1926 (City Council) Minutes ??/??/1926 The Council met in Called Session with the following present: LO Neal Mayor—John Houston, CJ Marrs, Jick Housewright and LF Daniel Aldermen LF Hughes Secy. The appointments to the Street Committee were made by the Mayor for the ensuing year were Jick Housewright and John Houston; The appointment as Treasurer, Loyd Neilon; Water Commissioner, LF Daniel; Mayor Pro-tem, CJ Marrs. The mayor announced that an injunction suit had been filed against the City and the Municipal Engr Co in an endeavor to prevent the installation of the Sewer system disposal plant on the property purchased from JA Wilson. The injunction is being sought by C.A. Stone. The mayor stated that he and some of the Aldermen had been in communication with Judge Moulden & Abernathy in regard to the matter and that they will defend the suit thru the first trial court for a consideration of$100.00 and thru all court if necessary for $200.00. Upon motion & second in regular order the Mayor was authorized to employ these attorneys for the defense of city. Mr. JT Hutchins, having purchased from the city Lot No 11 in the Interurban Development Company's South Side Addition, the Mayor and City Secy were duly authorized upon motion & second to sign deed conveying the lot to Mr. Hutchins. The following bills were allowed & ordered aid: CC Fawcett $. 45 —Ha Smithwick $1.25 Dorsey Ptg co $30.00. There being no further business council adjourned. Approved: 8/4/26 L.O. Neal L Fay Hughes Secy Mayor