") shall be subject to mandatory redemption in part prior to maturity at the redemption price of Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 par and accrued interest to the date of redemption on the respective dates and in principal amounts as follows: Term Certificates due February 15, 20 Redemption Date Principal Amount ($) 20 20 * *Stated maturity. Approximately forty-five (45) days prior to each mandatory redemption date for the Term Certificates, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select by lot the numbers of the Term Certificates within the applicable Stated Maturity to be redeemed on the next following February 15 from moneys set aside for that purpose in the Certificate Fund (as hereinafter defined). Any Term Certificate not selected for prior redemption shall be paid on the date of their Stated Maturity. The principal amount of the Tenn Certificates for a Stated Maturity required to be redeemed on a mandatory redemption date may be reduced, at the option of the City, by the principal amount of Term Certificates of like Stated Maturity which, at least 50 days prior to the mandatory redemption date, (1) shall have been acquired by the City at a price not exceeding the principal amount of such Tenn Certificates plus accrued interest to the date of purchase thereof, and delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation or (2) shall have been redeemed pursuant to the optional redemption provisions set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section and not theretofore credited against a mandatory redemption requirement.] (c) Selection of Certificates for Redemption. If less than all Outstanding Certificates of the same Stated Maturity are to be redeemed on a redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall treat such Certificates as representing the number of Certificates Outstanding which is obtained by dividing the principal amount of such Certificates by $5,000 and shall select the Certificates to be redeemed within such Stated Maturity by lot. (d) Notice of Redemption. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to a redemption date for the Certificates, a notice of redelnption shall be sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, in the name of the City and at the City's expense, to each Holder of a Certificate to be redeemed in whole or in part at the address of the Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the date of mailing such notice, and any notice of redemption so mailed shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given irrespective of whether received by the Holder. All notices of redemption shall (i) specify the date of redemption for the Certificates, (ii) identify the Certificates to be redeemed and, in the case of a portion of the principal amount to be redeemed, the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, (iii) state the redemption price, (iv) state that the Certificates, or the portion of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall become due and payable on the redemption date specified and the interest thereon, or on the portion of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date, provided moneys sufficient for the payment of such Certificate (or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) at the then applicable redemption price are held for the purpose of such payment by the Paying Agent/Registrar and (v) specify that payment of the redemption price for the Certificates, or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall be made at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar only upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates. If a Certificate is subject by its terms to prior redemption and has been called for redemption and notice of redemption has been duly given as hereinabove Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 provided, such Certificate (or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) shall become due and payable and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date therefor. (e) Conditional Notice of Redemption. With respect to any optional redemption of the Certificates, unless moneys sufficient to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates to be redeemed shall have been received by the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the giving of such notice of redemption, such notice may state that said redemption is conditional upon the receipt of such moneys by the Paying Agent/Registrar on or prior to the date fixed for such redemption, or upon the satisfaction of any prerequisites set forth in such notice of redemption; and, if sufficient moneys are not received, such notice shall be of no force and effect, the City shall not redeem such Certificates and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice, in the manner in which the notice of redemption was given, to the effect that the Certificates have not been redeemed. SECTION 5. Rei.stration - Transfer - Exchange of Certificates - Predecessor Certificates. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall obtain, record, and maintain in the Security Register the name and address of each and every owner of the Certificates issued under and pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, or if appropriate, the nominee thereof. Any Certificate may be transferred or exchanged for Certificates of other authorized denominations by the Holder, in person or by his duly authorized agent, upon surrender of such Certificate to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation, accompanied by a written instrument of transfer or request for exchange duly executed by the Holder or by his duly authorized agent, in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon surrender of any Certificate (other than the Initial Certificate authorized in Section 8 hereof) for transfer at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall register and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Certificates, executed on behalf of, and furnished by, the City, of authorized denominations and having the same Stated Maturity and of a like aggregate principal amount as the Certificate or Certificates surrendered for transfer. At the option of the Holder, Certificates (other than the Initial Certificate(s) authorized in Section 8 hereof) may be exchanged for other Certificates of authorized denominations and having the same Stated Maturity, bearing the same rate of interest and of like aggregate principal amount as the Certificates surrendered for exchange, upon surrender of the Certificates to be exchanged at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar. Whenever any Certificates are so surrendered for exchange, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall register and deliver new Certificates, executed on behalf of, and furnished by the City, to the Holder requesting the exchange. All Certificates issued in any transfer or exchange of Certificates shall be delivered to the Holders at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar or sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the Holders, and, upon the registration and delivery thereof, the same shall be the valid obligations of the City, evidencing the same obligation to pay, and entitled to the salve benefits under this Ordinance, as the Certificates surrendered in such transfer or exchange. All transfers or exchanges of Certificates pursuant to this Section shall be made without expense or service charge to the Holder, except as otherwise herein provided, and except that the Paying Agent/Registrar shall require payment by the Holder requesting such transfer or exchange of any tax or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. Certificates cancelled by reason of an exchange or transfer pursuant to the provisions hereof are hereby defined to be "Predecessor Certificates," evidencing all or a portion, as the case may be, of the same obligation to pay evidenced by the new Certificate or Certificates registered and delivered in the Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 exchange or transfer therefor. Additionally, the term "Predecessor Certificates" shall include any mutilated, lost, destroyed or stolen Certificate for which a replacement Certificate has been issued, registered and delivered in lieu thereof pursuant to the provisions of Section 19 hereof and such new replacement Certificate shall be deemed to evidence the salve obligation as the mutilated, lost, destroyed or stolen Certificate. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue or transfer to an assignee of a Holder any Certificate called for redemption, in whole or in part, within forty-five (45) days of the date fixed for the redemption of such Certificate; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the Holder of the unredeemed balance of a Certificate called for redemption in part. SECTION 6. Book -Entry -Only Transfers and Transactions. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in Sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof relating to the payment, and transfer/exchange of the Certificates, the City hereby approves and authorizes the use of "Book -Entry -Only" securities clearance, settlement and transfer system provided by The Depository Trust Company, a limited purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York ("DTC"), in accordance with the operational arrangements referenced in the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations by and between the City and DTC (the "Depository Agreement"). Pursuant to the Depository Agreement and the rules of DTC, the Certificates shall be deposited with DTC who shall hold said Certificates for its participants (the "DTC Participants"). While the Certificates are held by DTC under the Depository Agreement, the Holder of the Certificates on the Security Register for all purposes, including payment and notices, shall be Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, notwithstanding the ownership of each actual purchaser or owner of each Certificate (the "Beneficial Owners") being recorded in the records of DTC and DTC Participants. In the event DTC determines to discontinue serving as securities depository for the Certificates or otherwise ceases to provide book -entry clearance and settlement of securities transactions in general or the City determines that DTC is incapable of properly discharging its duties as securities depository for the Certificates, the City covenants and agrees with the Holders of the Certificates to cause Certificates to be printed in definitive form and issued and delivered to DTC Participants and Beneficial Owners, as the case may be. Thereafter, the Certificates in definitive form shall be assigned, transferred and exchanged on the Security Register maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar and payment of such Certificates shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof. SECTION 7. Execution - Registration. The Certificates shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem under its seal reproduced or impressed thereon and countersigned by the City Secretary. The signatures of said officers on the Certificates may be manual or facsimile. Certificates bearing the manual or facsimile signatures of individuals who are or were the proper officers of the City on the Certificate Date shall be deemed to be duly executed on behalf of the City, notwithstanding that one or more of the individuals executing the same shall cease to be such officer at the time of delivery of the Certificates to the initial purchaser(s) and with respect to Certificates delivered in subsequent exchanges and transfers, all as authorized and provided in Texas Government Code, Chapter 1201, as amended. No Certificate shall be entitled to any right or benefit under this Ordinance, or be valid or obligatory for any purpose, unless there appears on such Certificate either a certificate of registration substantially in the form provided in Section 9(c), manually executed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, or his or her duly authorized agent, or a certificate of registration substantially in the form provided in Section 9(d), manually executed by an authorized officer, employee Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 or representative of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and either such certificate duly signed upon any Certificate shall be conclusive evidence, and the only evidence, that such Certificate has been duly certified, registered and delivered. SECTION 8. Initial Certificate(s). The Certificates herein authorized shall be initially issued either (i) as a single fully registered certificate in the total principal amount stated in Section 1 hereof with principal installments to become due and payable as provided in Section 2 hereof and numbered T-1, or (ii) as multiple fully registered certificates with one certificate for each year of maturity in the applicable principal amount and denomination and to be numbered consecutively from T-1 and upward (hereinafter called the "Initial Certificate(s)") and, in either case, the Initial Certificate(s) shall be registered in the name of the initial purchaser(s) or the designee thereof. The Initial Certificate(s) shall be the Certificate(s) submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas for approval, certified and registered by the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and delivered to the initial purchaser(s). Any time after the delivery of the Initial Certificate(s), the Paying Agent/Registrar, pursuant to written instructions from the initial purchaser(s), or the designee thereof, shall cancel the Initial Certificate(s) delivered hereunder and exchange therefor definitive Certificates of authorized denominations, Stated Maturities, principal amounts and bearing applicable interest rates for transfer and delivery to the Holders named at the addresses identified therefor; all pursuant to and in accordance with such written instructions from the initial purchaser(s), or the designee thereof, and such other information and documentation as the Paying Agent/Registrar may reasonably require. SECTION 9. Forms. (a) Forms Generally. The Certificates, the Registration Certificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the Registration Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar, and the form of Assignment to be printed on each of the Certificates, shall be substantially in the forms set forth in this Section with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions, and other variations as are permitted or required by this Ordinance and may have such letters, numbers, or other marks of identification (including identifying numbers and letters of the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures of the American Bankers Association) and such legends and endorsements (including insurance legends in the event the Certificates, or any maturities thereof, are purchased with insurance and any reproduction of an opinion of counsel) thereon as may, consistently herewith, be established by the City or determined by the officers executing such Certificates as evidenced by their execution. Any portion of the text of any Certificates may be set forth on the reverse thereof, with an appropriate reference thereto on the face of the Certificate. The definitive Certificates and the Initial Certificate(s) shall be printed, lithographed, engraved, typewritten, photocopied or otherwise reproduced in any other similar lnanner, all as determined by the officers executing such Certificates as evidenced by their execution. (b) Form of Definitive Certificates. REGISTERED REGISTERED NO. $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 Certificate Date: Interest Rate: Stated Maturity: April 1, 2018 % February 15, 20 Registered Owner: CUSIP No.: Principal Amount: DOLLARS The City of Wylie (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a body corporate and municipal corporation in the Counties of Collin, Dallas and Rockwall, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, or the registered assigns thereof, on the Stated Maturity date specified above the Principal Amount hereinabove stated (or so much thereof as shall not have been paid upon prior redemption) and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount hereof from the interest payment date next preceding the "Registration Date" of this Certificate appearing below (unless this Certificate bears a "Registration Date" as of an interest payment date, in which case it shall bear interest from such date, or unless the "Registration Date" of this Certificate is prior to the initial interest payment date in which case it shall bear interest from the date of delivery to the initial purchasers) at the per annum rate of interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 in each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. Principal of this Certificate is payable at its Stated Maturity or on a redemption date to the registered owner hereof, upon presentation and surrender, at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar executing the registration certificate appearing hereon, or its successor; provided, however, while this Certificate is registered to Cede & Co., the payment of principal upon a partial redemption of the principal amount hereof may be accomplished without presentation and surrender of this Certificate. Interest is payable to the registered owner of this Certificate (or one or more Predecessor Certificates, as defined in the Ordinance hereinafter referenced) whose name appears on the "Security Register" maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the "Record Date", which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date, and interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner recorded in the Security Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the registered owner. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. All payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Certificate shall be without exchange or collection charges to the owner hereof and in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This Certificate is one of the series specified in its title issued in the aggregate principal amount of $ (herein referred to as the "Certificates") for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof, under and in strict conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, particularly Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter C of Chapter 271, as amended, and pursuant to an Ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City (herein referred to as the "Ordinance"). Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 The Certificates maturing on February 15, 20 (collectively, the "Term Certificates") are subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity with funds on deposit in the Certificate Fund established and maintained for the payment thereof in the Ordinance, and shall be redeemed in part prior to maturity at the price of par and accrued interest thereon to the mandatory redemption date on the respective dates and in principal amounts as follows: Term Certificates due February 15. 20 Principal Amount Redemption Date ($) February 15, 20 February 15, 20 (maturity) The particular Term Certificates of a stated maturity to be redeemed on each redemption date shall be chosen by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar; provided, however, that the principal amount of Term Certificates for a stated maturity required to be redeemed on a mandatory redemption date may be reduced, at the option of the City, by the principal amount of Term Certificates of like stated maturity which, at least fifty (50) days prior to the mandatory redemption date, (1) shall have been acquired by the City at a price not exceeding the principal amount of such Tenn Certificates plus accrued interest to the date of purchase thereof, and delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation or (2) shall have been redeemed pursuant to the optional redemption provisions appearing below and not theretofore credited against a mandatory redemption requirement. The Certificates maturing on and after February 15, 2028, may be redeemed prior to their Stated Maturities, at the option of the City, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (and if within a Stated Maturity by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar), on February 15, 2027, or on any date thereafter, at the redemption price of par, together with accrued interest to the date of redemption. At least thirty (30) days prior to a redemption date, the City shall cause a written notice of such redemption to be sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the registered owners of each Certificate to be redeemed at the address shown on the Security Register and subject to the terms and provisions relating thereto contained in the Ordinance. If a Certificate (or any portion of its principal sum) shall have been duly called for redemption and notice of such redemption duly given, then upon the redemption date such Certificate (or the portion of its principal sum to be redeemed) shall become due and payable, and, if moneys for the payment of the redemption price and the interest accrued on the principal amount to be redeemed to the date of redemption are held for the purpose of such payment by the Paying Agent/Registrar, interest shall cease to accrue and be payable from and after the redemption date on the principal amount redeemed. In the event a portion of the principal amount of a Certificate is to be redeemed and the registered owner is someone other than Cede & Co., payment of the redemption price of such principal amount shall be made to the registered owner only upon presentation and surrender of such Certificate to the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and a new Certificate or Certificates of like maturity and interest rate in any authorized denominations provided by the Ordinance for the then unredeemed balance of the principal sum thereof will be issued to the registered owner, without charge. If a Certificate is selected for redemption, in whole or in part, the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall not be required to transfer such Certificate to an assignee of the registered owner within forty-five (45) days of the redemption date therefor; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the unredeemed balance of a Certificate redeemed in part. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 With respect to any optional redemption of the Certificates, unless moneys sufficient to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates to be redeemed shall have been received by the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the giving of such notice of redemption, such notice may state that said redemption is conditional upon the receipt of such honeys by the Paying Agent/Registrar on or prior to the date fixed for such redemption, or upon the satisfaction of any prerequisites set forth in such notice of redemption; and, if sufficient moneys are not received, such notice shall be of no force and effect, the City shall not redeem such Certificates and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice, in the manner in which the notice of redemption was given, to the effect that the Certificates have not been redeemed. The Certificates are payable from the proceeds of an ad valorem tax levied, within the limitations prescribed by law, upon all taxable property in the City and from a limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the City's combined Waterworks and Sewer System (the "System"), such pledge of the Net Revenues for the payment of the Certificates being limited to an amount of $1,000 and, together with a parity pledge securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates, being junior and subordinate to the lien on and pledge of such Net Revenues securing the payment of Prior Lien Obligations now outstanding and hereafter issued by the City. In the Ordinance, the City reserves and retains the right to issue Prior Lien Obligations without limitation as to principal amount but subject to any applicable terms, conditions or restrictions under law or otherwise, as well as the right to issue additional obligations payable from the same sources as the Certificates and, together with the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates, equally and ratably secured by a parity lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System. Reference is hereby made to the Ordinance, a copy of which is on file in the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and to all the provisions of which the owner or holder of this Certificate by the acceptance hereof hereby assents; for definitions of teens; the description of and the nature and extent of the tax levied for the payment of the Certificates; the nature and extent of the pledge of the Net Revenues securing the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates; the terms and conditions relating to the transfer or exchange of this Certificate; the conditions upon which the Ordinance may be amended or supplemented with or without the consent of the Holders; the rights, duties, and obligations of the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar; the terms and provisions upon which the tax levy and the pledge of the Net Revenues and covenants made in the Ordinance may be discharged at or prior to the maturity of this Certificate, and this Certificate deemed to be no longer Outstanding thereunder; and for the other terms and provisions contained therein. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined have the meanings assigned in the Ordinance. This Certificate, subject to certain limitations contained in the Ordinance, may be transferred on the Security Register only upon its presentation and surrender at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, with the Assignment hereon duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar duly executed by, the registered owner hereof, or his duly authorized agent. When a transfer on the Security Register occurs, one or more new fully registered Certificates of the same Stated Maturity, of authorized denominations, bearing the same rate of interest and of the same aggregate principal amount will be issued by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the designated transferee or transferees. The City and the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any agent of either, shall treat the registered owner whose name appears on the Security Register (i) on the Record Date as the owner entitled to payment of interest hereon, (ii) on the date of surrender of this Certificate as the owner entitled to payment of principal hereof at its Stated Maturity or upon its prior redemption, in whole or in part, and (iii) on any other date as the owner for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar, or any agent of either, shall be affected by notice to the contrary. In the event of nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date and for thirty (30) days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 payment of such interest have been received. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five (5) business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. It is hereby certified, recited, represented and declared that the City is a body corporate and political subdivision duly organized and legally existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; that the issuance of the Certificates is duly authorized by law; that all acts, conditions and things required to exist and be done precedent to and in the issuance of the Certificates to render the same lawful and valid obligations of the City have been properly done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the Ordinance; that the Certificates do not exceed any Constitutional or statutory limitation; and that due provision has been made for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates by the levy of a tax and a limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the System as aforestated. In case any provision in this Certificate or any application thereof shall be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions and applications shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The terms and provisions of this Certificate and the Ordinance shall be construed in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City Council of the City has caused this Certificate to be duly executed under the official seal of the City as of the Certificate Date. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Mayor COUNTERSIGNED: City Secretary (City Seal) Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 (c) Form of Registration Certificate of Comptroller of Public Accounts to appear on Initial Certificate(s) only. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS THE STATE OF TEXAS REGISTER NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY that this Certificate has been examined, certified as to validity and approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and duly registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. (SEAL) WITNESS my signature and seal of office this Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas (d) Form of Certificate of Paving Anent/Registrar to appear on Definitive Certificates only. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR This Certificate has been duly issued and registered under the provisions of the within mentioned Ordinance; the certificate or certificates of the above entitled and designated series originally delivered having been approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, as shown by the records of the Paying Agent/Registrar. The designated office of the Paying Agent/Registrar located in East Syracuse, New York, is the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office" for this Certificate. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., Dallas, Texas, as Paying Agent/Registrar Registration Date: By Authorized Signature Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 (e) Form of Assignment. ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto (Print or typewrite name, address, and zip code of transferee:) (Social Security or other identifying number ) the within Certificate and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints attorney to transfer the within Certificate on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: Signature guaranteed: NOTICE: The signature on this assignment must correspond with the name of the registered owner as it appears on the face of the within Certificate in every particular. (f) The Initial Certificate(s) shall be in the form set forth in subsection (b) of this Section, except that the form of a single fully registered Initial Certificate shall be modified as follows: REGISTERED REGISTERED NO. T-1 $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 Certificate Date: April 1, 2018 Registered Owner: Principal Amount: MILLION HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS The City of Wylie (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a body corporate and municipal corporation in the Counties of Collin, Dallas and Rockwall, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, or the registered assigns thereof, the Principal Amount hereinabove stated on February 15 in each of the years and in principal installments in accordance with the following schedule: YEAR OF STATED MATURITY PRINCIPAL INTEREST AMOUNT RATE(S) (Information to be inserted from schedule in Section 2 hereof). (or so much thereof as shall not have been redeemed prior to maturity) and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amounts hereof from the date of delivery to the initial purchasers at the per annum rate(s) of Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 of each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. Principal installments of this Certificate are payable on the Stated Maturity dates or on a redemption date to the registered owner hereof by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Dallas, Texas (the "Paying Agent/Registrar"), upon its presentation and surrender at its designated offices, initially in East Syracuse, New York, or, with respect to a successor paying agent/registrar, at the designated office of such successor (the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office"). Interest is payable to the registered owner of this Certificate whose name appears on the "Security Register" maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the "Record Date", which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date hereof and interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner recorded in the Security Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the registered owner. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. All payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Certificate shall be without exchange or collection charges to the owner hereof and in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. SECTION 10. Definitions. For purposes of this Ordinance and for clarity with respect to the issuance of the Certificates herein authorized, and the levy of taxes and appropriation of Net Revenues therefor, the following words or terms, whenever the same appears herein without qualifying language, are defined to mean as follows: (a) The term "Certificates" shall mean the "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018" authorized by this Ordinance. (b) The term "Certificate Fund" shall mean the special Fund created and established under the provisions of Section 11 of this Ordinance. (c) The term "City" shall mean the City of Wylie, Texas. (d) The term "Collection Date" shall mean, when reference is being made to the levy and collection of annual ad valorem taxes, the date annual ad valorem taxes levied each year by the City become delinquent. (e) The term "Fiscal Year" shall mean the twelve month accounting period used by the City in connection with the operation of the System which may be any twelve consecutive month period established by the City. (f) The term "Government Securities" shall mean (i) direct noncallable obligations of the United States of America, including obligations the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America, (ii) noncallable obligations of an agency or instrumentality of the United States, including obligations unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the agency or instrumentality and, on the date of their acquisition or purchase by the City, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent, Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 (iii) noncallable obligations of a state or an agency or a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of a state that have been refunded and that, on the date of their acquisition or purchase by the City, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent and (iv) any other then authorized securities or obligations that may be used to defease obligations such as the Certificates under the then applicable laws of the State of Texas. (g) The term "Gross Revenues" shall mean all income, receipts and revenues of every nature derived or received from the operation and ownership (excluding refundable meter deposits, restricted gifts and grants in aid of construction) of the System, including earnings and income derived from the investment or deposit of moneys in any special funds or accounts created and established for the payment and security of the Prior Lien Obligations and other obligations payable solely from and secured only by a lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues. (h) The term "Maintenance and Operating Expenses" shall mean all current expenses of operating and maintaining the System, including all salaries, labor, materials, repairs and extensions necessary to render efficient service; provided, however, that only such repairs and extensions, as in the judgment of the City Council, reasonably and fairly exercised, are necessary to maintain the operations and render adequate service to the City and the inhabitants thereof, or such as might be necessary to meet some physical accident or condition which would otherwise impair obligations payable from Net Revenues shall be deducted in determining "Net Revenues". Depreciation charges shall not be considered Maintenance and Operating Expenses. Maintenance and Operating Expenses shall include payments under contracts for the purchase of water supply, treatment of sewage or other materials, goods or services for the System to the extent authorized by law and the provisions of such contract. (i) The term "Net Revenues" shall mean Gross Revenues of the System, with respect to any period, after deducting the System's Maintenance and Operating Expenses during such period. (j) The term "Outstanding", when used in this Ordinance with respect to Certificates, shall mean, as of the date of determination, all Certificates theretofore issued and delivered under this Ordinance, except: (1) those Certificates cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar or delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation; (2) those Certificates deemed to be duly paid by the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 20 hereof; and (3) those mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificates which have been replaced with Certificates registered and delivered in lieu thereof as provided in Section 19 hereof. (k) The term "Previously Issued Certificates" shall mean the outstanding "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2010", dated July 15, 2010 and "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017", dated May 1, 2017. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 (1) The term "Prior Lien Obligations" shall mean obligations hereafter issued which by the terms of the authorizing ordinance are made payable from and secured by a lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System ranking prior and superior to the lien and pledge securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates. (m) The term "System" shall mean all properties, facilities and plants currently owned, operated and maintained by the City for the supply, treatment, transmission and distribution of treated potable water and the collection, treatment and disposal of water carried wastes, together with all future extensions, improvements, replacements and additions thereto; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, and to the extent now or hereafter authorized or permitted by law, the term "System" shall not mean to include facilities of any kind which are declared not to be a part of the System and which are acquired or constructed by or on behalf of the City with the proceeds from the issuance of "Special Facilities Bonds", which are hereby defined as being special revenue obligations of the City which are not bonds but which are payable from and secured by other liens on and pledges of any revenues, sources or payments, not pledged to the payment of the bonds including, but not limited to, special contract revenues or payments received from any other legal entity in connection with such facilities. SECTION 11. Certificate Fund. For the purpose of paying the interest on and to provide a sinking fund for the payment, redemption and retirement of the Certificates, there shall be and is hereby created a special account or fund on the books and records of the City known as the "SPECIAL SERIES 2018 TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION FUND", and all moneys deposited to the credit of such Fund shall be shall be kept and maintained in a special banking account at the City's depository bank. The Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, Finance Director, and City Secretary of the City, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized and directed to make withdrawals from said Fund sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Certificates as the same become due and payable, and, shall cause to be transferred to the Paying Agent/Registrar from moneys on deposit in the Certificate Fund an amount sufficient to pay the amount of principal and/or interest falling due on the Certificates, such transfer of funds to the Paying Agent/Registrar to be made in such manner as will cause immediately available funds to be deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar on or before the last business day next preceding each interest and principal payment date for the Certificates. Pending the transfer of funds to the Paying Agent/Registrar, money in the Certificate Fund may, at the option of the City, be invested in obligations identified in, and in accordance with the provisions of the "Public Funds Investment Act" (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256, as amended) or other applicable laws governing the investment of interest and sinking funds; provided that all such investments shall be made in such a manner that the money required to be expended from the Certificate Fund will be available at the proper time or times. All interest and income derived from deposits and investments in the Certificate Fund shall be credited to, and any losses debited to, the Certificate Fund. All such investments shall be sold promptly when necessary to prevent any default in connection with the Certificates. SECTION 12. Tax Levy. To provide for the payment of the "Debt Service Requirements" on the Certificates being (i) the interest on said Certificates and (ii) a sinking fund for their redemption at maturity or a sinking fund of 2% (whichever amount shall be the greater), there shall be and there is hereby levied, for the current year and each succeeding year thereafter while said Certificates or any interest thereon shall remain Outstanding, a sufficient tax on each one hundred dollars' valuation of taxable property in said City, within the limitations prescribed by law, adequate to pay such Debt Service Requirements, full allowance being made for delinquencies and costs of collection; said tax shall be Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 assessed and collected each year and applied to the payment of the Debt Service Requirements, and the same shall not be diverted to any other purpose. The taxes so levied and collected shall be paid into the Certificate Fund. The City Council hereby declares its purpose and intent to provide and levy a tax legally and fully sufficient to pay the said Debt Service Requirements, it having been determined that the existing and available taxing authority of the City for such purpose is adequate to permit a legally sufficient tax in consideration of all other outstanding indebtedness. The amount of taxes to be provided annually for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates shall be determined and accomplished in the following manner: (a) Prior to the date the City Council establishes the annual tax rate and passes an ordinance levying ad valorem taxes each year, the City Council shall determine: (1) The amount on deposit in the Certificate Fund after (a) deducting therefrom the total amount of Debt Service Requirements to become due on Certificates prior to the Collection Date for the ad valorem taxes to be levied and (b) adding thereto the amount of the Net Revenues of the System, together with any other lawfully available revenues of the City, appropriated and allocated to pay such Debt Service Requirements prior to the Collection Date for the ad valorem taxes to be levied. (2) The amount of Net Revenues of the System, together with any other lawfully available revenues of the City, appropriated and to be set aside for the payment of the Debt Service Requirements on the Certificates between the Collection Date for the taxes then to be levied and the Collection Date for the taxes to be levied during the next succeeding calendar year. (3) The amount of Debt Service Requirements to become due and payable on the Certificates between the Collection Date for the taxes then to be levied and the Collection Date for the taxes to be levied during the next succeeding calendar year. (b) The amount of taxes to be levied annually each year to pay the Debt Service Requirements on the Certificates shall be the amount established in paragraph (3) above less the sum total of the amounts established in paragraphs (1) and (2), after taking into consideration delinquencies and costs of collecting such annual taxes. SECTION 13. Limited Pleds?e of Net Revenues. The City hereby covenants and agrees that, subject to the prior lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System to the payment and security of Prior Lien Obligations, the Net Revenues of the System in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000 are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates, and the limited pledge of $1,000 of the Net Revenues of the System herein made for the payment of the Certificates shall constitute a lien on the Net Revenues of the System in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof and shall be on an parity in all respects with the lien on the Net Revenues securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates until such time as the City shall pay all of such $1,000 after which time the pledge shall cease. Furthermore, such lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues securing the payment of the Certificates shall be valid and binding and fully perfected from and after the date of adoption of this Ordinance without physical delivery or transfer or transfer of control of the Net Revenues, the filing of this Ordinance or any other act; all as provided in Chapter 1208 of the Texas Government Code, as amended ("Chapter 1208"). Chapter 1208 applies to the issuance of the Certificates and the limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the System granted by the City under this Section 13, and such limited pledge is therefore Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 valid, effective and perfected. If Texas law is amended at any time while the Certificates are Outstanding such that the limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the System granted by the City under this Section 13 is to be subject to the filing requirements of Chapter 9, Texas Business and Commerce Code, as amended, then in order to preserve to the registered owners of the Certificates the perfection of the security interest in said limited pledge, the City agrees to take such measures as it determines are reasonable and necessary under Texas law to comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 9, Texas Business and Commerce Code, as amended, and enable a filing to perfect the security interest in said limited pledge to occur. SECTION 14. System Fund. The City hereby covenants and agrees that all Gross Revenues (excluding earnings from the investment of money held in any special funds or accounts created for the payment and security of Prior Lien Obligations) shall be deposited as collected into a fund maintained at an official depository of the City and known on the books of the City as the "Water and Sewer System Fund" (hereinafter called the "System Fund"). All moneys deposited to the credit of the System Fund shall be allocated, appropriated and budgeted to the extent required for the following purposes and in the order of priority shown, to wit: First: To the payment of all necessary and reasonable Maintenance and Operating Expenses as defined herein or required by statute to be a first charge on and claim against the Gross Revenues thereof. Second:To the payment of all amounts required to be deposited in the special Funds created and established for the payment, security and benefit of Prior Lien Obligations in accordance with the terms and provisions of the ordinances authorizing the issuance of Prior Lien Obligations. Third: Equally and ratably, to the payment of the limited amounts pledged to the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates. Any Net Revenues remaining in the System Fund after satisfying the foregoing payments, or making adequate and sufficient provision for the payment thereof, may be appropriated and used for any other City purpose now or hereafter permitted by law. SECTION 15. Security of Funds. All moneys on deposit in the Funds for which this Ordinance makes provision (except any portion thereof as may be at any time properly invested) shall be secured in the manner and to the fullest extent required by the laws of Texas for the security of public funds, and moneys on deposit in such Funds shall be used only for the purposes permitted by this Ordinance. SECTION 16. Special Covenants. The City hereby further covenants as follows: (1) It has the lawful power to pledge the Net Revenues of the System to the payment of the Certificates in the manner herein contemplated and has lawfully exercised such power under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including said power existing under Texas Government Code, Sections 1502.56 and 1502.58 and Texas Local Government Code, Sections 271.041, et seq. (2) Other than for the payment of the outstanding Prior Lien Obligations, the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates, the Net Revenues of the System have not in any manner been pledged to the payment of any debt or obligation of the City or of the System. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 SECTION 17. Issuance of Prior Lien Obligations and Additional Parity Obligations. The City hereby expressly reserves the right to hereafter issue Prior Lien Obligations, without limitation as to principal amount but subject to any terms, conditions or restrictions applicable thereto under law or otherwise, and such Prior Lien Obligations hereafter issued may be payable, in whole or in part, from the Net Revenues (without impairment of the obligation of contract with the Holders of the Certificates) upon such terms and secured in such manner as the City Council may determine. Additionally, the City reserves the right without any limitations or restrictions to issue additional obligations payable (in whole or in part) from and secured by lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System of equal rank and dignity with the lien on and pledge of such Net Revenues securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates. SECTION 18. Application of Prior Lien Obligations Covenants and Agreements. It is the intention of this governing body and accordingly hereby recognized and stipulated that the provisions, agreements and covenants contained herein bearing upon the management and operations of the System, and the administering and application of revenues derived from the operation thereof, shall to the extent possible be harmonized with like provisions, agreements and covenants contained in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of the Prior Lien Obligations, and to the extent of any irreconcilable conflict between the provisions contained herein and in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of the Prior Lien Obligations, the provisions, agreements and covenants contained therein shall prevail to the extent of such conflict and be applicable to this Ordinance but in all respects subject to the priority of rights and benefits, if any, conferred thereby to the holders of the Prior Lien Obligations. Notwithstanding the above, any change or modification affecting the application of revenues derived from the operation of the System shall not impair the obligation of contract with respect to the pledge of revenues herein made for the payment and security of the Certificates. SECTION 19. Mutilated - Destroyed - Lost and Stolen Certificates. In case any Certificate shall be mutilated, or destroyed, lost or stolen, the Paying Agent/Registrar may execute and deliver a replacement Certificate of like form and tenor, and in the same denomination and bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated Certificate, or in lieu of and in substitution for such destroyed, lost or stolen Certificate, only upon the approval of the City and after (i) the filing by the Holder thereof with the Paying Agent/Registrar of evidence satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar of the destruction, loss or theft of such Certificate, and of the authenticity of the ownership thereof and (ii) the furnishing to the Paying Agent/Registrar of indemnification in an amount satisfactory to hold the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar harmless. All expenses and charges associated with such indemnity and with the preparation, execution and delivery of a replacement Certificate shall be borne by the Holder of the Certificate mutilated, or destroyed, lost or stolen. Every replacement Certificate issued pursuant to this Section shall be a valid and binding obligation, and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Ordinance equally and ratably with all other Outstanding Certificates; notwithstanding the enforceability of payment by anyone of the destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificates. The provisions of this Section are exclusive and shall preclude (to the extent lawful) all other rights and remedies with respect to the replacement and payment of mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Certificates. SECTION 20. Satisfaction of Obligation of City. If the City shall pay or cause to be paid, or there shall otherwise be paid to the Holders, the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates, at the times and in the manner stipulated in this Ordinance, then the pledge of taxes levied under this Ordinance and the Net Revenues of the System (to the extent such pledge of Net Revenues shall not have been discharged or terminated by prior payment of principal of or interest on the Certificates) and all covenants, agreements, and other obligations of the City to the Holders shall thereupon cease, terminate, and be discharged and satisfied. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 Certificates or any principal amount(s) thereof shall be deemed to have been paid within the meaning and with the effect expressed above in this Section when (i) money sufficient to pay in full such Certificates or the principal amount(s) thereof at maturity or the redemption date therefor, together with all interest due thereon, shall have been irrevocably deposited with and held in trust by the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, or (ii) Government Securities shall have been irrevocably deposited in trust with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, which Government Securities have been certified by an independent accounting firm to mature as to principal and interest in such amounts and at such times as will insure the availability, without reinvestment, of sufficient honey, together with any moneys deposited therewith, if any, to pay when due the principal of and interest on such Certificates, or the principal amount(s) thereof, on and prior to the Stated Maturity thereof or (if notice of redemption has been duly given or waived or if irrevocable arrangements therefor acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar have been made) the redemption date thereof. The City covenants that no deposit of moneys or Government Securities will be made under this Section and no use made of any such deposit which would cause the Certificates to be treated as "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Any moneys so deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, and all income from Government Securities held in trust by the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, pursuant to this Section which is not required for the payment of the Certificates, or any principal amount(s) thereof, or interest thereon with respect to which such moneys have been so deposited shall be remitted to the City or deposited as directed by the City. Furthermore, any money held by the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates and remaining unclaimed for a period of three (3) years after the Stated Maturity, or applicable redemption date, of the Certificates such moneys were deposited and are held in trust to pay shall upon the request of the City be remitted to the City against a written receipt therefor. Notwithstanding the above and foregoing, any remittance of funds from the Paying Agent/Registrar to the City shall be subject to any applicable unclaimed property laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 21. Ordinance a Contract - Amendments. This Ordinance shall constitute a contract with the Holders from time to time, be binding on the City, and shall not be amended or repealed by the City so long as any Certificate remains Outstanding except as permitted in this Section and in Section 37 hereof. The City may, without the consent of or notice to any Holders, from time to time and at any time, amend this Ordinance in any manner not detrimental to the interests of the Holders, including the curing of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or formal defect or omission herein. In addition, the City may, with the consent of Holders holding a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Certificates then Outstanding, amend, add to, or rescind any of the provisions of this Ordinance; provided that, without the consent of all Holders of Outstanding Certificates, no such amendment, addition, or rescission shall (1) extend the time or times of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates, reduce the principal amount thereof, the redemption price, or the rate of interest thereon, or in any other way modify the teens of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Certificates, (2) give any preference to any Certificate over any other Certificate, or (3) reduce the aggregate principal amount of Certificates required to be held by Holders for consent to any such amendment, addition, or rescission. SECTION 22. Covenants to Maintain Tax -Exempt Status. (a) Definitions. When used in this Section, the following terms have the following meanings: "Closing Date" means the date on which the Certificates are first authenticated and delivered to the initial purchasers against payment therefor. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by all legislation, if any, effective on or before the Closing Date. "Computation Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Gross Proceeds" means any proceeds as defined in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations, and any replacement proceeds as defined in Section 1.148-1(c) of the Regulations, of the Certificates. "Investment" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Nonpurpose Investment" means any investment property, as defined in section 148(b) of the Code, in which Gross Proceeds of the Certificates are invested and which is not acquired to carry out the governmental purposes of the Certificates. "Rebate Amount" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Regulations" means any proposed, temporary, or final Income Tax Regulations issued pursuant to sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code, and 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, which are applicable to the Certificates. Any reference to any specific Regulation shall also mean, as appropriate, any proposed, temporary or final Income Tax Regulation designed to supplement, amend or replace the specific Regulation referenced. "Yield" of (1) any Investment has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-5 of the Regulations and (2) the Certificates has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-4 of the Regulations. (b) Not to Cause Interest to Become Taxable. The City shall not use, permit the use of, or omit to use Gross Proceeds or any other amounts (or any property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed directly or indirectly with Gross Proceeds) in a manner which if made or omitted, respectively, would cause the interest on any Certificate to become includable in the gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Code, of the owner thereof for federal income tax purposes. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, unless and until the City receives a written opinion of counsel nationally recognized in the field of municipal bond law to the effect that failure to comply with such covenant will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income tax of the interest on any Certificate, the City shall comply with each of the specific covenants in this Section. (c) No Private Use or Private Payments. Except as permitted by section 141 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall at all times prior to the last Stated Maturity of Certificates: (1) exclusively own, operate and possess all property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed or refinanced directly or indirectly with Gross Proceeds of the Certificates, and not use or permit the use of such Gross Proceeds (including all contractual arrangements with terms different than those applicable to the general public) or any property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds in any activity carried on by any person or entity (including the United States or any agency, department and instrumentality thereof) other than a state or local government, unless such use is solely as a member of the general public; and (2) not directly or indirectly impose or accept any charge or other payment by any person or entity who is treated as using Gross Proceeds of the Certificates or any property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed or Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 refinanced directly or indirectly with such Gross Proceeds, other than taxes of general application within the City or interest earned on investments acquired with such Gross Proceeds pending application for their intended purposes. (d) No Private Loan. Except to the extent permitted by section 141 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not use Gross Proceeds of the Certificates to make or finance loans to any person or entity other than a state or local government. For purposes of the foregoing covenant, such Gross Proceeds are considered to be "loaned" to a person or entity if: (1) property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds is sold or leased to such person or entity in a transaction which creates a debt for federal income tax purposes; (2) capacity in or service from such property is committed to such person or entity under a take -or -pay, output or similar contract or arrangement; or (3) indirect benefits, or burdens and benefits of ownership, of such Gross Proceeds or any property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds are otherwise transferred in a transaction which is the economic equivalent of a loan. (e) Not to Invest at Hither Yield. Except to the extent permitted by section 148 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not at any time prior to the final Stated Maturity of the Certificates directly or indirectly invest Gross Proceeds in any Investment (or use Gross Proceeds to replace money so invested), if as a result of such investment the Yield from the Closing Date of all Investments acquired with Gross Proceeds (or with money replaced thereby), whether then held or previously disposed of, exceeds the Yield of the Certificates. (f) Not Federally Guaranteed. Except to the extent permitted by section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not take or omit to take any action which would cause the Certificates to be federally guaranteed within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. (g) Information Report. The City shall timely file the information required by section 149(e) of the Code with the Secretary of the Treasury on Form 8038 G or such other form and in such place as the Secretary may prescribe. (h) Rebate of Arbitrage Profits. Except to the extent otherwise provided in section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder: (1) The City shall account for all Gross Proceeds (including all receipts, expenditures and investments thereof) on its books of account separately and apart from all other funds (and receipts, expenditures and investments thereof) and shall retain all records of accounting for at least six years after the day on which the last outstanding Certificate is discharged. However, to the extent permitted by law, the City may commingle Gross Proceeds of the Certificates with other money of the City, provided that the City separately accounts for each receipt and expenditure of Gross Proceeds and the obligations acquired therewith. (2) Not less frequently than each Computation Date, the City shall calculate the Rebate Amount in accordance with rules set forth in section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. The City shall maintain such calculations with its official transcript of proceedings relating to the issuance of the Certificates until six years after the final Computation Date. (3) As additional consideration for the purchase of the Certificates by the Purchasers and the loan of the money represented thereby and in order to induce such Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 purchase by measures designed to insure the excludability of the interest thereon from the gross income of the owners thereof for federal income tax purposes, the City shall pay to the United States from the construction fund, the general fund, or other appropriate fund or, if permitted by applicable Texas statute, regulation or opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, the Certificate Fund, the amount that when added to the future value of previous rebate payments made for the Certificates equals (i) in the case of a Final Computation Date as defined in Section 1.148-3(e)(2) of the Regulations, one hundred percent (100%) of the Rebate Amount on such date; and (ii) in the case of any other Computation Date, ninety percent (90%) of the Rebate Amount on such date. In all cases, the rebate payments shall be made at the times, in the installments, to the place and in the manner as is or may be required by section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, and shall be accompanied by Form 8038-T or such other forms and information as is or may be required by Section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. (4) The City shall exercise reasonable diligence to assure that no errors are made in the calculations and payments required by paragraphs (2) and (3), and if an error is made, to discover and promptly correct such error within a reasonable amount of time thereafter (and in all events within one hundred eighty (180) days after discovery of the error), including payment to the United States of any additional Rebate Amount owed to it, interest thereon, and any penalty imposed under Section 1.148-3(h) of the Regulations. (i) Not to Divert Arbitrage Profits. Except to the extent permitted by section 148 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not, at any time prior to the earlier of the Stated Maturity or final payment of the Certificates, enter into any transaction that reduces the amount required to be paid to the United States pursuant to Subsection (h) of this Section because such transaction results in a smaller profit or a larger loss than would have resulted if the transaction had been at arm's length and had the Yield of the Certificates not been relevant to either party. (j) Elections. The City hereby directs and authorizes the Mayor, City Manager, Finance Director and City Secretary, individually or jointly, to make elections permitted or required pursuant to the provisions of the Code or the Regulations, as they deem necessary or appropriate in connection with the Certificates, in the Certificate as to Tax Exemption or similar or other appropriate certificate, form or document. SECTION 23. Sale of Certificates. Pursuant to a public sale for the Certificates, the bid submitted by (herein referred to as the "Purchasers") is declared to be the best bid received producing the lowest true interest cost rate to the City, and the sale of the Certificates to said Purchaser at the price of par plus a cash premium of $ is hereby determined to be in the best interests of the City and is approved and confirmed. Delivery of the Certificates to the Purchasers shall occur as soon as possible upon payment being made therefor in accordance with the terms of sale. The Initial Certificate shall be registered as provided in the winning bid. SECTION 24. Official Statement. The use of the Preliminary Official Statement by the Purchasers in connection with the public offering and sale of the Certificates is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved in all respects. The final Official Statement, which reflects the terms of sale (together with such changes approved by the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Finance Director or City Manager, any one or more of said officials), shall be and is hereby in all respects approved and the Purchasers are hereby authorized to use and distribute said final Official Statement, dated April 10, 2018, in the reoffering, sale and delivery of the Certificates to the public. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem and City Secretary are further authorized to deliver for and on behalf of the City copies of said Official Statement in final form Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 as may be required by the Purchasers, and such final Official Statement in the form and content authorized to be delivered by said officials shall be deemed to be approved by the City Council and constitute the Official Statement authorized for distribution and use by the Purchasers. SECTION 25. Proceeds of Sale. The proceeds of sale of the Certificates, excluding the amounts to pay costs of issuance, shall be deposited in a construction fund maintained at the City's depository bank or used to pay costs of issuance. Pending expenditure for authorized projects and purposes, such proceeds of sale may be invested in authorized investments in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256, as amended, including guaranteed investment contracts permitted by Texas Section 2256.015 et seq., and the City's investment policies and guidelines, and any investment earnings realized may be expended for such authorized projects and purposes or deposited in the Certificate Fund as shall be determined by the City Council. Any surplus proceeds of sale of the Certificates, including investment earnings, remaining after completion of all authorized projects or purposes shall be deposited to the credit of the Certificate Fund. SECTION 26. Control and Custody of Certificates. The Mayor of the City shall be and is hereby authorized to take and have charge of all necessary orders and records pending the sale of the Certificates, the investigation by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, including the printing and supply of definitive Certificates, and shall take and have charge and control of the Initial Certificate(s) pending the approval thereof by the Attorney General, the registration thereof by the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the delivery thereof to the Purchasers. SECTION 27. Notices to Holders - Waiver. Wherever this Ordinance provides for notice to Holders of any event, such notice shall be sufficiently given (unless otherwise herein expressly provided) if in writing and sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing in the Security Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the mailing of such notice. In any case where notice to Holders is given by mail, neither the failure to mail such notice to any particular Holders, nor any defect in any notice so mailed, shall affect the sufficiency of such notice with respect to all other Certificates. Where this Ordinance provides for notice in any manner, such notice may be waived in writing by the Holder entitled to receive such notice, either before or after the event with respect to which such notice is given, and such waiver shall be the equivalent of such notice. Waivers of notice by Holders shall be filed with the Paying Agent/Registrar, but such filing shall not be a condition precedent to the validity of any action taken in reliance upon such waiver. SECTION 28. Cancellation. All Certificates surrendered for payment, redemption, transfer, exchange, or replacement, if surrendered to the Paying Agent/Registrar, shall be promptly cancelled by it and, if surrendered to the City, shall be delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar and, if not already cancelled, shall be promptly cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar. The City may at any time deliver to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation any Certificates previously certified or registered and delivered which the City may have acquired in any manner whatsoever, and all Certificates so delivered shall be promptly cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar. All cancelled Certificates held by the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be returned to the City. SECTION 29. Bond Counsel's Opinion. The Purchasers' obligation to accept delivery of the Certificates is subject to being furnished a final opinion of Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Dallas, Texas, Bond Counsel to the City, approving the Certificates as to their validity, said opinion to be dated and delivered as of the date of delivery and payment for the Certificates. An executed counterpart of said opinion shall accompany the global certificates deposited with DTC or a reproduction thereof shall be printed on the definitive Certificates in the event the book -entry -only system shall be discontinued. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 SECTION 30. CUSIP Numbers. CUSIP numbers may be printed or typed on the definitive Certificates. It is expressly provided, however, that the presence or absence of CUSIP numbers on the definitive Certificates shall be of no significance or effect as regards the legality thereof and neither the City nor attorneys approving the Certificates as to legality are to be held responsible for CUSIP numbers incorrectly printed or typed on the definitive Certificates. SECTION 31. Benefits of Ordinance. Nothing in this Ordinance, expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person other than the City, the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Holders, any right, remedy, or claim, legal or equitable, under or by reason of this Ordinance or any provision hereof, and this Ordinance and all its provisions is intended to be and shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the City, the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Holders. SECTION 32. Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances, orders or resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters contained herein. SECTION 33. Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. SECTION 34. Effect of Headings. The Section headings herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction hereof. SECTION 35. Construction of Terms. If appropriate in the context of this Ordinance, words of the singular number shall be considered to include the plural, words of the plural number shall be considered to include the singular, and words of the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall be considered to include the other genders. SECTION 36. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance and the application thereof to other circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City Council hereby declares that this Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid provision. SECTION 37. Continuing Disclosure Undertaking. (a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to such terms below: "MSRB" means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. "Rule" means SEC Rule 15c2 12, as amended from time to time. "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. (b) Annual Reports. The City shall provide annually to the MSRB: (1) within six months after the end of each fiscal year ending in or after 2018, financial information and operating data with respect to the City of the general type included in Tables numbered 1 through 6 and 8 through 15 of the final Official Statement approved in Section 24 of this Ordinance and (2) within twelve months after the end of each fiscal year ending in or after 2018, audited financial statements of the City. Any financial statements so provided shall be prepared in accordance with the accounting principles described in Appendix B to the Official Statement or such other accounting principles as the City may be required to employ from Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 time to time pursuant to state law or regulation. If audited financial statements are not available within 12 months after the end of any fiscal year, the City will provide unaudited financial statements by the required time, and audited financial statements when and if such audited financial statements become available. If the City changes its fiscal year, it will notify the MSRB of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the City otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Section may be set forth in full in one or more documents or may be included by specific reference to any document available to the public on the MSRB's Internet Web site or filed with the SEC. (c) Notice of Certain Events. The City shall provide notice of any of the following events with respect to the Certificates to the MSRB in a timely manner and not more than 10 business days after occurrence of the event: (1) Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (2) Non-payment related defaults, if material; (3) Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (4) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (5) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (6) Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701-TEB), or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the Certificates, or other material events affecting the tax status of the Certificates; Modifications to rights of holders of the Certificates, if material; Certificate calls, if material, and tender offers; Defeasances; Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Certificates, if material; (1 1) Rating changes; (12) Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, or similar event of the City, which shall occur as described below; (13) The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the City or the sale of all or substantially all of its assets, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into of a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; and (14) Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material. For these purposes, any event described in the immediately preceding subsection (c)(12) is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent, or similar officer for the City in a proceeding under the United States Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the City, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the City. The City shall notify the MSRB, in a timely manner, of any failure by the City to provide financial information or operating data in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section by the time required by such Section. (d) Filings with the MSRB. All financial information, operating data, financial statements, notices and other documents provided to the MSRB in accordance with this Section shall be provided in an electronic format prescribed by the MSRB and shall be accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. (e) Limitations, Disclaimers and Amendments. The City shall be obligated to observe and perform the covenants specified in this Section for so long as, but only for so long as, the City remains an "obligated person" with respect to the Certificates within the meaning of the Rule, except that the City in any event will give the notice required by subsection (c) of this Section of any Certificate calls and defeasance that cause the City to be no longer such an "obligated person." The provisions of this Section are for the sole benefit of the Holders and beneficial owners of the Certificates, and nothing in this Section, express or implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The City undertakes to provide only the financial information, operating data, financial statements, and notices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Section and does not hereby undertake to provide any other information that may be relevant or material to a complete presentation of the City's financial results, condition, or prospects or hereby undertake to update any information provided in accordance with this Section or otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The City does not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Certificates at any future date. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CITY BE LIABLE TO THE HOLDER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY CERTIFICATE OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE CITY, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 No default by the City in observing or performing its obligations under this Section shall constitute a breach of or default under this Ordinance for purposes of any other provision of this Ordinance. Nothing in this Section is intended or shall act to disclaim, waive, or otherwise limit the duties of the City under federal and state securities laws. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the provisions of this Section may be amended by the City from time to time to adapt to changed circumstances that arise from a change in legal requirements, a change in law, or a change in the identity, nature, status, or type of operations of the City, but only if (1) the provisions of this Section, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell Certificates in the primary offering of the Certificates in compliance with the Rule, taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule to the date of such amendment, as well as such changed circumstances, and (2) either (a) the Holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provision of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the Outstanding Certificates consent to such amendment or (b) a Person that is unaffiliated with the City (such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determines that such amendment will not materially impair the interests of the Holders and beneficial owners of the Certificates. The provisions of this Section may also be amended from time to time or repealed by the City if the SEC amends or repeals the applicable provisions of the Rule or a court of final jurisdiction determines that such provisions are invalid, but only if and to the extent that reservation of the City's right to do so would not prevent underwriters of the initial public offering of the Certificates from lawfully purchasing or selling Certificates in such offering. if the City so amends the provisions of this Section, it shall include with any amended financial information or operating data next provided pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section an explanation, in narrative form, of the reasons for the amendment and of the impact of any change in the type of financial information or operating data so provided. SECTION 38. Further Procedures. Any one or more of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, Finance Director and City Secretary are hereby expressly authorized, empowered and directed from time to time and at any time to do and perform all such acts and things and to execute, acknowledge and deliver in the name and on behalf of the City all agreements, instruments, certificates or other documents, whether mentioned herein or not, as may be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the terms and provisions of this Ordinance and the issuance of the Certificates. In addition, prior to the initial delivery of the Certificates, the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, Finance Director or Bond Counsel to the City are each hereby authorized and directed to approve any changes or corrections to this Ordinance or to any of the documents authorized and approved by this Ordinance: (i) in order to cure any ambiguity, formal defect or omission in this Ordinance or such other document; or (ii) as requested by the Attorney General of the State of Texas or his representative to obtain the approval of the Certificates by the Attorney General and if such officer or counsel determines that such changes are consistent with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance, which determination shall be final. In the event that any officer of the City whose signature shall appear on any document shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such document, such signature nevertheless shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officer had remained in office until such delivery. SECTION 39. Incorporation of Findings and Determinations. The findings and determinations of the City Council contained in the preamble hereof are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes as if the same were restated in full in this Section. SECTION 40. Public Meetinu. It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all as required by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended. SECTION 41. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after its adoption on the date hereof in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Section 1201.028, as amended. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 10"' day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 EXHIBIT A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.3/1001010301 A-1 ORDINANCE NO. 2018-15 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018"; SPECIFYING THE TERMS AND FEATURES OF SAID CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION BY THE LEVY OF AN AD VALOREM TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY AND A LIMITED PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES DERIVED FROM THE OPERATION OF THE CITY'S WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING THE TERMS AND FEATURES OF SUCH CERTIFICATES AND RESOLVING OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE, PAYMENT, SECURITY, SALE AND DELIVERY OF SAID CERTIFICATES, INCLUDING THE APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT AND THE APPROVAL AND DISTRIBUTION OF AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT PERTAINING THERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, notice of the City Council's intention to issue certificates of obligation in the maximum principal amount of $9,000,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof, has been duly published in the Wylie News, a newspaper hereby found and determined to be of general circulation in the City of Wylie, Texas, on March 7, 2018 and March 14, 2018, the date the first publication of such notice being not less than thirty-one (31) days prior to the tentative date stated therein for the passage of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates; and WHEREAS, no petition protesting the issuance of the certificates of obligation and bearing valid petition signatures of at least 5% of the qualified electors of the City, has been presented to or filed with the Mayor, City Secretary or any other official of the City on or prior to the date of the passage of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the certificates of obligation described in the aforesaid notice should be issued and sold at this time in the amount and manner as hereinafter provided; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Authorization - Designation - Principal Amount - Purpose. Certificates of obligation of the City shall be and are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $8,500,000, to be designated and bear the title "CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018" (hereinafter referred to as the "Certificates"), for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 be incurred for (i) construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof pursuant to authority conferred by and in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter C of Chapter 271, as amended. SECTION 2. Fully Registered Obligations - Authorized Denominations - Stated Maturities - Certificate Date. The Certificates are issuable in fully registered form only; shall be dated April 1, 2018 (the "Certificate Date") and shall be in denominations of 55,000 or any integral multiple thereof (within a Stated Maturity) and the Certificates shall become due and payable on February 15 in each of the years and in principal amounts (the "Stated Maturities-) and bear interest at the per annum rate(s) in accordance with the following schedule: Year of Principal Interest Stated Maturity Amount Rate(s) 2019 $ 210,000 3.000% 2020 305,000 3.000% 2021 315,000 4.000% 2022 330,000 3.000% 2023 340,000 4.000% 2024 355,000 4.000% 2025 370,000 4.000% 2026 380,000 4.000% 2027 395,000 4.000% 2028 410,000 4.000% 2029 430,000 3.000% 2030 445,000 3.000% 2031 460,000 3.000% 2032 480,000 3.125% 2033 495,000 3.125% 2034 515,000 3.250% 2035 535,000 3.250% 2036 555,000 3.375% 2037 575,000 3.375% 2038 600,000 3.375% The Certificates shall bear interest on the unpaid principal amounts from the date of their delivery to the initial purchasers at the rates per annum shown above in this Section (calculated on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months), and such interest shall be payable on February 15 and August 15 of each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. SECTION 3. Terms of Payment - Paving Agent/Registrar. The principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the Certificates, due and payable by reason of maturity, redemption, or otherwise, shall be payable only to the registered owners or holders of the Certificates (hereinafter called the "Holders") appearing on the registration and transfer books maintained by the Paying Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 2 Agent/Registrar and the payment thereof shall be in any coin or currency of the United States of America, which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, and shall be without exchange or collection charges to the Holders. The selection and appointment of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Dallas, Texas, to serve as Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates is hereby approved and confirmed. Books and records relating to the registration, payment, transfer and exchange of the Certificates (the "Security Register") shall at all times be kept and maintained on behalf of the City by the Paying Agent/Registrar, as provided herein and in accordance with the terms and provisions of a "Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement", substantially in the fore attached hereto as Exhibit A, and such reasonable rules and regulations as the Paying Agent/Registrar and the City may prescribe. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem and City Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and deliver such Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement in connection with the delivery of the Certificates. The City covenants to maintain and provide a Paying Agent/Registrar at all times until the Certificates are paid and discharged, and any successor Paying Agent/Registrar shall be a commercial bank, trust company, financial institution or other entity qualified and authorized to serve in such capacity and perform the duties and services of Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon any change in the Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates, the City agrees to promptly cause a written notice thereof to be sent to each Holder by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, which notice shall also give the address of the new Paying Agent/Registrar. Principal of and premium, if any, on the Certificates, shall be payable at the Stated Maturities or the redemption thereof only upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its designated offices, initially in East Syracuse, New York, or, with respect to a successor Paying Agent/Registrar, at the designated offices of such successor (the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office"). Interest on the Certificates shall be paid to the Holders whose names appear in the Security Register at the close of business on the Record Date (the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date) and shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar (i) by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the Holder recorded in the Security Register or (ii) by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the Holder. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. In the event of a nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for thirty (30) days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five (5) business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 3 SECTION 4. Redemption. (a) Optional Redemption. The Certificates having Stated Maturities on and after February 15, 2028 shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, in whole or in part in principal amounts of 55,000 or any integral multiple thereof (and if within a Stated Maturity by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar), on February 15, 2027, or on any date thereafter at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. At least forty five (45) days prior to an optional redemption date for the Certificates (unless a shorter notification period shall be satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar), the City shall notify the Paying Agent/Registrar of the decision to redeem Certificates, the principal amount of each Stated Maturity to be redeemed, and the date of redemption therefor. The decision of the City to exercise the right to redeem Certificates shall be entered in the minutes of the governing body of the City. (b) Selection of Certificates for Redemption. If less than all Outstanding Certificates of the same Stated Maturity are to be redeemed on a redemption date, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall treat such Certificates as representing the number of Certificates Outstanding which is obtained by dividing the principal amount of such Certificates by $5,000 and shall select the Certificates to be redeemed within such Stated Maturity by lot. (c) Notice of Redemption. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to a redemption date for the Certificates, a notice of redemption shall be sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, in the name of the City and at the City's expense, to each Holder of a Certificate to be redeemed in whole or in part at the address of the Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the date of mailing such notice, and any notice of redemption so (nailed shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given irrespective of whether received by the Holder. All notices of redemption shall (i) specify the date of redemption for the Certificates, (ii) identify the Certificates to be redeemed and, in the case of a portion of the principal amount to be redeemed, the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, (iii) state the redemption price, (iv) state that the Certificates, or the portion of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall become due and payable on the redemption date specified and the interest thereon, or on the portion of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date, provided moneys sufficient for the payment of such Certificate (or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) at the then applicable redemption price are held for the purpose of such payment by the Paying Agent/Registrar and (v) specify that payment of the redemption price for the Certificates, or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, shall be made at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar only upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates. If a Certificate is subject by its terms to prior redemption and has been called for redemption and notice of redemption has been duly given as hereinabove provided, such Certificate (or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) shall become due and payable and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date therefor. (d) Conditional Notice of Redemption. With respect to any optional redemption of the Certificates, unless moneys sufficient to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 4 the Certificates to be redeemed shall have been received by the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the giving of such notice of redemption, such notice may state that said redemption is conditional upon the receipt of such moneys by the Paying Agent/Registrar on or prior to the date fixed for such redemption, or upon the satisfaction of any prerequisites set forth in such notice of redemption; and, if sufficient moneys are not received, such notice shall be of no force and effect, the City shall not redeem such Certificates and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice, in the manner in which the notice of redemption was given, to the effect that the Certificates have not been redeemed. SECTION 5. Registration - Transfer - Exchange of Certificates - Predecessor Certificates. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall obtain, record, and maintain in the Security Register the name and address of each and every owner of the Certificates issued under and pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, or if appropriate, the nominee thereof. Any Certificate may be transferred or exchanged for Certificates of other authorized denominations by the Holder, in person or by his duly authorized agent, upon surrender of such Certificate to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation, accompanied by a written instrument of transfer or request for exchange duly executed by the Holder or by his duly authorized agent, in fonn satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon surrender of any Certificate (other than the Initial Certificate authorized in Section 8 hereof) for transfer at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall register and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Certificates, executed on behalf of, and furnished by, the City, of authorized denominations and having the salve Stated Maturity and of a like aggregate principal amount as the Certificate or Certificates surrendered for transfer. At the option of the Holder, Certificates (other than the Initial Certificate(s) authorized in Section 8 hereof) may be exchanged for other Certificates of authorized denominations and having the same Stated Maturity, bearing the same rate of interest and of like aggregate principal amount as the Certificates surrendered for exchange, upon surrender of the Certificates to be exchanged at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar. Whenever any Certificates are so surrendered for exchange, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall register and deliver new Certificates, executed on behalf of, and furnished by the City, to the Holder requesting the exchange. All Certificates issued in any transfer or exchange of Certificates shall be delivered to the Holders at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar or sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the Holders, and, upon the registration and delivery thereof, the same shall be the valid obligations of the City, evidencing the same obligation to pay, and entitled to the same benefits under this Ordinance, as the Certificates surrendered in such transfer or exchange. All transfers or exchanges of Certificates pursuant to this Section shall be made without expense or service charge to the Holder, except as otherwise herein provided, and except that the Paying Agent/Registrar shall require payment by the Holder requesting such transfer or exchange of any tax or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 5 Certificates cancelled by reason of an exchange or transfer pursuant to the provisions hereof are hereby defined to be "Predecessor Certificates," evidencing all or a portion, as the case may be, of the same obligation to pay evidenced by the new Certificate or Certificates registered and delivered in the exchange or transfer therefor. Additionally, the term "Predecessor Certificates.' shall include any mutilated, lost, destroyed or stolen Certificate for which a replacement Certificate has been issued, registered and delivered in lieu thereof pursuant to the provisions of Section 19 hereof and such new replacement Certificate shall be deemed to evidence the same obligation as the mutilated, lost, destroyed or stolen Certificate. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to issue or transfer to an assignee of a Holder any Certificate called for redemption, in whole or in part, within forty-five (45) days of the date fixed for the redemption of such Certificate; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the Holder of the unredeemed balance of a Certificate called for redemption in part. SECTION 6. Book -Entry -Only Transfers and Transactions. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in Sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof relating to the payment, and transfer/exchange of the Certificates, the City hereby approves and authorizes the use of "Book -Entry -Only' securities clearance, settlement and transfer system provided by The Depository Trust Company, a limited purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York ("DTC"), in accordance with the operational arrangements referenced in the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations by and between the City and DTC (the "Depository Agreement"). Pursuant to the Depository Agreement and the rules of DTC, the Certificates shall be deposited with DTC who shall hold said Certificates for its participants (the "DTC Participants"). While the Certificates are held by DTC under the Depository Agreement, the Holder of the Certificates on the Security Register for all purposes, including payment and notices, shall be Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, notwithstanding the ownership of each actual purchaser or owner of each Certificate (the "Beneficial Owners") being recorded in the records of DTC and DTC Participants. In the event DTC determines to discontinue serving as securities depository for the Certificates or otherwise ceases to provide book -entry clearance and settlement of securities transactions in general or the City determines that DTC is incapable of properly discharging its duties as securities depository for the Certificates, the City covenants and agrees with the Holders of the Certificates to cause Certificates to be printed in definitive form and issued and delivered to DTC Participants and Beneficial Owners, as the case may be. Thereafter, the Certificates in definitive form shall be assigned, transferred and exchanged on the Security Register maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar and payment of such Certificates shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof. SECTION 7. Execution - Registration. The Certificates shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem under its seal reproduced or impressed thereon and countersigned by the City Secretary. The signatures of said officers on the Certificates may be manual or facsimile. Certificates bearing the manual or facsimile signatures of individuals who are or were the proper officers of the City on the Certificate Date shall be deemed to be duly executed on behalf of the City, notwithstanding that one or more of the individuals executing the Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 6 same shall cease to be such officer at the time of delivery of the Certificates to the initial purchaser(s) and with respect to Certificates delivered in subsequent exchanges and transfers, all as authorized and provided in Texas Government Code, Chapter 1201, as amended. No Certificate shall be entitled to any right or benefit under this Ordinance, or be valid or obligatory for any purpose, unless there appears on such Certificate either a certificate of registration substantially in the form provided in Section 9(c), manually executed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, or his or her duly authorized agent, or a certificate of registration substantially in the form provided in Section 9(d), manually executed by an authorized officer, employee or representative of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and either such certificate duly signed upon any Certificate shall be conclusive evidence, and the only evidence, that such Certificate has been duly certified, registered and delivered. SECTION 8. Initial Certificate(s). The Certificates herein authorized shall be initially issued either (i) as a single fully registered certificate in the total principal amount stated in Section 1 hereof with principal installments to become due and payable as provided in Section 2 hereof and numbered T-1, or (ii) as multiple fully registered certificates with one certificate for each year of maturity in the applicable principal amount and denomination and to be numbered consecutively from T-1 and upward (hereinafter called the "Initial Certificate(s)") and, in either case, the Initial Certificate(s) shall be registered in the name of the initial purchaser(s) or the designee thereof. The Initial Certificate(s) shall be the Certificate(s) submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas for approval, certified and registered by the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and delivered to the initial purchaser(s). Any time after the delivery of the Initial Certificate(s), the Paying Agent/Registrar, pursuant to written instructions from the initial purchaser(s), or the designee thereof, shall cancel the Initial Certificate(s) delivered hereunder and exchange therefor definitive Certificates of authorized denominations, Stated Maturities, principal amounts and bearing applicable interest rates for transfer and delivery to the Holders named at the addresses identified therefor; all pursuant to and in accordance with such written instructions from the initial purchaser(s), or the designee thereof, and such other information and documentation as the Paying Agent/Registrar may reasonably require. SECTION 9. Forms. (a) Forms Generally. The Certificates, the Registration Certificate of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, the Registration Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar, and the form of Assignment to be printed on each of the Certificates, shall be substantially in the forms set forth in this Section with such appropriate insertions, omissions, substitutions, and other variations as are permitted or required by this Ordinance and may have such letters, numbers, or other marks of identification (including identifying numbers and letters of the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures of the American Bankers Association) and such legends and endorsements (including insurance legends in the event the Certificates, or any maturities thereof, are purchased with insurance and any reproduction of an opinion of counsel) thereon as may, consistently herewith, be established by the City or determined by the officers executing such Certificates as evidenced by their execution. Any portion of the text of any Certificates may be set forth on the reverse thereof, with an appropriate reference thereto on the face of the Certificate. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 7 The definitive Certificates and the Initial Certificate(s) shall be printed, lithographed, engraved, typewritten, photocopied or otherwise reproduced in any other similar manner, all as determined by the officers executing such Certificates as evidenced by their execution. (b) Form of Definitive Certificates. REGISTERED REGISTERED NO. $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 Certificate Date: April 1, 2018 Registered Owner: Principal Amount: DOLLARS Interest Rate: Stated Maturity: CUSIP No.: February 15, 20 The City of Wylie (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a body corporate and municipal corporation in the Counties of Collin, Dallas and Rockwall, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, or the registered assigns thereof, on the Stated Maturity date specified above the Principal Amount hereinabove stated (or so much thereof as shall not have been paid upon prior redemption) and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount hereof from the interest payment date next preceding the "Registration Date" of this Certificate appearing below (unless this Certificate bears a "Registration Date" as of an interest payment date, in which case it shall bear interest from such date, or unless the "Registration Date" of this Certificate is prior to the initial interest payment date in which case it shall bear interest from the date of delivery to the initial purchasers) at the per annum rate of interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 in each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. Principal of this Certificate is payable at its Stated Maturity or on a redemption date to the registered owner hereof, upon presentation and surrender, at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar executing the registration certificate appearing hereon, or its successor; provided, however, while this Certificate is registered to Cede & Co., the payment of principal upon a partial redemption of the principal amount hereof may be accomplished without presentation and surrender of this Certificate. Interest is payable to the registered owner of this Certificate (or one or more Predecessor Certificates, as defined in the Ordinance hereinafter referenced) whose name appears on the "Security Register" maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the "Record Date", which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 8 date, and interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner recorded in the Security Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the registered owner. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. All payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Certificate shall be without exchange or collection charges to the owner hereof and in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This Certificate is one of the series specified in its title issued in the aggregate principal amount of $8,500,000 (herein referred to as the "Certificates") for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof, under and in strict conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, particularly Texas Local Government Code, Subchapter C of Chapter 271, as amended, and pursuant to an Ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City (herein referred to as the "Ordinance"). The Certificates maturing on and after February 15, 2028, may be redeemed prior to their Stated Maturities, at the option of the City, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (and if within a Stated Maturity by lot by the Paying Agent/Registrar), on February 15, 2027, or on any date thereafter, at the redemption price of par, together with accrued interest to the date of redemption. At least thirty (30) days prior to a redemption date, the City shall cause a written notice of such redemption to be sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the registered owners of each Certificate to be redeemed at the address shown on the Security Register and subject to the terms and provisions relating thereto contained in the Ordinance. If a Certificate (or any portion of its principal sum) shall have been duly called for redemption and notice of such redemption duly given, then upon the redemption date such Certificate (or the portion of its principal sum to be redeemed) shall become due and payable, and, if moneys for the payment of the redemption price and the interest accrued on the principal amount to be redeemed to the date of redemption are held for the purpose of such payment by the Paying Agent/Registrar, interest shall cease to accrue and be payable from and after the redemption date on the principal amount redeemed. In the event a portion of the principal amount of a Certificate is to be redeemed and the registered owner is someone other than Cede & Co., payment of the redemption price of such principal amount shall be made to the registered owner only upon presentation and surrender of such Certificate to the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and a new Certificate or Certificates of like maturity and interest rate in any authorized denominations provided by the Ordinance for the then unredeemed balance of the principal sum thereof will be Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 9 issued to the registered owner, without charge. If a Certificate is selected for redemption, in whole or in part, the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall not be required to transfer such Certificate to an assignee of the registered owner within forty-five (45) days of the redemption date therefor; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the unredeemed balance of a Certificate redeemed in part. With respect to any optional redemption of the Certificates, unless moneys sufficient to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates to be redeemed shall have been received by the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the giving of such notice of redemption, such notice may state that said redemption is conditional upon the receipt of such moneys by the Paying Agent/Registrar on or prior to the date fixed for such redemption, or upon the satisfaction of any prerequisites set forth in such notice of redemption; and, if sufficient moneys are not received, such notice shall be of no force and effect, the City shall not redeem such Certificates and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice, in the manner in which the notice of redemption was given, to the effect that the Certificates have not been redeemed. The Certificates are payable from the proceeds of an ad valorem tax levied, within the limitations prescribed by law, upon all taxable property in the City and from a limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the City's combined Waterworks and Sewer System (the `'System"), such pledge of the Net Revenues for the payment of the Certificates being limited to an amount of $1,000 and, together with a parity pledge securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates, being junior and subordinate to the lien on and pledge of such Net Revenues securing the payment of Prior Lien Obligations now outstanding and hereafter issued by the City. In the Ordinance, the City reserves and retains the right to issue Prior Lien Obligations without limitation as to principal amount but subject to any applicable terms, conditions or restrictions under law or otherwise, as well as the right to issue additional obligations payable from the same sources as the Certificates and, together with the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates, equally and ratably secured by a parity lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System. Reference is hereby made to the Ordinance, a copy of which is on file in the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and to all the provisions of which the owner or holder of this Certificate by the acceptance hereof hereby assents; for definitions of terms; the description of and the nature and extent of the tax levied for the payment of the Certificates; the nature and extent of the pledge of the Net Revenues securing the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates; the terms and conditions relating to the transfer or exchange of this Certificate; the conditions upon which the Ordinance may be amended or supplemented with or without the consent of the Holders; the rights, duties, and obligations of the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar; the terms and provisions upon which the tax levy and the pledge of the Net Revenues and covenants made in the Ordinance may be discharged at or prior to the maturity of this Certificate, and this Certificate deemed to be no longer Outstanding thereunder; and for the other terms and provisions contained therein. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined have the meanings assigned in the Ordinance. This Certificate, subject to certain limitations contained in the Ordinance, may be transferred on the Security Register only upon its presentation and surrender at the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, with the Assignment hereon duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the Paying Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 10 Agent/Registrar duly executed by, the registered owner hereof, or his duly authorized agent. When a transfer on the Security Register occurs, one or more new fully registered Certificates of the same Stated Maturity, of authorized denominations, bearing the same rate of interest and of the same aggregate principal amount will be issued by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the designated transferee or transferees. The City and the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any agent of either, shall treat the registered owner whose name appears on the Security Register (i) on the Record Date as the owner entitled to payment of interest hereon, (ii) on the date of surrender of this Certificate as the owner entitled to payment of principal hereof at its Stated Maturity or upon its prior redemption, in whole or in part, and (iii) on any other date as the owner for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar, or any agent of either, shall be affected by notice to the contrary. In the event of nonpayment of interest on a scheduled payment date and for thirty (30) days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five (5) business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing on the Security Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. It is hereby certified, recited, represented and declared that the City is a body corporate and political subdivision duly organized and legally existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas; that the issuance of the Certificates is duly authorized by law; that all acts, conditions and things required to exist and be done precedent to and in the issuance of the Certificates to render the same lawful and valid obligations of the City have been properly done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and the Ordinance; that the Certificates do not exceed any Constitutional or statutory limitation; and that due provision has been made for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates by the levy of a tax and a limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the System as aforestated. In case any provision in this Certificate or any application thereof shall be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions and applications shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The terms and provisions of this Certificate and the Ordinance shall be construed in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City Council of the City has caused this Certificate to be duly executed under the official seal of the City as of the Certificate Date. COUNTERSIGNED: Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Mayor 11 City Secretary (City Seal) (c) Form of Registration Certificate of Comptroller of Public Accounts to appear on Initial Certificate(s) only. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS THE STATE OF TEXAS REGISTER NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY that this Certificate has been examined, certified as to validity and approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and duly registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. WITNESS my signature and seal of office this Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas (SEAL) (d) Form of Certificate of Paying Agent/Registrar to appear on Definitive Certificates only. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR This Certificate has been duly issued and registered under the provisions of the within mentioned Ordinance; the certificate or certificates of the above entitled and designated series originally delivered having been approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, as shown by the records of the Paying Agent/Registrar. The designated office of the Paying Agent/Registrar located in East Syracuse, New York, is the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office" for this Certificate. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 12 Registration Date: Authorized Signature (e) Form of Assignment. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A., Dallas, Texas, as Paying Agent/Registrar By ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto (Print or typewrite name, address, and zip code of transferee:) (Social Security or other identifying number ) the within Certificate and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints attorney to transfer the within Certificate on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: Signature guaranteed: NOTICE: The signature on this assignment must correspond with the name of the registered owner as it appears on the face of the within Certificate in every particular. (f) The Initial Certificate(s) shall be in the form set forth in subsection (b) of this Section, except that the form of a single fully registered Initial Certificate shall be modified as follows: REGISTERED REGISTERED NO. T-1 $8,500,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 Certificate Date: April 1, 2018 Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 13 Registered Owner: MORGAN STANLEY & CO., LLC Principal Amount: EIGHT MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS The City of Wylie (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), a body corporate and municipal corporation in the Counties of Collin, Dallas and Rockwall, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, or the registered assigns thereof, the Principal Amount hereinabove stated on February 15 in each of the years and in principal installments in accordance with the following schedule: YEAR OF STATED MATURITY PRINCIPAL INTEREST AMOUNT RATE(S) (Infonnation to be inserted from schedule in Section 2 hereof). (or so much thereof as shall not have been redeemed prior to maturity) and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amounts hereof from the date of delivery to the initial purchasers at the per annum rate(s) of interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 of each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. Principal installments of this Certificate are payable on the Stated Maturity dates or on a redemption date to the registered owner hereof by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Dallas, Texas (the "Paying Agent/Registrar"), upon its presentation and surrender at its designated offices, initially in East Syracuse, New York, or, with respect to a successor paying agent/registrar, at the designated office of such successor (the "Designated Payment/Transfer Office"). Interest is payable to the registered owner of this Certificate whose name appears on the "Security Register" maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the "Record Date", which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date hereof and interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of the registered owner recorded in the Security Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by, and at the risk and expense of, the registered owner. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day when banking institutions in the city where the Designated Payment/Transfer Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day when banking institutions are authorized to close; and payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date payment was due. All payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Certificate shall be without exchange or collection charges to the owner hereof and in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. SECTION 10. Definitions. For purposes of this Ordinance and for clarity with respect to the issuance of the Certificates herein authorized, and the levy of taxes and appropriation of Net Revenues therefor, the following words or terms, whenever the same appears herein without qualifying language, are defined to mean as follows: Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 14 (a) The term "Certificates" shall mean the "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018" authorized by this Ordinance. (b) The term "Certificate Fund" shall mean the special Fund created and established under the provisions of Section 11 of this Ordinance. (c) The term '-City" shall mean the City of Wylie, Texas. (d) The term "Collection Date" shall mean, when reference is being made to the levy and collection of annual ad valorem taxes, the date annual ad valorem taxes levied each year by the City become delinquent. (e) The term "Fiscal Year" shall mean the twelve month accounting period used by the City in connection with the operation of the System which may be any twelve consecutive month period established by the City. (f) The term "Government Securities" shall mean (i) direct noncallable obligations of the United States of America, including obligations the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America, (ii) noncallable obligations of an agency or instrumentality of the United States, including obligations unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the agency or instrumentality and, on the date of their acquisition or purchase by the City, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating finn not Less than AAA or its equivalent, (iii) noncallable obligations of a state or an agency or a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of a state that have been refunded and that, on the date of their acquisition or purchase by the City, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent and (iv) any other then authorized securities or obligations that may be used to defease obligations such as the Certificates under the then applicable laws of the State of Texas. (g) The term "Gross Revenues" shall mean all income, receipts and revenues of every nature derived or received from the operation and ownership (excluding refundable meter deposits, restricted gifts and grants in aid of construction) of the System, including earnings and income derived from the investment or deposit of moneys in any special funds or accounts created and established for the payment and security of the Prior Lien Obligations and other obligations payable solely from and secured only by a lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues. (h) The term "Maintenance and Operating Expenses" shall mean all current expenses of operating and maintaining the System, including all salaries, labor, materials, repairs and extensions necessary to render efficient service; provided, however, that only such repairs and extensions, as in the judgment of the City Council, reasonably and fairly exercised, are necessary to maintain the operations and render adequate service to the City and the inhabitants thereof, or Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Senes 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 15 such as might be necessary to meet some physical accident or condition which would otherwise impair obligations payable from Net Revenues shall be deducted in determining "Net Revenues-. Depreciation charges shall not be considered Maintenance and Operating Expenses. Maintenance and Operating Expenses shall include payments under contracts for the purchase of water supply, treatment of sewage or other materials, goods or services for the System to the extent authorized by law and the provisions of such contract. (i) The term "Net Revenues" shall mean Gross Revenues of the System, with respect to any period, after deducting the System's Maintenance and Operating Expenses during such period. (j) The term "Outstanding", when used in this Ordinance with respect to Certificates, shall mean, as of the date of determination, all Certificates theretofore issued and delivered under this Ordinance, except: (1) those Certificates cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar or delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation; (2) those Certificates deemed to be duly paid by the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 20 hereof; and (3) those mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificates which have been replaced with Certificates registered and delivered in lieu thereof as provided in Section 19 hereof. (k) The term "Previously Issued Certificates" shall mean the outstanding "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2010", dated July 15, 2010 and "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017", dated May 1, 2017. (1) The term "Prior Lien Obligations" shall mean obligations hereafter issued which by the terms of the authorizing ordinance are made payable from and secured by a lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System ranking prior and superior to the lien and pledge securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates. (m) The term "System" shall mean all properties, facilities and plants currently owned, operated and maintained by the City for the supply, treatment, transmission and distribution of treated potable water and the collection, treatment and disposal of water carried wastes, together with all future extensions, improvements, replacements and additions thereto; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, and to the extent now or hereafter authorized or permitted by law, the term "System" shall not mean to include facilities of any kind which are declared not to be a part of the System and which are acquired or constructed by or on behalf of the City with the proceeds from the issuance of "Special Facilities Bonds", which are hereby defined as being special revenue Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 16 obligations of the City which are not bonds but which are payable from and secured by other liens on and pledges of any revenues, sources or payments, not pledged to the payment of the bonds including, but not limited to, special contract revenues or payments received from any other legal entity in connection with such facilities. SECTION 11. Certificate Fund. For the purpose of paying the interest on and to provide a sinking fund for the payment, redemption and retirement of the Certificates, there shall be and is hereby created a special account or fund on the books and records of the City known as the "SPECIAL SERIES 2018 TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION FUND", and all moneys deposited to the credit of such Fund shall be shall be kept and maintained in a special banking account at the City's depository bank. The Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, Finance Director, and City Secretary of the City, individually or collectively, are hereby authorized and directed to make withdrawals from said Fund sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Certificates as the same become due and payable, and, shall cause to be transferred to the Paying Agent/Registrar from moneys on deposit in the Certificate Fund an amount sufficient to pay the amount of principal and/or interest falling due on the Certificates, such transfer of funds to the Paying Agent/Registrar to be made in such manner as will cause immediately available funds to be deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar on or before the last business day next preceding each interest and principal payment date for the Certificates. Pending the transfer of funds to the Paying Agent/Registrar, money in the Certificate Fund may, at the option of the City, be invested in obligations identified in, and in accordance with the provisions of the "Public Funds Investment Act" (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256, as amended) or other applicable laws governing the investment of interest and sinking funds; provided that all such investments shall be made in such a manner that the money required to be expended from the Certificate Fund will be available at the proper time or times. All interest and income derived from deposits and investments in the Certificate Fund shall be credited to, and any losses debited to, the Certificate Fund. All such investments shall be sold promptly when necessary to prevent any default in connection with the Certificates. SECTION 12. Tax Levy. To provide for the payment of the "Debt Service Requirements" on the Certificates being (i) the interest on said Certificates and (ii) a sinking fund for their redemption at maturity or a sinking fund of 2% (whichever amount shall be the greater), there shall be and there is hereby levied, for the current year and each succeeding year thereafter while said Certificates or any interest thereon shall remain Outstanding, a sufficient tax on each one hundred dollars' valuation of taxable property in said City, within the limitations prescribed by law, adequate to pay such Debt Service Requirements, full allowance being made for delinquencies and costs of collection; said tax shall be assessed and collected each year and applied to the payment of the Debt Service Requirements, and the same shall not be diverted to any other purpose. The taxes so levied and collected shall be paid into the Certificate Fund. The City Council hereby declares its purpose and intent to provide and levy a tax legally and fully sufficient to pay the said Debt Service Requirements, it having been determined that the existing and available taxing authority of the City for such purpose is adequate to permit a legally sufficient tax in consideration of all other outstanding indebtedness. The amount of taxes to be provided annually for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates shall be determined and accomplished in the following manner: Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 2%23582.4/1001010301 17 (a) Prior to the date the City Council establishes the annual tax rate and passes an ordinance levying ad valorem taxes each year, the City Council shall determine: (1) The amount on deposit in the Certificate Fund after (a) deducting therefrom the total amount of Debt Service Requirements to become due on Certificates prior to the Collection Date for the ad valorem taxes to be levied and (b) adding thereto the amount of the Net Revenues of the System, together with any other lawfully available revenues of the City, appropriated and allocated to pay such Debt Service Requirements prior to the Collection Date for the ad valorem taxes to be levied. (2) The amount of Net Revenues of the System, together with any other lawfully available revenues of the City, appropriated and to be set aside for the payment of the Debt Service Requirements on the Certificates between the Collection Date for the taxes then to be levied and the Collection Date for the taxes to be levied during the next succeeding calendar year. (3) The amount of Debt Service Requirements to become due and payable on the Certificates between the Collection Date for the taxes then to be levied and the Collection Date for the taxes to be levied during the next succeeding calendar year. (b) The amount of taxes to be levied annually each year to pay the Debt Service Requirements on the Certificates shall be the amount established in paragraph (3) above less the sum total of the amounts established in paragraphs (1) and (2), after taking into consideration delinquencies and costs of collecting such annual taxes. SECTION 13. Limited Pledge of Net Revenues. The City hereby covenants and agrees that, subject to the prior lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System to the payment and security of Prior Lien Obligations, the Net Revenues of the System in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,000 are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates, and the limited pledge of $1,000 of the Net Revenues of the System herein made for the payment of the Certificates shall constitute a lien on the Net Revenues of the System in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof and shall be on an parity in all respects with the lien on the Net Revenues securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates until such time as the City shall pay all of such $1,000 after which time the pledge shall cease. Furthermore, such lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues securing the payment of the Certificates shall be valid and binding and fully perfected from and after the date of adoption of this Ordinance without physical delivery or transfer or transfer of control of the Net Revenues, the filing of this Ordinance or any other act; all as provided in Chapter 1208 of the Texas Government Code, as amended ("Chapter 1208"). Chapter 1208 applies to the issuance of the Certificates and the limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the System granted by the City under this Section 13, and such limited pledge is therefore valid, effective and perfected. If Texas law is amended at any time while the Certificates are Outstanding such that the limited pledge of the Net Revenues of the System granted by the City under this Section 13 is to be subject to the filing requirements of Chapter 9, Texas Business Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 18 and Commerce Code, as amended, then in order to preserve to the registered owners of the Certificates the perfection of the security interest in said limited pledge, the City agrees to take such measures as it determines are reasonable and necessary under Texas law to comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 9, Texas Business and Commerce Code, as amended, and enable a filing to perfect the security interest in said limited pledge to occur. SECTION 14. System Fund. The City hereby covenants and agrees that all Gross Revenues (excluding earnings from the investment of money held in any special funds or accounts created for the payment and security of Prior Lien Obligations) shall be deposited as collected into a fund maintained at an official depository of the City and known on the books of the City as the "Water and Sewer System Fund" (hereinafter called the "System Fund"). All moneys deposited to the credit of the System Fund shall be allocated, appropriated and budgeted to the extent required for the following purposes and in the order of priority shown, to wit: First: To the payment of all necessary and reasonable Maintenance and Operating Expenses as defined herein or required by statute to be a first charge on and claim against the Gross Revenues thereof. Second: To the payment of all amounts required to be deposited in the special Funds created and established for the payment, security and benefit of Prior Lien Obligations in accordance with the terms and provisions of the ordinances authorizing the issuance of Prior Lien Obligations. Third: Equally and ratably, to the payment of the limited amounts pledged to the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates. Any Net Revenues remaining in the System Fund after satisfying the foregoing payments, or making adequate and sufficient provision for the payment thereof, may be appropriated and used for any other City purpose now or hereafter permitted by law. SECTION 15. Security of Funds. All moneys on deposit in the Funds for which this Ordinance makes provision (except any portion thereof as may be at any time properly invested) shall be secured in the manner and to the fullest extent required by the laws of Texas for the security of public funds, and moneys on deposit in such Funds shall be used only for the purposes permitted by this Ordinance. SECTION 16. Special Covenants. The City hereby further covenants as follows: (1) It has the lawful power to pledge the Net Revenues of the System to the payment of the Certificates in the manner herein contemplated and has lawfully exercised such power under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including said power existing under Texas Government Code, Sections 1502.56 and 1502.58 and Texas Local Government Code, Sections 271.041, et seq. (2) Other than for the payment of the outstanding Prior Lien Obligations, the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates, the Net Revenues of the System have not in any manner been pledged to the payment of any debt or obligation of the City or of the System. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 19 SECTION 17. Issuance of Prior Lien Obligations and Additional Parity Obligations. The City hereby expressly reserves the right to hereafter issue Prior Lien Obligations, without limitation as to principal amount but subject to any teens, conditions or restrictions applicable thereto under law or otherwise, and such Prior Lien Obligations hereafter issued may be payable, in whole or in part, from the Net Revenues (without impairment of the obligation of contract with the Holders of the Certificates) upon such terns and secured in such manner as the City Council may determine. Additionally, the City reserves the right without any limitations or restrictions to issue additional obligations payable (in whole or in part) from and secured by lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System of equal rank and dignity with the lien on and pledge of such Net Revenues securing the payment of the Previously Issued Certificates and the Certificates. SECTION 18. Application of Prior Lien Obligations Covenants and Agreements. It is the intention of this governing body and accordingly hereby recognized and stipulated that the provisions, agreements and covenants contained herein bearing upon the management and operations of the System, and the administering and application of revenues derived from the operation thereof, shall to the extent possible be harmonized with like provisions, agreements and covenants contained in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of the Prior Lien Obligations, and to the extent of any irreconcilable conflict between the provisions contained herein and in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of the Prior Lien Obligations, the provisions, agreements and covenants contained therein shall prevail to the extent of such conflict and be applicable to this Ordinance but in all respects subject to the priority of rights and benefits, if any, conferred thereby to the holders of the Prior Lien Obligations. Notwithstanding the above, any change or modification affecting the application of revenues derived from the operation of the System shall not impair the obligation of contract with respect to the pledge of revenues herein made for the payment and security of the Certificates. SECTION 19. Mutilated - Destroyed - Lost and Stolen Certificates. In case any Certificate shall be mutilated, or destroyed, lost or stolen, the Paying Agent/Registrar may execute and deliver a replacement Certificate of like form and tenor, and in the same denomination and bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated Certificate, or in lieu of and in substitution for such destroyed, lost or stolen Certificate, only upon the approval of the City and after (i) the filing by the Holder thereof with the Paying Agent/Registrar of evidence satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar of the destruction, loss or theft of such Certificate, and of the authenticity of the ownership thereof and (ii) the furnishing to the Paying Agent/Registrar of indemnification in an amount satisfactory to hold the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar harmless. All expenses and charges associated with such indemnity and with the preparation, execution and delivery of a replacement Certificate shall be borne by the Holder of the Certificate mutilated, or destroyed, lost or stolen. Every replacement Certificate issued pursuant to this Section shall be a valid and binding obligation, and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Ordinance equally and ratably with all other Outstanding Certificates; notwithstanding the enforceability of payment by anyone of the destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificates. The provisions of this Section are exclusive and shall preclude (to the extent lawful) all other rights and remedies with respect to the replacement and payment of mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Certificates. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 20 SECTION 20. Satisfaction of Obligation of City. If the City shall pay or cause to be paid, or there shall otherwise be paid to the Holders, the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates, at the times and in the manner stipulated in this Ordinance, then the pledge of taxes levied under this Ordinance and the Net Revenues of the System (to the extent such pledge of Net Revenues shall not have been discharged or terminated by prior payment of principal of or interest on the Certificates) and all covenants, agreements, and other obligations of the City to the Holders shall thereupon cease, terminate, and be discharged and satisfied. Certificates or any principal amount(s) thereof shall be deemed to have been paid within the meaning and with the effect expressed above in this Section when (i) money sufficient to pay in full such Certificates or the principal amount(s) thereof at maturity or the redemption date therefor, together with all interest due thereon, shall have been irrevocably deposited with and held in trust by the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, or (ii) Government Securities shall have been irrevocably deposited in trust with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, which Government Securities have been certified by an independent accounting firm to mature as to principal and interest in such amounts and at such times as will insure the availability, without reinvestment, of sufficient money, together with any moneys deposited therewith, if any, to pay when due the principal of and interest on such Certificates, or the principal amount(s) thereof, on and prior to the Stated Maturity thereof or (if notice of redemption has been duly given or waived or if irrevocable arrangements therefor acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar have been made) the redemption date thereof. The City covenants that no deposit of moneys or Government Securities will be made under this Section and no use made of any such deposit which would cause the Certificates to be treated as "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Any moneys so deposited with the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, and all income from Government Securities held in trust by the Paying Agent/Registrar, or an authorized escrow agent, pursuant to this Section which is not required for the payment of the Certificates, or any principal amount(s) thereof, or interest thereon with respect to which such moneys have been so deposited shall be remitted to the City or deposited as directed by the City. Furthermore, any money held by the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Certificates and remaining unclaimed for a period of three (3) years after the Stated Maturity, or applicable redemption date, of the Certificates such moneys were deposited and are held in trust to pay shall upon the request of the City be remitted to the City against a written receipt therefor. Notwithstanding the above and foregoing, any remittance of funds from the Paying Agent/Registrar to the City shall be subject to any applicable unclaimed property laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 21. Ordinance a Contract - Amendments. This Ordinance shall constitute a contract with the Holders from time to time, be binding on the City, and shall not be amended or repealed by the City so long as any Certificate remains Outstanding except as permitted in this Section and in Section 37 hereof. The City may, without the consent of or notice to any Holders, from time to time and at any time, amend this Ordinance in any manner not detrimental to the interests of the Holders, including the curing of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or formal defect or omission herein. In addition, the City may, with the consent of Holders holding a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Certificates then Outstanding, amend, add to, or rescind any of Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 21 the provisions of this Ordinance; provided that, without the consent of all Holders of Outstanding Certificates, no such amendment, addition, or rescission shall (1) extend the time or times of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates, reduce the principal amount thereof, the redemption price, or the rate of interest thereon, or in any other way modify the terns of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Certificates, (2) give any preference to any Certificate over any other Certificate, or (3) reduce the aggregate principal amount of Certificates required to be held by Holders for consent to any such amendment, addition, or rescission. SECTION 22. Covenants to Maintain Tax -Exempt Status. (a) Definitions. When used in this Section, the following terns have the following meanings: "Closing Date" means the date on which the Certificates are first authenticated and delivered to the initial purchasers against payment therefor. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by all legislation, if any, effective on or before the Closing Date. "Computation Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Gross Proceeds" means any proceeds as defined in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations, and any replacement proceeds as defined in Section 1.148-1(c) of the Regulations, of the Certificates. "Investment" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Nonpurpose Investment" means any investment property, as defined in section 148(b) of the Code, in which Gross Proceeds of the Certificates are invested and which is not acquired to carry out the governmental purposes of the Certificates. "Rebate Amount" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Regulations. "Regulations" means any proposed, temporary, or final Income Tax Regulations issued pursuant to sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code, and 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, which are applicable to the Certificates. Any reference to any specific Regulation shall also mean, as appropriate, any proposed, temporary or final Income Tax Regulation designed to supplement, amend or replace the specific Regulation referenced. "Yield" of (1) any Investment has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-5 of the Regulations and (2) the Certificates has the meaning set forth in Section 1.148-4 of the Regulations. (b) Not to Cause Interest to Become Taxable. The City shall not use, permit the use of, or omit to use Gross Proceeds or any other amounts (or any property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed directly or indirectly with Gross Proceeds) in a manner which if made or omitted, respectively, would cause the interest on any Certificate to become Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 22 includable in the gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Code, of the owner thereof for federal income tax purposes. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, unless and until the City receives a written opinion of counsel nationally recognized in the field of municipal bond law to the effect that failure to comply with such covenant will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income tax of the interest on any Certificate, the City shall comply with each of the specific covenants in this Section. (c) No Private Use or Private Payments. Except as permitted by section 141 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall at all tunes prior to the last Stated Maturity of Certificates: (1) exclusively own, operate and possess all property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed or refinanced directly or indirectly with Gross Proceeds of the Certificates, and not use or pennit the use of such Gross Proceeds (including all contractual arrangements with terms different than those applicable to the general public) or any property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds in any activity carried on by any person or entity (including the United States or any agency, department and instrumentality thereof) other than a state or local government, unless such use is solely as a member of the general public; and (2) not directly or indirectly impose or accept any charge or other payment by any person or entity who is treated as using Gross Proceeds of the Certificates or any property the acquisition, construction or improvement of which is to be financed or refinanced directly or indirectly with such Gross Proceeds, other than taxes of general application within the City or interest earned on investments acquired with such Gross Proceeds pending application for their intended purposes. (d) No Private Loan. Except to the extent permitted by section 141 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not use Gross Proceeds of the Certificates to make or finance loans to any person or entity other than a state or local government. For purposes of the foregoing covenant, such Gross Proceeds are considered to be "loaned" to a person or entity if: (1) property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds is sold or leased to such person or entity in a transaction which creates a debt for federal income tax purposes; (2) capacity in or service from such property is committed to such person or entity under a take -or - pay, output or similar contract or arrangement; or (3) indirect benefits, or burdens and benefits of ownership, of such Gross Proceeds or any property acquired, constructed or improved with such Gross Proceeds are otherwise transferred in a transaction which is the economic equivalent of a loan. (e) Not to Invest at Higher Yield. Except to the extent permitted by section 148 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not at any time prior to the final Stated Maturity of the Certificates directly or indirectly invest Gross Proceeds in any Investment (or use Gross Proceeds to replace money so invested), if as a result of such investment the Yield from the Closing Date of all Investments acquired with Gross Proceeds (or with money replaced thereby), whether then held or previously disposed of, exceeds the Yield of the Certificates. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 23 (f) Not Federally Guaranteed. Except to the extent permitted by section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not take or omit to take any action which would cause the Certificates to be federally guaranteed within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. (g) Information Report. The City shall timely file the information required by section 149(e) of the Code with the Secretary of the Treasury on Form 8038 G or such other form and in such place as the Secretary may prescribe. (h) Rebate of Arbitrage Profits. Except to the extent otherwise provided in section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder: (1) The City shall account for all Gross Proceeds (including all receipts, expenditures and investments thereof) on its books of account separately and apart from all other funds (and receipts, expenditures and investments thereof) and shall retain all records of accounting for at least six years after the day on which the last outstanding Certificate is discharged. However, to the extent permitted by law, the City may commingle Gross Proceeds of the Certificates with other money of the City, provided that the City separately accounts for each receipt and expenditure of Gross Proceeds and the obligations acquired therewith. (2) Not less frequently than each Computation Date, the City shall calculate the Rebate Amount in accordance with rules set forth in section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. The City shall maintain such calculations with its official transcript of proceedings relating to the issuance of the Certificates until six years after the final Computation Date. (3) As additional consideration for the purchase of the Certificates by the Purchasers and the loan of the money represented thereby and in order to induce such purchase by measures designed to insure the excludability of the interest thereon from the gross income of the owners thereof for federal income tax purposes, the City shall pay to the United States from the construction fund, the general fund, or other appropriate fund or, if permitted by applicable Texas statute, regulation or opinion of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, the Certificate Fund, the amount that when added to the future value of previous rebate payments made for the Certificates equals (i) in the case of a Final Computation Date as defined in Section 1.148-3(e)(2) of the Regulations, one hundred percent (100%) of the Rebate Amount on such date; and (ii) in the case of any other Computation Date, ninety percent (90%) of the Rebate Amount on such date. In all cases, the rebate payments shall be made at the times, in the installments, to the place and in the manner as is or may be required by section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, and shall be accompanied by Form 8038-T or such other forms and information as is or may be required by Section 148(0 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder. (4) The City shall exercise reasonable diligence to assure that no errors are made in the calculations and payments required by paragraphs (2) and (3), and Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 24 if an error is made, to discover and promptly correct such error within a reasonable amount of time thereafter (and in all events within one hundred eighty (180) days after discovery of the error), including payment to the United States of any additional Rebate Amount owed to it, interest thereon, and any penalty imposed under Section 1.148-3(h) of the Regulations. (i) Not to Divert Arbitrage Profits. Except to the extent permitted by section 148 of the Code and the Regulations and rulings thereunder, the City shall not, at any time prior to the earlier of the Stated Maturity or final payment of the Certificates, enter into any transaction that reduces the amount required to be paid to the United States pursuant to Subsection (h) of this Section because such transaction results in a smaller profit or a larger loss than would have resulted if the transaction had been at arm's length and had the Yield of the Certificates not been relevant to either party. (j) Elections. The City hereby directs and authorizes the Mayor, City Manager, Finance Director and City Secretary, individually or jointly, to make elections permitted or required pursuant to the provisions of the Code or the Regulations, as they deem necessary or appropriate in connection with the Certificates, in the Certificate as to Tax Exemption or similar or other appropriate certificate, form or document. SECTION 23. Sale of Certificates. Pursuant to a public sale for the Certificates, the bid submitted by Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC (herein referred to as the "Purchasers") is declared to be the best bid received producing the lowest true interest cost rate to the City, and the sale of the Certificates to said Purchaser at the price of par plus a cash premium of $106,250.00 is hereby determined to be in the best interests of the City and is approved and confirmed. Delivery of the Certificates to the Purchasers shall occur as soon as possible upon payment being made therefor in accordance with the terms of sale. The Initial Certificate shall be registered as provided in the winning bid. SECTION 24. Official Statement. The use of the Preliminary Official Statement by the Purchasers in connection with the public offering and sale of the Certificates is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved in all respects. The final Official Statement, which reflects the terms of sale (together with such changes approved by the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Finance Director or City Manager, any one or more of said officials), shall be and is hereby in all respects approved and the Purchasers are hereby authorized to use and distribute said final Official Statement, dated April 10, 2018, in the reoffering, sale and delivery of the Certificates to the public. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem and City Secretary are further authorized to deliver for and on behalf of the City copies of said Official Statement in final form as may be required by the Purchasers, and such final Official Statement in the form and content authorized to be delivered by said officials shall be deemed to be approved by the City Council and constitute the Official Statement authorized for distribution and use by the Purchasers. SECTION 25. Proceeds of Sale. The proceeds of sale of the Certificates, excluding the amounts to pay costs of issuance, shall be deposited in a construction fund maintained at the City's depository bank or used to pay costs of issuance. Pending expenditure for authorized projects and purposes, such proceeds of sale may be invested in authorized investments in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256, as amended, including guaranteed Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 25 investment contracts permitted by Texas Section 2256.015 et seq., and the City's investment policies and guidelines, and any investment earnings realized may be expended for such authorized projects and purposes or deposited in the Certificate Fund as shall be determined by the City Council. Any surplus proceeds of sale of the Certificates, including investment earnings, remaining after completion of all authorized projects or purposes shall be deposited to the credit of the Certificate Fund. SECTION 26. Control and Custody of Certificates. The Mayor of the City shall be and is hereby authorized to take and have charge of all necessary orders and records pending the sale of the Certificates, the investigation by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, including the printing and supply of definitive Certificates, and shall take and have charge and control of the Initial Certificate(s) pending the approval thereof by the Attorney General, the registration thereof by the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the delivery thereof to the Purchasers. SECTION 27. Notices to Holders - Waiver. Wherever this Ordinance provides for notice to Holders of any event, such notice shall be sufficiently given (unless otherwise herein expressly provided) if in writing and sent by United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder appearing in the Security Register at the close of business on the business day next preceding the mailing of such notice. In any case where notice to Holders is given by mail, neither the failure to mail such notice to any particular Holders, nor any defect in any notice so mailed, shall affect the sufficiency of such notice with respect to all other Certificates. Where this Ordinance provides for notice in any manner, such notice may be waived in writing by the Holder entitled to receive such notice, either before or after the event with respect to which such notice is given, and such waiver shall be the equivalent of such notice. Waivers of notice by Holders shall be filed with the Paying Agent/Registrar, but such filing shall not be a condition precedent to the validity of any action taken in reliance upon such waiver. SECTION 28. Cancellation. All Certificates surrendered for payment, redemption, transfer, exchange, or replacement, if surrendered to the Paying Agent/Registrar, shall be promptly cancelled by it and, if surrendered to the City, shall be delivered to the Paying Agent/Registrar and, if not already cancelled, shall be promptly cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar. The City may at any time deliver to the Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation any Certificates previously certified or registered and delivered which the City may have acquired in any manner whatsoever, and all Certificates so delivered shall be promptly cancelled by the Paying Agent/Registrar. All cancelled Certificates held by the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be returned to the City. SECTION 29. Bond Counsel's Opinion. The Purchasers' obligation to accept delivery of the Certificates is subject to being furnished a final opinion of Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Dallas, Texas, Bond Counsel to the City, approving the Certificates as to their validity, said opinion to be dated and delivered as of the date of delivery and payment for the Certificates. An executed counterpart of said opinion shall accompany the global certificates deposited with DTC or a reproduction thereof shall be printed on the definitive Certificates in the event the book -entry -only system shall be discontinued. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 26 SECTION 30. CUSIP Numbers. CUSIP numbers may be printed or typed on the definitive Certificates. It is expressly provided, however, that the presence or absence of CUSIP numbers on the definitive Certificates shall be of no significance or effect as regards the legality thereof and neither the City nor attorneys approving the Certificates as to legality are to be held responsible for CUSIP numbers incorrectly printed or typed on the definitive Certificates. SECTION 31. Benefits of Ordinance. Nothing in this Ordinance, expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person other than the City, the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Holders, any right, remedy, or claim, legal or equitable, under or by reason of this Ordinance or any provision hereof, and this Ordinance and all its provisions is intended to be and shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the City, the Paying Agent/Registrar and the Holders. SECTION 32. Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances, orders or resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters contained herein. SECTION 33. Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. SECTION 34. Effect of Headings. The Section headings herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction hereof. SECTION 35. Construction of Terms. If appropriate in the context of this Ordinance, words of the singular number shall be considered to include the plural, words of the plural number shall be considered to include the singular, and words of the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall be considered to include the other genders. SECTION 36. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance and the application thereof to other circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City Council hereby declares that this Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid provision. SECTION 37. Continuing Disclosure Undertaking. (a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to such terms below: "MSRB" means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. "Rule" means SEC Rule 15c2 12, as amended from time to time. "SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. (b) Annual Reports. The City shall provide annually to the MSRB: (1) within six months after the end of each fiscal year ending in or after 2018, financial information and operating data with respect to the City of the general type included in Tables numbered 1 through 6 and 8 through Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 27 15 of the final Official Statement approved in Section 24 of this Ordinance and (2) within twelve months after the end of each fiscal year ending in or after 2018, audited financial statements of the City. Any financial statements so provided shall be prepared in accordance with the accounting principles described in Appendix B to the Official Statement or such other accounting principles as the City may be required to employ from time to time pursuant to state law or regulation. If audited financial statements are not available within 12 months after the end of any fiscal year, the City will provide unaudited financial statements by the required time, and audited financial statements when and if such audited financial statements become available. If the City changes its fiscal year, it will notify the MSRB of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the City otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Section may be set forth in full in one or more documents or may be included by specific reference to any document available to the public on the MSRB's Internet Web site or filed with the SEC. (c) Notice of Certain Events. The City shall provide notice of any of the following events with respect to the Certificates to the MSRB in a timely manner and not more than 10 business days after occurrence of the event: (1) (2) (3) difficulties; (4) difficulties; (5) perform; Principal and interest payment delinquencies; Non-payment related defaults, if material; Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial reflecting financial Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to (6) Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701-TEB), or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the Certificates, or other material events affecting the tax status of the Certificates; (7) (8) (9) Modifications to rights of holders of the Certificates, if material; Certificate calls, if material, and tender offers; Defeasances; (10) Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Certificates, if material; Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 28 (1 1) Rating changes; (12) Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, or similar event of the City, which shall occur as described below; (13) The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the City or the sale of all or substantially all of its assets, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into of a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terns, if material; and (14) Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material. For these purposes, any event described in the immediately preceding subsection (c)(12) is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent, or similar officer for the City in a proceeding under the United States Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the City, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the City. The City shall notify the MSRB, in a timely manner, of any failure by the City to provide financial information or operating data in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section by the time required by such Section. (d) Filings with the MSRB. All financial information, operating data, financial statements, notices and other documents provided to the MSRB in accordance with this Section shall be provided in an electronic format prescribed by the MSRB and shall be accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. (e) Limitations, Disclaimers and Amendments. The City shall be obligated to observe and perform the covenants specified in this Section for so long as, but only for so long as, the City remains an `obligated person" with respect to the Certificates within the meaning of the Rule, except that the City in any event will give the notice required by subsection (c) of this Section of any Certificate calls and defeasance that cause the City to be no longer such an "obligated person." The provisions of this Section are for the sole benefit of the Holders and beneficial owners of the Certificates, and nothing in this Section, express or implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The City undertakes to provide only the financial information, operating data, financial statements, and notices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Section and does not hereby undertake to provide any other information that may be relevant or material to a complete presentation of the City's financial results, condition, or prospects or hereby undertake to update any information provided in accordance with this Section or otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The City does Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 29 not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Certificates at any future date. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CITY BE LIABLE TO THE HOLDER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY CERTIFICATE OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE CITY, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. No default by the City in observing or performing its obligations under this Section shall constitute a breach of or default under this Ordinance for purposes of any other provision of this Ordinance. Nothing in this Section is intended or shall act to disclaim, waive, or otherwise limit the duties of the City under federal and state securities laws. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the provisions of this Section may be amended by the City from time to time to adapt to changed circumstances that arise from a change in legal requirements, a change in law, or a change in the identity, nature, status, or type of operations of the City, but only if (1) the provisions of this Section, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell Certificates in the primary offering of the Certificates in compliance with the Rule, taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule to the date of such amendment, as well as such changed circumstances, and (2) either (a) the Holders of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provision of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the Outstanding Certificates consent to such amendment or (b) a Person that is unaffiliated with the City (such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determines that such amendment will not materially impair the interests of the Holders and beneficial owners of the Certificates. The provisions of this Section may also be amended from time to time or repealed by the City if the SEC amends or repeals the applicable provisions of the Rule or a court of final jurisdiction determines that such provisions are invalid, but only if and to the extent that reservation of the City's right to do so would not prevent underwriters of the initial public offering of the Certificates from lawfully purchasing or selling Certificates in such offering. If the City so amends the provisions of this Section, it shall include with any amended financial information or operating data next provided pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section an explanation, in narrative form, of the reasons for the amendment and of the impact of any change in the type of financial information or operating data so provided. SECTION 38. Further Procedures. Any one or more of the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Manager, Finance Director and City Secretary are hereby expressly authorized, empowered and directed from time to time and at any time to do and perform all such acts and things and to execute, acknowledge and deliver in the name and on behalf of the City all agreements, instruments, certificates or other documents, whether mentioned herein or not, as may be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the terms and provisions of this Ordinance and the issuance of the Certificates. In addition, prior to the initial delivery of the Certificates, the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, City Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 30 Manager, Finance Director or Bond Counsel to the City are each hereby authorized and directed to approve any changes or corrections to this Ordinance or to any of the documents authorized and approved by this Ordinance: (i) in order to cure any ambiguity, fon-nal defect or omission in this Ordinance or such other document; or (ii) as requested by the Attorney General of the State of Texas or his representative to obtain the approval of the Certificates by the Attorney General and if such officer or counsel determines that such changes are consistent with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance, which determination shall be final. In the event that any officer of the City whose signature shall appear on any document shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such document, such signature nevertheless shall be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officer had remained in office until such delivery. SECTION 39. Incorporation of Findings and Determinations. The findings and determinations of the City Council contained in the preamble hereof are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes as if the same were restated in full in this Section. SECTION 40. Public Meeting. It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Ordinance, was given, all as required by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, as amended. SECTION 41. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately from and after its adoption on the date hereof in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Section 1201.028, as amended. Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 [Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank] 31 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 10th day of April, 2018. ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582.4/1001010301 Eric Hogue, Mayor S-1 EXHIBIT A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT Ordinance No. 2018-15 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 29623582 4/1001010301 A-1 PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of April 10, 2018 (this "Agreement"), by and between The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., a banking association duly organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America (the "Bank") and the City of Wylie, Texas (the "Issuer"), RECITALS WHEREAS, the Issuer has duly authorized and provided for the issuance of its "City of Wylie, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018" (the "Securities"), dated April 1, 2018, such Securities scheduled to be delivered to the initial purchasers thereof on or about May 8, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has selected the Bank to serve as Paying Agent/Registrar in connection with the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on said Securities and with respect to the registration, transfer and exchange thereof by the registered owners thereof; and WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to serve in such capacities for and on behalf of the Issuer and has full power and authority to perform and serve as Paying Agent/Registrar for the Securities; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: ARTICLE ONE APPOINTMENT OF BANK AS PAYING AGENT AND REGISTRAR Section 1.01 Appointment. The Issuer hereby appoints the Bank to serve as Paying Agent with respect to the Securities, and, as Paying Agent for the Securities, the Bank shall be responsible for paying on behalf of the Issuer the principal, premium (if any), and interest on the Securities as the same become due and payable to the registered owners thereof; all in accordance with this Agreement and the "Authorizing Document" (hereinafter defined). The Issuer hereby appoints the Bank as Registrar with respect to the Securities and, as Registrar for the Securities, the Bank shall keep and maintain for and on behalf of the Issuer books and records as to the ownership of said Securities and with respect to the transfer and exchange thereof as provided herein and in the Authorizing Document. The Bank hereby accepts its appointment, and agrees to serve as the Paying Agent and Registrar for the Securities. Section 1.02 Compensation. As compensation for the Bank's services as Paying Agent/Registrar, the Issuer hereby agrees to pay the Bank the fees and amounts set forth in Annex A attached hereto. In addition, the Issuer agrees to reimburse the Bank upon its request for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances incurred or made by the Bank in accordance with any of the provisions hereof (including the reasonable compensation and the expenses and disbursements of its agents and counsel). 29770252.1/1001010301 ARTICLE TWO DEFINITIONS Section 2.01 Definitions. For all purposes of this Agreement, except as otherwise expressly provided or unless the context otherwise requires: "Acceleration Date" on any Security means the date, if any, on and after which the principal or any or all installments of interest, or both, are due and payable on any Security which has become accelerated pursuant to the terms of the Security. "Authorizing Document" means the resolution, order, or ordinance of the governing body of the Issuer pursuant to which the Securities are issued, as the same may be amended or modified, including any pricing certificate related thereto, certified by the secretary or any other officer of the Issuer and delivered to the Bank. "Bank Office" means the designated office of the Bank at the address shown in Section 3.01 hereof. The Bank will notify the Issuer in writing of any change in location of the Bank Office. "Financial Advisor" means Hilltop Securities Inc. "Holder" and "Security Holder" each means the Person in whose name a Security is registered in the Security Register. "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated organization or government or any agency or political subdivision of a government. "Predecessor Securities" of any particular Security means every previous Security evidencing all or a portion of the same obligation as that evidenced by such particular Security (and, for the purposes of this definition, any mutilated, lost, destroyed, or stolen Security for which a replacement Security has been registered and delivered in lieu thereof pursuant to Section 4.06 hereof and the Authorizing Document). "Redemption Date", when used with respect to any Security to be redeemed, means the date fixed for such redemption pursuant to the terms of the Authorizing Document. "Responsible Officer", when used with respect to the Bank, means the Chairman or Vice -Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chairman or Vice -Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Cashier, any Assistant Cashier, any Trust Officer or Assistant Trust Officer, or any other officer of the Bank customarily performing functions similar to those performed by any of the above designated officers and also means, with respect to a particular corporate trust matter, any other officer to whom such matter is referred because of his knowledge of and familiarity with the particular subject. 29770252.1/1001010301 2 "Security Register" means a register maintained by the Bank on behalf of the Issuer providing for the registration and transfers of Securities. "Stated Maturity" means the date specified in the Authorizing Document the principal of a Security is scheduled to be due and payable. Section 2.02 Other Definitions. The terms "Bank," "Issuer," and "Securities (Security)" have the meanings assigned to them in the recital paragraphs of this Agreement. The term "Paying Agent/Registrar" refers to the Bank in the performance of the duties and functions of this Agreement. ARTICLE THREE PAYING AGENT Section 3.01 Duties of Paving Agent. As Paying Agent, the Bank shall pay, provided adequate collected funds have been provided to it for such purpose by or on behalf of the Issuer, on behalf of the Issuer the principal of each Security at its Stated Maturity, Redemption Date or Acceleration Date, to the Holder upon surrender of the Security to the Bank at the following address: First Class/Registered/Certified The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Global Corporate Trust P.O. Box 396 East Syracuse, NY 13057 Express Delivery/Courier The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Global Corporate Trust 111 Sanders Creek Pkwy. East Syracuse, NY 13057 By Hand Only The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Global Corporate Trust Corporate Trust Window 101 Barclay Street, 1st Floor East New York, NY 10286 As Paying Agent, the Bank shall, provided adequate collected funds have been provided to it for such purpose by or on behalf of the Issuer, pay on behalf of the Issuer the interest on each Security when due, by computing the amount of interest to be paid each Holder and making payment thereof to the Holders of the Securities (or their Predecessor Securities) on the Record Date (as defined in the Authorizing Document). All payments of principal and/or interest on the Securities to the registered owners shall be accomplished (1) by the issuance of checks, payable to the registered owners, drawn on the paying agent account provided in Section 5.05 hereof, sent by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address appearing on the Security Register or (2) by such other method, acceptable to the Bank, requested in writing by the Holder at the Holder's risk and expense. Section 3.02 Payment Dates. The Issuer hereby instructs the Bank to pay the principal of and interest on the Securities on the dates specified in the Authorizing Document. ARTICLE FOUR REGISTRAR Section 4.01 Security Register - Transfers and Exchanges. The Bank agrees to keep and maintain for and on behalf of the Issuer at the Bank Office books and records (herein sometimes referred to as the "Security Register") for recording the names and addresses of the Holders of the Securities, the transfer, exchange and replacement of the Securities and the payment of the principal of and interest on the Securities to the Holders and containing such other 29770252.1/1001010301 3 information as may be reasonably required by the Issuer and subject to such reasonable regulations as the Issuer and the Bank may prescribe. All transfers, exchanges and replacements of Securities shall be noted in the Security Register. Every Security surrendered for transfer or exchange shall be duly endorsed or be accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, the signature on which has been guaranteed by an officer of a federal or state bank or a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, such written instrument to be in a form satisfactory to the Bank and duly executed by the Holder thereof or his agent duly authorized in writing. The Bank may request any supporting documentation it feels necessary to effect a re -registration, transfer or exchange of the Securities. To the extent possible and under reasonable circumstances, the Bank agrees that, in relation to an exchange or transfer of Securities, the exchange or transfer by the Holders thereof will be completed and new Securities delivered to the Holder or the assignee of the Holder in not more than three (3) business days after the receipt of the Securities to be cancelled in an exchange or transfer and the written instrument of transfer or request for exchange duly executed by the Holder, or his duly authorized agent, in form and manner satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar. Section 4.02 Securities. The Issuer shall provide additional Securities when needed to facilitate transfers or exchanges thereof. The Bank covenants that such additional Securities, if and when provided, will be kept in safekeeping pending their use and reasonable care will be exercised by the Bank in maintaining such Securities in safekeeping, which shall be not less than the care maintained by the Bank for debt securities of other governments or corporations for which it serves as registrar, or that is maintained for its own securities. Section 4.03 Form of Security Register. The Bank, as Registrar, will maintain the Security Register relating to the registration, payment, transfer and exchange of the Securities in accordance with the Bank's general practices and procedures in effect from time to time. The Bank shall not be obligated to maintain such Security Register in any form other than those which the Bank has currently available and currently utilizes at the time. The Security Register may be maintained in written form or in any other form capable of being converted into written form within a reasonable time. Section 4.04 List of Security Holders. The Bank will provide the Issuer at any time requested by the Issuer, upon payment of the required fee, a copy of the information contained in the Security Register. The Issuer may also inspect the information contained in the Security Register at any time the Bank is customarily open for business, provided that reasonable time is allowed the Bank to provide an up-to-date listing or to convert the information into written form. The Bank will not release or disclose the contents of the Security Register to any person other than to, or at the written request of, an authorized officer or employee of the Issuer, except upon receipt of a court order or as otherwise required by law. Upon receipt of a court order and prior to the release or disclosure of the contents of the Security Register, the Bank will notify the Issuer so that the Issuer may contest the court order or such release or disclosure of the contents of the Security Register. 29770252.1/1001010301 4 Section 4.05 Return of Cancelled Securities. The Bank will, at such reasonable intervals as it determines, surrender to the Issuer, all Securities in lieu of which or in exchange for which other Securities have been issued, or which have been paid. Section 4.06 Mutilated, Destroyed, Lost or Stolen Securities. The Issuer hereby instructs the Bank, subject to the provisions of the Authorizing Document, to deliver and issue Securities in exchange for or in lieu of mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Securities as long as the same does not result in an overissuance. In case any Security shall be mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen, the Bank may execute and deliver a replacement Security of like form and tenor, and in the same denomination and bearing a number not contemporaneously outstanding, in exchange and substitution for such mutilated Security, or in lieu of and in substitution for such mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen Security, only upon the approval of the Issuer and after (i) the filing by the Holder thereof with the Bank of evidence satisfactory to the Bank of the destruction, loss or theft of such Security, and of the authenticity of the ownership thereof and (ii) the furnishing to the Bank of indemnification in an amount satisfactory to hold the Issuer and the Bank harmless. All expenses and charges associated with such indemnity and with the preparation, execution and delivery of a replacement Security shall be borne by the Holder of the Security mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen. Section 4.07 Transaction Information to Issuer. The Bank will, within a reasonable time after receipt of written request from the Issuer, furnish the Issuer information as to the Securities it has paid pursuant to Section 3.01, Securities it has delivered upon the transfer or exchange of any Securities pursuant to Section 4.01, and Securities it has delivered in exchange for or in lieu of mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Securities pursuant to Section 4.06. ARTICLE FIVE THE BANK Section 5.01 Duties of Bank. The Bank undertakes to perform the duties set forth herein and agrees to use reasonable care in the performance thereof. Section 5.02 Reliance on Documents, Etc. (a) The Bank may conclusively rely, as to the truth of the statements and correctness of the opinions expressed therein, on certificates or opinions furnished to the Bank. (b) The Bank shall not be liable for any error of judgment made in good faith by a Responsible Officer, unless it shall be proved that the Bank was negligent in ascertaining the pertinent facts. (c) No provisions of this Agreement shall require the Bank to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability for performance of any of its duties hereunder, or in the exercise of any of its rights or powers, if it shall have reasonable grounds for believing that repayment of such funds or adequate indemnity satisfactory to it against such risks or liability is not assured to it. (d) The Bank may rely and shall be protected in acting or refraining from acting upon any resolution, certificate, statement, instrument, opinion, report, notice, request, direction, consent, order, bond, note, security or other paper or document believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties. Without limiting the generality 29770252.1/1001010301 5 of the foregoing statement, the Bank need not examine the ownership of any Securities, but is protected in acting upon receipt of Securities containing an endorsement or instruction of transfer or power of transfer which appears on its face to be signed by the Holder or an agent of the Holder. The Bank shall not be bound to make any investigation into the facts or matters stated in a resolution, certificate, statement, instrument, opinion, report, notice, request, direction, consent, order, bond, note, security or other paper or document supplied by the Issuer. (e) The Bank may consult with counsel, and the written advice of such counsel or any opinion of counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection with respect to any action taken, suffered, or omitted by it hereunder in good faith and in reliance thereon. (f) The Bank may exercise any of the powers hereunder and perform any duties hereunder either directly or by or through agents or attorneys of the Bank. (g) The Bank is also authorized to transfer funds relating to the closing and initial delivery of the Securities in the manner disclosed in the closing memorandum or letter as prepared by the Issuer, the Financial Advisor or other agent. The Bank may act on a facsimile or e-mail transmission of the closing memorandum or letter acknowledged by the Issuer, the Issuer's financial advisor or other agent as the final closing memorandum or letter. The Bank shall not be liable for any losses, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from the Bank's reliance upon and compliance with such instructions. Section 5.03 Recitals of Issuer. The recitals contained herein with respect to the Issuer and in the Securities shall be taken as the statements of the Issuer, and the Bank assumes no responsibility for their correctness. The Bank shall in no event be liable to the Issuer, any Holder or Holders of any Security, or any other Person for any amount due on any Security from its own funds. Section 5.04 May Hold Securities. The Bank, in its individual or any other capacity, may become the owner or pledgee of Securities and may otherwise deal with the Issuer with the same rights it would have if it were not the Paying Agent/Registrar, or any other agent. Section 5.05 Moneys Held by Bank - Paying Agent Account/Collateralization. A paying agent account shall at all times be kept and maintained by the Bank for the receipt, safekeeping, and disbursement of moneys received from the Issuer under this Agreement for the payment of the Securities, and money deposited to the credit of such account until paid to the Holders of the Securities shall be continuously collateralized by securities or obligations which qualify and are eligible under both the laws of the State of Texas and the laws of the United States of America to secure and be pledged as collateral for paying agent accounts to the extent such money is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Payments made from such paying agent account shall be made by check drawn on such account unless the owner of the Securities shall, at its own expense and risk, request an alternative method of payment. Subject to the applicable unclaimed property laws of the State of Texas, any money deposited with the Bank for the payment of the principal of, premium (if any), or interest on any Security and remaining unclaimed for three years after final maturity of the Security has become due and payable will be held by the Bank and disposed of only in accordance with Title 6 of the Texas Property Code, as amended. The Bank shall have no liability by virtue of actions taken in compliance with this provision. 29770252.1/1001010301 6 The Bank is not obligated to pay interest on any money received by it under this Agreement. This Agreement relates solely to money deposited for the purposes described herein, and the parties agree that the Bank may serve as depository for other funds of the Issuer, act as trustee under indentures authorizing other bond transactions of the Issuer, or act in any other capacity not in conflict with its duties hereunder. Section 5.06 Indemnification. To the extent permitted by law, the Issuer agrees to indemnify the Bank for, and hold it harmless against, any loss, liability, or expense incurred without negligence or willful misconduct on its part, arising out of or in connection with its acceptance or administration of its duties hereunder, including the cost and expense against any claim or liability in connection with the exercise or performance of any of its powers or duties under this Agreement. Section 5.07 Interpleader. The Issuer and the Bank agree that the Bank may seek adjudication of any adverse claim, demand, or controversy over its person as well as funds on deposit, in either a Federal or State District Court located in the state and county where the administrative office of the Issuer is located, and agree that service of process by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the address referred to in Section 6.03 of this Agreement shall constitute adequate service. The Issuer and the Bank further agree that the Bank has the right to file a Bill of Interpleader in any court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Texas to determine the rights of any Person claiming any interest herein. In the event the Bank becomes involved in litigation in connection with this Section, the Issuer, to the extent permitted by law, agrees to indemnify and save the Bank harmless from all loss, cost, damages, expenses, and attorney fees suffered or incurred by the Bank as a result. The obligations of the Bank under this Agreement shall be performable at the principal corporate office of the Bank in the City of Dallas, Texas. Section 5.08 DTC Services. It is hereby represented and warranted that, in the event the Securities are otherwise qualified and accepted for "Depository Trust Company" services or equivalent depository trust services by other organizations, the Bank has the capability and, to the extent within its control, will comply with the "Operational Arrangements", which establishes requirements for securities to be eligible for such type depository trust services, including, but not limited to, requirements for the timeliness of payments and funds availability, transfer turnaround time, and notification of redemptions and calls. ARTICLE SIX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 6.01 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by an agreement in writing signed by both of the parties hereto. Section 6.02 Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other. Section 6.03 Notices. Any request, demand, authorization, direction, notice, consent, waiver, or other document provided or permitted hereby to be given or furnished to the Issuer or the Bank shall be mailed or delivered to the Issuer or the Bank, respectively, at the addresses shown on the signature page(s) hereof. 29770252.1/1001010301 7 Section 6.04 Effect of Headings. The Article and Section headings herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction hereof. Section 6.05 Successors and Assigns. All covenants and agreements herein by the Issuer shall bind its successors and assigns, whether so expressed or not. Section 6.06 Severabilitv. In case any provision herein shall be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Section 6.07 Merger, Conversion, Consolidation, or Succession. Any corporation or association into which the Bank may be merged or converted or with which it may be consolidated, or any corporation or association resulting from any merger, conversion, or consolidation to which the Bank shall be a party, or any corporation or association succeeding to all or substantially all of the corporate trust business of the Bank shall be the successor of the Bank as Paying Agent under this Agreement without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act on the part of either parties hereto. Section 6.08 Benefits of Agreement. Nothing herein, express or implied, shall give to any Person, other than the parties hereto and their successors hereunder, any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder. Section 6.09 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Authorizing Document constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto relative to the Bank acting as Paying Agent/Registrar and if any conflict exists between this Agreement and the Authorizing Document, the Authorizing Document shall govern. Section 6.10 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same Agreement. Section 6.11 Termination. This Agreement will terminate (i) on the date of final payment of the principal of and interest on the Securities to the Holders thereof or (ii) may be earlier terminated by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice; provided, however, an early termination of this Agreement by either party shall not be effective until (a) a successor Paying Agent/Registrar has been appointed by the Issuer and such appointment accepted and (b) notice has been given to the Holders of the Securities of the appointment of a successor Paying Agent/Registrar. However, if the Issuer fails to appoint a successor Paying Agent/Registrar within a reasonable time, the Bank may petition a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Texas to appoint a successor. Furthermore, the Bank and the Issuer mutually agree that the effective date of an early termination of this Agreement shall not occur at any time which would disrupt, delay or otherwise adversely affect the payment of the Securities. Upon an early termination of this Agreement, the Bank agrees to promptly transfer and deliver the Security Register (or a copy thereof), together with the other pertinent books and records relating to the Securities, to the successor Paying Agent/Registrar designated and appointed by the Issuer. The provisions of Section 1.02 and of Article Five shall survive and remain in full force and effect following the termination of this Agreement. 29770252.1/1001010301 8 Section 6.12 No Boycott of Israel. To the extent this Agreement is a contract for goods or services within the meaning of Section 2270.002 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, the Bank hereby verifies that the Bank does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel through the term of this Agreement. For purposes of this verification, "boycott Israel" means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli -controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. Section 6.13 Iran, Sudan and Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Pursuant to Subchapter F, Chapter 2252, Texas Government Code, to the extent applicable to this agreement, the Bank represents that it is not a company (as defined in Section 2270.0001(2), Texas Government Code) engaged in business with Iran, Sudan, or a foreign terrorist organization (as defined in Section 2252.151(2), Texas Government Code) and that it is not on a list prepared and maintained by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas under Sections 2270.0201 or 2252.153, Texas Government Code. Section 6.14 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas. [Remainder of page left blank intentionally.] 29770252.1/1001010301 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. Attest: Title: THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. By: Title: Address: 2001 Bryan Street, 10th Floor Dallas, Texas 75201 29770252.1/1001010301 Signature Page to Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: Mayor Address: 300 Country Club Road Wylie, Texas 75098 Attest: City Secretary 2e770252.1/1001010301 Signature Page to Paying Agant/ReQistrmrAgreemmrt CITY OF WYLIE $8,500,000 Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 ■ "Aa2" MOODY'S ■ INVESTORS SERVICE i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HilltopSecurities all° A Hiltop Holdings Company. CONTACT: ■ David Medanich, Vice Chairman Nick Bulaich, Managing Director Lindsay Evans, Director ■ "AA" STANDARD &POOR'S 777 Main Street, Suite 1200, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Phone: 817.332.9710 ■ e-mail: david.medanich( hilltonsecurities.com, e-mail: nick.bulaich(ahilltonsecurities.com, email: lindsav.evansahilltonsecurities.com ■ © 2018 Hilltop Securities Inc. All rights reserved. Member FINRA/SIPC`NYSE City of Wylie, Texas April 10, 2018 U.S. PUBLIC FINANCE MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE CREDIT OPINION 21 March 2018 Rate this Research Contacts m Adebola Kushrmo +1 214 979 5847 a:1Pbola 4 nshnn Denise Rappmund +1 214 979 5855 VP Bene, 4 ;7,,rr 111 CLIENT SERVICES Americas 1-212-553-1553 Asia Pacific 852-3551-3077 Japan 81-3-5408-4100 Ilt EMEA 44-20 7772 5454 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 Wylie (City of) TX Update to credit analysis Summary The City of Wvlie's, TX (Aa2) credit profile is anchored by a moderately sized but rapidly growing tax base and its favorable location in the expansive Dallas Fort Worth metropolitan area, providing access to major employment centers.•The city's financial profile is strong, marked by a history of consistently positive operating practices that have yielded healthy reserves. Income levels in the city are favorable. Although pension obligations are manageable, debt levels remain elevated relative to peers, even when considering a moderate amount of support from the city's utility system. Credit strengths » Sizeable, growing tax base favorably located in the DFW metro area » Favorable income levels » Positive history of financial performance; high levels of reserves Sizeable legal flexibility to raise revenues with property tax rate well below the state mandated cap » Stable financial operations and healthy reserves Credit challenges » Elevated debt levels relative to peers Rating outlook Moody's does not generally assign outlooks to local government credits with this amount of debt outstanding. Factors that could lead to an upgrade » Significant tax base expansion » Moderation of debt burden Factors that could lead to a downgrade » Tax base contraction » Structural imbalances leading to material reduction in reserve levels » Material increases in debt to a level inconsistent with peers MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE U.S. PUBLIC FINANCE Key indicators Exhibit 1 Wylie (qty of) TX Economy/Tax Ease 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Rill Value ($000) $2,270,466 $2,416,826 $2,618,781 $2,921,054 $3,331,319 Fbpulation 43,531 44,461 47,274 47,776 Full Value Per Capita $53,569 $55,520 $58,901 $61,790 $69,728 Median Family Income (% of US Median) 130.8% 133.4% 131.1% 131.1% 131.1% Finances Operating Fevenue ($000) $35,248 $36,574 $40,340 $46,024 $47,212 Fund Balance ($000) $12,731 $12,071 $14,697 $17,945 $20,722 Cash dance ($000) $13,241 $12,965 $15,029 $18,236 $20,860 Fund I3alanceasa%of Ftrvenues 36.1% 33.0% 36.4% 39.0% 43.9% Cash Balance as a % of Ft°venues 37.6% 35.4% 37.3% 39.6% 44.2% Debt/Fbnsions Net Direct Debt ($000) $100,001 $95,481 $88,493 $80,315 $76,148 3 -Year Average of Moody's ANFL ($000) $22,382 $24,884 $31,779 $36,892 $44,952 Net Direct Debt / Operating Fivenues (x) 2.8x 2.6x 2.2x 1.7x 1.6x Net Direct Debt / Ful Value (%) 4.4% 4.0% 3.4% 2.7% 2.3% Moody's- adjusted Net Pension Liability (3 -yr average) to Ftvenues (x) 0.6x 0.75( 0.8x 0.8x 1.0x Moody's- adjusted Net Benson Uability (3 -yr average) to Rill Value (%) 1.0% 1.0% 1.2% 1.3% 1.3% Cash and fund balances reflect general and debt service funds Source: City of Wylie, TX Comprehensive Annual Financial Statements 2013 - 2017; Moody's Investors Service Profile The City of Wylie is a bedroom community located 24 miles northeast of the City of Dallas (Al stable) in Collin County (Aaa stable). The current estimated city population is 50,460. Detailed credit considerations Economy and tax base: rapidly growing tax base in DFW metropolitan area Wylie's economy continues to experience strong demand in both residential and commercial construction, which will continue to drive assessed valuation growth. Located 24 miles northeast of Dallas (Al stable), predominantly in Collin County (Aaa stable), the city has developed into a bedroom community with access to major employment centers in the cities of Plano (Aaa stable), Richardson (Aaa stable) and Dallas. Strong demand for property in the area has resulted in double digit assessed valuation growth within the past three years, yielding a $3.8 billion tax base in fiscal 2018; the five year average annual growth rate is 10.8%. Demand continues to remain high in the area with city officials reporting several commercial and retail developments, that will serve the growing residential population. City officials, along with input from the appraisal district, project an increase of 8%, 6%, and 5% for assessed values in the fiscal years 2019 and 2021, and then a 4% annual increase thereafter. Income levels in the area are favorable with a median family income equal to 131.1% of the nation, per the 2015 American Community Survey. The US Census Bureau reported an impressive 173.8% increase in population to 41,427 in 2010, over the prior 10 years. Current estimates since then reflect a 21.8% increase to 50,460 residents. The city's December 2017 unemployment rate was a low 2.8%, compared to the state's 3.7%, and the nation's 3.9%. 1 hr, pubhcatw, , res not adno,; a nc dit ra MOC),l1: Cure for t,1r most npd,e, 1 r ladta g lc Hon lot any crrd,t rating, whoonced m this puhlicaton, p:eass sec inn ravings t,+b or, the'ssuefentity page en at t? ail On infc',t rnatron and rating ht,to, y - 21 March 2018 Wytre (Crty of) TX Update to credit anatvsrs MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE U.S. PUBLIC FINANCE Financial operation and reserves: consistent and favorable financial practices yield high reserve levels The city's financial profile will remain stable over the near term based on current revenue and expenditure estimates, limited projected use of reserves, and financial practices supported by codified policies. The city's operating history has demonstrated an adherence to annual operating surpluses, despite budgeting for draws in some of the years, reflecting the strength of its conservative budgeting. These practices have resulted in fund balances exceeding 40% of revenues, well in excess of the 25% minimum, within each of the past six years. In fiscal 2017 which ended on September 30, 2017, contrary to an original expectation of a S1 million draw, the general fund reported a $1.5 million surplus, boosting the total balance to $19.8 million (an ample 49.7% of general fund revenues). Including the debt service fund, total operating funds reached $20.9 million (44.3% of operating revenues). The 2018 adopted budget reflected a $3.4 million draw with $2.8 million allocated to the renovation and expansion of the public safety building, and $573 thousand for fleet and equipment replacement. Year to date, city officials report expenditures are on track with original expectations, although sales tax revenues, the city's second largest revenue source at over 13%, are coming in softer than anticipated. Current figures suggest sales tax collections are 3% under the prior year. Nevertheless, city officials are confident the trend will reverse before the end of the fiscal year, based on retail and economic activity in the area. However, city officials still anticipate a draw consistent with the budget at fiscal year end. In spite of the projected draw, the city's reserve levels should remain favorable, and continue to serve as a strength for the credit profile. Preliminary expectations for fiscal 2019 reflect minimal staffing needs, which will likely result in balanced operations for the year. The city maintains ample flexibility to raise its property tax rates, its largest revenue source at over 50% of revenues. In fiscal 2018, the city levied a total property tax of S7.81 per $1,000 of assessed values with $5.80 allocated to the general fund, and $2.01 allocated to debt service. Per state law, the city can levy a total maximum of $25. However, city officials expect no tax rate increases, and actually project a decrease in tax rates over time, consistent with annual decreases in the past six years. LIQUIDITY The city's liquidity position is favorable, and in line with annual performance. In fiscal 2017, total cash and investments in the operating funds was $20.9 million (44.2% of operating revenues). Debt and pensions: elevated debt, affordable pensions The city's debt profile should reduce over time given limited debt issuance plans over the near term, and anticipated tax base growth. Post -sale, the city will have $82.1 million in direct debt which is net of $12.1 million supported by the city's waterworks and sewer system utility, representing a somewhat elevated 2.2% of full value. The city does not have any authorized unissued debt, and does not expect to issue any debt within the next 12 months. However, the city does maintain a 10 year capital plan and updates the plan periodically to address various needs. Principal amortization is rapid with 81% retired in 10 years. DEBT STRUCTURE All of the city's debt is fixed rate. The debt service schedule is relatively flat through fiscal 2025, before descending until final maturity in 2038. DEBT -RELATED DERIVATIVES The city does not have any debt -related derivatives. PENSIONS AND OPEB The city contributes to the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS), a multiple -employer agent pension plan. Moody's adjusted net pension liability (ANPL) for the city, under our methodology for adjusting reported pension data, is $48.6 million. The three year average of the city's ANPL was approximately 1.0 times fiscal 2017 operating revenues and 1.1% of full value. Moody's ANPL reflects certain adjustments we make to improve comparability of reported pension liabilities. The adjustments are not intended to replace the city's reported contribution information, or the reported liability information of the state-wide cost-sharing plans, but to improve comparability with other rated entities. For the year ended September 30, 2017, the city recognized total pension expense of 52.9 million, which equalled the actuarial determined contribution rate. The city's fiscal 2017 contribution rate was above the Moody's calculated "tread water" level. The "tread 21 March 2018 Wyhc ((,ty of( TY I)pdatr tr ,edit analysis MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE U.S. PUBLIC FINANCE water" indicator measures the annual government contribution required to prevent the reported net pension liability from growing, under reported assumptions. Contributions above this level cover all net pension liability interest plus pay down some principal; this is stronger from a credit perspective compared to contributions below this level. Ratios comparing government contributions to the "tread water" level and "tread water" costs to government revenues shed light on budgetary fixed cost burdens. The city does not offer any other post employment benefits (OPEB). The city's fixed cost burden (debt service and pension contribution), is relatively high, but manageable, at 23.7% of operating revenues. Management and Governance: high institutional framework score Texas Cities have an Institutional Framework score of Aa, which is high compared to the nation. Institutional Framework scores measure a sector's legal ability to increase revenues and decrease expenditures. Property taxes, one of the sector's major revenue sources are subject to a cap, which cannot be overriden. However, the cap of $25 per $1,000 of assessed values with no more than $15 allocated for debt,still allows for significant revenue -raising ability. Unpredictable revenue fluctuations tend to be minor, or under 5% annually. Across the sector, fixed and mandated costs are generally greater than 25% of expenditures. Texas is a Right to Work state, providing significant expenditure -cutting ability. Unpredictable expenditure fluctuations tend to be minor, under 5% annually. The city operates under the Council/Manager form of government with a City Council comprised of the Mayor and six Council members. The City Manager is the chief administrative officer for the city. The city demonstrates good governance by multiyear capital and financial planning, and financial policies that mandate minimum balances for the several funds. 4 11 Marr h 701$ Wylie (C t nil TX Update to rrcdrt 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 L 1 1 1 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE U.S. PUBLIC FINANCE CZ, 2018 Mo:dy's ,orporat,on, Moody's Investo=rs Service Eric , `soody"s 4nai ttu=, in; and/or the,- i,:_>0 (00 and atfl1at8s (> 0) ectively, "MI)ODY'S) Al! rights rese> 144 CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED B`, MCr_10Y'S INVESTORS SERVICE, INC. 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'MARK All information tontamed hr"<rn's 0' :aui;'t by Mr .c )CA , 'root sources be re,ec ty 1 >0 he art „r L'P an; a ,'e Recatl,re of the p0,514iirty of human or mechanical error as wen as other factaws, ho'4'evP:, ail info,,, - 4110)) t orttvuteti 410''11 r pi -'„riled "AS IS without warranty Of any kind 0001,'> S adopts .:'l net essarp measures so that the informal an it uses rel 8',,I4111>14 d r ted(( Fit r,k t, , l 5ul> s rout quolity oral from soaves M4)• ',' y S , w'vder s ht he reb3(41' nu hiding whe.11 a_,prupl rte) l>'p>v,dent third -party sources 0, 41', er, MOODY'S r,',ut al'. ,tw.1 1,, and ..all,;ot in wiry ire tan, t vat,1110 11tl et ere ,,r' ,e,>-ived'» 1 8 )01,4 p l>>". i 'ri preparing the 0,> d j's pr,b!r'.atrons To the extent per rn' 1(er 1b, I do MOO: V",dndits ,i re' tors" 0)1>54r5, e'r>ploy-.-'es ogent,. 1,'pra,',fl at Pi ',ors 11>3",ppi'rr.di>nai'r liability t'1 any person or enf'ty fa, any indirect, special, i v"nseyu"nti31, 0, .nrrdentai losses or ,lam,1295 801 (150414 1''- 1) f1Um or In .pone, t ,y, .v't 1, tee rntnr'.at'on tnnlnute8 herein or the 9s4 of or inability to use aft') such n!furma'Io", even 11 Mr ->t )UY'S ur any <,f !Is direi.'on 'Ol els, employees. 341'';c reprr5er,,r>1've, (41•"54'5 ur s.ryul er5 15 ddr'ued i1, dd1dn,e '.1)11 possibility of su,h lEsse5,.) damages, Including but not tee t',' lu '9' any Loss r,! e'r' v. p'uspecfr,e 1) > ', o; (b) any ,s. ,r _ ; 1> 158 .nr.tng where ,1,,' 1-11evars! 11,1,, 8, ir'slr,;n'e' 1 ,5 nut tl', ,ub!eo of d particular c red. i rating as,,grred t'y M: .. `Y" , To the extent permitted by raw 00 T 'Y'S and .h.' -tae, to, „ nf4' errs, Pu pf0Vee . agents 14(1)4»•"831 •,45 ''4e „rs and >1 94. e,. 11,111, r liability COI „•,, 4,rect of compensatory losses or damages Lapsed to any per, '.'.)' c>11(19 r' -14d rig but ,a.' limited 10 bya , 144ligeu `• (bin-, _Iwi'n4 h,1,I9, ,s' If.,, en',, cndt,(.t e' any other type ,f liabil 14 tiro), to, the avordal, eofduu'_" , 1dsv41,,rr -loee!ail" ed)nt1q'partof urarytrnnmgen,y 'orlon ',,Ligon.ithr.,"'111,i-'.>1'•4t".;_;4',:.,tXIV of!ts,3r,ec(>15 off'ce'S,employees agents, repre,entat,ves, lit ",..urS Ur 55,pile"> di-elr'g fruril 1-(,815,111, 1`'E' ,r,!>'" 11E')n UJnta,fle•v Bette, ,' the 51E, of (A '1'aol':,ty ro use 015, 5814(1' 1yt(Hrtidll08 Nr: WARRANTY E>,PRCC"4-.?11141111. 45 IC' 11-11 'IMF-E-IPI'_S',;'4>',-.lEFIESS"1(Rio HAN'4BIIIFYOR>I1NLS ''IRA"JYP4RTIEDEAR. 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Rationale S&P Global Ratings has assigned its 'AA' long-term rating to the city of Wylie, Texas' series 2018 combination tax and limited -surplus revenue certificates of obligation. At the same time, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'AA' long-term rating and underlying rating on the city's general obligation (GO) debt outstanding. The outlook is stable. An ad valorem tax pledge and limited surplus revenue of the city's waterworks and sewer system net revenues, not to exceed $1,000, secures the certificates. Despite the additional revenue pledge, we rate the debt based on the city's GO pledge, which we view as the stronger pledge. Texas state law limits cities to a total property tax rate of $2.50 per $100 of assessed value (AV) --$1.50 of which can be allocated for debt service. Wylie's levy is well below the maximum at 78.1 cents, of which 20 cents is dedicated to debt service. Based on the application of our criteria, titled "Issue Credit Ratings Linked To U.S. Public Finance Obligors' Creditworthiness" (published Jan. 22, 2018, on RatingsDirect), we do not differentiate between the city's limited -tax GO debt and its general creditworthiness. Certificate proceeds will finance improvements to the city's public safety building. The 'AA' rating reflects our opinion of the city's: • Adequate economy, with access to a broad and diverse metropolitan statistical area (MSA); • Strong management, with "good" financial policies and practices under our Financial Management Assessment methodology; • Strong budgetary performance, with operating surpluses in the general fund and at the total governmental fund level in fiscal 2017; WWW STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT MARCH 23, 2018 2 Summary: Wylie, Texas; General Obligation • Very strong budgetary flexibility, with an available fund balance in fiscal 2017 of 48% of operating expenditures; • Very strong liquidity, with total government available cash at 93.3% of total governmental fund expenditures and 5.9x governmental debt service, and access to external liquidity we consider strong; • Adequate debt and contingent liability position, with debt service carrying charges at 15.8% of expenditures and net direct debt that is 179.5% of total governmental fund revenue, as well as low overall net debt at less than 3% of market value and rapid amortization, with 78% of debt scheduled to be retired in 10 years; and IL • Strong institutional framework score. 111 Adequate economy We consider Wylie's economy adequate. The city, with an estimated population of 48,478, is located in Collin, Dallas, and Rockwall counties in the Dallas -Fort Worth -Arlington MSA, which we consider to be broad and diverse. The city has a projected per capita effective buying income of 109.9% of the national level and per capita market value of $78,129. Overall, the city's market value grew by 13.7% over the past year to $3.8 billion in 2018. The weight -averaged gunemployment rate of the counties was 3.5% in 2016. Spanning an area of roughly 37 square miles, the city of Wylie is located 25 miles northeast of downtown Dallas along C State Highway 78, and 10 miles east of Plano. The local economy, which has benefitted from the robust growth of the Dallas -Fort Worth metroplex in recent years, is largely based in retail and manufacturing, with more than 40 �i manufacturing plants operating within the city limits. Primary employers in fiscal 2017 were represented by Wylie Independent School District (with 2,122 employees), the North Texas Municipal Water District (756), Sanden IL International Inc. (483), and the city itself (408). We consider the local tax base very diverse, as the top 10 taxpayers constituted only 6.5% of taxable AV in fiscal 2017. Taxable AV itself has demonstrated steady year -over -year growth since fiscal 2015, and management expects this trend to continue in line with ongoing development. Both residential and commercial development have contributed to healthy AV growth in recent years. Following a IC year of robust commercial development in fiscal 2017, in which two new hotels and several new restaurants were constructed, city officials anticipate that both residential and commercial development will remain strong, owing to nearly 600 residential building permits issued in calendar year 2017, as well as two large retailers with stores in various 11 stages of construction. Strong management We view the city's management as strong, with "good" financial policies and practices under our Financial Management Assessment methodology, indicating financial practices exist in most areas, but that governance officials might not formalize or monitor all of them on a regular basis. Supporting our opinion of the town's strong management profile are its: • Conservative budgetary practices that take into account three years of historical and projected trends, with outside sources consulted to help generate revenue and expenditure assumptions; • Regular monitoring of financial and investment performance, with formal budget -to -actual and investment reports presented to the board monthly; • Detailed five-year capital improvement plan that is updated annually and identifies potential funding sources; and L WWW STANDARDANDPOORS COM/RATINGSDIRECT MARCH 23, 2018 3 1 Summary: Wylie, Texas; General Obligation • Reserve policy target requiring unassigned general fund balance to be maintained at a minimum of 25% of general fund expenditures. Wylie implemented a formal long-term financial plan in the past fiscal year, with comprehensive multi-year projections forecasting 10 years into the future. It additionally added general qualitative debt management guidelines to its internal policies. Strong budgetary performance Wylie's budgetary performance is strong in our opinion. The city had operating surpluses of 3.7% of expenditures in the general fund and of 12.7% across all governmental funds in fiscal 2017. General fund operating results of the city have been stable over the last three years, with a result of 2.7% in 2016 and a result of 4.5% in 2015. In assessing the city's budgetary performance, we adjusted for recurring transfers into the general fund, and for expenditures toward one-time capital projects with the use of debt proceeds. Wylie has produced strong budgetary performance results in recent years, partially due to conservative budgeting practices whereby deficit budgets are adopted and year-end results often exceed expectations. After originally planning for a general fund drawdown of roughly $500,000 in fiscal 2017, the city realized a $1.3 million surplus after transfers, with both operating revenues and expenditures outperforming budget by a collective $3 million. Driving this positive variance was an increase in license, permit, and service fees revenue, while expenditures savings were achieved by unfilled payroll vacancies and careful spending by all departments. Property taxes comprised 60% of general fund revenues throughout the year, with sales taxes (14%), and service fees (10%) representing the next largest sources. These revenue streams have remained stable for the city in recent memory, experiencing measured growth in each of the past three fiscal years. For fiscal 2018, the city budgeted for a $3.4 million drawdown in general fund balance, corresponding with the transfer of assigned fund balance for the renovation of its public safety building as well as fleet and equipment purchases. Net of the large renovation -related transfer, which we consider one-time in nature, the fiscal 2018 budget prescribed a $628,600 drawdown. However, management reports that revenues are trending ahead of budgeted expectations thus far, and anticipates once more outperforming budget. Therefore, we anticipate that budgetary performance will remain strong in the near term. Very strong budgetary flexibility Wylie's budgetary flexibility is very strong, in our view, with an available fund balance in fiscal 2017 of 48% of operating expenditures, or $18 million. We expect the available fund balance to remain above 30% of expenditures for the current and next fiscal years, which we view as a positive credit factor. Over the past three years, the total available fund balance has remained at a consistent level overall, totaling 48% of expenditures in 2016 and 46% in 2015. The city has historically maintained very strong reserve levels, exceeding 46% operating expenditures in each of the past three fiscal years, and providing substantial flexibility over its formal 25% reserve policy. Following its surplus result in fiscal 2017, the city set aside roughly $2.8 million in assigned fund balance for the renovation of its public safety building. While management plans to expend this sum in fiscals 2018 and 2019 along with approximately $500,000 for fleet and equipment purchases, there are no plans to materially spend down reserves at this time. In light of this, and the city's ability to budget conservatively and produce surpluses, we expect budgetary flexibility to remain WWW STANDARDANDPOORS COM/RATINGSDIRECT MARCH 23, 2018 4 Summary: Wylie, Texas; General Obligation very strong in the near future. Very strong liquidity In our opinion, Wylie's liquidity is very strong, with total government available cash at 93.3% of total governmental fund expenditures and 5.9x governmental debt service in 2017. In our view, the city has strong access to external liquidity if necessary Wylie's strong access to external liquidity is demonstrated by its access to the market over the past two decades, which includes numerous GO -backed bond issuances. It has historically maintained what we consider very strong cash balances, and given our expectation for budgetary performance in fiscal 2018, we do not believe its cash position will materially weaken in the near term. All of the city's investments comply with both Texas statutes and its own formal policy, and were held entirely in local government investment pools at the end of fiscal 2017, which we do not view as aggressive. Additionally, we have not identified contingent liabilities that could pose a material risk to liquidity. Therefore, we do not expect the city's liquidity position to deteriorate from its very strong position in the near term. Adequate debt and contingent liability profile In our view, Wylie's debt and contingent liability profile is adequate. Total governmental fund debt service is 15.8% of total governmental fund expenditures, and net direct debt is 179.5% of total governmental fund revenue. Overall net debt is low at 2.9% of market value, and approximately 78% of the direct debt is scheduled to be repaid within 10 years, which are in our view positive credit factors. Following the issuance of the series 2018 certificates, the city reports no plans to issue additional debt in the medium term. Wylie's pension contributions totaled 5.9% of total governmental fund expenditures in 2017. The city made its full annual required pension contribution in 2017. The city participates in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS), a nontraditional, joint -contributory, hybrid -defined benefit plan administered by the state. Wylie's required pension contribution is its actuarially determined contribution, which is calculated at the state level. Using updated reporting standards in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 68, the city's net pension liability (as of Dec. 31, 2016) was $14.6 million. The TMRS plan maintained a funded level of 76.5%, calculated as the plan's fiduciary net position as a percent of the total pension liability. (For additional details on GASB 67 and 68, see our report "Incorporating GASB 67 And 68: Evaluating Pension/OPEB Obligations Under Standard & Poor's U.S. Local Government GO Criteria," published Sept. 2, 2015, on RatingsDirect.) While we do not anticipate short-term, fixed -cost pressure resulting from the city's TMRS obligations, the amortization period is long in our view (29 years as of Dec 31, 2016), and the level percentage of payroll amortization method (assuming 3.5% annual payroll growth) creates negative amortization where the net pension liability is expected to grow each year until contributions grow large enough in the future. Therefore, we acknowledge the potential for the city's pension -related costs to increase in the longer-term. The city does not provide other postemployment benefits. Strong institutional framework The institutional framework score for Texas municipalities is strong. WWW STANDARDANDPOORS COM/RATINGSDIRECT MARCH 23, 2018 5 Summary: Wylie, Texas; General Obligation Outlook The stable outlook reflects our expectation that the local economy will continue to experience slow measured growth owing to its location in the broad and diverse Dallas -Fort Worth metroplex, and that Wylie's financial position will remain stable in the near term while budgetary flexibility and liquidity remain very strong. Therefore, we do not expect to change the rating during the two-year outlook horizon. Upside scenario All else held equal, we could raise the rating if the city were to experience economic expansion and diversification, leading to improvements in wealth and income indicators similar to those of higher -rated peers. Continuing moderation of the city's debt profile could also lead us to raise the rating. Downside scenario We could lower the rating if the city's financial performance deteriorates --potentially stemming from fixed cost pressure resulting from growing pension -related liabilities --leading to sustained and significant draw downs in reserves. Related Research • S&P Public Finance Local GO Criteria: How We Adjust Data For Analytic Consistency, Sept. 12, 2013 • Incorporating GASB 67 And 68: Evaluating Pension/OPEB Obligations Under Standard & Poor's U.S. Local Government GO Criteria, Sept. 2, 2015 • Local Government Pension And Other Postemployment Benefits Analysis: A Closer Look, Nov.8, 2017 Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors, have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such criteria. Please see Ratings Criteria at www.standardandpoors.com for further information. Complete ratings information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at www.capitaliq.com. All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on the S&P Global Ratings' public website at www.standardandpoors.com. Use the Ratings search box located in the left column. WWW STANDARDANDPOORS COM/RATINGSDIRECT MARCH 23, 2018 6 Copyright © 2018 by Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved. No content (including ratings, credit -related analyses and data, valuations, model, software or other application or output therefrom) or any part thereof (Content) may be modified, reverse engineered, reproduced or distributed in any form by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC or its affiliates (collectively, S&P). The Content shall not be used for any unlawful or unauthorized purposes. 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In no event shall S&P Parties be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs or losses caused by negligence) in connection with any use of the Content even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Credit -related and other analyses, including ratings, and statements in the Content are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact. S&P's opinions, analyses and rating acknowledgment decisions (described below) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security. S&P assumes no obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format. The Content should not be relied on and is not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such. While S&P has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P does not perform an audit and undertakes no duty of due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives. To the extent that regulatory authorities allow a rating agency to acknowledge in one jurisdiction a rating issued in another jurisdiction for certain regulatory purposes, S&P reserves the right to assign, withdraw or suspend such acknowledgment at any time and in its sole discretion. S&P Parties disclaim any duty whatsoever arising out of the assignment, withdrawal or suspension of an acknowledgment as well as any liability for any damage alleged to have been suffered on account thereof. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P may have information that is not available to other S&P business units. S&P has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process. S&P may receive compensation for its ratings and certain analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of securities or from obligors. S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites, www.standardandpoors com (free of charge), and www.ratingsdirect.com and www.globalcreditportal.com (subscription), and may be distributed through other means, including via S&P publications and third -party redistributors. Additional information about our ratings fees is available at www.standardandpoors.com/usratingsfees. STANDARD & POOR'S, S&P and RATINGSDIRECT are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC WWW STANDARDANDPOORS COM/RATINGSDIRECT MARCH 23, 2018 7 TABULATION OF BIDS RECEIVED AT SALE OF CITY OF WYLIE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS $8,500,000 COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 BIDS DUE TUESDAY APRIL 10, 2018, AT 11:00 AM, CDT TRUE INTEREST ACCOUNT MANAGER COST Morgan Stanley & Co, LLC 3.234358% Citigroup Global Markets Inc. 3.248917% Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. 3.255305% Bank of America Merrill Lynch 3.277252% Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. 3.292310% SAMCO Capital Markets 3.296613% BOK Financial Securities, Inc. 3.296969% George K. Baum & Co. 3.338940% Prepared by: HilltopSecurities fa? A Hilltop Holdings Company. 777 Main Street, Suite 1200 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (817) 332-9710 a Final $8,500,000 City of Wylie, Texas C Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 2018 a Debt Service Schedule IL Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I `+ 09/30/2018 - 09/30/2019 210,000.00 3.000% 366,234.54 576,234.54 a 09/30/2020 305,000.00 3.000% 280,106.26 585,106.26 09/30/2021 315,000.00 4.000% 269,231.26 584,231.26 09/30/2022 330,000.00 3.000% 257,981.26 587,981.26 C 09/30/2023 340,000.00 4.000% 246,231.26 586,231.26 09/30/2024 355,000.00 4.000% 232,331.26 587,331.26 II 09/30/2025 370,000.00 4.000% 217,831.26 587,831.26 09/30/2026 380,000.00 4.000% 202,831.26 582,831.26 L 09/30/2027 395,000.00 4.000% 187,331.26 582,331.26 09/30/2028 410,000.00 4.000% 171,231.26 581,231.26 16 09/30/2029 430,000.00 3.000% 156,581.26 586,581.26 09/30/2030 445,000.00 3.000% 143,456.26 588,456.26 09/30/2031 460,000.00 3.000% 129,881.26 589,881.26 IL 09/30/2032 480,000.00 3.125% 115,481.26 595,481.26 09/30/2033 495,000.00 3.125% 100,246.88 595,246.88 IC 09/30/2034 515,000.00 3.250% 84,143.75 599,143.75 09/30/2035 535,000.00 3.250% 67,081.25 602,081.25 IL 09/30/2036 555,000.00 3.375% 49,021.88 604,021.88 09/30/2037 575,000.00 3.375% 29,953.13 604,953.13 II 09/30/2038 600,000.00 3.375% 10,125.00 610,125.00 Total $8,500,000.00 $3,317,312.81 $11,817,312.81 L True Interest Cost (TIC) 3.2343578% Hilltop Securities Inc. Public Finance ri w w w w w w w w w w w w[ w A w w w w w w w NIP w w w ISSUE'S INTEREST AVERAGE HISTORICAL SALE INFORMATION SALE DATE RATE LIFE $8,500,000 City of Wylie, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue 4-10-18 3.2343578% 11.610 Years Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 $7,175,000 City of Wylie, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue 5-9-17 3.059652% 12.352 Years Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017 $34,250,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 4-5-16 2.0629025% 7.517 Years Series 2016 $21,240,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 4-9-15 2.403382% 7.615 Years Series 2015 $7,400,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 4-4-13 1.8714084% 7.434 Years Series 2013 $7,005,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 7-24-12 2.7229811 % 14.721 Years Series 2012 $1,565,000 City of Wylie, Texas Public Property Finance Contractual 7-24-12 2.6250388% 11.001 Years Obligations, Series 2012 $10,160,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 7-27-10 3.4268306% 10.921 Years Series 2010 $525,000 City of Wylie, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue 7-27-10 3.6564496% 11.545 Years Certificates of Obligation, Series 2010 $38,625,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008 7-22-08 4.859398% 11.568 Years $15,000,000 City of Wylie, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue 7-22-08 4.855131% 11.566 Years Certificates of Obligation, Series 2008 $4,815,000 City of Wylie, Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 3-27-07 4.0050283% 7.568 Years Series 2007 $7,680,000 City of Wylie, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue 3-27-07 4.3354865% 11.947 Years Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007 1 1 ▪ C_ _ U a y L rV 1 �w E o • y lg o g ✓ V o 10 ▪ a� LVi • c i o o 0 1 E w c E o 0 O 2 2 c ▪ h 'V O o y E a, E 1 �N 2 o • •c y G V N N y A y 2s • F- 2 'a" a E " O I to is :639 t 7,1 o - c O .0 w a p •� o �= U V' y• t U O 1 ? ° oc c • ° • 3 t U 7 -0 � R E o 3 V •� U d) ▪ C Cy N 6 O € o c c o c A ▪ € .V 2 N a c`0w cO c • E. 0 V .p rift IFS -c 3 O d ill N ,O C y .V € y v `n a 8:.5 y V = L � � t— 0 .9 1 1 dig HTSContinuingDisclosure5ervices4* A airman d N//ep%wars (See "CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION" herein) NEW ISSUE - Book -Entry -Only PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT Dated March 29, 2018 Ratings: Moody's: "Aa2" S&P: "AA" (See "OTHER INFORMATION - Ratings" herein) In the opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on the Certificates will be excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes under existing law, subject to the matters described under "TAX MATTERS" herein, including the alternative minimum tax on corporations. THE CERTIFICATES WILL NOT BE DESIGNATED AS "QUALIFIED TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS" FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. CITY OF WYLIE $8,500,000* CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS (Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties) COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 Dated Date: April 1, 2018 Interest to accrue from Delivery Date Due: February 15, as shown below PAYMENT TERMS ... Interest on the $8,500,000* City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 (the "Certificates") will accrue from the Delivery Date (as defined below), will be payable February 15 and August 15 of each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption and will be calculated on the basis of a 360 -day year consisting of twelve 30 -day months. The definitive Certificates will be initially registered and delivered only to Cede & Co., the nominee of The Depository Trust Company ("DTC") pursuant to the Book -Entry -Only System described herein. Beneficial ownership of the Certificates may be acquired in denominations of$5,000 or any integral multiple thereof within a maturity. No physical delivery of the Certificates will be made to the beneficial owners thereof. Principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates will be payable by the Paying Agent/Registrar to Cede & Co., which will make distribution of the amounts so paid to the participating members of DTC for subsequent payment to the beneficial owners of the Certificates. See "THE CERTIFICATES - Book -Entry -Only System" herein. The initial Paying Agent/Registrar is The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Dallas, Texas (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Paying Agent/Registrar"). AUTHORITY FOR ISSUANCE ... The Certificates are issued pursuant to the Constitution and general laws of the State of Texas (the "State"), particularly Subchapter C of Chapter 271, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and constitute direct obligations of the City of Wylie, Texas (the "City"), payable from a combination of (i) the levy and collection of a direct and continuing ad valorem tax, within the limits prescribed by law, on all taxable property within the City, and (ii) a limited pledge of $1,000 of the Net Revenues of the City's Waterworks and Sewer System (the "System") as provided in the ordinance authorizing the Certificates (the "Ordinance") (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Authority for Issuance" and "Security and Source of Payment"). PURPOSE ... Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Certificates. MATURITY SCHEDULE* CUSIP Prefix 0): 983064 Feb. 15 Interest Initial CUSIP Feb. 15 Interest Initial CUSIP Amount Maturity Rate Yield Suffix (I) Amount Maturity Rate Yield Suffix (I) $ 210,000 2019 $ 430,000 2029 305,000 2020 445,000 2030 315,000 2021 460,000 2031 330,000 2022 480,000 2032 340,000 2023 495,000 2033 355,000 2024 515,000 2034 370,000 2025 535,000 2035 380,000 2026 555,000 2036 395,000 2027 575,000 2037 410,000 2028 600,000 2038 (1) CUSIP is a registered trademark of the American Bankers Association. CUSIP data herein is provided by CUSIP Global Services ("CGS"), managed by S&P Global Market Intelligence on behalf of the American Bankers Association. This data is not intended to create a database and does not serve in any way as a substitute for the CUSIP services. None of the City, the Financial Advisor or the Initial Purchaser shall be responsible for the selection or correctness of the CUSIP numbers set forth herein.. OPTIONAL REDEMPTION ... The City reserves the right, at its option, to redeem Certificates having stated maturities on and after February 15, 2028, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, on February 15, 2027, or any date thereafter, at the par value thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Optional Redemption"). LEGALITY ... The Certificates are offered for delivery when, as and if issued and received by the Initial Purchaser of the Certificates and subject to the approving opinion of the Attomey General of Texas and the opinion of Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Dallas, Texas, Bond Counsel, (see "APPENDIX C - Fomt of Bond Counsel's Opinion"). DELIVERY ... It is expected that the Certificates will be available for delivery through DTC on May 8, 2018 (the "Delivery Date"). BIDS DUE TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018, AT 11:00 AM, CDT * Preliminary, subject to change. For purposes of compliance with Rule 15c2-12 of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Rule'), this document constitutes an Official Statement of the City with respect to the Certificates that has been "deemed final" by the City as of its date except for the omission of no more than the information permitted by the Rule. This Official Statement, which includes the cover page and the Appendices hereto, does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer, solicitation, or sale. No dealer, broker, salesperson, or other person has been authorized to give information or to make any representation other than those contained in this Official Statement, and, if given or made, such other information or representations must not be relied upon. The information set forth herein has been obtained from the City and other sources believed to be reliable, but such information is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness and is not to be construed as the representation, promise, or guarantee of the Financial Advisor. Any information and expressions of opinion herein contained are subject to change without notice, and neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the City or other matters described herein since the date hereof. See "CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMA TION"for a description of the City's undertaking to provide certain information on a continuing basis. Neither the City nor its Financial Advisor make any representation as to the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information supplied by The Depository Trust Company for use in this Official Statement. This Official Statement contains "Forward -Looking" statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements may involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, and achievements to be different from future results, performance, and achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. Investors are cautioned that the actual results could differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The Certificates are exempt from registration with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and consequently have not been registered therewith. The registration, qualification, or exemption of the Certificates in accordance with applicable securities law provisions of the jurisdiction in which the Certificates have been registered, qualified or exempted should not be regarded as a recommendation thereof. TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICIAL STATEMENT SUMMARY 3 CITY OFFICIALS, STAFF, AND CONSULTANTS5 ELECTED OFFICIALS 5 SELECTED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 5 CONSULTANTS AND ADVISORS 5 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS 7 INTRODUCTION 7 THE CERTIFICATES 7 TAX INFORMATION 12 TABLE 1 - VALUATION, EXEMPTIONS AND GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT 16 TABLE 2 - TAXABLE ASSESSED VALUATIONS BY CATEGORY 17 TABLE 3 - VALUATION AND TAX SUPPORTED DEBT HISTORY 18 TABLE 4 - TAX RATE, LEVY, AND COLLECTION HISTORY 18 TABLE 5 - TEN LARGEST TAXPAYERS 18 TABLE 6 - TAX ADEQUACY 19 TABLE 7 - ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING DEBT 19 TABLE 8 - GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 23 DEBT INFORMATION 23 TABLE 9 - INTEREST AND SINKING FUND BUDGET PROJECTION 21 TABLE 10 - COMPUTATION OF SELF-SUPPORTING DEBT 21 TABLE 11 - AUTHORIZED BUT UNISSUED GENERAL OBLIGATION CERTIFICATES 21 TABLE 12 - OTHER OBLIGATIONS 21 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 24 TABLE 13 — CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 24 2 TABLE 13A - GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES HISTORY 25 TABLE 14 - MUNICIPAL SALES TAX HISTORY 26 TABLE 15 - CURRENT INVESTMENTS 29 TAX MATTERS 30 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 31 OTHER INFORMATION 33 RATINGS 33 LITIGATION 33 REGISTRATION AND QUALIFICATION OF CERTIFICATES FOR SALE 33 LEGAL INVESTMENTS AND ELIGIBILITY TO SECURE PUBLIC FUNDS IN TEXAS 33 LEGAL OPINIONS AND NO -LITIGATION CERTIFICATE 33 AUTHENTICITY OF FINANCIAL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION 34 FINANCIAL ADVISOR 34 INITIAL PURCHASER OF THE CERTIFICATES 34 CERTIFICATION OF THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT 34 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS DISCLAIMER 35 MISCELLANEOUS 35 APPENDICES GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE CITY A EXCERPTS FROM CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT B FORM OF BOND COUNSEL'S OPINION C The cover page hereof, this page, the schedule, the appendices included herein and any addenda, supplement, or amendment hereto, are part of the Official Statement. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OFFICIAL STATEMENT SUMMARY This summary is subject in all respects to the more complete information and definitions contained or incorporated in this Official Statement. The offering of the Certificates to potential investors is made only by means of this entire Official Statement. No person is authorized to detach this summary from this Official Statement or to otherwise use it without the entire Official Statement. THE CITY The City of Wylie (the "City") is a political subdivision and municipal corporation of the State, located primarily in Collin County, Texas with portions of the City extending into Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas. The City covers approximately 37 square miles (see "INTRODUCTION - Description of the City"). THE CERTIFICATES The $8,500,000* Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 (the "Certificates") are scheduled to mature on February 15 in the years 2019 through 2038 (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Description of the Certificates"). PAYMENT OF INTEREST Interest on the Certificates accrues from the Delivery Date and is payable February 15, 2019, and each August 15 and February 15 thereafter until maturity or prior redemption (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Description of The Certificates "and "THE CERTIFICATES - Redemption"). AUTHORITY FOR ISSUANCE The Certificates are issued pursuant to the Constitution and general laws of the State, particularly Subchapter C of Chapter 271, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and the Ordinance passed by the City Council of the City (the "Ordinance") See "THE OBLIGATIONS - Authority for Issuance". SECURITY FOR THE CERTIFICATES The Certificates constitute direct obligations of the City, payable from a combination of (i) an annual ad valorem tax levied, within the limits prescribed by law, on all taxable property within the City, and (ii) a limited pledge of $1,000 of the Net Revenues of the City's Waterworks and Sewer System as provided in the Ordinance (see "THE OBLIGATIONS - Security and Source of Payment"). REDEMPTION The City reserves the right, at its option, to redeem Certificates having stated maturities on and after February 15, 2028, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, on February 15, 2027, or any date thereafter, at the par value thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Optional Redemption"). TAX EXEMPTION In the opinion of Bond Counsel, the interest on the Certificates will be excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes under existing law subject to the matters described under "TAX MA T'I'ERS" herein, including the alternative minimum tax on corporations. USE OF PROCEEDS Proceeds from the sale of the Certificates will be used for construction, improvement, expansion and equipping the City's public safety building and to pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Certificates. RATINGS The Certificates and presently outstanding tax supported debt of the City are rated "Aa2" by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. ("Moody's") and "AA" S&P Global Ratings ("S&P"), a division of S&P Global Inc. ("S&P") (see "OTHER INFORMATION - Ratings"). BOOK -ENTRY -ONLY SYSTEM The definitive Certificates will be initially registered and delivered only to Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC pursuant to the Book -Entry -Only System described herein. Beneficial ownership of the Certificates may be acquired in denominations of $5,000 or integral multiples thereof within a maturity. No physical delivery of the Certificates will be made to the beneficial owners thereof. Principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates will be payable by the Paying Agent/Registrar to Cede & Co., which will make distribution of the amounts so paid to the participating members of DTC for subsequent payment to the beneficial owners of the Certificates (see "THE CERTIFICATES - Book -Entry -Only System"). PAYMENT RECORD The City has never defaulted on the payment of its bonded indebtedness. * Preliminary, subject to change. 3 Fiscal Year Estimated Ended City 9/30 Population (1) 2014 44,089 2015 45,970 2016 46,696 2017 47,776 2018 50,460 Taxable Assessed Valuation $ 2,416,825,532 2,618,781,455 2,921,053,864 3,331,318,958 3,787,554,052 SELECTED FINANCIAL INFORMATION Per Capita Taxable Assessed Valuation $ 54,817 56,967 62,555 69,728 75,061 Funded Tax Debt $ 103,015,000 95,260,000 86,000,000 87,375,000 89,910,000 (2) (1) Population estimates from the North Texas Council of Governments, as (2) Projected; includes the Certificates. Preliminary, subject to change. (3) Collections for part year only, through March 1, 2018. For additional information regarding the City, please contact: Mindy Manson City Manager City of Wylie 300 Country Club Road Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 516-6000 Linda Bantz Melissa Beard City of Wylie or 300 Country Club Road Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 516-6120 4 Per Capita Funded Tax Debt $ 2,337 2,072 1,842 1,829 1,782 Ratio Funded Tax Debt to Taxable % of Assessed Total Tax Valuation Collections 4.26% 99.61% 3.64% 100.00% 2.94% 100.00% 2.62% 99.73% 2.37% 91.14% modified by City staff. David K. Medanich Nick Bulaich Hilltop Securities, Inc. or 777 Main Street, Suite 1200 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (817) 332-9710 (3) 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 i 3 ELECTED OFFICIALS City Council Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tem, Place 1 Diane Culver Councilmember, Place 2 Jeff Forrester Councilmember, Place 3 Candy Arrington Councilmember, Place 4 Timothy T. Wallis, DVM Councilmember, Place 5 David Dahl Councilmember, Place 6 CITY OFFICIALS, STAFF, AND CONSULTANTS Length of Term Service Expires Occupation 9 Years (I) May 2020 Real Estate Agent 4 Years May 2019 Retired - Telecommunications 3 Years (2) May 2018 Client Processing Specialist II - Global Insurance 2 Years May 2019 Diretor of Quality Control - Food Service Industry 3 Years May 2018 Accountant - Wylie ISD Education Foundation 1 Year May 2020 Veterinarian 4 Years May 2020 Retired - Refrigeration (1) Mr. Hogue also served 7 years as a Council Member. (2) Ms. Culver previously served 3 years during a prior term as Council Member. SELECTED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Length of Total Service Governmental Name Position with City Service Mindy Manson City Manager 21 Years (1) 32 Years Linda Bantz Finance Director 9 Years (2) 30 Years Richard Abernathy City Attorney 22 Years 22 Years Stephanie Storm, TRMC City Secretary 11 Years (3) 11 Years (1) Appointed as City Manager in September, 2006. (2) Ms. Bantz is retiring effective March 31, 2018. Melissa Beard, currently the City's Assistant Finance Director, will assume the role of Finance Director on April 1, 2018. (3) Ms. Storm, TRMC assumed the role of City Secretary February 1, 2018. CONSULTANTS AND ADVISORS Auditors Weaver L.L.P. Dallas, Texas Bond Counsel Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP Dallas, Texas Financial Advisor Hilltop Securities Inc. Fort Worth, Texas 5 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 6 1 i IL PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT RELATING TO $8,500,000* CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2018 INTRODUCTION This Preliminary Official Statement, which includes the Appendices hereto, provides certain information regarding the issuance of $8,500,000* City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018 (the "Certificates"). Capitalized terms used in this Official Statement have the same meanings assigned to such terms in the Ordinance adopted by the City Council authorizing the issuance of the Certificates, except as otherwise indicated herein. There follows in this Official Statement descriptions of the Certificates and certain information regarding the City and its finances. All descriptions of documents contained herein are only summaries and are qualified in their entirety by reference to each such document. Copies of such documents may be obtained from the City's Financial Advisor, Hilltop Securities Inc. ("HilltopSecurities"), Fort Worth, Texas. All financial and other information presented in this Official Statement has been provided by the City from its records, except for information expressly attributed to other sources. The presentation of information, including tables of receipts from taxes and other sources, is intended to show recent historic information and is not intended to indicate future or continuing trends in the financial position or other affairs of the City. No representation is made that past experience, as is shown by that financial and Sother information, will necessarily continue or be repeated in the future (see "OTHER INFORMATION — Forward -Looking Statements Disclaimer"). 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY ... The City is a political subdivision and municipal corporation of the State of Texas (the "State"), duly organized and existing under the laws of the State, including the City's Home Rule Charter. The City first adopted its Home Rule Charter in 1985 and last amended it in 1998. The City operates under the Council/Manager form of government with a City Council comprised of the Mayor and six Councilmembers. The City Manager is the chief administrative officer for the City. Some of the sservices that the City provides are: public safety (police and fire protection), highways and streets, water and sewer utilities, health and social services, culture -recreation, and general administrative services. The 2010 Census population for the City was 41,461, while the 2018 estimated population is 50,460. The City covers approximately 37 square miles. THE CERTIFICATES DESCRIPTION OF THE CERTIFICATES ... The Certificates are dated April 1, 2018, and mature on February 15 in each of the years and in the amounts shown on the cover page hereof. Interest will accrue from the date of their initial delivery to the Initial Purchaser, will be computed on the basis of a 360 -day year of twelve 30 -day months, and will be payable on February 15 and �r August 15 of each year, commencing February 15, 2019, until maturity or prior redemption. The definitive Certificates will be �1 issued only in fully registered form in any integral multiple of $5,000 for any one maturity and will be initially registered and delivered only to Cede & Co., the nominee of The Depository Trust Company ("DTC") pursuant to the Book -Entry -Only System described herein. No physical delivery of the Certificates will be made to the beneficial owners thereof. Principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates will be payable by the Paying Agent/Registrar to Cede & Co., which will make 111 distribution of the amounts so paid to the participating members of DTC for subsequent payment to the beneficial owners of the Certificates. See "THE CERTIFICATES - Book -Entry -Only System" herein. AUTHORITY FOR ISSUANCE ... The Certificates are being issued pursuant to the Constitution and general laws of the State, particularly Subchapter C of Chapter 271, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and the Ordinance. SECURITY AND SOURCE OF PAYMENT ... The principal of and interest on the Certificates is payable from an annual ad valorem tax levied by the City, within the limits prescribed by law, upon all taxable property in the City. Additionally, the Certificates are payable from a limited pledge of $1,000 of the Net Revenues (as defined in the Ordinance) of the City's combined Waterworks and Sewer System (the "System"), such pledge of the Net Revenues for the payment of the Certificates being junior and subordinate to the lien on and pledge of such Net Revenues securing the payment of "Prior Lien Obligations" (as defined in the Ordinance) now outstanding or hereafter issued by the City. The City reserves and retains the right to issue Prior Lien ICObligations without any limitations as to principal amount, or satisfying any terms, conditions, or restrictions other than as may be required by law as well as the right to issue additional obligations payable from the same sources as the Certificates and, ems. together with the Certificates, equally and ratably secured by a parity lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues of the System. * Preliminary, subject to change. TAX RATE LIMITATION ... All taxable property within the City is subject to the assessment, levy and collection by the City of a continuing, direct annual ad valorem tax sufficient to provide for the payment of principal of and interest on all ad valorem tax debt within the limit prescribed by law. Article XI, Section 5, of the Texas Constitution is applicable to the City, and provides for a maximum ad valorem tax rate of $2.50 per $100 Taxable Assessed Valuation for all City purposes. The Home Rule Charter of the City adopts the constitutionally authorized maximum tax rate of $2.50 per $100 Taxable Assessed Valuation. Administratively, the Attorney General of the State of Texas will permit allocation of $1.50 of the $2.50 maximum tax rate for all general obligation debt service, as calculated at the time of issuance and based on a 90% collection rate. OPTIONAL REDEMPTION ... The City reserves the right, at its option, to redeem Certificates having stated maturities on and after February 15, 2028, in whole or in part in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, on February 15, 2027, or any date thereafter, at the par value thereof plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. If less than all of the Certificates are to be redeemed, the City may select the maturities of Certificates to be redeemed. If less than all the Certificates of any maturity are to be redeemed, the Paying Agent/Registrar (or DTC while the Certificates are in Book -Entry -Only form) shall determine by lot the Certificates, or portions thereof, within such maturity to be redeemed. If a Certificate (or any portion of the principal sum thereof) shall have been called for redemption and notice of such redemption shall have been given, such Certificate (or the principal amount thereof to be redeemed) shall become due and payable on such redemption date and interest thereon shall cease to accrue from and after the redemption date, provided funds for the payment of the redemption price and accrued interest thereon are held by the Paying Agent/Registrar on the redemption date. Notice of Redemption. Not less than 30 days prior to a redemption date for the Certificates, the City shall cause a notice of redemption to be sent by United States mail, first class, postage prepaid, to each registered owner of a Certificate to be redeemed, in whole or in part, at the address of the registered owner appearing on the registration books of the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing such notice. ANY NOTICE GIVEN SHALL BE CONCLUSIVELY PRESUMED TO HAVE BEEN DULY GIVEN, WHETHER OR NOT THE REGISTERED OWNER RECEIVES SUCH NOTICE, AND ANY REDEMPTION NOTICE HAVING BEEN SO GIVEN, THE CERTIFICATES CALLED FOR REDEMPTION SHALL BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE ON THE SPECIFIED REDEMPTION DATE, AND, NOTWITHSTANDING THAT ANY CERTIFICATE OR PORTION THEREOF HAS NOT BEEN SURRENDERED FOR PAYMENT, INTEREST ON SUCH CERTIFICATE OR PORTION THEREOF SHALL CEASE TO ACCRUE. With respect to any optional redemption of the Certificates, unless moneys sufficient to pay the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates to be redeemed shall have been received by the Paying Agent/Registrar prior to the giving of such notice of redemption, such notice may state that said redemption is conditional upon the receipt of such moneys by the Paying Agent/Registrar on or prior to the date fixed for such redemption, or upon the satisfaction of any prerequisites set forth in such notice of redemption; and, if sufficient moneys are not received, such notice shall be of no force and effect, the City shall not redeem such Certificates and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice, in the manner in which the notice of redemption was given, to the effect that the Certificates have not been redeemed. Limitation on Transfer of Certificates Called for Redemption. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to transfer or exchange any Certificate called for redemption, in whole or in part, when such redemption is scheduled to occur within 45 calendar days of the transfer or exchange date; provided, however, such limitation on transferability shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the uncalled principal balance of a Certificate. BOOK -ENTRY -ONLY SYSTEM ... This section describes how ownership of the Certificates is to be transferred and how the principal of premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates are to be paid to and credited by The Depository Trust Company ("DTC'), New York, New York, while the Certificates are registered in its nominee name. The information in this section concerning DTC and the Book -Entry -Only System has been provided by DTC for use in disclosure documents such as this Official Statement. The City believes the source of such information to be reliable, but takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof. The City cannot and does not give any assurance that (1) DTC will distribute payments of debt service on the Certificates, or redemption or other notices, to DTC Participants, (2) DTC Participants or others will distribute debt service payments paid to DTC or its nominee (as the registered owner of the Certificates), or redemption or other notices, to the Beneficial Owners, or that they will do so on a timely basis, or (3) DTC will serve and act in the manner described in this Official Statement. The current rules applicable to DTC are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the current procedures of DTC to be followed in dealing with DTC Participants are on file with DTC. DTC will act as securities depository for the Certificates. The Certificates will be issued as fully -registered securities registered in the name of Cede & Co. (DTC's partnership nominee) or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. One fully -registered certificate will be issued for each maturity and series of the Certificates, each in the aggregate principal amount of such maturity, and will be deposited with DTC. DTC, the world's largest securities depository, is a limited -purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law, a "banking organization" within the meaning of the New York Banking Law, a member of the Federal Reserve System, a "clearing corporation" within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code, and a "clearing agency" registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. DTC holds and provides asset servicing for 8 E 1 over 3.5 million issues of U.S. and non -U.S. equity issues, corporate and municipal debt issues, and money market instruments (from over 100 countries) that DTC's participants ("Direct Participants") deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the post -trade settlement among Direct Participants of sales and other securities transactions in deposited securities, through electronic computerized book -entry transfers and pledges between Direct Participants' accounts. This eliminates the need for physical movement of securities certificates. Direct Participants include both U.S. and non -U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, E' trust companies, clearing corporations, and certain other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ("DTCC"). DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of which are registered clearing agencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also available to others such as both U.S. and non -U.S. securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies, and clearing companies that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a Direct Participant, either directly or indirectly ("Indirect Participants"). DTC has a Standard & Poor's rating of "AA+". The DTC Rules applicable to its Participants are on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. More information about DTC can be found at www.dtcc.com and www.dtc.ore.. Purchases of Certificates under the DTC system must be made by or through Direct Participants, which will receive a credit for the Certificates on DTC's records. The ownership interest of each actual purchaser of each Certificate ("Beneficial Owner") is in tum to be recorded on the Direct and Indirect Participants' records. Beneficial Owners will not receive written confirmation from DTC of their purchase. Beneficial Owners are, however, expected to receive written confirmations providing details of the transaction, as well as periodic statements of their holdings, from the Direct or Indirect Participant through which the Beneficial Owner entered into the transaction. Transfers of ownership interests in the Certificates are to be accomplished by entries made on the books of Direct and Indirect Participants acting on behalf of Beneficial Owners. Beneficial Owners will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in Certificates, except in the event that use of the book -entry system for the Certificates is discontinued. To facilitate subsequent transfers, all Certificates deposited by Direct Participants with DTC are registered in the name of DTC's 1 partnership nominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of Certificates with DTC and their registration in the name of Cede & Co. or such other DTC nominee do not effect any change I in beneficial ownership. DTC has no knowledge of the actual Beneficial Owners of the Certificates; DTC's records reflect only the identity of the Direct Participants to whose accounts such Certificates are credited, which may or may not be the Beneficial Owners. The Direct and Indirect Participants will remain responsible for keeping account of their holdings on behalf of their customers. Conveyance of notices and other communications by DTC to Direct Participants, by Direct Participants to Indirect Participants, and by Direct Participants and Indirect Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by arrangements among them, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Beneficial Owners of Certificates may wish to take certain steps to augment the transmission to them of notices of significant events with respect to the Certificates, such as redemptions, tenders, defaults, and proposed amendments to the bond documents. For example, Beneficial Owners of Certificates may wish to ascertain that the nominee holding the Certificates for their benefit has agreed to obtain and transmit notices to Beneficial Owners. In the altemative, Beneficial Owners may wish to provide their names and addresses to the register and request that copies of the notices be provided directly to them. Redemption notices for the Certificates shall be sent to DTC. If less than all of the Certificates within a maturity are being redeemed, DTC's practice is to determine by lot the amount of the interest of each Direct Participant in such maturity to be redeemed. Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (nor any other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to Certificates unless authorized by a Direct Participant in accordance with DTC's Procedures. Under its usual procedures, DTC mails an Omnibus Proxy to the City as soon as possible after the record date. The Omnibus Proxy assigns Cede & Co.'s consenting or voting rights to those Direct Participants to whose accounts Certificates are credited on the record date (identified in a listing attached to the Omnibus Proxy). All payments on the Certificates will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC's practice is to credit Direct Participants' accounts upon DTC's receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from the City or the Paying Agent/Registrar, on the payable date in accordance with their respective holdings shown on DTC's records. Payments by Participants to Beneficial Owners will be governed by standing instructions and customary practices, as is the case with securities held for the accounts of customers in bearer form or registered in "street name," and will be the responsibility of such Participant and not of DTC nor its nominee, the Paying Agent/Registrar, or the City, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements as may be in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds, principal and �► interest to Cede & Co. (or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC) is the responsibility of the City or Paying Agent/Registrar, disbursement of such payments to Direct Participants will be the responsibility of DTC, and disbursement of such payments to the Beneficial Owners will be the responsibility of Direct and Indirect Participants. DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depository with respect to the Certificates at any time by giving reasonable notice to the City or the Paying Agent/Registrar. Under such circumstances, in the event that a successor securities depository is not obtained, securities certificates for the Certificates are required to be printed and delivered. The City may decide to discontinue the use of the system of book -entry -only transfers through DTC (or a successor securities depository). In that event, securities certificates for the Certificates will be printed and delivered. SII 9 IC AL Use of Certain Terms in Other Sections of this Official Statement ... In reading this Official Statement it should be understood that while the Certificates are in the Book -Entry -Only System, references in other sections of this Official Statement to registered owners should be read to include the person for which the Participant acquires an interest in the Certificates, but (i) all rights of ownership must be exercised through DTC and the Book -Entry -Only System, and (ii) except as described above, notices that are to be given to registered owners under the Ordinance will be given only to DTC. Information concerning DTC and the Book -Entry -Only System has been obtained from DTC and is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness by, and is not to be construed as a representation by the City, the Financial Advisor, or the Initial Purchaser. Effect of Termination of Book -Entry -Only System ... In the event that the Book -Entry -Only System of the Certificates is discontinued, printed certificates will be issued to the DTC Participants or the holder, as the case may be, and such Certificates will be subject to transfer, exchange and registration provisions as set forth in the Ordinance and summarized under "THE CERTIFICATES - Transfer, Exchange and Registration" below. PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR ... The initial Paying Agent/Registrar is The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Dallas, Texas. In the Ordinance, the City retains the right to replace the Paying Agent/Registrar. The City covenants to maintain and provide a Paying Agent/Registrar at all times until the Certificates are duly paid and any successor Paying Agent/Registrar shall be a commercial bank, financial institution or trust company or other entity duly qualified and legally authorized to serve as and perform the duties and services of Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates. Upon any change in the Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates, the City agrees to promptly cause a written notice thereof to be sent to each registered owner of the Certificates affected by the changes by United States mail, first class, postage prepaid, which notice shall also give the address of the new Paying Agent/Registrar. TRANSFER, EXCHANGE AND REGISTRATION ... In the event the Book -Entry -Only System should be discontinued, securities certificates for the Certificates will be printed and delivered to the registered owners thereof and thereafter may be transferred and exchanged on the registration books of the Paying Agent/Registrar only upon presentation and surrender to the Paying Agent/Registrar and such transfer or exchange shall be without expense or service charge to the registered owner, except for any tax or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect to such registration, exchange and transfer. Certificates may be assigned by the execution of an assignment form on the respective Certificates or by other instrument of transfer and assignment acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar. New Certificates will be delivered by the Paying Agent/Registrar, in lieu of the Certificates being transferred or exchanged, at the designated office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, or sent by United States mail, first class, postage prepaid, to the new registered owner or his designee. To the extent possible, new Certificates issued in an exchange or transfer of Certificates will be delivered to the registered owner or assignee of the registered owner in not more than three business days after the receipt of the Certificates to be canceled, and the written instrument of transfer or request for exchange duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized agent, in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar. New Certificates registered and delivered in an exchange or transfer shall be in any integral multiple of $5,000 for any one maturity and for a like aggregate principal amount and series as the Certificates surrendered for exchange or transfer. See "Book -Entry -Only System" herein for a description of the system to be utilized initially in regard to ownership and transferability of the Certificates. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to transfer or exchange any Certificate called for redemption, in whole or in part, within 45 days of the date fixed for redemption; provided, however, such limitation on transfer shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the uncalled balance of a Certificate. RECORD DATE FOR INTEREST PAYMENT ... The record date ("Record Date") for the interest payable on the Certificates on any interest payment date means the close of business on the last business day of the preceding month. In the event of a non-payment of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for 30 days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a "Special Record Date") will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the City. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest ("Special Payment Date" which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, to the address of each Holder of a Certificate appearing on the registration books of the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. REMEDIES ... The Ordinance does not specify events of default with respect to the Certificates. If the City defaults in the payment of principal, interest, or redemption price on the Certificates when due, or if it fails to make payments into any fund or funds created in the Ordinance, or defaults in the observation or performance of any other covenants, conditions, or obligations set for in the Ordinance, the registered owners may seek a writ of mandamus to compel City officials to carry out their legally imposed duties with respect to the Certificates if there is no other available remedy at law to compel performance of the Certificates or the Ordinance and the City's obligations are not uncertain or disputed. The issuance of a writ of mandamus is controlled by equitable principles, and within the discretion of the court, but may not be arbitrarily refused. There is no acceleration of maturity of the Certificates in the event of default and, consequently, the remedy of mandamus may have to be relied upon from year to year. The Ordinance does not provide for the appointment of a trustee to represent the interest of the certificateholders upon any failure of the City to perform in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, or upon any other condition and accordingly all legal actions to enforce such remedies would have to be undertaken at the initiative of, and be financed by, the registered owners. On April 1, 2016, the Texas Supreme Court ruled in Wasson Interests, Ltd. v. City of Jacksonville, 489 S.W. 3d 427 (Tex. 2016) that sovereign immunity does not imbue a city with derivative immunity when it performs proprietary, as opposed to governmental, functions in respect to contracts executed by the city. Texas jurisprudence has 10 IL generally held that proprietary functions are those conducted by a city in its private capacity, for the benefit only of those within its corporate limits, and not as an arm of the govemment or under the authority or for the benefit of the state. If sovereign immunity is determined by a court to exist, then the Texas Supreme Court ruled in Tooke v. City of Mexia 197 S. W.3rd 325 (Tex. 2006) that a waiver of sovereign immunity in a contractual dispute must be provided for by statute in "clear and unambiguous" language. Because it is unclear whether the Texas legislature has effectively waived the City's sovereign immunity from a suit for money damages, bondholders may not be able to bring such a suit against the City for breach of the Certificates or the covenants in the Ordinance. Even if a judgment against the City could be obtained, it could not be enforced by direct levy and execution against the City's property. Further, the registered owners cannot themselves foreclose on property within the City or sell property within the City to enforce the tax lien on taxable property to pay the principal of and interest on the Certificates. Furthermore, the City is eligible to seek relief from its creditors under Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code ("Chapter 9"). Although Chapter 9 provides for the recognition of a security interest represented by a specifically pledged source of revenues, the pledge of ad valorem taxes in support of a general obligation of a bankrupt entity is not specifically recognized as a security interest under Chapter 9. Chapter 9 also includes an automatic stay provision that would prohibit, without Bankruptcy Court approval, the prosecution of any other legal action by creditors or bondholders of an entity which has sought protection under Chapter 9. Therefore, should the City avail itself of Chapter 9 protection from creditors, the ability to enforce would be subject to the approval of the Bankruptcy Court (which could require that the action be heard in Bankruptcy Court instead of other federal or state court); and the Bankruptcy Code provides for broad discretionary powers of a Bankruptcy Court in administering any proceeding brought before it. The opinions of Bond Counsel will note that all opinions relative to the enforceability of the Ordinance and the Certificates are qualified with respect to the customary rights of debtors relative to their creditors. DEFEASANCE ... The Ordinance provides for the defeasance of the Certificates when the payment of the principal of and premium, if any, on the Certificates plus interest thereon to the due date thereof (whether such due date be by reason of maturity, redemption or otherwise), is provided by irrevocably depositing with the Paying Agent/Registrar or other authorized escrow agent, in trust (1) money sufficient to make such payment or (2) Government Securities, maturing as to principal and interest in such amounts and at such times to insure the availability, without reinvestment, of sufficient money to make such payment, and all necessary and proper fees, compensation, and expenses of the paying agent for the Certificates being defeased. The Ordinance provides that "Govemment Securities" means (a) direct, noncallable obligations of the United States of America, including obligations that are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America, (b) noncallable obligations of an agency or instrumentality of the United States of America, including obligations that are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the agency or instrumentality and that, on the date of purchase thereof, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally 111 recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent, (c) noncallable obligations of a state or an agency or a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of a state that have been refunded and that, on the date the governing body of the City adopts or approves the proceedings authorizing the financial arrangements, are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent and (d) any other then authorized securities or obligations that may be used to defease obligations such as the Certificates under the then applicable laws of the State of Texas. The City has additionally reserved the right, subject to satisfying the requirements of (1) and (2) above, to substitute other Govemment Securities for the Government Securities originally deposited, to reinvest the uninvested moneys on deposit for such defeasance and to withdraw for the benefit of the City moneys in excess of the amount required for such defeasance. There is no assurance that the current law will not be changed in a manner which would permit investments other than those described above to be made with amounts deposited to defease the Certificates. Because the Ordinance does not contractually limit such investments, registered owners will be deemed to have consented to defeasance with such other investments, notwithstanding the fact that such investments may not be of the same investment quality as those currently permitted under State law. Upon making such deposit in the manner described, such Certificates shall no longer be deemed outstanding obligations secured by the Ordinance, but will be payable only from the funds and Government Securities deposited in escrow and will not be considered debt of the City for purposes of taxation or applying any limitation on the City's ability to issue debt or for any other purpose. There is no assurance that the ratings for U.S. Treasury securities used for defeasance purposes or that for any other Government Securities will be maintained at any particular rating category. Furthermore, all rights of the City to initiate proceedings to call the Certificates for redemption or take any other action amending the terms of the Certificates are extinguished; provided, however, that the right to call the Certificates for redemption is not extinguished if the City: (i) in the proceedings providing for the firm banking and financial arrangements, expressly reserves the right to call the Certificates for redemption; (ii) gives notice of the reservation of that right to the owners of the Certificates immediately following the making of the firm banking and financial arrangements; and (iii) directs that notice of the reservation be included in any redemption notices that it authorizes. 111 AMENDMENTS . . . The City may amend the Ordinance without the consent of or notice to any registered owners of the Certificates in any manner not detrimental to the interests of such registered owners, including the curing of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or formal defect or omission therein. In addition, the City may, with the consent of the registered owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Certificates then Outstanding, amend, add to, or rescind any of the provisions of the Ordinance; provided that, without the consent of all registered owners of Outstanding Certificates, no such amendment, addition, or rescission may (1) extend the time or times of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Certificates, reduce the principal amount, the redemption price, or the rate of interest, or in any other way modify the terms of payment of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Certificates, (2) give any preference to any Certificate over any other Certificate, or (3) reduce the aggregate principal amount of Certificates required to be held by registered owners of such Certificates for consent to any such amendment, addition, or rescission of the Ordinance. r 11 2 3 TAX INFORMATION 2 AD VALOREM TAX LAW ... The appraisal of property within the City is the responsibility of the Collin Central Appraisal 2 District, Dallas Central Appraisal District and Rockwall Central Appraisal District (collectively, the "Appraisal District"). Excluding agricultural and open -space land, which may be taxed on the basis of productive capacity, the Appraisal District is required under the Texas Property Tax Code to appraise all property within the Appraisal District on the basis of 100% of its 21 market value and are prohibited from applying any assessment ratios. In determining the market value of property, different methods of appraisal may be used, including the cost method of appraisal, the income method of appraisal and the market data 3 comparison method of appraisal, and the method considered most appropriate by the chief appraiser is to be used. Effective January 1, 2010, State law requires the appraised value of a residence homestead to be based solely on the property's value as a 3 residence homestead, regardless of whether residential use is considered to be the highest and best use of the property. State law further limits the appraised value of a residence homestead for a tax year to an amount not to exceed the lesser of (1) the market value of the property for the most recent tax year that the market value was determined by the appraisal office or (2) the sum of (a) 10% of the property's appraised value the preceding year plus (b) the property's appraised value in the preceding year plus (c) the market value of all new improvements to the property. The value placed upon property within the Appraisal District is "3 subject to review by an Appraisal Review Board, consisting of members appointed by the Board of Directors of the Appraisal District. The Appraisal District is required to review the value of property within the Appraisal District at least every three years. The City may require annual review at its own expense, and is entitled to challenge the determination of appraised value of property within the City by petition filed with the appropriate Appraisal Review Board. 21 Reference is made to Title I of the Texas Tax Code (the "Property Tax Code") for identification of property subject to taxation; property exempt or which may be exempted from taxation, if claimed; the appraisal of property for ad valorem taxation purposes; 3 and the procedures and limitations applicable to the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes. Article VIII of the State Constitution ("Article VIII") and State law provide for certain exemptions from property taxes, the valuation of agricultural and open -space lands at productivity value and the exemption of certain personal property from ad valorem taxation. Under Section 1-b, Article VIII, and State law, the governing body of a political subdivision, at its option, may grant an 2 exemption of not less than $3,000 of the market value of the residence homestead of persons 65 years of age or older and the disabled from all ad valorem taxes thereafter levied by the political subdivision. Once authorized, such exemption may be repealed or decreased or increased in amount (i) by the governing body of the political subdivision or (ii) by a favorable vote of a majority of the qualified voters at an election called by the goveming body of the political subdivision, which election must be called upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 20% of the number of qualified voters who voted in the preceding election of 2 the political subdivision. In the case of a decrease, the amount of the exemption may not be reduced to less than $3,000 of the market value. 2 The surviving spouse of an individual who qualifies for the foregoing exemption for the residence homestead of a person 65 or older (but not the disabled) is entitled to an exemption for the same property in an amount equal to that of the exemption for which the deceased spouse qualified if (i) the deceased spouse died in a year in which the deceased spouse qualified for the exemption, (ii) the surviving spouse was at least 55 years of age at the time of the death of the individual's spouse and (iii) the '""' property was the residence homestead of the surviving spouse when the deceased spouse died and remains the residence homestead of the surviving spouse. 2 In addition to any other exemptions provided by the Property Tax Code, the governing body of a political subdivision, at its 11� option, may grant an exemption of up to 20% of the market value of residence homesteads, with a minimum exemption of 2 $5,000. Senate Joint Resolution 1 ("Senate Joint Resolution 1"), passed during the 84th Texas Legislature, proposed a constitutional amendment increasing the mandatory homestead exemption for school districts from $15,000 to $25,000 and 21 requiring that the tax limitation for taxpayers who are age 65 and older or disabled be reduced to reflect the additional exemption. While Senate Joint Resolution 1 was not directly applicable to municipalities and counties, Senate Bill 1, which was also passed by the 84th Legislature, provided that if Senate Joint Resolution 1 was approved by the voters on November 3, 2015, then the governing body of a school district, municipality, or county would be prohibited from reducing the amount of or repealing an optional homestead exemption that was in place for the 2014 tax year (fiscal year 2015) for a period running through December 3 31, 2019. Senate Joint Resolution 1 was approved by voters on November 3, 2015, and therefore the prohibition is in effect. In the case of residence homestead exemptions granted under Section 1-b, Article VIII, ad valorem taxes may continue to be levied against the value of homesteads exempted where ad valorem taxes have previously been pledged for the payment of debt if cessation of the levy would impair the obligation of the contract by which the debt was created. Under Article VIII and State law, the governing body of a county, municipality or junior college district may provide for a freeze on total amount of ad valorem levied on the residence homestead of a disabled person or persons 65 years of age or older to the amount of taxes imposed in the year such residence qualified for such exemption. Also, upon receipt of a petition signed by five percent of the registered voters of the county, municipality or junior college district, an election must be held to determine by 11i majority vote whether to establish such a limitation on taxes paid on residence homesteads of persons 65 years of age or who are 3 12 3 2 i disabled. Upon providing for such exemption, such freeze on ad valorem taxes is transferable to a different residence homestead. Also, a surviving spouse of a taxpayer who qualifies for the freeze on ad valorem taxes is entitled to the same exemption so long as the property was the residence homestead of the surviving spouse when the deceased spouse died and remains the residence homestead of the surviving spouse and the spouse was at least 55 years of age at the time of the death of the individual's spouse. If improvements (other than repairs or improvements required to comply with governmental requirements) are made to the property, the value of the improvements is taxed at the then current tax rate, and the total amount of taxes imposed is increased to reflect the new improvements with the new amount of taxes then serving as the ceiling on taxes for the following years. Once established such freeze cannot be repealed or rescinded. State law and Section 2, Article VIII, mandate an additional property tax exemption for disabled veterans or the surviving spouse 111 or children of a deceased veteran who died while on active duty in the armed forces; the exemption applies to either real or personal property with the amount of assessed valuation exempted ranging from $5,000 to a maximum of $12,000; provided, however, that beginning in the 2009 tax year, a disabled veteran who receives from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor 100 percent disability compensation due to a service -connected disability and a rating of 100 percent disabled or of individual unemployability is entitled to an exemption from taxation of the total appraised value of the veteran's residence homestead. Additionally, subject to certain conditions, the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran who is entitled to an exemption for the full value of the veteran's residence homestead is also entitled to an exemption from taxation of the total appraised value of the same property to which the disabled veteran's exemption applied. Article VIII provides that eligible owners of both agricultural land (Section 1-d) and open -space land (Section I -d-1), including open -space land devoted to farm or ranch purposes or open -space land devoted to timber production, may elect to have such property appraised for property taxation on the basis of its productive capacity. The same land may not be qualified under both Sections 1-d and 1-d-1. Nonbusiness personal property, such as automobiles or light trucks, are exempt from ad valorem taxation unless the governing body of a political subdivision elects to tax this property. Boats owned as nonbusiness property are exempt from ad valorem taxation. Article VIII, Section 1-j, provides for "freeport property" to be exempted from ad valorem taxation. Freeport property is defined as goods detained in Texas for 175 days or less for the purpose of assembly, storage, manufacturing, processing or fabrication. Decisions to continue to tax may be reversed in the future; decisions to exempt freeport property are not subject to reversal. Under Section 11.253 of the Texas Tax Code, "Goods -in -Transit" are exempt from taxation unless a taxing unit opts out of the exemption. Goods -in -Transit are defined as tangible personal property that: (i) is acquired in or imported into the state to be forwarded to another location in the state or outside the state; (ii) is detained at a location in the state in which the owner of the property does not have a direct or indirect ownership interest for assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing, or fabricating purposes by the person who acquired or imported the property; (iii) is transported to another location in the state or outside the state not later than 175 days after the date the person acquired the property in or imported the property into the state; and (iv) 111 does not include oil, natural gas, petroleum products, aircraft, dealer's motor vehicle inventory, dealer's vessel and outboard motor inventory, dealer's heavy equipment inventory, or retail manufactured housing inventory. A taxpayer may receive only one of the freeport exemptions or the goods -in -transit exemptions for items of personal property. The City may create one or more tax increment financing districts ("TIF") within the City and freeze the taxable values of property in the TIF at the value at the time of its creation. Other overlapping taxing units levying taxes in the TIF may agree to contribute all or part of future ad valorem taxes levied and collected against the value of property in the TIF in excess of the "frozen values" to pay or finance the costs of certain public improvements in the TIF. Taxes levied by the City against the values of real property in the TIF in excess of the "frozen" value are not available for general city use but are restricted to paying or financing "project costs" within the TIF. The City also may enter into tax abatement agreements to encourage economic development. Under tax abatement agreement, a property owner typically agrees to construct certain improvements on its property. The City in turn agrees not to levy a tax on all or part of the increased value attributable to the improvements until the expiration of the agreement. The abatement agreement could last for a period of up to 10 years. Municipalities are also authorized, pursuant to Chapter 380, Texas Local Government Code, as amended ("Chapter 380"), to establish programs or promote state or local economic development and to stimulate business and commercial activity in the city. In accordance with a program established pursuant to Chapter 380, a city may make loans or grants of public funds for economic development purposes, however, no Certificates secured by ad valorem taxes may be issued for such purposes unless approved by voters of the city. Any agreement into which the City has entered pursuant to Chapter 380 is hereinafter referred to as a "Chapter 380 Agreement". EFFECTIVE TAX RATE AND ROLLBACK TAX RATE ... Section 26.05 of the State Property Tax Code provides that the governing body of the City is required to adopt the annual tax rate for the City before the later of September 30 or the 60th day after the date the certified appraisal roll is received by the City, and a failure to adopt a tax rate by such required date will result in the tax rate for the City for the tax year to be the lower of the effective tax rate calculated for that tax year or the tax rate adopted by the City for the preceding tax year. Furthermore, Section 26.05 provides the City Council may not adopt a tax rate that exceeds the lower 13 1 1 of the rollback tax rate or the effective tax rate until two public hearings are held on the proposed tax rate following a notice of such public hearings (including the requirement that notice be posted on the City's website if the City owns, operates or controls an internet website and public notice be given by television if the City has free access to a television channel) and the City Council has otherwise complied with the legal requirements for the adoption of such tax rate. The tax rate consists of two components: (1) a rate for funding of maintenance and operation expenditures, and (2) a rate for debt service. Under the Property Tax Code, the City must annually calculate and publicize its "effective tax rate" and "rollback tax rate". If the adopted tax rate exceeds the rollback tax rate the qualified voters of the City by petition may require that an election be held to determine whether or not to reduce the tax rate adopted for the current year to the rollback tax rate. "Effective tax rate" means the rate that will produce last year's total tax levy (adjusted) from this year's total taxable values (adjusted). "Adjusted" means lost values are not included in the calculation of last year's taxes and new values are not included in this year's taxable values. "Rollback tax rate" means the rate that will produce last year's maintenance and operation tax levy (adjusted) from this year's values (adjusted) multiplied by 1.08 plus a rate that will produce this year's debt service from this year's values (unadjusted) divided by the anticipated tax collection rate. The Property Tax Code provides that certain cities and counties in the State may submit a proposition to the voters to authorize an additional one-half cent sales tax on retail sales of taxable items. If the additional tax is levied, the effective tax rate and the rollback tax rate calculations are required to be offset by the revenue that will be generated by the sales tax in the current year. Reference is made to the Property Tax Code for definitive requirements for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes and the calculation of the various defined tax rates. PROPERTY ASSESSMENT AND TAX PAYMENT ... Property within the City is generally assessed as of January 1 of each year. Business inventory may, at the option of the taxpayer, be assessed as of August 1. Oil and gas reserves are assessed on the basis of a valuation process which uses pricing information contained in the most recently published Early Release Overview of the Annual Energy Outlook published by the United States Energy Information Administration, as well as appraisal formulas developed by the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. Taxes become due October 1 of the same year, and become delinquent on August 1 of the following year. Taxpayers 65 years old or older are permitted by State law to pay taxes on homesteads in four installments with the first due on August 1 of each year and the final installment due on February 1. PENALTIES AND INTEREST ... Charges for penalty and interest on the unpaid balance of delinquent taxes are made as follows: Cumulative Cumulative Month Penalty Interest Total February 6% 1% 7% March 7 2 9 April 8 3 11 May 9 4 13 June 10 5 15 July 12 6 18 After July, the penalty remains at 12%, and interest accrues at a rate of one percent (1%) for each month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. A delinquent tax continues to accrue interest as long as the tax remains unpaid, regardless of whether a judgment for the delinquent tax has been rendered. The purpose of imposing such interest penalty is to compensate the taxing unit for revenue lost because of the delinquency. In addition, a taxing unit may contract with an attorney for the collection of delinquent taxes and the amount of compensation as set forth in such contract may provide for a fee up to 20% of the amount of delinquent tax, penalty, and interest collected. Under certain circumstances, taxes which become delinquent on the homestead of a taxpayer 65 years old or older incur a penalty of 8% per annum with no additional penalties or interest assessed. In general, property subject to the City's lien may be sold, in whole or in parcels, pursuant to court order to collect the amounts due. Federal law does not allow for the collection of penalty and interest against an estate in bankruptcy. Federal bankruptcy law provides that an automatic stay of action by creditors and other entities, including governmental units, goes into effect with the filing of any petition in bankruptcy. The automatic stay prevents governmental units from foreclosing on property and prevents liens for post-petition taxes from attaching to property and obtaining secured creditor status unless, in either case, an order lifting the stay is obtained from the bankruptcy court. In many cases post-petition taxes are paid as an administrative expense of the estate in bankruptcy or by order of the bankruptcy court. 14 E 1 CITY APPLICATION OF TAX CODE ... The City grants an exemption to the market value of the residence homestead of persons 65 years of age or older of $30,000, and the disabled are also granted an exemption of $30,000. The City has not granted an additional exemption of 20% of the market value of residence homesteads; minimum exemption of $5,000. See Table 1 for a listing of the amounts of the exemptions described above. The City has adopted the tax freeze for citizens who are disabled or are 65 years of age or older. The act of the City Council to provide a tax freeze on homesteads of persons 65 and older or disabled occurred in May 2004. As a result of the adoption of the freeze, total City taxes on the residence homestead of a disabled person or persons 65 years of age or older residing in the City will be frozen at the level of taxes billed for the 2004-05 fiscal year, or to the amount of taxes imposed in the year such residence qualified for such exemption. In order to qualify for the exemption, a taxpayer must make application to the Appraisal District. The City has not made a comprehensive study regarding the impact that the freeze will have on the taxable assessed value of the City in future years. However, based upon data obtained from the Appraisal District as to the number of properties in the City that currently qualify for the City's over 65 and disabled local option homestead exemption, the City does not believe that the tax freeze will be significant, at least in the short-term, but as the population of the City ages, the freeze could have a greater impact on the City's ad valorem tax revenues. Ad valorem taxes are not levied by the City against the exempt value of residence homesteads for the payment of debt. 1 The City does not tax nonbusiness personal property; and Collin County Tax Office collects taxes for the City. The City does not permit split payments of taxes, and discounts for the early payment of taxes are not allowed, although such provisions are authorized on a local option basis by the Property Tax Code. `' The City exempts freeport property from taxation. The City does tax goods -in -transit. The City does not collect the additional one-half cent sales tax for reduction of ad valorem taxes. 1 The City does not participate in any tax increment reinvestment zones. IC TAX ABATEMENT POLICY ... The City considers economic development incentives on a case-by-case basis, including criteria E pertaining to job creation and property value enhancement. Consideration is also given to a project's impact on future development and location in an area that might not otherwise be developed. Under State law, projects are eligible for a tax abatement of up to 100% for a period of up to 10 years. The value of the property subject to abatement is set forth in Table 1 - 1 Valuation, Exemptions and General Obligation Debt. 1 1 1 1 THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 1 1 1 1 r 15 z 1 TABLE 1 - VALUATION, EXEMPTIONS AND GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT 2017/18 Market Valuation Established by the Appraisal District $ 4,330,821,104 Less Exemptions/Reductions at 100% Market Value: Residence Homestead Exemption Over 65 $ 46,564,153 Disabled Persons/Veterans Exemptions 27,428,769 Agricultural Land Use Reductions 63,415,808 Homestead Cap Loss 128,119,475 Prorated Exemptions 776,310 Pollution 3,306,253 Tax Freeze 273,656,284 543,267,052 2017/18 Taxable Assessed Valuation $ 3,787,554,052 City Funded Debt Payable from Ad Valorem Taxes (as of 2/1/18) General Obligation Debt Public Property Finance Contractual Obligation Debt The Certificates $ 83,580,000 1,260,000 8,500,000 (I) Funded Debt Payable from Ad Valorem Taxes as of 2/1/2018 $ 93,340,000 Less Self -Supporting Debt: Park and Recreational Facilities Development Corporation General Obligation Debt $ 2,790,000 Waterworks and Sewer System General Obligation Debt 12,120,000 (2) General Purpose Funded Debt Payable from Ad Valorem Taxes $ 78,430,000 Interest and Sinking Fund as of 2/1/18 $ 8,007,500 Ratio Total Funded Debt to Taxable Assessed Valuation 2.46% Ratio Net Funded Debt to Taxable Assessed Valuation 2.07% 2018 Estimated Population - 50,460 Per Capita Taxable Assessed Valuation - $75,061 Per Capita Total Funded Debt - $1,850 Per Capita Net Funded Debt - $1,554 (1) Preliminary, subject to change. (2) General obligation debt in the amounts shown for which repayment is provided from water and sewer system revenues and 4B local sales and use tax revenues. The amount of self-supporting debt is based on the percentages of revenue support as shown in Table 10. It is the City's current policy to provide these payments from such revenues; however, this policy is subject to change in the future. In the event the City chooses to discontinue such transfers or such revenues are not otherwise available to pay debt service on such general obligation debt, the City will be required to levy ad valorem taxes or to appropriate other lawfully available funds, including financial reserves, if any, of the City in amounts sufficient to pay the debt service on such general obligation debt. See "Table 10 — Computation of Self -Supporting Debt." 16 TABLE 2 - TAXABLE ASSESSED VALUATIONS BY CATEGORY Category Real, Residential, Single -Family Real, Residential, Multi -Family Real, Vacant Lots Tracts Real, Acreage (Land Only) Real, Farm and Ranch Improvements Real, Commercial and Industrial Real, Inventory Real and Intangible Personal, Utilities Tangible Personal, Business Tangible Personal, Other Special Inventory Total Appraised Value Before Exemptions Adjustments Less: Total Exemption/Reductions Taxable Assessed Value Category Real, Residential, Single -Family Real, Residential, Multi -Family Real, Vacant Lots Tracts Real, Acreage (Land Only) Real, Farm and Ranch Improvements Real, Commercial and Industrial Real, Inventory Real and Tangible Personal, Utilities Tangible Personal, Business Tangible Personal, Other Special Inventory Total Appraised Value Before Exemptions Adjustments Less: Total Exemption/Reductions Taxable Assessed Value Taxable Appraised Value for Fiscal Year Ended 2018 2017 % of Amount Total Amount $ 3,167,684,302 73.14% $ 2,708,264,505 159,024,214 3.67% 120,713,627 48,314,153 1.12% 34,284,077 63,869,764 1.47% 66,873,899 26,574,401 0.61% 22,109,378 486,179,879 11.23% 446,033,773 77,306,609 1.79% 70,447,061 57,899,188 1.34% 63,885,318 222,038,673 5.13% 223,925,787 20,469,346 0.47% 19,762,693 1,460,575 0.03% 1,130,085 $ 4,330,821,104 100.00% $ 3,777,430,203 (543,267,052) $ 3,787,554,052 (446,111,245) $ 3,331,318,958 Taxable Appraised Value for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2015 2014 % of Amount Total $2,039,322,947 69.95% 76,743,174 2.63% 34,384,481 1.18% 73,042,842 2.51% 24,212,644 0.83% 375,759,944 12.89% 24,877,880 0.85% 46,258,843 1.59% 201,345,854 6.91% 18,733,848 0.64% 802,607 0.03% $ 2,915,485,064 100.00% (239,429) (296,464,180) $ 2,618,781,455 September 30, 2016 %of %of Total Amount Total 71.70% $ 2,323,344,882 71.00% 3.20% 93,573,376 2.86% 0.91% 39,829,612 1.22% 1.77% 64,686,734 1.98% 0.59% 21,429,473 0.65% 11.81% 417,455,232 12.76% 1.86% 37,017,046 1.13% 1.69% 50,307,591 1.54% 5.93% 204,711,009 6.26% 0.52% 19,063,228 0.58% 0.03% 803,265 0.02% 100.00% $ 3,272,221,448 100.00% (1,352,310) (349,815,274) $ 2,921,053,864 % of Amount Total $ 1,856,136,778 69.22% 71,252,964 2.66% 34,483,185 1.29% 77,104,500 2.88% 19,651,904 0.73% 349,153,573 13.02% 21,815,445 0.81% 42,036,224 1.57% 190,393,333 7.10% 18,805,273 0.70% 593,352 0.02% $ 2,681,426,531 100.00% (1,347,721) (263,253,278) $ 2,416,825,532 NOTE: Valuations shown are certified taxable assessed values reported by the Appraisal District to the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. Certified values are subject to change throughout the year as contested values are resolved and the Appraisal Districts updates records. 17 TABLE 3 - VALUATION AND TAX SUPPORTED DEBT HISTORY Fiscal Year Ended Estimated 9/30 Population (I) 2014 44,089 2015 45,970 2016 46,696 2017 47,776 2018 50,460 Taxable Assessed Valuation $ 2,416,825,532 2,618,781,455 2,921,053,864 3,331,318,958 3,787,554,052 Taxable Assessed Valuation Per Capita $ 54,817 56,967 62,555 69,728 75,061 G.O. Ratio of G.O. Tax Debt G.O. Tax Debt Tax Outstanding to Taxable Debt at End Assessed Per of Year Valuation Capita $ 103,015,000 4.26% $ 2,337 95,260,000 3.64% 2,072 86,000,000 2.94% 1,842 87,375,000 2.62% 1,829 89,910,000 (2) 2.37% 1,782 (1) Population estimates from the North Texas Council of Governments, as modified by City staff. (2) Projected; includes the Certificates. Preliminary, subject to change. TABLE 4 - TAX RATE, LEVY, AND COLLECTION HISTORY Fiscal Year Distribution Ended Tax General Interest and % Current % Total 9/30 Rate Fund Sinking Fund Tax Levy Collections Collections 2014 $ 0.88390 $ 0.59331 $ 0.29059 $ 22,501,648 98.63% 99.61% 2015 0.87890 0.59798 0.28092 24,313,312 98.90% 100.00% 2016 0.86890 0.61158 0.25732 26,864,127 98.83% 100.00% 2017 0.84890 0.62340 0.22550 29,991,374 98.89% 99.73% 2018 0.78101 0.58031 0.20070 31,344,629 90.90% (I) 91.14% (I) (1) Collections for partial year only, through February 1, 2018. TABLE 5 - TEN LARGEST TAXPAYERS Name of Taxpayer Sanden International Hayden Wylie LLC Woodbridge Crossing LP Creekside South Apartments LLC Westem Rim Investors 2014-3 LP Oncor Electric Delivery Company Kansas City Southern Railway Co Atlas River Oaks LLC Sanden International (USA) Inc Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust Nature of Property Manufacturing Real Estate/Apartments Retail Real Estate/Apartments Real Estate/Apartments Electric Utility Railway Real Estate/Apartments Manufacturing Real Estate 18 2017/18 % of Total Taxable Taxable Assessed Assessed Valuation Valuation $ 39,589,506 1.05% 36,521,000 0.96% 35,182,063 0.93% 30,547,619 0.81% 27,425,000 0.72% 17,291,017 0.46% 15,945,388 0.42% 15,633,925 0.41% 15,496,568 0.41% 15,211,230 0.40% $ 248,843,316 6.57% GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT LIMITATION ... No general obligation debt limitation is imposed on the City under current State law or the City's Home Rule Charter (see "THE CERTIFICATES — Tax Rate Limitation"). TABLE 6 - TAX ADEQUACY (l) 2018 Principal and Interest Requirements $0.2144 Tax Rate at 98% Collection Produces Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirements, 2018 - 2038 $0.1699 Tax Rate at 98% Collection Produces Maximum Principal and Interest Requirements, 2028 $0.2447 Tax Rate at 98% Collection Produces $ 7,954,812 $ 7,958,106 $ 6,306,241 $ 6,306,353 $ 9,080,375 $ 9,082,782 (1) Includes the Certificates, less self-supporting debt (See "Table 10 — Computation of Self -Supporting Debt"). Preliminary, subject to change. TABLE 7 - ESTIMATED OVERLAPPING DEBT Expenditures of the various taxing entities within the territory of the City are paid out of ad valorem taxes levied by such entities on properties within the City. Such entities are independent of the City and may incur borrowings to finance their expenditures. This statement of direct and estimated overlapping ad valorem tax bonds ("Tax Debt") was developed from information contained in "Texas Municipal Reports" published by the Municipal Advisory Council of Texas. Except for the amounts relating to the City, the City has not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of such information, and no person should rely upon such information as being accurate or complete. Furthermore, certain of the entities listed may have issued additional Tax Debt since the date hereof, and such entities may have programs requiring the issuance of substantial amounts of additional Tax Debt, the amount of which cannot be determined. The following table reflects the estimated share of overlapping Tax Debt of the City. Taxing Jurisdiction City of Wylie Collin County Collin County Community College District Community Independent School District Dallas County Dallas County Community College District Dallas County Hospital District Dallas County Schools Farmersville Independent School District Garland Independent School District Lovejoy Independent School District Plano Independent School District Princeton Independent School District Rockwall County Wylie Independent School District Total Direct and Overlapping Tax Debt Ratio of Direct and Overlapping Tax Debt to Per Capita Direct and Overlapping Tax Debt 2017/18 Taxable Assessed Value $ 3,787,554,052 124,035,906,716 127,699,204,661 731,242,829 224,416,323,244 231,510,039,944 225,319,083,792 207,228,323,960 475,379,775 17,823,103,077 2,011,587,463 51,079,545,709 898,733,933 10,562,783,885 5,265,440,932 2017/18 Tax Rate $0.78101 0.19220 0.07981 1.62500 0.24310 0.12420 0.27940 0.00930 1.32000 1.46000 1.67000 1.43900 1.62000 0.34980 1.64000 Total Tax Debt $ 78,430,000 (I) 351,200,000 249,295,000 58,888,000 199,545,000 263,140,000 703,770,000 48,755,000 10,025,000 564,701,425 169,005,234 1,031,725,000 137,205,641 105,355,000 292,475,915 Estimated oda Applicable 100.00% 3.08% 3.08% 0.60% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.07% 0.07% 0.02% 0.08% 1.10% 0.59% 65.74% Taxable Assessed Valuation City's Authorized Overlapping But Unissued Tax Debt Debt As of 2/1/2018 2/1/2018 $ 78,430,000 10,816,960 45,800,000 7,678,286 600,000,000 353,328 75,775,000 19,955 - 26,314 70,377 4,876 7,018 - 395,291 89,445,000 33,801 24,250,000 825,380 76,970,000 1,509,262 72,100,000 621,595 32,195,000 192,273,666 - $ 293,066,107 7.74% $ 5,808 (1) As of February 1, 2018, includes the Certificates, less self-supporting debt. Preliminary, subject to change. 19 TABLE 8 - GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS (1) (2) (3) Fiscal Year Total Ended Outstanding Debt (I) The Certificates (2) Outstanding 9/30 Principal Interest Total Principal Interest Total 2018 $ 5,965,000 $ 3,481,669 $ 9,446,669 $ - $ - $ - $ 2019 6,125,000 3,227,406 9,352,406 210,000 400,698 610,698 2020 6,400,000 3,003,638 9,403,638 305,000 305,156 610,156 2021 6,795,000 2,752,831 9,547,831 315,000 293,531 608,531 2022 7,135,000 2,515,838 9,650,838 330,000 281,438 611,438 2023 7,415,000 2,246,713 9,661,713 340,000 268,875 608,875 2024 7,755,000 1,900,519 9,655,519 355,000 255,844 610,844 2025 8,130,000 1,534,638 9,664,638 370,000 242,250 612,250 2026 8,130,000 1,154,575 9,284,575 380,000 228,188 608,188 2027 8,525,000 761,750 9,286,750 395,000 213,656 608,656 2028 8,620,000 384,031 9,004,031 410,000 198,563 608,563 2029 2,220,000 169,975 2,389,975 430,000 182,813 612,813 2030 515,000 124,794 639,794 445,000 166,406 611,406 2031 535,000 109,044 644,044 460,000 149,438 609,438 2032 555,000 92,413 647,413 480,000 131,813 611,813 2033 470,000 76,463 546,463 495,000 113,531 608,531 2034 490,000 61,156 551,156 515,000 94,594 609,594 2035 510,000 44,906 554,906 535,000 74,906 609,906 2036 530,000 27,675 557,675 555,000 54,469 609,469 2037 555,000 9,366 564,366 575,000 33,281 608,281 2038 - - - 600,000 11,250 611,250 $ 87,375,000 $ 23,679,398 $ 111,054,398 $ 8,500,000 $ 3,700,698 $ 12,200,698 Less: Water and Sewer Self - Supporting Debt Requirements (3) 9,446,669 $ 1,099,707 9,963,104 1,100,356 10,013,794 1,044,656 10,156,363 1,098,456 10,262,275 1,102,438 10,270,588 1,067,694 10,266,363 1,063,044 10,276,888 1,061,869 9,892,763 1,054,169 9,895,406 1,049,944 9,612,594 532,219 3,002,788 531,519 1,251,200 537,219 1,253,481 539,394 1,259,225 540,838 1,154,994 546,463 1,160,750 551,156 1,164,813 554,906 1,167,144 557,675 1,172,647 564,366 611,250 - $123,255,096 Less: 4B Tax Total Debt Self- Less Self- % of Supporting Supporting Principal Requirements (3) Requirements Retired $ 392,150 $ 7,954,812 6.22% 385,650 8,477,098 389,050 8,580,087 392,250 8,665,656 383,625 8,776,212 388,050 8,814,844 43.11% 387,100 8,816,219 390,775 8,824,244 8,838,594 8,845,462 9,080,375 88.04% 2,471,269 713,981 714,087 718,387 608,531 94.93% 609,594 609,906 609,469 608,281 611,250 100.00% $ 103,948,360 $ 16,198,085 $ 3,108,650 "Outstanding Debt" does not include lease/purchase obligations, includes self-supporting debt. Average life of the issue - 11.610 years. Interest on the Certificates has been calculated at the average rate of 3.74% for purposes of illustration. Preliminary, subject to change. General obligation debt in the amounts shown for which repayment is provided from water and sewer system revenues and 4B sales tax revenues. The amount of self-supporting debt is based on the percentages of revenue support as shown in Table 10. It is the City's current policy to provide these payments from such revenues; however, this policy is subject to change in the future. In the event the City chooses to discontinue such transfers or such revenues are not otherwise available to pay debt service on such general obligation debt, the City will be required to levy ad valorem taxes or to appropriate other lawfully available funds, including financial reserves, if any, of the City in amounts sufficient to pay the debt service on such general obligation debt. See "Table 10 - Computation of Self -Supporting Debt." MOIIVIIi2IO3NI 11130 ML1111LIUu11111111IJUIUIw1111v1MMLLI1Jv11UU11III TABLE 9 - INTEREST AND SINKING FUND BUDGET PROJECTION (1) Budgeted Tax Supported Debt Service Requirements, Fiscal Year Ending 9-30-18 $ 7,962,813 Budgeted Interest and Sinking Fund Balance, 9-30-17 $ 925,746 Budgeted Interest and Sinking Fund Tax Levy 8,074,720 Interest Income 7,600 Budgeted Transfers 9,008,066 Estimated Balance, 9-30-18 $ 1,045,253 (1) Source: City's 2017-2018 Budget. Includes fiscal agent charges. TABLE 10 - COMPUTATION OF SELF-SUPPORTING DEBT (1) Water and Sewer System Revenue Supported Debt Revenue from Waterworks and Sewer System, Fiscal Year Ended 9-30-17 $ 4,098,224 Less: Revenue Bond Requirements, 2018 Fiscal Year Balance Available for Other Purposes $ 4,098,224 System General Obligation Bond Requirements, 2018 Fiscal Year 1,099,707 Balance $ 2,998,517 Percentage of System General Obligation Bonds Self Supporting 100.00% 4B Sales Tax Supported Debt Gross 4B Sales Tax Revenue, Fiscal Year Ended 9-30-17 (2) $ 3,072,586 Less: 4B Sales Tax Revenue Bond Debt Requirements, 2018 Fiscal Year Balance Available for Other Purposes $ 3,072,586 Less: Debt Requirements payable from 4B Sales Tax Revenue, 2018 Fiscal Year 392,150 Balance $ 2,680,436 Percentage of Debt Service Self -Supporting from 4B Sales Tax Revenue 100.00% (1) The City considers the general obligation debt identified in Table 10 to be self-supporting from the City's water and sewer system (the "System") and from the 4B local sales and use tax as indicated; however, neither the System revenues nor the 4B local sales and use tax revenues are pledged to the City's general obligation debt. It is the City's current policy to provide these payments from System revenues and 4B local sales and use tax revenues, respectively, but this policy is discretionary and may be discontinued by the City, in whole or in part, at any time. In the event the City chooses to discontinue such transfer of System revenues and/or 4B local sales and use tax revenues or such revenues are not otherwise available to pay debt service on such general obligation debt, the City will be required to levy ad valorem taxes or to appropriate other lawfully available funds, including financial reserves, if any, of the City in amounts sufficient to pay the debt service on such general obligation debt. (2) Sales tax revenue can be volatile and is generally not subject to the control of the City; while sales tax revenues have grown significantly in the City in recent years (see "Table 14 - Municipal Sales Tax History") no assurance can be given that the 4B local sales and use tax revenue that is anticipated to be used to pay debt service will be sufficient in any future year for that purpose. The 4B Sales Tax is levied pursuant to the authority of Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, Section 4B which has been codified as Chapter 504, Texas Local Government Code, as amended. TABLE 11 - AUTHORIZED BUT UNISSUED GENERAL OBLIGATION CERTIFICATES The City has no authorized but unissued general obligation bonds as of March 1, 2018. ANTICIPATED ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT ... The City does not anticipate issuing additional general obligation debt within the next 12 months. TABLE 12 - OTHER OBLIGATIONS The City has no unfunded debt outstanding as of September 30, 2017. In 2017, the City entered into a capital lease agreement to finance the acquisition of equipment with historical cost of $1,130,553. The Equipment has been capitalized and reported as capital assets of the governmental activities. 21 PENSION FUND ... The City participates as one of 866 plans in the nontraditional, joint contributory, hybrid defined benefit pension plan administered by the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS). TMRS is an agency created by the State of Texas and administered in accordance with the TMRS Act, Subtitle G, Title 8, Texas Government Code (the TMRS Act) as an agent multiple -employer retirement system for municipal employees in the State of Texas. The TMRS Act places the general administration and management of the System with a six -member Board of Trustees. Although the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoints the Board, TMRS is not fiscally dependent on the State of Texas. All eligible employees of the City are required to participate in TMRS. Benefits depend upon the sum of the employees' contributions to the plan, with interest, and the City -financed monetary credits, with interest. At the date the plan began, the City granted monetary credits for service rendered before the plan began of a theoretical amount equal to two times what would have been contributed by the employee, with interest, prior to establishment of the plan. Monetary credits for service since the plan began are a percent (100%, 150% and 200%) of the employee's accumulated contributions. In addition, the City can grant, as often as annually, another type of monetary credit referred to as an updated service credit. An updated service credit is a theoretical amount which, when added to the employee's accumulated contributions and the monetary credits for service since the plan began, would be the total monetary credits and employee contributions accumulated with interest if the current employee contribution rate and City matching percent had always been in existence and if the employee's salary had always been the average of his salary in the last three years that are one year before the effective date. At retirement, the benefit is calculated as if the sum of the employee's accumulated contributions with interest and employer -financed monetary credits with interest were used to purchase an annuity. Members can retire at ages 60 and above with 5 or more years of service or with 20 years of service regardless of age. A member is vested after 5 years. The plan also provides death and disability benefits. The plan provisions are adopted by the City Council, with the options available in the state statutes governing TMRS and within the actuarial constraints also in the statutes. The contribution rates for employees in TMRS are either 5%, 6%, or 7% of employee gross earnings, and the city matching percentages are either 100%, 150%, or 200%, both as adopted by the governing body of the city. Under the state law governing TMRS, the contribution rate for each city is determined annually by the actuary, using the Entry Age Normal (EAN) actuarial cost method. The actuarially determined rate is the estimated amount necessary to finance the cost of benefits earned by employees during the year, with an additional amount to finance any unfunded accrued liability. As of the December 31, 2016 valuation and measurement date, the following employees were covered by the benefit terms: Inactive Employees or Beneficiaries Currently Receving Benefits 84 Inactive Employees Entitled to But Not Yet Receving Benefits 142 Active Employees 304 530 Contribution ... Employees for the City were required to contribute 7% of their annual gross earnings during the fiscal year. The contribution rates for the City were 14.57% and 15.08% in calendar years 2016 and 2017, respectively. The City's contributions to TMRS for the year ended September 30, 2017 (including $58,060 of contributions by WEDC) were $2,924,821, and were equal to the required contributions. Net Pension Liability ... The City's Net Pension Liability (NPL) was measured as of December 31, 2016, and the Total Pension Liability (TPL) used to calculate the NPL was determined by an actuarial valuation as of that date. Actuarial assumntions: The Total Pension Liability in the December 31, 2016 actuarial valuation was determined using the following actuarial assumptions: Inflation 2.5% per year Overall payroll growth 3.0% per year Investment Rate of Return 6.75%, net of pension plan investment expense, including inflation Salary increases were based on a service -related table. Mortality rates for active members, retirees, and beneficiaries were based on the gender -distinct RP2000 Combined Healthy Mortality Table, with male rates multiplied by 109% and female rates multiplied by 103%. The rates are projected on a fully generational basis by scale BB to account for future mortality improvements. For disabled annuitants, the gender -distinct RP2000 Disabled Retiree Mortality Table is used, with slight adjustments. Healthy Mortality Tables with Blue Collar Adjustment are used with males rates multiplied by 109% and female rates multiplied by 103% with a 3 -year set -forward for both males and females. In addition, a 3% minimum mortality rate is applied to reflect the impairment for younger members who become disabled. The rates are projected on a fully generational basis by scale BB to account for future mortality improvements subject to the 3% floor. 22 IL Actuarial assumptions used in the December 31, 2016, valuation were based on the results of actuarial experience studies. The experience study in TMRS was for the period December 31, 2010 through December 31, 2014, first used in the December 31, 2013 valuation. Healthy post-retirement mortality rates and annuity purchase rates were updated based on a Mortality Experience Investigation Study covering 2009 through 2011, and dated December 31, 2013. These assumptions were first used in the December 31, 2013 valuation, along with a change to the Entry Age Normal (EAN) actuarial cost method. Assumptions are reviewed annually. No additional changes were made for the 2014 valuation. ILThe long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was determined using a building-block method in which best estimate ranges of expected future real rates of return (expected returns, net of pension plan investment expense and inflation) are developed for each major asset class. These ranges are combined to produce the long-term expected rate of return by weighting the expected future real rates of return by the target asset allocation percentage and by adding expected inflation. In determining their best estimate of a recommended investment return assumption under the various altemative asset allocation portfolios, GRS focused on the area between (1) arithmetic mean (aggressive) without an adjustment for time(conservative) and (2) the geometric mean (conservative) with an adjustment for time (aggressive). At its meeting on July 30, 2016, the TMRS Board approved a new portfolio target allocation. Discount Rate ... The discount rate used to measure the Total Pension Liability was 6.75%. The projection of cash flows used to determine the discount rate assumed that employee and employer contributions will be made at the rates specified in statute. Based on that assumption, the pension plan's Fiduciary Net Position was projected to be available to make all projected future benefit payments of current active and inactive employees. The following presents the net pension liability of the City, calculated using the discount rate of 6.75%., as well as what the City's net pension liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is 1 -percentage -point lower (5.75%) or 1- percentage higher (7.75%) than the current rate: IL 1% Decrease Discount 1% Increase ILin Discount Rate in Discount Rate (5.75%) (6.75%) Rate (7.75%) City's Net Pension Liability $25,278,482 $14,451,770 $5,753,889 OTHER POST -EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ... The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released the Statement of General Accounting Standards No. 45 ("GASB 45"), Accounting by Employers for Other Post -Employment Benefits ("OPEB"), in June 2004. GASB 45 sets forth standards for the measurement, recognition and display of post -employment benefits, other than pensions, such as health and life insurance for current and future retirees. Those subject to this pronouncement are required to: (i) measure the cost of benefits, and recognize other post -employment benefits expense, on the accrual basis of accounting over Lthe working lifetime of the employees; (ii) provide information about the actuarial liabilities for promised benefits associated with past services and whether, or to what extent, the future costs of those benefits have been funded; and (iii) provide IC information useful in assessing potential demands on the employer's future cash flows. The employer's contributions to OPEB costs that are less than an actuarially determined annual required contribution will result in a net OPEB cost, which under GASB 45 will be required to be recorded as a liability in the employer's financial statements. IL As a result of its participation in TMRS and having no other post -employment benefit plans, the City has no obligations for other post -employment benefits within the meaning of GASB 45. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ... The City has entered into a contract with the North Texas Municipal Water District ("NTMWD") to provide for the construction, operation and maintenance of the NTMWD's Regional Muddy Creek Wastewater System ("System") for the purpose of providing facilities to receive, transport, treat, and dispose of wastewater. The City remains obligated to pay it's pro rata portion of the costs of constructing and operating the System, including repayment of bonds issued by NTMWD for the System, which is calculated each year based on the City's ILactual flow into the System. The City's obligations are an annual payment that is factored into the City budget each fiscal year. For more information regarding the System and the City's long-term financial obligations related to the System, please see APPENDIX B — Excerpts from the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. L 23 3 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 3 TABLE 13 — CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 3 Fiscal Year Ended September 30, Revenues: 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2 Program Revenues Charges for Services $ 6,542,140 $ 6,351,981 $ 6,515,402 $ 5,667,148 $ 5,194,464 2 Operating Grants and Contributions 364,935 359,928 467,147 332,004 142,063 Capital Grants and Contributions 15,186,815 12,277,481 10,343,185 6,651,870 4,815,624 2 General Revenues , Ad Valorem Taxes 30,065,957 26,992,416 24,620,586 22,537,796 21,280,279 2 Sales Taxes 7,993,453 7,555,687 6,663,646 5,872,316 5,635,492 Other Taxes and Fees 2,726,088 2,709,736 2,665,092 2,497,660 2,238,997 2 Interest 145,377 65,850 12,708 7,857 41,651 t Gain (Loss) Disposal of Capital Assets 96,937 339,328 49,752 8,317 2 Miscellaneous 223,012 149,534 160,750 186,802 423,219 Total Revenues $ 63,247,777 $ 56,559,550 $ 51,787,844 $ 43,803,205 $ 39,780,106 2 Expenses: 2 General Government $ 9,460,047 $ 9,547,712 $ 8,292,990 $ 4,731,511 $ 5,617,973 Public Safety 17,893,012 16,665,427 15,265,836 16,818,848 14,886,917 2 Urban Development 1,179,962 1,012,093 1,040,898 1,175,311 1,143,806 Streets 8,044,783 6,941,858 7,649,278 8,019,706 7,080,061 al Community Service 7,709,291 7,750,815 7,326,919 7,189,773 6,861,667 Interest on Long-term Debt 2,752,525 3,439,372 3,920,570 4,029,262 4,283,310 2 Total Expenses $ 47,039,620 $ 45,357,277 $ 43,496,491 $ 41,964,411 $ 39,873,734 2 Increase in Net Assets Before Transfers $ 16,208,157 $ 11,202,273 $ 8,291,353 $ 1,838,794 $ (93,628) Transfers 2,112,861 1,911,845 1,961,899 1,709,611 (61,630) 3 Increase in Net Assets $ 18,321,018 $ 13,114,118 $ 10,253,252 $ 3,548,405 $ (155,258) Net Assets - October 1 137,494,154 124,380,036 121,424,851 118,494,188 118,649,446 3 Change in Accounting Principle - (7,298,067) (617,742) Net Assets - September 30 $155,815,172 $137,494,154 $124,380,036 $121,424,851 $118,494,188 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 24 2 2 3 TABLE 13A - GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES HISTORY Fiscal Year Ended September 30, Revenues 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Taxes $30,037,890 $26,740,670 $23,681,087 $21,593,451 $20,155,654 Licenses and Permits 1,130,011 1,050,486 1,019,974 672,381 549,856 Intergovernmental 861,326 852,859 718,956 764,322 669,112 Charges for Services 3,647,677 3,593,187 3,374,505 3,151,624 2,949,689 Fines and Forfeitures 557,320 514,706 400,568 276,862 272,266 Interest 81,243 34,390 5,852 2,974 13,470 Miscellaneous 289,487 225,387 270,131 280,814 507,397 Total Revenues $36,604,954 $33,011,685 $29,471,073 $26,742,428 $25,117,444 Expenditures General Government $10,677,430 $ 9,396,230 $ 8,405,920 $ 7,623,082 $ 7,007,712 Public Safety 18,089,087 17,534,893 15,031,702 14,148,313 13,353,838 Public Works 3,070,133 2,190,086 1,901,138 1,170,740 1,648,373 Urban Development 1,270,481 1,109,049 1,124,212 1,848,617 1,144,217 Community Services 4,255,423 3,926,919 3,278,373 3,242,808 3,211,416 Total Expenditures $37,362,554 $34,157,177 $29,741,345 $28,033,560 $26,365,556 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures $ (757,600) $ (1,145,492) $ (270,272) $ (1,291,132) $ (1,248,112) Other Financine Sources (Uses) Budgeted Transfers In (Out) $ 1,203,861 $ 2,079,263 $ 1,606,899 $ 1,392,123 $ 1,864,297 Proceeds from Sale of Property 86,034 170,810 482,956 - Sale of Fixed Assets - - 99,744 8,317 Insurance Recovery 926,376 1,973,861 Proceeds from Capital Leases 1,130,553 - - Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ 3,346,824 $ 4,223,934 $ 2,089,855 $ 1,491,867 $ 1,872,614 Net Change in Fund Balances $ 2,589,224 $ 3,078,442 $ 1,819,583 $ 200,735 $ 624,502 Beginning Fund Balance 17,191,455 14,113,013 12,293,430 6,521,597 5,897,095 Ending Fund Balance $19,780,679 $17,191,455 $14,113,013 $ 6,722,332 $ 6,521,597 25 TABLE 14 - MUNICIPAL SALES TAX HISTORY The City has adopted the Municipal Sales and Use Tax Act, V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Chapter 321, which grants the City the power to impose and levy a 1% Local Sales and Use Tax within the City; the proceeds are credited to the City's General Fund and are not pledged to the payment of the Certificates. Collections and enforcements are effected through the offices of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Texas, who remits the proceeds of the tax, after deduction of a 2% service fee, to the City monthly. Fiscal Year Ended 9/30 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (1) % of Equivalent of Total Ad Valorem Ad Valorem Per Collected Tax Levy Tax Rate Capita $ 3,865,276 17.18% $ 0.1599 $ 88 4,410,069 18.14% 0.1684 96 4,992,481 18.58% 0.1709 107 5,283,769 17.62% 0.1586 111 1,304,824 4.16% 0.0345 26 In November 1989, the voters of the City approved the imposition of an additional sales and use tax of one-half of one percent (% of 1%) for economic development under Section 4A of the Economic Development Act (now codified as V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Title 12, Subtitle C1, specifically Chapters 501 and 504) which is administered by the Wylie Economic Development Corporation ("WEDC"). In January 1994, the voters of the City approved the imposition of an additional sales and use tax of one- half of one percent ('/ of 1%) for park and recreational facilities development which is administered under Section 4B of the Economic Development Act (now codified as V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Title 12, Subtitle Cl, specifically Chapters 501 and 505) by the Wylie Park and Recreational Facilities Development Corporation ("WPRFDC"). Fiscal Year Ended 9/30 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 The sales tax breakdown for the City is as follows: (1) 4A 4B Sales Tax Sales Tax Collected Collected $ 1,932,635 $ 1,932,641 2,205,035 2,205,035 2,481,758 2,481,758 2,641,885 2,641,885 652,412 652,412 WEDC (4A) 0.50¢ WPRFDC (4B) 0.500 City Sales & Use Tax 1.00¢ State Sales & Use Tax 6.250 Total 8.25¢ (1) Collections for part year only, through March 1, 2018. FINANCIAL POLICIES Basis of Accounting ... In June 1999, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board ("GASB") issued Statement No. 34, "Basic Financial Statements - and Management's Discussion and Analysis - for State and Local Governments" ("GASB 34"). The City implemented GASB 34 beginning with its fiscal year ending September 30, 2003. The purpose of GASB 34 is to create new information and restructure much of the information that governments have presented in the past to provide a more comprehensive demonstration of their annual financial performance on a system -wide basis. Among the significant changes effected by the new accounting standard are new presentations for proprietary or business -type operations of the City, such as those reported for the City's water and waste water operations (the "Proprietary Funds"). As required by the newly adopted accounting principles, the City's annual report consists of three basic financial statements for the Proprietary Funds: the Statement of Net Assets; the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets; and the Statement of Cash Flows. Those statements are included in the financial statements of the City for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2017 in Appendix B. In addition, a discussion of GASB 34 is set forth in the Management Discussion and Analysis and in various notes to the City's financial statements in Appendix B. 26 IL Use of Certificate Proceeds, Grants, etc ... The City's policy is to use bond proceeds, grants, revenue sharing or other non-recurring revenues for capital expenditures only. Such revenues are never to be used to fund normal City operations. Budgetary Procedures ... The City Charter establishes the fiscal year as the twelve-month period beginning each October 1. The various departments submit to the City Manager a budget of estimated expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year by the first of July. The City Manager subsequently submits a budget of estimated expenditures and revenues to the City Council by August. The City Council shall hold a public hearing on the budget after giving at least 7 days notice of the hearing in the official newspaper of the IL City. The Council shall then make any changes in the budget as it deems advisable and shall adopt a budget prior to October 1. Departmental appropriations that have not been expended lapse at the end of the fiscal year. Therefore, funds that were budgeted and not used by the departments during the fiscal year are not available for their use unless appropriated in the ensuing fiscal year's budget. INVESTMENTS The City invests its investable funds in investments authorized by Texas law in accordance with investment policies approved by the City Council. Both State law and the City's investment policies are subject to change. LEGAL INVESTMENTS ... Available City funds are invested as authorized by Texas law and in accordance with investment policies approved by the City Council. Both State law and the City's investment policies are subject to change. Under State law, the City is authorized to invest in (1) obligations, including letters of credit, of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities, including the federal Home Loan Banks; (2) direct obligations of the State or its agencies and instrumentalities; (3) collateralized mortgage obligations directly issued by a federal agency or instrumentality of the United States, the underlying security for which is guaranteed by an agency or instrumentality of the United States; (4) other obligations, the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by or backed by the full faith and credit of, the State or the United States or their respective agencies and instrumentalities, including obligations that are fully guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or by the explicit full faith and credit of the United States; (5) obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any state rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than A or its equivalent; (6) bonds issued, assumed or guaranteed by the State of Israel; (7) interest-bearing banking deposits that are guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or its successor or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or its successor; (8) interest-bearing banking deposits other than those described by clause (7) if (A) the funds invested in the banking deposits are invested through: (i) a broker with a main office or branch office in this State that the investing entity selects from a list the governing body or designated investment committee of the entity adopts as required by Section 2256.025, Texas Government Code; or (ii) a depository institution with a main office or branch office in this State that the investing entity selects; (B) the broker or depository institution selected as described by (A) above arranges for the deposit of the funds in the banking deposits in one or more IL federally insured depository institutions, regardless of where located, for the investing entity's account; (C) the full amount of the principal and accrued interest of the banking deposits is insured by the United States or an instrumentality of the United States; and (D) the investing entity appoints as the entity's custodian of the banking deposits issued for the entity's account: (i) the depository institution selected as described by (A) above; (ii) an entity described by Section 2257.041(d), Texas Government Code; or (iii) a clearing broker dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and operating under Securities and Exchange Ir Commission Rule 15c3-3 (17 C.F.R. Section 240.15c3-3); (9) certificates of deposit and share certificates (i) issued by a depository �t institution that has its main office or a branch office in the State of Texas, and are guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or its successor or the National Credit Union Insurance Fund or its successor, or are secured as to principal by obligations described in the clauses (1) through (8) or in any other manner and amount provided by law for City deposits, or (ii) where (a) the funds are invested by the City through (I) a broker that has its main office or a branch office in the State and is selected ILfrom a list adopted by the City as required by law or (II) a depository institution that has its main office or a branch office in the State that is selected by the City; (b) the broker or the depository institution selected by the City arranges for the deposit of the funds in certificates of deposit in one or more federally insured depository institutions, wherever located, for the account of the City; (c) the full amount of the principal and accrued interest of each of the certificates of deposit is insured by the United States or an instrumentality of the United States, and (d) the City appoints the depository institution selected under (a) above, an entity as described by Section 2257.041(d) of the Texas Government Code, or a clearing broker-dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and operating pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c3-3 (17 C.F.R. Section 240.15c3-3) ILas custodian for the City with respect to the certificates of deposit; (10) fully collateralized repurchase agreements that have a defined termination date, are fully secured by a combination of cash and obligations described in clause (1) which are pledged to the City, held in the City's name, and deposited at the time the investment is made with the City or with a third party selected and approved by the City and are placed through a primary government securities dealer, as defined by the Federal Reserve, or a financial institution doing business in the State; (11) securities lending programs if (i) the securities loaned under the program are 100% collateralized, a ILloan made under the program allows for termination at any time and a loan made under the program is either secured by (a) obligations that are described in clauses (1) through (8) above, (b) irrevocable letters of credit issued by a state or national bank that is ILcontinuously rated by a nationally recognized investment rating firm at not less than A or its equivalent or (c) cash invested in obligations described in clauses (1) through (8) above, clauses (13) through (15) below, or an authorized investment pool; (ii) securities held as collateral under a loan are pledged to the City, held in the City's name and deposited at the time the investment is made with the City or a third party designated by the City; (iii) a loan made under the program is placed through either a primary government securities dealer or a financial institution doing business in the State; and (iv) the agreement to lend securities has a term 27 IL L of one year or less, (12) certain bankers' acceptances with the remaining term of 270 days or less, if the short-term obligations of the accepting bank or its parent are rated at least A-1 or P-1 or the equivalent by at least one nationally recognized credit rating agency, (13) commercial paper with a stated maturity of 270 days or less that is rated at least A-1 or P-1 or the equivalent by either (a) two nationally recognized credit rating agencies or (b) one nationally recognized credit rating agency if the paper is fully secured by an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a U.S. or state bank, (14) a no-load money market mutual fund registered with and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission that provides the City with a prospectus and other information required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or the Investment Company Act of 1940 and complies with federal Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 2a-7, and (15) no-load mutual funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission that have an average weighted maturity of less than two years, and have a duration of one year or more and are invested exclusively in obligations described in this paragraph or have a duration of less than one year and the investment portfolio is limited to investment grade securities, excluding asset-backed securities. In addition, bond proceeds may be invested in guaranteed investment contracts that have a defined termination date and are secured by obligations, including letters of credit, of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities in an amount at least equal to the amount of bond proceeds invested under such contract, other than the prohibited obligations described in the next succeeding paragraph.. The City may invest in such obligations directly or through government investment pools that invest solely in such obligations provided that the pools are rated no lower than AAA or AAA -m or an equivalent by at least one nationally recognized rating service. The City is specifically prohibited from investing in (1) obligations whose payment represents the coupon payments on the outstanding principal balance of the underlying mortgage-backed security collateral and pays no principal (2) obligations whose payment represents the principal stream of cash flow from the underlying mortgage-backed security and bears no interest (3) collateralized mortgage obligations that have a stated final maturity of greater than 10 years, and (4) collateralized mortgage obligations the interest rate of which is determined by an index that adjusts opposite to the changes in a market index. INVESTMENT POLICIES ... Under Texas law, the City is required to invest its funds under written investment policies that primarily emphasize safety of principal and liquidity; that address investment diversification, yield, maturity, and the quality and capability of investment management; and that includes a list of authorized investments for City funds, maximum allowable stated maturity of any individual investment, the maximum average dollar -weighted maturity allowed for pooled fund groups, methods to monitor the market price of investments acquired with public funds, a requirement for settlement of all transactions, except investment pool funds and mutual funds, on a delivery versus payment basis, and procedures to monitor rating changes in investments acquired with public funds and the liquidation of such investments consistent with the PFIA. All City funds must be invested consistent with a formally adopted "Investment Strategy Statement" that specifically addresses each fund's investment. Each Investment Strategy Statement will describe its objectives concerning: (1) suitability of investment type, (2) preservation and safety of principal, (3) liquidity, (4) marketability of each investment, (5) diversification of the portfolio, and (6) yield. Under Texas law, City investments must be made "with judgment and care, under prevailing circumstances, that a person of prudence, discretion, and intelligence would exercise in the management of the person's own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of capital and the probable income to be derived." At least quarterly the investment officers of the City shall submit an investment report detailing: (1) the investment position of the City, (2) that all investment officers jointly prepared and signed the report, (3) the beginning market value, the ending market value, and the fully accrued interest for the reporting period of each pooled fund group, (4) the book value and market value of each separately listed asset at the end of the reporting period, (5) the maturity date of each separately invested asset, (6) the account or fund or pooled fund group for which each individual investment was acquired, and (7) the compliance of the investment portfolio as it relates to: (a) adopted investment strategy statements and (b) state law. No person may invest City funds without express written authority from the City Council. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ... Under Texas law, the City is additionally required to: (1) annually review its adopted policies and strategies; (2) adopt a rule, order, ordinance or resolution stating that it has reviewed its investment policy and investment strategies and records any changes made to either its investment policy or investment strategy in the respective rule, order, ordinance or resolution; (3) require any investment officers with personal business relationships or relatives with firms seeking to sell securities to the City to disclose the relationship and file a statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the City Council; (4) require the qualified representative of firms offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City to: (a) receive and review the City's investment policy, (b) acknowledge that reasonable controls and procedures have been implemented to preclude investment transactions conducted between the City and the business organization that are not authorized by the City's investment policy (except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the City's entire portfolio or requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards), and (c) deliver a written statement in a form acceptable to the City and the business organization attesting to these requirements; (5) perform an annual audit of the management controls on investments and adherence to the City's investment policy; (6) provide specific investment training for the Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and investment officers; (7) restrict reverse repurchase agreements to not more than 90 days and restrict the investment of reverse repurchase agreement funds to no greater than the term of the reverse purchase agreement; (8) restrict the investment in no-load mutual funds in the aggregate to no more than 15% of the City's monthly average fund balance, excluding bond proceeds and reserves and other funds held for debt service; (9) require local government investment pools to conform to the new disclosure, rating, net asset value, yield calculation, and advisory board requirements; and (10) at least annually review, revise, and adopt a list of qualified brokers that are authorized to engage in investment transactions with the City. 28 TABLE 15 - CURRENT INVESTMENTS As of February 1, 2018, the City's investable funds were invested in the following categories: Description Percent Amount TexPool (I) 49.12% $ 14,736,125 TexStar (I) 50.88% $ 15,265,455 100.00% $ 30,001,580 (1) A portion of the City's investments are invested in TexSTAR and TexPool, each of which is an investment pool that has an investment objective of achieving and maintaining a stable net asset value of $1.00 per share. Daily investment or redemption of funds is allowed by the participants. TexSTAR is a local government investment pool for which First Southwest Asset Management, Inc., a Hilltop Holdings Company, an affiliate of the District's financial advisor, provides customer service and marketing. 29 TAX MATTERS TAx EXEMPTION . .. The delivery of the Certificates is subject to the opinion of Bond Counsel to the effect that interest on the Certificates for federal income tax purposes (1) will be excludable from gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended to the date of such opinion (the "Code"), pursuant to section 103 of the Code and existing regulations, published rulings, and court decisions, and (2) will not be included in computing the alternative minimum taxable income of the owners thereof who are individuals or, except as hereinafter described, corporations. A form of Bond Counsel's opinion is reproduced in Appendix C. The statutes, regulations, rulings, and court decisions on which such opinion is based are subject to change. For taxable years that began before January 1, 2018, interest on the Certificates owned by a corporation will be included in such corporation's adjusted current earnings for purposes of computing the alternative minimum tax on such corporation, other than an S corporation, a qualified mutual fund, a real estate investment trust, a real estate mortgage investment conduit, or a financial asset securitization investment trust. The alternative minimum tax on corporations has been repealed for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. In rendering the foregoing opinion, Bond Counsel will rely upon representations and certifications of the City made in a certificate dated the date of delivery of the Certificates pertaining to the use, expenditure, and investment of the proceeds of the Certificates and will assume continuing compliance by the City with the provisions of the Ordinance subsequent to the issuance of the Certificates. The Ordinance contains covenants by the City with respect to, among other matters, the use of the proceeds of the Certificates and the facilities financed therewith by persons other than state or local governmental units, the manner in which the proceeds of the Certificates are to be invested, the periodic calculation and payment to the United States Treasury of arbitrage "profits" from the investment of the proceeds, and the reporting of certain information to the United States Treasury. Failure to comply with any of these covenants may cause interest on the Certificates to be includable in the gross income of the owners thereof from the date of the issuance of the Certificates. Bond Counsel's opinion is not a guarantee of a result, but represents its legal judgment based upon its review of existing statutes, regulations, published rulings and court decisions and the representations and covenants of the City described above. No ruling has been sought from the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") with respect to the matters addressed in the opinion of Bond Counsel, and Bond Counsel's opinion is not binding on the IRS. The IRS has an ongoing program of auditing the tax-exempt status of the interest on tax-exempt obligations. If an audit of the Certificates is commenced, under current procedures the IRS is likely to treat the City as the "taxpayer," and the owners of the Certificates would have no right to participate in the audit process. In responding to or defending an audit of the tax-exempt status of the interest on the Certificates, the City may have different or conflicting interests from the owners of the Certificates. Public awareness of any future audit of the Certificates could adversely affect the value and liquidity of the Certificates during the pendency of the audit, regardless of its ultimate outcome. Except as described above, Bond Counsel expresses no other opinion with respect to any other federal, state or local tax consequences under present law, or proposed legislation, resulting from the receipt or accrual of interest on, or the acquisition or disposition of, the Certificates. Prospective purchasers of the Certificates should be aware that the ownership of tax-exempt obligations such as the Certificates may result in collateral federal tax consequences to, among others, financial institutions, life insurance companies, property and casualty insurance companies, certain foreign corporations doing business in the United States, S corporations with subchapter C earnings and profits, individual recipients of Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits, individuals otherwise qualifying for the earned income tax credit, owners of an interest in a FASIT, and taxpayers who may be deemed to have incurred or continued indebtedness to purchase or carry, or who have paid or incurred certain expenses allocable to, tax-exempt obligations. Prospective purchasers should consult their own tax advisors as to the applicability of these consequences to their particular circumstances. Existing law may change to reduce or eliminate the benefit to bondholders of the exclusion of interest on the Certificates from gross income for federal income tax purposes. Any proposed legislation or administrative action, whether or not taken, could also affect the value and marketability of the Certificates. Prospective purchasers of the Certificates should consult with their own tax advisors with respect to any proposed or future change in tax law. TAX ACCOUNTING TREATMENT OF DISCOUNT AND PREMIUM ON CERTAIN CERTIFICATES ... The initial public offering price of certain Certificates (the "Discount Certificates") may be less than the amount payable on such Certificates at maturity. An amount equal to the difference between the initial public offering price of a Discount Certificate (assuming that a substantial amount of the Discount Certificates of that maturity are sold to the public at such price) and the amount payable at maturity constitutes original issue discount to the initial purchaser of such Discount Certificate. A portion of such original issue discount allocable to the holding period of such Discount Certificate by the initial purchaser will, upon the disposition of such Discount Certificate (including by reason of its payment at maturity), be treated as interest excludable from gross income, rather than as taxable gain, for federal income tax purposes, on the same terms and conditions as those for other interest on the Certificates described above under "Tax Exemption." Such interest is considered to be accrued actuarially in accordance with the constant interest method over the life of a Discount Certificate, taking into account the semiannual compounding of accrued interest, at the yield to maturity on such Discount Certificate and generally will be allocated to an initial purchaser in a different amount from the amount of the payment denominated as interest actually received by the initial purchaser during the tax year. 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 L L However, such interest may be required to be taken into account in determining the alternative minimum tax on corporations for taxable years that began before January 1, 2018„ and the amount of the branch profits tax applicable to certain foreign IL corporations doing business in the United States, even though there will not be a corresponding cash payment. In addition, the accrual of such interest may result in certain other collateral federal income tax consequences to, among others, financial institutions, life insurance companies, property and casualty insurance companies, S corporations with subchapter C earnings and ILprofits, individual recipients of Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits, individuals otherwise qualifying for earned income tax credit, owners of an interest in a FASIT, and taxpayers who may be deemed to have incurred or continued ILindebtedness to purchase or carry, or who have paid or incurred certain expenses allocable to, tax-exempt obligations. Moreover, in the event of the redemption, sale or other taxable disposition of a Discount Certificate by the initial owner prior to maturity, the amount realized by such owner in excess of the basis of such Discount Certificate in the hands of such owner (adjusted upward by the portion of the original issue discount allocable to the period for which such Discount Certificate was held) is includable in gross income. IL Owners of Discount Certificates should consult with their own tax advisors with respect to the determination of accrued original issue discount on Discount Certificates for federal income tax purposes and with respect to the state and local tax consequences of owning and disposing of Discount Certificates. It is possible that, under applicable provisions governing determination of state and local income taxes, accrued interest on Discount Certificates may be deemed to be received in the year of accrual even though there will not be a corresponding cash payment. The initial public offering price of certain Certificates (the "Premium Certificates") may be greater than the amount payable on such Certificates at maturity. An amount equal to the difference between the initial public offering price of a Premium Certificate (assuming that a substantial amount of the Premium Certificates of that maturity are sold to the public at such price) and the amount payable at maturity constitutes premium to the initial purchaser of such Premium Certificates. The basis for federal income tax purposes of a Premium Certificate in the hands of such initial purchaser must be reduced each year by the amortizable ILbond premium, although no federal income tax deduction is allowed as a result of such reduction in basis for amortizable bond premium. Such reduction in basis will increase the amount of any gain (or decrease the amount of any loss) to be recognized for federal income tax purposes upon a sale or other taxable disposition of a Premium Certificate. The amount of premium which is amortizable each year by an initial purchaser is determined by using such purchaser's yield to maturity. Purchasers of the Premium Certificates should consult with their own tax advisors with respect to the determination of amortizable bond premium on Premium Certificates for federal income tax purposes and with respect to the state and local tax Lconsequences of owning and disposing of Premium Certificates. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION In the Ordinance the City has made the following agreement for the benefit of the holders and beneficial owners of the ILCertificates. The City is required to observe the agreement while it remains obligated to advance funds to pay such Certificates. Under the agreement, the City will be obligated to provide certain updated financial information and operating data annually, and timely notice of specified events, to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board ("MSRB"). This information will be available free of charge from the MSRB via the Electronic Municipal Market Access ("EMMA") system at www.emma.msrb.or¢. IL ANNUAL REPORTS . .. The City shall provide annually to the MSRB, (1) within six months after the end of each fiscal year of the City ending in or after 2018, financial information and operating data with respect to the City of the general type included in this 1111 Official Statement under Tables numbered 1 through 6 and 8 through 15 and (2) if not provided as part such financial information and operating data, audited financial statements of the City within the twelve months after the end of each fiscal year, `" when and if available. Any financial statements to be provided shall be (i) prepared in accordance with the accounting principles described in the Ordinance or such other accounting principles as the City may be required to employ from time to time pursuant ,�► to state law or regulation, and in substantially the form included in the Official Statement, and (ii) audited, if the City commissions an audit of such financial statements and the audit is completed within the period during which they must be provided. If the audit of such financial statements is not complete within 12 months after any such fiscal year end, then the City shall file unaudited financial statements within such 12 -month period and audited financial statements for the applicable fiscal year, when and if the audit report on such statements becomes available. Accordingly, the City must provide updated information included in the above -referenced tables by March 31 in each year, and IL audited financial statements for the preceding fiscal year must be provided by September 30 in each year, unless the City changes its fiscal year. If the City changes its fiscal year, it will file notice of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) with the MSRB prior to the next date by which the City otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. IL NOTICE OF CERTAIN EVENTS ... The City will also provide timely notices of certain events to the MSRB. The City will provide notice of any of the following events with respect to the Certificates to the MSRB in a timely manner (but not in excess of ten business days after the occurrence of the event): (1) principal and interest payment delinquencies; (2) non-payment related defaults, if material; (3) unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (4) unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (5) substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; IL 31 IL 1 (6) adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701-TEB), or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the Certificates, or other material events affecting the tax status of the Certificates; (7) modifications to rights of holders of the Certificates, if material; (8) Certificate calls, if material, and tender offers; (9) defeasances; (10) release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Certificates, if material; (11) rating changes; (12) bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, or similar event of the City, which shall occur as described below; (13) the consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the City or the sale of all or substantially all of its assets, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into of a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; and (14) appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material. In addition, the City will provide timely notice of any failure by the City to provide annual financial information in accordance with their agreement described above under "Annual Reports". For these purposes, any event described in (12) in the immediately preceding paragraph is considered to occur when any of the following occur: the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent, or similar officer for the City in a proceeding under the United States Bankruptcy Code or in any other proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the City, or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization, arrangement, or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the City. AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION . . . The City has agreed to provide the foregoing information only as described above. Investors will be able to access continuing disclosure information filed with the MSRB free of charge at www.emma.msrb.org. LIMITATIONS AND AMENDMENTS ... The City has agreed to update information and to provide notices of certain specified events only as described above. The City has not agreed to provide other information that may be relevant or material to a complete presentation of its financial results of operations, condition, or prospects or agreed to update any information that is provided, except as described above. The City makes no representation or warranty concerning such information or concerning its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Certificates at any future date. The City disclaims any contractual or tort liability for damages resulting in whole or in part from any breach of its continuing disclosure agreement or from any statement made pursuant to its agreement, although holders of Certificates may seek a writ of mandamus to compel the City to comply with its agreement. The City's continuing disclosure agreements for the Certificates may be amended by the City from time to time to adapt to changed circumstances that arise from a change in legal requirements, a change in law, or a change in the identity, nature, status, or type of operations of the City, but only if (1) the provisions, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell the Certificates in the primary offering of such Certificates in compliance with the Rule, taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule since such offering as well as such changed circumstances and (2) either (a) the registered owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provision of the Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the outstanding Certificates consent to such amendment or (b) a person that is unaffiliated with the City (such as nationally recognized Bond Counsel) determines that such amendment will not materially impair the interest of the registered owners and beneficial owners of such Certificates. The City may also amend or repeal the provisions of the continuing disclosure agreement if the SEC amends or repeals the applicable provision of the Rule or a court of final jurisdiction enters judgment that such provisions of the Rule are invalid, but only if and to the extent that the provisions of this sentence would not prevent an underwriter from lawfully purchasing or selling the Certificates in the primary offering of such Certificates. If the City amends its agreements, it must include with the next financial information and operating data provided in accordance with its agreement described above under "Annual Reports" an explanation, in narrative form, of the reasons for the amendment and of the impact of any change in the type of information and data provided. COMPLIANCE WITH PRIOR UNDERTAKINGS ... During the last five years, the City believes it has complied in all material respects with all continuing disclosure agreements made by it in accordance with the Rule. 32 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 a a 2 2 2 2 3 a 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 L OTHER INFORMATION RATINGS The Certificates and the presently outstanding unenhanced tax supported debt of the City are rated "Aa2" by Moody's and "AA" by S&P. An explanation of the significance of such ratings may be obtained from the company furnishing the rating. The ratings reflect only the respective views of such organizations and the City makes no representation as to the appropriateness of the ratings. There is no assurance that such ratings will continue for any given period of time or that they will not be revised downward or withdrawn entirely by either or both of such rating companies, if in the judgment of either or both companies, circumstances so warrant. Any such downward revision or withdrawal of such ratings, or either of them, may have an adverse effect on the market price of the Certificates. LITIGATION In the opinion of City officials the City is not a party to any litigation or other proceeding pending or to their knowledge threatened, in or before any court, agency or other administrative body (either state or federal) which, if decided adversely to the City, would have a material adverse effect on the financial condition of the City. At the time of the initial delivery of the Certificates, the City will provide the Underwriters with a certificate to the effect that no litigation of any nature has been filed or is then pending challenging the issuance of the Certificates or that affects the payment and security of the Certificates or in any other manner questioning the issuance, sale or delivery of the Certificates. REGISTRATION AND QUALIFICATION OF CERTIFICATES FOR SALE The sale of the Certificates has not been registered under the Federal Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in reliance upon the exemption provided thereunder by Section 3(a)(2). The Certificates have not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor has the Securities and Exchange Commission passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of the Official Statement. The Certificates have not been qualified under the Securities Act of Texas in reliance upon various exemptions contained therein; nor have the Certificates been qualified under the securities acts of any jurisdiction. The City assumes no responsibility for qualification of the Certificates under the securities laws of any jurisdiction in which the Certificates may be sold, assigned, pledged, hypothecated or otherwise transferred. This disclaimer of responsibility for qualification for sale or other disposition of the Certificates shall not be construed as an interpretation of any kind with regard to the availability of any exemption from securities registration provisions. LEGAL INVESTMENTS AND ELIGIBILITY TO SECURE PUBLIC FUNDS IN TEXAS Under the Texas Public Security Procedures Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 1201), the Certificates (i) are negotiable instruments, (ii) are investment securities to which Chapter 8 of the Texas Uniform Commercial Code applies, and (iii) are legal and authorized investments for (A) an insurance company, (B) a fiduciary or trustee, or (C) a sinking fund of a municipality or other political subdivision or public agency of the State of Texas. The Certificates are eligible to secure deposits of any public funds of the State, its agencies and political subdivisions, and are legal security for those deposits to the extent of their market value. For political subdivisions in Texas which have adopted investment policies and guidelines in accordance with the Public Funds Investment Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256), the Certificates may have to be assigned a rating of not less than "A" or its equivalent as to investment quality by a national rating agency before the Certificates are eligible investments for sinking funds and other public funds. In addition, various provisions of the Texas Finance Code provide that, subject to a prudent investor standard, the Certificates are legal investments for state banks, savings banks, trust companies with at least $1 million of capital and savings and loan associations. The City has made no investigation of other laws, rules, regulations or investment criteria which might apply to such institutions or entities or which might limit the suitability of the Certificates to any of the foregoing purposes or limit the authority of such institutions or entities to purchase or invest in the Certificates for such purposes. No review by the City has been made of the laws in other states to determine whether the Certificates are legal investments for various institutions in those states. LEGAL OPINIONS AND NO -LITIGATION CERTIFICATE The City will furnish a complete transcript of proceedings had incident to the authorization and issuance of the Certificates, including the unqualified approving legal opinions of the Attorney General of Texas approving the Initial Certificate and to the effect that the Certificates are valid and legally binding obligations of the City, and based upon examination of such transcript of proceedings, the approving legal opinions of Bond Counsel, to like effect and to the effect that the interest on the Certificates will be excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes under Section 103(a) of the Code, subject to the matters described under "TAX MATTERS" herein, including the alternative minimum tax on corporations. The customary closing papers, including a certificate to the effect that no litigation of any nature has been filed or is then pending to restrain the issuance and delivery of the Certificates, or which would affect the provision made for their payment or security or in any manner questioning the validity of said Certificates will also be furnished. Though it represents the Financial Advisor and purchasers of debt from governmental issuers from time to time in matters unrelated to the issuance of the Certificates, Bond Counsel has been 33 E engaged by and only represents the City in connection with the issuance of the Certificates. Bond Counsel was not requested to participate, and did not take part, in the preparation of the Notice of Sale and Bidding Instructions, the Official Bid Form and the Official Statement, and such firm has not assumed any responsibility with respect thereto or undertaken independently to verify any of the information contained therein, except that, in its capacity as Bond Counsel, such firm has reviewed the information describing the Certificates in the Official Statement to verify that such description conforms to the provisions of the Ordinance. The legal fee to be paid Bond Counsel for services rendered in connection with the issuance of the Certifiicates is contingent on the sale and delivery of the Certificates. The legal opinion will accompany the Certificates deposited with DTC or will be printed on the Certificates in the event of the discontinuance of the Book -Entry -Only System. The legal opinions to be delivered concurrently with the delivery of the Certificates express the professional judgment of the attorneys rendering the opinions as to the legal issues explicitly addressed therein. In rendering a legal opinion, the attorney does not become an insurer or guarantor of that expression of professional judgment, of the transaction opined upon, or of the future performance of the parties to the transaction. Nor does the rendering of an opinion guarantee the outcome of any legal dispute that may arise out of the transaction. AUTHENTICITY OF FINANCIAL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION The financial data and other information contained herein have been obtained from City records, audited and unaudited financial statements and other sources, which are believed to be reliable. There is no guarantee that any of the assumptions or estimates contained herein will be realized. All of the summaries of the statutes, documents and Ordinance contained in this Official Statement are made subject to all of the provisions of such statutes, documents and Ordinance. These summaries do not purport to be complete statements of such provisions and reference is made to such documents for further information. Reference is made to original documents in all respects. FINANCIAL ADVISOR Hilltop Securities Inc. ("HilltopSecurities"), is employed as Financial Advisor to the City in connection with the issuance of the Certificates. The Financial Advisor's fee for services rendered with respect to the sale of the Certificates is contingent upon the issuance and delivery of the Certificates. HilltopSecurities, in its capacity as Financial Advisor, has not verified and does not assume any responsibility for the information, covenants, and representations contained in any of the legal documents with respect to the federal income tax status of the Certificates, or the possible impact of any present, pending, or future actions taken by any legislative or judicial bodies. The Financial Advisor to the City has provided the following sentence for inclusion in this Official Statement. The Financial Advisor has reviewed the information in this Official Statement in accordance with, and as part of, its responsibilities to the City and, as applicable, to investors under the federal securities laws as applied to the facts and circumstances of this transaction, but the Financial Advisor does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information. INITIAL PURCHASER OF THE CERTIFICATES After requesting competitive bids for the Certificates, the City accepted the bid of (the "Initial Purchaser") to purchase the Certificates at the interest rates shown on the cover page of the Official Statement at a price of par plus a cash premium of $ . The Initial Purchaser can give no assurance that any trading market will be developed for the Certificates after their sale by the City to the Initial Purchaser. The City has no control over the price at which the Certificates are subsequently sold and the initial yield at which the Certificates will be priced and reoffered will be established by and will be the sole responsibility of the Initial Purchaser. CERTIFICATION OF THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT At the time of payment for and delivery of the Certificates, the City will furnish to the Initial Purchaser a certificate, executed by a proper City officer, acting in such officer's official capacity, to the effect that to the best of such officer's knowledge and belief: (a) the descriptions and statements of or pertaining to the City contained in the Official Statement, and any addenda, supplement, or amendment thereto, on the date of the Official Statement, on the date of sale of the Certificates, and the acceptance of the best bid therefor, and on the date of the delivery, were and are true and correct in all material respects; (b) insofar as the City and its affairs, including its financial affairs, are concerned, the Official Statement did not and does not contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; (c) insofar as the descriptions and statements, including financial data, of or pertaining to entities, other than the City, and their activities contained in the Official Statement are concerned, such statements and data have been obtained from sources which the City believes to be reliable and the City has no reason to believe that they are untrue in any material respect; and (d) there has been no material adverse change in the financial condition of the City since the date of the last audited financial statements of the City. 34 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS DISCLAIMER The statements contained in this Official Statement, and in any other information provided by the City, that are not purely historical, are forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the City's expectations, hopes, intentions, or strategies regarding the future. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements included in this Official Statement are based on information available to the City on the date hereof, and the City assumes no obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. The City's actual results could differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements included herein are necessarily based on various assumptions and estimates and are inherently subject to various risks and uncertainties, including risks and uncertainties relating to the possible invalidity of the underlying assumptions and estimates and possible changes or developments in social, economic, business, industry, market, legal, and regulatory circumstances and conditions and actions taken or omitted to be taken by third parties, including customers, suppliers, business partners and competitors, and legislative, judicial, and other governmental authorities and officials. Assumptions related to the foregoing involve judgments with respect to, among other things, future economic, competitive, and market conditions and future business decisions, all of which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the control of the City. Any of such assumptions could be inaccurate and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this Official Statement will prove to be accurate. MISCELLANEOUS The Ordinance related to the issuance of the Certificates will approve the form and content of this Official Statement, and any addenda, supplement or amendment thereto, and authorize its further use in the reoffering of the Certificates by the Initial Purchaser. ATTEST: STEPHANIE STORM, TRMC City Secretary 35 ERIC HOGUE Mayor City of Wylie, Texas THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY APPENDIX A GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE CITY THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY LOCATION ... The City is located in the southeast corner of Collin County on State Highway 78, approximately 25 miles north of downtown Dallas. The City's corporate boundaries encompass approximately 37 square miles. ECONOMY ... Accelerated industrial and commercial development within the past 5 to 10 years in the City, and its close proximity to the Cities of Dallas, Plano and Garland, has created a balanced economy based on manufacturing and agriculture. ECONOMIC AND POPULATION GAINS ... The City has noted significant population increase and economic growth in the last decade. Population of the City at the 1960 Census was 1,804 ... at the 1970 Census 2,675 ... at the 1980 Census 3,152 ... at the 1990 Census 8,716 ... at the 2000 Census 15,132 ... at the 2010 Census 41,461 ... and the estimated 2018 population is 50,460. EMPLOYMENT DATA (I) Average Annual 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Civilian Labor Force 26,540 25,587 24,581 24,272 23,665 Employed 25,794 24,700 23,745 23,247 22,428 Unemployed 746 887 836 1,025 1,237 Percent Unemployed 2.81% 3.47% 3.40% 4.22% 5.23% Percent Unemployed: State of Texas 3.70% 4.61% 4.45% 5.06% 6.20% Collin County 2.99% 3.52% 3.63% 4.51% 5.47% (1) Employment data from Texas Employment Commission. INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS ... More than 40 diversified manufacturing plants are located in the City. The ten largest employers are as follows: Estimated Number of Company Product Employees Wylie Indpendent School District Public Education 2,122 North Texas Municipal Water District Regional Water Treatment 756 Sanden International (USA), Inc. Auto AIC Compressors 483 City of Wylie Municipal Government 408 Wal-Mart Retail 343 SAF Holland Transportation Equipment 224 Kroger Retail 210 Extruders/Tower Extrusion Aluminum Extrusion 198 Ascend Custom Extrusions Aluminum Extrusion 190 Target Retail 170 Other manufacturers produce pre -fab homes, automobile and bicycle parts, photo equipment, bathroom fixtures and marble sinks and tubs. Many residents of the City are employed in the nearby Cities of Dallas, Plano, Garland and Richardson. A-1 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Fiscal Single Family Year Residential Ended Permits 9-30 Issued 2013 221 2014 248 2015 479 2016 427 2017 576 TRANSPORTATION ... State Highway 78, which runs north -south, bisects the City and connects the City with the City of Garland. F.M. 544 which runs east -west, connects the City with the City of Plano on its west. Additionally, Interstate Highway 30 (east -west) is 7 miles east of the City. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES ... The Wylie Independent School District, which serves the City, covers a 41 square mile area in Collin County and serves approximately 14,500 students. The District is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools by the Texas Education Agency and is organized under a K-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9 and 10-12 grade arrangement. Twenty campuses, all climate - controlled and well equipped with library, media and physical education facilities, serve the student population. The staff consists of approximately 2,122 members. Higher education facilities in the area include the Collin County Community College District Campuses in McKinney and Plano, the University of Texas at Dallas, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University in Denton. RECREATION ... Excellent recreational facilities are available to the residents of the City. The City is located on the shores of Lake Lavon, consisting of 380,000 acre feet of potable water storage. The City also has seven parks with baseball/softball fields, volleyball courts and basketball courts. A-2 2, 3 3 2 3 a a a 3 a 3 2 a 2 3 3 3 j a a 2 2 2 2 2 APPENDIX B EXCERPTS FROM THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2017 The information contained in this Appendix consists of excerpts from the City of Wylie, Texas Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2017, and is not intended to be a complete statement of the City's financial condition. Reference is made to the complete Report for further information. THIS PACE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY a L a a a a L a 1 1 a 1 a L a a 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX C FORM OF BOND COUNSEL'S OPINION THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY a a a 2 a 2 2 a a 2 2 2 2 2 a a 2 2 2 j 2 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 L NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT [Closing Date] Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP 2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 3600 Dallas, Texas 75201-7932 United States Tel +1 214 855 8000 Fax +1 214 855 8200 nortonrosefulbright.com IN REGARD to the authorization and issuance of the "City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax llil and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018," dated April 1, 2018, in the principal amount of $ (the "Certificates"), we have examined into their issuance by the City of 111: Wylie, Texas (the "City"), solely to express legal opinions as to the validity of the Certificates and the exclusion of the interest on the Certificates from gross income for federal income tax purposes, and for no other purpose. We have not been requested to investigate or verify, and we neither expressly nor by implication render herein any opinion concerning, the financial �Ir condition or capabilities of the City, the disclosure of any financial or statistical information or data pertaining to the City and used in the sale of the Certificates, or the sufficiency of the security for or the value or marketability of the Certificates. �i THE CERTIFICATES are issued in fully registered form only and in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (within a maturity). The Certificates mature on February 15 in each 111 of the years specified in the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City authorizing the issuance of the Certificates (the "Ordinance"), unless redeemed prior to maturity in accordance with the terms stated on the Certificates. The Certificates accrue interest from the dates, at the rates, and in the manner and interest is payable on the dates, all as provided in the Ordinance. IN RENDERING THE OPINIONS herein we have examined and rely upon (i) original or certified copies of the proceedings relating to the issuance of the Certificates, including the Ordinance and an examination of the initial Certificate executed and delivered by the City (which we found to be in due form and properly executed); (ii) certifications of officers of the City relating to the expected use and investment of proceeds of the sale of the Certificates and certain other funds of the City and (iii) other documentation and such matters of law as we deem relevant. In the examination of the proceedings relating to the issuance of the Certificates, we have assumed the authenticity of all documents submitted to us as originals, the conformity to original copies of all documents submitted to us as certified copies, and the accuracy of the statements contained in such documents and certifications. BASED ON OUR EXAMINATIONS, IT IS OUR OPINION that, under the applicable laws of the United States of America and the State of Texas in force and effect on the date hereof: 1. The Certificates have been duly authorized by the City and, when issued in compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance, are valid, legally binding and enforceable obligations of the City, payable from an ad valorem tax levied, within the limits prescribed by 111 law, upon all taxable property in the City, and are additionally payable from and secured by a S limited pledge of the Net Revenues (as defined in the Ordinance) of the City's combined Waterworks and Sewer System in the manner and to the extent provided in the Ordinance, except to the extent that the enforceability thereof may be affected by bankruptcy, insolvency, 1 Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP is a limited liability partnership registered under the laws of Texas. 29605935.1/1001010301 Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP and Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa Inc are separate legal entities and all of them are members of Norton Rose Fulbright Verein, a Swiss verein. Norton Rose Fulbright Verein helps coordinate the activities of the members but does not itself provide legal services to clients. Details of each entity, with certain regulatory information, are available at nortonrosefulbright.com. 1 A NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT Page 2 of Legal Opinion of Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP Re: City of Wylie, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018" reorganization, moratorium, or other similar laws affecting creditors' rights or the exercise of judicial discretion in accordance with the general principles of equity. 2 2. Pursuant to section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended to the date hereof (the "Code"), and existing regulations, published rulings, and court decisions 21 thereunder, and assuming continuing compliance after the date hereof by the City with the provisions of the Ordinance relating to sections 141 through 150 of the Code, interest on the Certificates for federal income tax purposes (a) will be excludable from the gross income, as defined in section 61 of the Code, of the owners thereof, and (b) will not be included in computing the alternative minimum taxable income of individuals or, except as hereinafter described, corporations. For taxable years that began before January 1, 2018, interest on the 21 Certificates owned by a corporation will be included in such corporation's adjusted current earnings for purposes of computing the alternative minimum tax on such corporation, other than an S corporation, a qualified mutual fund, a real estate investment trust, a real estate mortgage investment conduit, or a financial asset securitization investment trust ("FASIT"). The 2 alternative minimum tax on corporations has been repealed for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. 2 WE EXPRESS NO OPINION with respect to any other federal, state, or local tax consequences 3 under present law or any proposed legislation resulting from the receipt or accrual of interest on, or the acquisition or disposition of, the Certificates. Ownership of tax-exempt obligations such as the Certificates may result in collateral federal tax consequences to, among others, financial institutions, life insurance companies, property and casualty insurance companies, certain foreign corporations doing business in the United States, S corporations with subchapter C earnings and profits, owners of an interest in a FASIT, individual recipients of Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits, individuals otherwise qualifying for the earned income tax credit, and taxpayers who may be deemed to have incurred or continued indebtedness to purchase or 3 carry, or who have paid or incurred certain expenses allocable to, tax-exempt obligations. 2 OUR OPINIONS ARE BASED on existing law, which is subject to change. Such opinions are further based on our knowledge of facts as of the date hereof. We assume no duty to update or ;, supplement our opinions to reflect any facts or circumstances that may thereafter come to our attention or to reflect any changes in any law that may thereafter occur or become effective. 2 Moreover, our opinions are not a guarantee of result and are not binding on the Internal Revenue Service; rather, such opinions represent our legal judgment based upon our review of ir3 existing law that we deem relevant to such opinions and in reliance upon the representations and covenants referenced above. 2 29605935.1/1001010301 3 9 2 2 2 2 2 L L a a E a1 1 a a 1 1 a a 1 a a THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY J Financial Advisory Services Provided I3v HilltopSecurities fiat A Hilltop Holdings Company. a a 3 a 2 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 a 2 Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT April 10, 2018 Item Number: 3 Finance Finance Account Code: March 29, 2018 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject (City Secretary's Use Only) Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2018-16 amending Ordinance No. 2017-26 (2017-2018 Budget) for proposed mid -year amendments for fiscal year 2017-2018. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2018-16 amending Ordinance No. 2017-26 (2017-2018 Budget) for proposed mid -year amendments for fiscal year 2017-2018. Discussion The mid -year budget amendments are generally intended to cover unanticipated revenue and expenditure adjustments to the current budget. The detail is attached for the requested items which are located within the General Fund, Parks A&I Fund, Hotel Tax Fund, and Utility Fund. The requests are further defined as neutral (matching revenues to expenditures), revenue increases, or expenditure increases. Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2018-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2017-26, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2017-26 setting forth the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 beginning October 1, 2017, and ending September 30, 2018; and, WHEREAS, the City Departments and Divisions routinely review their budget appropriations to determine if any changes are necessary; and WHEREAS, based upon said review the City staff now recommends that certain amendments to the Budget be considered by the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 2017-2018 Budget, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City; and therefore, desires to adopt the same by formal action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION I: The proposed amendments to the FY 2017-2018 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2017-26, are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY 2017-2018 Budget. SECTION II: All portions of the existing FY 2017-2018 Budget and Ordinance No. 2017-26, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION III: Should any paragraph, sentence, sub -division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Ordinance No. 2018-16 Mid -Year Budget Amendment FY 2017-2018 SECTION V: That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 10th day of April, 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Ordinance No. 2018-16 Mid -Year Budget Amendment FY 2017-2018 FY 2018 Mid Year Adjustments Salary & Benefits Savings FY 2018 Budget City Council $ City Manager $ 2,887 City Secretary $ (11,045) Changes in staffing & insurance coverage selections Finance $ 2,958 Facilities $ 22,685 Period of vacant positions Municipal Court $ 17,276 Majority due to savings in benefits Human Resources $ 14,930 Majority due to savings in benefits Purchasing $ 345 Information Technology $ 753 Police $ 136,525 Period of vacant positions Fire $ 88,613 Period of vacant positions Emergency Communications $ 48,524 Period of vacant positions Animal Control $ (7,841) Changes in selected insurance coverage Planning $ 38,841 Period of vacant positions Building Inspections $ 25,144 Period of vacant positions Code Enforcement $ 495 Streets $ 40,744 Changes in selected insurance coverage Parks $ 4,381 Library $ 35,134 Period of vacant positions $ 461,349 City of Wylie FY 2018 Mid -Year Adjustments Fund/Account Various 100-5211-52130 100-5211-52710 100-5211-52250 100-5211-56210 100-5231-56060 100-4000-43512 100-5231-58510 100-5231-56210 100-5241-56210 100-4000-49450 100-5411-54210 100-5551-56040 100-5551-52630 100-4000-43420 100-5551-56040 100-3000-33530 100-5181-59430 100-5181-54510 121-4000-48440 121-5622-52150 121-5622-58150 121-4000-48440 121-5622-52150 Account Desription Personnel Expenses Tools/Equip (Non -Capital) Wearing Apparel & Uniform Medical & Surgical Travel & Training Ambulance Contract Fire Grants Motor Vehicles Travel & Training Travel & Training County Proceeds Streets & Alleys Special Services Audio -Visual Library Grants Special Services Fund Balance -Unassigned Transfer to Cap Proj Funds Motor Vehicles Total General Fund Mid -Year Description Pay Plan Changes Replacement Crime Scene Trailer Ballistic Vest Reimbursement Allocation SANE Exams LEOSE Reimbursement FY 16-17 Subsidy Payment Firehouse Subs Grant Proceeds Polaris ATV Replacement Allocation of Funds Rec'd from Collin County LEOSE Reimbursement Reimbursement From Dallas County Street Repairs on Pleasenet Valley Rd Allocation of Catholic Foundation Donation Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement TSLAC Grant Proceeds Allocation of TSLAC Grant Use of Excess Fund Balance for Transfer to PSB Transfer to PSB Renovation & Expansion Fund Vehicle Repairs due to Hail Damage Contributions/Donations Non -Capital Improvements Land -Betterments Contributions/Donations Non -Capital Improvements Total Parks A&I Fund 161-5651-56080 Advertising Total Hotel Tax Fund Wylie Baseball & Softball Assoc. Donation Improvements at Founders Park Improvements at Community Park Wylie Rotary Club Donation Improvements at Olde City Park Allocation of Funds for Advertising/Marketing Various Personnel Expenses 611-5712-54910 Buildings 611-5714-54410 Utility Plant - Sewer Total Utility Fund Amount Additional Description 72,071 Net Cost Related to Pay Plan Changes 6,050 3,184 3,921 3,572 Hail Storm Related Funded From Comptroller Funded From Comptroller Funded From Comptroller 92,644 Budgeted in Prior Year 36,475 Partially Funded From Grant Proceeds 6,000 Funded From Collin County 714 Funded From Comptroller 204,140 Partially Funded From County Proceeds 5,695 2,573 6,000 tu:(} 1,000,000 40,000 354,969 15,000 40,000 ((1,0 0!()) 8,000 11,000 13,000 13,000 Funded From Donations Funded From Grant Proceeds Use of Excess Fund Balance Ins. Proceeds Received in Prior Year Partially Funded From Donations Partially Funded From Donations Partially Funded From Donations Pay Plan Changes Newport Harbor Pump Station Repairs Emergency Repairs to Sewage Pumps } Net Savings Related to Pay Plan Changes 35,000 Ins. Proceeds Received in Prior Year 100,000 Repairs to Pumps at Rush Creek Lift Station 95,540 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET PROJECTED OTHER AMENDED 2017-2018 PERSONNEL SAVINGS AMENDMENTS 2017-2018 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes 23,274,909 Sales Taxes 5,691,949 Franchise Fees 2,689,000 Licenses & Permits 872,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 873,500 Service Fees 3,397,000 Fines and Forfeitures 576,400 Interest & Miscellaneous 185,500 Total Revenues 37,560,258 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers from Other Funds 2,166,807 County Proceeds Use of Fund Balance for Canv-Forward Items 116,529 Use of Fund Balance for for Fleet & Equipment 573,600 Use of Fund Balance for Transfer to PSB Fund 2,795,553 Total Other Financing Sources 5,652,489 Total Revenues & Other Financing Sources 43,212,747 26,000 26,000 102,070 1.000,000 1,102,070 1,128,070 23,274,909 5,691,949 2,689,000 872,000 899,500 3,397,000 576,400 185,500 37,586,258 2,166,807 102,070 116,529 573,600 3,795,553 6,754,559 44,340,817 EXPENDITURES: General Government City Council 82,847 - - 82,847 City Manager 971,857 2,887 - 968,970 City Secretary 439,280 (11,045) - 450,325 City Attorney 155,000 - 155,000 Finance 1,248,481 2,958 3,077 1,248,600 Facilities 816,328 22,685 - 793,643 Municipal Court 571,134 17,276 - 553,858 Iluman Resources 594,733 14,930 579,803 Purchasing 173,228 345 4,324 177,207 Information Technology 1,237,534 753 1,236,781 Public Safety Police 9,386,911 136,525 69,904 9,320,290 Fire 8,429,684 88,613 135,119 8,476,190 Emergency Communications 1,789,774 48,524 714 1,741,964 Animal Control 639,772 (7,841) 647,613 Development Services Planning 637,466 38,841 - 598,625 Building Inspections 566,446 25,144 - 541,302 Code Enforcement 237,105 495 236,610 Streets 3,293,708 40,744 204,140 3,457,104 Community Services Parks 2,673,715 4,381 11,493 2,680,827 Library 2,105,042 35,134 14,268 2,084,176 Combined Services 7,213,845 - 1,040,000 8,253,845 Total Expenditures 43,263,890 461,349 1,483,039 44,285,580 REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK OF REQUEST: Changes to Pay PIan New Request: Yes New personnel? l DEPARTMENT: Various Yes Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECT1VE OF REQUEST: Staff is recommending the following pay plan changes for FY 2017-18: - The reclassification of both the Purchasing Agent and Budget Officer to Purchasing Manager and Budget Manager, respectively. Both positions placed in the 113 pay grade of the general pay plan. Both Positions would report to the Finance Director. This change would be effective 4/9/2018. - The addition of the Project Engineer position to the General Pay Plan in pay grade 113. This position would report to the Public Works Director. - The removal of the Public Services Director position from the Executive Pay Plan and the addition of the Public Works Director and Parks & Recreation Director positions. Both directors would report to the Assistant City Manager. This change would be effective 4/9/2018. - The adoption of a modified step plan for the Wylie Police Department in order to fix the compression problems between ranks. SEE NEXT PAGE FOR COST BREAKDOWN ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: All positions mentioned in the above have been surveyed with peer cities to compare titles and salaries. Staff is also recommending updating the staffing charts for the Finance, Purchasing, Parks, Utility Administration, and Engineering Departments to reflectthe Estimated Cost/(Savings) to Implement Proposed Pay Plan Changes (By Department) General Fund Department Savings Add'I Cost Finance - 5131 $ 3,077.00 Purchasing - 5154 $ 4,324.00 Police - 5211 $ 53,177.00 Parks - 5511 $ 11,493.00 Total $ $ 72,071.00 Utility Fund Department Savings Utility Admin - 5711 $ (15,221.00) Engineering - 5713 $ (24,239.00) Total $ (39,460.00) $ Add'I Cost Grade Wylie Police Department FY 2017-2018 Step Plan - (Current) Position Pay Frequency Step 0 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Annually $49,279.65 $50,511.64 $51,774.43 $53,068.79 $54,395.51 $55,755.40 $57,149.29 $58,578.02 $60,042.47 $61543.53 $63,082.12 $64,659.17 P1 Criminalist Bi -Weekly $1,895.37 $1,942.76 $1,991.32 $2,041.11 $2,092.14 $2,144.44 $2,198.05 $2,253.00 $2,309.33 $2,367.06 $2,426.24 $2,486.89 Police Recruit Hourly (2080) $23.69 $24.28 $24.89 $25.51 $26.15 $26.81 $27.48 $28.16 $28.87 $29.59 $30.33 $31.09 Hourly (2184) $22.56 $23.13 $23.71 $24.30 $24.91 $25.53 $26.17 $26.82 $27.49 $28.18 $28.88 $29.61 Detective Annually $56,671.60 $58,088.39 $59,540.60 $61,029.11 $62,554.84 $64,118.71 $65,721.68 $67,364.72 $69,048.84 $70,775.06 $72,544.44 $74,358.05 P2 Police Officer Bi -Weekly $2,179.68 $2,234.17 $2,290.02 $2,347.27 $2,405.96 $2,466.10 $2,527.76 $2,590.95 $2,655.72 $2,722.12 $2,790.17 $2,859.93 Bailiff/Warrant Officer Hourly (2080) $27.25 $27.93 $28.63 $29.34 $30.07 $30.83 $31.60 $32.39 $33.20 $34.03 $34.88 $35.75 Hourly (2184) $25.95 $26.60 $27.26 $27.94 $28.64 $29.36 $30.09 $30.84 $31.62 $32.41 $33.22 $34.05 Annually $68,232.90 $69,938.72 $71,687.19 $73,479.37 $75,316.35 $77,199.26 $79,129.25 $81,107.48 P3 Police Corporal Bi -Weekly $2,624.34 $2,689.95 $2,757.20 $2,826.13 $2,896.78 $2,969.20 $3,043.43 $3,119.52 Hourly (2080) $32.80 $33.62 $34.46 $35.33 $36.21 $37.12 $38.04 $38.99 Hourly (2184) $31.24 $32.02 $32.82 $33.64 $34.49 $35.35 $36.23 $37.14 2204, _So° _,-- `")_ 200 Annually $79,034.21 $81,010.07 $83,035.32 $85,111.20 $87,238.98 $89,419.95 P4 Police Sergeant Bi -Weekly $3,039.78 $3,115.77 $3,193.67 $3,273.51 $3,355.35 $3,439.23 Hourly (2080) $38.00 $38.95 $39.92 $40.92 $41.94 $42.99 Hourly (2184) $36.19 $37.09 $38.02 $38.97 $39.94 $40.94 Annually $92,009.80 $94,310.05 $96,667.80 $99,084.49 $101561.60 $104,100.64 P5 Police Lieutenant Bi -Weekly $3,538.84 $3,627.31 $3,717.99 $3,810.94 $3,906.22 $4,003.87 Hourly (2080) $44.24 $45.34 $46.47 $47.64 $48.83 $50.05 Hourly (2184) $42.13 $43.18 $44.26 $45.37 $46.50 $47.67 Grade P1 Position Criminalist Police Recruit Detective P2 Police Officer Bailiff/Warrant Officer P3 Police Corporal P4 Police Sergeant P5 Police Lieutenant Wylie Police Department FY 2017-2018 Step Plan - (Proposed) d Pay Frequency Step 0 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Annually $49,279.65 $50,511.64 $51,774.43 $53,068.79 $54,395.51 $55,755.40 $57,149.28 $58,578.02 $60,042.47 $61,543.53 $63,082.12 $64,659.17 Bi -Weekly $1,895.37 $1,942.76 $1,991.32 $2,041.11 $2,092.14 $2,144.44 $2,198.05 $2,253.00 $2,309.33 $2,367.06 $2,426.24 $2,486.89 Hourly (2080) $23.69 $24.28 $24.89 $25.51 $26.15 $26.81 $27.48 $28.16 $28.87 $29.59 $30.33 $31.09 Hourly (2184) $22.56 $23.13 $23.71 $24.30 $24.91 $25.53 $26.17 $26.82 $27.49 $28.18 $28.88 $29.61 :9,-p 2202 220" 220' 2202 20', 2202 2202 _ -` _ -` - q,, - Annually $53,838.02 Bi -Weekly $2,070.69 Hourly (2080) $25.88 Hourly (2184) $24.65 Annually $56,671.60 $58,088.39 $59,540.59 $61,029.11 $62,554.84 $64,118.71 $65,721.68 $67,364.72 $69,048.84 $70,775.06 $72,544.43 $74,358.04 Bi -Weekly $2,179.68 $2,234.17 $2,290.02 $2,347.27 $2,405.96 $2,466.10 $2527.76 $2,590.95 $2,655.72 $2,722.12 $2,790.17 $2,859.92 Hourly (2080) $27.25 $27.93 $28.63 $29.34 $30.07 $30.83 $31.60 $32.39 $33.20 $34.03 $34.88 $35.75 Hourly (2184) $25.95 $26.60 $27.26 $27.94 $28.64 $29.36 $30.09 $30.84 $31.62 $32.41 $33.22 $34.05 504 Z 23', Z 22,', 2 50' 2 50', 2 50', 2 50°. - 50', 220', - 5 Annually $78,075.95 $80,027.84 $82,028.54 $84,079.25 Bi -Weekly $3,002.92 $3,077.99 $3,154.94 $3,233.82 Hourly (2080) $37.54 $38.47 $39.44 $40.42 Hourly (2184) $35.75 $36.64 $37.56 $38.50 Annually $88,283.22 $90,490.30 $92,752.56 $95,071.37 Bi -Weekly $3,395.51 $3,480.40 $3,567.41 $3,656.59 Hourly (2080) $42.44 $43.50 $44.59 $45.71 Hourly (2184) $40.42 $41.43 $42.47 $43.53 Annually $99,824.94 $102,320.56 $104,87857 $107,500.54 Bi -Weekly $3,839.42 $3,935.41 $4,033.79 $4,134.64 Hourly (2080) $47.99 $49.19 $50.42 $51.68 Hourly (2184) $45.71 $46.85 $48.02 $49.22 Grade CI 112 113 Grade 112 113 Frequency Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Frequency Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Min $59,456.82 $28.59 $66,591.72 $32.02 CITY OF WYLIE PAY PLAN - (CURRENT) FY 2017-2018 uENERAL PAY PLAN Pay Range Mid $72,835.14 $35.02 $81,575.52 $39.22 Max $86,213.46 $41.45 $96,558.30 $46.42 CITY OF WYLIE PAY PLAN - (PROPOSED) FY 2017-2018 Min $59,456.82 $28.59 $66,591.72 $32.02 GENERAL PAY PLAN Pay Range Mid $72,835.14 $35.02 $81,575.52 $39.22 Max $86,213.46 $41.45 $96,558.30 $46.42 Positions Budget Officer Court Administrator Engineering Construction Supervisor IT Systems Analyst Public Arts Coordinator Public Services Supervisor Purchasing Agent Senior Planner Youth Services Supervisor Assistant Public Works Superintendent Communications Manager Facilities Manager Human Resources Manager Parks Manager Public Information Officer Recreation Manager Positions Court Administrator Engineering Construction Supervisor IT Systems Analyst Public Arts Coordinator Public Services Supervisor Senior Planner Youth Services Supervisor Assistant Public Works Superintendent Budget Manager Communications Manager Facilities Manager Human Resources Manager Parks Manager Project Engineer Public Information Officer Purchasing Manager Recreation Manager CITY OF WYLIE, TX PAY PLAN - (CURRENT) FY 2017-2018 EXECUTIVE PAY PLAFi Grade II Frequency Annual Hourly I Grade I Frequency 11 Annual Hourly Min $110,043.72 $52.91 1 Pay Range Mid $134,803.20 $64.81 Max $159,562.68 $76.71 CITY OF WYLIE, TX PAY PLAN - (PROPOSED) FY 2017-2018 EXECUTIVE PAY PLAT Pay Range Min I Mid 1 Max $110,043.72 $134,803.20 $159,562.68 $52.91 $64.81 $76.71 Positions Finance Director Fire Chief Police Chief Public Services Director Positions Finance Director Fire Chief Parks and Recreation Director Police Chief Public Works Director REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 4 I REQUEST: New Request: Yes Crime Scene Trailer DEPARTMENT: Police New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The crime scene trailer used to carry evidence and supplies to and from crime scenes, evidence destruction, etc., was damaged in the 2016 hailstorm. The insurance company decided to total the trailer and provided the city with an insurance check. With this trailer being used often, the department will need to get a replacement. Staff is requesting the insurance reimbursement check in the amount of $3,810 be allocated towards the purchase of a new replacement trailer. The check was received and deposited on 03/09/2018. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100 5211 58510 Replacement Crime Scene Trailer (2016 Hailstorm) 6,050 TOTAL .1 6,0501 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: A quote was received for a trailer, similar to the firearms trailer purchased this year, in the amount of $6050. This price includes the documents and Texas E -Tag fees REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 2 OF 4 I REQUEST: New Request: No Ballistic Vest Reimbursement New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Police N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? Yes Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: Allocation of funds to the Wylie Police Department Wearing Apparel & Uniform Account #100-5211-52710 reimbursed for the purchase of ballistic vests through the Ballistic Vest Program. ACCOUNT NO. 1 DESCRIPTION 100 5211 52710 Reimbursement check for purchased Ballistic Vests TOTAL AMOUNT 3,184 3,1841 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The Wylie Police Department participates in the BPV program, where the department is responsible for the upfront costs associated with purchasing ballistic duty vests for officers. Half of the expenses spent by the department are then reimbursed back to the department. REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 4 I REQUEST: New Request: No Sane Exam Reimbursement New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Police N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? Yes Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: Allocation of reimbursed funds to the Wylie Police Department Medical & Surgical Account #100-5211-52250 for Sane Exams expenses. ACCOUNT NO. 1 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100 5211 52250 jReimbursement check for Expensed Sane Exams 3,921 ITOTAL 3,9211 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The Wylie Police Department is responsible for the upfront expenses of Sane Exams conducted for Wylie PD cases. The expenses are then reimbursed by the state. REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK OF 4 I REQUEST: New Request: Yes LEOSE Reimbursement New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Police N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? Yes Change Level of current personnel? From: To: l | PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: Reallocation of reimbursed funds to the Travel & Training Accounts for both the Wylie Police Department and Wylie Fire & Rescue Telecommunicator for an annual allocation payment from Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. The Comptroller is directed by the Occupations Code, Section 1701.157 to make an annual allocation from the LEOSE account to qualified law enforcement agencies for expenses related to the continuing education of persons licensed under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, which includes police officers and telecommunicators. By Iaw these funds must be used for the continuing education of persons licensed under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code. The total amount of funds were averaged out over all the sworn officers and telecommunicators as of January 1, 2018 and funds were then divided between both PD and FD. The total funds received were $4.286.65 ACCOUNT NO. 100 5211 56210 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Funds from Law Enforcement Officer Standards and 3,572 Education (LEOSE). TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The reimbursement check is determined by the revenue received from citations to the State of Texas. 3,572J REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK OF REQUEST: ETMC EMS Subsidy DEPARTMENT: Fire New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The 2016/2017 subsidy to ETMC was $161,243. We participate in a program with ETMC called the 1115 Waiver which is a grant program through the State of Texas. The dollar amount the city pays is provided by the State. In August of 2017, the dollar amount given was $30,059.92. ETMC received a total of$80'5g0.S7which im$92.844..O3short ofthe $1G1.243subsidy they are due. ETMC is requesting payment of the balance amount we owe them for the 2016/2017 budget year. 100 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ACCOUNT NO. 5231 56060 DESCRIPTION ETMC Subsidy Balance TOTAL AMOUNT 92,644 1 92,6441 REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, New Request: Yes Matching Grant Funds New personnel? DEPARTMENT: GF Revenue N/A Salary Grade: - Funds already received? No Change Leveof current personnel? From: To: P0RPOSE/OBJECT1VE OF REQUEST: WFR applied for two different grant opportunities in 2017 to fund the replacement of the Polaris ATV. The current ATV is used during football games, downtown events, and other outdoor gatherings. We received the ATV on a grant through US. Smokeless Tobacco in 2007. WFR received notification in early February we were awarded the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant. The grant is contingent on council approval of the matching funds. The grant is to purchase a Kawasaki Mule ATV for the price of $36,475. The grant is 20,000, and the city's matching funds are $16,475. ACCOUNTN��. DESCRIPTION --' 100 4000 43512 Grant Funds to Purchase Kawasaki Mule ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: AMOUNT 20.000 TOTAL 1 20.0801 REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK 2a OF REQUEST: Matching Grant Funds DEPARTMENT: Fire New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: ECT1VE OF REQUEST: WFR applied for two different grant opportunities in 2017 to fund the replacement of the Polaris ATV.The current ATV is used during football games, downtown events, and other outdoor gatherings. We received the ATV on a grant through US. Smokeless Tobacco in 2007. WFR received notification in early February we were awarded the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant. The grant is contingent on council approval of the matching funds. The grant is to purchase a Kawasaki Mule ATV for the price of $36,475. The grant im$2D.DDD'and the city's matching portion ia$1G.475. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 100 5231 | 58510 ITotal Cost to Purchase Kawasaki Mule 36,475 TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 36,4751 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 3 j REQUEST: Reimbursement From Collin County_ DEPARTMENT: Fire New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? Yes Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: WFR in conjunction with the Collin County Excellence Fund sponsored a PTSD seminar (3 -days) in December 2017. Collin County funded $6,000 for the course. A check was provided to the City of Wylie and deposited in a revenue account. This is a request to have the $6,000 allocated to the fire department's training account which is where the funds were expensed from to pay for the seminar. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION 100 j 5231 .1 56210 Funds from Collin County for Training ITOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: AMOUNT 6,000 6,0001 REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK OF REQUEST: LEOSE Reimbursement DEPARTMENT: Emergency Comms � New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? Yes Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECT1VE OF REQUEST: Reallocation of reimbursed funds to the Travel & Training Accounts for both the WyIie PoIice Department and Wylie Fire & Rescue Telecommunicator for an annual allocation payment from Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. The Comptroller is directed by the Occupations Code, Section 1701.157 to make an annual allocation from the LEOSE account to qualified law enforcement agencies for expenses related to the continuing education of persons licensed under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, which includes police officers and telecommunicators. By Iaw these funds must be used for the continuing education of persons licensed under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code. The total amount of funds were averaged out over all the sworn officers and telecommunicators as of January 1, 2018 and funds were then divided between both PD and FD. The total funds received were $4.286.65 ACCOUNT �N��. 100 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Funds from Law Enforcement Officer Gt�nd@rd8Gnd | 714 Education (LEOSE). TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The reimbursement check is determined by the revenue received from citations to the State of Texas. | � 7141 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 1 OF la I REQUEST: New Request: Yes Reimbursement from Dallas County New personnel? DEPARTMENT: GF Revenue N/A Salary Grade: Funds already received? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The City will receive a reimbursement from Dallas County as part of a Project Specific Agreement to overlay Pleasant Valley Road from the Collin County/Dallas County line to EIm Grove Road. The reimbursement will be for 50% of the total project cost. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION 1 AMOUNT 1001 4000 49450 County Proceeds 102,070 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 'TOTAL 1 102,0701 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK la OF la 1 REQUEST: New Request: Yes Pleasant Valley Road Repairs New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Streets N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The City will receive a reimbursement from Dallas County as part of a Project Specific Agreement to overlay Pleasant Valley Road from the Collin County/Dallas County line to Elm Grove Road. The reimbursement will be for 50% of the total project cost. The Street Division would like to utilize these reimbursed funds to accomplish additional street maintenance this fiscal year. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION 1001 5411 54210 Streets and Alleys TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: AMOUNT 204,140 204,1401 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 3a I REQUEST: Library Catholic Foundation DEPARTMENT: Library 1 New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The library receives a donation from the Catholic Foundation from Rita and Truett Smith's estate. The purpose of this request is to allocate these funds to be used for Library improvements. ACCOUNT NO. 100 5551 56040 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: J Special Services j [TOTAL DESCRIPTION [ AMOUNT 5,695 5,6951 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 2 OF 3a 1 REQUEST: New Request: Yes Library Interlibrary Loan New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Library N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The library receives a reimbursement for participating in the Interlibrary Loan program with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The funds will be used to purchase downloadable e -audio. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION 100 5551 52630 Audiovisual ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 1TOTAL AMOUNT I 2,573 2,5731 REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK 3 OF 3a I REQUEST: New Request: Yes Family Place Grant New personnel? DEPARTMENT: GF Revenue N/A Salary Grade: Funds already received? No Change Leveof current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The library received a $6,000 Family Place Grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. This grant will provide funding for the equipment and training necessary for each library to: •Host workshops for children 0-3 and their caregivers. •Develop an interactive space for this age group to play and learn in the library. •Forge strong partnerships with community organizations serving young children and their families. ACCOUNT NO. 100 4000 43420 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DESCRIPTION Library Grant from TSLAC |TOTAL AMOUNT 6,000 6,0001 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 3a OF 3a 1 REQUEST: New Request: Yes Family Place Grant Allocation New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Library N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The library received a $6,000 Family Place Grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. This grant will provide funding for the equipment and training necessary for each library to: •Host workshops for children 0-3 and their caregivers. •Develop an interactive space for this age group to play and learn in the library. •Forge strong partnerships with community organizations serving young children and their families. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION 100 5551 56040 Special Services TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: AMOUNT 1 6,000 6,0001 REQUEST����U�~��������������������U���� FISCAL��������� FORM MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT YEAR °~~ "~~ RANK 1 OF 2 | REQUEST: Transfer to PSB Renovation & Expansion Fund | GF Combined Services New Request: Yes Funds already expensed? No New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: As part of the FY 2017-18 budget process, Council approved a transfer in the amount of $2,795,553 from the General Fund to the PSB Renovation & Expansion Fund. This was done to reduce the amount of debt needing to be issued in FY 2017-18 to fund the Public Safety Building renovation and expansion project. The $2.8 million amount was based on staffs best estimate of how much the City could reduce its General Fund Fund Balance while maintaining a Fund Balance that is 30% of budgeted expenditures. With the completion of the FY 2016-17 audit in January, it has been determined that the General Fund can transfer another $1,000,000 to the PSB Renovation & Expansion Fund while maintaining its 30% threshold. ' | ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT / — 100 5181 59430 Transfer of Excess Fund Balance to PSB 1'000.0001 Renovation ��ExpansionFund �nova un ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 'TOTAL 1,000,0001 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 2 OF 2 I REQUEST: New Request: Yes Vehicle Repairs Due to Hail Damage New personnel? DEPARTMENT: GF Combined Services 1 N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: To reimburse this account for HS2 expenses to repair hail damage to City fleet vehicles. As of March 9, 2018, there has been $82,506.87 paid to repair vehicles damaged by hail. The Public Services Department is requesting a mid -year amendment to replenish approximately 50% of these costs back into the budget for mechanical repairs during the rest of the fiscal year. 100 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ACCOUNT NO. 5181 54510 Motor Vehicles TOTAL DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT L 40,0001 i I 40,000J _ PARKS A&I FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET PROJECTED OTHER AMENDED 2017-2018 PERSONNEL SAVINGS AMENDMENTS 2017-2018 REVENUES: Intergovernmental Revenues - Service Fees 990,500 - - 990,500 Interest & Miscellaneous 30,000 - 52,000 82,000 Total Rcvenucs 1,020,500 - 52,000 1,072,500 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Total Other Financing Sources Total Revenues & Transfer in 1,020,500 - 52,000 1,072,500 EXPENDITURES: Parks Acquisition & Improvement Parks A&I - West Zone 125,137 - - 125,137 Parks A&I - Central Zone 80,000 - 63,000 143,000 Parks A&I - East Zone 80,000 - - 80,000 Total Expenditures 285,137 - 63,000 348,137 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 2a I REQUEST: New Request: Yes WBSA Donation New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Parks A&I - Revenue 1 N/A Salary Grade: Funds already received? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Wylie Baseball/Softball Association would like to donate $48,000.00 to the City for improvements to Community and Founders Parks. The donation will be placed in the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund revenue account. 121 ACCOUNT NO. 1 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 4000 48440 Wylie Baseball/Softball Association Donation 48,0001 TOTAL L 48,0001 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Approval of this budget amendment does not supercede Council's authority to accept or reject the donation from the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association. A formal donation agreement will need to be approved by Council. REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK 1w OF 2m | REQUEST: Founders & Community Park Improvements | DEPARTMENT: Parks A&I'Central Zone -I New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECT1VE OF REQUEST: The Wylie Baseball/Softball Association would like to donate funds to the City for improvements at both Community and Founders Parks. The Ieague is proposing to fund construction of some batting cages to be installed at Community Park at a cost of $40,000.00. The Ieague is proposing to fund some dugout covers mtFounders Park, Fields Cand Omtacost of$15'QOU.0O. All work performed on these projects would be completed by City contractors and overseen by City staif. All revenues would be placed in the Parks Acquisition and Improvement donation account and then expensed from the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund expense accounts in the appropriate funding zone. Staff is anticipating some possible additional requirements for this project i.e. insurance and we have added more funding to the projected amount that would be received from the donation to cover those possible exmenoeo. [ ACCOUNT NO. | 1 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 121 5622 52150 Dugout covers for Fields C and D at Founders Park 15.000 121 5622 58150 Battingoageaat Community Park 40.000 | | [TOTAL � 55'OOO| ' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Approval of this budget amandment does not supercede Council's authority to accept or reject the donation from the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association. A formal donation agreement will need to be approved by Council. REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 2 OF 2a I REQUEST: New Request: Yes Funds already received? No Wylie Rotary Club Donation New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Parks A&I - Revenue 1 N/A Salary Grade: Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Wylie Rotary Club would like to donate $4,000.00 to the City for improvements to Olde City Park. The donation will be placed in the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund revenue account. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION 1 AMOUNT 121 4000 48440 Wylie Rotary Club Donation 4,000 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 1TOTAL 4,0001 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK 2a OF 2.a I REQUEST: New Request: Yes Olde City Park Improvements New personnel? DEPARTMENT: Parks A841 - Central Zone 1 N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Wylie Rotary Club would like to donate $4,000.00 to facilitate the building of a 4 foot wrought iron fence in front of the Olde City Park pavilion and playground along Jackson Street. The Parks Division is proposing to use the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund to match this amount given to the City in order to complete the project. This fence would provide a safety buffer between the pavilion and playground and the street, creating a safer play environment in this area. The total cost of this project will be approximately $8,000.00. All work performed on this project would be completed by City contractors and overseen by City staff. All revenues received from the Wylie Rotary Club would be placed in the Parks Acquisition and Improvement donation account and then expensed from the Parks Acquisition and Improvement Fund expense accounts in the appropriate funding zone. Staff is anticipating some possible additional requirements for this project i.e. insurance and we have added more funding to the projected amount that would be received from the donation to cover those possible expenses. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION JAMOUNT 121 1 5622 52150 Wrought Iron fence at Olde City Park 8,000 [TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: .1 8,0001 HOTEL TAX FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET PROJECTED OTHER AMENDED 2017-2018 PERSONNEL SAVINGS AMENDMENTS 2017-2018 REVENUES: Taxes 121,000 - 121,000 Interest Income 500 - 500 Total Revenues 121,500 - 121,500 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Total Other Financing Sources Total Revenues & Transfer in 121,500 - 121,500 EXPENDITURES: Hotel Tax Contractual Services Transfers to Other Funds Total Expenditures 15,000 18,150 33,150 13,000 13,000 28,000 18,150 46,150 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 1 j REQUEST: Allocation of Funds for Advertising/Marketing 1 DEPARTMENT: Hotel Tax New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: Use of hotel occupancy funds for advertising/marketing of the City of Wylie and events including the Pedal Car Race and Bluegrass on Ballard. Funds will also be used to promote the new Wide Awake Wylie Brand. ACCOUNT NO. j DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 161 5651 56080 Allocation of funds for advertising/marketing 13,000 TOTAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 13,0001 REVENUES: Service Fees Interest & Miscellaneous Total Revenues OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Use of Fund Balance for Carry -Forward Items Use of Fund Balance for for Fleet & Equipment Total Other Financing Sources Total Revenues & Transfer in EXPENDITURES: Utilities Utility Administration Utility - Water City Engineer Utility - Sewer Utility Billing Combined Services Total Expenditures UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET PROJECTED OTHER AMENDED 2017-2018 PERSONNEL SAVINGS AMENDMENTS 2017-2018 17,295,000 52,000 17,347,000 245,000 322,000 567,000 17,914,000 411,081 2,683,996 544,147 875,079 488,199 14,165,986 19,168,488 (15,221) 35,000 (24,239) 100,000 95,540 17295,000 52,000 17,347,000 245.000 322.000 567,000 17,914,000 395,860 2,718,996 519,908 975,079 488,199 14,165,986 19,264,028 REQUEST FORM - MID YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 RANK OF 1 j REQUEST: Newport Harbor Pump Station Repairs DEPARTMENT: Utilities -Water New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: To reimburse this account for HS2 expenses to repair hail damages at the Newport Harbor Pump Station. Tank stucco and exterior pipe insulation. The Water Division requests funds to replenish this account in order to be able to accomplish building maintenance to its other facilities during the rest of fiscal year. ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT -1 611 5712 54910 Buildings 35,000 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: TOTAL 1 35,0001 REQUEST�����BUDGET��������� FISCAL�������� FORM MID YEAR AMENDMENT YEAR =~=, "~, RANK OF REQUEST: Emergency Repairs to Sewage Pumps | DEPARTMENT: Utilities -Wastewater 1 New Request: Yes New personnel? N/A Salary Grade: Funds already expensed? No Change Level of current personnel? From: To: _ PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE OF REQUEST: The Wastewater Division has experienced unanticipated emergency repairs to sewage pumps and equipment located in the Rush Creek Lift Station and force main. A volute and impeller in Pump #1 needed to be replaced due to severe damage, and an air -relief valve on an 18 -inch force main failed and needed to be replaced. Pump #2 failed on March 6, 2018 and was taken to the shop for emergency repairs. At this writing, the extent of repairs is not yet known. As part of our annual inspection program, Pump #3 was inspected by factory personnel, and it needs significant repairs to remain in reliable condition. The lift station primary level control system failed and needs to be replaced; the station is currently operating with the back-up level control system. The level -control system is the component that cycles the pumps off and on to prevent overflows from occurring. ACCOUNT NO. 1 DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT -1 611 5714 54410 1Utility Plant - Sewer 100,000 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: TOTAL | / | 100,0001 Meeting Date: Department: Prepared By: Date Prepared: April 10, 2018 City Manager Mindy Manson April 6, 2018 Subject Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Item Number: Work Session (City Secretary's Use Only) Account Code: Exhibits: Draft ordinance Discussion and possible direction for a future 180 -day moratorium on special events involving running, walking, and/or cycling on public right-of-way. Recommendation Discussion With the growth in the City and associated traffic, staff believes that the current Special Event Ordinance does not provide criteria for the safe and effective control of events such as 5K races. Issues such as the required man -power from Police and Fire, who covers the cost for that manpower, and approved safe routes continue to be issues as multiple entities submit applications for these events. As staff continues to research sample ordinances from other communities, it is requested that a temporary 180 -day moratorium be put in place until an updated ordinance can be presented to Council for consideration. The draft ordinance is included for review. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM ON THE ACCEPTANCE, PROCESSING AND APPROVAL OF ANY APPLICATION FOR A CITY PERMIT OR LICENSE FOR USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE CITY OF WYLIE FOR RACES, COMPETITIONS OR OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS INVOLVING RUNNING, WALKING OR CYCLING; IMPOSING THE MORATORIUM TO MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY (180) DAYS OR UNTIL THE ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROVIDING FOR WAIVERS; MAKING VARIOUS FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas ("City") is authorized to manage and control access to the public right-of-way within the City to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that use of the public right-of-way, including streets and other roadways, within the City for races, competitions and other special events involving running, walking or cycling has posed significant health and safety risks for pedestrians, motorists and others, placed undue burden on public resources and caused inconvenience to the City's residents; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to impose a temporary moratorium on the acceptance, processing and approval of all applications for City permits and licenses relating to the use of the public right-of-way within the City for races, competitions and other special events involving running, walking or cycling in order to preserve the status quo and allow City staff and the City Council reasonable time to review, conduct research, receive public input and evaluate, develop and implement any appropriate regulations that may better protect the health, safety and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that a moratorium of one hundred and eighty (180) days is a reasonable length of time and no longer than necessary for the City to properly investigate, develop and, if appropriate, adopt and implement any new regulations with respect to the use of the public right-of-way for such events; and WHEREAS, the City Council has provided ample public notice and opportunities for citizen input on this moratorium; and Resolution Establishing Moratorium on Use of the Public Right -of -Way for Certain Special Events 2369749 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the public and persons organizing and participating in such events will not be unduly prejudiced by the imposition of the moratorium described below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Moratorium Established. The City Council hereby establishes a moratorium on the on the acceptance, processing and approval of all applications for City permits and licenses relating to the use of the public right-of-way within the City for races, competitions and other special events involving running, walking or cycling effective immediately upon passage of this Ordinance and for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days thereafter or until the adoption and implementation of new regulations governing such uses of the public right-of-way, whichever is earlier. The moratorium imposed under this section shall not affect or in any way apply to completed applications for such permits or licenses that were lawfully submitted prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: Waiver. An organizer or participant may request a waiver of the application of this temporary moratorium to a particular race, competition or other special event by submitting a written application to the City Manager with the reasons for the waiver request along with supporting documentation. The waiver request must be submitted at least five (5) business days before, but not more than ten (10) days before, a regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The City Council may approve a waiver application, in which case the applicant may submit an application for processing, if the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the applicant will suffer undue hardship if the moratorium is not waived, that being something beyond or in addition to financial hardship; (b) it is in the public interest to allow a limited exception to the moratorium; and (c) authorizing the waiver will not adversely impact the health, safety or welfare of the public. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution be declared unconstitutional and/or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Resolution, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of whether any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases is declared unconstitutional and/or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective from and after its passage. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.] Resolution Establishing Moratorium on Use of the Public Right -of -Way for Certain Special Events 2369749 Page 2 of 3 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this day of , 2018. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Resolution Establishing Moratorium on Use of the Public Right -of -Way for Certain Special Events 2369749 Page 3 of 3