02-05-2021 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes • Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Special Called Meeting February 5, 2021 — 8:30 A.M. 300 Country Club Road,Building#100 Wylie,TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. President Demond Dawkins called the special called meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.Board Members present were John Yeager, Gino Mulliqi, and Tim Gilchrist. Board Member Melisa Whitehead was absent. Ex-Officio Members present were Mayor Matthew Porter and City Manager Chris Hoisted. WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner, BRE Director Angel Wygant, and Senior Assistant Rachael Hermes. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Dawkins gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION With no citizen participation, President Dawkins moved to Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recessed into Closed Session at 8:33 a.m. in compliance with Section 551.001,et. seq.Texas Government Code,to wit: Section 551.072 (Real Estate) of the Local Government Code, Vemon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at: • FM 544 & Cooper • Jackson& Oak • State Highway 78 &Ballard • State Highway 78 &Brown Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). • Evaluation of WEDC Executive Director Section 551.087 (Economic Development) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for projects: • 2018-8c • 2020-10b • 2020-1Ib WEDC—Minutes February 5, 2021 Page 2 of 2 RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING Take any action as a result from Executive Session. President Dawkins reconvened into Open Session at 9:42 a.m. and the following action was taken: Board Action A motion was made by Tim Gilchrist, seconded by John Yeager, to authorize the Executive Director to execute any and all documentation necessary to purchase .2209-acre tract at the corner of Hwy 78 &Brown St.from TxDOT in the amount of$78,540.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 4-0. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Items requested for inclusion on future agendas. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, President Dawkins adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 9:42 a.m. Demond Dawkins,President ATTEST: Jason refiner,Eat (7-/