12-12-1957 (City Council) Minutes CITY OF WYLIE WYLIE, TEXAS Dec. 12, 1957 The City Council of this city met in regular session on the above date with the following members being present. Mayor Click., Aldermen Groves Addington, Richardson, AIM, and Sect. Housewright The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. There was a discussion in regard to the paying of J. Gilbert Garland on work done on the new sewage lingq The secretary was instructed to have an C.K. from one of the councilmen before any advances were made. There was a discussion of a fire ordnance , but no definite action was taken. There was a discuss ion in regard to the annexation of a tract of land now owned by Jick Housewright and Fred Christopher which was formerlly owned by C.A. Stone. It was decided that as soon as the proper papers were drawn up this property would be taken into the city limits. This was done b a motion by R.B. Richardson and seconed br R.V. Groves, and passed. With no further business the council adjourned. W.W. D40,e/(//(C'ei.:;,&/ Housewright-Sect. D.W. Click-Mayor