07-09-2019 (City Council) Agenda Packet Work Session Wylie City Council CITY NOTICE OF MEETING Work Session Agenda July 9, 2019 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following City Council Meeting) Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Eric Hogue Mayor David R. Duke Place 1 Matthew Porter Place 2 Jeff Forrester Mayor Pro Tern Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T. Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Chris Hoisted City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. WORK SESSION • FY 2019-2020 Budget Discussion and Department Presentations to Council — PD/Animal Control, Library,Planning/Building/Code,City Secretary EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. July 9,2019 Wylie City Council Work Session Agenda Page 2 of 2 §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 5`h day of July, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed 017511k 1: ^,, JR, 71A III 0 ,.*,, Nti ofHl 6 11 ! 1.1 II. 41,411 dey oricite 11, irk 01 arlik FP4 11,417 kiiiltb„ oir"'14, 41,,,,,4 1,1f>„!,,!" lit iirilk Li 01--iii lit ,11 0, ii, xpep tirrgz' lik Imo 1,11, k )11 , ,,k 011',4 .,„,'III ir'''':'4'. „'''''''114 '''''l" itti Ilk iti, il e. sto vooll, ,,,,,K,akdoe: vo,,,,,,,,,,,g).,. Nizo vg: vmo tti, !,,,65401 co ,§4 ',.,.,,,t6 Int" .,„,,,, ,,151 1 ,,,, kgr. , log," ,,,,,407,10 ,,gpm, ,,g,,i; Iii vp, ogie (,,,,P741 403,7140, all girlk 0,11) 0711.\ filf-11) ifliN IC - i (Rpm") II ller elk RIP - JO If 11 4*.'311 '11 0.) it", it. ko,o,,,,, 11( It kir :,„,,,,,,,11 01 101 N it 11 II, Ili 0 Ao %,,N001 .,,,. le wig. loclitx ro, 4r.',„„_. q4„, A., At..,,,,.. 112,,,,,s, ,,,,.., ,, , ,, , . , ,,. .. . , ,, Budget orkSmssi , n � g � nda Presentation of FY 2019-2020 Budget Department Presentations 2 II Ai s New construction value is estimated at $171 million. The ad valorem revenue is based on FY 2019 budget plus the new construction revenue ($945k). s FY 2019 Sales Tax is projected to come in 8% above budget (General Fund $416k); FY 2020 Sales Tax assumption is 5% over FY 2019 projected amount (General Fund $281k). s Home starts are projected to decrease from 600 to 500. s Esti ate % increase in es ical insurance costs an* 0 increase in entai insurance - 1 1%, eneral Fun - 13 i • - s Public Safety FY 2019-2020 step increase estimated at $68k included. s Merit Increases projected at an average 3% for non-sworn personnel (effective Jan '20) estimated total cost $340k; General Fund - $245k included. 3 • • Revenue $43,513,903 Less Expenditures $40,715,898 Projected Available Funds $2,798,005 Total recommended ELS requests: $2,459,302 Available for additional recommendations: $338,703 Expenditures are $192k lower due to healthcare savings of $183k and miscellaneous changes from department meetings. 4 General Fund Estimated Balance FY 2019- 2020 GF Fund Balance Estimate: 25% 30% Amount required based on estimated exp. in 2020 $10,878,476 (a) $13,054,171 Est. 09/30/2019 $16,119,868 (b) $16,119,868 Est. 09/30/2020 $16,119,868 (c) $16,119,868 Excess Fund Balance $5,241,392 $3,065,697 (a) It is the goal of the City to achieve and maintain an unassigned fund balance in the general fund equal to 25% of expenditures. The City considers a balance of less than 20% to be cause for concern, barring unusual or deliberate circumstances. If unassigned fund balance falls below the goal or has a deficiency, the City will appropriate funds in future budgets to replenish the fund balance based on a time table deemed adequate by the City Council. Bond rating agencies prefer 30%. (b) Based on FY 2018-19 projected revenues and expenditures. (c) Based on balanced budget (Revenues = Expenditures). This Fund Balance is 37% of expenditures. 5 . ;yao G u ,",',x5 ;,t, " " ,z"1 Pa "a Px "" ,L2,":;: " " , ' ' . ;. �" u y , ' e,„ a tit wa";„, +, � � , ,.'d ' r' V'V .„‘,,.,,,...,:„„c:::,.,,,,,„,,:....„,„,..„.....„ ,.. ,,, L.,,,,,i, „ ,,,,,„ ,,,,„ *.sitti k,,,,r4„".1.1, 4.0 01 004 4,04 11 4,1,• k„,110, 00 0 11 4 14 040 00 1 Olt 0.$100,410,004010,18,10000000401410,0440601401,44401 1„i'c,>%`',,'i'a{i'>as,,>rtt't>,c„4%,,,�t,{tf;� r} �r55,�,4 °S 1 .''* Y,.a%`'.`a.>et" "4,,, ''',''",4„0,„„,_T ,,y»„',fs',`u`t,'i;,iiG,g,,,st.,r,t{g3',tiSt tt'vv.i 10,,,e'4's'oo,.0,�\4 �� b ',„!i'';3, "';,`, ..<4�t'a�. '%Fg,g.r;"``"�.i�„f,t,�:��i�t���V ,� , '0.: vvt„`.�£„ssi.e,..��a zit�1�3�Z`�V� ���e. 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' • Hard work t, \i„,„..„,i,,,„,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,.,„,......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.•tt••\ .. . , otowitototte otioott,...itoitikt.t. ..„,,,,, t„..t. •„ t. .. , ,,,,,,,,,„„littottottl otimmoirtproo,t titl .„... , . . •„„„„„itlittttiodm tigiliattitvt.,Kttittik \ \, , ,t t"""tt, , ,„,,,oit • Positive Attitude 1 •••,,"tt. „ttis,ilii„,witt,04,..A.„,:tottt,c,,,•,, ,,tt i ,N ' , ,V4.61, , • Support . ,„A Akikk,74.,',1*4\okiVvia7' ',,."' ,.,,, ,,,•:7',.:;7.,7!•.,',, ,, 77•7,7, ''''W - •lk'''.k, 7,"•'::"'"'"''';' '"'". 1 00,01,410$1.11, : ' %,,„ '''' ' ,pa,,',.,,, '.' ''',7,k`7"' - ,,„,-,,„,,,,, , ' '44.4„,!,„:„,'„ . . . •.., 411.,"7.: , , . '„ "„,„'"''‘u,„'•sq V: '4i4041,„ , ,„,,„•474 ' ,1, ,, ••,,,'15 r , „«, ,, „ ,?.d.,1;4 strength. Courage. Valor. SVASV 'I , ' , ,404Aillilik ' I I II 1 I „ r , I * ,,,,I,,SI,„'S S,S:","',;:;„,..4 ,i40 .40.,* ....„-"'".,„re,,,'","!,,N.,&„ ,..„:,,•,....N„',"P'S ',..'. ' . „ ' 4."- • ift(it ISHI I , •,:g,, 7 ". , , ',,',.,'''"7'7 ,,:',,,,7',,:,''',,"7'7,•'',.'",,'P,,,,,I,'"S. ,''7,.7„7.,',•',,,7"17',1., ,7, ...,,•:,1"''I. ,,, „, ,„ ,, U.., •,...— ." Cr '''''' :'''' ' ', ••'.. •,'', ' ' •,7,' '• ,.'071.: 1r, 1, '',,6.' ' '''"..4,,,,:1%'^',a':::::"Jk", ',.. ' :::,Z:' , • dir' 1 ,s, , I . "amp � 1 1 " u rya 'r , v" () ^ M LtmY 'H"Fgn .: � � FY2019 Accomplishments z • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety, and Well-Being 0 �u a� ▪ 14% reduction in the overall crime rate and a 5% reduction in traffic£ collisions • Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Updated the department website. ▪ 15 Citizens attended and completed a 12 week Citizen Police Academy • One Youth Enrichment program — 8 students attended Three Junior Police AcDO 1 ademy classes — 82 students attended. • Sixth annual Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club (Practice of Leadership, Integrity, and �� �� { � - Character Education) — consisting of 86 active students from Wylie and Wylie East High Schools. k � t • WC PAAA • Texas School Safety Center honored the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club as part of its 40 School Safety Spotlight Program. Wylie won the Student/Pth- ion eer-Led Groups m" . <zti and Programs. k k $$ ryy,.w.wwx 2"Y iAy}k 1 4 S -< _ Ygpy }"Q � 14iA'. A Zvi. 1a4 '� I � ��f I { e apt � y r I kr 400p, .- M t d ^ -,w, , q "I 1 P �r VW 1 I Y' ) 11 �y£ Z 1 k., „ ,d as „. ��► POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget Presentation Fiscal Year 2019 20 . WYLIE TY • Strategic Goals: Health, Safetyell-Being P � e • Maintain or reduce the crime rate and traffic collisions. oRiv,, • Redistribute/reorganize tasks assigned to employees for increased efficiency. • Provide a way for citizens to search an address to determine if it is in an area prohibiting sex offenders. • Evaluate/realign districts to improve response times to calls. • Strategic Goals: Community Focused • Research more innovative ways to engage with the community and seek their involvement. • Improve contact and follow up with citizens who file reports with the department. • Strategic Goals: Workforce • Gain stability throughout the department by filling vacant positions and improving span of control in all divisions. • Staff all specialized units. • Provide structured training for employees assigned to new positions. • Strategic ls® Infrastructure • Research, develop, and implement a strategic plan for future growth in the department. • Continue improvements in the tracking system for digital forensics. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 Budget Presentation 1 Fiscal Year 2019-20 WYLIE ne21„a„ ;Figp IAlpg OiR, ;',a40 , leil AM., AN , VS Antgt,,, :40. frN Current Organizational Chart 0 TY 0 F CHIEF OF POLICE WY L 1 E Vigamom ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I _4" '''""TROMagil -tgoamoiAt IIIIIIIIIMP "iViNM 1101,1707711717117171- COMMUNITY 11110,,,Amo,,ossavy* 1 ts RELATIONS DETECTIVE i OFFICER 1 I r waranif K"Prz,m1, Rp",,RN ILA ef, oza !ILA lit„ all SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION t T FIELD OPERATIONS DIVISION 0 y li TT FIELD OPERATIONS DIVISION 1 - tf INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES DIVISION LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT(B) LIEUTENANT(A) LIEUTENANT Wpm iter tiktommena, kr"10 ANIMAL SHELTER . L , 171 1ffi PATROL, , PATROL 1N*.m., =nom"''',','9,,'N,-'...,'-,.."s,.,,.."•,%--)r..,-,,,,',,V-1' LRi D,ETEC TVES(2) ,MANAGER i 3 CORPORAL [.., SERGEANT j SERGEANT *,',",,"",""'."'-'"`'"'"'• " WARRANT OFFICER J I 1 I 0,140, ts*NoW04,4a10,0,0 ANIMAL TA !Tv MUNICIPAL PATROL: SHELTER IF I COURT : :: " , :il g.PATROL TRAFFIC W '.:'i.PATROL ::::i ',,,PATROL : %trio CRIME VICTIMS ADVOCATE L., ADMIN ASSISTANT „.1 BAILIFF :IMIIIIIEMEIIIIIIIII L CORPORAL ) CORPORAL :111111NEZZMIMM timiumOrifai j : : CORPORAL CTIMITIOHSV ' Property gr"tol t=ttlfot , MRIFRMi 1.1.111=11111110.1 ANIMAL - tt SHELTER PATROL ,, :T ti PATROL L, KENNEL TECH J I SUPERVISOR j PATROL OFFICERS(6) PATROL OFFICERS(6) :I t PATROL ::: :I,I T"PATROL: :: Itb PATROL OFFICERS(6) : PATROL OFFICERS(6) Mown?, g'4' We, : SERGEANT ANIMAL TYTTP""TICAYTTYTETTatt t SHELTER L.4 CASE CLERK t) liMMOMMINIMO : ti-1., CROSSINGGUARDS17 I Op DETECTIVES(6) MP'', tafruliM a„Ait ANIMAL T i SHELTER ...00.:ITH w 1A,,,, SERGEANT J PM ,daVk * T„ 1,',„'”-"I'Lti SUPERVISOR Li r'l 1 1 - 1 1 DETECTIVES(2) ri V,„, „l .n,,,..,,,,,,, . CLERKS(2) AJ: POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019-20 WYLIE Il :- Wylie Police Department „vr. Organizational Chart .tz), TP. CITY OF WYLIE Command Level , cif,. hk"",411m 4 10 Administration PO,554: IIIIIIIIIIIIIEMIIIIIIIIII ompz 4f gg, ,i'55Y555,50V Administration Administrative Assistant I ir WINAVa ''''''''''"VG,G57 "OW V,WYNN4 nill,g,'Vq't .%5,.,5 454 Professional ,' '' 05 10 Support Services ,V55 o5 Field Operations rt VC Field Operations V, A Investigative 1.; ,. t,,,Division ':',/. ,I, Division 5 ',A Division ,., 4 1, Services Division Detective IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIEMIIIIIIIIIII Lieutenant(A) Lieutenant(B) 111111111111 Officer rt POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation 1 Fiscal Year 2019-20 WY LI E ....,A, lia A. gio& Agg• Aqk Lao -7''''''„ ., , --.4, gaw, Ickg%am AN'A',,:eR40,. Ney Wylie Police Department i F eld Operations Division ., C 1 Ph' OF . .., . ., , WYLIE __OA mief, U.KWA,„,,,,04400 ;$47,0CY4- I • „.. Chief of Police tormuottett Itiettuatitt, 0$04-444, ittravvttom otv vott 111 ott, tort Field, 110 Field Operations WAY AgoliY •, •....A.4Ial0iii1ionf,0„,,11iN0i,mti„it.„„„it.A„I,Mi,ni,ioa„iv,Rlnfmi•t,tii,..•::.... ..•••,. 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Division Division Lieutenant(A) Lieutenant(B) Traffic Patrol Patrol Patrol 1.87"2•-.Patrol Corporal1•.•.•.:•.•.•t1.•.t.t...,..••1t:...•..,•.1:4.•:••-:.1•.•..•„-,-•.1:••:::•.-:.,•,1:..•.•.•..•....1..1.• • .•..i3O-4•,..i,,1t,,,rA 4o74P,,,,,-,,,o4ft`,10,40.o101,N,, ,•..•.•:„•••••.:• t-t Traffic Officers(2) --0•.1•,6,1**kl"e:1•:,i:•,W:',N,.tk1,tw,'g,10,s,w11,1i Corporallf.O,lrtii:i::v:,:t:t,,,,fW,,i,,vot,tto,e*•••,i,o,!:g:,,ut,,,hl„,kns,,,,*,i!:oS.,,•t••iT,•,:1o„tti..i„,r,ttr,V,.,.k,,.,iM::*•;4t..I,.C.,•!,g„t.•1. _gip. „itttit4ovll. *t...i...vVi..,ifs,l„v,„,sIiolc ovstt, Corporal Corporal I.....„,:m„:„.;:„:.•,:,,:.:.:.,,6...,..„„9„,..:.•.„,,1.1,,......,,!•...•...:.,..,,.„,:::...:..:,1....:, ''''••::•:•:::—s sOCoi''r•-ep•-o•r-•-sr•••••••a•('••'•6••l'•••:•-)•:•;:•'••'••••••--,,,,,•'•••••'••• .....-.........,......-,.,, .,,...........--....-.--,-.--.--..t.-...C,..., ..g. or..,,„, pp..,,0...or.,.r.al . 1 ...,...:,.,.,.:...,,,•,,...,.,..,•,,„,:.0.,.:,:t„v........,:y :::„!..;••,!•p•:i,t,,t..,..:.:,!....:t.„:„it..,.., Officers(6)Officers(6) Officers(6) ... ••-Lirsaistiantraurrostassonistru -t , . ' '• ''''. 'itutistonsuottrimeausturrearrear -ettiasurateurtationtemortrusta- liAti f POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019-20 WYLIE • ' 1, • :•i,F4 • . • .......„,.. iEt„,. 00•••108.0001§, 0.Q100' 110i1 Ainglga.,. 4;0'1° Wylie Police Department Investigative Service Division , .. ..„•,,,/o, ,,,„,,„ -,,,, c Ty 0 F pen.... ., • ••ti::::; .. , WYLIE ,,... Ak Vi M 4 - • • • Chief of Police somply Olte kw; 4,ko wto 101%, aPt Investigative Services $5- . it IN Division ...... 11111111111111MME1al1111111111. ::,,,..000, 144.0::,:.:::,::•:::,..,,,!!:,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,:,,,,,,•:.,:,: .:,:,•:.,:,: .:,:,•:.,:,:::•:.,.::.: -,•:::•;:•,:.:•:::.:.::40q,,, Criminal 0i,•:::-investt-•atton:,:•::,,,,:.:•:, • Ser•eant . ougolugg Special ,•••,,,,,,gmfgemm•••-•,.•,.7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,womm R.,.R.lismoN•amooptemon•moo0•,•*-0,too • • : • Nime,-*OW . .:•• • •••• moo, -,04-040,000tookoomoome, -:„:•::•::.•:.:.::•.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::••:•:,:•::,:,,:•::::::::.:•..:••;•:•,•:•••:.::•:,::::::":•:•::.•::.•:•::,•::,:.:•::,..,.::••.;,.:::•:•,•,•••:•:::::.•,;:•,,:::::::•••,,.,•:::•.:.::.::.:..:!.:::.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.,..:J,::,::,::::- . •mm,- yo,,,,,o. . „.„.00,,,,, 40,04-00004$0440100worm. :Wm: WOO• . . 00*0t 40**•,>?>1.Y.44,0.10f;V rAiggtkPlg • :ill,„ „fie Investigative WV •' War 0001101•00110004W Wag,ov,,,,,,A,, 9,p,,,,,,,m,,,,,Felowyo,,---—,,,,,i's A r''''',"'"..,e AA,,,',*,"Nti's%.0 X.010\44,5000 •1 1,1 Aka° *080001111,01,1414t MO*MO*,•19041% 10 •• •• •• • 4.Unit •• • : : • mos, k,,,,,,, A:4,,•,,,V.,•tz.,,,:,;pi,g,4 dv,,,,,A„,4,0 kt,44114,;A:i,U•VA`944SNVit ,,wpow---k000A.4.,*\,..•4•.••1.,$"0•44,4••,a.,••• ,,k01,,,,* ,00,A\-• •14,‘1*011031.004,kWa .4.u. woof •ft,,4340.104101414r0000.• i0tOM 11.04.00 ItAA ,Neit "*VOl. eelitl"fitxkltd4Whutiog .11111111111M:1=1111111111111 Crime Victim Advocate oak AsiyAto,',,i.:,',-.--,,,,iikAktklo*•• 0,,,,,o,,,,, ..„,,,,,,,,,, • , ..,.,at:$*1;0040 . . . - w•0 , • • .° .• ' • ' 'ya01.101WWWWWWW0 rraerWWWWWWWWWWW0001,0111' 4400° 11111• 100000kVt4110401.1°1V411**01k,1 0.°11111111111011°1114418 1:01w;i404.iti01144°Xtiviititril. WI P't iOtt-••• t.604401.1o.h....114.574.,PRO Administrative Assistant 111111.1E1=3111111111 . . •• Ripmellowa„ . . . . . . vmpowni "4„:.1.A.. • . . • • "".v#*•tv.,:o.i\**•$-slivtl000to.,,,too-Aokywtt: •• wmp,----kome. special. •• •• :. ..ma-, valoo, .vuhu.• . •• • :.•. . . . .. . woor wig. . .. ...... .... .... ••••10K Mo.,• . • • . ••• ...twoosporog4,4,0*****0000,0.0.0,01Rww . oak, Alie Investigative... •*40, 41** '•M(4,,,,,,„„„*..4,44 .Advocacy• ..••••• .• Criminal.----------vemmagaWKW.----- ,kt,PARMER3PWanv.VOMitW440N4MAPO*PiVS0•4A . w ' '0. • • • • •••• • ••• •,,,, totom.":""Asomstg000k#4,*,,,ftstookokow Unit ••• • • . •• -.10 0 Center. -.:•. • - kow"-,fe '"111°1MINSMAV414Wif0A,•1,110.•4144 r• *WOWS 10000110g4,044410000V@WW0•4000* .„. •1•0111104,441*1441000$00$000001000* ... • • •10,0110011, WW1,000004*040400P.W41•4440** 0 Detectives(2) Detectives(2) --.00.. ..owo*,4400„+„„,: ,,,,,,,,,,„,..,,,,, omp- "'W.,' 10000400000144,00000 ,,,,,„,••*,,,,„,,,*4A,...,•,•Atikehubmi .. • •. • . • . ' - ... . . . • • 3.4,4 . soitlitoittvkiulioki4 Investigations••-• • . . . ....goo. ,,,,,..t.,„Athhasgss ..... .. . . .. : .. . ...• Supervisor Detectives(6) •-imitimmintwogemiNgmoosnmanom-• "-.......... ... • .. .•...... .....• ....... .:.. An o,,,,,topimet,thtko,04.4"44,NoWici,ai At„0 •VA4w,,,,,t,,,,,,,,,,,, sq,100,-14,Wq, V*,0•04.11(W0004,140*kwikj$ •0,gra 1.0001011• • &Warr 011111•311iMA10.0,W,Askv0000r. 440•1:a10 000,1. 110101• •• . " "61•011111 WW1;0••011*•Olt**0614:1•01W0»•1 OA 01•010 1111•00 • 4 0000,0 0111110#04k4PO4•4001004•04i*AA(i0t010:. • wok AMP' Property! •• .• „X tiarkAM, .6,,MotV,ItaktOtti,t paAtMAN0*,t•VP**44 1.. q,,,,-,04 01% N.k00"''',,oarAgo,amo k,Ato 40010,40 W,40,,Ord .• •Iir,"",,, Nio. .. • • • .. .•. •ii op!,',p14,toovitiokri4441. . 14.** lu.,,14‘0, . ,,,..,,,,,,,,,0•0•00 .•it R.1 Crime Scene • ivi . til.:44,1,,,,„,,„1.',„,,,ii4.:iogen .• 111111110EMMIENIIIIIII aIIIIIEMEBMEIIIIIIII- negegwrilMiOtt*****Mitipmalingmas• •• • Al rvf POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019-20 WYLIE tiE4 A Mr' .....,..,..,„,„ ..„.0...,„„..„., „AA ::,• \\___,, ,,Aggs ,..4stam, arp, itgt APIEN, AR Wylie Police Department f'rlt Support Service Division ,. , , .t',..,....... C TY 0 F .Ah...1„. - • .— soy leo ' •,-4(A.,),..2 WYLIE ' •'"' ' .• • Chief of Police .„...- -zio...........................";- nononoonno onnonnon ow „als Support Services monnons 0: It 4* •••,.• •U tv is 1 o n A A AAANWAVRAW ..,....,..AAMAAANAVA•:::::•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:•:•:•:•: AAA," 1,tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ANA` AAAA • AAA"AAA, . • •'•••-••VMW 'ANSA.':.:::::::-••A:••••••••••A•::'A A A A A A•::'••••::'••••••::'••••::'•••••••'•::•:: •••••:::::AVIA APAtA-A-::,•...,.••::,:'1,•'.•••••:::',::••••:::1••••1••••1••••1••••1••••1••••1••:::1••:•1••:•1••:'• too toot. • •• •:.,...-...40, 1001••••••-••••••-•,...,•••,:• •'•••••••••••,•••••'••:.,•••-•:::••••:,•••:,•••:,•••:,•••:,•••:,•••:,•••:,•••,,,!••640.0k iimiti,,:,,:i1;; '-'.,:;,,:!•.:r,'!i_.$4••0:01,-l'x •• 014„, AO* •. • • • .. • • •• 1' ‘"'"'"' lit • • • • • •• • • • ..•-••ko,—100,•s,Mo,,otlil'li l'Ar.::::/,,...:TA:4,::,,,.$,'"'7',,-;!::,:issEf.::::,.:Rn.,-:,:q-'sg::,':K PM lAgannel, .„1, S„ot Animal Shelter Shelter :,... --0,...•Municipal Court t.o.,...•.o.-•.-..:.•..:.••.•:n;.„:••„•.••'.• a Supervisor •11111111111111=EIIIMS 111111111111111MEMEINIIIIII • Warrant Officer Bailiff 2 „oonnnomonmennononononnonon + 000nornosonnono,o,:n,,o:on:,,nonof,;n„,,,;:: 1,:::',00n Titaks5E ,'?:1,q//,,,"405'P•":::,,::;'; '',..:, Ifellimm • . 004...:49w4 • • •• cAfitit„,„,,Alike:::',C'V-1::::::,,,t,•:•:'•:-:•:::::1 ::;::::: .•• %or "so • . • •• NC lot.•knonnoonno.•Anim.al . - kno,„nno Animal Animal Anim al. . . • Crossing Guards (17) , Shelter h:e lter Shelter Shelter • SRO's(6) ' : Administrative Assistant • Kennel Tech • Lead ACO 1 • twootage • Moir -um • .. . • tal„ Atak Animal __ ity ••',,,,- ',..ed • • - • ... --!"-• ig I. Shelter •• ••• • ,, n ACO's (3) Ai i VI( POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019-20 WYLIE T\____. Cost Per Capita _ Ir1 N , $300.00 $258.04 $267.35 0/ C I TY 0 F $250.00 $217.88 $229.20 $233.53 ') ,_. $245.44 r�� $179.44 $186.31 $190.25 $197.48 $197.53 $201.10 $201.96 \/\fY�I E $200.00 cH�E $150.00 1.j-, i ja $100.00 $50.00 ♦e�� a`7 \'`V t�,�� �C\ ,fie esk ♦�� �r�ec. o♦♦`o� t♦a�a �t��`o ��a♦♦ ta` C\ Q♦ago �a La �\r Crime Rate per 1,000 Population 40 37.42 35 33.38 30 25 23.09 20 18.81 19.09 19.12 19.55 14.80 15.49 15 9.39 11.69 10 6.43 6.94 5 1 0 ����r ♦ �J♦ �a`r NO- ��� �t.`� Ito♦� o�� Q♦a �o�♦ a��� �a�a �`'a `V7� POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019 -20 WYLIIE Is • • 104- 1 TY qr( Po All requests submitted are in furtherance of the Strategic Goals of the or-Trz City and the Department in order to provide the best possible service to the citizens of ylie. • Assistant Chief • Two School Resource Officers, one at the rank of Corporal • Jail Manager (mid-year) • Case Clerk moved to Criminalist • L3 Mobile Vision replaced with Watch Guard • Six replacement Tahoe's LAI f'! POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019-20 WYLIE ., ,-----7,-,,_ 1Ril Am, Imo it% ow& zfm Projected Organizational Chart 1 , , V/1, .Aglamg lif t, Ai.`71\!, * '' -,•,.' 1 n - filit ,,,l',• 7,-•:4, ' ' qr i• "tik -•' C TY 0 F 'MOW.?IMISSMAIONSSSI s•1 *)., wy L I E . ....., oRron, .....), smommt!.... AtOttm Mk Ott 4,711 .04ttittlitliMPALEnt ILA it If 444.9ARDSTp 1 I $ w , t,,4`0, ....... ......................................................................................„ SERGEANT I ASSISTANT CHIEF 1 SUPERVISOR I 1 -risco rogatag 0,1 WA 049titti COMMUNITY —;4,.,ty.,004*9ftkk; tto. V 444 rtitir. 44- g $RELATIONS '' 94‘„„....., t.4* I OFFICER I CLERKS(2) 1 t , * P,„,$1 II„lit 01,„All 1 's,SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION ki I..FIELD OPERATIONS DIVISION 1 0:FIELD OPERATIONS DIVISION 1 1 INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES DIVISION LIEUTENANT LIEUTENANT(B) LIEUTENANT(A) 111161.11.11.111= "Mem .. ,,•.54-gos ,••,••,••,••,•-••••• t4t MA • • : . • 9 4949 tttti.9...9.9••••••••••••••••.•• 9.419 11:9:99•••••:::::•::99999:: .„,„,„„„, .... .. . . . 4,446:4414WriMirrt tit#4,9491 ::ittt, AP..,.-'•.:%•-•'-'•.. :.gg, Ntg.-...• -'..•••-.,• opmr, •••,,r10.••••..:....:.:.:.:.:.:.i. .,„„ .,,•. .. .•• VI WX9.110. -0. I it•ANIMAL SHELTER. 11::R1MA j0006.IpAp:,::: !!::C:.:..1 itt•AMPIOER:t.:•:::::g!' t.t O.:•FACILITY:ttt: tt T I PATROL:::t.t. t.T IT-PATROL t TT.. ILA -10,41.:-..•...:...r...."...--...... •:.mi, AN;1••....--•;•.;•:-.;;;; SERGEANT MANAGER ) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBZEDSIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SERGEANT • PATROL . PATROL ,i,....,, ,i„.cip.,::,c:,,,,,,.' , •• .. „.................:, 1 1.4224=iiii -,...•-•,.,.....,..::....,.....:::.,...........,...,..................:- CORPORAL SERGEANT SERGEANT • SERGEANT : ..1111.ZEMZEttila ANIMAL MUNICIPAL .i.,-1.1„,,,,,Ati•::::--'"':-.::.:':::.: Hrak„,„41,••••:.:.:::..•:•.:••••......•..„:„ ..g., .•. . :,;;;;;;;L•••.•,••-„.•• .:•."4;;;;;N;;;;;•-:;.......... .•I;;;-Iv. SHELTER i? 1'COURT • :;•!!!..1 ttti0.1:;;M••N H.. I PATROL.•.--:.- .•1 i-PATROL-TT': :F„t„I.::•••••:-• t:Mdtt:.TT-TT Ttrttt 'Ptt PAT•.•••::::::-it:••:t• tr•MOM i t TT::t.tTt•T•T:t L. ADMIN ASSISTANT j ..11111 CORPORAL CORPORAL • • CORPORAL .,6 I TRAFFIC• •i ii PATROL‘,.::-. ::-.V 1::PATTIOL.......,••. TO T-00::::•Tt:::.t.tt :MT,„„AA • .t• ••v tT• •t--- : •. ...---;t TT: -•.:.. ••:--- - . ----- .-.--- IMMOMMINIMIN comizailimmr 1 CORPORAL : ......., ....„,. ..........::„ .11.10:212=11111 k g-SW• • "NV. • • ,„,'Ree '•%;Wis,,;',?:,,,e,,,,,,„,,,„,,,,,,,„ 111111.21=11111111 Vaik #.0 ANIMAL.. •••fore•••••••••••:.::::.::::.::::.,••••• .:•:-40-vov:•••••••:•:•:•:•:•• •:-ctr IS..:-...:...-..-•:.•-•::•-•:.......:.-: , ............,...:..,...........,.......,....,.................,......,.......:...„,....,....„.:...,............:„..,,....,.......•...,.....,...: :-.1* 40• .'..,.'•,-..... ..,,,,,,, ;xe;-.•- . . ; ••,K; 44•. •••- •-•-•••••• SHELTER ••••,„ ‘-•••••-•••-••••••••••,••••••-• .,•g,,,,,,,,,,IN•••-'• •.'••••" •' :'..PAk,,,,,,,W -I•-..--•••.,••.,•..• .::IP,„Mg-•-•••:',.'••:--,•,••••,:.: • MaMtp . . • •: • L. KENNEL TECH i L SUPERVISOR I „..„ „.;„„.....,...„,„„,..:„„.„„,,,,,,,,. :'!;4 USR9004::, :If 19,PATROL:•:,t.: ::-•1 t.PATRIX.r.::::-: Lis Figaaaltalial3 iimaziggiasigns3 -:1 1 TAIRM:-::-.: cmilTiailaigia or' t,t': T:PAIROL,tttt L rizeTrigicztailair 1 : pkAtt Mkt . . • w 50 . •.••. - ,if 1 Advocacy. SRO(7) • 1111==1111.0 . 4 A„SIU••.. . INCRaiaNiiii ANIMAL SHELTER• er-11t,-;:,:,,W1,-.:2V,G.:, 1 LEAD ACO 3 --..rit 149 41,4994,tit949t mmttimtatit stottetAttottttht, •i, I, CROSSING GUARDS 17 3 Wine Vailnikleea,* ttt,t9 9: tottweittettRktkt "11 taZtatttatttt# •.04:9440: • f CRIME VICTIM ADVOCATE ANIMAL •. „„,„„„,,,„„,,,,,,,v,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,„„ SHELTER Millidag..1. : tr Nel• •• • • • WC M Critalnalist/ f t Property::.•. CrImircismimilailigiimmi.1 IA if VI( POLICE DEPARTMENT I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2019-20 WY LI E �� \\1 .,r tit 5 " _ ? ,,t 53Y, "k� 9 '°T q u ";gym *.w. 8 a �� ,,;$¢t s,U,l,:r"rtsr,'i{`,`icj F•='O, ,wx A,;Ir. ,^�7 Y ,, . "s"k`,Y� ^,��'A..i a," ^ *y ,*,, a. , #, . ,,;; ,4f,.,, ,�ut,�,, 3;, .,��,�.�,��. "rye `;�,,d stiris ? " � - �o.+ ,, ;� F' a uxln,t ,;ydi�)t3,i' s„'•�j;``` ?4°. �' , .'y.. k.. ':y;;,•,,f+$p.}_ , ''' ...„",•::,„'":,''''',,,'",":•`",": „ •.'„' A ,,,A. a �'t ' � „�,� P«, ",. o.:,,,::...„7,.:;;;:,,,,,, ::, •aid" ,e r " i ro. " `",�, frN lig nerit 1 -Budget Presentation I Fiscat„Y ar•2019 2Q�":., �� ��♦♦y efr. „ , /J} ciTy OF wy Li E ,„,„'.„ ',,'; •• . hp,liti:„_.,toLr v.'.',',. 's, , ,.., :, "_ ,ode. ^ "_ „ , w.�; 1 � <,<�'.� CFI I 'i, -. ".w'S°"mr t . t V4" R0 4��1Y1 yi 14�* ti .':..,tlS'« ; dram': t.';' - ,R, "m° ,rmSm Y'„mr'(Ir "a A�'t^Ri�'! " i iord � I� r .; w me *43,104 i : R�,; ��_....... .��n«waareasraw•.�,.raa«,x.�.. r �r-aaaaw", .., ,. .,. :a,' '°`W.'*^ ..,,�„ Frk (n) / '"' yPa, ,x "R""na' ,Am t,:� tt 't>t",,t ae /t �s, i., i1 r.ae,f {i,;Yz,c„ 'S \.4�Ki..M1r t n:a£t., s o.ti..,2,,i1'^r n .1., ai�, ^4A, , Ysir�ot°�,y.:£, .«,, �rm�s;tt,'izt;i�fw � : 411.04441 ..x ",gyro n ", ,;;„ N ,. �t"4��. ,'P. .. ,t �M1.i„0" I. , tik ,, w ,a „a'4•,1,„", sJ. @ w ,:1: ',°. ;" x w ,4 ""Wy '"+'k'r �•w p,a° m' ovii '�, ',: 1' 'off,A ,�� ,I,'4:a w4t,','Ay ro' x,, to CV r , �, ' 'r "w ., �, " C,'Voe'''tn' ��",z f.'' M1Awa '' + N�. '�' ,,'y R, 14%'",��,.,S,1 ;4" t x'i "�"tiu j'w �m„��u: '' "d'4 ,s fi, ",, ;?,P,''p ' ,,y t ', ,4 .`` a.;,,, a r• d,f '�. �v , ,t prp,sm' 1' t 4•if,, °, .;,. A m,F ••'T"*':w,,'.; yew - 4 " „ , t+ ,w �' ^'re. ,y8„&"�;, ��a" •k, ;. B ,i� & Y; t'~u,,ea,.x, .r y, 'rt; n< .g,s�., ,x„ 8 0.<4..„0„.,,p �,,,° ,, em,.d" �'.1f ,m a Y 4.*, q,,.t'"",' h"e Pad, m° k, 4 .„k�}�p�y , ,,1„. A; ,.x, ,".I� .,.A. N,+a" ''.,b n'tt tiW°°� p� w"t;. , , . .,, .., 1"x,.,N ..„ , , „°. ,e''w-m v',,e w'N °!°", fig"',., ".a:' .•m § P'•', �.� _7 d °a i ,4 " w., "k"d, s '4'It'"'' 'WS.ifh�.. �.. ..�' '3� ,k �'t"ht, ,. . . , , 1,1 Animal Control (7,--1 TY OF WYLIE Accomplishments & Objectives, Fiscal Year 2019 — 20 Budget , ,- is t4 Ikt, 47 r 444 ' '7 4 4 7 t4 'ker, Yr, y Yry 1 rPr, r ' YY Y'10 'kr ,...„ . r0 4 or _4 4,44,4:447,414-444:44047, VOW' ' 4440 rr.0044 4.4: ''''';.".•1 ',t,'4',4,iWst",','"' ",,,,„t*,;* 4.,.*," ',,* ,,,,,<" k**,\i-.4.*"' "' 4 k*rK* .,'''''** *L' '' ''''' .,T, ' 41146\ ,li,L,, 1,k ',..'''7.•% A ''.14).7'' ''.r 1"4,.L.*:.,;•3,,,; ' 1" ^,, ''', t 0'ratat as,,.. -., ,&oat ,t tt tt ttlatat,altaaaat. • 4ii,. O , , '11/4 ..4.' oo ''4qo, ItIOiee4444110g° % 0 r, 1, , t i'4444=r 4 4i=411 Jar'• t 1, '' '. 4. ...ta,, an, ttatat„,7.a, '-aa.attt att ' 4 ,' tt' •ttt.t.,t ' •• ot ' ta, ,, ''`'a' iii,‘",-`,,,,,,,,,c4L!,:,, 1„ , , t , ..., ,.., ,:::t.,,,,,;:i'ikt;444444,444444444.441w4,47,74444 �° \ ytiat i� edri s Essentia :,',°KK. 4 ma tin Y ' ' Maintained an above 90% positive outcome rate of impounded animals Adopters receive an emergency ) ; ; establishing a 94.74%positive outcome rate through an established foster identity evacuation locations ••Find places that can accommodate pots if you evacuate: k preparedness waterproof packet with program, education of pet owners, facility events and partnership with non- consider pet-friendly hotels,kennels andfor loved ones •Write clown locations and store thorn with your disaster kt ta copies of rabies vaccination i profit humane organizations. Practice loading your pats into camom and your vehicle r certificate,photo of new pet and 5 Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Workforce your pets cis the ogle best way to reunite tout pets and ales microchip information. s .UpdatenuFroclrlp regsstrattor when you move,Change. , Phone umbers r get a new emergency contact Texas Department of State Health Services review was positive in all areas Secure a sturdy,legible ID tag on your pets'collars,too New and renewed registrations have without infractions. Start a buddy system xenange keys with someone who can evacuate your the ability to add a photo of pet, 1 Strategic Goals:Health, Safety, and Well-Being; Workforce; Community anarGive r you are our homee formaten ion and microchip and owners email address. Focused Government •Give your buddy your pets'information and your emergency contact information • Make sure your buddy it comfortable handRrr your pets al Pet owners are given a preparedness Assemble a disaster kit packet with copy of registration. Annual veterinarian inspection review was positive in all area without Osoemble a kit for each arnmal us your household t• • Keep the kat near en exit so it is easy to grab an case of IA- infractions. thsan gency , Strategic Goals:Health, Safety, and Well-Being; Workforce; Community �. .. .... •Turn this card over for tips on what to include in your disaster kit Focused Government Take photos of you with your pet(a)Mwiria; , 9 rya p r�. tis`Photos can prove ownership of you are separated from - yourpets °�- •% Established a facility emergency and natural disaster plan for sheltered • Keep copies in your wetot and your disaster kit" A • Give copies to a loved cane who tens outside of your area. animals in our care. • Storing photos Oil your cell oan aCso be usn+`uf 'r ati z ' t, Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Workforce; A. t . 1M. . City of Wylie Animal Control kk a ���. � Infrastructure coNTRot, 949 Hensley Lane,Building 100 es`��,s a t. ` ,,,,, ._:* ><,.� •1��. .- wYI,FE Wylie,Texas 75098 1p Office:972-442-5268 Established a disaster preparedness education program for community animals Fax:972-429-049f '� "� '�' duringfacilityevents, registrationprocess, animal adoptions and citizenpet anlms7itaritr�ai�aryryiletexas.gav � ' g p" returns. bhis ,li:1 ��' n� Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Workforce; 4 7 v ''''' '''' il.)l '.A '`1' 4 Infrastructure�� � ° .4 4, , , , VI' �' °; ANIMAL CONTROL 1 Accomplishments I Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget WYLIE Rescues No A 'da iif°rt"'� Adoption Events Create and maintain an efficient safe and secure facility that r 4. a err ry goes beyond being compliant with state codes and meets i o * * , community expectations for an animal control shelter facility. .. 's' 0 " �1 ' o,' Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; a ____*** � Workforce; Infrastructure 1. » jaw Last year I adopted GSD , you had named Rico.His new .` �° name is Apollo and he's Establish guidelines, procedures, and resource needs to create • w WISD students support their almost finished his training an emergency and natural disaster plan for community shelter. They are learning As my mom's service dog. . from staff and gaining He has also gotten a title in animals. knowledge to teach others dock diving.I wantedto bring Kids Getting Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Health, about responsible pet care. him today.work i say hi, but I had to Involved 4,11,0 Safety, and Well-Being; Workforce Good luck to all the animals i V k i' waiting for then furever It .7711-'pi homes. „,xy w or�� � � And thank-You Wylie Animal ��1 > Research and plan for growth and future needs of the shelter i 7 , Control for all you do for the "„ facility. � 4 ,3�'34, ` � animals. �i` --" t �� ca' t �t � 4 "� � 1 Strategic Goals: Health, Safety, and Well-Being; Workforce; z� � I Y ', � " Happy tat? t Infrastructure ' Shelter Pet Turns Service 44 �q , �� " DO d g. n Y a w s..IIl ifatif ANIMAL CONTROL I Objectives I Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget WYLIE Strategic Goal: Health, Safety, and Well-Being onceng. nrannwpalowirowooncenN .-a namwl rar,woommummn - a u fe Animal Control is requesting replacement of currentrswillc se unsafe contact ink fence o• . pi•.—_,„.• •, ,,,,, ...,, , ,'*,,,A,',• — A ' - ',v,,, ) type doors with solid doors. Replacement of doors ,,•\‘iN t 1,,,, f v i ‘,,,11,14 .'' ,.„., ‘,,,,, ,,,y„,,e, ,,N,I‘.,\ , contact between animals and visitors, lessen the spread ofispforessmible •.•1 „ ' s' "1/4.6iovt.trow tv 4\`,1..N44k4‘4,4 ,sv ,* ,, ,,,'‹: '0''''V't i ,w q, *4 44*,,\\ 'k\y , 470,440, Kri, 4,,v444,4q44 s4 disease between animals and limit injury risk to , . ; t \ . •A„ Irl, 4-, ' anima rnirnrM ,,\s A01,004 ' 't,,, .k.,1,4'\ tv .,, v,4,. *44 '..V N,'A ' **W*,'s\V 7 %,,,,* .,/ „44,4 4,•,, A• ,, 4,, skin,4•44, 1,,,,L./s,lsk" '*'%N.4 p's, ' ,t 4 4\4\t,.,,,•4) 4, 4 ,44 ,44 •4, ,, '—,-- 4- 4 , ,,,, , t n ' i CUSTOM 32"W x 75.5"H Tempered Glass Kennel Door in. .1.1/411 ,,,,,, „.., , ,. , ti i; ,,,• „..,- tit,,,,i, . 0„ , ,,,, Ao , ir„,',,,..-',--- - -,' t?, Stainless Steel Tube Frame with Tempered Glass Side. Partition, (43" x I n It r , t . 75 5") Overall. Positive Lock Latch, In and Out Swing and No Bottom , 0 1 Rail on frame. •,t44 ,,, ,,-• ; 44- - , ,,,1 ,I, t4, 0 ,4, At ,•,4'‘,,,, .,, 4 ,n• 4,1 Mounting Angles k 1 1/4"SOR SS Tube "s**".,,,,,,,,..........4".. OteN, 6 ' \1,,,1 -`,..,......., ,,, 'I n*A4N,,,,St%\w'4,0 , ,,,44,4 4, o EE --"1-. Current Kennel Doors i , osvols,,,,v ,,, . 1/4"Cleor 1 1 I 1 • Tempered Glass , 11 4 1 — --- —"7"—r*,--- '** , ' *•,,,S,,s1, 4",k\\‘4*!*'s* ,,,,s.' " ' i' '„,, s 1 l l I I ,I i [ 72" Rola ling Food .."',..,li ' , Bowl System :- .....,1 3734" s ', o'r'14 All 4' , ' Replacement Door Type 714 Similar Example 6/.. ...... 3/. ..,..c.....7:: .APPROVAL::::::. _.,.........._..... 484 1 ...,_.,...„. ___________ . 0 z-L,r,=...1.,.....v..w... 4,'' 4 \ LiY44l qill i i 3/4" 47 A.- .......4.. 0,.,... DRAW1.1 a 8 SPECIPICATIOAK 0..HARKED CM AM,oun- g.,,‘:A;'11 '1 0 Is'al,.......s. R,411P,a s'i 48"opening ...LAT Ulm( ..... ill g [MEE,DII.WISE SI Er1,1£1, Nal, DIC1413-GDiwSBF .1.114.310+1S AliF31,114:-.IIES U.,. 'I'Tili , ICILEItel.r.r, Glii CX0J mu: ,RACI.,01,At I'6 ,. LH Gloss Door , flor iss410 , o/ i ns, in 47 1/2-Glass Frarne '!, ' ' l sc*P *, AIPH4 plOcirliriffissrffr 110 E£MACE DECIMAL+13 DNS ,...gc..,,,,, 0 0. VITERF-1,£,GTOME11,11 101LIM/ICIMIG I EP ,,,,,,,,,, PROFPIETARY AND CONFIDENDAL MATER. SlonN•D SIDel A OrrEzz stzWEllohwRGO'INClotIng Food BowRelvs ,s* , - * '/s, I ,,,,VA 4FIF 11......110“CONIVAINED IN MI5 DRAVVANG- Ft.Mr A 1210xx M21475001 ' / ''',' "I. 1 44.0 ant000. SCALE.1.24 WEIGHT. 511DET I Of I ,./, .0 #4x, 4.'W $.4/4"terfr.lo:Durle:cti@r.:.:PA":Sijog,r;.,:A:::::"COLE 04.4 su otMs.,0,3,0., E.1101-SCARE CRAW.. IdirAbl T T ANIMAL CONTROL 1 ELS Request I Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget WYLIE Current Programs & Events ' B c DFy ''' ,, �� -- ; '4 4 Foster Program: Seventy eight have been assisted through the foster program. 9SHELTERS >"V Sterilization Programs: Weekly service provided from Animal Control location for �l+� 0° ' S3 C��t-. 1 „ �,,�, k, ��� • low cost sterilization . e'er' e . v " ,�C �A( vq�l µ �:re +u Low Cost Shot Clinics at Animal Control: Held once monthly where patients can 'la. sign in until seven pm offering residents convenient after hours access. s friend? t Volunteer Program & Service Hour Program: Provided Monday - Saturday Checkout Pe Har a r,com; Animals Spotlighted: Adoption available pets are spotlighted monthly through WylieLPETHARBR 1", first! News. gym" WISD school programs continue to build. This year added Future Problem Solvers NNNNNN '"` and Law Class Interns to our many service providing groups, clubs and classes. Check out our Petfincier� Clear the Shelter: Completed five years of participation with adoption rate of 100% ado table s! ' ; N k � �[ ,x ` 4 w• �+ for all years. Ft Pet Social Media: New animal control software automatically updates pet harbor, N .�`. adopt-a-pet and pet finder. Potential adopters are now given an easy way to alert all � ' ' i staff members of adoption interest inquires. Found pets posted automatically for t ., „., w ,� ,0 ;unkaa"ek., . ,:.:...,. owners to locate. IA rt C.:1-'t: ANIMAL CONTROL I Current Programs I Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget WYLI E Field Service Shelter Service 2,216 Dispatched Calls For Service 4,703 Walk-in Visitors Serviced 798 Stray animal 387 Pets returned to owners 217 Deceased animal 274 Pets rehomed 48 Animal quarantine/bite 11 Pet vaccination walk in clinic open to public 248 Trap service 14 Group tours with pet educational session 194 Noise complaint 1437 City resident pet registrations issued 86 Welfare concern 180 Wildlife relocate/transfer to rehabilitators Additional shelter service 34 Injured animal 29 Wildlife within living quarters Animals vaccinated, flea treated and given parasitic by staff 597 51 Officer initiated conference with citizen Animals provided pre/post operative care and transport assistance 182 Wild animals transported for trap-neuter-return resident assistance 67 331 Ordinance compliance check citizen reported Animal vet care transports for sick/injured/pre-foster visit 21 V 4,��7r ANIMAL CONTROL 1 Planning For Future Growth I Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget ,, dk�"'�xar,e ;�oi.' fly, THANK YOU cj TY , _" WY L 1E 740 n� ;,'�a,y i,,lc. i*„. * i mq ,8 ,".��,„sti4�`�i�l��� -' r, �� Wm ��, ti e#3{"gist ', p� �. x in ,, '� to u ketttet.*Jet"I:tie ° r' ISM,"�i," ,ro '" a�..w"r,. �.. .ai' �" n 4. `''S,G\ {'s:s, 'a ���� a '' ,- Ito\,.,. 5 ? 'N.,..;,1 'Nib"� o� �t, �a`" * "'�"� �� ' ,':�„..� ',,,, i`, 4ss ->. uc mm66 Am^ t "iW u�W'�'+P "a .'W a"p� ` • • ,,,,<„t � ', • �0. yak° `a 'rr ��., � R„ _ i'� ......�. 'ii 'n aii 'n�,; �"a'r ..ya:,;.i�P�:' v n+-" " n r, ii, w Y a�w lo.b�r iit iE' e o:.u, 1 _ I ���� uuurm'fi`rp o4 ,; • �kt `r tbw IM V �. ' ,„!**�a=,, `l'.., ... ;fir ��." „ +.� `,` ,,. -,ms''."*A .� .,m„„a; " ,,,,, rn': ,r # >,<\"„it,,°� " 'a„ w} r,?a,fi%r „,4"„ fr ��"r* ',�naiYi$*oa°A',a;,•pn^;. „v .x ,o • .,,,.� . °��:i....�',nm i� � i .. r��r• wee,;� ++il' r &AA;•";, .. .A ,. .�^�. „r,. i1 t.F y t a till �M q" ' "fM 6 � i�'r �,,, �• le�w�n � ,e:14„1, m^� �i. ,,.», x�, .���'' .,.III � 'k,&:' .,Il;;:�,�do 4"1,41Y,0414,0Vil V. m�"� kit � 14 � p e,✓D", .E d�, " 's;,, .�.»pr �,*i; 4� . .nh5�,,•, "°A:it .0 i�o,,, , , ,<' ' it Y 'k'n ..Rxa°M°d°WA.Y ,a.,4' y�r4 uuL tt^'i'w. >%m.... " J ., i . -:-.),,,,:.,':,,,,, , 4 ti,,,k".„It„..t 43*,4,44414".4„'4.4. � ,.. l' aw . w ' � ., `',yJ ,* Mpg,,,, ,ds, .� A. 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IIY" gsgs;�y „RI'w" ,n+w"q ;,dn 'mF' ` OA ,� U " de P •,�, Vb R ,~ M1.m °'e;;'A''.wy w„ • „„ vtv,' ""' u ,,b+'nRa, „.„d„"4 ,N m „ „. +� a,„ t £ „re ""w" w4: n ,,,�,wm „,_ ,"! . ," " ryou 144 �',,, ,lr" Y4t,4^° „ "„oa'i" 'av e o, 'u "o�,, 'e "din°m �a„ :^a, w >S°i7 s>rne,:'4 ++„aw, .40 „ma „r„,w o ,ima 4n „�tbu,n "" "`• ` „ �„ " ".`s'4 'Z 4 .n° „so dui, "d;' d a r A v,„' ap �a" ,,.w '„ '4,;1 ;",w,'•", p ;Elr �,' " "` " '> ,�.�. w&�, •d^P:Cd e, v„, 1. eH INSPIRE INFORM INTERACT * ,> L 1 B RA RY SERVICES 4"34 i �_= i „, kr:„ ': s,,, � ti ,'1•t I i ,, ,,,,i,,„„..„,,. ,‘„, , ..,,,,, , „,„„ ,:::::,,„."„„,,,,,,, ‘, h',44,h‘V'41 AN A4 A',i 10,4, 4.,,,"""'".: A ,,, 1",11/4A4A A A' Fiscal year 2017 nemo 2018 , ,‘,, 4r4 44' TAT e�"Pj , a/' n �, .4*1':44 '����wrr ''w,:„4''�"'*r If ,,g.:....ii 443. ...„.„„...,:":.:::: ,, ,, , ,„,„,„,"•„:„., ,.„....4,.,,•:„.„,‘„,,,„ Visitors : 236, 936 III Items Borrowed : 565, 342 ....„:„,,t,.,,,,.:, , , ..„,„,....„:„„,:,, , . „„:„ ,,,,„:„. .„;, "." : ::".„‘„ . „, ,",...."":„."",, ,,,,,,,..„,,,„,,,,,,•,..,,.„:„,„,,,„4„. , ...,.• „.„, • • „„„„.„, ,„ „ „.„.„„„:„:,,,,,,,,„• • „.... :„:":„....,,,„,,,.,„...., ,,,, ,,„, , . ,,,....„•,„,„. • ":„.„:„.,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,, , .•:::, .„.„..„.„,,,,,. ,, ,,„.,,, 33434 ,,, , , 379 ,, •,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,„:„„,,,,, ,„,:„, ���pw�^u^ " . a ,ia�.,^:a�&.w����'r �" 4' N,,:Ai ,,, Registered Borrowers : ((��/^yII��]j,„,:: „:„......,,,,r, :,:•,,„:,,, ,,,,t,„.„„„.., -„,,,,,„„„„,,,„ , , \MI/ ,,...,..,„.. ..„,„..,,,,, ,, •„, ,,, „ .„. : .:„'„.:"..,.,'.‘, ", •,4,4,,,:A,",:,.,:„„,„,:.:,„-,A,,N"A, :„.,.„.,.. Programs,, „„, „.,...„, ' 4.: „ „"„: .. Offered : 70 4 "„'II1^',,,,, '.i„ .,„„„: R =•itri}ftt�{:ttizf<z?si:�l`";r`.Y`,i}.:Si�cr^t"' ,'":,„s.l,a$:4..4..„,.•:,::,,\ „„,,,.,...,, �a ,,,,,,„,,c„. „ ...,,,, Program Atten n ce : 23, 521 ,,,.. „ ,,,„,„„„..„„,.:,.::::::„ • . ..., ,,,,:::,„ : . „„ . ,, .,,, . „,. ,,„ „,,,,,,„, ,, • „ , „ „ .„. , „,,,, „:.•.,„,,:„,,t,„:„.,. :: „ , , ,„ ,, „, ,„ , „,, „ ,, „„,,r,,,,,,,.„„.. .: • , .„ , , ,,„„,„, „„,„„„ „ „ ,„ Computer Sessions...; ,,„',''';*44", , ,',', ' ,„ , ,"„ , ,„ ,,„„,,,,,,,, , ,„,,, 35,454 A33,54444,3344 *MA* rc4344443 ..._. �;,e ;.,•,+ire.;"> d'ri;' LIBRARY SERVICES Service Measures Fiscal Year 2019 - ZOZC! '":;„";::::1„7. ''''"it;,!'444;414;;;;;;;p;,.,A,,,,,,,!,!!!!,,,,A,,4; ,444,40,0"0".„1,r,,,,,,,,, .. M„ . 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J ,.�� Create and Share Content on t fir,,.,I' ■ Visit � CO Cr�� � e �Ce :,,,,, "Nu,"„.a, ,.rH�ygogoAR ,,,�',l,,� ""Lw .ie.^is i0,,,,,,"...;;,;,„:�"'�' Y .t „ ;;, Physical and Virtual Spaces ,,er".:"':x:m. Service Points are from the Public LibraryAssociation Public LibraryService Responses goo� ",„"�„...�- p / 7 r LIBRARY SERVICESServiceResponses Fiscal Year 2019 2020 es ca „ w,,,,,, ��N � "r'$e.:2'wlik wa..",.,"rd.;1.0i'ae „,:m.rvPrwr';24" "v?I": EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT createYou Igi Readers Storytime Family Place Library Homeschool Art Program ‘,,k 1 V„ 1` I .l" 9u Ai Vic« «,GND 1I V.V'a YI' '��•uaVl'�: } I, 1 1 Yp . I ,,t« 1 flPRt ,a at,'U F N� I 3 Y2 ii SA `�w'i 4 I 1'; YA�?,r w r`q'uu44 �sw�cr,� � 1 , �W um, ite2q, \ 4 rb" yty ll't iva v.P e'x? rt , tt ��))t. �,<m ,' . w�glll '� 15 se m. oN , 9 w,t• -g Ala 'ar 3„ a „ m } tw���' �wtn„ C' .G � «. aN�yy c„ ~mx wit 4 n.G,} }trx '� � it „f ;iim .".M R o4utx: „,+br �'. � .,,..�'.°".,,.. ',�i � s . .... 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V.. y,.. k. - ^ �'" '`' r `.y - — '�ii,, ,t aM a ,t " ^' , qk , � t`' `fi '", 4 ,t, III .. 0. .;m - ,ro'yr ,,..�� t{, ep 0,,,.:44?",4 ��e �: �E d '� N, ,wr, 'w, n �� as � �� 3 N.�l ".A ."iq " �'411* 4�4,1o' kIIIIIIW „ � I�� hµ1a';k,.,II t'v'*i-`bww., e.+4, t / vltr rW. ' an�� s���'a'8 F . T �?itl 'N,� A 1 ," ("' �t,. ee �� ..- - �,. •v.' t „ ';p ,. 4.4 i���� „War. '•^ �� „.,a :. , ro .,,w"�'v 4`,f"xr„,„'w,„".J»itun fifi 4• p m,Nd yyux.� wnw s en,+: +# 'mm. •' ^ W §>wa w., d't ,x r, rod � t { t 14; �. �, ,�,5y'', "by ?. t` SiT ,\ 1 wp u' % ^t' S*... °`{o.. 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"..' 4444 ' �u , , „„y„.0. , , � �t lose academic skills durin the summertime, �r � �,� e theyare most often out ofThe . .„.„ 1 .„,„,, -„ .„„„„„...„„,„„..„.„„„0„..0 „ ,...,„„.„, „„,„„„„„„„""„„,„,„,., „ , „ 0,,'' 3k0 mop ' � �� .; •,.,”•. . s'44,,,,k4.,�, 4?;.�, effects of summ rsetbacl accumulate from year < tf1MY� .. to year leading to lower proficiency levels in the �i."'ti"tit;;`.�si',''.i``'S,'r',"`{y \':, g-q �' .;stgz,3'•F't",tr°,",;`trF4 tt ', long run, as seen by over 100 yworth of til:ii: '„""' „,,s,o,„,!' ,,,,, ,,,,,,10"."1"'"- 1,"' ,,,;,,,(44, • 1010 studies focused on this topic. .„ „ , „„,„„„,„„:„..„0„.„„„, „"„ ", „,, ,„ ",„ , ,„„ „ , ,, „„, ,,, „„ 1 ", „. „, „„„ „„„,,„,.„„.„ "0. , .. ,,,,,,A. ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,K,,,n",", 4404 Wink,vvg,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::-'„„„„„ „,„ ,„„,,,,:,,„ uro a'1 P' LIBRARYSERVICES SummerFiscal2 l 2 2 S RV�cReading Year U 9 O Q � 5 A COMFORTABLE PLACE Physical and ua Spaces ;•® .,"`^° ison .,.".° „ .. k4xl a 4 4 "ra t4, ,.np� „�; a we. v "A "",,., ,t, ... , ,,, .:31,11,1. mt,114, ,‘,4 ,,,,,, .,,:::.,,,:014, .,k,, "ill° :NO* 4„„,/ 1 1,434 "' 44,44 '0.." 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'fi' ��w � Business Card Exchange 40 Business• R erence Consultations a 3D Modeling Cl w?s<s�hG•• ' uux• y,.v.mv'"I'" Wndn�x„umm� ,,,,, LIBRARY SERVICES I Service Responses I Fiscal Year 2019 2020 C URRENT L EV E L 0 F ,., x" it °° w"' r_• ., '6 z�3t"4"i";y7"„''.4„,' 'w�t,,j�» ��a'ti�ti uUo•}��a1�b`si,,�, at br'tt'�,zi S E, „.„, ., ��t�ii�'��i.t�s""�_ ,'gip' w} �� Technology - ServerUpgrade a tl ., V I C E dfs� ,._ ,„,,,,,„,,, „,„„ Aii, y ' affiMx1IIli M' , , ...y a „u � � i" 'N , 1 d ;i i'°�ry q�C' °o .w., liPlir 6°I • "i\ �ti�1ll ' a,o'le' "ilk, �}#' ,` ',""�,`�t,¢=r's°>lA ,,,,' ,� ' v , zL'i�° t t ', %�`t ;„ �s\, , � „.Y � � ; ,.s 6°n,, ,: : zy„ y R NA 4, ,I � tl p U :N4,, „ :;, a `\�,, , ,,= "l3z `S, ;? . „ tY; M z,, . Ad a " , r,w, „ i „ k3 , ; s n„,� ,4zi r rsisF!'" = 5 ".:lltlillAlll***Illl...****"..0 Alll.„0.*„.1110111.11"ll1",,ll,ill4l; .. I„„,y ; „11.' s t » t '"w� r , ' f 1a . ,ff h"'";w+ u' , ?;=,,fid , v " °.,w , „k' ' � , Iwo ;'.mo° A ' b :1 z `j 444' ;M1 ° " q`��; "�> " u an :,,,,,,71' ,a , ; . ' '�; M", o ., s ^ y� , . ° or g4 i ? {' Y , „,, t I ;ua, rm., , All 11.111, 00 P 'rc l,i m' € ' qd ^" � ., . ,, ° rsr ,,,."° a af 'm m . ' �� °aa 'tiNk kiSi*Fi 7 � i ,,. w ,,"aq, ' .,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,„,,,,,,:, b ' r �� Ir �, ." k " ," ,,..„ w„, � ae & �° ., :. `;s . mo o-, n , , v ' i' ` M .".","" .n'�'F,"r • w,°k AP' “ )wi � lm n»xm�. u,''' y ,.� ^'t <"V,=„„,''4,q ,,n '�^' r111 q yM ti„ °a%„^y '• „� „y ri , 0Al �ifln��?�hr . y..w ;§S. ,'i, =>t, ' 'iM���y "* z a :i^aµev� z1$i �m i .. w am, ; Vr k ° 4tV ''— G m ` , .i 4 � »`Lt , II uiiim,�'" ' 'r „ Ha t � aX 4 tik = . ,. „ lu,„ d' .. .n7kr^ro"' 'n,m «,x ?lilt 4rm ; =;= t10 f •;k 6:1,,,I,,:,„4 ' 4,kkOkl441"fi ' kgrk*4„444 zt •W. „,,,$.".^ r„t t 4 am M;4re ""�kn:',,&„w F»,t.,�,,a ,"f'#4; .iMw n, ' , ,,,°,,, ° r==.n„„a4is#',+t,Pt ts,,=; q�„ 'IIIII,I,N ���a' "=:;`.. '"v N�m'N Ip ,` ova,,. ;';"t;'�.,' I "" _ w,'�gAn^ >,�,,�:�„ » 4`�"Ir. `tsc #X ;e!?s w mi"ry '"4`'`M`' Naa4;�o��m k wC@=°,,4,` ° YYM"; 'c .+ to- J , �`.,,`. „ " t''':r,^ l' ,` t ';4;, µ 4,, ^ 0. �=W," r "�kiiklailikki, fi';"' p m ��, _ ,f` ,« 1. did n'� .,Jdp � r. >.s " .a d"w�,"" `&.4.. uu , a w;n 4 LIBRARY SERVICES I Current Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 r Ma; ,,, 'ti'�i��tt"r:�i„ s:`t'i,'y 'fit` •:.o „,,,,,,,,,,,,t,66t.mk;it,::;.,;:,,:t,,,,,,,,:, ,w :::""'"'".16•:''!" r''..Alikrst faligkiairt:,:', .."•.:,,•"•, ,•':,t;:,.4.:,:,:::.%',,i4g&,,.,'„ C URRENT L EVE L 0 F S E RV I C E ,,,.,,,,,,,,„....„,„,,, ,-.4:. 4 oloaftimiimt„5",NIEN:,:,,t,,,,,,,„„„„xA,,,,i,„„:„.4„„:2%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „„„„„„„„4„:„:,,,,„;410; t 1„,,,, ��tr. �,, " " � i ' , ," t �,' k4 W d. b �, *iy':%a',%u ? .� � „n�x pP' ' ): qtit ` z ;: Te c h ZM.' 2% momout. .. sF>% 0 I 0 g y MU se if. check „,„.. Services l '� rq1 l sr. %i .i, 's ;I% t " } " ,s:vvtaso ";% a \ w.n.t; t r , 40 t ao%. Utr ti : 4,1 ''''''i:r:'''' . ,,,, ,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,":,,,,,,,„:„,,„„ w" Current Self-Che Stations are original to the u , . , , ,,,,,,„...,,,,,,„,„,, , ,,„,,,,. .....,,,,, ,,,,,,„„„, ,,„,,.• , . ... • „,,,,„,„ ..,„,„.„\,,,,,,ii,„‘i, ,,,,„.,,,,,, .1 ;,„.,, „,„.•,„„, , •,•..6t‘N,.66,,':, ' building , , 0:„..• .,,,.• , ..,..„,,„•,,t.....t rttn....tt. ,, „„, : 'r. : their ..„,„.„,,,,..„,,,,,,,, •,,,, ,,,,,... ,„„„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,", , , use.a :„riul;„.,,,,,„.„„,,,,,,„•,, New Technology will patrons „:„.i.„„,,A„..„„.,,, .„ „„ . ,,,,„,, ,„„,...,,,,„,,,.„,..,. , ,,,e0q8.1t,s46,,,,,,„, ,,,,,,„,,,," ,,„,„„„,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""""„„ � on" � Q W �v� Ce .............:..:ran:,,.... .w:,,:::.', ,,,.,,,„,„„:„,,,.k„, „*iiog.„ ,„:„:. , ,4.k.„',. 4iwid$'4.1,4 II New larger monitors for better visi Ly• ' bill+ ,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, , ..,,,,,„,,,,,..",,, , ,,„,,,,,,,,,,, „,,,,, ,..,„.„. ,:„.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„„ „....„,,,,„„„,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,iii",,,,,,,,„,..,,,„,,„,„„,„, ,,. :,,_,„",, ,,, , , , ,,,,„:„.„,":„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ---z, :::. �d� :tire, ;;;y e ',,, ;i;K:,„."a 6,,,.d:5:„:„6� ,,, a Increasemarketing rts tthrough rr :;,. monitors and software ,*•:„.., " ,,,, ,,,, ,„ ,,,,,.. ,,. „ ,„.,„„„ ,„ „" „ ,. , „„ ,,,,,,,. ,, ,..,,,,,,„,,,„„,, ,, , " ...„,,,,.„.„„ „ „ ,,,,„i.„,.. ,,,,,,,„„..„, , „,, " ,,'„,d.' ; LIBRARY SERVICES I Current Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 1.. , 1/41/4*, , , ,,,„,,„,„ CURRENT LEVEL OF SERVICE ,, , , „, , ,.,, , „„ „, ,,,,..„,„ ,„,,,, ,,,,..„ . , , , „ , , ,, ,,,,,,, ,,„,„:„,,,,,„„,,,‘„,,„„ ... , ,,,,,,,,,..„ , „, ,eNsittlrft " ' � ti .`, �"'1 M1 'i 4Fy " v i ,,,,,,,,,,,_ ,,,,A , , The c h irs n theTeenR om r r nal to the building . Th Yr Im n -yr I . f i ;wts,r a "*******:*it:. ' N R I z wA x � a *t � Rpd i** 4a%; *ua, .* n l. ?v j ' Theyhave Y � pieces d longer ° ou �� � and down . ,, ,„,,,,,„„,„ „„„„„,,,,. , . „.„,_______„„„...,..„,,„,„„...4,.„,„ ,„ A,„" , „,,,i,,,,,,,,„,,,", .,„,,,„,,,,„„ ,„ , ,0„„,...„,,x,,...„„,,, ,,,,,, , ,,,, ,„...,,„,,„„:„„,,,„„„,,„„,,...,,,,„...„,,, „s„ , „,„,,,,,,,r'rrriVr:::;:r„,4,",, 4.,44"Vvr V W,',47,,,,,,,,4„„ At*,5 V°'474, ,h, o "" ' . A� i'• J r..,x dr�q.13y9, 1 40:4„,y.';`i' '�w'' rta �• ""�"p}'fM1"' ,r:,'r:;;... •kM1zN'- 'k'+tN~m•i`�i'Y ,,.� :''a::„.%V„r,: W ,,k.Ir' :;,L� tiny :::'s �':���:'.�,� it��i�g.y -,-, �T �4yt} u ;0Lt . p•,.),'mll.u".�,tw":,:: ... ms+ 0e 4sj6:::: 00 ktt IIII 1, t IXI' 9 X " .""„ 4. NT , ...k. y .„, ,. „ , ,,of +M'':�i :. rv;�. ,, 'u . \ .,, ,,,,, ii.' ilopp- ,, LIBRARY SERVICES I Current Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 gy,. FY1. 9 ACCOMPLISHMENTS II Offered two, five-week Parent and Child Workshops with 159 attendance. Sessions included : Early Literacy, Speech and Hearing, Development, Nutrition and Music and Movement. Strategic Goals: community Focused Government ■ Added information brochures for parents in the Family Place Library. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Redesigned the Teen Volunteer Program to improve library service. Teens now select to assist with library maintenance of the Family Place Library or assistance at library programs. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Offered Genealogy Workshop and 3D Printer class for adults. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government ■ Implemented the Impact Grant for STEAM kits. Added forty STEAM Kits for check-out and LEGO Robotics Kits to be used in-house for Tween and Teen programming. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government LIBRARY SERVICES I FY 19 Accomplishments I Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 FY 20 OBJECTIVES II Offer an additional Momeschool Art Class for younger kids. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government ■ Create Reader's Advisory Service,for the adult population. Strategic Goals: Commun• ity Focused Government • Expand on existing one-on-one business consults to include general reference and electronic resource assistance. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Cross train staff in Adult and Youth Services Departments Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Upgrade the Integrated Library System. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government, Infrastructure ■ Plan and implement the library's 50th anniversary. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government �p LIBRARY SERVICES I FY 20 Objectives I Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 Thank You , , , , ,_ „ „ M °„ „ ,,,,, ,, % , ,, ,. , , n l'ik 44 t 4 ' ' „!'M 4 " a Yq ' ilit it „, ,,,„,,,p.q„,, ,,,,,1„.2„,,,t, „....„" 1,, .,,,... „, M1 „, •„a�' "� u •�6,M,tn° , ,� r^i° l " ,+ d� }°'C �� b _ 47 , , ,0„,a„,„,„a„, a .1 i _ M a pro ' „ ,lu :, „, ,,0 . ' tt ttotilltil',,,:t'1,,' ,y' " �, "'p Yp'i " d �n „` r „°_- „a a$� �"°>ar " `A n' p AAAA „ ^'MP mN"' „,'F IMI 6 r ,, `. „ m' 'oi.'�T rf",knr b ������qqq ii ryt M n " ' , g' �ro ' """""' rra,:° §w.ww ro 6 I, r -� i n 'F,a w 'Id — "y 9w^ +' ` ^ ' " a a ,r a " l , ° '„,,rp ` „',rl"nPo"" a' �,h lw A � '.�+ 'I m •" 3rojP �'�. i.L m 11,"a �"� '� A ycesM. " ,: e ' r 11 ill :i ` I I " -: ! " " s n !j � � �r Pp �y „ n, Pdn k�y�ka„I, I"( �`mx,'. 'aa •st,k„,.,"' '"4`4..,Y w° I'CaH, a»'I w I. � p.»�' "" ,TAA R," * "� �le l a �r w "w a"W � d % S , :": . 4444 FL OdA °st ,"w'r'^rrt w wE„ ! d a� Bx r d I ri" a e " ,tN C 41 :y A v+� I a •"" m « >m. ro d: ''k' �''^;,"', „ ;„»;.,r?�.,m - u '°«, ' , mt t�',' u<,p M' ' `; „„t wan . ''pfl " p °y, „' z , ,ir nr, , m riik iii Ififit aP mm= • u s.,' A ° a 'N N p r „ "w 01 J, l; ') Vouuu „,, uu " u m CIII"' luau m ff ' ' ' I �„x "NP "uu''a� ,n ',.Mf" M "rSLai d "' " ^ .P 14' y e; ,mulk,A a:£,` s„ ,„ ii w "',N a w u h ,t �„ roF° ' ,. my " "i y M" ° y' whyp��� w.`^' p „roo^'^ . "",fd "' ""�," N„a' r d��„"o,Pp' aR" ^i, """' rN " " w �g� ", mu „f""nn: -'d ,M" 0. F 'd i0 II II„ II � ,a 7u'u ',,„'"Wuuu' d I t Nm'u M' '�a dYd, >< "° r ,� "oMq^,a, „n�" , ""ft`„nn,N� lii' n' 97 ",",„,.,," .,f°1"""` '"d N 7 ' " ,u iwyvw t" ,:,""'", " ,n - .",•,ua'aA•m. ",� ,, 's,' �Iw y„;�, ��yy' "voµ, II Ih', Imr,,, " "AI" 'I B'"" a� �; r" wV �. IIII rt,�rt Iona 'III , u� 'a ,tiaa' l dn,„��"' tn„„ � a u r q ,m '""b I '4 n'snw, a ' � A a"'^ u ,9" I a AO" IN A I ' n ' u f%,".lbw h„ � dm" 4 wn °T ''�: ,y dl,e d9"°� ' I'nM' M m5 '1,d,x V`„�"w'1• wA�xa.,.. " w""' '!ro"RN, t` '�'" 'aA�,`""s ,F } "" m,+d"" .n nd, '�6 " m "µ" I' �livt ,(,wro,w. Fpr "., ! „F"„ vn '' � m fr q g., "' '" " ' 'r m n".M'"" a a 4 d R u" ,a. ,'r4' i", ,, d""i "' w n 7' r" q," g' ,.�,� , off;" 't . pal"ti' " 'Pov" " �,��" 'ap"Br^N*�� Imi' ;1'" )" S, '„ "C„"TM, «n" a °MWtl" %, .;,r,"'i v" yr v F^ v •, p� a+ n. '„K rid s " p,'i" ' b aI' n" t' I' 'C;. . " NR. 'Sn s 'a Ikr" x k`^ "n V rWuu, „p, " "71°.',,,,:111,-1:;:1,:::°:,,,,, s �"Md'pIi '„�, 0 "' n^,TyI'i '�', um m�,;,r 'n<� " ' , "" I V'' ' o'w r, ,;r*c y ` ,' aF „d'a d; m " "�, "',' vuu °I " " """ cull "" :. ,`"x,.vFdrN'" ' ,u 9 „", }tl, r" iuuY: ,w% W ' ll' '"W' "pu"' @ FI," m"a at am„ ' 'N gtgyrr`?i w ' ,Il i` ""p'of a ',, A ", � t.rce��¢',,a "' A,, " V I< ' a �Fd""' V'"'` ', " t , Eye„ty,",I• 'd'. i„ "'}' ,rb�;'m� r"" " a f' r "Alx 'Y Ilm "C F a �t"" tv 'P "' „ 'P„ "'IIMI " 'F NI '( ,- 6�,y" luu pp 'I ""r , " 'er " '.B. x„a`° N Yr� " 'w " Y" "' u"T ' `®WIIII uu' "u fl +a4vd A0 v C o p' gg '0' N 1'r ✓ .W sr d� III '4 I P "rr \, del a ' La N?' 4 H" "e. d' '„ II��r �� wins" p'�,� a Y` �'P VI uI ' „ 1` roI VI a Planning Fiscal Year 2019-20 w ,,,, ,• ,,- ' 'IA%;A, A;A.;;A'4.";'; 1 ; "ii. .,.1,,0„, ,,o, •44,,,7,,,,L.'''' _ , V.., ... '44..-" ,„,,,,,,.441- " 0 F '1****7.! clrY E ,v4 wy I.I ,„ ,„ ,,. ,,,,, , r,,,, -- rmArtAtVA;AAISA; ' IN AAA"AA1 Irt ;I I WYLIE Planning t requests vo. 414, tig! ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2. 018-19: • ' • fir . _ • . NineHistoric Review 12 Zoning Board of Adjustment Commissionen cases CITY OF' • 10 Zoning requests • 29 Plats IVI y I E . 13 Site Plans • 12 0971 acres • commercial . New zoning forl60 29 . • .t5s9t6otal acresing 2 . • n at 802 W Kirby • • and developers Municipal Setting for city staff, citizens, . • District. • 767 Residential lots totalin.g20D4e.s5i CompletedDesignation 1aatca0res Downtown His• toric mapping Ian for • with NCTCOG to develop a master . • • ns in municipal government organizations • GIS — created • Continued .portal. I mapswithinteractive p created online • Increased city presence :.,,,,,,,..„,:i„..,.,,,,..,,i,41,043%:*.toofhtg•go•tookelloteitioftmaklittibilelekepowel•otemolowtomsoltmi ,i,...«,i.,,,,00,4•••...0,,,,:-•,:.„,.... ,.:......••,,:.:.!,:g,,,::,,,,,:,,,..1„„,„,g:o,:-••,•:57.„.„...:„.„,,.:..,,,:„.,:Nikn.o.,..;..o.k.4.4iatt.t,,..„,,„,...,.,.„.,,,,.o.„„,,:,:,:„,.„„:.,..,.....„,,,,,„,.„,„,:,,,,.„,,•,:otttttat,,c l' - ' :'''' • ' ...;••::'''''' ''''''''''',1:: :''.,,,4, -ofor .:',..,4„..„,,.,,,,,.„.„-_, -.‘, :„.,,,,,,,r...,„,,,,,,,,4„,:„..,„...„,,,,,,,,,.,.:,....,„.„,:„...„:„,,....„,,,, . ,......,,,,,,-,....,,„,',..•4407'4;-:- tti.,*',...444;4 ,r.,!7.:,,::.!!,!:.::,,,,,!;!;...1....,':,.:,:,....,- ',„',.14,;:-.0,:.,..,,,,,,,,„..."10:4i, ..,' ::,10.7..,,,,.,,-,,i,,.:,-.., lir .. .„,,,,,.,-,,,. ,,,,,,!t.::;;y,,,,,f.r,..:,.;,_ ,..:— -.),.:,.,.......:,,..,,...,..,:i;:,:.4L.7.,,,,,I.,-.4, „„ir,„.....,-,4...!..1VV*41if::,,..„,:', ',,,.'A'!;,,tt't';,•:,,........,,.,;,,,!..i, ,,,,....,..,,ii:Al`, '—'1—' :J.,,;• '''',:''1'1".!:'::':4:•'''''''' •''':::77:'''''''iiir;i9ig:'''''''':'''''''''''',''7111'tewo'1'''''lt,-,C,,.:,,,'71:7;"..".°414.•.'Y'''I`7k''','!i;'':::::1,,Z,i;;:iiiititi'ii.§.4„,‘;;.,3.',:.:'!'?',:'j..:'',1,4?.''?:!:''''„!'r.!.,7;!..''.?..Z!12...,..4...7''':'..7: flf %.„1,,,i WYLIE Planning C 1 TY OF i ' - li ..',...:'''i 1 , 14151 WYLIE, k .,.v.. 6......! '!, I,,:.1:...::li , kir,fag $1111 g,‘.,z g, •'"""g'. g 41 H.-44 4 4.-„II ,.0,kasstook,4k I III,:.,,,,I IR; ,,,,1,,,,,,:,,,t k,, V II I:,'','",I1N , ,, ,,,,,,,,.. „,, ,,,, . ,,,, ,„.,,„ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, „..„, „„,,,,,,,,., ,„, ,, ,,,,, ,,„, ,, „,.,„ „..,..,,•,,,. ., ,, „ ..,,,,, ,,,,,,-,,„,- ,„ . - - ... I --- I-- -::-.II4':;:k44I.I4,Vi.II,44II IiI;;;;4,,III,4`7,,'''II4,,IIIII7 4,4-4!t IIIIIIII-'''.,.',I 44,4:'',,I.III„:4'III'IIIII,,IIIII-I J 4- ,4,,,,,.,IIIIII,IIII-''''''IIIII,IIIIIIIIII,Ii!'Iz.'-,447—I'IIII4IIII4IIIIIIIII'II4Il'IIIIII4 '4 '''''''''''IIII''''''''''II1''' , ..... _ III IIII I li „ 1 ,-,q,. ill„. . ' •::,;''0 ,11,i', ,, __ ,,,,[,...',,,,':;',„„‘0, „„. ..„... .„ 10 0, , , ,:.:1,.,', .:,::„..,, IlhI,,',-,'„'„„.„!..,,,ili !,,,,,, ,k,,,,',- ,...,.. 1,,I....:,,.,,,,xo, :,,, E.,':!,:,!„.„.el :1:'(,,,'", ,44, "",',,,',' ,:,. ,,,:',',$'3' ',, !!,:!:,,„.„10'.,,ti i.,,,;J , ,r r.,, ,;,), ,i';',;. ,,,,,,:..,i:',:. h.., '.i,.li ktb, ' ',,,,...;Rifi.11'i.,,,',..;:...,ii, .'S!! .„,.:1!!1 iq, ''!!!‘ 0011.1.1!:! !!. 1!..'Z 1 ;!;!,'10.il!,!!!!!!,','!:.It ekty ofiNSIle --, Undeveloped Lend .b 1..:..,.. 4.1 ri ::,,i: g 111111.1..!,;.4,,. ,., ..:,„:.g.,,.,., !,!!!!.., Ili.;!!! el!,.!...;!!, .... !_.!... ... , „ ........ . Development , '.,.!.„:,,,,,.,.,,:„;,.,',,,,„!:.,.,,,:,,„,„..,,,,.:„.,,,:.,..,:.,,„;,„:i.,.,:,,,,,,.„:,„:,„,:!:„,,:,,,.:,,,:„,,..,.„,.,.„,:„;:..,„::...:,,.„:.::.::,,„,,;.,,.„..,.„:,::.„,„,„,,,„i,„,,,I„,„„::„:.,:.,,...,.„,.,,,::...,,:.,,,j:.,,.,,,,„;„,:,,,,:,,,„:,:,.,„,,,::„.,,..,:,,,,„:,,:,,:,,,,,,,,,:„,;.,,,.:.,:,„::„,„!..:,,,,,,;,:,„„.,„..,.::,,.:,„.,::,,,,„.,.,,,,..,:,:,„,,:,,,...:.,,„,,:,:,:,:,,,,„';,.„,.,,;..,:....:::,,,,.... Re-development AI WYLIE • • I : • • Complete a major update to Comprehensive Master Plan that will set basis for updates to the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance in following years. • Restart revitalization efforts through the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan. • Adopt a master plan for downtown. • Implement a local historic landmark program • Create infographics and webpages for citizens and developers frequently asked questions • Transition to new software and system that will increase efficiency for submittal of projects, cross departmental staff review and comment, and permitting. I . • Upgrade to Admin position to reflect increased workload. • Funding for new project submittal and review software. WYLI1E • • L < 4 k I} • oF Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager WYLIE Building ,, _ , ,., „ ,,,, ,,,„.„,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, '''''‘''')%,, Inspections! t`, ,„,„„ , , Y, N' t.±xr:•ui " e};x;,s}..3",,.<t:: `y861, � ,„,,,„ 1titi' »j ttYH,0.tt W,W., ti} ry»+ tltjWx m}ig ,Ew,"t,x`'"t�'.Jt.ro'.c,. . ,b"„.ann..=.. d ':z:.�mi..,i:^ , ;jxr ;m „'Y;f4� , "444 tom - »,. :,rg `x',Q»., »� .» t} .r, t, h 1 4KF` 44,'„ fi,`;',44,. ,� q„.,, � ''Se» � t�°rx�� -L,4;ay°M"yw" Code Enforcement .,0 , ,,,,4k,‘', 'e`-$. ���rM'?�Yyk•. ,t r `�^T' • �;.Gz.�S.,,,.,'"`;l�,at��; .'.oR�+n:.�:;�. • Fiscal Year 2019-20 �, < 4 ',,,,Il»�, �» ,,t t � .,W'z4Sx"+,v<=otv tm�*z' 1�' s Wv: ibpp�� x p,.�l prr.,Y� .tl a� , .v� U, � , .;'�,Iw''',x n . , ::: y��� {'t3 , fps ; ,..,,t, ., v p` ". , tt Illir It „, „,,,,„,,,...,, ,„,,m,,,,,„, °rrsrr, roro . ..� '"... _,� ads � h;��r;=,l »:n� '''11:" n _»metro " », � ;;;`` .::,`' e M �� s;E't�i';#1,xei?s�tr't{ r;).k Yri'Z • ��=="v"F" ,its ; 1 fi`t,`Ea � l`. }rt� u};y' t'j 'itttreti„1Yjtrrr" s+{JE ,47t{ t. f, 3> Y g} uU1w }E d�E�'fyi't,'�'rr»'��S�Y�:.:yr ?i£ t' $`++,,Vrt+ rz\htm° "^Q:, � rr:hrt'.k:�'.<. �n tt i Rt { tl �Y»t <4^(,.i .�I"istu,.,J:x,+Si<ii,, m.,, ,x s}, t i 4�.3� � � �Eit ��' f l �A. � 1, =,.tr, tr,rrr � {,. s> �,tIl � tJxt � f It?xr,l cti 1 },« 1 nr..,rt 7f' �, » 1 ti� ,=t>, �t, trh� `� . F i f, <r`47, t �� t 1: 31 \ WJ, � J t+, t (, tb 4)s t ,J „S4.T" j a l» r""`s}Uri''.`: J11 1. x‘r �.�i{si, t ¢� h i`�i,,,vim( 1 f: 1,f r^,`,}dot 1 }r t {r^f , ft rm�' i f , },tt` 1�, � ,1 �+tt„�' tit t�;',,,Yr,.t'-S �;.ti t t. ti. inn t+`:.J 2 .4» t �E � 2 1«� � tt,�. ,La ll } f �t az="„ ,r � k,{t"s b Il',Ng, In c t� �a„J tt,;}, ve rt<x N. },J: f. �r } II ^'ti, rt e+4Utr. � 'i'..trJ,t t.a,< } l 1 St,. g l x, sr,. �,. � �r>>.., 1. },. t tk:f .1u. ':a ,r,tp. ti ttttx t t i '3 ti,°4 y,l .\ .t,J, • f, »:i.`, ..?dy ,E,Il;t4,7>,,,c r Ilc or. , r;t}.., ti�r}sr , d,S �... NTI unJ.r t:a'�v4 ,�Jy3;.1} �}`'�)lt'7j' \�1 *, AttVA '''t;'',jt' �,. .vwc„ .;. ., .:.;a„, n,. :+ti' t:l :1 t.e �waw^r• �, rr• .. . „>,_, ..,.,;•„�JxY;"t,,,tJr.s:„:�;nSW„t4s «.+ <m�� ^�"��:JJ ,tix«,7}'. . ,air�: �u,.r \ �ukr'N�'� ,?trti S;s't„„' ::.w.: '.'7r.:: ,,,p ie°. s,,p "Ir' .� �r r> r«4 r�, t r ...,",',..".d............. .,.m.�� <;xP: >E"' ;Pp t t >..>z: �'.,.•'tr,;�3. ` .��.�. .,n,^t4^i7:"" .......................... s' .t.,:.X°.; ttrr °�'',; Qi+k ,n»., "�:..»'n tc'�i k".:..,.p':;;i5h",ia"r' .up,.t," f .,,.5.".. '�. '.t:e ilIk 41,N x„ligrMaitiM :mxm':4.. .mini.m:V ri,,, GIS Integration/Building Permits t. _ N.LEASL� —� x 7 i \II W,3:3, k "cle � ,� . s ., c miffs8 fro �._ PARKED mrtt , &Al L / 19 ia _.................. sue '-'�4. ^ i N w �._— 3,33 Ari 1 i dJ!` 'v" v 1 . '" ���Awe'`5�-, s`tss?uL�i. ..�...,.��.: Yit4 S�„z. :_k= wa:''-'i'�,.3�J.a.. .,:;a,: '. .-_..,_z�_ 3.,_ t,.,r�m,; ..!, i �,� w fi a C s . � s s , _coo A. „ p,,, ..p:, ---.- mom r r ' Lake Ray .-� il ill Hubbard 1 ma x : -201001 un "marsh GIS Integration/Buildingci Permits ..... ,-, ,, , yyy , .a _ w PARKER ..e...,_..-.,. ....,�w„_ F- P i- 4/ 1/ 19 s �,44#0„ �1. 8 a F i" k ,,}^ ' t �'t ® a e t. ::: s .•�. 4 ' d r f i— izrl's#„i�.tr 4tte, ssw1� '^ss.�'pa^`ti-^,is:? sLr `'F "7' t ----- `F,t mom r:7 Pr a �a .. r- � . rt_.......... + " "' _ ...001:' *: ... ) k.j ”na [fit, ,,,- • Alli) --,,11' ,., .% ,,, i =a ..... y -, y „ Lz ��.- �a --— . .e 0 jr;)- tuttal ''" ::::1,„:1„;1„1„„'i„lli m Fr Nit.- taJ „, A BUILDING m ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2019: 1114, , „, • Surpassed 500 Single-Family Permits. • Over 80 Commercial Permits, including new and renovations • Amended construction hour provisions in zoning ordinance CENSES • Added 4 International Code Council Certifications • Researched various new building permit and code enforcement COP software solutions OBJECTIVES FOR FY2020 • Replace IMPACT software to allow for real time inspection results, collaborative review, comments and tracking. Will connect citizens to all the services, resources, and information we use. • Ongoing yearly objective: continue education, certification and licensing • Streamline our permitting process. Prepare for ISO audit 1r CITY CIF WYLIE fog • r • Monday hrou : h Satursay 7 :00 am — 9 :00 pm tility Contractors = ust otify the Engineering Depart- ent for Saturay Work Sunday Work Not Allowed City of Wylie Ordinance No. 2018-22 CIS Integration/Code Enforcement Vilb H,a to n Type 1.1 Code Enforcement Wises If 1 -fit ,d ..,..:. r y. 7wee „a Q 1-22 Fro600 :ice' 2, s � �"a - ;em . ril Or-Sty, 123 + € "" a— I En. � En utoke� ,-� € • � 0 Co to �a e ier K r w '4 ti.'- t of c uy.an 1 5 0 i � 'v"' ' ar `M3'°' a —_f lak, tc. . ' �s �a. .ry -"-„ ad s.&?db:'eid 59 -" Customer Satisfaction Survey Results For Date Period From 10/0112013 Through 0612112019 884 Surveys filled out this time period.4945 Requests closed this time period with 4895 surveys sent. Employee Employee Effectiveness No answer Mg (4%) Superior 'UttiftAilM181818$0CMANPOWMAVVVMW0440a0VW,411(46%) ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2017: Good YtkttAV4W4W*193(22%) Ar era ge Yokivoaoi 33(6%) Community outreach to build positive working relationships Below Av erage (3%) Poor yvktiocvtowet,evi 160(1 8%) Continued training and education Time to Respond OBJECTIVES FOR FY2018 No answer 'ZO 23(3%) Superior 'Utumo,,m, SPMAVM10:4:0* MVAW,PeaMOR:402(45%) Move to more GIS interactive software to provide greater Good YtkttAVVAvp;wmAv,,,Amc,;WM 333(23%) Ar 6ra ge 'UttAiae. interdepartmental connectivity. Below Av erage z(3,0 Poor 'UttAiwAgotig•ti,km,*148 ON Code Enforcement Topic Counts For Date Period From 10/01/2018 Through 06/21/2019 Employee Courtesy Topic Count Address Numbers Not Visible 623 No answer Yeszne,,,t 58(7%) Superior 'UttAiaet'aA0,,V;g*M1,'4;e4W4gli:1;,,MROttO,M1818181442i,•ze;:425(48%) Bulk Trash 557 Good YtkttAVW.,0 190(21%) High Grass and Weeds 495 Av era ge xvxtshw RD(1 09S) Public Nuisance 351 Below Av er age Y0 19(3%) Parking 115 Poor YtkttAWAW:74 102(12%) Property Maintenance 99 Trees Bushes in Public Right of Way 61 Expectations Met Junk Vehicle 49 Fence 31 Ni answer 16(36s) Sign 31 Exceeded 411:t1'llfAiONMitlarigqZng4PVIYVit:f et 283(32%) Public Notice 30 Building Violation 25 Met gOMMAMMAZKVOMMAZKKKM§342(39%) Blocking Public Right of Way 14 Below MilMMAiKalldidlldidlldidlldidlldidlll 243(37%) Zoning 13 Total 2494 ( .(( { e Bret McCullough, Chief Building Official _ ,rY�n °r, a ;i � i"b �y s q ,ar s'i ,y e " P°3� N, �� a?ro .�: ° s.,. a ' z ,?' .A,'. .1;' •x YJ .'w:.,M,• - ," '".r' ,n• u4 an' .."'' k.,�� ar `a}" w+" "l f n 7 ,�.''''0;, ,"a' 'P °'^ " ""`�'"'" .,'Y'a „� �' a ,rd '� aw ,aAC �o �'�"'ff "=.#«a� z`;-„w' ", -'w:y, £� � -� �,r,�" „�,�sm, Nr ^a'' t, mow, ,,, , 'At^ ff 5 "aY F Iv' h+ ''', „a ,9i +: , w> ft",,, 6«w, "1„. ,"y �"rt.`�e�, ,:fir iaf. 4., ., •I� a ro �7 � t;�",", 4.',,,'�;(,•�. a+r,r;�,"s�, v '�« �" � ado.. � ,v�,«, a 'a �,�,i .� y4 �`a- ".a. �''�.'''u w.p�.[ ,7„W wwm,yq�+Y�@ a' ,py�"y. �';m r�'v",, �, y@ s ��� �, «,y.v�;:',' .r^s, �N, A„,s y`�,, �'-' 8,,n ""�� :� �w `'."`^ MmN,6. iQ'N r l`, a d, „', " q� Am' a;:M x kl W ' rf9' &'•; , R �Y" . ��yyggzy� �e .+". ,, �� rs �G�:„d« ��„# '�;�"r",sz,� a,. .�,i��,t "� � ,a"` N,,.; ,g''„ ``r"�+.'�. � Yd ��gg d ''" "� P " ,'��N, q.�..• .Ps a, '�'�" "saa"4 ?,6 I„d,�, ,; ,,'>;. "'�' mrd R .,;^ ."„< �d . ,�„ �p `�Am :V,m �; Y,'; i,` vy* "a. mr�"«„..;^,I�"I ,'^'.Y,y^,,,n� ;er+h'a.,,, d,K `tiw`« 124,00011 ' Rtp 't* rc R.a:,.^;: "«.. d S'C ,"� 1" "Mm ," " ,r4a, b .'k"eA»., dA, w.,y „; r w re #. i r', , 4 ;rr "'a. s,, 6e.• A y 4N" ,7 a '', ,, '4*" ° ', ,t i ,: R^C"W r" l•tat" .R„P'" '" ,', y' sK ,,; ,r ii4 = a w�„, �.�' a, �: a, +y ^,eif;;n„p' .r }, �r"' ""4�+'j„ffi' "' t"lose! � �" ae � � o .$^iM.,. v, t � " to:, -• a"' ! w'lW °s i!li • ,,� Y. ha'°,7,' i.," � �,."*".� ,d� N • ;,�^« •'® �.•'� � a.,s t , �a, � ?' , dt" ,s"' la„� �' m,,"r,�.w` .spy .r f .R t�"�+ t',�,' ,.=,,+�^ 5, t; Aa, ""'*",y' ," ' ' .t .s- a; .`„ .a,ri ,i.v°' p r .,i' , b'n' ..;d 1 v wr,*", wh''4 ,,, , *,~, ,s`, • . , ',.� �. �� ^a•, a' itt r ..�' i"',�"sy'a t., ,�� °t 'S. ,«q; "7 , ..;"".; 4 ..„„ 'e . ''e",4, .a" gi,.', til "kF ";txt,wt,..,y�;j,0 �., ` ,1; 'd, Na, " "<{y-'.~*>.k. .4. -1,4.�, p w k«t .,'„`„ , # , „, a" 9 aq ,.0•. 4 ppµ ' "s , st yb'i �"n�&., ��� " ?'i• } ig4�"�; Rey . .r,>� sye. P' S",A'' tl:�� wA �" `x �.},� ttLAo.�� .,� � «'�5 b ,�"'"...a:. ' M^ 'w'« x? '" ,,,D i" '�G','' "'",'4. " ,s '�° w t , . >,s: .;, .rk....„,»" ,,tw fir' x a»t,°>` `` ' a "A r yip"" t n, "a. w� t °�!. r�lN ..,,y^� � �'"'° i'� ,'K" � �'�"' i�. 17 rgk � 3` „p�.� " '., a� �„�.�. "„m *"< .,,�a r z� 't'� q �*- .+�. . ,,t, "4, ,,,27,,, I 'i +t, :yi,^ ., na" ,g�' iw r .' ,.ai> "";,,w a e 'n " 'd ^'' awz ..I ,# .sue '�v'^: ';, nrYpt� r,!; I;. '�, d `'+�� :^",".,� i '?" „�� p• 'rRm.wa �p, ., "Y p ;' d k, � , �, ;',�, a,,, m� &r ..# ,., ", F A a a,* x.." * v,�r'as: � ..,,„,, „fte°; "' N � , , O ,„4„" ;,„„� �,i pJ '" 'eA "+i`4' ,e>, 711,"` t^ , N� ,�Y :n"h r ;„, `d ,mow ":� p"`� «�r�a .S,a " '"�'°r;* .A�#,: „�, .Y xv�.. a' ��' SS,�,>' �,n 1. ,�°' + a� 'w*t'�.:, y 'N r :., "'"..„‘to, `hy�,# $��, W�' ; 'J �� �' r ."Ne° .w ,»`" .,tYn= ,„r".':'"r "4, "* <w iCk @a« . � nra ,m, 'ti 8's' „i r9fi' e' "z a ,,`..44, F" r " �? «kv1�«" V r � weF u,"a 'r' �N i' ,13. r ' _:,`,,N'iwF�' 'be �r ^��!„ t" 'a" �p 1.I,�,,, f �pw ��'%' '° b�" 'y:»irw�, (1;„r,p, $� � A. h ro y'iw ,,5� }�,'{'�r r„t '' `h. �,'�z` +'w t A ^T" ,.. i'-, R W PM '4 g; M" iy+,, „« 1,, t a irv' ,,,„,� µm ?S .v�.;„ s'. ��>"^ 'P 1.�,. 8 °� r o ,� § `, "„ "�: `wF' u,.a,'"" i' ° r^it,^.•, .,�, �� Ie�,� .� `"' �� *".~ ,i a,imF ,.� .m"N:e ,+q,„" '�< " "^� +�}� � � � p��. �'b • ���y d7�.I� �, aig "a ,�� >�a, "'�,, v d ^w<ts }ter 4 . +"�'' mow` ,a «,'. *' "oa�^,. h.+o- \ M'm .""re. 4:., ,• ,�* 4,.> w ;' , „pS":t. ;^''w» '" rF„t".„,1 6 �r�^.,° ","lay*' _„�„`::" ft v'w - <.:z'L,* - "Y ��„ 4 ^,,.. 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A+, ,",'4, a'"6 �y, R ,+S �'„ ,ql �T''"` n 4 ',rl k ' ," , '' .° .,p ', x' ,«a Y ;t ,"g Y aae bg Aa " „+ , r., w k. p �,' d>, ,,,,, , ,., , ,,, +,i n,,N �rc �p r .w r'�',' W '; �'"J ,uµ�' ,Y awiNr'r 4 a ,' ,,r ^,, ,,a ,a r. ,fig c + t; �' �, 4 ,.- "`;du Y .r_ ?< ^ ,- w. yeyI� '•„ k 2 ., :'a ; , 4 .a ,t+(`!'i€ ? Y -4' ' «` �^^ ,, ,e .. pN w,� � "p, .,„N"" ' ,,, . . • 'yA,�. "' `^ W . « a as i ,,ae F ? s e1Rk' „„ '� r.,s. '' � d "r�A " ry ,, �a�" s �r"ta," "" t s^, ,(`' '�'. a ,q , s .7 " r��w z, r,4IA . ',1 tki', NAM., . '�"�'l '4.'y #. ," ,�, wJ"' �GY" o* I. It, ,y'.by . f , ,d �� e s,s?m�� �'! qr rn„ 4. �` YM R, e„Z„,„ }, Aa ,ya.,s w'„.','°;a" �r f "a `',., xe^,^ l''''''. r,M yr `, 4r .. Y , V', } M1 'A41 } Y„ �'� � ` °it*, ..� "N. "' 'h,rµ"P;S�'z i `t ° x cv '��' Y' ; A ;w tom,.. ,q y, , "p„;,^ '`aM',awv.`� F wd qr/d > • N .^k. any, ` �' ,CaM'o-'u1' ': t'�„irx In, ate y ' r+� ,",r :„y,, .:ya d, `. .�� :,.`a`*,,,,. ' ^t 'b, +`-'' nrl ",!'rzn," if..„, A !9'iY.:r`" -tip, ItM ,t„si' ,y�,, 'w 1" R''' w, ,r t,,# ym'' , " U ,tf,„, ,t ,. , rd N ��h. « k "^.« ,t- " > , ripaT t '� it- w t,`., 4B`�n�a� *aye. � " - pti, adore .n ' } y;yp a41 i.� 9y, '$ #'+ � N� � °�mow, yN� d w: �'„'T Y tlY V' it . " '� "dam �' �,p,,0l 6 P ii'� ., 1 GYM. t�.'p, ., + „'z�, n ,a"'",. „, n •, 'X%o ,"'"'8 .� tube ' 'n N. n ;[. ' q,'✓',w A #' e , , ,, a 9S ` „ �4" , ,y ims .; ,a.0 111101 N , , , ;a n A fiala rF drv`:w , ' "`�„ a w...'ti�., `.,".,. , u^a �w• d a': c g$r," �� ".., ;.u"+zw:" ;, ,ra'&;;':" w,+N •sw,im,. 't �ry �r. .�„ •0., ., d". ~Yr r'7^I r;uh, , hr. ...,4` wae•�,.,', w o it , w . �, ;'u �N, '' .n ! "1, .s., , a+,.�� 'I Illi Ire "t.'r; -wrew.. wM „r ' w 'r, "" y� n 4 wNi.� "r �r !.� �«x �II»nrnn`"�pJ�.,iiiiip w ate, .�n o� mn •4i e. II p o"lm i uu i�u n d". 'iiiu�lnVt a "eiW dW'ii I.' ,N�� � I��� k uJ, r�"�pu,�", '14' qy yy p'�IA 'l i�u i � r ¢ a x �a" ' Aleeh 1 mzM '` ,"A+y . "A�'"e' """;I. "I Sri „r�dbx... 1 �w�, ly q y�y �q � ,wr. ki P , t ' is f; 4 , ,,„,„,,,, ° ter t' "� „,,,,, ,, „„,,,,,,„,,,,,. „ , „,„ „ ,„Po 2018-2019 ACCOM PLISH ME NTS 1 d 8' S i � � dp , N 1 �� 5. BC s y�e n , . " 1y�^ as : 4 • Completed the 2019/2020 Board and Commission appointments and installations ., iw wm utilizing the electronic application with 64 applications received. fi,,,, • Provided training to all Board and Commission members in Open Meetings, Public 4. " Information, Records Management, Conflicts of Interest, Local Government Code 171 r iv,., , V411 and 176, and City of Wylie Code of Ethics. � w " • Provided and administered the 2019 General Election utilizing ethical standards for all ti �# 43" 1 r" °I � ik f 4 "�" candidates; ensuring the election is held with security measures in place. This was the � '�� _ `Artit•,��Ai �" , f � ° ' fourth year staff administered the Dallas and Rockwall County voters. Total cost for the k �� ,t . two counties was $2,768.59. i{ E y k 6 4 P 'y;p' y ,,qq d P ° ", 4 's ?�;" P, v '-„"* . ..try ( --s i , i � `y ;` t, , ' r I."' A':eh • Provided electronic storage and staff assistance in Laserfiche for City documents. Currently there are 297,778 documents in the system. 3,1 ',*- i` • Built four electronic forms in Laserfiche for various departments. ` ,"' • Brought in 7,288 documents/15,959 pages utilizing Laserfiche Forms since October 1st kt ;' ' • Processed and closed about 500public information requests. q" ' 3 ¢ ",22° 1 N CITY SECRETARY I Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget w WYLiE�,;« 8*µ\ It9 Y Iv 2019.202o OBJECTIVES Collin County voters Election - Continue contracting with Collin County for Coll convenient "Wylie General Strategic Goals: Community County voters to munity Focused Government &,g,,,,,,',.„1,A!,,,,,,A, ,,,\N \\,.\. \‘‘. <,4A,,,w,,,',. ,,..„,,,. - ,\,\•,,,,,, ,,„!„,,,4%,,,c,,,,,, and and less costly to the City; for the voters City administration of Dallas and Rockwall make it more. . . . nt adt Ing; City + *B o a r d s and Commisuspiodnatfeasciall recodification Minutes; "Code of Ordinance and of i Agenda Packets, .ordinances; ;,,,,o,400#0.et 4 IO.I;III;IskTIVt***,‘,1:4"*** .4 IVI'f'''',044t"*,,,I 14 ti eX*II ittPlI I*,,, ,Ikl,4,IC,4tIAL t, ,'., V't,*,' 'Mti OISIVY"h" ,b'''I.44q'Iv N,I/414'411t1'44,141;U;CI!I,I'ArgA • 'II T iiII* r 0, ,,, and customer • g on fiscal accountability Compiling and Posting Agendas, 4 '•' ' ',04.41.,1, ',41A‘0 4,,, .44,4 ,,i,,,74;IL.iiwif#, ;,,XsA° ,,,*°illy k,„'„,41,„, ,.' ,,A,•trr.,," Aro.,,,7°4**,7A,..' .4, ," °°,'°,4,1°,,,...k,",**., ,°,4, ,0,,,,ii°°, ,4,414 ',.'(044 4 ,' • • 4„4000,, 40,„'0,I0,,1411.44,„tit4„4,-01tik„,,t4Tr.00'0*,k0,4'tte`00.1.„04,1,441,;AA',civ, %oty,, ;0074 ,„.01,,,I.N004r74714I '444\4'44 .,,,opsyA,,, lt,44i.s .r,k,o,,,07-!t$4,7474‘.# 4 4. *411 0 0 I'"„,.., ,#,.',I°044"*,r4iXtitI.°0V.A•,0400A,,44.„#40 44,0 4,4),44,,, 44444t'„,f4`;°.4„„%v„'Ill„.,„ • service; "Notice and publication processing while focusing '44#0, '00,,,„ '444, 0 0•A 440 7,,,,,,,,,,,ii,,,i, , '4')i.„..rr,,,,N it „API?, „.P.;',Nr,,,,141f),„,,,,Aolt- 40' "44,„„Atilf'rr...7":'i.,: ,:,*,ri, '4,'`'f,:','",0'''','''R''°t‘f 41*4.1:.rt 4)• ti* 4.,,,Ii0,N , •0,0, 771,,,-,,,z,,,,,,,to t,,,,,,V1441,'4,41,:,„Ifi0.,,,,„„e,,,t,4;),,''`;"-;,,..,,, ,o,' ,k•'.4,,,'`",* , "I'* in government; transparency 'Continue records management service for the City; • :„,,it..:00,. ,„,,.,.,,.„,,,e.,,,,,,A,,,: ''t' ,:q".?'11`4(.40 tPir•^ 'PrV:Oil, 4°,.,'14 , ', access by the with a focus on "Public Information Request processing .‘,,v.r.,',r. ,. '!, ,,,• „.,o on ,, ,- ...„.,,,4, 1,t0,4 y,,,',,,„,„,,'ot,,, ...,',-,,./„41,. ) 'Continue to build • internally. ' public and faster processing and provide city forms online and workflows for easy ,.' ,° ,, -,•; .40'9; ,Ny,,,,„ ,,, , ,, I., ,1.1* ,F•4,,,,*4,,'.1`AO sil.,„t4 144 iir y.A:71E1 CITY SECRETARY I Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget w DEPUTY CITY SECRETARY �" d 6 PERSONNEL REQUEST ` t`-.?„,14 i -r' a, .The City Secretary's Office is requesting to upgrade the City Secretary Administrative • • 'X'‘, /A, ,,,,A, ,,,,,i, , ,� a , .., Fliate,, Assistant to the De ut CI Secretar �. F •Will serve as the backup for the City Secretary in her absence � ' •Will complete the re uirements for the Texas Munici al Clerks Association ' . • Sit i! q p �' r �t.,....4 1 piiitax Certification Program on October 25, 2019 and graduate January 30, 2020 ii „04, d a Will allow for enhancement of current duties in order to continue toprovide g qq , �� , - " , p high level of service to the City and customers a (W M a :, y V " yfi, ^' x ‘Ai r CITY SECRETARY Fiscal Year 2019—20 Budget r WYLBE l? 1 d f a R » N'"u nM C,t,"nq" tub„",n' / `;K hkNt d,,�", w• wm;v,�'"� hq;^ ," " ;, •d f•' ������u ` s"' ,°' =,,z"n tti, ut ,.,,� ,I,,,'**'' ''';� "�ger�, `•`�1„vy xn'N MPm,;,°°;°,'.,I°'�wv,„„;4�4"°k',m„ 1r,',;%,,A, x n kb .,4„0 �7 '' s,=spina x° >R, ;`' A, .°µ�°, e°,pi�O`d}pin•,60`�^ ,air y, ,'p;«�'"" '" ,am �"" �";'* y,"„1,.•, ='sties,°i,ttix�p"� a,%8' =�u'^,e`yawn ,� ;^nu,doC` ,,ov gg,, » �pn� MI�R �,,om�°��",e;� a�a�' d h` $� „ vat ,�, i '�r;,s,, „ sp „ „,'« "?m,{', ,44 ^'N"Va, ,fix ,« ,N,����a �,l, a,=,, >n,,, ������� =`i`,„ „a'`gy,?l'flit 3w"'wv„�1„^r;o d', aF' w ,�„�,�„iyp ,,;qx; F, ,, `�tv"�»�,", ex E ,It<3i, ! n',n �'',iP ,6,N, nn&mm�^� ii "AP IIIMnvn ,Nx,;,"°" �0' ,' " ,' ''„; .i'�`'.,w*,✓w ,r:rn` '.z'`;,,s "tb,,�r.,` ,ttps,',",,, '� y4' u`w;,!,',� a „�t,;'n ,« yy, ,�;s.,� _„,. �,,,,, �r3,M't &z>,,,;•zi' t�=t,,,,`{g„r,%<'t,t ,'>'s;„? }z 'li�ti�< s , W« :a ;"''K"" ,P,«�,. � ,�"' o" rW �•' '" ,Z '3'P i;t,S;s '3r} b,N; ,,ps zy} zatt ,r,o .} ,n� wbip+,N d. " "rv" ....,, s r"'" , ,a,,>°"`r,,>=�`,'"� i, +•4 z,zslaf,y. „{,ttla3{r ,"g0 0 00 070 4 0�,04.0,u:s rl't `'x ,'Q;,. n°^, v, 4 'a•, ,•' ,gin'"r'"" "' ., .` �• ,•°it it, ,{f� 1� 'l`x�,t \ y 8, xn "re°6P�°voua ^�;�,„a;" ,.iVXi,�n,n, ;,�a„ �q 's » ` �, �'1 b ��• ����t��;��t,£��S• �"tu""mn,,, di ,N»Po^" , „ t. s "+' �+'`" Eta � �;S5 � � r' •qn` rn `�mmg ary4p';trv,�„drY,",R mm.^' ", I 'A mho ���"��� '''''Xi ,, .� 00 "i A'owe"„ dl, �„ N�nw 8, ,, ik 0 jigtil 11 r' •�.h;,S� `t y,� r""q�'aq'?"'"�';,�q; ;„�„i"„�;( C, 0 �'�, "N y ��' p� ,.: ,''. « . 4 ym�' 'd1X�Pu.,a'w��,ago�",°� a+tyj � a • nn,``'=' �� K. z ,d ,. I.; h, n wi„tG' a"m mab,,1 ,e11 "'v'e5�z,`,cz i ��� 'o"�n "`� n a, , `off' 40 �m 0, ,,,, n tea& a a .,, �� ri 90 "h7 a' , . a d,ah" ,•.� a :::::;0‘0000000 'll l R \ k 9 :}�„ y •`0° ,„ a .I'd i Rr "zy'3f<+z" y ..,'� \ A�. 'zlif''IIn ,M Inu "44444" {�''=t�riti„a}Ezpsiz;i,ilk, \•stZ 3) �.. •"' �4' ii '•,; n S ..S�sEt�a;lr,rtr„t=3a•,,��,,,s ttjr,„ 1$<a �� E b Y" 41 444. �� r..a?rn>k,<dhs, ,NSb 3 rm,i v�.o,, r z i 2 t z,ti., 2 l� to Z s, •�, � e� }, ry a ,1 , ,r , ss r n,t< ,n�i s s>�� rt�,?,t�,sa A,�t,=ra'+t z s , � 1 1 ,4S•1 , P e l '�.� ����dtt',.a,z7s`t'rc,°sfiaa ,1•s, sz,z,.�z{,,,carat,,,, .ap,cA ,t,a�o�� �h. l�Z,l,rn4 ,r5.`,atsroSr,}„ "I``4'rg,»,1,,.:i's`> •,�„3��,3?hn,i>,r,,,J,r,�^`�,f°}> t`l „ *,'„:14,.* y ;.�k �i�,a;�� t '� al itt�7,as,"tr„ ,ds a ',4i,•,,r, ,t„d„'s ;'>tr'�;t,,�,<rY,•1,�t xr«>>„a,<ii{N1„F<,lst, atr„ N Ems, 4t 2'a,as,,„,r„a°`,3r=,N,{,yt, ,,£, ,�,,`s`' 3,tr, ,1 44,/ �..l s) cur'• "'y, `,a=9��,a4 t3s,,t.�,ra 'th>s,r `,iJ „t, ,`,z, ?`.1t,,,sti„it�. uy'" «,a'i., �d� „sre iv yr Nt � d. �t� ,�,r s ,'�a sr£, t,>� d t ti ,s l,e �' r�, „fir �� ��°,v, a4a=Ss t», ,}t t fr at� -L` try `t (3 ,7, f, <�xSt t fi`r+, r.s�� t y t ,t, .F,r\r,4 fr �u ,l r'^t, <z,'t f•, 4,t t t`tv t z=_�:' 01Mu i e ,t �f.z Nf d 1=>>, z'`c tii'' t'zizt, t 1 �U, av t, t, S �,ua„,<s'rrs � � �`a .t„zn ,, 7,..z ''S.�',ti= o s 'z's'z,>, n,= . Z �,� a� r� �Qk 4m ,`ri„, 2.,, t i =rt, t r�4,F, ts,=L�, `tzrF rs.,,b;>" `a,fi , t=na,..`, i �� ,t=` a'i'�, 4 i IIII„xn< at,n`n,tiv, C �.` C� ,kj •N`Dx t R t�� .,,„r> ,sti i U S� tn• ulll' ,"nz',5,5,,, t, z}seek �440,40011000 `4� zt�• 7 '`� `'ir+tT,5;,. . '� vi �.., u �z<,o � r«� . _ �S� iti,n � \ � '�'I{�" •0`�s� , l �\ lsll ">Sx, Z� 11 t�\ wok �'�wa s�Sl,,. t� � � =SA 1 m r., � zt � z ,(ls�z, , tits ,z " 'Et,+ „ t,3 , , S tz `, 'z >� �., s kw �d'=� zl t ,s\ vt,r ��'iJ r ti�,'� \ PN,e o,7�,,�». Is ,,4 s , 'G`s� •E ';t, ,zZ z, t, t, ,s 3 ti �z, Sf,•ar, r,'r' , •� a„t' t,�z ,>�t,.t, ^n4�^`4 �> � l 4F z„<„ h � �'ta�t =?t}== ,c�, s t7�t z {,_ , �z. zz ' ti �.,,ti,ys`sz,,,,» tU2+ � ,ri Nn, �,rb / �ti,,i ,�w ti/r� ��" ,l, bs, � A' �, t w=a," A n , „�p<a r,a,,,,, s, st S'';�; ,s„ t` r z `tiz �' \ , z•s., E, 1 t rn`n„=tr,,=, „� i ttbr } r» �"��, r, 4 �r��"� ss z � 3� _ I„i�tr r s`xt ss; ,�, `•�z`= ti'`7 a 1„,4 4', `fiirn't.,�,i'i:;��'�{r,=i r,,, �. e i�=S• �'1,'" is � �, 40004 11, Sn3+�4E° . . , Y,'U`i,">'ts , dYi�"k Y" @V n 1 Ll'Sq,>4< ,� a d. W� `nWo ,iP �.N 4trt >",`ts .. 0040,tG , � P ,E'� �� « .�, '"?t}a •stt -XI,- y~; 'j,' v,;,,w, F"t,r° ��`, Ld �� �',"�'� yia, ` •n sia;r,".�, »e``c �,4v g 40 „ �,, `s` zy, z, ,n I +.•",.� z a ���"n t` sk»``,{'% ,{t "„" , "',,,,.'f;`i,,,�t 's"„ a i la a aa"",„a• <z,�,trb„�t rl't , �� ;',�v»� ^�' `i a e�>'+W' v"i;°um�����u� V ,itt ti,��?r"i` tea;,"a:�' "'� p"�' •� 'n,,..,„ ',� dM,' ei' ,,, 4',��j^ri.$00,00t zR '&�; M1lq." Poi. • ..-.,"..«,. y a i{'f`;sjx,{`i�ii'?`s` " ii ' i',1'"4,'nn • --.4, Yes }n$,�`bk.+,'� ,2 p NC tl `' � .„ .m, u , ! k* 8 l ,,,,, ,k, *,k,11!1141,!",,1„tit"14111 ,4 ,4•116:1";:'„!'''''''1:' ‘,4„„' '111''''''' ,0041,;„:: it „a � t , • '� a ,•e„"'a. `.;,»,. td" �, w" ,1t r ar \\ I�,wrN�t, „,,.., a ,S'w",¢.� { 3 »titV', > ss} Sk, ir 'z` . "lu a � � di ~e t r,", , - ti , , 14 �iN { ,Rr '� u3 FdOxfl'v, P III, INS MN , m if v 8'° N q x" ,M '✓." «w�< �ii to yy� �`w°n.'iw.° n.,..mwlhgRN"ni 4," x",m ' R, C airy, . ���, fi n,iM }vu' ` ir, 00+ n°, w ` II •, ,o ' ' = 4y 4 0400000000 � ,` t 4. . I'"` rt Ad a w . 4 ! F stit • M „ d p \ � I 11 " p MsM°fir 2 a,. c •" ° w" .!a v ant ' n' � m " '� ' _ , ahl � "10 "4 , ea 4 wRd"� " �` + •4 •wn,. T :'t ,, n , hW �ruw I° , „ nWi .nM '� ° � 'S,,. .4 14 4„4 +r «w,,. y "� IPVN i • " � Ypo- el S Yv t « " e 44. t dm dwa t _ 4+ ..mpwaw«,«* „ � >