02-23-1956 (City Council) Minutes ♦ a CITY OF WYLIE WYLIE, TEXAS Feb. 23, 1956 i The City council of this city met in regular session on the above date with all members of the council being present. The minutes of the previous were read and approved. Alderman Richardson led the council in a discussion in regard to the cutting and resurfacing of rammocrimeux of Brown Street. There was no zifinite action to be taken in regard to this matter until the City finds the amount that they will receive from the North Texas Municipal Water District. A discussion was held in re -ard to the Lake Lavon Park that is to be developed by Garland and Wylie. There was no action taken in regard to this matter. There were nuarrrous things that were discussed pertaining to the city but there was no action taken in regard to any of them. The second reading of the ordinances raising the water and sewage rates was had and the mayor and secretary affixed their signatures to same. With no further business the council adjourned. , A - .0)/ ..... ' % • ' yl» t. Housewr ght-Sect. J.H. Edgington-Mayas ', :' ' ''''