10-13-1955 (City Council) Minutes • • CITY OF WYLIE WYLIE, TEXAS Oct. 13, 1955 The City council met in regular session on the above date with all members of the council exceat alderman Green being oresent. The minutes of the ,revious meeting were read and approved. There was a discussion in tegard to the 81 line going south from the puma stattda across the new xxitrumi highway and railr( ad. The water and sewage committee stated that the pipe had been ordered. There was a discussion in regard to the streets that will be affected by the water lines that are to he run by the North Texas Municipal eater District to Plano and FcKinney. The general ouroose of this was to check the grade in regard to lowering streets. There was na definite action taken. There was a discussion in regard to the street sweeper and some one to run same. The following action was taken. Aotion was made by R.V. Groves and seconed by A.D. Doyd that the street committee take care of same. Motion Carried. A discussion in regard to the City renting along with the Chamber of Commerce and school a office from J.L. Bostic, A motion -:as made by R.V. Groves and Seconed by PI.D. Boyd that the City Pay un to and including 1.5.00 a month for this office. ration carried. A discussion in regard to paving the equalization baerd for their services was held with the following action being taken. Motion was made by R.V. Groves and seconed by R.B. Richardson that they be given a token aayment of ,20.00. Motion carried. With no more business the council adjourned. ,r25.1:947 W.W. 7onsewrght-Sect. J.F. Edgington-7-ayor