07-12-2018 (City Council) Agenda Packet I A Wylie City Council CITY OF NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE Special Called Work Session Agenda July 12, 2018 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Matthew Porter Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T. Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Stephanie Storm City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WORK SESSION • FY 2018-2019 Budget Discussion and Department Presentations to Council July 12,2018 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 9th day of July, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Budget summary Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Summary FY 2018 - 2019 AVAILABLE RESOURCES $ 4 , 636 , 927 ■ Sales Tax 2 ,600,000 ■ Beginning Fund Balance 620,887 ■ Sale of Pad Site 1 , 300,000 ■ Lease Income 1 12 ,440 ■ Interest Earnings 3 , 600 Wylie Economic prir Development Corporation Budget Summary FY 2018 - 2019 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 4 , 636 , 927 • Personnel Services 426, 578 • Small Business Center 5 ,000 • Incentives 1 , 578, 111 • 8 Existing Commit. 622 , 100 • "Future Projects" 956,011 • Special Services 148,900 • Environmental 65 ,000 • Consulting Services 50,000 • Interlocal Agreement 5 ,000 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Summary FY 2018 - 2019 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 4 , 636 , 927 • Advertising 155 ,000 • Merchants Assoc. Program 5 ,000 • BRE Program 18,600 • Regional Initiative 100,000 • Community Development 53 ,600 • Regional Broker Event 14,000 • Industrial Appreciation 5 ,000 • Community Flag Program 3,000 • Chamber of Commerce 4,000 • Fit 4 Business 3,000 • Community/Regional Events 24,600 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Summary FY 2018 - 2019 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 4 , 636 , 927 ■ Travel & Training 53 ,425 • ICSC - National & Texas 16,200 • TEDC (3 Conf & Board Mtgs) 9,000 • Wylie/Collin County Days 10,000 • CED Certification 6,000 • Board Training 1 ,225 • Prospect Recruitment 10,000 • Dues 30, 1 10 • DFW Marketing Team 2, 500 • Database Tools 14,750 • Local/ Nat'l Organizations 12,860 • { Wylie Economic N ;;�; Development Corporation II \ '• Budget Summary FY 2018 - 2019 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 4 , 636 , 927 ■ Audit/ Legal 3 3 ,000 ■ Engineering /Surveying 30,000 ■ Debt Service 1 , 513 ,697 ■ Land 250,000 ■ Streets & Alleys 300,000 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget Summary FY 2018 - 2019 BUDGET ALLOCATION ■ Personnel 16% ■ Direct ED Operations 84% ■ Advertising 8% ■ Operating 5% ** Fixed cost percentages calculated on Sales Tax Revenue only Wylie Economic Development Corporation Budget summary Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019 Wylie Economic Development Corporation %A/ PUBLIC WORKS CITY Oi Accomplishments and Objectives fN ‘ yu Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 , .,:„.„--4 -,-- - ., : i . , ! 7 . . . k : t . ' f_111.117 ....., f f ,--i-;-;.' ,_ .T.-Z,,--- - • It . _ _ - ,_--..----2-- ,7 III rjoil , u -t___.. 'fir• ..IT I '_ wtj�• ENGINEERING STREETS ` - WASTEWATER UTIL ADMIN & ENGINEERING 611-5711 & 611-5713 2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Initiated a multi-phased evaluation and assessment of the sanitary sewer collection system to identify needed repairs and rehabilitation. • Complied with all TCEQ, TWDB and NTMWD sample collections and reporting requirements. • Completed engineering and design for replacement of the 917,000 gallon ground storage tank at the Nortex Pump Station. Construction began May 2018. • Completed design of the upgraded pump system at the Newport Harbor Pump Station. • Completed traffic study for the FM 544 & McCreary Road, SH 78 & Brown Street and Creek Crossing Lane & Ballard Avenue Intersections. • Completed design and initiated construction of a new signal at Alanis Drive and Ballard Avenue. • Initiated design of Stone Road (FM 544), Phase 3 from Chestnut Hill Drive to County Line Road. NORTEX STORAGE TANK W PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018 19 CITY OF WYLIE _ , i_._, UTIL ADMIN & ENGINEERING ,,...., 0 ,,,_,. A V. - 611-5711 & 611-5713 -' = 2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS (CONTINUED) 1, = \ • Initiated design of Eubanks Lane from Hwy 78 to the NTMWD entrance drive north of the railroad crossing. ___ -; � • Initiated design* for the replacement 1 .5 Million Gallon Ballard Avenue Elevated'ipit, � I Storage Tank. 4 , _1 /, I _ _ ;, c, 1 / -- F , 3 • Began right-of-way acquisition process for McMillen Road from McCreary Road to i - � ��� � 1 �' %A =� -- Country Club Road. Initiated design* of Ann Drive from Kamber Lane to N. Ballard Avenue. _` • Inspection of the followingcivil development projects to completion: Alanis Crossing _ _ . p p p J p - Ph2, Braddock Place Ph5, Chick-fil-a, Creekside Estates Ph9, Dominion of Pleasant � . . Valley Ph2, Greyhawk Park, McAlister's Deli, Parc of Wylie, Platinum Self Storage, Soulman's BBQ and Westgate Station Townhomes. - p -- 1 4 �, • Initiated the new Public Works Department structure, including combining with the ~ tp � Engineering Department and change of Director level staff. �,, -.a., f �' .- ; * -Anticipated start by end of the 2018 fiscal year. J rr " E CITY OF PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018- 19 A 1 1 I 1 ' -t '' WYLIE IIIIIUTIL ADMIN & ENGINEERING 611-5711 & 611-5713 OBJECTIVES 2019 AND BEYOND =: 7 ) 't ` • Complete the system-wide sanitary sewer assessment to identify long-range : ; h ; , _ _ rehabilitation needs. '� Place new one-million allon Nortex Ground Storage Tank into service. ___ _ ow ___ ... _ .___ g 9 • ,_______,__. .., ,,__416. ,, Complete the planned residential water meter replacement program to improve billing - - accuracy, expand customer service opportunities and to monitor the distribution t system. F. .` ' - a tt } .,Yx � 3 = _ _ Complete Hensley Lane & Woodbridge traffic signal, Eubanks Lane, Alanis & Ballard '� -- t ID signal, Newport Harbor pump station upgrades, McMillen Road, and Ann Drive projects 1 already in progress. _tea i r , �- : q t a 3 • Continue working with local agencies, counties, local government and private �� Y developers to achieve construction and maintenance goals as they arise. ram 3 �,q �. 1 _ STRUCTION Iiv I " . , 1, ITYO F PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018- 19 WYLIE WATER UTILITIES 611-5712 ANCHOR DR 1290 2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • CITY OF WYLIE • Began GPS mapping of all water main valves. WATER UTILITIES DIVISION • Continued water valve maintenance program. NEill'ORT HARBOR • Relocated approximately 400 linear feet of 12-inch PVC water line on Hwy 78 to PUMP STATION accommodate new construction in Chick-fil-a area. IN USE Or EIIERGEIICY • Performed annual inspection and cleaning of all water storage reservoirs. CALL 972'442•8171 • NEWPORT HARBOR PS W CITY OF PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018- 19 WYLIE Air:___ ___ ,,_- WATER UTILITIE e it.; - _ _______------ ._ _ _ lir _ 611-5712 OBJECTIVES 2019 AND BEYOND - - _ _ _ • Start up of new one-million gallon Nortex Ground Storage Tank. • Complete Newport Harbor Pump Station replacement pump project. I' - • =: C • Continue unidirectional flushing in the distribution system. Replace a 6-inch ductile iron water line in alley between Ballard and First Street with - .-,, VW new 8-inch PVC water line. _ . • Install approximately 2,000 linear feet of 12-inch PVC water line at Brown and SH 78 to _ = eliminate a dead-end main. v., v kik QRTEX PS Sri CITY OF PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018- 19 - V WYLIE WASTEWATERUTILITIES 611-5714 2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Replaced 450 feet of 10 inch main at 2nd Street and Masters Avenue. • Rebuilt two submersible pumps at the Rush Creek Lift Station. • Performed systematic camera inspections and jetting of main lines as a preventive maintenance measure. 4 `\ • Performed approximately 144 routine commercial grease trap inspections to maintain system integrity by preventing grease accumulation in main lines. • • Complete design and construction* of the Kreymer Estates aerial crossing emergency repair project. r' t` ' " * -Anticipated completion prior to end of fiscal year. CITY OF PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018 19 WYLIE WASTEWATER UTILITIES ,. . 611-5714 OBJECTIVES 2019 AND BEYOND ,, . - • Operate and maintain the collection system to prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflows. R _U 4 Perform collection system repairs and rehabilitation to address any pipe deficiencies 1 i i identified in the system-wide assessment. ... . � ; y • Perform repair and/or replacement of 895 manholes identified in the system-wide sewer assessment. • Commission additional lift station at FM 1378 and Parker Road. • Rebuild large submersible pump at the Rush Creek Lift Station. Illurp i -i-- • Continue to perform grease trap inspections at commercial sites. • Install emergency generators at lift stations not currently equipped with back-up power supply bp. 416----1:-4),-_-_ :, , 4.46410.4641. ift i i Wr.L44161,Aw; A . 1ATION PUBLIC WORKS Fiscal Year 2018 19 CITY OF .11 WYLIE STRF 100-5411 r 2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Performed 3.5 miles asphalt street overlay repair as needed to City streets.• • Performed 200 cubic yards of concrete street repair as needed to City streets.* 1,I • - • Performed pothole, alley, curb, and gutter rehabilitation at various locations throughout the City. • Repaired and installed sidewalk panels at 82 locations* • Continued mosquito surveillance and control throughout the City to control mosquito- s borne disease. • Installed flashing LED school zone signs at all Wylie school areas. • Began GPS mapping of all street signs and storm water structures. . • * - Quantities reflected "to-date" and will increase by the end of the fiscal year. KIRBY ST REVISED W PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018- 19 CrTY OF WYLIE YLIEIr yg 14}{ i, f;zi . .3 . ' - ' ' ,. ,,, ,_. STRE a 100-5411 ;•:, R OBJECTIVES 2019 AND BEYOND .rib.. ''. .t,. ' O 1 I l • Continue asphalt and concrete street repairs as needed to streets, alleys, curbs, and it� -� 111 gutters. -. — 1111 • Continue repair and installation of sidewalk panels at various subdivisions. . . - _J • Respond to increased maintenance needs for storm water, signs and signals. R .4 =i _ Maintain all facets of the City's mobility network for motorists and pedestrians, and -.. prepare for addition of 16 signals in FY 2020 currently owned and operated by TxDOT. . -.'::-4.12Werli -_ . =- • Construction of short-term intersection improvements at FM 544 & McCreary and Hwy =- _.� - { 78 & East Brown. ti _ • Continue storm water infrastructure maintenance (i.e. clearing drainage ways and { �_ _- - channels, cleaningstorm water inlets, inspecting outfalls and coordinatingpublic � - - p g ) education/ artici ation . p p Continue GPS mapping of all street signs and storm water structures. ALLEY REHABILITATION W CITY OF PUBLIC WORKS I Fiscal Year 2018- 19 WYLIE I I — 1 " . . • -.lb akiiipirs, !liatift i..: -...... ' • lir= ..... _ 74 .WIIII THANK YOU .,.. . '1. • •'1 2g • r"- . . torlift " - i 11111, - •- .. „... 1 1 .•..- , •! • L r.' ,i,t_.„.... _.._1 - AI L Iii15 Or . __ .... 0, fN „,_*„._,.....„.„,..„, „,,,, .....„,_„.. ......,.... :„.,. .. _ ,....._.„..;..„...i... _, ...._ . ,.,,,,,.. ._,, . .. „....,::„ ., • .„.•,..... „.........„„ .. ;,....„. .•.... wr. ,...„,,.„,i..,'''.''''''.`" 4.2741....-.•- ,,e.....A., . .r. 9. ,,--.4•••..';...4" ' s.."i•••, ,.. -'''•-... 4.:.=,4-.;--0,:o.,-.- .,. cIT '( 0 F .,. ,,,.„, , , .,,,,,,..,„,„......;31.4•••%1.;•:,'•- • ., 1 ..i..- ' --:•••'•:%%Iv 4:4,-;.,. (,. •4 1114. - i , • , i, ji„!=ilitr.!. : - -4,- v.;..;;;.,-.-• • , i , . . :.,_ , = ., ,' :„ ..,•• ,-;,.. ,:'''z'''.-.,,', 47 1 W..P 41.1.1:Zi•.::::',I 9. . .., .. ,.k - :.• I i. . ! ....-9. , • -.. Ai . • •444 •-,:,' .•. • .,... li t •\.L., i•,-.:' jet. ..A. •J ••••'' '•[•: ' ''(•". , ,...'•,,,,,,. ....,' 11--i. - •0', . /4 i MI 1• 7,:":-'%.,f--',.‘ - - - &„„_. _-----‘" . 1-......_. .. . . _... ,.. . - - ;Ilk ,.. - 00- --H PIP i ... ••I V t ,.. $ .. . :A :,1.' ' . . . / . X it'. ' . ''''."i.".••-,'.P;'' •. .......00 • . P _.41PrA f - -• ---,.,.. - - ---.-:--'or,. _. . 1.____-,.'" " 1. ; • - z• (• • • . . , ' 0- -. ir 11 -.- • ' ,i l'.,'k ',. )7 ,!•-•-..:, - ._.....- --,-._•4?-_,-- . : ' , . . 1. .,. • .7- - i ." 7" .„.._ , . . ..,-.. ..'' • . r.'.•• ' . .'-o' 1. VVYLIE PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and recreation activities are vitally important to establishing and maintaining a strong quality of life in our community. 4k , ''. -.- t . -7-- opmge. - - - --%, -.-_ -- 4olikrL . I 1 1" -- l'- 1 - 1 • - I ill '''': • iii . • '-x: a_ .. k ..lif, . .L N •1 . I nTlif'' k ' t:rJ : '''TN ,. VA ‘,_4'. . 4'4,- i) .7. -' 1;,. ) :' !.13 1 1‘,.1 1 .t...' 1.-' k.., :, i \ ' - ! • . _ . -....„ . .. , J. ' ,__ Iii,' P" ..... IV 114in + A �I A ti 1.4�iiIt' • a � P ' -- 1 Iyi :I- i f5 1 A I _ ' Accomplishments & Objectives . . ' ..} FiscalYear2O18 - 19 .• 4 . It 4B FUND - WYLIE RECREATION CENTER . N, SummaryT7C„, _________ r.9 - ,,„ , . ,A,„„-„;„, 1 i ,,•,._-+s;• . Parks and recreation 4B Budget Parks and Recreation Department programs build it healthy, active Supports citizen well-being II communities, and Recreational, social, and r , 1 " improve the mental 1 - � educational programs "i►� . = and emotional health of all citizens. Approved by the voters as ~ part of the 2005 Bond . tgiiill Progmt and supervisory if Support assistance to all recreation programs 4B FUND - WYLIE RECREATION CENTER . N,za.,,,--„,„ 2018 Ai Imp I ish ments __ ,Ar . \ fA,t1,...._ ... 4 . : _ 1----T-- -- 1,--iip- 1 ,yam .r _ Exceeded Rec Pass revenue Maintained a clean, safe, and projections by 14%, classes by up-to-date facility 5% (FY '17) 1. I Upgraded fitness equipment since last summer i r r ' L Program and field trip van Mailed 10,226 Activity Menus . ,.,v,,,,, ti 1 Improved staffing levels � �` r ` during peak hours ls. Increased Open Gym activities 4B FUND - WYLIE RECREATION CENTER . \,!cs..-A'lle- „,• 2019 objeN eves . - -illr 4t„,,, --T----T-- r- -41.11,--41 . 14it11 ' • Continue to evolve program needs S • `,.. `� Continue to add, replace, and ,• -.� tr., ` :� I update equipment and spaces ry ear < e 't fI Add staffing 4 '� -{- -- — , 14 , , f _1[ Iof- it - - - -J- ry e � �., , f - ___-,, _,,s5„00,,it �' ti - .., ._ . _ . 3_S . . 11 4B FUND - SENIOR RECREATION CENTER „tilt, , ' **lit' Sumn1ary ‘ ,, , p... . --411) :. _ '/ Parks and recreation 4B Budget Parks and -� programs build Recreation Department r healthy, active Supports well-being of • = communities, and citizens, ages 55+ ;� improve the mental liir Recreational, social, and • i and emotional health educational programs of all citizens. i x ,.. 4 4B FUND - SENIOR RECREATION CENTER 14, , .i' 1----- "-4" lk: .' - **edit 2018 Accomplishments , . . _....,,.. / • . _ 1 1 58% increase - registered Increased overnight trips I -i A program/class participation .. Upgraded front desk and r 7 85% increase - daily open play interior doors -•.11; \ guests (no registration required) ''� Completed feasibility study for ■ Y future programming and building needs , '4:h. . .4k .. . Increased evening programs •. r,' T I titimip ,__ , 1 „ ,_ 4 4B FUND - SENIOR RECREATION CENTER titir,, , i 1----- "-4” lk: ' **edit 2019 Ib eves , . ....._. / . _ 1 _ . 14 4 Continue to evolve program - - i. ,• 1 I -i needs mi r Continue to add, replace, and flil y` .� update equipment and spaces �' G , : j . ,.. • ;t.) .-Y �� -r l ;,, �� �� . , - ._ ....„....„.....„-............_, , L . ' ro',.4...........:-.................-,--. r ‘ i , ..- 4,-- -- ,' ,........, „ ---.....,____ ._, 1 - _.... . ---g-- ,, _ _ , ,, , ,..„,.„..., i z: ‘ -....-.. -.....4 _._. . 1 . / 4B FUND - BROWN HOUSE • .6‘ 4?r' .'''; y !;, Sumn .ary C- 4 'tillitic:1 i'. `. - 4B Budget Parks and dr 5:. -. l� Parks and recreation ys •; "�► � RecreationDepartment i. : programs increase a e a +, a1 community's economic Supports preservation of kowiiiii \T �! ii prosperity through h historical site � i increased property y Supports downtown special; VI values, expansion of events * 11 the local tax base, increased tourism, the attraction and retention of businesses, and crime `<< reduction. .... 4B FUND - BROWN HOUSE ,....,..,...• 1 . . .. • .14•• .__ . . _. 0.., ...„:„. . ..... .018 Accomplishments ; • . „Li.... • ..,„.4.... . , ih....,•••.,.:, p....,....:tos,.,, mi-ww— .... .... ,.„ -%..:,...,..yr 11.• ,•'•:4-..t.,... -. . . .. . f • • • - F'' :- • • ..... . . . .. . . . .• , k'- .1..k f. " ,. - -?.:'..4 • •..-. .:- • ". -.:•• ‘-----t.. . , N.. •7 • : it. ..._',! .:..,....... .. ,... . ::, i:- . '-',:`,. -`''7',...'•1- •• ' . , ••- 4•, . •" I • . ir4:•:• . r .9•. • , . ., :I: 1 . I"i 1 .',1-14 :.41. Vt-e•r'• 4,L ..••,.,P:p>, Added new programming . •IL-•..._ • -•,74N.- ,,,,,f.24i-; -. ' .1 _,,.._:.:.1„.. - -• • ii-•••.*:.;,:v:-, .. ,,,,---_—__--,-,.. ..,:. • 15:-'''..--4., • .- -- • : • ..... ••-. "...„.,-- -_2=-,:. ••t.,,i,4:•, . .. ...-. !,i,,.. .:,... .r.:..,..- : •• ....,. , ...,..... - ••. ,., .r . ___,.,-,--_-_i-- •_.••, .....:,: ;._;..,..c...... .„- -•• - !•: , • ....--...i' drii,- :.! :,.' .. _,,..... . .q. Began feasibility study i'-' ' - - - ' - .• ,.- ....,,, 4. .••..jr .-: , ,e,:. ',11, '.1"—•-• .;.... -.K,•4:=•.••• •.--4, a ,. ;c. •)W 1? 4 . 'lb ..I isso' L i • . .___-_-:: —,_ . .------_,•••:. r7"•. ••••-•••• •,-- • :•-•._ -.N.:e--• '--INI•4 •, ..!711.,* .111‘•- .` •• - ' • •44::.... -7 - • I .•: 1• e. ,I...,;,...-... ..• ...•r•- • I AmAri . 4 •• . -•- .'lliii Supported•.s5.‘*-21,11 downtown special • ... P . Ott Ai 1.E-4, •.:,.........,_. , 1,.t•-77,------,_____,______-- _ ,,.., ,-,- -. ... . - - e.,''_•,,--_ =_—__,_.. . t •. , .. ,.., :,; . N. . , .. — -.--,,.. ,,... __._ • ._...„ _ 1 1 __,_ ..,_•_ _-_.../..:•A e — . •-- ..,.._•••............., .., :--:- --- i ...... . .. :- _---- •, - e-i'r ' • ' ... .II ,.,..,. - 'C,4.411i." e '=.• im1110601111w A . • i iiik... -, :4.0.-...-- ....A •-111111 -- . :; •:. . .. mmilga-IR . L,......: II.. I.• 1. ..I = :..,, \ OOP ....- 11111,. 4 \....,144.160:04. ••• .:. .. /L 111111 • • '-'-'W. ' ' ' 1 ' 1414.'71F .., .. 11' lit.. . • . . .11M=. .. , 4 J.,•:t 4. '..' -- L "me • --- • • - • . i •: , --d • _.. •. .... .. , _ - 4 . . • 4 I ..•- - -- ftilii,..''''• . -.- . .. .... 11--4:3' ..F•:. . .,:-.!..,...1 , , •.c/Ilk. ,r,1% ,••,. ;.. • ,•_"p '1.1. „ &, .,„ .,,-,...,••„i00.-.--.--,,t,,Wk-*.: . ,.- "---- ,-: • •• ...--, tr',•- • . :•.. -. -4.. .-1...• - - .. ---4 '' '. • . . '":'§ --..• P?":'-..16-' \11.11E • • ... 4 . ...8 _. .. ,_....,.. -.,4 __.. •. „..„-,.„ ., . .:,_,. ... • . . .: • • ftr. . . 4. - - •••..• • . -• •...• 71117.7•40t. 4 ."'-''•-'''' . " .- '-'• . '.;-"•:;%6"-•. -,'.4-A--,,,..- .1.7'.• - f ' '..:.1 .'..W-.:'..:', • !.A _4,-, --.‘,-..... •- ...•• . •''`..,'...-";.. . :.'.,,, IA .--,.' •'',.-: i ... —E., eLA .i.A, -,• ,' .• i; A.. _.• ,.. „.. ..,, •,„ ... .• . ..... .: „ .....,...r.:• . „-- ,-,... .„,.„,,= =• ,_7. ';LAINIIIIW\!' .. ._, ''''- •. Ntr..- •e• ••'1%,..._,..• ••:,_. . L 0 • ,.. .... ,. ..4,• -- ir...., ' > r. yk. . • • -,.:. ,I - 4" . 4..7.• ,: ;...- -',:-. _ -- AA. --:_Vi` • 1-• '•."-• • MO /. 4B FUND - BROWN HOUSE , „... . ., ___ . .._ .. - �Y ..... ,_ 2019 Ubjectives .. .. - r- *, W r^; 4 - =ice. , :361,4,001111111ww-r- 114 �' Continue to evolve program i {y., :�►,.--, --- '-- needs k _, - - •. '- pp , ti . !i `; ` `� Continue to add, replace, and �x v_.A. . , t u17.4[ ipdate equipment and spaces r y k- . \Ti - -Vt ,�I 1 iii el . Continue to support downtown 411111 V events t��� y �,. i. ,,r. I '` Complete feasibilitystudyY 4.4 �' - 1 4B FUND - STONEHAVEN HOUSE Summary p----- i. } 4B Budget Parks and Recreation Department artment g p --- Supports preservation of historical site y ! 01 1 16 a * 18 Accum I ish ments • -imir 1 _.. -- Monitored and maintained the house 'IOW / Z.zO rnje r. 111(:// / \ r-q -iimi-r 1 Continue to monitor and maintain the house f fti ,t - �. I 4B FUND — PARKS ry4-,,,,,e,t; :-.,..„ 7,,..--4, ..,, , . } Sumn . ary • ,. • .„, . i4-t',,,. r Parks and natural 4B Budget Parks and - recreation areas Recreation Department n �:,. Y 3, I improve water quality,���{ �_r p Supports development and 111 protect groundwater, maintenance I '' h prevent flooding,t i i Supplements Park Division i 1, ii , i' improve the quality of General Fund budget �� I the air we breathe provide vegetative ill buffers to -�, development,develo ment, and r produce habitat for wildlife. ti ,t.- a. 4B FUND — PARKS:-„.... ,,,,, , . . } 2018Accomplishments • ', I I ' i, s ii, ' : Completed playground update •�; jili I . ,, :-. 1 `= and expansion at Community .:.• ' • -, • "`i-. " '° • Park , , Ili Initiated updating the Master I - Plan .- . 1 - G` RIVEES r := _ IPI 111 1 , Ilk � oEERc.,Eo W THE MR 410 --- 1` �' Continued maintenance ofr ° " , J parks, open spaces, `` .fr • AS GRATEFUL Cm2ENS Of TXAT playgrounds, athletic fields, ICON WE PtrECE!EVER TO FORGET 1HE SACRRICES MADE and public buildings ' .:MRRFREFE -"", -.e No liiolhllyl - A.L GAPE SOME GA C -. x '® - SOME AL AP -� Added new equipment and _.'°'� '~ a- replaced aging equipment N ; .. ti*,,t.�,..., .,.,a...„4: _,-,.. 1 4B FUND — PARKS „,„...,e 7.„ ..,..., , ,. } 2019 Objectives • AI/ Complete new Master Plan = . e� .. ..; - Ito ' ° - Continue maintenance of IL. • . . { _ ___„... : r 3` parks, open spaces, I •�� , }.,.. ; � 1111 playgrounds, athletic fields, , ii, li; and public buildings OEO TEO TO THE WEN WE • i ` lk.hI ..._i o� Continue to refine SrioltO T ! Ilb PEACE AM)VAR I ;J maintenance practices and f AS GRATEFUL OMENS OF TNAT efficiency strategies WEIN WE FLEECE FEVER TO FORGET'IRE SACRFCES MACE iiii FOR WO FREEDOMS U.L GAVE 5ZP E DM10 -��ix.-.. I lip ,H.41141. 11x . . , —__ SOME A{� 0 _ r__ 1, GENERAL FUND - PARKS Sumn1ary km Our parks and natural General Fund Budget recreation areas Supports development and ensure the ecological maintenance beauty of our communityandprovide Supplemented by Park Division 4B Fund budget 1. a place for citizens to :404 . f . connect with nature and recreate outdoors. 1 S GENERAL FUND - PARKS 2018 ' -'omp I ish n .Jnts —IF-4u Provided fields for 500+ teams, 4 leagues, and 6,000+ youth 5th year of Tree City USA - designation ••.'42 Continued maintenance of r a . 4 `�. � parks, open spaces, -f� ;- . 4,.- 1 # f M1 _ ... ,,rft• A . f playgrounds, athletic fields, ►r. ', p Yg ` -FI.. and public buildings 1 i� + .. k . ,- If Added new equipment and `'�ipt 11 �� - t replaced aging equipment {� , - 1 �� ` 1, ., 6411.„'' _ 71.-Eliiii1110°' ' '''' . '` _ Added new Chemical ' .;- .. + r Applicator pos�t�on _6111111114-11: - - _ _ GENERAL FUND - PARKS 2019 vb'el;tive- Continue to maintain parks, open spaces, playgrounds, athletic fields, public buildings r Continue to improve field , •-.'42. ,.. ,. rl ': ,,,di: infrastructure , I ' " Continue to add new equipment -f� tilr �# � ''',. - lif:4 f and replace aging equipment ,\ 00 \,. � ►�- Add staffing i;, ' ' . .\ . k:". --i Continue to refine maintenance practices and efficiency I, `' = strategies L , WI& A&I FUND - PARKS Sumn1ary The Wylie Parks and Park Acquisition & Recreation Improvement (A&I) Fund from development fees Department is committed to providing Funds used in zone where the citizens of Wylie, collected for the development - - - y and improvement of park land _ - - - �- - and our neighbors, Input from Parks and premier recreational ::fir.• .-+w+f., - . . - Recreation Board opportunities, park amenities and open Used as match for county and space, and to ensure a state grants healthy and active community. A&I FUND - PARKS 2018 p ' -'ompIishments West Zone Central Zone Improvements to Parkside Park Design of Twin Lakes and Southbrook Park trail Dugout covers at Founders connection Park Completed batting cages at 1_ 41k Municipal Complex Trail Community Park _ lighting design = Completed wrought iron fence r near Initiated concept design for playground at Olde City Parkside Park Park Initiated concept design for Braddock Park East Zone Completed concept trail design for Bozman Farms rillA&I FUND - PARKS 2019 vbjectives West Zone Central Zone Complete park conceptual Complete trail connection of master plan for Parkside Park Twin Lakes and Southbrook Park Pligiffirmallita"ffigNi.. Complete park conceptual 1:--, , i_ = master plan for Braddock Park - - - _-- -- 1 _ East Zone � `�"` "'`"i No projects identified ::fir.• +w+f., - . . - *i�t''f7k=._., !�- del..'. - , t,--ay a. ,k 4 'kr ''] •i A - V\1 POLICE DEPARTMENT . � )s,'A i = tfir. CITY OF Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 ~? WYLIE , A° . _. `. ..K .= cr�IE: . Alc.4-)+,____A„ r ,. tom. - �r ,r s Y A:� i��z xb. •r 4} . • raj �. C. .- Sk '1'�i- a� Via. 1 �„_ Vic,. �. ! ,.. -. ' _ - 1,/ �1 } • _ CommUnity Re�atfnns IR ,%fas • • • • r `/A ° 1J-' 1 1A/ MISSION fl, 1 .......____ • . . ... _pi .- IIN 1 ' CITY ® F Iii 7 I. * . II I .) MISSION STATEMENT VVYLIE • To make Wylie a safe place to live, work, and visit iiti i • .•1. � • ,� • I ma ik ri-0 . fr � PRINCIPLES & VALUES f . il —, \ ' • Ethics It'. / '''t';' • ., ..... • Servant leadership • Hard work r 1 • Positive Attitude • Support ' ..11444,11bal- ...• ',, • ,,.. `'%.._ 'c41)-- ?.• • --4 Ili f illiii'lls. 4 ' / Strength. Courage. Valor. .•�n �. vi " YLl4, . jc ...,.b.r- .',i w. i'�t� i�7'-:- - �A�, re, F. Oen 414 It i R ai 4 r_ SiLLL ': }.r ��. yti � 1.- -� :�.� „.:_...._•:,. kRP rJs ,r.., F' .t. i - ,1 ',,t,Q' I * i � + • - irf'' .mac' -.- . _ . .� �� Y .^afFY2018Accomplishments m E' 1 k' , © l • Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government IP 44, . i 41I Ili ' ... • 12 Citizens attended and completed a 12 week Citizen Police Academy One Youth Enrichment program — 8 students attended :;'''7 .- .,* MA i _ .• • Three Junior Police Academy classes — 76 students attended. �� - r Fifth annual Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club — consisting of 64 active students from Wylie and -,','-', Wylie East High Schools. s • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety, and Well-Being � ,� ,� •„�� �,�� co�ee with Co gf y, " �S • Observed a 4% overall reduction in crime rate and a 5% reduction in traffic collisions - , '° / Strategic Goals: Workforce ' :;, � • Established the departments first Honor Guard F �, 'I' .\ ,/, n 4 Wylie Police Department • Strategic Goals: Workforce; Community Focused Government ,_ / • The Department received a grant from the Attorney General's Office for a Victim Coordinator and Liaison. _ - Strategic Goals: Workforce; Infrastructure ' iA staffing study was conducted by the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration to �i► ,A review' I review departmental operations and ways to operate more efficiently. r— ,., .'a te � .? — . — - T ' Wylie Police w; ' " Community Video .0, k i - A fiV Partnership �M �� IN PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY of -. WYLIE IA/ 2018- 19 ObJectives V\ CI TY OF ((1(� � f! f WYLIE • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well-Being • Maintain or reduce the crime rate and traffic collisions. cH E • Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Research more innovative ways to engage with the community and seek their involvement. • Improve contact and follow up with citizens who file reports with the department. • Finish updating the departmental website. • Strategic Goals: Infrastructure; Workforce • Implement some of the changes suggested by the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration Capstone project group. • Research, develop, and implement a strategic plan for future growth in the department. • Continue researching and implementing new technology to improve efficiency. • Create and implement a backup plan for digital forensics. • Evaluate the departments recruiting, hiring, and retention measures and research potential areas for improvement. • Gain stability throughout the department by filling vacant positions and improving span of control in all divisions. • Strategic Goals: Workforce • Improve workflow efficiency in multiple areas within the department. i PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE Organizational har IA i 4.1-.‘;L/- -,6, ---- . ,„ CurrentCt ,' o0i„f, .�,T;.. ,.1 CITY OF . , fFX, `,- rc,,-, �A WYLIE cKrP_ „ Chief ��' ,, Administrative Assistant I I Support Investigative Operations Operation Traffic/CVE Professional Community 'eutenant ieutenant Services Services (3) Standards Services Lieutenant Lieutenant Animal Warrant Sergeant 1 rgeant Sergeant ergeal. sergeant Crossing Guard Sergeant Sergeant Records Alpha 1 Ipha 2 ravo 1 I :ravo 2 SRO SupervisorI Control Manager SIU CID Supervisor Officer/Bailiff School Resource Crossing SIU CorporaAdmin Admin Records Corp •rpoI orpor ` Officers Guars Assistant Detective Assistant Clerks (Vacant) 1) (2) P t� Lead AnControl Casee Patrol Officers Patrol Officers Patrol Officers SIU Detective (5) Office (6) (5) Control (Vacant) Management CAC (5) Officer Clerk Victims Detective Crime Scene Advocate (2) Tech Animal Control atrol Office Patrol Officer Officers Detectives (Vacant) (Vacant) (4) (5) Part-time IIIK 9 Kennel Detective ffice Attendant (Vacant) 1VI1 CITY OF PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 WYLIE IA/ ' Wylie Police Department zsr_71„.t, al-- -,,,V\ . r ��r1 Organizational Chart r��(� C f,CITY OF ,o. XA mm n Level WYLIE Co a d -,. . . Chief i Administrative Professional 1 Field Field investigative Support Community Operations Operations Services Services Traffic (3) Relations Assistant Standards Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant /If PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 ciTv of WYLIE Az.„, ..T.,.,,,...i..,.,. .. IA/ Wylie Police Department :401\- ' .'"4(' V\ Field Operations Division r�04 'e.: "i•' CITY OF , XAS WYLIE ic.,sk.: -,Ei . . 1L,,oc L I Sergeant ...... Alpha 1 Corporal Officer (5) ` Lieutenant Sergeant v Alpha Alpha 2 Corporal Officer (5) U O a_ K-9 Officer O a) Sergeant LE v I Lieutenant Bravo 1 Officer (6) Bravo Sergeant — Bravo 2 Corporal Officer (5) /If PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE IA/ Wylie Police Department ator V\ Investigative Service Division ti CITY OF r Exw�g VVYLI E Detective (5) w YC 9HIEl Sergeant I Admin Assistant CID Case Management Clerk Sergeant SIU Detective SIU • CAC Detective (2) 0 Records o Lieutenant Supervisor Records Clerk (2) 4- LE Crime Victims Li Advocate IWarrant Officer Court Bailiff Part-time Crime Scene Tech VI PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 WYLIE 1 A l Wylie Police Department Azi,--,4 A.::::0'N' " ---4,./' V\ Support Service Division ,,, . , ��r��1 ys�Ti-,, 4a. CITY OF (� `4 Exw�g q • WYLIE1�C-'• cr3aE 1L,Q cry,. SRO Sergeant School Resource au Officers (5) U 0 Crossing Guard Crossing Guards 4- Lieutenant — Supervisor (17) a 1 Animal Control I Animal Control Kennel Attendant U Animal Control Lead Officer (4) Part-time Manager i Animal Control I Admin Assistant 4 IA/ If PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE Wylie Police Department ...,,--- 0;,, .... f oN.---f4, - ected Or anizational Chart � 4 ''T'.'a C I TY O F ) FX 7-` t WYLIE Chief , fcr �'A cKr P_ ii Administrative Assistant Professional Assistant Chief Standards Field Field Support Investigative Community Operations Operations Services Services Relations Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant (Alpha) (Bravo) I ' , i I I I I I ' I Administrative Crime CID Crime SIU Warrant SRO Records Animal Jail Case Scene Victims Sergeant Sergeant Corporal Crossing Assistant Management Sergeant Sergeant Officer g g p Sergeant Sergeant Sergeantg Tech g Advocate I I Guard Supervisor Shelter Supervisor Clerk I I Supervisor II Manager CID SIU Corporal Corporal Traffic Corporal Corporal School L Records , CAC Detectives Detectives Bailiff (3) CrossingResource Clerk Lead Animal Corporal 2 Officers L Officers L O icers L O icers Officer (2) Admin Control (5) (6) (6) 6 6 Guards 6 Assistant Officer L CAC (17) ( ) — K-9 Animal Detectives — Control ( ) Officers(4) Kennel— Attendant IA fir PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE hV\ l • . epp st • CITY OF , `� <�J IC% A WYL1 E cKr FY2018 SWORN PERSONNEL - ATTRITION Actual Sworn Positions =Allotted Positions 64 63.5 63.5 63 62.5 62 60.5 61 60 59 58 57 56 October November December January February March April May June July I PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE ,_,,,, AI fV\ . Reason for Attrition \ 4! �C�(N--- . .. --/ �T�.,� ,} CITY OF ? X �,, `,, WYLIE :� � � ICE a . e, RI,_ � , ,.c.,,,.,,r, 2011 - 2018 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Retired ■ Did Not Complete Training Resigned Terminated 1 Al SIN PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE JP V\ Patrol Staffing Levels 7.; _N--- .. -/ i,s4! , 4,r) s)CITY OF � ,,, WY LI v _ cHr P_ „ - ,c,,,,.c,,, , 700 600 624 637 2011-2018 500 613 559 400 a 16% 300 200 100 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ■ Shift Minimum • Above Shift Minimum o Shifts at Minimum Staffing Levels ■Shifts Above Minimum Staffing Levels *Data combines day and night shifts per day. Two shifts per day equals 730 shifts. iAl IN PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE 1AI : .� L jam� �V\ Calls forService (CITY OF Isi '''Ex Pe" Vs/YLI E Calls for service are generated by citizens calling the police for Icy ., �cKrE assistance or by police officer self initiated activity. There was a 6% tc-no decrease in calls for service in 2017 from the previous year. Calls for Service 32,547 30,508 35000 30000 IL F r- 25000 20000 15000 II I 10000 5000 _ I I 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 'flt PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 WYLIE IA/ Calls for ServiceV\ CITY OF '�, ?fig �. FXA .� W YLI E Evaluating the decrease in calls for service from 2016 to 2017, revealed Icy the decrease was on self-initiated calls rather than calls generated by the public. Calls for Service 18,000 16,000 16,266 16,728 14,000 15,211 13,780 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2015 2016 2017 Officer Initiated —CFS w/out Officer Initiated aAl rt. PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE IA/ Calls for ServiceV\ CITY OF Vs/YLI E Calls for service are shown for each year from January 1st through June I& 26th. xzE Calls for Service 9,000 8,023 8,000 7,389 7,985 7,000 7,255 7,042 6,000 5,975 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 —Officer Initiated CFS w/out Officer Initiated aAi rt. PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE AI V\ AverageTimeon rr ATIghl CITY OF �. F �� '� ICE WY LI E HIE "; „.4- Average Time Spent on Calls 0:50:24 0:43:25 2018 0:43:12 0:37:10 0:36:00 0:34:57 0:35:121111110 0:28:48 63% 0:21:36 0:14:24 0:07:12 • Available • On Calls 0:00:00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Average Time Spent on Calls 'flt PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 WYLIE 1 A i .....-7-.„ AgencytoAgencyAssistance _,„,„ li �- / / : N1-7:r, .} CITY OF 1 Chart indicates the number of times assistance is needed between joint �� ,:l�XA WYLI E i cH ' agenc es. Calls for Service 100 90 88 80 70 62 60 58 50 43 40 35 30 27 24 20 18 10 16 12 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Requested Sachse PD Requested Murphy PD Assisted Sachse PD Assisted Murphy PD Assisted Collin County S.O. Al iVI. PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE IA/ Cost Per Capita �� IN $300.00 7- ON ,/_ $238.84 $246.41 $251.47 :� T=., , ` . $250.00 ������ CITY O F 175.96 $181.72 $188.80 $191.26 $199.96 $206.78 $212.63 $218.45 $225.68 ,,, car $167.33 $ ?Ex+ ,>, 1 $200.00 '` '� ICE,�' \,.'s/Y L I E $150.00 'I' cHZE $100.00 $50.00 S \ `- �� � e ,° c � r \a .`h .4 fa �° � a .� C� Q a ora ‘`Z.\■ Police Departments Crime Rate per 1,000 Population 40 37.76 35.29 35 30 25 21.15 23.22 20.39 16.48 19.29 20 14.58 13.15I 15.46 15 9.65 10 7.51 6.27 5 I 0 t �& �,ye s � �J ,�J t °a � � h a o r f c o ° � \, a �t ua�� � f C � Q a ■ 2016 IA/ Crime RateV\ -- CITY OF Crime rate is a snapshot of crime fromyear to year. The rate of crime per 1,000 ' FXrcAr VVYLIE y citizens has been consistent or has reduced over the last several years. Crime rate can and often does have an impact on how citizens view their fear of crime and quality of life. Since 2013 there has been a 25% decrease in major crimes. 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 /NAl PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY OF WYLIE VA/ 2018- 19 RequestsV\ �l 4 tie CITY CITY OF (( Exw WYLIE *-/-14-1 �g All requests submitted are in furtherance of the Strategic Goals of the " cfc1x '' City and the Department in order to provide the best possible service . to the citizens of Wylie. • Assistant Chief • Two additional Patrol Officers and one Patrol Tahoe. • Upgrade two Officer positions to Corporals • Jail Supervisor (mid-year) • School Resource officer • Vehicle for Crime Victims Advocate • L3 Server • Replace the current Forensic Workstation • Replacement Vehicles / PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018-19 CITY of WYLIE . .,.... ., .,._.., ,, ......,j0,._ ,_ ,., , .. .....__ . . _ ,. ,,, ...., .•..,. .., . : - •, -',. .'-''' • ',,,... . ... . .. , ..•-• fr.'. ' ..,:i. -"St L..t .,..• . .. . . . •.4...L.fr .. . . . . . . . .... :-'1•..,,,.•-4, '•.,•,'LP.. . • • - ' - - '''.;•.1*•1,.. it'', ,...k.•'.'•-•i'Ar•„--:71.,-.; ••11.14"'--..''i- • -••,i. .f ; • . . . •' - -::••••4•/' ,-,1-• •. •".• '• • e` • •-•••...L...---.:',..111•,•\.,::--W••--7:---! .,..• • .-• . ‘_ '''.,iall"• •• -; /. . • • . - • 4....,-17„,.:..,1r.r; •..0-: ' • -.•''.4'•••-•*2'-•1.,-'' ••••• •- 'oil,'- .arni _•:: .• Am • , • .-- - 4 ., . alt19, ..I ' _.A...,..t -... ;Ali:.. il• .. ,,.. . .,,...: . .474.411(Xirk-44,014-iiA. , r • .. Ili Ile.! . ' •' • ,.• . Alk•' . - •. 41 . .. i. , N•t .. , . i, • , ._... . . .. , • . " - - - wf ••, .., ..,.T• a „.,. . ,. . , . . .. -..: .:! 4....„.•..•%-• -•E .•..-'-* k-1. ' .. .:.'...V1 3-'.7.-.•- f'.2.-7#''..... •,,.4'..-•.-•,:\‘...,-.:.,. ‘Ar‘4V`I-i'.' i,if , M•sI"to- ,• ( •-",-''t i. 1 Public.ft „3dget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2018 -19 C I TY 0 F ' '' AV '•- • : -7 . _ I, le , - • • - • - . 1 1 -'‘1 , -•••••• 41*_•-.• • lir- - - • 4 ' - • 1 \ r _. .,.,._ .. .__ _ ... _ ._ _ .__ - _: ,,...,.., .. --- 774-79fikall ,- -... .----- • ..... / _. '--,_r— .--..-- —'-.-— •Nz7.,,......-:•,..---IF. • ,.. . ....._ .. -• --••.:.-"' •.-. --. . . -... •• _ .'• .,_,... ... . . ' 330 — s....., 0,...e...........4. 111111111 1 11.11m. ---4111111112° L et% _ _.), ,=, Ch)[7 /7 IC- E , te.,......mo..„ - . CITY CO . WYLIE 111.11111111111111117111‘ , kki , . -.•._..,. • • -...- . .... . .., • .._._ . .. __ ,___,.,_...1,;:,. -,--,,,_[,..).,....„,...:.,,,-„,„.. :::7'.,'..,"M7';'''7,-*:s "..-:.4...71 . .".',.....• 14 R;r: ''rhlr'.,'- : 4' -'-••••-•" '.''•.'%-.: li Y • -:-•'.i,..e.;,•kkivy.--',., ,,,;,,-..-••4.---.,:.•-w. . -.•..ir-• . . .•;.; .•'N"--.,:••...'•' • ... , . . -.- -..-,re7..!4?;In'f!. .1..':!.',.• :••.'' •-:''' "i'----'•'''''''4.••• •''''' ' '' ''''''-...."!-"'.. ''''.•• ..e... ..°;: .'''''•:44-..i'''‘I'''ll.1g; 4Y.'Vi-iti---.:iii-'.4.• -.; •'''.. -:-';''',,.'''4#'% -"- . it ‘,4-,N::•-1'4.1...p..•ri6.:.;. F.--Jf--':.Y.--.:--. r:.-',,•'.. . ••'-:,*-,.. -.I, '' '.. `• :'c-'''-;7-•'':•• . '••••,• ••'..• •''..-''',4.7.t..-•.. :,-.'j•-•'::•"'1...r.:,: x I'Vrrr .'7e*:". 1-.';' ••-iirii.tr d-16;.. -:-r.'".%. ,*k. ,,::-V.4?..'44.'..r.•'-..;."41('•4'!4‘1' ,.:. •- ''' .•••.--•et't.4••'t- - • .- 'It'•:'Y ''./-ge 'f-,,:..... WI. 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Texas Department of State Health Services review was positive in all areas without rrlf ' i a t s _. :_ • - • infractions. * 4 d Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well-Being; Work Force; Community Focused „IN h , ' Government Volunteers • Events _; ; Annual Veterinarian inspection review was positive in all area without infractions. •A' Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well-Being; Work Force; Community Focused Get Your Male Dog i 17or Cat F, Government !' 7, 1 „ ,� !, t . IP** .`Y. Adoption events, vaccination clinics and tours from local youth are being held through .. . A staff and volunteers of the Wylie Animal Control. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Work Force Fosters Partnerships _ _ positive outcome rate through full implementation of a foster program, education of pet R a. _, .-4 _ owners, facility events and partnership with non-profit humane organizations. v -, Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Workforce s- � Viei > r,,V 'r qq ,. ;b r 1v ) ` _ ae CAI C I7Y C�� W 'I1 Animal Control I Accomplishments I Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget PLANNINGFOR PETS _ : Research and plan for growth and future needs of the shelter facility. 41" Strategic Goals:Health, Safety and Well-Being; Work Force;Infrastructure - .. Establish guidelines, operational procedures and resource needs to create an emergency and _ PPS.; 0natural disaster plan for facility sheltered and community animals. . f, d I . • t . - Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government;Health, Safety and Well-Being; Work 'I,. i - '` Force. Financial Health " M a Pion - Meeting and exceeding the current demands and needs of the community , field operations and 'in' facility updating the current shelter software with in field access capabilities. Strategic Goals: Work Force;Infrastructure Preparing for YAll yee Gea v.7. �Y �u [�V Ready Per,Mikes Sen a irt _ _ codes for animals, employees and visitors in animal housing areas, adoption visitation areas, "°"'�tl m n�'��.h .� a 'K{' ' e restricted zones and office areas by the addition of video and key care security system . � ° �°u o m PaM Prepare For i4 P Strategic Goals:Health, Safety and Well-Being; Work Force n.. .� rv, nN! Emergenciesf -� °°mom � Now: °� a, . w. Information For �T Pet Owners. T }�T '.meb�z of m „; Rea ✓ FEMA b, Ready : FEMA �roro, .°.%a. ....: .. JINN CITY OF ANIMAL CONTROL I Objectives I Fiscal Year 2018—19 Budget WYLIE : Current Programs/ r ;., - Foster Program: Sixty animals have been assisted through the foster program. Gel-Your Female Cot Fined For ONLY Chihuahua $2! Special Sterilization Programs: Twice monthly service provided from Animal Control ,M.•..�RnFE 427 fix:Chihuahua and Ohl location for low cost sterilization of citizen owned pets. Through grant opportunities . mixes_includes rabies! �!_0— r ,,,,. November only! w' 16 additional programs for sterilization and rabies vaccination have been made "ffiCANNAVEKttrENS READ MORE available for a fee of twenty dollars or less. �11ME5 A PEAK s:I;*— w 4 "` Low Cost Shot Clinic Animal Control: Held once monthly after business hours to :: 'A assist residents with pet care needs and city registrations. . . r 1 } Volunteer Program & Service Hour Programs: Provided Monday - Saturday with v`o /..a ,. `" 1081 registered hours t,y ,I1 uNu1°" • r qv_ a�i �y7 k-vc- o°O° i� r Animals spotlighted: available for adoption spotlighted monthly through Wylie .uk- •��` News. ill 4 ,,, WISD Partnership Programs: Pet care education on-site programs. 4 ' ,\ ifir llo A Clear the Shelter: Completed four years of participation with adoption rate of 100% 11 'w for all years. NEC 5 News Clear the Shelters,2017 ,,, CITY OF ANIMAL CONTROL I Current Programs I Fiscal Year 2018—19 Budget WYLIE Planning For Future Growth ACO Field Service Calls 3500 3000 2996 3090 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 Irvit CITY OF ANIMAL CONTROL I Planning For Future Growth I Fiscal Year 2018—19 Budget WYLIE IAI C ITY OF THANKYOU WY L 1 E ........_ . , is.... .. -. 1 i. ___ ... IA .is. . ..,,-,. .„,,•,... , ...,* . ., -,.... ' .„-, . • . 40...... • . .... ..,,,,,,.. ,.4., - 1 irtio � ;m..�. .�..._ - 4 , _ .w�_ . , � _ _ _ -_ y 1 •' .... �� A', ,v ,�•� , �.. ♦ _ '- ....In. +`. .� , - .il 71 : : ':. i AD il; _. -10 . , _ , • ••: . Al D . ,. .. . .,..,_ .. _ . . . . . . . . •.... ,C. t - -is,_ - ' r a'`i s • •t F� • - v'wL.•• 'L: .1._i+ :�' + - - •r. - ,fi t,. ��i/fI .. f b..--. ti ,.JC 'k••� 1 72.2. -. .• ... 0,-. Y. . ..G' _ _ ,ir_ �F . .>• '`..A,tr'� + r C � i, � .: r n ^wY'�•• •'^��' � ?•'`" r �,!AS.�.• t �.w• • r 1,_ _ - A • k �[.. f t it. .'0 •p• - .4? �,f �j.i { t �.4y, �3014 `C -.' ..1 - L.. LIBRARY ERVICES ... _ __ F I SCA L YE IL , 0 ig . 2 0 ig _ - _ , , __ _ _ .E . . _ — N. 1 y ... .. , fAilt' i 1111 _/ 1. 1%.11111r - _ . .. _ - _ „I . :, . 1,r •_ _;_ i ' .,4 1. : r:::silo'..-.'.- : e: . se 1:11114. -*:-.... h i .--- . • • •• 0 __:_, _ , • ___ f ---- , '*•Irklkli i Pie,!I-t-' t -'ter• -4.,'--+r► ll ! . .' ' .".. .:k_ t _ — • .C4- Cr, ;�'''.\,fi` ,'�,''' ; : .-- - ,..`+ 1r, , ' . 1 . .11:;141,4 ,ff. - - . __ � � � , -‘i� ! ' i:ii. -.- :-_. -41, ir-",.. ...._ , 4:-. Vt.41014- , .1 !:4 , •-, 7 ...„..,....... ., 7 .Li , 'i - --..?" - ..o: .. . ti,.Ji.*;' (AMA r All 4 i '. -•-...• I ' I Ili ir-4.. . -. SITH PUBLIC . _ - _____ _ I -I ' a.. L I B RA RY -14 - •••., . .. ,11,..' . ' - d'..- — .."' . INSPIRE INFORM INTERACT . • , . 1 m. , LIBRARY SERVICES " [1 L• -OP .„_ --+ s IYIs . - doe Fiscal Year 2016-2017 n V- • Visitors : 209, 935 easesiv& , ' .'..311k V-.-4, ,. . 2e.4.0k ,,pe • Items Borrowed : 555, 427 ,,sx[o i6 v^'; Maean'.s .,:,, .i r.�. -'� Q •• Registered Borrowers : 43, 859 '- '4ram.11 - , 10 ,fir - 4 ''. _ . I:2 : • Programs Offered : 678 iwE ,i.. .: . -.,,,. .. - - Program Attendance : 30, 104AMES rr Ea 11A/ CITY OF LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 Pr" �� WYLIE 0 3 i - i 1 i o _ LIo ,i t: j:..„ SERVICES , .0..\„ ,., L ,, . ._,, . ... 0 .„ , f - '' ' . , . i_ . . _ _„ : ,.. — raliMr.' • ►` , , _;:m4 - r Fiscal Year 2017-2018 is . eir I 4, jog' ` ri . . :it„ - - October 2017-June 28, 2018) Mi' h . :, �1 � ; • Visitors : 154 735 ,� , , r f 4 1 ' i j • ..,- 0 I - • Items Borrowed : 403 324 , ,. . ? 7 , . I ,„ ,,i1 i ........ I' , , ° � •• New Borrowers : 3, 607 . , il • Programs Offered : 476 ,_ 1 . ,._ i '' , '. - - - -- - - - 1 • Program Attendance : 15 900 i , it' V ' . , ,. . 1,, 4 ►� ! ' uk, m .4PA f' - 'A, CITY OF • f J�`�'• '', �� WYLIE LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 - ,`,fir 1 ` /� v"-----,, , ,_ , 4.II : .j.,, , i.:_y, ! SERVICE RESPONSES ,, . _,,,,„, L y lam} ,� i fr, .. `,_ • Business and Non-profit Support 44 tt 1 3 egi • Current Topic and Titles , ,„,,A\li - ,-$4 1 / i • Educational Support ,_„,_ . , • Create Young Readers - " . > L • Succeed in School • Discover Your Roots 1, ih1) - _ - � • Satisfy Curiosity: lifelong Education 416. A 1 ° --= • Express Creativity _ • Create and Share Content s tri '+ Visit a Comfortable Place rL • Physical and Virtual Spaces Service Points are from the Public Library Association, Public Library Service Responses, 2007 IA/ CITY of LIBRARY SERVICESExpanded Level of Service RequestsFiscal Year 2018 - 19 �� WYLIE I p q I r EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT Create Young Readers Storytime Family Place Library 1000 Books Before Kindergarten I . Afro s �= �. 1, Tall Serail 111.14 v. ., ®1 �� .:#11:),(r;f r ., Art : -,.. . + ) , .,,i. +— , light �,��. ap, _ Pk1 . , _.._ice • Hide Slide a wA "'�• II Steer i ,. r _ lj y .r� 1` } 1t CrccP ...rr, ..- - i ! f rslul4 fwn�wy_ \ +i si . mi on A . r�"�:._+-Or. �b Ih I - _ r J .1„' -erl ' ii : ( ��I ist--i7F y _ • cj T f , , \ N 41 1 Ni we I: ' '7—::1' 1019:1 71.71, . , , , r; ,..e . . %...-- -1 7 L: i , \ AI ,00 _:, , }n oks , Before Iindergaxten IA/ CITY of frit WYLIE LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 Science Reference Book Clubs Programs Assistance Math Tutoring STEAM Kits EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT Succeed in School Online Laptops Resources Art Programing for Teens IA/� �LIE LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 if i1 a SUMMER READING . . I - The Library and the Recreation Center ' r � partner to host the kick-off. „.. ,,, ,, .1., I: ir 1 +410 °$( ' '1 .- A41.:i_ , Summer slide refers to the learning loss that can occur --, - .„.1 -74,-_. '' '- . �.tIlk& �jt-.''F'!' .��a�� ' " ' � when children are out of the classroom during summer � " , �r�r-' �1 � '' �� break. If a child doesn't read or engage in learning =Ae_ `-- _ activities during summer, the loss of skills can be 1; , ; 1 equivalent to as much as two months of class time . -iii:Z: f ' el* ell \ ilk._ , ' N.....ii. ' 4"- 04° , ' _:' 4 IA/arr oF LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 �� WYLIE L lik:))41,4,sip r '"4.4-4,,, 0• .*h il % G A' r .r,. EXPRESS CREATIVITY l _s,, a11L./` � i `� 4 . Create and Share Content ,, ---N,"7-4A-b44. .., ,, .,,,, v. , , ,_ , n .. ,. `... — ' �� � Kabuki Dance (All Ages) .;P i \ -- ,.,„.,.. , _,- ._. . Y � • L.A. M . B. — Look At My Book ( Kids) r1 �. �f —Ammo 4 ---- --,- f - • 3D Printer Modeling ( Kids & Teens) .. , .. _ �' y�.�...---- ..., - - = • Mural Painting (Teens) ._ , ..... f • , , • Folded Book Art (Adults) to.. _,__„ __ io,,., ,, . Kite Building ( Kids) r, , i —e \ 1 ,p0I0r . , ,. i , . Rock Painting (Adults) 0.,.. . it.._:,, ,,,., , , • JapaneseCalligraphy (Adults)f w • �_ '— ,� • Writing Fan Fiction (Teens .. . . . __, t„ _ s „, - _, ,. , , - _,- .. . - 8,40-. 4 • ArtofLettersWorkshop (Adults).• . ,. , . ,, • • . .. • , . . . . . : . . ... . -. r' \. .t r liAl cCITYof - LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 �� WYLI E . . # ,...;„,, iii& •-- SATISFY CURIOSITY . _ , iL ilk '7_ 4 Imi -' 1%11, -- , is•i.ii lk A Lifelong Education .„ ' ,0 --- '1%'ik.,AMiiii--- -- , Booked on Fridays & Senior Center Book Club CultureFest : Japan r tom, _, GenealogyWorkshop Vmx4 Lynridge Memory Care, Technology Classes it • Business Card Exchange ,,i.(1 �t� Business Reference Consultations 17 . ir . -6 • 3D ModelingClasses {_1 . #�rIV • Online Resources ., , . .. , A' i ' . �• �:, - • Gale Courses - _ =� � • A to Z Databases f • Novelist Plus ,"- J __ IA/ CITY OF '� 9 ! WYLIE LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 Tor 4. 1 _ Safety , , 7 — • _-r 4, yh ,r ,_ ,.- . ', fr"i . t A:. , , ___ � � Door in the Teen Room so that I ( there is an additional exit .. i , . , • Door in the Adult Area so that there is an additional exit _:._ . • Controller to add two card key access points in the - - Circulation Workroom -r ... -----. 0 ..... ----LAIL - .......„7 : ey ' a • _‘ 1 ii„.."4N., ___ fi 7._ . , er <" IA/ CITY OF ` wYLIE LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 19 _ _____ ►Y, -- EXPANDED LEVEL OF SERVICE _ , '_ - Safety 447 kZw+ . ` Emergency exit Emergency exit Non-Fiction - -=7 . ; i ., 'L ‘;e-.jr,ri,e_ii - \V AV fi, . t 1 L . 1 :,.r! {'' 1111111 r i _ p.. N iril 0 111111111 111111r � II11 111 Jr Proposed L Emergency exit 411, -fic Proposed Emergency exit liAlrvCI OF WYLIE LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 EXPANDED LEVEL OF SERVICE Ilkillirill Upgrade Reference Assistant to Librarian ik , I • Collection Development of the juvenile� , non-fiction section * .1 _ p ‘ c 44- A, „i} • Lead infant storytime ;-'-- , , ., . : i ,.... , - 1 L • Plan, implement and lead Voyagers Club for third raders g ‘ -T -T. 0 , f Manage social media for the Youth Services Department �, e _ r -4 4.4'. -.r IL___.:__--''' .------;::-;I . r. jigal)T -'1' , . , 4 i. ii 1AI CITY of LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 / t WYLIE • EXPANDED LEVEL OF SERVICE ____ ___ 7 Improvements to Online Services A. f . 4. ._ __ - . • Mobile Printing : allows for printing with laptops and cell - . , �� phones , i'', _ lb, e` c a r • Remote Printing : allows forprintingfrom a remote location . el g • - Patrons can then come to the libraryandpayandprint -- ----�= '1. i iir 9 i1 �.I:�� , :I'� '' 11 I *r, yr I it ' . __ - _ - ` - - " Ilk 1 iji# k NJ -...g -:-.1-:-..- ---'- - ' --',..A. .ft. IA/ CITY of LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 - _ _ _� IN _fig . �_ FY18 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Implemented TexShare Card program to give patrons access to collections throughout the metroplex. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Culture Received a Family Place Grant for $6,000 from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to create a Family Place Library. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Offered two MakerSpace programs for Teens. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Culture The library offered two cultural programs for the community: Summer Concert: Wylie Community Jazz Band and the Japan CultureFest. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Culture Completed Emergency Plan and reviewed it with staff. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Added two AWE Learning Stations in the Children's Department (funded by the Friends of the Library) Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government The library added ten STEAM Kits for check-out and received a $10,000 grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to add to this collection. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government IA/ CITY OF LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 �� WYLIE FY19 OBJECTIVES Offer two, five-week Parent and Child Workshops. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Add Parenting Collection in the Children's Department. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Add door to the Teen Room, door to the Adult Services Area and badge access to Circulation Workroom for safety. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Redesign the Teen Volunteer Program to improve library service. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Offer Genealogy Workshop, 3D Printer class for adults and Resume/Interview class for adults. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Implement the Impact Grant for STEAM kits. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Research a Homebound Service. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government Iry CITY OF LIBRARY SERVICES I Expanded Level of Service Requests I Fiscal Year 2018 - 19 Irv� WYLIE ' �•�-�.?t���kr;} Y,�tF'�F�rt'�i51i1F�l� N • , {fkb..t-5' t� -Ks4l 455 • ......,. .... yy� ......„, .. .. , , . •s ,„. x , ... . • o ... . . ' i J• f1�-*'�, M1 .ham �++ F RS t ' • FISCAL YEAR 2018 _ 201g • ., • .. • •. r . . • ... _,.... • r ._ ' - ;. ' C • .• ill 1 . Alloor____,, .. •. .r. .-.-- .• - -- 1 -._;, . rL. - - .e ' ill ,', 7 `;*ti •- f Cil a .. . ...,. 1-ar • Sr • -- _ . ',fir lII —M +�_ t- I Y • - • 'i -.ma f: ? ., .. _ .-.' .:• ,;.._` - . IlL - • • A0 .,, libr) . fr- .___ _ „.,, ..., . _ ,.. -......... ..,• „,:, .._ - _.. r . 14 ,...- .. .•• _,_,---,.,- ,...,.. it . ..,...,„,::.!!,,•. , i .„ ._..... .-p '• -. .vim , * `� 'rL 7 — —- --. • t .y= �"' --I 4t _ - "'L, F k '�q • •" T " '{} '• _ l+_ .— �. , " • • -, -+�,ry-w Y� • Mai /1- . . ....ma LI • re ii \ -4.1 . ..:„ .....%.• . .„...,.... ..c. .. ,... ....,.. ...........<1,-,•,....., . ...,---,1,4 • ......., .." ...••• .......4„k7,-..r i, p.,_,...:_L. •-- f..... .7. .1. :• • .. . .,-), tr''' . ._ ..., , .•.: Weal:.4,. • • III" III! 11111111m ff '. rr •Nitl''!!•1:-...,.. 1:.."4 .....:1?-11:.1'. ..' —1/2...''. - . 7....-""1:dir''.;._ -...:..:_.011r.. . .-'. _Ali" '. ''1'd1:111-":.- 11111111•._ _- ''....e.. - ' . . . -...:-..:-.: . -111":— . . Nil m 4 .� "? I. SMITH PUBLIC �. fr. a :71� r'� LI BRARY _+. _ ": * ,. :: + ' *_ k"',,; :F-;*f4' ' ' ' ' '' s, ";i;{. .'': k . {{ W ..• INSPIRE INFORM INTERACT FINANCE CITY J1' E Accomplishments & Objectives I Fiscal Year zma - 1s Budget } • T MUNICIPAL UTILITY FINANCE COURT PURCHASING BILLING _ FINANCE ® ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2018: - • Awarded Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting : • By Government Finance Officers Association • For 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report • For 28th consecutive year • Awarded Budget Presentation Award • By Government Finance Officers Association • For 2018 Budget • 7th consecutive year • Completed revenue projections and compilation of department expenditure projections for Long Term (Ten Year) Financial Plan • Cross-training of department staff completed to include payroll processing 0 ' OBJECTIVES FOR 2019: — • Obtain Debt Obligation Transparency Star and Economic Development Transparency Star in • the Texas State Comptroller's Transparency Stars Program • Review and update Long Term Financial Plan with Departments and City Council • Review and expand comprehensive Debt Management Policy • Cross train department staff in Capital Asset Management and Ad Valorem Reconciliation in preparation of employee retirement IA/ FINANCE I Accomplishments&Objectives I Fiscal Year 2018—19 Budget .- CITY OF WYLIE Z i ir ,. ...... 11111111"11.- ill( . 111,11 MUNICIPAL COURT liE ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2018: * 1 • All staff continued to participate in continuing education and certification programs .0iik through Texas Municipal Courts Education Center, one clerk working on Level II • certification • Juvenile Case Manager program • Successful second year for the Wylie Teen Court program with increased participation from defendants and volunteers - - • Continued to partner with MADD to host Victim Impact Panels at our facility • Second Annual Warrant Resolution Open Docket Day - successful open docket day for i (Is ifb _ defendants to appear to handle and resolve their outstanding warrants without fear of 1 i' being arrested i- F� - • Implementation of the Senior Deputy Court Clerk position _. .,5 i . _. e ` � ' g • OBJECTIVES FOR 2019: • • _ . _ • Staff will continue to participate in the continuing education and certification programs ` - - through TMCEC "7"1 _ • Juvenile Case Manager program _ ry • Continue to expand Teen Court and other programs for youth to reduce recidivism rf •..r.z. 4141... 4-•:-. ---r•t'lv•-_,E.,.:,.__;..,• ---<.:;z.....::i ..-- • Continue to schedule Annual Warrant Resolution Open Docket Day at least once a year and rg•-•,%c..- possibly once a quarter' �� _; � = ` � � - r � � i; t \4 FINANCE I Accomplishments&Objectives I Fiscal Year 2018—19 Budget } _ CITY OF i 1 b • • PURCHASING i litagh _ . p 1 44 /qb 1 it ►'',, F� ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2018: �' }� ��' • --'�, • Completed in depth review of insurance coverages with TMLIRP through the annual Rerate l,. " Exposure Summary 14 oos. •• • Completed ongoing procurement education for buyer position through local training • opportunities, webinars, and higher education .' • • Managed and served as primary contact for all hail related claims and repairs for March and April 2016 storms f ` • Completed a Request for Qualifications project to establish engineering professional It '.• '.: +7."1. services agreements in support of upcoming Engineering and Public Services projects • Updated the master procurement database for procurement services (projects, contracts, Y ^, ,A ` , v' �C renewals, and insurance) ,. �"'0 A, ', �' ' , ., . 0�0 • Finalized Engineering Master Agreement (Request for Qualifications project) . ititeir« ' i • ,.., ', . N. 11161 OBJECTIVES FOR 2019: 5; .,` •� •� Review and update purchasing policies icy '44: 4(1 • Complete basic quote forms to increase turn-around time to departments 4 _ - • Create a procurement education series; 2 hour classes on specific topics that would be sAa offered through the internal Quarterly HR training calendar 2 ft ,ifi fir, vor . .11 , ,4„,,,,, ,: 1/4) 11 , ' ( r ,' ' , fo ,,.._,) i 0/ )11, 4IN`N,. ►•i f FINANCE I Accomplishments&Objectives I Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget ICITY WYLIEIE ti . UTILITY BILLING • f ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR 2018: J • Began accepting American Express as a payment form throughout all City departments • Became NTTA regional toll tag partner thus allowing customers to set up new toll tag accounts at the City's utility billing office• OBJECTIVES FOR 2019: • Implement new water metering system which includes email and text capabilities for ti • customer notifications • • Add bullet proof glass to utility billing windows with approval of FY 2019 ELS • Finalize Insite software which allows customers to view/print their bill online 11) r01 ti I r r YLWYLIE FINANCE I Accomplishments&Objectives I Fiscal Year 2018—19 Budget CITY OF W Thank You VJYUix, illiii., } ,) i, � A , T MUNICIPAL UTILITY FINANCE COURT PURCHASING BIWNG IA/ I■ CITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES VV V L I E Fiscal Year 2018-2019 i 1 HUMAN RESOURCES -7:4,, ali ' Oh 2 li' NmE. Iir Alin4 c $"--'Vtivk AL 4,,----- .,.-.,. !- - 6 ..... ' :. , •- AEI _ I. 1101 . liklh:1A111111( . - Recipient of the 2018 Innovation in Municipal Human Resources Management for the Transition to Life program, awarded by the Texas Municipal Human Resources Management Association (TMHRA) 11r WYLIE ' U MAN RESOURCES • For 2017 — 54 external job postings — 3,116 applications received TRAINING RECRUITMENT — 76 new hires I ,GOALS-�r RESOURGE HUMAN �--SKID 5 — 35 internal promotions o / \ 1 DEVELOPMENT .TALENT • Training opportunities ? ` } 3 ° — 50+ courses offered by HR — 650+ attendees — Topics included : Goal Management, Personal Boundaries, Benefits Lunch and Learn, Harassment Training WYLIE HUMAN RESnURCES Accomplishments for FY2018 ✓ Increased promotion of the Blue Star Banner Program ✓ Uploaded all job descriptions to department website ✓Transitioned to a new background vendor ✓ Updated departmental forms to fillable, PDF forms � • Updated employee handbook ✓ Enhanced training city-wide I WYLIE 'HUMAN RESOURCES Objectives for FY2019 • Participate in E-Verify, a voluntary, web-based system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of employees to work in the United States. • Transition to an electronic only employee file system using Laserfiche software • Enhance annual evaluation process to include use of the goal management within the online evaluation system A8! I‘i WYLIE 'HUMAN RESOURCES • Current Human Resources Director Administrative Transition Students Assistant (2) I I Human Human Benefits and Resources Resources Recruiting Manager Analyst Specialist 'HUMAN RESOURCES • Proposed Human Resources Director Administrative Transition Students Assistant (2) I Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Manager Analyst Analyst If■A/ CITY OF WYLIE THANK YOU 1AI 11°."' . ., r'it - ort— ITT F p.. l WYLIE , ji'„ ,3 , ,(:,City Council , '"oo 1410 City Manager • ' 7 f1,,r,0\ ,_-- ,, ''`v' .� vr Combined Services '1. , .,, /fie(for4:4 1.1 -' hA'i I . Fiscal Year 2018 — 19 I Proposed Budget , (f7 1, ,4 � / ►1 A ]] ! F GOL. ORAD TA FE RAIL co �. �r.�. n.;�,/,- ' C City Ii ,,, f,;A ,fr,,,, :,,, -� -'.�tf LOLORAOO6KT 11 G;0PfE RA14,0, a, i '1587��� TRAVEL AND TRAINING rill oi.O il Budgeted per Council Travel Policy: • TML Annual Conference - all .. ,,,_lir , ---..\ • TML Newly Elected Official Conference - all t • TML Association of Mayors, Councilmembers and Commissioners meetings - all • International Conference of Shopping Centers — Mayor • FY19 includes the addition of travel expenditures for Wylie Days and Collin County Days in Austin / , 1 II _- b ,; - JTTT z IA/CITY OF!TN LIE Fiscal Year 2018-19 IRVY . �. _�� .-�, �� x � . , � .���.�� � City Mana er 'k •tit ;�r,-rp+�;�y' . 7ft t . i, , rF -1 1 1Q ' tt•a iii ,',.. skvilk -1 l'.74:0%.1 -ivi4,-111010 kVA'kliitte ► , ;4 . FY 17-18 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ' . .4,t,i,-"Stic k"P.i ' ji; if kv ` ; `;►� �'► ram';+a �'� �j'''q'� '�+s V Represented Wylie's position to local, regional and state entities includingtb,`r►�� " , �'{ t �s ; ;�:'*� the North Texas Municipal Water District, Collin County Commissioners q� � � �i, Court and neighboring jurisdictions. ASklit, 4E:-.' `, r ". Strategic Goals: Planning Management; Community Focused 'It . : 1 Nk ..r c Ai'; Government; Infrastructure Via; ,i f a':' C ,s `a or w "- ,A , • 1 ��; , V Continued to review long-term capital needs with regard to long-term1 �1i ► r ��j financial capabilities. PopI. . '� Strategic Goals: Planning Management; Financial Healt, �' •i, ..'s '• ,t11, V Monitored the design and remodeling of the Public Safety Building; ` -'� 71` 1i • ensured Council goals and direction are met. '. ,:.li 'II strategic Goals: Infrastructure; Financial Health; Planning • Management; Community Focused Government _ _ ' V Represented Wylie's interest regarding the continued study of regional transportation initiatives through close communication and participation ' with NCTCOG. ° Strategic Goals: Planning Management; Financial Health; ,fir �..—,....,.•,, Infrastructure; Community Focused Government r. - - _ _ --_ - '=�_ IA/CITY OF Fiscal Year 2018-19 _ _ WYL[E p City Manager y. �� � f FY 18-19 GOALS 0 irr' 1 1..1 { ➢ Continue long-term financial planning to determine capital needs of the I�',- , r'y i}/7( community and identify possible funding options. ,� 4 j ' � itrategic Goals: Planning Management; Financial Health; Infrastructure r ➢ Represent Wylie's interest regarding Water Supply Contract discussions with i; 1/7 4:::.„,„:„,...le' h' ....110).... .. i 410.4 \ ''..: NTMWD Member Cities Strategic Goals: Planning Management; Financial Health; Infrastructure `/ 7'r, ate,"pi k , ➢ Represent Wylie's interest regarding regional transportation and transit N:f A planning. n '�teferff.4 i�I � Strategic Goals: Planning Management; Financial Health; Infrastructure In -- kI , --- 0; tfillij "0 (;:= . '4 . ..!: , 1 ') tii COLORAD RAILT� FE 1AICITY OF flit WYLIE Fiscal Year 2018-19 r J rf , YEN, 1' 1144 r r 4.1C * :.e .. 51 ; . , ,r: C m b i n Services o e .S• - 4f'� if fr NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET Contains items that are not generally department • .� :t specific including: • Collin County Health Inspection fees . = • DART Transit fees • Oncor Cities Steering Committee - - � • Cooksey Communications Contract • Utility payments • Website maintenance • ELS 1: ADA Transition Plan - $150,000. Preparation of .•rtrr �3`'. • " �,r� plan including evaluation of all services, policies, and `-` practices; development of proposed approach to modify any items that do not comply with Federal ADA requirements. .- liAlf CITY OF V"! WYt r C Fiscal Year 2018-19